#slight Beidou x ningguang
seancoffe · 2 years
Kazuscara Lantern Rite Headcanon Fanfic Thingy:
~ They are on Beidou’s boat ~
~ Heizou is a friend of Kazuha in this and dating Aether ~
• Beidou, walking into Kazuha’s room: You love birds alright in here?
• Kazuha: Yeah mom, we’re fine.
• Scaramouche, who just got his face kissed a lot: M-Mhm!
• Beidou: Alright, just so you know we’re gonna dock in Liyue here in a bit
• Kazuha: Ok
~ Once they docked ~
• Beidou: Boys, we’re docked!
• Scaramouche: Yes Mrs Beidou, let me wake Kazuha up and we’ll get out
• Beidou, poking her head in Kazuha’s room: Let the boy sleep, and you can just call me Beidou as I’ve said before, you’re family now
• Scaramouche: Alright uh- Beidou, and I’ll let him sleep. Are you going anywhere?
• Beidou: Yes, to go see Ningguang at the Jade Chamber
• Scaramouche: Ok, I’ll tell him when he wakes up
~ After Kazuha wakes up ~
• Kazuha: My leaf? We’re docked now right, how long have I been asleep?
• Scaramouche: Yes we’re docked, you’ve been out for about an hour or two. Also Beidou went to see Ningguang
• Kazuha, stretching: Ooo~
• Scaramouche: You wanna go anywhere? We’re the only two on the boat
• Kazuha: Only if you wanna go anywhere
• Scaramouche, kissing Kazuha’s forehead: Alright pretty boy, I know you want to go somewhere, where do you wanna go?
• Kazuha, pouting: Back to Heizou-
• Scaramouche: I know sweetheart, but he’s busy with work. Now do you wanna go get him a souvenir?
• Kazuha, nodding: Yeah…
~ After getting Heizou a souvenir, they meet up with Beidou and Ningguang at the Docks ~
• Ningguang: So you two, how have you guys been?
• Kazuha: We’ve been fine
• Scaramouche, with his hands wrapped around Kazuha’s waist: Mmm…
• Kazuha: Sweetheart, talk to her. She cleared your criminal history
• Scaramouche: Finee-, I’ve been fine Mrs Ningguang, how have you been
• Ningguang, laughing: It’s fine Kazuha, let him enjoy whatever he’s doing. I’m fine Scara, thanks for asking
• Scaramouche: Mmmph
• Beidou: Hey you three, I think the fireworks are about to start. Ningguang do you wanna leave the two lovebirds alone?
• Kazuha: Mommm
• Beidou: Whattttt
• Ningguang: Hun, stop teasing him, do you want us to leave you two alone for these?
• Kazuha: It’s up t-
• Scaramouche, interrupting Kazuha: Yes please, and Beidou can I talk to you about something over there quickly?
• Beidou: Yes of course Scara
• Kazuha, looking back at Scaramouche: Is everything ok my leaf?
• Scaramouche: Yes my pretty boy, I just need to talk to Beidou real quick
• Kazuha: Alright, if you say so-
~ Beidou and Scara leave Kazuha and Ningguang to talk ~
• Beidou: Is everything alright Scara?
• Scaramouche: …
• Beidou: You’ve gone quiet, what’s up.
• Scaramouche, taking a deep breath: I think I wanna propose to Kazuha during the fireworks, do I have your blessing?
• Beidou: I- yes of course you have my blessing Scaramouche, do you have the ring?
• Scaramouche: Yes I do, it’s in my pocket. Would you like to see it?
• Beidou: Yes of course I do
~ Scaramouche shows Beidou the ring ~
• Scaramouche: Do you think he’ll like it?
• Beidou: It’s lovely Scara, and yes I do think that he’s gonna love it. Is Heizou gonna come?
• Scaramouche: Um, the Traveler is supposed to get him here as a surprise for Kazuha since they’re close and Heizou wouldn’t miss this for the world, they should be here by the time I propose
• Beidou: Good
~ They walk back over to Ningguang and Kazuha ~
• Kazuha: …and that’s why Scara is the best boyfriend ever
• Scaramouche: Oh really now sweetheart?
• Kazuha, freezes and blushes: I- um- I-
• Beidou: Cat caught your tongue?
• Scaramouche, wrapping his arms back around Kazuha’s waist and kissing him: You’re adorable Zuzu
• Beidou, winking at Scaramouche: Honey, can we let them use the Jade Chamber’s balcony to watch the fireworks?
• Ningguang: Of course, are we gonna watch them on your boat?
• Beidou: Obviously
• Kazuha: Scaraaa stooop
~ Scaramouche smothering Kazuha’s face in kisses ~
• Scaramouche: Not until you tell me what you said
• Kazuha: Noooooo
~ 30 minutes until the fireworks start and Kazuha and Scaramouche are on the Jade Chamber ~
• Kazuha: Isn’t the night sky so pretty tonight
• Scaramouche: Not as pretty as you sweetheart
• Kazuha: Shhh
~ With Ningguang and Beidou on Beidou’s Boat ~
• Ningguang: Why did you wink at Scaramouche when asking if they could use the Jade Chamber to watch the fireworks?
• Beidou: You didn’t hear this from me but the reason why Scaramouche wanted to talk to me was because he was planning on proposing to Kazuha and I may have promised him he could use the Jade Chamber
• Ningguang: You promised him to use it without asking me?
• Beidou: I’m sorry honey, it’s just a special occasion
• Ningguang: It’s fine babe, just ask before you promise again
~ Back with Kazuha and Scaramouche, 5 minutes before fireworks ~
• Kazuha: My leaf, you look stressed, what’s wrong?
• Scaramouche: Nothing pretty boy, don’t worry
• Scaramouche’s head: Aether when the fuck are you going to be here with Heizou, you both agreed damnit
• Kazuha: If you say so…
~ Traveler appears with Heizou ~
• Aether: I’m here as promised
• Heizou: Kazuha, guess who’s here
• Kazuha, turning around and running towards him: Heizou!
~ Scaramouche walks over to Aether while Kazuha and Heizou tell each other about the months that they’ve been away from each other ~
• Scaramouche: I thought you said you’d be here 10 minutes before the fireworks started
• Aether: Well I was but I couldn’t find you in the spot you said you’d be in so we had to find Beidou
• Scaramouche: Shit- right I forgot about that
• Aether, sighing: Mhmm
• Scaramouche: You told Heizou I'm proposing to Kazuha right?
• Aether: Of course I did, he’s super excited about not missing it
• Scaramouche: Good, here’s your payment
• Aether: Thank you, I’m gonna go back to Paimon and them. Bye my detective, bye Kazuha!
• Heizou and Kazuha: Goodbye!
~ Once the fireworks started ~
• Heizou: It’s so fun to see fireworks from Yoimiya here in Liyue
• Kazuha, leaning his head on Scaramouche’s shoulder: Yeah it is
• Scaramouche: …
• Kazuha: Scara, are you sure you’re ok? You’ve been acting weird all night
• Scaramouche, getting on one knee: Yes…I’m alright Zuzu
• Kazuha: Sweetheart?
~ Heizou has the biggest smile and giving Scaramouche a thumbs up and Kazuha is so very clueless ~
• Scaramouche: Kaedehara Kazuha, will you make me the happiest boyfriend in the world?
• Kazuha, starting to tear up: I- yes! A thousand times yes
• Heizou, running up to Kazuha go hug him: I’m so happy for you! I wish Aether would propose to me soon, but he’s so busy with his traveling
• Kazuha, winking at Scaramouche: I’m sure he’ll propose very soon
• Scaramouche, smiling: I’m sure he will too
~ They head back to Aether, Paimon, and the rest of the group and Heizou runs to Aether ~
• Beidou: Hey kiddos, how’d the proposal go?
• Kazuha: I- mom, you knew?
• Scaramouche, kissing Kazuha and showing Beidou the ring on Kazuha’s finger: Yes Zuzu, she knew. I forgot to get her blessing before now. And it went well Beidou, thank you
• Beidou, rushing to give Kazuha a hug: My baby’s engaged, you’re growing so fast
• Scaramouche: Beidou- I think you’re squeezing him too hard
• Beidou: Oh shit- sorry kiddo
• Kazuha: It’s alright mom
~ They walk over to Heizou, Aether, and paimon ~
• Aether: Congrats you two
• Kazuha: Thank you Aether
• Scaramouche, with his hands back around Kazuha’s waist: Mmm- can we go back to the boat please Zuzu
• Kazuha: Scara, love, don’t be rude. He brought Heizou
• Scaramouche, sighing: Thank you Aether, and thanks for bringing Heizou for this. Now can we go back to your room on the boat please
• Kazuha: Alright fine, bye Heizou, bye Aether, bye paimon
• Scaramouche: Don’t we need to tell Beidou?
• Kazuha: Aether or Heizou will tell her, now c’mon sweetheart let’s go to sleep
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earphonejackx · 9 months
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✶﹒ AN: happy new year’s everyone! I’m glad to be back
✶﹒ Street racer! ningguang x f!reader
✶﹒ Cursing, SLIGHT NSFW(not smut), making out, possessive behavior
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✶﹒Street racer! Ningguang who purposely goes out of her way to make out with you on her car before the race, so she can let the others know that you’re all hers.
✶﹒Street racer! Ningguang who always insists to drive, anywhere you go. She needs you to be her passenger princess ;( “C’mon babe, you don’t even have to lift a finger.”
✶﹒Street racer! Ningguang who always puts her hand on your thigh as she drives. She likes to hold it for comfort ;)
✶﹒Street racer! Ningguang who tells you to fix your attitude, as your slammed her car door. “Fix that attitude before I fuck it out of you.” After that you couldn’t walk for days.
✶﹒Street racer! Ningguang who is always standing on business. She knows what she wants and shell get it. That includes winning the race for you <3
✶﹒Street racer! Ningguang who loves it when you tease her! It makes her more mad during the race so she can bring all that energy in the bed with you ;))
✶﹒Street racer! Ningguang who almost got into a fight with one of the contestants named Beidou. She tried to hit on you during down time but Beidou decided to make a challenge…
✶﹒Street racer! Ningguang who was mad when she found out if Beidou won the race she’d want her to share you with her! Absolutely not, Ningguang couldn’t let her win.
✶﹒Street racer! Ningguang who ended up tying with Beidou in the race. She couldn’t believe she lost, but she wasn’t about to give you up that quickly.
✶﹒Street racer! Ningguang who made love to you on her car for everyone to see including Beidou to show everyone who you belong to. Her.
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genshinluvr · 2 years
Eating for Two | Mixed Signals Alt. Ending
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader, slight Various Genshin Women x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: You are officially eating for two people! Even though you didn't think you'd become a parent, it happened (in this alternate ending), and people around you are pretty excited about your pregnancy and the birth of your child.
Note: This is an alternate ending to "Mixed Signals," which was published on the first of October. Just to clarify, the gender and the father of the baby will not be clarified because I want readers (you guys) to interpret it however you want it to be. It will be a mystery (the gender of the baby), and the baby's father will not be announced in this story because it's whoever you want it to be. As previously stated in "Mixed Signals," this story does lean towards female!reader/AFAB!reader because pregnancy does happen in this story. Please keep in mind that I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo)
Warnings: Pregnancy and pregnancy symptoms, nausea, and cravings
Word Count: 8.7k
Read the original here: Mixed Signals. Read the Spin-off here: The Men Who Worry a Lot.
You sit across from the women of Teyvat, sipping on your tea with a throw pillow lying on your lap. Since you’re sitting in the presence of beautiful and elegant women of Teyvat, you insist on wearing presentable clothing. Still, the men and women objected, suggesting that you should wear something comfortable because the women are the ones that are visiting the abode. So, there you are, wearing one of Zhongli’s button-up shirts with fleece shorts and fluffy slippers.
“So, how are you feeling?” Lumine asks, taking a sip of her cup of tea.
You press your lips into a thin line. “I’m feeling okay. Other than the pregnancy symptoms, I’m okay.”
“Have these men been taking good care of you?” Ningguang asks, stirring her cup of tea with the tea stir spoon, her right leg crossed over her left leg.
You nod your head. “Of course! They’ve been taking good care of me ever since I started experiencing pregnancy symptoms. Well, then again, they’ve always treated me well way before I got pregnant.”
“Who is the father of your offspring? Do you know who it is?” Raiden asks, sitting on the armrest of the couch while sipping on her drink.
You shake your head. “Unfortunately, I do not know who the father is. Not to mention, I’m only two weeks into this pregnancy,” You said.
Yae Miko giggles behind her hand. “I wouldn’t be able to imagine if the father of the child is Kunikuzushi.”
“Miko, don’t say that about Scaramouche. He’s a great guy, and whether he’s the father of my child or not, he is excellent with kids.” You huff, feeling anger slowly rising. Usually, you would brush off comments like that, but you’ve been experiencing mood swings ever since you found out you’re eating for two.
“Beidou, are you not going to drink your tea? It’ll get cold.” Ningguang comments, looking over to where the Captain is sitting.
Beidou shakes her head and waves Ningguang’s comment away. “Nah, I’m not a tea kind of gal. I prefer alcohol.” She lets out a burst of boisterous laughter.
You’re about to make a comment but pause when a wave of nausea hits you. You clutch your head and slowly place your teacup back down on the saucer. The women around you fall silent. Shenhe and Yelan place their hands on your shoulders, each of them massaging your shoulders lightly.
“Are you alright? Do you want me to grab Doctor Baizhu?” Shenhe asks, rubbing your back with her left hand while holding onto your trembling hand with her right hand. 
You let out a shaky laugh. “I’m fine, Shenhe. I’m suddenly feeling nauseous, but it’s nothing new. It’s something I’ll be dealing with for quite a while until I’m no longer pregnant,” You answered.
“I can take your mind off your nausea by teaching you how to gamble.” Yelan offers, giving you a small smile.
“Absolutely not,” Diluc states as he walks into the living area where you and the women are hanging out.
“Oh, come on, Master Diluc. Lighten up! Gambling doesn’t always involve mora.” Lisa giggles at Diluc’s protectiveness over you.
Diluc gives Lisa a blank stare before walking over to where you sit. Yelan and Shenhe move over to an empty loveseat beside you. Diluc sits beside you and rubs your arms lightly without saying a word. You lean into Diluc’s touch and rest your head on his shoulders, running your fingers through the tassels of the throw pillow.
Thoma enters the room with a tray of snacks in his hands. “Here are the snacks if any of you are feeling a little peckish.” He sets the tray of snacks down on the wooden coffee table.
“Ooh! Some snacks!” Hu Tao’s eyes light up before picking up a tri-colored Dango and taking a big bite out of the Dango.
Yanfei smiles at Thoma. “Thank you, Thoma! The snacks look delicious,” Yanfei says, reaching for a sakura mochi.
You stare at the snacks intently, deep in your thoughts.
“[Y/N], a mora for your thoughts?” Candace asks, leaning back in her seat with her arms crossed over her chest.
You hum softly, lifting your head from Diluc’s shoulders. “I’m just wondering what I can and cannot eat while pregnant.” You answer, hugging the throw pillow against your chest.
Nilou’s eyes widen with a small gasp. “Oh, archons, you’re right! How could we forget about that?! There are limitations when it comes to pregnancies.” 
“You should call in your lovers. I’m sure they’ll know what you can and cannot eat while you’re pregnant,” Kokomi instructs, placing her ceramic teacup down on the saucer.
“No need to call anyone. We’ve been here the entire time,” Xiao states, walking down the stairs with his arms over his chest and with the other men in tow.
Mona cocks her eyebrows. “Oh? Eavesdropping, are we? How juvenile of you men to spy on people and listen in on their conversation without them knowing.” Mona huffs, taking a piece of a Katsu sandwich before taking a bite out of it.
Scaramouche rolls his eyes. “Oh please, why would we listen in on your conversation when we’re all too busy worrying about our pregnant lover?” Scaramouche sits down beside you and wraps his arms around your waist, ignoring the looks he is getting from his mother and Yae Miko.
“Doctor Baizhu, what food is [Y/N] allowed and not allowed to eat?” Kuki Shinobu asks, turning to look at the green-haired male with a questioning gaze.
“There are many things that [Y/N] can and cannot eat. There’s a list that goes on, but luckily Tighnari, Albedo, Dottore, and I made lists of food and ingredients to buy to make meals.” Baizhu answers, propping both of his hands on his hips.
“Oh? Dottore contributed to the list? Can’t say that I’m not shocked because I am.” Arlecchino chortles, bringing the cup to her lips, and takes a sip of the teacup.
Dottore glares at Arlecchino, his nails digging into the palm of his hands while trying to hold back from saying anything rash. Dottore takes a deep breath and looks over at you. You look back at Dottore worriedly, then at Arlecchino. Zhongli lets out a slow sigh and rubs the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger.
“Let’s not bicker with one another. We do not want to stress [Y/N] out; it’s not good for them or the baby.” Zhongli states.
Childe squeezes himself between you and Scaramouche, throwing his arms over your shoulders and rubbing your stomach. You snort and rest your head on his shoulder, reaching behind Childe and giving Scaramouche’s hand a reassuring squeeze. Scaramouche grumbles and looks away, his cheeks tinting pink while his hand is itching to zap Childe for getting in between the both of you.
“Just to let you know, I’m sure you can eat mochi while pregnant. Though, just a reasonable amount, not an excessive amount.” Childe says, brushing his thumb over your flushed cheeks. You look over at the coffee table and slowly lean forward to grab a piece of pink mochi and take a bite out of it. The mochi tastes fantastic as always; it’s soft and chewy and has red bean paste at the center of the mochi itself. You had always loved mochi, especially when you were still in your universe. You remember your mother would buy a bag that contained sixty mini mochis, and you would eat them for a snack whenever you studied or played Genshin Impact on your desktop.
“So, is there any way you want to reveal the gender of the baby? I highly recommend fireworks!” Yoimiya shoots you a wink.
“A gender reveal?” Dainsleif murmurs, rubbing his chin with his hands while in deep thought.
“Should we do a gender reveal party, or do we leave it as it is and find out about the gender when I give birth?” You ask, turning to look at the other men around you.
“It’s all up to you on whether you want a gender reveal party or find out the baby’s gender after you’ve given birth to the little one,” Kazuha says, kissing the top of your head.
You shrug your shoulders. “It’s still early into my pregnancy. We can decide on that later.” You said, dusting your fingers off and reaching for your teacup on the saucer.
After your hangout with the women has ended, you stretch your arms in the air and yawn. You gathered the teacups and saucers onto the food tray before walking to the kitchen to clean them up. As you’re washing the dishes, someone taps you on your shoulder. You turn your head and see Kaeya and Xiao standing there with their arms crossed over their chests.
You give them a smile. “Is there something I can do for you two?” You ask, putting the cleaned teacups, mini plates, and saucers on the drying rack.
“You shouldn’t be doing housework while you’re pregnant,” Xiao stated.
“It’s fine, Xiao. I’m just washing the dishes, not moving furniture around or cooking food.” You said gently. You turn the faucet off and wipe your damp hands onto the rag.
Kaeya grabs you by your forearm and pulls you towards him and Xiao. “What Xiao meant to say is that in Liyue, those who are pregnant should be relaxing and not do any work,” Kaeya explains, walking you out of the kitchen with Xiao walking alongside you.
“Oh? Is that so? That’s funny because, in my world, it’s the same thing in certain cultures. Pregnant people weren’t allowed to leave the house even,” You said, rubbing your hands over your stomach. The bump has yet to form, but you’re anxious about it developing because that means you’ll have to be extra careful than you already are.
“Do you want me to carry you to your bedroom? You need to rest and get plenty of sleep.” Ayato says, wrapping his arms around your waist and lightly resting both of his hands on your belly.
You were about to protest but decided not to. You nod your head and let Ayato carry you bridal style up the stairs and to your bedroom. Even though you’re capable of taking care of yourself while pregnant, you might as well let the men spoil you, or else you’ll get puppy dog eyes from the men if you were to reject their offering to help.
Ayato lays you on your bed and Venti and Gorou pop by the entrance of your bedroom with a smile on their face as if they’re waiting for something. Ayato sighs softly and nods his head as if he is giving them permission to enter your bedroom.
“If you don’t mind, we will be giving you cuddles as you sleep!” Venti says, sitting at the edge of your bed while Gorou sits on the other side of your bed.
“We don’t want you to feel lonely, so both Venti and I have come up with the idea that we’ll be cuddling you to sleep.” Gorou proclaims happily. He lays down on your bed and pats the middle of the bed, telling you to lie down so the cuddling session can begin. You do need someone to cuddle with. Ever since your blood test came back, the men suggested that you didn’t sleep with a ton of plushies on your bed. So they got to work and built extra shelves for the plushies that once resided on your bed.
“Oh, and just a heads up! While you’re in the middle of napping, we will be switching out with the others too. Originally, Gorou and I planned on us being the only ones to cuddle with you as you nap, but the others want in on it as well.” Venti makes a face before laying down beside you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“We should enjoy the moment while it lasts.” You giggled, nestling up between Venti and Gorou before closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep.
The first two months of your pregnancy are complicated; then again, the pregnancy is still complicated the more time goes by. Your stomach is starting to show, which is exciting and terrifying because you have to be extra cautious when you’re doing things and eating certain foods. You were planning on relaxing at the bathhouse to relieve the tension in your body, but the men quickly denied it and told you not to take hot baths or sit in a hot tub or the hot spring in the bathhouse at the abode.
“It can cause a miscarriage. I don’t recommend sitting in anything that can increase the body temperature. The same goes for cold baths,” Albedo says, jotting down notes in his laboratory. 
You purse your lips and play with the hem of Ayato’s button-up shirt that you have stolen from his closet. “I wanted to be a human submarine.” You muttered.
“A what now?” Aether chuckles, raising his eyebrows at you with an amused smile on his face.
Heizou cuddles up against you. “I’m sure you can take baths still, but as long as it’s not hot. Only warm baths!” He strokes your hair and presses a kiss on the side of your head.
Before you can say anything else, Itto walks into the lab, looking around Albedo’s laboratory while trying to look inconspicuous. You, Aether, Heizou, and Albedo stare at Itto as he slowly approaches the four of you, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Itto! Is there anything we can do for you?” You ask, smiling up at the tall oni.
Itto’s eyes light up when the two of you make eye contact. Itto stops in front of you and gazes down at you nervously, the apples of his cheeks rosy pink. You couldn’t help but squeal softly at the shyness Itto was showing; he looked too precious! You reach up and squeeze Itto’s cheeks lightly with a big smile on your face.
“I, uh, I was wondering if it’s okay for me to feel my unborn child,” Itto says, clearing his throat shyly, the tips of his ears turning almost as red as his horns.
“Your unborn child? Please, Itto, we haven’t conducted a paternity test yet.” Tighnari exclaims from the doorway he is leaning up against. Tighnari looks at Itto with wide eyes, then over at you, Albedo, Heizou, and Aether in disbelief.
Tighnari walks further into Albedo’s laboratory and stops beside you, his arms over his chest as he turns to look at Itto with his eyebrows raised. Itto mumbles under his breath. Itto’s once rosy cheeks are now crimson red like his horns. You’re now three months pregnant, and your developing baby bump is beginning to show.
“I think we can take the paternity test later,” You said. “And to answer your question, Itto. Yes, you may feel the baby bump. It’s not much, but it’s there.” You said, reaching towards Itto’s large hands and placing them over your developing baby bump.
Itto’s eyes light up, and he is suddenly kneeling in front of you. Itto lifts up your shirt (that you have stolen from Ayato’s closet) and stares at the forming bump. A big smile stretches across Itto’s face as he gently rubs your belly. Suddenly his lips quiver and tears pool around his eyes, alarming you and the others in the lab. Before you could ask if he was okay, Itto wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close to him.
You pout and run your fingers through his soft hair while Itto presses light kisses on your baby bump, running his thumb over the bump with his head resting at your side. You look over at the others and the room, only to see them staring at your exposed baby bump. Your body shakes with laughter before you point down at your stomach.
“Do you guys want to feel the baby bump too?” You ask softly, patting your stomach lightly.
As if in a trance, they all nod their heads without taking their eyes off your stomach. Itto grumbles, muttering under his breath about how the others are copying him for wanting to feel your developing baby bump. One by one, Heizou, Aether, Tighnari, and Albedo placed their hands on your stomach, marveling over the fact that there was a being forming inside of your womb right now— a being that could look like any one of them.
“Oh? What’s going on in here?” Al Haitham asks, stepping into the lab with the other men in tow.
You smile and pat Itto’s head, who continues to cling to your side with his arms around your waist. “Itto wanted to feel the baby bump, and I let him. The others joined in after I noticed they had this longing look on their faces, wanting to touch the baby bump,” You reply.
“How warm do you think the baby is in your belly?” Itto asks, nuzzling his cheek up against your belly while continuing to caress your bump.
“It’s probably womb temperature,” Cyno replies, crossing his arms over his chest with a straight face.
Tighnari raises his eyebrows at Cyno. “Was that supposed to be a pun joke?” The corners of Cyno’s lips quirk up before nodding his head slowly.
Al Haitham rolls his eyes. “How clever,” Al Haitham stated. 
“Hey, if any of you want to feel the baby bump, feel free to! After all, making a baby isn’t a one-person job.” You said, rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly. 
“You’re right because it’s a twenty-five-person job.” Aether nods his head.
Heizou leans to whisper into Aether’s ears. “I don’t think it’s possible for twenty-four men to impregnate one person.” 
“I know, but since we don’t know who’s the father of the baby, I might as well be inclusive,” Aether replies.
You hold your hand up. “Before any of you feel my stomach, let me sit down on a chair somewhere because my back is starting to hurt,” You said. You rub your lower back and scan around Albedo’s lab, searching for a chair to sit on.
“No need to find a chair, snookums! I’ll be your chair,” Childe announces proudly. Childe sits at the edge of an empty table and pats his lap. You shrug your shoulders and walk over to where Childe sits before sitting on his lap. 
Diluc turns to look at Zhongli. “Childe is a strange man,” Diluc stated.
Zhongli chuckles at Diluc’s comment, shaking his head. “Indeed he is.”
Childe gasps at Diluc and Zhongli, his mouth ajar. You snort at Childe’s reaction and tilt your head up to press a kiss beneath his jaws, smiling when you feel Childe tighten his grip around your waist before resting both of his hands on the swell of your baby bump. Childe’s gaze softens, and he rests his chin on your shoulders, pressing a gentle kiss on the side of your neck, his thumbs rubbing your bare stomach. You lean your head against him, a tiny smile forming on your face when you hear him breathe in a shaky sigh. You know that Childe is a family man and that he wants to be a father to many children. Childe has even told you to bear his many children multiple times, so seeing his reaction to you being pregnant and touching your pregnant belly was wholesome to see.
“You’ve had your turn now!” Scaramouche stated, lightly batting Childe’s hands away from your belly before pressing both of his hands on your tummy gently. 
Childe grumbles and rolls his eyes, placing both of his hands around your hips. Scaramouche’s narrowed eyebrows soon disappear as he kneels in front of you, not taking his eyes away from your bump. You smile and smooth your hands over his soft hair. Scaramouche subconsciously leans into your touch before pressing a gentle kiss on your tummy.
“What’s on your mind?” You whisper.
Scaramouche shakes his head before standing back up. He pulls you into a hug, burying his face into your hair and pressing many kisses on the top of your head while ignoring the glare Childe was giving him. Childe huffs and crosses his arms over his chest, a pout forming on his face.
You let out a small giggle and wrap your arms around Scaramouche’s waist, rubbing his back lightly. Upon feeling your small baby bump press up against his lower stomach, Scaramouche feels himself melt in your grasp. As much as Scaramouche wanted to tighten his hug, he didn’t want to hurt you or the baby, so he refrained himself from doing it.
“Hey, no need to hog [Y/N] to yourself! Let us get a turn at hugging and feeling their baby bump.” Cyno says, tapping on Scaramouche’s shoulders.
Scaramouche sighs and slowly releases you from his arms. He gives you a small smile before pressing his lips on your forehead before moving away to let the others have their turn in feeling your baby bump. Thoma was the first one to step up; he kneels in front of you and marvels at the sight of your developing baby bump. Thoma presses his hand against your tummy and lightly rubs your tummy with a smile.
“How does it feel to have a life growing inside of you?” Thoma whispers, looking up at you, his eyes glittering with happiness.
You cracked a smile and ran your fingers through his soft blond hair. “It’s a bit strange because I never imagined myself to be a parent. I’m pretty nervous about being one,” You reply.
Baizhu approaches you and places his hand on your shoulders. “It’s okay to have some concerns. After all, Albedo, Tighnari, and I are here to help you if there are any medical emergencies.” He lightly squeezes your shoulders.
“We’ll make sure that you have a healthy routine throughout your pregnancy and after you’ve given birth to the baby,” Albedo says, pressing his hands against the baby bump.
“Oh, don’t leave me out of it too. You know I’m a doctor as well, right?” Dottore asks, lightly pushing Baizhu and Albedo away to be able to feel the baby bump. Albedo and Baizhu raise an eyebrow at Dottore’s comment before exchanging looks with one another. “I can contribute as much to [Y/N]’s healthy lifestyle while pregnant just as much as the three of you.” Dottore huffs, pressing his hand against your tummy.
Pantalone walks up with a smile on his face. “You needn’t worry about the clothes for the baby and furniture for the nursery. I got you covered,” said Pantalone. He presses the palm of his hand against your pregnant belly and smiles. “After all, I do want our children to be spoiled as much as possible, but we will teach them manners because acting like a spoiled brat will earn them a spanking,” Pantalone adds.
You sigh and lay your head on Childe’s shoulders. “The baby isn’t even born yet, and we’re already talking about discipline?” You ask, looking up at Pantalone with a small frown on your face. 
You’re not against disciplining kids, but you believe that disciplining children without putting your hands on them is the way to go. Your parents spanked you and your siblings a lot when you were children, and that did more harm than good; it made you more scared of doing certain things rather than teaching you right from wrong.
“And what do you have in mind, exactly?” Pierro asks, “Children need to be disciplined for their wrongdoings.” 
“While I agree with that, I don’t agree with putting our hands on children because they did something wrong. It’s better to teach it to them than spanking them over the little things,” You said. “Plus, spanking children does more harm than good,” You added.
Capitano sighs. “I believe that we should leave this kind of conversation whenever the baby is born.” Capitano crosses his arms over his chest. “Like [Y/N] said, it’s too early to talk about these things when the baby has barely formed in their womb.” Capitano rubs your belly gently with his gloved hand.
“I really hope the baby turns out to be healthy,” Gorou says, rubbing your stomach and pressing his cheek against your small baby bump. Gorou rests his head on your tummy, his ears pressing up against your stomach as if he’s trying to listen for something.
Kazuha smiles and rubs the top of your belly. “I’m sure the baby will be healthy, Gorou. We’ll make sure that [Y/N] follows a healthy routine and eating habits throughout the pregnancy.” Kazuha reaches for your hand and kisses your knuckles.
Once everyone was able to touch your still-developing baby bump, you informed the men that you’d be taking a nap in your bedroom. This time, it was Kaeya that would be taking you to your room and making sure that you were actually taking a nap instead of sneak-eating snacks (you were caught the first time, and now you’re under surveillance because of that). You sit down on your bed and lay down on your side, hugging your pregnancy pillow against your body while Kaeya spoons you from behind, combing his fingers through your hair.
“Remember to get plenty of rest, alright? Sleep is important for both you and the baby.” Kaeya murmurs into your ears, wrapping his arms around your waist before placing one hand on your belly.
You nod your head. “I will, Kaeya.” A smile slowly appears on your face. “Ever since I was pregnant, I’ve been feeling even more tired than I usually do. So, I will be taking lots of naps more often,” You said, cuddling against Kaeya’s chest. 
Fast forward to you being six months pregnant; you’re not allowed to lift a single finger at all. Yes, you can do some things yourself, but it usually depends on what it is. You wanting to take a shower? Well, shit! There’s a possibility of you slipping and falling in the shower. Therefore, whenever you go and shower, one man will accompany you each time you go and take a shower. If you want to grab something from a tall shelf, one of the tall men will get them for you! No need to stand on the tips of your toes or on the kitchen counter to grab something from high up. There has been a time when you also gave one of the men a heart attack when they woke up in the middle of the night, only to see that you weren’t in bed at all. Ayato rushes down the stairs, wiping the sleep from his eyes as he tries to scan the dark estate for any sign of your presence. Ayato walks toward the kitchen, only to see you rummaging through the fridge at two in the morning, your hair sticking all over the place while mumbling something under your breath. Ayato can see your baby bump peeking out from underneath your sleep shirt; the mere sight made his heart flutter in his chest at the adorable sight.
“Honey, why are you up so late?” Ayato asks. His voice was heavy with sleep as he walked over to where you stood.
You turn to look at Ayato like a startled fox before clearing your throat awkwardly. “I woke up hungry. Now I’m searching for something to eat.” You reply, rubbing your growling stomach. “You know my appetite has grown ever since I got pregnant. I can’t help it; the baby wants something to eat.” You mumbled, rubbing your swollen stomach.
Dainsleif emerges from the shadows, leaning against the entrance of the kitchen, his hair disheveled from his slumber. “You could’ve woken Thoma up from his sleep and asked him to make you something to eat, you know?” Dainsleif has that soft look on his face that makes you weak to your knees.
“I know, but I didn’t want to disturb anyone with my hunger. Plus, I think a simple snack will do. It doesn’t have to be a meal.” You added, turning back to look into the refrigerator. “Pregnancy cravings are weird. I’ve been craving sunsettias dipped in cream cheese sprinkled with spice and sugar.” You muttered, tapping your fingers on your belly lightly.
Xiao appears out of thin air beside Ayato, his arms over his chest. “Since you’re hungry, we might as well get you something to eat and keep you company while we’re at it,” Xiao says.
One by one, the other men start to emerge from the darkness of the estate. Heizou flickers the light switch on, the lights flooding the kitchen and dining area. You shield your eyes for a brief moment before slowly putting your hands back down onto your stomach once your eyes have adjusted to the brightness.
“All of you don’t need to keep me company while I snack. I feel bad that you’re all losing sleep because of your pregnant significant other.” You muttered, subconsciously rubbing your pregnant belly.
Heizou sighs and walks over to you. He snakes his arms around your waist, pulls you close to his side by your hips, and presses a kiss on the apples of your cheeks. “My love, you’re not the one that’s forcing us to stay up with you. We all want to keep you company.” Heizou lightly squeezes your waist.
You sigh in defeat. “Alright, since you all want to keep me company, I can’t force you all to go back to sleep.” You give them a small smile.
Thoma walks over to the pantry and pulls out the ingredients. “I’m not entirely sure how hungry you are, but I’ll make enough for you and the baby.” Before Thoma walks by you, he stops in front of you and presses his lips on your forehead. 
“Oh, I’m really hungry. Make as much food as you like, perhaps like a feast. Though I’m not sure if the others are hungry as well, but do make enough for everyone to eat just in case,” You said.
Zhongli chuckles. “Always so thoughtful of others.” Zhongli smiles at you.
“Come, let’s wait in the living room while Thoma cooks. In the meantime, we can discuss your late-night snacking.” Diluc says, holding his hand out for you to take. You make a face before grabbing Diluc’s hand, letting him pull you towards the living room. Ever since your baby bump started getting bigger, you began to waddle a little bit whenever you walked. Not only was it a funny sight, but it was so cute that the men just wanted to capture every moment of your cute waddles on some recording device. Speaking of recording devices, Itto has been documenting your pregnancy journey with pictures of you every month. Specifically, your forming baby bump with dates and short descriptions written on the back.
“What’s it like being pregnant?” Itto asks, pointing your pregnant belly lightly. 
Venti nods his head. “It looks really complicated, especially when you’re not able to do certain things and eat certain things.”
You scratch your itching nose before sitting down on the couch beside Diluc. “Pregnancy is hard, especially when your clothes don’t fit you anymore because your body is constantly changing and growing to accommodate the baby.” You rub your swollen belly with your right hand. “It’s also really hard for me to pick things off the floor if I drop something because my belly gets in the way of me bending over.” You rest your head on Diluc’s shoulders and let out a long sigh.
“Whoever said that pregnancy is beautiful, they’re lying,” Kaeya concludes. You nod your head at Kaeya’s comment. Kaeya is correct; whoever says that pregnancy is beautiful, they’re lying because there’s nothing beautiful about pregnancy other than a baby developing and birthing that baby after nine months of carrying it.
Gorou laughs lightly. “If you don’t mind me asking, how heavy does your baby bump feel?” You stroke your chin and shrug your shoulders.
“I can’t give you the exact weight of my baby bump, but it’s heavy. Perhaps a watermelon is the best description I can give,” You reply. “Oh! Not only that, but I’m producing breast milk for the baby, and if my breasts are full of milk, I start leaking.” You cross your arms over your chest and wince when you lightly nudge your tender breasts with your hand.
Scaramouche’s eyebrows shot to his hairline at your comment. “Your breasts start to leak milk if there’s too much milk?” You nod.
Childe raises his hand. “I volunteer to suck the milk out of your breasts if it’ll help reduce the pain and constant leakage.” 
Xiao and Scaramouche smack Childe upside of his head with scowls on their faces. You snort and shake your head at the trio while the others look at Childe with their mouths agape. You don’t know if Teyvat has the device, but you’re hoping that a breast pump exists in Teyvat so you can get rid of the excess amount of milk stored in your breasts.
“The milk is for the baby, not for you.” Xiao rolls his eyes, looking away from Childe with a huff.
Before you can open your mouth to say something, you feel your shirt become damp. You let out a sigh for the umpteenth time before getting up from your seat. Great, you’re leaking milk, and it’s getting onto your shirt.
“Can someone please grab me a new shirt? I’m leaking milk.” You muttered, waddling over to the dining table and grabbing a napkin to soak up the leaking breast milk.
“On it.” Kazuha rushes upstairs to your bedroom to fetch you a change of shirt, his footsteps echoing throughout the estate.
Al Haitham turns to look over at Albedo. “Is there a way for you to create a breast pump for [Y/N] to pump out the extra breast milk?”
Albedo nods his head. “Hmm…. It will take some time for me to make that device, but I believe I can get it done in a short amount of time. I’ll get onto it immediately.” Albedo starts to walk away when you grab hold of his wrist and shake your head.
“It’s in the middle of the night, Albedo. As much as I appreciate it, you should save that for the morning and get some rest first.” You give his hand a squeeze.
“How bad does it hurt?” Baizhu asks as he walks up to you while you press the napkins up against your breasts.
You wince and walk over to the trash bin to throw the soaked napkins away. “It hurts a lot; my breasts are very tender, and I can’t pump the milk out because, well, there’s no way for me to do it.”
“Well, since Albedo will be making the pump in the morning, something will need to suck the milk out temporarily to ease the pain and tenderness of your breasts,” Tighnari mutters, stroking his chin.
“My offer still stands.” Childe sings, waving his hand in the air to grab your and everyone else’s attention.
Cyno scoffs, “Absolutely not.”
“How generous of you,” Dainsleif says sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
“If we let you suck the milk from [Y/N]’s breasts, it’ll lead to you putting baby number two in them.” Ayato crosses his arms over his chest.
Thoma walks out of the kitchen with plates of food laid out on trays in his hand and stops in his tracks when he sees you standing next to the dining table with more paper towels pressing up against your breasts. He gives you a questioning look, and you shake your head as if you’re telling him that you’ll explain it to him later or someone will explain it to him later.
“If you’re still hungry, let me know, and I’ll make more for you, alright?” Thoma places the plate down on the table where you usually sit. 
You nodded your head and thanked him before throwing the paper towels away. You sit down and begin eating the meals that Thoma had oh so graciously cooked for you and the baby. The smell and the look of the food look enticing and mouth-watering. While you’re eating the meal, Al Haitham catches Thoma up to speed on what happened while he was in the kitchen cooking food for you and the baby.
“Childe being Childe, he offered to suck the milk from their boobs,” Aether says, reaching over to steal a piece of your bread and munch on it.
Heizou shrugs his shoulders. “I mean, [Y/N] did say that their breasts being full of milk hurts, and their nipples would leak with milk. Since Albedo is making the breast pump in the morning, Childe is offering a somewhat better replacement,” said Heizou as he stroked his chin.
You shake your head and finish up your meal, rubbing your now full tummy happily. You lean back in your seat and let out a relieved sigh. That hit the spot. You’re hoping the baby is happy and content with the amount of food you’ve eaten just for them. Now you feel like you’re about to pop like an inflated anemo slime.
“Oh! Are you done eating?” Venti asks, gazing at you curiously.
You nod your head. “Yes, I’m done eating! The meals filled my tummy up, and I’m sure this little bean,” you gesture to your baby bump, “is happy and content that they’re able to get some delicious food.” 
Itto makes a face. “Little bean? Onikabuto booboo bear, you know I’m allergic to beans. Can we call the baby something else?” Itto gives you puppy dog eyes.
Cyno cocks his eyebrows at Itto. “Onikabuto booboo bear? What kind of monstrosity of a pet name is that? Also, Scarabs are better than onikabutos.” 
Itto gasps and glares at Cyno before a thought dawns on him. “Scarabs? Scaramouche…. Scarabmouche…” Itto slowly looks over at where Scaramouche stands. Scaramouche glares at Itto, a faint glow of purple emitting from his fingertips and the palm of his hands.
“Do you want me to electrocute some common sense into your head, you dumb oni?” Scaramouche growls, his eyes beginning to glow ominously.
Diluc rolls his eyes. “It’s too early to fight. Since [Y/N] has finished their meal, we should all head back to bed now.” 
Xiao holds his hand out for you to take. You reach for his hand, letting Xiao pull you up from your seat. You almost offered to wash the dishes but then remembered that you weren’t allowed to do basic housekeeping while pregnant. So, you kept quiet and let Xiao guide you up the stairs.
Xiao squeezes your hand. “I’ll keep you company for the night if you’re okay with it.” He looks down at you with a soft gaze.
You smile and rest your cheek against his shoulders, squeezing his hand back. “I would love that.” You whisper, continuing to let Xiao walk you back to your bedroom.
The very next day, you find yourself sitting in between Dainsleif’s legs while he reads you a story from Khaenri’ah, your back pressing up against his chest while you hold the breast pump against your chest. Your head is resting on the crook of his neck, holding the breast pump in place.
“I think the baby will love the stories from Khaenri’ah.” You murmur, a shy smile appearing on your face when you feel Dainsleif press his lips against your temple.
Dainsleif sighs softly. “I hope they do.” He rubs the tip of his thumb against the apples of your cheeks, resting his chin on your shoulder.
You reach up and stroke his soft hair. “I’m sure they will. Children love all kinds of stories that are told to them. I’m sure they’ll want to hear more stories about Khaenri’ah.” You tilt your head back to face him, pressing your lips against his.
“Apologies for interrupting your and Dainsleif’s intimate moment, but we’re just stopping by to check and see how you’re doing.” Jean’s voice interrupts you and Dainsleif. Without a second thought, Dainsleif throws his cape over your torso and looks over to where Jean’s voice came from.
“Ladies! It’s great to see you all again after six months! How have you all been?” You ask, holding the pump close to your chest along with the cape that Dainsleif has draped over you.
Kujou Sara sighs. “You’re the one that’s pregnant; we should be the ones to ask you how you’re doing, not the other way around.” She gives you a soft smile.
You chuckle awkwardly. “Well, I’ve been doing well! The baby is healthy and is, as you can see, still growing! I’m currently, uh, pumping the milk out of my breasts.” You clear your throat. “Give me a moment, ladies. You all can wait in the living room while I go make myself look proper.” Your face heats up with embarrassment. Their visitation is so sudden; you and Dainsleif didn’t expect them to suddenly show up while you’re trying to drain the excessive amount of milk out of your swollen breasts.
“Do take your time. Apologies for not informing you of our visitation; it’s on us.” Ganyu says, bowing elegantly. 
“No, no! No need to worry!” You laugh shyly; you turn to Dainsleif and motion for him to show the women where to go.
The ladies give you a smile before walking off with Dainsleif leading the way. You sigh and lean back in the hammock. At least you’re able to pump out a reasonable amount of milk from your breasts; now, you’re no longer in pain or leaking milk from your nipples. 
You quickly changed into Childe’s shirt and placed the milk bottle in the refrigerator. You make a mental note to start labeling the milk bottles— actually, should you even keep the breast milk? The baby won’t arrive until a few months from now, and the milk will most likely be expired if it’s not ingested soon. Maybe you should’ve taken up on Childe’s offer.
After changing into Childe’s shirt, you slowly descend the stairs, waddling like a penguin with your right hand on your bump while your left-hand clutches the railing. You can’t do normal day-to-day things without having to worry about accidentally doing something that could potentially harm your unborn baby.
“[Y/N], if you don’t mind me asking, where are the fathers of your baby? They shouldn’t leave you alone by yourself while heavily pregnant.” Eula huffs, rushing over to where you’re walking and holding her arm out for you to take.
You wrap your arm around Eula’s and give her a thankful smile. “A few of them are currently building the nursery for the baby right now. The others are out in Teyvat buying furniture for the nursery.” You answered, letting out a deep exhale.
“And they decide to leave you all alone? How irresponsible of them.” Rosaria mutters, shaking her head with disapproval before getting up from her seat to help Eula with assisting you over to the living area where the other women, and Dainsleif, are sitting. 
You slowly sit down on the loveseat with the help of Eula and Rosaria. You give them a smile and chuckle softly. “Please, I wasn’t alone. Dainsleif has been keeping me company this entire time. Baizhu, Tighnari, Albedo, and Dottore are in the medical bay right now.” You said, placing both of your hands on your belly. “Anyway! It’s been a while since I’ve seen all of you, ladies; how have you all been?” You ask, giving them a smile.
“Busy as usual, but we want to check up on you and the baby the most,” Yunjin says, crossing her right leg over her left.
You giggle. “Very pregnant; I’ve been getting up in the middle of the night frequently because the baby and I have late-night cravings now.” You sigh, rubbing your belly.
Keqing looks at you worriedly. “You have been getting plenty of rest, correct? You and the baby need plenty of sleep.” 
You wave her comment off. “Don’t worry about the baby and me getting plenty of sleep, Keqing! The men have been making sure that I get plenty of sleep and take naps when I’m feeling fatigued.” You give Keqing a smile.
Signora hums and leans in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest. “We know the baby is quite heavy. Have the men do anything to ease the weight of the baby?” Signora asks. You gaze at her curiously and slowly shake your head. You open your mouth to question Signora about what she has implied when Singora motions for you to get up from your seat. You slowly stand up, and Beidou walks over to where you stand and pulls you to the middle of the living room. With your back facing towards Beidou’s direction, she approaches you, wraps her arms around you and gently places her hand beneath your baby bump, and lifts it up. 
“That feels really nice.” You sigh in relief, resting your head on Beidou’s shoulders.
Columbina giggles. “While I see that these men care for you, we know more than they do as women. And I, for one, think that we could treat you better than they can.” Columbina says, ignoring the not-so-subtle glare that was given to her by Dainsleif.
“Anything on your mind, [Y/N]?” Sandrone giggles.
You shake your head. “It feels good to have the weight get taken off.” You let out a blissful sigh.
Arlecchino gets up from her seat and lightly nudges Beidou away from you. Beidou glares at Arlecchino for a moment; the two women exchange silent, heated glares with one another before Beidou reluctantly lowers your pregnant belly. You’re about to open your mouth to protest when Arlecchino takes Beidou’s spot, her chest pressing up against your back, and lifts your pregnant belly. 
“Tch and Dottore said that they take great care of you.” Arlecchino rolls her eyes. She tilts your head up and rubs your chin lightly. “Ditch them; we’ll take better care of you.” Arlecchino coos.
Dainsleif strides over to you and Arlecchino and grabs her by her wrist, and glares down at her, shaking his head. Dainsleif pulls you from Arlecchino’s arms and walks back to the loveseat where you once sat earlier.
“I would keep my hands to myself if I were you. If you put your hands on something that belongs to us, I won’t hesitate to cut them off.” Dottore states, leaning up against the wall with his arms over his chest.
Collei laughs nervously. “A-Anyway!” Collei turns to look at you. “Has the baby kicked yet?” 
You shake your head. “Not yet, but I do feel them move around in there.” You smile, rubbing your belly. 
Ayaka stares at your pregnant belly intently. “If you don’t mind, would it be okay for me to feel your baby bump?” She asks softly. 
You smile and nod your head. “Of course! Go ahead, Ayaka.” You gestured for the daughter of the Kamisato Clan to come closer. 
Ayaka gets up from her seat before walking over to you excitedly, trying to refrain from smiling too big. Ayaka places both of her hands on your bump and lightly feels around your bump, gazing at your belly in awe. You smile and look up at Dainsleif, who is staring down at you with a look of concentration on his face. When the both of you make eye contact, he gives you a tiny smile, and you smile back at him.
You suddenly feel something strange in your tummy, making you wince, and Ayaka gasps. She takes her hand off your stomach and covers her mouth with both of her hands, gazing at you like a startled fox. Dainsleif and Dottore were immediately at your side.
“Did something happen?” Sucrose asks, rushing over to your side.
The door of the abode opens, footsteps rushing down the stairs at the sound of Ayaka’s gasp and Sucrose’s question. You’re immediately swarmed by the men and women around you in the living room of the abode. 
“Oh, dear archons! You didn’t get hurt, did you?” Gorou whimpers, kneeling in front of you.
Before you can answer Gorou’s question, the same feeling hits you. You let out a gasp, and your hands fly to your stomach, eyes wide. What was this strange feeling in your belly? Surely it’s not the baby moving around; you’ve felt the baby move around inside your womb plenty of times, and this was not it.
“I think the baby’s kicking,” You whisper.
“What is it, dearest? Should we take you to the infirmary for a checkup?” Zhongli asks, kneeling beside you.
You grip Zhongli’s forearms and look at him with wide eyes. “I’m fine, but the baby is kicking.” You said softly.
Ayato’s eyes widen. “The baby’s kicking?” 
You nod your head, tears pooling around your eyes. “The baby’s kicking; they’re okay. They’re just kicking around inside, letting me know they’re here.” You laugh, wiping the stray tear that made its way down your cheeks.
“Everyone, please back up and give [Y/N] some room to breathe. You’re all going to make them hyperventilate if you don’t give them space to breathe and collect their thoughts.” Tighnari says, ushering people to move and giving you the space you need.
“The baby isn’t hurting you, are they?” Al Haitham asks. He knelt in front of you and grabbed onto your hand, hesitantly placing his hand on your belly and rubbing it.
You shake your head. “It doesn’t hurt when the baby kicks me, but it does catch me off guard when the baby does it,” You answered.
“Before we get into the topic of the baby and what they’re doing in the womb, do you want to see what the nursery looks like?” Kazuha asks, holding his hand out for you to grab. You smile and nod your head, placing your hand into his grasp, and get up from the couch with the help of Kazuha, Al Haitham, and Dainsleif.
Upon arriving at the nursery, you gasp at the sight of the adorable nursery. Plushies from different regions of Teyvat, the nursery is painted in a porcelain white, subtle colors borderline the smallest parts of the bedroom. A rocking chair in the corner of the room, a diaper changing area that is stocked up on diapers and baby wipes.
“Wow, this baby isn’t even born yet, but is already spoiled by their fathers.” Xinyan chuckles, looking around the room in awe.
You laugh and lean on Kazuha and Al Haitham’s arms. “This baby will be getting nothing but endless love and affection from their parents.” You rub your belly. As if the baby was agreeing, you feel the baby kick your tummy. You winced and rubbed the area where the baby kicked you. “Glad to see that you agree with me.” You chuckle and pat your tummy gently.
While you’re admiring the nursery, the men can’t help but admire you from a distance. You’re going to be a fantastic parent to the unborn baby, and they just know that you’re going to be very attached and smitten with the child. You suddenly stop in your tracks when you stand in front of the crib, your hands clutching onto your stomach.
“[Y/N]? Is something wrong?” Baizhu asks, placing his hand on your shoulder while gazing at you worriedly.
You sigh and slowly turn towards the men and women, your face hot with embarrassment. “I’m feeling hungry, even though I ate about three hours ago.” You mutter, tapping your fingers on your belly.
Kaeya chuckles and shakes his head. “I mean, you are eating for two. You getting hungry all of a sudden is to be expected.” 
Xiao holds his arm out for you to grab. “Let’s go downstairs. We shouldn’t be keeping you and the baby waiting any longer for food.” You waddled towards Xiao and latched yourself onto him, and let him escort you downstairs, with the men and women following behind. At first, you don’t think you’re prepared to be a parent of a child, but with the help from your beloved boyfriends and girl friends, you think you’ll be okay. Though what you definitely weren’t prepared for was eating for two because imagine eating four hours ago, and all of a sudden, you’re hungry again.
Note: Ah yes, finally, an alternate ending to "Mixed Signals," featuring the Genshin women! Obviously, I have to include most of the women in Genshin; I had this entire thing planned out. I couldn't get all of them to say something because there are over 30 female characters in Genshin (not counting the children), and it's hard to keep up with over 50-60 people talking in one fic 💀 Since it's midterms, I had a lot of assignments thrown at me, and it's been hell LMAO ;v; But I'm doing well, I think, I hope I am. I was planning on having a Halloween fic (individual character fic), but it would require a massive trigger warning. So I didn't make it and chose to type out the alternate ending instead! Anyway, for those who are new or have been here the entire time, I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
Taglist for "Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader" and my overall taglist: @xxkatsusjinsux, @huboi, @crazyrichdaughter, @sucker-for-angst-and-fluff, @patata52, @honeybedo, @thedivinepriestress, @pencil-of-ashes, @samarill, @bakuhve, @yukima, @chaosinanutshell, @emperatris-rinaka, @neilify, @ksjjkthpjm, @jaisithebird, @mouchie, @emerald-smile, @jixlem, @the-blob-fish, @jiminscarmex, @bananazzzen, @thelost-in-time, @kryloxen, @ayolk, @tomansimp, @lordbugs, @c-camellias, @chihawari, @lilliansstuff, @zhongloml, @sweethcnvy, @wolf-chan2134, @simp4-fictional-men, @dai-tsukki-desu, @trash-queen-af, @tamayakii, @stellaris999, @hispasian-otaku, @stygianoir, @crispynutduck (if you have not been tagged, it's because you have your settings turned off for people to tag you in posts)
Read more of my works on my Masterlist | Maybe support me by tipping me on Ko-Fi or by reblogging my fanfics! ^^ I will also be posting exclusive fanfics on Ko-Fi as well very soon!
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windwheeler-aster · 2 years
good morning
summary: what it’s like to wake up to your lover
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pairings (separate): beidou, ningguang, cyno, and arataki itto x reader
reader info: uses gender neutral pronouns (they/them), is in an established relationship with the characters mentioned, and reader is not traveler
word count: 340 words per character (1.25 mins~ each)
genre: romance, fluff, domestic fluff
format: headcanons
warnings: mention of making out (ningguang), slight spoilers for cyno's backstory
a/n: this is not as proof read as my other stuff, so beware of spelling, grammar, and/or syntax errors!!!!! hope you enjoy it though :)
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captain beidou of the crux, a powerful woman in liyue harbour 
she’s also known as the “uncrowned lord of the ocean”
a title so flattering it makes her ego swell to twice the size it was
and sometimes she’s known— no, mistaken for a tyrant who taken control of teyvat’s seas by force
but what she’s not known for is being a selfless lover
beidou leaves that part of herself behind closed doors, reserved only for you to see
the same woman who pierces fear into the hearts of sailors also grumbles whenever you get out of bed too early
she’ll literally drag you back in, don’t underestimate her strength
and once she has you in her grasp? then what, you ask?
well, beidou will have no choice but to pepper kisses along your face, chuckling as you squirm
and whenever she speaks, right after waking up, she has the most gravely of morning voices
it’s incredibly... flustering to hear first thing in the morning, but at the same time it’s so, so, so comforting
eventually, when you two must wake up, beidou brings you to your shared cabin’s kitchen
there, she’ll have you sit down while she makes breakfast for you two
she loves hearing about your day, your sleep, your weird dreams— everything and anything will entertain her as she makes your favorite breakfast
beidou really enjoys hearing your voice, so please never feel like you’re annoying her
and once breakfast is done, she’ll serve it with a smile and a kiss
on most days, your visit with beidou stops there as someone needs her or something must be done
which means that she’ll have to leave you to eat alone, unfortunately
but not after she gives a thousand or so kisses all across your face and give you a declaration of love
because she swears, each and every day, that you’re the greatest treasure she’s ever found
“hmm... oh, good morning baby. didn’t see ya there— thought you were my pillow for a second. did’ya have a good sleep, hun? oh? you had a dream? well, tell me about it— i wanna hear it now."
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lady ningguang of the liyue qixing, an intimidating figure
many line up just to reserve some time with this woman, ready to pitch their business ideas and ventures
but many don’t know that a part of the reason of why her time is so limited is because she reserves her mornings just for you
ningguang’s actually quite touch starved, contrary to mosts' belief
she’s used to being cold and blunt towards everyone that meets her
but when she’s with you?
she cannot bear to part with you at all
throughout the night, ningguang will cling onto you throughout the night
despite having a king sized bed with plenty of room, she would much rather be close to you
in the mornings, she enjoys it when you play with her hair
as long as you don’t rip out the strands or pull too hard, ningguang’s luscious locks are free for you to style
and she seems so content whenever you play with her hair
ningguang has her eyes closed, a beautiful smile on her pretty lips, and she’s half-listening and humming along to whatever you’re saying
sometimes, you’ll try and test her by saying something so outlandish that she would never say yes too
it’s made her open an eye and give you a confused look, which only disappears when you begin snickering
when ningguang’s assitants begin to pester her to begin the day, she’ll grumpily get up
but before she leaves the bed, she might or might not engage in a slow makeout session with you... depends on if she wants to annoy her assistants or not
she gets ready quickly though, so there’s no need to rush any early morning romance between you two
eventually, she will need to depart her chambers
but not before placing a kiss on your head and wishing you a good day, of course
“hmph, good morning, my love. you’re so warm this morning...hm? you’re my ‘personal heater’ now? oh, well i don’t see a problem with that... as long as you can still play with my hair? yes, just like that, dearest. now, how was your sleep?”
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as the former general mahamatra, cyno can be a scary guy
however, when cyno is simply just your boyfriend?
he's almost the complete opposite of what his former title makes him out to be
in bed, especially in the mornings, cyno is quite cuddly
he prefers having you lay on his chest while he sleeps
but... cyno does sleep better when he can feel your weight on him
and cyno isn’t opposed to switching places, especially after a hard day at the akademiya
he's quite comfortable sleeping on your chest, sighing in delight as he drifts off to sleep 
plus, whenever he wakes, the first thing he gets to see is your lovely face
and it takes everything in him to not coo so softly at you
because half of your face is smushed as you lay peacefully on his chest, your breathing so deep it nearly tickles cyno when you exhale
once he’s woken up more, he begin to stroke your back slowly
but sometimes it’s hard to think when cyno has you right in front of him
he lets his mind unwind as he cotemplates, planning out your day together
and maybe even a cute date to take you on, if the day calls for it
so when he feels like you’ve had enough sleep, he’ll begin his signature “cyno wakeup call”
and once he sees your pretty eyes, cyno will gently lean over and give you a sweet good morning kiss
he’ll start out by gently calling out your name
then he’ll chuckle as you groan and begin to wake up
it’s slow, but it gives cyno a chance to pull you even closer to him
after a while, cyno will gently pull away and give you a love-filled gaze that would be suffocating if it weren’t him
and to finish off this lovely little routine?
cyno will say the worst pick-up line you’ve ever heard, causing you to groan as he cackles and throws his head back
“hey baby. wanna know what’s on the menu for today? well, i was thinking a little bit of me ‘n’ you... get it? hey, hey! don’t give me that look— that one took me a while to come up with! surely it’s enough to earn me a sweet kis— hmm, thank you.”
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itto can be terrifying
a lot of people still have many misconceptions about onis, so it isn’t strange for itto to accidently scare people away
oh, if only they knew the itto you knew!
it’s like he’ll stop living if he can’t at least touch you, y’know?
because the itto you know is so clingy in bed
however, sometimes when you two woke up, itto had managed to push you away in the middle of the night
he’s accidentally pushed you off the bed a few times too ...
but for the majority of nights together, while you sleep beside him it’s like a giant bear hug
and itto remembers to ease up on his grip!! most of the time!!
he wouldn’t want his favorite person pillow to be squished, right?
because then he wouldn’t have the best view to wake up too (you!)
seriously though, itto really loves waking up and seeing you
he just thinks you’re so precious when you first wake up, and an overwhelming desire to cuddle you takes over him
and if itto wakes up to see that you two separated in your sleep?
he’s quick to remedy that, wrapping you in his big strong arms as he places his head into the crook of your neck
when you do finally wake up, except to have your whole face kissed over and over again 
itto really enjoys relaxing with you before the day starts
most mornings he even plans a nice date for you two too!
just make sure not to shoot down all of his... interesting date ideas, as itto really is trying!!
“good morning, lovebug! while you were just sleeping i just came up with ten date ideas for— oh, right, you just woke up. c’mere, hun. ‘why?’ lovebug, so i can kiss you! obviously... now, pucker up, cutie.”
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@x-zho  @definitelynotahutaosimp​ @cxlrosii​ @i23kazu​​
(send an ask to be added or removed)​​
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thank you for reading 💖 all forms of interaction to my posts are appreciated 💖
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ithinkinggenshin · 2 years
Please tell me something has been tagged wrong
Note: A lot of my fics don't use pronouns for readers, (I mark if pronouns are used in the warnings), gender indicators are more to indicate what kind of body parts are described.
Note: some fics have been flagged by tumblr so they'll be naturally hidden unless you allow for mature content.
Currently flagged:
Possessive Sex + Breeding w/Yae Miko
More How You Fuck Genshin Women - Characters: Mona, Hu Tao, Yun Jin, Kuki Shinobu, Yoimiya
How You Fuck Genshin Women - Characters: Jean, Amber, Lisa, Eula, Rosaria, Ningguang, Beidou, Yelan, Ganyu, Keqing, Shenhe, Ei, Yae Miko, Kujou Sara, Ayaka, Kokomi, Signora, The tsaritsa
Look What You Did to Me - Yae Miko, The Raiden Shogun (Ei), Hu Tao, Eula x Fem!Reader
How Genshin women fuck you - Amber, Beidou, Eula, Ganyu, Jean, Ayaka, Keqing, Sara, Lisa, Ningguang, Ei, Rosaria, Kokomi, Shenhe, Yae Miko x Fem!reader 
5+ Women:
Female Reader
How You Fuck Genshin Women - Jean, Amber, Lisa, Eula, Rosaria, Ningguang, Beidou, Yelan, Ganyu, Keqing, Shenhe, Ei, Yae Miko, Kujou Sara, Ayaka, Kokomi, Signora, The tsaritsa x Fem!reader
Warnings: SMUT, oral sex, sex toys, cock mentioned, BDSM, painplay, dom/sub dynamics, virginity loss
More How You Fuck Genshin Women - Mona, Hu Tao, Yun Jin, Kuki Shinobu, Yoimiya
Warnings: SMUT, degradation, use of toys, blackmail mentioned, exhibition kink, reader's body is vague
How Genshin women fuck you - Amber, Beidou, Eula, Ganyu, Jean, Ayaka, Keqing, Sara, Lisa, Ningguang, Ei, Rosaria, Kokomi, Shenhe, Yae Miko x Fem!reader 
Warnings: Reader is referred to as a girl, Smut, fem pronouns, bondage, temperature play, degration, humiliation, pet play, breeding kink, size kink, power play, daddy kink, electro stimulation, use of sex toys, manipulation
2-4 Characters:
Gender Neutral Reader
Messed Up Messy Love - Ei, Yae Miko, Ayaka x reader (pt. 2 for Ei) (pt. 2 for Yae Miko)
Warnings: Angst, abandonment, implied cheating, hurt/comfort/hurt, swearing, death,  bloody nose, imprisonment, possessiveness, grammar errors
Make You Come Back - Ei, Yae Miko x reader
Warnings: extremely vanilla smut (yae’s part), hurt/comfort
Blurb: Ceo Yae Miko x reader - Gamer Ei x reader
Warnings: violence and blood, Both have cocks
Female Reader
You've been maid - Yae Miko, Ei, Jean, Ningguang x Fem!Reader
Warnings: swearing, master/servant scenario, teasing, horny pining (nothing explicit), not proof read
Her Maid - Shenhe, Kujou Sara, Lisa x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fem pronouns for reader, implied smut- nothing explicit, shocking, master/servant dynamics
hickey prank - Hu Tao, Ei, Yae Miko, Shenhe x Fem!Reader
Warnings: lots of implied nsfw but nothing explicit (under the cut just in case), possessive behavior, Shenhe is homicidal and kills a lot of monsters, branding
Look What You Did to Me - Yae Miko, The Raiden Shogun (Ei), Hu Tao, Eula x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT, A/B/O dynamics, anal sex, girls with cocks, breeding kink, somnophilia, knotting
Individual One Shots
Gender Neutral Reader
The best day of your her life - Yandere!Yunjin x Reader
Warnings: mild yandere themes and a tiny bit of blood mentioned
How She Takes You Away - Yandere!Shenhe x Reader
Warnings: Yandere, Possessive behavior, blood, vague description of homicide, improper grammar/punctuation
Possessive Sex + Breeding - yae miko x Reader
Warnings: SMUT, breeding, female cock, exhibitionism, degradation, bdsm, sex toys
Bully? - Yae Miko x reader
Warnings: Angst, slight manipulation/bullying
Female Reader
Waiting. - Possessive!Rosaria x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT, Possessive behavior, manipulation, dubious consent, not proof read
Hu Tao Smut - Hu Tao x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT, dubcon, bdsm, pain kink, possessive behavior, degradation, sex toys, incorrect characterization
Daddy - Jean x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT, Daddy kink, Degradation, dumbification, reader has a vagina, Jean has a cock
The Captain's Captain- Beidou x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT, fingering, simping
At Her Service - Yae Miko x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT, Breeding, Pet play, BDSM, Public humiliation, public use, manipulation, marking, degradation, not proof read
Miscellaneous Yae Miko Smut concepts - Yae Miko x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fem Pronouns for reader, SMUT, blackmail, teacher x student, semi-public sex, manipulation, toxic Yae, puke mentioned, grammar errors
Yae Miko’s tails - Yae Miko x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Smut, Knotting, predator/prey dynamics
Your Giant Girlfriend - Ei x Fem! Reader
Warnings: SMUT, ei has a cock, size kink, womb fucking, electro stimulation
Belonging to her - Jealous!Ei x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT, electro stimulation, jealousy
Fucking and Breeding Ei - Sub!Ei x Fem!reader
Warnings: SMUT, Reader has a cock and boobs
No Fandom Fics
Dom Pov - GN!Dom x Fem!Sub
Warnings: Fem pronouns for the sub, oral sex, mention of BDSM, possessive dom
Screenwriting - One Page Treatment Story - Fem!OC x Fem!OC
Warnings: Angst
Fics For Friends:
A fic for kujou'sgf - Kujou Sara x fem!reader
Warnings: SMUT, pain play, blood, knife play, bdsm, aphrodisiacs, dubcon
In their clutches care - Kujou Sara x Fem!Reader x Ren Pingsheng
Warnings: Literally everything
391 notes · View notes
2baddiesfanfics · 16 days
Curing a Curse
Pairing: Beidou x Ningguang
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Comfort Sex, Body Worship
As the traveler and Beidou leave the Alcor and head toward the captain's home village, Sea Drake senses the need to call on Ningguang to handle the aftermath. When Beidou returns, she is clearly not her usual self. It's up to the Tianquan to make her see reason any way she can.
Read on Ao3
Sea Drake overlooked the calm ocean deep in thought as he quietly watched his captain and the traveler disembark. They were headed toward the abandoned fishing village, which he knew would bring back unwelcome memories for Beidou. Once they were out of sight, he, too, took his leave, telling the other crew members he would be back before she knew he left.
Beidou’s heavy footsteps thudded across the deck upon her return. “Hey, how’s it goin’? Lookin’ good, everyone!” She shouted as she made her way to her cabin. Someone with a well-trained ear may have been able to sense that her usual booming, enthusiastic voice had a slightly more somber tone to it.
“Captain, I prepared your cabin for you and have ensured nobody will disturb you for the rest of the night,” Sea Drake said as he greeted her.
Beidou flashed him a half smile of sorts. “Ah, thanks, Sea Drake. Hope it didn’t cause you any trouble. It’s just been a bit of a…long day.”
She entered her chambers backward as she saluted her crew with a hearty “good night!” Resting her head on the now-closed door, she let out a long, tired sigh.
A familiar voice echoed through her cabin. “Hmm. It appears Sea Drake was right to come get me.” The captain whipped around quickly and was greeted with the sight of Ningguang leaning on her desk.
“W-what are you doing here?” Beidou asked.
“I was informed you and the traveler headed to Downriver. That’s never a good sign.” Ningguang approached her and tenderly brushed back the hair on her shoulder.
“Baobei…You didn’t need to do that. There’s nothing to worry about. I’m fine, and I know you must have a boatload of paperwork to get through.” Beidou smiled, but the slight twitch of the corner of her mouth failed to fool Ningguang.
“Sweetheart, talk to me. I know you’re trying to keep it together, but you don’t always need to put up the tough guy front with me. You know this.” She should have known the Tianquan would be able to see past her façade with ease. After so many years, she could always read her like an open book.
“Ning…the villagers were right. I’m nothing but a curse! To you. To Liyue. To anyone I cross paths with,” Beidou sobbed.
“W-what?” Ningguang stuttered. The story of her childhood was no secret to her, but she had never heard her speak this way.
The Tianquan pulled her in and Beidou buried her tear-stained face in her shoulder. “I just wanted a roof over my head and food in my stomach. A safe place to rest. People who cared for me. It was my fault that dog died. The chief got sick and passed away because of me!” Ningguang rubbed her back in reassurance as she listened to her pour out her heart and soul.
“I brought destruction upon that village. It didn’t get any better as I got older. I lost my eye and have been nothing but a nuisance to Liyue Harbor. The villagers were right to kick me out.” Ningguang wrapped her arms around Beidou’s waist. She was the only person in the world who’d ever seen her this vulnerable. When it was just the two of them, she was no longer the “Uncrowned Lord of the Ocean” - she was just Beidou.
“I’ve heard the whispers in the harbor. I know they say a cursed soul like me shouldn’t even breathe the same air as the Lady Tianquan. I try not to let it get to me, b-but sometimes…I think they might be right.” Ningguang let out an incredulous gasp at her confession.
“Beidou! How could you say such a thing, darling?” She stepped back and lifted her chin to lock eyes with her. “I love you, dear heart. It doesn’t matter how others may ignorantly perceive you. You are strong, brave, and have one of the biggest and kindest hearts of anyone I have ever, and likely will ever, know.” Beidou refused to meet her gaze. She had never meant to reveal her internal struggles in this manner.
“Baobei…I’m sorry…I didn’t…,” she started to apologize but was interrupted by Ningguang’s lips on hers.
“Beidou, look at me. You are captain of the Crux Crew, the Uncrowned Lord of the Ocean, but most importantly, you are the holder of my heart, and certainly not a curse. Do you understand? You are not a curse, my love. You are my salvation.”
“Ning…I love you,” her voice cracked as she rested her forehead on the Tianquan’s.
“I know,” Ningguang chuckled. “Now, come. I’m going to worship you tonight.” Grabbing Beidou’s hand, she led her to the private bedroom and locked the door behind them.
The two slowly stripped themselves of their clothing until the only article that remained was Beidou’s eyepatch. Pushing her to lie down, the Tianquan moved to slip it off her face. “Ning…what are you doing?”
She bit her lip, carefully calculating what she was about to say. “Let me look at you, Beidou. All of you.” She ran her hands down the curves she had easily memorized. Scars mapped her body, and she took great care in tenderly kissing each one. She crawled atop her, tracing the marred skin that surrounded her eye.
“You’re a work of art, my love. The way your body curves at your hips down to your voluptuous thighs. The softness of your features when you look at me and the feel of your muscles as they flex at my touch. Every mark etched into your skin tells a story of survival and serves as a fulfillment of your promise to always come back to me.” She kissed her eye before placing both hands on either side of Beidou’s face. “You were made for me and I for you. Our love was written in the stars and I will honor that contract by worshiping you now and forever.”
Ninnguang kissed her deep and hard as she settled between her open legs. Gliding her index finger across Beidou’s clit, she was encouraged by her response.
Beidou’s moans grew louder as the Tianquan continued to stroke her sensitive bud. Her lips traveled down her neck to her chest, leaving a trail of angry red welts in her wake. Ningguang palmed her breast, feeling her nipple rise against the soft skin of her hand. Dipping her head lower, her tongue circled the now perky nipple, eliciting a groan from the captain.
Beidou’s breathing became ragged. Ningguang used her finger to collect enough lubrication to glide swiftly into her. She took the girth of two fingers with ease.
Wrapping her thighs around Ningguang’s waist, Beidou wordlessly begged to feel her mouth on hers once more. Their tongues battled one another, mimicking the thrusting occurring below. In a flurry of moans, Beidou shattered, her legs tightening around her as if afraid she was a mirage in the Sumeran desert that might disappear when she opened her eyes.
They sat there for a moment, exchanging heavy puffs of breath as they looked into each other’s eyes. “Ning…thank you. I apologize. I don’t know what came over me. It’s just one of those things, ya know? I know you love me, but sometimes…I don’t feel very lovable. You’re so accomplished. You run a nation, for archon’s sake. You deserve so much better than me.”
“Mmm…well, I will say you do cause me quite a bit of grief in fines, dear,” she teased. Beidou let out a slightly nervous chuckle. “But despite that small inconvenience, you’ve only made my life better, not worse. I’d hardly call you cursed.”
“Well, then…if that’s the only thing bugging you, allow me to repay you for taking care of those pesky fines on my behalf,” Beidou murmured, her lips brushing the Tianquan’s neck.
“You smooth talker, you,” Ningguang sighed as the captain rolled her underneath her on the bed.
“If there’s one thing positive I can say about myself, it’s that I know what you like and intend to make you feel as good as you made me,” Beidou said, one of her hands moving its grip from the Tianquan’s wrist to feel her fingers mesh with hers. Ningguang relished the difference in their texture. The feel of skin that was no stranger to hard labor made goosebumps quickly rise across her body.
Beidou grabbed her hip, pulling her flush against her. Once again, she marveled at the woman’s strength. “Everything I’ve accomplished in this life is because of your support, Ningguang. Without you, I may very well have become a curse upon Liyue. But you always believed in me. From the time we first met, I couldn’t stop thinking about the little girl on the beach who stopped at nothing to make her way in this world,” she stated between kisses from her ear to her neck and shoulder.
“Rex Lapis may be our archon, but I live to serve you and only you. If you asked me to sail to the ends of the earth for you, you know I would.” Her hand stroked its way across the Tianquan’s body, admiring the way her breast fit perfectly in the palm of her hand. She felt Ningguang ease into her touch, abandoning her own stress of the day. Dipping her head, her lips brushed her nipple and felt it pebble against her mouth.
“Beidou…I’ve missed this…”
“Shhh…I’ve got you, baby. Just relax and enjoy,” she murmured between licks and sucks. She bit down gently, and Ningguang whined and bucked her hips in response.
“Archons, the sounds you make…” Beidou moaned as she kissed further down her body. For someone who worked in an office all day, the captain was impressed by how toned her stomach was. She felt her muscles tense under her lips and it made her work quicker toward her goal. Her teeth marked the juncture between her thigh and where she’d soon devour.
“Please, Beidou…I need you…”
To know she was needed made her heart swell. While she didn’t want to rush, the heady scent of Ningguang’s arousal drove her mad. She lapped at her juices, a taste she never grew tired of. The Tianquan’s fingers tangled in her hair, yanking her head toward where she needed the pressure and wet heat of her tongue.
Her face was covered in slick as she attacked her from every angle. Adding her fingers to the mix, the cabin was filled with a symphony of moans, the sounds of their bodies a tune neither would forget.
“Come for me, love…” Beidou mumbled from between her thighs.
“Fuck…Beidou…yesssssss!” She screamed, her body twitching in ecstasy.
The chill of the sea filled the room, and Beidou - who had grown accustomed to it - pulled the sheets over the both of them. They held each other close, their shared body heat warming more than just their skin.
Beidou was the first to break the silence. “Please…don’t go.” Ningguang turned to face her, her hand cupping her cheek tenderly.
“I already told Keqing to cancel my appointments today and tomorrow. I’m here for as long as you need me, dear.”
She felt her eyes fill with tears once more - only this time, from relief rather than shame.
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jals-stuff · 5 months
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Hi. I'm Jal.
I write stuff that comes and goes through my brain and then keeps me awake at night until I write it somewhere.
On this post, you'll find all of my works whether they are finished or ongoing; stuff about me at the very end if you're interested.
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When making a request, please specify which character(s) + story genre + additional tags if you desire!
I don't always reply to requests in the order I received them !
It depends how long they are and if the plot works out in my head.
Here is a non exhaustive list of what I will not write and why:
• Noncon → Self-explanatory, but I don't mind dubcon. • Smut for characters under 16 years old → Above that, I can. • Boys love → Not my type of writing, nothing against it tho. • Piss/sh*t related things → THIS IS SELF-EXPLANATORY TOO. • Religious reader insert → Unless it's a made-up religion. • OC x canon character → I don't feel comfortable writing about OCs. • Stuff about children in general → uncOMFORTABLE.
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Mashle stories:
• Some Rayne brainrot | Rayne Ames x f!reader (oneshot, slight nsfw) • a routine. | Orter Mádl x f!reader (one shot,hurt/comfort) • just an assistant..? | Orter Mádl x f!reader (oneshot, smut) • it feels like the death penalty. | Orter Mádl x f!reader (oneshot, angst/comfort) • Just a flirt! | Orter Mádl x f!reader (oneshot, hurt/comfort)
• Train ride. | Orter Mádl x reader (oneshot, fluff.)
• What if... | Orter Mádl x reader (oneshot, angst + fluff)
• Take a break! | Orter Mádl x reader (oneshot, fluff)
• Taking care of it! | Orter Mádl x reader (2 parts, fluff?)
Mashle imagines:
• Short washing machine headcanons ! (sfw) • More short washing machine headcanons ! (sfw, SPOILERS) • Mashle characters with a double/triple liner elder sibling! (sfw)
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Mostly from HSR, Genshin, Mashle and JJK.
I enjoy writing about...
• Mashle:
Orter, Rayne, Carpaccio, Abyss, Wirth.
• HSR:
Aventurine, Dr. Ratio, Black Swan, Blade, Caelus, Sampo, Tingyun, Dan Heng (4*).
• Genshin:
Alhaitham, Itto, Kazuha, Scaramouche/Wanderer, Heizou, Chongyun, Cyno, Kazuha, Raiden Shogun (NOT Ei), Yae, Sucrose, Ningguang, Beidou, Lyney.
• JJK:
Yuta, Mei Mei.
• Blue Lock:
Isagi, Bachira, Nagi, Niko, Rin.
• Wind Breaker:
Sakura, Suo, Jo, Nirei(?), Kaji.
I like the other characters as well but those are my favourites so please keep in mind that it might take more time to get creative with characters that aren't listed here!
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Reading this section is unnecessary, but I figured I'd put it in case.
✽ Jal isn't my actual name but it's more comfortable like this!
✽ I'm 25, pronouns she/her.
✽ I'm from France.
✽ Programmer in training.
✽ Huge Orter Mádl simp!
✽ Will reply to dms if I see them!
✽ I am very slow and extremely random when it comes to my writings, sorry!
✽ Will add you on discord if you want, just ask.
→ That's it, nothing else to see here.
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lxkeeeee · 2 years
「⸙͎」 Vanilla | ✎ᝰKaedehara Kazuha x M! Reader | ᏪPrologue |
Genre: fluff
Tags: love at first sight because I'm a sucker for it, slight angst?, Long distance, perfumes, this was original gonna be smut but I think it'll end up as smut with plot??? In the future lmfao but for now it's still safe for work (SFW), Beidou best wingwoman frfr, I just bought a new perfume lately and it's vanilla scented and istg I'm addicted that's why I got an idea to write this.
Warnings: non male aligned dni, homophobes dni, third person point of view.
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Kazuha as a wandering samurai, he was used to the scent of nature—the earthy scent of the bamboo forest of Qingce Village whenever he passes by, the salty smell of the ocean when he's traveling with the Crux. He also preferred the smell of nature it used to be his favorite—until he met a man of his age who goes by the name [y/n] [l/n].
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It was a regular day at the Crux ship, awaiting for it's next cruise across the ocean, Kazuha's ruby red eyes fixed on the waves, his platinum blonde hair gently swaying against the wind. His hand held a single leaf, bringing it to his soft and pink lips before blowing into it—a soft sound emitting from it.
He gently lowered his hand that held the lead he once blew, a content smile on his face—he is happy, to have so many opportunities to see new things, to appreciate what nature gave him. The fresh yet salty smell of sea winds, it might be his favorite scent and he'll never get tired o-
His breath hitches as his nose caught a whiff of something sweet, is that the scent of vanilla?
That's how he met the Liyuean Business Man who goes by [Y/n] [L/n].
[L/n] was a friend of both Ningguang and Beidou, Beidou offered to let the man join her on her crux to sail back to Inazuma and which the man gladly accepted.
Kazuha watched as his captain, Beidou approached the well dressed man with a smile on her face. He chuckled as he watched the woman jokingly punch the man who was also chuckling to the female's antics. [Y/n] [L/n] gave a presence of authoritive yet approachable. Kazuha thought that [L/n] was an attractive man, he even looked the same age as him.
He watched as the two approached him.
"And this is Kazuha, you might've heard about him from Ningguang" Beidou says as he crosses her arms, [Y/n] turned to look at him and gave him a small bow and offered his hand for a shake.
Which Kazuha returned, Kazuha chuckled as he can't help but notice how soft the other man's hands are compared to his scarred one, "All good things I've hoped."
The business man just softly laugh.
"Ah, I've heard about him. Truly respectable man. To be able to block the infamous Mosou No Hitotachi is quite a respectable feat and to be able to assist the resistance. It's an honor to meet you."
"It wasn't much." He softly chuckles, which prompts the other male to jokingly roll his eyes.
"Please, don't say that." [Y/n] says while chuckling, "It is indeed a remarkable feat."
Beidou just chuckled as she slowly walked away from the two men as they talked, patting herself in the back for doing a good job playing cupid.
⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
All throughout the journey towards Inazuma, the two men spent their free time talking and getting to know each other.
Kazuha found out that [L/n] was attending a meeting at the Kamisato Estate.
"You know Mr. Kamisato Ayato?" [L/n] asked as leaned against the walls of the Crux, the ship swaying ever so gently against the waves.
Kazuha nodded, "Yes, I am great friends with the Kamisato siblings, in fact, they've helped me escape Inazuma when I became a wanted criminal." [L/n] just looked at him in awe.
Kazuha is not ashamed of his past, what happened to him during the vision hunt decree no longer mattered. He is comfortable of sharing what happened, which made the other man felt bad and offered comfort and in which he just accepted the hug. It was warm, the scent of vanilla perfume filling his sense of smell.
Kazuha just chuckled at the other man's expression.
⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
The day the Crux finally arrived in Inazuma, Kazuha remembered how good-byes are painful.
"Well, this is my stop. Thank you for the wonderful company Kazuha." The [h/c] haired man bowed with a smile on his face.
Kazuha just gently nodded, he too had a smile on his face.
[L/n] thought that Kazuha's smile was pretty.
The words that left the business man's mouth made the wandering samurai's heart skip a beat.
[L/n] grinned, "I'm going to miss you Kazuha."
"I'm going to miss you too." Kazuha smiled, the tips of his ears turning a soft shade of pink, which the other male noticed. [Y/n] giggled.
"How about we'll send each other letters? I'll send my letters for you at Lady Ningguang's or Beidou's addresses."
"That would be lovely."
"I'll see you soon."
"Goodbye Kazuha."
"Goodbye [Y/n]."
⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
Kazuha watched as the silhouette of Inazuma slowly getting smaller and smaller as they sailed back to Liyue
Good-byes aren't usually this painful, it seems that he accidentally left his heart in Inazuma.
His ruby eyes staring longingly at the distance of where Inazuma was, the sound of waves crashing against the ship filled his ears, the smell of the ocean. He didn't expect to long for that certain vanilla scent.
Beidou saw the Inazuman boy moping, his ahoge limping as if it's depressed. She deadpanned before eventually approached the boy, she slapped the boy's shoulder making him flinch.
"Whatcha have on your mind? Love problems?" She teasingly ask which made the samurai blush.
Kazuha jokingly rolled his eyes, "It's nothing..." He says, avoiding eye contact with Beidou.
"Uh oh, somebody's inloveee" Beidou laughed and Kazuha jokingly scoff, "Yeah right. I just think [L/n] is nice and amazing. It's not like I'm going to lay awake at night thinking about him."
Beidou rolled her eyes, "Whatever you say loverboy. Come on, lunch is ready."
⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
It's quiet, Kazuha can hear the gentle sound of waves hitting the ship, the floor boards creaking. There, Kazuha in his room with bloodshot eyes—he doesn't know how long he was awake.
Everytime he closes his eyes for just one second, his mind is immediately filled with thoughts and poems about a certain business man he just met.
"Uh oh..." He softly muttered.
⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
「⸙͎」vanilla masterlist | ✎ᝰnext | ✎ᝰ previous
#lxkevanilla #kazuvanilla #lxkewrites
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flokali · 2 years
#๋࣭. Masterlist // Asks
// NSFW posts are marked with “※”. These are all Yandere fanworks, therefore if you don’t enjoy these — block and move on. Masterlist for asks here.
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#๋࣭. Genshin Impact
— Fatui AU
・ La Signora/Fatui AU - Acolyte Signora being saved by reader
・ Different reactions to godhood - Genshin Impact
・ Sacrifices - Genshin Impact ~ Beidou & Ningguang
・ Narcoleptic God - Genshin Impact
・ Sitting on their shoulders - SAGAU (ft. Childe & Kaeya)
・ God with anger issues - Genshin Impact
・ Kaeya & Diluc - SAGAU
・ Darling in denial - SAGAU
・ Worship: Venti, Zhongli & Ei (Slight NSFT)
・ A bit about rejected! God - Genshin Impact AU
・ Scaramouche's fears - (Concubinus) Scaramouche SAGAU
— Favorite AU
・ Childe - Favorite; Continuation
— Student Council President AU
・ Student Council Darling (How you got elected) — SCAU
・ Dottore and Scaramouche’s roles — SCAU
・ More about Scaramouche’s role — SCAU
#๋࣭. Twisted Wonderland
・ Idia - Brainrot
・ ※ Idia - First time with M!Darling
#๋࣭. Spy x Family
・ Yuri - Yandere HC’s
— Musings
・ ※ Ayato - Ayato ties you up and humiliates you
・ ※ Ayato - Sub!Ayato with bondage
・ ※ Diluc - Sub-ish Diluc eating you out (i)
・ ※ Diluc - Sub-ish Diluc w/ a breeding kink (ii)
・ ※ Kaeya - Sucking Kaeya off
・ ※ Kaeya & Diluc - Their kinks as acolytes
・ ※ Venti - Needy Venti who's reduced to begging
・ ※ Xiao - Getting jealous of you and Zhongli
・ ※ Xiao - Him getting railed (Bottom/Sub! Xiao)
・ ※ Zhongli - Acolyte Zhongli with a leash and collar
・ ※ Zhongli - Acolyte Zhongli with a breeding kink
・ ※ Zhongli - Acolyte Zhongli who likes being showed off (Side of: Ei, Venti, Kaeya, and Rosaria)
・ ※ Zhongli - Sex with acolyte Zhongli (Semi-public sex)
・ ※ Zhongli - Zhongli finds out about your tattoo 
・ ※ Zhongli - His love and worship for your chest
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actiniumwrites · 2 years
Hello! Could I request a headcanon with Yelan, Zhongli, Xiao and Beidou if their s/o falling asleep on them? I hope this request isn’t too common 😅. Anyways, you could chose another characters if you want. I really love your writing ❤️❤️ Have a good day/night!
synopsis: you fall asleep on them
characters: yelan, zhongli, xiao, and beidou x gn!reader (separately)
warnings: pure fluff, mentions of alcohol/ being drunk in beidou’s
notes: hi, thank you so much for the request! i’ve never written for this prompt before but i really enjoyed it!! i hope you have a good day/night as well
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the two of you actually met through work and after getting to know each other you guys began dating!
and sometimes you guys will have a mission/investigation together
the only thing is, your work can be exhausting sometimes
all the running around and interrogating people, investigating suspicious activity, working under ningguang, etc. sometimes just got to be too much
and now that you and yelan were on another investigation together, you felt the exhaustion hitting you as you were staking out a building
not much was happening so you decided to shut your eyes for a few minutes
a few minutes turned into an hour and your head eventually slid down and leaned against yelan’s shoulder, who surprisingly hadn’t previously noticed your sleeping form
she sends you a hesitant glance, you two were supposed to be working the entire night
but as she gets a good look at your calm face, she sees your eyebags and slight frown, signs of tiredness and fatigue
she can’t help the soft smile that grazes her face and decides to watch out for you the rest of the night, doing your guys’ job while also letting you rest for a bit
besides, she liked it when you leaned on her for support sometimes
you and zhongli have been dating for awhile now
and one of your favorite things to do is walk along the harbor at night
the cool sea breeze mixed with the liveliness of liyue always made for a comfortable night
tonight in particular, though, you had decided to pick up some tea to go. it was cold and some hot tea would do just the trick to warm you up
you guys decided to sit on a bench for a bit and people watch while you drank your tea
you snuggled in close to him to ease your shivers and in return he wrapped an arm around you to pull you closer as he told you stories
you shut your eyes and smiled lovingly, his voice and body warmth were so comforting you couldn’t help but fall asleep on him
when he noticed, he gently took the cup from your hand and set it down next to him before pulling you closer to him and resting his head on your own
and as he glanced around at the other people of liyue harbor, he couldn’t imagine being any luckier than he already was being here with you
you guys are both adepti and since you’ve been dating for years now, you always go out and protect liyue together
there was an insane increase in monsters and threats against liyue that even as an adeptus, you were getting tired
so when he noticed you were a bit fatigued from all the fighting, he decided to take you back to wangshu inn to get some lunch and take a break
smiley yanxiao had prepared you both a delicious meal and the two of you took it up to the upstairs balcony to eat
when you finished eating, you and xiao had remained in a comfortable silence
you moved to lay in his lap while he sat against a wall, the shade from the tree covering you both
whether it was the warm summer breeze, the nice meal you just had, or the feeling of xiao’s hand tracing little shapes on your face, you began to feel awfully tired
when xiao realized you had fallen asleep in his lap, he carefully picked you up and brought you to your shared room at the inn before returning to protecting liyue
normally he would scold you for falling asleep when you’re both adepti, but xiao couldn’t help the way his heart beat a little quicker and the ghost of a smile on his face seeing how peaceful you looked in your sleep
you were a crew member of the crux fleet who also happened to be dating beidou
while you weren’t one to normally get drunk - at least not in the way she does- you did get drunk tonight
it was a big celebration and you couldn’t help it
you guys had just returned from inazuma and everyone was radiating with happiness from making a safe and enjoyable trip
so after hours of drinking and eating good food, you were out of it and so was beidou
she guided you up to a more secluded part of the ship away from the festivities and you rested your back against her chest, tucking your head into her neck while she wrapped her arms around your waist
the two of you laughed loudly as she told you various stories of the sea and you told her some of your own
she even pointed out some constellations to you, something you loved that she did
but because you were drunk, her movements and her voice were so mesmerizing to you
maybe it was that, or maybe it was the alcohol that was making you so tired. but as you looked up at the stars, you couldn’t help but begin to drift off
“close your eyes, love,” beidou gently whispered as she placed her coat over your body.
you shut your eyes and smiled, you could never refuse falling asleep in the arms of your lover
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genshinlover101 · 3 years
okay but imagine lisa, ningguang, beidou, keqing and mona wearing lingerie for their s/o just to see their s/o's reaction for a surprise like gaddamn-
( you can ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable for not wanting to write it dw! )
Your Reaction to Her in Lingerie
Characters: Lisa, Ningguang, Beidou, Keqing, Mona x gn!reader
Warnings: Nsfw themes, slight spoilers to the new Liyue Archon Quest in Ningguang’s part
A/n: Oh my god the power I have with this request, it had me feeling some type of way especially after Ningguang’s hangout event releasing
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• Lisa had lingerie just scattered in her closet. This woman was full of love for herself even before you two started dating. She would consider it a healthy act of self-love to just go shopping one Saturday morning for some lingerie for herself.
• She would be dying to see your reaction to them, some of the more scandalous than others. She’ll look at a matching set she owned and just giggle to herself, all the power and control she could have with these. 
It was a late Wednesday night, maybe 11 pm in the library. You were abusing your relationship with Lisa by overstaying your welcome to study some books. You looked down at the text in pure focus, only to hear the door creak open slowly.
There emerged your beautiful girlfriend Lisa, she had a loose night robe on. She let out a yawn before making her way to your table. “It’s late out now, why not come home with me? I’ll make it worth your while,” she giggled seeing how flustered her statement made you.
“No I think I’ll stay here,” you replied firmly. Lisa always made such provocative remarks, you’d be a fool to always fall for them. “Lisa, why don’t you put some more clothes on? The night wind must be chilly.” You commented on her rather lacking attire.
“Ara ara~ so you noticed?” She said disregarding your concerns. “I knew you’d say no to my offer. So I took the initiative and brought the show to you,” her hands began traveling to her lower region, untying the knot that kept her whole outfit together.
As her gown slipped to the floor there stood a half-naked Lisa. Her hands ran down her own body as she looked directly into your eyes. Your mouth wide open, she’s pulled some daring moves before, but never on this wide-scale. “You like what you see hmm?” She asked as she approached you, her arm snaking around your neck as she was readying to straddle you.
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• Ningguang was a woman of luxury. Unless it was her time of the month, she was probably wearing the most expensive, finest, linen in Liyue Harbor 24/7. She even had a couple of pairs specially tailored to her taste all at the cost of a small fortune. 
• Ningguang would set up a whole date for you two only for the final event that she planned to be quite scandalous. She would have you wait outside of her changing room as she undressed, only for her to come out to you half-naked. 
Ningguang and you had just gotten back from a five-star restaurant reservation that she had paid for. She was determined to treat you out today, and that involved not just with food, but her body. Towards the end of the night specifically, she led you up to the newly reformed Jade Chamber, having you wait outside her changing room.
“Are you okay?” You asked her from the opposite room. “You’re only changing into your pajamas and it’s been quite a while.” indeed, eight minutes had passed and Ningguang was still not out, but you had been listening to her shuffling and scurrying around.
“Patience,” she ordered. “I had this specially tailored to me. Let’s just say it’s a little surprise for you as well. I think you’ll fancy it just fine,” you started to grow nervous. Sweat dripping from your forehead, what devious scheme was she planning this time.
She opened the door to reveal her half-naked body. She was in beige-colored lingerie, barely covering her private parts, she was practically naked at this point. Her hair loosely draped down her body to hug her curves. Your jaw dropped to the floor, “well?” She asked you. “Do you find this sexy? Here touch,” she grabbed your hand, guiding you to her left breast.
Your hand brushed over her boob, squeezing ever so slightly, feeling the indents and hidden stitching. “Soft right?” She asked you for confirmation, her eyes looking directly into yours. It was incredibly soft, you had trouble distinguishing cloth from the skin. “Based on your reaction, I’d say I should’ve paid this seamstress more.”
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• Beidou probably didn’t have much lingerie, she was the type of girl to wear boy shorts and a sports bra on a daily. But that didn’t mean she didn’t own any. She probably had lingerie from all over the world, her favorite pair was one she picked up from Ritou in Inazuma.
• She would wait till they’ve docked, the crew all out to say hello to their families. Meaning, you two were all alone on the boat. She would tell you she was going to compensate you for all your hard work recently. The compensation in mind being her body.
Beidou was surprisingly rarely ever genuinely in the mood to appeal sexy. She was the type of girl to tease you and then get cold feet and run away when you took action. If she was in the mood, it was most likely you on the bottom, impressing her with your ‘assets’.
This time however Beidou had you wait on the ship with her. Normally you would leave the moment you docked to go grab a refreshing meal from Wanmin, you craved it after eating saltwater fish for three weeks straight. But Beidou promised that if you were hungry, she’d feed you good if you stayed.
“Beidou are you doing alright in there!?” You called out to her main quarters as you waited for her on deck, your stomach growling loudly. She told you she would be changing clothes, and if you peaked you were dead meat.
As if on cue, she opened the door just a crack, grabbing you by the collar of your shirt as she pulled you into the room swiftly. There stood Beidou practically naked. Her pose was surprisingly feminine, covering her bare stomach as she gripped her arm. A heavy blush on her face as she averted her eyes. You stood with your eyes wide open, taking in such a rare sight. “Well?” She asked you in her masculine voice, getting impatient by the minute.
“Are you going to do anything to me? If you’re still hungry I’ll give you permission to eat me,” She asked trying to gather the same confidence she had whenever she normally dominated you. She never knew how embarrassing it was to be the only one naked. Her maroon-colored set complimented her hair well, it was almost a perfect color to match her eyepatch directly.“It's rude to keep a lady waiting,” She persisted.
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• Keqing had a shopping addiction, meaning she probably owned a couple of luxury name brand pairs. However, unlike the rest of her peers like Ningguang, she simply wore whatever was in her closet, which was typically pretty modest.
• She would only dress up underneath her clothes when she knew you two were going to do something later that night. She wanted to impress you, of course, so she would wear her finest pairs to make the situation feel special. 
Keqing stood on her tippy toes to whisper in your ear. “Hey remember when I said I had a surprise for you earlier today?” She asked you, you nodded quickly. “Wait right here. I’ll go fetch it,” she scurried to her bedroom, leaving you with a pit in your stomach on the couch alone. You had a slight feeling you knew what it was.
After around six minutes Keqing announced to you from the bedroom. “Okay, I’m ready! Close your eyes or I’ll kill you,” she threatened. You squeezed your eyes shut, your hands covering your eyelids for double protection.
You heard the door creak open, her footsteps approaching to stand stationary in front of you. “Okay open,” as you opened your eyes your jaw dropped open. There stood your beautiful girlfriend in a navy blue set of lingerie. Quite scandalous as well, even for Keqing’s standards.
She had a bright pink flush on her face, her hands held behind her back and her feet crossed as she stood shyly. “Quit staring you, pervert,” she mumbled at you. You couldn’t honor her wishes, your eyes glued to her thong and triangular-shaped bra. You were practically drooling for her at this point.
She rolled her eyes at your lack of performance. “Ugh, don’t make me initiate it as well,” she stepped closer to you, her butt sticking upwards as she crawled on top of your trembling body. “Like this,” she guided your right hand to her soft butt, her panties so revealing you couldn’t feel anything but her skin.
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• Mona was far too broke to afford any new fancy pairs of lingerie from Mondstadt. But she had a couple of pairs that she would recycle from when she still lived in Fontaine. She thought splurging on something like lingerie was a waste when she could spend all her money on astrology. 
• Mona was a little self conscious about her lack of selections when it came to lingerie, she thought she needed to appeal to you in everyway. However, you thought she was beautiful regardless. In fact, you were just glad she felt the need to impress you in the first place.
Mona was a busy girl, she rarely had any time to satisfy her sexual desires. However, it didn’t mean she never craved you in anyway. She held herself over you, her eyes looking at you hungry with lust. You thought it was strange Mona randomly invited you over for some dinner, turns out it was just cause she needed you to feed her in a naughtier sense.
Before anything went further, she sat up, undressing herself shyly. Starting with her jacket, she revealed her shoulders. Next was her gloves to reveal her arms. Finally her top piece, “will you help me take off my top?” She asked you. It was rare Mona ever acted like this, normally she was down your throat nagging you. However whenever she was in a mood, she would act cutely towards you, all of her blunt rude quips towards you wouldn’t be existent in this single moment.
As you unzipped her one piece she revealed her chest and her mint green colored bra which barely covered anything. You gripped her left breast, the lingerie was light and soft, barely supporting her boobs. You could see through her stockings as well, a matching thong, your eyes fluttered in shock.
She stood on her knees, taking off her stockings slowly. It was only a matter of time till she was only in her underwear, waiting for you to take action. “You get undressed too, it’s embarrassing to be the only one naked,” she begged you. Her eyes wandering around the room, anywhere but you as you undressed yourself.
When you finished she crawled over you once again, the feeling of her bare skin against yours was so erotic. You just wanted to hold her close to you even if her skin was freezing cold compared to yours. “I’m all yours tonight,” she whispered in your ear, her breath already panting as she struggled to hold back her urges.
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nian-7 · 2 years
can i request ayaka, childe, sara and ningguang(separately) crushing on a fem! reader who is ei's girlfriend but they don't know that she is dating her. one day theyplan to confess to her only to find out she is a relationship with ei by either seeing them kissing, or reader lying on ei's lap or smth like that? have a nice day!
sounds interesting, hope you enjoy!
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Ayaka, Childe, Sara, Ningguang x fem!reader (separate) crushing on ei's s/o hurt no comfort(?), slight angst, techinically Ei x fem!reader
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-Ayaka would be very sweet and shy around you and you had assumed she was normally which was partly true. Ayaka was pretty hesitant about making friends since she'd never had many before.
-She never wanted to make a mistake around you to have you leave her so she was always very hesitant when asking about you or sharing things about herself.
-Ayaka developed feelings for you pretty quickly but has trouble realizing them. It takes her a lot of time and thinking to realize that they are, in fact, romantic feelings and not platonic ones.
-The day Ayaka had planned to confess to you was supposed to be a happy one. She had planned it out to near perfection and she had even invited you to Komore Teahouse to confess there.
-And as she headed over to the Teahouse, she heard your pretty voice talking to someone. Rounding the corner to see you with Inazumas Archon. She had felt like her heart had gotten stabbed when she saw you kiss the purple haired womans cheek before bidding her a farewell and heading into the Teahouse.
-She didn't feel like going in to meet you now. Her vision was getting blurry with the forming tears. Alas, she wiped them up and went in anyways, in fear of losing you as a friend.
-" Huh? No, I'm fine, (name)! Don't worry! "
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-You didn't have much business in Liyue other than you being apart of the Crux. It was a mellow life that you enjoyed thoroughly since you had escaped Inazuma after finding Beidou.
-The times you stayed in Liyue though were always more fun after meeting a ginger who had always insisted on paying for anything you wanted.
-Tartaglia never left your side whenever you were strolling around Liyue Harbor. Always paying for your meals and souvenirs that you would take back to Inazuma, as he assumed it was for your family.
-Planning to confess to you once you had gotten back from your trip to Inazuma, he had flowers ready for you for when you got off the ship, all perfectly done and ready for you.
-When he saw you getting off the boat, he had never felt more excited but he stopped himself from running towards you when he saw you helping a purple haired woman with a long braid off the boat, kissing her hand when she had stepped onto the dock.
-He felt a pain in him that was unlike any other he had felt before. It was weird to him. He had never had a romantic interest in someone before you but just why. Why did it hurt so much to see you with someone else?
-" ...Heeyy, (name)! How's was the trip? "
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-Sara had always had an interest in you ever since you joined the Tenryou Commission and came to be her most trusted soldier. She felt like she could actually open up with you.
-It was so easy to talk to you about things she couldn't talk to anyone else about. You listened. You made her feel better about the problems she faced in her life.
-She hadn't planned on confessing to you ever even when she found out how deeply she cared and loved you. It would just get in the way of both of your guys work.
-The Irodori Festival had rolled around and Sara wanted to ask you to come look around with her, as friends. That's what she told herself at least.
-Not until Ei came to the Tenryou Commission where both you and Sara were looking at the Raiden Shogun figure. You greeted Ei warmly with a kiss on the cheek and a hug. Sara's heart felt like it had stopped beating. Her breath got caught in her throat.
-Although she never planned on making a move, she felt almost betrayed by the Archon who had fallen for the mortal she had held so close to her.
-" (name)- We should... get back to work, yes? Come on, I'm sure that Oni is causing trouble again... "
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-As an adeptus in Liyue, you had lived among humans for centuries but, only recently interacting with them more and more. Both you and Ganyu were a big help to Lady Ningguang and she had your full respect for how she ran the Harbor.
-Ningguang herself had taken a liking to you, always having you right by her side in the Jade Chamber whenever she could. You had always taken frequent trips on the Crux, though she never questioned why an Adeptus would do something of the sorts.
-She always enjoyed when you brought back Inazuman things for her, telling her the history behind them and letting her keep them. It warmed her heart.
-You were always surprised by her forwardness towards you and how much she liked you. Always complimenting you and telling you how pleasing it is to see you every day. It's almost like she was hinting to something and this eventually led to her confession and then your rejection.
-" (name), I do hope you can consider becoming my girlfriend. Of course, only if you do not mind. "
-You rejected her as nicely and politely as you could, explaining that you already had a girlfriend back in Inazuma which was why you had made trips there so often.
-Ningguang felt a weight had been lifted off her chest when she told you but felt another one had been added after the rejection, knowing she wouldn't be able to have you as hers was devastating to her, but she just smiled and thanked you.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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dolsena · 3 years
our good girl
a/n: please note that this is in no way complete! i wanted to get at least this much posted since finishing it is taking way too long and this has just been sitting in my drafts, i hope you enjoy!
content: nsfw ningguang x beidou x sub inexperienced fem!reader
warnings: kissing, humiliation(?), slight corruption kink
“mm, i suppose we could make that work” ningguang tilted her head towards the paperwork, thinking over some of the suggestions you had made for the layout of the new jade chamber. “that would surely allow more sunlight into your quarter hm?” her eyes flickered to yours, sending you a warm smile.
you reciprocated her kindness, continuing to outline some of your new ideas. you heard small hums of encouragement at your words. so caught up in your work you didn’t notice the way ningguang looked at you.
she couldn’t help but let her eyes trail down, her lips parting as she noticed just how pretty her maid was. you were dressed in simple golden robes, yet you looked absolutely stunning in her eyes. her hand slipped behind your back, resting on your shoulder as she pulled you closer, her lips coming up to the curve of your ear, “lady ningguang, what are you-“
“you know dear, i’m really looking forward to spending time with you” she whispered, cutting you off and dipping her head so she could get a good look at you. was that lust in her eyes? no, it couldn’t be.
all red and flustered by her words you didn’t even notice beidou at the door. you cursed yourself for not remembering to excuse yourself before ningguang’s scheduled meeting with beidou. before you had the chance to leave, you heard beidou’s boots clicking at the wood floors, and you watched as she approached you.
in a swift motion she leaned over the desk, took your chin in her hand and tilted your head up to look at her. “ningguang, how about we wait a little to fluster the poor thing like this,” your cheeks burned.
so you’re presumption was right. she was lusting over you. lady ningguang, lusting, for me? had she heard what you and ningguang were discussing this whole time?
she smiled, her thumb running across your bottom lip, “however, she does look gorgeous blushing like this,” letting out a small hum of arousal, she turned to ningguang, “what’s your secret?”
suddenly you felt ningguang’s hand snake up your arm and rest on your neck, her stone cold fingers making you shudder before you heard her answer beidou suggestively, “that’s something you’ll have to find out.”
she chuckled, leaning lower to look into your eyes before turning to ningguang, “is that an invitation?” ningguang tilted your head toward hers and stroked your cheek in reply, “y/n darling, what do you say?”
“i promise we’ll make you feel good” beidou added, taking your hand in hers.
you looked at both of them as they waited patiently for your answer. sure, they were some of the most stunning women you’ve ever met, but doesn’t this sort of thing come with consequences?
“captain, lady ningguang, i worry this would affect our prof-“ before you could finish, beidou pressed her lips against yours, letting her tongue slip past your lips before pulling back and nibbling on your bottom lip. holy shit. her lips kissed yours with such vigor yet they were softer than you could have ever imagined. the second her tongue slipped past her lips to wet yours, all rational thoughts left your head.
“i want to feel good, please” you whimpered out, out of breath from just one kiss.
you heard ningguang laugh at your disheveled state, “beidou baby, i think you startled her,”
“maybe, but something tells me she enjoyed it, didn’t you?” her eyes flickered from yours down to your lips again.
your head hung low, trying to hide your embarassment from the two women in front of you. “i’m- i haven’t exactly been so intimate as of late,” you whispered out, ashamed of your reaction to beidou’s kiss.
“oh love,” ningguang smoothed her hand along your hair, comforting you enough so you could look up to see beidou smiling down on you.
“don’t worry about it. we can take care of you, okay?” she cupped your hands with hers, instantly easing your nerves.
“let us take care of you,” ningguang added, leaning in to rest her hand on your shoulder before turning to beidou. they shared some sort of silent message before beidou held out her hand to you, smirking.
you took her hand as she led you up out of your seat and through the tall doorway. making your way through the lengthy hallways and up the countless flight of stairs, you wondered where she was taking you. she slowed down, pausing at an ornate but secluded corner of the jade chamber. “captain- where is lady ninggaung? and where are you-“
she quickly pulled you against the nearest door and hushed you with her finger. her forehead pressed against yours as she whispered “‘beidou’ will do, and just you wait,” was what she last said before she opened the door behind you. wrapping her hands around the small of your back to keep you stable, she led you backwards until you felt a mattress under you.
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kaorisun · 3 years
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☆ kaori sun’s fanfiction masterlist ☆
author’s note ; this is the masterlist for all headcanons and one shots I’ve posted! It includes various fandoms, and i have denoted fandoms I no longer write for as [ old fandoms ]. hope to write more fanbases soon !
WIPs are at the top in no specific order!
last updated ; 09/07/2023
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honkai star rail
✅ immortality is an abundant curse - blade x reader (chapter four)
tags: hurt no comfort, reincarnation, angst
kill the lights (the actor, the actress) - sampo x reader
tags: enemies to lovers, comedy, hurt/comfort, masked fool! sampo koski, mourning actor! reader
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🌱 one-shots & series —
immortality is an abundant curse (blade x reader)
chapters : one • two • three • four
tags: hurt no comfort, angst, reincarnation
🌱 headcanons —
— coming soon
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🌱 one-shots —
keep your distance (diluc x bard! reader)
tags: angst, implied death, gn! reader
where we left off (ei x fox envoy! reader)
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, gn! reader
my inspiration (venti x adventurer! reader)
tags: fluff, gn! reader
the autumn tide (kazuha x doushin guard! reader)
tags: hurt/comfort, light angst, gn! reader
drift away (zhongli x adeptus! reader)
tags: angst, reader death, sad ending, gn! reader
in my absence (how will you fare?) (lisa x reader)
tags: angst, implied character death, gn! reader
my life, never mine to sacrifice (gorou x itto)
tags: heavy angst, character death, ship-fic
troubled youth (childe x rebel leader! reader)
tags: angst, hurt/comfort, eventual happy end, childhood friends to enemies to lovers, gn! reader
🌱 headcanons —
love languages
characters included: diluc, kaeya, venti, albedo, zhongli, childe, xiao, & thoma
fight & breaking up || getting back together (set 1)
characters included: zhongli, childe, ningguang, beidou, baizhu, xiao, & ganyu
fight & breaking up || getting back together (set 2)
characters included: kujou sara, sangonomiya kokomi, kaedehara kazuha, kamisato ayaka, & thoma
rejecting their confession
characters included: jean, diluc, albedo, & eula
fake dating (and them falling for you)
characters included: hu tao, ganyu, kamisato ayaka, yanfei, ei, & yoimiya
reader’s illness and eventual death
characters included: venti, zhongli, & xiao
watching you marry someone else
characters included: jean, lisa, rosaria, kaeya, albedo, & venti
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🌱 one-shots —
— coming soon!
🌱 headcanons —
— coming soon!
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Stardew Valley
🌱 one-shots —
pressures of success (elliott x farmer! reader)
tags: hurt/comfort, gn! reader
Ace Attorney
🌱 headcanons —
reader loves to sing (but is bad at it)
characters included: miles edgeworth, franziska von karma, godot (diego armando), klavier gavin, simon blackquill
Blooming Panic
🌱 one-shots ;
their last day on the motorway (xyx x reader)
tags: heavy angst, reader death, sad ending, gender neutral reader
poison in your mind (quest x reader)
tags: heavy angst, invasive thoughts, touch deprived reader, gender neutral reader
why suffer alone? (nightowl x reader)
tags: angst, invasive thoughts, hurt slight comfort, gender neutral reader
🌱 headcanons —
love languages (give & take)
characters included: nightowl, quest, xyx, & toasty
nightowl & a nurturing partner
tags: domestic fluff, slight hurt/comfort, gn! reader
lazy days in
characters included: nightowl, quest, xyx, toasty, onionthief, & june
“one-sided” attraction || finally confessing
characters included: nightowl, quest, xyx, toasty, onionthief, & june
first meet kiss
characters included: nightowl, quest, xyx, & toasty
sick comfort
characters included: nightowl, quest, xyx, toasty, & onionthief
leaving the server
characters included: nightowl, quest, xyx, & toasty
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creamyavocadosoup · 2 years
𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭
a/n: more kazuha brainrot bc my daydreams are endless characters: kazuha x f!reader tags: fluff :] inspired by cornelia street - taylor swift 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Soft orange rays of the sunset painted the landscape beautifully as you absentmindedly plucked the strings of the guitar. Your notebook rested on the ground beside you as you took a moment to breath in the scenery.
You were sat on the edge of the Jade Chamber, the height allowing you to see the entirety of Liyue Harbor. It was a magnificent sight, especially as the sun set further into the horizon. It allowed for the city to glow the mesmerizing orange it always did.
You had been too lost in thought to notice the familiar breeze that flowed around you whenever he was near. Kazuha's sudden touch on your shoulder had you jump from your seat and pulled you out of your reverie.
Turning to look at him, he had a small sheepish smile and raised brows, apologetic about scaring you. "I apologize, m'lady. I did not mean to scare you." He spoke his voice soft yet reassuring.
I only waved him off and patted to the spot beside me, urging him to sit down and he did so happily.
Lady Ningguang was apprehensive at first, letting a fugitive anywhere near the chamber was indeed an extremely stupid thought to even consider. But after learning his entire story and assurance from Beidou, she had relented and allowed him to come up freely.
Ever since then, the two of you had hung out here, Kazuha usually bringing you snacks to enjoy during your break. It had caught the eyes of Ganyu and Keqing multiple times, sometimes even coming to find you to inform you of his presence outside. The teasing grin and tone in their voice only made me roll my eyes, despite the slight heat rising to my cheeks. 'It wasn't anything like that.' you assured yourself. Even you would catch Lady Ningguang speaking to the samurai as you step outside, the knowing glint in her eyes and small lilt in her smile as she excuses herself indicating that she was indeed teasing you.
But our relationship was nothing of the romantic kind. Both you and Kazuha keeping everything strictly platonic.
The smell of Grilled Tiger Fish hit your senses and triggered the grumbling in your stomach. He only chuckled at the noise before handing you your piece.
"Didn't even realize how hungry I was. Thank you, Kazu." You spoke in between bites, solely focused on scarfing down the food. 
He only smiled before switching topics, “How has your writing endeavors been?” he nudged to the open notebook beside me.
He watched as my face lit up, excitedly grabbing the guitar behind her, the snack long gone. “Speaking of, I actually want to show you a little bit of it. If you don’t mind of course?”
“I would be most honored.” he spoke, displaying the smile that would almost completely hide his crimson eyes. You ignored the warm feeling in your chest as you start to strum the strings, making sure everything sounded up to pitch.
“I don’t have it completely figured out but I’ll sing to you what I have so far.” humming, you start to get the bearings of the song you had written earlier, trying to remember by memory the notes as you glanced at the lyrics on the page.
“We were in the backseat
Drunk on something stronger than the drinks in the bar“
The hilarious memory flashes through your mind, putting a small smile on your face.
“We were a fresh page on the desk
Filling in the blanks as we go
As if the street lights pointed in an arrowhead
Leading us home.”
You were nervous, silently thanking that strumming the guitar hid how bad your hands would’ve shook. Despite the constant times you would convince yourself, you couldn’t deny that rush of dopamine or the instant calmness you would feel around his presence. You were growing feelings for the white-haired samurai and he didn’t even know.
“And I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends
I'd never walk Cornelia Street again
That's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend
I'd never walk Cornelia Street again.”
You took a peek at his expression. Any normal person would have told you that his face was devoid of any emotion, but the slight rising of his brows and the faint pink blush that spread across his cheeks had told you otherwise.
“And baby, I get mystified by how this city screams your name
And baby, I'm so terrified of if you ever walk away
I'd never walk Cornelia Street again
I'd never walk Cornelia Street again”
The melodic notes soon slowly drifted off with the wind as I stopped. I struggled speak, the words getting tangled in my throat as my gaze flickers between his eyes searching for something, anything. 
“So--um--yeah, that’s how far I’ve gotten.” I mumble, my hands already itching to let go of the guitar but I felt paralyzed, terrified of what I had just admitted. The silence stretched for what seemed like ages were only a few seconds before I moved from my spot.
Gathering my things, he still had not moved and I mumbled out apologies and excuses to flee from the situation. How embarrassing was that? But as quickly as I had walked away, he caught up and held onto my wrist, keeping me in place. My eyes widened as I looked into his panic-stricken expression.
“Wait,” he stammered, clearing his throat before continuing, “I apologize for my silence. I had to.. take a moment to understand the situation at hand.” he clasped both my hands between his, the heat feeling as if its seeping through my pores and adding fuel to the flame on my cheeks.
“Did--Was that song inspired by me?” he questioned, he wanted to be sure and not make any assumptions. Kazuha’s demeanor had been completely calm and collected, only his voice and the pounding of his heart betraying him. When you nodded in confirmation, it was as if a heavy weight had been lifted off his shoulders. 
“I like you, Kazuha.” The words rolled off your tongue before you could even register them in your head. A grin broke out on his face as he chuckled at the way your entire face turned the same color as the streak in his hair.
He let a hand trail your face, pushing away the stray hairs, “You’re adorable.” he teased but you could hear the truth to his words. He stared at your eyes, his crimson eyes glimmering under the moonlight and it looked so comforting. 
Kazuha gave in to his temptations and pulled you in for a kiss, the sensation of your lips against one another sending you both swirling in ecstasy. “I like you too.” he whispered, momentarily breaking your kiss, which made you smile like an idiot. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
a/n: i got carried away writing this so sorry if it became too long :,) how was it? if u have any suggestions i ofc would love to hear them. anyways i have so much more silly little ideas in my head that i would love to write out so i will be posting more def.
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scarasun · 2 years
bloom into you
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{ pairing } eula, beidou, ningguang x gn!reader
{ word count } 405 (eula), 559 (beidou), 423 (ningguang)
{ summary } basically their love languages - how they give and receive affection.
{ genre/warnings } pure fluff, slightly angsty undertones in beidou's part. mentions of alcohol (beidou). established relationships for all the women. ningguang's part is sort of short. not proofread cuz we die like kazuha's friend.
{ a/n } i promised to sneak in one last post before school started again, and guess what! i did it! (although it's kinda half-assed). in case you couldn't tell from this post, i am absolutely in love with the idea of ningguang spoiling her s/o rotten (and maybe i'll even write something more detailed for her in the future), but for now, enjoy this!
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EULA : words of affirmation / acts of service
She might look tough on the outside, but tell her what she secretly wants to hear, and she'll melt like putty in your hands.
Of course, you'll receive no indication of this unless you really look for the signs (i.e. nervously tugging on the strands of her hair, a slight blush painting her pale cheeks).
Gets defensive if you point it out, but she doesn't mean anything by it. Eula just isn't used to compliments because she's never received much.
In terms of giving, she's more of an 'actions speak louder than words' kind of person.
Since the both of you were part of the Knights of Favonius, expect her to take on a lot of your workload, in the name of 'efficiency'. She doesn't like to see you so weary and exhausted, but won't admit out loud that she cares about your well-being.
If you were being honest, you had partially regretted accepting an expedition so far away from the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. Not only were you still miles away from the site of the expedition itself, but the sun had already dipped below the horizon, and the cold had begun to set in.
The only upside was that you were in the company of Eula, who despite her distaste for small talk, always kept you in good spirits.
At that very moment, she was tending to your campfire, the small flame sputtering.
"Are you cold?" she asked, almost as if she had felt your eyes on her.
Although her back was turned to you, it seemed as though she was aware of the way your arms had unconsciously curled around your body to shield yourself from the freezing temperatures.
You mumbled an affirmation, and Eula got up and walked to your camping kit, returning with a thick quilt. She wrapped it around your shoulders, before returning to the fire. Although the quilt hardly helped with the temperature, it warmed your heart to see her so concerned about you. When the fire had finally sparked to life, she sat next to you, and you wrapped half of the blanket around her shoulders, to return the favor.
"You're so kind, Eula," you crooned, the purpose of your compliment partly to gain a reaction out of her.
And just as you had predicted, she dipped her head behind her hair, and you were sure her cheeks were bright red.
"It's no problem, Y/N."
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BEIDOU : physical touch / quality time
While it might be true that you and the ocean are both of Beidou's true loves, there's no need to be worried, because she has enough love to go around!
She travels on the sea quite often, so unfortunately, she doesn't get to spend as much time as she would like with you. In addition to that, her job is quite dangerous, so the thought of losing her crosses your mind more often than you would like.
Beidou knows of your concerns, which is why it's her priority whenever she reunites with you to make sure you know that she's okay. Her favorite way of doing so? Bear hugs.
(The B in Beidou stands for Bear Hugs...)
Whenever she hugs you, she does so with certainty, her arms tightening around you in such a way that you know she'll never let you go.
In terms of receiving, Beidou's love language is quality time. She loves it when you go to the bar for a drink with her, or even a beer at home would suffice. As long as you (and alcohol) are involved, she would be willing to do anything.
The breeze passing through Liyue Harbor carried a faint wisp of saltwater, combined with fresh fish and sweat. You were able to discern this only because you had been idly waiting by for the past thirty minutes to see your girlfriend.
Beidou and the rest of her crew had arrived at Liyue Harbor earlier that day, and from where you were standing, you could see the Crux Fleet offloading the goods they obtained from abroad. What concerned you was that you couldn't spot their captain anywhere. Usually, Beidou would be the first one you laid eyes on, her purple coat shining in the stark sunlight.
You shut your eyes, dread sprouting in your stomach like weeds. Your knew your concerns were pointless; obviously if the rest of the Crux crew was casually finishing their jobs by the harbor, then their captain should be present somewhere. Even if that wasn't the case, someone would have told you if something had happened to Beidou, right? She had to be okay.
A tap on your right shoulder snapped you out of your thoughts, and you spun around to see the captain you had been waiting so long to meet.
"Beidou!" you called out in surprise. She threw her arms around you, peppering kisses on your cheek. You completed her embrace, your unease dissipating as you inhaled the comforting, familiar scent of her hair.
"Are you okay? You were looking a little faint when I saw you," she leaned back, brushing the hair out of your eyes.
"I'm fine, I didn't see you at all, and I was getting worried..."
"I was just helping the crew at the back of the ship with a few of the supplies that had gone bad, I had no idea I would take so long," her gaze fell to her feet, clearly apologetic for what had happened, even if it wasn't her fault.
"It's fine," you said, embracing her once again. "I'm just glad you're okay."
She chuckled, her strong arms squeezing you so tightly you almost couldn't breathe. "How about you say we go for some drinks later, hm? Hopefully I can make it up to you with some booze?"
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NINGGUANG : quality time / gift giving
Ningguang is naturally a busy woman, which means that she usually doesn't get to spend as much time with you as she would like. So to compensate, she likes to shower you with gifts!
From luxurious clothing to the most expensive accessories, she likes seeing the way your eyes light up when she hands you a neatly wrapped giftbox.
She knows that gifts can't compensate for time spent with you however, so she will make an effort to clear her schedule when she can. When she does so, expect an outing to some of the most exquisite places in Liyue. Her display of wealth always comes as a shock to you, but she believes that her money would be useless if she doesn't spend it on her beloved.
When all is said and done, she enjoys sharing simple moments with you as well. She let's you take her places sometimes, eager to see where you lead her. Whether it be one of the best restaurants in Liyue or just hanging out with your head in her lap while she does paperwork, as long as she's with you, nothing else matters.
It was no secret that your girlfriend was the richest woman in Liyue, and while the both of you had been together for a while, the power she held never seized to amaze you.
You were once again reminded of that power one night, when she took you out to dinner at a new, highly rated restaurant south of Liyue. You knew Ningguang had an eye for exquisite things, but what lay in front of you simply rendered you speechless.
The floor seemed to be a sort of underwater aquarium, made of a transparent material so that the beautiful koi fish swimming in the crystal clear water were visible. Tables and chairs made of cedarwood were arranged neatly on both sides of the room, and there seemed to be a patio outside, fairy lights strung across the ceiling. It was absolutely mind-blowing, but you couldn't help but feel like your girlfriend was being a bit too frugal.
"Honey, don't you think this is a little extravagant?"
You heard the clicking of Ningguang's heels behind you, before feeling the warmth of her palm as she rested her hand against the small of your back.
"Don't think too much of it, my darling. We haven't spent quality time together in quite a while, so think of this as compensation for the troubles I've caused you," she smiled, taking your hand into hers.
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thank you for reading! reblogs and comments are always appreciated!
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