#slightly nsfw? idk just thought i should tag
noarotic · 8 months
❛ that was a close call, wasn’t it? ❜
he tried to hold back his laugh but without hesitation his cheeks rose into his eyes. noah and ren had been doing this song and dance for awhile now and while the tension still seemed thick, they were falling into a more easy way to co-exist. it didn't keep his eyes from wandering over his body or being reminded of what his eyes looked like when he was overwhelmed with- he had to shake the thought from his head. "yeah, maybe you shouldn't say things like you know where certain things are in my night stand." the gentle giant nudged him playfully and sighed. "you're a cheeky little fuck miyazaki ren." he teased tucking his phone away after ending the call that almost went left due to ren's antics. "eat." his tone was authoritative though playful as he motioned to the bibimbap in the bowl he'd placed in front of him.
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ghostxrose · 9 months
Dance With a Demon | Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Summary ~ You thought it would be just another night at work until your eyes met the crimson ones of Pro Hero Dynamight..
Tags/Warnings ~ Minors DNI, NSFW 18+ Content, Charaters are in their 20s, FemStripper!Reader, P in V, unprotected sex, porn with some plot, oral sex, face riding, multiple orgasms, creampie, WC 9k, idk what else to tag
Note ~ Hello Lovelies! I hope you all enjoy this spicy lil fic i've got for ya here! I'm still not all that good at writing smut stuff so don't expect too much of me, haha. I do want to give a quick thank you for all of the hype I got for this fic from my Sneak Peek post, so thank you Lovelies! Anyway, I'll let all you fiends get to reading! <3
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You let out a heavy sigh as you stare at the back door to the nightclub you work at from the driver’s seat of your car. You weigh the pros and cons of going inside and clocking in for your shift while you sip on your first Red Bull of the night. It’s not that you hate your job or your coworkers, it’s just that feeling that everyone gets before walking into work. That feeling of “ugh, I wanna go back home and be lazy” that settles over you until you shove it away and force yourself to get out of your car. With your bag slung lazily over one shoulder you lock your car, then head for the door that you’ve been dead-eyeing on and off for the last 30-ish minutes.
Once inside the nightclub, you make your way to your dressing room. The bass from whatever song whoever is on stage right now has chosen thumps through your eardrums and chest. You absentmindedly nod your head to the beat as you enter your dressing room. You close the door behind you and lock it, then walk over to the vanity. Setting your bag down, you grab the tablet sitting at the corner of the vanity countertop from its charging port and sit down. You log into the nightclub’s app and clock in before clicking the “songs” tab within the app.
Once it loads up you scroll through the list of suggested songs but none of them really call out to you or feel right for the vibe you create when you get on stage. You tap the search function then get to typing and looking up songs to add to your list for your sets tonight. As soon as you’ve lined up a pretty nice selection of six songs you submit the list, then shut the tablet off and begin prepping yourself for your first set.
You touch up your makeup and loosely curl your hair. After laying out both outfits you brought for tonight, you decide to flip a coin to see which one you should wear first. Heads is for the lacy dark purple bra and thong set with a pair of black open-toed stilettos - simple but still a favorite amongst crowds. Tails is for the slightly more intricately designed deep wine colored bralette and g-string set with dark red cross strap, heeled sandals - another crowd favorite because of the way it’s slightly more.. sheer as far as materials go.
You toss the coin into the air with a small but knowing smirk because you know that it really doesn’t matter what outfit you wear. What people really show up for are the feelings of dark attraction that the physical traits of your Quirk stirs up inside them. Attraction that makes them feel as if it’s taboo or maybe even dangerous to tamper with, but they enjoy the thrill either way.
Your Quirk is called Hellspawn, but you’ve never viewed it in a negative light. Your Quirk is the product of generations of similar Quirks possessed by both sides of your family. You’ve been taught your whole life to be proud of your Quirk and its traits, no matter what people might say or think. You confidently show off your demon-like horns, wings, fangs, and tail every day.
The coin lands on heads so you put on the dark purple outfit and stilettos, taking your time to make sure everything goes on just right. With one final glance in the full length mirror in your dressing room you smile at your reflection, then turn to leave and head backstage. As you walk through the back hallways of the nightclub you begin to feel excitement and adrenaline thrum through your veins. Just because this is a job doesn’t mean that you don’t have fun when you’re up on stage.
“There’s my girl! How’re ya doin’ tonight, Luci?” Sakura, the nightclub’s manager and owner, cheerfully greets you when you get backstage.
“Ask me that after my set,” you say jokingly. “Better yet, when you see me raking in tons of bills just assume that I’m feeling pretty good!” You add on with a smirk.
“Mmm, always love your confidence, Babes! Alright, now get out there and kill it like you always do!” Sakura says with a wink, then focuses back on whatever she was working on her tablet.
You smile to yourself, amped up by the vibes within the club and your rising confidence, and begin stretching to warm your muscles up for your first set of the night. More adrenaline, and the caffeine from your energy drink, hits your veins when you hear the ending of the last song for whoever is on stage and you wait for your stage name to be called.
“Alright everyone, can I get a round of cheers for our lovely Siren?! Don’t worry, they’ll be back a little later!!” Hikari, tonight’s DJ, says after hopping on the mic.
“You all are in for a real treat now, though! Please help me in summoning our resident hot demon-babe to the stage; Lucifer!!” A wild smile pulls at your lips as you take in the crowds hyped up cheers from the other side of the curtain. “Get your sexy ass out here, Luci!!” Hikari excitedly calls for you and you let out a giggle before taking a step forward.
Pulling back the curtain you slowly walk further onto the stage, emerging from a cloud of smoke and into the dark-neon lights shining onto the stage. You smile and wink over at Hikari in the DJ’s booth and she blows you a kiss making you giggle a bit. Looking back towards the crowd you sway your hips as you walk, your eyes half lidded and a sultry, fanged smile on your face. Your body getting into the flow of the music from the first song of this set. The bass produced from Obsolete Ritual makes you vibrate when it hits and it’s a rush that fuels the amped up fire within you that you’ll never get over.
Getting up to the pole at the end of the catwalk, you wrap your hands around it and walk in a slow, teasing circle despite the song’s tempo having sped up. Your eyes scan over the crowd, running across the familiar faces of regulars and lingering for mere seconds over new faces. For reasons unbeknownst to you, your gaze gets stuck on one new face in particular.
Sharp, crimson eyes connect with yours, the stranger’s handsome face set in a scowl. ‘The hell is he scowling in a stripclub for? If he didn’t want to be here, then why did he come? Or maybe he’s just mad that Siren’s set ended? Whatever, buddy, try to enjoy the show.’ You think to yourself as you pull your gaze from Grumpy Hot Guy and officially begin your routine.
As you bend, twist, and dance your way through Obsolete Ritual, Veins, and Descending you find that Grumpy Hot Guy’s eyes never seem to leave you. His scowl remained but his eyes seemed to burn more with every movement of your body. When you finish your set you have to force yourself not to look at him as you spread your wings and bow to the crowd.
The weight of his eyes on you grows heavy as you help the club’s “Money Grabbers” rake in your earnings. Purposefully ignoring him you smile, giggle, and thank customers as they stuff more bills into your lingerie as you work to grab cash from the floor of the stage. You move to head offstage once all of the money has been gathered when you’re stopped by a tug on your tail. You let out a yelp, then quickly turn around to hiss at whoever the perv is that committed the action. A security guard is already handling the guy but he still has the nerve to shoot you an unsettling and creepy smirk. You hiss anyway, then roll your eyes as you stand and quickly leave the stage.
“Christ, are you okay, Luci?? Fucking hate pervs like that bastard! He’s being thrown out as we speak, so don’t worry! How’s your tail??” Sakura frantically asks, immediately mother-henning you as soon as you’re backstage.
You let out a soft giggle and give her an appreciative smile, “I’m fine and so is my tail, but thank you. Handsy people are very annoying but I can handle it and I’m fine.” You say reassuringly and Sakura lets out a relieved breath, then looks you in the eye with a smirk.
“Ugh, what’s with the look, Sakura? Did I really make that much from the set?” You question with a slightly bored look.
“Way off base with the guess there, Babes! Seems like we may have a few heroes in the house tonight, literally! I was watching the cameras when that creep grabbed your tail and I saw a few customers try to get to you, one in particular seemed especially pissed. Any guesses as to who they could be before I tell you?!” Sakura explains with a playful glint in her eyes.
“You know I hate guessing games,” you say in a forced bored tone that hopefully masks your itching curiosity.
“Oh, you’re no fun sometimes, Luci! Anyways, Pro Heroes Cellophane, Chargebolt, Pinky, Red Riot, and Dynamight were rushing to be your knights in shining armor! How crazy and exciting is it that a few Top Ten Pros are here at my nightclub?! Wild, right?!” Sakura reveals and you mentally kick yourself for not piecing together that Grumpy Hot Guy with the crimson eyes and spiky blonde hair is Pro Hero Dynamight.
“Uh, yeah, that is pretty crazy.. Uhm, I’m gonna go clean up and get ready for my next set, see you back here in an hour.” You say in a slight daze, the shock from Dynamight not being able to keep his eyes off of you clouding your mind.
“Mhm, gonna go make yourself extra pretty for the Pros, huh?” Sakura says with a devilish smirk.
“Sakura, please, I’m hot enough as it is. If I got any prettier customers would start dropping dead.” You say matter-of-factly after you’ve turned to walk away, hoping that Sakura didn’t see your blush. Sakura bursts out laughing behind you telling you to not kill her sources of income. You wave a playfully dismissive hand in the air before disappearing down the hallway back to your dressing room.
Once you’ve locked your dressing room door you let out a long exhale. You had run into a few of your coworkers on your way back to your dressing room and had to reassure every one of them that you were okay. But not only that, you were reminded again and again that there are Pros out in the crowd tonight via your coworkers gushing over their favorites within the group that came. Apparently a couple of your coworkers are major Dynamight fans and you tried your best to keep your cool when they wouldn’t shut up about how hot he is.
Even now, sitting at your vanity touching up your hair and makeup, you swear that you can still feel his burning gaze on you. Thinking about every time you made eye contact with him during your first set stirs something up inside of you and your reflection shows the blush you can feel heating your cheeks. As you change into your second outfit of the night you can’t tell if you’re nervous or hyped to get back on stage.
As soon as the straps of your heels are tied you make your way towards the mini fridge in your room. You grab the small bottle of Grey Goose and a small can of Red Bull from inside the fridge, then a shot glass from the top of the fridge. Sitting back down at your vanity, you pour yourself a shot and crack open your Red Bull. Downing the shot, you give it a second to settle before you pour a second. After shooting the second shot, you put the Grey Goose back and start drinking your Red Bull.
‘Nothing wrong with a bit of liquid courage, right? It’s just to help me through my next set after that creep touched me.’ You reason with (aka lie to) yourself as you look over yourself in the mirror.
A little over five minutes before you are to be called onto stage again, you make your way backstage. The shots you took earlier have succeeded in helping you feel like the confident and powerful Queen of the Underworld that you are. A cat-calling whistle pulls your attention over to Sakura and she gives you a smirk.
“Thought I told you not to kill my customers, Babes! Gah damn, you look hot! Trying to impress some certain Pro Heroes out there?” Sakura exclaims with a shit-eating grin.
You roll your eyes and cross your arms, “Being hot is part of the job, Boss. I don’t need to impress anyone but myself.” You say as you suppress a blush and look at your nails.
“Damn straight, Babes! Preach! Ugh, sometimes I’d really kill for your level of confidence.” Sakura says in all of her dramatic flare.
You giggle and shake your head as you blow her kiss, then turn towards the curtain. You exchange smiles with Siren as they walk through the curtain to head back to their room and wait for your cue.
“Everybody, shh shh, quiet down for a moment,” You hear Hikari say over the club’s speakers and you wonder what she has planned. You stifle an excited giggle and bounce a bit with anticipation.
“Oh, sexy Queen of Darkness, please grace us with your presence!” Hikari half chants, half moans into the mic, and you have to cover your mouth to hold back your giggles.
“Lucifer, hear us and show yourself! We’re on our knees, begging! Get out here you little vixen!” Hikari dramatically cries out and you do your best to not laugh your ass off at her antics.
With smoke clouding the view of the curtain you slip through carefully so you don’t disturb it. Suddenly, you flare your wings out and let your eyes glow, your arms held out to your sides a bit as you slowly walk forward. Spotlights slowly crawl towards you and up your body until you’re illuminated and you flash an “evil” grin at the crowd.
“Oh yeah, baby!!” Hikari dramatically moans out as she starts the first song of this set.
A laugh leaves your mouth and a genuine smile pulls at your lips as you walk to the pole at the end of the catwalk. Each of your steps deliberately heavy so that your breasts and ass bounce to the beat of Hot Demon B!Tches Near U as you walk. You briefly lock eyes with Dynamight and in all of your confidence (liquid and natural) you wink at him before grabbing the pole and getting to dancing.
HDBNU and the second song Slayer are full of fast paced moves and ass shaking, money seemingly raining down like confetti. So caught up in keeping time with the song, you had blurred out the crowd. It wasn’t until the first base drop of your last song, Fill The Void, that you noticed something slightly startling.
You had your back against the pole and slowly slid down it. Your arms stretched above you gripping said pole and your legs spreading as you sank to the ground. Your breathing hitched a bit when your eyes connected with burning crimson, the owner of the eyes standing at the front of the crowd at the edge of the stage. You did your best to hide your surprise but of course Dynamight noticed and he sent you a small smirk.
You smirk back at him, accepting an unspoken challenge of sorts, slowly and sensually standing back up. Wrapping your legs around the pole you do a few tricks before you slowly slide down, feet hitting the floor once more. Swaying and moving your body to the music, you get to the front of the pole where you sink to the floor once again, this time getting on your hands and knees.
You bite your lip seductively and slowly crawl towards the crowd, your tail slowly swishing side to side and your eyes glowing. You stare Dynamight right in the eyes as you crawl and mouth the last few words of the song. You stop about half a foot from the edge of the stage and gently roll onto your back, arching it and sensually running your hands down your body. As the song comes to a close, your eyes glow significantly brighter, you let out a puff of blue-colored fire.
When the song finally ends, you stand up and bow, blowing kisses and smiling at the crowd. You cast one last glance at Dynamight and find that he looks slightly stunned. You smirk, then turn to make your way off of the stage, hips swaying the entire time. Getting backstage, your body feels like it’s on fire in the best way possible and Sakura definitely notices.
“Christ, Luci, I’m gonna have to call every ambulance in Tokyo after that performance! Shit, I think I’m even having heart palpitations! You fucking killed it out there, Babes!” Sakura exclaims, one hand fanning her face and the other on her chest.
“Stop, you’re gonna make me blush!” You say, feigning embarrassment, but ultimately giggling.
“You know who's blushing? Everyone out there who just jizzed their pants!” Sakura says, sending both of you into a laughing fit.
“But for real, great work! Now go grab a snack, get changed, and help out the other servers on the floor, please!” Sakura loosely orders with a bright smile.
“Yes, ma’am!” You say with a mocking salute and smile, then head to your dressing room.
Once you’ve changed into the club’s server outfit, aka a top that is basically a bralette paired with what could be the shortest skirt in the world, some cheeky panties underneath, and knee high stiletto boots, you make your way out to the bar.
“There she is; the girl who always makes me regret not bringing an extra pair of underwear!” Ruby, the bartender for the night, playfully exclaims as you walk up to the counter.
“Thought you knew better by now!” You say with a laugh and Ruby rolls their eyes with a smile.
“Alright, Love, here’s a tray of drinks for the group over at VIP table three. I don’t know if Sakura told ya, but the VIP section will be yours tonight.” Ruby says as they carefully slide a serving tray full of drinks towards you.
“C’mon, Rue, of course she didn’t tell me. Do I ever work any other section?” You comment with feigned annoyance and Ruby laughs.
In reality, you love working the VIP section. It’s always full of rich people with too much money to spend and they always tip very generously. It certainly helps that you flirt your ass off whilst serving but everyone does that.
Picking the tray up with the skill and grace you’ve perfected over the years of being in this industry, you send one last smile and wink to Ruby before heading for the VIP section of the lounge. You smile at patrons as you move through the crowd, giggling and thanking them for the compliments they give about your performance. While you truly do love your job, customer service could still be considered a performance and you are flawless at it.. Until you make it past the roped off entrance to the VIP lounge and see the group at table three.
Virtually unnoticeably, your steps falter and you’re thankful that the club's ambience is fairly dim as you take in a steadying breath. Mentally reasserting your confidence, you paint on a cool and flirty smile as you walk over to table three. Your thoughts run through your mind, filling you with the tiniest bit of dread, ‘Of fucking course it’s them.. I mean, they are Pro Heroes, why wouldn’t they be in the VIP lounge.. For fuck sa-’
“Good evening, everyone. My name is Lucifer, or Luci for short, I’ll be one of your servers tonight. I have your drinks here, but let me know if you need anything else.” You say as you set the tray down on the table, your voice coming out impressively even and a bit sultry.
“Yeah, uhm, I’m gunna need your number,” Chargebolt drunkenly slurs out, a dopey smile on his face and hearts practically in his eyes, as he grabs his drink from the tray.
You giggle at his attempt at hitting on you, having to keep from full-on laughing when you notice Dynamight’s jaw clenching out of the corner of your eye. You smile gently at Chargebolt, “Sorry, babes, but I don’t give my number out to strangers.” You say with a sympathetic pout as you try not to join the rest of the group in their laughter.
“I’m not a stranger, I’m Chargebolt aka Denk- OW! Man, c’mon, you don’t gotta hit me!” Chargebolt whines as he pouts at Dynamight while rubbing the back of his head.
“Sorry about him! He hits on anyone who breathes his way! Thanks for the drinks, Luci!” Pinky giggles out over Chargebolt’s whining, said man still on the receiving end of Dynamight’s murderous glare.
“No problem! I’ve got a few other tables to serve but I’ll check back in a little bit!” You say as you pick up the now empty tray and step back from the table.
You hear the rest of the group thank you as you walk away, Dynamight’s grumbled and gravelly ‘thanks’ sending a wave of heat through your body. ‘It should be illegal for someone’s one-worded, grumbled response to sound so sexy, what the fuck?!’ You mentally curse as you walk up to one of the other tables.
The hours fly by quickly as you wait on each of your tables. Every stop at the Pros’ table met with flirty quips from the group, minus Dynamight. In fact, he hasn’t even looked at you the whole time you’ve been off-stage. You’d be lying if you said that you weren’t just a little disappointed, but you shove it down to keep your sultry and flirty persona up. You flirtatiously thank the group at VIP table five as you stick the wad of bills that is your tip from them into your bralette and blow them a kiss as you walk towards the bar.
“Hey Ruby, you got the time?” You ask, exhaustion leaking into your tone.
“A little past one. You’re off at 15, right?” Ruby asks as they wipe off a glass. You nod, relief settling over you as well as exhaustion. It was a good shift but you are so ready to go home.
“This tray is for three, right? I’ll take it to them before I head back to my room.” You say, picking the tray up with a bit of a huff.
“Don’t act like you’re doing any favors for anyone, you just wanna see the Pros one last time before you leave.” Ruby teases with a smirk and you feign offense.
“Or I just want to reem them for tips, but go off I guess.” You playfully bite back, then giggle as Ruby raises an eyebrow at you.
Despite your exhaustion setting in more with each minute passing, you quickly make your way to the table of Pros. Pouring the last of your energy into your customer service persona, you set the tray of drinks down on the table and smile at the group.
“Hey Heroes, it has been an extreme pleasure serving and meeting all of you but it is now the end of my shift. One of our other servers will take over for me, I hope that you all enjoy the rest of your night!” The well-rehearsed spiel leaves your mouth with a pleasant tone and warm smile.
“I know I’ll be back if only to watch you dance again,” Pinky says with a flirty smile and wink that makes you giggle.
“Thanks for being so amazing!” Red Riot says with a bright smile as he hands you a fat wad of cash. You feign surprise as you take the cash and thank them all as you shove it in what little space you have left in your bralette. You spare one last glance at Dynamight and suppress a frown when you catch him looking very intently at his phone. You say your goodbyes, then rush to drop the empty tray off at the bar before heading back to your dressing room.
Changing back into the sweatpants and sweater that you arrived to work in, you feel the bone-deep heaviness that comes with being tired. You throw your hair up into a messy bun and slip your shoes on, then clock out from the tablet in your room. Slipping your bag onto your shoulder you leave your room and head for Sakura’s office to pick up your earnings from the night.
“Hey Boss, I’m outta here,” You announce from the doorway of her office.
“Alrighty, Babes! Here’s your check, you made pretty good bank tonight! Might be a little more than usual, awesome job!” Sakura beams as she hands you the envelope with your check in it.
Taking the envelope and putting it into your bag, you smile tiredly at her, “Thanks, Sakura. See ya later.”
“You want an escort to your car? I can call one of the bouncers back.” Sakura offers like she always does.
“Nah, I’m good. You already know that I’m the scary creature that lurks in the shadows.” You joke as you activate your Quirk a bit causing your eyes to glow while you shoot her a fanged smile. She laughs at your antics then bids you goodnight and you begin your walk to the back door of the club.
You step out into the chilly night air and are nearly blinded by a set of headlights coming from a car parked in the spot right in front of the door. You put your hand up to shield your eyes from the bright ass headlights and try to see who may be in the car. Suddenly the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and an anxious chill shivers down your spine. From your peripherals you see a hand reaching toward you and you try to move out of the person’s reach. Unfortunately, you’re a tad too late and they are able to grab your wrist and pull you towards them. You come face to face with the creep from earlier and your stomach drops as fear begins to course through you.
“Finally, some alone time with the demon-whore herself. Ya know, I’m a real big fan of yers. Wha’ do ya say we go back to my place and commit some sins, baby?” The creep-ass perv drawls out with a sick smile and your fear quickly turns to anger.
“Fuck off, you corny-ass pervert!” You growl out and you jerk your wrist up to your face, letting out a small breath of blue flames aimed towards the creep’s arm.
“Fucking bitch!” The degenerate of a man roars out as he yanks his hand away, continuing to curse from the pain.
You take the opportunity to whirl around and rush back into the club, locking the back door behind you once you’re inside. The door begins rattling from heavy banging against it and you can hear muffled shouts coming through from the man. You stand there shaking and trying to think of what to do now when you hear the footsteps of someone running towards you. Squinting through the dim lighting you nearly cry at the sight of Sakura and Pinky.
“Are you alright?” Pinky asks, her years of being a Pro making her voice come out steady even though she just ran here, and you nod shakily.
“I’m so fucking sorry, Luci! I should have checked the cams before sending you off! Fuck, I’m so stupid!” Sakura cries into your shoulder after pulling you into a tight hug.
“It’s not your fault, Sakura, it’s okay.” You whisper, your voice coming out strained as you try not to cry, and hug her back.
The three of you jump at the sound of an explosion coming from outside the door, and Pinky pushes you both behind her. You all stand there quietly for a few moments until Pinky’s phone goes off. She answers it quickly and you’re only able to catch her end of the call, “Yeah... She’s fine... Ugh, gross, what a bastard… Okay, thanks Red!” She finishes, then hangs up and turns around to you and Sakura.
“Are you sure that you’re okay? You don’t need to be checked out by a doctor or anything?” Pinky questions as her eyes roam over your form to visibly check for any injuries whatsoever.
“No, no, I’m okay. I just want to go home.” You quietly assure the two; Pinky cautiously believes you but Sakura is still suspicious that you’re hiding any sort of pain. A loud bang on the door makes both you and Sakura jump while Pinky just lets out a sigh.
“Unlock the door, dammit!” A voice shouts from the other side of the door and Pinky takes it upon herself to fulfill the demand.
The door swings open to reveal Dynamight, the dim lights from inside the club and the street lamps from outside the only things illuminating his figure. You can still tell that his face is scrunched up into something angry even with the poor lighting if the way he is grumbling about the “fucking creepy pervert” is anything to go by.
“Good job taking down that creep, Blasty!” Pinky cheers with a smile and a thumbs up.
“Shuddup,” Dynamight says with annoyance laced in his tone, but Pinky just laughs it off as she walks past him.
“Miss Sakura, if you could come with me? The police may want to see the security footage or get a statement from you.” Pinky says from her paused position in the doorway.
“Of course! Text me when you get home, Luci! I mean it, like, as soon as you pull into your driveway!” Sakura demands with a stern look on her face as she moves to catch up with Pinky.
“I will,” You promise with a small smile and send her a wave as she leaves.
A few moments of silence pass as you and Dynamight just stand there, an air of awkwardness beginning to settle in before you speak up, “Thanks for.. arresting that guy.” You say quietly, looking at him with a small smile.
“The guy had a pretty bad burn on his arm when we showed up.. Any idea where it might have come from?” Dynamight asks in a low and even tone, his sharp crimson eyes looking into yours.
Your smile drops and panic churns at your stomach, “I-I.. it was self defense! I-I didn’t know what else to do, h-he wouldn’t let go of me!” You fearfully begin defending yourself, only just now realizing that you used your Quirk unlicensed to harm somebody. Your heart begins to race and your breaths start to stutter, mind racing over the fact that you broke the law.
“Calm down, I was just curious. As far as the cops are concerned they think I did it, so you’re in the clear. Even if they do find out it was you, it’s legal if it’s in self defen- Jesus christ, take a deep breath, it’s okay!” Dynamight’s voice raises a bit when he notices you beginning to hyperventilate.
You turn away from him and make your way towards the wall, leaning against it to steady yourself. You close your eyes and take some deep breaths in hopes of calming down. After a minute, you open your eyes and look at anything except the hero in front of you when you turn back around.
“I’d like to go home now, if that’s okay? Or do I need to speak to the police?” You meekly ask as you adjust the strap of your bag on your shoulder.
“I’ll tell them that you’ll go down to the station tomorrow. The security cam footage should suffice for tonight.” He says and you can feel the weight of his gaze on you as you nod your head.
“Well, thanks again.. Goodnight, Dynamight.” You mumble as you move toward the door to leave.
“I’ll follow behind you.. to make sure you get home safe.” You hear Dynamight’s rushed and raspy words from behind you making you stop in your tracks.
“That’s not necessary, really.. Should you even be driving? You’ve been drinking all night..” You ramble out after you turn around to face him, your heart thundering in your chest when you find that he’s right there. 
“I only had a couple drinks, plus I’m not weak like Dunc- Chargebolt, I can handle my fucking liquor. I’m gunna go get my car, do not leave this parking lot until I get back here.” Dynamight firmly demands before rushing off toward the front of the building.
You stand there dumbfounded for a moment before you shake yourself out of it and make your way to your car. You get in, hitting the lock button as soon as your door closes, and start it up. You spend a few minutes queuing up songs until you hear a honk from next to you. Nearly pissing yourself, you send a glare to Dynamight for scaring you but he just rolls his eyes and motions for you to go.
With a little bit of hesitancy in your gut, you back out of your parking space and begin your drive home. Looking at the routes on a map, it’s not a very far drive, but traffic always turns short trips into longer ones. Periodic glances at your rear view mirror tells you that you’re not the only one annoyed with the traffic. A small giggle leaves your lips every time you see Dynamight puff his cheeks with a huff or yell at some dick speeding past the both of you.
Finally, you arrive at your house, clicking the button on the gate opener and waiting for it to open fully before pulling up into the drive. Dynamight follows right behind you, pulling up next to you but just sitting in his car. You wonder if he’s going to watch you walk into your house then you wonder why he’s doing this at all. ‘There’s no way the Dynamight does this with even half of the victims he helps rescue..’ You think to yourself as you pull out your phone and tap the call function on Sakura’s contact.
The conversation is short and as soon as you hang up you turn your car off and gather your stuff, then get out. You barely register that Dynamight has gotten out of his car before he’s walking toward you. You look between him and his off car with a confused expression on your face.
“You gunna close the ga-” Dynamight starts but cuts himself off when he sees that the gate to your driveway has automatically started closing, the allotted time you have it set to stay open if you don’t close it yourself having run out.
“I didn’t realize you’d even be getting out of your car..” You comment quietly, and albeit nervously, as you make your way to your front door.
Silently, you take your keys out of your bag, placing the magnetic fob on its spot just above the doorknob. The lock makes a small beep and the keypad above the spot for the fob lights up. You sneak a glance behind you to see if Dynamight is looking but his back is to you as he seemingly surveys the driveway. You quickly type in the code for the lock and a chime rings through the air as the door unlocks. You push the door open a bit before turning around to Dynamight, unsure of what to do or say.
“Uhm, so-”
“Are you sure that you’re alright?” He cuts you off with his question as he turns to face you and his eyes scan over your body as you blink up at him.
“I- yeah, I’m fine..” You say, a little bit shocked by his behavior, and he just nods his head as he stuffs his hands into his pockets. 
A moment of silence fills the air between you two before you blurt out, “Why did you do this? Made sure I got home safe, I mean. You.. you barely even acknowledged me after my performance at the club, and it’s a pretty well-known fact that Dynamight doesn’t really follow up with those that he rescues, let alone escorts them home..”
Dynamight’s jaw clenches and irritation fills his handsome features, and you have to remind your body that right now is not a good time to be getting aroused. His eyes meet yours and promptly melt you with their heat, whether it’s from irritation or something else you don’t know.
“Because, dammit..” He starts, dragging a hand through his hair and letting out an exasperated sigh, his eyes flicking to the ground and glaring at the cement.
“Strip joints aren’t my thing. They’re too fucking loud, there’s too many damn people, and I’ve never had any interest in watching people twirl around on a pole.” He continues, but gets interrupted by the scoff you defensively let out.
But he continues on before letting you get a word out, “But it was stupid Pinky’s birthday and that’s what she wanted to do, so I was dragged into going. I sat at that damn table hating every second until.. Until you got onto that fucking stage. And I know, I know, you probably hear this shit all the fucking time but dammit there was just something about you. I couldn’t tear my damn eyes away from you.”
You’re not sure when it happened but suddenly he is so close to you, crimson eyes sending a blazing heat through your body. Your breath hitches when you catch a whiff of his cologne and your panties are starting to feel much more damp.
“There’s some sort of lust factor to your Quirk, right? There has to be because I never feel like this towards anyone right off the bat,” He rasps out, his voice quieter than before and husky.
“Feel like what?” You whisper, playing the dumb-innocence card heavily as you stare into his eyes.
“Like I wanna fuck you until you’re nothing but a drooling mess cumming on my cock,” He rasps out huskily, his face mere centimeters from yours.
You can’t take it anymore, something in you just snaps and you’re smashing your lips onto his. Your moan mingles with his groan as your arms wind their way around his neck. His hands quickly find purchase on your hips and his fingers dig into the fabric of your sweats as he pulls your body impossibly closer to his. The kiss, if one could call it that, is aggressive with sharp canines nipping each others’ lips and tongues fighting for dominance.
In the midst of your devouring of each other, he backs you into your house, kicking the door shut behind him. You absentmindedly hear the chime of your door locking itself over the rush of blood in your ears and Dynamight’s groans. Your bag ends up crashing to the floor and you both somehow manage to haphazardly kick your shoes off.
You both stumble down the hallway as you lead him to your bedroom, pieces of clothing almost literally torn from each other’s bodies littering the floor as you go. By the time you fall back onto your bed, you’re both in nothing but your underwear. Dynamight stands at the edge of your bed seemingly entranced as you drag your hands along your body up to the front clasp of your bra. You slowly and sensually unclip the bra, making a show out of taking it off even though the Hero’s focus is solely on your tits.
His eyes then meet yours and his tongue darts out to wet his lips, “Are you sure you wanna do this?” He asks, his voice rough with lust but you hear the slight hesitance.
“I kissed you, didn’t I? Listen, I know I’m a stripper but I don’t usually fuck the patrons, I simply have no interest in it. I want this, I need this, and I’m clean if that makes you feel better. Plus, I’m on birth control, so please Dyn-”
“Katsuki. If we’re gunna fuck then you at least get to call me by my fucking name.” He bites out with fake annoyance, rolling his eyes as he shoves his underwear off.
You smirk up at him, toying with your breasts and moaning his name, just to test it out on your tongue and goddamn is it delicious. His eyes darken yet seem to glow at the same time like a whole new level of lust flowed over him, and you give him your real name.
“So, Katsuki, are you gunna fuck me til I’m a drooling mess cumming on your cock or am I gunna have to call Charg- shit, ahh, fuck-” You try to taunt him but are quickly cut off when Katsuki is suddenly on you, mouthing at one of your breasts while his hand kneads and squeezes the other.
He grinds his hard cock on your clothed pussy, right on your clit, the friction of it all making you pant and moan underneath him. Your hands sink into his hair, your claws scratching against his scalp and pulling more groans from him. He gives both your breasts equal attention, biting and sucking and leaving hickies in the wakes of his lips. His kisses begin to travel down your body until his hot mouth is sucking and licking over your already soaked panties.
It’s a slow kind of torture when he finally decides to drag your panties down your legs and off of your body. Needy whines and breathy begs leave your mouth as he uses one hand to slowly drag your panties down your legs while the thumb of his other hand rubs torturously slow circles into your clit.
“Fuck, you’re soaked.. You that needy for my cock, baby?” He husks out as he settles on his stomach between your legs.
“Y-yes, ah, been wet since, fuck, since my second s-set when, a-ah, wh-when y-you were by th-the stage,” You barely manage to get out between the slow stripes he’s licking up your pussy.
He sends you a cocky smirk before fully diving into your wetness and one of your hands flies to his hair while the other grips the sheets. He drinks you up like a man dying of thirst; going from sucking your clit and flicking his tongue against it to dipping lower and slipping his tongue in and out of your slit. Every ministration pushes you closer to that edge and you can’t stop your body from squirming as moans fall from your lips.
An idea manages to slip into your pleasure-addled mind and you pull at his hair to get his attention. This only results in what could only be described as a growl leaving his mouth and vibrating against your clit, nearly sending you. You fight off your impending orgasm as much as you can manage and try to use your words instead, “K-Katsuki, w-wait! I-I wa-wanna ride your face!” That gets his attention immediately, making him pause mid-lick to lean back a bit and give you a wild smirk.
“Fuck yeah, baby,” His lust-laced voice carries through the room as he shuffles around to get into position.
Once he’s comfortable, his lust-darkened and excited eyes catch yours, a devilish smirk sitting on his lips. You send him your own fanged smirk and carefully climb over his body, the shuffling of limbs resulting in your body facing your headboard as your pussy hovers over his mouth. His hands come up to grip your thighs as you slowly seat yourself onto his hot and waiting mouth. A half moan, half gasp leaves your lips when Katsuki immediately gets back to devouring you and one of your hands buries itself in his hair.
You let yourself drown beneath the waves of pleasure for a moment or two before forcing some clarity into your mind. You smirk down at him and his ministrations falter a bit as you trail the tip of your tail down his torso. He questions your action with his eyes until they widen a bit out of surprise as your tail slowly gets increasingly closer to his cock. His groan vibrates against your clit as you wrap your tail around him and his eyes flutter a bit.
You start jerking his cock slowly, your hips moving in sync, and both of your moans start filling the room. Katsuki becomes more aggressive with his licking and sucking, his tongue delving into you every now and then as you grind against him.
“Hah.. ah.. I-I’m g-gunna f-fucking.. cum..” You pant out between moans, your grip on his hair tightening as the overwhelming sensation of your orgasm begins flooding you once again.
“Fucking hell.. Cum, then, baby. Cum on my fucking tongue.” Katsuki’s muffled command is followed by another groaned out curse, his hips bucking a bit off the bed as you continue to jerk him.
“Aah, Katsuki,” His name comes out as a high-pitched moan as your orgasm hits you. Your pussy clenches around his tongue as you double over, your free hand sinking into the mattress next to his head. He tongue-fucks you through it as your eyes squeeze shut and your nails scrape against his scalp. In your bliss, you hear and feel him let out something between a groan and growl, and you’re not sure if it’s from pain or pleasure.
He continues swiping his tongue against your pussy as whines from overstimulation leave your mouth. Something more begins building in your abdomen and you forcefully lift your hips from his face to keep from potentially drowning the man beneath you.
You're both panting as you stare at each other with the same look of feral lust in your eyes. The moonlight shining in from your window making it look like his eyes are glowing and you feel just a bit envious over how fucking effortlessly attractive this man is. A playful smirk pulls at your lips when you squeeze your tail around his cock and he lets out an unintentional moan. Suddenly, in a blur of motions, you’re flipped onto your back with Katsuki hovering over you, his lips still shiny with your cum.
“Ya know, teasing isn’t nice.” Katsuki comments huskily with a smirk as he grinds his cock against your wet pussy, his tip catching your clit with every stroke.
In an instant his lips are on yours, swallowing your whines and moans. He holds himself up with one arm while the other leaves its position from beside your head. His now free hand runs down your body until he gets to your pussy. His fingers rub at your clit a bit before moving further down where he slips a finger into you. Your moans go up in volume as one finger becomes two and his lips suck hickies into the column of your throat. Your body begins to writhe a bit as his fingers brush over your g-spot and his teeth nip at your hot skin.
Soon enough two fingers turn into three and the tsunami-size waves of your next orgasm crash against the poorly built dam you’ve built. All the while, Katsuki just swallows all of begging and pleading for him to just put his cock in you already. His hot, hard cock that is currently weeping pre-cum all over your thigh.
“I-I think I l-learned my lesson ‘bout teasing, Ka-Katsuki! Oh fuck.. J-just put it in!” You demand when his mouth goes back to sucking more marks into your shoulder.
“Demanding little slut, flip the fuck over.” Katsuki commands after he pulls his fingers from your pussy.
You flip yourself onto your stomach, ass up in the air and tail swishing sensually slowly behind you. You look back at him with a smirk that quickly falters when you meet his gaze dead-on as he licks your cum from his fingers. A cocky smirk pulls at his lips when he finishes and uses that same hand to smack one of your asscheeks making you cry out. Pain and pleasure tingle up your spine and your pussy continues to leak.
“Yeah, kinda figured you were a pain slut by now. Only fitting for someone with a demon Quirk, huh?” Katsuki husks out following another smack to your ass.
Finally, without any further commentation, the fat head of his cock nudges its way between your pussy lips. He enters you slowly, groaning as you pant through the welcomed invasion of every inch of him. When his hips finally meet your asscheeks you understand why he had taken his time fingering you. Of course, you had noticed that his cock is big but you weren’t quite prepared to feel this full. There isn’t a single complaint that runs through your pleasure-melted brain, though. Only praises intermingled with moans fall from your mouth when he gives an experimental thrust.
“Shit, you’re so fuckin’ tight.” Katsuki grits out as he sets a steady pace, moving in and out of you while his hands grip your hips.
“So.. fuckin’.. good.. s-so.. full..” You moan out as you push yourself back on his cock, absentmindedly wrapping your tail around one of his wrists.
The room becomes hot and stuffy, the smell of sex and Katsuki’s cologne on every breath you breathe in. Your eyes are half-lidded, wanting to roll back, and your mouth hangs open as Katsuki begins drilling into you. You nearly cum from the sight of him throwing his head back and groaning at how your pussy squelches and clenches around him.
His cock hits your g-spot over and over, making that overwhelming feeling inside you unbearable. You don’t get anything other than a high-pitched moan out of your mouth as your second orgasm crashes into you. Your eyes roll back as you squirt all over Katsuki’s cock and pelvis. You become a babbling, drooling mess as he fucks your through your orgasm, his pace somehow getting faster. His exhales become grunts and growls as he pounds into you, his hands now gripping you so tightly that you nearly cum again thinking about the bruises they’ll leave.
“Fuck, I’m gunna fucking cum!” Katsuki groans out, his thrusts beginning to falter slightly.
“Ah, please cum, a-ah, pleasepleaseplease,” You mindlessly beg as you cum on his cock again.
“Sh-shit.. I-I.. fuuuuck,” He stutters out as he thrust hard into you one last time before stilling. You moan softly as warmth fills you, your eyes shutting from all of the bliss and pleasure you felt throughout the night.
Katsuki is hunched over you for a moment just trying to catch his breath before he kisses your shoulder and straightens up. He slowly pulls out causing both of you to groan, then he collapses onto the mattress beside you. You lower your hips down to the bed and stretch your body a bit before shuffling over to lay on his chest. With his eyes closed, Katsuki wraps an arm around you and begins lightly rubbing your lower back. It’s a peaceful and calm silence between the both of you, the only sounds being both of you breathing and your house’s A/C kicking on.
“There’s no lust factor,” You say quietly, your chin resting on his pec as you look up at his face.
Katsuki cracks an eye open and tilts his head to peer down at you in confusion, “What?” He rasps out.
“My Quirk, Hellspawn, is just demon traits. I don’t have any succubi traits or powers, so there’s no lust factor to my Quirk.” A teasing smile plays on your lips as you explain.
Katsuki is silent as he glares down at you, his face unamused until his lips twitch and a chuckle escapes him. You let out a few giggles yourself and Katsuki runs a hand down his face.
“Well, shit, there goes that explanation. If you’re telling the truth, that is,” He says as he gives you a look of feigned suspicion.
You gasp with feigned offense as you sit up a little, “I would never lie to a Pro Hero such as yourself! What’s the matter, Mr. Dynamight, you don’t believe in lust at first sight?” You can’t help the giggle that escapes you at your bad pun.
Katsuki groans as he rolls his eyes, “Jesus Christ, ‘lust at first sight’? I can’t tell if that's the stripper in you talkin’ or the succubus.”
“I’m not a succubus!” You exclaim as you playfully push him, a laugh leaving your mouth as you stare down at his smirking face.
“Where’s your bathroom, Succubus? We both need a damn shower,” Katsuki asks as he sits up.
His question feels like it’s muffled in your ears as thoughts of not wanting this to end flood your brain. You wonder if he wants this to be a one night stand. If he’ll get dressed, then ask you to not tell anyone about what you two did tonight. If maybe he doesn’t want the fact that he slept with a stripper to get out and ruin his grand reptati-
“Hey, we gunna get this shower over with so we can sleep or what?” Katsuki’s voice breaks you from your thoughts. “I’ll help ya change the bedding and shit after we get done ‘cause I’m sure as hell not sleeping in the puddle you made.” He says with a teasing smirk. You blink dumbly for a moment, then move to stand up to lead Katsuki to your bathroom.
‘He’s spending the night? Maybe he doesn’t want this to end just yet, either..’ You think as you step into the warm water of your shower, Katsuki stepping in right behind you. His arms wrap around you as he pulls you back flush against him, being mindful of your wings. He sighs as he kisses the crook of your neck and you lean back into him, closing your eyes and just enjoying the moment.
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Note ~ Welp, there we go, Lovelies! This was a fun fic to write even though I'm not familiar with the workings of a strip club. I did recently watch the movie Hustlers and felt a bit more confident about what I was writing, haha. Hope it was a good read and y'all stay tuned for more fics! Love and appreciate all of you, Lovelies! <3
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turtlecleric · 8 months
Not a request more of a horny thought I had involving 07!raph and leo sharing 👀
One of the boys deciding he wants to be a little shit to his brother, which involves fucking the reader, filming it and sending it to him. Like IMAGINE the sexual tension? Leo being the one who wants to OWN you receiving a video of Raph fucking you brainless. Or Raph getting one where Leo's being asshole self in his "ownership" role over you.
It becoming a sexy lil race over who gets you to sing the loudest or cum the hardest 😩
Just me? 👀
Oh nonnie... what an excellent thought... thank you for sharing.
I'm actually in a terrible horrible no good mood, so I'm taking this and twisting it a bit for my own purposes. If anyone takes this exact prompt and runs with it, though, please tag me >:)
cw: angry Raph, choking, rough sex, maybe even dub con tbh considering not everything is understood and agreed upon by both parties involved, idk I can barely think. nsfw obviously
When Raph climbs through your window, he’s mumbling something about stupid fucking Leo with his stupid fucking… something. You can’t quite make it out. Your only thought is ‘yikes’ before Raph turns his glare on you. 
Huh. That sure does something to you. 
His chest is heaving as he paces, the muscles in his forearms flexing as he clenches and unclenches his fists. Back and forth in front of your window, he paces, and mumbles, and stares at you with a gaze that burns your skin and quickens your pulse.
You should… talk to him. Ask him what’s wrong. Maybe try to pull him onto the couch, get him to relax a bit. See if he’ll let you scratch his shell in that way he likes but will never admit. You don’t take sides when the boys are at each other’s throats - that was a rule you established from the very beginning - but you should at least try to offer some comfort. 
The way he’s looking at you, though. It has you frozen. 
Suddenly he stops. Quiets. Tilts his head. You can’t read the shift in his expression before he’s stalking toward you and grabbing your upper arm. He yanks you off the couch, his grip just shy of bruising, and pulls you toward the bedroom. You stumble behind him, almost tripping over your own feet, but he doesn’t slow.
For the first time, you feel… afraid.
His hand leaves your arm just for him to lift you by the waist and toss you onto the bed like you weigh nothing. You’re still bouncing from the landing when you feel him clawing at your pants, pulling them roughly off of you before doing the same with your underwear. It makes you yelp, makes you instinctively press your legs together once your bottom half is bare. He stills for a moment, peering down at you where he’s still standing by the side of the bed. You can feel your heart thundering in your chest. Your breaths match his now - quick and unsteady. His eyes glance to the side, then back at you, and then he’s pacing again while you watch him with confusion. 
“Raph. Wh-”
“Don’t,” he snarls, still pacing. Still staring. Your mouth snaps shut, watching him with wide eyes. He seems to make a decision and crawls onto the bed and over you, straddling your waist. Your shirt is quickly lifted over your head and tossed to the side, and he pauses for a moment when he sees that you’re already braless. A bit of the rage in his face eases, that dangerous aura that clings to him lessening slightly. You can’t help but notice that you’re shaking a little bit. You wonder if he notices. You wonder if he cares.
Raph’s arms come up behind his head, and you don’t realize he’s untying his mask until it’s already off. It’s a shock when he starts fastening it onto you. Even more of a shock when he twists it so that you can’t see through the eye holes. Then he speaks, and the growl in his voice makes a chill run down your spine.
“You’re mine. Got that?”
This is… new. Usually Leo is the one who likes that kind of thing, not Raph. 
You must hesitate too long, because suddenly there’s a hand around your throat squeezing. It makes you gasp, the wheeze of air in your trachea cutting off into aborted choking sounds as his grip continues to tighten. You nod frantically, and his grip eases enough for you to breathe shakily. The hand moves to snatch both of your wrists and pin them above your head. 
“Say it,” Raph growls. His voice has a dangerous edge to it. An edge that’s never, never been aimed at you before. 
“I’m yours.”
“Don’t move your hands.” His grip on your wrists disappears, and you obey as you feel him lean back. He starts shifting and doing something above you. You can’t tell. You don’t know what he’s doing, but he’s… not even touching you. And with his mask over your eyes, you only have what you hear, what you feel, to go off of.
His center of gravity shifts, and you hear the soft sound of something being placed near your head. You want to ask, but then he’s scooting back until he’s no longer on top of you. His hands pry your legs open, and then he’s holding the underside of your thighs and pressing them back so you’re spread for him. You feel his tongue press flat against your folds and drag up and over your clit. It pulls a surprised gasp out of you, and he retracts his tongue long enough to talk.
“Let me hear it, doll. I want to hear all your sounds, nice and loud, okay? What do you say?”
“Yes, Raphael.” 
It’s odd. Odd to not be saying Leo’s name when you answer that. But what the boys want during one-on-one time is their business, and the churr that you hear makes your chest swell despite the uneasiness that lingers. You don’t really have time to dwell on it, anyway, since he’s diving back in like he’s starving. Like it’s his last meal. Usually he takes it slower than this, but tonight it seems like he’s determined to make you reach your peak as fast as he possibly can. Steady swirls of his tongue around your clit. That addictive friction, followed by his fingers prodding at your entrance. Pushing, massaging, stretching you open for him until you’re squirming. You make a sound of distress when he pulls his mouth and fingers away, and he laughs. 
His voice is husky when he speaks again. Not quite the same danger there, but just as dark. “You want my cock inside of you, sweetheart?”
Something about the way that he says it makes your breath hitch, and you hear him chuckle again. Still, he hasn’t moved, so you swallow thickly and give him what he apparently wants from you tonight. “Yes, Raphael. Please.”
“Please what?” 
You’re already sweating, flushed from him working you open, but the smirk in his voice makes you blush fiercely. “Please- please put your cock in me, Raphael.”
“Atta girl,” he says, moving immediately to line himself up and push into you. Raph’s hands curl around your hips. He rubs his thumbs back and forth across your skin, then presses them into the muscle at the top of where your thighs start. With a deliberate, slow thrust, he pushes in. You try to focus on breathing, but the feeling of him spearing you open is something you don’t think you’ll ever get used to. It makes your head tip back so your throat is bared, makes you arch your spine as a sound you can’t begin to describe comes out of you. 
God. Fuck. 
You start to move your arms down to hold onto him before you remember his order to keep your wrists in place.
“Being such a good slut for me,” he rumbles, starting to move. “You like being good for me? A pretty little slut, just for me?”
There’s something in his tone that you can’t pick up on, but it’s hard to think past the sparks he’s igniting inside of you. Still, you know what you’re supposed to do. You’ve been trained well enough to not have to think too much about it. “Ye- ah! Yes, Rah - Raphael.”
There’s only him. His smell, all around you. His hands, starting to roam over your stomach, your chest, your sides, painting lines of goosebumps across your skin as he pants. His cock making you feel so, so full as he moves inside of you. It’s embarrassing - the sounds he’s pulling out of you tonight. High-pitched whines and broken moans that sound a little bit like you’re in pain, a little bit like you’re crying, but you can’t focus on that. You can only focus on him. 
“You’re gonna come for me, baby. Just for me.”
His speed and force is picking up by the second. He’s so much rougher than usual, and you can’t help the whimpers and gasps that slip out of you with each thrust. Shivers start to roll through you, and you can feel it building. Closer, closer, closer still as he pistons in and out of you. The friction is driving you crazy, and you can’t help but move your hips with him, chasing that release. When it finally comes, the noise that comes out of you is a long, broken thing that you can’t ever remember making before. 
There’s nothing but him, him, him. Making you float above your body as you ride that high. Through the haze in your mind, you feel him shifting above you even as he continues to fuck you into the mattress. You still haven’t fully come down yet when Raph’s hand fists in your hair. The bottom of his plastron vibrates against your stomach when he growls out his next words.
“Who made you come, baby? Who do you belong to?”
Your breath stutters in your lungs when you inhale. God, you still can’t think. You feel like you might actually still be coming, but he wants you to answer. You need to answer. Fuck, what are you… fuck. 
When you do manage to get control of your mouth enough to respond, you vaguely think this might be the most wrecked your voice has ever sounded.
Across the city, Leo’s hand cracks his phone in half when he hears you say, “You, Raphael.”
Tag list: @yorshie @luckycharms1701 @khayalli @thejudiciousneurotic @thelaundrybitch @mxalmighty
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sempsimps · 7 months
lucifer x (fem)overlord reader
uhm so I've never posted anything like this before and tbh idk how its gonna go but the brain rot is too real and i need this out also i should stop writing in class oop- punctuation? never heard of her (sorry if my writing sucks :] )
eating out / fingering
bites / small cuts
sexual tension obviously
just a small amount of bondage but its mild
edging if you squint
possessive if you squint (well its pretty clear)
Alastor is kinda a cock block sorry not sorry
it was the week after the extermination and i had been called to a meeting by carmilla and when she sets it we all know that its serious so i had to go and no doubt it was about the most recent events
"i don't want you to go"
ah the authority in his voice would be threatening if he wasn't my husband being the 'the big boss of hell' or whatever silly thing he likes to say but i just smiled and absentmindedly passed him off putting my purse into my skirt pocket if i was looking at him i would of seen the look of mischief in his eyes
"i don't want you to go my love, l-love?"
"uh huh..."
i wasn't paying attention to him as he did the same thing every meeting and so next thing i know i felt his claws on my shirt pulling me down to be face to face
"are you even listing!?"
i smile as i calmly raised my self back up and fixed my shirt
"yes I'm listing to you but we both know i have a reputation to uphold and Carmilla herself asked me to this so its obviously quite important"
i calmly say lucifer wasn't allowed at the meetings as he was the king and had little business in the overlord affairs and i always told him what happens anyway but he was being over protective since he learned Alastor was at these meeting but the devil looked quite disheartened at my comment which made me hurt inside but his smug smile appeared right after it
"I'm coming with you"
"luci you can-"
"they wont even know I'm there"
i looked at him sceptically but shrugged it off as he would do as he pleased oh what a showy dick he was i sighed but i walked out of the mansion before teleporting in front of the elevator up to the meeting i immediately seen Rosie and curtly bowed to her which she responded to in the same manner we both smiled and walked in together i sat to her right at the end of the table my chest right at the table as i preferred to have my arms on the surface soon i seen Alastor walk in and we waved at each other in respect and soon the meeting had started i looked around Carmilla at the head of the table talking of the recent extermination Zestial next her as well as her daughters i didn't know the overlords across of me but they seemed.... nice Velvet at the other head to my right she must be here instead of Vox because of the media fight that happened ha classic Vox always a sore loser and Rosie to my left and Alastor to hers i always admired their bond the meeting droned on for a while becoming background noise my mind wandered to my angel and thinking about what he meant no longer did i have to think as i felt a claw end gently tap my knee i leaned back slightly to see my daring husbands hand at my knee i raised my eyebrow at it face not showing much emotion 'the fuck....so that's what he meant be being here with me and not being seen too ooohh i get it aw cute'
"--- are you okay?"
"mh yeah I'm fine sorry Carmilla continue sorry"
i moved myself back to where i was feeling rather embarrassed now but not because i got called out like that even though that was awful but its the fact i now feel lucifer's hands tease me from under my skirt it was long enough as it reached my shins but it also made pretty good cover for lucifer to roam and tease with his hands i thought his intention was quite cute 'cant go one hour without me I'm flattered but seriously now? here!?' his claws lightly brush against my skin the edge grazing across my thigh leaving a feeling like a paper cut i felt his feather light touches moving closer to my core i reached down with my hand under the table to lightly move his hand away in response i had a light nip at my leg my eyes widen in slight shock at this i knew the king was quite risky when it came to this but this was a little far...... but I'm not completely complaining too much i felt his head push between my legs and i just did the same thing reaching to his face and pushing him away lightly to stop him but i felt his smile as a light kiss was placed to my skin i thought nothing of it and placed both my hands in my lap but that was a mistake i felt a light pressure on my wrists i looked down to see a golden glint around both of my wrists 'that handsome prick' i couldn't believe he would abuse his magic in this way but oh well i guess im in too deep now i felt his sly smile on me and he teased me with his tongue now licking some parts and lapping at others i could only bawl my hands trying to act normal in the meeting 'of fuck has anyone noticed this' i glanced around no one cared at all all to busy doing there own thing or listening to Carmilla, lucifer continued the secrete attack and i let him opening my thighs over so slightly and i held in a squeak of surprise when i felt the end of his claw gently move the fabric of my underwear to the side so he could move his fingers inside of me my breathing got quite heavy and my pupils dilatating as i zone out of my vision and focusing on not making a sound in front of my collages or "friends" lucifer's fingers teased my entrance only lightly slipping in to test me his other hand rubbing circle's on my skin while his head rested comfortably on my thigh enjoying the torment i was in i was so out of trying not to make a noise that when his movements twitched and halted i was back into reality and i quickly knew why as i moved my eyes over to Alastor his gaze lingered down for a split second before he spoke in that stupid radio sound
"--- my dear you all there? you seem distracted"
his voice carried a sinister lint to it sending an uncomfortable chill down my spine
"uh y yeah im alright"
carmilla looked at me and i bowed my head in apology
'fuck did he notice what was going on shit fuck fuck-' i was brought out of my panic nearly jumping out of my skin when i felt a particular harsh bite to my upper thigh clenching fists from the pain my eyes going blurry as i try not making any noise lucifer's possessiveness was showing through and i could feel the slow trickle of blood form from the bite lucifer eagerly lapping it up as an apology 'prick there was no cause' i understood the rivalry but my thoughts were directed to another 180 as i felt his fingers penetrate me slowly before ramping up the speed of them being cautious of the sharp ends but as i was starting to feel pleasure they left but soon replaced with his hot breath and forked tongue doing wonders the small licks driving me insane my legs slightly shaking at the contact he was relentless in eating me for all that i had i finally slipped up letting out a small quite strained sigh i felt lucifer's smile from between my legs 'that sweet sly smug fucker aaaa!' the slightest touch he gave to my clit made my thighs close around his face in shock but he just softly opened them again at this rate i wouldn't last i gave another glance around the room and seen Alastors eyes snap away from me his ear hair thingy twitching 'oh fuck he knows' i didn't have time to think as lucifer's relentless tongue kept at my body i was getting closer and closer to the edge his skilful hands tracing patterns along the bites he placed on my skin edging closer to my core coaxing my body to release my nails digging into my palms i was so close to finishing but everything stopped i freeze at Carmilla's voice
"this meeting is over thank you all for coming to listen to this matter we will meet again next week to discuse the same topic hope to see you all there"
my saviour i really didn't want to cum here of all places 'thank fuck holy shit too many close calls' just as i was about to stand up i felt how shaky my legs were all of the other overlords had already left leaving me behind with-
"my dear are you alright? let me assist you it seems your having trouble"
oh that stupid voice again filled with smugness Alastor wrapped his hand around my arm assisting me with walking out of the room
"oh Alastor you don't have to im fine really-"
"oh nonsense and i insist"
his voice got sinister quickly as he led me out of the room i held in a groan i was so close to finishing that it hurt to move so i excepted my fate as he walked us to an elevator but then my stomach dropped lucifer always waited outside for me and his not so friendly rival was basically hand in hand with me 'oh shit' the elevator moved down and i seen my husband waiting i attempted to loosen Alstors grasp but he held firm and the see through door opened to look at a more than pissed of king looking at Alastor with a death glare
"hello my love how was the meeting"
lucifer was acting as if he wasn't there he was talking through his clenched teeth still looking at Alastor as he asked the radio man let go of my arm and i awkwardly walked over to my husband and as i did i could hear him snarl lowly his hand wrapping around my waist
"cant keep your hands to yourself deer?"
"cant keep your nose out of someone's business? wouldn't want your own trick to backfire"
and with that i grabbed a hold of lucifer teleporting us back to our room before he started somthing on the street...again
i didn't really know how to end that but i hope it was okay this is my first ever fanfic that I've properly written so sorry if it sucks idfk
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billowingangel · 4 months
Welcome ✧
I've been into hetalia since 2016 and for a while I tried to pretend I didn't like it....And I'm tired of living that lie! So I'm back to thinking, loving, obsessing, and writing about Hetalia.
I also block very freely and I'd rather people be 18+ to interact (since occasionally I may post nsfw/nsft which I will always tag)
I'm currently working on a few fanfictions which you can find on AO3 and FF.net
My favorite character is Canada 🍁 And I ship him with pretty much anyone...and I mean anyone...If that makes you uncomfortable please feel free to block this blog or the tags associated with ships you are uncomfortable with. I may at times reblog problematic ships, I'll add tags for the ship and a cw for the problematic element of the ship. Please take care of your mental health and curate your online space to what is best for you ♡ ˎˊ˗
more information below the canada picture
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Wow, you clicked continue reading so here's more annoying stuff about me and this blog (^_^)
I spam reblog, mostly fanart (so many in this fandom are so talented!) and miscellaneous things (memes, random shit, writing tips, etc).
I'll occasionally post some of my own fanfictions (drabbles or links to them)
I also will post my rambling silly thoughts. I have decided to let myself loose and be as annoying authentic as possible here.
Also I will do my best to tag content/trigger warnings but I may forget (memory of a goldfish) so if I do please let me know
Here are some tags I use on this blog to organize (still working on what tags to use) ᯓ★
#art reblog ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡): self explanatory
#hetalia fanart ✨: reblogs of hetalia fanart
#canon tbh: posts that I see as accurate to character's personalities, how I perceive them, and how I think they'd act
#hetalia fanfiction:
#hetalia meme:
#positivity: posts and reblogs that are positiive
#misc: posts that are surprisingly not related to hetalia
#me core: reblogs that I really relate to
#fanfic imagine: imagining a fanfiction and maybe i'll write or finish the idea
#fanfic in progress: my thoughts during the process of writing fanfiction, debating whether I should do this or that, talking about what I plan to do, blah blah
#my fanfic: fanfiction that I have written, usually a link to ao3 but may also be to ff.net
I also mostly tag hetalia characters as hws so if you look up hws canada (for example) you'll be able to see all posts about that character
Some of my favorite posts of mine ┈─★
Now more about me which is why you're reading this (I'm just kidding)
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Call me angel or anything really I don't care what I'm called (ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ)
Also please feel free to message me!! I love talking to people but I get a bit hestitant about initiating. My discord is billowingangel if you want to talk there!
I'm 20 years old and I go by she/her pronouns and I'm a lesbian I love me some boobs what can I say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I may be a raging homosexual but I'm also a raging hetaliansexual (joke), I am attracted to so many fictional male characters and shockingly a ton of them are from hetalia (shoot me dead)
I love hetalia if that isn't obvious, it's on my brain a probably disturbing amount what can I say I'm mentally ill. I also like other anime (demon slayer <333, jujutsu kaisen, the witch and the beast, parasyte, etc), doctor who (so happy there's a new season), yuri manga!!, and other shit. I love horrors and thrillers! I rarely watch romantic comedies but I love reading romance in fanfiction ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm working on my own book (probably my 20th book) but I'm hoping to actually finish this one.
I am also working on multiple fanfictions: red means it's completed
off the grid: canada slightly snaps and goes on vacation lol
???:idk what to call it, america, england, and france are all fighting for canada's love and he's oblivious
unhealthy obsession: another country becomes obsessed with canada
Falling for Canada: multiple rarepair oneshots with Canada
My first omegaverse 0.0
a really stupid horror drabble that I posted
amecan week 2024
And I believe that's it~ Maybe I'll add my favorite ships
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
Nsfw prompt 42 with A’den? Idk it just seems so on point for him :)
Playful Moments
Summary: Your handsome man has been away for months, deployed to some backwater planet for the good of the war. And you expect that your reunion will be like the ones seen in the holos, tears and flowers. You really, really should have known better.
Pairing: A'den Skirata x F!Reader
Word Count: 995
Warnings: Smut
Prompt: “Ever heard of an Australian kiss?”  “No.  What’s that?”  “It’s like a French kiss, but down under.”
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: Sorry that this took so long! I needed to come up with an idea that wasn't identical to the other request I got for this same prompt.
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Based on all of the holos that you’ve watched, when your soldier returns home from the war, you’re meant to greet him with delicate tears, and tight hugs and deep kisses. And you thought as much too.
It makes sense, right.
It’s been months since you’ve seen your A’den, after all. Deep kisses and tight hugs just make sense.
And sure, maybe you can’t meet him when he lands, your A’den has been kind of funny about letting his brothers meet you, claiming that he wants to be greedy about you for just a little longer, but that shouldn’t change things.
Plus, it means that you’re able to start dinner for him.
So, all in all, you don’t mind that you get to have your reunion in private. In truth, you wouldn’t want your reunion to happen in public anyway. You’ve always been a bit...shy, after all.
So you putter around your apartment, cleaning and making food, and daydreaming about how he’s going to kiss you when he’s finally home. Fantasizing about how he’ll hold you and pepper kisses all across your face.
You really, really should have known better.
The front door slides open, and you hear the sound of a heavy bag hitting the floor, and the sound of armor getting neatly stacked on the bench by the front door. And then surprisingly light footsteps, only heard because your apartment is old and creaky, as A’den steps from the front hall and into the kitchen.
You greet him with a grin, taking a moment to make sure that the meal wasn’t going to burn, before you turn and face him fully. “A’den,” His name is little more than a sigh on your lips, “Welcome home.”
His dark eyes glitter with mischief and a warm grin plays on his lips, “Glad to be home. Something smells delicious.”
“A stew, one of my families recipes.” You explain, “It just needs to sit in the slow cooker for another couple of hours.”
“Is that right?”
“It is, yes.” You toss the spoon into the sink, and walk over to him, reaching up to slide your arms around his neck, and his arms slot, tightly, around your waist.
“Good,” A’den replies, the looks of mischief growing, but before you can question him on it, his lips are on yours. It takes less than 10 seconds before he’s coaxing your lips apart for him and he’s sliding his tongue against yours.
He steals the breath right from your lungs, and you all but melt into him.
A’den breaks the kiss first, much to your disappointment. Though that disappointment fades away as he trails his lips across your cheek to linger just under your ear.
“Mm, missed you,” He purrs as he lightly nips your earlobe, “So, so much.”
You press against him, “Missed you too,” You reply as you lightly grip the front of his blacks.
A’den pulls back, a small grin on his lips, “Hey, kitten,”
You tilt your head at him, curiously.
“Have you ever heard of an Australian kiss?”
You blink at him, slightly bewildered, “No? What’s that?”
A’den’s grin grows, “It’s like a French kiss, only down under.” And then he sinks to his knees in front of you and slides his hands up the hem of your skirt. His gaze is heated as it locks with yours.
He pushes your skirt up, and presses the bunched up material into your hands, before he leans in and presses his lips against the flimsy material that hides your pussy from his eager lips.
You gasp his name and he moves slightly to press a hot kiss high on your thigh. “I have you, baby.” A’den coos, so very sweetly, as he tugs your panties down your legs and tosses them to the side.
Carefully, he urges you to lean back against the wall, before he lifts one of your legs over his shoulder. A’den’s gaze lingers on you, and you yelp when he blows surprisingly cool air against you. “A’den, stop teasing me.”
He presses a kiss higher on your pelvis, his dark eyes locking with yours once more, “Never.” There’s a hint of promise in his words and his gaze, and then he dives in, a low groan falling from him as he eagerly, and enthusiastically swipes his tongue across your slit.
He zeroes in on your clit, intent to make you fall apart for him in as short amount of time as possible, and you whimper as you press your hand over your mouth to stifle your moans.
“So pretty,” He murmurs against your, another groan falling from him as he tries to pull you closer to his face, “So sensitive. Kriff I love you.”
He pulls away and slowly eases a single digit in you, and you whine, rolling your hips towards him to take him even deeper, his gaze darting from where his finger is vanishing inside you to the look of bliss on your face.
A’den’s gaze darts back and forth for a moment, before he surges to his feet, tugs your hand away from your mouth, and crashes his lips against yours.
“Mine,” He growls against your lips as he curls his finger inside you and you clench around him, pulling a deeply aroused moan from his lips, “All mine.”
Just as you’re on the edge of falling apart for him, he pulls his fingers out of you, pulling a dismayed whine from you. His smile is small, and deeply amused, as he brings his fingers to your lips, “Open.”
Obediently you do as he instructs and slowly suck his finger clean.
A’den groans, low and deep, as he feels your tongue flicking against his finger, “I need to have you, kitten.” He murmurs, “Can I have you?” He pulls his fingers away from your and presses into your space. “Please?”
And he groans before he lifts you into his arms, intent on bringing you to the bedroom.
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eastwindmlk · 28 days
85) “Th-There are people outside this door—” “Well, this isn’t about them, is it?” 
For Nevannah the way you wrote them = hot
I got a little carried away with this one! There is also some... Plot? IDK. Anyway! Thank you so much for the prompt! I had loads of fun!
If anyone wants to toss me another one, just leave me a prompt and a ship in my asks.
2.1k NSFW under the cut!
“Professor Longbottom should be in his office, right over there.”
The sound of his name pulled Neville away from his paperwork and made him wonder who would be unfamiliar to have to ask. All his colleagues knew where his office was and so did his student.
Rather, he assumed his students would know. But maybe a first year? He remembered getting lost in the castle's winding and stretching corridors well into his fourth year. So, he had sympathy for whichever student needed direction.
His eyes returned to his work, scanning the nearly illegible essay on identifying the Flitterbloom, with a specific focus on the difference between it and Devil’s Snare. Something that most essays, so far, had failed to do.
If they were ever in proximity to the latter, they’d surely be in for a world of hurt.
This particular essay was not half bad, the words that he could decipher made the correct connections. He did make a mental note of telling Mr Mulligan that, in the future, he would rather him use a few extra inches of parchment if it meant that he would not need to wade through a sea of letters, all of which seemed to connect together with no regards for where paragraphs, sentences or even words separated.
The footsteps that approached down the hallway sounded vaguely familiar. The sound of heels on flagstone informed Neville that this was likely not a student. Heels were not permitted by the dress code, after all. And even the most stubborn Gryffindors seemed to only last half a day before the endless walking and the countless stairs enticed them into more comfortable footwear.
Making haste, Neville used a gentle sicking charm to attach his notes and Mr Mulligan’s mark onto the parchment before letting his eyes lift to assess whoever cast the shadow over his work.
A familiar dress caught his sight, one that he’d seen hanging in the closet for months now, the tags still attached while his wife debated whether or not to return. The soft coral fabric shimmered slightly in the afternoon light filtering through the window in his office. Highlighting the way it stretched over her hips and signed at the waist. Showing off the soft curves of her figure.
His heart was already stuttering before he could even meet her face. Neville forced his eyes upward, not allowing himself to linger any further lest he would completely forget how to speak. Only granting himself the most fleeting of moments to rove the sweetheart neckline that might just be the death of him.
“Everything alright?” he asked after swallowing away the dryness in his mouth, scratching absent-mindedly at his eyebrow. He wondered if he’d forgotten something. Had he promised to meet her? Was he late for a date? A dinner?
Oh Merlin, please let it not be tea with his grandmother.
But her face was soft, a pink blush dusted her cheeks and nose, and the corners of her lips curved upward into a warm smile. A flash of teeth while she laughed at his furrowed brow. “Can I not visit my husband at work without something being wrong?” she posed teasingly, her eyebrows raising just a fraction.
“Uhm… Well, I suppose you- can,” Neville stammers, a little confused still. Barely letting himself feel the rush of relief when she assured him things were fine. “So, just for my sanity. There is no fire? Nothing amiss you need help with?”
Hannah laughs and the sound is soft and melodic, though he can hear her nerves too. Which makes him wonder… “I never said that,” she says and interrupts his train of thought. “There is something I need help with.” With a twist of her wrist, the door to his office swung closed, the latch locking it.
He gulps, suddenly too aware of the way his Adam's apple bobs, how the hairs on the back of his neck stand to attention. She walks closer and the fabric of his trousers suddenly feels tight and uncomfortable. “Hannah, what are you doing?” His voice is breathless, too preoccupied by the way she is rounding his desk.
Almost by instinct, his hands find her hips and he helps her up onto the desk in front of him. Ignoring the pile of parchment fluttering down the side, too fascinated by the feel of the fabric under his thumbs as he ran them up her sides. His hands rested against her waist.
“I’m just making up for lost time,” she tells him coyly, her hands guiding him further up. “It seems like everyone else has stories about snogging in empty classrooms. So, I decided to do one better.”
Neville’s eyes still gazed into hers, mustering all his stubbornness into keeping them there. To not give in to the temptation. Even when he could feel the shift of her ribs with every breath. Her chest rose and fell as the heat of her body, so close to his, melted away his resolve.
Neville followed her gaze downward, lingering only for a moment on her perfect pink lips. Veering closer, half ring from his seat to taste them. But her hands pushed him back down into his chair as she tutted. “All in due time, darling.” Her eyes flicked downward once more.
No matter how much Neville fancied himself a gentleman his grandmother could be proud of. When presented with an opportunity to admire his wife’s ample chest, he was going to take it. Or grab it, with both hands, more like. Even at work.
The way Hannah had positioned herself, he was at the perfect height to skim his nose along the generous cleavage this particular dress provided. A moment of indulgence before he would come back to his senses. Back to his papers.
His lips brushed along the hit of a lace bra underneath, the idea alone made him groan. There was no way he was not going to be thinking about that every second until he could lay his eyes on it.
Neville’s hands travelled up further, the fabric of the dress stretching and bunching under her chest. His hands formed around her breasts, weighing and squeezing them. He could hear Hannah sigh when his calloused thumbs brushed over her already firm nipples.
Hannah’s hands travelled from resting on his shoulders, down his back. A deliberate move to press her chest into his face. Her fingers reached for the hem of his shirt, her arms not quite long enough. He could her starting the slow pull upwards. The feeling of her nails scraping against his skin set his nerve endings on fire.
His nose blissfully buried between her breasts, Neville breathed in deep savouring her scent. The sweet perfume of lavender and jasmine which she would often dab right where his nose now rested. The gourmand scent filled his nose, making his head swim.
The hem of his shirt lifted all the way to his shoulder blades, the fabric pulling under his armpits as Hannah tugged. Forcing him upright, but not before leaving a little nip on the soft curve of her.
“Nev, please,” she breathed, her chest heaving as his thumbs brushed along her nipples again, circling them as she whimpered. “I will vanish your shirt if you don’t take it off right now,” she urged, her voice dropping to a low whisper when there was a rattling at his office door.
The sound immediately made Neville sit back up, his hands dropping to either side of her. A panicked look adorned his features when his eyes darted between the door and his wife. “There are people outside this door—“he stated like it wasn’t obvious already.
But Hannah didn’t budge, instead, she used this opportunity to tug the shirt over his head. “Well, this isn’t about them, is it?” she taunted with the beginnings of a smirk playing around her lips. “Just tell them you’re busy.”
He shook his head, the muscle in his jaw tensing. “I can’t.”
“You won’t”
“I shan’t.”
Hannah looked at him with a look of bewilderment. “Neville!” Her tone was somewhere between pleading and demanding. His eyes flicked to the door when he heard the knock.
He wanted to answer, he should answer, that was his job after all. But his gaze kept snapping back to his wife, perched on his desk. How could he say no to that? Take into account that not even his outer robes were going to make him look appropriate.
Hannah’s hand reached up to cradle his face. “They’ll come back,” she assured him, her thumb trailing along his bottom lip. As if clockwork, a note slipped under his door and footsteps retreated.
Neville, now that he had some presence of mind, reached for his wand casting a quick succession of charms. Silencing, locking and just a small repelling charm to finish it off. “Now, where were we?” he asked, his voice low and thick with want. “One better than snogging is an abandoned classroom, right?”
In response, she nodded eagerly, her manicured nails digging into his neck when she finally pulled his lips to hers. “You should wear this dress more often,” Neville muttered against her lips and he could feel hers curl up in response.
“Only if you promise to take it off when I do,” she taunted, her teeth catching his lower lip, a groan rumbling in his chest while she tugged at it.
“That depends on how long you’d like to be wearing it beforehand,” Neville replied, his lips travelling down the column of her throat. Felt the cool metal of her wedding ring slip into the short curls at the nape of his neck.
She tugged at them and he moaned against her skin in return. His hands curved around her thighs, relishing in the feeling of her silken skin under his touch.
A wanton sigh fell from her parted lips once his thumbs found the inside of her thighs. “That depends on how long it takes for you to get on your knees,” she teased and all he could do in response was slip off his chair. Happy to fall to his knees in front of her.
“Like this?” Neville asked, lips leaving a trail of soft kisses and nips to the inside of her leg, kissing from ankle to where the hem of her dress sat, relishing in the way her voice faltered when she tried to answer. The way her fingers gripped him tighter.
Neville peered up, a silent plea for permission. Entranced by the sight above him. Hannah had leaned back on her hands, her back slightly arched and her hair cascading past her flushed cheeks and spilling down her shoulder, a few golden locks curled onto her heaving chest.
Her eyes found him, irises almost completely eclipsed by wide pupils. “Yes, darling, just like that,” she encouraged, parting her legs a little wider and unveiling the smallest pair of lace knickers he’d ever seen. Almost more string than fabric.
Any doubts he might have had before were melted away by the sheer want – no, need – for her. To touch and taste, feel the texture of those tiny knickers against his tongue, the pads of his finger To hear her sigh his name the way only he knew.
Carefully, Neville pulled her hips to the edge of his desk. His lips kissed closer and closer until he finally reached her centre. The full broad of his tongue against the delicate fabric made her shudder. Wordlessly telling him that she was aching for him as much as he was for her.
With a single, overeager tug, the elastic snapped free from her hip. A loss he would mourn once he could bring himself to care for anything other than savouring the taste of her, feeling her quiver and keen as he worshipped her with tongue. Lavishing her in kisses and touches until her begs for reprieve finally reached his ears.
“Are you alright?” Neville asked, almost innocently, as he rose back to his feet. The strain on his knees took him by surprise. He picked up his discarded shirt, using the hem to wipe at his chin and chest. His eyes were still trained on Hannah, now slumped over his desk, a faraway look in her eyes and a blissful smile on her lips.
“Yeah, perfectly,” she answered, breathless. The rapid expand and collapse of her chest slowly at his soft touch. “This wasn’t the plan.”
Neville raised a brow at her, curious now. “There was a plan?” he inquired a little sheepish while his shirt slipped back over his head.
Hannah laughed, her shoulders stuttering with the sound while she made an attempt at sitting up. Slumping against his chest, her face buried in his neck. “Yes, darling. I was planning on getting under your desk and making you grade papers while I…”
Neville’s face flushed, absent-mindedly adjusting himself as he chuckled. “Oh, well.” He cleared his throat once, his hand stroking her hair, following it down her back as he considered. “Another time then?”
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thee-great-enigma · 9 months
Leave the corset on part 2
×Pairing: ftm Kaeya x male reader
×Summery: Kaeya wears a corset and reader gets a little too horny
×POV: 2nd (you, yours, yourself)
NSFW under the cut
×WARNINGS/TAGS: •⚠️⚠️⚠️• Semi-public sex (no one's around), simping behavior, body worship, Sub!top!reader, Dom!bottom!Kaeya, pretty Disney princess Kaeya, male genitalia, pussy eating, trans Kaeya, bad writing, rushed, hair pulling, smut, cursing, lack of dirty talk or really any dialogue, pervy reader, idk anything else I missed
Also, I decided hallway through that I wanted him to be trans so.....if you don't like it just imagine he has a cock
You set him down gently on the bed, his sleeping figure peaceful and relaxed. You loved looking at him like this. As you laid down next to him, pulling the covers up over both of you, you thought about the events that had occured just half an hour before.
After Kaeya had taken all his clothes off, leaving the corset on as you instructed, you couldn't help yourself. You latched yourself onto his cute little pussy and devoured him hungrily. You swore you had better self control than this, but apparently it had been thrown out the window.
Not only did the Cavalry Captain look amazing, but he tasted and smelled absolutely delicious.
Your tongue exploded his clit, his insides, every fold. You lapped up any juices you could get, only stopping when Kaeya was squealing and tugging at your hair to pull you away. You panted, having forgotten breath was kind of necessary to live. Your chin was dripping with not only slick, but cum too. You hadn't even noticed, too caught up in your hungry daze, that you'd made Kaeya cum twice and overstimulated him in just a few minutes.
"Jeez... You act like you're starved." He whined, gently rubbing your scalp where he'd tugged a little roughly at your locks.
"Can't help it."
"Ever heard of self control?"
"Then where did yours go?"
"Out the window."
You said, nestling between his thighs again but this time to place gentle kisses along the tender, sun kissed skin. You could have sworn his skin looked like the creamiest chocolate ever. It made you want to bite into him. Surely a little nibble wouldn't hurt, right?
Kaeya groaned and writhed beneath you, once again trying to pull you away. When he finally managed to pull your mouth off him, he huffed and slid off the log, straddling your lap and undoing your pants. "I think I should take over. At this point you'll drain me if cum before we get to the good part."
"Drama queen..." You muttered with a small huff, watching as he freed your hard cock, already leaking buckets of pre-cum all over your pants and boxers. As your length tapped against your stomach, a gooey string of pre connected your stomach and tip.
"Jeez..." "What's wrong?" "I didn't think you'd be this big.." "So what, I'm sure you can still take it."
Kaeya sighed, his signature smile returning as he lifted himself up, holding your hands tightly. He let go of one of your hands to line his entrance up with your dick. He managed to slide the tip in before clasping his hand back with yours. You watched with big hungry eyes as his pretty little boycunt swallowed you up, the warmth and wetness of his pussy making you groan. You tried to let go of Kaeyas hands, wanting to grab his hips and make him take you whole, but he stopped you, smirking.
"Ah ah ah~ Keep your hands where they are."
"B- But- you're going so slow..."
"This is a very normal pace, [name]..."
"Well it's not enough. I want more."
"Fine..." And without another warning, Kaeya plunged onto your cock, letting out a low moan at the slight sting from the stretch. He took a moment to adjust, watching your face. The way your jaw hung slightly open and eyes just barely open as they stayed locked on where you two were connected. It was adorable really. Seeing someone already so brainless beneath him, even if he hadn't even done much. You reminded him of a stupidly cute dog, one of those ones you just wanted to hug so tight it exploded.
As he admired your face, he began to slowly bounce up and down on your cock, wet plapping sounds echoing under the big tree as he gradually picked up the pace, moans escaping both of you.
"So tight... you're so warm and tight... Wanna be in you all the time.."
"Is that so? You really are sort of a perv, ya know that?"
"don't care..." You muttered, once again trying to free your hands to take hold of his hips, which ended in failure and a frustrated whine. However, he did slight pick up the pace, chasing his building third release while you were getting close to your first. You whined and groaned into his chest, taking one of his nipples into your mouth and sucking on it. He let out a slight gasp and watched you suckle and nibble, letting go of your hands and running his lean fingers through your soft hair.
You took the opportunity and placed your hands firmly on his hips, helping him move up and down at a faster pace. But this position wasn't really your favorite. Sure, you'd love to just sit back and let Kaeya work while you admired his body, but you were feeling much too desperate right now to be so patient as to sit back and just watch. You leaned forward and pushed him against the large root of the tree, pulling his thighs up to your sides and burying your face in his neck as you began pistoning in and out of him at a pace that had him gasping and whining, clawing at your shoulders and hair to find purchase. You moaned into his collarbone, making sure to kiss Kaeyas sweet spot with each thrust. Slick and precum dropped out of his hole and off your cock, down your balls and to the ground beneath.
On a particularly harsh thrust, Kaeya let out a loud cry and clenched sweetly around you cock, cumming with a whispery whine. You didn't give him time to rest or recover, chasing your own release. It wasn't long until you shot a thick hot load deep into him, making sure to kiss his womb to fill him up. As you slowed your thrusts, bullying your cock to spill more sweet love into Kaeyas pussy, you felt him tighten and shudder, cumming a second time before relaxing.
You sighed, although not content just yet, you felt at peace. You kissed along his neck and jawline, making sure to mark him up a bit. You let go of his thighs and hugged his waist with your palms, appreciating how tightly the corset he wore fitted his slim, pretty figure. It was so adorable, so pretty. You wanted the sight to be engraved into your memory.
You wished you had a Kamera on you right now.
Okay I'm sorry this took so long I rewrote it like five times and it's still bad I'm so sorry I didn't do my favorite pretty boy justice but I've been sick for like a month and also very busy
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babybubastis · 1 year
Playing With Fire 🔥
Chapter 22: It’s All Fun and Games…
Check it out here!
Pairings: Shuri x Bucky Barnes, Shuri x Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes x Shuri x Steve Rogers
Word Count: ~8.2k
Warnings: 18+ only!!; NSFW; alcohol consumption; smut; vaginal fingering; oral sex (F receiving)
Additional Tags: M/F/M; polyamory; for anyone wondering, Shuri is ~26, Bucky is ~37, Steve is ~39
Chapter Summary: Shuri doesn’t know when to quit, but *one* of the boys is happy to set her straight 😈
A/N: Idk if anyone is still interested in this silly little fic, but if you’re still with me THANK YOU! I’m so so sorry for the horribly long length of time between updates. Life is crazy (as per usual) and I’m also slowly but surely working on like 7 different WIPs 🥴 I hope this chapter at least somewhat makes up for the wait. Thank you SO MUCH for reading!! ❤️❤️❤️ If you enjoy, please like, reblog, kudos, comment, share, etc. I appreciate it more than you know!
(Sidenote: new moodboard because Tish in that black dress 😮‍💨😩🥵)
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Shuri arches a brow.
Something about the way he says it — low and sharp, jaw clenched in irritation, hand gripping his cue so tightly that it bows under his strength — it makes her squirm in her seat.
Steve is competitive. She’s always known that about him. But she’s never seen him like this. The vein on the right side of his neck bulges a little bit as he groans in frustration at his terrible shot, and all Shuri wants to do is trace it with her tongue and suck his skin into her mouth. He would look so good with one of her hickeys marking his pale neck.
“Well,” Sam says with a sigh, leaning his pool stick against the wall, “I’m going to get a drink.” He pats Steve on the back before walking around the pool table. “Good game, or whatever,” he mutters to Bucky and Shuri. Shuri chuckles, bumping his shoulder with hers as he passes by.
Once Sam is out of earshot, Steve makes his way toward her and Bucky, arms crossed over his chest.
“Playing dirty, huh?” he murmurs, tilting his head.
Shuri tuts. “Don’t be a sore loser, Stevie, we won fair and square.”
Steve actually growls a little bit. Shuri can’t help the slight widening of her eyes and the sudden dampness between her thighs.
Competitive, irritated Steve is hot.
Bucky hums in thought. “Think we should give him a rematch, angel? Maybe we could let him and Sam win the next one, just out of courtesy.”
Steve shakes his head, the ghost of a smirk pulling at his lips. “Fuck you.”
“Not with that attitude,” Shuri quips.
Bucky laughs, then plants his lips to her temple. “Careful, I think he’s gettin’ a little testy.”
Before Shuri can answer, Riri calls her name. Shuri glances over to find her and Kate backing up toward the elevator. “Hey, we’re headed back downstairs to play another round. You in?”
Shuri grins. “Sure, why not?” She uncrosses her legs, making to step down from the bar stool when Bucky and Steve both reach out to grab each of her hands. “Thank you, boys. Looks like I’ll need a rain check on that rematch.”
“So you’re just disappearing on us?” Bucky asks, pouted lips turning downward ever so slightly.
“Just for one game.” She gently squeezes his arm, then turns to grab her phone and her clutch from the table. “And then I think I’ll be ready to go home.”
Bucky and Steve exchange a glance, excitement dancing in their eyes.
“Promise?” Steve asks, previous irritation forgotten.
Shuri winks. “Promise.”
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theweasleysredhair · 4 years
Breathless [F.W.]
Character: Fred Weasley
Word Count: 2783
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: “Stop biting that fucking lip!” In which Y/n is a sales assistant working in the Weasley’s store; Fred likes her but finds it difficult to show this, especially since all he wants to do is to throw her against a wall and shag her.
WARNING: this is NSFW, 18+, smutty, sexy times, idk how else to say it. read with caution. or delight. idk anymore.
Tags: @gracemayhateyou @wand3ringr0s3 @theweirdsideofstuff @harrysweasleys @thoseofgreatambition
Disclaimer: Gif isn't mine, credit to whoever made it
A/n: I DID A THING (Fred Weasley is one hot motherfucker just saying)
also this was supposed to be a drabble... oops?
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+ + + + +
Fred wondered why he had hired you.
Well he knew why he had - because you were amazing at your job - but right now, as he watched you, bent slightly at the waist, interacting with some young children who had entered the shop, he severely regretted his decision. The only reason for this was that, due to the nice summer weather, you had decided to wear a skirt. A form-fitting skirt. A skirt that made Fred’s pants a tad too form-fitting themselves.
It wasn’t your fault - the sun had come as a welcome change, prompting the majority of people to be wearing lighter clothes as they hurried through Diagon Alley, so as to beat the heat. You’d just happened to have chosen a skirt that made Fred wish he could bend you over the till counter and pull said skirt up to your waist.
He couldn’t help the way his eyes wandered down your form to the curve of your bum as you reached up to grab products for the customers you were with, or - even better - this morning when you had bent down to pick up something someone (Fred) had dropped. His heart was pounding from the thought, and he was still trying to live down the fact he’d had to ask to swap with George, who was behind the till, in order to hide a certain problem of his from customers and from you - something George had found hilarious, joking about it every time he passed his twin throughout the rest of the day - “Alright there, Freddie? Working hard are we?” - earning more than a few glares.
Merlin though, Fred wanted you. He wanted to be able to kiss you, hold you, love you openly. He wanted to ask you for your input on new inventions, to ask you for your opinion on anything - everything. To be the last one to kiss you at night and the first thing you saw in the morning. And he definitely wanted you in his bed. Or in the shower. Or against the wall.
Preferably all of the above.
He couldn’t remember when he first caught feelings - sometime during your years at Hogwarts, but Fred couldn’t pinpoint exactly when he realised he was in love with you as opposed to just loving you. Perhaps it was that one game of truth or dare that lead to you kissing him - a thought he savoured and thought back to a lot. The way your lips felt against his and how he was able to hold you close in that moment.
All he knew was that he was left breathless in your presence.
He spent the rest of the day with thoughts of you in his head, swirling around as he tried to focus on serving customers. This proved a difficult feat considering you were right by him on the shop floor - talking, laughing, smiling. Fred cursed himself for being so caught up on you, but he couldn’t help himself.
He was so wrapped up in watching the way your lips turned up into a smile, the way your hips swayed as you walked, imagining how they’d feel against his own that he nearly missed George bidding his goodbyes after the store had closed for the day - something about meeting Angelina - as he made himself busy tidying one of the stands near the entrance.
“Hey Fred?” You called from the storage room. Fred blinked, pulling his thoughts away from his fantasies and back into reality, “Yeah?”
There was silence for a moment, and Fred placed the vial he was holding back into its place before wandering over to the storage room just as you entered back onto the shop floor.
“George asked if we could find a place to put these new products,” you said, bringing out a couple of trays of a new product designed to give the taker the temporary ability to read minds.
Fred frowned slightly. He knew for a fact that this product was supposed to be set up at the weekend, not today, before he both cursed and thanked George mentally as he realised his twin had given him some time alone with you - and an excuse as to why.
You’d placed the trays down and began looking around the shop, trying to work out the best place to display them, absent-mindedly pulling your bottom lip between your teeth as you did.
Fred’s gaze was directed at where your teeth met your lip and he swallowed, his jaw clenching as he imagined himself being the one biting your lip, and what sounds you’d make whilst he was doing so.
In his haze, he hadn’t realised you’d moved to the opposite side of the till counter, placing some other products you’d taken from another display down as you leant on the counter yourself. The movement caused Fred to glance over at you and his breath immediately hitched in his throat.
He could’ve sworn your top was buttoned all the way to your collar just moments ago and yet now, as you were leaning on your elbows on the counter as you spoke about the idea for the display you had, all he could focus on was the sight of the top of your breasts, in perfect view from the way your top had fallen as you’d leant.
“I suppose we could always move the love potions stand to the other side of the shop,” you looked up at Fred to see his response and instead were met with a soft gaze and no hint that he’d heard what you’d said. You raised your hand up in front of his face, an amused smile now playing on your lips as you watched him jump slightly, pulling him from whatever daydream he’d concocted in his head.
“I’m sorry, love, what we’re you saying?” He reaches up to stroke the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Were you not listening again?” You teased, giving him a playful eye roll. “I’m sorry, I was just distracted,” he replied.
“By what?”
Fred cleared his throat, not wanting to admit that he was very much imagining throwing you against the nearest wall and snogging the hell out of you. He instead changed the subject, he hoped subtly, as he returned his focus to the tray of products on the counter, “We could move the Pygmy puffs over and put the new stand nearer the front.”
“That could work,” you looked around and bit your lip in thought again, “Yeah and then we could move...”
But Fred’s focus was lost again. He knew he should be paying attention, that you’d beg him to know what had him so distracted but he couldn’t help it. Not when you were stood barely five feet in front of him, with your top practically unbuttoned and your skirt hugging your curves the way it was.
“What do you think?” You turned back to him happily, before seeing him in a trance again, “Um... Fred?”
Fred blinked, “Oh um yeah, yeah sure, sounds good!”
“Okay good! And then where should we move the snack boxes to...” And there you went again with the lip biting. Merlin, were you doing it on purpose? Could you tell how badly it was affecting him?
And suddenly Fred was only vaguely aware of you being mid sentence as he interrupted your planning with a growl, “Will you stop biting that fucking lip?!”
You jumped, a bewildered look dancing across your features, “What?”
“Stop. Biting. That. Fucking. Lip.” He spoke in a low tone that hit you between your legs and your mouth dropped slightly.
That’s when you saw it. His skin flushed, jaw clenched. His darkening eyes. Your own eyes wandered down his suit-clad arms, sleeves rolled to his elbows and displaying his toned forearms, knuckles white from gripping onto the counter.
You watched his tongue dart out to swipe across his bottom lip and nearly whimpered.
“Oh yeah? Or what?” You challenged him, purposely pulling your bottom lip between your teeth again.
“Or this!”
And suddenly Fred had slammed you against the nearest flat wall, his hands around your wrists as he easily pushed your arms up above your head. Your chests were pressed together, heaving from the deep breaths you were taking, his forehead resting on yours before he crashed his lips against your own.
He held onto your wrists with one hand, using the other to pull you closer to him by your hip, his tongue licking into your mouth as you moaned, completely taken by the man pressed against you. He ran his tongue across your bottom lip and gently nibbled, finally finding out what it felt like to bite your fucking lip.
You felt him through his pants, hard against your thigh as you sighed into his mouth, your hips rolling against his and making him let out a guttural moan.
He dropped his grip from your wrists just long enough to shake off his suit jacket, leaving him in his shirt as you ran your hands down his chest, revelling in the feel of his abs through the material.
His lips were still on yours, as if he was trying to imprint the feel of kissing you into his brain forever. In case this was a one time thing. In case it never happened again.
And then suddenly his mind was taken over by the feeling of your hands on his chest, unbuttoning his shirt as his own hands ran along the skin underneath your own shirt, fingertips reaching up to dance along the base of your bra, his hands gripping your back as you worked to take each others’ clothing off.
You pulled away for just a moment, pulling your shirt over your head as Fred did the same, throwing your bra somewhere in the middle of the floor, instantly forgotten as Fred put his hands back on you.
You shimmied your skirt down before making quick work of getting Fred out of his pants, mouth almost watering when you saw his hard cock pressing against the material of his boxers.
He pushed his lips back on yours, holding your bum as your hands reached around his neck to pull at the tufts of hair there, earning what you could only describe as a growl from him.
“Tell me to stop,” he groaned, taking in the sight of you, breathless and writhing under him.
“What if... I don’t want... you to stop,” you gasped as his mouth ghosted down your jaw, pressing the occasional open mouthed kiss to your skin.
“You want me to keep going?” He asked, sucking at the skin just below your jawline. “I want you to make me feel good,” you said as you stared up into his dark eyes.
“Darling, I can make you feel better than good,” Fred promised with a smirk.
His lips were then busy licking down your neck, towards your chest and he gently teased a nipple into his mouth, nibbling and earning breathy moans from you. One hand gripped your bum as the other held the back of your thigh, slowly moving round and under your skirt as he lightly ran a finger along the lace of your underwear. “This wet just for me?” He grinned, pulling away from your breast to meet your gaze as you nodded breathlessly, “All for you, Freddie.”
“I like the sound of that,” he replied as he moved to your other breast, giving it the same attention as he hooked a finger under the band of your underwear.
He began trailing kisses down your stomach and then kneeled before you, slowly pulling your underwear down your legs before pausing, looking up at you, “These expensive?”
“I can buy more.”
And with that, he ripped them from your legs, throwing them off to the side, falling somewhere with your discarded shirts.
His warm breath hit between your legs and he gripped your thighs before plunging his tongue inside of you, licking into you and making you gasp. The sound you made when he gently bit your clit was downright filthy, and you swore you could feel Fred smirking against you. He pushed his fingers into you, lazily thrusting them in and out as you leant against the wall, eyes closing in pleasure.
Just as you felt yourself getting close, your breathing staggered as you edged towards your climax, Fred decided to pull away from you, the cold air hitting you suddenly, making you open your eyes and you whimpered at the loss of contact.
“Look at you, being so needy. My needy girl, huh? I’ll make you cum, don’t worry, I’m just... dragging it out a little,” Fred smirked as he stood up, his fingers suddenly entering you again but this time only moving slowly.
You desperately thrust your hips into his hand, hoping for more friction, sighing frustratedly as he tutted and removed his hand completely.
He stepped away from you, pulling his underwear off and you finally caught the sight of his cock, long and thick, precum covering the tip. He grabbed himself, slowly stroking himself as he stepped back towards you.
“Can I..?” You spoke, your eyes following his hands. “Be my guest, princess.”
Fred could’ve died happy, he thought, with your pretty lips around his cock, your hands pumping what wouldn’t fit into your mouth, letting out groans as your tongue swirled around the tip.
He felt himself twitch, when suddenly you’d pulled away and he knew as he watched you stand up with your swollen lips curling into a smile that it was your way of paying him back for denying you yours before.
“Dangerous game you’re playing here, love,” He warned, stepping towards you.
“I’m playing to win,” you replied, crossing your arms over your chest and absent-mindedly pushing your breasts up with the action.
Fred groaned, “I need to be inside of you.”
His hands were back on you, kissing you again before he guided himself to push inside of you. You both groaned together, breaths hitting the other as he thrusted up into you, pinning you against the wall. He grabbed your waist, his muscles flexing, sweat beading along his collarbone as you leant forward to kiss his neck, biting the spot under his ear that made him suddenly moan and his hips stutter.
“Look at you, taking my cock so well,” he breathed out, his abs tightening with every push into you.
He then nodded over to the till counter just behind you, “See that counter? I’ve been thinking about bending you over it all day.”
“Then why don’t you?” You gasped out your breath hitching in your throat as he gave a particularly deep thrust.
Without a reply, he pulled out of you, making you whimper at the empty feeling, before pulling you over to the counter quickly. He shoved the product trays onto the floor, unbothered by them crashing to the floor as he pressed a rough, dirty kiss to your lips before turning you around and bending you over like he’d imagined so many times before. His hands roamed across your bum, squeezing before pushing back into you and making you cry out.
His hands were on your waist as he pounded into you, before he reached around to pull you up so your back hit his chest, both of you glancing towards the large front window of the shop.
“Anyone could come by and see us, but you don’t care about that do you? Just as long as I keep making you feel good,” he growled in your ear, and you felt yourself clench around his cock, earning a groan from him.
“Freddie,” you whispered, your head falling back against his shoulder as you felt your stomach tightening, building up to your release, “I’m gonna- I’m gonna-“
“There’s a good girl,” Fred praised, a hand running up your stomach to hold one of your breasts, “You’re so good to me. Come for me, princess.”
You let out a moan as your climax washed over you, collapsing forward onto the counter as Fred thrusted into you a couple more times before releasing inside of you, gripping your hips as he groaned, his head falling against the back of your neck as you both tried to catch your breath.
“I love you,” he mumbled, his lips tracing across your back and down your shoulder. And in that moment, as you were coming down from your high, whispering the words back to him, you knew this was the start of something that neither of you were prepared for.
After all, you left each other breathless.
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Hey I love your content. Would you be able to do a Derek Hale NSFW alphabet please?? Thank you. I love how you write his stuff
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pairing: derek hale x fem!reader
warnings: smut → NSFW alphabet
headcanon 🖤
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ☾ ☼ ☽ •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•
requests are open🖤
request guidelines✨
smut night masterlist 💦
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
(i've written a headcanon on this)
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
honestly i wanna say derek loves your hands
now hear me out
he loves having your arms wrapped around his back as your nails drags down his back
or when your hands reach out for him
or holding your hand while fucks into you
would love to tie them up but would secretly miss the feeling of them over his body while he pleased you
would also love when you pull his hair
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
fuck omg okay derek would get off on making you cum
that man would love when you cum - you'd be moaning his name, gripping the sheets, body shaking, pussy throbbing and pulsing
to make you cum while he fucked you and have you pussy pulsing around his cock
that would make him feel so good too
plus i think being able to make you cum would be such an ego boost too - like don't think that little shit wouldn't be cocky about it though hahah
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
oooh bitch okay so we all know how werewolves have increased senses
and so i feel like he'd use it to his advantage
he'd be able to hear the way your heart beats faster when you're getting closer to the brink of orgasm
or he'd be able to smell your arousal dripping off you and he'd use that to tease you - this could be by running his finger up your thigh, squeezing your ass
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i mean it's literally cannon that he's had experience before lmao
so that being said, derek would know how to please a woman
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
i think it's hard for him to really choose one specific position?
like he'd like lots of different positions tbh
but one might be when you're on your back and your ankles are on his shoulders while he fucks you
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
okay so i know derek is the most serious guy but that doesn't stop him from having fun during foreplay
or when he's being rough with you - when you giggle at teasing or him tickling you slightly, it comforts him bc he knows you're doing okay
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
i dont really think he cares about that tbh
like i'd like to say he's groomed but idk
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
derek's not really into pda, so any alone time you guys get is when he loves to hold and kiss you
and so during sex i think he'd love to hold your hands or hold you close ya know
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
derek would get himself off when he knows you're not in the mood
he'd hate to be one of those partners that expects their significant other to get them off every time they were horny or have the view that just because they're together it means they have to do it all the time
we love a respectful king
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
ugh would 100% begging and light bondage
to have you pleading for him to let you cum or to even touch him would drive him wild
would be such a dirty talker too oh my lord
would love when you're in charge
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
his loft lol and that's it
his car if you're lucky
like i said, he's not that big on pda so i can't really imagine him fucking you in semi-public placs
but the rare exceptions would be if you were seriously misbehaving and teasing him lol
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
derek would love seeing you fight!!
seeing you destroy the monster would make him have that 'that's my girl' thought ya know
you'd be so focused and using the combat moves derek taught you
awh he'd also love you when you do little things for him
like make dinner or buy him something nice (like a shirt or something)
or even if you did the grocery shopping for him bc there's so little food in his loft omg
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i think derek is really good at knowing your limits which would result in you rarely having to use the safe word
so basically anything that would push you too far tbh
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
would be the king of pussy eating!
derek would never expect you to give him head (especially during the first few times)
but oh my he would die happily whenever you did
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
okay so i think when he eats you out, he'd be slow and really wanting to take his time with you - you've got all night so what's the rush?
but fucking you is a different story
he'd be rough - fast and hard and would love changing positions a lot too
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
these would be either for 1 of 2 reasons
1 - you're misbehaving so he fucks you hard in a public bathroom or even his car in the parking lot to each you a lesson
2 - when you look so damn good, especially if you two were going out for a group dinner or something that requires you to get al dressed up
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
both of you would be up for experimenting
but he would suggest going over ground rules of what you absolutely do not want to try so he knows not to suggest trying
i suppose he'd the type to try things in the moment too
like there'd be one time where he blindfolded you for the first time bc he just thought of it
you were okay with it, of course, but it's things like that that makes sex with derek really exciting
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
um okay but have you seem his normal stamina???
that man would go for hours and not get the least bit tired
derek would love to see you all fucked out and exhausted ahah
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
i'd say he'd experiment with toys too
wouldn't be a fan of using them all the time (besides the obvious handcuffs and blindfolds lmao) but would still be up for it
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he'd be such a bitch when he ate you out
would stop right before you're about to cum and ask how good it feels before going back to eating you out
that little break only causes a stronger orgasm for you which of course he knows - derek would be so smug about that too lol
would also perceive you in a nice dress (as mentioned before if you guys were going out to a nice dinner or something) as you teasing him
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
not loud - i'd imagine low grunts and maybe a louder moan when he cums
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
derek hale is a switch
he would love the power balance between you both
he'd love to be the one to dominate you, but would 100% love when you do that to him
ahh omg and would secretly love when you tease the hell out of him
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
i wanna say pretty big lol 👀
like i dont think we should be surprised lmao
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
high but not ridiculous you know
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
sweetie would love to cuddle you afterwards and play with your hair
would also fall asleep by doing that too lmao
tag list: (click here to be apart of the tag list!)
@dylanobrienhehe // @jermaee // @boxofsteampunkplaces // @mollyknm // @greengarsstuff // @bailaycantaconmingo // @angelcbf //@daniellegreavess // @shrekaliciouz // @v3niceb1tchldr // @stellastyless // @jenniferrvsesi // @madaline1hatter // @bellabadacadabra // @mutlifandom // @babygirl-angel-love
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
The OP Boys & Their Personal Dirty Secrets pt. 2
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A/N : Hey hun! I hope you like this! ( i can’t tag you idk why ) I saw you wanted a part two to this and decided to do it because it was fun. I guess, lol. anyways hope you like this! :>
Soooo, don’t judge the gif I couldn’t find anything else. Also I’m kinda tired ;-; alsooo. these ones are a LITTLE bit dirtier.
kid and mihawk don’t have specific dark secrets since I couldn’t think of anything that would yk connect to them. ;-;
Summary : All of these boys and their personal, hidden dirty secrets. PART TWO!
Oh boy, this male, despite his possessiveness, has a bit of a voyeurism kink. He hasn’t yet, but he DEFINITELY wants to turn on the country wide announcement, ( like those screens whatever used in Dressrosa when he talked ) and just fuck you as everyone watches throughout the island. He dreams of it, and one day, HE WILL make it a reality.
“How does it feel?” The lick of his lips and the shit-eating grin was on display all over the island for the people of Dressrosa to see, the image of Doflamingo’s hips thrusting and making contact with your rear.
“Does it feel good to have the whole island watching you being fucked senseless, by me? Their king?”
You couldn’t respond, lost in the insane amount of pleasure that ran through your body, specifically your lower regions. You didn’t even care that you were being watched, basking in the euphoria you were given at the moment.
Doffy’s strings suspended you partially in air, the material binding your body so you couldn’t move in the slightest as he took you from behind.
Arms wrapped around your bare figure, one holding you thigh tightly while the other wrapped around your torso, his hand grasping your throat and his fingers, pressing itself onto the flesh of your neck.
If you were fortunate, your face was cut off from the screen to be visible but your exposed body was seen by everyone who watched.
Doflamingo felt glory and power, as he continued to fuck you for all to see, your sweet, melodic moans echoing through the island as he did this.
What a fantasy that will soon become a reality.
Literally anything but also nothing. I couldn’t think of anything.. so here’s a kink he has! Dominant Submission. (?) basically, he LOVES the submissive ones, but those who really fight back. Feisty bitches yk? But like, he knows you’re all talk because he’ll have you begging for him on your knees once the two of you really get started. ;)
You’re teasing the hell out of Kid. You’re being bad by ignoring Kid and disobeying his orders and the Captain has had enough.
He barges into your room, slamming the door shut with the lock clicking on and before you could react, he has his hand around your throat and your back shoved to the wall.
“You think you’re being funny?” He growls into your ear, instantly using his free hand to rip your clothes off in a swift pull.
Despite the lack of air you had, your face still formed a sly and cheeky smirk in response. “I..I think it’s.. hilarious. Ha.”
Kid scowls before slowly smirking himself and tightened his grip on your neck a little bit more, but not enough to actually kill you. ( he cares after all :> )
“Tch. Looks like you need a punishment.” He drags you over to your bed and shoves you roughly done onto him, unbuckling his pants and pulled the belt out from the loops and pressed the two ends together so he had an able whipping belt. ( make sense? )
You merely grin at this and tilt your head. “Oh? Is that for me?” You hum and sat up, legs up and spread for him to see your already getting wet pussy, arms over you knees.
The sight of it made Kid growl lowly before he walks closer to you. “Time for you to face the consequences of pissing me off.”
With one hand, he forces you down onto the bed, breasts against the mattress and your ass forcefully in the air.
And with the raise of his other hand, it was only seconds before a loud whip was heard.
Tears stings the corner of your eyes but you still held strong, biting your lip. “Is that all you got? Guess you weren’t so angry.” You laugh and Kid didn’t respond, only whipping you once more, a little more force.
“Don’t you worry. I have all night long.”
[ I could write a whole OneShot about this, I had to stop lol ]
Little bit harder, buttt, come on. Sex in the air? Marco’s dream, for sure. And if he’s going to admit it, yes, he has done sexual activities in the air, where no one would be around.
The blonde doctor soars across the sky, a little ways away from the ship, not too far to lose sight but enough where he wouldn’t be seen, regardless of it being the time of night.
He’s only ever done it once or twice, but the no matter how many times Marco would do it again afterwards, the first time experience couldn’t ever be bested.
Sexual activities in the air.
Yet, that didn’t mean Marco didn’t love the thrill and excitement it brought him, especially when he did it so often in his younger days.
Extending his bright cyan blue wings out and around him, Marco palms himself through his pants, shutting his eyes before slightly lowering his pants enough to release his cock into the exposed cold air.
Marco shivers before reeling back and moving so he was laying down, his wings as support. One left propped up and his fingers wrapped itself around his shaft, his touch slow.
With nothing but the moon lighting down on him and the refreshing night breeze in the midnight sky, Marco felt at ease as he continues to rub his length in a teasingly slow motion, only increasing in speed seconds after.
Marco won’t lie, when it came to his release, he often did it into his hands and a bit dripping down onto his hips and chest,
but it felt good letting his cum spurt into the ocean.
It’s pretty known that Thatch is a real perv with large sexual desires. ( at least to me because of @ honeybakedthatch lol ) however, this personal secret is his dirtiest one yet.
Thatch bit his lip as he grunted out a soft groan, feeling the rest of his warm, bitter cum shooting out from his tip and into the leftover mixture of cream and condensed milk he made for the cinnamon buns.
Pulling his pants up and zipping it tight, Thatch made sure to thoroughly mix the cum and mixture together with a plastic spoon before drizzling it over the cinnamon buns he left out just for you.
The plastered grin Thatch wore merely widens as he watched the ordinary looking cinnamon buns look identical to the others, but he knew the pleasant surprise in taste that differed.
Just as he finished drizzling the cream, the door opened, you having walked in. “Thatch, I smell something good! What is it?”
The cheery, innocent smile you had made Thatch smirk a bit, the imagination all too pleasant, the thought of you eating his delicious cinnamon buns.
“I made cinnamon buns. Here, I made these especially for you.” Thatch holds out the separate plate he had and walks closer to you, placing a sweet kiss on your temple before letting you take the plate and fork.
“Enjoy. If it’s a bit too bitter, let me know and I’ll.. sweeten it up for you.”
This stoic ass man is such an intimate, romanticist, he doesn’t quite have very dirty secrets.. but, one kink he secretly has is bondage and slight corruption. He won’t ever mention it but if you bring it up, he’ll voice his opinions on it.
“Now, now, love. You should be careful.”
Mihawk’s strict but amused tone was evident as he sat in his chair and watched you writhe in the tight black silk ribbons that bounded you on the ground.
Your arms were tied behind your back, your vision blocked by a silk blindfold and your legs were forced spread by a ankle bar, exposing your bare heat towards Mihawk.
You were leaning against a table/chair, and the only thing you could hear were Mihawk’s praises and warnings, along with the humming vibration that came from the vibrator strapped to your clit.
“You might loosen the binds, and you know you don’t want that, do you?” Mihawk sternly questions and you shook your head, biting your lip to prevent yourself from moaning out too loud.
“Oh? You aren’t responding?” Mihawk smiles slightly as he leans on his hand, elbow on the armrest of his chair. “I asked you a question.”
You gasp out in realization and stammered out, trying to close your legs from the shock and orgasm you keep receiving.
“I-I mean no.. h-hah.. ah.. I, I don’t want it to loosen.” Your blush darkens at the embarrassment you held, but you loved this, just as much as Mihawk did.
I could come up with a bunch of things but the first thing my mind went to was — sex tapes. Shanks is all for EVERYTHING but I feel like sex tapes seal the deal. Especially since he hooks up with so many women, I’m sure.
Shanks watches as the woman below him arches her back and curls her toes in pure bliss and euphoria.
The loud moans escaping her lips and filling the motel rooms only edged him further.
His tight grip on the woman’s left thigh glides up to grab the soft mound flesh on her left, his fingers twisting the little perky bud as he thrusted his hips roughly into her, eliciting a louder pleasurable cry.
The sound of skin slapping was the only thing heard other than the heavy grunts of Shanks and the mewls of the woman being fucked into oblivion.
Shanks, despite having the time of his life and was nearing his climax as he continued to thrust into the two small and tight lips, it’s walls clenching around him, could only think about the recording camera on its designated position on top of the drawer.
As much as he loved the real experience at the current moment, he couldn’t wait to rewatch the recording of it and relive the experience that way.
A/N: here you go, hun! I know you wanted a part 2 with these characters and I hope this went out you expected and wanted! :>
A few don’t have proper endings but it’s gooddd enoughhh for me. :p
jus wondering, what do y’all think Kid has? Master, sir, daddy or captain kink? Or none and just his name?
Law def has a “doc/doctor” kink lol but since I’m at it, I don’t think Marco has that.
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waywardimpalawriter · 3 years
hi! i really love your writing, and was really hoping you could do another dean winchester x f! plus size reader. possibly were they are best friends and she is pining for someone else. so before she can make her move on someone else he stops her and confess his love for her. idk maybe some angst/fluff/smut?? you don’t have to if u don’t want to, it’s totally up to you. like no pressure at all! but seriously, i do really love all your writing and i wanted to say thank you for everything u write and do!! <3 once again no pressure at all with this ask, but overall thank you!!<3
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Just one good reason
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Plus Size Female Reader
SPN mixed Bingo Square: Hurt/Comfort Square
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester,
Setting: mid season 11
Rating: E (explicit), NSFW, 18+ only please
Warnings: angst, smut, yearning, grumpy and sweet Dean (yes they need a warning),
Word count: 12,805 (Truly Was suppose to be this long. I blame Dean for this.)
Summary: He’s given a million reasons, damaged goods, blood on his hands, nightmares, scared in so many ways. But most of all that he’s not good enough. Just when you’re ready to walk out that door he gives you one good reason to stay.
Notes: Thank you Anon for this request, I love writing for Dean so very much and to add a plus size gal in as well that just makes my day. I do hope you’ll enjoy this story. The song “Million Reasons” both version’s by Lady Gaga and Briana Buckmaster are inspiration for this story.
Tag list: Is open for all character’s and series I write for.
Dean Winchester list: @akshi8278
Just one good reason list: @chickensarentcheap
@impala1967dwinchester, @lilacprincessofrecovery, @superavengerpotterstar @jbbarnesgirl @sofreddie  @slightlyobsessedwithissues  
Ancient hinges creak wearily, firm hand pushing to hold open the heavy door letting you and Sam pass by. Fatigued sigh leaves slightly chapped lips, “It’s good to be home.” Taking the stairs down two at a time, tossing duffle bags towards the war table.
“Going soft on us old man?” Teasing quip tugging a smile from your lips as you drop down into the nearest chair. “Getting use to having that soft bed under your ass now huh?”
Scoffing, whiskey flecked green eyes settling on your plush frame, “Woman you forget we’re the same age first off.” Playfully stocking towards you, hands placed on the back of your chair to cage you in. “Second damn right that bed is magical, memory form baby, it remembers me,” poking your side, giggle leaving your lips body squirming in the seat.
“Stop,” pleading tone entering your voice, trying to evaded his questing hands trailing along your curvy sides. “Please,” puppy eyes begging for mercy, his hands aren’t willing to give. Though you can’t bring yourself to care seeing the weight, even for a moment, disappear from his countenance. Or the fact your sides aren’t the ticklish spot on your body, moving in the seat purely for show.
“Say your sorry for calling me old,” brow lifting watching you squirm under his hands. Wishing and not for the first time, he could have your soft body slotted against his harder frame. Knowing how well you fit just in a different way, one that hasn’t been enough for a long time.
Giggles burst from your lips, hands flat against the hard plains of his chest tugging on the dark blue t-shirt to distract from his plans. Pushing him away which had as much of an effect as a toy bulldozer did against a real brick wall. “Okay, okay I’m sorry, promise I’m sorry,” gasping for breath giving a hard tap to his shoulder.
“Now who’s giving up too soon?” Hands pause as his eyes catch yours for a long moment. Smiling face beaming up at him, heart beating triple time and not from assaulting you with his hands. Unable to resist the urge to touch your soft skin. Callused fingers come up to barely graze just under your left eye carefully capturing the eyelash on the tip of his forefinger from your cheek, “Make a wish.”
Leaning forward to place your lips close to the offered digit, eyes closed to blow a cold stream, eyelash fluttering away unseen. Keeping your libs lowered for a bit longer torn between what you truly desire and what’s within your grasp. Whiskey roughened voice breaking through your thoughts, sending a pleasurable shiver down your spine.
“What you wish for?” Swallowing hard, beloved eyes flutter open to ensnare his in there depths. Catching something simmering just below but disappears quicker than a jack rabbit running from a coyote.
Clearing yours throat, “Can’t tell ya Deano won’t come true if I do.” Giving a smile, pressing him backwards to raise and grab your duffle bag. Cell phone signaling an incoming text message making you pull the the black case wrapped piece of tech out of your front jeans pocket. Bright smile pulling your lips higher seeing just who’s messaged you. “Catch y’all later.”
“Someone good?” Sam speaks for the first time since coming home. Watching the scene between his brother and best friend. Wanting to strangle the both of you for not seeing what’s right in front of you.
Head snapping up from buried in your phone to stare wide eyed at Sam, “Yes, no I mean it’s nothing but could be something.”
“Will again?” Peripheral catching the dark scowl pass over Dean’s features before disappearing behind a mask of indifference.
Humming sweetly, sparkle lighting your eyes that go back to your phone for a moment. “He’s asking if we can meet up tomorrow for lunch, trying to choose where to eat.”
“What about,” clearing his throat to unclog the emotions choking off the air to breath. “That little diner in town? It’s your favorite and serves the best pie aside yours of course.”
Trapping and tugging your bottom lip between nibbling teeth, head shaking in the negative. “Nope he’s not fond of greasy foods.”
‘Plus that’s our spot,’ unbridled thought slides into your mind and you want to look over at Dean to remind him. But push those thoughts aside with a wave, heading towards the bedrooms carefully making sure not to bump into a wall while responding.
Green eyes follow till you round the corner, heart catching in his throat cursing himself for mentioning your diner. Knowing better yet wanting confirmation without asking if the spot is still special.
“You’re an idiot Dean,” shaggy brown head shaking as he to snaps up his duffle bag to head towards his room. “The foundation is already there start building before it cracks.”
“Thanks Riddler, just cause I’m Batman doesn’t mean you have to be so fucking vague.” Left with his thoughts and the growing feeling he’s loosing you to another man. Dean leaves his stuff lay where it landed glancing over the chair you vacated not five minutes ago then heading towards the kitchen. In need of something harder than beer but settling for the dark brew being the only alcohol in the bunker.
Opening the fridge door, grabbing a brew his fingers brush against the clear plastic container holding a single slice of pecan pie. Eyes unseeing, drifting back into memories when the Mark of Cain still burned into his skin.
Charlie’s dead, beaten, murdered and left in a pool of her own blood. Every time his eyes close she’s there, expressionless sea green eyes staring blankly into his own. Never hearing her snarky retorts, sassy ways or those hugs she gave. Staring into cold brown sludge, hands gripping the mug a little too tightly. Not sure why he chose to come here of all places. When he could’ve started out on his hunt for the Styne’s. Deep down though he knows the reason right as the little bell signals someone’s entered the small family owned diner. Knowing exactly who and trying to ready himself for your present.
Never ready for how your soft fingers brush along his temple, settling on his shoulder for a moment while you slide into the worn pleather covered booth. Trailing those gentle fingers down his black and grey plaid covered arm. Tugging one hand from around the ceramic cup to intertwine your fingers. Head coming to rest on his shoulder, no words just comfort in a time when he needs it most.
“You shouldn’t be here,” dark with hints of gravel and kissed with pain in the tone. Whiskey flicked green obits focus, for the first time on something besides the cup in his hands, landing on the top of your head.
Shrugging, “Where else should I be Dean?” Looking up at him sorrowful eyes meeting right when your other palm comes up to brush moisture from his cheek. Unnoticed tears sliding down cool cheeks, “You’re my best friend there’s no place I’d rather be then right here helping you.”
“You could get killed,” the very through twists his heart till almost bursting. Brings bile to rise in the back of his throat, slithering through his system to settle unpleasantly in the pit of his stomach. It’s one thing to loose Charlie a heavy casualty. But you, Dean isn’t sure he’d come back from the dark path he’d follow for vengeance.
Soft sad smile turns your lips barely upward, “Not gonna happen I have my knight in shining Impala to keep me safe.”
“I couldn’t keep Charlie safe how can I…”
Shaking your head, finger placed over his kissable lips, “You’ve given me a million reasons already Dean Winchester and I don’t believe a single one of them.” Resting your foreheads together a moment, tenderness skating across your veins for the man beside you, “You might not believe it but your a good man.”
Pie filled plate slides across scared formica table top, metal fork clattering against the ceramic pushed in front. “More coffee,” sweet feminine voice floats from beside you.
Nodding, “Please, sugar and cream too.” Giving her a smile that doesn’t reach your eyes feeling Dean stir beside you.
“Black like my soul you know that sweetheart,” slightly chapped lips brush your cheek. A simple thank you for this act of kindness he feels undeserving of. If he hadn’t already been head over heels in love with you this sweet gesture would’ve sealed the deal.
Breathless gasp parts your lips as you turn finding Dean closer almost invading your space. Leather, motor oil and Irish Spring tickle your nose, eyes locking with those agony drenched obits, making another gasp exist your lungs. Heartache rocketing through your body, colliding with anger directed at the Styne’s.
“Eat your pie Winchester we’ll talk about that soul of yours later after dealing with the Styne’s.”
Heart freezing at the mention of the murdering family, “No,” rougher than intended, Dean grabs your chin twisting your face towards his. Rage hot and potent flaring through those beautiful greens. “No you will stay with Sam I’ll deal with them myself…”
“Dean you can’t be serious…” grabbing his wrist, pleading in your eyes for him to listen. Loosing Charlie splintered your heart, counting her as the sister you’ve never had. Her blood demanding revenge for the grievous act. But loosing Dean would kill you, knowing you never would come back from that agony.
“I am, deadly so. You try and sneak along I’ll toss that sexy ass outta Baby faster than you can pray to Castiel.”
Snorting, pulling your chin from his grasp, “You couldn’t lift me Winchester and you can’t stop me…” but the look he gives you does. Any farther flow of words halt in there bid to tumble out of your mouth.
“No I can’t,” callused palms cup your cheeks keeping you in place. Searching your eyes and making sure you understood, “I don’t want you to come with me Y/N. If there’s anytime to listen its now. I’ve lost one sister I didn’t want.” Bitting those words out to keep from speaking the others which threaten to pour from his being. “I can’t loose you,” resting your foreheads together again.
Nodding, trying to keep yourself from rubbing your cheek into his palm or worse press your lips against his. Lying to yourself isn’t something you normally do and you wouldn’t start now with the realization you were in love with your best friend and worried your going to loose him to the all consuming darkness.
You're giving me a million reasons to let you go
You're giving me a million reasons to quit the show
You're giving me a million reasons
Give me a million reasons
Giving me a million reasons
About a million reasons
Downing the last of his long neck, drawing patterns over the hardwood table underneath with the condensation from the bottle. Eyes trained on that single slice of pie you’d bought him weeks ago.
“I wouldn’t eat that if I were you D,” mirth filled voice floats towards him before you reach his side in body.
Hand coming into view grabbing for the container to toss it out. But Dean’s quicker, “If you value your life, you’ll unhand my pie,” thick fingers circle your wrist pulling your plush body down beside him. “It’s not nice to steal a man’s pie woman,” keeping his tone light, playful and away from the looming fate he knows will visit upon his person once you figure out Will is the man you truly want. Deserving of your light, and laughter, the sweetness, of your beauty that Dean only hopes the other man will appreciate.
Gasping in mock outrage, “Who me?” Hand to heart trying to keep the laughter from your tone. “I would never deprive you of pie Deano. But I would that slice since I think it’s become a science experiment.”
Narrowing his eyes towards the offending sweet dessert, “It is not.” Poking twice before pulling the pie forward for a closer inspection. Musical laughter meeting his ears, smothering the smirk threatening to bloom over his lips. “Okay so maybe your right,” turning his pouting face towards you.
“Course I am,” giving him a wink then standing to toss the ruined sweets out. Pausing by the panty, you peek in unaware Dean’s watching you from his seat.
Teasing sway to your generous hips has his eyes tracking every movement. Bitting the inside of his cheek to keep from groaning at how temping you look. Thick thighs encased in blue denim jeans feet bare from wearing those steal toed Dr. Martins during hunts. Body stretching upwards, soft cotton baby blue tank top riding up to bare a silver of delicate skin to his eyes. Your fingers barely snag the sugar container’s edge, pulling it down to clasp against your ample chest.
Chastising himself for the erotic thoughts flipping through his mind on a single film reel. “What exactly are you doing sweetheart?” Carefully keeping his lower half away from your line of sight. Lest you find out the problem currently tenting his jeans, teeth gritting to stop himself from acting on all those thoughts.
“Never you mind Dean Winchester,” tossing over your shoulder, checking for vanilla extract, light syrup, and butter from the fridge. Last stop the freezer mentally trying to remember if you there's a pie shell left or would need to make one. Hoping for at least a single, since checking the flour stock and coming up almost empty. “Start a list for me please and put flour on it,” setting the three ingredients in your hands down. Turning back to open the metal door to peer into the freeze, swaying slighting to a song running through your head. A triumphant “Yes,” exists your lips, a little dance of excitement upon finding the last shell.
Damn near swallowing his tongue so entranced by your movements gulping different words back down to keep from making a total fool of himself. As he utters, “Not till I know exactly what your making over there Betty Crocker.”
“Resorting to blackmail now?” Brow arched, unconsciously licking your lips slowly. Unaware of Dean watching the path it takes across your pump bottom lip, tucking it between indenting teeth.
For distraction purposes, Dean pulls his phone from the front pocket of his jeans. Bringing up the list app a suggestion to simplify things you gave him months back. Forcing himself to focus on the small screen in his hands instead of the woman currently dancing around the kitchen. Pulling bowls, pots and pans out, one chance glance has an inaudible groan vibrating through his chest at the sight of your plush ass. Bent over shifting through sheet pans knowing which you look for as arousal flares to life so potent Dean turns quickly hiding his reacting. Planting his face in the palms of his hands, elbows bent to catch the weight. Fingers digging into eye sockets to use the pain and banish the thoughts from reappearing.
Frowning at his actions you come over after putting the pan on the counter. Fingers running through his hair, scraping the scalp with short nails. Pleased smile at the groan you pull from his lips as he rubs his head into your palm like a little puppy. “Something wrong Dean?” Worry dancing through the cadence of your voice other hand coming to rest on his shoulder.
“Fine,” head popping up, forcing your fingers to slide out of his hair. Taking a chance to glance up into your worried eyes. Underserving of your soft touch searing his skin. An itch to run from our presence skitters across his veins. “I’m fine sweetheart just tired.”
Searching his face, those whiskey flecked green eyes so unlike the blue-greens of Will’s, catching something hiding in those deep depths he’s trying to hide. Never fooled by words, always inspecting his actions and those little tells partially concealed though you know them all too well. “You’re covering something up Winchester I’ll get it out of you one way or another,” patting his cheek and stepping away.
‘I don’t want you to go on that date,’ on the tip of his tongue poised to leave his lips he keeps smashed together burying those feelings to not ruin this chance you have at an apple pie life. The very thought tears his heart, rendering another hole in the punched out organ. Though it’s his own fault for giving you a million reasons to keep that boundary line in place. Tip toeing almost across a few times, but always toeing the line keeping himself in check. Head snapping around when something hard hits the back of his head, scowl in place though it’s more playful than menacing. “Did you just…” glancing towards the floor to find a lone pecan on the ground behind him. Head tilted to the side, eyes narrowed on your face, which is the total opposite of his holding a sweetly innocent look concealing the trouble he knows you’ll cause. “Seriously a pecan? That could’ve done damage Babe Ruth.”
Eyes rolling, snort issuing from your up turned lips, “I don’t know what you speak of Dean I’m just here making a pie minding my own business. Can’t help it if a pecan has it out for you.”
“Possessed it must be,” voice pitched in a poor imitation of Master Yoda, getting a boo hiss from your general direction. “Though something tells me a certain someone threw the poor helpless nut.”
Shrugging, face neutral a picture of indifference with hands on your wide hips ingredients spread out over the counter. “Stop calling yourself names Dean it’s not nice.” Bottom lip trapped for a second to keep from giggling at the way he’s looking towards you.
Enjoying this moment of normalcy you’ve managed to capture in these dark and dangerous times. Thoughts skittering towards Will, if he’s able to put up with the hunters life style? Former Marine, Will knows so little of what truly goes bump in the night making you worry he wouldn’t feel at ease. It’s the reason you’ve hesitated each time he’s asked you out. Not wanting to drag someone else into a life of blood and death. Persistence and patience paid off when you finally agreed on a dinner date for tomorrow night. One your actually looking forward to.
But then you glance towards Dean, seeing the smile grace those soft looking lips, shinning in his whiskey flecked green orbs for the first time in months and you hesitate. Would you want to leave this life for a man who wouldn’t understand you not fully anyway? Or stay and remain the best friend till a hunt takes one of you out? Could you truly leave your home with the Winchesters, with Dean?
His voice breaks through the your thoughts, ruthful chuckle echoing through the room, “Haha sweetheart stop trying to be John Candy it ain’t workin for ya,” bending to scoop up the tossed nut a memory filters through his mind. Opening a wound he thought long since closed over soaked in whiskey and women who’s names he’s forgotten. Shaking the thought away to ask, “You gonna chunk a nut at your boyfriend tomorrow night too? Or is that reserved for me?”
Not sure why he’s even asking or teasing you about it or the fact there’s a bite to the tone. He shouldn’t care about a simple date, yet the thought twists his gut smile slipping from his lips as he looks down at the pecan in hand. Unwillingly letting those images fill and play before his eyes.
If I had a highway, I would run for the hills
If you could find a dry way, I'd forever be still
But you're giving me a million reasons
Give me a million reasons
Giving me a million reasons
About a million reasons
December 2011
Run down two room shack a nicer way of putting it truly, you think while pulling up outside next to Baby’s sleek black side. Hands gripping the steer wheel till knuckles hurt and you can focus again through the haze of tears spilling down your cold cheeks. Still trying to grasp the fact Bobby Singer legendary hunter, go to lore man, and surrogate father, dead by a bullet from Dick Roman’s gun. Itching for vengeance you try to quell for another time when you can let all the anger out. For right now you knew he needed you more than any strategy planning or revenge thought.
Remembering Sam’s voice shaking, laced with pain, peppered with rage but above all coated in sadness you could hear over the phone lines. Never hesitating to drop the case — for now — breaking speed limit in the need to reunite with your boys. You’d do anything for family even those who weren’t by blood. Learning a long time ago that family doesn’t end with the DNA flowing through your veins.
Shaking those thoughts from your mind and existing the car only to lean back in and grab the bags from the passenger side. Standing to full height to peer over the top locking eyes with those anger clouded greens. “No I didn’t bring you anything Winchester so don’t bother asking.” Trying to lighten the situation with poorly used humor.
Words fail to leave thinned lips as you pass by, hand holding the creaking barely held together door open for you. Following behind his voice scratchy from no use, “Sam call you?”
“Of course silly why wouldn’t he?” Placing the bags on what could pass for a pile of rubble instead of an island countertop. Turning to face him cataloging each feature, the stone set of his jaw, shoulders tight with tension, eyes those beautiful normally vibrate whiskey flecked greens mute with anguish he tries to hide.
Shrugging, shoulders dropping forward with no will to keep them up, “He shouldn’t have your needed else where Y/N.”
“Bullshit Winchester,” moving with purpose to stand in his personal space. “Bobby was just as much a father to me as to you. There’s no other place I’d rather be than here, for a different reason yes but I’m not leaving so suck it up buttercup.”
Catching the flash of anger tinging the deep greens whether directed at you or himself you’re not sure. “We already salted and burned his body, there’s no reason for you to stay.” Turning away from your softening eyes knowing your going to try and reason with him. Make him see he’s not responsible for what happened.
“I know,” two simple words make him pause and turn back. “I didn’t come to say goodbye to Bobby, I came for you.” Taking one step closer arms wrapping around his slumped shoulders bringing him into the shelter of your embrace. Steady hands running the length of his stiff back, imparting your warm, trying to give comfort knowing he’s unaccepting of such sympathies.
Brows furrowing, frown tipping his lips downward, fists clinching at his sides, Dean tries to keep himself from giving into the solace he so easily could find in your embrace. Warmth sinking into his skin through the layers of clothing he wears, tingling his skin, quickening his pulse.“Why?”
“You need me, your not listening to Sam or Castiel talking about going off to track Roman down yourself,” spitting the Leviathan’s name out like chewed to long gum. Head resting against his strong chest feeling the slightly erratic beat of his heart against your ear.
Back stiffening, “I don’t need you to tell me what to do Y/N I can make that decision on my own.” Low growl rattling through his chest as he pulls from your arms and steps from the warmth evaporating from his body. “You should leave.”
“And get yourself killed?” Hands slamming to your wide hips glaring daggers at your best friend. “What happened wasn’t your fault Dean. Any one of us could’ve taken that bullet, Bobby knew the risks of the mission, accepted them and died…” swallowing the tears threatening to slip from your eyes. “A hero,” ignoring his last words, reaching out to try and take his hand only to have him pull away like you’ve burned him.
“Don’t, don’t try to reason this with me I know better,” turning his back to head for the wall covered in papers trying to figure out just what Dick Roman’s up too.
Shaking your head knowing he’s hurting but not wanting to voice those feelings, to make him appear weak. With a sigh leaving your frowning lips you move silently beside him looking over the wall of weird trying to piece together how everything connects. Brushing your hand against his, pinkie trailing to catch what you think is his forefinger. Wrapping the little finger tightly around his you lean over, “I’m right here when you’re ready Dean, I’m not leaving nor letting go.”
“You should,” not bothering to turn and face you. Memories of Lisa and Ben filter through his thoughts along with Bobby, his father and what he can remember of his mother. “I’m poison and get everyone around me killed.” He doesn’t want to add you to the growing list. Rather wanting you to leave and find a different path for your life.
Tugging on his finger to wrap the middle and forefinger with your ring and pinkie fingers, “Then Sam and I are the antidote to your poison.” Giving a soft sad smile to his side profile, wrapping him up into your arms. Resting your head on his shoulder, voice a gentle whisper of breath upon his cheek and neck,“Those reasons keep tallying up Winchester we’ll hit a million before long.”
Reminding you both of a long ago discussion between the two of you in Bobby’s junk yard while still teenagers. Before angels and demons, vampires thought long dead and ancient Leviathan brought back from the pit of purgatory. When you made the packed to never fall for each other and always remain best friends. To never let go no matter how dire the situation, you’d have each other’s back.
Evaporating memories of long ago, you speak softly still resting your head on his shoulder. “You work on this mosaic of papers you have plastered over the walls. I have a pie to bake,” not giving it much thought you quickly press a kiss to his stubbled cheek then turn to head back towards the passable kitchen area.
Tingles dance over his skin for longer than he wishes, wanting to suppress those feelings bubbling up to try and consume him. Thinking he could bury them under the mounting pain and self hated. Yet, the warmth of your arms, soft press of your lips, your words register and sink into his brain Dean turns to watch you work unable stop a few of those feelings from dancing around his heart. Single thought shocking him in its stark contradiction to his current state of mind, Dean Winchester self proclaimed ladies man has fallen in love with his best friend. A sucker punch to the gut making him gasp and reel that silent declaration in. Stuffing it under the right full emotions of anger and pain. Letting them tap dance through his veins instead, something much safer for the both of them. Something he could understand and deal with.
I bow down to pray
I try to make the worst seem better
Lord, show me the way
To cut through all his worn out leather
I've got a hundred million reasons to walk away
But, baby, I just need one good one to stay
Head stuck in a cycle, I look off and I stare
It's like that I've stopped breathing, but completely aware
'Cause you're giving me a million reasons
Give me a million reasons
Giving me a million reasons
About a million reasons
“He’s not my boyfriend yet Dean,” eyes rolling as you turn to melt the butter in a small sauce pan. Though there is a part of you wishing he could one day fill the role unless a single good reason can change your mind comes your way.
“But you want him too?” Words muttered through presses together teeth. Hating the fact he’s letting something so trivial effect him in such a way. You’ve had other boyfriends, one night stands he’s had to sit through yet this one feels different. As if he could truly loose you this time and those thoughts scare the shit outta him the most. Because yes you’re his best friend for longer than he can remember but above that you’re the woman who gets him, argues with him, sets his ass straight when he’s being stupid and above all or so he hopes, loves him warts and all.
Hands pause at his question looking into the melting golden liquid bubbling silently remembering to flick the tiny knob and turn the heat off. While your head screams to say yes but it’s a little small voice beating quickly beneath your ribcage making you pause. Clearing your throat to gather what thoughts you could from their scattered places. You’ve always spoke with honesty to Dean, unless circumstances dictated other wise, and you weren’t about to change now. Through you wouldn’t turn to face him when you did wanting to keep from seeing his eyes. Finding the reason for his questions in those green depths you’ve fallen for though never spoken the feelings. “Yes, he could…” swallowing to coat your dry throat to spit out the words rotting your stomach. “I could have a chance at happiness with Will, Dean. Why do you even ask?”
“I don’t want to loose you,” ‘Because I love you,’ on the tip of his tongue to tell you, give voice and life to his true feelings. Wanting you to stay and forget about those million other reasons he’s let slip between the cracks in your relationship.
Frozen in place, hands gripping the countertop beside the stove. “You wouldn’t loose me Dean I’d still go on hunts with you, I’d stick around,” lies tasting bitter on your tongue, heart beating triple time wondering if he’ll pick up on the dishonesty your speaking. Always feeling he’d never see you as anything other than his best friend. Never the type of woman to draw his attention, too soft and plush in places most men wouldn’t want and you didn’t pine for a man who’s given you a million reasons to walk away. So you shoved those feelings, the love you held back trying to make it work with other men. To find the one who’d surpass Dean destroying your feelings for the green eyed hunter, giving you the one reason to stay and belong. So why now did he have to put doubts in your mind? Why ask these questions when in years past he’d brush other men away as nothing more than a passing fancy?
Silently Dean stands slowly making his way towards you, taking in the ridged stance of your plush form. Hands itch to wrap around your thick waist and haul you against his chest. Pausing right beside you, brushing his fingers against yours too hook what he thinks is your forefinger with his pinkie. “You and I both know things wouldn’t stay the same between us sweetheart. He’d find a way to take you away from me,” praying you won’t pull away Dean turns to stare at your profile. Taking in the beauty he’s catalogued thousands of times, the curve of your lips when you smile, slope of your nose, eyes bright with laughter or spiting fire when angry usually at him. Softness of your cheeks under his palms the times he’s actually got to cup and caress the skin.
“We’ll remain best friends Dean that’ll never change,” gathering the courage to turn and look into his eyes. Catching the sadness coating those beloved greens making your heart ache. Tongue slipping out to tug back your bottom lip between your teeth indented them to keep from asking the question your heart demands.
Of its own accord Dean’s free hand comes up to brush over your cheek, cupping the soft skin, fingers spread from apple to jaw wanting so badly to draw you in and kiss those tempting lips. “I want you happy Y/N and if it’s possible out of this life, been wanting that for you since Bobby,” sliding his hand to your chin to pinch the end with his thumb and forefinger tipping your face up to press a lingering kiss to your forehead. “I’ll miss you sweetheart.”
Eyes lock with stormy greens after he pulls back, soft gasp parting your lips at the simple touch, words sounding like a goodbye instead of their usual see ya later. Grappling for words to say, questions to ask, trying to figure out what’s going on, and why now. But he’s gone before your brain can catch up with your mouth, and your turning to rush after, seeing his back disappear around the corner.
Feet finally responding to command as you quickly follow stopping at the doorway, “Give me one good reason.” Praying he’ll listen and stop, hoping it’s not too late. “Stop giving me all these reasons to leave.”
Back ridged but his mind a flurry of thoughts and answers, more questions than he could shake a stick at. Only one reason comes to mind, “Good reason to what?”
Traveling the short distance to take his hand intertwining your fingers with his, needing him to turn around and look at you. Needing the connection while stating, “Give me a good reason to stay Dean to not go tomorrow night.”
“I can’t,” partly wanting to flinch from your touch, to tug his hand free, and partly wanting to sink into your familiar embrace. Soak in the peace he always finds in your arms, to bath in your warmth and possibly bask in your love. But Dean wouldn’t be selfish he’d let you go even if it meant killing his own heart and soul.
The urge to punch him grows strong but your refrain from using violence, “Why not? Too scared? Or you just don’t care?”
The warmth of your hand disappears from searing into his palm, tingling those long nimble fingers, his eyes close knowing you’re walking away because of that millionth reason. Till the first brush of soft fingers tender in there touch upon his cheek. He gives in to the urge and rubs his slightly stubbled cheek into your palm. “If that’s you Sam, I’m gonna kick your ass dude,” ignoring your questions in favor of basking in your touch instead. Hearing the soft giggle from your lips brings a smile to his own. Eyes finally opening too stare into yours, almost doing a doubt take at what he sees in those beloved depths. “I don’t deserve you Y/N.”
“Stop giving me a million reasons Dean and give me the one that’ll make me stay,” imploring him with your touch, fingers tracing over his cheeks and jaw. Tracing his plush bottom lip with the pad of your thumb, “I just need one good reason.”
He’d find the situation funny if it’s anyone else standing in front asking the same question. Even Sam would get a chuckle from his lips, but you, his breath freezes, heart thumping wildly in equal measures of terror and excitement. The very thoughts running unrestrained in his mind scare the shit out of him, but only one truly feels right. Snaking an arm around your thick waist pulling you against his strong chest, fitting like missing puzzle pieces. His free hand coming up to cup your cheek, “I love you.”
Tears slip from their ducts barely held back till those three simple words spill from his mouth jump starting your heart and sending your emotions swirling. Warm palms cradle your wet cheeks, gun callused thumbs brush hot tears away, you spy the worry and fear your non response sparks. “Do you mean it?” Wanting clarification before handing your heart over to the very man who’s held it for so long.
Knowing what your asking Dean stops waiting and lowers his mouth to yours. That first touch of lips electricity shoots through you veins. Body responding quicker with arms going around his neck to pull him firmly against you not a wisp of space between your bodies. Fingers tangling in the short hairs at the back of his head while you slot your lips against his. Demanding and deep, a tangled dance of tongues. Clashing of teeth, a melding mouths and finding the right angles to draw those delicious moans from each of you. Till air becomes necessary and you break apart panting, “That answer your question sweetheart?”
“No,” smirking when his eyes narrow, “I wanna hear it again.”
No hesitation in speaking those three words, “I love you.” Groaning when your lips smash back to his. Stealing breath from his lungs and a moan from his chest, Dean walks you backward till your pressed against the cool tile wall. Lower pelvis holding your soft body in place so his hands can dance over your cotton covered plush form. Palm’s flat against your thick waist, slowly dragging them around and down to cup your generous ass. Squeezing firmly and making you gasp.
Using the opening as a way to work his tongue back into your mouth, delving in for another taste of your sweetness. Low groan existing when rearranging his mouth to fit differently and snag a gulp of air. Stubble abrading your chin in the most spectacular of ways. Pooling heat low in your belly and making your mind wander in other more salacious directions. Brought back from teetering on the deliciously desirable edge by a sharp bite, his teeth nabbing your bottom lip to tug, letting go with a wet pop. Breath fanning out over your heated cheeks. Eyes once closed now open and locked with yours a pleading undertone to the desire darkened greens.
Knowing what he wants to hear and unable to wait along, “I love you too Dean.” Heart bursting with unrestrained joy flooding your system and making you love drunk.
“Thank fucking God,” groaning, resting your foreheads together still trying to reign in the wild thumping of his heart. Your admission only serves to make the largest muscle spasm quicker. All his pent up emotions, desires and needs flowing to the surface, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from rushing into something too fast. Remembering it’s still fresh and new between the two of you a different path to the relationship already established in friendship.
Giggling softly, you cup both his cheeks, thumbs brushing along his skin, three days worth of stubble abrading your palms. “So,” teasing smirk pulling at your lips, “I better call Will huh?”
“For?” Trying to keep the bitter growl from escaping and giving away his feelings on the sore subject. Tugging your soft body back in place from your wiggles to side free, not ready to let you go just yet.
Sliding one hand down his chest to rest where you know his anti-possession tattoo resides. Tracing the edges with the tip of your finger over the black t-shirt he’s wearing, locking eyes with his, “Seems I’m a taken woman. Wouldn’t want to lead the poor guy on now would I?” Watching how those whiskey flecked greens darken, pushing his lower body deeper into your plush form. Barely heard as you try not to give away the whimper of need his body produces in your own, with his pressed so tightly. Cool concrete keeping you body temp from over heating for the moment.
“No,” clearing his throat leaning in to draw his nose over your jawline. Touring towards your ear, catching the lobe between his front teeth to tug. Low desire filled growl leaving his lips, followed by, “Tomorrow is another day sweetheart and right now you’ve got better things to do.”
Heading tipping over granting access to the parts of your neck he wants, trying to keep the shiver from rolling over your body. Heat flooding your veins sparking a need you’ve never felt with any of the other men you’d previously had relations with. “What,” licking your parched lips, “what better things Dean?” Praying it’s the same idea rolling around your head for the longest time.
Pausing in his mapping of your neck and shoulder with his lips, Dean raises his head to spear you with a heated look. “Me for starters sweetheart, that is of course…” uneasiness has him trailing off the first time in his life. The bitter taste of uncertainty coating his thoughts for a fraction of a second before your lips land back on his.
Teasingly soft presses, little ghost touches of your tongue, playfully dotting his cheeks, chin and forehead with your lips before brushing close to his ear. “Hey Dean,” smiling against his skin, tenderly pressing your lips just south of his ear. Nibbling the found patch of sensitive skin behind committing the spot to memory for later. Breath puffing out quicker feeling him shiver, knowing what the next words would invoke in Dean and his love for the movie. “You big stud. Take me to bed or lose me forever,” sultry tone added to the cadence.
His eyes close for a moment, heart swelling as you recite the words to one of his favorite movies. Marveling at the fact you’ve remembered the lines perfectly and Dean falls deeper in love with you if that’s possible.
The gentle caresses of your lips against his skin setting fire to his nerve endings, room in his jeans becoming a hot commodity as his shaft thickens and throbs. Finding the distraction almost too much while trying to recall the next line. Teasing giggles reach his ears that he replies to with a deep chuckle. Words coming back to him, “Show me the way home, honey.”
Reaching down to tug one hand from your ass, chuckling with a shake of your head when it doesn’t budge but squeezes the generous globe. Notching himself tighter into your body, smirk appearing as your eyes widen, gasp issuing from parted lips. Bitting the inside of your cheek to keep from giggling before the words can escape. “Is that a pickle in your pocket or you just happy to see me?”
“Oh sweetheart it’s a great big dill I can show ya,” flashing a smirk, both of you trying hard not to laugh.
“Preferably,” deep voice tinged with slight offense but liberally coated in amusement. “In your own room so the both of you aren’t bare ass naked in the hallway bumping like bunnies,” having rounded the corner towards the kitchen and catching the intimate embrace. “A vision I don’t want branded into my skull thank you very much,” Sam paused arms crossed in annoyance. Golden dotted green eyes dancing with mirth, catching the playfully scandalous expression cross your features. Glancing towards Dean who buries his face in your neck getting a deep chuckle from his brother.
Try as you might to keep from busting out laughing they just rolled out of your mouth as your eyes lock with Sam’s. Acting stoic but the smile tugging at his lips and the teasing flash through his eyes speak a different story. Only thing holding you up is Dean’s body still pressed heavily against your. The man in question glancing up first to look at you then over his shoulder towards Sam. “Don’t even start Sammy,” grumbling good-naturedly giving him a middle finger salute and the opening you need to slip from between his hard body and the wall. Teasing growl rumbling through his chest at the loss of your warmth. Dean reaches out to snag your arm but you manage to dance out of his reach, giggles echoing off the walls trailing behind your disappearing form.
“Wouldn’t dream of it Dean but Cas owes me fifty bucks,” patent Sam Winchester smirk sliding over his lips. Brow raised at his scoff, “Can’t believe I had a betting pot going?”
Watching you run off happy grin tipping his mouth upward, he looks back at Sam grin still in place. “Just can’t believe it’s with Cas. Rowena maybe, Jody, Claire, Alex and Donna fuck yes but Cas,” incredulous look stealing over his features for a few moments.
“Who say’s the bet’s not bigger than you think,” broad shoulders shrugging same smirk in place, Sam enters the kitchen on that note leaving Dean to stare wide eyed after his baby brother. “Matter of time, always just a matter of time,” laughter tinged voice exists the kitchen, unseen shake of his head at the mess left behind.
Stock still for a fraction of a second till soft giggles echo quietly down the hall, grin turning into full blown smile. Need rushing back through his veins in remembrance of your position just a few short moments ago. Low curse existing his mouth, Dean turns racing off to find which room you’re hiding in.
Nerves tingled through your body, worry interrupting thoughts/memories of short minutes ago. Hard press of his body against yours, warm moist breath fanning out over your skin sending tingles of a different kind to skitter across your veins. But now standing in Dean’s room trying to figure out where to lay or stand that would invoke images of sensuality. You look down at your bare feet toes wiggling against cold concrete. Up wards to thick jeans clad thighs, a baby blue tank top covering your torso, self consciousness went out the window decades ago. After the first serious injuries you suffered at the hands of a vengeful spirit had you damn near stripped naked in front of Dean. Confidence in face of adversity knowing he’s the only one for miles around to patch you up.
Now though is different, same confidence but wishing for sexier clothing something to entice and tease. Small snort issues from the depths of your body knowing damn well you had nothing of the sort in your possession. Flannels, tank tops, t-shirts and jeans hunter’s required staples along with the functional under garments you groan at remembering are mismatched at the present.
“Beautiful even in those rumpled clothing,” deep voice breaking through thoughts and making a squeak sound as you quickly turn to face the lazily leaning against the door jam hunter. Arms crossed over muscular chest, biceps straining the black t-shirt’s sleeves, “I meant what I said before Sammy interrupted us.”
Tugging your bottom lip back under indented top teeth turning to face him fully, “Which part?” Barely keeping the mirth from bubbling over, “That I should show you the way home or you have a big dill?” Easy going banter calming your nerves even the part about feeling ill-prepared clothing wise.
Tender infused whiskey fleck green eyes turn molten with each sweep of your body. “I love you,” words escape as eyes stay locked, Dean pushing away from the doorway. Booted foot catching the hardwood door and slamming it shut behind him. Stocking towards you as a lion would his prey, licking parched lips wanting to devour you. Hands fisting at his side though to keep from reaching out and doing just that incase it’s something your not ready for.
His breath froze upon seeing you walking around his room, something akin to relief floods his veins along with a sense of rightness. Sure you’ve come in hundreds of times to wake him from a nightmare or mornings, to barrow music and to talk. Yet, this time feels different giving your relationship changed moments ago. Catching the indecision clearly written in those beloved eyes that don’t focus on one place too long. For a moment Dean wishes he could read your thoughts but then having hunted and lived together for decades he picked up the situation and cues without having to know your thoughts.
Pleased hum breaks Dean from the wondering trail his thoughts took him on to spy the sweet smile gracing your lips. Hands positioned on your hips one cocked to the side as you stand there waiting expectedly. Restraining himself, Dean opens his palms to bring them up and cup your cheeks dragging you against him. Lips meeting in the tenderest of kisses that he keeps in place while speaking, “You want this, want me?”
Recognizing his vulnerability and what he’s asking with those simple words, arms wrap around his back fisting the shirt tightly to press the two of you together. Love saturated eyes burn into those greens you could drown in, “That’s my question Winchester stop stealing my lines.” Flattening one palm to slide up and into his hair. Pressing another kiss to his soft lips you’ve only imaged kissing till now. The reality so much better than any fantasy you ever came up with.
“Calling me a thief now sweetheart?” Using jokes to cover the fact he’s searching for the right words. Flustered and frustration slither through his veins in a combination Dean’s not accustom, words stammering of unintelligible nature tumble from his mouth. The feel of your blunt nails sending pleasurable shivers down his spine.
Nodding, craning your neck back a few inches but keeping your eyes locked, “You stole my lines and my heart Dean so yes that would make you a thief.” Hand sliding over his back now and settling into the back pocket of his jeans, “I also meant what I said back there.” Catching the cocked brow you elaborate, “Take me to bed Dean I’m tired of waiting, I want to know how it feels to have you inside me.”
Soft groan issues from parted lips. Wanting to act on your words so damn badly his body vibrates with barely contained desire. Forehead coming to rest against yours, strong hands sliding too loosely wrap around and caress your neck. “You know I’m not great at relationships. I could seriously fuck things up.”
“I know but then so could I,” any doubts or insecurities evaporating into the ether with every look.
Callused fingers brush over your bare shoulders sending sensual shivers cascading down your body. Rubbing your thighs together for added friction with the heated look Dean’s fixing you with. Boosting your confidence to step back his hands drop to the side as you own pinch at the hem of your tank top. Slowly pulling it from your body, letting it drop with a barely heard whisper.
“Fucking hell sweetheart,” resolve snapping, reaching for your hips and tugging you back against him harder than intended. Lips sealing quickly to swallow the gasp existed parted lips Dean takes advantage of and slips his tongue inside the warm cavern of your mouth.
There’s nothing gentle about this kiss, it’s all teeth and tongues, fighting desperately for dominance. Pulling groans from the depths of Dean’s soul as he pulls whimpers and moans from your own. Till air becomes needed though it doesn’t stop your mouth from trailing a hot path across his stubbled jaw. Nibbling towards that little patch behind his ear to flick the tip of your tongue against. Smirking at the shutter rolling through his body, fingers dancing a rhythm over his shirt covered torso. Hem reached you tug twice to which he nods reaching behind him grasping and pulling the garment off to join yours.
Hands, palms flat immediately going to ghost over his rippling tummy. Muscle covered soften causing all moisture to pool south, clit throbbing almost painfully. Sure you’ve seen him bare chested before this time it’s different. For pleasure instead of patching him up. Drawing desired groans rather than pain filled. “I know Sam would abject but I so wouldn’t mind seeing you walk around shirtless.”
Full belly chuckle leaves Dean’s lips, “Sweetheart don’t talk about other men right now especially not my brother.” Possessive hands landing on your naked plush waist, fingers spanning the distance and gripping the flesh in his palm. Dreams having nothing on the real woman in his palms.
“Just stating facts sir nothing more,” trailing your fingers over the slightly hair roughen skin. Brushing pebbled nipples from the cool air and your proximity. Reserving a gasp when you lean forward to lap with the tip of our tongue and nip at the peaked point. Glancing to lock eyes as you switch and give the same attention to its twin giving the same attention getting a hiss from your actions. Dragging you lips upward to trace his tattoo with kisses.
Molten green eyes drinking in the sight of your lips on his skin, shooting desire straight to his cock. Throbbing need demanding attention no matter how good your soft lips feel against his body. “Baby girl,” groaning at the nip you place, eyes close to compose himself. Flying open as air cool brushes his skin inside of the shared heat of both your bodies. Mesmerized by the way you reach back to unclasp your bra, pushing your lushes breasts out teasing his vision, salivating for a taste of your skin.
He steps forward crowding into your space backing you into the bed till the back of your calves hit the edge. Wrapping his arms around your plush form to brush hands away and do the task himself. Finger tips skimming the edges of both straps till reaching the top at your shoulders and drawing them down. Keeping his eyes locked with yours while pulling the garment from your pliant body tossing it behind him. Eyes flicking down on a groan, licking his dry lips at the beauty displayed for his ravenous gaze.
“Lay down for me sweetheart,” meeting your lust blown orbs with his own. “I wanna see you in my bed,” biting off a whimper when you drop onto the edge. Bountiful breasts bouncing teasingly as he watches you slide backwards towards the head board. Hands going to the button of your jeans, low growl pausing your nimble fingers. “That’s for me to do baby girl, just,” swallowing harshly as he looks you over. Partially naked spread out over his bed picture perfect memory for those times when the darkness tries to steal this happiness. “Give me a moment to drink you in.” Unable to decide where to look first, “So fucking gorgeous.” Toeing off his boots, hands going to his own jeans your shaking head pausing the movements.
“I get the same pleasure,” licking your lips slowly while raising up on your elbows. Beckoning him with two crooked fingers, hand resting with the palms up beside your plush body, “Get up here before I get impatience and take matters into my own hands.”
Declaration making him pause a moment low growl rumbling from deep with in his chest. As desire blown green meet yours, smirk gracing his handsome features. One knee comes to rest on the mattress Dean leans forward keeping eyes locked while pressing a kiss to your ankle. Grinning, feeling the quiver that runs through your body. “You wouldn’t dare sweetheart,” adding his other knee to spread your legs and slowly fit his body between.
“Shall we make a bet Winchester?” Using your free foot to brushing the nearest thigh with the flat. Sliding towards the very noticeable bulge busting the seams of his jeans, toes teasing the thick ridge before pressing the flat of your foot against him. Rubbing the length slowly pleased when a growl echos the room.
Grabbing that foot tickling the pad enjoying the way you squirm and giggle. Taking the opportunity to move fully between your legs. “About that bet hum,” fingertips drawing an invisible path of fire down the middle your body. Bracing then both arms on either side of your shoulders hovering over you, warm breath fanning out over your cheek he nuzzles with stubbled chin. Pulling a whimper from your gasping lips.
Of there own accord, your hands slide up the strength of his arms and biceps to clasping fingers together around the back of his neck. Left leg draped over his waist to pull him against your pelvis, breathless moan parting your lips at the contact of his hard length pressing into your dripping center. “I don’t want slow or gentle Dean,” head tipping back to give access to his questing lips that find your wildly thumping pulse, sucking a mark into the soft skin. “We have all night for that I just…” words caught upon seeing whiskey flecked green eyes dilated almost pitch with desire. Cheshire Cat grin tugging kiss swollen lips upward.
“Just what sweetheart?” Humming, brushing your lips together before returning to his last spot. One hand dragging over your soft body cupping the generous globe massaging gently feeling the nipple peak against his palm. Teasingly circling the stiff nub with the tip of his index finger before giving a sharp pinch and making you gasp out. Back arching at the pleasurable pain skittering across your veins.
Grasping what’s left of your mind to try and form coherent words, body responding instead pressing your chest into his large hand. Nails score down his back, one completing the journey to give his ass a tight squeeze. As the other detours to between your intimately pressed body. Happy to find enough space to slot your palm against his erection, cupping his throbbing length and giving short little strokes. Smile blooming with a breathless groan against your collarbone where Dean’s forehead currently rests. Nimble fingers pop the small metal disk, pulling the zipper tab down to slip the hand inside. Warmth enveloping palm feeling him twitch has you slowly licking your lips at the mire thought of getting to taste him.
“You’re killing me Y/N,” rutting his hips into your hand, mouth coming back to claim yours in a punishingly bruising kill. Tangling your tongues together, nipping a little harder on your bottom lip than meaning to but the accompanying moan flows straight to his cock. Making him twitch against your palm that has slowed with the distraction of the kiss.
Breaking for air, panting while trying to form and speak the right words, “We’re both a little over dressed Dean.” Pulling your hand from the tight confines of his jeans, using the one at his ass to help pull them and his boxers down only stopping when you couldn’t reach anything passed his knees. Sigh of relief exists his parted lips making you giggle and press a kiss to his chin. “Feel better?” Bottom lip trapped and nibbled on as your fingers brush his length. Finding your fingers barely wrap around the girth while to stroke, palm sliding over precum leaking head. Hips thrust forward at the sensations tingling down his back gathering low in his belly.
“Now who’s over dressed?” Mumbling the words against your skin. Dean regretfully brushes your hand aside grinning at the annoyed huff that leaves your lips. “Ah sweetheart put that sexy pout away you’ll get a chance to taste me soon enough. Cause if you keep using that soft hand on my cock I’ll cum faster than I want.”
His words presenting so many thoughts to run through your mind only cut off when wet warm heat engulfs your right nipple. Tongue flicking quickly over taut peak, blunt teeth nipping then soothing over with the tip of his tongue. Switching to the twin leaving both sloppy wet and tight, gleaming in the low light of his room. Worshipping at the temple of your body with kisses pressed into your tummy, running scared callused hands over your skin in silent reverence. Eyes taking in very inch Dean sits back on his knees between your parted legs. Tracing his knuckles along the seam of your jeans covered cunt, making you jolt against him.
Pausing to strip your jeans and panties from your body, tossing them and kicking his own off to land somewhere on the floor. Raising up on elbows to finally get a chance to look at him in all his naked glory. Tracing each divot of scars over a broad chest, passing over the middle to admire thick bowed legs spread wide. Lips licked slowly upon landing on his ridge cock, slightly curved and resting against his lower belly. Palm itching for a touch, mouth watering for that taste. “You’re beautiful Dean,” words whispered so low your unsure if he’s really heard them.
Heat blooms over his cheeks at your admission, looking your fill of his adonis body. Dean returns the admiration. Tracing the features of your beloved face, staring a little too long at your heaving breasts, soft tummy he wants to nibble on at some point. Thick thighs he can’t wait to have wrapped around his waist once he’s buried deep inside your wet heat. The very though has his eyes dropping between your parted legs, glistening folds beckoning him forward. Caught in that tempting trance, Dean slides back between your legs. Brushing his lips just above your mound and receiving a whimper from you. Locking eyes, “I think you got that backwards sweetheart, it’s you who’s beautiful.” Dipping to run the thick flat of his tongue through your folds, humming at the tangy sweetness exploding over his taste buds.
Hips cantering against his mouth, your own letting a deep moan free as one hand slides down to card through his short brown locks. Tugging the strands getting a groan to vibrate against your cunt while his talented tongue dances through your soaked folds. Torturing your clit with ghosted touches, one arm wraps around our thigh spreading you open. As the other slips a finger inside your wet channel, finding you squeezing and tight, garnering a deep groan of arousal from the man between your lips.
“Dean,” voice wrecked and he’s barely touched you. When he doesn’t answer or budge from his sensual assault on your cunt. Lips having formed a perfect O around your clit, tongue flicking kitten licks to the tiny nerve filled nub. Pleased with he whimpers and whines that filter through his desire filled mind.
Resulting in you tugging on his hair harder, back arching as a small shock rocks through your body, tingling your belly when he bites carefully on your clit. “Dean please,” eyes rolling back into your head at the added second finger. Crooked and pressing into the little spongy spot you’ve never had anyone touch. Ripping a half scream from the hidden depths of your soul.
Smug smirk tugging over slick wet lips, stubbled chin coming to rest just above your mound. Watching as you heave a breath, breasts catching his eyes for a moment till you tug again. Fingers anything but still as they thrust and scissor you open, working you carefully to fit his slightly above average length not wanting to hurt you. “Yes sweetheart?” Licking his lips from your slick.
Free hand coming up to cover your heated face, “Don’t sound so smug,” gasping the last word when his thumb brushes over your clit making you jump and wither. Heat spreading from that special spot in your belly, where the tight coil starts to wind higher. Thick thighs tremble with each sensation Dean draws out of you. “Need you, please, please.”
Caressing your quivering walls with the gun callused pads of his fingers, massaging your clit as you plead. Breath chocked out on another moan, chest heavy, heat coating your skin as you wither under him. “Ah but I can’t help myself sweetheart you don’t know what seeing you like this does to me.”
Gathering what little strength you have in your limbs to reach down and cup his cheeks, thumbs brushing over the skin under his eyes. “Why don’t you get up here and show me Dean?” Voice wreaked yet a tender undertone rides through the cadence.
Pressing a single kiss to the pulsing little clit, giving once last flick making your squirm and Dean to chuckle. Slowly pulling his fingers out, stroking twice more your hips chasing the indescribable ecstasy winding its way through your veins. Only to have the tingles dance slower, the coil start to unwind as frustrated huff leaving your gasping lips.
Taking advantage to plunder your mouth, greedy for a sample of the wet cavern and a tongue tango that draws out a sharp moan of need. Especially tasting your tangy sweetness from his lips, sucking the bottom between your teeth to nibble. While reaching blindly over to the nightstand, damn near yanking the whole draw on the ground in his haste. “Give me a sec woman,” huffing out he rolls slightly off you. The noise drawing a giggle out causing him too stiffen, glancing back with a playful glare to refocus on finding his prize.
Using the opportunity to nose the thick column of his neck, taking in the scent of whiskey, leather and motor oil, peppered now with sex and sweat. Addicting and unable to help yourself from sink your teeth into his skin gently but hard enough to leave a small soon to purple mark. Soothing over with the flat of your tongue catching sight of the pause your actions caused. The aroused moan that leaves his lips, head resting on the bed to try and gather himself from your onslaught.
“Something wrong Dean?” Nipping just below his jaw, tracing your fingers along his side. Index finger swirling through the spares, crisp hairs leading a path to what you’ve craved to have inside you for a long time. Nimble fingers surround the base forming a perfect circle that can’t close but tightens. Stroking his length teasingly slow. In return receiving a warning growl — the sound devastating your senses making you throb — from the man currently fishing for a condom and growing frustrated when his fingers come up empty. “Shall I stop my love? Am I distracting you?” Whispered words breathed into his ear, lips kissing the shell. Knowing damn well just how tormenting you are to his senes and body. If his twitching cock your hand currently wrapping around stroking and the shallow breaths are any indication.
“Ha,” triumphant shout of accomplishment, Dean rolls back over you pressing bodies together and into the mattress. “Now where were we?” Flashing that teasing smirk with a hard rutting of his hips against your dripping core and tight fisted hand.
“What to you so long stud?” Biting back the giggles when he fixes you with a scowl.
Breath hissing out through clinched teeth when taking your hand off his cock, bringing those wickedly wonderful fingers to his lips and sucking on each one with a short nibble. Placing the open condom pack in your palm, “Do the honors sweetheart.”
Curling your fingers around the little foil packet, pressing your other hand into the back of his neck drawing Dean in for a tender kiss. Slow meld of your lips, light sips of your warm mouths. Tenderly tugging his bottom lip, to slide your tongue over the bruised skin and into his mouth. Licking and touring the heated cavern, seeking out ways to make his moan and grunt. A moment of forgetfulness while mapping his tonsils and sucking on his tongue, till you break for air. Chasing his mouth for more kisses only to receive a chuckle instead.
Eyes open to spear him with a heated look, foil packet crinkling in your hand a remind of your mission. Slipping fingers from his soft hair, to trace over his body, joining its partner between the two of your heaving bodies. Unlocking your eyes to glance down, hand wrapping back around his thick shaft to stroke twice getting a needy moan from the man above you. Before teasingly rolling the condom on paying special attention to the thick pulsing vein on the underside, mouth watering at the thoughts of getting to taste it later.
Dean grasps one of your hips to bring the leg around his waist, opening you up and feeling your soft skin under his palm. Sliding between your bodies to entwine his fingers with your, pumping his cock together. Different sounds, a hiss from Dean and a moan from you exists on shuttering breaths. Eyes reattach both blown with desire and coated in need, you notch the head of his cock at your entrance pressing the heel of your foot into the small of his back to urge him forward.
Teeth clamping to draw blood from your bottom lip but also to keep from screaming out in pleasure as he slowly sinks inside your quivering depths. Reaching up with his other hand to free your bruised lip, brushing the pad of his thumb over the glistening skin. “I wanna hear you sweetheart don’t hold back.”
“What about Sam?” Breath hitching, mouth hanging open on a moan that’s trapped on the edge of a scream when he bottoms out against you. Bodies flush, joined hands now resting above your head where Dean’s placed them.
Leaning in to press open mouth kisses to your lips and neck letting you adjust to his size, the exquisite stretch thumps through your veins the slight sting only heightening the pleasure. “Never mention his name while we’re in bed sweetheart,” snagging the lobe of your ear with his teeth. Pleased when you nod speechless, though not enough, “Words baby girl I wanna hear that prefect voice of yours.”
Swallowing trying to form words to answer, scoring your nails down his back an impatience mewling whimper leaves instead. Using the leg not wrapped around Dean’s waist as leverage to plant and push your hips up against him. Squeezing your walls tightly around his shaft drawing out a grunt from his lips. “Dean…” going to say more but he chooses that moment to pull out till just the crown rested inside your pulsing channel. “Just you…” hips snapping forward to fill you quickly stealing those words into a loud scream of ecstasy.
Starting a hard punishing rhythm, repeatedly waiting till your fixing to speak and either pulling out or trusting home. Always taking away what your going to say. Knowing your trapped between frustration and pleasure, Dean captures your mouth in another deep kiss. While his hips snap against yours, wrapping the other leg around his waist to angle you differently. Pressing your intertwined hands into the pillow beside your head and breaking the bruising kiss to gulp a lung full of air into both your burning lungs.
Feeling your walls start to quiver around his hammering cock, knowing by the pinched look on your countenance, the quivering of your thick thighs clutching at his trim waist. Heels pressing into the small of his back drawing him forward with quickened strokes that he’s shortened from the long deep thrusts. Notching your legs higher on his waist to press forward, curling his pelvis into your core, determined to make you cum first. Wanting to feel you soak his cock, see the looks of pleasure dance across your features.
Sliding his fingers through your soaked folds to find your pearl pulsing, pressing the pad of his thumb circling to make a gasp fly from your lips. Back arching, tingles no longer gentle but tap dancing a rhythm through your veins. Dean’s name a chant from your dry, parched lips, panting to try and fill your starving lungs. Body vibrating on a higher frequency only Dean’s turned in on as with every snap of his hips, brush of his thumb sends your spiraling deeper into euphoria.
Reaching up to wrap your hand around his neck to bring him back down for another kiss. This one sloppy as the thrusts of Dean’s hips, brief touches of lips, wet slide of your tongues across the other. Eyes sliding closed only to snap back open with a pinch to your nipple soothed over my his teasing fingers.
“Keep those beautiful eyes open for me sweetheart and cum for me I know your close. You just gotta let go for me,” resting your foreheads together, gritting his teeth to starve off his own orgasm. The wet clinch almost too much for Dean to handle. Always wondering but never imagining how good this truly would feel.
“Dean,” breathing out his name, a series of moans and whimpers following. Trying to capture his mouth for another kiss that’s broken off when your orgasm slams into you soaking Dean’s cock in your slick. Eyes rolling back his name a screamed prayer from your lips.
Body convulsing in pleasurable all consuming fire, little sparks of light pin prick behind your tightly closed eyes. Moisture breath fans out over your neck where Dean buries his face, lips pressing into your skin. Chasing that high while working you through your orgasm the wet clinch of your walls prove too much to starve off any long. Giving in with a groan of your name rubbed into your skin as he fills the condom. Circling his hips a few more times to drag out the pleasurable spikes racking his frame.
Collapsing into your arms a welcome weight pressing you into the mattress as you both try to capture your breath. He brings your joined hands down starting to untwine them but the shake of your head stops the actions.
“For a few moments longer,” voice hoarse from screaming out your pleasure. Free hand coming up to card through his sweat drenched hair. Brushing the strands back from his forehead and sliding your lips over his. Brief touches, lingering into something deeper. Tender caresses of mouth’s, nibbling, and sucking softly on bruised skin. Dean starts to move getting a whimpered whine from your throat tightening your arms around him.
“Gotta clear you up sweetheart I’m not going anywhere,” reassuring you with another soft kiss while carefully pulling out of your tender depths. Mesmerized by the slick coating your tights and dripping from your convulsing walls. Brushing his fingers over the reddening swollen skin, gasp reaching his ears, eyes flying up to yours. Then flicking across your body seeing the beard burn on your neck and chest, hand prints blooming over your hips. “Did I hurt you?”
Sitting up to cup his cheeks, “No Dean you didn’t hurt me. If you had I would’ve told you.” Leaning in to kiss him tendering, “Better take care of that mess it’ll get awful sticky otherwise,” giving him a bright smile. Watching while he gingerly takes the spent condom off, tying it closed before tossing it into the waste bin by the night stand.
Raising to walk on shaky bowed legs to grab up the wash cloth from the sink. Wetting with warm water he turns back stunned to find you watching him with a grin on your lips. “Like what you see?”
“Hmm no,” seeing the frown you go to finish. “Love Dean, I see the man I love,” frown switching to teasing smirk as he nears the bed.
Nudging you to lay back and spread your legs, tenderly wiping you clean. Dragging the warm cloth over your folds and inner thighs. Tossing it behind him to crawl into bed gathering your pliant plush body against his hard chest. Back pressed into his front, arms wrapped tightly around your thick waist. Placing a kiss to your shoulder, “I love to you Y/N, get some rest I’m far from through with you.”
Soft giggles vibrate into his chest, “Careful you’re getting old baby you sure you’ll have the stamina?” Toying with the fingers tapping against your tummy sending shivers cross your body.
Low growl accompanies the drag of his teeth over your sensitive skin, drawing a moan from your lips. Pressing his hips into your generous ass, “Give me an hour sweetheart and I’ll show you just how much stamina your man has.”
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dissociativesworld · 3 years
Unexpected Matrimony
Pairing: Captain Rex x reader
Word Count: ~1.9K
Tags: NSFW, slow-burn-ish (familiar with each other before the story), marriage for the mission, Rex sucks at flirting, reader teases the shit out of him, both are oblivious, PiV (wrap it up in rl), cum outside (whoa I know), some dom energy from Rex, not edited because this got rewritten three times already
A/N: Kinda find Rex hard to write, not being he's not amazing but because I feel like his character is a little more complex emotionally than some of the other clones? (I feel the same way about Echo, I'd love to write him but shit there's so many facets) idk either way - enjoy
Story below the cut
“So how’s it feel being the only clone trooper to be legally married?” You giggle, taking a sip of wine.
You had no idea why you and Rex getting married was so important to the mission but Anakin seemed pressed that you would say no. So much so that he didn’t tell either of you until Ahsoka let it slip on the ride here. While initially annoyed, you enjoyed Rex’s shocked face way too much.
“What the matter Captain? The idea of marrying me that appalling?” You elbowed him in the ribs, earning a hearty laugh from his crew.
He didn’t respond but looked even more flustered at your jesting. Well, there were certainly worse men in the Republic to be forced to marry than him.
Rex’s nervous chuckle brought you back to the moment.
“I have to admit, I never thought that would be something I experienced.” He rubbed the back of his head like he did when nervous.
Since when did you know that? You caught yourself. Being friends with Anakin and Padme meant you got more face time with the 501st than normal civilians so you and Rex weren’t strangers. You’d even accompanied them to 79s on more than one occasion. But Rex, while there, had always hung back a bit while you were there. Or at least that’s what his team told you.
Now it was just the two of you sitting in a honeymoon suite on some planet you’d never been to before while Anakin and the rest of the squad were traipsing around completing the mission. Maybe afterward he’d actually explain why you two were just sitting here. Surely Rex would be more useful helping out or at least happier than he seemed to be in your presence.
“Still bummed that it had to be me?” You circled back to your earlier joke.
Rex glanced up at you, his brown eyes searching your face. His face was hard to read, probably got plenty of practice with a general like Anakin.
“I definitely didn’t imagine it being you. But I wouldn’t consider that a bad thing.” His voice trailed off as he spoke, you almost couldn’t hear the last part.
“Aw well, I’m glad I’m not a complete letdown.” You laughed, happy to see you earned another blush from the man. “I guess the guys will never let you hear the end of this, huh?”
“I don’t mind. I get to rub it in their faces if anything.” Rex mumbled into his drink, a pink tint still coloring his face.
You giggled, biting your lower lips as you watched him. The muscle in his jaw was tensed as he swallowed, the tip of his tongue flicking across his lips. For a clone, he was so distinct and not just from the blond hair. The way he held himself was different, you’d noticed it the second you met him and he hadn’t disappointed since. You found her eyes dipping lower, enjoying the new sight of him without the top pieces of his armor on.
“You’re staring.” Rex’s voice brought you back to reality yet again.
“I can’t help it, you’re pretty good-looking you know.” You smirked, lifting your glass back up to your lips.
“You’re one to talk.” He chuckled. “You ever wonder why the boys are always inviting you out?”
You scoffed with a giggle, “here I thought it was because of my impeccable sense of humor.”
“I mean, you’re so much more than beautiful,” there was the neck scratch again. “You really haven’t noticed their flirting?”
You paused, considering the question.
“Nope, I just assumed they’re like that with all women.” You giggled, pausing a moment.
Maybe you should just go for it. What’s the harm? The poor guy was already married to you.
“To be honest I was probably watching you more than listening to them.” You feigned a cough before taking another sip of your drink.
Rex’s head snapped up.
“Why is that?”
“I told you, you’re a handsome guy.” You giggled.
Rex glanced back down at the floor for a second before standing from where he was leaning. Your eyes followed him, watching the way he moved toward you the way he always did. Shoulder’s back, spine straight, chin up. He paused in front of you before holding out a hand.
You took it without hesitation, allowing yourself to be pulled to your feet curious what he was up to. Maybe the impassive face wasn’t such a good thing. At least to you.
Rex inhaled sharply, this was the closest you’d been to him besides the wedding ceremony. He smelled like the military issue soap you’d come to associate with the troopers and you could catch a whiff of the whiskey he’d been drinking, a wedding gift from Anakin. Or a condolence gift, who knew with him.
“I’d like to kiss you if you’re not opposed,” Rex spoke formally, previous relaxed chatter seemed to be forgotten.
You paused for a moment, surprised at the sudden forward approach. Never once before did you think he would ever be genuinely interested in you. Especially after his teams’ comments about him being standoffish whenever you were around.
Rex’s blank face faltered, it was only a second but you saw the momentary collapse in confidence.
Fuck it.
You reached up, grabbing his shoulders before pushing your lips against his. He didn’t move for a second, seemly surprised by your actions. After a moment you felt arms circle your waist and pull you closer against his chest. You melted into the embrace, feeling the sinewy muscle through his blacks.
He reluctantly pulled away, eyes soft as he stared into yours.
“Why’d you stop?” You asked quietly, eyes flicking between his searching for an answer.
His lips crashed back into yours making your heart leap in your chest. A hand went to the back of your head, fingers knotting in your hair as his lips moved against yours. You looped your arms around his neck both of you pulling each other into yourselves.
Rex’s hands went to your thighs, lifting them so you could circle your legs around his waist. You paid no mind as he moved, just focused on his mouth as his tongue danced with yours.
Suddenly he broke away and dropped you onto the bed in the middle of the room. You gazed up at the captain to see him staring back with an adoring gaze that you had never seen before, not that you were complaining.
“I don’t know where you got the idea that I don’t like you.” Rex spoke in a husky tone. “But hopefully this clears that up.”
He leaned down and caged you down to the bed with his body, lips back on yours. You could feel your lips becoming raw from the attention but you didn’t want it to stop. It wasn’t long though before he moved to kiss down your jaw then neck to your shoulder where he bit down gently, sucking at your soft flesh.
You could feel the heat pool between your legs, your hands moving to his back as you moan. He bit down a little harder and you dug your nails into his back. The rumble of his groan could be felt against your skin before he moved to continue trailing kisses down between your breasts to your navel. You mentally cursed the dress that you were wearing, it was going to take way too long to get it off and you did not want to wait that long.
Rex on the other hand didn’t seem to mind as he reached for your calf, hand moving up your leg and under the dress skirts before stopping right above your knee. His eyes met yours again, unspoken question hanging in the air.
And then his comm rung.
“You have got to be kidding me,” you blurted out, sexual frustration clouding your mind.
Rex chuckled before reluctantly getting up and retrieving the device from where his armor was. He walked back over to where you were, now sitting up.
“General Anakin?” Rex answered.
“Hey Rex - sorry for ditching you two, we needed a convincing cover for being planet-side. Are you two both still alive?”
You could hear hushed laughter in the background, gazing up at Rex you could see his face starting to flush again. He was so lucky color didn’t show well over holo or else he’d never hear the end of it.
“Yes sir.” He answered curtly, eyes darting down to look at you with a hint of a smile on his face.
“Good, we’ll be back in about a half-hour to get you guys. Hang in there.” Anakin said before signing off.
Both of you stood in silence for a moment before you smirked and stood up next to him.
“I don’t know about you but I think that means we still have some time to kill.”
Rex reached around your back to unlace the back when you pushed him down onto the bed. He looked up at you with an arched brow.
“Still not enough to get this thing off,” your smirk remaining on your face as you move to straddle his waist.
His eyes widened momentarily before returning your smirk and pulling you into another bruising kiss. You moved your hips just enough for him to be able to push the waistband of his blacks down before you felt his hard cock press against your damp panties. His fingers pushed the fabric aside as you reached down to guide his cock.
You could feel your own blush crawling along your cheeks as you watched Rex’s face. His eyes were hungry as they locked between your legs as you sat on his cock, he moaned and dropped his head back onto the bed as you bottomed out. Moving your hips slightly earned another loud groan from him emboldening you to set a slow teasing pace.
Suddenly he gripped your hips before sitting up so your bodies were flush against each other again.
“We don’t have time for that mesh’la and I’m not leaving here until I feel you cum on my cock.” His hips gyrating into yours, making sure to hit every sensitive spot inside you.
His hand went to your clit as you rode him, the heat coiling quickly in your belly. You could hear him murmuring in Mando’a as your pussy clenched around him, the tension threatening to snap.
Rex’s comm rang again.
You paused, beyond frustrated.
“I didn’t say stop mesh’la,” Rex growled, hips snapping up into you again encouraging you to keep going.
“But Skyw-” You started before Rex grabbed the back of your head, pulling your face to his in a searing kiss.
The tension building snapped and you felt your orgasm wash over you like a wave, your legs shaking from the force. Rex pushed his hips up into you twice more before pulling you off him, ropes of cum spilling down his cock as you two panted.
Rex moved you to his side as he got up and grabbed the comm, yet again, slipping his cock into his pants before answering.
You didn’t bother to eavesdrop this time, laying back on the bed letting the blissed-out feeling numb your senses. Soon Rex was standing over you, a genuine smile on his face.
“It’s time to go mesh’la.” His voice was soft, as he stroked your still exposed thigh.
You smiled back, sighing deeply. “One more kiss?”
Rex chuckled, grabbing your hand to help you stand. He pressed his forehead against yours before placing a soft kiss on your lips.
“There will be plenty more later mesh’la."
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ladydimitrescuspet · 3 years
What About What I Want? Chapter 5
AO3 link! sorry for the really long wait for this update! I've been so focused on other fics and honestly I've been thinking this story was a bit shit for a while so I was dragging out updating it! but it turns out it's decently written and that sparked a little inspiration in me! I hope y'all enjoy and let me know what you think if you'd like to! and apologies for any grammatical errors, I hope they're not too hard to figure out if y'all find any!
warnings: slightly nsfw
Tag List (only fill out the form once please): @lord-dimitrescu, @alwaysgoodnight, @paint-it-periwinkle, @lightspica, @ultimatebottom69, @sexyheisenbeast, @crazy-obsessed, @squid3, @inlovewithalcinadimitrescu, @the-obscurity, @sapphicalciee, @ladydimitresculove, @solemnnova, @itsyourgirlmalise, @the-little-shadow, @marvelwomen-simp, @rachelthefanfictionwriter, @d14n4ol, @peachesandlesbians, @celina1221, @theuselesslezbian|Anna, @Gansito83, @Followingmyheartledmetoyou, (won’t tag, idk why)
"Fuck, Al, I think I'm gonna cum. Again." You moaned, Alcina letting out a small chuckle at your words.
Alcina pressed her nose into your neck. "Again, you say?" She murmured into your neck as you fucked yourself on her cock. "Maybe we should take a break after this one, yes?"
"Mhmm," You agreed, biting your lip as your orgasm began building up. "Alcina, please, I'm so close. Please, please. Please bite me." You begged.
Alcina placed her hands on your hips as she slammed into you. "Not. Right. Now." You started whining nonsense at her. "Shush, draga mea. Now cum for me." Alcina grunted out as she pressed kisses to your neck, then your jaw, before finally claiming your lips in a heated kiss as your orgasm washed over you. The moans that you allowed her mouth to swallow sending her over the edge with you.
You smiled at her when the two of you finally broke the kiss. "So this is our life for a day and a half? Fucking the life out of each other?" You gave her another kiss before climbing off her. You let out a small sigh as you stretched, hissing at how sore you were. "Miranda wouldn't happen to have a shower here, would she?" You asked as you paced around slightly.
Alcina hummed. "Just the emergency chemical shower, I think." Alcina replied. "Perhaps we can take one together, save some time?" Alcina suggested as she got off the bed.
You looked at her with watery eyes. "I changed my mind. Does she have a bath here?" You asked. Alcina nodded her head. "Good. Can we... can we just relax for a moment? Together, I mean."
"Of course, darling." Alcina replied as she pulled you in for a hug. "We can do that. And we can end the ceremony right after, if you want."
You shook your head. "No, no, there's only a few hours left. I just... I just need a moment." You murmured into her stomach. Alcina nodded her head and picked you up, taking you into an adjoining room. When the bath was filled, she lowered you in before getting in behind you. You sighed as you leaned against her chest. "Alci, I'm scared." You said quietly after a few moments.
“What’s got you scared, love?” Alcina asked. She pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Is it the ceremony?”
You nodded your head. “A bit.” You replied. “And something else.” Alcina pressed small kisses to your neck as you continued speaking. “There was this woman, this old woman. And she, well she… Alcina, please,” You whined.
“I’m sorry, darling.” Alcina apologised, pressed one more kiss to your forehead. “Continue.”
“Thank you.” You replied. You’d managed to calm yourself down to be able to speak once more. “The woman, she told me that Miranda was going to take our child.” The words made you feel sick. “If the baby is fit to be a vessel for her dead daughter, she’s going to take our baby from us. And I can’t….. Alcina, I can’t let her, I won’t let her.”
Alcina stayed quiet as she mulled your words over. “If that’s how it’s to be, draga mea, then who are we to deny Mother Miranda something that will benefit her?” Alcina asked.
You went stiff against her. “You can’t be serious, Alcina.” You said as you pushed yourself away from her to look at her. “Are you fucking kidding me? You’d just give our baby to her without question?”
“If it’s what she wants, yes.” Alcina replied.
You scoffed at her in disbelief. “And what about what I want, Alcina? Does what I want not matter? Does it not hold a fucking candle to Miranda and whatever the fuck she’s going to do with my child?” You asked. “This ceremony, it’s over. I cannot and will not be a part of some experiment to produce the perfect vessel for her dead daughter. I thought you cared about me, but now I know exactly where your loyalty lies.” You stood up from the bath.
“Darling, please, it’s… not here, we’ll talk about it at the castle.” You nodded your head as Alcina exited that bath with you, pulling you into her as she kneeled down to be level with you. “We can’t truly discuss this here. Miranda has eyes and ears everywhere, but when I said my family comes first, I meant that. And I promise you that no harm will befall our little one.” Alcina whispered into your ear.
You melted into her embrace. “Do you truly mean that? You won’t… you won’t go back on your promise?” You asked as you clung to her.
Alcina nodded her head as she picked you up and carried you back to the bed, putting you down gently before kissing you. “I promise with my whole heart that I won’t let her harm you.” She pressed kisses down your body until she got to your belly button. “Or you, little one. Mama’s going to keep you safe, you have my word.”
You let out a soft laugh as she pressed kisses all over your belly, your fingers finding her hair. You let out a soft moan as Alcina’s kisses got closer and closer to your sex. “Alci,” Alcina hummed as she breathed in your scent, her mouth watering. “Alcina, please,”
Alcina pressed the flat of her tongue against you before swiping up. “You taste so marvellous, my love.” Alcina whispered against you. You let out a whine when she crawled back up your body, giving you more kisses before she finally reached your face. “Te iubesc.”
You smiled at her before cupping her cheeks and kissing her. “I love you too.”
“I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!” You screamed.
Daniela looked over at Alcina. “Mother, is Y/N alright?” Daniela asked.
“They’re fine.” Alcina said, patting her daughter’s hand reassuringly. “I think. I’ll go check on them. You tell your sisters that dinner will be ready in a bit.” Daniela swarmed off at her Mother’s instructions. “Darling, are you alright? Daniela’s a bit worried about you.”
“That bitch called.” Alcina raised her eyebrow. “Miranda, she called. She wants to… she wants to see how we’re doing, how the baby is doing.” You placed your hand over our belly, protectively.“I don’t want her here, Alcina.”
Alcina sighed. “There really is nothing I can do to stop her from coming to the castle, my love.” Alcina replied as she walked over to you. “It’s been two months since the last time she was over here and Mother Miranda assured me that she didn’t want to use our baby as her vessel, the thought never even crossed her mind.”
“But she could’ve been lying to you, Alcina. Lying to me.” You sighed as you leaned into her. “I don’t trust her, I can’t.” You shook your head with a small sniffle. Alcina leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Alright. I’ll delay Miranda’s visit to the castle as long as I can, but she will have to see the baby at some point. To make sure it’s healthy.” Alcina said.
“I know, I know, but… Can’t Donna do it? I trust her.” You replied.
“Donna can do some things, but there are…other things that Miranda will need to do when examining the child that Donna can not.” Alcina responded. “Just one examination, dear, that’s all she has to do until the baby is born. Is that okay with you?”
You frowned. “Just the one?” Alcina nodded her head and you sighed. “If it’s only the one. And you have to promise to stay in the room, please.” You grabbed her hand and squeezed it.
“Of course, darling. And Donna can do the rest of the examinations and then Miranda will do the one after our little one is here. Sound like a plan, my love?” Alcina asked. You nodded your head, not trusting your words. “Good, good. Now, dinner is almost ready and I’m sure the girls are bickering like they always are when I’m not around. Shall we?” Alcina offered you her hand and you took it.
“You really don’t think Miranda will take the baby once it’s born? Or during the examination?” You asked as she led you to the dining room.
“Darling, listen. I’ll say it as many times as I have to, I won’t let anything happen to our child. And I’m sure the girls would say the same things. Right, girls?” Alcina asked as the two of you entered the room. The two of you got a chorus of “Yes, of course, Mother,” from them and it made you smile a bit. “There’s that gorgeous smile of yours, my love. I promise, our baby is safe and nothing will happen.”
You let out a deep breath, nodding your head. “I’m sure you’re right.” You said.
Dinner went by quickly and soon you found yourself in Alcina’s study, sitting in her lap. “The old woman mentioned something else.” You said softly as you played with Alcina’s curls. She hummed. “Mentioned that if the baby wasn’t to Miranda’s standards that a few years from now, she’d find her perfect vessel.”
“Hmm, is that so?” Alcina asked. You nodded your head. “Then we really have nothing to worry about, yes? I doubt a baby born into the Dimitrescu family will serve as a perfect vessel. I mean, I was a… failure of her experimentations. As were Karl, Donna, and Salvatore.” Alcina replied as she did some paperwork. You opened your mouth to reply, but Alcina spoke again first. “That’s enough talk of this for right now. You need your rest, as does our child. You’re free to fall asleep right here, but if you’d be more comfortable in the room, I can have Helena take you to our chambers." Alcina suggested.
You shook your head. "No, I want to stay with you. You can carry me to the room once you've finished here." You said as you snuggled into her. Alcina chuckled, but pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
"Very bold of you to assume that I would do such a thing, little one." Alcina teased. When you didn't respond, Alcina noted that your breathing had started to even out indicating that you were asleep. "Sweet dreams, iubirea mea." Alcina whispered before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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thora-jane · 3 years
Twin-Way Mirror (pt vi)
(a/n): Hey everyone. My mental health's getting a little bit better. These past few weeks I've had some depression/anxiety episodes but I think I might be on the better end of it now? I will say that the stories I post may be more spread out over time (I had a lot of this already written before I made the tumblr account, and I haven't had the time/energy to write more of the story. So like...idk thank you for your patience and understanding? anyway, I hope you enjoy this :)
Summary: Thanks to the Weasleys, you start to recover from the attack at the world cup
Word Count: 2,229
Warnings: mentions of blood and injuries, reader has a bit of a ptsd attack, also things get a little bit spicy but nothing nsfw.
TAGS!: @aliiiyyaaah @superblyspeedydragon @bamboozledflamplant
Someone was moving you. Everything was spinning. Mudblood. Mood. Blood. Mud and blood filled your mouth, swirling with bile and spit. Spit. Something smelled terrible, you smelled terrible. Reeking.
You felt a hand on your cheek. The pain stabbed across your face like a knife.
You bolted upright.
And screamed.
“Hey, hey hey hey it’s alright,” you heard George’s (or was it Fred’s?) voice through your ragged and panicked breaths, his hand placed gently on your back, “(y/n), we’re safe now, we’ve made it home.”
You finally looked around, you were on the couch in the burrow’s living room.
“Home?” You asked. You looked up, George was rubbing your back and Fred was sitting on the arm of the seat, eyes flitting back and forth between looking at you and down at his hands with what appeared to be shame. You looked back at the rest of the room, where the others had managed to find room standing and watching you, Harry and Ron stone-faced, Ginny with her jaw clenched, Hermione appeared to be on the brink of tears, Mr. Weasley looked awfully serious, and Mrs. Weasely was holding her muddied and bloodied hand to her chest, a damp rag in the hand at her side and fear on her face.
You felt your face gingerly, most of the caked on mud and blood had been smudged off, except for the grime around the large bruised and scarred lump on your face.
“Yeah, home,” George nodded again with a smile, “How are you feeling?”
You held your head in your hands, “Who was that?” You felt your eyes well up as you sat up more and looked down at the rest of your body, you were still covered in mud, and there appeared to be a boot print right in the middle of your shirt.
“Death Eaters,” Harry piped up from the back, “Voldemort’s followers. They stormed the campgrounds and-” He stopped, looking at you, “Sorry, I shouldn’t have…” His voice trailed off, and it took you a second to realize you were crying, the salty tears stinging the wound on your face.
“Oh it’s alright Harry,” you interrupted yourself with a shaky breath, “I don’t mind, keep talking-”
But Mrs. Weasley interrupted you, “Alright everyone, I think it’s best we give her some space. I’ll come back in a bit to help clean you up more, sweetie. Get some rest.”
The others filed out of the room quietly, but Fred and Geroge stayed beside you in silence, after a moment you sighed and bit back a smile. “I don’t suppose I look any better than either of you now, eh?” You chuckled, but it came out more like a twisted sob. George’s arm wrapped around your shoulder as he pulled you into a gentle sideways hug, “I wouldn’t say that. Why, look at Freddy over there, you could hardly believe we shared the same womb! He’s hideous!” He chuckled softly, squeezing your shoulder. You let out a wince at the pressure and he frowned, turning to you, “you’re in pretty bad shape, (y/n), but I doubt it will last. Is there anything we could do to help?
You looked back down at your crusted and soiled shirt, “A change of clothes would be helpful. And cleaning up doesn’t sound like the worst idea either.” you smiled, or at least offered what you could manage of a smile without hurting your face, “I’ll go get my clothes-” You started trying to get off the couch with a long and pained groan. Everything hurt, your stomach, your legs, your hand. And Merlin, you could barely move your wrist without tears pricking at the corner of your eyes.
George seemed to catch on, and he carefully eased you back onto the couch, “I’ll go get you a change of clothes. Stay here, alright?” he stroked the back of your head for a moment before getting up and leaving.
You and Fred sat in silence for a moment before nuding him with your foot, “Oi, I don’t think I’ve seen you this quiet since...well, I can’t remember.”
“(y/n)...I’m so sorry this happened.” He said, looking up at you hesitantly.
“Hey, it’s alright. We’re both here now, yeah?” you shifted in your spot on the couch, leaning forward as you tried to maintain eye contact, but he only looked away again.
“No, no (y/n) it’s not alright. I shouldn’t have let you out of my reach. I shouldn’t have let the crowd separate us, I should have forced my way back sooner-” his voice was dead serious, something that you hadn’t thought was possible before now.
“I don’t want you blaming yourself for this,” your voice was a little uneasy, you could feel it as you tried to keep your breathing steady, “Because I’m fine now. We’re home, you heard your brother-”
“No, but (y/n) you’re not fine!” he snapped, standing up and gesturing to your body in one big sweep of his arm, “They were going to kill you! And whose fault would that have been? It wouldn’t have been yours I can tell you that!”
“Freddie,” George’s voice was stern as he returned to the room, a change of clothes in hand, “Go get some things to clean up. What’s done is done and we can only start moving forward. I don’t think either of you are in a state to start pointing fingers,” He walked towards you on the couch as Fred went off to the kitchen, his hands balled into fists.
George knelt down beside you, brushing the hair from your forehead and dabbing at your lingering tears with the edge of his sleeve. “How are you feeling?” he asked, holding his hand under your chin carefully and examining your face.
“A bit banged up, surprisingly,” you quipped. You paused, looking down at the clothes in his hand, “So...should I change?” You looked back up at him, a bit embarrassed by your current lack of mobility.
“Oh! Yeah,” he agreed with a bit of a start, “You can’t quite be up and about right now, huh?” He glanced around the room before snatching the blanket off the back of the couch and holding it up in front of him as a curtain between you two, “I swear on Fred’s life I’m not going to move this until you say you’re done, and I will scream bloody murder if anyone walks in,” He delcared in what you assumed was a mock-stoic voice from the other side of the blanket.
You began to peel off your muddied pants and slide your sore legs into the new pair. It wasn’t until after you had them on that you realized how this unfamiliar stripey pair fit quite loose, “These aren’t mine?” you mumbled to yourself, and from the other side of the blanket you could hear George clear his throat.
“I uh...couldn’t figure out how to open your trunk so I..grabbed a pair of my pajamas. I promise they’re clean. I can get you yours later it was just...short notice and I didn’t want to be a bother-”
“It’s alright,” you assured him as you started to lift your shirt over your head, “At least they're clean- OW!” you felt a screaming pain stab it’s way through your wrist after you had managed to get one arm out of your sleeve.
“Are you ok?” His voice was nervous, and you saw the blanket shift beside your head-
“Oi!” You almost shouted, “Watch the blanket!”
“Sorry! Sorry,” you heard him mumble as the blanket lifted up a little bit, “I guess we’ll call it even from this morning.”
You had managed to carefully wrangle your way out of your shirt and pull one of the sleeves of George’s shirt before it dawned on you, “Oh Merlin, did you see me? Just now?” Your stomach twisted as you shrugged on the second sleeve and looked at the open front of the shirt, “Damn buttons.”
“If it’s any comfort, I only saw your shoulder. And I looked away as soon as I saw-” He stammered out nervously, as you gave the buttons down your front a calculated stare.
“Just...never bring this up again, yeah?” You muttered mostly to yourself before your first attempt at buttoning up your shirt. But your try was unsuccessful, pain twisting the muscles and bone in your wrist as your right hand went to try and help the button through the hole. You let out a faint gasp of pain, and from the other side of the blanket you heard George shift his stance awkwardly.
“Do you need any help?” he piped up from his side.
You paused, sighing as you carefully moved the shirt to cover your front without buttoning it, “If I must. But if you try to pull something then so help me Godric the second I get my wand back you’re dead.” He let the blanket fall to the floor and his hands flew up to his face, squinting through his fingers. It was clear he was trying to lighten the mood as he perched himself on the edge of the couch. You chuckled at his efforts and reached for one of his hands with your good one, placing his fingertips on the buttons of his shirt, “You don’t have to do it with your eyes closed, dimwit.”
George smirked, opening his eyes slightly and making it clear he was staring directly at the buttons he was fastening, “Y’know, I don’t usually do this for folks,” he smiled looking back up at you with a dramatic wink. His eyes stayed latched to yours as he worked his way up the trail of buttons, making a point to not stare at your chest.
“Oh? This isn’t a regular occurrence between you and your roommates? You don’t sit in a circle helping each other tie your ties each morning? You don’t fix Fred’s hair and make sure Lee’s robes are nice and straight?”
George laughed, “Keeping Lee’s robes straight is Fred’s job.”
“Well someone ought to tell him he’s not doing a very good job of it, Lee’s robes wouldn’t stay smooth unless he used a charm,” you sighed, a weak smile lingering on your face.
“Oh! That reminds me,” George reached into his pocket and pulled out your wand, “managed to get it out without a scratch!” He tucked it into your messed-up hair and smiled, “Good as new!” His hand lingered on the side of your face, carefully touching the area around the swollen and bruised gash for just a moment, “You don’t look that bad, really. A little roughed up but give it some soap, water, magic, and time, you’ll be back to your wonderfully-faced self,” his voice was encouraging, but your thoughts had drifted off to elsewhere.
“Oh my god, you took on a Death Eater.” You blurted out, eyes widening, “Are you ok? Did he get you at all? Are you alright?” Your hand reached for his face, there was a scratch just below his cheek bone but other than that and a few smudges of mud he appeared fine,
“I’m alright, (y/n), really,” he patted your hand.
“Oi, I got you out of there too, y’know.” Fred interrupted from the doorway, “Where’s the worry for me?”
“Oh my god, Fred!” Your voice was startled as you scrambled off the couch and stumbled across the floor over to him. He had just barely managed to set down the bowl of water and sponge before you practically collapsed in his arms, “are you alright? What on earth were you two thinking? Running into danger like that? You could have gotten yourselves killed!” You winced at the pain pulsing through your body, but you only hugged Fred tighter. After a second you let out a muffled sob into his chest and you could feel his arms wrap around you, patting your back.
“But it’s alright,” you heard him whisper, “You said it yourself, we’re home,” He placed a kiss on the top of your head, and you could feel another body hug you from behind.
“We’re here, (y/n). Now c’mon, it’s late and you should get some sleep,” You felt George lean down and kiss your cheek before helping you shuffle back to the couch and wipe the last bit of mud from your face.
You woke up the next morning feeling sore, but minimal agony in comparison to the night before. As you opened your eyes, you realized you were face-to-chest with one of the twins. You figured the two of you had slept on the couch the night before. As you poked your head out from behind his shoulder, you saw the other twin asleep in the chair. Neither of the boys had changed their clothes from yesterday, and you looked down to see the large gold “G” against a green sweater, with its sleeves wrapped around your waist, pulling you close.
“Mmm, (y/n), are you up?” George murmured, his eyes not opening.
You smiled softly at his warm embrace, “No George, go back to sleep,” you whispered, laying down again with your head against his shoulder.
“Of course, sweetheart,” he nodded, barely awake as he pulled you closer and nuzzled his face into your hair with a sleepy sigh.
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