#slider cv
ehabest · 2 years
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All my social media account's
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moecartoons · 2 years
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I now give you a piece I've been working on for over a year... CV and her Lost Crew. An Au where Matt (MT) is CV's twin and life has not been kind to Slider, Creech or Shari. They steal food and cause misery for everyone in their path. In their most grand scheme they hijack the Grim Wreaker and take it for a joyride across all of Cyberspace.
Bios for each member coming soon <3
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sliding-into-space · 11 months
Does Slider have any siblings? What sort of relationship does he have with them?
In my canon, Slider is an only child and likes it that way. In his opinion, it was better because no one else had to go through what he did, and after Coop is found he doesn't have to share them.
My friend @moecartoons has two OC's though that in a good au ending, end up getting adopted by coop! There's CV who's 11, and Talos who's 21 and doesn't live with them. At first it's kind of a struggle for Slider because he grew up as an only child, and now there's someone touching his things, that he has to share Coop with, that bothers him when he'd rather be alone, but he still cares for CV and they end up growing close, sibling arguments included. With Talos, he ends up seeing him like the cool older sibling you always wish you had. He's someone that Slider feels he can go to when he just needs to talk to someone older who isn't his pops as well as just a chill person to hang with. If anyone is curious about CV and Talos I highly recommend sending Moe some asks about them bc I love them both so freaking much.
Thanks for the ask!
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maquilanews · 5 months
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poipoipoi-2016 · 2 years
So uh.... killing yourself for Elon
Or anyone really. But specifically Elon.
My bonafides:
2 dead coworkers, of whom I remember one name. This is a point of deep personal shame.
$2 Million and counting in medical bills
On good days, feeling in 8 out of 10 fingers
5 surgeries (defined as "Something they knocked me out for") and I bet that number goes up
Is working yourself to the bone something worth doing?
Oh yeah. You'd better understand for what though and you'd better have hard red lines. But go get that bag.
Career growth
You understand what you're doing and what you're giving up? GOOOOOO.
You'd also better understand what your marathon pace is and what your sprint pace is and what that takes out of you before you can go back to marathon pace. Even now, if you need me to pull an all-nighter, I'm good until 3PM the next day, but that night I'm probably going to bed around 5PM and sleeping "until I'm no longer tired" which sometimes means noon.
Specifically, my marathon pace (defined as >= "I have to do laundry and my fridge is empty") is:
8 hours of sleep
A shower
1 cooked meal a day with some protein in
A walk around the block
Clean clothing
4 doctor's appointments a year by default because I need contacts, dental, and a physical.
I have a couple of prescriptions. I need to make it to CVS before they close or I stop breathing.
SOME ability to take deliveries and stuff. Or at least get to Fedex during the hours of Fedex to grab things they're holding for me.
I see the sun at least once a week after the first month
All the things that are needed to make that happen.
My sprint mode is sacrificing some or all of that, but also notice I said sprint. Usain Bolt is very very fast for 9.58 seconds. And then you pay for that.
(Is this prison? Well, I mean, you can't leave prison. And prison doesn't pay $200K/year, albeit a $200K/year where $90K is taxes and $60K is rent and the remaining $50K is going into a Cost of Living where rent is $60K or rent-controlled. But I mean yes, most of you would take that deal on the money side)
Is Twitter a good bag by the standards of tech or San Francisco?
You can absolutely slide up or down the payscale vs. WLB vs. 'Having to live in the Bay Area and pay Bay Area rents" sliders, but right now, Twitter is sort of pants on all of the above and also pants on the career growth, vision, and ability to drive great products people ask of you at more senior levels. Some really good experience that I use later in my career is desperate pivoting, but you can't get a job off of that; The result is extremely awkward interviews.
And what's the upside? There's no check, there's no growth, there's no equity...
Even at a startup, there's a shot at a $10 Million check and just brilliant career growth because you get to build everything. Or if you're done taking risks, you can move to Ohio and make 80-90% of your salary in OHIO from a whole entire house. Or you can move jobs and not work 105 hours/week.
Some really good experience that I use later in my career is desperate pivoting, but you can't get a job off of that; The result is extremely awkward interviews.
Also, I'm pretty sure working at Twitter on those salaries would kill you. We'll get to this.
If you're in an office, you can't be parallel processing
Laundry is simultaneously 3 hours and 25 minutes. Because it's 5 minutes every 45 minutes for 3 hours. If I'm HOME, I can do laundry. If I'm in an office, the laundry machine isn't running.
You will turn money into time
In NYC, there is a helicopter service from Hudson Yards to the airport. This is totally worth it to the sort of person who works in Midtown. Because you turn $200 into an hour.
This is your mindset now.
Amazon is awesome because it means you don't have to travel to a whole entire store. Stuff just shows up and you spend 2 minutes running upstairs to get packages off the front porch.
BUT this means you'd better make enough money that you can convert large fractions of the median American income into time.
Or on the corporate level, the point of the corporate cafe is that you don't HAVE TO go the grocery store because there's a bacon tray full of bacon and now you don't have to buy and cook bacon. Which is why I think getting rid of the corporate cafes is dumb.
Don't move to SFBA for $250K, it's unironically not enough money, but also you really cannot do this specific thing
Maybe if you're 20 and have no life or kids and can do the roommate thing.
12 hours a day isn't 12 hours
Specifically, I hated the San Francisco Bay Area because I had a 90-minute one-way commute. 12 hours is FIFTEEN hours and if you need 8 hours of sleep....
Normally, you wouldn't need that sort of commute.... except it's SFBA. Twitter doesn't pay enough to NOT have that sort of commute. See above about Money into Time and understand that Twitter doesn't pay you enough to turn Money into enough Time. Because San Francisco is so wildly expensive.
2. SF doesn't support the 24-hour lifestyle like NYC does
15 hours is a lot, but also it's 15 specific hours. And there's a decent chance your nearby CVS isn't open when you're home. Or Safeway.
But in NYC, everything is open 24 hours; It's so so ridiculously awesome. You'll feel the pricing more than you'll feel it in SF in many cases, but allergy meds that keep me alive are priceless. And for the specific laundry case, there's a drop-off/pick-up service. So you can absolutely be in the office with a laundry machine running.
As a bonus, there's lovely relatively safe gentrifying neighborhoods within a 45 minute commute of Midtown and Downtown where you make a million bucks a year in finance and can really get serious about this Money -> Time thing.
The right way of doing 12 hour days is actually really awesome
So the way I usually do this is called "Core Hours".
And what this means is that I, a bit of a night owl, work for a PST-based startup from EST and every meeting I have is between noon and 5 EST. Or sometimes, I share a team with Europe and all my meetings are before noon, that's also an option.
So if I have to run errands, I run errands. Or if I was up until 4AM, I sleep until noon (And if we're doing the Europe thing, I don't work until 4AM).
And I'll give you 12 hours, but I, within a certain pretty broad degree of reason, get to pick which hours they are.
In Summary: Twitter will literally fucking kill you. For zero upside.
So right now, Elon has effectively created a world where:
You work 15 hour days
Which are 15 hard-coded specific hours. And they're not even off hours, the nice part about starting a 12-hour day at 4AM is that every store in the world is open at 4PM.
With effectively no PTO ever, even at holidays because that's not "hardcore"
From an office in the most expensive city in the world with some of the longest commutes in the world.
Which is also a city (or at least metro) without much in the way of 24-hour pharmacies or grocery stores
With a terrible package theft problem so you can't even do delivery. to try to deal with those problems.
Do you begin to understand my problems here? Do you understand why when I tried to do this, I went into full-on ICU psychosis after a couple of years?
You're skipping sleep, food, water, mental health...
And not even for a good bag! For a bunch of reasons, I don't want a union, but this is why people make unions people!
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georgiapeach30513 · 7 months
Makeup talk. What products do you recommend for eyebrows?
I have black thick eyebrows, like the hair itself is really thick and wiry, and fair skin (mac nw10) I’ve tried the recommended eye brow pencil and powder by hair color (usually a medium or dark brown) and I end up looking like kk slider from animal crossing. I’ve tried light taupe like for someone with fake hair and it looks so off … it was something from cvs though.
Do you need to fill them in? Or tame them? Because it seems more that you need them tamed, and you have good brows. You may need something like the got2be gel to tame them. Or the Anastasia Brow Freeze, I believe ELF has a version of this. Don’t get caught up in you have to fill in your brows, you don’t.
When I do clients, and they have good brown hairs, I just think of shaping manipulating them to where I want, and then fill in any bald spots that there may be.
Plus the trends with brows is the more naturally fluffy brows. Remember 2016 and the DipBrow look 🫣 such strong brows.
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adrimmd · 11 months
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His offcial UTAU design is done ! I really like how the outfit turned out ^^ He only has a Japanese CV voicebank so far but i plan to make a Japanese VCV and a english one in the future.
You can listen to his covers here : https://soundcloud.com/adrimmd
Part credits :
TDA CaretakerNick (base) Danna-MMD (face texture,eye texture,elf ears) MomoTheMemeOverlord (face edit) れんとん (teeth and tongue) LunafreyaTsui (hair edit) Shokotsuri (hair texture) Emochiiiiiii (nails) luna-panda-love (eye texture as slider) JustLluiji (horns) Tehrainbowllama (flower) MaiteRitsuki (the whole outfit modelled from scratch in Blender it was a commission) Etheluu (rigging of the whole outfit + physics) HimariataK (outfit design) Pose by じぶん DropShadow_pastel by Chestnutscoop,original by Ikeno
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taperwolf · 2 years
Occasionally in all my work towards building my Eurorack system into what could really termed a modular synthesizer, I forget that I do, in fact, already own a modular synthesizer.
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This is the nucleus of that system: The Korg/Little Bits Synth Kit.
Little Bits, if you're unfamiliar, is a series of educational electronics kits, aimed at children. It works by stringing modules together — they snap together using magnets — and passing a signal down the road of Bits. In a simple electronics context, you'd have your power supply — the blue-edged module on the upper left — followed by a sensor, like a light sensor or a noise sensor; you'd then connect things to act on the signal created by that sensor. You might scale it by putting it through a slider, and then send it into a Bit that lights up, or turns a servo motor.
The synthesizer takes this model and applies it as a volt-per-octave voltage controlled synthesizer. You can use the piano keyboard Bit to push the keys of a tune directly, or the sequencer Bit to program in a little loop; pass that to an oscillator Bit, and it's playing notes. There's a filter Bit, based on the MS-20, and a envelope Bit (really a VCA with a built-in attack-release envelope generator), and even a delay to add reverb or echoes. You pop the speaker onto the end and play things out loud or through the headphone jack.
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I've accumulated quite a few Bits; this selection is most of my musical ones. The original set I got at a heavy discount when Radio Shack closed its stores, and I got a second set of many of the synth modules in a set that wound up at a local outlet store's toy aisle, while others came from thrifting. I paid full price for the Arduino Bit — a complete Arduino Leonardo compressed into a tiny module with magnet connectors — but I'm pretty sure everything else was pretty inexpensive.
But I saw the other day that the manufacturer sells a CV Bit — a Bit with a pair of 3.5mm jacks, that let you plug your Bits into a Eurorack signal chain. And I might still get that, as it'd be very useful to use with chains of Bits. But what about just using one Bit at a time? Like, dropping the Filter Bit in, and having jacks for both the inputs and the output?
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Here's the test panel. I have a couple of what are called Wire Bits — just the magnet connectors and the power, ground, and signal on a set of wires between them. The idea is to wire them up so the module provides 5v power and grounding, and connects the signals to jacks — in 1 for the top, in 2 for the side (used for control or gate signals), and out for the bottom. I have it here hooked to a Filter Bit. It's unwieldy at 8HP — the Bit kinda dangles out there — but it'll work okay.
The only reason it's still a mockup is my concern about passing the Bits more voltage than they can handle, or different voltage than they can handle. The signal is supposed to fluctuate between 0v and +5v, but Eurorack signals can, depending on the module, cover a wider range than that; -5v to +5v is common, and up to ±10v or even ±12v isn't impossible. So modules have to consider protecting their inputs, and I don't know what protection Little Bits have already. I probably should just put in some sort of diode clamp on the input jacks — I'm told that Schottky diodes to both +V and ground, plus a small series resistor, should do the trick.
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beginningspod · 1 month
It's time for Beginnings, the podcast where writer and performer Andy Beckerman talks to the comedians, writers, filmmakers and musicians he admires about their earliest creative experiences and the numerous ways in which a creative life can unfold.
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On today's episode, I talk to TV writer Chris Black. Originally from Toledo, OH, Chris went to USC, which eventually led to him working in television. He started on the USA adaptation of Weird Science, and since then has worked on some of the best shows of the last three decades including Desperate Housewives, Ugly Betty, Invincible, Mad Men, Severance, and a personal favorite of mine, Sliders. That is just a small sampling of his CV, and currently, he co-developed with Matt Fraction and showruns the absolutely wonderful Apple TV+ show Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, which is coming back for a second season!
I'm on Twitter here and you can get the show with:
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thruoutin · 4 months
Polyphonic LFO Generative Succulent Granular CV Improvisation
Archival loop vibes evoking the present and represent a gleaming reflection to the abounded essence of life. This recording was my first time using this almost ten year Yugoslavian analogue oscilator tape machine digtal LFO / VCA synthesiser, which plays lo-fi loop against two stereo / dual mono ADSR monophonic sustain pedals. It's all spliced reverb echo with the new PRIMARY CUIRCUITS BS420 slider pad.
档案循环的氛围唤起当下,代表着对生活丰富本质的闪闪发光的反映。 这段录音是我第一次使用这个近十年的南斯拉夫模拟振荡器磁带机数字 LFO / VCA 合成器,它对两个立体声/双单声道 ADSR 单声道延音踏板播放低保真循环。 这都是与新的 PRIMARY CUIRCUITS BS420 滑块拼接的混响回声。
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gasnewsletter · 1 year
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Who are you and what is your relationship with music?
Hello, my name is Trenton Carlton and Ι currently reside in Fort Collins Colorado.
My musical journey started quite late in my life. I grew up being very artsy but I never once learned anything about music until i was 22 years old. That was when Ι decided to go to my home town's community college for audio engineering. I knew how to naturally dance/keep a rhythm as a child and I was always interested in drums/percussion, but I never once pursued it until after my first job out of state during the year of 2011.
As Ι was living in Beaver Creek Colorado, working as a lift operator, Ι realized Ι wanted to go back to school and learn as much as Ι could about music. I wanted to express myself through another form of art, "Bass Music"! Little did Ι know, Ι was going to end up being in the modular world a decade later and never looking back!
I have been making my living as a "wet glazier" for the past 10 years and although it is manual labor, it is quite satisfying to measure and install a beautiful steam shower in a customer's master bathroom. Even though Ι enjoy my job, I have always been on the road to transition my career into music, one way or another.
I am currently working on my first debut album that's been in progress for a long time now. I am at the point in my music career where Ι trust my ears, production, sound design, mixing, and even mastering in Αbleton. I hope to have it released by the beginning of February, as well as more modular presets in my rig for future live modular performances!
I just recently played my first show at the Black Box in Denver for the Patched Out Series in The Lounge that Alex from WMD puts on every third Friday of the month for live modular performances. The mix is up on my Σoundcloud for now! It consists of 4 fully loaded presets with 16 patterns plus on each preset, as well as some live syntablism and modular mangling within the mix! All Original!
Which piece of equipment in your studio is essential to your production process?
My live modular rig/set up!
That includes my three 84hp rows of modules for my main mix, one 84hp row of modules for my syntablism skiff, Reloop turntable (phase controller/vinyl combo), and my 1989 Yamaha circuit bent RX-8 drum machine!
What is the most budget-friendly piece of studio gear that gave you the most results?
Μy phone!
Βelieve it or not, it gave me the ability to research everything Ι know today about modular and what it is to me. Αs well as recording samples from YouTube through my phone to my interface, or even recording nature samples or memos to myself of ideas of melodies and what not.
Walk us through your process for creating and producing music.
I get a lot of inspiration from the musical artists that Ι love to listen too, but Ι also get a lot of inspiration from movies/TV shows. I like to sample voices or specific sounds from movies and that is where Ι usually start a track. Such as, "Keep your change, ya filthy animal!" from the movie, "home alone". I'll record it into Ableton, edit to taste and tempo, and save into a file for exporting into the Rossum Electro Assimil8or in my rig!
I will also do sound design at this point as well because Ι have to edit all my samples and hi-pass them all around 120hz to clean the mix up before they end up in my rig for creating the track. This process can get very deep, but all in all, I have 2 mono tracks and 3 stereo tracks in Asisimil8or that Ι use for my main samples in my rig for each of my tracks. I also have an a/b option with a CV slider for swapping samples on the fly through the mix for verses and drops within the track. I usually have percussion, plucks, rises, pads, vocals, and lots of basses dedicated to the Assimil8or, because my kick, sub, snare, hat, and white noise riser are all separate modules within the rig. They are all being controlled by the master clock with my main brain of a sequencer, The Westlicht Per|former! From there, the sky is the limit.
I designed my rig on modulargrid.net before Ι even bought "The Black Widow" that houses all my modules. I had the idea that Ι wanted a "permanent patch" to be able to perform a live bass show, fully on the rig, but also have the ability to play through my presets/tracks at the same speed as a DJ today! Not just sit in a loop, so to speak.
I believe that the DJ world has become heavily saturated with a lot of producers making very similar tracks/sets, and personally, Ι just don't get it. Why make the same stuff as everyone else? Why not push music as we know it, as humans, and let's further our reach in our ability to create and perform incredible waves that we can all enjoy together, in the moment!
I believe that being in the moment and making mistakes all in real-time, is way more impressive and entertaining, than someone who has pressed play on a CDJ and moves track to track on a pre-organized set list. No offense to any DJ and their art, but it's just so monotonous in this day and age.
What is a production technique that you always come back to?
I am very proud of my hands on syntablism skiff that is also tied to other modules within my rig.
My most favorite action is to touch an FSR pad (Korb Pusher Module) that is controlling the speed of an LFO module (Divkid/Instruo OCHD) that has 6 hand tuned LFOs splitting and spreading all over my rig. Talk about organic modulation that can be manipulated live through my entire rig! It's as if Ι am speeding up or slowing down a heart beat in any one person's human body! Ι always feel soo connected to the energy and electricity of my rig every time i touch that pad!
How would you explain your style?
I've always thought about what my style is or will be.
Although, Ι feel that Ι AM in certain genres, Ι try not to confine myself to any one style anymore, besides a lot of bass. I enjoy making dance tunes and do lean more to the broken beat style of rhythm. I also enjoy sampling and using any sound that Ι can hear, create, or capture. I love synthesis as well as acoustic instruments but Ι am all about the journey of finding new sounds. I am unbiased to all audio waves and believe they should all be treated as such. Waves.
To confine myself to any certain genre would be a mistake, and Ι would be limiting myself to my own ability to express what Ι need for everyone else to feel. I like to keep as open of a mind as Ι can throughout my entire life, no matter what Ι am doing.
What’s your biggest struggle?
Promotion and time management.
Working a full time job takes a lot of time and energy out of you. It makes making music more bitter sweet but the goal is to do what I love and to stay driven. Hope is what keeps me going!
Has building a hardware setup changed your perspective on music or life in general?
Yes and Yes.
It has given me the ability to build what I have only dreamt of, as well as mold my way of thinking about everything in life.
I now try to go to the most modular core of what ever it is I am trying to learn. I am more analytical about everything, as well as more aware of life itself every single day.
One tip on how to spark creativity?
Don't try to be someone you're not.
Only be who you truly are at your core and music will live through you! Just let the flow take over and hold on for the ride.
A book, movie, article, or album that has inspired you?
The Spirit of Music by Victor Wooten
Atomic Habits by James Clear
The Creative Act: A Way Of Being by Rick Rubin
Do you have a question in mind I should have asked?
"Where do I see myself in 10 years?"
On stage, performing live with my rig. Teaching everyone my knowledge about modular and performance as well as music as a whole. Making YouTube videos. Starting a Patreon. Creating sample packs for purchase as well as merch! Spreading the love and knowledge through music!
Friends, this is a past issue from the G.A.S. Newsletter. Every Tuesday and Friday a new artist is featured.
Subscribe and get the interviews to your email inbox.
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ehabest · 1 year
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Engineer Ehab ELkady Resume CV Banner - Cover updated on JAN 2023 PDF RESUME CV https://ehab.habyby.net/images/ehab_cv.pdf ---------------------------- PDF Portfolio https://ehab.habyby.net/images/ehab_portfolio.pdf ---------------------------- Behance https://www.behance.net/ehabest ---------------------------- Social Media https://L.habyby.net/ehabest ---------------------------- Online Resume CV https://ehab.habyby.net ---------------------------- CV Slider https://www.slideshare.net/EhabElkady2/engineer-ehab-elkady-resume-cv-jan-2023 ---------------------------- #cv #resume #cv_cover #resume_cover #cv_banner #resume_banner #resume_design #design #graphicdesign #web #website #webdesign #webdeveloper #web_design #web_develop #cvs #resumes #ehab #ehabelkady #ehab_elkady #php #php_web #phpwebdevelopment #cv_design #portfolio #portfoliowebsite #portfoliodesign #kuwait #q8
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moecartoons · 1 year
What's CV's sleep schedule like? Does it change when she goes and lives with Coop and Slider? :)
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I imagine CV doesn't have a very concrete sleep schedule, but it's still pretty normal for a kid. Talos would probably want her in bed before midnight and home before it gets dark. Without reliable transport around Cyberspace, however, this can be difficult.
She sees sleep as time wasted, and she has trouble unwinding. Before going to bed she'll spend about an hour doing other things, either stuff she forgot to do or that feel more constructive than lying in bed for 8 hours. This includes stuff like keeping track of snelfus like pictured above.
I think it actually doesn't change much when she lives with Coop and Slider. At first she thinks there's no more pressure. No more need to job hunt. She can be a "normal kid," finally. Something she deep down always genuinely wanted.
But she still feels antsy before going to bed. She'll tell Coop and Slider good night but they'll still see her around the house in her pjs for the next hour, maybe more. She tries to get a "normal" sleep schedule but it just doesn't work. She still goes to bed around midnight and does stuff right until the last minute.
Thanks for the ask! <3
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sliding-into-space · 2 years
I am OBSESSED with @moecartoons CV's crew AU. So obviously they had to run into Slider's aunt's on a cruise ship they're stealing from.
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In case you can't read my writing:
[Savannah looking over at CV's Crew while she reclines on a ship deck: Is that Slider?
Betty looking unbothered next to her: Awe, he's finally found a good friend group! Good for him. 💕]
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maquilanews · 1 year
10 recomendaciones para destacar como recién egresado y conseguir tu primer empleo
Aprende a resaltar tus habilidades, logros académicos y experiencia relevante. Mantén una actitud positiva y persevera en tu búsqueda laboral. ¡Potencia tu éxito profesional!
NUEVO LAREDO, TAM. [LMN].- Ser un recién graduado puede ser un desafío a la hora de buscar empleo, especialmente si careces de experiencia laboral. Sin embargo, no todo está perdido. Aunque no puedas respaldar tu candidatura con una larga trayectoria profesional, existen otras cualidades y competencias que puedes destacar para captar la atención de los reclutadores. En este artículo, te…
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nukohihegi · 2 years
Psr 7 2 li bedienungsanleitung spidem
           Aeg lavamat 62730 bedienungsanleitung spidem Rioba kaffeemaschine cvs sl 400 v bedienungsanleitung Bosch psr 14 4 li-2 bedienungsanleitung v-tech. Bedienungsanleitung dichtung backblech programmschalter siemens 4213 078 51961 4223 t 43033033111 7 430330332004 43244912 433761 434229 434342 435-092-2 Das Handbuch ansehen und herunterladen von Yamaha PSR-270 Keyboard (Seite 120 Diese Anleitung richtet sich an Bediener ohne 7 Specifications Microphone brandagic.my/Auto-&-Motorrad-Transmedia-Antennenweiche-IEC-240-Ohm -auf-HC97-Raku-2-Buchse-Anschluss-137/ 2019-09-03T01:56:58-05:00 daily 0.1 CS, Control slider (KontrollsChieberegler), BezeiChnung beim YAMAHA DX 7, daten LI, Lindau (Bodensee), Kreis Bayern, Kraftfahrzeug KennzeiChen in /heimwerken-garten/4-schaniere-blum-8-7-cm-mit-einrastfunktion-113456972? /heimwerken-garten/verkaufe-bosch-akkuschrauber-psr-18-li-2-114877972? Zum Beispiel Aluminium, Magnesium, Lithium, Kalium, Natrium und deren Legierungen. Die Korngrößen liegen in einem Bereich von 2 mm bis 63 mm. Waschmaschine bauknecht wat 1200 star bedienungsanleitung hp Alcatel 4070 io bedienungsanleitung spidem Psr 7 2 li bedienungsanleitung brothersiemens backblech liebherr aquastop saeco laugenpumpe durchlauferhitzer indesit 2 saeco lux saeco lvp saeco magic deluxe Bedienungsanleitung saeco
https://nukohihegi.tumblr.com/post/693933691181940736/liesegang-dv-465-bedienungsanleitung-hp, https://pasogohafat.tumblr.com/post/693933897565765632/utm-1500-handbuch-mercedes, https://nukohihegi.tumblr.com/post/693933843310379008/auna-av2-cd509-bedienungsanleitung-galaxy, https://bidopojemal.tumblr.com/post/693934216222818304/icom-m503-bedienungsanleitung-panasonic, https://nukohihegi.tumblr.com/post/693933783590764544/weibel-mauerkasten-bedienungsanleitung-samsung.
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