#smart ones r smart smart tho thank god
mirohtron · 5 months
I'm curious: What does your blog name, 'Mirohtron', mean, and why did you name it that? Sorry if you've answered this before or aren't comfortable sharing. Have a nice day!
OH MY GOD ok rlly funny story actually,,,,so miroh actually means maze in korean and its taken from a song by stray kids its a BANGER btw anyway so like
i used 2 be on kpop twt and one time a ragebait acc started making a thread on their unpopular opinions on kpop idols it was rlly offensive and clearly ragebait but i liked their username...it was mirohtron....i fondly remember their pfp it was jungwoo...or actually it mightve been bangchan actually im pretty sure there's also been another ragebait acc called jungwootron ok anyway but like ya thats the blog name lore
my url was org tumbly generated so itd been smth like purpleadorableps4friend n then i didnt know what to change it to but then i was like wat if i just steal this troll acc's username....and i did....whoever was mirohtron on twitter...i hope you've found peace and love, and also showered bcs ik ure a kpop stan otherwise u wouldnr have known the dozen lore 💘
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clanofjones · 9 months
I started this on Chrismas Eve and I just finished it five minutes ago, but I think it's pretty good nonetheless! Quality got scrambled tho, so click for better quality LOL
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L to R: (I am sorry for the tag if you don't celebrate or didn't want to be in this, I will do my best to change it if that it the case)
@fanatess, @theosb0rnway, @3mutantsinatrenchcoat, @paytato435, @karonkar, me, @delicatechildwitch, @allyheart707, @friskebits, @zeawesomeness, @tinker-the-dragon, @yelenapines, @justletmereadmycomics
There are so many others I wanted to include, but my canvas is not that big! I love you all regardless!
For those pictured, I am feeling sentimental, so have a nice sentiment under the cut ^^
Fanatess: You are always super sweet to me, and you let me rant about silly tropes and fic ideas! Thank you so much. (Fun fact, I own the tree hat in the art, and it gives me 'you' vibes)
Oz: Oh my god, literally where to start. You are absolutely amazing, and I have to thank you so, so much for letting me rant about random crap, even if it makes no sense. You’re like. The best person I could have made an AU with.
Three: Gotta say, I don't really know you all that well, but what I do know is that you are so kind and awesome. Your asks always brighten my day, and it's always awesome to talk to you!
Payto: They say great minds think alike. Regarding Casey Junior, I think we might be thinking exactly the same. LOL. Thanks for letting me bounce ideas off of you regarding the best boy. We've taken over the "au-rant" channel and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Kar: You are like. SO COOL. I stand by that statement. You are one of the coolest people I’ve met online, and my brain straight-up short-circuits when I remember 'yes, we are friends with this guy, and this guy knows we exist. Holy shit.' Weird world, ammarite?
Me: SELF LOVE, you guys! If this many awesome people care about me, then I'm probably pretty awesome too, right? YAY! Friends!!
Ally: If our server had a yearbook, you’d win “kindest person” or whatever the actual title is. You get the point! You are always so kind and inspiring to me, and thank you for the extra encouragement to actually finish this!!
Del: You are so sweet and kind and creative it's unreal! It's been so fun so far getting to interact with you and I look forward to more of it in the New Year!
Frisk: Thanks for somehow always being there. Whenever I shove some janky art or concept into a server, you’re almost always the first one there with encouragement, a compliment, or something to add. Thanks for the extra encouragement on this thing's completion as well!!
Ze: I haven’t interacted with you much, but when I have, you have been nothing but nice and welcoming! If we’re being honest, I was pretty nervous but you’ve been super cool to me, and it means a lot!
Tinker: It’s always crazy when you share fandoms with the gang outside of The Main, Soul Encompassing One, and I find it so fun to have someone else to discuss them with! Hatchetfield and TMNT enjoyers unite! *high-fives you* You've also got such good takes!
Yelena: If not for you, I wouldn't be on Tumblr at all in the first place! For that, you've earned a place in my hall of fame. I know we don't talk often anymore, but it's always so exciting when I see you on my dash!
justletmereadmycomics: (slightly embarrassing, but I don't know a name to call you by ._.) You are one of my closest beloved mutuals! I have loved getting to know you, it always warms my heart whenever I see you in my activity! You are so funny and smart, keep just being you!
You're all so smart and creative, it bewilders me how we met in the first place! Either way, I'm so grateful for it, and I wish you all nothing but the best in the New Year!!
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phxntomhives · 4 months
My Kuroshitsuji AU
This started because I wanted to write something else. All this was supposed to be the introduction. But it is too long, so take this for now.
Spoiler for well, all kuroshitsuji manga.
Important premise: the fire didn't happen/it happened but the Phantomhive survived (sorry servants). R!Ciel is not a sociopath as he may be now as a bizzare doll, what we saw when he was a child was a slightly obsessive brother that wanted to stay with his twin, for this AU he just grew up and maintained a couple of those traits. Sebastian also isn't here.
The twins life at Weston!
Since it's a happy AU (mostly), the twins just get enrolled to Weston, where they both go to Sapphire Owl.
Lawrence takes a like on both of them, tho he is more comfortable with O!Ciel since he is less mischievious.
R!Ciel may affectionally bully O!Ciel and Lawrence would defend him, projecting on him a little.
R!Ciel then actively starts a fight against Lawrence when he sees them bonding a little too much.
"Leave my brother alone, if you want a younger brother ask your parents. This is mine" and proceed to stalk them both.
Edward has to come and stop him as the older cousin. It didn't work, but R!Ciel did decide to slow his obsession down a little.
R!Ciel also absolutely despises McMillan, at first. But since he is always with O!Ciel, he can't do anything about it but suffer in silence. After a while McMillan shows that he is extremely good at getting information so he starts to warm up to him a little.
O!Ciel is better at fags/drudges activities so he is noticed by the P4, and R!Ciel is extremely pleased and runs around showing off his little brother.
Then Maurice tricks O!Ciel and R!Ciel gets furious at him. He tried to defend him with the other students but since they are twins they don't trust him.
When he overhears the night conversation between O!Ciel and McMillan, McMillan finally earned his seal of approval. From the next day R!Ciel treats him almost like he treats O!Ciel and he doesn't know why but accepts gladly the change of pace.
Later, thanks to Soma, the twins discover about Maurice plan and together bring it down with the same plan as in the manga (tho they had to do the work instead of just using Sebastian, so it took a little longer).
When Maurice tried to harm O!Ciel, R!Ciel joined Herman and Edward in running to the rescue. He checked his brother, ignoring Maurice completely.
The day after they exposed the truth, R!Ciel went home for the day for "personal business". Some days after Maurice was "so embarrassed that his real look's was reveal that decided to quit school and went to hide at home". No one ever saw him again.
O!Ciel tried to ask about the sudden disappearance to R!Ciel but he just smiled and said he had no idea what he was talking about. They are both very good actors.
No one mention it again, but all the students are now slightly scared of R!Ciel. McMillan thanks God that he somehow ended up on his good side.
After this, they both get to join the cricket team because they showed how to be smart and quick-witted.
They also both train very hard, R!Ciel has an easier life adapting and improving on the physical aspect, while O!Ciel relies more on strategy and mental play.
When the tournament comes, it happens with the same strategies. Vincent is in the spectators seats and he is trying his best not to laugh too loudly from his seat. He is very proud.
Diederik is also present and he is fuming while watching the matches. He will scold them both later.
Rachel is loudly cheering them both and encouraging them.
R!Ciel can actually make a couple of points in a fair way! It's more luck than anything but he talks about it like they were decisive.
The final strategy of switching the ball was O!Ciel's idea, but he didn't share the part about being hit on purpose by Greenhill with his twin.
When he got hit, R!Ciel froze on the spot, but O!Ciel was focused on the game and went on with the plan.
After he recover from the shock, R!Ciel doesn't let anyone get close to him, almost growling, and somehow brings him to the nurse. Vincent and Rachel follow soon after.
While O!Ciel is being visited, R!Ciel is outside picking a fight with Greenhill who doesn't fight back bevause he feels guilty. Diederik has to stop him.
O!Ciel gets invited to the midnight tea party, he feels guilty about going because R!Ciel can't go. R!Ciel doesn't stop him but follows him until he can because he is worried something may happen.
Nothing happens tho! We are happy here!
No one shuts up about the blue miracle part 2. Vincent can't stop bragging, especially to Diederik. Rachel talks about it to anyone that has ears.
Every year after that, the twins made it a personal goal to win especially to flex about it to Vincent and because they need more material to annoy uncle Diederik. So they spend their free time at school coming up with more complex and wild strategies.
The manual with the rules for cricket became twice its size by the time they graduated, because they had to keep add rules to not make the twins cheat. But they still won for all the years they frequented. After the second year they win, both the twins just annoy Vincent with "What would you know about sport? You only won once"
Do you want more? I have so much more, this arc is my will to live.
Edit: I made part 2 here
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imtouchestarved · 11 months
Chapter eight
Idk how to write combat, so I REALLY tried my best. Don't judge me. it's my first time😭(this chapter is quite long tho, just warning!)
"Oh no, the train already set off," (Y/n) said as she was panting from the nonstop running to the station. 'Come on, think.. you have to get there somehow.' She thought and looked around her.
She already asked the people in the station when the next train is going to arrive, but no one could give her an answer.
'If only I would've arrived sooner,' she pouted and crossed her arms, angry with herself. 'I assume I have no other choice,' she came to the conclusion. 'I'll have to get there on foot.'
Her eyes felt so heavy, she won't be able to sleep tonight, theres a few hours left till the sunrise. The only thing that kept her awake was her crow that kept repeating :"Kaww! Kaww! This way, this way!"
'God.. keep yourself together, (Y/n).' She thought as she rubbed her eyes. At that point, she already ran for hours nonstop, only stopping to drink and regulate her breathing.
She followed the railroads, but the view hasn't changed much since the beginning. She started to lose hope she would get there on time.
"How much do I have left?!" She yelled at her crow, praying she would get a normal answer considering the last ones.
"800 meters! The flame hashira is only 800 meters away!"
"800?? Thank God! Only a little bit more!" She started speeding up, and in the distance, she began to see the train. Only it had completely fallen apart. What the hell happened? Did they kill the demon?
As she got there, the first thing she saw was Zenitsu and Nezuko helping clearing out the people from the train. When they saw her, they looked surprised. "(L/n)-san?!" Zenitsu yelled, "What are you doing here??"
She only shook her head, signaling she had no time or air to explain. "R..Rengoku-san..where is..Rengoku.." she managed to blurt out, desperately trying to regulate her breathing.
"U-um.. I think him and Tanjiro are over there," he pointed forward. (Y/n) bowed as a thank you and started heading there. So many questions started to cross her mind. Did they kill it? Then how does her feeling not go away? Why is it only getting stronger?
A few seconds later, she started to hear it, Rengokus breathing style. Is there another demon here? It surely felt like it. "(L/n)-san!!" She then heard and turned to the source of the voice. Tanjiro was lying on the floor, looking wounded and panicked. A few meters away from him was rengoku, fighting savagely with a demon with pink hair and criminal marks all over his body . That aura.. could it be an upper moon?
"Please!" Tanjiro begged, "please help Rengoku-san fight! I tried to help, but they're too fast, I can't find an entry!" She took a minute to stare at the battle. Even though she was full of worries, she couldn't stop admiring the fight. Such an amazing power..
She then snapped out of it and quickly rushed to Tanjiro, "No, it's a good thing you were smart enough to back off. Are you okay? Where are you wounded?" She started to scan his body for injuries but was immediately stopped by him. "I got stabbed in the stomach, but I will be okay. Forget about me, go help him!" He pointed at the battle, and she had no choice but to nod, and find a way to enter.
Tanjiro was right. It was almost impossible to keep track of them. The demon didn't use a weapon and used his fists, but he looked as much as intimidating as an upper moon could be.
"Aha! Is it my lucky day? Two hashira has honored me with their presence!" He laughed as she succeeded in entering the battle. Rengoku took a quick peek in her direction, and a smile started to spread his lips. "Now then.. let's see what you're capable of..!"
It was a tough battle. considering the amount of energy (Y/n) used just to get here, She was at her limit. If Rengoku wasn't here to cover up for her, most likely, she would already be dead by now. But her being a little bit slower than she usually is doesn't mean she wasn't a hashira.
"Ice breathing, fourth form.."
"Flame breathing, second form.."
They began to say. Only less than an hour until sunrise, they have to keep up fighting.
"Snow drifts!!"
"Rising scorching sun!!"
They leased their attacks. But Akaza didn't budge. He effortlessly dodged them as he jumped in the air, beginning to unleash his next attack. "Nice team work you got there! If you both become demons, you will definitely be one of the upper moons!" He called as he successfully landed an attack on (Y/n)'s shoulder. if she wouldn't move in time, it would've definitely ripped it off.
She moaned in pain, but her grip on her sword didn't loosen. (Y/N)!" Rengoku called as he blocked Akaza's attacks. "I GOT THIS!" She replied. "I got this.." she whispered to herself.
"Ice breathing, sixth form.." her lungs burned; her body ached; and she definitely had at least 2 ribs broken.
Rengoku's situation wasn't less serious. His ribs were broken; the blood coming out from a cut on his forehead kept blinding him, resulting in him struggling to block all Akaza's attacks, and he kept spitting blood.
"Shattering of a frozen heart!" She yelled as she got closer to his neck. 'I'm close! I'm so close!' She thought, but the minute the cold blade touched his neck, the demon threw his arm, resulting in her getting punched in the ribs.
She spat blood, her eyes winded, and she got thrown away to the other side of the field.
She heard Rengoku yelling her name over and over, but the girl couldn't speak. She couldn't move. 'Am I going to die?' She thought as her vision faded, and her eyes began to shut.
'No..no, get up! You promised, you promised Father you would succeed! You promised to make him proud..' she slowly reached out her arms and lifted her upper body as she spat more blood.
Getting up on her legs seemed like the hardest thing she had ever done in her life, let alone walking and heading towards their direction. She slowly crawled, ignoring any sharp pain her body was signaling to her. The battle isn't done. The demon isn't dead.
When she was a few meters away, it's like everything next was in slow motion. Akaza's fist was getting closer to Rengoku's stomach. (Y/n)'s eyes winded. As this speed, his fist will completely destroy his internal organs and might even impale him!
'Oh no, this is bad. this is bad..' her lips parted, preparing to at least warn him. But then she realized that even if she did, he wouldn't be able to block an attack at that speed. What about Tanjiro? Where is he? She looked in his direction. No, too far, way too far. He would never make it.
Her eyes started to well up tears. 'This can't be happening..' despair started to wash all over her.
"Don't act like a toddler! Get up on your feet! When the time comes and you'll face a demon, it won't listen to your sobs! It wouldn't hesitate to slash your throat open and feast on your flesh! Now get up, always remember :at a When time you can't use your mind first, always attack no matter what! Even if you can't feel your limbs, even if you're blinded by fear. You grip your sword and won't let go until your last breath!"
Her eyes winded by the memory that suddenly flashed her. 'Father..'
She took a deep breath, not minding the piercing pain in her ribs.
"Ice breathing tenth form.."
She got into position.
"Tundra neptune!!"
The sun started peeking from behind the mountains. Akaza's arm was slashed off, his eyes winded, and a smile started to spread on his face. "Such great power, become a demon, (Y/n)! And your strength won't go to waste with the years!" He laughed with joy, what a maniac.
(Y/n), panting and her legs wobbling. "I would never.." she blurted, having to stop as she coughed blood. "I would never become a monster like you.."
She fell on her knees, wrapping her arm over her stomach as she tried to stop coughing. "(Y/n)!" Rengoku put his hand on her back, leading her to lean on him.
Akaza hummed, "Hmm.. you might not survive with those injuries, (Y/n).. with becoming a demon, one should never have to fear death again!" He insisted, but then he noticed the sun rays washing over the field and didn't hesitate to run off. "I will be back!" He shouted as he ran into the forest.
"Ren..goku..san.." she started to say as he held her close to his chest. "What? What is it, (Y/n)? Please just hang on a little more, reinforcement are on the way!" He begged as he watched the girl slowly giving up to her injuries. His hand cupped her cheek. "I'm getting.. tired.." her eyes were close to shutting off, but Rengoku tapped her gently on her face. "I know, but please don't close your eyes just yet. You might have a concussion. Tell me something, anything! Tell me about your family, tell me the reason why you became a demon slayer!"
Her breathing was shallow, and with every single one she took, she winced in pain. "Well.. it night not be.. an impressive nor heart-wrenching story like everyone else's.." she cleared her throat.
"My father..joined the corps.. when he was a teen.. but after a few of..his first missions, he grew so afraid of facing another demon.. and then he left the corps.."
Rengoku nodded and wiped with his thumb the blood that dripped from the corners of her lips. "Good, keep talking. What happened after?" He asked to keep her awake.
(Y/n) looked at Rengoku's face and grinned, "All his exceptions from himself shattered, he spiraled in despair. And then I was born. Ever since I learned how to grip, there wasn't a day I hadn't lift up a sword. At first, it was like a fun little game. For me, it was just another time quality with my beloved father.." her smile then became sorrowful, and salty tears started to stream down her face. "As I grew up, it became horribly suffocating. I couldn't have my own hobbies, I couldn't have my own dreams, because of HIS. My thoughts and needs didn't matter. the worst part was: he was never satisfied. Not when I passed my final selection, not when I slowly ranked up. Not even when i became a hashira."
She shook her head slightly, small sobs came out of her mouth. "When I told him the news, he asked: 'Are you the strongest hashira out there?' And when I couldn't answer him, he frowned in disapproval. My mother was always proud of me, though. And for that, I am forever thankful."
There was a small silence, Rengoku had to take in all the information. "Hey.." she whispered, "I might die right here -" she started to say but was cut off by Rengoku's protests. "Don't say that, you will he fine!" He stated.
She smiled and reached one shaky hand to his hair, tucking it behind his ear. "I want you to say to my parents that I love them. And please, thank mitsuri-san and Shinobu-San for being so, so kind to me.." She placed her hand back to her lap, too exhausted to keep it up. "And I want to thank you too. for your presence, for our little conversations and most importantly, simply your existence. You bring so much joy to the people around you, kyojuro."
She called him by his first name, and it felt nothing but pleasant. She then closed her eyes, too exhausted to keep them open. But the minute she closed them, she felt something warm drip on her face and opened them again.
In front of her, the flame hashira's eyes were full of tears, dripping down his face. He stifled his sobs, but his face was red and wet.
She frowned, "No.. please don't cry.." she reached out her arm once again, cupping his face with her palm as she wiped his tears with her thumb. "Don't cry, don't cry, kyojuro.." she whispered as she tried not to cry with him.
"Don't drown with grief yet.. I'm still here.." she started to say, but then Rengoku closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to hers as he said silenty, his voice soaked with sorrow and pleading: "Don't leave me.." he begged as he sobbed, "please.."
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heirscrchd · 5 months
(( you capture azulas voice so perfectly oh my god ))
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I hfejwkfhkew it does help she has an actual voice. Some of my other muses don't have voice claims so one thing i enjoy doing is trying to read back what i wrote their speech to be as well to make it seem like "hm. could i actually hear the character saying this?" it helps ive re-watched the entirety of AtLA like. 3 times in the past week. its just nice to watch fjhewk
So Azula's voice is definitely like, stuck in my brain. I still feel like i need to master her speech patterns/vocabulary since she's definitely that "prim and proper" with hints of smugness in her tone. The problem is im not smart lmao, so while she'd probably use big sophisticated language being royalty there's just me sitting here like "... wo r d s" lol
but i cant tell you how much this means to me tho???? like legit so happy that other people can hear it too
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ginnsbaker · 11 months
Part 3 oh boy
my wife, you think possessively to yourself - oh buddy if only you knew
How can she be acting like this after everything shes done
something she has only ever experienced with you - sureeeeee
She never wants to be anything else other than yours once more - a little late dont you think
Oh my god how have you got me literally president of the wanda protection squad turned against her and im less than 1k words in ik this is just gonna get worse
“I... I want you,” - bet you do and totally not a student right
Oh my god how far would he have taken that? That makes me so feel so sick
Its very little comfort to know that wanda asked if vision was okay not because she cared but cause she wanted to know her secret was safe something that was sad in the other one but for once happier in this version (not much as been more positive in wanda’s account so small victories)
Okay I finished it. Reading wandas pov was so much worse maybe cos it actually contained info on the affair but it just made me feel physically sick and angry towards wanda in a way i never felt through the whole series and i am amazed you’ve managed to envoke such strong reactions from me. Reading it made me feel like wanda did not deserve the second chance she got which is strange for me to say as someone who so strongly advocated for a wanda endgame im gonna have to read the whole thing again and a whole lot of fluffy wanda stuff now to make up for this 😭
But it was amazing a story has to be well written to cause such visceral reactions and you’ve done that here (even tho im in pain and not sure how i will ever forgive you for turning me against wanda or how i will ever go back to her side)
whew, your comments were a rollercoaster ride. Amazing. Thank you for taking the time to write them down lol
I get what you're saying. I really do. Which is why R was smart for not watching Vision's secret recording of the affair. She'd probably lose it. But this wanda is the same wanda from ilgoss, and the difference is the details. And i guess the details really are a huge factor in forgiveness.
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featheredcritter · 1 year
please for the love of god talk about your guy im paranoid about being annoying but i feel like i should still tell you that i am in a constant state of rotating him in my mind and u r a legit inspiration
waughh!!! thank you so much!!! ;_; this means the world to me really, and don't worry! it's not annoying at all! i just want to apologize for the late answer i didn't quite know specifically what to talk about because with my characters they're just spinning in my head with no cohearant thought following suit. A few facts about him the under the cut. Sorry again
prolonged isolation can cause hallucinations to people, so among all other issues Nick does hallucinate, but before i do much with it i want to research the topic more to represent it correctly and respectfully.
Nick's knife is a hunting\butterfly knife hybrid.
Nick (and his species) has the tapetum lucidum, so his eyes shine! can be a little spooky to see in the dark.
I enjoy thinking about Nick once he's no longer afraid of humans and instead seeing them as allies. He'd be a great asset for the resistance, while he has plenty to learn he's a very smart man and a good scientist. He'd be great at fixing up small things in machines because he can get in it and has very small hands.
Humans have always been like uncanny valley to him. They are very similiar and yet Nick sees them as creepy, weird or downright gross. One second away from throwing up when he first got picked up.
Despite healing well from the damange Lamarr caused him, he still has cronic pain because of it in his torso.
Nicholas is an avid writer, and his most precious book is a sort of "diary" where he writes all that is known about his species+ his own experiences as some sort of evidence of their existence once he dies and (as he belives, but not true) his species is finally gone.
Even in a safe, enclosed space Nick will always have his back against something and be standing in a position that allows him to view the entirety of his surroundings and have at least one escape route, plus he hates being in big open spaces. He's a little prey animal and he gets spooked so often for the smallest thing really, it doesn't help he's a fairly nervous man already.
His bites cause some very annoying itchiness, so the potential guy that tried to catch him will keep scratching at the wound and make it worse. It's not very dangerous and you can fix it so easily, but it can cause infections if left untreated.
He does not trust vortigaunts just like he does not trust humans, as they are allies, and anything that sides with humans is no good, but i think he'd be a lot more sympathetic towards them if he knew what they went through. Fortunately he learns about the whole combine invasion once he no longer hates humans, but had he known prior i don't think he would have felt that bad for them. It's ok tho they all become besties in the end :)
Nicholas is not a physical person, despite enjoying quite a lot physical contact at first once he loses his fear due of the fact he'd been alone for twenty whole years, so he kinda missed the physical contact. The period doesn't last forever, however, but he still doesn't mind it from time to time.
Nick speaks so fast and he's always eating his words, stuttering and cracking and rambling. I've mentioned it again but i'm saying it again, he sounds like Doug Rattmann
If people say some weird shit about him because of his size like "OMG you're soso cute ^_^" he'll look at them dead faced and completely silent to make them feel awkward and uncomfortable over what they said and make them apologize.
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terramythos · 2 years
A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Reading Notes
Full Review Here!
-while I am going into these mostly blind (literally my max exposure to Sherlock Holmes is some of the show Elementary and the Guy Ritchie films) this specific story is a little spoiled for me. Oh well -there is licherally no publication year on my copy lmao What (1887, thanks Google) Part 1 (ooo a two parter- scandalous) Chapter 1 - Mr. Sherlock Holmes -ill be real I have like no context for the afghan war except Classic British Colonialism part six billion or whatever -"the great wilderness of London" lmfao -I feel like I vaguely knew Watson was an honest to God doctor but its still surprising considering what I know of other adaptations -shout out to Holmes inventing a fictional(?) version of luminol? Which apparently was discovered early 20th century, lol. -too bad forensic evidence is still so sketchy a century and a half later, Holmes -BOY I WISH THE POLICE WERE A THING OF THE PAST, BRO. -Holmes meets Watson for the first time and almost immediately stabs himself in the finger to prove a point. The serve Chapter 2 - The Science of Deduction -"haha no way is he addicted to narcotics" oh my sweet summer child -watson: I swear I'm only super fascinated by Mr Holmes because my health sucks and I'd be bored otherwise that's it I swear. -ooh I like the observation that Holmes is basically self taught and ignorant of a lot of things people take for granted. I don't think I've gotten that impression about the character before -i mean it's impossible now not to know Holmes is a detective, but since this was the first story, I have to wonder if some original readers really didn't know going in. If so this bit would be fun because based on the character study and Watson's list of Holmes' knowledge you can figure it out yourself. -watson: man this writer is full of shit, what a moron Holmes: me? :) God that's funny -the unintentional prophecy of Holmes wanting to "make my name famous". God lmfao Chapter 3 - The Lauriston Gardens Mystery -oh hey the actual crime mystery is here -rip random American dude I guess? -goddamn that setting description really digs into a bleak tone, huh -my main observation is the apartment was seemingly abandoned if the dust is any indication, so he was not a resident but brought there. Poisoned makes sense if he was not injured -ok, lol, the Rache thing NOT being Rachel is the thing I had spoiled, and they've already dropped that in the intro chapter to the crime. So I guess I don't know where this is going. Fun! Chapter 4 - What John Rance Had To Tell -watson is smart actually -though I think RACHE being a red herring as Holmes suggests is way too easy -tho Holmes guessing the murderers appearance leads me to believe it's someone he knows. (Also weird that Rance is also a five letter R-E word). -could even make the argument that it could be a fucked up version where the C and H are switched and mutilated, but I have no clue why if the murderer supposedly did it -then again I also don't know why the murderer was the injured one with no sign of a struggle. Maybe a third person? Or something unrelated/accidental? OR the dead dude wasn't actually poisoned, we only have the police's word on that -OH HE SAID THE TITLE OOOOOHHHH -also Holmes seems more invested in the fun of the mystery than the fact some dude was fucking murdered, presumably by a friend based on what he said earlier Chapter 5 - Our Advertisement Brings A Visitor -watson be like "well the guy was fuck ugly so it's probably good he got murdered" like bro??? -yeah no way is this the culprit. Like we're maybe a quarter into the book. If it IS him then there's way more to it -Some Rando In Disguise It Seems -tho I have to say putting an ad out for a (potentially?) valuable piece of lost jewelry like a wedding ring would attract grifters whether they had any relation to the murder or not. Seems like a weird oversight to the plan. Chapter 6 - Tobias Gregson Shows What He Can Do -seeing how 3 different papers frame the murder, specifically political motivations, is a little funny even if I'm missing some of the context of the time. -interesting frame for the chapter, someone else telling a story to the leads. I guess it adds some variety to the presentation (and lets us see red herrings that wouldn't trip up Holmes) -some of the terminology didn't age well, which is unsurprising -- "street Arab" rather than "street urchin". -HOW THE TURNTABLES. THE PLOT THICKENS. ETC Chapter 7 - Light in the Darkness -RACHE again. Hmmmmm. Only this time it WOULD be the victim's blood, not the murderer's. Is the handwriting the same? Plus the original height observation? And the first RACHE was almost hidden, but this one seems more in the open based on what Lestrade said. -again the use of framing where one of the less capable detectives talks about what they've done and discovered to add some variety -ok so this guy was murdered in a much different way than the other, which seems odd, unless someone else did this one. -and the pills point to Stangerson killing Drebber, but then who killed Stangerson? If he was poisoned he would have been stabbed independently of that. -and why two different kinds of pills. Is one an antidote to the other, maybe? It's possible the murderer planted it in Stangerson's room, but why, if the goal was to implicate him? So it probably is actually his. -holmes just knowing and there being some plot contrivance why he can't say does kinda fizzle the stakes a little (never mind this gets resolved in like 2 pages) -but assuming he IS right, I was correct about there being 2 people... which might explain the differences in the 2 murders? -the cab driver! He was mentioned early then everyone seemingly forgot he was present around the time Drebber died. -"it's the end of the mystery!" Uh yeah except the second person is almost certainly at large and there's an entire second part to the story, Holmes. Lol. Lmao Part 2 - The Country of the Saints Chapter 1-- On The Great Alkali Plain -colonialist worldview ahoy -doyle my guy you know quite literally nothing about ecology here like it's ok to admit it -*lists 3 predators* "these are the only guys that live here, in the great miserable American plains," that's not how any food chain works. Also you live in fucking London -I'll stop roasting him lmao -i guess it's like the Nevada salt flats or something?? A little more valid I guess -... huh. -this is quite the framing for part 2 of a murder mystery I'll be real. -the idea of this huge mass of white people traveling through the western desert and biblical references in the like makes me think of Mormons more than anything... -and Stangerson makes his appearance here which sure is fascinating if the dude fucking died (unless the whole antidote and fake death thing is the real shit). Or he has a twin or something. Or this is the past. -oh my god they are Mormons -why are there Mormons making pilgrimage in the salt flats in the first Sherlock Holmes murder mystery??? This shit is wild -"my kid now" ok, word, Ferrier -bringham young is in this SHERLOCK HOLMES story and is also a fucking dick. I'm going insane   Chapter 2 - The Flower of Utah -ferrier gay as fuck let's just be real here -so is this like where the backstory for the wedding ring comes from? If so this is pretty extensive. I do wonder how it all ties into the first story. Like we went full cowboy western here -twu wuv exposition etc Chapter 3 - John Ferrier Talks With The Prophet -"the Mormons suck by the way" ok Doyle go off? -i have to emphasize again that Brigham Young is a character in this fucking Sherlock Holmes story. Like. A villain. This is just crazy to me lmao -The Danites were a real thing apparently? Man. -my guy put in a FOOTNOTE and CITATION about Mormons being misogynistic. There are no footnotes anywhere in the story except to be like "no really they called women heifers here's the guy who said it" I am literally not making this shit up. Doyle based actually??? Chapter 4 - A Flight For Life -we are like half through the second part and I have to fucking state again this is a Sherlock Holmes murder mystery thats just straight up a western now with Brigham Young as the antagonist with the title character nowhere in sight -it hasnt been like outright stated and he could just be tan but theres so many references to Ferrier having brown skin it does make me wonder if he isn't white. The only thing that would be odd with that is he isn't racially discriminated against in a Mormon compound. Especially since his adopted daughter is deffo white & he is discriminated against for NOT taking wives. I can't see that really happening if he isn't white -"there are two ways out of the room... there is the door, and there is the window. Which do you care to use?" DAMN dude -Stangerson & Drebber really do be 2 complete cunts huh. Fuck those guys -doyle: I need to name the guy who rescues Ferrier and Lucy from the Mormons. In America. I got it! "Jefferson Hope" Chapter 5 - The Avenging Angels -we got 3 chapters left??? -"once safe in Carson we may rest for the remainder of our lives" is that on the nose foreshadowing -at least now the wilderness is being described in beautiful terms -Oh RIP Ferrier I guess. They bothered to dig a grave, lol? -honestly I'm a little surprised they didn't try to hunt Jefferson Hope down for good measure since they're supposed to be ultra vindictive. Unless they didn't know he was with them? I guess maybe they didn't? -... nope, they knew and put out a warrant. Again why not try to track him? Too hard? -and convenient random guy Hope happens to know who doesn't hate him who we havent ever seen before -lmao he just leaves her to die I guess? "Oh well some rando married her so it's all over"?? Surely true love would, I dunno, trump social conventions? I guess not LMAO -i guess that's one way to circle around to the first half of the story Chapter 6 - A Continuation of the Reminiscences of John Watson, M.D. -I'll be honest, it could be because this is the first story written about Holmes, but I'm pretty confident this WASNT a mystery one could figure out based on the evidence presented, which is something I was led to believe was a staple of these stories. But I guess it's possible the style just wasn't nailed down yet -maybe you could figure out how the crime was committed but not the motive -that line about vengeance might be the quote to use -I like this part of the narrative where we really see into Hope's actions. I think so much of the story in America was unnecessary; I just didn't feel strongly about the characters like I do actually seeing his perspective here. Why bother with the whole stranded in the desert thing and going into so much detail about how Lucy and Ferrier came to live in Salt Lake City? I dunno, I think it might have been better to be shorter and from Hope's perspective if you must include that section of the story at all - and again, it's not like you could have figured out all that shit based on the first half of the story. I appreciate the kinda experimental time jump but I don't think it worked great -ok the Russian roulette pill thing is a bit weird but sure king, go for it -i know it's metaphorical probably but I like the kinda Gothic touch of Lucy and Ferrier following him to the murder   -"let us see if there is justice upon the earth, or if we are ruled by chance" ok that's pretty raw, go off king -i mean if I have to choose a revenge story from around this period I'd definitely go for Monte Cristo but this is fun too -why try to cover up the crime with the whole Rache thing if you know you're gonna die tho lol -i guess to buy time to kill Stangerson too? Chapter 7 - The Conclusion -I do like the detail that the murderer's blood was on the scene but not the victim. That WAS revealed early but I never suspected a bloody nose to be the source. If it had been a wound there probably would have been evidence of it; a limp or something. That is pretty clever. -but on the other hand, Holmes WAS privy to information we never get (Hope's name and connection to Drebber), so I wouldn't call this a fair mystery. -lestrade and Gregson getting all the credit as predicted lmao -my man closes with Latin? I gotta look it up -"The public hiss at me, but I cheer myself when in my own house I contemplate the coins in my strong-box." -basically, I'm awesome even if no one knows it Well! That was interesting. I liked the mystery itself, and the revenge narrative portion of the conclusion. It's a strong start to a famous character. I think we get a little lost in the weeds with the time jump in the second half of the story, way too much detail and I don't think it focused on the right characters for most of it. Also I have to be a stickler on the fair mystery thing; there are some things you can deduce, but Holmes literally had info we never receive so it's ultimately not fair. I hope this does genuinely change in future stories. I certainly didn't mean to start with the first one, that was an honest accident lmao
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ayatoscupid · 2 years
💫💫💫 please please! (i'd love a fun fact about ayato, i actually don't know a whole lot about him yet!)
AGH!!!! my beloved, my #1 !! i will 100% talk abt him and give u all the deets (maybe not all of them . but ill give u deets)
ill put it under cut bc this is LONG!! and will be a lotta observation and speculation bc we dont get a lot of ayato other than from festival events 🥹 hoyoverse whyd u give us such an interesting man n not have him show up more!!!! now ppl think hes boring!!!!! >:( its ok lol more for me
but Anyway!! one of the most notable things youll learn about ayato is his views on loyalty: he is ALL about loyalty. not just for others’ loyalty towards him, but his loyalty towards others as well. this man has nothing but pure dedication towards the clan n the commission, willing to do Anything for the benefit of his clan and those he deems worthy of his loyalty. u see this when u find out he had a hand in helping kazuha escape, and that he smuggled the watatsumi army into tenshukaku for his sister
he is also a Very observant and cunning man- his plans in irodori fes were to unveil to kazuha and ayaka the truth about the raiden gokaden (he knew what happened when scara was in the warehouse to scour thru kaedehara belongings), and from this current event [SPOILER ALERT!!!] he knew about the yokai who set up akitsu yuugei and held the test of courage to help them get people to play it (which is so sweet!! honestly!!). its like he has eyes all over inazuma- which, with the shuumatsuban, he probably does
which is why i Constantly think about how terrifying it would be if he was your enemy
he may be all polite and sweet to save face- he is a man high up in the hierarchy, after all- but official works have told us time and time again that he is NOT afraid to use underhanded techniques to get his way, or to do what he feels is right, and there is a Lot more to him than he shows. it’s honestly great that he seems to be a “good guy” morally and that we’re friends with him- if he were an enemy i think we’d have a very different view on him
(ngl? controversial opinion. he has the same voice actors as otto from honkai for a reason- there r similarities here ok. HGKRBFKRJFJ i hate otto tho 😔)
a man who, after losing his parents, rose to bring his clan up from the absolute brink of collapse and made it not only in a stable position- but in the tri-commission is 100% not to be messed with. he is smart, tactful and cunning, and he always has something up his sleeve to turn the tables in his favour.
‘"What exactly is he up to?" is usually what people are thinking after all is said and done.
However, now that everyone has a piece of that pie, perhaps what is on Kamisato Ayato's mind isn't so important.’
this Always rings in my head whenever i think deeper into ayatos character. it was what first intrigued me to him honestly- i fell in love with him after seeing his burst (ik.. not immune to pretty man.. lol) but i already thought he was interesting from his official introduction. n god he rly is!!!! and i wanna see more of it!!!! both in irodori and this festival i was always 🤯 whenever i find out the true motive behind ayato’s plans. he’s so SMART and SNEAKY!!!!
ik its easy to think of ayato as a handsome, loyal, cheeky but sweet family man bc that’s how he’s written as ingame- the writers r usually in favour with most charas’ good sides than more nuanced writing (they changed this up heavily w/ scara, which i Really appreciate) so it’s no surprise that ayato was written like this as well (that and the heavy npc focus in his sq- i liked it but i get why others didnt LOL)
but! lets not forget how constantly we’re reminded of how crafty and mischievous he can be :squint: and lets not forget how lucky we are to be on his good side LMAO
oh god ok this was SUUUUPER long. i think im done. i just love him. if he showed up more this wld be even longer. maybe i shld thank hyv he doesnt show up that often cries
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arillusionist · 10 months
reaction to the last 3 eps of s&b - im doing it all at once bc i wanna get it over with considering im gonna be rlly sad watching these knowing we'll never get a real ending.
also YES i was heartbroken over the cancellation even tho i hadnt finished the show. im emotionally attached to the books okay!! leave me alone
oh this is the hallucination scene i've heard too much about
the fucking BUTTERFLIES
bye not wylan's overly dramatic ass
"a village boy cut in half by a plow blade" isnt that literally what happened to kaz's dad
"hope is an illusion. a lie" hes such a kaz ripoff
oh i didnt think tolya had a hallucination i've never heard anyone talk about it
whos blood is that im gonna guess tamar
why am i so smart like
if they rush jesper's developement with one hallucination im gonna be mad
what happened i cant tell. he better not have rejected her again or whatever ugh theyre so cute tho
WOW i love how they always go from established relationships to some angsty kanej scene.
love how he doesnt stare at her lovingly or shit hes just fucking glaring she knows her man fr
oh never mind the soft voice is crazy
uh ya i didnt want to make assumptions until now but making inej's hallucation about kaz was Not it.
like in a way ik its about how she wants consent but its mainly so she can leave kaz at the end of the show kaz kaz kaz its always about kaz
this is why we needed the spinoff they couldve FIXED it
"erm they shouldnt have done it wrong in the first place" how righteous of you unfortunately im too emotionally attached to the characters so i wish they had another chance
ok bad choice aside her realizing its not real bc she knows kaz could never be like that or even try is kinda heartbreaking!! 🙂
oh hell no did she eat the fucking butterfly i thought it was the petal at first 🤡
"if you have no one left to fight for" and then cutting to inej aaaa
no the way his eyes softened and the way inej stroked his face w her thumb ... and then he realized
okay thank god cuz for a second i thought the crows were gonna js be dead the entire episode
hes the firebird what the fuck?? (sorry chat i havent finished r&r yet)
why does that kinda downplay malina like knowing that they're meant for each other cuz of destiny or some shit
then again they never had to fall in love just find each other they did the romance part on their own
where tf is kaz
oh what the fuck. this scene is so messed up (Talking abt the one where the darkling is holding baghra)
my laptop's screen time is almost up so i must pause unfortunately. i could watch on my phone but thats boring so
uhm so its been 3 days have i been stalling?? maybe 🙂 can you blame me??
is that old guy her husband?? uh
seeing kaz smile for more than a fleeting one second is so unnatural
oh my god oh my god is her whole speech about love not being a weakness gonna make kaz realize something
wow okay they did rush jesper's development with one hallucination
toyla is the #1 wesper shipper fr ‼️‼️💪🏽
"someday someone is going to sweep you of your feet so hard" haha nikolai
"me and my "slab or fur" will be far away, off the map, deep in love" uh babe i hate to tell you this..
not kaz shaking his head at wesper as if hes not the reason theyre together 💀
see here they go butchering inej's character again!!
like. in the books she realizes she needs to let go of kaz because she finds her purpose - hunting slavers. in this she just realizes it because of some fuckass hallucination which was about him Why Is It Always About Him
cant tell if im slightly relieved that they cancelled the spinoff because they might have ruined her more or more mad that they cancelled it because they couldve fixed it
i am eating the malina angst up 🗣️🗣️(not bc i dont like them i do like them thats why i need them to be sad. all my favorite ships need angst)
ooh he knows he knows abt mal
next episode except i have to sleep so im probably gonna watch like 2 minutes of it. but i'll try to finish this and the last one tmrw because the more i delay it the sadder i get about the cancellation though my brain wants me to believe otherwise
she (the tidemaker girl idk her name) looks so ready to punch him like yeah girl me too
help the grin on that one girls face when he says kill the king
ok 2 minutes r over so bye
and im back its only the next day also the deleted footage oh my god im on the floor?? plus the fact that it got "what business" trending on twitter with 33k tweets is so fucking funny to me
bye i jumped when the darkling showed up in mal's room why do the smallest fucking things always scare me
oh ya theyre cousins. alina has a type huh
mal would kinda get along with inej i can feel it!!
wait whos the arm for also david is lwk smooth wow
they keep mentioning the crows but WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY its been almost 20 minutes 😐
why that is the only tamar and nadia moment all season like not that i was expecting more from netflix but Still
oh thats the last line from the book (i havent finished r&r yet but i skipped to the end as i do with every book so. lol 💀)
omg matthias i kinda thought he wouldnt show up again
oh god i feel like this show has such a lighting problem sometimes
its bad enough that i have no idea whats going on in general
she gotta stop bowing down to alina she is as much of a saint
did they kill off david and genya wtf
i have to pause for a bit bc my laptop needs to charge also i still have no idea whats going on
no theyre (david and genya) alive yay 🙏🏽🙏🏽
what the fuck is he doing
oh OHH now theyre killing him off. how could they do that to genya
the other crows are here FINALLY
when ur entire onscreen developemnt is literally 5 minutes 😍😍👍🏽👍🏽
no i will not stop being salty about jesper. fuck you
"well if you dont die we dont get paid" shdjfk
zoya inej nina the friendship i needed
wow what a beautiful and touching moment. it feels anticlimatic but okay 🙂‼️😐👍🏽‼️💪🏽🤡🗣️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️😭🙏🏽💪🏽🗣️
oh nvm. i keep forgetting this isnt the last episode
is that a giant CROW
lol of course it isnt
okay now its the last episode :')
"yes my man! oh we havent actually put a label on it" bye that is so jesper of him
oh. wow. she actually did it.
at least inej and zoya are being badass MY GIRLS ‼️‼️
"let me be your monster" stop being such a kaz ripoff please
FINALLY. his villain speech was taking too long
did she use merzost :(
tolya's random ass burst of poetry 💀💀
he literally cannot take his eyes off of her
but she would never know what it was like for him to see nina pull her close watch jesper loop his arm through hers, what it was to stand in doorways and against walls AND KNOW HE COULD NEVER DRAW NEARER
im sick. theyre so sick for this and knowing we'll never get a chance to see them even hold hands. i cant 🙂
they way she moved towards him then moved back killing myself thnx
"five of cro-" bro predicted the ending of ck
not the malina angst too is this show trying to kill me?? i think it is
"i'll claw my way to one. if he'll let me" IM TELLING YOU!! TRYING TO KILL ME
did they kill off david or not omg
i love how the crows just started walking away they were so eager to get out (except nina's lingering glance at zoya)
oh. oh hes going to be to be sturmhond
see hes so much like inej they both leave to the seas to find themselves outside of the person they love because they want a life for theselves and freedom
i reached the text limit imma make a new post
0 notes
unsleepingtales · 1 year
Ravening war finale!!!! Reactions!!! this is so long guys and a lot of it is just me making terrified noises.
Oh my god that eraser would have SUCH a bad mouth feel I feel bad just watching that
Aabria’s hair and makeup look lovely!
Brennan’s immediately in character (looking into the middle distance in abject horror)
Dome looks great!
That’s a really smart cover story actually
Battle map! Battle map!
OH it’s so gorgeous
I love that you can see the icons on the gm screen behind the set, like they’re looking over the battle and observing
The fact that Colin’s art has a receding hairline and that is just Not the case on his mini is so funny to me
Matt automatically doing the Italian hands as Ariana
Oh would you say that things are busy?
THIS is what Lou screams you lied about??? Like on the one hand I’m glad it’s this and not something worse, but also. Eek.
The Elder’s mini is so cool and detailed aaaaa
Two of the threeeeee
Brennan and Anjali exchanging glances like a theory is being confirmed! Is it the same theory that we’ve been talking about online?
This is your big moment? Kinda sad ngl
Dark blessing energy! We barbin!
Matt’s right tho y’all are burning your spell slots Fast
It’s not the blender, it’s the disposal.
Oh that’s so coooooool
That was such a cool thing to say
One more thing that has not chosen me 😭
Oh she’s his daughter
Ok so Raphaniel poisoning the king is confirmed
I love when GMs play and are still who they are and bring all of who they are as GMs to being a player
Oh god
Oh god oh fuck
Hell yeah Raphaniel fuck em up
By ‘em’ I meant colliflour not the saprophians :(
I get that they’re not great but like. Civilians.
Colin! My boy!
Do the people in charge of these mini company shots have fun with them. I hope they have fun with them. I hope they feel like they’re playing with dolls.
Oh that mini is so fucking sick
Stick a fork in her please
Karna you better be fucking careful I stg if you get more nat1 acrobatics I’m gonna lose it
H o r r i f y i n g
Oh that’s so bad oh my god
Ooh Karna’s mini is pretty
Fuck her upppp
Hell yeah bb get her ass
Does she bleed machine oil now
Forty points of religious retribution and eight points of petty. All part of a balanced meal.
They really did hear Matt call it the avatar once and decided that was it
It’s just a complicated situation
Pull Of The Void Teeth?????? Hello????
I have no context!!!!
You saved his life!
I feel like Brennan and Aabria’s GM tendencies are popping out in this ep and I really appreciate it
Amangeaux fully having a crisis me too honey
Hey 20 damage is not bad!
Come on provolone!! Be ok please!!
Just noticed that the elder has a bunch of heads on his belt and I feel. Fine about it.
Oh god
This is so distressing
Enough to put it out of its misery?
Oh does being killed finish its go?? Does it???
Oh GOD it can MOVE them
Alien and cruel because it is machine and unfeeling rather than consuming for sustenance
Better that a soul should feed someone than be thrown away!
This is the third thing, not deus pa’zuul
🎶 looks like we maaade it 🎶
For ONCE lair actions are gonna help the party
She’s his daughter
Anjali and Zac are turning out to be one of my favorite duos
Colin :( please be ok :(
Colin yelling to deli I’m gonna cry actually?
Oh she’s so devoted to him
Let’s hear it for helpful lair actions everyone
It is, in fact, bad here!
Rip quichei
His bardic can be used as damage?? That’s sick ngl that’s really cool
Numb with ominous, ever present pain
Please tell me Deli does SOMETHING
Ok that’s good yeah that’s pretty good
Love seeing everyone hyping Lou up
He’s her father
Thank you pro bonos!
I hope you die UN HOT
Why would you do this Matt
Oh that’s really cool I’m really impressed with that idea he was actually able to trigger a lair action that’s neat
Good turn Raphaniel!
There’s a lot going on.
Healing? Healing lair action?
Karna full dead?? Karna full dead forever?? Oh my god
Oh god oh no please
Oh I might actually cry
Oh I just noticed that the dome is animated and not static. That’s neat.
Oh no
Ok. Okokok.
She was her family
I’m so glad I’m not the only one struggling to process that Karna is gone
Holy fucking shit man
Wait does Raphaniel know that Karna is gone. Like can he feel it through the telepathy. He was so prepared to not make it but I do not think he was prepared for her to not make it.
Oh never mind ok he’s also not gonna make it
Lou <3
Raphaniel full dead. Yep. Ok.
Horrifying. Great speech! But horrifying.
The closest he has ever been to anything that matters
Me too Zac. Me too. I also want to just scream.
Oh this is good story though
Oh my god
Colin is Skald but she’s Karna I’m gonna CRY
She’s lost her family oh my god
Framing the mycelium as a child is heartbreaking actually
Are they about to be killed
Can you keep a secret oh my god
Amangeaux’s protectiveness as her greatest strength and of course her complete downfall
Oh god
Oh my god
They’re curious Augh
Deli no oh god
OH MY GOD the cheese man
Oh he’s so close to death
Oh my god
This is gonna be the death of me
Oh my god the baby little saprophian
Oh my god if this kills him
They don’t have healing. None of them have healing.
Okay she has a hearts kit
Oh thank god okay
Okay okay okay
Oh god okay.
He really
Oh my god that letter. Yup. Actually crying a bit.
Love you too Matt <3 thank you for an incredible season.
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caramelmochacrow · 2 years
Alright, my AU.
(im honestly just going to ramble abt it, so it might not make sense lol im sorry if it does in advance....)
it's called the Babysitting Au (smart name i know,) it's abt phoenix babysitting nahyuta, ema, kay, sebastian, klavier, clay, apollo, athena, juniper, and trucy w simon and edgeworth and they get up to many devious plans in a nutshell.
but in a more proper way of explaining it, it's phoenix and everyone -- clay and juniper included,-- meeting a bit earlier than the original and he forms a relationship with them before every single tragedy in the series happens. (except for SL-9 and everything before that.) they all made a promise to meet everyone together one day bc ofc they do, they're silly kids! but all of them were serious about it.
and yes, everything is the same, except for nahyuta being here, apollo knowing trucy is his sister, athena meeting them, and some of them helping in the trials.
im still working on how nahyuta got here (i did have an idea, but i think it needs some fixing idk yet) but the old reasoning is bc he begged dhurke to let him come w apollo and his parents and he can come back anytime he wishes to. (also yes jove lives a little bit longer, trucy is still going to be apollo's half-sister tho so shawdy smith is still here)
ema is going to be buddies w clay bc they both like science, even if it's two different types. also ema finally has someone to talk abt science to! yay! it'd be a shame if she pushes this person away!
clay is friends w athena too bc i know in my heart that athena knows abt space and mythology bc metis would tell her myths from greek and japanese mythology bc greek myths and the stars are quite connected (look at the names of some well-known constellations like cassiopeia, the argo/argonavis, and -- the most obvious one -- orion.), there are also some other japanese myths that r connected to the stars and stuff so u know. (izanagi being the god of space and the star-crossed lovers from what i remember, i don't know much japanese myths abt the stars, only the sun and moon w the yatagarasu, that one time amaterasu stayed in a cave for a few months, etc., etc.)
oh yeah juniper is that kid who makes little handmade gifts for all her friends and everyone cherishes every gift from her. like she would make them paper bracelets for everyone -- even edgeworth, but kay is the one who delivers it to him -- and she would sometimes use plastic, making the bracelets feel extra special (and shiny!)
also, byrne gets to live in this au bc if he's dead kay wouldn't be able to meet the others in the au now would she? (he just got badly injured when callisto stabbed him, badd took care of kay while he was in the hospital and bc of the whole almost getting murdered thing thanks to his job made him not want to work in a job connected to law anymore.) but kay still goes to her relatives after a bit, which causes them to make that promise, this time w byrne!
and yes some of the kids show up in the trilogy except for some flashbacks, not all of them will see each other, only some of them.
im not talking abt anything after the trilogy bc i haven't reached that part w my writing so this all i'll say lol.
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frogtanii · 3 years
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these transcripts are protected by doctor-client privilege and hippa laws and should only be accessed by the verified person(s). please call xxx-xxxx if you are in fear of those laws being violated.
[dr otsuaka]: hello, [redacted]! it’s so great to hear from you again! last we met, things were on track with your recovery — has that changed at all?
[patient 86]: clears throat um, not really. things are weird, that’s all.
[dr o]: weird how?
[86]: ...
[dr o]: does this have something to do with your roommate, [redacted]?
[86]: nods
[dr o]: does this also deal with you working through your feelings for her?
[86]: she... she doesn’t like me like that. i’m not like... like [redacted].
[dr o]: now, what did we say about negative self talk and comparisons to others?
[86]: ...not to do it.
[dr o]: i know it isn’t easy but you are not [redacted] or [redacted] for a reason. you are you and that doesn’t make you less than! it just makes you different.
[86]: smiles ... she said something like that to me once.
[dr o]: she sounds like a smart girl. you should listen to her.
[86]: ...yeah.
[patient 12]: —and then she just, punches the air, wham! and it was so intense and i’m pretty sure i’ve never been more turned on in my life because, god doc you should’ve seen her. i know you’re like 50 and gay but.. damn.
[doctor fujiwara]: laughs you are quite the character [redacted].
[12]: i try.
[dr f]: well, it seems as though this girl has become quite the fixture in your life.
[12]: i mean.. yeah. she saved me.
[dr f]: hm... don’t you think you are.. idolizing her a bit? placing her on an unattainable pedestal which sets her up for failure in your eyes? you’ve placed quite a bit of weight on [redacted].
[12]: ... no, no she’s helped me through so much but i don’t, she’s not my idol or anything.
[dr f]: are you sure? you place much of the credit for your recovery on her. is that fair to her, to feel entirely responsible for your health and well-being?
[12]: ...
[dr f]: just think about it, hm? now, tell me again about this ferret you were thinking of purchasing?
[dr otsuaka]: ... and how did that make you feel?
[patient 88]: ... you couldn’t sound more cliche if you tried.
[dr o]: laughs nothing gets quite past you [redacted].
[88]: you say that as though it is a bad thing.
[dr o]: trust me it isn’t. but on that note, tell me some things you’ve observed this week.
[88]: ...she isn’t eating as much. i think the stress is getting to her.
[dr o]: is it not getting to you as well?
[88]: ...it isn’t about me.
[dr o]: this is your therapy session [redacted], it quite literally is about you. ...have you been neglecting yourself in favor of taking care of her?
[88]: we’re drifting and i do not want to lose her. she has [redacted] and it doesn’t seem like... like she has use of me anymore.
[dr o]: [redacted]... you are not an object to be used. no one can decide if you are “of use” or not — you need to take care of yourself so that when you are up to it, when you are healed and ready, you can take care of the others around you. she is a grown woman and as much as you care for her, she can take care of herself. it is time for you to focus on you.
[88]: ... i don’t know how to do that.
[dr o]: smiles well, that is what i’m here for.
[dr barnes]: ah welcome, [redacted]! it’s so great to meet you! dr otsuaka speaks of you highly!
[patient 4]: wow! you’re so big! your biceps are as big as my head!!
[dr b]: laughs i do enjoy my time at the gym! please sit, sit!
[4]: thank you for seeing me dr barnes!
[dr b]: no, it’s really my pleasure! when dr otsuaka needed to clear out her client list, i leaped at the opportunity to take some of you on.
[4]: yeah, she told me something like that. i’m just happy i still have a therapist! it would really suck if all my progress went out the window.
[dr b]: oh yes, i have some of your charts here... shuffles papers looks like you suffer from... separation anxiety and ptsd?
[4]: yep, but it hasn’t gotten me down yet!
[dr b]: that’s great [redacted]. i’m looking forward to seeing the progress we can make with one another!
[4]: aw, thanks dr b! you’re so cool!
[dr b]: that’s all you bud, all you. so, what do you think of starting from the beginning?
[4]: well, it all started when my mom met my dad and they fell in love and had se—
[dr yamada]: wow, hi [redacted]! it’s been so long since we’ve last spoken. high school, was it?
[patient 7]: um, yeah.
[dr y]: so, what brings you back here to see me? do you need a refill on your meds?
[7]: ...maybe.
[dr y]: [redacted]... are you alright?
[7]: bursts into tears no.. oh god no..
[dr y]: that bad, huh?
[7]: yeah.. yeah, it’s that bad.
[dr y]: is it [redacted]?
[7]: sniffles oh, no not him. actually, his girlfriend? she’s back.
[dr y]: oh god..
[7]: yeah.. laughs dryly
[dr y]: well, it’s a good thing you’re here then. do you remember your affirmations?
[7]: how could i forget? i am loved—
[dr y]: in unison —i am deserving of love—
[7]: —and i will love in return. wow, it’s been a minute.
[dr y]: and still, it stuck. yet another example of my incredible teachings.
[7]: just as insufferable as always, dr yamada.
[dr y]: and just as guarded as usual, [redacted]. am i going to have to pry the information out of you this time around?
[7]: nah... i think... i think i really need to talk about it.
[dr y]: good. i am here to listen.
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℗ poker face
series masterlist
an - kekeke a new funky short filler chapter comin up for y’all!!! i’ve done therapy transcripts once before so i kinda wanted to try again??? provide a splash of insight for the hotties who r going to therapy in pf!! and even tho i think i made it kinda obvious, i wanna see y’all guess whomst is whom!!! also this is considerably lower quality than i intended KSJ but we will get back to our regularly scheduled (read: better) writing tomorrow KEJEK anyways fat thanks to my wife ghostie (who i cant tag rip) for helping me out!!! don’t forget to feed me!!! <3333
taglist - if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you
@boosyboo9206 • @geektastic84 • @elianetsantana • @trashy-simp • @infinitebells • @6mattsun9 • @suhkusa • @katsulovee • @kotarosbabygirl • @fucktheworlddude • @insomniacwreck • @calumsfringe • @saltylettuce • @chai-blu • @al3x1ss • @hawksyoongi • @syndellwins • @jooleuuh • @loubells • @kissungjae • @liberhoe • @tetsurocore • @animeoverdosee • @duhsies • @saikishairclip • @afire24 • @premiyagi • @kit-kat428 • @doctorspencereid • @daphnxy • @kyomihann • @maer-333 • @sinoflust19 • @peteunderoos • @peachiikichu • @iidanotlida • @yongboxerrr • @kac-chowsballs • @tanakaslastbraincell • @memorableminds • @risjime • @starry-magicshop • @sugavwara • @smuttyanimeslut • @kiwibirbs-library • @haijkk • @airybnb • @crybabygumi • @iwaisa • @decaffinatedtealover • @notameera • @kawaii-angelanne • @rintarovibes • @urlocalsimp
the rest of the tags will be in the replies!!
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215-luv · 4 years
hey 😼 can u make hcs for tsuki atsumu kuroo and bo having online classes with their crush !!! i love your blog!! SO HAPPY THAT FINALLY THE # R WORKING
a/n: rjdjjwsikeke this was so fun to write HAHAHAHA thank you so much lovely!! i love ya!! hope you love it <3
tsukishima kei
the type of person to turn off his cam unless the teacher says so
his eyes rolls to the back his head when the teachers gets pressed about no one turning on their cams and now he has to hear a whole ass lecture just because no one is showing their faces LMAO
okay but another reason for turning off his camera is that he gets to admire you from your tile without anyone knowing
occasionally tsukki would search for your tile
and when he does- he feels like he’s able to breathe again wtf
imagine this
tsukki was chilling while the discusison was on going, listening to some music since he didn’t want to hear the teachers blabbers
and when the teacher calls out for your name, you turned on your mic to answer their question
this made tsukki reach out to his phone and lower the volume so he could hear your voice
now he’s focusing on class
i swear to god who wouldn’t miss their crush during quarantine
tsukki misses seeing you face to face let him be a simp 😌😌
he’s still a meanie tho
you texted him asking to turn on his camera and he just sends you a dry “no”
he chuckles when he sees your pouty face on the screen
the only reason why he wants to stay in class is because you’re there hehehehehehhe
he definitely pins you to his screen at some point of time
miya atsumu
this man has no shame, scrolling through his phone while his camera is turned on
not that the teacher doesn’t care
you had to spam tf out of him to throw his phone away and focus >:(
imagine your shock when atsumu literally throws his phone across the room and stares intently at the screen as if he’s looking straight at you
little did you know he has you pinned to his screen
THE CONFIDENCE. atsumu wanted to prove how he can be as participative as u!!
it slowly fails when he kept on asking the teacher what is he supposed to do
yes. he’s THAT type of person
he blushes when you tell him to ask you his questions instead so he wouldn’t embarass himself infront of the class
there would be times where at the middle of class, atsumu looks up from his phone just to admire you on his laptop screen
bites back his smile bc you’re so fucking beautiful
secretly snatches some candid pictures of you while focusing on class and now he has a whole ass album
the only time atsumu gets to be productive and do his job well is when you message him to tell the teacher you’re gonna be late due to your darn internet
*atsumu turns on his mic* “SENSEI! Y/N SAYS THEY’D BE LATE TO CLASS TODAY!!”
the teacher wonders why he only turns on his mic when it’s about you
but oh well, i guess it’s obvious how deep atsumu’s crush is for you
luckyass mf
kuroo tetsuro
smart man but it doesn’t show because he’s ALWAYS in daze
daze for what?
for admiring you.
y’all know that expression kuroo does when he looks at kenma
like his smug smile and chin tucked over his fist
yeah ❤️ that’s how he looks at you through the screen
“hm? yes sensei?”
ngl the teachers don’t have a problem with him since he answers all the questions correctly anyway
everytime he enters the meeting room, he’ll always, ALWAYS, search for you first
pouts when he doesn’t see your icon yet
class isn’t even supposed to start in five minutes and kuroo is spamming you asking where tf are you
you had to clap back and tell him to stfu because you’re eating
he demands for you to send a picture and you immediately refuse
whenever you needed to excuse yourself to the bathroom kuroo would automatically take down notes for you and pay extra attention on class for your sake
after that he’d tell you what you missed while you were gone :>
you: so, what did i miss?
kuroo: me ;)
bokuto kotaro
he’s either very energetic or dead asleep during class there is no in between
but classes with you are fun!! there’s no way in this world bokuto would skip a moment where he could see your cute face
usually he’s all smiley during class but when you open your camera he went from 😊 to 😄
except the second emoji is more exaggerated
tbh he doesn’t even listen to the teacher at all :,)) the whole time in class bokuto just has his attention on you and your tiny actions
he ESPECIALLY loves it when you open your mic
it makes his day brighter to hear your voice because he misses it so much :((
he spams akaashi with a shit ton of messages during his fanboy moments
akaashi: bokuto-san, please pay attention on class.
tell me why is akaashi dragged into this
one time bokuto was about to message akaashi about you again and he accidentally sent a whole ass rant about how adorable you are to your dms instead
bokuto sweating the whole ocean rn
he looks back and forth from his phone to your tile on his screen
he’s BEYOND CONFUSED when he sees you giggling until he gets a notification from you
suddenly bokuto wants to run laps around the whole neighborhood
he types in those emojis and all but on the inside he’s about to explode
now because of that bokuto has all the confidence to ask you out someday
good luck i must say
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shugojima · 3 years
𝗔𝗸𝗮𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗶 𝗞𝗲𝗶𝗷𝗶 🍋♀️
Sensual play✔︎
Very soft✔︎
Condom cause he smart✔︎
You were out with your friends. Those usual party nights you spend together, searching for a boy to fill you up. Yes, that's how much of a hoe you were. You just compensated your depression with dick. Some good dick made you forget about all the problems you had so why not making this a regular?
Dancing with some halfways attractive stranger you felt yourself getting thirsty. No, I don't talk about that kind of thirsty... hoe.
Walking your way to the bar you pushed some people aside and sat down to order your drink.
"Just give me something strong, please."
This lead to nothing. Not with this guy you thought. Also he seemed to be soft asf and you needed to get destroyed so why bother?
"Wanna talk about it?"
A soft but deep voice rang in your ear when you looked to your side and saw a pretty damn attractive guy. Black hair... beautiful, tourquise eyes... glasses... Damn. You had a thing for glasses. You thought those made every man look ten times hotter.
"Oh, sorry. Akaashi." he reached for your hand and you took it.
"Y/n... What made you think I need to talk?"
Smiling a little he said
"You just ran away from a guy you wanted to sleep with for whatever reason but figured it's not worth it, so you came here and ordered a strong drink to forget whatever is on your mind. So I just guessed you'd probably need someone to talk to."
"Well shit. You got me there... what a whore, huh?"
Sipping on your drink you tried to wash away the last blowjob you gave two hours ago as he looked at you kinda worried.
"Do you do that often?"
"I mean using dick to cope with something."
You looked at him raising a brow.
"What are you my therapist?"
"You're right, I shouldn't have asked that. That was rude of me."
"Well, you certainly give off therapist vibes. With that look on your face, those glasses.. also what are you doing with pen and paper in a bar? Taking notes already?"
You felt you were getting comfortable due to the alcohol. He laughed a little and said
"Valid question, I guess. I'm a manga editor. That's just my worksheet. Usually I do that at home but I felt like I needed a drink."
The way he used his words so carefully and his overall behaviour made you wonder how high his IQ is.
Certainly a smart man and to be honest, that was a rare breed around here.
The two of you kept talking for over two hours and you really had a lot of fun. It wasn't the usual shit talk, nothing too flirty more deep. You also told him that he was right and you were actually just looking for a rough fuck but gave up hope when you noticed that guy was definetely a bottom.
Also... you were a little tipsy by now...
And that's where it started.
"So you think in order to forget everything around you, it has to be extremely rough?"
You looked at him confused. Well sure it has to be?!
"Uhm... yes? I mean... I at least never really enjoyed that soft shit. It's just... ughh idk I just like it hard."
A warm smile on his face your eyes met and his gaze was so intense, it send shivers down your spine. No way you would be able to break eye contact. Wow... just... wow. You felt like he was able to read your mind, look straight through you. He definetely had something about him. Something special that made your mind go blank.
"That isn't true."
"I said that isn't true."
Who tf does he think he is? Thinking he knows what you like or not?
Looking into your eyes, no... basically into your soul, he said
"Sensual sex is something you need the right man for. You need to connect on a high level and feel real attraction. Not just to his dick but also to his personality. If you ever come across that man... Think of my words."
You sat there, mouth slightly agape and you didn't know why but his words somehow affected you... that deep voice, the way he spoke, its was erotic. No other way to put it. So you couldn't help but eventually press your legs a little together.
Sure, he noticed your reaction. He's a smart motherfucker after all...
Slowly placing his hand on your thigh he said
"That's what I was talking about. And I only used my words." He winked at you and you were already a puddle.
Blushing hard you almost spilled your drink when he broke eye contact first.
How did he do that? How could he get such a reaction out of you just by talking to you? Not even doing dirty talk, just by stating facts.
"How... I-...how?"
"Skill." He laughed.
"Make yourself at home, love. You relax a little I'll be right back."
You nodded and got a little comfortable on his bed. Sitting there you realized you had never been so nervous before you had sex.
Something was different this time and you were sure it was a positive change.
You knew each other for only about 4 hours now and you felt like you were already close friends. It was weird and if you'd believe in such things you'd say he's your soulmate.
The way he spoke about that connection people need to have... that had to be it.
When he came back he had more comfortable clothes on and a bowl with ice cubes in his hand as he sat himself besides you, placing the bowl on the carpet.
"How do you feel?"
"Good, I guess... not that drunk anymore."
"That's great to hear." he smiled as he leaned in whispering with his dark voice
"Because I want you to be sober enough to feel everthing to the fullest. Everything of me."
"You're so nervous again just because of my words... You probably really love dirty talk, am I right?"
Eyeing me closely he didn't need an answer tho.
"Nevermind... Your legs are pressed together just like they were two hours ago."
Blushing hard you tried to act normal and keep your composure but that was absolutely impossible when he guided you onto his lap and looked deep into your eyes, through his black framed glasses. His mouth slightly open, not even half an inch from yours.
"If I'm doing it right, you're about to feel heaven, my love."
You wanted to feel his lips on yours so bad so you leaned in but he hold you in place, his hands on both sides of your head.
"No kissing. Heavy breathing can be just as erotic."
And that it was...
You just stayed like this, breathing in and out on opposite times, basically exchanging breaths. The air around you heating up rapidly as you closed your eyes and enjoyed this intense feeling.
"Can you feel the tension?" he breathed into your mouth before kissing you so sensual yet full of lust. He slightly bit your lower lip when he slid his tongue into your warm mouth, one hand on your back, the other slowly running through your soft hair.
You felt nothing less than loved in this exact moment and you already forgot about everything that made you feel so terribly sad earlier.
Never did a kiss feel so good.
When your slick lips seperated he leaned to your ear and whispered
"I can hear your heart beating."
Wanting to get rid of his glasses you stopped him in his tracks.
"Can you... leave the.. glasses on?"
Smirking knowingly he put the glasses with his middle finger back up the bridge of his nose.
"You like that, hm?"
"Y-yes... they.. look good on you."
"Note taken."
Carefully placing you with your back on his sheets he gave you a soft kiss on your forehead before he stood up.
"What.. are you-"
"I'm sorry, love. I don't do it raw."
"Oh r-right.."
Rummaging something in his drawer he put the shiny package on his bed side table before crawling up on top of you.
Your heart was beating out of your chest and you didn't even know why. He was a stranger after all. Someone you just met and still he made the butterflies in your belly you didn't even know you had, go fucking wild.
Your hips between his legs he slowly started to unbutton his grey and blue plaid shirt when you looked away blushing.
"Hey, eyes on me." He commanded softly, continuing with the last 3 buttons.
I'm sure my eyes had hearts in it by now when I saw his ripped body. Fuck... he was so hot. Those toned abs, perfectly on display with the low light that shone on them, leaving a little shadow under every muscle.
"My god..."
"And you wanted to look away in shame."
He smiled when he threw his shirt on the soft carpet near his bed and leaned in on you.
Kissing you again he carressed your deep red cheek and whispered
"Let me show you what real sex feels like."
You got the chills when he started to trail a path of soft kisses down your neck and sucked a little on your skin every now and then. Slight gasps leaving your throat he breathed heavily against your skin.
"You're so... so sensitive to my touch... "
"Wait.." You breathed out, wanting to get rid of your shirt as well so he could kiss you further.
Quickly taking it off so he can continue making you go crazy.
Holding you in this half sitting position he asked you if he could take off your bra as well when you nodded.
Skillfully opening it with one hand while his other cupped your cheek. He didn't stop kissing you until he layed you back down and took a moment to fully capture your feautures.
"You look absolutely beautiful, Y/n."
"Thank.. you, Akash-"
Leaning down on you again his soft fingertips explored your body. Carressing along your neck, your collarbones, your breasts... before he pinched your hard buds slightly. Moaning softly you closed your eyes to make the feeling even more intense.
"Do you feel comfortable, love?"
"Y-yes... nghhh.. very much so.."
A warm smile on his face he reached for the bowl with ice cubes and put one into his mouth. Playing around with it a little until it completely melted he started licking circles around your bud. His cold tongue driving you crazy when he sucked slightly.
"Nghh... K-keiji.. that feels so good.."
Feeling his smile against your skin his hand found its way down your belly... to your skirt.
Hovering above you again he kissed you once more.
"You know where else that feels amazing?"
Melting another ice cube in his mouth he lifted your hips from the sheets and slowly took of your skirt along with your soaked panties.
Going down on you his cold tongue parted your slick lips making you throw your head back and moan loudly.
"Right here."
He licked slowly but greedily along your wet slit, evetually sucking on your clit before he slid a finger inside and looked up at you.
"You're soaking wet, love. I thought you can only enjoy it the hard way?"
Inserting another finger you arched your back as you grinded on his fingers. Desperate for more.
Desperate for him.
"Keiji... I- I need more..."
"Is that so?" he smiled, curving his fingers inside making you scream as he hit your sweet spot.
"M-more... please!"
Pulling out slowly he licked your juice off them
and opened his belt before he stepped out of his jeans and pulled down his boxers.
"Holy shit."
Chuckling he went "Thanks I guess?"
He reached for the shiny package on the little table and opened it with his teeth before rolling it onto his hard cock.
Can we talk about how fucking big he is? Lord help you were thinking of calling an ambulance in advance.
"You know... I don't have to be rough on you to have you drowning in pleasure. There's no need to be when you know which bottons to push and when."
He said as he pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose when he leaned in on you and was close to your lips again, his eyes drilling holes into yours you felt his tip at your entrance.
"Right now you're craving my cock so bad that you'd basically do everything just to feel it rubbing against your walls. And I like that a lot. Not that I'd dare taking adventage of your miserable situation."
"Put.. it in... please, Keiji! I can't anymore!"
You whined as you tried to lower yourself onto his length just for him to grab your hips and hold you in place.
"Why are you so impatient, my love?" he breathed against your lips, pushing just his tip inside.
"Nghhh fuck! Please!!! Please I need more, Keiji!!"
"Remember this moment."
One deep thrust inside you screamed in heavenly pleasure, your eyes shut close and your back arching.
Smirking at your reaction he took your hands and intertwined your fingers, holding them down besides your head when he started moving slowly.
"To me at least... It looks like you're enjoying it a lot."
His thick cock stretching you out to the limit, low growls leaving his mouth as the sounds of his balls hitting your ass and the squelching sound of your soaked pussy filled the room.
You were in heaven.
He brought heaven to you.
An endless rush of endorphines fluted your body as he teached you his way of pleasure.
He knew exactly what he did, how to do it and when. Noticing every little reaction coming from you and knew what it meant.
This man was a drug.
And you were about to get fucking addicted.
Guys... I had to do a cut. This is getting sooo long and I really love how it turned out.
It's so sensual and sweet my heart is a puddle.
I will upload the second part as soon as possible.
Soft Akaashi is gold
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tamabbyboi · 4 years
Hi hi! I found you because you used a gif from me uwu
I love that cause it helps me find cool people accidentally.
Anyways I read your headcanon’s for Tamaki and I did find you would write for Dabi and Hitoshi who are also my absolute favorites..
Could I request dating headcanon’s for them too please?
Also call me Cosmic. I have a feeling you might see me around 🥺❣️
Dating Headcanons- Shinsou and Dabi
A/N: oh my god hi ofc you can! Thank you for bestowing such a wonderful gif upon tumblr 🥺 I'm actually making a glass painting rn of that screencap. Anyways I hope you like them!
Pairings: Shinsou Hitoshi x reader, Dabi x reader
Request: yes
Synopsis: Just general dating hcs!
Word count: 729 (total)
Warnings: There's like 1 curse word
Taglist form
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Obligatory mention that he calls you kitten
Takes you on dates to cat cafes and you're there for hours
You two have detailed plans for your future cats' names
T o u c h. S t a r v e d.
He didn't have any friends or receive like,, any affection growing up so now that he has this source of love and affection all of a sudden he is overwhelmed but also loves it
Doesn't mind pda if you don't and secretly thinks it's really cute when you hold pinkies
Loves to have you sitting on his lap, especially loves when you're resting your head back on his shoulder or on his chest tucked under his chin
Back! Hugs!
Mans is a gamer
Will take you on animal crossing dates (Oh god how I want a boyfriend to go on animal crossing dates with 🥺)
Just imagine wishing on shooting stars in acnh with him ahhhhh
He has mostly cat villagers and a Rosie shrine in his basement
You know he loves you when he lets you have a turn on his main in overwatch
Loves to lay in bed with you and maybe take the occasional nap but mostly neither of y'all sleep
Prefers being little spoon but won't admit it to you (you know anyways ofc)
Makes fun of you for crying over fanfic at 3am but is really just mad you don't have the same ships
Will 100% watch anime with you in the middle of the night and gets mad if you watch ahead
Goes to conventions and is down to cosplay with you
When he wakes up either in the morning or from a nap he's like,, super delusional and it's really funny
Like will straight up believe the randomest craziest story as to what's happening and why an alarm is going off
One time you woke him up from a nap and 12:57am on a Friday night and he was completely under the impression that it was the morning and he was too late waking up to go to school
He looked at the clock then looked you dead in the eyes and said "It's 57 it's too late" over and over
"Hitoshi. Just go back to sleep."
You have many of these incidents on video and have a whole folder in your phone full of them
10/10 bf, you have a lot of fun together and everyone can see that you love each other a lot!
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Smooth af
Like,, he uses pick up lines on you all the time but not the absolutely horrid kind, they're actually really smart
This man is such a flirt with you too, even after years of dating
He's pretty possessive but if showing it makes you uncomfy he'll stop
This makes him a huge fan of pda, would definitely be the type to full on make out with you in public if you're okay with it
Also is definitely the type to drape an arm around the back of your chair/ seat on the couch whenever he can
Always has an arm around your waist. Always.
And in the rare event that he doesn't he's still touching you in some way
Secretly loves cuddles (touch starved, you know the drill) but never around others and if you tell any of the lov members you're d e a d
You take his jacket all the time and he's really annoyed with it but secretly likes that your'e obviously wearing something that belongs to him
Whenever he needs it it's always "I need my jacket" "You mean m y jacket??"
Twice and Toga call you mom and dad (regardless of your gender)
He's mom
Which started out as a joke when Dabi went feral after falling victim to a prank and giving a long lecture on respecting your elders (even tho twice is older than him)
I feel like he's lowkey a natural good cook and just won't tell anyone because he doesn't want to cook for them
Will cook for you though, but makes sure to make only enough for you two so there's no leftovers for anyone else
Is very observant, he has to be since he refuses to ask you what you want because he doesn't wanna be labeled a simp
But fr he always knows when something's wrong you cannot hide s h i t from him
You can't really go outside on like,, dates with one of Japan's most recognizable villains
But annoying Shigaraki together is just as fun and just as much of a bonding experience
Especially when it gets d a n g e r o u s
Overall dating him is a very fun and exciting experience!
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