sw5w · 10 months
Cha Skrunee Da Pat, Sleemo
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:57:29
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buttonpusherdiy · 8 months
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EL MOONO return to The Chameleon in Nottingham on Friday 1st March to showcase material from their upcoming album.
They’ll be joined by special guests SLEEMO
Tickets available now HERE
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swan2swan · 3 months
Padme, her concealed skin blistered from the suns, remembering the cold touch of blaster metal, the heat of a shot that came too close: "I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a committee!"
Palpatine, who never left Coruscant and has, in fact, been orchestrating the whole thing:
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merrysithmas · 1 year
every day i am kept awake in anticipation by visions of Ahsoka, Luke, and Mando fighting together
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askbensolo · 2 months
AITS for refusing to split the cost of my incoming roommate’s droid’s accommodations?
Yo. So I (M23) rent an apartment on Naboo, in the Theed area (meaning, my living expenses are enough as it is). My future roommate (M26) has one of those stupid BB astromech droids, the rolly ones, that he treats like his baby. (Bro doesn’t even have a ship, by the way. Just the astromech. Like…okay.)
He’s moving in come September, and we’ve been discussing via comms the accommodations needed for his droid, including an accessibility ramp at the doorstep (thank the Force I’m on the first floor…) and rubber mats to line the inside flooring, since the droid can’t roll well on the carpet. I guess he finally convinced the landlord to install the door ramp by threatening to report him for anti-droid discrimination (again: the droid itself is not a tenant, but I think the landlord just didn’t want to deal with the headache), but the ramp would have to be installed at cost to my roommate.
Well…my roommate thinks that I should share the cost with him, both for the ramp and the rubber mats. And I’m like…no way. It’s not my kriffing droid!! But he thinks that since we’ll be sharing the apartment and these are modifications to our apartment, that we should split the cost.
Thankfully, he’s not a total jerk. He seems like a decent guy (I say through gritted teeth…). He just really loves his droid, and, like me, is a dude who refuses to back down when he thinks he’s right about something. Anyway, we’re at an impasse.
I could get into the discourse on why the hell the newest, most “advanced” line of astromechs are such that the droids themselves require mobility accommodations. But…that’s another forum.
So. Am I the sleemo?
(Edit: Yes, we have already signed the lease together)
(Edit 2: Yes, he is the only other person on the lease)
(Edit 3: No, I don’t think droids are sentients, and I’m allowed to think that, and it doesn’t make me a crappy person it just makes me a person with an opinion you don’t like, and if you want to argue with me about droid sentience then that also belongs in another forum—but I’ll just say this: if the droid was sentient enough to have rights, the droid would be sentient enough to get a job and pay for its own damn ramp)
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better-call-mau1 · 1 year
sooo i'm curious about Nephews (And Nieces) Of Inexplicable Origin.... (Is it possibly what I think it is?? 😆)
Thanks for the ask! It most certainly is!!! 🤪😁 I had to go back and find our reblog chain with @that-one-loth-cat which started with your “Bo-Katan’s Obitine Flashbacks” (and this Satine & Sabine incorrect quote)…but yeah, the ‘nephew’ in question is Korkie, and the ‘niece’ is a Sabezra kiddo. 😉 The fic chronicles Bo’s saltiness over Satine passing off Korkie as her nephew, and she eventually gets to hit Ursa with an I told you so! that’s about 20-25 years in the making.
I didn’t have too much of this written when you sent the ask a few days ago, but I couldn’t help myself, so I finished the whole first scene. 😅
And fair warning, this snippet is from the POV of young Death Watch Bo-Katan, so there’s a fair amount of Star Wars cursing, i.e. variations of ‘kark’ and ‘kriff’. (Also, I gave Korkie a real name since ‘Korkie’ feels like a nickname. I’m not sold on it, though…might post a poll with a bunch of different candidates for what ‘Korkie’ could be short for.)
(Link to the WIP list for the ask game.)
“And then she had the audacity to call him her nephew! Her nephew! That’s how she decided to explain the baby she brought back with her! It doesn’t make any kriffing sense. I’m her only sister — her only sibling — so how do you think that made me look?”
Bo growled into her cup of tihaar and, rather brashly, swallowed down the rest in three fierce gulps. Her throat ached and eyes threatened to water, but not so badly that it blunted her ire over the red-haired little karker Satine introduced to her years ago.
Not that he was such a little karker anymore — Korkelan would be twelve now, and Bo wondered if he’d managed to connect the dots (of which there were only two, his ‘aunt’ and her Jedi protector), that had taken her all of five seconds to connect herself. The whole affair was more suspicious than a Jawa in a droid bar, and she had no doubt that it would explode in Clan Kryze’s face someday.
Glancing up, Bo found that her friend didn’t seem to be all that concerned with the not-so-inexplicable origins of her nephew.
Handle pinched between forefinger and thumb, Ursa bent her spoon back, preparing to catapult a red lentil across the banquet table. “One moment,” she murmured, squinting in the dim lighting of the tent. Slumped low in her chair to remain inconspicuous, she waited for the Saxon brothers to take their seats at the other end, each with a fresh cup of tihaar — one of the few tastes of Mandalore they still enjoyed on Carlac.
The head of the spoon sprang from her fingers, sending the lentil hurling across the table, soaring over Pre Vizsla’s bald head, and plunging right into Gar Saxon’s drink with a PLOP!
For a few long seconds, he stared down at the floaty in his cup. Stunned confusion morphed into disgust (as if a mynok had flown into the tent and taken a kriff on his plate), which simmered into a blind rage directed at the most likely culprit:
Skinny, slimy, pretentious Tiber.
“Aruetyc upstart,” Gar growled — and before the younger Saxon could utter a word of self-defense, his arm shot across the table and grabbed him by the collar of his bodyglove, lifting him off his feet and heaving him to the other side of the tent like a sack of joguns.
Ursa snickered in delight, sinking back and crossing her arms while watching the Brawn of Clan Saxon march over to the Brains and clobber him like a rabid rancor.
“I’m sure Count Saxon sleeps well at night knowing his clan’s future is in the hands of those two kriffhead di’kuts.”
Twirling her dinner knife, Bo leaned forward, planting her elbows on the table.
“Well, if you don’t want the future of Clan Wren to be in even worse shape, you should take my story as a warning. Anywhere you go in the galaxy these days, there are philanderering Jedi Knights preying on honest, Forge-going Mando girls. They whip out their lightsabers and put on a show with their perverse telekinetic shenanigans, and next thing you know, your sister is carrying around a ‘nephew.’ All it takes is one romantic jetpack ride. Mark my words.”
Ursa pried her attention away from the one-sided brawl to give Bo a flat, unconvinced look.
“Right. I’ll start worrying about Sab’ika going on romantic jetpack rides with unscrupulous Jedi boys when she can chew solid food.”
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Anyone here that calls my men, any clone by anything other than the name they have chosen for themself to purposefully disrespect them, should also be prepared to deal with the consequences of that decision.
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the-fallen-blue · 2 years
buddy i gotta hear your thoughts on kriff and kark now!!!!
Kriff: fake swear. Weaksauce. For kids. A minced oath, generally equivalent to “frigging,” and should only be used in the same circumstances and by the same sorts of people. Soldiers do not say this. Cool Badass Mandos™ do not say this (Satine might but I think Obi-Wan would make fun of her for it). Han Solo does not say this, except maybe in front of his own kids when he edits himself fast enough. Mace Windu does say this, but people who know him well suspect he’s being dryly ironic.
Kark: here we go. A proper swear. Entirely vulgar. The true and proper Fuck™ of the GFFA. The infix of irritated champions. A pure and honest expression of the strongest emotion and frivolous disinterest alike. The single, devastating syllable you utter when you just noticed the Sith lord standing behind you, which genuinely does make you feel very very slightly better for having said it before you are bisected.
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amarcia · 3 months
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It's been 0 days since last time Yord called Jecki an absolute sleemo (this is just how they are <3)
✨🌙 ART LOG -> @404ama
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astheworldcavesinx · 1 year
Oh my gods he’s so pretty what the fuck what the fuck .
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alexandrium · 2 years
I'm sooooo hungry the last time I ate was at 9am and it's almost 4pm and im starving
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corukant · 10 months
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smthn i threw together bc i love how y2k “sleemo” is sorry not sorry i love some corny lingo
and a mashed up obi wan very on brand
also i am working on my commissions sheet and istg i’m gonna have that up by the end of the week (school has been unforgiving)… aaagghhhhh
also my art insta is @corukant in case anyone has an itch to follow me on there 🫡🫡🫡
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evilminji · 2 months
I just Literally Galaxy Brained :D???
Oh? My? God?
So here I am, on a Star Wars kick, when I Ponder my beloved Danny Phantom. As ya do! Who? I wonder? Could I mix into the star wars universe?
You know who LOVES kids? Just... will Burn Down Planets for this kid they literally JUST met? Mandolorians. Know where you can find a SHIT ton of those, genetically? The GAR!
Those are CLONES, baby! WE got a Clone! She's feisty and adorable! Smol! Bites! Got them big ol tooka eyes and itty bitty hands! Likes to fly, explore, and fight! She's BASICALLY born for this!
Tell me they would collectively look at this tiny feral child, with her poofy lil hair and chubby cheeks, fangy lil grin and biting tendcy, and go "is BABY!" Come on, tell me. I'll call you a liar.
And you KNOW the Force and Ectoplasm are probably messy EXs. Dani could TOTALLY use they "why should you allow me in? .....because they're not the boss of you" argument to GREAT effect.
Here, Skywalker. Kenobi. Watch this mysterious child... foooooor.... uh, Reasons! Yes. I, the Force, definitely have valid reasons for doing this! I am NOT just being a petty bitch! #SoundsLegit
But? Gasp! The child is a Cadet?! A BABY Clone! Of WHO? A legendary warrior king, from what context they can gather. Made by his enemy. Sent to kill him. Forgiven then adopted. Ooooh, lots of life lessons there. Clone rights and forgiveness and such.
But more IMPORTANTLY, to the GAR?
We are ALL Buir now! All of us. Biggest family in the galaxy. Dani is cool with it, congrats New Fenton's! On the Be-Fenton-ing! Tremble in FEAR, scrubs! It's OUR HOUSE NOW!! Mwahahahaha! *cackles from her perch on top of a table*
But... wait... what is that glowing stuff that you're getting low on?
Oh? This? New beloved Highly Unhinged Jedi Friends and Clone Dads? Oh it's just my LIFE SAVING MEDICINE that I NEED TO LIVE that I never told you about! :D
*horrified silence*
It's okay. It's OKAY! Everybody STOP SCREAMING! W-well just reverse engineer... *machine makes the equivalent of a Dunno noise* FUCK! Okay! New plan! Dani, sweetie, lil warrior, what do you remember about your medicine? What does it DO, exactly?
Unstable clone.
Okay! Okay, that's a start! THEY are stable clones. Right? Right!
.........r-right? Are... are they SURE? Cause, I mean, it's ONE thing when it's just THEIR health on the line... but when it's their YOUNGLING? Their lil tooka Dani? Their ade? Are they SURE? How sure. Bet HER life on it sure?
....no. No they are not. They don't trust the long necks NEARLY that much. Time do do a DEEP deep scan. Best they can find. They got to make SURE. Boba might be the only STABLE clone... assuming the sleemo even told the truth about that.
And? They LEARN some stuff.
Like about the chip in their head's. Supposedly an "inhibitor chip". Sends Skywalker into a karking rage, cause that looks a whole lot like a slave chip to HIM. Dani says they can CHECK. Then doesn't wait for an answer as she sticks her HAND into someone's head to just... pluck it out. Hand it over to be sliced.
Dani, sweetie, c-can you do that for the rest of us? Sure!
But! The race is ON. To either figure out how to contact the original, stabilize Dani, or synthesize Ectoplasm in a universe that DOES NOT HAVE IT. All while unknowingly? Absolutely Fenton CURB STOMPING Ancient Sith Plans into oblivion.
As is the Fenton Way.
This IS The Way~☆
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @the-witchhunter @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation @legitimatesatanspawn @lolottes @spidori
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ddejavvu · 8 months
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pairing: anakin skywalker x reader
summary: perv!anakin chooses your panties for you every day
contents/warnings: perv!anakin, afab!reader, 18+ themes, minors dni, jealousy, possessiveness, panty sniffing, slight mention of free use dynamics/somnophilia
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every morning you ask anakin what panties you're wearing for the day.
you know where they are, you have your favorites, you can reach the drawer just fine. by all means, you could pick a pair each morning for yourself. after all, you're a grown adult. but anakin insists on doling them out to you each day, depending on his mood and whatever your plans are for the day.
if he knows you'll be alone with him for most of the day, he chooses sexy ones. lacy, itchy to hell and back, barely-there against the supple curve of your ass. He chooses pretty ones because he knows he'll be staring at them all day; you don't usually bother with pants on days you're home alone with him.
if you're working, or training, or you'll be away from him for some other reason, he'll give you plain cotton ones that are for function, not pleasure. that's not to say that he doesn't use them for pleasure later, inhaling the scent of your sweat-soaked cunt and thighs from the fabric while strangling his red-tipped cock with his vigorously pumping fist.
sometimes he doesn't give you any. it depends on the day, sometimes you not wearing panties is sexier to him than you wearing lingerie, so when you approach him in the nude, long-since having abandoned the courtesy of a towel after your shower, your skin soft and tacky with warm water, he shakes his head. it's one motion, a simple turn-then-turn-back, but it tells you all you need to know.
"Not today." he decides, and that's that; no panties for you.
sometimes he lets you bargain, like you've got some say in the matter. he'll hold up two pairs, one dotted with cherries and the other with hearts. 'Which one, baby?' he'll ask, and when your eyes linger on the cherries, he bites his tongue to stop from grinning. Upon verbal confirmation, he'll chuck the heart ones back into the drawer, and kindly and gently body slam you onto the bed behind you so that he can pull them up over your legs. And, well, once he's on top of you he usually doesn't get up for a while. you might need the heart ones after all; the cherries won't last.
sometimes you whine about it. he hands you off a pair of granny panties that make you feel less-than-desirable, something boring when your stomach roils with excitement.
"Ani," You plead, "Can I have pretty ones today?"
And his nose scrunches, and he glares suspiciously at you, "Why? You're just going to the market." He levels a sneer at you, his words biting, "Fucking the milkman?"
God forbid you're going to work: "Why do you need something more exciting? Who's gonna see 'em, that sleemo who's always hanging around you? Getting you caf, taking calls for you? You gonna let him see 'em?"
He won't hear reason; that the man is your assistant, that his job is to get you caf and take your calls, and that he is not going to be seeing you any less dressed than he normally does.
"That's not it," You huff, but he won't hear you, leaning down with the drab underwear in hand to tap at your ankle. You let him hook your foot into the hole, then your other when he holds the opposite side of the garment out expectantly. He yanks them up your thighs, securing them tight around your waist with a snap of the band.
"That's all you need." He informs you decisively, and no further questions are allowed.
he collects them at the end of the night, too. you sleep without them, because anakin likes to reach between your thighs in the middle of the night and toy with the warmth of your pussy to occupy his restless hands. he needs easy access, so every night when you change out of your day clothes you bring him your panties. it's not an inspection, per se, more of a checking-in what you've checked-out. he'll thumb at any wet spots he sees, something satisfying in their tacky dampness knowing they happened because of he got you horny enough that you were drooling. he'll peer at the lace, ripped from his own hand, and mutter something about needing replacements.
a package full of new sets will arrive on the doorstep days later; anakin doesn't get much money as a jedi, but he uses what he has for what he cares about.
he'll take them from you, tossing them into the laundry hamper in the closet, though you know the moment you're away from him and he wants you, he'll fish them out again just to mash them against his face. you lean in for a kiss after turning in your panties for the night and he presses one to your forehead, stamping it there with a single word, 'Good.'
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thesassypadawan · 2 months
💙Hayden (Hockey Loving DILF)🤍
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Puck Slut .5 (Hayden x FemReader) *Smut*
Summary: After meeting at a local sports bar, Hayden and you hit it off over your shared love of hockey. What starts off as an innocent friendship, soon progresses into a few casual dates. Which some, to no surprise, involve watching your teams face off against one another. Tonight’s date is a bit different. Even though your usual bet is in place, loser buys the winner dinner the next time you two go out. There’s a new, more interesting twist this time of… spice it up more.
Puck Slut 1 (Hayden x FemReader) *Smut*
Summary: It’s yours and Hayden’s favorite time of the nhl season, when your teams faceoff against one another.  The usual bet is in place, loser wears the winner’s team shirt and makes breakfast tomorrow.  This time though there’s the new, more interesting twist of…fun and cum. (Hope you enjoy Puck Slut .5!)
Puck Slut 2 (Hayden x FemReader) *Smut*
Summary: It’s yours and Hayden’s favorite time of the nhl season, when your teams faceoff against one another. And, as usual, you two have a bet in place, loser pays for the tab. Along with yet another interesting little twist…squeeze and tease. (Hope you enjoy Puck Slut .5 and Puck Slut 1!)
Relaxing (Hayden x FemReader) *Smut*
Summary: Hayden’s been working out hard to get that Daddy Vader bod once more and boy does it show!  You just want to help him ‘relax’ after a long day of bulking up and what better way than a nice, steamy, hot shower.
Big Boy (Hayden x FemReader) *Smut*
Summary: Thinking you did a good enough job hiding your ‘little’ thing for ‘big boys’, you’re not only surprised when Hayden discovers it…but that he’s also totally into it too.
Morning Wood (Hayden x FemReader) *Smut*
Summary: What better a way to start the day than having a good fuck with some morning wood…especially when it’s Hayden’s.
Missed You (Hayden x FemReader) *Smut*
Summary: You miss your big dork badly, so when he comes home…  Well, you just gotta make up for lost time.
Not A Date *part 1* (Hayden x FemReader) *Fluff*
Summary: You never thought you would get an opportunity like this! Not only are you doing your internship on the set of Revenge of the Sith, but you also get to work one-on-one with Hayden. Who you can’t tell if he’s just being nice or if it’s something a little more than that.
So Proud *part 2* (Hayden x FemReader) *Fluff and Smut*
Summary: (Takes place during the filming of ROTS) You’re so proud of Hayden and you feel like words aren’t enough…that maybe you should show him instead. (Hope enjoy part 1!)
Broke The Internet...Again *part 1* (Hayden x FemReader) *Fluff*
Summary: Just a silly, little drabble about the whole Empire photos being released. Just thought it would be fun to share.
Broke The Internet...Again *part 2* (Hayden x FemReader) *smut*
Summary: Part 2 to my silly, little drabble about the whole Empire photos being released. )Hope you enjoy part 1!)
Chocolatée (Hayden x FemReader) *Smut*
Summary: All you want is to make Hayden some special treats for Valentines Day, but he has better ideas of what to use that gooey, melted chocolatée for.
Come Clean (Hayden x FemReader) *Fluff*
Summary: You finally get to go along with Hayden to a con!  And you, being the little dork you are, insist on getting a pic with your bf…just like everyone else!  Everything is going smoothly, but this one sleemo in line just won’t leave you alone.  It’s almost like they know about what’s going on between you two.
Fat Bottom *part 1* (Hayden x FemReader) *Smut*
Summary: Hayden was never really an ass man until he met you. Especially now that your ‘happy weight’ has set in, and that booty be popping…out of them leggings.
Sweater Stretchers *part 2* (Hayden x FemReader) *Smut*
Summary: Hayden was never really a curves enthusiast until he met you. Especially now that you ‘happy weight’ has found its way to that booty and them boobies…just more for him to love. Hope you enjoy Fat Bottom *part 1*!)
His Hoodie (Hayden x FemReader) *Smut*
Summary: It’s too damn early… It’s too damn cold… Lucky for you though, Hayden left his hoodie behind today. The one that’s oh so warm and smells so deliciously of him.
Little Red Dress (Hayden x FemReader) *Smut*
Summary: The low cut little red dress and matching heels, they just drive Hayden wild. So much so that he can’t wait to get you home and…enjoy a little show.
The Master (Hayden x FemReader) *Smut*
Summary: Saying that Hay is good at edging is a SEVERE understatement…the man is the master (bad joke) when it comes to it.
Like Rabbits *part 1* (Hayden x FemReader) *Smut*
Summary: After realizing that Hay and you share the same desire, you two have been acting like a pair of horny rabbits. ‘Hopping’ all day and night long.
Maple Flavored Sausage *part 2* (Hayden x FemReader) *Smut*
Summary: It’s all you want…the one craving you want the most…Hayden’s maple flavored sausage. And, of course, he isn’t even around to help ‘satisfy’ it. Hopefully he comes home soon and ‘gives’ you as much as you like…and then some. (Hope you enjoy Like Rabbits!)
Take Charge (Hayden x FemReader) *Smut*
Summary: There’s this one thing you’ve been wanting to try for some time now. A thing that really peeks your interest, but makes you so freaking nervous. Because, well, how the hell does a hamster go about wrangling a damn moose?!
Birthday Boy (Hayden x FemReader) *Smut*
Summary: It’s your man’s birthday! A day filled with all the love, presents, and…special ‘treats’.
Repair Kit (Hayden x FemReader) *Fluff and Smut*
Summary: You’re the on-set medic for the new Obi-Wan series. A verily simple, straight forward job…except when it comes to a pair of dumbasses. Who have no problem texting you in the middle of the night when they overdo it practicing…or when your new boyfriend accidentally gets out drunk. And tells you some things.
Feel The Force (Hayden x FemReader) *Smut*
Summary: It’s May the Fourth and what better way to spend it than with your big dork of a boyfriend, the dark lord himself, Hayden! Even though you two aren’t able to see each other all that much during the day…you still manage to squeeze in some quality time to ‘feel the force’.
Daddy's Girl (Hayden x FemReader) *Smut*
Summary: All right, you’ll admit it. You’ve called Hayden it multiple times before…just never to his actual face. Because you’d either die of embarrassment or…who knows, maybe you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
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djarins-cyare · 1 month
So, you have a date with Din, and when you go over, he answers the door to the cabin looking like this…
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