#sleepy boys inc fic
issybettyx · 1 year
Hello!! :D my name is Issy, and for a few weeks I have been working on a cool fic called ‘Tear The Seas Asunder’.
The story revolves mainly around a prophecy told to Philza about this kid who has water powers, and he dedicates his life to finding him and keeping him safe from people who want to use him for his ability (cough cough schlatt cough cough).
Tommy has no clue he has powers, and somehow manages to get himself adopted by the SBI, the most feared and infamous pirates of the ocean.
Family ensues. (And a lot of bedrock bros because they mean sm to me)
First chapter is being posted tomorrow, so if you thought this even sounded remotely interesting, it would be very cool if you checked it out :D my ao3 is ‘issybettyx’, so if you wanna know when it’s posted i would recommend subscribing, or just check ao3 tomorrow or friday, either or :)
Some snippets below of chapter 1, spoiler warning obv
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nomsfaultau · 6 months
Dark SBI where Philza is a nice normal human man whose family slowly gets replaced by super natural creatures. The youngest is the first to go, replaced by 'Tommy', a shape shifting imp who decided he liked the skin of the kid and decided to keep it. He lives for chaos, but his motives falter when he experiences genuine love for the first time. Then 'Wilbur' replaces another son in classic changeling fashion, the boy taken to fulfill the whims of the fae and leaving in his place a bitter boy who knows he's an inferior version. Finally, the last son becomes plagued by dark voices that grow worse and worse, leading him succumbing to possession by 'Technoblade', who thinks he'll make the perfect new vessel after the last one was destroyed. 'Technoblade' doesn't want to lose his new vessel so soon after the last one, 'Wilbur' was trained from birth to mimic the human he would replace, and 'Tommy' wants an identity he can fall back on to play innocent if he gets in trouble. It takes awhile before the others realize all three kids are imposters. There's friction, of course, but they eventually make a pact to continue pretending to be a sweet and unsuspecting family.
The thing is...Philza isn't dumb. There's this awful feeling in his gut, and he has a sharp eye for details that don't add up. He's increasingly certain these things aren't his children. He quietly gathers evidence, and the moment he's sure...he does nothing. Philza carries on in a careful pantomime of a perfectly loving family, terrified of what they'll do to him if they realize he knows their true natures. He smothers his fear and offers them warm smiles and boundless mercy and tender affection the likes of which the imposter children have never known before. Slowly, it becomes a easier for everyone to pretend.
Maybe, if Philza's kind enough, they won't kill him, or worse. Maybe if he's good enough, their evil natures will soften. Maybe, if he's patient enough, they'll give him his real kids back.
And the moment they do, he'll slaughter every last one of the monsters who destroyed his family.
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tabooballoonpolice · 3 months
It's rough to be a sleepy bois inc enjoyer these days.
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fanfiction writers be like: ah yes this guy is called Technoblade, a very normal first name
and then they draw the line at making Phils last name Minecraft, calling him Craft instead
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theghostlyunknown · 1 year
My mom wanted to read passerine but screens makes her dizzy so may I present…
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A fully printed version, all 333 pages, of passerine hole punched and slapped into an old English binder.
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artlesscomedic · 8 months
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Techno’s Terrible Roadtrip
tfw you’re a badass vulture mercenary and you’re being paid to drag two kids across the country and you’re trying not to get attached because they’re little fuckers-!
fanart for this fic, by @sootsz
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rat-rosemary · 1 year
Let's be honest, we need to kill Kristen on SBI royal aus because we want to torture Tommy and she would shut that shit down.
I cannot think of trying to write a bad mom Kristen, I would be constantly screaming SHE WOULD NOT SAY THAT, so sadly she must die
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tobywritesstuff · 5 months
hello! Now that I have your attention.
My name is Toby, and I’m here to show my works as a beginner writer :]
On my twitter (X) account, tobyunreal, I’ve started a socmed AU called “A Betrayal to Heroes” !
This AU is an SBI / Crimeboys centric superhero / villain alternative universe, where Tommy is the main villain, Septhis, and Wilbur, despite being related to the heroes, decides he wants to become a villain as well.
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Link; https://x.com/tobyunreal/status/1746965070318362785?s=4
I’ve never done something like this before. I’m going to work hard on this and I really hope it turns out well, and I hope whoever reads it enjoys it. :D
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you gotta understand that sbi and like. c!sbi. are different things. sbi is this weird mix of the characters but mostly the dynamic of the ccs. it is not rpf. the sbi-verse is unique and pulls themes from everywhere. it's why there so many aus because there is no canon sbi. there's c!sbi from dsmp and they are different from regular sbi.
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muttamu · 4 months
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the winged royal family and their forced adoptive son 🪶💞
Inspired by this fic (I love it!):
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kaz-oooo · 6 months
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MERRY CHRISTMAS Y’ALL. I’ve posted the first chapter of my nice, fun, kind of angsty Christmas fic!!
Ghostbur has decided to host a Secret Santa event in L’manburg and everyone is invited! Nothing could possible go wrong!
(Tags under cut)
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nomsfaultau · 10 months
got an idea for a fic that I can’t pursue:
Basically, The Blood God is offered his usual blood sacrifice. Screaming, crying, chanting, the whole nine yards. But his cult messed up, because Tommy isn’t actually an orphan. Like on paper he is, but Technoblade can sense it’s not true and is like ‘Bruh stupid worshipers can’t do anything right.’ So he leaves Tommy alone bc he can’t have his followers getting lazy and subpar with their sacrifices obviously. But then also he’s saddled with this mortal kid he doesn’t know what to do with and he feels kinda bad since it’s not Tommy’s fault the cult messed up. So he awkwardly tries to take care of Tommy while still trying to live up to scary blood god expectations and it’s a lot of extra work on his plate. General beauty and the beast type shenanigans of Tommy going from cowering from the big scary god to demanding (and getting) a piggyback ride mid big important ceremony.
Anyway, eventually they figure out why there was a mixup when Philza (normal human man, v angy) fights his way past all the cultist in pure mama bear mode ready to kill the blood god for taking his adopted kid. Only to find Technoblade half way through overacting a bedtime story.
Cue custody battle because ‘hey! That’s MY sacrifice!’ ‘THATS MY SON YOU YELLOW BELLIED FALSE GOD SON OF A-‘
I think some of the cultists end up converting to Phil since he’s somehow way scarier than the nine feet tall blood eyed boar god.
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koreanbibliophilegirl · 9 months
(These are all my WIPs! Made this poll just for funsies haha :D)
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the-overgrown-states · 8 months
dsmp fanfic idea cause we won’t do anything with it, and you guys might. (you don’t have to credit us if you use it, but let us know if you write it?)
Foster system AU, Wilbur and Tommy are biological brothers. They’re separated early into their time in the foster system, where Tommy meets Techno, and Techno sort of protects him, takes him under his wing, etc etc.
Eventually Philza comes along and adopts Techno, and Phil can’t care for both kids, so he has to separate Techno and Tommy.
Once he’s old enough / Phil’s stable enough, Tommy also gets adopted by Phil, but they don’t realize who each other are.
Once they get there, Wilbur was also adopted by Philza, and almost immediately recognizes Tommy, but doesn’t want to get his hopes up, so he kinda pushes Tommy away/resents him, and ends up also being resentful to Techno because Tommy recognizes him, and so Techno gets the brotherly bond that HE wanted, with someone who looks like (is actually) HIS brother.
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Fic Idea
How would people feel about an SBI found-family farm AU fic? The main basis of it is that Tommy befriends one of the horses on this ranch that he passes after school each day, one day it disappears, so he goes up to the ranch owner (whom he hasn't even seen yet in his 5+ years of interacting with this horse) to ask if the horse is okay. Basically, the horse passed, and the next day, the ranch owner (Phil), lets Tommy name a newborn foal after school. He names it Clementine (it'll make sense later) and starts stopping by each day to care for Clem.
In this time, he gets closer to the Watson family and emotional shenanigans ensue.
Thoughts? (pls send asks with ideas/suggestions, that would be much appreciated!!)
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ik I don't talk about dsmp much anymore but man I miss sleepy bois inc
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