#sly raccoon oc
@claraknight​ posting her Super Good Sly OCs made me inspired
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i miss my man okay. i miss him
also: in-game dirk who left the cops and also uses a cane because one of his legs got super fucked up
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monsterwapo · 6 months
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Been playing through the first Sly Cooper and saw lots of potential for fan characters with a lineage full of raccoon thieves. But I also thought "You know, I think if I were in charge of this franchise I'd make it a bit of an anthology series, where different games jump forwards in time to new members of the Cooper Clan, with new techniques having been added to the Thievius Raccoonus since the previous games."
So, following that idea, I decided my first Sly Cooper OC should be not an ancestor of Sly, but one of his descendants. I.T. Cooper lives in a high-tech future, probably at least 150 years after Sly, and uses two main pieces of technology to perform heists: his cane, made up of two handles that project a hard-light hook shape and can connect to each other at any length, and his future version of the Binocucom, a headset that lets him zoom hid vision in on faraway objects, as well as scanning his eyes to display his expression on the black screen.
I imagine one possible story for him could be in a hypothetical sequel to Thieves in Time, where Sly manages to travel forward again but goes too far, winding up in the future and meeting I.T. there. He'd sort of wind up in the same position his ancestors just were, meeting their own descendants, and I.T. would find himself in a Back-to-the-Future situation where if he doesn't help Sly get back to his own time, he'll never be able to be born and will cease to exist. Because of this, I can imagine him not being very cooperative at the beginning of his story; maybe he wants to work solely on his own merit, and working with Sly helps him open up to the idea of accepting his past family's help through use of the Thievius Raccoonus' techniques.
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vivivolare · 9 months
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heeeey I’ve been meaning to post heeeere, but felt more inclined to since discord and twitter are being cringe. So here was the old extra push for via to poooost. Just a bit of Sly my oc Valeria.
(Who’s design I touched up)
nothing special but it’s been a bit since I’ve drawn em- Good to know I can still draw sly well lol
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zigmatism · 4 months
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Some sketches from some friend prompts.
Cali @humblegoatart and K'Will @riverdoge decking Nomen out in Valentine's stuff
Sly Cooper (my favorite video game character)
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Laura Phantom/Avalice Laura Phantom
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simina-cindy · 8 months
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When lemurs like you, they'll just make themselves at home on you 💜
Nyx and art belong to me. Do not copy or reupload.
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dougielombax · 22 days
*laughs sinisterly*
They don’t know about my OCs!
Oh no no no!
They don’t know about Leon Vartanian, Jacques Manoukyan, Chandrakupar or even Mor Addai Gabriel Kooparon!
And they never will!!!
(He said. Typing out a tract which will be visible for all to see)
(Look I never said I wasn’t self aware! Because I am!)
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alfafilly · 2 years
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Rising from the dead for a throwback to a fanart redraw I did of an OC self-insert and Arpeggio from 2004!! I drew the new version in 2017 but I think it still holds up! 
2017 was when I replayed all the games and got inspired by it again and joined the Sly fandom. While I may have gone quiet this year due to new interests and (mostly) real life taking up priority, it still means a lot to me and I am blessed to have been/still am apart of this community! I met so many friends since joining in 2017, including one of my besties @arpeggio-the-parrot !! 
This throwback is to celebrate the birthday of Sly Cooper as a series, and Arpeggio’s birthday because Sly 2 also came about in September! And we all know he’s the only one that matters (to me). 
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blitzy-arts · 2 years
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Commission for Blair93 (2 versions).
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jumobear · 2 years
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needed an anthro ref for this guy
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blackopals-world · 27 days
Character Profile: Baishan Bucchi
Chef!Yuu x Ruggie Bucchi child oc
Regent Hunt, Molly Schoenheit , Jojo and Koko Trappola , Nuru Kingscholar , Nephos Leech
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Dorm: Savanaclaw
Age: 15
Birthday: November 22 (Sagittarius)
Club: Culinary Arts club
Best Subject: Animal Communication
Hobbies: Does working count? No? Then foraging.
Pet Peeves: Wasted food
Favorite Food: Acorn cakes
Least Favorite Food: Is there such a thing? Anything toxic? No, those can be tasty too.
Talent: Stealing
Appearance: Baishan is a tanned-skinned boy with golden eyes. He has grey and black raccoon ears with long grey hair that goes down his back. He has two sets of prominent thick black strips on his cheeks. He has black shadow over his eyes like a raccoon. It's not makeup these markings are a part of his skin. Baishan is fairly slim with broad shoulders. He however will gain more weight during the winter months but not enough. He has a long, ringed raccoon tail.He often sports black leather gloves
Personality: Baishan is a hardworking young man. He can be single-minded in his desires when he wants something and even if it screws others over he will still do it. Well, he might hesitate. He resents the raccoon as thieves stereotype but he does in fact like stealing.
Story: Baishan was found hiding behind a dumpster after stealing Ruggie's wallet when he was 4. Ruggie brought him home to their family restaurant and was adopted into the family. Yuu and Ruggie began teaching Baishan everything they knew to help him get by in life. Cooking, cleaning, reading, writing, fishing, etc.
Baishan was everything thing to his parents since he was their only chance to have a child at that point. He was being prepared to become a chef at the restaurant one day.
Baishan was often taken to visit the Kingscholar family with Ruggie. He was doomed to grow up with Kingscholar children as his childhood friends. Baishan was not a big fan of royals but he loved taking their stuff.
Via and Kuro Kingscholar where his favored playmates and they often got into schemes together. Via was pragmatic and weighed every choice. Kuro was the strong one who could push his way through any obstacle. Baishan was the sly one who could talk his way out of every problem and not get caught red-handed.
Baishan grew up under similar conditions to Ruggie but without an adult in his life. Naturally, they are very alike they do what they can to survive in harsh environments. Baishan can't afford to care what people think about him because living is more important than pride. They often go fishing together when they forage for new ingredients. Ruggie treats Baishan like his mini-me and loves teaching him. He even accepted Baishan's lockpicking habits.
Yuu has a restaurant to run and a family business to build. They taught Baishan to cook and discovered that Baishan was a natural with a knife. Cooking family meals together while talking about their day is how they bond. Baishan will oven arrive home with fresh food he foraged to cook a new dish with Yuu. They love trying new things together even if Baishan will try to eat the most gross things he can find.
Extra Notes:
Baishan has no fear of eating anything. Even if it's inedible
Yuu calls him "Little Panda"
Baishan has a promising future as a phantom thief
"The Arrest of Arsène Lupin" was his favorite story. He loves stories about thieves. He passed this love down to his little sister.
Baishan had a brief crush on Via Kingscholar.
He loves the taste of wild boar.
Baishan can't eat more then Ruggie (yet)
Baishan is based on the Raccoon from Pocahontas, Meeko.
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vivivolare · 2 years
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Wow Sly art from via- but it’s a meme art- but ship art technically
I’d say this sums up the two quite well, I need to draw them more-
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cemeterything · 6 months
wait can we know the furry designs for your oc’s??
Annie - black sheep with horns that hunts like a dog (based on the lamb from chirin no suzu)
Lincoln Ray - a sweet but battered brown rat
Chiyo - three-legged cat (tortoiseshell japanese bobtail)
Valentine - world's most tense cheetah
Reaver - scarred brown bear who would rather be hibernating right now
Jocelyn - technically spider but for the sake of sticking to the furry theme, a sly and slender grey fox
Pentifer - mantis, or tasmanian devil if you insist on furry
Fen - water deer (the one with the vampire fangs)
Emery - husky
Nicky - cunning, ruthless stoat
Dante - snowshoe hare
Lamia - red jackal
Raquel - raccoon
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Laura Fenton/Laura Phantom
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simina-cindy · 11 months
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Bentley from Sly Cooper with my character Nyx.
Art belongs to me. Do not copy or reupload.
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dougielombax · 9 months
Okay I do have another OC.
He’s a Sly Cooper OC.
A cooper ancestor. Yes he is a raccoon.
His name is Chandrakupar. I created him when I was an anon.
Some of you may have heard of him.
He’s basically an Indian prince who became a Buddhist monk, then he got kicked out of the monastery and became an eccentric hermit and straight up nudist who opposed the caste system and helped poor people, stealing from the rich and greedy and the like.
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