#slight Aether x Heizou
seancoffe · 2 years
Kazuscara Lantern Rite Headcanon Fanfic Thingy:
~ They are on Beidou’s boat ~
~ Heizou is a friend of Kazuha in this and dating Aether ~
• Beidou, walking into Kazuha’s room: You love birds alright in here?
• Kazuha: Yeah mom, we’re fine.
• Scaramouche, who just got his face kissed a lot: M-Mhm!
• Beidou: Alright, just so you know we’re gonna dock in Liyue here in a bit
• Kazuha: Ok
~ Once they docked ~
• Beidou: Boys, we’re docked!
• Scaramouche: Yes Mrs Beidou, let me wake Kazuha up and we’ll get out
• Beidou, poking her head in Kazuha’s room: Let the boy sleep, and you can just call me Beidou as I’ve said before, you’re family now
• Scaramouche: Alright uh- Beidou, and I’ll let him sleep. Are you going anywhere?
• Beidou: Yes, to go see Ningguang at the Jade Chamber
• Scaramouche: Ok, I’ll tell him when he wakes up
~ After Kazuha wakes up ~
• Kazuha: My leaf? We’re docked now right, how long have I been asleep?
• Scaramouche: Yes we’re docked, you’ve been out for about an hour or two. Also Beidou went to see Ningguang
• Kazuha, stretching: Ooo~
• Scaramouche: You wanna go anywhere? We’re the only two on the boat
• Kazuha: Only if you wanna go anywhere
• Scaramouche, kissing Kazuha’s forehead: Alright pretty boy, I know you want to go somewhere, where do you wanna go?
• Kazuha, pouting: Back to Heizou-
• Scaramouche: I know sweetheart, but he’s busy with work. Now do you wanna go get him a souvenir?
• Kazuha, nodding: Yeah…
~ After getting Heizou a souvenir, they meet up with Beidou and Ningguang at the Docks ~
• Ningguang: So you two, how have you guys been?
• Kazuha: We’ve been fine
• Scaramouche, with his hands wrapped around Kazuha’s waist: Mmm…
• Kazuha: Sweetheart, talk to her. She cleared your criminal history
• Scaramouche: Finee-, I’ve been fine Mrs Ningguang, how have you been
• Ningguang, laughing: It’s fine Kazuha, let him enjoy whatever he’s doing. I’m fine Scara, thanks for asking
• Scaramouche: Mmmph
• Beidou: Hey you three, I think the fireworks are about to start. Ningguang do you wanna leave the two lovebirds alone?
• Kazuha: Mommm
• Beidou: Whattttt
• Ningguang: Hun, stop teasing him, do you want us to leave you two alone for these?
• Kazuha: It’s up t-
• Scaramouche, interrupting Kazuha: Yes please, and Beidou can I talk to you about something over there quickly?
• Beidou: Yes of course Scara
• Kazuha, looking back at Scaramouche: Is everything ok my leaf?
• Scaramouche: Yes my pretty boy, I just need to talk to Beidou real quick
• Kazuha: Alright, if you say so-
~ Beidou and Scara leave Kazuha and Ningguang to talk ~
• Beidou: Is everything alright Scara?
• Scaramouche: …
• Beidou: You’ve gone quiet, what’s up.
• Scaramouche, taking a deep breath: I think I wanna propose to Kazuha during the fireworks, do I have your blessing?
• Beidou: I- yes of course you have my blessing Scaramouche, do you have the ring?
• Scaramouche: Yes I do, it’s in my pocket. Would you like to see it?
• Beidou: Yes of course I do
~ Scaramouche shows Beidou the ring ~
• Scaramouche: Do you think he’ll like it?
• Beidou: It’s lovely Scara, and yes I do think that he’s gonna love it. Is Heizou gonna come?
• Scaramouche: Um, the Traveler is supposed to get him here as a surprise for Kazuha since they’re close and Heizou wouldn’t miss this for the world, they should be here by the time I propose
• Beidou: Good
~ They walk back over to Ningguang and Kazuha ~
• Kazuha: …and that’s why Scara is the best boyfriend ever
• Scaramouche: Oh really now sweetheart?
• Kazuha, freezes and blushes: I- um- I-
• Beidou: Cat caught your tongue?
• Scaramouche, wrapping his arms back around Kazuha’s waist and kissing him: You’re adorable Zuzu
• Beidou, winking at Scaramouche: Honey, can we let them use the Jade Chamber’s balcony to watch the fireworks?
• Ningguang: Of course, are we gonna watch them on your boat?
• Beidou: Obviously
• Kazuha: Scaraaa stooop
~ Scaramouche smothering Kazuha’s face in kisses ~
• Scaramouche: Not until you tell me what you said
• Kazuha: Noooooo
~ 30 minutes until the fireworks start and Kazuha and Scaramouche are on the Jade Chamber ~
• Kazuha: Isn’t the night sky so pretty tonight
• Scaramouche: Not as pretty as you sweetheart
• Kazuha: Shhh
~ With Ningguang and Beidou on Beidou’s Boat ~
• Ningguang: Why did you wink at Scaramouche when asking if they could use the Jade Chamber to watch the fireworks?
• Beidou: You didn’t hear this from me but the reason why Scaramouche wanted to talk to me was because he was planning on proposing to Kazuha and I may have promised him he could use the Jade Chamber
• Ningguang: You promised him to use it without asking me?
• Beidou: I’m sorry honey, it’s just a special occasion
• Ningguang: It’s fine babe, just ask before you promise again
~ Back with Kazuha and Scaramouche, 5 minutes before fireworks ~
• Kazuha: My leaf, you look stressed, what’s wrong?
• Scaramouche: Nothing pretty boy, don’t worry
• Scaramouche’s head: Aether when the fuck are you going to be here with Heizou, you both agreed damnit
• Kazuha: If you say so…
~ Traveler appears with Heizou ~
• Aether: I’m here as promised
• Heizou: Kazuha, guess who’s here
• Kazuha, turning around and running towards him: Heizou!
~ Scaramouche walks over to Aether while Kazuha and Heizou tell each other about the months that they’ve been away from each other ~
• Scaramouche: I thought you said you’d be here 10 minutes before the fireworks started
• Aether: Well I was but I couldn’t find you in the spot you said you’d be in so we had to find Beidou
• Scaramouche: Shit- right I forgot about that
• Aether, sighing: Mhmm
• Scaramouche: You told Heizou I'm proposing to Kazuha right?
• Aether: Of course I did, he’s super excited about not missing it
• Scaramouche: Good, here’s your payment
• Aether: Thank you, I’m gonna go back to Paimon and them. Bye my detective, bye Kazuha!
• Heizou and Kazuha: Goodbye!
~ Once the fireworks started ~
• Heizou: It’s so fun to see fireworks from Yoimiya here in Liyue
• Kazuha, leaning his head on Scaramouche’s shoulder: Yeah it is
• Scaramouche: …
• Kazuha: Scara, are you sure you’re ok? You’ve been acting weird all night
• Scaramouche, getting on one knee: Yes…I’m alright Zuzu
• Kazuha: Sweetheart?
~ Heizou has the biggest smile and giving Scaramouche a thumbs up and Kazuha is so very clueless ~
• Scaramouche: Kaedehara Kazuha, will you make me the happiest boyfriend in the world?
• Kazuha, starting to tear up: I- yes! A thousand times yes
• Heizou, running up to Kazuha go hug him: I’m so happy for you! I wish Aether would propose to me soon, but he’s so busy with his traveling
• Kazuha, winking at Scaramouche: I’m sure he’ll propose very soon
• Scaramouche, smiling: I’m sure he will too
~ They head back to Aether, Paimon, and the rest of the group and Heizou runs to Aether ~
• Beidou: Hey kiddos, how’d the proposal go?
• Kazuha: I- mom, you knew?
• Scaramouche, kissing Kazuha and showing Beidou the ring on Kazuha’s finger: Yes Zuzu, she knew. I forgot to get her blessing before now. And it went well Beidou, thank you
• Beidou, rushing to give Kazuha a hug: My baby’s engaged, you’re growing so fast
• Scaramouche: Beidou- I think you’re squeezing him too hard
• Beidou: Oh shit- sorry kiddo
• Kazuha: It’s alright mom
~ They walk over to Heizou, Aether, and paimon ~
• Aether: Congrats you two
• Kazuha: Thank you Aether
• Scaramouche, with his hands back around Kazuha’s waist: Mmm- can we go back to the boat please Zuzu
• Kazuha: Scara, love, don’t be rude. He brought Heizou
• Scaramouche, sighing: Thank you Aether, and thanks for bringing Heizou for this. Now can we go back to your room on the boat please
• Kazuha: Alright fine, bye Heizou, bye Aether, bye paimon
• Scaramouche: Don’t we need to tell Beidou?
• Kazuha: Aether or Heizou will tell her, now c’mon sweetheart let’s go to sleep
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ryuuzn · 2 years
Highschool/College Scenarios with 5wirl + Scara⛄️
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Some fluff scenarios with 5wirl + scara, some are a bit short and scaras is a but long so sorry.
TW! slight nsfw with scaras
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>Highschool/college partner!heizou - he would always pick you up once class is over, he would bring you to the cafe that is connected to the library and let you order stuff. While studying for your finals, most of the time he would tease you and you would get distracted by his flirty pick up lines. He would kiss your cheek from time to time while you both study. He rarely studies even while being with you but always ends up with better scores than you. You can’t think of how he is able to score more than you even though he barely studies….(he’s just cheating LMAO /j he’s just really smart he doesnt need to study)
Highschool/college partner!xiao - similar to heizou, he doesnt study because he knows he’s too smart for it. He would be your personal tutor to help you on your tests and exams. Everytime you aren’t getting tutored by him for the test this week, you would get a low score. During your tutoring time with him, if you manage to get a question correct he would kiss your cheek and if you pass on your test/exam then he promised to take you out or buy you something to eat. You’ve never felt so appreciated then ever
Highschool partner!aether - you and him both fail tests/exams because you both are dumb as hell. Even if you two study together, you and him would end up with low or average grades. One time aether would able to get a high grade which made the teacher suspicious of him and later on found out that he was cheating on the test. You on the other hand study the hardest than anyone else but still get bad grades (hehe relateable). Will both you and aether ever graduate highschool?
Highschool/college partner!kazuha - Kazuha is smart in general and he’s very helpful. He would help many students on their studies and they always pass with flying colours. Yet he rarely wants to help anyone else because he wants to spend time helping his baby. You two would either be at the school library or at a cafe that is connected to a library to study for finals. If you get caught off guard by one second he would kiss your cheek so that you can get back to focus. Though he doesn’t know that him kissing your cheek just makes you more riled up, meaning that you arent able to concentrate at all.
College partner!venti - Similar to aether, he’s dumb as a duck. He would always asm you for the answers on the test because he “doesnt” have time to study. You always say no because majority of the time he is spending is going out to play games or drink with his friends yet he continues to ask you for help. He then says he’ll get you anything if you agree to help him and your eyes sparkled. Say goodbye to his wallet.
College partner!scara - you and scara are studying together at a nearby library cafe. You both have headphones on listening to calm music as you both study for finals. As he was studying, he noticed that you kept looking towards him. He then looked at your paper and noticed that you’ve been copying his answers the whole time. He grabs your headphones and says “Hey! why are you copying my answers.” you snark, “what? im just copying your answers because im too lazy to do this. its soooo boooorrrring” you say then he switched seats and sat next to you. You were a little confused but didn’t mind becauss it felt warmer after he got closer. You turn to look at him and he suddenly kisses you deeply, you pushed away and locked eye contact. “Do your work or i’ll punish you” he says. “and what if i want punishment hm?” you said as you smirked. His face grew more red and faced away from you fuck why is this bitch tempting me he thinks. You poke him on the cheek and he turns around “oh yea? if you want punishment so badly, might aswell do it here” he says as ge went below the table. Your eyes widened and kicked him “Not here dummy! lets just get in the car” you said. You’re in for a long night tonight.
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
🎮 behind the lens!
a social media streamer au | scaramouche x gender neutral reader
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synopsis - you, better known as STARDUST, and BALLADEER have always been in competition for the top streamer spot on twitch, which is especially impressive since the two of you have never shown your faces. you’ve never been on good terms, constantly one-upping each other in matches and getting into petty arguments on twitter, causing your fans to also dislike each other. that’s until BALLADEER does a face reveal that breaks the internet with his good looks…which makes you realize it’s the same guy you went on a date with last night. the type of date that made you crave to see him again. the only problem was he didn’t know you were STARDUST and he was way different behind the lens than he portrayed himself online to you. should you keep your identity a secret to salvage the relationship or just let him go?
genre - enemies/rivals to lovers, streamer and youtuber au, college setting, crack, slight angst
status completed ✔️
warnings time stamps don’t matter, characters including y/n are portrayed as young adults, mentions of alcohol, nsfw
sideships xiao x aether, kazuha x heizou
↳ playlist
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↳ stardust and friends | balladeer and friends
ACT ONE: raiding your heart!
01. kicking my feet and giggling
02. beat my ass
03. get out of my notifications
04. id donate for nudes
05. pls be ugly
06. now wait a damn minute
07. throwing up and crying
08. do you get deja vu
09. would you love me if i was bald
10. passenger princess
11. would you bark for me
12. breaking my silence
13. caught in 4k
ACT TWO: you're live!
14. he’s cheating on us?!
15. damage control
16. chat going crazy
17. breaking character
19. drowned cat core
bonus — heizou’s theory
20. twitch con
21. city of love
22. he who must not be named
23. and there’s only one bed
24. how to get akumatized 101
25. a glimpse of us
26. the ship has sunk
27. best of both worlds
28. something in the water
ACT THREE: cut the camera!
29. gatekeeping the sexy
30. show yourself
31. hold on i’m processing
32. sad quotes bot
33. please leave a message after the tone
34. were you silent or silenced
35. they don’t know about us
36. plot twist we’re dating
37. co-op irl! that’s called hanging out
38. stop asking for esex
39. out of character
40. paper rings
bonus — fuck me like i’m famous 🔞
41. truth or drink
42. epilogue; curtain call
ACT FOUR: fuck capitalism!
43. extra headcanons
44. stardust merch
45. balladeer merch
46. scarastar collab merch
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yourlocaltrashpandaa · 5 months
The Journalist
heizou x fem!journalist!reader
fandom: genshin impact
For more genshin content: Masterlist
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Summary: when a young detective takes an interest in a young journalist from another world
He always had his eyes on you well he has his eyes on everyone and everything around him. When the Traveler, Aether came to Inazuma, Heizou found himself interested with you, Aether’s companion. He noticed how strange you were from your clothing to the brown leather cover of your journal that you carried around everywhere you went. Sure, Aether was strange too, him being an outsider like you but you were little bit more interesting to Heizou.
It was a clear afternoon in Inazuma City and Heizou noticed you, alone with the blonde traveler by your side. You were sitting on a bench with your leather covered notebook open, pen in hand scribbling down something. It intrigued him, he wanted to know what you could be writing in there.
He grinned as he made his way over to you, his fingers underneath his chin as he watched you write.
“Hello there.” He said.
You jumped a bit, startled by Heizou’s sudden appearance next to you. “H-Hi.” You stuttered out quickly.
“Pardon me, I didn’t mean to startle you, I just noticed you here alone without your blonde companion of yours.” He said.
“Blonde companion,” You said tilting her head to the side. “Oh you mean Aether?” You asked.
“That I do. He’s quite interesting though I have to say you are the one who piqued my curiosity the most. You’re just as strange as the Traveler.” Heizou said with a grin.
“Strange? Me? How come?” You asked.
“Well, I don’t mean it in a bad way, I assure you,” Heizou said. “I just can’t help but notice the way you dress as well as the notebook you carry. So do tell, what’s it for?” He asked.
“Oh, my notebook. It’s just a journal really. Not much to it. Is it really that strange?” You asked.
“You’re always writing something down in there. Worried you’d forget something?” Heizou asked throwing in a slight joke in his words. His smile held a lot of intense interest as his eyes shifted from the notebook then to you.
You tilt your head to the side. “Not necessarily… I just like writing things down. Anything interesting or new I’m experiencing or looking at and I… I mean I’m from another world I never experienced anything like this before,” You said. “Just writing things down, sure out of habit it just makes me feel happy.”
Heizou smiles as he nods at your explanation. “So, what you’re saying is it’s just something you like doing,” He said. “Well, there’s certainly nothing wrong with that. Just never met anyone who does such a thing. Though I guess what you said is true. You are an outlander like the Traveler yet you’re so different from others as well as one another.”
“I assume you find that interesting, don’t you.” You said.
“Right you are,” Heizou said. “I’m quite intrigued by you. So do tell, why write?” He asked.
“I’m a journalist in my world, I write stories about the world around us. From politics to new opens of stores. People with interesting lives are my favorite.” You said.
Heizou laughed at her enthusiasm. “I see. Well, you might make new friends in Fontaine if you ever make it there. I heard Fontaine has many journalists there.” He said.
“Really? I guess being a journalist isn’t a rare thing. I’ll keep that in mind.” You said.
“Excellent! Now then, I should be off, got commissions to attend to and cases to crack. I hope to see you again soon, Miss Journalist.” Heizou said bidding his goodbye to you as he walks off into the city.
“What a strange guy…” You said as you go back to the journal yet you smiled at the thought of seeing him again.
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genshinluvr · 2 years
How to (Not) Play Windtrace 3
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: You and the men are officially playing Windtrace again after a while! This time, new people are added to the game, and it makes the game more challenging! Or, at least, that's what you thought until someone found you a minute or two into the game. You all end up changing the venue of the game, and you end up meeting a "new face."
Note: It's been a few months since the last part of How to (Not) Play Windtrace! Here's an update on it, finally! This part is probably not as chaotic as the first two parts, but it's somewhat chaotic 🤔 Since I'm not entirely sure about the possible new map of Windtrace, I made one up for the plot. I was able to type most of this story before a random power outage happened. I have no idea why I always get power outages at the worst times when I have deadlines to meet ._. Anyway, I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: A bucket is thrown at you and Scaramouche (mainly aimed at Scaramouche, but hit both of you), and you fall on your face, slight innuendos?
Word Count: 9.8k
How to (Not) Play Windtrace parts: [1], [2], [3]
Everyone is gathering in front of Dawn Winery. Today is a beautiful day, too beautiful not to go outside and hang out with each other, bask in each other’s presence, and spend some time with one another as a way to bond! That’s what you assumed was going to happen. Until Itto and Childe walk to the front with fowls in their hands, holding the fowls up to their faces before clearing their throats to get everyone’s attention.
“Annnnnd welcome back to round three of Windtrace! I’m your host, Arataki Itto, with my co-host, Chiiiiilde!” Itto announces dramatically into his makeshift microphone; he’s using a fowl as a microphone. 
“Last time we played Windtrace, we only had about fifteen people playing. But now, we have ten more people added to the game! Shall I go over some rules for our newcomers?” Childe asks, looking right at you, who also has his own makeshift microphone.
Your eyes widen, and you point at yourself. “Are you wanting me to answer whether we should go over the rules again, or are you implying that I’m a newcomer and need the rules to be explained to me?” You ask, raising your eyebrows at Childe. 
Al Haitham rolls his eyes at Childe. “We already know the rules of the game. Even though we weren’t there to play the game while the fifteen of you were, we know the rules,” Al Haitham states, crossing his arms over his chest and exhaling through his nose. 
It has been a while since you and the men played Windtrace. You couldn’t help but shudder at the thought of having to find more people in the game. Last time it was Childe that was the hunter, and you’re hoping that you won’t have to be the one to find the other men in the game. Imagine having to find twenty-five people in Windtrace! A nightmare.
While you’re excited to play Windtrace again, since the four Harbingers are now joining in on the game, you’re a little bit nervous. Just the thought of a Harbinger searching for you is a nightmare fuel, and you’re not mentally or emotionally prepared to be chased by any of the Harbingers.
“This feels like a detective game and hide-and-go-seek rolled up into one game. I’m excited to play this game and put my detective skills to the test!” Heizou says, clasping his hands together with a big smile on his face. 
Aether crosses his arms over his chest and looks at each man skeptically. “How did you all play Windtrace last time we weren’t here?” Aether asks.
“We played like how Wintrace is supposed to be played! It was quite eventful, and it’s cute to see this cutie over here get flustered,” Childe says, reaching over to you and pinching your cheeks lightly.
You scoff and swat Childe’s hands away from your face, feeling your face become hot under each man’s gaze. You cross your arms over your chest and look away from them, your nose sticking up in the air as you let out a “hmph!” while Childe and Itto look over at each other with a nervous laugh, hoping that you wouldn’t expose them of their lies.
Pierro looks at you with interest. “Oh? What’s with the reaction, little one?” Pierro asks, raising an eyebrow at you for your peculiar reaction to Childe’s comment.
Dottore leans over to Pierro and whispers loudly to the older man behind his hand. “Judging by [Y/N]’s reaction, it seems like Childe may be lying.” 
“Care to tell us why you reacted that way after hearing Childe’s response?” Capitano asks, turning to look over at you.
“Gladly!” You reply sassily, turning to face the men while ignoring Childe’s silent pleas. “In the game of Windtrace, there are four players. One person is the hunter, and three other people are the rebels, correct?” You raise your eyebrows.
Pantalone tilts his head to the side and nods his head slowly. “That is correct.”
You let out a humorless laugh. “Well!” You clap your hands and look at every man that played Windtrace with you last time. “I was the hunter, and all of them were the rebels. Yes, that is correct! One hunter and fifteen rebels! In round two, I was the rebel, and there were fifteen hunters that I had to search for,” you explain, narrowing your eyes at each man.
“Well, that sounds unfair,” Tighnari says, puckering his lips while brushing the back of his ears.
You nod your head with a small glare on your face. “It was! But it was actually fun playing Windtrace that way because imagine being chased by fifteen attractive men,” you said, covering your hot cheeks with both of your hands.
“I think you and I have a different definition of attractive because….” Kaveh looks around at each man and makes a face. “I think you can do better, but I’m the exception, of course,” Kaveh says, crossing his arms over his chest with a smirk on his face.
“I am now starting to see why [Y/N] wants to fight you all the time,” Venti says, giving Kaveh a fake smile and letting his lyre disappear in thin air. 
“So, this game…. Are we going to play it as it is, or are we going to play it like how you all played it last time?” Cyno asks, raising his eyebrows at you, Childe, and Itto. 
You sigh and run your hands through your hair. “We should just play it like how we played Windtrace last time. If we were to play the game how it originally is, it would take a while for us to get through a few rounds because I know how competitive some of you are,” you said, looking over at Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Al Haitham, Kaveh, Xiao, and Scaramouche.
You blink when there’s a space where you thought Scaramouche would be standing. You look around the crowd of men, searching for the indigo-haired man. You hum to yourself, prop your hands on your hips and look at every man over and over again, making sure to make eye contact with each of them. After scanning your eyes through the crowd, you have concluded that Scaramouche is missing from the group, and you have no idea where he is.
“What are you looking for?” Thoma asks, looking at you curiously.
You rub your temples and sigh. “Scaramouche is missing, and I have no idea if I have seen him today or not,” you said.
“I saw him today before we left the abode, but I did not know that he wasn’t at Dawn Winery with us the entire time,” Ayato says.
You hear an overconfident laugh coming from behind you, startling you. You turn around to scold Scaramouche for scaring you, only to feel your breath get caught in your throat when you see how close he’s standing to you. You take a step back and look at him from head to toe, completely flabbergasted at his new makeover. 
“Your clothes! They’re new,” you said, looking at the Indigo-haired man with wide eyes. “And not purple at all,” you add. 
“I needed a new change of clothes. Something that doesn’t tie me down to Inazuma and the Raiden Shogun herself,” Scaramouche says, crossing his arms over his chest with a huff.
Your eyes fall on the glowing anemo vision. “You have an anemo vision. Since when?” You ask, looking back up at Scaramouche’s face.
“The vision looks recent,” Albedo mutters, his gaze training on the anemo vision hanging beside Scaramouche’s chest. 
You continue to stare at the anemo vision, questioning if Scaramouche even had an electro vision in the first place or if he only has the power of electro because he was created to be the Raiden Shogun’s puppet. You snap out of your thoughts and slap yourself across the face.
“Why did you slap yourself?!” Xiao exclaims, looking at you with wide eyes.
You laugh and scratch the back of your head. “Sorry, I was thinking way too hard and questioning too many things that I had to find a way to stop myself from overthinking the smallest things,” you said, rubbing your sore cheek.
Diluc approaches you and cups your face, tilts your head up and to the side to inspect the cheek you slapped. Diluc sighs and releases your face. “Your cheek is beginning to swell up. We should put some ice on it for the swelling to go down,” Diluc says, rubbing the painful area with his gloved thumb.
Kaeya takes a step forwards and pulls Diluc back with a sly smile on his face. “Looks like this is the job for me, a cryo vision holder,” Kaeya says. 
Kaeya stands in front of you and cups both of your cheeks in his hands; you feel his hands grow cold, making you sigh in contentment and lean further into his touch. You peek from Kaeya’s arm and continue what you were doing previously: stare at Scaramouche and look at the little details of his newest clothes and vision.
“While Kaeya is compressing [Y/N]’s swollen cheek, shall we talk about who’s going to be the hunter and who’s going to be the rebel?” Dainsleif asks.
“Who was the hunter last time? We can start this round with the people who played as the rebels last time,” Kazuha suggests, releasing the leaf into the air and letting it get blown away by the wind.
Zhongli furrows his eyebrows. “That’s a good question. Who was the hunter last time we played Windtrace?” Zhongli asks, stroking his chin with his thumb and index finger. 
“It’s been a while since we’ve played the game. Almost a year ago, I believe,” Baizhu mutters, propping one hand on his hip while stroking his chin with the other hand. Your eyes widen, and you look at the men around you in disbelief. Has it really been almost a year since the last game of Windtrace?
“How are we going to remember who was the hunter in the previous round of Windtrace?” Gorou asks, furrowing his eyebrows while scratching the back of his ears with a confused look on his face.
A moment of realization hits you; you clap your hands and raise your hand up in the air. “I was the hunter in the last round!” You said, nodding your head. “Took a moment for me to remember, but I was the hunter in the previous round, and every single one of you,” you trail off, pointing at the men that were previously present in the last game of Windtrace, “Were hiding on top of Dawn Winery while Itto and Ayato were having a beetle fight,” you said.
“Oh, yeah! I remember now!” Itto laughs, nodding his head before his smile slips off. “I can’t believe that I lost that round of beetle battle,” he mutters to himself, furrowing his eyebrows.
Heizou raises his hands to grab everyone’s attention. “Okay, so now that we know who was the hunter in the previous round of Windtrace, does that mean all of us,” he gestures to all of the men around him, “are hunters now, and [Y/N] is the rebel?” 
Gorou nods his head. “Yes, that is correct, Heizou! Although, last time I remember, Dainsleif didn’t play the second round of Windtrace with us,” Gorou says, tapping on his chin.
Everyone looks over at the blond man, who blinks back at them in response. Right, you almost forgot about how Dainsleif didn’t join in on Windtrace and tagged along with you while you searched high and low for the other men that participated in Windtrace. Not to mention, you also remembered how Dainsleif and Childe would bicker with each other while you tried to search for the others. 
Thinking back on it now, you couldn’t help but visibly cringe at how you acted when you played Windtrace with the men for the first and second times. You clear your throat and try to distract yourself from the cringey memories of the first and second rounds of Windtrace. 
“Will you be joining us this time, Dainsleif?” You ask, giving the blond man a polite yet awkward smile.
Dainsleif sighs and closes his eyes for a brief moment before opening his eyes again. “It seems like I will be joining this round of Windtrace,” Dainsleif says, nodding his head reluctantly.
“You don’t have to join us if you don’t want to! I’m not going to force you to do something you don’t want to do,” you said.
“Yeah! You hear the bunny. You don’t have to join if you don’t want to,” Dottore says, approaching you from behind and propping his right arm on your left shoulder, giving Dainsleif a smirk.
Pantalone sighs dramatically and props his left arm on your right shoulder, and rests his cheek on top of your head. “It would be a shame if you didn’t join, but it’s okay; the others and I make up for your missing presence,” Pantalone says, reaching over to your cheek and squeezing them lightly. 
“I’ll join,” Dainsleif says, shooting a glare at Pantalone and Dottore. 
He approaches you three and smacks Dottore and Pantalone’s arms off your shoulders before pulling you away from the two of them. Dottore and Pantalone smirk and look over at each other with amused looks on their faces, knowing they successfully got under Dainsleif’s skin.
“Now that’s settled,” Kaeya glances at you with a closed eye smile. “You should start finding a hiding place, bunny. We’ll give you a fifteen-second head start,” Kaeya pats the top of your head.
You nod your head nervously. You’re not looking forward to having twenty-five people search for you; the thought of that many people searching for you makes you nervous, but you’re also excited to see who will be the first person to find you! As long as it’s not one of the Harbingers because they are terrifying. Kazuha gives you a signal to start searching for a good hiding spot, and you begin to run as if your life depends on it (it kind of does). 
To be completely honest, you have no idea where you’re going to hide, and you’re praying to whatever archon is listening for you not to be found so easily. You’re not entirely sure if you can hide inside of Dawn Winery, and even if you can, you don’t want to distract the maids from their jobs because you’re playing hide-and-go-seek with almost thirty attractive men searching for you.
So, you end up choosing to hide in a wine keg behind Dawn Winery. Before you jump into the empty wine keg, you push the wine keg close to the stack of barrels in the building. You hop into the wine keg and hug your legs close to your chest, praying that you won’t be found so easily. But with your hiding spot and where you choose to hide in, you have an inkling feeling that someone is going to find you quickly all because of your hiding spot. And by someone, you mean Diluc himself since the man knows the winery really well, and perhaps maybe even Kaeya is going to be the first one to find you in this round of Windtrace. Who knows! 
“Please let me last for this round,” you whisper to yourself, burying your face into your knees.
You’re worried that if you look up from the wine keg, someone is going to be staring down at you. You’re not prepared to see who’s ever face is going to pop up. You hear a faint whirring getting closer to where you’re hiding. Since you’re not familiar with the noise, you continue to keep your head down, hoping that it’ll pass by and not give you a mini heart attack. 
Something drops down beside the wooden wine keg you’re hiding in, and footsteps approach your hiding spot. You shut your eyes and cover your face with your hands as if it would provide you some invisibility. 
“Really? This is the best you could do?” A voice scoffs. 
You lower your hands from your face and slowly look up to where the voice came from. Scaramouche stares down at you with his eyebrows raised, and the corners of his lips lift into a faint smirk. Scaramouche leans on the wine keg, propping his head up with his right hand as he continues to gaze down at you. 
“How did you find me?” You squeak, swallowing the lump in your throat.
At least it wasn’t one of the four Harbingers that had found you in your hiding spot. While Scaramouche is just as intimidating as the other four Harbingers, you would much rather have him find you instead of the others. 
Scaramouche reaches down and starts to pet your hair with his left hand. “I was floating around, and I saw your cute little head peeking from the wine keg,” Scaramouche answers, smiling down at you.
You deflate, let out a sigh of defeat, and slowly get out of your hiding spot. “So that whirring sound was you this entire time,” you said. 
Scaramouche nods his head and holds his hand out for you to take. You grab his hand and step out of the wine keg, dusting the spiderwebs and dusting off your behind and clothes. Just when you’re about to say something, you and Scaramouche hear someone approaching the area where the both of you are standing.
Scaramouche’s face pinches up with annoyance, and he picks you up bridal style without hesitation, levitates in the air, and begins to float away with you in his arms. You wrap your arms around Scaramouche’s shoulders and look down to see Itto and Xiao glaring up at you and Scaramouche—mainly at Scaramouche.
“This isn’t part of Windtrace, puppet!” Xiao hollers, his hands clenching at his sides as he glares up at Scaramouche, who lets out a victorious laugh.
Itto scoffs loudly and props his hands on his hips. “Hey, “Wanderer,” get your ass down here and play the game fair and square!” Itto announces, running after you and Scaramouche. 
“I already won this round as the hunter! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll take my prize elsewhere where we can be alone,” Scaramouche announces before letting out a burst of boisterous laughter. Scaramouche slowly floats away from Dawn Winery as if he is doing it to show off that he won by catching you before anyone else can. 
Aether groans and smacks his head. “I knew this was going to happen the minute he gets that damn anemo vision,” Aether grumbles.
“Are we just going to let Scaramouche go with [Y/N] in his arms? It doesn’t seem fair that he won this round so fast and decided to float away with [Y/N] in his arms,” Heizou says, staring up at Scaramouche.
You look up at Scaramouche and poke him. “We’re not actually going to stray away from Dawn Winery, are we?” You ask, continuing to cling to him, fearing that he might drop you to the ground.
Scaramouche sighs and slowly flies to where everyone has gathered in front of Dawn Winery, smirking at the men below you two. The men did not look happy that Scaramouche was the first one to find you and that he almost decided to leave all of them at Dawn Winery with you in his arms. Perhaps everyone should find another location to play Windtrace instead of playing it at Dawn Winery.
Al Haitham leans toward Zhongli, muttering into Zhongli’s ears. “I’m not sure if this is the main location where you all played Windtrace previously, but I believe that we should choose another location to play the game,” said Al Haitham.
Zhongli nods and lets out a quiet sigh, staring up at where Scaramouche is floating with you in his arms, holding you hostage. “I agree. We played Windtrace at Dawn Winery a few times already. Most people must know the layout of the winery by now,” Zhongli murmurs, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Okay, you won this round, Scaramouche. Now, release [Y/N] so we can continue the next round of Windtrace,” Ayato says, shielding his eyes from the sun as he gazes up at you and Scaramouche.
Scaramouche lets out a loud hum as he tilts his head to the side, contemplating whether he should let you go or not. You feel Scaramouche tighten his grip around you before looking back at the rest of the men with a smirk, shaking his head. 
“Nah, I don’t think I’ll do that,” Scaramouche says, pouting at the men mockingly. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’ll be elsewhere,” Scaramouche announces, turning around and levitating away from the group with a triumphant smile on his face.
Without thinking, Itto reaches for the nearest thing he can get and grabs it. Itto looks up at where you and Scaramouche are, quickly calculating the distance and height, and throws the wooden bucket at Scaramouche as hard as he can. The bucket flies and ends up hitting you and Scaramouche in the head hard, causing Scaramouche to lose his balance and fall.
Scaramouche ends up taking the fall the heaviest as the both of you crash into the lush grapevines of Dawn Winery and onto the ground. Scaramouche groans and glares over at Itto, who laughs nervously while rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish smile on his face. You rub the area where the bucket had hit you and wince when your fingers make contact with that area. 
“How many times have I gotten injured while playing this damn game?” You ask yourself, still sprawled on top of Scaramouche.
Just when you’re about to get off of Scaramouche, the men rush over to you and Scaramouche. Thoma and Kaveh grab both of your arms and pull you off of Scaramouche, checking you to make sure whether you have sustained an injury or not from the fall. 
“Itto, you should’ve been more careful when you threw that bucket!” Thoma exclaims after his eyes land on the faint bruising near your hairline.
Kaveh rolls his eyes. “I think you meant that Itto shouldn’t be throwing buckets in general, Thoma. After all, it injured both Scaramouche and [Y/N],” Kaveh says. 
Kaveh turns to face Scaramouche to help him off the ground. Scaramouche scoffs and smacks Kaveh’s hand away from his face before getting up and dusting his clothes with a scowl on his face. Kaveh scrunches his face up and rolls his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest with a soft huff of breath.
The four Harbingers step in front of Scaramouche and looks down at Scaramouche; they don’t look too pleased with Scaramouche attempting to scurry away with you in his arms, leaving them “stranded” at Dawn Winery. Baizhu pushes through the four Harbingers to check up on both you and Scaramouche.
“You took the fall the hardest, Scaramouche. The least you can do is let me check on you,” Baizhu says. 
Scaramouche sighs in defeat and proceeds to let Baizhu assess his condition while you sit to the side with the others. While you’re waiting for Baizhu to be finished with Scaramouche’s checkup, you begin fixing your clothes and dusting the dirt and grass off your clothes. 
“Itto, I understand that you don’t want Scaramouche to float away from Dawn Winery with [Y/N] in his arms, but please do not throw things at people,” Tighnari says. 
Itto pouts and plops on the ground beside you, latching himself to you while resting his head on your shoulder, almost poking you in the face with his horns. You move your head out of the way and pat Itto’s head lightly, letting the man continue to cling to you with a pout remaining on his face.
Cyno sighs and shakes his head. “You would think that an adult like Itto would know that,” Cyno says, looking over at Itto from the corner of his eyes.
“Hehe, maybe Scaramouche getting an anemo vision was a mistake,” Venti says. “Even though archons don’t hand out visions….” He trails off, puckering his lips.
“Did you really think that you could leave the area with [Y/N] in your arms? How pathetic, Balladeer,” Pierro sneers, glaring down at Scaramouche, who scowls at the title that was given to him while he was still part of the Fatui Harbingers. 
Kazuha chuckles softly and shakes his head. “Let’s not start trouble right now, you two. I’m sure [Y/N] wouldn’t appreciate it,” Kazuha says, looking over at you.
“See, Kazuha gets it, which I’m not surprised. Why can’t you understand that, Pierro?” You ask, locking gazes with Pierro. “Also, don’t call Scaramouche ‘Balladeer.’ He doesn’t want to be associated with that name anymore. Let’s respect his wishes,” you said, getting up from your spot. 
A small smile appears on Scaramouche’s face. He looks over at Pierro and sticks his tongue out at the first Harbinger, and blows a raspberry while pulling the top of his right cheek down. Albedo walks up to you and cups your face in his hands. You stare up at Albedo as he inspects the bruising on your face close to your hairline.
“We’re going to need to put ice on that bruise,” Albedo says, turning to look at the others. “How many times have [Y/N] hurt themself today?” Albedo asks, releasing you from his grasp and letting his hands fall to his side.
Diluc sighs and rubs his temples. “This would be the second time, but I believe that [Y/N] injuring themself once is one too many,” Diluc says.
“You know, I am prone to accidents, and that’s okay! Now, can we please continue the game, or are we ending it here for today?” You ask, crossing your arms over your chest.
“We will continue onto the next round, but I heard that the former Geo archon and the Scribe wants to find another location to play Windtrace,” Capitano says, gesturing over to Zhongli and Al Haitham.
The way Zhongli and Al Haitham are whispering to each other reminds you of those gossiping aunties at family gatherings. You’ve been a victim and the subject of your gossiping aunties way too many times. Zhongli and Al Haitham nod their heads at Capitano’s comment. You pucker your lips and tap on your chin.
“I don’t mind if we play Windtrace at another location, but do any of you have a location in mind?” You ask, raising an eyebrow at the men while subconsciously rubbing the area where the bucket hit you. Itto gets up from the ground and latches to you again, resting his chin on your head before placing a light kiss on the forming bruise. 
Dottore raises his hand. “I, in fact, do have a place in mind,” Dottore says, smiling widely.
Everyone around you (except for the other three Harbingers) looks at Dottore skeptically. You’re not entirely sure what place Dottore has in mind for the next round of Windtrace, but you have a small feeling that you’re not going to like it one bit.
“Why are we in an abandoned factory, Dottore?” You ask, looking at Dottore bewildered. 
Pantalone smiles and pats your head. “You all have played Windtrace at Dawn Winery quite often to the point where all of you remembered the layout of the area. To add a little challenge to the game, Dottore chose the abandoned factory to play Windtrace,” Pantalone explains.
“Great! Let’s choose a complicated area for me to explore while you all hide in plain sight,” you said sarcastically. “Before we start this round, please don’t try to jump out and scare me,” you said, pointing at each person present in the room with you.
Childe lets out a sound of disappointment. “Aw, but where’s the fun in that?” Childe whines, his bottom lip jutting out while he bats his eyelashes at you.
“Childe, I swear, if you try to scare me in any way, I will revoke your cuddling privileges,” you threaten, narrowing your eyes at the ginger-haired male. Childe lets out an audible gasp and stares at you in shock, pressing his hand against his chest as if you have wounded him. 
Heizou turns to look at Gorou, his eyes wide. “I would hate to have my cuddling privileges taken away,” Heizou whispers to Gorou, who nods his head in agreement. 
Aether lets out a laugh and shakes his head. “Of course, Childe is going to be the first one to get his cuddling privileges revoked,” Aether smirks and nudges Childe with his elbow. Childe mutters and swats Aether.
Cyno nods his head. “No surprise there,” Cyno says. A smirk appears on Cyno’s face when Childe looks over at him with his mouth agape with shock and hurt.
“Okay!” You clap your hands, grabbing everyone’s attention. “Let’s start the game now! You all go hide,” you said, covering your eyes with both of your hands.
Kaeya trots over to you and leans his face close to yours, his warm breath fanning the side of your face, making you flinch. “Remember, no peeking,” Kaeya whispers, pressing a quick kiss on your cheeks before searching for a place to hide. 
“Damn him and his suave moves,” You mumble under your breath, waiting for the men to search for a place to hide.
While you’re waiting for the men to find their hiding spot, you would often hear them bicker with one another over who’s going to be hiding in a specific area. You hear a loud slap and a yelp that accompanies it, making you sigh and shake your head in disapproval.
“You idiot! Did you not learn your lesson from the previous round!?” You hear Xiao yell from a distance, his voice echoing throughout the abandoned factory.
Itto whines and rubs the area where Xiao has smacked him. “Hey! It was the only good hiding spot I found! The others already claimed their spot,” Itto replies, pouting at Xiao.
Kazuha chuckles and peeks from his hiding spot. “If you don’t want to get your head stuck in the bucket again like last time, I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Kazuha says.
You sigh and slowly pull your hands down from your eyes, turning to face them. You hear Itto start to panic almost immediately when he sees you pull your hands down from your face, slowly turning to face the direction where the commotion was coming from. Even though your hands aren’t covering your eyes, your eyes are still closed.
“Don’t open look yet! I haven’t found a spot to hide yet!” Itto screams, searching high and low for a new area to hide in.
“Just find a spot to hide already, dammit! We don’t have all day!” Kaveh screams from across the room, his voice bouncing off the walls. 
Tighnari and Gorou groan, covering their ears with their hands and peeking from their hiding spots with a glare on their face. All of the shouting and voices bouncing off the factory’s walls are hurting Gorou and Tighnari’s ears. Did the men suddenly forget that there are people in the factory is better hearing than human ears?
“Hey, can we not shout in the factory? Some of us have sensitive hearing,” Tighnari says, rubbing his ears gently.
Gorou nods, even though he knows that Tighnari doesn’t see it from where he’s hiding. “Yeah! Please don’t shout and be mindful of others,” Gorou pleads. 
Al Haitham rolls his eyes, pressing his head against the wall where he’s hiding and crosses his arms over his chest. “Just pick a spot and hide. Windtrace is just a game. Nothing is on the line,” Al Haitham says. 
After a few minutes of them bickering back and forth, Itto is finally able to find a spot to hide in the factory. Silence falls, and you hear nothing but your own breathing—and maybe your heart beating against your ears from how silent it is in the factory. 
“Okay,” you speak up. “I’m going to take that silence as a sign that all of you have found your hiding spots,” you announce. 
No one replies to you. You let your hands fall to your side and open your eyes. Now that you’re alone in the factory, you notice that it’s bigger than you thought it was. The ceiling is about fifty feet tall; there are rusted stairs that lead to many dark rooms, and rusting and rotting machinery sits idly by in the room you’re currently in. 
“This is creepier than I thought it was going to be,” you think to yourself.
You swallow your fears and begin walking around the vacant factory, searching for the first person that might show up. Because of how big the factory is, you’re not entirely sure if you’ll be able to find someone within a minute or two of Windtrace. 
The lights are dim in the central area you’re in, and some parts of the factory are blacked out; you’re a little hesitant to check those rooms to see if one of the men is hiding in there. You’re not fond of the dark; you have read way too many horror stories to know what happens in the dark. Especially at a place like the building you and the others are currently in. You do not like how quiet it is; silence is pleasant sometimes, but when you’re in a vacant factory with almost thirty people, the silence is nearly unsettling.
Even though you want to avoid the second-floor area, you want to get it over with and start looking for people from the top and then to the bottom floor. You hug your trembling hands to your chest, and with each step you take up the stairs, you can hear how loud your heartbeat is getting against your ears.
“This is stupid. If this was a horror movie right now, I’m the dumb character that is walking towards their demise,” you grumble to yourself, reaching for a crowbar that is resting beside a doorway. You might as well keep yourself armed with a weapon rather than having to use your bare hands to defend yourself just in case you run into someone that isn’t a part of your Windtrace group. 
You walk into the dark room and begin to swing your crowbar around in front of you, making sure that you’re not bumping into anything or anyone. The door behind you suddenly slams shut, startling you. You freeze in your spot and tense up when you hear footsteps approaching you. You hold the crowbar up in front of you, shutting your eyes tightly and whispering silent prayers to an archon that whoever is in the same room as you is one of the men.
“Aw, there’s nothing to be afraid of, sweet thing,” a voice purrs into your ears. The person’s warm breath fans your neck, making you shrink into yourself like a turtle, letting out a small squeak while tightening your grip around the crowbar.
“Aw, a little weapon? Do you really think that can save you from me?” He chuckles. Your eyes are shut, but you can tell that he is circling you. 
You shrug your shoulders meekly. “I don’t know. Do you want me to test it out on you?” You whisper, your eyebrows knitting together while you continue to tighten your grip on the crowbar until you feel your fingernails dig into the palm of your hands.
The man chuckles and pats your head; the sudden contact startles you, causing you to almost violently flinch back from the person’s touch. You hate it when people you’re not familiar with act buddy-buddy with you and place their hands on you, especially if that person is a man. 
“How cute. Come on, [Y/N], don’t be scared of me now. You know who I am,” The man says nonchalantly.
You shake your head and continue to keep your eyes shut. You’re not even sure if it’s worth keeping your eyes closed when the room you and this mysterious person are in is pitch black. You suddenly see lights flicker behind your closed eyes. The man stops in front of you and leans in close to your face.
The man whispers, “Open your eyes. Don’t be afraid.”
You gulp and shake your head. “I will not open my eyes,” you said.
The man huffs and stands up tall, propping his hands on his hips. “And why not?” The man demands; you can hear that he’s beginning to grow frustrated and impatient with you. 
“Because what if you’re ugly? You think I want to traumatize myself? No, thank you,” you sassed. 
The man scoffs. “Oh please, I look like one of your boyfriends,” The man says arrogantly.
You snort loudly. “You wish! What kind of sick joke is this, you weirdo? I have a game to get back to if you excuse me,” You said. Without opening your eyes, you turn around and begin to use your crowbar as a guide. There is no way you’re going to look at the strange person that claims to look like one of your boyfriends. It’s weird and unsettling. The man huffs and marches towards your retreating form, blocking the exit by standing in front of it with his arms over his chest, glaring down at you.
“I will not let you leave this room until you open your eyes,” The man states.
You groan. “Fine! If you don’t leave me alone after this, I’m going to hit you with my crowbar!” You hiss. You open your eyes and immediately glare up at the person, only for your face to drop, and you become almost as white as a ghost; the color drains from your face. “What the fuck,” you whisper. You drop the crowbar, and it rattles loudly on the cement floor of the facility; the sound of the crowbar hitting the ground rings in your ears.
The man looks like Dottore, but he’s not Dottore— if that makes sense. The only difference is the mask shows the corner part of his jaws and mouth. You can see his red eyes staring down at you, clearly enjoying the reaction he got out of you.
“Now, was that so hard?” He pouts at you mockingly before chuckling to himself. “Before you scream your head off and attempt to beat me with that crowbar of yours, I am one of Dottore’s segments.” He introduces himself, bowing to you dramatically.
You flinch as if you’re clutching your pearls and squatting down, trying to reach for the crowbar without taking your eyes away from (one of) Dottore’s segments. “You know, you look like Dottore, but you don’t look like him,” you said, squinting at the strange man in front of you.
Dottore’s segment rolls his eyes and runs his fingers through his hair. “You’re not the brightest, are you?” He asks, raising his eyebrows at you.
“I’m going to hit you now,” you declared. You swing the crowbar around and slowly make your way toward him. “And once I’m done hitting you, I will continue my search for my men, and perhaps the real Dottore will drag you back to his lab and get rid of you,” you smile at him.
Dottore’s clone lets out an amused laugh, his shoulders bouncing. “Oh, please. You really think that he will get rid of one of his segments because his plaything says so?” Dottore clone asks, smirking at you.
You tilt your head to the side and pretend to think for a moment. “I don’t know. But I guess we shall wait and see,” You said, lightly hitting the palm of your hand with the crowbar. “Speaking of Dottore, does he know that one of his segments is here?” You ask, raising your eyebrows at Dottore’s clone.
Dottore’s clone smirks and begins to chuckle to himself. “Do you think Dottore would care about me being here right now?” He asks.
“Yes,” you deadpan. “Since you’re a clone, I’m going to test out how durable you are,” you said, stopping in front of Dottore’s clone.
The clone suddenly bursts out laughing; his laughter fills the room and sends unsettling chills down your spine. You’ve heard Dottore laugh before, but whenever his clone does it, it sounds disturbing and makes you feel uneasy. Without a second thought, you began swinging the crowbar at him.
While you’re locked in the room with Dottore’s clone, the men assume that you purposely slam the doors shut to get them to come out from the places they’re hiding in. They peek their heads from their hiding spots and stare at the closed room with questionable looks.
“Do you think [Y/N] did that on purpose to lure us out from our hiding spots?” Ayato asks.
Zhongli shrugs his shoulders. “Not that I know of, but they’ve been in that room for a while,” Zhongli replies, refusing to take his eyes away from the door. 
“This is a bad idea; playing Windtrace in an abandoned factory isn’t a smart idea,” Thoma says, running his hands through his messy blond hair while pressing his lips into a thin line.
“Why did we agree to play Windtrace in a vacant factory? From my perspective, I see nothing but trouble waiting to happen,” Baizhu says, letting out a huff of breath, closing his eyes, and resting his head against the wall behind him.
Diluc leaves his hiding spot and slowly walks to the center of the room where you once stood. Diluc looks up to the room that you have stepped into, anxiousness biting at him, and sweat begins to collect in his gloves as he waits for you to leave the room. 
“Something’s not right,” Diluc mutters, noticing a light flickering in the room that was once pitch black. One by one, each man left their hiding spot and gathered around near Diluc in the middle of the facility.
Pierro turns to look at Tighnari and Gorou. “Both of you have a keen sense of hearing; can you two hear what’s going on?” Pierro asks, crossing his arms over his chest. 
Gorou and Tighnari look over at each other and then back at the men nervously. 
“While the door slamming shut may seem like a prank at first, I did hear [Y/N] talk to someone,” Gorou says, letting out a shaky sigh.
Tighnari nods his head. “Now, many of you may assume that [Y/N] could be talking to themself, but they’re not. They’re not alone in that room,” Tighnari says.
Capitano glares at Gorou and Tighnari underneath his mask. “And you didn’t inform us about it the minute you heard someone else speak?” Capitano demands, causing Gorou to tense up and glare up at the tall Harbinger. 
“Let’s not start something right now,” Al Haitham says, stepping in front of Tighnari and Gorou, glaring at Capitano. 
“Al Haitham is right. What we need to focus on right now is making sure that [Y/N] gets out of that room and is safe,” Cyno speaks up, his eyes trained on the closed door.
“Okay, then, who goes up the stairs first and leads the way?” Aether asks, looking at the men with his eyebrows quirked up. 
Back in the room, you sigh and slump down against the wall, letting the crowbar fall to the ground. You expected Windtrace to go smoothly with little to no problems, and yet here you are. Dottore’s clone stands in front of you and smiles down at you almost mockingly. You glared up at him and kicked his legs. 
“Don’t look at me like that with your beady eyes,” you grumble. “I did as you told, and that is to look at you. Now you’re refusing to let me go? How absurd,” you scoff, rolling your eyes.
Dottore’s clone squats in front of you and tilts your head up by the chin, inspecting the littlest details on your face. You scrunch your face up and move your face out of his grasp. He has no right to touch you, and yet he boldly did it again? Men like Dottore’s clone really have nothing but audacity. 
He smirks and stands back up. “You’re cute, feisty even. I can see why he wants to clone you,” Dottore’s clone says, walking off.
“Wait, what?” You get off the ground as quickly as you can. “You want to run that by me again?” you ask, raising your eyebrows at Dottore’s clone. Alarms are going off in your head, and you’re not entirely sure if the clone was saying that just to mess with you or if he actually means it. 
“No, no, you have a round of Windtrace to get back to. I have kept you in this room long enough,” Dottore’s clone says, waving off your question nonchalantly. You can see the corner of his lips curving up into a faint smirk.
You grumble to yourself and walk to the door, pushing by Dottore’s clone and opening the door, only to see the men with their weapons drawn out, ready to break the door down. You stare at the men, and they stare back at you with wide eyes. You look at their weapons and their weapons quickly disappearing in thin air.
You rub the back of your neck. “Sorry to keep you guys waiting for a while. Something was keeping me locked in here for quite a while and would not let me leave,” you said, turning around to glare at Dottore’s clone, only to see that you were alone. “What the—” you did a double take.
You lean against the doorframe and close your eyes for a moment. “Am I going insane?” You ask yourself, slowly opening your eyes.
Kaveh walks to you and grabs you by the shoulders, looking at you in the eyes before letting his gaze wander around your body, making sure that you’re not injured in any way. “Who was in the room with you?” Kaveh asks.
You sigh in defeat and let your head hang low, your forehead resting on Kaveh’s chest. “You guys might think I’m crazy,” you murmur, letting Kaveh pull you into his arms and wrap his arms around your shoulders. 
Heizou frowns and places a hand on your back. “We won’t. Tighnari and Gorou heard the person’s voice from afar,” Heizou says, standing beside you and Kaveh.
You look over at Dottore nervously. “You’re not cloning me, are you?” You ask.
The air around everyone suddenly shifts, and everyone can see the color draining from Dottore’s face. Dottore laughs and crosses his arms over his chest as if he is trying to stay cool, calm, and collected. All you’re hoping is that the Dottore clone is lying to you and only said that to get a reaction out of you and that his words are completely false. 
“Whoever told you that is completely false. I’m not conducting any cloning experiments at the moment, nor am I conducting any experiments as of now,” Dottore says.
Pantalone looks over at you, eyebrows raised. “Who claimed that Dottore is cloning you? It’s not that I don’t believe you, but we need to know who it is to prevent them from spreading lies,” Pantalone explains.
You scratched your neck and puckered your lips for a second. “It’s one of Dottore’s segments. He was here with me the entire time and kept me locked in this room with him. He didn’t do anything weird to me, don’t worry,” you said. “I’m just disappointed that he disappeared without letting me hit him with that dang crowbar,” you said, pointing over at where the crowbar was lying. 
Thoma looks at Dottore, eyes wide. “I thought you destroyed your segments as an agreement with the Dendro archon,” Thoma says, narrowing his eyes at Dottore.
“Is it possible for one of the segments to escape before getting destroyed?” Venti whispers.
Dottore sighs and nods his head. “I did destroy the segments as an agreement with the Dendro archon, but it seems like one of them has escaped before I could destroy the rest of my segments,” Dottore murmurs, stroking his chin.
Itto laughs sarcastically and throws his hands in the air out of frustration. “Oh, great! That’s nice to hear! One of Dottore’s clones is running around Teyvat and perhaps recking havoc!” Itto says, running his hands through his hair with a sharp sigh.
“So, how are we going to track down this clone of yours?” Dainsleif asks, looking over at Dottore with a blank stare, waiting for an answer.
“I’m not entirely sure about that, but I will try to figure it out,” Dottore replies.
You clear your throat to grab their attention. “I’m sorry to interrupt all of you, but are we going to continue this round of Windtrace, or are we stopping it here for today because Dottore number two has ruined the mood?” You ask, raising your eyebrows at the men.
Heizou pouts and crosses his arms over his chest. “I was hoping we would continue this round of Windtrace because I would certainly have you chase after me,” Heizou sighs wistfully. Heizou glances at you while batting his eyelashes, his bottom lip slightly poking out. 
“I mean, it wouldn’t hurt to play Windtace. We might as well finish up this round and head back to the abode,” Aether says, shrugging his shoulders.
Diluc looks at you, placing his hand on your shoulders while Kaveh slowly releases you from his arms. “Are you sure you want to continue this game?” Diluc asks.
You nod your head. “Of course! I’m determined to win this round of Windtrace and rub it in all of your faces,” You said, giving Diluc a teasing smile. Diluc lets out a reluctant sigh and gives you a small smile, squeezing your shoulders lightly.
“If that’s what [Y/N] wants, then who are we to refuse?” Ayato asks, the corners of his lips quirking up as he strokes your hair affectionately. 
Everyone walks out of the room and down the stairs back to the first floor of the facility. You stand in the center of the first floor, cover your eyes, and wait for everyone to go back to their hiding spots. What’s Windtrace without the men constantly bickering with one another as they’re trying to return to their hiding spots? You hear a loud slap and a yelp and whine accompanying the slap.
“What was that for?!” Childe screams, his voice bouncing off the metal walls of the factory.
“You’re an idiot! Both of you!” You hear Xiao reply; you can almost hear the sound of disgust dripping from his response.
You pursue your lips and debate on whether you should speak up and ask what’s going on, but knowing the men, Childe and maybe Itto, are up to their shenanigans. Funnily enough, both Childe and Itto remind you of that one duo in the movie back in your world. Dumb and Dumber; it’s their duo name, and it’s pretty fitting for both of them.
“Let’s not fight right now, you three. Save that for the abode; the sooner we finish this game, the sooner we can all go home and relax,” Thoma says.
“And eat because I’m starting to get hungry,” Kaeya interjects.
“Hey, you guys?” you speak up, grabbing the men’s attention.
“What’s up, hot stuff?”
You shake your head and press your lips into a thin line, trying to prevent yourself from bursting out laughing. These men never fail to make you laugh. You shake your head and clear your throat, trying to remember what you’re going to say.
“So, back in my world, I tried to organize a professional hide-and-seek tournament, but it was a failure,” You said.
“Why was it a failure?” Tighnari asks.
You bite on your bottom lip and mentally pray that none of the men will disown you after this. “The good players were hard to find,” you said.
After your response, you can’t help but cringe at how bad the joke sounded. You wanted to crack a lighthearted joke that relates to hide-and-seek and take the tension off from the event that happened earlier, but it seems like you failed at that. If the men are cringing at how bad the joke was, you are cringing with them as well.
Venti clears his throat. “Was that supposed to be a joke?” Venti asks, letting out a fake laugh.
You nod your head. “Yes, it’s supposed to be a joke,” You reply. You feel your face heat up at the lack of responses to your joke; maybe this is how Cyno felt when no one laughed at his joke. Except for Venti and maybe Itto.
“I apologize for saying this, but perhaps you should go to Cyno on how to tell a good joke,” Albedo says softly.
You let out a gasp and turned in the direction where Albedo’s voice was coming from. “How rude!” You exclaim, stomping your foot on the ground playfully. 
“Aha! So you do think that my jokes are good!” Cyno exclaims happily.
“Better than what [Y/N] came up with,” Venti snorts.
You shake your head and wave your arms around, assuming that the men can see what you’re doing. “Okay, that’s enough! Let’s cut the chit-chat and start playing Windtrace now!” You said, propping your hands on your hips.
“Perhaps all of you should have pretended that the joke was funny,” You hear Zhongli mutter to the men.
Baizhu chuckles. “Oh, please, Mister Zhongli. You didn’t even laugh at their joke; how do you expect us to laugh at their joke?” Baizhu says; you hear Changsheng hissing out her laughter after Baizhu’s comment.
“We’re starting the game now!” You interrupt the men. 
The men fall silent, and you begin to walk around the factory, peeking into the smallest space first before moving on to the other areas of the facility. You open the small compartment and see Xiao and Scaramouche crammed in the small space; both of them look ticked off, and you wonder how both of them ended up in that small space. 
“Why did you two pick this spot?” You ask, raising an eyebrow at Scaramouche and Xiao.
Scaramouche and Xiao shove each other while mumbling curses under their breaths. You move out of the way when they stumble out from their spot, dusting the cobwebs and dust bunnies off their clothes.
“That damn oni and ginger said we couldn’t hide in our original spot because we’re short and they’re tall,” Scaramouche scowls, fixing his hat on his head and points at the tall, thick locker a few feet away from where the three of you are standing.
“They’re in the locker if you’re going to search for the both of them next,” Xiao huffs, fixing his fringe and gloves.
You pat Xiao and Scaramouche’s heads with a grateful smile before skipping over to where Xiao and Scaramouche pointed to. You grab onto the door handle and yank the doors open, only to see none of the two men. You turn to look at Xiao and Scaramouche, only to be face to face (well, face to chest) with Itto and Childe. You look up at Itto and Childe; the two men gaze down at you with smirks on their faces. You feel the color drain from your face; you clear your throat and peek between Itto and Childe’s arms to look at Scaramouche and Xiao.
“You’re cute,” Childe comments, grabbing your attention.
“You’re coming home with us!” Itto says, grabbing you by the waist and tossing you over his shoulders.
You squirm around in Itto’s grasp. “Hey! We’re not done with this round of Windtrace yet! I still have more people to find!” You whine, lightly punching Itto’s bare back and shooting a glare in Childe’s direction when you hear him cackle. 
“I don’t think it’s fair for the both of you to take [Y/N] for yourselves,” Gorou protests, running up to you, Itto, and Childe. Gorou gives Childe and Itto a small glare, his hands clenched into fists.
“Well, too bad! Because if Scaradouche can do it, then we can too!” Itto exclaims, smacking your ass really hard. 
“Ow!” You scream, clutching your aching ass cheeks with your right hand before slapping Itto’s ass back with your left hand.
Itto jolts and laughs, shaking his head with a big smile on his face. Archons, if you could smack that smile off of Itto’s face right now, you would do it in a heartbeat. 
“We never gave Scaramouche permission to float away with [Y/N] in his arms, Itto,” Kazuha says, crossing his arms over his chest.
Pierro shakes his head and holds his right hand up. “What did you call the Balladeer?” Pierro asks, turning to look at Itto, who stares at him like a deer caught in headlights.
Capitano lets out a snort and crosses his arms over his chest, leaning towards Pierro and muttering into the first Harbinger’s ears. “I believe that this oni called the Balladeer…. Scaradouche…” He trails off. 
Scaramouche turns to look at Itto; his eyes lit with flames as he storms to Itto. Scaramouche stands in front of Itto, grabs him by the chest straps, and yanks Itto down to Scaramouche’s eye level.
“What did you call me?” Scaramouche growls, tightening his grip on Itto’s chest strap. 
Itto smirks and slaps your ass for the second time. “Scaradouche; quite a fitting thing to call you when you’re acting like a little shit,” Itto says.
Scaramouche growls and zaps Itto in the stomach, causing Itto to yelp loudly and drop you on the ground. You end up landing on your face, making your back curve and crack loudly. 
Everyone gasps in horror when you lay on the ground limply. You groan and stare up at the ceiling. Capitano helps you get up from the ground, wrapping his arms around your shoulders while you lean against his side. You’re still breathless from your fall and your sudden appointment with the chiropractor. 
“Looks like we’ll be ending this round of Windtrace for today,” Kaveh says, shaking his head while pinching the bridge of his nose.
Al Haitham nods his head. “We all need to have a talk once we’re back at the abode. In the meantime, [Y/N] should visit the infirmary,” Al Haitham says, giving you a sympathetic look.
Capitano lifts you in his arms and carries you out of the abandoned factory with the men following behind. You’re not looking forward to returning to the abode mainly because you already know what the talk will contain (how to properly and carefully play Windtrace without hurting yourself and others around you). You’re certainly not looking forward to visiting the infirmary because that means you’ll be getting a scolding of a lifetime from Albedo, Baizhu, and Tighnari. That is as if you’re not already being scolded by the men while journeying back to the abode and estate. 
Note: And that is the wrap for this week! Next week will be Crave 5 since I do need to brush up on my skills in writing smut. I do have another mini-fic smut that is going to come out soon; it's either for Pierro or Capitano, but I can't decide. Hopefully, I'll be able to choose who's next for the mini-fics! ^^ I'm hoping to make a new taglist soon and add the options of whether you want to be tagged in mini-fics or not. Anyway, for those who are new here or are returning readers, I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
Taglist for "Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader" and my overall taglist: @xxkatsusjinsux, @huboi, @crazyrichdaughter, @sucker-for-angst-and-fluff, @patata52, @honeybedo, @thedivinepriestress, @pencil-of-ashes, @samarill, @bakuhve, @yukima, @chaosinanutshell, @emperatris-rinaka, @neilify, @ksjjkthpjm, @jaisithebird, @mouchie, @emerald-smile, @jixlem, @the-blob-fish, @jiminscarmex, @bananazzzen, @thelost-in-time, @kryloxen, @ayolk, @tomansimp, @lordbugs, @c-camellias, @chihawari, @lilliansstuff, @zhongloml, @sweethcnvy, @wolf-chan2134, @simp4-fictional-men, @dai-tsukki-desu, @trash-queen-af, @tamayakii, @stellaris999, @hispasian-otaku, @stygianoir, @crispynutduck (if you have not been tagged, it's because you have your settings turned off for people to tag you in posts)
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beebotea · 1 year
hey, are you listening? — part 03
pairing : college au!xiao x f!reader . summary : in which uni students decipher vague tweets and emotions... + ie: second-year students y/n and xiao are forced to work through their term project (and feelings) as their friends attempt to meddle with their love lives ‘for the greater good’ . cw : swearing, slut-shaming, suggestive, reader she/her pronouns, alcohol, mentions of substance use .
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03. into the night
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act 1, scene 1
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act 1, scene 2
Y/N watched as Xiao stood up from the table and excused himself from the conversation. It wasn’t long until Hu Tao & Venti and Yanfei & Heizou began their own respective conversations, leaving Y/N and Scaramouche to sit there in silence.
“Oh, um… is he alright?” Y/N said, as she watched Scaramouche finish sending a text from his phone.
The Inazuman ruffled his hair in slight frustration before setting his phone down. “Oh, Xiao? He said he was going to the washroom. I’m sure it’s nothing. He’s not great with big crowds unless he’s on stage with his bass.”
“I see… I thought he didn’t really like me or something…”
“Yeah, ‘or something.’”
Y/N took a second to take in his appearance. Delicate and soft features carefully defined and enhance by his red eyeliner and the way his fringe framed his face. He was a very pretty young man… it seemed to run in the family considering Xiao was quite easy on the eyes as well, although quite intimidating.
“So are you done admiring me yet, or…” He seemed to catch on to her spacing out, smirking at her as he spoke up.
“Oh… sorry I didn’t mean to stare.” She looked away, feeling her cheeks heat up from being caught red handed.
“It’s fine. You wanna grab a drink with me at the bar over there?”
“Oh, sure alright.” Y/N accepted his extended hand. Scaramouche helped her out of her chair, before promptly letting go when she got to her feet.
“So, how come I’ve never seen you around campus until now? It seems we have a lot of friends in common.”
“Oh, I mean I guess I only really know Aether, Childe, Cyno and maybe Heizou from your side… it’s more like we have friends of friends in common. I’m not in too many extra-curriculars either.”
“Yeah I suppose that’s true. You’re in marketing right? How’s that going for you.”
“It’s fine, I suppose it’d be a lot simpler than Mechatronics Engineering…”
“Eh, maybe. But they’re totally different so I wouldn’t try to make a comparison.” He smiled at her.
“I’m not going to lie… you’re a lot nicer than I expected.”
“Really? What makes you say that? You thought I’d be more like Xiao or something?” He raised his eyebrow curiously at her.
“No, well yes but not entirely. My friend Mona didn’t seem to excited when she saw you and Childe show up so I just got the impression you wouldn’t be so fun to talk to.”
“Is that so? Did she tell you why?”
Y/N shook her head in response and tilting her head to urge him to continue.
“Hah, we’ll do I have a story to tell you.”
“Please, do tell.”
Before Scaramouche could continue, he received slew of notifications. “Oh, sorry one second,” he pulled out his phone to respond to whoever was bombarding him with messages. Shortly after, he slipped his phone back into his pocked and looked back at her to continue where he left off.
“Sorry about that, where was I… oh right. I went to a Snezhnayan private high school for the first three years. So in my third year, Childe and I were on the soccer team and we were playing against Monstadt City Academy. She was on the cheer squad for their school or whatever and there was like a small problem with their formation or something. Anyways, long story short, she fell off their pyramid right as a break was called and Childe and I almost pissed ourselves laughing at her.”
“No way!”
“Yep, it happened. You can even ask her, although I probably wouldn’t want to be there to see you get scolded… she’s quite the prideful one.”
“Yeah… I think I’ll just take your word on it then.” The two laughed together about the memory of the great Mona Megistus falling on her ass. “You must be really good at soccer then. Are you on our Uni’s team?”
“Oh yeah, all of our band members play together often after practices. We’re all on the team. The season is over now but you should definitely come watch our games next year. Who knows maybe Xiao will finally talk to you then.” He smirked at her and nudged her with his elbow.
He was met with widened eyes and incomprehensible stammering. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you trying to talk to him~ Too bad… I was hoping I’d be the one to catch your eye. Oh look, speak of the devil himself.”
Y/N looked into the direction he nodded at and saw Aether, Kazuha and Xiao approaching.
“Hey, Y/N! Having fun? This is Kazuha, our band mate and you already know Xiao.” The male twin waved at her as the three joined their group of two.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N,” Kazuha smiled as he extended and arm to shake her hand. “So what are we talking about?”
“Oh, you know, we were talking about how Y/N—ow.” Y/N elbowed Scaramouche in the side to stop his teasing before it got out of hand.
“Soccer! Scaramouche was telling me about how you guys are on the soccer team!”
“Yeah, we are!” Aether explained how Scara and Heizou played forward, Xiao and Kazuha often took up the midfield, while he and Venti usually played as part of their defense or goalie. “Some of other guys in our friend group, like Cyno and Childe, are on the team too,” Aether continued.
“Well recently Xiao has been playing forward, right?” Kazuha spoke up, patting the black and teal haired man on the shoulder to encourage him.
“Yeah, strikers are usually the fastest on the team. It’s just that I’m bad at aiming it into the net…” Xiao shyly chuckled at himself. It was a first for Y/N to see him smile, or to see any expression on him at all (other than a scowl).
“I’m no expert at soccer but I’m sure you’ll be the a pro w practice right?”
Xiao granted her another smile accompanied by a nod.
Since then, the atmosphere in the group began to change. They continued to exchange opinions and ideas during their conversations while also asking each other about their experiences with common friends and acquaintances.
Xiao had even seemed to loosen up a bit after a drink given to him by Kazuha and adding his own short quips.
Eventually, Scaramouche was called back to his table by Venti. Not long after, Aether and Kazuha also returned to their table after witnessing Xiao ask a whole conversation-starting question on his own, leaving Y/N alone with him for the first time that night. Luckily, the alcohol in their blood made it significantly easier for the two to speak to each other and loosen up even when they were left alone.
“Sorry for being a bit… uptight earlier this evening. I was kind of nervous coming to this party.”
“No worries, I get like that too sometimes. Meeting new people can be overwhelming, right?”
“Yeah… especially when they look like you.”
“Oh I… I didn’t mean to say that our loud—like I meant—”
“I think you look great too, Xiao.”
Before Xiao could respond, Y/N got a call from Hu Tao, who was outside with Yanfei, preparing to leave.
“Sorry, I have to go now… I’ll see you in class on Tuesday! It was really nice finally being able to get to know you. Bye!”
“Yeah, no worries. You too… bye.”
He watched as she ran to their table to grab her things before hurriedly waving to everyone and made her way to the door. He was starting to wish the night was longer… or that he drank the alcohol earlier that evening.
act 2, scene 1
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a/n: lots of words mb… hope you enjoyed!
taglist  —
@ashhh-14​  @sanghyuksgasolinestationscream​
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opultea · 2 years
All posts are written with a Gender Neutral Reader (No Pronouns) All posts are SFW Posts are written with romantic relationship in mind unless stated otherwise
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Alhaitham with a partner who mutually infodumps - Alhaitham x Reader - Fluff/Crack
Alhaitham with a reckless partner - Alhaitham x Reader - Fluff
Timaeus Isn't The Only One - ft. Cyno, Albedo - Fluff (AKA Windbloom with them) - Bonus Drabble - ft. Cyno - Fluff/Crack
Where's My Kiss? - ft. Dottore, Zhongli - Fluff
Where's My Kiss? - 2 - ft. Gorou, Wanderer - Fluff/Angst w/ happy ending
The Daily Grind - ft. Otaku Cyno - Modern AU - Fluff
Pet Parents - ft. Gorou, Diluc, Kaveh - Fluff
Me Instead - ft. Ayato - Fluff (slight angst?)
Reasons to Keep a Spare Hairtie - ft. Gaming - Fluff
Babe, Look at Me! - ft. Alhaitham, Lyney, Morax (Zhongli), Itto - Fluff
Genshin Men That Love to Nuzzle - ft. Gorou, Razor, Childe, Wanderer, Venti - Romantic or Platonic - Fluff
Abnormal Love Languages - ft. Alhaitham, Wanderer, Heizou, Tighnari, Dottore - Fluff
The Sound of You - ft. Albedo, Heizou, Tighnari, Dottore - Fluff (AKA Genshin men with s/o that loves listening to their heartbeat)
Joint at the Hip - ft. Kaeya, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Wanderer, Childe, Diluc - Fluff (AKA Genshin men with someone who is very physically affectionate)
Follow My Lead - ft. Aether, Kaeya, Xiao, Diluc, Itto - Fluff (AKA Dancing w/ Genshin men + a song you'd dance to)
Maybe It Was Always You - Xiao x Reader - Fluff
Genshin Women Take You Shopping - Platonic, Fluff
Surprise! - Itto x Reader - Fluff
A Home - Kazuha x Reader - Fluff w/ Mild Angst
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nxsh30 · 4 months
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He is the son of the most influential person in Inazuma. His mother was highly against him joining a band which pushed him further towards the idea
XIAO [🧊]
Xiao is considered as the 'mysterious one with the deadly aura' of the group but is an absolute sweetheart once you get to know him. He looks up to his older brother Zhongli from DCKZ and this fueled his interest towards music
There is no instrument known to manking that Venti cannot play. He is the guy you would see at the back of the party hanging near the bar, is rich af but asks his friends to lend him money
Model turned idol and the hero of all '6reeze being clueless' compilations, Aether is the epitome of precious. Due to being a model and already having a fanbase, the Hexenzirkel decided to brand the band around him
A criminology major who does not know how the hell he landed up in a band...maybe it was his childhood bestfriend Kazuha who convinced him to do this given the raw talent Heizou possesses. Drums are like breathing to Heizou and hence he was a perfect addition to the group
Kazuha, being taken under his guardian Tomo after his parents death, wanted to make name for himself and that's how 6reeze was born. Given Tomo's connection to the Hexenzirkel management, Kazuha managed to grab his best friend Heizou and start the band.
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SYNOPSIS - 6REEZE is a thriving idol group which has taken over the world after STELLA FORTUNA's hiatus. To promote their album 'Heartstopper Strike' and to announce Stella Fortuna's return, the Hexenzirkel management proposes an idea...
GENRE - social media au, idol au, modern au, fake dating trope
PARING - Scaramouche x Fem!reader + other ships
TW- Swearing, cursing, slight ooc, online bullying
TAGLIST- @veekoko @zoemaelol (open)
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[ stella fortuna | masterlist ]
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myunghology · 2 years
heizou, kazuha, venti, xiao, aether x gn!reader, slight afab! reader on heizou's first part. but besides that, no set of pronouns used, i think. [crack, fluff, slight suggestive jokes with my painful humor.] likes ’n reblogs are appreciated!! <3
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"i..." "you..?" "i..." you really couldn't understand what heizou was trying to say. "you... want to eat me out?" you muttered out. "what?! no!.. maybe.." he shook his head, you clicked your tongue, "shame. wait what?" "nothing!" you looked away in disappointment, getting a quick kiss on your shoulder. looking back quickly, to see the young detective was gone.
"heizou, hide!! you exclaimed, "hm, why is that?" he put a hand on his chin, "because my boyfriend is coming!" an uncomfortable silence filled the atmosphere. he removed his hand from his face, "[name].. you're a dumbass.." your eyes softened, "well you're dating me, doesn't make you any less different." "..but you're my dumbass." he said.
"it was a joke babe please open the door!—" what had happened, you may think, well, you decided to pull a prank to your called detective boyfriend, maybe a little too far, for his and your liking. well, not really a prank. all you had to do was ask, "why didn't you tell me?!" flashback.. "why didn't you tell me, heizou?!" you asked, frustrated. "ARE YOU MAD" heizou asked, "I'M SORRY I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS YOUR PIZZA IN THE FRIDGE" you paused for a second, "?? THAT WAS YOU?"
"babe" kazuha whispered, "i see them, you take the left i take the right one." he chuckled, "knew i loved you for a reason. and maybe so much more reasons."
“does anyone else feel like shit or is it just me and the guy from radio head." you asked, while you layed your head on kazuhas shoulder, "are you okay, love?" he asked, "i.. feel worn out, jesus christ. my head hurts as well." the older male placed a quick kiss on your forehead, "get better soon. rest for awhile, hm?"
"never thought id be replaced by you.. cheater." you grumbled, staring at kazuha hugging you two's cat on your shared bed, "i thought we had something special.." you got on the bed as you felt a hand on your waist, and a small chuckle. did he hear what you said?
"no!" venti suddenly grabs your hand, "we're back on OUR bullshit!" you deadpanned, "please, no." you lowered your head.
".. would you date me if i was a worm?" you asked, venti hesitated. "im not answering that." he shook his head. "so you wouldn't? why not" "I NEVER SAID I WOULDN'T—" "THEN WHY'D YOU SAY YOU WEREN'T ANSWERING" people stared at you both while you two were bickering around playfully. at least they thought the bickering was playful.
"did you do the math hw" he asked, "because if you did, can you send me the answers later.." you slowly turned your head to him. "no." "..what a good excuse. im 99% sure you did it. so might as well send it if you don't want your ass beaten by an archon." he smiled.
"xiao." he turned his head, "hm?" "why is my valorant now in gold when i haven't played in a month?" he shrugged, "don't know, did you get hacked? you haven't played in a month, they did you a good thing though." you looked him eye to eye, "did you play on my valorant account?" ".. i just wanted to play comp with you.."
"you know xiao, i think modern day dracula would suck hella dick instead of blood." silence filled the room. "please respond. i told you my disturbing sense of humor. by the way i am a vampire." you sarcastically said. xiaos ears turned into a soft shade of pink.
"xiao, let's take a picture together!" venti said as he smiled and brought his phone out, as xiao sighed, his eyes not moving from a piece of paper he was using for to study. "..quickly! im gonna send it to [name]!" his eyes went up, as he quickly went beside venti, wearing his glasses cause you said he looked more attractive than he is in glasses.
"i just got doxxed on twitter because i didn't like nicki minaj's music." he was shaking when he said that, "that's the problem, you said you didn't like her music, the barbz will hunt you down." you looked down, "babe, let's move."
"[name], you bullied me in 7th grade." you shrugged, "im sorry your face looked punchable?" "fuck you" he muttered, "please do." "okay sure" your eyes widened, "wait, what?!"
"do you think someone in school has a crush on me?" you questioned, "what's with the sudden question?" aether said, "don't know. answer me!" you rolled your eyes. "yes, me." he wrapped an arm around your waist, "i have a big fat enormous crush on you, [name]."
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xiaoao · 2 years
Part 1 of the Kitsune reader ( fem ) x 5wirl /6reeze + Cyno & Tighnari :)
Part 2 ! Redoing this bcs it's so cringe
( disclaimer I made it as a fem reader bcs it is said that majority of the kitsunea are female. I apologize deeply, however, you can try reader the "her" as they instead. I hope this does not ruin it, please enjoy! It is all also seperated fics, for example : part 2 Kazuha x reader, part 3 Heizou x reader so on and so forth. Every part will be related to the story, the ending ?? Idk poly relationship WIKFWIA please give reccomendations for the ending otherwise im sticking with this ) ( btw pt2 of the Xiao ff I made is almost done !! So is why, little cupid? They're both almost done, after this I'll be postinng why little cupid first then the Xiao ff, thank you all sm for the attention I'm recieving !! )
Summary : Aether, Venti, Xiao, Kazuha, Heizou, Scaramouche, Tighnari, Cyno, Paimon and Lumine got teleported to an enchanted forest, they decided to go in the forest and they found a girl.
Characters mention : Aether, Venti, Xiao, Kazuha, Heizou, Scaramouche, Tighnari, Cyno, Lumine, Paimon, reader.
warnings : mentions of scratching / scratched, mentions of blood.
genre : Fluff <3
part 1 ; the meeting
Some slight screamings can be heard. "Woah! Is everyone okay!?" A high pitched voice said. "Me and Aether is fine. The others?" A female voice responded. "We're alright!" A male voice said with a slight playful tone said, "ahh that's good!"
they fell from the sky. I know, weird, but they came from a portal, don't ask. Rustling can be heard in the distance, the group of people looked at the beautiful forest behind them "what.. is this place!?" The high pitched voice yelled. "Shh Paimon! Whatever is in there we don't want to alarm them." A male voice said. "Paimon's sorry!" The high pitched voice that is so called Paimon apologized. "Let's just approach this forest with caution." A male with a comforting voice said. "Good idea Aether! I knew my brother would thought of that." A female voice said "Thanks, Lumine." The group proceeds go near the forest, as they get deeper they saw a figure lying on a rock. "Hey is that a girl?!" Paimon yelled, the girl groaned in annoyance, then Paimon covered her mouth, "what is she doing here?" Someone asks. "Oh! She might be stuck in here like us, c'mon Lumine! Let's wake her up." Paimon said "uh Paimon– I don't think we should wake someone up in their sle–" Lumine got cut by Paimon because she pulled her arm. They slowly approached a girl with rather long ears, you heard some foot steps near you so you woke up. You saw a blonde haired girl beside a floating ash white haired child, your eyes widen and sat up quickly "woah!" Paimon yelled in shock, "wh– who are you? And what are you doing here?!" You yelled, the others who decided to observe was shocked as well, "We–we're sorry! Paimon's sorry ! We just wanted to wake you up because we wanted to know if you're also stuck here!" Paimom apologizes. "What..? Stuck here..? Oh! So you went to the portal, I see.." you said while you calmed down "what portal?" The bloned haired female asks "before I answer your questions who are you guys? All of you." You said while turning your head to the other people, "Oh well Paimon's name is Paimon! And this is Lumine, this is her brother, Aether!" Paimon says as she pointed at him. "I see.. the others?" You asked "Well the guy here similliar to your ears is Tighnari, the one beaide him is Cyno, and our friendly bard here! His name is Venti. Oh and an adeptus! His name is Xiao, and a samurai! Kazuha! And a wanderer Scaramouche, a detective Heizou! And that's everyone!" Paimon said, "so many.. how does everyone remember their names!?" You aggressively ask "ehehe.." Paimon awkwardly giggles and scratches her head "anyways.. I'll get to know everyone by time." You said while standing up to stretch "you have a tail?!" Paimon surprisely asks "of course I do! Every kitsune in this world has at least 4 to 9 tails!" You yelled, "then why do you only have 1?" Paimon asks "because I hide the other tails." You tell Paimon "oh okay!" Paimon says understanding "oh question." Tighnari says "oh! Go ahead uh.." "Tighnari." "Right yes Tighnari, go ahead Tighnari." You say "what are the different types of kitsunes? Rather what kitsune are you?" Tighnari asks "oh I have the blood of Tengoku and Kukan, my family was also a tenko, so I have that running through my veins as well." You inform Tighnari. "Teng.. tengu.. uh.. Koka.. tek.. I'm sorry but these are even harder than our names!" Paimon complains you sigh in disappointment. "Very interesting. Can you please tell me what they are?" Tighnari asks again "huh? You're actually interested..? Well, sure Tengoku is a mix of 4 elements. Heaven, Celestial, Light, and prime. My element is Celestial. Kukan is void, or dark. Mine is void, however I haven't mastered it yet, a tenko is one of the strongest kitsunes to ever exist in this world. And the steongest kitsune are the kitsunes with 9 tails and an age of 1,000." You tell Tighnari, "interesting, I'm assuming you're a kitsune with 9 tails and an age of 1,000?" Tighnari asks "That's correct. However I haven't really mastered my power yet.. I tend to lose control over my power at some times, but that's only rare, so don't worry, if you guys need soneone to accompany you I'll be a decent kitsune as I roamed this area for thousands of years, I can help you find the existing portal to go back to your world." You said to them. "Are you sure..?" Paimon asks
"what do you mean?" you ask Paimon. "It's said Kitsunes likes to play tricks.." Paimon says suspiciously. "Majority of the Kitsunes are like that, but I can assure you I'm not like that." You assure Paimon "Oh! Alright, Paimon trusts you then!" Paimon says, you weren't listening instead you were staring at Tighnari, he didn't notice until he looked at you "Is everything okay..?" Tighnari nervously asks, "You give an awfully familiar feeling.. it's like I've met you before. Sorry." you say then looked at the ground. "Ah no- It's okay." Tighnari says, you then slightly tilt your head to Paimon's direction, "You can touch it, no worries" you said "r-really?!" Paimon says in shock, "Of course! Not that it's uncomfortable" Paimon squeeled happily and rubbed your ears. "It's so fluffy..! I could touch it forever!!" Paimon said in excitment. "You could however.. we still need to find that portal to your world." You said "awh you're right.." Paimon said in disappointment, "I just noticed those 3 don't really talk much, it's quite.. intimidating.. Why is that?" You whispered to Paimon and Lumine "they're just really quiet people in general, they aren't judging you though, don't worry, they're nice people." Lumine whispered back "oh alright I see, sorry for misunderstanding.." You tell them nervously scratching your neck, Tighnari is holding his laugh for some reason, "oh don't tell me you heard that." You tell him "don't worry I won't tell." Tighnari whisperes, you had a worried expression as you just noticed Cyno also has ears, Cyno was staring at you in confusion to why you were staring at him so worriedly so you just bowed as an apology "huh..?" Cyno mummbled in confusion "she uh apologized? No idea." Scaramouche said "weird.." he said in addition to his sentence. "Anyways let's get going.. the sooner the better." You said going deeper to the forest, "wait we don't know the way!" Paimon yelled "I do! So follow me and don't get lost!" You say. "A– alright!" Paimon said and floated to your way, Lumine followed and Aether signed the others to follow you. "W–wait!" Paimon said panting "oh? Was I too fast? I apologize." You stopped and turned around "yes.. and we didn't get your name!" Paimon said "oh right! My name is Y/n, really sorry.." you said "alright Y/n slow down! Paimon can't keep up!" Paimon said, you nervously laugh, your ears twitch to a rustling sound, "did you guys hear that?" You asks. "Yeah.." Lumine says quietly "shit.. what part of the forest are we in..?" You say worriedly. You looked around the forest
then realization hits you, your eyes widen "oh.. no." You say "why? What's wrong?" The golden eyed male said. "We.. went to the wrong side of the forest.. I accidentally led you guys to the deadly part of the forest." You said with a worried tone "you what?!" The golden eyed male said once again "I'm sorry! I wasn't looking at my directions and accidentally led you guys here.. I'm sorry. Whatever happens to everyone here I'm to blame." You say in an apologetic tone "shit." The male said, you took a glance at him to maybe recognize his face and to remember his name, you did, "Xiao right..?" You mumbled, you sighed "let's take the other way." You say "no! Now that we're let's find a safer place. I feel like that's a safer option rather than making too much noise coming back." Paimon requests, your ears slightly flop down thinking about a place then it pops back up once you thought of something "I know a place!" You say, "you do?!" Paimon asks "yeah!" You tell Paimon "don't lead us to the wrong way again." Xiao says you slightly smile to his overprotective personality to his friends, you weren't someone close to the kitsunes so you kind of envied them. "I won't, I promise." You said, your voice had slight comfort in it, Xiao's eyes slightly relaxed since he realized you were sincere with you words, he didn't fully trust you but you fully trusted them already, as they treated you kindly, as if you weren't surperior and didn't act all nervous around you, you were glad you were treated normally.
"is this place good?" You ask the group "it's good! Thank Y/n." Paimon thanks you "no problem, now all of you can rest now." You say "Woohoo!" Lumine and Paimon celebrated, you chuckled a bit. Everyone has settelled (?) in, you decided to go hunt for some food "Guys I'll be hunting, you guys stay here." You tell the group "wait by yourself?" Tighnari asks "yeah? I hunt almost everyday by myself anyways, there's no really difference." You say trying to reassure him, "alright.. stay safe." Tighnari tells you, you nod in response and go outside "alright.. now should I use my kitsune form or..? Eh yeah sure why not, it's smaller and faster, and I'll make less noise anyways." You whisper to yourself
"I'm back! Brought us some wood too to start a fire, anyone here that has can manipulate fire?" You say placing down the items, "Y/n!– Y/n?! Your face.. your hair.. it's filled with blood!" Paimon says worriedly "huh? Oh, it isn't mine don't worry." You tel Paimon with a smile "Oh thank heavens! I thought it was your blood, I was about to faint!" Paimon says you giggle "oh and I can manipulate pyro." Aether says you tilt your head a little "pyro?" You ask "ah– pyro is fire, pyro is the element fire in our world." Aether explains "I see! Thank you for explaining." You thank him, he nods as a reply and casts his elemental skill on the wood, "don't excpect this to be a luxrious meal, it's just normal meat." You inform the others Lumine and Paimon nods excitedly, you were in a corner to prevent the others to get burnt or injured by the fire, they were all talking "Y/n is a really sweet girl isn't she?" Tighnari says "yeah she really is! She's very thoughtful too, we just met her and I really want to be close to her! And maybe she can come with us to teyvat!" Venti requests, "hopefully. We can journey again teyvat but with Y/n." Aether says "I wonder though.. how strong is she..?" Xiao says, "that is true.. we shouldn't underestimate her as she is one of the strongest kitsunes here, plus she hasn't mastered her power yet." Cyno says "er.. don't say that you guys! Paimon's getting scared.." Paimon says hugging Lumine's arm, Xiao chuckled a bit "Sorry." He says "oh!" You say while quickly standing up "Is everything okay, Y/n?" Xiao asks "oh uh nothing! The wind accidentally blew the fire to my direction, the fire almost got caught in my outfit, sorry.. did I alarm anyone?" You say, Xiao shakes his head and you sigh in relief "oh! Y/n want me to help?" Venti asks you "yeah sure! I do need a hand." You accept his help, Venti smiles and walks to you, the two of you chat while the both of you cook
-( the food is done )
"guys food is done!" Venti said "thanks for helping me, Venti." You thank him "oh not a problem! I hope the others will enjoy the food though." Venti said with a cheerful smile, you smile at him and nod "woah.. it smells so good! It smells like the sticky honey roast from mondstat!" Paimon says happily "oh now that you mention it it really does! Y/n did everything herself, I just helped her cook the meat. Y/n you're an amazing cook! Despite being in the wild you have some toppings as well!" Venti says in amazement, "awh guys.. you're all really sweet, thank you. I'm sure you guys are hungry? Don't be shy you can eat already!" You tell them, for some reason Xiao didn't eat unlike the others, "Xiao? You okay?" You go near Xiao to sit beside him "yeah? Why?" He says "you aren't eating." You say while fiddling with your tail. "I'm a picky eater. I only consume food when I already ate them." Xiao admits "I see. Any specific dish you like? Maybe I can cook it if I know the ingredients." You ask him, Xiao hesitates a bit "Almond tofu. Lumine and Aether has the recipe if you want to try making it.." Xiao says, you stand up and ask the twins about it, they gave you a copy and you looked at it and studied it. "I see.. So it's a rather sweet dish, interesting.." you say to yourself, you go back the the corner but stood by the side of the pot, you checked it from time to time for some reason, then, after awhile you started cooking.
the whole group was talking, you were sitting beside Xiao eating his almond tofu you cooked him, you were looking up in the sky recalling some memories, "You okay?" You heard Xiao say, you giggled a bit because he was still chewing "fine, thanks for your concern." you say, Cyno looks at you and you smile at him "Guys I have a game idea!" Venti yells "don't yell too loud-- my ears!" you say "Oh I'm sorry!" Venti apologizes, you sigh and nod as a reply to saying it's okay, "what is it anyways?" you ask "glad you asked but hide n seek!" Venti say, your face grows curious and confused at the same time, "but there's a twist. Tighnari, Cyno, do you both have good sense of smelling?" Venti asks "why do you ask..?" Cyno say, "Because the twist is going to be we'll hide and the people that have a good sense of smelling are going to find us, blind folded!" Venti says, "Ooh interesting.. sounds fun!" You say, you then put your chin on top of your palm to listen closely, "alright, so Cyno? Tighnari?" Venti asks Tighnari sighs and nods Cyno nods as well, "Great! Let's start!" Venti says excitedly
-( game ends )
"that was so fun!" you shout happily, "I know right?! You're so fun to be with Y/n!" Venti says to you, you smile at him, and he gives a warming smile. A lot of time passes by that you all have been together, you completely forgot about the portal going back to their world, they did too. They've been so comfortable in your forest and your presence, you didn't notice. "Y/n, what are you doing here" Cyno asks, you didn't notice where you are since you were just thinking while walking, "oh-- Cyno, sorry, I wasn't aware to where I was going. Why are you up this late?" You ask him, he switches his gaze to the side to hide his face, "I figured you'd leave at this hour, so I wanted to spend time with you." Cyno says, your ears slightly perked up in surprise because he'd only normally look at you, and wave at you, but you didn't want to miss this opportunity to bond with him so you excitedly nod, you pull his arm to go somewhere.
to be continued <3 I hope you liked this 1st part, though it seemed boring, I will work on the pt2 of "Why, Little Cupid?" and the pt2 of the Xiao x reader arranged marriage. if you like either one of them please stay tuned <33
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astrosxina · 2 years
The Detective's Partner | Heizou Shikanoin (Pt.11)
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➺ SUMMARYミ★ Detective Heizou is on the case along with his trusted partner, Y/N. From partners to partners, single to taken. The two ended up taking a break in Watatsumi Island, a little cabin near the shore.
➺ PAIRINGミ★ Heizou Shikanoin x Reader(she/her)
➺ GENREミ★ Fluff and only fluff<3
➺ WARNINGミ★ Nothing to worry
➺ WORDS COUNTミ★ 800+ words
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₊˚ 𝐃𝐀𝐙𝐙𝐋𝐄𝐃 ��☆
꒰ gif made by┆@astrosxina ꒱
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WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT that even the two smartest and most skilled couple who called themselves "detectives" ends up being abducted by some brawny samurais around the east of Sangonomiya Shrine as they wanted something from them, mora; unfortunately, the thing that they didn't have.
Or should I say... Heizou doesn't have. Y/N did got some mora on her, but it was just a small amount as most of the half was used on food supplies, the small rented beach house, and lastly their trip. However, Heizou never knew about the whole "free" trip, along with the food supplies and rented beach cabin.
From wanting to go and taking a trip to feast on those beautiful sceneries didn't seem to last long as the two were now held captive inside of a strong wooden cage. That is before a blonde male along with his tiny flying companion came along and saved the day and freed them.
"Well, well. Look who it is," Heizou said in a joyful tone while resting one hand on his hip. The girl stood next to him and had her hands folded behind her back. "Oh my, I see it has been such a long time since we've parted ways. I'm glad to see you two doing well, Aether and Paimon."
"Y/N! It's good to see you too... It's been forever since we've seen each other," Paimon said as she felt a warm hand which patted her head. "That's glad to hear considering all the things you both went through together.
"Y/N's hand soon slipped back to her side as she continued to let her dearest do all the conversing with Aether and Paimon.
"I was wondering who could be valiant enough to wipe the floor with these guys so easily, turns out it was the distinguished traveler I've been hearing about. Well mostly from my dearest, N/N." Both immediately turned their eyes towards the girl who giggled in delight at their reaction. "But really, I can't thank you enough, Aether. For helping us."
"Wait... You know this person, Y/N?" Paimon asked as the two then switched their attention back to Heizou who had a cunning smile. The breezing wind kisses their face as a slight giggle was heard from the girl which made the boy beside him smile brighter. They both obviously avoided the question even tho it was alreayd obvious.
"Have we met?" Aether asked.
"Of course, I was aware of you long before you arrived in Inazuma," Heizou said before sending a glance for Y/N to continue which she solemnly do so. "Though the Sakou Decree managed to keep the country locked up, it wasn't able to stop the incredible stories about you."
After exchanging conversations with each other, the sky slowly turned into a vibrant blue kind of color as the stars that dazzled started to appear as they glowed along with the shining light of the moon.
How beautiful. Such scenery like these are told to be sometimes one of a lifetime and yet even when they see it almost every day, it's almost like it's just once. The waters that reflected the moon and the skies, and how the trees would sway along with the bliss of wind, it was truly a masterpiece.
"My darling, you seemed to zone out for a sec there. I wouldn't want your eyes to drift that far away from me," A flirty and seductive tone said next to the girl whose face soon faltered from a peaceful one to a blank one. She didn't look back as she focused her attention on the sky above her, the feeling of him staring back was enough reason to not look back."
"... I was thinking how beautiful the night is right now, but somebody got to ruin my trance."
"Eh? Now that's just mean for blaming your loveable, charming boyfriend!" He whimpered dramatically before pouting as Y/N smiled a little at how her dearest was acting. Heizou's eyes then swiftly turned back at the two before managing to catch a glimpse of a letter Paimon was holding. "Let me ask you this..."
He took a quick stop before he continued. "What's that your little sidekick is holding? If I'm not mistaken, It's a commission letter from the Police Station," His eyes soon landed back on the girl before began trying to push her buttons again. "Am I right, N/N? I'm right, right N/N? My lover right now seems to start falling out of love with me.. but fear not- I will make sure to fix it with this!
"The sudden warmth from Y/N's side turned to comfort as the boy held his arms around her body as if like a soft pillow he would cuddle at night. He could've sworn he saw her face turn red for a sec, but he did catch how her ears turned red which made him feel so fuzzy inside.
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tsuy4n · 4 years
Request: Closed (askbox open for questions or just talking)
✧Wattpad (@tsuy4n)
✧AO3 (Butler_barb)
➳ Rules + Masterlist
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If your request wasn’t done, I apologize in advance.
━━━━━━━━━━ • ✿ • ━━━━━━━━━━
✦ Fandom(s)!
➸ Obey me
➸ Genshin impact
➸ Tokyo revengers
➸ Kimetsu no Yaiba
➸ Tmnt (2007, 2012, Bayverse, Rise)
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➺ NSFW (18+), Mild/Explicit, Dark stuff's good, auto aged up characters here.
➺ Gn/Fem!reader,
➺ Headcanon, oneshot, scenario, short series.
➺ if req found not uncomfy, I'm down baby!
➺ Rude? Bitch? Hateful and toxic? Haha, sweet! Blocked.
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𖤍 OM! Brothers + Undatables
Temporary curse / Part II / short scene
Their dog
Memories - Part II
Drunk / Part II / Part III
You belong to me. (Yan!Diavolo ft. Others) [mild (?) dark]
Mc and the music video of the brothers
Mc who swears in different languages
Child Mc who curses
Merry Christmas🎄
Rich, Rich, Rich
Fight me
Plucking out their eyes (OM! Brothers)
Voices (GI x OM! [crossover])
Sharpen their skills [NSFW]
✾ Headcanon
Sensitive mc
Cheesy pick up lines (OM!Brothers)
Cheesy pick up lines (OM! Undateables)
✧ Genshin Impact
Visitors - (Diluc. Venti, Razor, Childe, Liyue!boys, Fem!reader)
Wind - (Diluc, Kaeya, Venti x Fem!reader ft. Barbara)
Fandango (Scaramouche x Fem!reader) [slight NSFW]
Good ending (Xiao x Fem!reader) [slight angst]
Wonder (Diluc, Kaeya, Venti x Gn!reader)
Getting his eyeliner done [NSFW] (Scaramouche x Fem!reader)
Hate fucking [NSFW] (Scaramouche x Fem!reader)
Snow (Xiao x Gn!reader)
✦ Smau
Shenanigans - I: (Scaramouche, Aether ft. Lumine, Venti) / II: (Heizou, Xiao, Dainsleif, Tightnari ft. Cyno)
.☘︎ ݁˖ Tokyo revengers
Cheater!Sanzu ft. Bonten members [NSFW]
Pet [NSFW] (Bonten x Fem!reader) - Part I / Part II / Part III
Crazy [NSFW] (Sanzu x Fem!reader
Slumber party! (Toman members)
Open relationship [NSFW] (Ran x Fem!reader ft. other characters)
Bonten’s little lamb [NSFW] (Bonten x Fem!reader)
Permission granted [NSFW] (Shinichiro x Fem!reader)
Reward [NSFW] (Bonten! Trio + Mikey x Fem!reader)
Calling their brother’s name when they’re the ones who’s making you feel good [NSFW] (Fem!reader)
Two people [Angst] (Draken/Kokonoi scenario)
Incorrect quotes
Ship Dynamics: [Leo], [Donnie], [Raph], [Mikey]
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