#sleepy joe has got to go
rabid-dog-steve-horn · 5 months
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Listen up you ignorant sheep.
He lies about everything is the point of me posting this.
He didn't have the power himself to ban fracking cause the state and federal government have control of the land involved and the laws and the regulations they passed due to democrat climate change agenda which Joe Biden is a democrat and said he agrees with climate change many numerous times himself. Look that up. Strange how only democrat areas banned fracking, eh?
He didn't stop them, he didn't try to find any way to reach any compromises, he left them go ahead and push their agenda forward. Why? That's what democrats do.
Look online, I posted a few things to prove you jerks wrong and nobody said a word cause there's the proof. There's tons of stuff online about it across the country, but I'm from Pennsylvania so I found a few examples close to home. Believe me there's a shitload online. I only picked a few cause I shouldn't have to waste time looking shit up cause nobody else is willing to cause they're too busy posting TikTok videos of silly animals and crying on Facebook they had a bad hair day.
We were energy independent, we weren't relying on other countries for oil or fossil fuels of any kind until Joe Biden came in passing executive orders that reversed every single fucking thing Trump put into effect to better our country. And that's why Trump jokingly said he'd be a dictator on day one cause sleepy Joe did that exact same fucking thing to him & our entire fucking country.
You assholes must like paying more for gas and helping terrorist countries earn money to buy weapons to murder people. Where are we getting our oil from you idiots? Joe depleted our oil reserves and prevented the pipelines on American soil from being completed while letting Russia finish theirs. Then rejoined that Paris Agreement that Trump took us out of to be more energy independent and free from environmental climate regulation nonsense.
You like funding China so they gain power? They can frack & mine for minerals to build your fucking electric car batteries and cell phone batteries which we could be doing ourselves if not for the democrats.
You might wanna look online to learn gas and fossil fuels are used in a lot of everyday products not just to make your cars drivable and heat your homes.
Perhaps if you'd look things up and do some fucking research instead of playing candy crush and gambling online you'd realize how wrong the democrats really are.
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jangillman · 4 months
BREAKING: Prosecutors revealed to the jury that Hunter Biden didn't just sleep with his late brother Beau's wife Hallie, he also got her hooked on crack.
Hallie is set to testify in this case and mysteriously Joe Biden visited her a few days ago. Most likely trying to buy her silence about their family dealings
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Dirty, low life scum bags, both father and son. They've turned one of the greatest countries in earth into a Worldwide laughing stock. 👹😡
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istesque · 3 months
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qqueenofhades · 2 months
I KNOW he’s gonna find a way to worm his way out of it like the Worlds Biggest Bitch Baby that he is but… the thought of watching our future president absolutely eviscerate that orange sack of pond scum in a debate on national television make me feel indescribable joy. The mere thought of it makes me feel A L I V E.
I hope that if he refuses to debate her, she still stands up there by herself, looks directly into the camera and lists all the ways he’s a Scaredy Little Punk Ass Bitch.
Listen, Democrats might still have some understandable nerves (though listen to me, LISTEN TO ME: this is NOT THE TIME FOR MORE PANIC, THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO TALK ABOUT HOW SCARY THIS IS, WE KNOW! WE KNOW! THIS IS THE TIME TO GET TF IN FORMATION AND DO YOUR GODDAMN JOB!) but let me say this, the Republicans are LOSING it. They put ALL their chips on facing Sleepy Old Joe who don't talk so good anymore, and suddenly they have a 59-year-old lawyer and prosecutor who literally spent her whole elected career going after sex pests, frauds, and felons. (We remember how she made Brett Kavanaugh fucking cry at his confirmation hearing, right?) And suddenly, they have to bring it against Kamala. GODSPEED, DIPSHITS.
So yes, Trump is already whining SO hard about all the money they "wasted" going after Biden, laying the groundwork to escape getting his ass handed to him at the next debate, got stuck with a terriblawful VP pick (even Fucking FOX NEWS cut away from Vance's rally the other day because it was so boring) and suddenly realizing that he spent so much effort to make this election about age and mental competency when... now it's him. WHAT NOW, FUCKFACES. WHAT. NOW.
I'd also like to point out that abortion rights are going to be a HUGE issue, they have won everywhere they have been on the ballot (including in very red states) post-Dobbs, they will be on the ballot in several more important states (including Fucking Florida, not that I actually think we'll win there), and Kamala has a great record as a defender of reproductive freedom. Biden did his best, bless him, but sometimes the Old Catholic Man still leaped out. So the absolute fucking schadenfreude of having a black female president BEAT TRUMP IN A POST-DOBBS ELECTION??? MAGNIFICENT.
(As @silverbirching says: we wonder how many minutes it will take SCOTUS to row back the "president god-king" ruling if Kamala wins. We're guessing 15. That is, if Joe does not finally just embrace the fact that presidents are immune AND he is leaving office, and send Alito, Thomas, and Kav on a "special indefinite vacation" as an inauguration present.)
I am not overconfident. I know this is unprecedented. I know we don't have much time, and how hard this will be. This is not 2016 or 2020, and we all have to do the work and not let up. But if the Handmaid's Tale party is literally now trying to make "Kamala doesn't have children because she's an Evul Feminist" into their main line of attack, all I say is, Please proceed, chucklefucks. I'm sure that will go great.
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lyrenminth · 4 months
have a request for a joe burrow fic can u do one where the reader has surgery and joe takes care of her in the hospital
The pain started during the night. At the beginning you thought they were cramps, no big deal until the pain got worse and worse. You tried not to wake up Joe, who was peacefully sleeping next to you. You went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet and you saw blood like you were in your period. You changed your underwear for a pad, but you were bleeding a lot, and you couldn't stand up from the pain. You started gasping for air, and cried silently.
Something was wrong.
Joe knocked the door and open it. "Babe, what's wrong?" He asked, when he saw you crying, sitting on the toilet his face changed from sleepy to alarmed in matter of seconds. "What's happen? Are you having cramps?" he got closer.
"I'm bleeding a lot, and I'm having a-a lot of pain" you cried "I can't stand up and I'm feeling dizzy"
"I'm calling an ambulance" he went back to the room, looking for his phone. When you started feeling wet your legs you realized it was blood. "Joe!" You called him, weakly.
After a couple of minutes, you were on his arms, he was carrying you outside the bedroom and laid you on the floor. You closed your eyes, sleepy. "Baby, hey, it's not time to sleep, baby" you felt a hand touch your face. His voice sounded distant but you could hear the worry and anxiety. "Hey, honey please, wake up, the ambulance it's closer but I need you to stay up, okay?"
You nodded, opening your eyes only to look at his blue eyes. Joe seemed like an angel coming for you. But he was frowning and talking to the phone.
You wanted to stay awake but he was getting blurred, and the world was so slow. "Baby, don't sleep, don't do this to me" fear, Joe was scared.
You woke up with the beeping sound of some device. You looked around, confused. Your eyes stopped on Joe, sleeping on the couch. He looked so peaceful and handsome as always. When you tried to incorporate, a pain in your lower abdomen made you flinch. You hissed and laid back again.
Joe woke up, and stood up, rubbing his eyes. "Are you up" he stated. "What happened?" you asked. "You were losing a lot of blood" he took your hand and squeeze slightly "Damn, I thought...I thought you wouldn't-" he shook his head, keeping the thought away "You scared me,bad" he kissed your forehead and looked for any sign of discomfort.
"Sorry, I don't know what happened" you apologize. "The doc said something about your left ovary" he explained a little embarrassed he couldn't provide more info. "Let me call a nurse"
Minutes later a doctor and a nurse entered the room.
"Oh, Mrs Burrow. How are you feeling now?" The doctor said, she was friendly.
"Better" you replied.
"Yes, we have to do a emergency surgery for your left ovary. You had an enormous cyst that exploded" she explained "you lost blood but we could bring you back"
Your breathe shakily. The nurse checked your pressure, while the doctor explained the process and your recovery.
"No lifting heavy things, and you need to rest. We're going to have you here for the day but tomorrow you can go to your house" she looked at Joe "I'm sure you are in good hands, he was so worried about you"
You looked at Joe but he was serious. Did you really scared him? There was a turmoil of emotions inside you.
Once you were alone, he was still holding your hand. You touch his hand, playing with his fingers. "Are you ok?" he had bags under his eyes, and looked a little bit messy.
"Yes, I'm tired. I was calling your parents and everyone to let them know the situation" he replied. "So don't worry about that, you need to rest"
Joe was with you until the last minute you left to the hospital. He helped you to get into the car, bought the medicine the doctor gave you and healthy food your dinner. "I need to take a bath, I feel sticky" you confessed, he snorted but help you to undress. He was so gently with you, you almost cry. When he tried to get into the shower, you stopped him. "Baby, I think I'm alright" you said, giving him a kiss.
"Are you sure?" he asked, but he was holding your elbows like you were leaving forever.
"Yes, I-I can do this"
"Just yell my name if you need something"
Once the shower was over, he looked for your clothes and help you to dress again. "Do you want me to braid your hair?" It was one of his hidden talents. When you taught him, he learned fast and actually like to braid your hair. "I find it relaxing" he explained.
You nodded and sat on a chair, and his hands caressing your hair relaxed you so much you were falling asleep.
"Joe" you mumbled, "Mmm?"
"Did I scared you?" silence, he never stopped moving his hand though "Yes"
"I'm sorry"
"Don't apologize. You didn't know"
"Joe, the doctor told me she had to removed my left ovary" you starting saying, finding the courage to continue "it's going to be difficult for me to get pregnant"
"That's ok, you are here right now. That's what matters"
" I know you wanted a family"
"Yes, but I want my wife to be healthy too"
"Thank you" you cried. His reassurance was relieving. When he finished braiding your hair, he brought you a soft dinner, and while you ate he took a shower.
Joe always took care of you when he could. As you did with him. You were a couple.
A team.
Thank you for this request. I have a similar fanfiction written about Joe too, but it's shorter. You can check it on the masterlist!
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Society for the last five years (and counting)
Public health: Hey, so we're tracking this new trend of ovens possibly burning people. It seems bad, we're gonna need more data.
Scientists: On it, we're gonna learn about the oven and what causes burns.
Government: Okay, here's what they're saying about ovens and how not to get burned. Let's shut everything down until this burning passes and then we can go back to normal.
Libs: YES! You can do your part and flatten the curve so we can reduce the amount of burns!
Conservatives: I'm sticking my head in the oven. Y'all don't own me, you libtards! Even if the oven can burn you, I'm wearing this super special glove.
Scientists: That glove is for checking horse prostates. Don't do that.
Government: Actually, if you inject yourself with gasoline, you'll clean that risk of burns right out of your skin.
Scientists: Don't. Do. That.
Libs: We trust science! We care about people! They don't! Let's stay strong, people!
*months later*
Corporations: Hey, so, our profits-
Government: Say no more, fam. We got this. PUT YOUR GRANDMA IN THE OVEN FOR THE ECONOMY.
Libs: Look how callous they are! We're the good ones.
Public health: Actually, needing to be careful when operating ovens has been SO hard on the American people. You can use the ovens without mittens for a bit as a break.
*a year of rolling back measures*
Corporations: BUT MUH PROFITS
Government: Okay, y'all. This is cute, but go back to work. Tell them to go back to work. Public emergency's over.
Public health: Look, some people are gonna get burned using the oven. Mitts are cute but it's really about your personal risk tolerance. So just let those people get burned, they'll die off and we'll be good as new.
Science: Actually don't do that. Our data's clear, here's all the ways to get burned and here's how serious those consequences can be. Wear oven mitts. But we have this vaccine now and it WILL HELP. But we're not sure what the efficacy is yet. So let's be cautious until we have more data.
Public health: You hear that? Vaccines. Yummy, get them so we can be done with this!
Conservatives: God damn it, they're all tryna give us the pokey-jabby-stabby to try and convince us the earth is ROUND, to be liberal femboy sissies and get gay autistic married transes. FAUCI PLANDEMIC HOAX KILLARY CLINTON AND SLEEPY JOE. DON'T DO IT.
Libs: We trust the science! We're gonna get the jabby pokey stab and then we're done! No more mitts.
Science: Well, actually-
Libs: SEE WE'RE DONE! All vaxxed and relaxed. We trusted the science and now it's over! Back to normal! I've been DYING to do some baking. My mental health was so terrible when we couldn't use the ovens!
People following the science who don't want to get burned: Hey, I actually really liked baking too. But I can't really do it safely since there's not oven mitts anywhere and now people are just cooking with flamethrowers. That's not really safe.
People following the science: But you just said the isolation was bad for mental heal-
Government and corporations: Excellent.
*A few years later*
Society: New mystery burns are popping up here and there and they seem to revolve around a kitchen???? What's going on???
Government: It's nothing, shut the fuck up and go back to work. We beat the ovens.
Society: Okay!
Science: Actually, the vaccine DOES significantly reduce the likelihood that the burns will kill you, but you can still get burned, others can get burned, and you can still have long term health-
Public "health": No, yeah, it's nothing. Some people are gonna get burned. And that's bad, but also like inevitable? Make sure you wash your face before operating an oven.
Libs: It's all about personal risk tolerance. I'm not going to live in fear with oven mitts anymore! I NEED TO BAKE.
*months later*
Society: Why's everyone getting burns constantly?
Lather, rinse, repeat.
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youssefguedira · 7 months
@materassassino sent me a prompt but in my exhaustion and lack of brain cells i answered the ask without writing the actual thing and then deleted it so. oops.
but the prompt was extremely sleepy Nicky is different from normal Nicky, so have a very silly little thing
"Leave him alone," Joe is saying without any real annoyance, "it's the deepest he's slept in weeks." He's in one of the armchairs, ignoring the book on his lap in favour of Andy, who's perched on the arm of the couch.
When Nile gets close enough to see over the back of the couch she has to blink a couple times: it's Nicky, completely passed out, currently with three books balanced on his chest while Andy holds a fourth. They rise and fall as he breathes. He's completely dead to the world.
"Is he asleep?" Nile asks, because she still can't quite believe that Nicky, of all people, is sleeping through that. Andy places the fourth book with careful precision and reaches for a fifth.
The thing is, Nicky has a hair trigger for being woken up. Nile learned this a week after meeting him, when she startled him by walking into the living room of their most recent safehouse while he was sleeping on the couch (on watch, but she'd forgotten) and he'd already been reaching for the gun on the side table before she realised he was even there, and then he'd apologised for the gun thing, and told her he hadn't "learned what her footsteps sound like" yet.
After a while he'd stopped going for the weapons whenever she surprised him, but he'd still wake at the slightest sound. Andy's got a similar thing going, but she's a little bit slower, whereas Joe does wake fast, but definitely isn't all the way alert the way Nicky is.
She'd wondered if it was down to what happened in Goussainville, but when she'd finally worked up the courage to ask, because she was starting to wonder if he ever actually slept properly, Joe had just laughed and said he'd always been like that.
But once Andy had decided that the loose ends from Merrick had been sufficiently tied up, she'd called for a couple weeks of downtime, and before that Nicky had been on recon duty, sleeping even less and even worse than usual. So she's not surprised he's sleeping: she's surprised he's still asleep.
"Pass me a couple more," Andy says to Joe, who sighs, but does grab two from nearby and pass them over.
Nile looks between them, and then at Nicky. "That's not gonna wake him up?"
Joe chuckles. "Not when he's like this," he says. "He won't wake for another hour or two. Definitely not until dinner."
Nile blinks at him. Joe, sure, she could believe. Andy, too - Nile's pretty sure she sleeps more during the day than she does at night. She's almost as bad as Nicky for lurking in dark rooms at night. But Nicky?
"He doesn't do this very often," Joe explains. "But the rest of us are awake, and everything's dealt with, for now, so he's comfortable enough."
"Booker built an entire house of cards on him, once," Andy says. "Record for books is, what, nineteen?"
"Eighteen," Joe says. "2012."
Andy places a sixth book and reaches for a seventh. Nile thinks for a moment.
"Only eighteen?" she says.
Andy's grin can only be described as wicked. "That's the spirit," she says. "Pass me another."
Nicky wakes at twenty-one, prompting the entire pile to crash onto the floor, which makes him scramble upright until his brain comes all the way back online, at which point he clocks why the three of them are laughing so hard there are tears in Joe's eyes, and curses them out in five languages.
But he's smiling while he does it, all the same.
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joeybsversion · 1 year
Drunk in Love
Joe Burrow x Reader
You and Joe celebrate a big win with the team
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“That’s not fair, I always lose!” Joe shouted displeased as he grabbed the plastic cup filled with a concoction of alcohol.
You were out celebrating a Bengal win with the team and Joe had just lost another round of Kings Cup.
“Chug, Joey! You know the rules!” You teased as he slowly sipped on the drink.
“This is disgusting! I’ve already had enough.” He took one last big drink and crushed the cup.
Tee cracked open another drink and passed it down to Joe, “Here man. This is much better.”
Joe took a big swig of his drink. “I want a rematch!” He demanded and crossed his arms across his chest.
“Joe you’ve lost the last 3 rounds. Why would you win now, of all times?” Sam teased and placed another cup in the middle. Joe laughed, unable to think of an excuse. He was having too much fun with everyone.
“Maybe next game you’ll have better luck.” You teased and gave Joe a playful pat on the back. Joe let out a big pout which made everyone at the table laugh. “I think you’ve had enough.” You teased and grabbed his drink and took a sip. “Let’s share this one.” You kissed Joe on the cheek and set the drink down. “I’ll be right back.” You said and gave Joe a reassuring smile and slipped away from the table.
“I’ll miss you!” He called after you with a big grin.
You made your way to the bar and quickly glanced over the menu. You were going to order a few appetizers for the table. Most of the table was hungry, it had been a few hours since you left the stadium with the girls and you all had talked about how hungry you were on the ride over. Plus, you knew the guys would be hungry after the game.
“Can I get a few baskets of fries, some Buffalo chicken wings, an order of nachos, and some pretzel bites please?” You folded up the menu and passed it back the bartender. After all home game wins you rented a room at the teams favorite bar to celebrate. “Oh and a round of waters please.” You added. The bartender copied everything down and let you know he’d be on his way over with the waters soon.
As you made your way back to the table you saw Joe with another plastic cup up to his mouth while the rest of the team was laughing and cheering him on.
“Did you lose again?” You laughed and took your seat next to Joe.
He wiped his mouth and looked over with a big pout “it’s not fair!” He whined. You gave him a quick kiss to cheer him up. “That makes it better.” He smiled and leaned in for another. You could taste the alcohol on his breath as he kissed you.
“Y/N, what can I get you to drink?” Sam asked as he got up from the table and made his way back to the bar to order another round.
“Surprise me!” You smiled. “And Joe is good for now.” You laughed.
Sam came back with a round of shots and drinks for everyone. Joe clinked his shot glass with yours as you both choked down the drink. The whole table was feeling pretty buzzed now and the food was making its way around. It has been such a fun night. With all the stress that comes with the games it’s nice to see everyone relax.
The drinks continued to flow until the early morning hours. Couples had slowly started to filter out as it got later. “We should probably think about going, Joey.” You slurred and grabbed his hand. “It’s getting later and I’m pretty sleepy.” You brushed your hair out of your face and leaned onto his shoulder.
“I’ll order a car.” Joe drunkenly pulled out his phone and ordered a ride. “I have a car that’ll be here n 20.” He shouted to the end of the table.
“We’ll hop in with ya!” Ja’Marr hollered back and motioned between himself and Tee. You all lived pretty close together so you rode together a lot of the time.
You all stumbled out to the sidewalk together and stood taking selfies and posting drunk Instagram stories while you waited for the car.
“There he is!” Joe hollered and flung himself into the backseat of the car, pulling you in with him.
Giggles flooded out if you as you Joe held you in his lap making jokes with the guys and drunkenly goofing off on the ride home. You clung to Joe like he was the only sense of comfort you could find. “I really like you.” Joe whispered into your ear as he pulled you closer and gave you a big hug. Your stomach did a somersault, “I really like you too, Joey.” You gave him a kiss.
“Get a room!” Tee hollered and covered his eyes.
“You’re just jealous!” Joe murmured back in between kisses. “Here’s our stop though!” He said and ducked out of the car. “Night guys!” He smiled and waved.
“Use protection! We don’t need a baby burrow running around!” Ja’Marr teased as you and Joe made your way into the house for the night.
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babybluebex · 2 years
𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 | 𝐣𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐡 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: at london comic con, naptime for joe’s son interferes with joe’s panel. luckily, joe has a fix for the situation. 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dad!joseph quinn x um!reader 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: fluff fluff fluff ab dad joe bc lcc is giving so much kid content it’s driving me wild, joe’s son’s name is anthony 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: listen, @moonlit-void-to-the-far-unknown and i have this longstanding au going where you and joe have a son and i NEEDED to write it, especially with all the pictures of babies and kids that we’re getting this weekend :)
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By now, everyone on Twitter knew that Joe had brought you and his son to London Comic Con. You and Joe had been spotted entering the convention center on Saturday, tiny 4-year old Anthony in tow, and everyone was waiting for some sort of content with the three of you. Joe didn’t share too much about Anthony online, only the spare picture to his new Instagram every so often, updating his eight million followers on Anthony’s antics, but little Anthony was known and beloved. 
So far, the day had gone well. You stood off to the side and entertained Anthony as Joe took pictures with fans, stopping during every break to get the snuggles and kisses in— Anthony required many Daddy snuggles and kisses, and every twenty minutes, two minutes were allotted for Joe to kiss Anthony’s head, inquire about what he was watching (the answer was always Bluey), and promise more time in the future. You hated how hectic the convention was and how quickly-paced it was, but that was the nature of the event. It was fun to watch your husband interact with all of his fans, and some even spotted you and sent waves and coos towards you and Anthony. 
Eventually, time for Joe’s lunch break came, and he held Anthony in his lap as they both ate their sandwiches that you had made (the upside of a con in London meant no hotel rooms, and your boys got to sleep in their own beds), peanut butter dotted on Anthony’s little mouth as he babbled away at Joe. “So big, Dada!” he exclaimed, stretching his hands wide. 
“Yeah, lots of people, aren’t there?” Joe chuckled, smoothing down Anthony’s thin curls. Anthony resembled Joe to a tee, some baby photos that Joe’s mother had showed you a dead ringer for your son, and Anthony’s big brown eyes widened as he nodded. 
“And they’re all here to see you,” you told him, and Joe scoffed and rolled his eyes. 
“I don’t know about that,” he said. “I think they’re here to see you.” 
“Me?” you asked. 
“Yeah, my fans love you,” Joe told you. “Everybody today has told me to say hello to you and Anthony. And some people asked about Wes too, actually.” 
You smiled and leaned forward to kiss Joe’s cheek, and your husband blushed under your lips. “I’m so proud of you, Joey,” you told him softly. “You’ve worked so hard for so long, and now… It’s all happening.” 
“And I get to do it with you,” Joe said with a watery smile, and he looked down at Anthony in his lap, still watching Bluey on your phone. “Both of you.” He ruffled up Anthony’s hair and smoothed them down again, an anxious habit that he had picked up recently, and Anthony looked up from your phone and smiled a big, toothy grin at his father. 
“It’s almost naptime,” you said, looking down at your watch, and both of your boys whined and grumbled in protest. Anthony usually didn’t make a fuss over naptime and gladly settled in bed with his blankie and fell asleep for at least an hour, but you knew that the energy and excitement from the con would interrupt his schedule. You had anticipated this, and you pouted as you tugged your son up into your arms. “I know, baby, I know,” you told him. “But you’ll get all sleepy and cranky later if you don’t nap.” 
“B-But Dada!” Anthony said, and he wriggled in your arms, reaching out for Joe. You willingly transferred your son into his father’s arms, and Joe kissed Anthony’s wiggly little head as Anthony added, “Wanna stay with ‘ou, Dada.” 
“I want you to stay with me too,” Joe said, his bottom lip pouting out. “But you need to nap, and I have stuff I’ve gotta do.”
“What?” Anthony asked. 
“Well, I have a panel in a few minutes,” Joe told Anthony. “People ask me all sorts of things, and I answer them. It’s usually very fun. But I can’t bring you, bud.” 
“I mean…” you started slowly. “You could. Just hold him in your lap and let him sleep while you answer the questions. If you want, that is. Or I can just take him back home to nap and we can come get you at the end of the day.” 
“I can hold him,” Joe said, rubbing Anthony’s back. “We’re just gonna cuddle while you nap, aren’t we?”
“Cuddle?” Anthony asked, and Joe nodded. “Okay. Blankie?” 
You nodded carefully and slung off your backpack, opening it and searching through all of your stuff, Joe’s phone and wallet and keys and snacks and all of Anthony’s various accessories, and you finally extracted his fluffy blue blankie. It certainly had been fluffy at one point but, after four years, the fluff had been matted down and it was a little off-color, no matter how many times you washed it. But it was Anthony’s favorite blankie, the only one he slept with, and Anthony cuddled it up to his chest instantly as soon as he got it in his hands. “Thank you, Mummy,” Anthony mumbled, nestling his head under Joe’s chin, and your heart skipped. 
“Of course, baby,” you told him. “Are my boys ready for the panel?” 
“Anthony’s first panel,” Joe chuckled. “We’re ready.” 
Joe carried Anthony (and his blankie) to the stage, smiling and waving at fans as he passed them, and he seemed calm and cool. It was only once you got backstage, in the wings of the stage, that he started to seem nervous. “Is this a bad idea?” Joe asked. Anthony had his head rested on Joe’s shoulder, his brown eyes flagging with after-lunch sleepiness, and he yawned and cuddled up closer into Joe’s chest. “I-I mean, is it unprofessional?” 
“He’s your son, darling,” you told him, adjusting Joe’s jacket to lay right and settling his curls right. “Everyone will understand. And anyway, it’s super cute, and nobody will care if it's unprofessional if it’s cute.” 
Joe nodded, and he rubbed Anthony’s back as his name was announced by the moderator, and you watched Joe walk out onstage, holding his microphone in one hand as he held Anthony in his arms. Instantly, the auditorium was met with coos and aws and cheers, and Joe waved at everyone before he sat down on the small sofa that was provided for him. He mumbled something to Anthony and kissed his head, and your son turned to look at everyone. He waved for a moment, just long enough for everyone to cheer back at him, and he turned back and buried himself in Joe’s chest. 
The crowd died down, and Joe brought the microphone to his mouth. “It’s naptime,” he said, his voice echoing around the room, and he added, “We’ve got our blankie, I think Ant’s gonna suck his thumb, and he’ll be asleep in no time. But I’m excited, let’s begin.” 
Everything Anthony did was met with applause and aws, every moment and wiggle and cuddle into Joe’s warm chest. Joe answered every question with poise and humility, laughing when someone said to say hi to Wes, and Anthony mumbled something that was half-caught by the mic. “Unca Wes?” he mumbled, and Joe frowned, shaking his head. 
“No, no, Uncle Wes isn’t here right now,” he said softly. “But we can see him when we’re done here... It cracks me up that you guys know who Wes is.” 
True to his word, Anthony popped his thumb in his mouth and was asleep within twenty minutes, and Joe noticed it. “Oh, bless him,” he said. “And we’re asleep here. If we’re very quiet… maybe he’ll stay asleep…” Joe paused for a second and kissed Anthony’s head, and the boy didn’t stir, and Joe said, “Yeah, and he’s knocked out. He can sleep through anything at this point. He gets that from me.” Joe laughed a little, making sure that Anthony stayed asleep, and he said, “I’m sorry, what was the question?”
That happened often. Joe would be too distracted watching Anthony sleep and have to have the question asked again, and he flushed and mumbled, “I’m sorry, you guys, he’s just… Parents will understand, he’s only this little for so long. Sorry, I’m sorry, what was the question again?” 
Finally, the time for the end of the panel came, and the last question took Joe a second to respond: “What are you most proud of in your life?” 
“Well,” he started. “I’m proud of myself for a lot, if I can say that without coming off as a douchebag. But my own accomplishments pale in comparison to my wife, she… She’s amazing. I’m constantly in awe of her and all that she’s done for me, all of the late nights she spends with our son while I work, supporting me and loving me and… But this little guy. He blows my mind every day. Even as he’s sitting here, napping, he’s so much more than I ever could have imagined my son to be. I never anticipated being a father, and now I am, and even though it’s been four years, I’m still not used to him and I don’t think I ever will be. He is so smart and beautiful and… Yeah. I’m proud of Anthony. He’s the best thing I’ve ever done.”
You smiled and, as soon as Joe came offstage, you pulled him into a kiss. You felt Joe’s hands twitch underneath Anthony, obviously wanting to embrace you as he kissed you, and you pulled Anthony into your arms to allow Joe to hold you tenderly as he kissed your lips. He sighed into the kiss and touched his forehead to yours, and he mumbled, “I love you so much. Thank you for sticking around.” 
“Of course,” you told him. “I love you too, darling.” 
“I wonder if my mum can take Ant tonight,” Joe mumbled, pulling you back into another kiss. “I need some time with you.” 
“You have more con tomorrow,” you said. “Is tonight good for that?” 
“Any night is a good night for that,” Joe chuckled, and you smiled at his naughty cheek. “I think it’s time Ant has a little sister.” 
“You think so?” you asked. “Whatever you say, Mr. Quinn.” 
“And I do say, Mrs. Quinn,” Joe said. “Let me call Mum and see if she can take the little monster. He was so good for me, he just slept the whole time.” 
“He’s not a monster,” you said with a smile, bouncing Anthony as he yawned and started to wake up. His thumb was popped in his mouth and you carefully pulled it out, and Anthony whined and sucked the corner of his blankie into his mouth. “He’s the most special little boy in the world.”
“He sure is,” Joe said, and his big eyes were full of love as he looked at the two of you, his wife and son. “The best boy ever.” 
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vegaseatsass · 3 months
My Stand-In Episode 9
I have like 10min to ejaculate some emotions before I have to run again so lmfao /types hard and fast I adore that after twisted coercive action after twisted coercive action, Ming almost almost almost had his Kinn moment where he lets Joe go. He came SO close. But he couldn't stick the landing. He's going twisted coercion to the VERY END, BABY!!! And I do think in many ways that's a clue about whether he would have been able to let Joe go when he asked in the first life, before the baseball bat, if Joe hadn't gotten the call from Sol and given Ming a justification for spiralling into delululand. I really do think he was close to hearing Joe then too, and honoring his desperate requests to let go. But "close" means letting him walk across the street and then chasing him, not actually releasing his grip. Ming will always be so very Ming <3
Wut pissed me off throughout this ENTIRE episode but I am trying not to relapse to "the NARRATIVE doesn't UNDERSTAND what it's DOING" reactions to characters with his framing and actually just take what's on the screen in good faith. And what's on the screen is a man who never truly acknowledged his own role in getting Joe killed, doomed to make all the same choices and mistakes all over again. While carrying himself with so much unearned self-righteousness and avuncular "wisdom", augh I hate him but yeah. He thinks what he did wrong in Joe's first life is like not yell at him hard enough to keep him from driving off a cliff. Not push an abused, financially desperate man into further isolation with nary a moment of considering trying to support him or even just giving him companionship for the night while he recovered from being fuckin kidnapped. So yeah, it's not surprising he's consistently making the easy choices, the "it's not REALLY my problem" choices, that put Joe back in Ming's grasp again and again. Like okay thank you as a plot device Wut (yes I am a sick and twisted hypocrite lmao), but fuck you fuck you fuck you as a human being.
However! SOL THIS EPISODE! Oh my god this is why I needed to quickly post! The duality of this character! I made FUN of Ming for thinking that Soljoe as a branded pair was any kind of threat, but episode 9 Sol was like "no actually. Audience shipping is reality if we try hard enough to make it be so." The way the lines are so blurred for him between just desperately desperately wanting to be there for Joe and desperately desperately wanting Joe to see that Ming is the wrong choice and Sol is the right choice, and I have strong doubts about how fully conscious the latter is - he knows he still wants Joe, sure, but I think he sees his (nonexistent, sorry baby) romantic eligibility as an opportunity to get Joe away from Ming. If Joe had a partner who wasn't violent and dangerous, I truly believe Sol would back off while harboring his feelings more quietly. But if Joe is single or with Ming? Sol has to try with everything he's got and cannot see the ways that that compromises his support for Joe.
And yet! EVERY time he called out Wut for facilitating Mingjoe (SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK WUT) I was cheering for him. Helping Joe with (Joe-on-Joe) crimes??? Being his lookout??? The crowd ROARED! And there's something to be said for Joe in the middle of the grieving process for his body and life, and Sol being the one who comes by to accompany him the next morning. Again, it's that duality: he is coming because they have a music video to promote, he is coming because he's giddy about selling them as a branded pair and maybe making Joe see him as a romantic option. But being very frank, I think it matters that Joe had someone who knew what happened and knew he was in the middle of grieving be there at his side that morning. I don't think he struggled to wake up when Ing shook him because he was sleepy. I think he was carrying something a lot heavier than that, and you need community to help you carry that burden. And there's nobody trying to or thinking of offering that for Joe except Sol. For partly selfish reasons, again, that's the juice of the character, that that duality is always present for him, but for ME it still matters as a kind of material support.
Lastly, the little glimpse of Yim being bitter and fucked up about Joe's death, and how that went over Joe's head, because he doesn't expect his CHILDHOOD FRIEND to remember him and grieve him. Delicious little detail.
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
Hi Lana, hear me out, how about reader with a voice kink she loves Joe's voice but one night she has a sexy dream not only about him but also Eddie was in it, she tells him about the dream and one night he just decides to try something and switch between his normal voice to Eddie's and vice versa just to see how her body will react. Hope this makes sense, love your stuff btw 💕
Why thank you angel. I am FERALLLLL for this 👀 Under 18's DNI.
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Picture via Pintrest 📸
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Sure you got to experience your boyfriend every day of your life together and the passion and lust was there in the blink of an eye from the day you began dating. But you couldn't help but be fascinated by the way he played Eddie once you got the chance to watch him bring the character to life.
The thing that struck you the most was his voice, the way he conducted the little accent and the gravelly tones of Joe's voice that were combined had you frothing at the mouth. It was a characteristic that had always made you unimaginably turned on, never before until you met Joe. In the end it really became a fantasy for you to ponder on, what it would be like to have a hold of Eddie, having him whisper in your ear all of the things he wanted to do to you in the way that Joe would and then one night when you lay peacefully in your bed, your wish came true.
Your dream was so erotic, but except it being one of them, it was both of them. The way they both touched you, the way they both fill you so well. The way they chanted your name the same but different, just the way their voices sang so sweetly together. The pet names. It was all so heavenly, having Joe and Eddie fighting for their chance's to fuck you better than the other, competing at who would give you the best orgasm, challenging on who could get the biggest reaction from you when their fingers or tongues were working hard on your holes. The threesome of a wet dream is something torturous and bizarre yet so god damn beautiful, but then you woke up, all sweaty and dazed next to your snoozing man.
You nudge him awake, making him stir and wrap his arms around you in an attempt to get you to go back to sleep. "What are you doing awake at this hour babe, it's still dark." Joe muttered lowly. The slow, strained and still very much sleepy voice flew down to your already heated core making you ache violently.
"I need to tell you something." You moved him to lay on his back, releasing yourself from his grasp so that he'd groan about it but at least listen.
"What time is it?" Joe yawned. You looked over at your phone, the brightness stinging your eyes slight. "3:45am." You winced at him, he wasn't the best at being woken up suddenly, especially in the middle of the night; you kind of felt bad but at the same time you needed to let him in on your little sweet dream.
"Can it wait for another few hours?" Joe tried to push away again, snuggling back under the covers to try and go back to sleep, you pushed them off him an in instant revealing his torso and making him sit up, feeling the cold rupture his stomach. "Ok, ok. I'm awake." He sat up a little, shooting a blank sigh your way and pulled you into him so you could lay on his chest to which you happily obliged. "Go on, what are you dying to tell me?"
"So I had this dream where-" You couldn't continue, the way you were going to tell him sounded so much better in your head, but you knew out loud it was going to be crazy and maybe even Joe himself would think you're insane and just be ignorant to the fact that you were now craving the fictional character he portrayed and him all at once.
"Where? Where what love." Joe gestured for you to continue, his eyes opened fully staring down at you in the darkness.
"Promise you won't become all weird about it?"
"How can I promise when I don't know what it is Y/N?" He hitched a small chuckle your way, you took a huge intake of breath and spilled.
"Me, you and Eddie had a threesome. I can't get him out of my head, you were so damn sexy as him, you're so damn sexy as you. You both are going to be the death of me and-"
Joe's head fell back against the headboard, not the laugh you were expecting, more of a devious and challenging smirky laugh, one that sounded exactly like Eddie's, but like Joe's too, their laughs were one of the only things that brought them to be similar, or so you thought.
"So you've got the hots for Eddie?" Joe's smile was reeling, he couldn't quite believe what he was hearing; but at the same time was relieved it was at least someone that he'd embodied rather than a random person or someone else you knew.
"Kind of..." What a lie, you were down bad for him.
"Ok let me get this straight, so you want to be fucked by Eddie but you still also want to be fucked by me? But you're dreaming of him being real and being in the same bed as we're in right now, doing filthy shit, all three of us, together?" He couldn't of ran around it in a windier path of context. You sarcastically rolled your eyes as if the penny had dropped. "An unhinged compliment if I ever heard one baby, but if that's what you want." Joe took an unusually sharp breath in, leaving the both of you in silence for a few seconds.
"Then that's what you'll get, sweetheart." Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You could of reached breaking point just from hearing the accent fall from his lips. For real, you heard it right. Eddie's voice.
Joe pushed you onto your back, leaning over and kissing you hard, your mouths writhing against each other, your tongue darted into his mouth in desperation, rather a need than a want, they danced around each other, battling for dominance in a way that had you both whimpering lightly, the echoes of them falling down each other's throats. Even if he was just acting to get a reaction at this point, it was fucking worth it.
Joe moved his mouth down to caress your neck, trailing his tongue down the sides and moved towards your throat, nibbling just off of it, your hand cupping the back of his head in an attempt to grip his messy bed curls.
"So what is it you want from us?" Us. He's really doing this.
"You, you both p-play with me. You both- your voices."
"Voices? Ahh is that what this is about?" Joe smirked into the crook of your neck as he sucked a small mark onto your skin.
"Wait, what?" You take a few steps back from yourself, pulling at his hair to bring him up to stare into the outline of you.
"You told me that you loved the sound of my voice once, it stuck with me, it's clear that you have a little kink for it with what you've just admitted baby. You're so...what's the word I'm looking for... unique." He giggled and you pouted your lips, frustrated in his teasing manner. A small pause and out his alter ego popped again.
"Unique?" Wow.
"Mm, he's right sweetheart, we love it." There was Eddie again. That made you forget the sarcastic remark rather quickly. The entirety of you gained a mountain of goose bumps, every little strand of hair on your skin rose from the way he deflected from one voice to another. Your body felt alive, your cunt was aching and your mouth was almost dribbling from the kink you absolutely knew that was fully brought to life, you were loving every second of this.
Joe's hand fell downward towards your thighs, stroking over your soft skin, the coolness of the steel attached to his fingers mirrored what it could've been like if it were Eddie, yet another similarity between them; they both loved rings. Your legs immediately opened up for him to make contact with where you needed it most, you could've slapped him silly for teasing you when he delicately grazed everywhere but in between your folds.
"Shit. Is he not giving it to you the way I can?" Eddie spoke out, making you groan, your hips bucking upward so that Joe's hand fell straight to your cunt. Another silent pause as you awaited a response. "Absolutely not, I can definitely do it better." Joe protested.
Joe's fingers pushed your slit open revealing your clit and two fingers instantly fell upon it, rubbing harshly at your over sensitive bud. His digits drove down and the back up, bringing the pool of wetness you'd created already to extend an easier glide against you. You could just about make a silhouette of each other from the dimmed street lights hidden through the window and behind the curtain, so you closed your eyes to entice the notion of two men in your presence, feel more real.
"Does that feel good my love?" Joe leaned down whispering into your ear, just like in your dream. Was it just you or was he in your god damn head right now?
"Or does this feel better, pretty girl?" The sound of the American accent flew through your ear drums and Joe sat up instantly, using his other hand to plunge two fingers deep inside you. He worked ravenously to edge you. One hand still making shapes around your clit, pushing against the side which hit the spot the most, whilst Eddie's fingers fucked your cunt effortlessly.
You squirmed harshly underneath his touch, both hands creating one emotion that made an almost ball made out of steel swell inside your stomach. The motion that was being worked in unison, thrusting and curling up inside of you, stretching your walls whilst the other cursed your clit into eternal damnation.
"Oh fuck J-Joe-Ed-die" You cursed their names, Joe's lips stealing himself an instant bite of his bottom lip. You didn't know who to thank more, but deep down you knew it was an utter praise for your boyfriend delivering your deepest and darkest fantasy in the middle of the night, a true definition of perfect.
"Yeah sweetheart, is that good? You like it when we fuck your pretty pussy up like this? You're so fucking tight." We? Are they working together to get this out of you now. Joe got Eddie's voice down to a tee, I mean why wouldn't he? But he knew nothing of the way Eddie might of been in this situation, he must of just assumed from the way you spoke about it, that he was as eager as Joe was to please you.
Your screams fell hard, bouncing around the walls of the pitch black area, you climaxed seconds after, your back arching upwards as Joe's hand slapped itself messily across your clit, Eddie's fingers releasing themselves as your slick squirted out of your cunt vigourously like a waterfall, your eyes rolled into the back of your head, even the angels that were waiting to give you your place in heaven couldn't save you from the moment you climaxed. You'd seriously never felt this worked up. Death by orgasm; now that's a new one.
Joe removed his hands from you, climbing back over to seal it with a kiss, more passionate instead of fierce, the softness of them making your hole gape around nothing.
"That was so hot." You giggled.
"Now I've got to know, who did you prefer?" Joe questioned you, a slight mock in his tone but all the same intrigued.
"You already know the answer." You smiled.
Joe pulled down his boxers, releasing his stiff length from the cage it stood to attention in, throbbing for contact, aching to be inside of you.
"I just needed to check." He positioned himself at your entrance, not wanting to waste another second.
"What do you mean?" You stroked along his jaw, beaming from ear to ear, you were still getting over what just happened.
"Whether I needed to fuck you as me, or as Eddie from now on." You both shared a hearty laugh.
"As much as he's a god damn fantasy, you will always win baby."
Joe loved to hear that, not that he was jealous that his own character turned you on immensely but he almost fought back the victory fist pump in the air to know that he had won and let's face the facts; he always would.
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jangillman · 3 months
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godisarepublican · 3 months
If they replace Sleepy Joe it has to go to Harris. There doesn't seem to be any other choice.
Michelle Obama, as a candidate, literally destroys this country. She has no qualifications what so ever. This nation rejected Hillary and Hillary was First Lady, yes, but she was also a United States Senator for longer than Obama and she served as Secretary of State. Plus as First Lady she did serve as an actual member of the Clinton administration though congress refused to allow her to draw a salary. Michelle Obama was never anything more than First Lady.
So, how does the fact that Michelle Obama was never more than a First Lady destroy the nation if she's a Presidential candidate? The answer is simple: Because WHY they want her as a candidate!
Michelle Obama has a high "Favorability Rating." That's why they want her. That's the only reason they want her. She brings no experience, no skills to the office. She's an empty suit or, in this case, and empty designer gown that cost more than a good car. All they want is a figure head to cower behind, this same shadow government that has been ruling in the name of demented Joe Biden. That's it.
But Michelle Obama's high favorability rating isn't real. It's the product (droppings) of a carefully sculpted media image. She's been sold to the American public the exact same way they sell toothpaste or light beer. You've never seen the real Michelle Obama.
Michelle Obama is a mean, angry person without an ounce of "Grace under pressure" in her body. That's the real Michelle Obama. And as her one and only qualification as a candidate is a false image of her, if she's a candidate then the Republicans have got to get mean. They need to ruffle her feathers. They need to draw out the real Michelle Obama and that will NOT be pretty!
So, a Michelle Obama candidacy means an angry, mud slinging election because they need to turn the heat up on Michelle Obama. They need to treat her the way Trump HAS BEEN treated these last eight years. They need to draw out the real Michelle Obama and shatter the media lie.
America is already coming apart at the seems, thanks to the maggots controlling the government from the shadows. Can it possibly survive a dirty, mud slinging election now?
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
One of my biggest annoyances is leftists and communists beinging up Biden’s tweets during the 2020 campaign of things he said he would do, and being like “see?? he didn’t deliver on anything and this is why you shouldn’t vote for the Dems again” Like, for all the understanding they seem to have of communist or marxist or whatever theory, the idea that the President is not a king and can’t do whatever he wants without Congress’s approval is lost on them?? He still believes in those things but if Congress won’t pass the legislation what is he supposed to do? EOs won’t solve all our problems.
Yeah. Not even to mention, the claim that "Biden hasn't done/delivered anything!!!" is a big fat lie, as people keep pointing out the things he has done, with a razor-thin House majority (until 2022) and two "Democratic" senators who torpedoed everything and one of whom has now literally left the party (Manchin and Sinema). So while Online Leftists obviously don't understand the difference between "achieving all of his campaign goals" and "achieving some," for the last frikkin time, Biden has done a lot of good things in very bad circumstances!!!!!! Using "he didn't do everything!!!!" as an excuse to not vote and so enable the open and unrepentant fascists is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard!!!!
Like. Take the debt deal. As in other things, Biden clearly learned from Obama's mistake (which was believing that the Republicans would ever negotiate in good faith about anything, and/or would reciprocate in kind if Biden made concessions). McCarthy whined for WEEKS that Biden wasn't listening and wasn't talking to him and wasn't entertaining his ridiculous proposals (22% cuts in ALL discretionary/non-military spending, including Social Security, Medicare, etc etc, while preserving the giant Trump tax cuts for the rich.) No matter that a full one-quarter of the national debt ($7.8 trillion of $31 trillion) was racked up under Trump and the debt ceiling involves paying bills that have already been spent. No sir, those Damn Free-Spending Democrats wanted to use your money on icky things like ~social welfare!! It was mean and it was hypocritical and it was blindingly obvious, and Biden just completely ignored it. He didn't try to negotiate in good faith with that, because there was no way it would work. He just let them whine.
Then, when it came down to it, Biden went in and got a deal that preserves pretty much all of the Democrats' major legislative priorities and expansions from the last two years. The only real change is raising the work requirement age for childless adults on SNAP food assistance from 49 to 54, but this has also been accompanied by a corresponding expansion of the definition "homeless" to make more people eligible, some for the first time ever. There's not going to be any major new spending for the next two years, but that wasn't happening anyway since the GOP controls the House and wouldn't agree to anything Biden put in the budget (and plus, none of the money that has already been allocated through the American Rescue Plan and other federal assistance is getting taken away). But more importantly, it raises the debt ceiling for the next TWO years and it won't come up again until after 2024. That is HUGE: the GOP really, REALLY wanted to hold the economy hostage again prior to the next presidential election. But Biden basically went in and told McCarthy to stfu and got what he wanted. Qevin was even forced, after months of "Sleepy Joe" GOP propaganda, to call Biden "very smart and very tough" in the negotiations. Soooo.
Anyway, this is what I mean: this isn't as sexy and/or as utterly fucking useless as spouting lukewarm rebaked "Marxist" propaganda on the Twittermachine about how Biden hasn't done anything, but it's the actual nitty-gritty work of government and flat-out beating the Republicans. They got absolutely shit-all that they wanted, because Biden didn't fall for their same old, same old dirty tricks and disingenuous squealing. He went in, got the job done, and will get way less credit for it than he deserves, from anyone. Dunno about you, but I like that guy. I plan to vote for him again.
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ihaznoclue · 2 months
So i try to find the rule but I only found something about the character you write about, sorry if i don't respect the rules
Can i ask Ellen with a reader who have the same personnality as Misha (hsr)
Ignore if you don't want to
Thank you for requesting, Don't worry, your fine I just pinned my rules post so I hope you find it, I just hope I don't type anything wrong since I don't really know anything about Honkai star rail but I indeed searched up Misha, it said to say that he's always hardworking like cleaning, he fixes machinery and that he rarely gets any sleep
ELLEN JOE x Reader
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Ellen hasn't been really talkative with you, you would always see her sleeping on literally anything because she would work and go to school and other stuff in life that is important
But you on the other hand, have been hardworking as well as loyal to your companions as well as your work friends like Rina, Corin and Lycaon. You boss seemed to be delighted to at least have someone is taking this job seriously like he is
Ellen has seemed to notice your professional acts to impress the wolf thiern, which to her she couldn't care less until she notice you always yawning every now and then
She could also see the dark circles under your eyes but you would always say you aren't tired at all which she didn't believe that
Her shark tail swaying side to side as she stared at you from across the room while the others were somewhere else cleaning in the mansion, you felt nervous
You were staring anywhere rather than making eye contract with your shark maiden, she sighed as she got up from where she was sitting as she started to walk towards you
"Come on, follow me" She said as she started to grip on your work outfit, you stumbled up as you followed her, more as well her pulling you with her
"May I ask, where are we going?" You asked, "Somewhere where we can have peace and quiet and no-one to disturb us" She spoke as she now opened a door, you were quite confused as she pulled you down on a bed?
A bed? Wait was she going to force you to sleep? Maybe she noticed you weren't sleeping as much as before
"Lay down on the pillow" She instructed which you followed as she also lay down beside you, "Now you are going to sleep until I wake you up" She was serious which to you nodded in advanced
"O-Okay" You nervously spoke as you fiddled around the sheets, you heard her sigh as she started to play with your hair, you stopped fiddling as you look up at her as she blushed a little
"Quit fiddling and stay still or else you won't sleep at all.. And don't say anything about this" She spoke which you nodded
Her gently fingers stroking through your hair strands as your breathing started to slow down a little which means you started to become more and more sleepy
It was working, your eyes drifting off to sleep as you heard Ellen spoke "Sleep well"
Those were the last words you heard until you fully fell asleep
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DONE! ^^
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
May I request band of brothers x reader and reader falling asleep on them?
Yes ofc thank you for your request my beloved! 💗
BoB reaction to you falling asleep on them
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genre: Romance; fluff
warnings: none
Description: BoB reaction to their s/o (you) falling asleep on them for the first time
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Dick Winters
Okay so I think he would he shocked at first seeing you lay your head right on his chest with ease., “What are they doing?” Is what he’s probably thinking in his head, once he finally hears your soft snores, then he’d notice that you’ve fallen asleep on him. He’s smile softly to himself, making sure to be extra quiet and careful not to wake you up. Honestly he’d be a little blushy at first too, just happy that you feel comfortable enough to fall asleep on him
Lewis Nixon
His breathing would just stop at first when you lay your head on his shoulder. Like omg? You got this man over here getting nervoussss when you do that. Like you got him scared to even move an inch. He’d even try slowing down his breathing because he didn’t want to wake you up. He’d be so sweet about it, he’d hold you in his arms and stroke your hair softly. I could also seeing him getting sleepy and falling asleep on you :,)
Carwood Lipton
He is so cute about it, he’d ask you if you’re alright, not realizing how tired you were. Once he realized you had fallen asleep on him his heart literally melted omg. And you better get that he was still as stone when you were sleeping, bc you’re his bae and you deserve a good sleep in his arms. He’d hold you so softly and feeling of your head on him would make him just content. He’d definitely fall asleep to just holding you so comfortably.
Joe Toye
A huge smile appears on his face when he sees you laying your head on him. He’s tries to play it off all chill but he’s lowkey so excited on the inside. He would wrap an arm around you and keep you secure, making sure that if anyone came by that they were quiet, and ofc making sure he was quiet himself. The cutest thing of all though is how sweet he is to you when you wake up from your short nap. “How are you pretty thing? Ya sleep okay?” UGH he’d be so cute about it. I think you just falling asleep on him would be his favorite thing about y’all’s relationship.
Joe Liebgott
Freezes in his spot when he sees you laying your head on him. “Are you okay?” He’d say, Looking at your face he would see how exhausted you looked and maybe thought that you weren’t feeling good or something was wrong. When you told him that you were just sleepy, and that’s why, he would be so sweet. Honestly he would’ve gotten so happy hearing that’s why you were laying on him. Asking you if you want his jacket or something he has for you to warm up in. Resting on him would be one of the most comfiest things ever. Plus he’d be rubbing your arms up and down, hugging you super tight and warm.
Bill Guarnere
A big ole smirk would come up on his face so quickly. “get comfy, doll” He would rub his arms down back and forth on your arm, keeping a tight grip on your body. He would be so warm and comfortable to fall asleep on, he would try and keep quiet the whole time, especially when he heard you snoring. I think he would really enjoy you taking a nap on him (LOL) , He would end up getting so sleepy, he’d try fighting it off at first but he’d end up giving up after seeing how comfortable you were in his arms.
George Luz
Oh boy, he’s a total angel about the whole thing, when he sees you lay your head on you it makes his heart beat 2x faster then it’s original pace like omg. If you look up at him, all you will see on his face is that huge bright smile of his staring back at you. On the outside he’d try to keep it cool, and not make too much of a scene, but in the inside he was literally FREAKING out, like he is totally frozen in his position because he would feel absolutely horrible to accidentally wake you up. I think he would stroke your hair really nicely, helping you go to sleep with his calming touch almost immediately.
Bull Randleman
Ugh he’s honestly the best person to fall asleep on after a long day. He’d be so nice about it, at first he’d ask you if you were okay, “Are you alright. darlin’?” and you’d reply back just saying you were sleepy or something like that, and he’d say, “Come er’ get some sleep, princess/prince” He’d hold you super soft and would be a total snuggle bug. You made his day just holding onto him tightly while sleeping. he’d be a little nervous at first, because he didn’t want to accidentally hurt you or wake you at first, He would just watch you, admiring you and seeing how beautiful you truly are. He’s just so happy he gets to be around you, you make him so happy.
Eugene Roe
He’s having an internal breakdown when you just lay your head on him, you got him freaking out on the inside for real. He wouldn’t say anything to you about it though, he would just try his hardest to be natural, and he’d lean into you too, holding you by your shoulder and rubbing it slowly. He was nervous you could hear his heartbeat thumping out of his chest at first. But he still tried his best to be normal, and not make you uncomfortable in any way. Laying on him you’d almost fall asleep like immediately, there’s just something so warming about him, you just feel safe enough to sleep in his arms. While your sleeping, he thinks you look absolutely adorable. He’s ultimately glad that he’s with you right now.
Floyd Talbert
He is actually giggling on the inside like a little girl omg, also when you lay on him it’s just an ego booster, like out of all people, your laying on him, he definitely feels lucky, even though he knows his way around the ladies, all of that smoothness goes out the window with you. He just feels so happy when you lay on him comfortably, when he hears you snoring lightly, he can’t help but let out a small laugh and a huge smile. He just feels so nice with you laying on him, you are his favorite person ever.
Skip Muck
Okay so, I think he would be so so excited to be hanging out with you in general, so can you just imagine the look on his face when he sees you laying your head on his chest. Like his heart is ready to burst at any moment, don’t even get me started. I think he’d be so nervous to move, just because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable at all. He realizes that your sleeping when he hears your soft snores for the first time. He thinks you sound so so cute, like he falls in love with you a million times more when he hears that. Ugh he’s just so obsessed with you.
Don Malarkey
This sweet boy is more than happy for you to lay down on him. You’re sleepy? Well of course, lay down. His heart rate would go up by a bunch when you put your head on him, He can’t lie though, you feel so comfortable. I think he’d end up falling asleep first though and it’d be so cute, you’d look up to see him just snoring and he was passed out LOL, It’s just that he is so comfortable around you that he can fall asleep so easily, he doesn’t know why but he just does, oh and, something else that is absolutely adorable, is how even though he’s asleep, he will still stroke you hair so softly, just because he finds it so comforting holding you.
Babe Heffron
He is so happy when he sees you lay down on him, like his smile gets so big and his heart rate starts beating faster and faster. He would be so excited but nervous while you lay on him, he doesn’t want to disturb you or something that would make you get up, once he starts getting more comfortable with you laying on him, he’d wrap his arms around you and just hug you there, he’s super super sweet when you are laying down. And when he hears you snoring, ugh he thinks you are even cuter, he’d hold you for the rest of the time, just giving your the best forehead kisses and whispering the sweetest little things in your ear while you were asleep. “You’re my favorite, you know that right?”
Shifty Powers
Oh my, this sweethearts face would get so red when he sees you just laying down ask getting comfortable on his chest. He was honestly scared you could hear his heart beating because it was going so fast. He would timidly out his hand on your back and hold you gently. Honestly he’s the most comfortable person you could ever sleep with, Like just relaxing with him will make you instantly fall asleep. He’s so sweet the whole time, just rubbing your back and hugging in the best way ever. When he sees that your sleeping a huge smile appears on his face, he is in absolute awe of your beauty and he just loves you so much.
Frank Perconte
When he sees you laying down on his shoulder his body just rushes with love omg. He would be a little nervous at first but I think after awhile he would out of instinct just wrap his arms around you and hold you close, and in reaction to that I think he’d get really sleepy, like he’d be trying to fight sleep the whole time, just because he didn’t want to be rude. But when calls your name and you don’t answer back, He would look at you and see that you’re sleeping. He would he admiring you so hard, just thinking to himself how cute you are in his arms, before he finally fell asleep himself.
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