#Beidou is Kazuha’s mom
seancoffe · 2 years
Kazuscara Lantern Rite Headcanon Fanfic Thingy:
~ They are on Beidou’s boat ~
~ Heizou is a friend of Kazuha in this and dating Aether ~
• Beidou, walking into Kazuha’s room: You love birds alright in here?
• Kazuha: Yeah mom, we’re fine.
• Scaramouche, who just got his face kissed a lot: M-Mhm!
• Beidou: Alright, just so you know we’re gonna dock in Liyue here in a bit
• Kazuha: Ok
~ Once they docked ~
• Beidou: Boys, we’re docked!
• Scaramouche: Yes Mrs Beidou, let me wake Kazuha up and we’ll get out
• Beidou, poking her head in Kazuha’s room: Let the boy sleep, and you can just call me Beidou as I’ve said before, you’re family now
• Scaramouche: Alright uh- Beidou, and I’ll let him sleep. Are you going anywhere?
• Beidou: Yes, to go see Ningguang at the Jade Chamber
• Scaramouche: Ok, I’ll tell him when he wakes up
~ After Kazuha wakes up ~
• Kazuha: My leaf? We’re docked now right, how long have I been asleep?
• Scaramouche: Yes we’re docked, you’ve been out for about an hour or two. Also Beidou went to see Ningguang
• Kazuha, stretching: Ooo~
• Scaramouche: You wanna go anywhere? We’re the only two on the boat
• Kazuha: Only if you wanna go anywhere
• Scaramouche, kissing Kazuha’s forehead: Alright pretty boy, I know you want to go somewhere, where do you wanna go?
• Kazuha, pouting: Back to Heizou-
• Scaramouche: I know sweetheart, but he’s busy with work. Now do you wanna go get him a souvenir?
• Kazuha, nodding: Yeah…
~ After getting Heizou a souvenir, they meet up with Beidou and Ningguang at the Docks ~
• Ningguang: So you two, how have you guys been?
• Kazuha: We’ve been fine
• Scaramouche, with his hands wrapped around Kazuha’s waist: Mmm…
• Kazuha: Sweetheart, talk to her. She cleared your criminal history
• Scaramouche: Finee-, I’ve been fine Mrs Ningguang, how have you been
• Ningguang, laughing: It’s fine Kazuha, let him enjoy whatever he’s doing. I’m fine Scara, thanks for asking
• Scaramouche: Mmmph
• Beidou: Hey you three, I think the fireworks are about to start. Ningguang do you wanna leave the two lovebirds alone?
• Kazuha: Mommm
• Beidou: Whattttt
• Ningguang: Hun, stop teasing him, do you want us to leave you two alone for these?
• Kazuha: It’s up t-
• Scaramouche, interrupting Kazuha: Yes please, and Beidou can I talk to you about something over there quickly?
• Beidou: Yes of course Scara
• Kazuha, looking back at Scaramouche: Is everything ok my leaf?
• Scaramouche: Yes my pretty boy, I just need to talk to Beidou real quick
• Kazuha: Alright, if you say so-
~ Beidou and Scara leave Kazuha and Ningguang to talk ~
• Beidou: Is everything alright Scara?
• Scaramouche: …
• Beidou: You’ve gone quiet, what’s up.
• Scaramouche, taking a deep breath: I think I wanna propose to Kazuha during the fireworks, do I have your blessing?
• Beidou: I- yes of course you have my blessing Scaramouche, do you have the ring?
• Scaramouche: Yes I do, it’s in my pocket. Would you like to see it?
• Beidou: Yes of course I do
~ Scaramouche shows Beidou the ring ~
• Scaramouche: Do you think he’ll like it?
• Beidou: It’s lovely Scara, and yes I do think that he’s gonna love it. Is Heizou gonna come?
• Scaramouche: Um, the Traveler is supposed to get him here as a surprise for Kazuha since they’re close and Heizou wouldn’t miss this for the world, they should be here by the time I propose
• Beidou: Good
~ They walk back over to Ningguang and Kazuha ~
• Kazuha: …and that’s why Scara is the best boyfriend ever
• Scaramouche: Oh really now sweetheart?
• Kazuha, freezes and blushes: I- um- I-
• Beidou: Cat caught your tongue?
• Scaramouche, wrapping his arms back around Kazuha’s waist and kissing him: You’re adorable Zuzu
• Beidou, winking at Scaramouche: Honey, can we let them use the Jade Chamber’s balcony to watch the fireworks?
• Ningguang: Of course, are we gonna watch them on your boat?
• Beidou: Obviously
• Kazuha: Scaraaa stooop
~ Scaramouche smothering Kazuha’s face in kisses ~
• Scaramouche: Not until you tell me what you said
• Kazuha: Noooooo
~ 30 minutes until the fireworks start and Kazuha and Scaramouche are on the Jade Chamber ~
• Kazuha: Isn’t the night sky so pretty tonight
• Scaramouche: Not as pretty as you sweetheart
• Kazuha: Shhh
~ With Ningguang and Beidou on Beidou’s Boat ~
• Ningguang: Why did you wink at Scaramouche when asking if they could use the Jade Chamber to watch the fireworks?
• Beidou: You didn’t hear this from me but the reason why Scaramouche wanted to talk to me was because he was planning on proposing to Kazuha and I may have promised him he could use the Jade Chamber
• Ningguang: You promised him to use it without asking me?
• Beidou: I’m sorry honey, it’s just a special occasion
• Ningguang: It’s fine babe, just ask before you promise again
~ Back with Kazuha and Scaramouche, 5 minutes before fireworks ~
• Kazuha: My leaf, you look stressed, what’s wrong?
• Scaramouche: Nothing pretty boy, don’t worry
• Scaramouche’s head: Aether when the fuck are you going to be here with Heizou, you both agreed damnit
• Kazuha: If you say so…
~ Traveler appears with Heizou ~
• Aether: I’m here as promised
• Heizou: Kazuha, guess who’s here
• Kazuha, turning around and running towards him: Heizou!
~ Scaramouche walks over to Aether while Kazuha and Heizou tell each other about the months that they’ve been away from each other ~
• Scaramouche: I thought you said you’d be here 10 minutes before the fireworks started
• Aether: Well I was but I couldn’t find you in the spot you said you’d be in so we had to find Beidou
• Scaramouche: Shit- right I forgot about that
• Aether, sighing: Mhmm
• Scaramouche: You told Heizou I'm proposing to Kazuha right?
• Aether: Of course I did, he’s super excited about not missing it
• Scaramouche: Good, here’s your payment
• Aether: Thank you, I’m gonna go back to Paimon and them. Bye my detective, bye Kazuha!
• Heizou and Kazuha: Goodbye!
~ Once the fireworks started ~
• Heizou: It’s so fun to see fireworks from Yoimiya here in Liyue
• Kazuha, leaning his head on Scaramouche’s shoulder: Yeah it is
• Scaramouche: …
• Kazuha: Scara, are you sure you’re ok? You’ve been acting weird all night
• Scaramouche, getting on one knee: Yes…I’m alright Zuzu
• Kazuha: Sweetheart?
~ Heizou has the biggest smile and giving Scaramouche a thumbs up and Kazuha is so very clueless ~
• Scaramouche: Kaedehara Kazuha, will you make me the happiest boyfriend in the world?
• Kazuha, starting to tear up: I- yes! A thousand times yes
• Heizou, running up to Kazuha go hug him: I’m so happy for you! I wish Aether would propose to me soon, but he’s so busy with his traveling
• Kazuha, winking at Scaramouche: I’m sure he’ll propose very soon
• Scaramouche, smiling: I’m sure he will too
~ They head back to Aether, Paimon, and the rest of the group and Heizou runs to Aether ~
• Beidou: Hey kiddos, how’d the proposal go?
• Kazuha: I- mom, you knew?
• Scaramouche, kissing Kazuha and showing Beidou the ring on Kazuha’s finger: Yes Zuzu, she knew. I forgot to get her blessing before now. And it went well Beidou, thank you
• Beidou, rushing to give Kazuha a hug: My baby’s engaged, you’re growing so fast
• Scaramouche: Beidou- I think you’re squeezing him too hard
• Beidou: Oh shit- sorry kiddo
• Kazuha: It’s alright mom
~ They walk over to Heizou, Aether, and paimon ~
• Aether: Congrats you two
• Kazuha: Thank you Aether
• Scaramouche, with his hands back around Kazuha’s waist: Mmm- can we go back to the boat please Zuzu
• Kazuha: Scara, love, don’t be rude. He brought Heizou
• Scaramouche, sighing: Thank you Aether, and thanks for bringing Heizou for this. Now can we go back to your room on the boat please
• Kazuha: Alright fine, bye Heizou, bye Aether, bye paimon
• Scaramouche: Don’t we need to tell Beidou?
• Kazuha: Aether or Heizou will tell her, now c’mon sweetheart let’s go to sleep
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strxnged · 1 year
"just be yourself" what if I'm a delusional genshin shipper. what then huh
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itsupermanti · 2 years
Genshin Fanpost
I just love that most of the fandom has agreed that these two act like mother and son.
Praise the Pirate-Queen Mom and her adopted Samurai Son!
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I have both of them in game.
Beidou was one of my first 4-stars that I used regularly before I had enough 5-stars for a full team. And Kazuha was one of the 5-stars I really wanted after Zhongli, and I got him on his first rerun, and his new character quest exclusive 4-star weapon.
Artwork is NOT mine.
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zoropookie · 27 days
☆ chapter fifteen — you need help (🎂)
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Even if you felt an eery aura linger in the air, you counted on the warmer part of who you know to dispel it. Beidou was always that answer to you.
It’s been a while since you and her had some time to reflect on the weight of their shared past. The bakery was too busy nowadays to fathom the concept of meeting each other’s time together, any real conversation or emotions that wasn’t over text. Finding time was a simple rarity you didn’t even know you had, even lost in your own thoughts.
“You’ve got guts, kid,” Beidou paused, her eyes stared directly at the road, unmoving even once. She leaned back, the soft shuffle of her seat and clothes breaking the silence. Expression hardly there but a small smile, you turned towards her. “Not everyone is lucky to get this far.”
You looked back to the dashboard of the car, “I don’t think I’m following, I’m sorry.”
“When was the last time you got the chance to revisit your past…say, in a more effective way?” Beidou’s smile faded, more thoughtful and pondering. “Is that letter even helping you?”
You swallowed as the lump built in your throat. “Kazuha’s voice isn’t there anymore when I read it, but it’s still his handwriting.” You tried to rationalize, even though you knew Beidou was right. This letter was the only thing you could even date back to or his voice without revisiting baby photos and videos.
“I don’t know your situation,” Beidou said, still in mere wonder. “I don’t even know if this will help you in your hunt, but there’s a reason why you won’t go through your mom’s room. Don’t want to question it. I took the job of helping you out.”
“It’s okay, you were here when I needed it the most, I at least owe you an explanation.”
“Stop doing that, you owe yourself something none of us need, at the end of the day. When was the last time someone’s ever heard you out on how you feel other than your therapist?” Beidou’s tone was rough, but with little malcontent.
“I feel like that’s where I should put it anyway, all the meaty things,” You lowered your head. “It doesn’t take anything except my thoughts away, which was the point, I think? I don’t know…I think it’s better than letting someone else handle that baggage.”
Beidou didn’t answer you right away, allowing the silence settle between the both of you. A low hum of the car’s engine filling what was left of their thoughts. When she finally made out her words, she spoke quietly, almost contemplative. “You’re a very kind person to me. The least I can do for you is listen to what you have to say. It’s not like anyone else has the thought to.”
You didn’t know much about what people around you thought, having been so nestled in your own head that everything else you had going on seemed too much to ask from people. So as you began to hard focus on your thoughts, you began feeling the weight of grief settle over you. A heavy fog of regret, what’s been lost along with the heart you had, sharp and twisting in your wake, sensations that made it harder to forget now that it was back to the surface.
Your eyes welled, brain sending sharp signals to your fingertips, wet tear ducts, heart clutching in ruin. “Kazuha asked me…once she died if I wanted to leave her room alone or look through it so we could keep things in it. Looking at her room was really painful, but it was the way she left it and I didn’t want to change it. My mom really liked painting and would always paint every photo she took of us, even when the both of us wouldn’t pay attention to the photo. In those moments, mom would find strength to raise us again, even when she was still dying.”
Beidou reached over, hand finding yours on the console and giving it a squeeze of support. “We left it the way it was. I can’t go in that room ever again, not while she’s not there.” Your words poured out in liquid babble, unable to control your running lips. “I lost most of my forevers.”
Beidou squeezed at your hand ever so slightly after pulling up to her home, anchoring the weight of the situation with just a sympathetic sigh. “You’re too hard on yourself, kid. It’s disappointing,” She steadily said, “I just hope this tape makes you feel better.”
“Tape?” You blinked your wet lashes, looking up. You had to admit, your heart started sinking.
“Come inside.” Beidou could only answer with, opening the car door and locking it once you exited.
You weren’t a frequent guest of Beidou’s house, mainly because Kazuha was the sole one to come over here, but when you did have the access you venerated at the work. The home stood at a more narrow street and it was painted with a navy blue, almost black, the coating of the home standing proud and alive with the weathered fading giving it a story to tell. She walked you through the uneven path of cobblestone, moss lurking and steadily growing in the crevices.
Leading to the porch, a broad and sturdy platform that could have easily been the bow of an ancient ship dated back from centuries creaked under your feet. You entered the room to Beidou’s home, looking in amazement at tacked up world maps that were aging gradually in the living room. “Wow…” You couldn’t help but drawl.
“Like it? Things didn’t really change in the past few years, just got older.” She met in front of the shelves after setting her things down on the couch. Shelves crammed with books extending floor to ceiling, spines of the tomes cracked, faded. She took out a box, labeled with big red letters something you couldn’t exactly make out, but became ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ once she got closer.
“No, yeah! It looks amazing! Now I know why Kazuha always used to come here.” You chirped, admiring the work that was done compared to when you were last here. You sat down on the soft couch, your heart full in your body, but you didn’t know if it was from anxiousness or general expectancy.
“Here,” Beidou said, her eyes meeting yours with a more serious outlook. “Me, Kazuha, and a few other friends made this time capsule in high school. It was time to open it up, and…none of us wanted to touch his stuff, so we wanted to give his tape to you. He recorded it a long time ago, just thought maybe they’d help you remember some things.”
Your breath caught in your throat, fingers trembling while you reached your hand out to open the now cleaner box that was probably buried. You looked in, there were multiple tapes that he put in this box, some looking more wear and tear than others.
Fingers grazed against the plastic of the tape, with the words in your brother’s handwriting of his name. Beidou moved the old cassette player sitting in the corner for you to put it in. With a heavy heart, you picked up one of the tapes and entered it, deftly sliding it into the player and pressing play.
The TV lit up automatically, a moment of static in your veins, as your eyes glued to the screen. Your shoulders dropped at the familiar sight of your and Kazuha’s old school.
The camera in the moment was moving aggressively around until an unidentified voice started calling. “Kazuha, this is your tape! Say something funny!” The voice caught his attention on the screen.
His confused eyes looked around, almost expecting more of an answer. “Well, I need more than that. Give me something to make a joke about.”
“That’s the thing, it’s supposed to be on the spot!”
“I know nobody who’s able to make a joke on the spot without getting made fun of.” Kazuha replied, his soft voice ringing in your ears.
“You know damn well Kazuha has no capability of writing anything on the spot other than HAIKUS ABOUT LEAVES.” Beidou’s younger voice rang in the footage, “Leave him alone! Go find someone else to torment!” She said, her hand covering the screen.
The tape ended, your eyes were slowly filling with tears as you scrambled to take the tape out and put another one in. Each tape you watched, Beidou would make certain comments or give a laugh, letting you know of the good times they had, but all you could think about was how fortunate you were to be listening to these right now. Revelry of your brother’s successions, watching him to find a way to cope while he’s gone.
“(Y/N)! Li— listen to me,” Kazuha said in the tape, him looking at the screen while in the background there’s chaos of a New Year’s Eve party. It caused you to widen your eyes, distraught. He looked a little tipsy, his cheeks reddened in the video, but his look still remained soft. “You had a hard time tonight without your ex. You’ll be older one day. And when you do get there…realize that happiness is the most fundamental element of finding who you are. You are anything but a facade of the people who came before and after you, but an amalgamation of why you’re respected among many. Keep your dreams, keep your mind. You’re the strongest person I know…! I love you. Be that person through all tribulations.”
After that, Kazuha stared at the screen, spaced out from how much he drank at that party. But eventually someone called him over and he shut off the tape. Your body wracked into shambles, crying out after the tears built up so much in your eyes that you spilled oceans.
Everything, and you mean everything came back to you. You remembered the Sunday mornings that you two would take care of the old oak tree, you remember when your mother would join you two to bake tiny treats together, there was a rule in the home where if you wanted to have sweets you must make them yourself. You remember the laughs, the smiles, Kazuha’s joy seeing you, your mother’s joy knowing you were happy.
You remembered how soft Kunikuzushi used to be, even if it was a now fleeting memory in your heart. You had to move on.
You wailed once the tape cut off. “Beidou,” Your voice trembled helplessly, moving your body over to claw at her shirt, feeling yourself get lightheaded. “Beidou, we have to find him! We have to!” You panicked, shoulders shaking from how hard you cried. “He’s out there somewhere…he wants me to find him!”
Beidou sat there stunned as she wrapped her arms around you, who was clawing at her shirt valiantly. Steadying your shaking frame, she rested her chin gently atop your head. “Yeah,” She said, knowing the floodgates were opened at last. “We’ll find him.”
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THERE ARE not many things that can sway your interest ever since the "incident", but in spite of that, you pushed forward. you are now the owner of the biggest bakery chain in your city, consistently seeing couples and catering to them as such. you've been a big host at weddings, events for celebrities, and even a big support for your friends and family. you've even earned yourself a niche following as well by how sweet you are to everybody around you. but, even with your kindness, you don't have a particular spark that keeps you going anymore these days. that is until one of your employees starts suggesting you write love letters to customers who request your services. at first you thought it was a horrible idea that could easily turn into trouble, but that was until you were tasked with writing one to your own (very very famous) ex-boyfriend.
taglist ☆ — @seternic @chemiru @coquettemaiden @1kio0o @emiixuu
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@suniika @animeobsessed56 @kamisstufff @samyayaya @scarawiki
@mywillt0live @lxkeeeee @sundays-prince
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a-998h · 2 months
Hey! It’s 🍉ANON! Hope y’all missed me!
Anyways, I was wondering if I could request again! Of course, if I’ve already requested something, don’t mind this one! Just put it to the side..Or whatever
I would like to request a Yandere!SAGAU + Teen!Reader
Basically, since it’s a (Platonic) Yandere, I think they would basically all coddle {Reader}
Like since they’re a God and all, they’re dressed in fancy attire- but the clothes are always to big on them or they’re made in soft colors, so the characters coo over how ‘tiny’ and ‘cute’ {Reader} is
And if any of them are designers, they make them cut outfits like poofy dresses or little suits and force them to wear it
Like {Reader} is like, “I’m a teen! And a GOD! I refuse to wear this!” But they still end up wearing it lol
And maybe the characters fighting for their attention and time, maybe becoming a little too aggressive towards each other.. Maybe even threatening others to stay away from {Reader}..
Or! Or, if they talk about their family before they were transported, the characters engrave that into their brains basically and try to act like their them, or get upset that they mention that and say how they’re their ‘new family’
Anyways, I’ll make this short so I’ll end it here! Also, you as a writer truly inspire me every time you take my requests! Maybe one day I’ll be brave enough to post my ideas on my own online.. Thank you!
Sincerely, 🍉ANON
🍉ANON Thank you for the compliment, and I'm looking forward to the day you grce Tumblr with your writing!
Yes, Reader is coddled to high heaven. The archons have had unoffical custody court over you. With some math done by Neuvillette, each archon/ region gets equal time with you. You're a young human and young god, so everyone thinks you need protection from everything. There are different types of coddling that you experience, all based on the type of platonic yandere the character is.
Mom Types: these platonic yanderes will now act like your new mom. They are strict, caring, and will make sure you become well rounded if it's the last thing they do. While there is variety in the parenting styles among these yanderes, there is still a common thread between them.
(Jean, Eula, Xianyun, Ningguang, Raiden Ei, Kujo Sara, Kokomi, Faruzan, Dehya, Arlecchino, Clorinde, Chiori, Chevreuse)
Dad types: These types will be the best dad they can. They're protective over you, ready, willing, and able to fight anyone for you. They pull double duty as best friend, and guardian. They're strict when you need to be, but sometimes you can flutter your eyelashes to make them bend to your will. Agian, there are different parenting styles between each yandere.
(Neuvillette, Wriothesley, Alhathiam, Gorou, Kazuha, Baizhu, Zhongli, Albedo, Diluc)
Uncle Types: These are the characters who are too irresponsible to be dads. They are the ones that help you cause small scale mayhem, while also making sure you have fun. They'll teach you street smart things, and are more lenient platonic yanderes
(Kaeya, Venti, Itto, Heizou, Cyno, Tighnari, Kaveh)
Aunt Types: These are the characters who are the gender bend version of the uncle types, with a more caring side.
(Navia, Emile, Candace, Nilou, Nahida, Shinobu, Yae Miko, Beidou, Yelan, Shenhe, Yanfei, Ganyu, Keqing, Mona, Lisa, Rosaira)
Cousin Types: These are the characters who are cousin like in the way you two interact. There is not a sibling bond, but there is a ride or die bond. This platonic yandere will keep you out of trouble for a price, while helping cause problems.
(Amber, Noelle, Fiscal, Mika, Xiangling, Xinyan, Hu Tao, Yun Jin, Sayu, Kirara, Dori, Wanderer, Layla, Charlotte)
Big Brother Types: These platonic yanderes are your big brothers now, no, there is no arguing with them about this. They well care for you, being soft and kind is their thing. But, they will keep a tight leash on you if you even thing of doing anything dumb or they see a threat to you.
(Lyney, Fremient, Sethos, Ayato, Thoma, Gaming, Xiao, Xingqiu, Chongyun, Childe, Razor, Bennett)
Sibling Types: These platonic yanderes are like the big brother yanderes. Kind, soft, and willing to protect your and your innocence. When it comes to spending time with them, there is mire dress up than you'd probably like.
(Klee, Diana, Barbara, Qiqi, Yaoyao, Ayaka, Yoimiya, Collei, Lynette, Furina, Sigewinne)
The mom and dad types dress you in fancy clothes, finding it cute how big they are on you. Whenever you try and argue about wearing the fancy clothes, the mom and dad types use their authority voices, the aunt and uncle types use bribery, and the sibling and cousin types uses a mix of puppy dog eyes and bribery.
They is a lot of rivalry. Different sets of sibling are at each other's throats, the cousin and sibling types are usually at odds. Some mom and dad types bicker while the aunt and uncle types compete with each other and the mom and dad types. It's a mess you're always caught up in, and it's is never fun.
If you mention anything good about your family back home, the respective type of platonic yandere will try and copy that behavior. If you mention anything bad, they'll avoid that behavior like the plague
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enemui · 11 months
⁉️What your favorite Genshin Impact character says about you🫵
🐰Amber: Your favorite Pokémon is Eevee and your favorite Sanrio character is My Melody.
🌹Lisa: You're not scared of smart women but you are scared of interesting women.
🛡️Noelle: You don't know shit and plan on keeping it that way.
🫧Barbara: You either sell or buy gamer girl bathwater.
🦇Fischl: You're quarter-delusional. Like, you are delusional, but sometimes you're aware that you are delusional.
☘️Bennett: You have a soft spot for miserable little creatures and you desperately need a bigger character trait than that.
🍖Razor: You love dogs, even if they're old, ugly little goblins.
🐱Diona: You love cats and hate alcohol. Those are two rare instances of you feeling strongly about anything.
🔮Mona: You were assigned financial irresponsibility at birth, and haven't managed to do anything to change your fate.
🗡️Rosaria: You think having a healthy biorhythm is overrated. You also look like a human cigarette.
🖌️Mika: You let your feelings of pity towards others control you.
🍀Klee: You're the fun parent. You probably own a spoiled pet.
🦴Sucrose: You actually love to talk, people just hate to listen.
🧪Albedo: You're gay and neurodivergent.
❄️Eula: You're weak to corporate tricks. You should really work on that.
🦚Kaeya: You're not known to have functional relationships and healthy coping mechanisms.
🦉Diluc: You think you could get an edgy boy to open up to you. You couldn't because the moment someone is even a little cold to you, you will cry.
🦁Jean: You always order the same thing from the menu. Not because it's your favorite, but because you're scared of trying anything new.
🍏Venti: If being horny and annoying was a sport, you'd be an Olympic athlete.
🐇Yaoyao: You can be sold anything with a cute mascot plastered on it.
🌶️Xiangling: You wonder how a lot of different things taste like and you need to be stopped.
🧊Chongyun: There's a great disparity between how you want to be perceived versus how you are actually perceived.
💦Xingqiu: You are knowingly annoying and don't plan to stop anytime soon.
🎸Xinyan: You're misunderstood, but you definitely don't make an effort to be anything else.
⚰️Hu Tao: Your self-proclaimed pranks have resulted in actual damages to people's mental and physical well-being.
🎼Yun Jin: You've projected onto your partner before to the point you lost the ability to identify their actual character.
🥥Qiqi: You aren't swayed by public opinions.
🐍Baizhu: Close the wikipedia tab with a list of terminal diseases, you're fine, just severely dramatic.
🏔️Shenhe: You've been in abusive relationships. Not sure if as the victim or perpetrator, but you were in them.
🎲Yelan: You'd be perfectly content as a housewife. Just do chores and read smut.
⚓️Beidou: You don't mind putting in the work to change things to be more to your liking.
💎Ningguang: You have no qualms sucking up to people for a bit of societal advantage.
🍤Keqing: You've entered relationships before, thinking you could change them. No, that absolutely did not go well for you.
⚖️Yanfei: It's not just your exes who suck, you have an entire toxic friend group.
🔔Ganyu: You have an elaborate power fantasy about quitting your job.
🫖Madame Ping: You're a classy lesbian.
⚙️Guizhong: You present your opinions as facts.
☁️Cloud Retainer: You've been in a situation when you've found your girlfriend's mom more attractive than your girlfriend.
🪽Xiao: You're non-binary and depressed.
🐉Zhongli: You need a man to kiss the back of your hand. Also you have a strained relationship with your father.
🍁Kaedehara Kazuha: You don't care about looks, only vibes. You're also addicted to adderall.
🍃Sayu: You are serious about the silly and silly about the serious. Sometimes it's funny, other times you deserve to be dropkicked into the sun.
🎁Kirara: You have a crippling addiction to adorable girls.
🦌Shikanoin Heizou: You are guilty of the "thinking with your dick/pussy". Don't try to deny it, you didn't even care until his birthday became a national holiday.
⚡️Kuki Shinobu: You have better things to do than a well-paying job, such as arson.
👹Arataki Itto: You are a size queen. You also think you're way more interesting than you actually are.
🎇Yoimiya: You've had a crush on the same person for the longest time and every time you think you're over them, they make a request of you and you jump on it like a dog.
👺Kujou Sara: You could probably use hormonal therapy.
🍡Thoma: You think appearances don't matter as long as he's nice. You're also a terrible judge of character, so all your exes are just overall shitty people.
🪭Kamisato Ayaka: You cannot survive without your established social circle. Were it not for the luxuries of civilization, you'd be dead in a ditch.
🧋Kamisato Ayato: You have no self-respect, if a slightly above average man tells you to do something, you'll do it.
🐕Gorou: You don't need a man, you need a dog.
🪸Sangonomiya Kokomi: You don't know how to dress well, but you really want a girlfriend who does.
🦊Yae Miko: You think as long as a woman is hot, she can do whatever the fuck she pleases.
🌸Raiden Ei: You've been in a relationship with an unmedicated mentally ill person and walked out of that experience having learned nothing.
🧞‍♀️Dori: The world would be better off without you.
🌻Tighnari: You have an attitude and you refuse to reign it in no matter how inappropriate for the situation it is.
🪴Collei: You either have no idea what you're doing or you should be in jail.
🪷Nilou: You live quite blissfully, but dealing with you isn't easy. This is called ignorance.
✨Layla: Your best exam results come from days when you showed up to class hungover and on 45 minutes of sleep.
📐Faruzan: Your family broke the generational curse, which somehow had a negative impact on your character.
🪻Candace: You are the mom friend, but only because you have to be. Like, you're a mess, but you're a lot less of a mess than your friends.
🌺Dehya: You can draw yourself symmetrical eyeliner.
🃏Cyno: You probably have a good moral compass, but you still aren't easy to get along with.
🦅Alhaitham: You're, like, severely delusional. You either think he's like you or that you could be on good terms with him. Both of those are clear signs of delusional behavior.
🕊️Kaveh: I hate to break it you, but buying stuffed animals can't substitute for going to therapy.
☂️Wanderer: Most of the time, you're really cute, but you can be absolutely terrifying if you so choose. You're also trans.
💉Dottore: You're fairly submissive but if someone makes you mad, you'll make sure they regret it.
🌱Nahida: You're addicted to winning arguments. You don't even need to be right, you just need to feel like you've won, even if you resort to the method of wearing a person down until they no longer want to continue debating with you.
🌂Navia: You have leadership skills specifically in the "do as I say, not as I do" department.
🐧Freminet: You're non-binary and have anxiety.
🎩Lynette: You're very patient but you'd rather not be.
🪄Lyney: You have a dark secret and the dark secret is that you're actually a Danganronpa girlie.
🍷Arlecchino: You're not a good person but you genuinely don't think it's that bad.
⚔️Clorinde: You have fallen prey to misinformation on numerous occasions before.
🩹Sigewinne: You'd sacrifice your liver to keep a person happy.
🐺Wriothesley: You can be appeased by an act of hot girl shit.
🌊Neuvillette: You need a man to kiss the back of your hand. Also you have a strained relationship with your mother.
💧Furina: You're delusional. Could be affectionate, could be derogatory, it varies from person to person.
🦟Paimon: You don't know shit but you have an opinion on everything.
🐋Tartaglia: Your exes all belong in jail. So does your current and next partner. You never fucking learn, do you?
💰Pantalone: You don't need a healthy relationship, you need a sugar daddy.
🖤Capitano: You are, amongst other things, a monsterfucker. You want to be destroyed, but, like, lovingly.
🎀Columbina: You are a mix of a pomeranian and a Biblically accurate angel.
🎭Pierro: You are fatherless on an Olympic level. You don't need a father, you need a daddy.
💫Lumine: You're a hot girl. You're either stupid or evil, but you're a hot girl. If you're not a girl, you are a red flag.
☄️Aether: You have a crippling crop top addiction and you have no idea what to do with your hair.
🌌Dainsleif: You date people before getting to know them, but don't understand why you don't get along with your partners.
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mistachesme · 2 years
They pretend to be your boyfriend pt. 2 (ft kazuha, childe)
With surprise cameos ofc <3. Highly unedited. Not sure if it came out good tho :')
Tw- drinking, some creep in childe's part
- it came out as surprise that kazuha of all ppl was asking you to pretend to be his lover for one evening
- "It's to get my moms to stop setting me up with random people." He explained to you.
- you recalled the first time you met his mom, you were so nervous. But, beidou's easygoing personality and her infectious laugh made you feel at ease at once.
- kazuha was your dear friend. Despite having feelings for him, you never acted on them 'cause you cherished his friendship and was afraid of his rejection.
- looking at the way he seemed so troubled, you couldn't reject his request.
"This doesn't change anything right?" You tentatively asked. There was an odd look on his face, before it was gone. He nodded.
"Fine then. I will come by your house."
- you felt so loved. all your favourite food was on the dinning table.
"I had to ask kazuha what your favourite dishes were. I hope you enjoy my cooking." Ningguang smiled at you.
"I thought they were your friend. Why didn't you tell us before." Beidou laughed, nudging a blushing kazuha.
- soon the dining hall was filled with laughter, and you can't help but feel guilty for lying to the two amazing women.
- so when you and kazuha were finally left alone, you tell him that his family was amazing.
"Thank you for agreeing to this. My mothers were really happy you came." Kazuha said, truthfully.
- you nod and went back to eating the almond tofu on your plate.
"Your mom makes the best almond tofu, I swear."
- "Almond tofu is not the only good thing my mom has you know." Kazuha whispered in your ear with a smirk.
- your mind went blank with a *windows XP shutting down sound*
"You're blind date didn't go well huh? Hu Tao told me." Childe slurrs, drunkenly putting his arm around you as he laughs.
"I suggest you to shut your shitty mouth."
- currently you are out drinking with your friends after a long week and of course this bastard had to tag along.
"I think I know why you get dumped so easily." He side eyes you with a smug face.
"If you don't shut up, I'm gonna shove this glass of wine up your ass."
- zhongli watches the two of you fight in amusement as he sips his wine.
"Is this how they get every time they get drunk?" Hu Tao laughs.
"Indeed." He responds with a knowing smile.
- "I'm gonna take a piss. Be right back." You say, slipping away from childe's hold, before disappearing into the crowd.
"Oi.. don't go alone it's dangerous."
You ignore childe's worried calling as you navigate your way to the washroom. The club is too crowdy.
-Not too long after, you hear footsteps behind you and you sigh, knowing who it is.
- "I told you not to go alone." You feel his arm snaking around your waist as you walk.
"Fine." You sigh, leaning on his arm. "Wait outside the washroom, okay?"
- but when you come back, you find childe talking to someone on call. So, you keep your distance. It's probably teucer.
- you dont notice untill later someone approaching you.
"Are you alone, sweetie?" This dude asks, stepping too close to you with a disgusting grin on his face.
"I came with my friends. And, leave me alone, you creep." You snap at him.
"Now, now don't be like that." He says, grabbing your arm.
- at this point you were so pissed. Before you could land a proper punch on his face, you find yourself being pulled away from him and into a familiar set of arms.
- "Don't you know better than touching someone's lover." Childe speaks to him in a warning tone. "They got a boyfriend, you know?"
- "Boyfriend?" The creepy guy looks questioningly at you and then at childe.
- "Yeah, he is here you know." Childe whirls around looking through the crowd, making the other guy look around.
"Where would he be?" The other guy scoffs.
"Why, he's right in front of you." Childe chirps, turning back to him with a smile. You roll your eyes at that. What a dramatic ass.
- "I need to teach you a proper lesson for touching my things before you leave."
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n4tsum1-san · 3 months
every time someone mischaracterizes nuanced character relationships and turns it into a basic parent-child dynamic, i die a little inside
my main gripe with this is about nahida being called scara's mom/aunt but it also extends to zhongli & xiao, beidou & kazuha, wriothesley & sigewinne, neuvillette & furina, and others.
like. i enjoy found family as much as everyone else, but that is a terrible injustice to the characters' writing. the character typecast as the child is infantilized to hell and back while the other character is reduced to a 2d caricature of the perfect parent. Bruh
don't get me wrong, headcanons are fine and all, it just irks me that some people consider it lore accurate when it really isn't
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yzashaven · 1 year
✰ ━━━ how they show affection for you <3
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FEATURING scaramouche, tartaglia, xiao, albedo, thoma, kazuha, alhaitham, cyno x gn!reader
WARNINGS some are prob ooc 😭
NOTE (omfg these images are so low quality LMAO) on my past blogs, i usually only write nsfw so this is like... a change of pace? sort of... anyways hope you enjoy, likes and rbs are ofc appreciated! also, referring to wanderer as scaramouche since his name is player dependant
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okay so hear me out when i say he seems like the type to take you to places with the prettiest views (shout out to his birthday voiceline) whether it be views of the sunset, a flower field, an ocean or beach view... as long as it's a pretty site to see, he'll take you there! scaramouche loves the way the places give him a peaceful feeling, and the way that it's just the two of you there? he's in paradise and heaven combined.
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a bit similar to scara, tartaglia would take you to places. and by places i mean his homeland, snezhnaya, for the snow and to see his family. his little brother, teucer is certainly very fond of you, and tartaglia loves to watch you spend time with his siblings. he's such a family oriented guy... another thing he'd do is cook delicious meals for you! ranging from simple snacks to your personal favorites, and definitely some snezhnayan delicacies~
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xiao is sweet to his lover, no doubt. but that doesn't mean he'll ignore his duties as an adeptus and focus on them. he expresses his love by protecting you... and maybe sharing his almond tofu. need his help? call out for him and he'll be there in an instant. also this whole love thing is very new to xiao, soo he's not used to things like hugging and kissing, yk those kinda stuff but he'll get used to it eventually. he does really like your company though, brings a smile to his face.
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we all know albedo is a very amazing alchemist, he can make basically anything within a few hours or even minutes. he'd use his skill and powers to give you sentimental itemsㅡ such as a bouquet of flowers that never wither or ones that glow in your favorite color. If you don't really like flowers, don't worry, he can make whatever it is that you want! oh you want a dragon? he'll try and will come back to you with a small, cute, non-hostile looking one that protects you <3
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he is sometimes busy due to work for the kamisato clan and being the "fixer" in inazuma, but he never forgets to make time for you! his love language is definitely quality time as he loves to just relax and accompany you wherever. another way thoma shows affection is through doing errands and other things for you such as cooking, cleaning around in your teapot realm, curing for your wounds if you ever get hurt, and maybe doing a commission or two of yours!
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kaedehara kazuha... he's such a romantic man when it comes to his lover. he'll write you a poem literally every single day and compliment you every minute. kazuha also likes to run his hands through your hair as he whispers sweet nothings in your ear while you watch the sun set together at the best vantage point in wherever it is you're traveling at. he also definitely introduced you to his mom(beidou) so he takes you with him on the crux for fun adventures together! or just taking naps as the boat sets sail.
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as the akademiya's scribe, alhaitham is often busy attending to those missions along with his personal investigations and other matters. so to prevent any lost time, he takes you with him. you're quite the strong fighter yourself so there won't be any problems, right? and if something bad does happen, he's your savior. despite talking sharply at times about how you weren't being careful or being reckless, he still loves you and will be happy that you're safe. alhaitham would reassure you about that too. also you study together at the akademiya library sometimes, he really likes having you around :3
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cyno is a man of few words but reassures you about how much he loves you and would quite literally tear apart, limb from limb anyone that tries to harm you. cyno keeps a close eye on you especially when he senses danger is near, he wouldn't even wish for anything bad to happen to you. as the general mahamatra, fighting is practically his specialty which is why he uses that fighting experience and knowledge to protect you even if you tell him that you can handle yourself, he insists as he doesn't want to risk losing you like that.
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celestemona · 2 months
What are the babe's first word?
Aah, what a lovely question ♡ Coincidently I was thinking about it last night too.
Ok, so not surprisingly Cameron's first word was "Mama". Sorry, but I'll mind you guys every time I can how such a mama's boy Cam is—in the cutest and healthy way possible of course.
On the other hand, Marie's first word was "Cam". No wonder why since he's a caring and attentive older brother, always holding her, always showering her with love, never going too far. It was a bit surprising, though, as mostly of parents expect a "no" or "mama/papa", but you & Wriothesley couldn't be prouder of both children.
Quentin's first word was "Ta-da~" because Lyney always says that when he performs a magic trick for you, his lovely wife, or for him & Corinne. He had said it during a show making the staff and the whole crowd go soften.
Corinne's first word was "Cookie" but it sounded more like a question than an exclamation for a first baby's word. She's very fond of sweets and baking, especially because her mom is always baking or buying candies. So one day when you were in the kitchen with your daughter watching you from her chair, she let out the word with expectation. It was incredibly cute and adorable! Even though you were merely preparing the lunch, you couldn't help but bake cookies to celebrate it.
"Rainbow" was Éveline's first word, though it didn't sound exactly like it at the moment. You were walking around Fontaine's land with your daughter when a rainbow showed up high in the sky, between the mountains and the clouds. You've pointed the rainbow to your daughter who looked mesmerized, and after some difficulties, she babbled the word back to you.
Now, it may sound cliché the fact that Zahra said "Baba" first, but there's a reason why. Since the day she was born, Kaveh has always talked to his baby girl using cute paternal terms to designate himself. The baby-talking, yk. So of course his princess would let out a baba in the middle of the dinner leaving you a bit upset and Kaveh floating in the cloud nine. Even though your husband insisted on saying he had nothing to do with it, you know Kaveh better than he knows himself. It was clear you both were in a silent competition to be your daughter's first word.
Cyno's twins said each other's nickname as their first word. One day Isaar let out a "Yan" while playing with his older twin, and the next day Aryan murmured a soft "Izz" to catch his brother's attention. Absolutely cinema! You and Cyno barely recovered from so much cuteness.
Hakim’s first word was also "Mama." However, he said it when he was with Alhaitham while he was reading to his son from a children’s book. In this book, there were some fantasy characters and pictures to make it more interactive, and one of the figures—a fairy to be exact—was very much similar to you from baby Hakim’s point of view. As he happily pointed to the picture exclaiming mama, Alhaitham watched his baby tenderly.
On Kazumi's first ship trip, he exclaimed a laughing "Wind" after hearing his mom complaining how windy was. Beidou threw a party to celebrate her first god-son first word.
Because ever since she was born Kiyomi mostly hears her nickname Kiki instead of her full given name, this was her first word. Kazumi just arrived home from somewhere he has been with Kazuha, and went straight looking for his little sister, calling her name which she responded excitedly with a "Kiki" too.
And finally, we have our adorable Haruki, who has always been a very quiet, shy and calm child since he was born. But because he is the Kaedehara' youngest, he is the most spoiled one—especially by his older siblings. Kiyomi, who adores her little brother, is always kissing & hugging Haru, who delights in her affection. One day, though, Kiyomi was not feeling very well and Haruki noticed the change in his sister's mood, not liking to see her down. It was a cute scene for the whole family when Haruki's tiny legs lead him to his sister and he let out a "Hug" which made Kiki smile and Kazumi joins them.
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iwant-fuitgummi · 22 days
my headcanons for genshin characters' full names (plus some canon ones lol) ^-^
Aether Sirius Viator
Lumine Spica Viator
Paimon Alycone Merope
Albedo Erich Kreideprinz
Amber Ida Hasenkamp-Xia
Astrologist Mona Magdalena Megistus
Barbara “Barbie” Liselotte Pegg
Bennett Anselm Mallory
Dahlia Bram Batz
Diluc Bastian Ragnvindr
Diona Dafni Kätzlein
Eula Babette Lawrence
Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort
Jeanette “Jean” Elke Gunnhildr
Kaeya Rivaan Alberich / Ragnvindr
Klee Käthe Kessler
Lisa Fiorella Minci
Michael “Mika” Clemens Schmidt
Noelle Petra Desroche
Razor Rolf Minci
Rosaria Karoline Nacht
Vanda “Sucrose” Anneliese Hertz
Varka Johann Bahl
Venti Detlef Daiber / Barbatos
Bai Chongyun
Cai Yanfei
Dai Yaoyao
Ding Xiao
Fei Xingqiu
Hu Tao
Huang Zhongli / Morax / Rex Lapis / Deus Auri
Lei Beidou
Lu Xinyan
Luo Ganyu
Luo Shenhe
Luo Xianyun
Mao Xiangling
Xue Baizhu
Xue Qiqi
Yan Yelan
Yao Ningguang
Yip Gaming
Yun Jin
Zhuang Keqing
Arataki Itto
Kaedehara Kazuha
Kamisato Ayaka
Kamisato Ayato
Koizumi Chiori
Kujou Sara
Kuki Shinobu
Naganohara Yoimiya
Nekoba Kirara
Raiden Ei / Beelzebul
Raiden Shogun
Sangonomiya Kokomi
Shikanoin Heizou
Shikanoin Sayu
Takeishi Gorou
Thomas Oskar Rothschild / Akatsuki Thoma
Yae Miko
Al-Haitham ibn Jamir ibn Zaid Sader
Candace bint Hamza ibn Ahmar Asim
Collei bint Tighnari ibn Zayd Habib
Cyno Cyrus Bamoun El-Hafez
Dehya bint Kusayla ibn Malek Hashim
Dori Yildiz / “Dori Sangemah Bay”
Faruzan Azimi
Imai Kunimitsu (Wanderer)
Kaveh Roshan
Layla Yildiz
Nahida Ijaz / Lesser Lord Kusanali / Buer
Nilou Golshan
Sethos Cyrus Bamoun El-Abdelfatteh
Tighnari ibn Zayd ibn Kyree Jubran
Charlotte Benoîte LaFramboise
Chevreuse Cosette Caideux
Clorinde Maëlle Archambault
Emilie Rose Lavande
Freminet Corentin Snezhevich
Furina Regine Babineaux / “Furina de Fontaine”
Lynette Veronique Alarie-Snezhevna
Lyney Valentin Alarie-Snezhevich
Marion Devereaux Neuvillette
Navia Reine Caspar
Sigewinne Elyna Arquette
Warren Gaultier Wriothesley
Chasca Rivas
Citlali Huitzli
Iansan Kẹyinde
Kachina Nanatzcayan
Kinich Huitztlan
Mavuika Whakatāne / Haborym
Mualani Ka’aukai
Oluwatoke Kọlade
Xilonen Nocelotl
Fatui (pretty much all of these will change as the game progresses):
Ajax Klimentovich Melnik / Tartaglia
Ceylse Aurelia Valerian / Columbina
Cosette Margot Bourreau / Sandrone
Crepus Arnfried Ragnvindr / Brighella
Jin Chaoxing / Pantalone
Peruere Genevieve Snezhevna / Arlecchino
Raiden Kunikuzushi / Scaramouche
Rosalyne-Kruzchka Lohefalter / La Signora
Rurik Vadimovich Vorobyev / Pulcinella
Ulrik Agnar Ingolf / Pierro
Tatiana Snezhevna Agapov / the Tsaritsa
Tlacelel Itzcuintlan / Il Captiano
Zandik Nazeri / Il Dottore
Hexenzirkel (again, will change):
Alice Thekla Kessler / "A"
Anya M. Andersdotter / "M"
Astromancer Barbeloth Oda Trismegistus / "B"
Inessa Ivanova Nikulina / "J"
Nicole Reeyn-Ragnvindr / "N"
Octavia Campana / "O"
Idun “Gold” Rhinedottir / "R"
Mondstadt NPCs:
Adelinde Nett
Adelram Kreideprinz / Durin
Anna and Anthony Heilbrunn
Charles Schenck
Callirhoe Dupuis
Chloris and Flora Diefenbach
Cyrus Laukkanen
Donna Fenimore
Draff Kätzlein
Edith Rayne / Dr. Edith
Ella Musk
Ellin Sheridan
Elzer Boivin
Eury and Nimrod Poirot
Glory Taggart
Godwin Cross
Grace Kappel
Herrik Huffman
Hertha Bonamy
Maeve Livingstone / Dr. Livingstone
Margaret Winfrey
Marjorie Brightwen
Mellan König / Decarabian
Neven Gale / Dvalin
Patchi Driscoll
Patton Schüttmann
Sara Küchler
Siegfria Knochenmus
Timaeus Kloet
Vennessa Aguilar
Victoria Strohkirch
Vile Gagnon
Wagner McGowan
Liyue NPCs:
Gao Haixia / Beisht
Gao Shui / Osial
Huichen Guizhong / Haagentus
Mao Chaoxiang / Chef Mao
Mao Guoba / Marchosius / God of the Stove
Qui Tianlong / Azhdaha
Yi Nuo / Havria
Inazuma NPCs:
Arataki Takuya
Hinoyama Enjou
Raiden Makoto / Baal
Sumeru NPCs:
Amun Al-Ahmar / Deshret
Lilavati Trygve Alberich (post-marriage)'/ Lilavati Kartik Mishra (pre-marriage) / Kaeya's Mom
Nabu Malikata
Parisa Rukkhadevata
Fontaine NPCs:
Alouette Désirée Dupont / Egeria
Elynas Arsène Auclair
Fanchone Océane de Fontaine / Focalors
Remus Berceuse Adagio
all melusines (aside from sigewinne) have the surname "Auclair"
Snezhnaya NPCs:
Aleksander Klimentovich Melnik
Andronika Klimentevna Melnik
Anton Klimentovich Melnik
Teucer Klimentovich Melnik
Theodor Klimentovich Melnik
Tonia Klimentevna Melnik
Khaenri'ah NPCs:
Anfortas Asgeir Alberich
Caribert Alvar Alberich
Chlothar Flosi Alberich
Dainsleif Olan Asketill
Halfdan Munin Lien
Trygve Einar Alberich / Kaeya's Dad
Vedrfolnir Asketill / "the Sinner"
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lovelyney · 2 years
CHARACTERS: beidou, ganyu, hu tao, ningguang, shenhe, yanfei, yelan, yun jin
SCENT: headcanons
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯2022 !! #©LOVELYNEY
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: A huge sweetheart !! Despite her intimidating appearance, she’s one big softie (especially when it comes to you.)
𖠵𝟎𝟐: She always stresses that you can come to her about anything. Your burdens are hers and vice verse.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: The crew members of the crux absolutely adore you !! They’re like your second family.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: You look after Kazuha a lot, making sure the samurai eats and whatnot; he actually started viewing you as his caretaker. (Which Beidou continued to tease you about.)
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Ningguang can only hope that you keep her out of trouble and not encourage it. (Rest assured, you don’t. . . Most of the time.)
𖠵𝟎𝟔: Is fully confident that you can handle yourself, but if someone yells at or hurts you, then she’s immediately stepping in.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: She nearly crushes you in her hugs.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Calls you “(my) princess/prince,” “(my) treasure,” and “honey.”
❝Hey there, honey! Woah, you sure do look irritated. Did something happen? Oh? Some drunk bastards wouldn’t leave you alone, you say? You don’t happen to remember how they look, do you?❞
𖠵𝟎𝟗: You are her pride and joy, and she never fails to voice that.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: She likes to walk around with you on her shoulder, her hand firmly holding your own so that you don’t fall.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: A really good listener; she’ll always lend an ear and shoulder for you.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: If you ever get sea or homesick, she’ll be right there to comfort and soothe you.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Whenever you guys are out together, she always keeps you closely knitted at her side, not wanting the crowd to separate you from her.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Takes you out drinking quite frequently, you being the one who normally remains sober so you safely get her back home and take her to bed.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Her hands are always warm—she’s always warm, so if you’re ever cold, just ask for a hug and she’ll happily oblige.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: Although her motive was never the loot, she’ll always try and bring you something back from her adventures if you couldn’t come with her.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Shifts her coat on your shoulders whenever she senses danger nearby.
𖠵𝟏𝟖: She’s incredibly loyal to you. You do not have to worry about her leaving you for someone else; she loves only you.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: Please drag her away from her work ‹///3 The poor girl needs a break.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: She acts like your mom, and you act like hers—you guys always go on and off taking and looking after one another.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: She’s such a sweetheart omg ‹/3 Ganyu, my beloved.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: The girl doesn’t understand relationships all too much, but what she does know is that she loves you more than she could fully comprehend.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Cloud Retainer is thankful that you take such good care of her; mom approves of your guys’ relationship !!
𖠵𝟎𝟔: Struggles to fall asleep on her own, but when she’s snuggled up to you, she finds it much easier.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Wasn’t too familiar with the concept of affectionate nicknames until you called her one. Then she politely asked if she could call you “sunflower” and “sunshine.”
❝S-Sunflower? What-What are you doing? B-But I still have work to do! (Sighs.) Alright, alright. . . I’ll call it in for the night I-I do miss your cuddles. . .❞
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Ganyu adores your cuddles !! She’s actually quite clingy with you; your touch tends to soothe her worries.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: You have to politely decline munching on qingxins with her; instead she weaves you flower crowns out of them and brings you home bouquets of them !!
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Rest assured, if you’re stressed with work or stuck on something, your girlfriend will be at your side as soon as possible !!
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Loves getting her hair played with !!
𖠵𝟏𝟐: The best way to help her sleep is slowly rub up and down her horns.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Arguments are very rare since she’s a peacemaker and is always soft-spoken.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Sometimes when you notice she’s overworking yourself, you’ll either do some of the paperwork for her or go to Ningguang personally and ask if she can give her a few days off. (She normally complies.)
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Her skin is always so soft !! Holding her hand is like holding a cloud.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: She always pushes herself to get stronger so that she can protect you better.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: She’s very playful and mischievous !! Often playing little harmless pranks on you as a means to get your attention.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: Quite blunt with how she feels about you; we all know she loves to express herself freely.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: However, she’s also incredibly sweet when it comes to you !! She’s almost a completely different person when it comes to you—being normally so energetic with everyone else and being rather soft and gentle with you.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: On the days you’re not doing commissions, she’ll drag you to the parlor so that she can spend the day with you. (Given if she doesn’t have the day off herself.)
𖠵𝟎𝟓: If you have a heavy (or light) of death, she’ll try n’ help you overcome it !!
she’ll also try and cut back on talking about it so carelessly in hopes of not scaring you or making you uncomfortable.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: Calls you “(little) crystalfly,” “(my) butterfly,” and “(my) love.”
❝Why, hello there, my butterfly! What brings you to the parlor at this time of day? Wait. . . What’s with that gloomy expression? Hm. Alright, my love, I’m going to need a name and location. What’s with that look for? I’m not going to do anything rash! I’m just gonna. . . offer them a limited-time offer, that’s all!❞
𖠵𝟎𝟕: She ‘subtly’ threatens anyone who hurts you, LMFAO.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Sometimes she’ll beg you to come and advertise with her, claiming, “well, you’re so cute, crystalfly! How can they decline when you’re around?”
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Loves to play and dance with you in the rain !!
𖠵𝟏𝟎: She can be a little clingy sometimes. She loves to hold your hand and give you side hugs.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Butterfly kisses to the max !!
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Whenever you’re sad, she’ll tickle you relentlessly.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Squishes and kisses your cheeks a bunch.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Watches over your shoulder curiously whenever you’re doing something.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: You sometimes have to drag her away from getting carried away with promoting.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: She likes to take you along with her to find spirits !! If you’re starting to get nervous, she’ll wrap you in a tight hug and assure you everything’s going to be fine and that’ll she protect you no matter.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Loves to brag and boast about you whenever she can. (Especially to Zhongli and Xiao.)
𖠵𝟏𝟖: Despite being all too familiar with death and passing, she’s terrified that she’s going to lose you to it earlier than she’d like; she won’t ever tell you that, though. (She doesn’t want to worry you!)
𖠵𝟏𝟗: Days off are either spent in each other’s arms or on a picnic date up on the cliffs, watching the sunset when it comes that time of day.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: She’s a lot more flirty than you might think.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: As her s/o, you have special privileges to the Jade Chamber.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: She spoils the fuck out of you; you only receive the most highest quality of gifts.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Initially, you two kept your relationship hidden from the public eye, but then someone started prying and spreading rumors.
of course, she didn’t mind telling people she’s in a relationship with you; she just didn’t want people to pressure you into answering any of their absurd and disrespectful questions and/or comments.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: She’s naturally busy with meetings, making it hard to schedule time with you alone. As a means to it, if you're ever free when she's not, she’ll ask you if you'd like to tag along.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: She likes to turn to you and see your point of view; she greatly values your opinion on the things she discusses with you.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: “(My) jewel,” “(my) dear,” and “sweetheart.”
❝Welcome home, my jewel. Hm, you look so exhausted. . . You haven’t been overexerting yourself, have you? Go take a hot shower, and I’ll brew you a cup of tea, alright? I’m free these next two days how about we spend some quality time together, hm? It's been a while since I’ve properly taken you on a date. . .❞
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Whenever she meets with Beidou, it’s always accompanied by her teasing and asking questions about you.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: She once told you, “out of every antique and piece of gold in this chamber, you, my dear, are the most prized and cherished.”
she doesn’t say such things very often because she doesn’t want them to sound excessive to the point where they’ve lost their meaning.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Like Zhongli, she already has an engagement ring made out of the most finest quality cor lapis stored safely somewhere in the Jade Chamber.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Despite all the compliments she gets, she always remains loyal to you and politely tells them that she’s with you.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Knowing your Ningguang’s lover, people usually avoid messing with you.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Her touches are always so warm and filled with love. Things such as slowly running her hands up and down your arms, her fingers gradually combing through your hair, and humming you to sleep when you’re stressed.
𖠵𝟏���: Loves to color coordinate your guys’ outfits !! She thinks it’s a cute, subtle way of showing people that you’re together.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: She can be a little protective over you sometimes.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: She was very confused about what romantic relationships were and what they entailed; “I thought you were supposed to feel such strong feelings towards your friends. . .” Not if you have the overwhelming desire to hold them, Shenhe.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: She went to Cloud Retainer for some help, the adeptus didn’t know much, but she did confirm what Shenhe felt was love.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: She’s new to a lot of this, so you’re going to have to be patient with her ‹//3 She loves learning, though !!
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Quite protective over you; she fears that something out of her control will hurt you one day. And for that, she wouldn’t be able to forgive herself.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Reads a lot of books regarding romantic relationships.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: Likes to follow along with you on your adventures and commissions.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Was very confused when she heard someone call their significant other “love” and asked you, “who would name their creation that?” So you had to explain to her that it wasn’t their actual name and rather a term of endearment.
and after reading more about it, she started calling you “xiào niâo” which means “little bird” and “(little) love.”
❝You know, xiào niâo. . . After being in a relationship with you for quite some time now and knowing what cheating refers to, I can’t seem to comprehend why someone would do such an awful thing to their partner. . . They’re dedicating their love and time to them, are they not? So why betray their kindness and commit your love to someone completely different?❞
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Mhm, after you explained to her what cheating was, she was heartbroken because she couldn’t even imagine hurting you like that after you set aside so much of your love and time for her.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Even though she doesn’t care much of the rumors spread of her, you’re always quick to shut them down and in some cases, shut the said person up.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: (↑) However, regarding any rumors of you or of how she treats you, she won’t hesitate to bring them to a stop.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Isn’t very open with her emotions and how to show them, so most of the time you’ll have to directly ask her how she’s feeling.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Definitely a caretaker type; she likes to take care of you if you’re ever feeling unwell—severe or not.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: After feeling and knowing affection, she’s become a lot more accustomed to your touch, often leaning into your arms when she comes back home.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Will 100% show her love for you in public. She isn’t too familiar with the term PDA but why wouldn’t she want to show the world that she loves you ??
𖠵𝟏𝟓: You are the greatest and noblest thing that’s happened to her.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: Without a doubt, your bodyguard. She’s rather protective over you, both from outside forces and inside. You are very precious to her and she will not have you getting hurt.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: She’ll take new things she sees outside, and try them out with you.
𖠵𝟏𝟖: Cannot sleep without you after the first time. She’ll always look at you with pleading eyes if you’re not immediately coming to bed with her.
𖠵𝟏𝟗: Loves to kiss the backs of your hands and your palms !!
𖠵𝟐𝟎: You both always like to stop in and see Yunjin’s performances !!
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: She’s by far one of the best people you can go to for advice !! Whether that be legal advice or not.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: She actually initially thought that a romantic relationship would get in the way of her work, but after growing closer to you, that idea quickly diminished.
Yelan also protested against it, saying, “if you do really like them in that way, then go for it. love waits for no one.”
𖠵𝟎𝟑: Gives you the best legal advice, hoping to keep you out of trouble, LMFAO.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Also quite new to the concept of relationships, not knowing what exactly they entail and what she should do.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Petty arguments are always peacefully resolved as she hates them more than anything, LMFAO.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: She notices when something’s off with you almost immediately; it’s hard to hide stuff like that from her.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: “Belladonna,” “(my) dear,” and “(my) love.”
❝Welcome home, belladonna! How were your commissions today? You didn’t run into any problems, did you? Make sure you always let me know if someone or something bothers you I want to do all that I can to make sure you live a comfortable life. . .❞
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Yelan likes to playfully pester her about you.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: She loves to fall into your arms after a long day of work.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Sometimes you like to bring snacks and drinks to the law firm to make sure she’s taking care of herself and not drowning herself in work.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: She’s very analytical, so she thinks over each decision before deciding on one.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Will not have anyone putting a bad name to yours; she knows how kind-hearted you are and can’t fathom how anyone doesn’t see that.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: If she’s ever stuck on a case, she’ll turn to you for advice, whether you have intel or not; she loves to see your view of things.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Melts into your touch whenever you card your fingers through her hair or rub her antlers.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Mindlessly plays with your fingers and hands sometimes, it grounds her from all the petty cases that she has to deal with.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: Memorizes just about everything you say, what you do, your likes, your dislikes. . .
𖠵𝟏𝟕: She can be a little awkward about receiving and imitating affection, but she’ll warm up (:
𖠵𝟏𝟖: If she feels overwhelmed with work, she’ll invite you over and ask you to ramble on about your interest—your voice often bringing a sense of peace and comfort.
𖠵𝟏𝟗: A really good caretaker !! Especially if you’re sick or injured.
𖠵𝟐𝟎: Really cherishes small and intimate moments between you two.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: Another one who’s surprisingly flirty. . . She loves to make you tick.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: She keeps your guys’ relationship hidden from the public eye, not wanting to put a target on your back because of being affiliated with her.
the only one who really knows of your relationship is Yanfei since she knows and trusts her well.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: A protective mom when it comes to you. She wants nothing but for you to be safe and unharmed.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: If you’re out in public and she notices you’re getting apprehensive, she’ll slyly grab your hand and tap her fingers three times against your inner wrist, her code for “I love you” in public.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: If you ever get cold while you’re out, she’ll sling her jacket over you, hoping that it’ll help at least a little.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: When she senses danger, she’ll put her jacket over your shoulders and step in front of you protectively, her main goal being to keep you safe and unharmed.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: You ask her to hum you to sleep, she doesn’t understand why but she normally doesn’t argue, as long as you go to bed happy.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: “Darling,” “sweetheart,” and “(my) blossom.”
❝Hm? Why’re you all dolled up, blossom? Going somewhere important? Oh? A business meeting, you say? Why don’t I come along with you, hm? I dare say that I can strike a good bargain, if needed, of course. . . What? Of course, it’s not just so that I can keep an eye on the guys there. Okay, maybe a little. But can you blame them, darling? You’re awfully striking, you know. . . I’m so incredibly lucky to have you as my partner.❞
𖠵𝟎𝟗: If you happened to be with her in the Chasm, she would make it a priority to take care of you, also glaring at Itto whenever he seemed to get a little too friendly with you.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: To make up for her busy schedule, she always brings you food and little trinkets home to show that she’s thinking of you.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: If she hears that someone’s bothering you, she’ll have them dealt with in about. . . 2-3 days.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Can cook some good ass food !! Yelan is hella wife material even if she protests she’s not. (Which she does.)
𖠵𝟏𝟑: When you’re not looking, she’ll stare at you with smitten eyes; she loves to admire your beauty.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Another one who’s an excellent listener and gives great advice; she’ll always lend you her shoulder to cry on.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: She either takes you on really expensive dates or really simple, cute/romantic ones. Her main goal is for you to enjoy yourself (:
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: 100% gushed to Xinyan and Xiangling when she started crushing on you; the two have never seen their friend so starstruck by someone.
even now, when you two are actually dating, she still squeals to them about how much she loves you and how you make her so much happier than she could ever imagine.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: You’re a new wave of inspiration for her, bringing forth new ideas to her mind whether you know it or not.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: She loves to do your makeup !! She thinks the style magnifies your beauty by x10,000.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Had a long discussion with her manager (that I forgot the name of ‹//3) about how she should be paying more attention to her performances rather than relationships. Yunjin had never felt more offended in her life.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: She had no problem whatsoever telling her fans that she’s in a relationship with you—happily telling them you’re her star in the night sky and the sun in the morning sky.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: Teaches you how to act—giggling whenever you’re being purposefully overdramatic.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: This girl loves you so so much.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: “(My) starlight,” “my muse,” and “(my) darling.”
❝S—Starlight? What’re you doing here? I-I thought you said couldn’t come to today's performance. . . O-Oh, you-you wanted to surprise me? Oh, (NAME). Thank you so much! I really love you, you know that? H-How about I treat you to lunch, hm? It’s the least I can do, really. . .❞
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Really cherishes the time she has alone with you, given she’s normally busy with practicing and performing.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: At the end of the night, she likes to rest her head on your lap and tell you all about her day.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Loves to dress you up in her clothes !!
𖠵𝟏𝟐: She also loves to buy you things !! One of her love languages is definitely gift giving (:
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Whenever you’re watching her perform, she’ll always find a way to lock eyes with you and give you a small wink.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Really wants you to perform with her one day !!
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Teaches you all different kinds of dances !! Dancing with you is one of her favorite past times.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: If she ever feels discouraged, she’ll always think of you and get back on her feet.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Speaks of you so highly to both her friends and fans.
𖠵𝟏𝟖: Makes you the most finest quality of jewelry.
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yandere-daydreams · 11 months
That Furina love triangle fic ATE, but now I can't help but wonder if Arlecchino would be more or less pissed if Readers taste in archons differed slightly and they were pining after the wind clown instead
Imagine how many hoops and delusions she'd have to jump through to convince darling that, No, hot milfs are INDEED superior to thousand year old twinks
i will be keeping arlecchino limited to specifically lesbian hijinks, but i did spend a little time thinking about who would be the maddest that their darling was down bad for the archons of their respective nations (or just platonically close to, in nahida's case). come down this spiral with me, if you must.
diluc would be so fucking pissed if you showed even a mild interest in venti. bonus points if you don't actually know he's really a god and diluc is obviously too Honor Bound™ to tell you, so he's just going to have to sit there, breaking pint glasses and seething while you pine after a broke twink. he can't even tell himself you're just curious about the gods. you're just into functional alcoholics. sigh.
ningguang would legally forbid you from having a crush on morax. she doesn't have anything against him personally, but there's just something about building yourself up from nothing, making yourself the center of the world's free market and the (second) highest authority in a nation that gave you nothing to work with, and having the love of your life fall for the one (1) person above you in the hierarchy. is it because he has more statues of her. she can get statues. just fucking watch how many statues she can get her face on and she won't even need 5000 years to do it.
kazuha's not mad, just disappointed. he's (mostly) worked out his beef with the raiden shogun, but there will be a part of him that dies on the inside when he takes you (a pretty little thing he presumably picked up while travelling with beidou) to inazuma city for the first time and the first thing you say after seeing the shogun's statue is 'why is she kinda,,, 👀👀👀'. usually he is not against calling an archon milfy, but in this specific context he would prefer it if you maybe held back a little.
and it would be the bane wanderer's existence if you managed to speak to nahida even once. it'd be like letting your mom make friends with your s/o, but your mom is also an omniscient ten year old with no verbal filter and biographic level of knowledge when it comes to you and your very personal trauma. has the poor boy not suffered enough (he hasn't).
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cutie-writes · 11 months
Genshin Characters as the Weird Shit that Happens at my Work
(I work at a roller rink/ family entertainment)
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Got their head stuck in a claw machine because they were out of money but absolutely needed that prize: klee, bennett, ITTO, kirara
On the jungle gym despite being a grown ass man literally on a business call: childe, heizou, wriothesley, venti
Complained about the structure of the building as though I created the shit: KAVEH, dori , ninguang
Asked for a refund when they never paid for anything: zhongli, fischl, furina
Had to be escorted off the rink after collapsing drunk on their ass: beidou, kaveh, VENTI
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Loudly complained about his life with the bartender to a point that he hid in the back until they were gone: KAAAVEH, venti, kaeya
brought a knife in and had the audacity to act shocked that the police arrived: CHILDE, rosaria, xiao
Bragged about their VIOLENT charges across the entire state that somehow went unnoticed yet was a manager for several months????: childe, eula, wanderer
Had a break down over the rubber duck machine: furina, razor, diona
Let out the most god awful fart and blamed it on the kid next to him: HEIZOU, venti, ITTO
Dressed up as Jesus and went out on the roller rink: barbara, venti, nilou
Somehow managed to stuff the mini trash cans into the toilets?: xingqiu, klee
Accidentally broke the door off a locker: raiden shogun, itto, bennett
Gave the nicest smile before obliterating the party room: xiangling, zhongli, kaeya, YAE MIKO, ayato, ayaka
Wanted to know when the “rat guy” is coming: qiqi, albedo, lyney & lynette, xiao
Bitched about their mom when she was right behind them: wanderer
Skated with a fucking lizard on his shoulder: tighnari, wriosthesley, baizhu, razor
Got in trouble with another mom for laughing when her kid ate shit: yae miko, hu tao, deyha, heizou *The Mom: jean, nahida, candace
Took a nap behind the front counter: LAYLA, lisa, kokomi, sayu
Decided this was a great place to read: xingqiu, kazuha, alhaitham, neuvillette, yanfei
*Pissed that it was too loud to read: Alhaitham (forgot his headphones) xingqiu, yanfei
Went on a sugar high that can only be described as traumatic: chongyun, furina, klee, raiden shogun, shenhe
Took a nap upstairs despite the fact we were literally robbed an hour ago: lisa, sayu, layla, albedo, wriothesley, yelan
Randomly on the roof after closing and noticed our dumpster was on fire?: XIAO, nahida, diluc, rosaria, freminet
Sang the entire high school musical discography while we cleaned the restrooms: BARBARA, amber, yoimiya, noelle, xingyan
Joked about a customer meeting god up close and personal if he slips on the rink: hu tao, rosaria
Asked for spare change while the fire alarm went off and we were evacuating: albedo, mona, alhaitham
*The one who pulled the fire alarm: wanderer, childe, klee
Took one hit of a vape and just about croaked: baizhu, mona, yunjin
Cracked their head open and tried to skate the next day: itto, childe, dehya
Gave all the employees sparkly stickers: yao yao, kokomi, nilou, nahida
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capitollie · 2 years
Genshin characters with a chubby s/o
As a creator with a mid size body type its so hard to find stuff that's not nsfw that includes chubby people sigh. To the creators that DO create content for people with different body types: ily sm I'm gonna make you a plushie and eat you (this is a compliment)
Reader implied to be small (Capitano), Beidou very subtly implied to be WLW
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-Capitano just adores you.
-Who knew that the large, scary harbinger could be reduced to a metaphorical mush in the arms of his lover?
-He loves how small you are compared to him, but he thinks he likes your softness more.
-Capitano does not tolerate mean comments about your body. If he catches wind that the Fatui recruits are talking about you behind your (and his) back...
-Best to assume you won't be seeing them at work the next day.
-He loves holding you close after a stressful day, he says that your softness cures the evil in his heart.
-He loves it when you cuddle into his chest, with his large hands wrapped around your soft body, he pulls you closer, almost smothering you in his chest.
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-Beidou adores your soft body compared to her muscular build.
-No matter your size, she can pick you up. She's a strong woman, a woman who managed to kill Haishan without a vision.
-She doesn't tolerate rude comments about you, but she can't actually do anything about it, so she gets Ningguang to. Ningguang favours you aswell, so its not hard.
-She understands it can get quite lonely if you live in Liyue Harbour while she's sailing, so she usually asks Xinyan or Xiangling to keep you company.
-She loves cuddling you, prefers to be the larger spoon so she can protect you from the dangers of the world.
-Congratulations, your Kazuhas new mom/parent.
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-When she first saw you it was love at first sight fr.
-"My, what an adorable little thing. Hmm, you should, say, come stay with me." "What?" "Come be my lover."
-She loves cuddling your thighs, occasionally she pretends to bite them, too.
-Should she hear anything negative about you, she'll have Sara deal with him and then she'll give them a harsh lecture.
-If she buys you clothes, they will most likely be skintight, or nearly skintight. She loves your softness, don't let anyone say otherwise.
-She'll read books to you until you fall asleep, to which she gently puts away the book and gets you two under the covers, her tail curled around your leg while her hands lightly tangle themselves in your hair.
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saeskiss · 1 year
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kazuha x fem!reader. 1.9k wc. 5/6/23. part 1! part 3!
you’re drunk, and you’re ready to make stupid mistakes, and kazuha thinks you’re even irresistible than you usually are.  
✧ make-out sesh, suggestive, childhood friends to lovers, mutual pining, kazuha brings you as his plus one to his mom’s second wedding, alcohol consumption, mentions of groping. (not kazuha doing it). based on taylor swift’s song “dress”. ooc kazuha (maybe???) 
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“kazuuuuuuuuuhaaaa.” his name comes out as a slur, the familiar feeling of domesticity fills up kazuha’s heart, and as much as he doesn’t want to admit it, he enjoys this side of you that you’re sharing with him.
sure, you’ve been drunk before and especially in kazuha’s presence but this time it was different. 
much more different from the other three big instances that you were drunk in front of him. 
the first instance was when you guys had first started university together and you were so happy that you guys had both gotten accepted into the same university, (you had silently prayed to the moon every night hoping that the universe would be on your side) and it did end up being on your side. you had gotten a little too excited and rushed to kazuha’s house carrying some of your mom’s wine to celebrate another couple of years with him hoping that you guys could tell each other about the feelings you guys had shared with each other for the longest time. 
and soon you and kazuha discovered that your alcohol tolerance wasn’t high. at all. 
this was a big problem for him. especially when you turned the legal age to properly and actually drink. 
you weren’t such a big fan of parties and kazuha knew this. you didn’t like loud noises and crowded rooms because they were absolutely suffocating. and trying to scare off strangers that were trying to grope you wasn’t exactly your most favorite thing. but this wouldn’t completely stop you from going out and having a little fun with your other friends. (yes, you have other friends besides kazuha, surprise surprise.) 
and this especially wasn’t going to stop beidou from dragging you to go attend ningguang’s parties that she would throw every now and then. (the second biggest and most common occurrence) this doesn’t happen commonly but when it does it brings misfortune for the white-haired male. these situations always ended up with you extremely drunk (you frequently participated in beidou’s drinking competitions even though you guys were both lightweights) (how chaotic and idiotic for the both of you) and keqing giving kazuha a call for him to come and bring you back to his house so that you could sober up. although what did happen was that kazuha would bring you back dead asleep and you would wake up in the morning with a huge headache and both you and kazuha would call in sick for your classes and you would stay snuggled up on his couch catching up on your favorite tv shows while he goes the store to buy you some painkillers. 
the third and his favorite drunk instance with you was when you had seen kazuha with a girl you had never seen him with before and usually, you would’ve taken this as kazuha being a friendly person because he was, much more friendly than you were that’s for sure but this time it was different. or maybe it wasn’t. 
you don’t know what it was in you but something in your heart burned more than the chugging of tequila. you went home and dropped beidou a call and opened your alcohol cabinet (many of the bottles were gifts from ningguang or your parents or kazuha’s parents) and you had downed a whole bottle in the span of two minutes, the sound of your cries could probably be heard by the whole floor, hell maybe the whole apartment. when beidou had arrived she was in shock to see the bad state you were in. after a rough twenty minutes beidou realized that she really couldn’t deal with someone who was drunk when she had an important exam so her last and only resort was to call the only person that you’ve ever really had feelings for. and she knew that kazuha would be able to take of you better than anyone else, but she wasn’t going to mention it because she was afraid the tears would turn into a full-on sob session. 
kazuha shows up at your door with the same reaction as beidou because a couple of hours ago you guys were planning to meet up at a coffee shop to study together even though you guys were majoring in two different subjects, you guys thought the presence of each other would be comforting but then you had canceled on him to study with beidou? he really didn’t understand.
if the white-haired male was going to be really honest, he was kind of frustrated. not at you, but more of himself. it wasn’t a date or anything so he had no right to be upset but here he was. upset that you had canceled plans with him to hang out with someone else. and to be honest, he could’ve drank with you. he doesn’t know why you chose beidou.
but let’s just say that this story ends with a heated make-out session on your island stools in your kitchen and you having a huge hangover the next day not remembering anything that had happened yesterday which had kazuha defeated, desperate for another try. because c’mon, you stole his first kiss and his first make-out session all in one night.  
but that’s enough stories about the past times you had been under the influence. 
back to the current situation that kazuha was worrying about: you getting tipsy over two measly shots that his mother had offered during the dinner that only gave effect after a good 10 minutes and here you were in your hotel room that his mom had booked for the two of you. it was pretty obvious she knew what was going on. and maybe this was all apart of her plan. 
“y/n.” he deadpans, staring at you who has been sitting on the ground next to the bed for the last ten minutes with your head rested onto the bed. “get up from the ground.” he lowers himself to be on the same level as you.
“nooooo. i don’t want to go.” you cross your arms, with a scowl on your face, hearing a sigh from the white-haired male.
a moment of silence passes by before he sighs again, “i’m tired.” your grin starts to turn into a frown.
“come on. get onto the bed. or i’ll carry you bridal style onto the bed.” he says, grabbing one of your arms attempting to get you laying on the bed so he could get a glass of water for you so you could start to sober up.
you squeal as he picks you up from your spot on the ground and carries you onto the bed tickling you making you giggle. 
you get up from your laying position on the bed which makes kazuha groan with his failed attempt to try and get water to sober you up while you lie in bed patiently waiting for him to come back. which was quite literally impossible with you being under the influence. 
“kazuha.” you get serious this time and he stops his whining and complaining to face you and have an intoxicated conversation with you with just you as the one intoxicated and him not so much. 
“what is it y/n?” and the sweet sound of your name makes your heart beat faster and it makes you riskier. it makes you want to do things to kazuha that you wouldn’t normally do if it wasn’t for your inebriation. 
you come closer to his face and your guys’ eyes meet. kazuha tries to stay focus and tries to calm his heart down as much as he can so you can’t hear it because its embarrassing having this big of a schoolgirl crush on someone he’s known since he was in diapers. 
and it’s especially embarrassing on how much anticipation he has in this very moment; you’re unpredictable. and god he wishes he knew what was going on in your head right now because he can’t stop himself from thinking about things that would never happen in a million years. 
“you’re so pretty you know that?” you cup his face waiting for his response but all you’re met with is a flushed face and a frustrated sigh from kazuha.
he doesn’t know much longer he can hold it all in. 
hold in the urge from wanting to kiss you all over again, because god seeing you in that pretty tight white dress is making him go insane. he says a simple, “thank you.” in response. 
“can i kiss you?” you ask him and he doesn’t know what to say because he shouldn’t say no, and he knows he should say no, but he would do absolutely anything to kiss you one more time. but this wasn’t right. 
this was the second time that he would be doing this. taking advantage of you while you were drunk. 
but your scent was so addicting and he couldn’t get enough of it and he was yearning for the touch of your soft lips against his so he nods reluctantly.  
and he knows it’s wrong, and he knows he’ll apologize in the morning this time and confront the fact that he made a mistake doing this with you. 
but as soon as your lips crash, he never wants the sweet taste of peppermint from your chapstick mixed with the raging taste of alcohol to leave his mouth and he starts to not regret the decision he made so much. your lips were so insanely soft against his, your movements are slow yet so intense making kazuha yearn for more. he wanted more. he took a breath of your enthralling scent, your perfume was mixed with strawberries and mint. it was addicting and it sent his head spinning, butterflies emerging in his stomach as you smile into his kiss. you start to move slowly on his lap, his hands traveling down to your thighs. you to let out a whimper at the sudden gesture and that was more than enough for him to get a wake up call and realize what he was doing wrong. 
he pulls away, lips swollen and rough breaths are the only sound being heard in the room for a couple of seconds.
“i can’t. i’m sorry. i’m taking advantage of you and it’s wrong.” he stops with you still sitting on his lap your hands drop to your side.
you frown. “i’m sorry. we can do this when you’re sober. i promise.” he gently caresses your cheek, coming close to your face, his lips lightly touching your forehead.
“okay.” you finally give in and respond, “but can you do me one more thing?” he groans once more, at this point he’s afraid of your requests because if you plead him to do anything he will oblige and you have so much power over him and he is frightened by how much power you have over him. 
“one more kiss? please?” 
oh, kill kazuha right now. you just pleaded and there was no way he was going to decline. 
“mkay.” he uses both of his hands to grip your waist as your lips meet, the exciting sensation rushing through his body and making kazuha’s head spin, wanting more, but he pulls away because he’s well aware of how many boundaries he’s overstepped today. 
“is that it?” you nod, your eyes meet again and the white-haired male is about to explode with how much tension was in the room now and he knew he had to do something to stop himself from doing anything more stupid.
“come on. let’s get you in bed and let me grab you a glass of water.” 
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©saeskiss 2023
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