#sleep tight pupper
silver-horse · 5 days
Happy birthday!! 🥳
Thank you so much! 🥰
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Hope you are having a nice weekend!
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catgirltitties · 11 months
tag ten people you want to get to know better
tagged by @sleep-tight-pupper IM SORRY IM JUST NOW DOING THIS
relationship status: im about to ask someone out lol. Schrodingers single i guess.
song stuck in my head: Armand Hammer - Dead Cars
last song i listened to: Black Dresses - Wiggle 2019
three favorite foods: A really good bowl of Ramen, Neopolitan style pizza (perhaps a pistachio or a margherita), and my impossible burger with avocado/a1 sauce/pickled red onion :)
last thing i googled: "Nardwuar surgery". Im a really big nardwuar fan!
dream trip: Any trip that lets me see my friends if im bein real. So like MN, NY, MT. If not that, perhaps going to Vietnam or something would be cool.
anything i want right now: To feel better. Depressive episode is hitting me hard, but doing this tag game made me feel better :) Tagging @mega-chiroptera @pxiie @fresh2definitely @coccolithophore if yall wanna do it too !
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yvesbuprofen · 10 months
I hope my buddy is ok
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hypnoneghoul · 2 months
the umm… the somno system hc you posted… is giving me thoughts… would you mind sharing some raindrop? maybe?
i can pay in pupper picture
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bex i fucking hate you and dont you bring the pupper into this nastiness!!!
anyway, the hc in question
somnophilia (dew is asleep 99% of the time), transmasc dew
Rain and Dewdrop are the definition of trust. They give trust its meaning. It hasn’t always been like that, of course not, but what they’ve worked out over the years is something special and astounding. There are many ways in which their connection manifests, one of them being the way in which one never once hesitates about giving the other full control over themselves. Sexually or otherwise.
A thing they both enjoy—mostly because of the amount of trust it requires to be pleasurable—is taking the other while they're asleep. They both get a rush out of how their lover’s body gives in to them unconsciously, that it knows it's them—that they’re safe with them, no matter what.
This time it’s Rain who rouses in the middle of the night, his cock half chubbed up for seemingly no reason. Dewdrop is deep asleep, snug in his arms and purring softly with his face pressed into the water ghoul’s chest.
Rain takes a deep breath and–oh, that explains it.
The spicy-sweet smell of the fire ghoul’s light arousal washes over him and now that he is more aware of his body, Rain notices his thigh is pressed tight between Dewdrop’s own.
Yeah, that explains it.
Dewdrop is still completely asleep, unaware of his body’s doings. Rain leans down to nuzzle his face into his little mate’s hair, inhaling the sweet, flowery scent of his shampoo—only barely covering up his own personal smell. Rain’s favorite.
The water ghoul yawns, wiggling and tightening his hold on the smaller ghoul. He plans on going back to sleep, but he can’t shake off the slowly growing need inside of him. He could just…He looks over at the nightstand on Dewdrop’s side and the little switch on its edge is glowing a dull green.
With a sigh Rain dislodges one of his arms from around his mate and sneaks it under their comforter to pull his boxers down just enough to free his now hard cock. He does the same to Dewdrop’s underwear, hooking the loose waistband under the curve of his ass. He grabs a handful of the little thing on his way, pulling the fire ghoul closer. Dewdrop grumbles in his sleep but relaxes soon enough.
Rain grabs his thigh and hooks his leg higher up on his own hip, giving himself more room to slip his cock into his mate’s damp cunt and bury himself in that tight heat up to the hilt. He groans into the top of Dewdrop’s head and he moans softly, unconsciously wiggling his hips to adjust.
Rain buries his face in his hair and starts to slowly roll his hips, pulling out just half an inch before gently pushing back in. Dewdrop lays still—cuddled in closely to his mate’s bigger body—and only lets out an occasional blissful little sigh or a quiet moan. The water ghoul nearly falls asleep himself, relaxed as ever, being as close to Dewdrop as (in)humanly possible.
Rain’s hips work on their own accord for a while, gentle thrusts that don’t even jostle the sleeping ghoul, as his orgasm creeps up on him slowly and steadily. Dewdrop beats him to it, though, clenching around his cock and shuddering a little in his arms when it washes over him.
He doesn’t wake and it’s what does it for Rain. He empties himself inside his mate and sags into their soft bed once the high starts to fade. He doesn’t pull out and nearly crashes that very second—oh, so sleepy—but he gathers enough energy to gently tilt Dewdrop’s head upward and press a kiss to his parted lips.
“Mmm, Rainy…” Dewdrop mumbles, not pausing his sleepy purring.
“‘s okay, baby.” Rain kisses the top of his head next, before settling back down. “Sleep, I’m right here in you.”
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the-kr8tor · 13 days
Y'all be going nuts with dilf!Hobie but I entered the wrong loop and I'm thinking about all the things that could have happened.
Like, he's a dilf, so let's say he's Spider Punk for TWENTY YEARS— it's obvious that everyone knows his face by now. Maybe he's loved, maybe he's hunted, who knows... either way Hobie Brown and Spider Punk are now the same thing.
I also think that maybe he lost his MJ back in his teens, still a silly hero who wasn't fast enough, stronger enough.
Maybe his band ended? Or maybe they still do a show a month for Old Times Sake... but he can't really have the same energy from his 20's. But it's still a good show!! His skills surely improved a LOT.
He has a dog now, just a dog he rescued. A big one. He likes to take the pet on walks around the park on the evenings when the floor isn't hot from the sun.
Whiskey? Sure, a cup every night. They say it's good for the heart. But he also likes his tea in the mornings to get rid of his grumpy-ness.
I feel like he either reads to sleep or put on some more chill music on his vinyl player, humming along until he's dozed off, snoring louder than the music.
I could go on and on but I'm eepy (。-ω-)zzz may bring more tomorrow
Older Hobie my beloved 😍
We love to see a hero who gets to grow old! Bc we all know how hard it is for their profession 😔
Him being known as spiderman is angsty enough bc he doesn't have anyone to lose when he gets found out 😭
Oh hell yeah! Just like keanu reeves and his band!
Uh oh a dog just like john wick 😧 I bet it's a big pupper like a great dane or bull mastiff!
A cup?!! A night?!! I'm so glad he has abilities to help bc if not then his poor liver 😭
Plot twist, he likes to listen to whale sounds now HAHHAHAHAHHA
Sleep tight bleaky! ❤️❤️❤️
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multifandomenjoyerr · 9 months
hihi!! i was wondering if you could do some caretaker headcannons for kel from omori!! specifically for a puppy little, thank you thank you thank you!!
🍊 Caretaker Kel headcanons 🍊
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🦕| ^^ CTKR!Kel flag 👉👈
⚠️| petnames, physical touch, leashes (even if completely sfw, I don't wanna make anyone unintentionally uncomfy)
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🍊 ; loves to give you all of his attention! He loves to spoil you, baby you at times, and make sure he has everything for you to regress. He can also be pretty touchy since it's his love language. But if it's something that makes you uncomfortable he tries to tone it down the best of his ability
🍊 ; he carries around a separate bag other than his own, filled with things like toys, stuffed animals, little gear (if you like to use gear), stim toys If needed, and other things you may want/need
🍊 ; if you start crying, he goes through many stages within minutes. being surprise, fear/nervousness, comfort mode, crying (if fails to make you feel better), then goes back to comfort mode. He often is a crybaby when it comes to other people's emotions, especially negative ones
🍊 ; millions of petnames to go around! Which some being: pup/puppy/puppers and an ongoing one being "pubby" as a running gag. But he thought it was adorable, so he kept it on his list
🍊 ; he loves his pup! so if you're as active as he is, he will play with you with many of the toys he has collected overtime! Such as a tug toy, tennis balls and a small bell
🍊 ; and if you like to chase things, he will even kick his basketball around, letting you chase it and give it back to him.
🍊 ; has a puppy leash and a baby carrier. he gets worried alot, and doesn't want to have to get anxious when it comes to him taking you places. So, he usually has a leash so if you wanna do your zoomies, you are free to do so. If you're tired, or just don't wanna walk, he will keep you in his baby carrier
🍊 ; if you babble at all, he will always listen to your words. "Uhuh", "mhm..", "mm", "oh?", "Yeah?" He will just agree with you on everything you feel the need to say
🍊 ; it took him 6 months, but he saved up all his savings to get you a human sized doggy bed! In which he placed right beside his bed, so you can sleep near him at all times
🍊 ; he is protective over you because of his friends. He is used to being the middle child, and the more responsible one in his friend group. In so, he can be protective at all times. Not ever overprotective, but he has his moments in where he can be overboard at times with his paranoia
🍊 ; I have a headcanon he cried once because he made your stuffie "cry" and he was kicked out of the future stuffie playdates. He begged for forgiveness from your stuffie for hours, and he never really got over it (even if he eventually is allowed back into the playdates)
🍊 ; spoon cuddler. He loves cuddling you while you're laying down. Literally everytime you lay down he is ready to cuddle you and just.. take a nap with you
🍊 ; another random Headcanon, but once when he was waiting for a bus (and you were on the leash) he fell asleep standing up. He didn't even realize he was even asleep, and had a rude awakening. When your zoomies started to kick in, you ran. and since he has a tight grip on your leash, he might've took a tumble when you took off
🍊 ; he's okay though. even if he was very startled for awhile until he was fully awake that day
🍊 ; gets you endless snacks to mimic dog treats. Such as Scooby Doo crackers, gummy bones, yogurt melts, and pop tarts
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prismaticpichu · 2 years
There are a few circumstances in which Sephiroth is involved in the delicate art of hugging. It’s a long practice, very intricate. Definitely not for the faint of heart.
Zack will hug his best buddy when he’s very excited—which, granted, is any day that ends in y. This excitement usually translates into a big ol’ glomp directed at the nearest person in the vicinity—and, well, he promised long ago that he’d never leave his friend’s side. Vows of a pupper! Sephiroth may receive a glomp for numerous reasons: Zack tied his shoes on the first go, he found his lucky sock, or even reasons directly related to Sephiroth such as when he allows him to doodle during office hours/lets him tag along on solo missions. Sephiroth never shakes his friend off of him (yeah Angeal >:3), but will bear an expression similar to that of a hydrophobic person getting splashed with water and going, “no, no… it’s refreshing.” *eye twitch*
Sometimes, however, there are days that just don’t end in y. Zack is hurt, and Sephiroth can’t stand it. Not one bit. He’s the gloomy one. He’s the frowning one. He… always promised to protect him. If embracing is Zack’s remedy, then he can learn. He’ll swaddle his friend in a tight squeeze, holding him close and letting him cry More times than not, Zack will fall asleep smushed up against his friend, his frown melted into a smile. He’s the frowning one, but some things do make Sephiroth smile too.
He may be a First Class, unbeatable, on top of the world…. but Zack still gets scared. Horror movies might be too much for a fragile heart to withstand (and those sharp teeth…). Sephiroth will sometimes find Zack curled up on the couch, shaking like a leaf, squishing Muffin close and promising he’ll protect him—from under the covers ofc. And Sephiroth’s instincts kick in. He’ll envelope Zack in a hug, not even realizing it, sheltering him from whatever demonic entities dare to cause his friend such distress. Accursed TV! It will PAY… tomorrow ofc. Right now he’s gotta be nice and quiet until Zack stops shaking. Nice and tight, his head on his shoulders, Muffin squished between them. It’s okay… calm down… I’m here.
Zack is not the only one who gets frightened. Nightmares of scalpels and syringes and being snarled in vines while someone else dictates his body plague the warrior’s mine every now and then. He’ll wake up in a cold sweat, swathed in blankets, nearly quivering. Gaia he hated lab visits… Oh… he recognizes that polkadot pillow. He is at Zack’s. Zack will scamper from his room to check on his friend, finding him in the state he is. And the instincts kick in. It’s a different kind of hug than Zack’s shoe-related ones. A little more tender, a little more tight, a little more warm. Sephiroth will fall back to sleep in a nebulous amount of time, and he’ll dream of Zack cutting him free from the vines.
Contrary to popular belief and Tubi documentaries, Sephiroth does get excited, and there will be times when it is expressed in more transparent ways. Even dark apartments have windows! When Zack is gone on missions, the office silent, all he wants is for his friend back by his side. And when Zack does come home, he’s always waiting for him. Zack will spring forward with a glomp and Sephiroth is ready for it. Wait… he’s in public? An airport? He hates airports! Was that a phone camera—oh forget it. His best friend is back. Everything else can wait.
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deadman-walken · 5 months
I watch as the water mixes with the blood washing off my body, spiraling down the drain to never be seen again. Everything that I did afterwards was a direct result of no longer existing. I was a next level cleaner. Of course I had to be, I couldn’t leave my messes for someone else to take care of. That’s where mistakes happen. 
My forehead fell against the soaked tile wall and I let the water finish its job by rinsing the night's affairs away, but only physically. Mentally was a whole other thing. Put a smile on, do a good job and keep everything surface level. 
I heard my fathers voice more often than I did my own, and he’d been gone from this earth for more than ten years now. It wouldn’t matter how long, his lessons had been drilled into me the minute I was cut out of my mother. 
I was saved from any more tortuous thoughts by the ringing of my phone belting out ‘Crazy Sexy Cool by TLC’ which was the tone designated to my cousin, Kris. I made quick work of getting out of the shower, grabbing a towel and draping it around my waist. It was still beating off the base when I finally snatched it off my bedside table.
“Speak or forever hold your breath, I’m dripping a lake on my wooden floors right now.”
I heard a snort and then laughter on the other end.
‘It’s not my fault that you don’t know how to carry your phone with you.’
I was rolling my eyes before she finished that sentence. Kris always said the same thing. I hated having my phone attached to me at all times, and she knew it.
“When they force us to take a shot up the ass and inject us with tracers, I will then keep an electronic device on me.”
‘HaHaHa…Maybe this is why you are single. You barely have your phone with you to receive and answer properly to calls or messages. Just food for thought.’
“And what is your reason for being single, since you have some form of phone/tablet/watch or anything with you at all times?”
Okay I am sure I heard a slight growl come through the line this time. That had me smiling in victory.
‘Meanie…anyway what are you doing tomorrow?’
I thought for a moment, it was Saturday night, I had taken care of the majority of what I needed to, and being busy tomorrow would be good for me.
“Nothing, I’m open for anything that’s legal.”
With Kris that needed to be added in, I’ve ended up behind bars or in the back of a police car a couple times because of my cousin, and I would do it again. I don’t have a large family, the ones I have I keep close to me, that includes the ones that weren’t blood but had become family along the way.
‘Perfect, wear work clothes, something you don’t mind getting trashed and I will be there to pick you up around noon.’
Questions and warning signs went off in my head but for now I didn’t have the mental capacity to ask or even broach the subject of what the fuck. Instead I just said. 
“Sounds good, I will see you then.”
‘Are you okay, Lenx?’
I could answer honestly but then that would have me with nighttime visitors that wouldn’t leave and right now I couldn’t handle being around another.
“Yes, I finished digging the trench and then went and poured the footers for Monday's job. I need my pupper cuddles, my bed and hours on hours of sleep.”
There was about forty seconds of silence before Kris finally answered, obviously appeased by my answer.
‘Okay, hug the little flea bag tight and I will see you on the morrow.’
The line went dead and suddenly I felt the exact same, giving into the exhaustion I literally fell into my bed that I had been standing by, soaking wet and all. I dropped the towel to the floor and slid under the blankets pulling them up over my head. It was right on cue that my little monster jumped on the mattress burrowed under the covers, curling up tight against my chest so I could feel his tiny heated fur ball against me.
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47015741 · 1 year
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etting this dog is one of my earliest memories. 14 years later, after a long fight, she had to give in and go to sleep forever. Sleep tight pupper, and thank you for everything ❤️
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silver-horse · 6 months
Happy new year! :)
🎉Thank you! Happy new year to you as well! ✨
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catgirltitties · 1 year
politoed plushie enjoyer!! here's mine, I love him a lot he's just such a silly goober 💛💚
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OMG BABY !!! YAY POLITOED!! Ack i wish i wasnt away id post mine too !!
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yvesbuprofen · 8 months
oomf has a beautiful mind
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ipandi-p00 · 5 years
She's an artist 🎨
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pathesis · 7 years
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                                ♥♥We’ll miss you Princess Tinkles!!!♥♥
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ughworstever · 6 years
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honestly, same
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Do you ever think about how many dogs you’ve met in your lifetime?
Like oh boy I can’t wait to meet them all again in heaven wowee so many dogs 😍
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