levisprincess6669 · 4 years
Good Enough
Hi can I request #7 and #65 for Levi from AOT please?🙂 thank you so much 🤗
I am so sorry this took so long! I hope you enjoy reading it though ^^
I was new to the Scouts, only ever completed one expedition where many of my comrades died but I wasn't going to back down. I was assigned to Captain Levi's squad through, which was surprising as he only ever hand picked his comrades.
Training was definitely tough, and the cleaning regime which somehow only seemed to apply to our squad was a real pain. Levi was strict and seemed to always call me out on even the most minimalist mistakes.
"Alright! I want everyone to partner up for hand to hand combat!" Shouted our captain, and I instantly headed for Petra, my best friend and usual training partner.
We stood opposite each other, waiting for everyone to get enough space as to not interrupt anyone else's fights. "He's really not going easy on us today." Petra laughed silently, making sure Levi didn't hear her.
"Agreed." I giggled under my breath, watching the short man shout at Gelgar, a member of Captain Mike's squad. But apparently my amusement was not as silent as originally thought as his eyes shot to me with an intense glare.
"What was that brat?" Levi asked, turning everyone's attention to me. "Do you find this funny? Or just too easy?" There was an undertone of something in his icy voice... Hatred? Disgust? I couldn't tell but it wasnt pleasant. It made me want to crawl into a deep cave never to be seen again.
"N-no sir!" I stuttered the words out, going into a salute but because of my nerves placed my left hand over the right side of my chest mistakenly. I went to fix it, embarrassment taking over my being as I closed my eyes, hoping he wouldn't pick up on this but my luck has never been good.
"I know you're new but that doesn't give you excuses to not know a proper salute." He judged, face as close as it could be to me. "Now, since you think you're superior to everyone else here, prove it." He said loud enough for everyone to hear, shrugging his jacket off and standing opposite me in a fighting position.
"S-sir I... I didn’t mean any disrespect!" I got out frantically, not wanting to fight my squad captain in front of everyone. Petra had long since backed away from me, and stood with everyone who surround this fight. Levi was unbeatable in hand to hand combat, even if someone had trained all their life.
"This is an order. Fight me." He uttered, not breaking his posture. I nodded reluctantly, getting into a stance and waited for him to throw the first hit, which he did after realising I wouldn't attack him first.
He threw a punch, which I easily blocked, until i realised it was just a diversion and felt the knee colliding with my stomach. I jumped back quickly, getting into an even more defensive stance if that was possible. He wouldn't let me walk away so I did as told, waiting for him to attack again before grabbing his incoming elbow. This left him open and I used the momentum to jump up and kick him in the head.
He blocked with ease, grabbing my leg and twisting out of my grip just to effortlessly throw me onto the ground. I coughed from the impact, beginning to get up again.
"Just stop." Levi said simply, walking over to my hurt body and glaring down. "You're not going to beat me, and at this rate anyone." He said with venom dripping down his voice before turning away. "Dismissed!" He shouted on the way, grabbing his jacket while I just stared at him from my place on the ground.
"Y/N are you okay!?" Petra asked hurriedly, helping me up. I just nodded, forcing on a fake smile. His words hurt... He said it as if I would never be able to accomplish anything.
"Ye-yeah I'm fine." I didn’t want her help, instead I shrugged her worried hands off of me and headed towards the barracks to immerse myself in some kind of fantasy world where I didn’t have to think about about how worthless of a soldier, of a person I really was.
The bad thing is that he always treated me like this, always called me out as if he had some kind of vendetta against me. The last time we cleaned for instance, I missed a speck of dust on the top shelf of a bookcase and got assigned to clean the whole floor by myself all over again while everyone else was dismissed. “Make something useful of yourself and clean until this whole area is spotless.” I remember him saying before locking himself in his office. And that’s what I did, cleaned into the early hours of the morning to the extent that one could see their reflection in the tiles beneath their feet. Yet that didn’t satisfy the Captain. All he did was ‘tch’ and glare at me the way only he could.
I walked to my bunk, sitting down against the wall next to the bed, reaching a hand under the pillow to grab the book I was currently reading. It was a mystery book, although I believe it was roughly based on Kenny the Ripper and included a detective who really enjoyed drinking tea... Similarly to Levi. 
I groaned in annoyance, why can’t I even enjoy a book without being reminded of him like this? He always makes me brew his tea in the mornings if we have a squad breakfast, then proceeds to say it tastes like piss. I just don’t understand why he doesn’t make his own tea from the get go if he just pours mine down the drain anyway and makes another batch. 
“Hey Y/N?” Petra’s head came into view as she peaked into the room with a worried expression. “Are you okay?” She asked, slowly walking into the room and sitting on my bed.
“Yeah...” I sighed, leaning my head against the wall and closing my eyes. “Listen... Would you be able to cover for me tonight at dinner?” I suddenly asked, an idea popping into my head as I thought back to the book. The main detective liked his tea but... His assistant loved his alcohol due to all the stress and maybe I could use the same stress relieve too? It was worth a try, especially since I’d definitely be back by breakfast. 
“I- Where are you going to be?” She asked, slightly surprised at my request.
“I just wanted to have a night in the city, a little stress relieve... Apparently there’s a really nice place with cheap drinks only an hour away according to Nanaba.” I explained, begging her to agree with my eyes.
Petra nodded hesitantly. “Okay, but... Just be careful.” 
I instantly jumped up and hugged her. “Thank you! I owe you so much for this!” I exclaimed, running to the little drawer that belonged to me and picking out some civilian clothes in which it would be easy to sneak out in. A long skirt and a simple short sleeved cotton t-shirt. 
"Are you taking anyone with you?" She questioned suddenly.
I simply shake my head. "If more people go then one of the superiors is sure to catch on. We can't have that." I explained, opening the drawer again and picking out my money from it, placing it into a pouch and attaching it to my hip securely. "Don't worry, I'll be fine." I smiled, glancing out of the window now to see that night was beginning take over. "I'll see you later tonight!" I said, beginning to walk out of the barracks as stealthily as possible, aware that everyone would either be in the mess hall or heading there now, the perfect time to steal away.
I took the route through the forest, remembering there was a small hole in the surrounding fence which saves me the trouble of explaining to whoever is in main entrance duty why I'm leaving. Honestly it was easy to get out and I headed towards town, remembering the route off by heart once I reached the main road. It did take around an hour after all to get to the tavern.
There was a strong scent of alcohol as I pushed the door open, it filled my nose and I instantly let my muscles relax, not even looking at the surroundings, not taking into account who was shouting and celebrating in different areas of the establishment. Instead I headed straight for the barkeep, asking for the strongest drink, which was downed within seconds.
I took a seat right in front of the bar. "Can I open a tab please?" I questioned, it wasnt hard to figure out I was going to be here all night. The barkeep nodded but got stopped by someone.
"Nonesense! Ill be paying for the ladies drink!" The man slurred, then asked for another of what I just had. Normally I would refuse but if it saves me money then why not.
I'm not too sure how much time went by but after a few more drinks, the man was beginning to really cosy up to me in an uncomftorable way. My head was spinning so I couldn't even walk away.
"Why don't I take you to mine, rest that pretty little head of yours." The man whispered in my ear, tugging at my arm and making me stumble in the process.
"No I-" my hand grabbed the counter as everything started spinning. "I need to go back to HQ." I mumbled.
"I'll take you there in the morning." There was an undertone to his words as his hand begun to travel down my lower back.
"I said no." I tried to straighten my back but the sudden movement made everything go black and I had to sit down promptly, which made the man pull me up roughly from the seat.
"Now listen here, I paid for your drinks so you are coming home with-" He stopped talking and completely let go of me, I lifted my eyes to see him on the ground, Levi towering over him with his back towards me.
"Now you listen here, the lady said no.” The short man said, crossing his arms from what I could tell in my current position. “And if I ever see you anywhere near her again, you’ll have to deal with me.” 
“A-Aren’t you Captain Levi?” The man stuttered out, crawling away on his hands and knees before getting up and sprinting out of the building. 
With that, Levi turned to me and extended his arm. “Tch, look at you. You’re supposed to be a soldier not a damsel in distress.” His eyes were icy as he took in my appearance. Yet, without uttering a word, I turned around and started drinking yet another beverage. 
“You know Levi.” I hummed, a little more confidently than I usually would, not even addressing him with respect at the moment. “You’re making me feel like I’m not good enough.” I smiled sweetly at him, then turned back to my drink. 
“What are you talking about?” He questioned, grabbing the drink from my hand and placing it far out of my reach. 
“How did you know I was here?” I asked, yet my eyes were glued on where he placed the alcohol.
“Petra.” He answered simply. “I know you can do better than you give yourself credit for, that’s why I push you.” He sighed at the end of his words. 
“I try...” I muttered.
“Yes, and as your Captain it is my duty to ensure you perform to the best of your abilities. Now stop being an idiot.” He clamped a hand onto my shoulder. “If you weren’t worthy of being on my squad, I wouldn't have selected you. I’ll give you some slack from now on but don’t expect any special treatment tomorrow with your hangover.” At the end of his words his lips twitched, as if a small supporting smile.
“Thank you Captain...” The realisation struck my drunk mind, he seemed like he cared even though he was terrible at expressing his emotions. “Should we- should we return to HQ?” I finally asked after a moment of silence, and with a simple nod from him we begun heading back. 
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levisprincess6669 · 4 years
hello, love~ noragami, tokyo ghoul and aot matchup?i am a 120 lbs 164cm INTJ and virgo female with long silver hair, pale skin and hazel eyes. i have an icy exterior, but if you get to know me, i am a soft, loyal and playful person. though i seem insensitive & ignorant for someone, but it’s my way to protect myself. i have a passion for martial arts, arts, dancing and music. i have chromesthesia and use it for art✨. my hobbies are reading and traveling. i have a dark humour. have a nice day 🤟
Yukine is your match! At first I thought Daikoku would be perfect but after some considering decided against it. Your personalities would clash slightly at first, him with his sarcasm and slight coldness, but in the end this is what brings you together! Once he gets to know you he will be the most loyal individual you could ever meet, and he’d appreciate how playful you get around him. He would love playing with your silver hair and the way you use your chromesthesia for art, he would love seeing what you created and even ask if you’d be willing to teach him sometime.
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Tokyo Ghoul
Amon is your match! He is very hard to get to know due to being afraid of losing those he loves but once he sees how passionate you are about martial arts, he decides to let his barriers drop. He knew that you could protect yourself but vowed to never leave your side, wanting to protect you. He would also really appreciate your dark humour, I think it would help him cope with his day-to-day life.
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Attack on Titan
Levi is your match! You both seem cold and insensitive but you’re also both extremely soft once someone really gets to know you. Not to mention that your martial arts training would definitely catch his attention the first time he saw you fighting. He understands the way you protect yourself, having an internal defense mechanism similar to yours and would just enjoy simple conversations about books and where you’d travel together once this titan business was over with. He’d also love watching you dance, he views it as an incredible skill in which he simply gets mesmerized in.
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levisprincess6669 · 5 years
Heya guys! Sorry I've been absent for such a long time but I'm here now so please send in any requests you may have and I'll try to fulfil them to the best of my ability!
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levisprincess6669 · 5 years
Levi with a Dominant Partner
Heya! So i had a request for this a whike ago but couldn't find it in my ask box for some reason, really hope this is what was asked though!
Warning: NSFW
Only read if you are over the age of 18 and comfortable with this type of content.
♣️Levi is definitely a dominant, there is no question about that.
♣️If someone comes along who wants to spice things up a little he wouldn't let them be the dominant easily, it would be a fight for dominance.
♣️But he is into trying new things so he definitely wouldn't be against letting his partner take charge.
♣️He'd definitely remember everything his partner did, any teasing, refusal to orgasm, or restriction of movements and senses would be noted.
♣️He would make sure to turn the tables and show his partner exactly how it felt to be in that position the next time around.
♣️It would pretty much be a constant power struggle between the two.
♣️But he can't deny that sometimes letting someone else take the lead, losing control over one part of his life for at least a short amount of time was a complete turn on.
♣️Levi would pretend to be annoyed but he wouldn't really be angry about the change of positions.
♣️The occasional whimper and red blush which overtakes his features is something he would deny to his grave but is also something that occurs every time when he's the submissive.
♣️He especially loves being cornered in the middle of the day while his partner tells him what they're gonna do to him later on in the day, to which he'd normally smirk and say "let's see about that."
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levisprincess6669 · 5 years
Hi, hi! Can I request an Erwin x Reader where Erwin rescues a medic in the Scouting Legion during an expedition from a titan and he really sees her for the first time and starts falling in love with her since then?
A Medic in Need  
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The mission was going well, not many titan sightings and even less injuries, something I was extremely glad for as I rode on a horse next to the medic wagon. We were currently in an open field, slightly slowing down on our deployment to give the horses a bit of a break.
“This is going smoothly for once.” Smiled one of the other medics, galloping up next to me. “Erwin sure was right in deciding to go this way.” She said to me, approving of the new route and formation - mostly because it makes her job easier to be honest.
“Yeah… You really got to admire the man.” I smiled at her, glad he was our new Commander as he really did know what he was doing.
“Plus he’s so handsome!” The girl exclaimed with glee in her voice, and a day dreaming expression on her face. Of course I couldn’t argue with that statement, but he’s the Commander! And we have a mission to finish here so we can’t be talking about such a topic. “Looks and brains… nothing more a-” She was cut off by a sudden scream coming from the east.
“Get within range quickly and stand by for further instructions!” Our squad leader shouted, our wagon increasing in speed and us following in tow. As we got closer we watched a soldier get caught in the air and squeezed to death in a titans grasp. “Fire a flare for reinforcements!” The leader shouted again, and the command was completed by a young soldier who stared in shock at the scene before him.
Five people already lay dead on the ground, unmoving after being subject to cruel fate at the hands of four titans and no where to attach their hooks to. At least that’s what I thought until I saw one of the previously unmoving bodies start to crawl towards us at a slow pace. Usually I wouldn’t disobey orders but this man was in need of help and it was my job as a medic to help him. So with a twist of my reigns I started galloping at top speed towards him.
“Get back here! Do not engage!” Shouted the squad leader but I wasn’t listening as I got closer, jumping off my horse in haste.
“Hey you’re okay, come on I’ll get you out of here.” I said quickly, putting my arm around the male’s waist to try to hoist him up onto the horse. However that proved to be difficult as I wasn’t the strongest person, and he was unable to use his legs to the best of his ability. What proved this to be an even more difficult task was the upcoming titan heading our way. “You have to help me here a lit-”
The horse in front of me got kicked away by the titan, and I was standing in front of it while supporting the weight of another soldier. Thinking fast, I dropped the man delicately back on the ground and stood in front of the creature, hoping to distract it while the man got away. My swords were in my grasp instantly and as it’s hand approached me I started swinging, hoping to hit something, even though I knew it would be pointless. My eyes were squeezed shut tightly but after a couple of more swings they still seemed to hit…nothing? I opened them slowly to see the titan swinging back and forth, as if about to fall right on me.
“Run!” Shouted a figure in green from above me but the shock was too much, I couldn’t move any of my muscles, frozen in fear from what just happened and what was about to happen now. The titan was falling, coming closer to my solid body, my swords dropping to the ground and an inaudible scream escaped my throat but it wasn’t caused by the titan - it was caused by someone pushing me out of the way onto the hard ground away from where I was standing just moments ago.
There was a man on top of me, looking down with a worried expression. “Commander Erwin!” I shouted shocked, jumping up instantly from below him with a salute. “Is the soldier okay?” I asked after a second, looking around for the fallen soldier who I originally wanted to save
He gave a slight laugh, nodding at some people around him as the last of the titans dropped to the ground. “Yes, he is being taken care of. Are you alright?” He asked with kindly, checking me over with his observant eyes.
“I-Um- Yes Commander!” I said with respect in my voice. “Permission to help the injured?” I asked, wanting to get out from his gaze, dreading what was to come once we reach the compound and I get punished for disobeying orders.
“Yes, dismissed.” He nodded, turning towards his squad, but not until he gave me one final charming smile. I smiled back, blushing slightly at the attention gained from such a man but composed myself quickly, running over to where the injured currently were, feeling his icy eyes on my back.
The expedition soon came to an end, unsurprisingly since there were so many injured people, I was sitting in the medical wagon trying to sterilise an open wound on a soldier’s arm which will surely become infected if not treated now and the possibility of losing the arm is will occur. He was wincing quite a lot, obviously in a lot of pain but he would need to get through it until we get back to base unfortunately. “That looks like a nasty wound.” A voice uttered next to me, surroundings suddenly coming into light as I glanced sideways where the Commander was slowly galloping.The formation we were currently in was supposed to protect the medical carts and was extremely tight knit with only a couple of scouts around to announce upcoming danger.
“It’ll heal, Commander.” I explained, reaching into my little bag to wrap the wound up with extremely cautious movements as to not hurt the male any more. My only attention was set on helping everyone in the cart, as was my job and Erwin didn’t say anything else to me, simply riding besides. My eyes went towards his handsome features on occasion but my attention was mostly on the injured individual.
A couple days have passed since the dreaded expedition and some of my muscles were hurting from nearly being devoured by a titan and the shock of almost being killed was it not for the commander was clear in my mind. I was currently attending to some paperwork which had a detailed injury report of a few individuals from the same squad and would have to be handed over to the squad leader once it was completed.
“Is this a good time?” A voice behind me asked, I was about to tell them there was a closed door for a reason, but it seemed like the door had been open all this time and it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to tell the Commander to get lost.
“Commander, sir!” The chair made a scraping sound against the floor as I pushed it back with quick movements, saluting respectfully.
“At ease.” He said simply, nodding towards one of the chairs in front of my desk as if asking for permission to sit down, to which I simply nodded, unsure what he would want to discuss with me. I really hoped I wasn’t in any type of trouble since his eyes did seem to linger on me whenever we passed each other in the hallways.
“I was hoping you could have a look at my wrist, it seems to be hurting.” He spoke in a gentle tone, sitting down in the chair.
“Of course Commander.” I spoke, immediately going to the other side of the desk and sitting next to him with an extended hand towards him, to which he obeyed and placed it in my hands.
“I must say though, what you did out on the expedition was admirable.” I glances up to meet his soft smile, while trying to feel for anything wrong with his wrist.
“I-Thank you Sir.” I smiled back, a small blush overtaking my features, but I looked down before he could notice and once it seemed like the red has disappeared I looked up to meet his lingering gaze. “There doesn’t seem to be any damage to your wrist, Sir. Maybe just an overuse of it which should go away in a day or two.” I explained.
“Thank you, Y/N, but please call me Erwin. Your expertise is well received by everyone here, but I must ask. Why did you race towards the field when you knew it would be near to impossible to get away from the titan?” His question didn’t hold any malice, only curiosity.
“It’s my job to protect people, S-Erwin. I couldn’t let that man die without trying to help him even a little.” I explained with determination in my voice.
“That is probably the reason I seem to hold such feelings for you.” He laughed under his breath but hadn’t broken eye contact with me. His words made me blush even more, unsure what to do but they made me happy, my heartbeat increasing just at the possibility that he may have feelings for me.
“Erwin… I feel the same way.” I spoke in a tiny voice, getting shy all of a sudden while my face flushed even redder than it has ever been before. That is until he grabbed my hand and ran his thumb across my knuckles to reassure me.
“Would you like to meet me in my office tonight for dinner?” He asked, to which I vigorously nodded, looking up with a smile.
“I would love to.”
“Then I will see you at dinner, Y/N” He spoke with sincerity, leaning over to kiss my cheek softly before standing up and leaving the office. It really made me wonder if his wrist was really damaged or if it was an excuse to see me, but either way I couldn’t really complain.
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levisprincess6669 · 6 years
Amnesia Chapter 2
I was speechless at this new revelation, staring into his glaring eyes. His eyes… They usually held at least a tiny amount of warmth towards me but not today, all they held right now was resentment.
“Well this is… Interesting.” Erwin muttered under his breath looking at Levi’s glaring expression. “Tell me, what’s the last thing you remember from the last expedition?”
Levi looked in thought for a moment, inhaling the scent of his tea and taking a sip. His eyes widened slightly as he took another sip. “Before we get onto that, when did you learn to make decent tea Erwin?” Levi questioned, taking yet another sip of his tea.
This reminded me of one of the first times we managed to connect. It was late at night, he just got promoted and had a surprising amount of work to do considering we only recently had gotten back from an expedition at that time. He came down to get some tea in order to survive the night but I was making a cup for myself at the time. Wanting to be friendly with him I gave him my own cup and begun to make a new one for myself. I remember him rejecting it at first until after a bit of convincing he gave in and gave it a try. After that incident he even admitted that my tea is sometimes better than his, that is one of the highest compliments he can give an individual, after all the man loves his tea.
Looking up at Levi weakly, I tried to meet his gaze. “I made the tea, Levi.” I said quietly, shrinking back a little bit as he stared me down.
“First of all, I doubt a shitty cadet such as yourself would even know how to make decent enough tea. Secondly, who gave you permission to call me by my name?” His eyes were threatening.
“Levi, calm down.” Erwin stops him before he can say any more hurtful things, or before I end up making a fool of myself by begging him to remember me. Either way I’m glad Erwin is here. “This is Squad Captain Y/N, she is the same rank as you.” He says in a very calm voice. “And now she is going to get a medic, alright?” He questioned, looking at Levi, but I know that it wasn’t a question but a statement and that it was directed at me.
Nodding once at my friend, I rush over to the medics, hoping there was a way to fix this quickly. It hurt knowing Levi didn’t remember me, even as a soldier who was trained to lose the people I care most about it still hurt.
As I bust through the door, the medic woman from before stares at me. “He’s free to leave, like I said before.” She uttered before I could get a word out.
“He needs to be checked over again.” I said with desperation clear in my voice. “His memories seem to be impaired.” I trail off, not daring to say the memories of me were impaired. Saying it out loud would mean it was true, it was real, it was happening, and I don’t think I have the strength in me for that. However, the woman seemed to understand what I was saying as she rushed out of her seat, this time with me on her heel.
“Squad Capitain Levi, would it be alright to ask you some questions?” The woman asked in a tone that showed there was no room for disobeying, even Levi acknowledged this with a curt nod. “Wonderful.” She smiled, then looked at me and Erwin in turn, silently communicating that we leave.
Erwin stood and smiled. “I’ll come back soon.” He said walking towards the door.
“Don’t bother.” Levi huffed. “I’ll be in my office as soon as this is over so just meet me there.” He now stared at the woman, seemingly not going to say anything else until he did. “And don’t bring the brat with you.” He said with disgust.
I sped up my walk, outpacing Erwin to the door, not hearing his reply as I leaned against the wall of the building. There was a hole in my heart that was not going to be fixed through murmured apologies while late night stargazing, like it always could be with Levi. I wanted to cry, to scream, to just lay in bed until this was all over but knew I couldn’t. There was too much work to be done and no one else would do it.
“Y/N….” Erwin trailed off, hand on my shoulder, which I just realised was shaking. The price of holding in the waterfall of tears.
“I’m going to my office.” I whispered before he could say anything else. I didn’t want or need his pity at the moment. There has to be a way to bring his memories back and I’m going to find that way.
As soon as I entered my room, connected to my office, I couldn’t hold it in any longer. Collapsing to the ground, back against a closed door, I cried. I cried for what seemed to be hours, maybe even longer. A headache was beginning to form but I didn’t care, just needed to get all of this frustration out of me. “This isn’t fair!” I exclaimed, banging my head against the door which just made the headache worse.
Then there was banging, hard banging on the door which vibrated through my head tremendously. “Y/N open this door right now or I’ll kick it open!” Came Hanji’s usually happy voice, now it just sounded concerned.
Ignoring her call, I hoped, no prayed to be left alone. She wouldn’t understand all these feelings and if she did then I wouldn’t want her to get involved, to get hurt.
My crying is cut short as there’s a sudden jolt against the door, its barely holding on its hinges now. Hanji was serious when she said she’d break the door down. With a grunt I stood up, wiping the tears off my face and opened the door to glare at her. Although it surely didn’t look very threatening with my bloodshot eyes, messy hair, and a clear disturbance in my balance making me hold onto the doorframe. “Leave me alone.” I said in a low, threatening voice, hoping to get the message across.
She stared at me in shock for a second, debating how to approach this whole ordeal. Finally, she sighed and extended her arm which held what I assumed to be Levi’s medical report. Without a word I grabbed it and headed towards the desk which hasn’t been touched in a couple of days. Levi would be so pissed if he saw the tiny layer of dust beginning to settle. Meanwhile, Hanji closed the door behind her, not bothering to lock it because I’m pretty sure everyone would be cautious to disturb me.
Sitting down, I went through the report with cautious eyes. According to this Levi had traumatic amnesia, meaning his memories can come back at some point considering the injury he suffered was not that severe. Exhaling the breath, I didn’t even know I was holding I looked Hanji dead in the eyes as she awkwardly stood by the doorway. “I can’t just wait weeks or months for his memories to return.” I stated bluntly, my face devoid of all emotion.
At that Hanji smirked. “I knew you wouldn’t give up so easily.” She hummed happily, pulling a couple papers from behind her back. “As soon as I heard what happened I did some research on amnesia and turns out there’s a couple of ways to speed up the recovery process.” Fast as lightning I grabbed the papers looking over them.
“Hanji have I ever said how much I love you?” I questioned, a light smile on my face. There’s a way to help Levi! A way to fix my mistake.
“You’re usually too busy telling Mr. Grumpy that instead of me.” She pouted.
“Well I promise once he’s back to his usual self I’ll give you more attention.” I laughed, mood instantly better from seeing the list of possible things to do. “Shall we get started then?” I asked hopefully and smiled when Hanji nodded excitedly at me.
“I’d recommend hitting him in the head again, apparently that works.” She said, the list now in her hand and an evil twink in her eye.
“Are you kidding me!” I asked shocked. “The man already has a grudge against me, if we hit him in the head he’ll surely murder me. Please don’t forget he doesn’t remember me!” I can’t believe she’d even propose that. I can handle Levi’s rage and him in a fight, but this was just ridiculous. I’m pretty sure there wouldn’t be any fight in me if that were to fail.
“Fineeee.” She groaned. “That’s a backup plan, in the meantime let’s get some honey and pepper.” I stared at her in question. “It says to take a teaspoon of that mixed together twice a day, but as we want results now we’re going to cover all of his food in pepper and honey. Where acceptable of course.” This plan makes me realise this woman is actually evil when she wants to be, which makes me shudder.
Asking Milo for help was easy, all I had to do was give him my best puppy dog eyes and a promise of telling him everything later. The boy was a sucker for gossip and since he was the first of my squad we found was easy to convince in this way.
“Alright so just say that Erwin sent some food up.” I briefed him as Hanji peppered Levi’s food. “Oh and don’t sniff the food…” I trailed off guiltily as the realisation that it may make him sneeze dawned on me.
“Whatever you say Captain.” He saluted lazily while laughing. He was a good kid with a very good sense of humour which always brightened days where training was hard. “But I need to know that I won’t be hunted down and killed once he realises something is wrong.” His laughter stopped, he was genuinely concerned.
“That’s why we say Erwin sent you.” I said as if speaking to a child. “And if he still wants to kill you then I’ll deal with him.” I say, waving the topic away.
“Okay everything’s ready!” Hanji exclaimed, coming out with a tray of food and a cup of tea. When she noticed my curious glance at the mug she grinned at her handiwork. “I hope Levi likes pepper tea.” Her evil is showing again…
“Let’s go then.” I say heading in the direction of Levi’s office and room, which I know as well as my own.
The walk there is silent except for Hanji talking about what to do if this doesn’t work. The hallways were mostly empty with most soldiers eating peacefully in the mess hall. Once we reach the door I see Milo’s eyes change slightly, giving away that he wants to bolt out of danger before something bad happens.
“If you do this I’ll get good meat for our next squad dinner.” I say, sure this will persuade him to keep going. It looks like I was right since he instantly knocked on Levi’s door, not even giving us enough time to hide.
“State your name and business!” Levi’s booming voice came from behind the door.
Inhaling quickly, Milo straightened his back ready to enter the lion’s den. “Cadet Milo with food sent by Squad Captain Eriwn.” His voice was small compared to Levi, but definitely not weak.
“Enter.” Came from behind the door and Milo instantly opened the door. We heard some muttering between them, but no real words that we could recognise. Then Milo was out the door as fast as he was in, the boy just wanted to get everything over and done with. He only spared us a nod and a quick wink before completely disappearing.
“Now we listen.” Hanji whispered, putting her ear on the door and I followed suit.
Nothing interesting was heard except the shuffling of paperwork for a couple of minutes, until FINALLY the cluttering of silverware was heard. He was eating the food! I smiled slightly at Hanji, and she gave me a slight wink before concentrating back on the door.
The sound of something dropping had us even more alert, pressing more into the door. Then a sneeze, and another, then sniffling. “Who the fuck made this!?” Levi’s voice echoed clearly through the hallway and the scraping of a chair… Footsteps… He was heading this way! I looked panicked at Hanji, grabbing her by the collar and pulling her along, away from the door.
I made it around the corner first, just as the door opened. “Shitty four eyes!” He exclaimed. Shit, he must have seen Hanji. He was following us with a quick pace, surprising for his short height.
“My office.” I huffed quietly, knowing he would be looking for Hanji and wouldn’t bother asking the ‘shitty cadet’ who fell asleep on his injured form.
Opening the door with force I pulled Hanji inside and shut it as fast as possible without making too much noise. “So that was a disaster…” She whispered. “I wish he wasn’t so pissed and ready to run us down eve-” She stopped in her tracks, glasses gleaming with mischief and a grin forming on her face as she headed over to my desk.
“What are you planning now.” I sighed, worried about Levi… Hoping he didn’t inhale too much of that pepper or he’ll get the sniffles for a while.
“We can make him drop like a fly…” Her expression was unchanging.
“I am not hitting him in the back of the head!” I shouted shocked she would even suggest that again.
“No no no, that’s not what I meant.” She quickly explains making my expression soften slightly. “However, I will need you to make that tea he loves with all his might.” I honestly didn’t trust her at this moment in time but as I couldn’t just sit here and do nothing I just nodded. “Right lead the way.” She said, suddenly remembering there was a very dangerous man behind the door ready to hunt her down at any given opportunity.
Sighting again, I peek my head through the door, looking in both directions before exiting entirely. The door was fully open behind me as I stood in the middle of the hallway. I was expecting Hanji to get the message and follow me but she still stood there, hidden behind the wall. “The coast is clear.” I said bluntly in her direction and started heading towards the kitchen before she could even reply.
Shutting the door behind her, she quickly joined my side. “Okay so the plan is this: You make him tea, and I give it to him as an apology for the food.” She spoke lowly, not letting Levi accidently hear her.
I on the other hand was slightly annoyed and stopped just in front of the kitchens. “Hanji, I am not going to help you with an apology!” I exclaimed. “You were supposed to help me get his memories back not do this!” I was getting angry now. Is she taking this as a joke? Does she plan on seducing him with the tea? No Hanji would never do that… She has eyes for Commander Pixis. What is she planning then?
Noticing my emotional conflict, she instantly put her hands on both of my shoulders. “Oh come on! You know that I don’t do anything without a reason.” She smirked, letting go of one of my shoulders and retrieving a small vial from her pocket.
“We are not drugging him!” I shout, attracting the attention of a couple of soldiers who stared curiously in our direction.
“Shush!” She put her hand on my mouth and smiled innocently at the soldiers. “This is just to help him sleep, you’re the one who told me all about his insomnia and how do you expect him to get better without any rest?” She questioned seriously, concern written all over her face. I told her about Levi’s sleeping problems a while back hoping she’d be able to help a little as no matter what we tried he’d always wake up in the middle of the night and just laid there. I still can’t believe we argued like that, that I said so many hurtful things… I guess he got his wish though, he no longer has to care about me. I just have to make sure not to hold him back and pretend the relationship never happened.
Nodding slightly as a sign I won’t freak out again, she let go of my mouth and I got to work on the tea. “How long will he be out?” I asked just as the water begun to boil.
“Only a couple of hours, should be enough hopefully.” She stated, examining the little vial.
Pouring the water over tea leaves, I looked at her. “Alright, pour it in.” I sighed, having second thoughts already.
With a smile she disposed of all the liquid, stirring it lightly. “Alright let’s go find the man who wants to kill me.” She smiled. This woman honestly loves getting herself into difficult situations…
Leading the way to his office, somehow knowing he’d have gone back there again, Hanji chatted about how easy it was to make this sleeping drug. This makes me realise that she can also be classed as a very dangerous crazy genius if somehow one was to get on her bad side.
“Stay out here and marvel in my victory!” She whisper-shouted as we stood outside his door. The sound of scribbling could be heard, Levi was back to his usual work so soon.
Without getting a reply from me she opened his door with a huge smile. “Shortyyyyyyy.” She sang, walking closer to him from the sound of it. The door to his office was open so I didn’t have to strain myself in order to hear what they were saying.
With a scrape of the chair against the floor, Levi’s fists could be heard hitting the desk. “You better have a good reason for coming here, shitty glasses.” He said slowly, threatening her. I bet his eyes were narrowed darkly too.
“I came with a peace offering.” The smile was evident in her voice, a smile of a mastermind. “The best quality tea you could find in the Survey Corps, maybe even better than yours.” He made a ‘tsk’ sound but from what I can hear he took the bait. “Oh come on don’t sniff it, I only come with pure intentions.” Hanji whined like a kid, but secretly I know she was trying to get the suspicion off of her.
“You can leave now.” He sighed, sitting down from the sound of it.
“Bye bye!” She exclaimed, and footsteps can be heard coming towards the door meaning she was heading this way. Once she came into view I realised she was walking backwards, a ‘shit-eating grin’ on her face, as Levi would surely describe it as. But he makes no comment, his silence scares me a little however I do not dare make my presence known until Hanji locks the door behind herself and hides behind the wall of another hallway. “He’s going to drink it, in 30 minutes he’ll be out like a candle!” Her laughter was usually infectious but I was still concerned.
“It won’t harm him in any way, right?” I questioned, just now realising that this should’ve been the first thing out of my mouth as soon as she proposed the idea.
“It worked on Mike and he was fine afterwards so don’t worry.” She hummed, probably thinking back to what happened at that time.
“What worked on Mike?” Came a voice behind us, very curious.
Startled, we turned around. Hanji had a hand behind her neck, rubbing it innocently, while I went into a trained fighting stance ready to keep whoever heard us quiet. But it wouldn’t be easy keeping Erwin quiet, I thought relaxing my stance slightly.
“Oh nothing, I just gave Mike some tea when he was mad and he calmed down. There’s nothing your pretty little eyebrows should be worried about.” Hanji said innocently, trying to pat Erwin’s eyebrows but failing miserably.
“Right…” He sighed, turning his attention to me now. “And how are you doing?” His eyebrows scrunched together in worry made me want to hug him and cry but I had to restrain myself, Levi will be fine soon we just need to give it a couple hours.
“I’m doing a little better…” I mumbled. “Erwin I’m sorry for running off like that before, it’s just…” I had to apologise, he just wanted to help and I left him standing there.
“It’s alright.” He smiled encouragingly. “If there’s anything I can do to help then do let me know. I’m on my way to talk to Levi about the mission report and some other factors, would you like to join me?” He still wanted to help, I could see it in his eyes. He would make sure Levi didn’t say anything bad towards me and would try to get him to remember me, I just knew it. But could I really face the man who means the world to me if he doesn’t even remember anything about me? Not to mention he told Erwin not to bring me along…
My silence forced Hanji to step in. “She’ll go with you.” She said with a gentle push in Erwin’s direction which just made me nod reluctantly.
“If you feel uncomfortable then we can leave at any time.” Erwin said, already a knock away from entering Levi’s office.
“Name and business.” Came Levi’s always booming voice which made normal soldiers quiver in their uniforms, afraid of facing the lion.
“Erwin and Y/N, here to give you the expedition reports.” Replied Erwin, opening the door before Levi could utter any rude remark in my direction.
I smiled lightly at him, trying to keep my tears at bay just from the simple fact he didn’t even acknowledge my existence as I entered and took a seat in front of him. The only thing keeping me grounded right now is the empty cup of tea, he’ll be able to get better at this rate! Or at least less tired as he always survives on 4 hours of sleep a day.
Handing the papers over to Levi, Erwin begun to go into a full explanation of all the breaches in formation and the lives lost, especially explaining what happened when Levi was on the medical cart. But he was beginning to concentrate less every passing minute, even giving a yawn or two.
“So what you took down a titan all by yourself?” He smirked slightly in disbelief. “I wonder how many soldiers helped you, really.” Tiredness clear in his voice but he was trying to hide it, even when the yawn came.
“Yes, Squad Captain Levi, I took the titan myself because I am a trained soldier who knows how to take a titan down.” I snapped slightly but the words still hurt, his words from the expedition going around in my head. ‘But the difference is that I can take care of myself when facing a titan alone.’ I still can’t believe he thinks I’m hopeless.
“Maybe we should continue the report at another time.” Erwin cleared his throat, noticing the tension in the air. “Levi, you seem tired, maybe some sleep would do you good?” He questioned, collecting all the reports and standing up in the chair. This caused Levi to direct his heated glare to Erwin now.
“I don’t need sleep.” He growled, but a sudden yawn ripping through his form said otherwise.
“I agree with Erwin.” I said, following Erwin now. “Sleep well, Levi.” Shutting the door quietly behind me I exhaled some air. “Now that was intense…”
“It’s been an intense day for everyone.” Erwin sighed as he looked at Levi’s door where footsteps could be heard. “You should also get some sleep.” I know he was definitely trying to hint at my dark circles which should be out of control at this point.
“You’re probably right…” Trailing off I begun heading in the direction of my office. “Goodnight Erwin.” I say, brushing my shoulder in an attempt to show him how much I appreciate everything he’s done for me.
“Goodnight.” I heard him say, and with that he was out of sight.
As soon as I entered, I headed over to the bed, faceplanting almost instantly. There was pain all around my body, bruises and scratches from the expedition which I’ve ignored for too long but I’ll continue ignoring them until Levi is better. With that thought in my mind I went into yet another restless sleep.
I wake up with a start, sweating severely. I was relieving the argument in my dreams and hated it. The thought of everything never left my head, especially in dreamland where everything seemed to be centred around Levi recently. With a sigh I get up, wondering if Levi would be out of his little drug induced sleep by now and if it worked, even a little bit. I’d have to find Hanji first to see if she thought of another plan in case this didn’t work.
I hurriedly left heading towards her office. “Hanji!” I banged on the door, to which there was no answer. Weird… I opened the door slowly to see that it was empty. She must be getting breakfast. With a sigh I decided to grab something to eat too and see if she’s actually there. If not, I’ll have to go on a hunt for her which could take a while considering the size of the compound.
It was around 6am from the looks of it, not many people were up and the sun was only beginning to surface. It would be warm later on during the day, I thought going into the mess hall. There didn’t seem to be any sign of Hanji which made me slightly frustrated. Where could the woman be? I can’t spend all day looking for her, there was too much to do. Grabbing an apple, I left deciding to have a look around the buildings first, then maybe out in the training area and so on.
After an hour people were beginning to wake up, hurrying to get to training or complete tasks. “Where is she.” I mumbled under my breath, turning a corner just to bump into someone causing me to tumble to the ground. “Hanji!” I exclaimed, glaring the woman down.
“Save me!” She snapped, getting up to run away again. I just stared at her confused for a couple of seconds before Levi passed me, looking angrier than usual.
Realising what was going on I ran after him; his anger was directed at the wrong person as I was the one who made the tea he drank. Hanji was fast but Levi was faster as he tackled her to the ground just before we entered the training field.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing!” Oh yeah, he was beyond pissed. “First you pepper my food and tea to the extent it can’t be consumed, THEN you drug me? Have you literally gone off the rails!” He held her by the collar with one hand, the other about to punch her with all his might.
“Let’s just calm down there, buddy.” She laughed nervously. “I was only trying to help.” She said, fear coming off her in streams and I’m sure Levi noticed it too.
There’s no stopping him when he’s this angry, usually I’d be able to calm him down but this time there was just no way, unless…My eyes trailed off to some logs not far away. They were big enough to knock him out if enough force was used and I’d be just about able to deliver that blow. I guess it really does come down to hitting him in the back of the head in the end… Grabbing the log I ran towards them quickly, building up the momentum to the best of my ability. “I’m so sorry!” I cried before the log connected with the back of his head making him let go of Hanji and drop to the ground. He didn’t even have enough time to see me coming with the attack…
Hanji rubbed her collar delicately, the clothes must have dug into her skin quite roughly. But I wasn’t concerned with her as I dropped to the ground next to Levi, the thought of nearly killing him clear in my mind. The tears were visible in my eyes as I laid his head in my lap, moving some of his loose strands of hair out of his face. “I’m so sorry.” I whispered, kissing his forehead lightly as tears fell on his face.
“Stop crying over him.” Hanji croaked from behind me. “That monster tried to kill me!” She was fanatical, going into a tantrum until I shut her down with a glare that could rival Levi’s any day.
“Help me get him to the infirmary.” I stated simply, wiping some tears off my face. I was still a Squad Captain and needed to look somewhat presentable, setting some kind of example for all the cadets.
With a sigh Hanji kneeled next to me, grabbing Levi under the shoulders while I grabbed him against the waist on the other side. His muscles could be clearly felt under the thin shirt making me miss them, miss running my fingers over them during late nights and early mornings when we could just lounge in bed, ignoring our responsibilities to the best of our abilities.
“Y/N…” Hanji pulled me out of that little daydream, of the moments forgotten by Levi now. “If it makes you feel any better the hit may have jogged some of his memories.” She laughed nervously as we neared the infirmary. “Plus, you saved me from being ripped to shreds…” She mumbled under her breath. I knew she was exaggerating, the worst Levi could do was give her a couple bruises and maybe a broken bone. Nothing too serious.
I stayed silent, mad at the scientist until we reached the infirmary where medics instantly cleared a bed for Levi.
After explaining what happened, obviously twisting the truth a little so we don’t seem like absolute lunatics, the medics told us to wait. He shouldn’t have gone into a coma this time, he was only knocked out for a little bit.
“I can’t believe I hit him.” I sighed, putting my head in my hands.
Hanji hummed in agreement slightly. “If he wakes up he’ll surely kill you whether he remembers you or not.”
“Thanks.” I snap, glaring slightly. It was great to know I just caused my own death to save her after following all her stupid instructions. “Next time don’t get me involved.” I huffed, laying my hands on Levi’s bed now.
“You said yourself that you couldn’t just wait around, what exactly would you have done if we didn’t try all these plans?” She asked, laying a hand on my shoulder now.
“I-I don’t know…” I sighed looking at his face. I wouldn’t have been able to face him easily but I would have had to try my best in talking to him about our past. Reminding him of all the good times we used to have no matter how much it would hurt me. “I’d just talk to him…” I sigh again, grabbing onto his hand now, squeezing it slightly.
“Right okay…” She obviously didn’t want to fight with me anymore, it was written all over her face and it looked like this conversation would have come to an end anyway since Levi begun to stir slightly in the bed.
Roughly pulling his hand out of mine, he shot up in bed quickly and glared at Hanji and me in turn. “I don’t know what you shits were thinking but I assure you, you will regret everything.” He jumped out of bed now, advancing to Hanji first. “I will make you suffer, say goodbye to your stupid little titan experiments because.” He roared angrily, eyes narrowed so much that his eyes could be barely seen.
“No! Not my babies!” She cried, grabbing onto his arm but he swiftly kicked her away, her form crashing against the wall. With that he advanced towards me.
“And you! What the fuck were you thinking!” He stood right in front of me now, grabbing my collar roughly. “I knew you were stupid but this stupid!?” He gave a fake laugh which just sounded unnatural.
“Levi…I’m-” I tried to apologise, tried to say how sorry I was for everything until he pulled me towards him by the collar and kissed me. It wasn’t one of our normal kisses, no this one held desperation and longing that could be mistaken for a hungry animal. He was rough and aggressive in his approach but pulled away as soon as my eyes closed and my mouth started kissing back.
“If you ever do that shit again I’m going to murder you.” He glared, letting go of me now.
“Aw so cute!” Hanji shouted from behind him, hearts in her eyes.
“Hanji for fuck sake do you mind?” I snapped in her direction, glaring. Levi was also glaring in her direction which instantly made her run out of the room, probably to spread the news. “If you plan on kissing me like that then I may get in arguments with you on expeditions all the time.” I returned to our previous conversation before being rudely interrupted by Hanji, sticking my tongue out slightly and obviously joking.
“Believe me, you do that again and it’ll lead to more than kissing.” His face turned a little dark, smirking as his bangs fell over his eyes.
“Do tell me more.” I smirked back seductively, grabbing onto the back of his neck. But a sudden wince from him made me withdraw the hand and my expression changed into one of worry. “Are you okay?” I asked, removing some of the bangs to see his beautiful eyes.
“Asks the shit that hit me in the back of the head.” He said coldly, touching the area with his own hand. “I’ll get payback later.” He smirked, grabbing my face and smashing his lips to mine, then he let go before I could react and walked out without giving me a second glance. 
I was definitely in for it tonight and the thought just made me smirk.
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levisprincess6669 · 6 years
Amnesia Chapter 1
Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t updated in a very long time... Hope you enjoy the first chapter of this short story I’m working on!
Pairing: Levi x Reader
We were currently outside the walls on an expedition, the stakes were high as always but today seemed to be even worse for some reason. We've been encountering titans left and right. Everyone was already exhausted.
"Captain! Two titans approaching from north east and four from the east!" One of my squad members, Doran, a tall boy with blonde hair and dark blue eyes shouted.
"Fire the flare!" I shouted back, surveying the situation. Even if the direction of our formation changes now, the titans are bound to catch up. Levi and his squad should be about 10 minutes behind me, meaning that he'll have to dispose of the titans if we ignore them.
As the flare went up into the sky I made up my decision. "I'll go deal with the titans from the north east, the rest of you deal with the four from the east!" I don't like being away from my squad, I'm always afraid that something will happen to them. That's why I'm not going to separate them. The five of them can easily handle four titans, and I can handle two without a problem.
"Yes ma'am!" They all replied in unison, switching to 3DMG.
I urged my horse forward, towards the two remaining titans, catching their attention almost instantly. I smirked to myself. Just a little closer and those gigantic fuckers are going down.
One of them - a 14m one - went to grab me, just like I predicted. Instantly jumping off my horse I attached the wires to the giant's forearm, propelling myself up it's arm, cutting away important muscles along the way. The other beast went to grab me which gave me the perfect opportunity to attach myself to the 16m titan's neck, smoothly cutting the nape.
Without a second thought I went back to the 14m titan, it's arm still regenerating from the cut muscles making it impossible for it to grab me. "What's wrong asshole!" I mocked, attaching the wires to its neck. "Can't gra-" My words were cut short as the sudden feeling of air being knocked out of me hit. A third titan, an abnormal smacked me away from the nape of his fellow species.
I turned my body, attempting to attach to the 14m titan's leg before I hit the ground. But something else grabbed me. The 14m grabbed me with its undamaged arm with sheer force, making me loosen the grip on my swords. I tried to desperately get a hold of the swords, to get some sort of lifeline against the titans but it seemed futile. Each second I was brought closer and closer towards the titans mouth.
I finally manage to grab one of the swords and swung it with all of my might through the titans wrist, falling to the ground again with a severed hand around my body. I hit the ground with tremendous force, but thankfully the hand made for a pretty good cushion, so hopefully there wasn't any broken bones. I frantically got out of the hand, grabbing my swords to prepare for another attack.
The abnormal seems to be ignoring me for the time being but I'm not letting my guard down again after that close call. This calls for playing it safe for a while. I attached myself to the titan's feet, cutting just above the heel so the titan falls down on the ground. Given the opportunity I instantly jump up, attaching myself to the neck and smoothly cutting it. Now one more titan to go.
The abnormal was ignoring me still, but it's eyes were positioned in my direction, looking for an opportunity to devour me. There was a numbing pain in my abdomen from the 14m titan's grasp, which slightly restricted how I could bring the titan down. Not to mention that if my calculations are correct this monster is much faster than the other two.
However, there was no time to lose. I attached myself to the single tree in the area to see how the monster would react. Abruptly the titan started running towards the tree, mouth open and arms outstretched as if it was a child and I the toy it really wanted.
When it got close enough I attached myself to it's outreached arm, cutting the muscles along the way just like with the other titan. But it managed to grab me! I was so confused at what just happened. The bastard used its other hand to take a hold of me, and this time my arms were within the titan's grasp making it impossible to escape. I tried to grip the swords tightly but they were too far away, my arms restricted too much. This is how I was going to die... by miscalculating the situation.
I closed my eyes, a sudden calm enveloping me as I think about my life. This must be what people say about death, when you're about to experience it you feel calm, and your life flashes in front of your eyes. I think of my family, of my friends, of Levi. The people who really mattered in my life. I wonder what they're gonna say when I'm gone. To think I used to be called humanity's strongest soldier before Levi came along... it's honestly pitiful that I'm going out like this.
I opened one of my eyes lightly to see that I'm face to mouth with the titan, but it's not eating me yet. It's taunting me. "Come on asshole! What you waiting for! Eat me already!" I cried out. Why was it taking so long...
Suddenly a flash of green passed my vision, going behind the titan. The arm holding me opened but I was too much in shock to react, I was falling. I slowly reached out one hand to the sky, trying to reach out for something that could save me even though it seemed impossible. That is until a strong arm wrapped around me, throwing me over it's shoulder while descending to the ground quickly.
I was roughly thrown to the ground, making me wince a bit from the pain in my abdomen. "The hell were you just doing Y/N!" The voice of Levi shouted from above me, making me jump onto my feet. "Why the hell weren't you with your squad?" He asked, attempting to get his anger under control.
"They were taking care of some other titans." I reported slowly, cautious of his current mood.
"Yeah I know you idiot! We joined up with them just a second ago to take down the last of those giant shits." He replied. "And of course you were here, about to get fucking eaten!" Levi roared at me, pointing a finger in my direction.
"If you haven't realised that's kind of the danger that comes with this job!" I was getting annoyed now...
"That's why you stick with your squad shit-for-brains!" Just as he said that both of our squads arrived, mostly uninjured. They all gave me concerned looks but I ignored them.
"Well I'm sorry for making a difficult decision as a leader!" How could he say that to me, he knows exactly what it's like to be put in a situation where every choice can lead to disaster. "You would have done exactly the same thing!" I shouted with irritation clear in my voice.
"You're right." He paused. "But the difference is that I can take care of myself when facing titans alone." Levi's voice was annoyingly calm.
"Oh really!? Tell me humanity's strongest, why do you even care all of a sudden? This isn't the first close call!" He was silent after that, glaring slightly at me. "What's wrong huh? Why you getting so worked up all of a sudden!"
"You know what Y/N! Sometimes I do wish I didn't care about you!" Levi shouted, his face showing resentment and his muscles tensing under the pressure. " If you're so damn set then go ahead and get yourself eaten!" His voice was stern, eyes narrowly staring me down. He was pissed and he wasn't hiding it anymore. His jaw was set tightly as he examined me, looking for my next move. Preparing for me to break down under his intense stare.
I'd be lying if I said his words didn't pierce my heart with tremendous strength, but I wouldn't let him have the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I clenched my fists, looking Levi straight in the eyes and sneered. "Then forget about me! I'm only holding you back after all! Pretend that this - this thing between us never happened!" This surprised him his mouth opened to say something, to take back his words, but it was too late. I was already walking away with my squad right behind me.
"Captain, are you alright?" Asked one of my squad members, Elena, a petite girl with large green eyes and black hair. The other members all stared at me while climbing onto their horses, also wanting to know.
"Tch, we don't have time for this. The only thing you should be focusing your attention on is completing this expedition without getting hurt. Do you understand me!" My squad nodded, slightly shocked at my sudden outburst. I'm just glad they follow orders. I may have just nearly been eaten but there was no way in hell I'd let anything happen to them, they're surviving this even if it costs me my life.
We disposed of a couple more individual titans along the way, but nothing as serious like before. Most of the monsters were far enough away that we didn't even have to engage most of the time.
"Erwin, what's going on?" I asked, my horse trotting over to him slowly while my squad went to fill up their gas tanks and replace their dulled swords. There were soldiers running around frantically, doing tasks quickly and nervously.
"Commander Shadis has ordered a retreat..." He trailed off looking at the medical tent, his eyes widening slightly and shifting back to me faster than lightning. "You should restock on blades and gas, we'll be leaving soon." He said in a collected manner, the previous shock completely gone from his face. He was hiding something but this was not the situation to pry.
"Why?" I questioned. We were supposed to make our way further out into titan territory before retreating today. I had not heard of any reason as to why we should be going back to the walls so early.
"The titans ambushed from within the formation, a pack of abnormals." He reported looking down at the ground. "The soldiers were not prepared for that attack, the formation got broken and we need to make a revised plan before continuing." His expression was grim, waiting for me to say something.
"And we can't revise anything out in enemy territory... Understood." I nodded respectfully, he may be the same rank as me but outside the walls we have to act with respect. There was always other soldiers watching us, we have to show that we are fit to lead them. I glanced around at the wounded soldiers, the ones trying to complete tasks, and the ones that were taking a quick break from the titans while slowly heading in the direction my squad had earlier.
"What's going on?" Asked one of my squad members, Milo, a very tall boy with unnaturally white hair and light blue eyes.
"There was a breach in the formation, we've suffered immense losses and have to retreat." I replied, filling my tank with gas. No one replied so I looked up to see all of them with shocked expressions. "What?" I questioned, maybe a little too annoyed.
"Its just that...Well-" Started Reina, a shy girl with brown hair put up in a ponytail and innocent green eyes. I sometimes wonder why she chose the path of a soldier...
"It's just that the formation wasn't supposed to be breached, right?" The boy who cut her off, Tybalt, with brown hair and brown eyes asked confidently.
"No, it wasn't." I stated, pausing to look each one of them in the eyes. "However it was breached unexpectedly and there's nothing we can do about it now except go back to the walls and try again next expedition. Is that clear?" I asked. They all nodded without a word, going back to what they were doing before. "And don't worry, I'm not going to let anything yo happen to any of you." I smiled softly, trying to improve the mood just a bit.
"Capitan, we trust in your ability more than anyone else's but we don't want you to get hurt either." Whispered Elena. She was a very strong girl with a lot of fighting spirit so seeing her afraid made me realise the other members thought they were going to die here.
"Okay listen here and listen good!" I declared, forcing the attention of my squad to myself and away from the ground, some other soldiers also heard this and turned in my direction. "Yes okay we might hit a couple stones along the way to victory, brave men and women will die but we can't let them die for nothing! If we sit here, thinking about how we could've died in our last encounter with a titan or about how someone else could've died then we'll be distracted. Distraction means death out here so only focus on the present. One day there won't be any more titans and to see that day we all need to continue fighting!" I announce to everyone surrounding me, a slight sad smile on my face demonstrating that I meant every word spoken here.
"All of you rookies would do great to listen to her." Came a voice from behind me. I whipped my head around to see commander Shadis. "Now, we will be retreating in 5 minutes, everyone find your horses and get in position!" The look in his eyes showed authority and a demand for respect, none of the soldiers wasted a second in scurrying away. Even my own squad began walking away, scared to receive the famous headbutt.
I looked at the figures going to get on their horses, a bit disappointed that Shadis had to ruin my moment. "That means you too Y/N, we're switching to a tight formation 34c so get ready." He patted my back and walked away.
Formation 34c? This must mean we suffered quite a lot of losses... But such a tight formation will mean that no titan will be able to attack from within and the injured will be protected from any attack. Not to mention that Levi's squad will be on the left side of the formation while mine will be on the right so I won't have to look him in the eye for a while longer.
I got back on my horse, stroking it slowly. The poor thing was slowly becoming exhausted. Galloping up to my squad I told them where we will be assigned for the journey back to the walls and we got into position quickly.
There were many medical carts, more than usual, being rolled over to the center of the formation where they could be protected the easiest. I sighed at the view waiting for the command to leave this place.
"Forward!" Shouted Commander Shadis and everyone started galloping. It actually seemed peaceful at the moment. No titans on sight, the only thing I'd change about the current situation is the feeling of upcoming dread.
There were only a couple very small titans, which thankfully couldn’t catch up to us. It was actually kind of funny watching them try to desperately reach us. That is until 4 titans, all above 15m appeared from a wooded area we were currently passing by. 
My instincts immediately kicking in, I looked at my squad. “Milo fire the flare!” I shouted, the flare instantly going up into the sky. The titans were fast... We’re going to have to engage. The squad behind us will know titans are here and will come to our assistance in no time considering this is such a tight formation. “Okay we are playing it safe until Mike’s squad catches up to us! Go for the feet first to get an easier target of the nape!” I exclaimed, making sure each one of them understood the plan. “Engage!” We galloped towards the titans who were dangerously close to the formation already, Elena, Milo and Tybalt already had one of the titans on the ground, the back of its feet missing. Doran and Reina went for the nape of that same titan, killing it instantly while I cut the hand off a titan that was dangerously close to grabbing Tybalt. 
Looking around I see that two of the titans have already been killed, meaning only two more to go. That’s when I saw Mike and Nanaba riding towards our group, swords drawn, and ready to fight. “I sent the rest of the squad to report what’s going on!” Mike declared calmly, jumping off his horse to join me on the ground. 
“Alright.” I replied, getting ready to engage with the titans again, however was stopped as one of them just ran past our large group, completely ignoring us and heading towards where the injured are. The realisation hit me, my eyes widened and I instantly jumped on my horse to follow that beast before it can do any more damage. “Doran, you’re in charge of the squad!” I shouted while galloping away, knowing that even if he didn’t hear me, he knew he was the second-in-command. 
The inside of the formation didn’t have many soldiers in it, just enough to keep extra horses at bay and the rest weren’t as experienced in fighting titans so they would not be prepared for such a large class to breach. I pushed my horse faster, about to catch up to the titan, attempting not to fall off the horse when trying to stand on it to get a clearer shot of killing it in one move. Some soldiers from within the formation were already shouting, telling others to protect the injured. 
I attached the wires into the titan’s moving arms, using the force it was swinging them at to attach myself to the nape and slash it with brute force. I could not let that thing hurt any more of my comrades. The titan stopped moving, its balance being unclear as it swayed and then fell face first into the ground with me still attached to its nape, standing on its head. 
“Squad Capitan! You did it!” Shouted Reina, galloping towards me with a wide smile on her face. She must’ve been told by Mike to follow me just in case I needed backup. 
“Of course I did, did you really doubt my ability.” I laughed, getting off the titan to survey the damage it did. It injured 3 soldiers, however no one was killed and that’s the important thing. “Reina, help that soldier onto the next medical cart.” I ordered, looking at the soldier who was trying to get from under his dead horse without any success even if one of his comrades was trying to help. 
Reina saluted me respectfully and ran over to the soldier. I, on the other hand headed to a soldier who I assume was trying to get out of a boulder’s way which the titan kicked into him. He was bleeding slightly through his white shirt but it didn’t look very serious. I walked up to his sitting form, kneeling in front of him to assess the damage. “How are you feeling?” I questioned, there wasn’t really much else I could do as I wasn’t a medic, only knowing simple first aid.
He looked at me with wide eyes, slight tears in his eyes. “Thank you so much for saving me!” He cried out, embracing me in a tight hug. Crying intensely into my shoulder. 
“It’s alright.” I said calmly, softly hugging him back. “We have to look out for each other out here.” I smiled, pushing the man back a bit to examine his condition. He was a fresh recruit, meaning this was only his second expedition... I’m just happy he didn’t have to die so soon. He seemed to be fine except for the near death experience trauma he experienced, he was slightly in shock and a bit bruised. “Alright, come on.” I said standing up and offering him my hand. He took it without a word and looked around the area. The soldier I sent Reina to help was currently being put on the nearest medical cart, and the third soldier seemed to be already on there. I started heading over there with the soldier I found. After all a medical professional should still have a look at him. 
We were just about to reach the cart when Reina ran up to me. “Capitan Y/N, I can take over from here if you’d like. There’s no reason for you to go all the way to the cart.” She muttered nervously, afraid of something. 
“What are you talking about, Reina?” I questioned her suspiciously. 
“Well, I just think that....” She trailed off. I looked at her expectantly but she just looked down at her feet. The soldier behind me was also looking at her weirdly, even in his shocked condition. 
Ignoring Reina, hoping she would tell me what she was on about later, I headed towards the cart with the soldier, who I just realised I still don’t know the name of. Just as I was about to ask I stopped dead in my tracks by witnessing who was laying in the cart, unconscious and unmoving, with the exception of his chest which showed he was still alive. 
“Levi...?” I asked, hoping that this is some sick prank and he’s just pretending to have whatever injury he has. That’s when it hit me. I never saw Levi restocking on any of his equipment, and the way Erwin glanced at that medical tent... Levi was one of those who got hurt when the abnormals breached the formation. He wasn’t focusing on the task at hand at the time, he was distracted... because of me...
I collapsed to the ground, losing sight of his body but knowing that it was my fault he is here, hurt. Small tears wanted to escape my eyes but I tried holding them back. 
“Capitan, we should go.” Reina whispered, her hand laid gently on my shoulder. That got me out of this trance. I wiped my eyes roughly and headed towards my horse. This expedition wasn’t over just yet.
The moment we arrive through the walls and into headquarters I give my horse to the first available person I see, and run towards the cart Levi was being transported in. He was still unconscious, just lying there, helplessly... I've never seen him so vulnerable.
"Squad Capitan Y/N, we have to move the injured inside." Said one of the medics, a knowledgeable looking woman with red hair. She knew there was no way I'd let them do this on their own if Levi is involved so she hands one of the ends of a stretcher to me. Another soldier moves Levi onto it and we transport him past all the other injured, to the back of the building and onto a free bed. 
For the next two days I haven't left Levi's side at all, except for when I went for the fastest shower of my entire life after the expedition. My squad has been bringing me food and checking up on me, while Levi's squad visited a couple of times to see if there have been any changes to his condition, they're all worried. Some of the other soldiers have also come to ask how I was doing, even Shadis had sympathy in his voice when giving me paperwork to do so that's saying something.
I haven't eaten much of the food that was brought to me, the guilt of causing this too much for me to keep the food down. All I did was paperwork and silently beg Levi to wake up in the night when insomnia kicked in and the soldiers around me were asleep and couldn't hear what was said. Today was no different. A stack of paperwork was nicely sitting on Levi's bedside table, next to an untouched plate of food. It was way past midnight at this point and I was exhausted but I still couldn't sleep.
"Please Levi, if you can hear me then give me a sign. Please wake up." I cried silently, sitting on a chair beside his bed, holding his hand in both of mine tightly. "I'll do anything, please just wake up." I was miserable, the man I love was unconscious and there was nothing I could do about it. My last words to him were that he should forget about me completely.... to pretend that our relationship didn't happen... I can't believe I said that to him.
I laid my head on his chest, the only thing that kept me going was the sound of his heartbeat. It was slow and calming but had force behind it, showing that it was never going to give out. "I'm so sorry Levi." I whispered, looking at his calm expression. "I love you, please wake up...." My eyes were closing and that's then last thing I remember saying before going into a restless sleep. The kind of sleep where you're unsure if you're awake or asleep, where every little sound or movement makes you wake up.
So it wasn't a surprise when I literally jumped out of my chair and off of Levi when someone shook me harshly. "Eeeekkkk!" I shouted, not caring that other people may wake up, and went into a fighting stance with my fists held high in front of my face. Looking around I saw that there was no one there, the only noise around me was soldiers muttering about needing sleep and telling me to shut up.
Relaxing, I sat back down in the chair, slowly looking at Levi's face to see his piercing grey eyes staring at me. "Levi! You're awake! How are you feeling?" I smiled widely, grabbing onto his hands. My eyes were lightly watering from happiness as I stared into those eyes I've missed so much these past couple days.
"What the fuck are you doing you idiotic shit?" Levi glared, forcefully pulling his hands out of my grasp.
"Levi, I know you're probably still mad at me for what happened, and I couldn't be more sorry about it." I glanced down at my lap, afraid of his expression. "I'll get a medic to have a look at you and then if you're comfortable with it we can talk about what happened." I smiled slightly at him but received no reaction so decided to just head over to where the medics would be located.
Looking out of the window, I noticed it was already light outside and some soldiers were walking around. It must be about 7am. I lightly knocked on the door where the medics would be and entered.
"What can we help you with Squad Captain Y/N?" Asked a young woman.
"Levi woke up this morning." I reported happily. "Could you please have a look at him while I get him something to eat?" They all looked shocked and jumped up from their seats.
"Yes, of course." The woman replied and rushed out of the room with another medic at her heel.
I, on the other hand, left the infirmary in haste, heading straight for the mess hall. I filled the tray with extra portions of food and, as Levi would surely be very hungry after not eating for so long, and made tea just the way he likes it. People were staring at me, they must feel sorry for what happened and how it affected me these couple of days, or they're just judging my appearance which consisted of very large dark circles under the eyes at present time. Either way I ignored them and headed out of the building.
"Y/N, is everything okay?" I heard a voice question behind me. Stopping in my tracks, I turn around to see Erwin standing there with a couple of files in his right hand.
"Everything's so much better!" I exclaimed. "Levi woke up!" I went to hug Erwin from happiness but realised the tray with food would definitely drop onto the ground so backed away still smiling.
"That's wonderful news!" Erwin smiled. "I'll accompany you to him, unless you'd like some alone time." He winked mischiviously, making my cheeks burn red from embarrassment.
"Ugh just come on, I'm sure Levi could use another friendly face." I snap, making him laugh.
"Yes, you are definitely correct. Also don't worry about the argument, I'm sure he's more angry at himself than at you." Erwin reassured, squeezing my shoulder lightly as we enter the infirmary.
We headed straight towards Levi's bed where he was already sitting upright with his usual cold dementour. The young woman from earlier was writing some things down as we approached but it didn't look like there was anything seriously wrong.
"How is he doing?" Erwin asked before I even had the chance to open my mouth.
"Only a couple bruises and scratches, nothing serious. After he eats he's free to go." The woman informs us, glancing at the tray in my hand and walks away.
I sigh happily, moving my paperwork away a bit and putting the food filled tray on Levi's bedside table. The tea I made was still warm and was the first thing he grabbed.
"So how are you feeling?"I questioned, sitting down while Erwin went to grab another chair to also sit down in.
"None of your damn business you shitty brat." He uttered calmly, turning his attention to Erwin. "Did I miss anything important while out?" He questioned Erwin, pretending as if I didn't exist.
"No, Y/N filled out a large quantity of your paperwork so you don't have to worry about that." Erwin said, probably hoping to decrease Levi's rage if he mentioned my name.
"Who the fuck is Y/N?" Levi asked, curious. I stared at him, shocked... does he not remember who I am? Erwin also seemed shocked, being silent for a couple of seconds before clearing his throat.
"Levi, do you know who this woman sitting next to me is?" He asked gesturing to me.
"Some shitty cadet who fell asleep on me and will suffer extreme consequences for that." Levi replied, making sure to glare daggers at me.
That’s when it hit me... He doesn’t remember who I am...
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levisprincess6669 · 6 years
Hi I'm new to your blog. Do you have any rules?
Hi there! Nope i don’t have any real rules, you can request any scenario for any character from snk and I’ll be more than happy to write it to the best of my ability 😄
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levisprincess6669 · 7 years
Levi NSFW Headcanons
Only read if you are over the age of 18 and comfortable with this type of content.
♡ Levi would only do sexual things with someone he really loves and cares about.
♡ He may be short but he definitely makes up for it with his package, you’d be surprised how he’s able to hide it.
♡ Everyone knows how much he exercises, and this definitely shows in the bedroom as his stamina let’s you have sex over and over again.
♡Sex is one of the ways he likes to get his emotions out, so be prepared for him being quite rough.
♡ However Levi will make it up to you for being rough, he’ll pick you up and wash your whole body with intense care.
♡ Obviously he wouldn’t let you go to sleep all sweaty anyway but he wants to show how much he cared by washing you.
♡ Evidently this will lead to more sexy time in the shower/bath because let’s be honest, this clean freak loves shower/bath sex.
♡ He doesn’t mind going slow once in a while, especially just before a mission to show you how much he loves you.
♡ He would be so much into foreplay, he’d have you begging for him.
♡ He has a bit of a begging kink.
♡ Levi loves hearing you moan, and will prolong foreplay as much as he can handle just to hear you moan his name.
♡ He gets really turned on by you saying his name.
♡ Although he prefers receiving oral than giving it, when he does give oral it’s amazing. He can bring you right to the edge with just his tongue.
♡ He absolutely loves blowjobs in the morning, they make him get in a much better mood for the rest of the day - well as much of a better mood he can get that is.
♡ He’s 100% dominant and likes you being submissive. Definitely has a bit of a control kink.
♡ However this doesn’t mean he won’t let you take over once in a while, he especially loves it when you ride him, restricting his hands from touching you. This position gives him the best view of you, turning him on even more.
♡ Levi isn’t very vocal, but when he’s close then he’ll let out a couple grunts, groans and growls.
♡ His enjoyment can be seen in his eyes - they hood over with pleasure and need.
♡ Definitely into giving punishments if you tease him too much or try to get away with too much. However he will make sure it’s not too much for you at all times.
♡ Unquestionably a dirty talker - the only part of his life which isn’t clean. He doesn’t even realise he’s doing it most of the time bit once he does a very specific smirk will appear on his face, one that’s only allowed to be seen by your eyes, and he’d start talking dirty intentionally.
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levisprincess6669 · 7 years
The Reason
#46 - I’m your daughter
Pairing: Jean x Reader and Erwin x Daughter!Reader
Some people join the army to make their family proud, some to become better people and some to escape their mundane lives. However none of these reasons apply to me.
I grew up in a loving household with a family that discouraged any affiliation with the army and honestly I never saw the appeal of joining, especially the Survey Corps. They risked their lives and died for absolutely no reason whatsoever. At least that's what I used to think before the walls were breached and my mother killed horribly...
Thankfully my grandfather managed to escape all the chaos with me and we managed to get into wall Rose safely. That was the day I found out the truth about my father and the reason behind my family's strong distaste for the army.
Apparently mother wrote a letter for me before her death which she wanted to give to me years ago but was afraid as to how I would react. It turned out my father wasn't just some farmer from the east of wall Maria. His real name was Erwin Smith and he is the current commander of the Survey Corps.
That was the day everything in my life turned around. I no longer regarded the Scouts as a disgrace, honestly I felt proud that someone related to me could be so skilled and determined to reclaim humanity's land. However I also felt as if I could never forgive the man for leaving my mother alone with me, forcing her to raise a child on her own.
All these feelings were eating me apart so I made the biggest decision of my life and enlisted into the training corps. Grandfather hated everything about my decision but couldn't stop me no matter how hard he tried. I had my own reasons and no one could stop me from fulfilling the goal of meeting Erwin Smith.
Training took three long years of my life which I could never regret. I learned things about myself which would be impossible to learn without the army - I graduated second overall and could beat nearly anyone in combat training, which was impressive since I came here without any experience. I made friends who connected with me on a level no one else ever had in my life, created some wonderful meomoris which I will never forget, and even met someone very special.
Of course I never dared to tell anyone about who my father was, that would cause too many problems for me, and for Erwin if he were to find out about some random teenage girl telling everyone she was his daughter. I was waiting for the perfect opportunity when we finally get to Survey Corps base, which took longer than expected with the sudden breach of wall Rose.
We were all devastated and exhausted by the events that occurred on that day, and I was no different. I lost many comrades but tried not to let that get to me. After all someone had to keep a positive outlook otherwise no one would even attempt to overcome this sadness. So that's what I did as I rode up next to Jean on his horse, pushing his shoulder slightly to bring him out of his thoughts about Marco. Marco was a very good friend to both of us and the worst thing was that no one saw how he died, his body was just found away from everyone else's with no logical explanation.
Jean looked up at me slowly, his eyes puffy showing a clear sign that he couldn't come to terms with what happened just a couple days ago. I honestly hated seeing him like this, all he wanted was to live in the capital, safe from all this titan business.
"Hey Jean, what did the big tree say to the little tree?" I asked as if actually curious. He just stared at me as if I were an absolute idiot, out of my mind.
"Did you faceplant a wall or something?" He queried.
"Nope, just answer the question." I said with a grin on my face, of course it was fake but he didn't need to know that.
"Fine, I don't know. What did the big tree say to the little tree?" He asked, giving up on trying to understand my thoughts - probably for the best to be honest.
"Leaf me alone!" I exclaimed, laughing histerically. Some people turned around to stare but I didn't pay them any mind.
"Your jokes are getting worse and worse every time." He said, with a small grin beginning to form on his face. Success! His face had some more life in it now, and I will gladly say it's because of me.
We talked for the rest of the ride to the Survey Corps HQ, joking mostly and avoiding the topic of what happened the last couple days as much as possible. We only stopped talking as a beautiful building resembling a castle came into view. It had stone walls and towers higher than what I've ever seen in my life, it honestly looked magnificent.
"Shut your mouth Y/N!" Jean laughed, making me realise I was gaping at the structure.
"Aren't you usually telling me the opposite." I smirked, riding in front of him now so he doesnt come up with any comeback. Not sure he would even think of one though as his face turned bright red and he looked away, right into the forest surrounding the castle.
"My name is Dieter Ness, cadets. Put your horses in the stables and we'll begin the tour of the compound." A man, Dieter Ness, said with a warm smile on his face, adjusting his headband. He looked quite friendly.
We did as he said and begun the tour. We were shown the bunks, mess hall, training areas, classrooms (for learning formations) and offices of the superiors in the event that we ever had to deliver a message - however we were specifically ordered go not disturb any of the superiors without a very important reason. They said this isn't civilian life, but army life and that the superiors had no time to handle trivial matters that may arise in our lives. This made me rethink my strategy of confronting Erwin once we were let go. Does he really need to know about our relations? Or would it be better for both of us if no one were to ever find out?
This was getting to me in ways I really couldn't explain, so I did the only thing I could do in stressful situations and started playing with my necklace. It was a simple little thing, a silver wing similar to the ones on the back of our new uniforms. It always reminded me of mother, made me feel as if she was still there through everything.
"Hey, you alright?" Jean asked, noticing I haven't touched any of my food at dinner and was playing with the necklace, both clear signs that I wasn't feeling my usual self.
"Yeah of course!" I chirped, instantly letting the necklace drop back onto my chest even though my fingers were itching for it.
"Come on, don't pull that crap on me. Maybe you can fool everyone else but not me, I know you better than that." He said with a serious face, resting his hand on my knee and drawing slow circles in it. That made me want to tell him everything, from the reason I first joined the training corps, to how much I wanted to see Marco and all of my other deceased friends just one more time. It was weighing on me more than I could handle and Jean only wanted to help.
I felt the tears building up in my eyes, he definitely saw them too as his face softened. "There's something I need to get off my chest..." I wimpered, standing up from the seat, heading straight towards the exit with Jean in tow. No one asked any questions as we left, I was sincerely glad for that.
"What's going on Y/N?" Jean asked with concern in his voice. I learned against the wall of the mess hall, still contemplating if I should tell him the real reason for joining the army. For all he's ever known is that I wanted revenge against the titans for my mother's death, similarly to Eren.
"I never told you the real reason for joining the training corps." I whispered, tears slowly beginning to slide down my face. I was genuinely upset, the shock of what happened a couple days ago finally hitting me full on, along with the repressed pain of losing my mother and the realisation that maybe my father is better off not knowing about me.
"Hey, hey, it's okay." Jean whispered, hugging me to his broad chest. "You can tell me anything, you know that." He smiled down at me, rubbing my back comfortably.
That was my tipping point. You know that feeling when you're upset but try to repress it until someone hugs you and says to trust them? That's what was happening here and I burst out into tears, gripping Jean's shirt in my fists.
"I miss everyone." I whispered once my words were finally comprehensible. "And I want to finally confront my father." I continued.
Jean was shocked at what I just uttered. "Your father?" He asked, unsure if he heard me correctly.
"The only reason I joined the army was to meet my father, he doesn't know I exist." I murmur softly, looking up at Jean who was still hugging me, but stopped his movements on my back.
"Y/N, who's your father?" Jean enquired, looking curious now, but sympathetic. He must have thought that my father died already if he was in the Survey Corps.
"Erwin Smith." I mumble, instantly burrying my head into Jean's chest again. It felt good to tell someone the truth after such a long time. "I don't know how to tell him or honestly if there's any point in telling him." I carry on with my explanation.
Jean pulled me away from his chest by my shoulders, his eyes showing the need to ask questions but at the same time not wanting to push me any further. "What do you mean there's no point in telling him?" He asked tenderly. "The man would be a fool to reject you as his daughter, you graduated second in training, you're beautiful, smart, caring-"
"Jean stop, this is serious." I didn't want him to compliment me at a time like this. I just wanted to tell him so I wouldn't be alone with this secret.
"No." He said sternly, gripping my shoulders a bit tighter. "You said you joined the army to meet him, and that's what you should do." He was right in a sense, what's the point of spending three long years training just to say I was too scared to fullfill my main objective.
"But we were told not to interrupt the superiors without a really important reason." I stated, recalling the days previous events.
"And I would assume that being a superiors daughter is one of the most important reasons." Jean challenged. He had determination in his eyes, he wasn't going to let this go. "If Marco were here he would be saying exactly the same thing." He added with a sad smile.
I pictured Marco in my head, remembering all the times he pushed and encouraged me to do better. He always had a smile on his face and I know that if he were here right now he would be telling me to face up to my fears and confront Erwin.
"I guess you're not wrong..." I said, Marco's words ringing in my head.
"Now, get your cute ass up to his office and tell him the truth." Jean smiled softly, kissing my forehead. "I'll be waiting for you once you get back." He let go of my shoulders, motioning for me to go already and stop wasting time.
"Thank you Jean, I dont know what I'd do without you." I uttered, softly pecking his lips and heading towards Erwin's office.
It was dark in the corridors, and strangely quiet with no one around. Everyone was still at dinner so it didn't surprise me much but it was still strange as this morning the corridors were littered with soldiers. I was taking my time, examining all the stone walls with slow strides towards Erwin's office.
After a long walk, I finally reached the door. Light was seeping out from under it, indicating that Erwin was definitely in there. I braced myself before knocking. Jean's words replaying in my head. They gave me the courage to knock three times on the door.
"Come in." Said the tired voice of the commander. I walked in slowly, closing the door behind me and going into probably the most perfect salute of my entire life. "At ease cadet." Erwin said with a calm face.
"Sir!" I said, just as we were told to do when told to be at ease. I dropped my hands behind my back, my posture still perfect.”I have a letter to give to you.” I thought that the best way to tell him would be by giving him the letter mother wrote to me. He nodded expectantly and I started taking it out of my pocket. It was an old piece of paper that survived a lot. It was crumpled in most places and wasn’t contained within an envelope, which surprised the commander slightly. Nevertheless he took the crumpled paper from me and read through it quickly. 
He looked up at me, his face unfazed. However his eyes held a completely different story, there were too many emotions in them for me to read. His eyes were an icy blue, not a very common eye colour but one that we shared. 
“I see Y/N.” He said, standing up and beginning to walk slowly over to me. This made me realise how tall the man really was, towering at least a head over me. He was nearly as tall as Bert. 
“Sir I understand that this is very shocking news. I don’t expect you to act on this.” I stated, tears beginning to build in my eyes again. “However I just wanted to let you know that I’m your daughter.” I continued ranting. My body language changing showing that I wanted to get out of this situation as soon as possible if he was going to reject me as his daughter. 
Before I could say anymore he hugged me. “Nonsense, you are my daughter, of course I will act on this new information.” I was shocked. I didn’t know how he would react but I certainly didn't see a hug and acceptance from him. I finally started hugging him back, my father accepted me as his child! “Now Y/N, we have a lot of catching up to do wouldn’t you say?” He said kindly, breaking the hug to see my tear stained face.
“Yes Commander.” I replied, attempting to get my composure back by quickly wiping the tears away. 
“You don’t have to call me by title. Please call me Erwin.” He stated thoughtfully. “I will also accept being called father or dad.” Dad? Erwin stated with a massive grin on his face. He walked back behind his desk, motioning me to sit down as well. 
“How is your mother?” He asked, instantly regretting it as my light smile turned grim. 
“She died when the titans breached the Shinganshina District.” I whispered, my hand automatically moving to the necklace around my neck. 
“I am sincerely sorry Y/N. Your mother was a beautiful woman who transferred that beauty onto you.” Erwin looked honestly upset about this information, face turning serious for just a second.
“It’s alright Comma- I mean Erwin.” I caught myself before calling him by his rank again. “Grandfather gave me that letter soon after her death. He thought it would help me come to terms with what happened.” I continued, still gripping the necklace but looking at him now. 
“I see, I am very glad your grandfather decided to give this to you otherwise we may have never met.” He smiled in an attempt to make me feel better, so I put on that fake smile which works on everyone - even Jean. He fell for it and I couldn’t have been more grateful. 
His attention shifted to where my hand was, still on the necklace. This made me look down and up again with a confused face as he pulled out a matching necklace from underneath his white shirt and emerald bolo tie. “I gave that to your mother when we were young, I didn’t think she would have kept it.” He said looking fondly between the necklace in his hand and the one in mine. 
“I remember mother giving this to me one day. I was throwing a tantrum over not knowing my father and she said that keeping this necklace on will mean he’s always there with me through everything.” I smiled, the memory of that tantrum clear in my mind. “Ever since then I always play with it whenever I get anxious or worried.” Erwin looked shocked but impressed that such a small gift could calm down an angry child. 
That’s how I spent the rest of the night, talking to my father - remembering my mother fondly and getting to know each other. That is until I started yawning. 
“I suggest you go to bed Y/N.” Erwin laughed as I tried to suppress another yawn. He was a really nice person and out of everyone I’m glad that he’s my father. 
“You’re right dad.” I yawned, instantly realizing what I said. “I mean Erwin, I am so sorry Commander!” I started ranting through my tiredness. 
“Don’t apologise, I could really get used to that.” Erwin chuckled fondly at me, getting up to give me a final hug before I left. “I’ll see you tomorrow Y/N so we can talk more.” He grinned at me. I hugged him back and said my goodbyes, heading straight to the girls dormitories and straight to bed. 
Extended Ending
"Soooo how did it go last night?” Jean asked hugging me from behind just as I was about to finish breakfast. I turned around to peck him on the lips, seeing that he had a really annoying ‘I told you so’ grin on his face. 
“I’ll tell you when we’re outside.” I laughed as he pouted, running to get some bread so he wouldn’t go hungry then grabbing my arm to drag me outside. 
“Okay we have about half an hour before anyone else bothers coming out here, spill everything.” He demanded. He honestly acted like such a girl when it came to gossip it was hilarious and made me love him even more. 
“You were right Jean.” I admitted smiling from ear to ear. He got a whole overview of what happened the other night, from the first moment that I walked in through the door to the moment I left late at night. 
“See! I knew it would work out, you’re perfect after all.” He winked at me, making me snort accidentally. “Plus it’s so adorable when you snort!” He laughed at my currently red face. 
“Well whatever Kirstein.” I turned away from him with my hands folded over my chest. 
“Awwww don’t be like that with me Y/N!” He exclaimed, hugging me from behind for the second time this morning. Of course I couldn’t stay mad at him but he always got really cute when he thought I was mad. “Come on you know you love me.” He whispered seductively in my ear, making goosebumps go down my back. I may know how to get him to act cute but he knows how to make me forgive him no matter what. 
I turned my body completely in his arms so that we were chest to chest, wrapping my arms around his neck and tangling my fingers in his hair while he tightened his grip around my waist. He had a smirk on his face as he leaned in to kiss me passionately. I immediately kissed back, pulling his head closer to deepen the kiss. Eventually we lost balance and I hit the ground with my back, with him on top of me, laughing through the kiss. 
“Hey you shitty brats!” Exclaimed a montone voice. We quickly broke the kiss to see Squad Captain Levi standing there with his arms crossed, and Erwin behind him with his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. Me and Jean exchanged quick glances, jumping onto our feet and going into a formal salute. “What do you think this is! Play time? You have training in 10 minut-”
“That’s enough Levi.” Erwin finally cut in. “I will deal with this while you go and start training, they’ll be there soon.” Levi tch’d and walked away without another word while we both watched him leave. 
I was about to thank Erwin but he beat me to saying anything. “What’s your name cadet?” He asked Jean, who gulped out of nervousness.
“Jean Kirstein, Commander.” He managed to blurt out. 
“At ease, both of you.” Erwin smiled. “Now Y/N, am i right to assume Jean to be your boyfriend?” He asked, already knowing the answer to that. 
“Yes Commander.” I figured it would only be alright to call him Commander when we are alone. 
“As I said last night, you may call me Erwin, Y/N.” He said to me, then turned to Jean who thankfully looked much more relaxed now. “Now, Jean.” Erwin studied him for a couple seconds. “I hope you take good care of my daughter during training today.”
“Of course, Commander! I would do anything for her...” Jean trailed off smiling lovingly at me, making me melt on the inside. 
“Well Jean, I am going to believe you.” Erwin smiled approvingly. “Now both of you get to training before Levi makes you run laps.” He laughed as we begun to walk away hand in hand. 
Once we were far enough away Jean turned to examine my face. “You two definitely are family, your eyebrows are nearly the same.” He burst into a fit of laughter, doubling over just a tiny bit. 
“At least I’m not related to a horse, horse-face.” I stuck out my tongue at him, beginning to run away, knowing he’d be right on my heels. 
What I didn’t know was that Erwin saw us as he was heading towards the castle, and smiling fondly. I honestly couldn’t wish for a better father.  
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levisprincess6669 · 7 years
Worth The Wait
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Sorry this took longer than expected to write, but I hope you like it :)
Request: Hi hi can I request #28 & #8 for Levi from AOT please ☺️ Thank you!!!
#28 - You did this for me? 
#8 - I think I’m attracted to you.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Warnings: A tiny amount of swearing 
Levi Ackerman. Levi fucking Ackerman. Squad captain of the Survey Corps. Humanity’s strongest soldier. And most importantly the biggest douchebag this world has ever seen. He’s been MIA for the past 2 days and I was fuming! He hasn’t shown up to any of our normal pre-breakfast workouts or even to the meals. For goodness sake he hasn’t even been in his office when I went to check up on him. 
The anger was radiating off of me like a typhoon. No one dared to utter a word near me or approach me for that matter as I headed towards the commanding table with a warm cup of coffee, slowly mixing some sugar into it with a spoon. 
“Have you guys seen Le-” I started to ask Erwin, Hanji and Mike before being rudely interrupted by Eren walking over. 
“Squad Captain Y/N!” He saluted. “I have a message for you from Captain Levi” He squeaked after catching a glimpse of my annoyed expression. 
I grabbed the note from his hand to examine its contents. ‘Y/N, take over training with the recruits today. I can’t make it. Make sure not to fuck up, Levi.’ The resentment I felt for him increased significantly at that. He didn’t even have the bloody courtesy to say this to my face!
“Ahem” The sound of Erwin clearing his throat brought me out of this train of thought instantly. I started to turn my head towards his direction, that is before catching a glimpse of Eren’s rigid salute and terrified face, staring straight at my left hand which held a broken spoon... 
“At ease and dismissed, Eren.” Erwin sighed while taking a swing of his warm coffee, resulting in Eren literally running away from us to join his friends... That poor boy...
I quietly sat down in an attempt to contain the anger, discarding the broken spoon on the table and directing my full attention onto the cup of coffee, which thankfully survived that blind rage. 
“You’re so scary when you’re angry!” Hanji exclaimed staring at me with wide eyes.
“Kinda makes you wonder what Levi said.” Mike added, staring at me expectantly for an explanation. This made me literally throw the note onto the middle of the table while sticking my face further into the coffee. 
Before Mike could even outstretch his hand for the note, Hanji lunged for it with a knowing glint in her eye, making me look at her questionably. She, of course ignored it and read the note at least 5 times before handing it to Mike. 
“Damn, shorty really did a number on you. Weren't you just going to train with your squad today?” Hanji questioned, wiggling her eyebrows at me, already knowing the answer to that.
“Yes, actually that was my plan.” I snapped, turning to Erwin. “Is there any way I can get out of this? I mean come on, he didn’t even authorise it with you first.” I exclaimed at Erwin.
“Even if that may be true, there’s no choice now.” He stated, putting the note back on the table and looking straight at me.
“Fine, whatever. I’m heading over to the training area.” I huffed, chugging the coffee as quickly as humanly possible and walking away from the table.
My squad didn’t even look that disappointed when I told them about the change of plans, they practically get a day off training with Levi’s squad since he’s not here. They pretended to be sympathetic but it was obvious they were celebrating internally, and most likely will be celebrating externally later during the day.
Once all the cadets gathered on the field they looked relieved by the lack of Levi being present, he works these kids way too much sometimes. But at the same time, they shouldn’t be expecting me to go easy on them.
“As some of you may have noticed, Captain Levi is absent today so I will be taking over training!” I declared loudly, making sure that all of them hear. “I want all of you to do 3 laps as a warm up, then we will work on your combat training!” I continued with an edge to my voice, letting them know that I mean business.
Training surprisingly went by quite quickly, it was even quite entertaining to see Sasha eating a potato when she thought I wasn’t looking. Although Eren and Jean really got on my nerves… Sasha should feel lucky I didn’t decide to catch her out otherwise she would be skipping lunch just like those two by doing laps.
I walked into the mess hall to immediately be greeted by Hanji. Pulling on my arm and heading towards the stables without uttering a single word.
“Where the hell are you taking me, idiot?” I questioned, afraid that this was going to be something to do with her experiments. I am not getting involved with that again after last time… It still makes me shudder to this day.
“I need your help! My horse ran away and since Im not a cheater I need you to go find him.” She pleaded. “Don’t let my baby suffer on its own! Please!” She continued, grabbing onto my shoulders and shaking me back and forth.
“Why didn’t you ask someone else to do it?” I queried, starting to get annoyed again from all the shaking.
“I don’t trust the others…” She said slowly next to my ear with the shaking being reduced considerably. “He went in that direction.” She pointed to the East.
“You owe me for this, make sure that there’s left over food when I get back.” I sighed getting up onto my horse. Why do people keep coming to me to do their job, and most importantly why do I keep doing their job for them.
Before Hanji could reply I was already out of earshot, the wind going through my hair with significant force. It cooled me significantly and made me feel free, I really should take my horse out for more rides.
It didn’t take long to spot a brown horse just standing there… with a person next to it? Did someone else decide to look for the horse without telling Hanji? I slowed my horse to a trot to see the person was very short in stature… LEVI!
I jumped off my horse, grabbed the reigns and stomped over to the short man so loudly that he turned around.
“Took you long enough to get here.” He stated as if we had arranged a meeting beforehand.
“Don’t act all casual with me! Where the hell have you been the past couple days!” The way I shouted this made it sound more like a statement than a question, which in all honesty it was. “I had so much extra paperwork to do because of your absence, not to mention the note this morning! What were you thin-”
My ramblings got stopped. My mouth was occupied with something other than talking as Levi kissed me slowly. His rough hands found my face and held it gently as I started kissing him back, still slightly in shock. That is until he decided to pull away and stare at me with a dumbfounded expression.
“Are you done now or do I need to shut you up again.” He stated, sitting down on a blanket. Wait a blanket?
There was a very big blanket laid out on the grass with fresh roses and 2 baskets on it. I was at a loss for words… What the hell is this idiot thinking… Is this what he was doing the past couple days?
“Wha- What is this…?” I asked, all the anger I’ve been feeling lately disappearing instantly.
“Are you blind? It’s a picnic.” Replied Levi in a way that made me feel really dumb, but honestly it just made a smile creep onto my face.
“Yo- You did this for me?” I asked, sitting down opposite him. The smile was still on my face as something fluttered in my chest. Levi has never been an affectionate person so this was a surprise, sure we’re close and we’ve had moments where we’ve kissed but those were rare occasions. I thought we had an unspoken agreement that we wouldn’t act on our feelings. Or was that what I thought? The way he acts makes it seem like he can’t care about anyone on affectionate level so I just figured there was no point in trying anything…
“No, I did it for the horses.” Levi brought me back to reality with his reply as he opened the basket to retrieve a bottle of red wine, pouring it into elegant glasses. The glasses look very familiar… Those are Erwin’s glasses! The bastard knew what Levi was up to and didn’t tell me.
“Why would you do this…?” I asked, his absence made much more sense now. He would have had to leave the HQ to get that wine and I can bet that whatever else is in those baskets can’t be found anywhere near here.
“Because… I think I’m attracted to you.” He declared, looking away slightly. If I’m not mistaken then there is definitely a small amount of pink appearing on his pale face too. I’ve never seen Levi blushing! But I’m sure it’s nothing compared to what my face looked like now. Levi just confessed to me. The stoic Levi, feared by all, just confessed to me. My heart was beating uncontrollably, and my face hurt from smiling so much. I can’t believe this is happening.
“Lev-” I started to say but got interrupted.
“Let me finish, brat.” Levi huffed, turning to stare straight into my eyes. “I want us to be official. If you want me to be your boyfriend, of course.”
“Of course, I want you to be my boyfriend Levi!” I exclaimed, enveloping the man in a hug. How could I say no? Levi is the most amazing person I’ve ever met and honestly, I love him.
“I hoped you’d say that.” He said, letting a very rare smile grace his features as he leaned in to meet my lips. This time I wasn’t in shock when kissing him back, this time I was deepening the kiss with my arms tightly locked around his neck.
Maybe I shouldn’t get so angry anymore if Levi disappears for a couple of days.
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levisprincess6669 · 7 years
Please request guys, I literally have no imagination...
#1-126 Prompts for any Character!!
Okay!! So, you can pick any of these prompts for any character you want at any time. Thanks!!!!
1. “This isn’t gonna end well!”
2. “Did you enjoy yourself last night?”
3. “Are you kidding me? We’re not ‘fine’!
4. “You’ve only heard his side of the story. You never asked for mine.”
5. “Well, this is where I live.”
6. “Oh my God! You’re in love with him/her!”
7. “You make me feel like I’m not good enough.”
8. “For some reason I’m attracted to you.”
9. “I am not losing you again.”
10. “Why don’t they just kiss already?”
11. “I think I picked up your coffee by mistake.”
12. “All I wanted was your honesty.”
13. “Why do you keep pushing me away?”
14. “I can’t explain right now, but I need you to trust me.”
15. “I’ve never felt this way before….and it scares the shit out of me.” 16. “Don’t fucking touch me!”
17. “Are you really taking his side against me?”
18. “Wait a second are you jealous?”
19. “I wish I could hate you.”
20. “I’m sorry if this upsets you, but I’m going to marry her/him.”
21. “You know, it hurt when I realized that you’re not in love with me. But nothing can compare to the pain I felt when I saw you fall in love with her.”
22. “Come over here and make me.”
23. “This is by far the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in.”
24. “You’re the only one I trust to do this.”
25. “I thought you were dead.”
26. “This isn’t just about you. It’s about what’s best for all of us.”
27. “I love you, you asshole.”
28. “You did this for me?”
29. “You can’t protect me.”
30. “You know I wouldn’t do this if I had any other choice.”
31. “Promise me you’ll look after your mom.”
32. “I’m so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.”
33. “Stop talking about the past, I could be dead in a matter of hours… make me up a future.”
34. “The way you flirt is shameful.”
35. “I waited and waited, but you never came back.”
36. “You never told me you had a fucking twin.”
37. “I want to go back to before….”
38. “I just wanted an easy day with my girlfriend/boyfriend. What’s so wrong with that?”
39. “Go then, leave! See if I care!”
40. “Why are you up so early?”
41. “Please, take me instead!”
42. “You braided his hair?”
43. “She’s been missing since Friday and you’re not worried?”
44. “Have you lost your damn mind?!”
45. “Please don’t argue. You have to leave right now, you aren’t safe here.”
46. “I’m your daughter.”
47. “I’m not surprised that you murdered him.”
48. “Is there a special reason, as to why you’re wearing my shirt?”
49. “Am I supposed to be scared of you?”
50. “Don’t use me as an example. I wasn’t a good kid.”
51. “Is that what you’re doing? Trying to make me to hate you?”
52. “I’ve been in love with you my entire life.”
53. “I’m not happy here.”
54. “If he’s going to treat you like shit I’m going to kick his ass.”
55. “I just want to cuddle and watch Friends.”
56. “You’re hiding something from me.”
57. “If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.”
58. “I want my best friend back.”
59. “You better have a good reason for waking me up at the ass-crack of dawn.”
60. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
61. “A wedding?”
62. “I just want to be alone right now.”
63. “Don’t you dare to ever do that again!”
64. “Where would someone hide in a town like this?”
65. “If I ever see you anywhere near her, you’ll have to deal with me!”
66. “I thought you were a dream come true.”
67. “Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.”
68. “I came here to explain what happened, and I’m not leaving until you listen.”
69. “I made a mistake.”
70. “H-How long have you been standing there?”
71. “You can’t break my heart like this!”
72. “I wasn’t going to wait around for you forever.”
73. “The skirt is supposed to be this short.”
74. “I’ve moved on.”
75. “This is why you don’t ever have any shirts to wear.”
76. “Run, and don’t ever look back.”
77. “The three seconds rule doesn’t apply to sticky foods.”
78. “I think I’m in love with you, and I’m terrified.”
79. “Please, don’t give up on me.”
80. “When are you going to realize that I don’t care?”
81. “I may be an idiot but I’m your idiot.”
82. “When you love someone, you just don’t stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy… even then. Specially then!”
83. “Fuck…I feel I’ve been hit by a car.”
84. “Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?”
85. “I know that you have reached a decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it”
86. “I’m tired of being your secret.”
87. “They always make shower sex sound so appealing, but honestly it seems quite dangerous.”
88. “Do you ever think if people heard our conversations they’d lock us up?”
89. “Let me tell you exactly where in hell you can go.”
90.“Who gave you that black eye?!”
91. “After everything you did, you’re asking ME to apologize for snapping at you ONCE?”
92. “I miss her so damn much, and it’s killing me that she’s gone!”
93. “What the hell are you doing here?! I told you I never wanted to see you again!”
94. “It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.”
95. “Are you drunk?”
96. “I’m sorry, what were you saying? I keep getting lost in your eyes.” 97. “You got her pregnant?! What were you thinking?”
98. “It’s okay baby, I’m here for you.”
99. “You say the nastiest things when you’re angry, so yes, I’m walking away from you now.
100. “I’m starting an idiot jar. Any time you do or say anything idiotic, you have to put at least a dollar in it—more depending on how stupid the thing that you said or did was.”
101. “My parents asked about you.”
102.“Oh, gosh, you’ve insulted me! What ever shall I do? I’ll be mentally and emotionally scared for years!”
103. “You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?”
104. “Do you need me to get anything from the store?”
105. “They say I’m in here because I’m crazy, I think I’m crazy because I’m in here.”
106. “There’s no getting out of this. You ruined me”
107. “If you don’t want to talk about what happened, then say so. Don’t just lie and say it’s fine.”
108. “I was going to kiss him, but then my friend texted me about going to Taco Bell, and, well, there’s this cashier that works there who is way cuter, so I bailed on the rest of the date.”
109. “Don’t say you love me.”
110. “It’s a hobby of mine to prove you wrong.”
111. Meeting him/her for the first time
112. Him/her asking you out
113. Your first date
114. Your first kiss
115. Cuddling with him/her
116. Neck kisses
117. “I swear I didn’t mean to touch your butt.”
118. “Why are you wearing my shirt? Please, don’t take it off. It looks good on you.”
119. Going on a vacation together
120. Going to an amusement park together
121. Dancing together
122.Him/her rescuing you (if the person you want can do that ex. superhero) 123. Your first time
124. And what did we learn from that?” “Not to mess with you.”
125.Comforting him/her after a nightmare
126. The wedding day
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levisprincess6669 · 7 years
My Fandoms
Hey guys! I just thought I’d make a list of fandoms that I’m a part of, please don’t hesitate to make requests.
♡Attack On Titan
♡Fairy Tail
♡Seraph Of The End
♡Tokyo Ghoul
♡Psycho Pass
♡Code Breaker
♡Black Butler
♡Ouran High School Host Club
♡Soul Eater
TV Shows
♡Teen Wolf
♡Once Upon A Time
♡Game Of Thrones
♡Vampire Diaries
♡Harry Potter
♡Maze Runner
♡Hunger Games
♡Marvel Universe
♡DC Universe
Just as a side note - this is not all of my fandoms in one place, as it is unfortunately impossible to remember all of them sooooo if you want to request from a different fandom then please don’t hesitate to ask me just in case.
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levisprincess6669 · 7 years
Levi With A Sick S/O Headcanons
☆Levi would notice that you’re not acting yourself the moment your symptoms start appearing but wouldn’t make a big fuss about it.
☆"I’m fine!“ You’d reply with a forced smile when he gives you one of his looks.
☆You’d be late for training the next day, resulting in him being slightly annoyed, but secretly concerned.
☆ You’d come up with a lame excuse such as cleaning out a stain on your uniform or having to help Hangi with something.
☆ He doesn’t believe you but knows that you’re a very strong individual who can take care of themselves (unless you’re being a brat).
☆You’d partner up with someone and begin fighting, leading to the biggest sign of you coming down with something.
☆ You’re amazing at hand to hand combat and could never be defeated so fast, especially by a cadet who has no experience compared to you.
☆Levi would instantly cut the training session short (no pun intended) and take you to his office.
☆"You lied to me, brat.” He’d say while making you some warm tea.
☆You’d try to deny it but a sudden sneeze would stop you from talking at all.
☆He’d make you lie down in his bed, surrounded by pillows and blankets to make you feel comfortable.
☆Levi would be really nice in his own special way at this time.
☆Expect a lot of forehead kisses. And cheek kisses.
☆However he wouldn’t kiss your lips. “That’s very unsanitary Y/N.”
☆He’d also make you tea every half an hour, no matter what time it is - he’s really thankful that he doesnt sleep long at this time.
☆Levi would try to help you fall asleep by softly running his fingers through your hair with one hand and the other holding you delicately to his chest.
☆Hanji would literally be banned from seeing you at this time, he thinks that her presence will cause exhaustion to you.
☆The same would go for Erwin, every time Erwin says you have to complete some paperwork he would just do it without telling you.
☆The only time he would leave you would be when he had no other choice - when no one else had time to take over training with the cadets.
☆He would hate leaving your side.
☆"I should be sick more often if you’re gonna be so caring" you’d joke once you get better.
☆"Tch, shut up brat or I’ll make you clean this bedroom"/ “Next time you’re on your own.” He’d reply but he’d be glad that you’re feeling better.
So yeah… I’ve had a cold recently and thought this kinda thing was quite relevant. Hope you guys like it!
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