#slightly notsfw
tinyarmedtrex · 29 days
"I could make you scream my name." 
Another one of my prompts! Still slowly working through them.
You can read this on AO3!
TW: Drinking, drunken flirting/ touching, some sexual content (nothing too explicit)
"Baby, I could make you scream my name." 
Charlie reeled away as the stank of beer on someone's breath hit his face. He turned towards the voice and saw an intoxicated older man leering at him. Despite his obvious disgust the man winked at him. "What do you say?" He asked, leaning back into Charlie's personal space. 
He shook his head. "No thank you." 
The man was too far gone to process the rejection. "That's right, you'd be saying thank you." He said as he started to reach for Charlie again. "I'm Kevin and-"
Drunk Kevin was prevented from actually touching Charlie by a firm hand on his shoulder. 
"He said no, mate. You need to learn to listen." 
Charlie exhaled with relief as Nick put himself between Kevin and Charlie. Kevin glared at Nick, clearly pissed that he'd been interrupted. 
"I was talking to him." Kevin snapped. "Not you. Mind your own fucking business." He was leaning forward in what was probably supposed to be an intimidating way but given that he was several inches shorter than Nick and that unable to keep fully upright it wasn't exactly working. 
Nick's eyes narrowed. "Well when you hit on my boyfriend I get to make it my business." 
He said it with such fierceness that even Charlie believed him for a second. But then reality tumbled back. Nick was his friend, nothing more. He was lying to get the man to leave. If Nick had any idea how desperately Charlie wanted those words to be true, he never would have said them but by now Charlie was an expert in hiding his feelings. He'd harbored them for years and Nick had yet to realize that Charlie was in love with him, despite the embarrassingly obvious clues that their friends liked to drop.  
Frustratingly, Kevin seemed to respond to those words. He put his hands up in a sign of innocence. "No disrespect mate. I didn't know." 
Nick seemed equally pissed that this worked when he'd ignored Charlie. "I'm not the one you owe an apology to."
Kevin looked at him. "Sorry mate." 
Charlie glared at him. "'S fine." 
"Let's go, babe." Nick said, taking Charlie's hand and leading him into the thick crowd at the club. Nick immediately dropped his hand once they saw their friends. "Sorry, that was way out of line." 
"It wasn't." Despite how warm Charlie was he missed the heat from Nick's hand. "Thanks for rescuing me."
Nick shook his head. "I'm sure you had it handled."
At that moment, Darcy turned to them, a grin on her face and shots in her hand. "You're behind!" She said, handing each of them two shot glasses full of pink liquid. "Drink up!" They were celebrating Tara's promotion and Darcy took that to mean shot after shot. Charlie was already feeling the effects. His head was pleasantly foggy, and he felt loose, especially now that he was back with his friends. 
After two more shots their small group returned to the dance floor. Nick stuck close to Charlie, on the prowl for other creeps. It was kind but unnecessary. Charlie wasn't the one who was being gaped at. That honor went to Nick. He saw several people checking Nick out, not that Nick ever noticed. He was focused on Charlie. 
Having Nick's focus was an overwhelming experience, especially when he was slightly drunk. Nick's hands rested at a perfectly cordial spot on his hips. His gaze was on Charlie, a half-smile on his face as they danced. Everyone else in the room melted away and it was just them. Moments like this did nothing to lessen Charlie's ridiculous crush on his friend. 
And sometimes he thought that maybe, just maybe, Nick felt the same. There were lingering looks, touches that went a moment too long. But neither made a move. Charlie knew his reasons and guessed that Nicks were similar. He didn't want to risk ruining their friendship. He'd rather have this, where he was so in love it hurt sometimes, than risk losing him. 
Another round of shots appeared. Nick shook his head, so Charlie drank both. He was sick of overthinking things. He wanted to enjoy the night with his friends. Darcy cheers'ed as he drank, joining him. 
Fifteen minutes later and the effects were hitting him. He could feel it in his bones now. Nick was holding him up far more than before and the music seemed much louder. Charlie had to lean in to talk to Nick and even then, he missed the reply. 
He needed to be closer to the man. His body ached for it and whatever reason he'd given for staying back was gone now. He closed the gap between them, moving so one of Nick's legs was between his. He thought he heard Nick inhale sharply, but he didn't move back. Charlie draped his arms over Nick's shoulders, enjoying how he could feel the man's muscles under his thin shirt. It felt like he was full of molasses, everything had slowed, and he could feel the drag of Nick's leg against his, the way Nick's hand grips his shirt. He gave an experimental roll of his hips and heard a quiet 'fuck' escape from Nick's lips. 
Grinning, he leaned in, needing to say the thing that had been on his mind all night. "You know, there's only one name I want to scream." He let his lips touch Nick's ear as he felt Nick tense. 
The reaction disappointed him. "You aren't going to ask who?"
Nick was pressed against him; Charlie could feel him breathing. Around them the lights in the club danced and the music roared. But he didn't care about any of that. All he cared about was how Nick's shoulders felt under his hands. 
"Who Char?" 
That was what he wanted. The slight hitch in Nick's voice, the nickname that only Nick was allowed to call him. He leaned back in and said, "You." 
In his mind, this was going to lead to Nick kissing him, maybe to them disappearing to a bathroom and declaring their feelings with some blowjobs. But instead, Nick gently pushed Charlie away, shaking his head as he did. "I think we should get you home." He looked around the club. "Where the hell did everyone else go?"
Charlie pouted. That wasn't the reaction he wanted. Maybe he needed to try again. "Nick, we don't need to go anywhere." He said, running a finger over his chest. 
"Yup, we really do." He grabbed Charlie's hand as he looked around the dance floor again before grabbing his phone. "Looks like everyone else left." 
Charlie leaned in, tripping over his feet a bit as he did. "Oh, no." 
Nick held him upright but kept him at a distance. "I'll take you home." He grabbed Charlie's hand, and they wound through the club patrons until they made it to the front doors. Charlie didn't remember most of the ride home, but he was fairly sure he continued trying to hit on Nick and was gently rebuffed every time. Before he knew it they were in his flat and Nick was pulling off his converse then leading him to his bedroom.
Charlie collapsed onto the bed then reached for Nick. "Stay with me."
Nick shook his head. "I don't think that's a good idea."
"It is." He bobbed his head. "Trust me." He reached for Nick, but the man stepped back, rubbing a hand over his face.  
"Char, I can't." He looked at him with a hurt puppy expression. "I've wanted to hear all of this for a long time but not like this." He sighed. "I wonder if you'll even remember any of this tomorrow."
He frowned. What a silly thought, of course he would. 
"I'll be on the couch, if you need me." Nick said before turning around and leaving the room. 
Charlie pouted for a moment but then crawled under his covers, easily falling asleep. 
He woke up with a splitting headache. Groaning, he sat up, trying to remember what had happened. He remembered the club, the guy hitting on him, dancing with Nick- 
Surely, he hadn't actually dragged Nick back here. 
A glance at his bedside table told him he definitely had.  A cup of water and paracetamol sat waiting for him. Only Nick would take care of him like that. 
"Shit." He muttered, praying that he was misremembering. Otherwise, he might have ruined a decade long friendship. 
It took some effort, but he made his way out to the living room where he found Nick's prone form was sleeping on his couch.
Nick moved and Charlie realized that he'd said it out loud. Charlie debated scurrying back to his bedroom but then Nick sat up, looking directly at him. His hair was adorably eschewed, and he blinked several times before standing and stretching. "How do you feel?" 
Nick nodded. "You drank a lot." 
That wasn't the main reason he felt awful, but he nodded. He gripped his head as it screamed in protest. 
"Would food help? I could make you a breakfast sandwich." Nick offered.
"God please." 
Nick nodded and they both went to the kitchen.  Nick spent enough time in Charlie's flat that he moved around easily, grabbing all the necessary ingredients while Charlie made them tea.
A few minutes later they were seated at Charlie's tiny table. While cooking they'd had something to distract themselves but now it was just them and the air was thick with awkwardness. Nick had yet to look at him and Charlie wanted to crawl into a hole. 
Then he took his first bite of the sandwich. It was perfect, greasy and delicious. "Nick, fuck ." He moaned before he could stop himself.
"Well, you did say you wanted to scream my name; I suppose that's close enough." He said then looked up, alarmed. "Shit, sorry. I don't know if you even-"
"I do." He swallowed, putting his food down. "And I should be apologizing for throwing myself at you like that when you were obviously uncomfortable with it. I didn't-" He stopped. He couldn't say that he didn't mean it because that wasn't true. 
"Didn't what?" Nick asked cautiously, meeting his eyes for the first time that morning.
"Want to tell you like that." 
His eyes grew wide. "Did you mean it then? What you said last night?"
"Yea. Everything except wanting to lick you head to toe. That's too time consuming." 
A surprised laugh burst out of Nick. "Right, who has time for that?" He swallowed and his face returned to its uncertain state. "Charlie, can you be very very explicit about what you meant?" 
Charlie stood and went to Nick, cupping his face. "I want you, Nick. I want to date you and kiss you and everything else that I said last night, probably."
Nick's gaze became heated as he pulled Charlie down, pressing their lips together. It was the kiss Charlie had been waiting for, one that he felt all the way down to his toes. Nick tugged Charlie down until the man was on his lap, his hand running over Charlie's back.
"Fuck." Nick said as Charlie ground down on him. "Last night, when you were saying all those things, it took all my self-control not to give in." He slid a hand under Charlie's shirt, feeling the bumps in his spine.
"I'm glad you didn't." Charlie said as he kissed Nick's neck. "I don't want either of us to regret it." 
Nick nodded. "You made some compelling arguments though. You're a very chatty drunk, telling me about all the things you wanted me to do to you." 
He flushed. "Drunk Charlie and I are going to have a long chat about spilling secrets."
"Mhm." Nick let his hand slide lower, cupping Charlie's ass. "Don't be too hard on him, I liked hearing it." 
Charlie moaned as Nick squeezed. "Anything in particular?"
"There was a lot about being tied up. And something about bathroom blowjobs. And" Nick dropped his voice. "A lot about how you wanted to scream my name."
"Fuck." He nodded. He remembered saying most of that. "Nick." As much as he wanted more, he could feel his hangover settling over him like a weighted blanket. He pulled back to meet Nick's gaze. "I meant every word. But not right now, I want to be sober for it." 
He didn't know how Nick would react, but the man nodded. "Do you think I'm that easy?" Nick asked, kissing behind his ear. "I need to be wooed Charlie." 
He grinned. "I would love to woo you, Nick." He was already imagining all the dates they could go on. But his thoughts were interrupted when he yawned. "Later. Right now, I think I need to go back to sleep." 
"'Course." Nick looked up at him. "Want company?"
They walked back to Charlie's room, laying down together. "I've always wanted you in my bed." He muttered as Nick crawled beside him. 
"I know, you told me last night. Several times." 
He flung an arm over his head and groaned as Nick chuckled. Nick was right though, something very good had come from his drunk ramblings. 
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henrysglock · 1 year
wine tipsy henryblogging is just like “i need him to be hugged in st5. someone be nice to him. he deserves to get railed good and lovingly by scott clarke. can he be put out to pasture please? someone give him a lake house and a nice stipend, and then everyone just let him be. godbless.”
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billdenbrough · 2 months
@naturecalls111 and i were joking around about kevin’s fantasies, which got us back to this post, and for reasons too long to explain here, we ended up discussing a version of kevin explaining the second one. i said they were mutually kinda tipsy when it came up in convo, but kevin was a little more affected (despite his size) because he’d been doing Active Things in the sun all day while aaron had mostly been chilling (kinda a la the summer rituals fic). mina was like ok so they should be dumb enough to try this and i was like i’m concerned about kevin drowning, thought about it for another second, and wrote her this in our chat
notsfw!! it’s pretty soft and not particularly explicit but the premise very much is attempting kevin’s pier blowjob fantasy lmao so proceed with caution
“I don’t think this is going to work,” Aaron says.
Kevin, already pulling off his shirt, looks over at him. “You told me last week I’m in peak physical health,” he says seriously.
“Kevin, you’re the one who said you’d need to be a merman,” Aaron says exasperatedly.
Kevin finishes pulling off his shirt. Aaron allows himself to run his eyes along the ridges and grooves of Kevin’s chest, slowly mapping it all. He kind of wants to do it with his fingers, even his tongue. There’s something in Kevin’s eyes—darkened, watchful—that says he’d let him.
But they came here for a reason, one they won’t get to if Aaron gives in to his little wants, so Aaron swallows, sighs, and looks away.
“Only half the time,” Kevin says. Aaron can feel his eyes on him. “Are you going to take off your clothes?”
“I thought the point was that I’d look normal,” Aaron points out, finally looking back at him.
Kevin huffs, but concedes. “Okay. Just make sure, you know, to get it out.”
Aaron is about to bully him for that phrasing—get it out; what is this, grade school?—when Kevin takes a run to the end of the pier, diving in gracefully, his body an impossibly lean arc against the night sky.
With a sigh, Aaron moves to the edge. He sits down, sliding as close to the edge as he can without falling off and, as per Kevin, ‘gets it out’. Kevin surfaces and wades over, staring at Aaron.
The tide is high, and the pier a little low, which is the only reason this is even slightly possible. Still, Kevin’s brow creases.
“This would be easier as a merman,” he says. “Tail propulsion power.”
Aaron cannot believe he still wants to fuck this man.
“You are ridiculous,” he says, huffing. “Am I meant to imagine you’re a merman?”
“No,” Kevin says seriously. “I don’t want you to reduce your estimation of my physical ability on display right now by pinning it on fantastical causes.”
“That was never a risk,” Aaron says, and intends to continue, but then Kevin’s got his arms planted on the pier, the forearms locked around Aaron’s thighs as a way to brace Kevin’s upper body, and he’s taking Aaron’s dick into his mouth.
Aaron lets out a low, startled moan. A little warning? he wants to say, but then he looks at Kevin, and all the words die in his mouth. He’s so – distinct, like this. A stark thing against the backdrop of the world. The ocean and night sky are so large, but Aaron’s world narrows down to just Kevin, with his focused eyes fixed on Aaron, his stupidly sun-red and alcohol-raw and kiss-swollen lips a sharp contrast against Aaron’s dick, and he’s so fucking beautiful. So fucking beautiful, and just looking at Aaron, all his attention on Aaron.
So Aaron can’t bring himself to tease him right now, not like this. He strokes Kevin’s hair instead, marvels at his stamina. It’s not the best blowjob he’s ever had—the angle and leverage are working against them, and so is the lack of being able to feel Kevin’s body whenever he wants, the water even covering his ability to look—but it’s one that Kevin wanted to give him so much that he jumped into the ocean for it, and that makes something in Aaron’s chest get uncomfortably tight, makes arousal curl hot and low in his belly.
Kevin pulls off with a gasp and a soft thwick. There’s a line of spit connecting those lips to Aaron’s dick.
“That’s a workout,” Kevin says, looking at his forearms. They’re trembling against Aaron’s thighs. God, he’s so—Aaron feels so—Aaron lo—
“Whoa,” Kevin says, and that’s all the warning Aaron gets before Kevin slips, his arms giving way and Kevin sinking below the water.
Aaron doesn’t even hesitate. He immediately pushes himself off the pier, barely noting the shock of cold from the water getting to the rest of his body instead of just his legs. He dives under, grabbing around him, until he can feel Kevin’s skin.
When he surfaces, Kevin’s there too.
“I’m okay,” Kevin says. “Like, I was all good. It just took me by surprise.” He glances ruefully at his arms. “I was more tired than I thought.”
Aaron’s heart is still going a hundred miles a minute. “Not as equipped as your merman counterpart, huh?” he manages to say.
Kevin looks at him. He must hear it in Aaron’s voice, because he doesn’t make the indignant noise he usually would. “Guess not,” he says instead, then smiles, slow and quiet and sweet. It’s the one he only brings out sometimes, one Aaron’s never seen aimed at anyone else. It makes Aaron’s chest hurt, even more than his heart beating itself against his ribcage.
“You’re wet,” Kevin says, frowning.
“Very observant,” Aaron says. “That happens when you get into water.”
“You got wet for me,” Kevin says. Aaron wants to ask if exhausting his arms also had a follow-on effect to his brain, but then Kevin comes even closer, the water rippling around his skin. His body heat is more noticeable now, warming Aaron’s skin until it prickles with the temperature difference.
“I’ve done a lot of things for you,” Aaron says, too honest. “You’re really annoying like that.”
Kevin grins. They’ve floated beneath the pier now, and it feels – echo-y. The ocean is huge, the night sky even more expansive, the sand of the shore going for miles and miles, but here, beneath the pier, it’s like the world is just them, treading water and their body heat bleeding together and Kevin looking at him, and Aaron looking back.
When Kevin moves forward to kiss him, Aaron doesn’t even complain about his clammy skin or wet hair or any of the thousands of reasons that kissing when wet sucks. It doesn’t matter, really. Not when it’s Kevin. It makes up for it, he guesses.
So when Kevin presses their lips together, Aaron just keeps treading water, and kisses him back.
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lovelesscherub · 1 year
written for the @harringrovekinktober day 1 prompt lingerie ♡ tags: notsfw, friends with benefits, it's complicated, slight feminisation, blowjob, tit-fucking word count: 1,875
Billy had driven him home that day, on a rainy afternoon after school. Steve's BMW hadn't started, for whatever stupid reason Steve couldn't figure out, since it had worked just fucking fine that same morning. He had found himself stranded on the empty parking lot, getting soaked in the rain. The parking lot hadn't been so empty after all, with Billy's Camaro still parked with Billy watching him kick the front-right tire of his car in frustration from the driver's seat.
What they had going on between them was complicated. It was new, it was a secret, and most importantly it was purely physical. Right? Billy's kindness didn't surprise Steve, though, when he heard Billy honking the horn of his car and gesturing for Steve through the window to come and get in, taking pity on the guy, clearly.
That was when Steve first saw it.
While sitting on the passenger seat of the Camaro, from the sliver of Billy's rear-view mirror that was visible to him, he caught a glimpse of it, and couldn't stop staring no matter how hard he tried to look away. There, on the backseat, slightly tucked away between the seats but still not hidden enough for Steve not to catch sight of it. Light blue. Lace. A bra. Someone's bra. A bralette? Steve honestly had no fucking clue what the difference was, and he didn't care. All he could do was try and figure out whose bra Billy had taken off in the backseat of his car and when. Sure, since things between them were purely physical, they had kept it casual. And it wasn't like Billy was at his place all the time. Almost, but, not all the time, so. They hadn't specified anything, especially not being exclusive or anything like that, so, Steve kept his cool. It was cool. It didn't matter. It wasn't a big deal, right? His gaze wandered over to Billy, from the corner of his eye, and if Billy caught him staring then, or staring at that thing on the backseat, well, he didn't mention anything.
Billy didn't mention anything about the bra disappearing, either. When Billy had finally reached the Harringtons' driveway and gotten out of the car to round to the passenger side door to open it for Steve in a mock-gentlemanly fashion, Steve had snatched the bra from the backseat and stuffed it into the pocket of his jacket and waved Billy thanks-and-goodbye as fast as he could. The lace was soft and see-through, there was a hint of someone's fruity perfume left on the material, and a trace of Billy's cologne, as Steve examined it late at night, sitting on his bed and just turning the thing over in his hands. Momentarily he felt like trying it on, but didn't. He just kept it hidden in his room for weeks, tucked away in the top drawer of his bedside table. Out of sight, yes. But definitely not out of mind.
That idea of trying it on, wearing it just for a few moments out of curiosity, just to see what it would feel like or look like on him, came back to Steve many times. He resisted the urge, mostly out of shame, until one night before bed he finally decided to just fucking go for it. No one was there to witness it, no one would ever know, it was safe. He stood in front of the mirror in his room for a while, pajama pants hanging low on his hips, the light blue lace of the bra a little tight around his chest once he had managed to clasp it behind his back. It felt a little strange, sure, but Steve liked the look of it. Wondered if Billy would like it on him, too. His cheeks were flushed pink by the time he slipped his pajama shirt back on, and not taking the bra off underneath, Steve simply went to sleep like that.
The doorbell rang at two in the morning, and when Steve's sleepy brain caught up with him once he had jolted awake, he already knew it was Billy. It wasn't unusual anymore, Billy inviting himself over in the middle of the night, maybe feeling worked up after a particularly nasty fight with his dad, or worked up for a completely different reason. Steve didn't mind either way, he liked the fact that Billy knew he could come over anytime, no matter the reason. He was always welcome.
They stood there in the doorway, smiling softly at each other. Steve in his pajamas and Billy in his denim-on-denim, even at this hour. Steve hated the way his treacherous heart fluttered in his chest.
Billy stepped inside, and the moment the door closed behind them, Billy's hand was cupping the side of Steve's face as he leaned in for a kiss, pressing Steve back against the door. Billy was looking for a distraction and Steve was more than happy to provide, always.
"Everything okay?" Steve asked against Billy's lips.
"Yeah", Billy hummed.
"Gonna stay the night?"
Billy's hands landed on Steve's hips then, the pads of his thumbs found his sleep-warm skin, pressed and drew circles there as he tugged him closer, pressed their bodies together. Steve's arms wrapped around Billy's neck and brought him in for some more kisses.
"Fuck", Steve groaned as Billy's jean-clad thigh pushed up between his legs.
"It's so easy to get you going when you're sleepy, pretty boy", Billy said with a grin against the side of Steve's neck.
"Is that why you always come over in the middle of the night?"
They fumbled over to the couch in the living room in no time. Steve had managed to rid Billy of his denim jacket, leaving him looking much more comfortable in his soft cotton t-shirt, pinning Steve down to the cream-colored cushions. His left hand pinned Steve's wrists down, and his right hand slipped underneath Steve's shirt, feeling his soft and warm abdomen, slowly trailing higher.
Billy's hand reached Steve's chest and they both froze at the same time; Steve out of fear and Billy out of morbid curiosity. Both of Billy's hands hurried to the hem of Steve's pajama shirt, lifting it higher until it was bunched up under Steve's chin, revealing what was underneath. Billy looked down at him wide-eyed, and Steve's chest rose and fell rapidly with his uneven breaths. He had fucking forgotten about the fact that he had fallen asleep with the stupid bra on. Steve's face felt so hot he could only imagine how red he must have been, the heat of shame slowly but surely traveling down his neck and chest, spreading red blotches all over his skin, all the way to the tips of his ears.
"Holy shit", Billy breathed out, fingertips tracing along the lace on Steve's chest.
Steve started to squirm, tried to wriggle his way out from under Billy, wishing the couch would open up and swallow him whole.
"No, no, no. Fuck, Stevie. Look at you."
Steve swallowed thickly, feeling his nipples stiffen as Billy ran his thumbs over them through the delicate lace.
"...Do you like it?"
"Yeah. Fuck, yeah. Your tits look fucking perfect, baby. God", Billy groaned, cupping Steve's pecs, squeezing them, admiring them shamelessly.
"Better than hers?" Steve regretted the question the second it left his lips.
A moment passed between them, silent, eyes searching. Billy knew. He had to.
"Way better", he then answered in a tone that was something soft and understanding.
Steve finally started to relax when Billy's mouth latched onto his right nipple, licking and sucking through the bra and soaking the material with his saliva. His left thumb played with the other nipple, making Steve's mind go all hazy from how fucking good it felt.
"Let me show you how much I love your little tits, hm?" Billy murmured, pushing himself up and repositioning himself so that he was straddling Steve's chest, thighs on either side of him.
"Fuck, you're so hard", Steve just about moaned. With Billy's crotch right in front of his face, he could see the clear outline of Billy's hard cock, pressing tight against the zipper of his jeans.
"It's all you, baby. You and your tits and that cute little bra", Billy hummed, making quick work of undoing the fly of his jeans, letting his thick cock smack against Steve's chest and chin.
Steve didn't have to be told even once before he wrapped his lips around the head of Billy's cock and suckled on it, swirling his tongue around the tip teasingly slow, looking up at Billy and seeing that perfectly blissed-out expression on his face.
"So pretty for me, Stevie. So perfect, pretty baby", Billy murmured, one thumb absentmindedly playing with Steve's nipple, his other hand sliding into Steve's sleep-messy hair.
Steve hummed around the head of Billy's cock, a pleased little sound as he watched Billy through the dark fan of his lashes. Billy's hand felt nice in his hair, fingers gently massaging his head in that casually-caring way of Billy's that made Steve's eyelids feel heavy.
Billy's hand fell back to Steve's chest soon enough, both hands cupping Steve's pecs again, and Steve wasn't sure if the bra would make it out of this in one piece. But he didn't care, not much, anyway. He kind of wanted to mess it up. So when Billy squeezed his pecs together and started moving his hips in a slow rhythm to fuck his cock between Steve's pecs and into his mouth, Steve couldn't help but whimper at the thought of how they were definitely going to destroy the poor little thing of lace.
"You like that? You like having your tits fucked, Stevie?" Billy asked, grinning since he already knew the answer from Steve's whimper alone.
Steve nodded, painfully fucking hard in the confines of his pajama pants and so turned on he thought he might explode if Billy kept worshiping his chest like that.
Billy picked up the rhythm a little. The lace was chafing against Steve's chest, but he didn't mind, it wasn't uncomfortable. Billy didn't seem to mind, either, with the lace rubbing against his dick between Steve's pecs.
"I'm gonna make a mess all over this pretty little thing you're wearing for me."
"Fuck, Billy, please", Steve gasped, the tip of Billy's cock slipping out of his mouth.
"Yeah, I'm close, baby, I'm close", Billy all but growled.
The tell-tale sign was the way Billy's hips stuttered and couldn't keep up with his rhythm as Steve teased his tongue over the leaking slit of Billy's cock and helped him reach his orgasm. Billy wrapped his own hand around the base of his cock, cursing under his breath as he painted Steve's chin, chest, and the bra with his pearly-white come, making a sticky mess that made Steve whimper some more.
"Holy fuck, Harrington. You're so fucking hot, you have no idea", Billy groaned, straining his neck as he leaned down to kiss Steve. Steve could barely hold back his smile as he kissed Billy back.
"Keep that thing on, alright?" Billy murmured against Steve's lips. "I'm not done with you two yet."
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wearyeyebrow · 1 year
Hidden in Lace
Summary: Diluc internalizes the various roles he's meant to play, but what would it be to listen to his own desires? A night of trying something new turns into an intimate discussion with you. NotSFW leaning but nothing explicit. Tags under the cut.
Tags: lingerie, implied sub Diluc, discussion, implied sex, romance, gn reader, established relationship, hurt/comfort
It's late in the evening at the Dawn Winery and you're pouring over your work, holed up in Diluc's study. Diluc's purposeful footfall notifies his return and the clink of china tells you he's refilled your teacup. You sigh and stretch before taking an appreciative sip. He's pulled another tome forward, sifting through the glossary, when his deep voice breaks the silence.
"Your birthday is next month - is there anything you'd like?" 
You hum and mark your place with a finger. "Huh. I can't think of anything… wait-" your eyes light up. "Actually, there is something I want, but only if you're comfortable with it." 
His brow furrows. "What do you mean?" 
"Well... I - you see, I've always wanted to see you in a set of lingerie. Would you mind if I bought you some?"
Diluc pauses for a moment, hand hovering in mid air, "...You want to buy me something for your birthday?" 
"Well that, in and of itself, wouldn't be my present. You'd be allowing me to see you in whatever I buy - that's the gift." 
"But... you could have-" he coughs into his hand and looks askance, "No matter. I can get you something and... also do that for you, if that's what you really want." 
"Really?" You can't completely hide your delight.
He shrugs, attempting to feign nonchalance. "It's hardly fair buying someone else a present for your birthday."
"That means... you don't mind? Wearing what I pick out?" 
"I reserve the right to say no upon seeing it."
"Of course. You're allowed to say no to the whole thing too, you know?" 
He's quick to reassure, a faint smile on his lips. "I know - it was just a reminder for myself."
"...Preemptively unsure, maybe." 
You close your book and set it on the table with a thud. "It's just a fantasy of mine. I love the look of lace and I love what you look like even more. The two go really well together in my mind's eye." 
He cocks an eyebrow, expression incredulous, maybe a little cheeky. "Oh? So you've thought about this before...?"
You smile wide, unabashed. "Indeed - especially when we've been unable to see each other for awhile. You are one of my favorite fantasies." The slight color of his cheeks contrasts with a slightly scandalized expression. "Now that you've tentatively agreed, can I take your measurements?"
A few weeks later and you're waiting for him to open the dressing room door, leg bouncing in anticipation. He seemed a little hesitant when you handed him the set but you just know it'll look stunning on him. 
He calls out to you, voice muffled by the dressing room door. "I believe I've managed to put it on, it's... it's a bit... I'm not sure if it suits me." 
"I'll have to see it on to decide whether I agree, right?" 
"...Would it be alright if I come out in slacks, just to start?" 
"Of course - do anything that makes you feel comfortable, and that includes calling it off." 
There's a pause in conversation, and just when you're about to ask if he's okay, the dressing room door creaks open.
Oil lamp light flickers across the wall, lighting up his body as he enters the bedroom. Your breath catches in your chest, and your words die in your throat. 
His slacks are black, pressed well and tight to his thighs. They're held up with a leather belt and silver buckle. They sit low on his hips, just below the tips of his hip bones, and you can see the delicate trail of hair that reaches his navel. The top is made of jet black lace, delicate, but there's some weight to it. The lace has a soft, almost scalloped edge, hugging the curves and concaves of his chest. The fabric drapes over his body, as if it's meant to be there. It's intricate and stunning, embellished with tiny facets of white crystal, catching and shimmering even in the dim light.
He clears his throat at your silence. You try and blink away the sudden fog clouding your mind. 
"Come here, love." You rasp, barely recognizing the sound of your own voice. He does as you ask and you rise to meet him. You drink him in, hands softly sliding against the fabric. His breath hitches at your touch, but he is otherwise silent. You finally find his face after roaming his body with hunger in your eyes. He's flushed a beautiful red, head tilted to the side, avoiding the heaviness of your gaze. 
"Darling," you murmur, and his eyes flicker to your face, "You look stunning. Words rarely fail me, but I am having trouble articulating just how beautiful you look in this." He blushes impossibly red still, slightly overwhelmed, and maybe just... slightly uncomfortable? You pause.
"I guess I've never really asked, even though I've said it lots of times. Do you like it when I call you beautiful? Or would you prefer something else?" 
"I..." he clears his throat, "I am unsure how to respond." You look at him with concern. "It..." he breathes out, and even in the complete privacy of your bedroom he can only manage a whisper. "I do like it. But... I don't feel like I should." 
You gently prompt him to sit on the edge of the bed with you. "Do you wanna talk about it for a bit?" 
He wilts slightly, "I will do my best, but I'm afraid it's - it's quite nonsensical, or rather, it's really not worth any emotional weight." 
"Even so, it seems to weigh on you. Talking about it might help, if you want to."
"But… even now?" He gestures to himself.
"Especially now, if something's bothering you."
He sighs and almost reluctantly sits next to you. "...The piece you picked out is very well made, and it - it fits well." 
You nod. "I got it with you in mind and had it tailored for your measurements." 
"That…" he sighs, still flushed red but now turned inward. "I'm glad, I'm thrilled even-" 
"You don't sound thrilled." 
"Truly I am. It's just hard to acknowledge that to myself."
You soften your voice. "What do you mean?" 
He sighs. "There are certain... images? Ideals might be more accurate, that I have always been meant for, what I should like, how I should act. I feel… like a disappointment, when I find myself unable to live up to those ideals." He sighs again, eyes fixated on the carpet, "The more time I spend with you romantically the more I find myself enjoying every aspect of it, especially those that I am not supposed to like. I… was actually really looking forward to tonight." His voice trails off. 
"Was my request a little too much..? It's okay if it was."
He shakes his head and reflexively kisses your hand, voice low. "No - it's nothing you did, I - I'm just in my head all of the time, so hung up on - on..." his shoulders drop, and he sighs, as if resigned. "I am my own person. I am not beholden to the opinions of others in any other area of my life, and yet... it feels I'm doing something I shouldn't."
"Have you always felt this way when having sex with me?"
"Certainly not."
"Then… do you remember when you started feeling this way?"
"We were both figuring things out in the beginning. You graciously went through the motions with me -"
"It wasn't about being gracious-"
"I know, I'm sorry, that was the wrong way to put it. It's more accurate to say that our courtship began traditionally." He chuckles suddenly, "Well, not completely, you were the one who approached me, for which I am thankful." You squeeze his hand. "But more recently, our - the dynamic has shifted and..." He grimaces, "Whatever the hell that means - gods, the more I say it out loud the more trivial it all sounds." 
Your brow furrows. "But if it's bothering you, it's important."
He sighs. "It just - I want to make sense of why I feel this way. I know that you and I are the only people in our relationship. What we do together is ours and ours alone. Yet I... I feel like I shouldn't enjoy it."
"What, exactly, do you feel like you shouldn't enjoy?" You ask softly, hoping he'll elaborate. 
A gentle shade of red creeps down his neck and he falls onto his back. The bed feels nice and cool against his flushed skin. You shift onto your elbow and give him some time to think. You watch his adam’s apple rise and fall as he swallows. 
"Even in Mondstadt, the city of freedom, decorum is held in high esteem. There are roles certain people are meant to play, burdens to bear. So I… I feel like I shouldn't enjoy it when we're intimate and I - I don't have to worry about anything, when I don't have to think, I can only be myself, and there's- there's no danger, it's just us." He flushes all the way down his chest and averts his gaze, "When you call me pretty, and you direct me, and you... you praise me for doing as you’ve asked. It - I've never felt…” he tapers off, biting his tongue even in the midst of his confession. “In the back of my mind there's this voice saying that I'm being too much, too needy, I don't know the word for it. Unbecoming, maybe." His eyes flicker back and forth as he gazes at a spot of nothing on the ceiling. "______, you know why I changed the trajectory of my life and why I keep the details under wraps. I feel as though, even when I enjoy something so much, it does not fit the role I'm supposed to play, and therefore I shouldn't enjoy it." He smiles wryly, "Or maybe I'm misjudging the situation. Maybe I'm just awful in bed."
You shift onto your side and rest your head against his stomach, idly tracing your finger over and through the lace on his chest. His skin is warm and your voice is gentle.
"You’re wonderful in bed, but even if you weren't it'd hardly matter, that isn't why I care for you. I'd rather ask, is this how you want to enjoy intimacy?" 
There's a beat of silence. His chest dips with every slow breath he takes. 
"Me too." You seek out his hand amongst the covers and intertwine your fingers. "I don’t know if this will help but… I've never lived up to my 'potential,' I've rarely been what people have wanted, in vague terms anyway." He frowns but continues to listen, "I've tried, you know, to be what they wanted, but I couldn't even do that - that's when I realized that it's all futile. I'm…' you breathe in deeply, "I'm not going to censor myself for the sake of someone else's ideals or vision of me, especially since it never works, because, no matter what, I always come up short. But with the right people, with you, with others like me, those 'shoulds' matter less and less.” He squeezes your hand and you squeeze back.
You turn and meet his eyes. "To me, you're just Diluc. You're loyal and thoughtful, you care for moral causes and you work too hard. You have my back whether we’re fighting or resting together. I love all of that about you. And I also love you like this, when I call you pretty and your ears turn red, when you look at me like - like I'm… heh." 
You shift up onto your stomach. He feels your tender hands start to run through his hair, separating any snags onto the bedspread below. 
"You're allowed to enjoy yourself and you're allowed to feel pleasure - before anything that you are, you're a person. I don't expect any more of you than what you willingly give." 
He breathes out and sits up slowly, blinking slightly as he adjusts to the dim glow of the oil lamp. His gaze flits between your eyes and his calloused fingers run up and down your arm. His voice is hushed and a little unsure.
"...What if it's still hard to convince myself of those things?"
You tuck a stray piece of hair behind his ear. "Truthfully, I don't know. I think you deserve the world, but… I'm not sure how you convince yourself. Maybe I'm also looking for the answer to that question." 
You rest your hand against his cheek and he tilts, capturing it with his own to place a reverent kiss to your palm. His eyebrows furrow and he rests his forehead against your intertwined hands.
"I think I've said all I can put into words tonight. Thank you for listening. I have a lot to think about, but I feel more at peace with myself. May I come to you again after I've given it more thought?" 
"You can come to me with anything, anytime." 
"Please know I reserve the same space for you."
His eyes close as you place a gentle kiss to his forehead. He feels you lightly tug at the garment he's wearing. 
"Would you like to save this for another night?" 
He bites his lip, as if he just realized he's still wearing it. 
“I… I did say that I've been looking forward to tonight.”
You smirk, “So you're okay to continue? I hardly know what to do with myself, you just… you look so good in lace, I knew you would.”
He can't meet your eyes but the red tips of his ears give him away.
You run a hand over the fabric. “Do you like it, Diluc?”
“...I do,” he whispers, "Archons I do."
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rosenongrata · 6 months
heavy in your arms – i
Summary: After losing a challenge against Dr. Ratio, Kagome feels herself to be indebted to him. She returns the “favor”, only to be surprised by his sudden compassion and consideration.
A/N: RAHHHH I LOVE THESE TWO TOGETHER FOR SOME REASON. WHAT. FUCK IT WE BALL?? anyway. this is. very much didn't have a definitive plot in mind lmaooo. enjoy anyway ? might write a pt2 or smth. lol we'll seeeee
c.w/s:MDNI/NOTSFW. OC x Canon, OC-insert. soft Ratio hours. slightly implied past SA in the OCs past (not by any characters), but it's rly vague. oral sex (OC/fem receiving). soft soft soft times. have i said it's soft? anyway, if i forgot something, hmu!
w.c: 1.2k
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“Dr. Ratio…” Kagome mutters, gloved hands on his thighs – he can feel the nervous tremble in her palms, extending to her whole body. “Please…be gentle with me—” She clears her throat as she sits on her knees in front of him, “Th-this is a mere favor, s-so don’t test my patience—”
“You can call me Veritas now.” He sighs, one of his fully unclothed hands snaking its way to cover her own – but it only makes her tremble and grimace further. “This is no demand from me, I am certain you know this… Correct?”
“Y-Yes, sir…” She nods and stares up at him, her pupils constricted with what he assumes is fear.
He sighs again, eyes now laden with mild frustration and mostly confusion, “Kagome.” He grabs both of her hands, causing her heart to jump into her throat as he pulls her to her feet, “I will not allow you to do this if you are frightened. I do not know exactly what is causing your fright, but I will not be taking advantage of it.” He informs, voice heavy with severity.
“My apologies…” She turns her head away – eyes screwed shut – but he’s quick to angle her face back toward him, “Huh?” Her eyes blow wide open again while a nervous sweat breaks out on her forehead and neck.
“Do not apologize for whatever you believe you did wrong. You have neither offended or upset me thus far. So, quit apologizing over nothing.” He commands with an abnormal amount of fragility in his tone.
“I-I– But, I–”
He presses his lips against her own – deep and fierce, but not with an ounce of roughness. One of his hands slips over the back of her head while the spare one cradles her lower back. She gasps from the shift of words to action, a moan soon following after – leaving wonderful tingles along his lips.
“If you cannot stop apologizing, then I will simply have to silence you.” He smirks, soft and hot breaths brushing against her velvety smooth lips.
She blinks repeatedly – for once taking a long moment to register what’s happening. He lets her take an adequate amount of time, his gilded stare watching her diligently – taking in every subtle reaction she has. Despite their many years of knowing each other, he’s never seen her so emotional – let alone distraught – before now. It makes the hardy plaster around his heart crack a little – it’s not everyday you get to see a member of the Genius Society fall apart before you.
He takes no pleasure from this experience of witnessing her be so scared of him, yet he finds so much intimacy in being what feels like the first person to see her like this – fragile. While he may be as sturdy as stone, he keeps a silent promise to treat her like porcelain.
The fit of giggles that break out from her tears him away from his thoughts, eliciting him to raise a thin dark purple brow.
“What is so funny?” He inquires, leaning dangerously close to her face again.
“Aha– I’m so sorry. I just– You…you’re really, truly, utterly horrific at kissing.” She continues to giggle, “A-And you’re so dorky… So confident about everything you do and are, even smirking when you get a reaction from me… It’s…rather cute.” She flusters, her laughing dying down as she glances anywhere else that isn’t him.
“…I am truly flattered, Kagome.” He deadpans, his voice flooded with sarcasm. “Then, if you are so skilled at kissing… Teach me.” He smirks once more, slowly backing her up into the nearby wall of his office – all with his hands firm on her curvy hips.
“…Proposal accepted. However…” She breathes – the sweet scent of the sakura mochi she had earlier hits his senses, “Do know it’s merely a matter of…experience.”
“I am happy to inform you that I am more than willing to learn.” His lopsided smirk evens out into a thin smile.
Her eyes latch on to his thin lips, all while her hand brushes some of his dark locks away from his eyes. “And…take your time, there’s no rush… I plan to give you ample time.” She snickers, planting a hesitant yet soft kiss on the corner of his mouth.
The praise brings an odd sense of warmth and shyness to all of him, a blush rising to his cheeks despite his slight grimace.
“Hush,” He commands, “Let me conduct my experiment now.” He pivots his head to fully meet her lips again, pressing his mouth deep against her own with his body flush against hers. This time he holds back on his passion, easing his way into her heart – all with her soft, delicate lips in mind.
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“V-Veritas!” Kagome heaves, soft moans rolling off her tongue, “Y-You’re improving so quickly – ngh!” Her toned leg quakes as it rests over his broad shoulder, her other leg is the only thing barely holding her up all while he noses her clit and devours her core with heated, fervent licks and sucks.
When he removes his head from her heat – lower face covered in her wet lust – he grins up at her while licking his lips.
“A higher rating… Now I am more than confident I will get you to cum with no more wasted time.” He immediately dives back in, his licking and sucking even more passionate than before.
His suspicions are correct, too – so he swiftly takes her other leg and rests it over his free shoulder as well. She gasps – with her tearful eyes and broken smile – she finds his ability to hold nearly all of her weight up sexy and endearing. She braces one hand against the wall she’s pinned against, her free hand grabbing a fistful of his thick locks and pulling him further into her.
One of his hands leaves her thick thigh, moving to slip two fingers into her heated, dripping wet hole. A sharp gasp and heavy moan leaves her as she shakes and screws her eyes shut. She moans loud and clear when his fingers curl against her walls, pressing onto a sweet spot.
“Yes, that’s a good girl.” He detaches his mouth from her overstimulated clit, “Now, cum for me.” He commands before giving her clit a hard suckle.
“MMH – NGH–!” She bites down on her bottom lip, nearly breaking skin. Her eyes roll to the back of her head as she throws it back against the now warm wall.
She does cum – all over his chin and mouth, leaving streaks of white fluid along his lips which he promptly licks off. He even sucks his fingers clean, groaning softly at the taste of her.
“Delectable.” He remarks, leaving kisses on her folds a few times before he rises to his feet, moving her legs to wrap around his still-clothed hips while he shifts his position.
“Wh-what a good boy you are, Veri…” She whispers lustfully, grabbing his chin between her thumb and two other fingers. “Now… About that…favor.”
“Do not worry yourself to death about that damned favor. All I need you to do is sit back and relax… I will take the utmost care of you.” He presses several gentle kisses up her neck, moving his way to her jawline one kiss at a time. “…Are you ready now or shall we wait until a proper time and place? My office is hardly the ideal location for me to take you.”
“Let’s have a nice little date first… No formalities or facades – only ourselves in all earnesty. You can pick the time and place… I don’t mind.” She pulls his face to her own, planting a feather-light kiss on his lips,
“Impress me, Veri.”
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reikunrei · 1 year
Uhhh can I get Sfw 2 and 11 and Nsfw 1 and 4 for creelclark <3
oh boy let's see if we can figure out what my version of creelarke is like with these ghsjdfkd thank you!!!
2. Who’s the messiest? The cleanest?
i feel like they're both pretty clean but scott is much more of like. a normal level of clean. like he has some light clutter, maybe gets class test papers strewn about when he's grading, maybe accidentally lets plates stack up in the sink for a few days, but more or less, he's a pretty tidy person. like nothing is a mess, necessarily, but he's not way over the top in his organization. he's an average joe! if anything, he might be slightly more organized than your average person, what with being a teacher and having to clean up after middle schoolers, but also his hobby of making miniatures requires some level of tight organization!
henry i'm not entirely sure about! i think growing up, his household was relatively strict, and he was allowed to have a tiny bit of normal kid clutter and mess, but when his mom wanted it cleaned up, it had to be cleaned up instantly, and it couldn't be half-assed either. no shoving things under the bed or tucking it far back on a shelf, it has to be properly tidy. and then at the lab, he didn't really have anything to keep clean because... he didn't have anything. so i think when he's living with scott, he maybe doesn't entirely know how to regulate his tidiness? like, he's either 100% spotless, to the point that scott has to tell him it's okay to loosen up a bit, or a mess is created and he doesn't know how to fix it so it just gets worse and worse for a little while until he can actually break it down into baby steps. that never lasts for more than a day though. he seems like the kind of guy that, after his upbringing and his time at the lab, any sort of major clutter totally wigs him out.
11. Baths or showers? Together or separate? Any bubbles or bubble fights?
oooh this has my brain ticking a bit... my gut instinct is that they're both shower guys. they prefer showers, it's easier, it's faster, it's simply a task they're trying to complete every day, or every other day.
however, i just got incredibly giddy (and a little sad) about the idea of henry never really having the experience of indulging in a relaxing bubble bath. like, not a bath to make himself clean, but as a way to unwind and just chill for 30 minutes or until the water gets too cold and his fingers prune. scott seems like the kind of man to set aside one day a month or something where he draws a hot bath with some nice scented bubble bath and maybe lights some candles and reads a book (very karen wheeler of him, yes). so when henry divulges that he's never really done that before, scott makes a whole thing out of it, even going out to get specific bubble bath and candles that henry likes the scent of. he makes sure henry has a book to read and maybe even a little glass of wine if he feels so inclined.
i could totally see henry being unsure at first. not because he's put off by it, but because he's sort of like "and i'm just... allowed to relax in here without worrying about getting clean?" and scott's like, yessir!! in the end, henry has a great time and ends up making baths a regular thing when he's not in a rush. and i imagine he and scott have nice baths together sometimes, but they're both a little too lanky for it to be an easy thing every time :p
and i'll put the notsfw ones under the cut!!
1. How often do they have sex, if at all?
as much as i want these 40 year old men to fuck nasty all the time, i think it would be really funny if they were the kind of couple to like. schedule their sex. "not on a school night, henry!" that's not to say they don't have spontaneous sex whenever the mood hits, or get a little handsy (or mouth-y) from time to time, but it's more like they want to make a moment out of it, to make sure they have time to do whatever they want, so they set aside hours to be able to do it without being cut short or rushed. in the end, i think they're relatively intimate with one another. like, several times a week, but a decent session of love-making is always marked off on the calendar first.
4. Oddest place they’d have sex?
the first place that jumped to mind is in scott's garage where his little miniature set is LMAO. putting on quite the show for all the little soldiers!! the first time it happens, scott's a little nervous about it because he doesn't want to break anything and certainly doesn't want to end up making a mess, but ultimately he finds it quite endearing when henry corners him in there and asks for a handy
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
Monsterfuckers unite!
I'm so glad my blog has become a monsterfucker blog
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Need at a party with Reddie!
Hi, thank you! One more time I say: Fuck canon.
Read on AO3
Slightly NSFW.
It didn't surprise Richie that only two months after the losers defeated Pennywise, he received a letter announcing that Ben and Bev were getting married. After all, he’d seen them be all over each other not one hour after they left the house on Neibolt and then every minute after that until they all left Derry. 
The letter was also an invitation to their engagement party in Ben’s house in New York. 
That’s where Richie currently was, sitting on the couch, a beer in his hand and watching the door like a hawk. 
“Stop that.” Stan said, he was sitting next to him with Patty on the other side, glaring at Richie’s leg as it bounced uncontrollably. “He will be here okay?”
“What if he changed his mind?” Richie asked, nervously chewing on his bottom lip. “It’s been over two months, maybe everything he said back in Derry⎯ maybe that was only because we had almost just died. Maybe he realized he doesn’t really want me.”
Richie didn’t need to be looking at Stan to know that he was rolling his eyes at him. “He left his wife Richie.”
“Yeah but he didn’t do that for me.”
“No, he did it for himself, but he also told you that he loved you and that he wanted to be with you and that he would be here. You need to trust him.” Stan said calmly, but Richie could hear the underlying you’re being an idiot tone that was usually there when Stan talked to him.
It still surprised Richie just how easily Stan and him had fallen into their old dynamic. It was like the past twenty seven years and the whole forgetting each other thing never happened⎯ just like Eddie never stopped being the love of Richie’s life, Stan never stopped being his best friend. 
And as his best friend, it was Stan who Richie went to the night after they defeated Pennywise, after Richie and Eddie confessed their feelings to each other. 
Richie hadn’t planned it, Eddie was married and he was pretty sure his feelings were unrequited anyway and the last thing he wanted to do was lose Eddie just as he got him back. But then Eddie had walked out of Richie’s bathroom after a shower, because the one in his room was still covered in blood, and he looked so beautiful and soft⎯ cheeks tinted red, hair wet and curling at the tips, sleeping clothes just slightly big on him⎯ and he was alive and Richie couldn’t help it, he blurted out everything he had kept locked in for thirty years. 
After he was done, Eddie simply smiled and said, “I love you too asshole.” Those words were enough to get Richie moving and leaning down to kiss Eddie but he was stopped by a hand on his chest. Eddie was still married and he didn’t want their first kiss to constitute as cheating. Before Richie could argue, Eddie had placed a kiss on Richie’s cheek and said they would talk again when he got divorced. 
Tonight was the first time he would be seeing Eddie since Derry, since Eddie’s divorce.
When Eddie said he would be at the engagement party, Richie felt hopeful⎯ for about a second. Then that hope had turned into doubt and now he was worried that Eddie had changed his mind and realized Richie wasn’t the person he wanted to be with. 
“Richie, honey?” 
Richie had zoned off, he shook his head and grinned. “Yes Patty, dearest?” Out of the corner of his eye he saw Stan’s mouth twitch into a smile.
She smiled knowingly at him. Richie wasn’t sure how much Stan told her about them, but based on the way she stared at him it seemed like she knew everything. Fucking Stan and his big mouth.
“Eddie’s here.” She said.
His head snapped towards the door where Ben was welcoming Eddie in, wrapping him in a hug and accepting the gift in his hands. “Fuck me.” Richie muttered, breath catching in his throat. 
He heard Stan snicker, “You wish.” Then Patty lightly smacked his shoulder and lovingly shushed him. 
Richie watched as Bev joined the two men by the door, giving Eddie a hug. “What should I do?” He asked, feeling his palms already starting to sweat as he took in how good Eddie looked in his black slacks and his tight button up. 
“You should go say hi.” Patty said sweetly. 
Richie shook his head, he raised his beer bottle to his lips only to find it empty. “I need another drink first.”
“You’re being an idiot.” Stan said. “And a child. Just go talk to him.”
“Actually, he’s coming our way.”
Patty was right, Eddie had spotted them and he was walking towards their couch, stopping to say hi to Bill and Mike on the way. “Shit shit shit.” Richie muttered and before Stan and Patty could stop him, he left the couch and snuck into the kitchen. 
He knew Stan was right, he was being an idiot. He had been anxiously waiting for Eddie to arrive and now that he was here Richie was hiding from him, but he wasn’t ready to face him, to face rejection if it came to that, so instead of going back to the lounging room where the party was happening, he slid into the hallway. 
He wandered aimlessly around the house until he finished his beer. Then he stood there, staring at the moon through the glass walls, trying to gather the courage to go face Eddie. 
“There you are.” 
Well, shit.
Richie spun around, knowing he would find Eddie standing there but even then, his breath caught in his throat again and he could barely get out a weak, “Hi, Eds.”
Eddie’s face scrunched up at the nickname but other than that he ignored it. “Why are you lurking around Ben’s house?”
Richie didn’t want to tell Eddie that he was running away from him so he shrugged. “Uh, Ben said they had a dog, I was just looking for him.” 
“Really?” Eddie quirked an eyebrow at him. “Because Stan said you were hiding from me.” 
“That bastard.” 
“He also said you were worried that I changed my mind about us⎯”
“I’m going to fucking kill him.” Richie groaned, scrunching up his face. 
“I don’t think Patty would like that.” Eddie said with a snort. He moved closer to Richie, frowning at him. “Do you really think I changed my mind?”
Richie gave a noncommittal shrug, running a hand through his hair. “I mean, I wouldn’t blame you if you did, all those things we said⎯ we had just gone through a lot, you could’ve said things you didn’t mean.”
“Did you say things that you didn’t mean?”
Richie’s eyebrows flew towards his hairline, he shook his head. “No, fuck no. I meant everything I said, Eds I still do.” 
Eddie smiled, reaching over to grab Richie’s hand, it was warm and slightly sweaty, just like his. “Me too.”
Richie bit on his bottom lip to stop his face from breaking into a dopey grin. When that didn’t work, he ducked his head down and stared at their joint hands. “You’re not wearing your wedding ring.” 
“Well I’m not married anymore so⎯” He trailed off, taking a step forward and closing the distance between them, their faces were only a few inches away.
“Too bad I’m still married to your mom.” Richie joked.
“Fuck you asshole.” Eddie said, poking Richie’s chest with his finger. His jaw was set and he stared up at him with determination. “I’ve waited two fucking months to do this and I won’t let your trashmouth ruin it.”
Richie cocked his head. “Waited two months to do what?”
Eddie’s answer was to grab Richie by the lapels of his blazer, pull him down and press their lips together. Kissing Richie, hard. There was a moment of hesitation and then Richie’s hands were reaching up to cradle Eddie’s face, their lips moving together.
Eddie sucked Richie’s bottom lip between his teeth, making him groan. He broke them apart and Richie couldn’t help but try to chase after his lips. Eddie chuckled. “That.” 
Dazed, it took him a second to realize Eddie was answering his question. He grinned down at him. “Only two months? I’ve been waiting to do that for almost thirty years.” Richie said, watching Eddie’s cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink. “Fuck you’re cute.”
“Shut up.” 
“You know what? For the first time, I think I will.” Richie said, leaning down and kissing Eddie again. He ran his thumbs over Eddie’s cheeks and the scar there, coaxing his mouth open. Eddie let go of his blazer, his hands sneaking underneath it, fisting Richie’s shirt. His mouth slipped open and he licked into Richie’s mouth, eliciting a desperate and needy whine from him. He could feel a familiar heat coiling in his stomach. 
Crowding Eddie against the wall, Richie slid his thigh between his legs, pressing against him. He could tell that he was half hard already and so was Richie, it was a little embarrassing, that at this age all it took was some kissing but this wasn’t just a kiss, it was a culmination of everything he wanted to do since he was thirteen. 
“Richie, Rich.” Eddie gasped, sounding breathless. “We’re at a party, we should⎯” His words trailed off into a moan when Richie caught Eddie’s earlobe between his teeth and bit down. “Fuck Richie, we’re in the middle of the hallway, anyone could walk in.”
Richie leaned back, stared down at Eddie. His cheeks were tinted red and his lips were a pretty kissed-pink and slick with spit. Eddie licked them and Richie followed the movement with half-lidded eyes. “Fuck them. I’ve waited long enough for this.”
Eddie’s thumbs rubbed circles on Richie’s skin, he hadn’t even noticed the moment his hands snuck under his shirt. “I know, me too.” He said, his hips twitching forward against Richie’s erection, making him gasp. “I’m not saying stop, I’m just saying not here.” 
Richie swallowed loudly, nodding. “Okay.” He said, looking around them. “How mad do you think Ben will be if we sneak into one of his rooms?” 
“I don’t think he’ll notice. He’s too caught up in Bev to care right now.” Eddie said, pushing up on his heels to give Richie another kiss, short but desperate at the same time, before leaving the space between Richie and the wall and starting to drag him to the nearest door. “Besides they owe us, we had to watch them kiss while they were still covered in sewer water, which⎯ gross, man.” Eddie said, scrunching up his nose. 
Richie laughed. “I can’t blame them. I wanted to kiss you when we were covered in sewer water. I wanted to kiss you even when you were covered in that black vomit thing.”
“Richie! Stop being gross, you’re killing my boner.”
“Find us a room and I will have you back up in no time, baby.”
Eddie rolled his eyes but Richie could see them darken with lust. He opened a door, took a step inside and stopped. 
“What?” Richie asked when he hesitated. “You’re not changing your mind, are you?”
Eddie whirled around, he was frowning. “Do you get a kick out of being obtuse?” Eddie snapped, when Richie only blinked at him, he grabbed his face and kissed him hard enough that he stumbled back. “I’m not changing my fucking mind. I love you. Get that into that big forehead of yours.” 
Richie’s face broke into a giddy smile. “I love you too Eds.” Eddie smiled back and started to close the door. “What’s wrong with that room?”
“Oh. I found the dog.” Eddie said, shutting it. “And I’m not traumatizing the poor thing. Let’s find another one, you can pet him afterwards.”
“I like the way you think.” Richie said, letting Eddie drag him to another room, hopefully one with a bed and no dog. 
Tag list: @daddyphantomtbh​ @yes-dillman-yes​ @richietoaster​ @beepbeeprichiellc​ @its-stranger-than-you-think​ @lemonaayyee​ @losers-gotta-stick-together​ @tinyarmedtrex​ @richiefuckfacetozier​ @sam-i-am2468​ @richardtoz​ @s-s-georgie​ @reddie-for-anything​ @eddiefuckinkaspbrak​ @constantreaderfool​ @thundercatseddie​ @jesuschristsupruvestar​ @mirandonsky​ @proton-disaster-blaster​ @alargedepresso​ @purplepoisonedgem​ @pan-ini​ @reddie-to-cryy​ @reddieforlove​ @trashmouthnick​ @multi-fandom-wby​ @wheezyeds​ @nancynwheeler​ @did-someone-say-reddie​ @madi-personal​ @reddie-tozibrak​ @lover-mouth​ @atownofeggs​ @that-weird-girls-blog​ @appojoos​ @castielwinovak​ @fuck-the-sushi​ @twoidiotsinl0ve​ @typewrxter​ @fcngirltrxsh​ @spirited-marvel​ (if you want to be added, let me know!)
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tinyarmedtrex · 4 months
a ficlet friday prompt: Salted popcorn for firstprince (or the hot chocolate one if that's already taken lolz)
Eee thank you! Slightly nsfw below!
"Bet you can't catch this with your mouth." Alex said, holding up a piece of the salted popcorn he was eating. 
Henry didn't even deign to look up from his book. "Whyever would I want to?"
He considered it. "If you catch it, I'll do something from that chore list of yours. You can even pick which chore." He inclined his chin towards the list on the fridge, the one that Henry had written months ago but never seemed to get any shorter.
"Anything?"  His boyfriend asked, lowering his book. Alex nodded. "And what if I miss?"
Alex grinned. "Then we do something from my list." His list was the fun one, full of various sexual ideas both wanted to try but hadn't yet. 
That made Henry put down his book. "It's a deal. But I want three chances. Not all of us spent our youth playing games like this."
"Yea, yea, rub your upper-class education in my face." He lobbed the first piece of popcorn as he said it. It missed by a mile, the piece not grazing Henry or the chair he was sitting in. Henry arched a judgmental eyebrow at him. "That one doesn't count." He threw a second one. This one was much better, arching towards Henry's face. 
Who missed it by moving left instead of right. 
"Wrong way."
 Henry shrugged. "Whoops."  
Alex threw the second piece. This one wasn't as good. Henry moved and it hit his shoulder.
"Last chance." 
This time Henry got out of the chair and fell to his knees which resulted both in him being closer to Alex and also on the floor with his mouth open and tongue out. Alex felt his cock twitch with interest but he focused on throwing the final piece.
This one was perfect. He could see that it was going to land in Henry's mouth. 
Until he closed it at the last moment and it bounced off his lips. 
Alex grinned at him, putting down the rest of the popcorn. "Looks like you lost babe."
"Oh no, whatever will I do now?" Henry asked, not moving as Alex came to stand in front of him. Henry leaned in, running his nose along Alex's crotch.
"You know, I'm starting to think you wanted to lose." Alex said, fisting Henry's hair as he began to mouth at the outline of his growing erection. 
"Mhm," Henry looked up at him with a smirk. "I mean, the toilets will still need to be cleaned tomorrow. And I have been dying to try out number twenty-three on your list." 
"Fuck." Alex hauled Henry to his feet and kissed him hard before dragging him to the bedroom, the dropped popcorn long forgotten. 
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thinking about sub richie what a concept
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lesbian-toddhoward · 3 years
do you think that quark and odo ever explored each other's bodies
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wearyeyebrow · 2 years
Summary: "Do you think of me when you touch yourself?"
Tags: Diluc/reader, NotSFW - very suggestive, implied dom reader, implied sub Diluc
Diluc is on his back, head propped up by a pillow. You're straddling him, a hand on his chest, a glint in your eye.
"Do you ever think about me when you touch yourself?"
"I..." he clears his throat as a soft blush blooms on his cheeks, travelling all the way down his neck. He looks away from you, almost scandalized, and covers his mouth with the back of his wrist. "N-naturally I... you are my partner."
You take his hand and hold it next to his head, pressed against the mattress. The other gently grasps his jaw, silently asking him to look at you. His breath catches when he does at the heady expression on your face.
"What am I doing to you when you think about me?" Your thumb brushes against his lips, "Describe it for me - your mind's eye."
"I - I couldn't-"
"You couldn't?" You lean forward, lips hovering over his own.
"Am I on top of you, in those moments? Are my hands all over you?" You brush past his lips and lean down to his neck, leaving soft kisses below his ear. You feel him shiver and hear his breath hitch.
"Or am I doing something else?" You whisper.
"You - you aren't wrong." You're about to say something else when he continues, voice soft and breathy, "I always imagine the look that you give me..."
"What look?" You smile before gently biting his ear.
His breath hitches. "It's intense - I can't describe it accurately, but it always makes me..."
"What is the rest of me doing? Where are my hands going?" You lightly grind against his pelvis and he sucks in air through his teeth. "They're all over me, all - all over my chest, my legs."
"Like this?" You sit back and slowly drag your hands down his chest, over his partly unbuttoned shirt. You undo the buttons on your second pass, and brush against his nipples, fingernails lightly tracing his body, palms pressing tight against his sides. His chest heaves. "Yes - j-just like that."
"What do I do next?"
"You... ah - you grab my hair and-"
You rub little circles with your thumb against one of his nipples. You hear a small whine catch in the back of his throat.
"You grab my hair and pull my neck to the side -"
You smile and oblige, knowing exactly what he wants. He groans at the contact, feeling you tug at the roots of his hair, the slight commanding posession of your grip. You turn his head to the side exposing his neck.
"Then what?" Your breath comes out in little puffs against his skin, sending shivers down his spine.
He's flustered and slightly overwhelmed, flushes all the way down to his chest, from both arousal and a bit of embarrassment.
"You always... take control," he whispers, gaze heavy, fixated on you, "and you're... you're aroused, because of me."
You spread your legs and lower yourself onto his thigh, spreading your wetness against his skin. He groans and meets your eyes.
"You always do this to me." A gentle smile belies your roaming, hungry gaze.
His eyes are half-lidded, pupils blown wide, lips parted and breathless. "Kiss me," he rasps, "please-"
You press your lips against his, letting go of his hair to cup his jaw. He groans when you slip your tongue into his mouth, and wraps his arms around your neck.
He chases your lips when you pull back to kiss down his neck and chest. "I always think of you when I touch myself." He groans, neck tilted to watch your descent. "I think about how pretty you look, how strong you are - your hand in mine. You look at me like I'm everything you've ever wanted-"
"You are," he croaks, partially sitting up on one of his forearms.
"Archons - what you do to me."
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pinkandblueblurbs · 3 years
Ok so I was thinking imagine dressing up in something like this with a bunny tail butt plug and bunny ears for Remus on like Halloween and u tell him u have a surprise and when he walks in ur like oh no it’s the big bad wolf 😏 I hope he doesn’t catch me or something 💀 I’m so sorry
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hotchseyebrows · 4 years
penemily at home:
when lounging on the couch emily likes to just faceplant in penelopes titties and rest there a while. penelope just plays with her hair and talks about her day while emily makes little mhm noises in acknowledgment against her skin.
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do you think chop top has a choking, pegging or degrading/praise kink?
Yes. Yup.... yeah. All of these go along w essentially my image for him which is "he likes to roughouse and mess around and do stupid stuff". He feels playful yk??? He IS playful. I don't think he's much of a planner, but yeah, things just come out.
I wanna by Cornbugs -> "rolling around n get down and dirty in the hayloft too? 🤔"
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