#small town scandal
teathattast · 2 months
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this could be a situation
breaking news on local stations
they don't know what's going on
but they're so damn mad that they're so turned on
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some1willrememberus · 2 months
Zolita - Small Town Scandal (Official Lyric Video)
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blodbranddod · 1 month
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notesofseptember · 2 months
She's a vers in the saddle
Save a horse, ride a cowgirl
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this is ridiculous and stuck in my head
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a-h-87769877 · 2 months
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markantonys · 1 year
so funny when people say "well, obviously min is the only one rand can have a long-term relationship with post-canon since she doesn't have any other obligations" as if they cannot even conceive of the idea of rand being the househusband to his breadwinner wife/wives rather than the reverse. like there is literally nothing stopping him from just moving into the caemlyn palace and being elayne and aviendha's sugar baby. and as far as i can remember there was never any indication within the books that elayne would be expected to make a political marriage, that's just an assumption some readers make based on their own preconceptions of royal characters. (morgase's marriage to taringail was to smooth the throne's transition from mantear to trakand, but elayne already has 2 thrones and 2 heirs secure - and, on the latter subject, the books never hinted that her having kids while unmarried would in any way make them not be considered legitimate heirs, so there's really no reason at all why she would NEED to get married.)
"but rand wants to get away from it all, he can't have a relationship with a high-profile public figure who's obligated to stay in caemlyn" okay then they can keep their relationship discreet! and rand can travel by himself in his free time! and bring back nice presents to his family! and lest this be thought a Min Hate Post, min can move into the palace and be their sugar baby too! they can all be together, it's fine! there's really no reason why all 4 lifestyles can't ultimately be compatible long term! i mean, assuming min is able to get out of the seanchan's clutches.........which, somehow, people never seem to think is as big of an obstacle to Being Rand's Endgame as the fact that elayne and aviendha have jobs.
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miel-core · 5 days
ok so i'm finally off to go rit dye my flannels brown / black ... after putting it on the back burner for months ! 🖤
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gurorori · 10 months
Btw there was a day when I spent too much time in the shower and started to come up with russian doomer au
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ughhhhhhhhhh this is so him ma eyes 're waterin'.
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anch-vaviel · 11 months
Last year's VS this year's birthday party with my lovely friends on Vaviel! A lot has changed over the past year but we're still all besties!
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some1willrememberus · 28 days
Zolita - Small Town Scandal (Official Music Video)
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medusacomplex · 11 months
crazy to me that the duffers got it right that kids are mean when it comes to will coming back but didn't seem to care that nancy's rep was tanked in such a way that she would have been the butt of jokes for months
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chamerionwrites · 2 years
Most of the time I am probably too accommodating and hate conflict to a fault but occasionally the Zero Fucks Left version of me emerges, and I'm fairly sure 99% of people who have witnessed it find it Jekyll-and-Hyde unsettling.
Which is almost certainly a character flaw on my part! But I don't entirely know what to do about it, because I'm pretty sure it's the "too accommodating" part that's the character flaw and while I've been working on that half my life, and honestly gotten much better at it, that isn't the half of the equation that people are freaked out by.
#i try to be reasonable and restrained even when i'm out o patience so it's not like i suddenly turn into an aggressive shouty asshole#people just seem to feel blindsided by what from their perspective is an abrupt and extreme shift#from 'chill to the point of being a pushover about a lot of things' to 'utterly unyielding about select things'#which i do get but idk i still just find a lot of the things people get irritable about too petty to waste my energy on#i also think that occasionally someone deserves to be told politely but firmly that they're being a dick and should knock it off#I don't see how these things are mutually incompatible!#anyway this post brought to you by the Heated Conversation after my mother asked why i hadn't been to church since i moved#and i said 'because life is too short to spend every sunday with the worst people i know' which was admittedly v blunt#but also (1) not untrue (2) probably more lowkey than 'let's hash out all my religious trauma at 7pm on a monday night'#i thought my tone was calm and matter of fact and regretful even! but apparently that's a v hateful thing to say#idk what to tell you it's a small town and the people in church on sunday literally are the worst people i know here#sure it's not very nice but i didn't say it TO them or even anyone who knows them and i'm perfectly capable of being polite in passing#i just don't want to hang around listening to them sing worship songs and then get invited to sunday lunch gossip sessions yknow?#sometimes i don't have the energy to be diplomatic man. and imo the scandalized response has less to do w the actual content of what i said#than the fact that normally i probably would have said it less bluntly#the real problem here is that if you ask loaded questions sometimes you may get answers that you dislike#walking away from omelas#my posts
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queencvbra · 1 year
Found out that the high school is having a Valentines Day dance tonight. Good for them but horrible for me bc I live one block away from the school on the main road.
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babyjeep · 1 year
Wish I could go back in time and add the characters from my teen wolf siblings series into Current because seeing photos of Jenna Ortega (my faceclaim for Scott’s younger sister) and Melissa Barrera (my OC Ray from Current) together in the Scream franchise makes me emotional. Both girls grow up with two brothers. Ray and Scott are neighbors and childhood best friends. I just know Ray would take Ophelia (Jenna) under her wing and protect her at all costs. Ophelia would wear all of Ray’s handmedowns and even steal from her closet occasionally. She would probably be the first to find out about Stiles and Ray, and would keep their secret but in a malicious way like holding it over their heads as blackmail to get what she wanted. Scott would be the big brother that would ask Ophelia if she wanted to hang out, and Ophelia would protest in disgust, but Melissa would tell her to go anyway.
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Small town Walgreens at midnight-thirty could be a "this is your brain on drugs" style PSA. Went for cereal (Walmart CLOSES now?) and left with several life lessons...chief among them the fact that I NEED to get out of this town as soon as possible lest I become the one who shouts offers to perform sexual favors for Almond Roca from behind a dumpster.
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