#smoking is bad but daaaamn
whosname · 6 months
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Oh, yeah, here's a second post about Gintama's Live-action adaptations. I'm a total completionist so I not only watched the second movie, I had to find the Mitsuba arc and then @sebfreak pointed me to the other miniseries, so... (sorry if it's a long post, while I'm not drawing my brain can't stop)
Right, the Mitsuba arc
Loved they include the spicy parfait scene, I mean, the cgi is what it is, but I have a lot of respect for 'em even trying,
Zaki's afro? chef's kiss, simply delicious
I mean:
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Also, Hijikata's reacion to the spicy snacks? delicious. These guys are good at funny faces.
Loved the Gin's pretending to be sleeping scene, missed the part about the black circles under his eyes, tho.
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(Look, it was very difficult to find the three parts of the drama, I got 'em from 3 different places and every place has it's own subtitles on indonesian or french. Also, the quality? oh my, the quality was terrible by the third part)
This is a fucking sad arc, daaaamn, and this being a drama... well, it's even more dramatic. I mean, that last scene on the roof? it always breaks my heart.
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And now, for something completely different, the mini-series thingy.
The episodes they choose to adapt are... interesting, I mean who in their right mind chooses those three? okay, I love how weird the decision is.
I love the details on the one were Kagura can't sleep, I mean, the Dragon Ball mangas, the justaway alarm clock, Gintoki's pajamas.
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Holy shit, the make up, the Napoleon thing, the radio drama, "I didn't get enough sleep, and I'm starting to hear strange things"; I love this episode.
And then, the one were Hijikata can't smoke, maaaan, this episode was like a fever dream in the anime and the live-action is so on point. The whole Namek planet thing, "I'm going to defeat Breeza!", "I'm trying to revive Grillin!", the cgi is not that bad, I mean, slimy grimmy Shen Long could've looked worst. Also, I insist, Hijikata's actor is so stupid good at expressions.
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And, finally, the dentist episode, another fever dream. I'm very afraid of the dentist so, yeah, can confirm that People of All Ages Hate the Dentist!. Also, again, their expressions!; Hasegawa!; the treatment! This episode may have worsen my fear of the dentist
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I love the way this live-actions thingies keep the whole Gintama spirit, I love that the first scene on the Rules are Made to be Broken movie is the still shot from Yorozuya HQ and it's just these idiots talking over it. If I've watched this on the cinema I would've cheered like the stupid weeabo I am (I told a friend yesterday "I went from 0 to otaku in like 3 moths" so there).
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I'm so thankful for Zura's piracy thing disclaimer.
Otose!!! OMFG, I love her!
"Work! We have to find work, Gin-san!" "I don't want to!" MOOD FOREVER!
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I love how they all try very hard not to laugh in the scenes with this guy, they failed, but I love it.
We've already talked about Zura's gender but... come on! how fucking amazing they are??!
Oh, and the Katsurap and then Pako (I mean, they changed her name here, but I still like Pako more 'cause Ginko is a different character, come on!) carrying her on her back.
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"It's the Shogun!" aaah, you didn't fail me, Rules are Made to be Broken.
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And then the hairdresser thing. I can't stop thanking you, Rules are Made to be Broken.
I guess the whole chip on Toshi's neck is weird, but maybe the whole sword thing would've been longer to explain so probably it was best for simplicity.
On that note, "Sakatashi"
"You're a Neet. You're thinking like a total Neet!" "Is that so? You guys look like pretty big Neets too." "Who the hell is a Neet?! We are hard-working workers now!"
So, yeah, I can forgive the the chip thing ONLY for the scene at Gengai's shop. Toshi, pilot the EVA.
I can't believe how close to the original is the scene were Gintoki catches Toshi by his neck and they all run away from those Shinsengumi guys.
"You tax thieves" <3
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this look badass, I mean...
We have little Takasugi action in this one, but hell, I don't care, I love his scenes with Bansai. Also, Bansai, of course.
Now, this is were I feel this goes weird, Bansai's gonna try to kill the (freaking) Shogun in a total different location form the train thing. It's... weird. Tho, Bansai looks amazing on his motorcycle.
I've said this a thousand time already, but I don't care, Kagura's really Gintoki's clone, I bloody love her.
Now, I don't fell Gintoki has a real motivation to go a fight Bansai in Edo, it never convinced me. I grateful for the Raccoon Bus scene, tho, I laughed like a maniac (look, I know I need to sleep more), but... dunno "then Takasugi Shinsuke will start killing people!" wasn't enough for me. Oh, and Zura, I love that they use every excuse to use Zura but still... weird?
I really like to like the first part of Gintoki vs Bansai but... too matrix~y too... the choreography is kind of cool, the shots between fights too but the whole matrix thing... I didn't like it.
BUT! the strings thing, that I liked.
And then the last scene at the dango place, I liked it a lot, I love when they did that on the anime averytime.
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slaytanic · 5 years
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My little contribution for Kaidan's week @spectrekaidanalenko :)
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libertystrikes · 4 years
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Quetzalcoatl has literally too much big sexy energy here,
I already loved her ever since the fgo introduced her and now I have to watch her be the baddest bitxh again? *heart squeeze*
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thebooktopus · 2 years
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Day Twenty-Eight: Piercings
Rebel Rebel by @teacup-tai E // 5K // Wolfstar
💋 I don't know where to start. this was one of the best fics I've read this month. there's a feeling, an energy that raced through me when I was reading. ft: the absolute loveliest OC who I wish could be my real-life friend, Sirius who is lost but finds himself, confident, sexy Remus who gets mad when Sirius says ILY first, and David Bowie. so so so so so so good: "Late one night, after a few beers, he tells her about Remus in a small voice, in the dark of his bedroom, like a secret. About the best friend he misses so much, that is actually much more than a best friend, that lives so far away and is not around for all these small discoveries. They eat cheap Muggle food out of cardboard containers and she laughs and paints his lips with blood-red lipstick and kisses him until his chin is all smeared with lippy and saliva and she kisses down his spine. Her fingers play with his ugly tattoos, sparse chest hair and the trimmed path down his navel and she explains to him why friends are the best lovers, her smeared red lips touching the soft swell of his arse. She eats him out, makes him come with an insistent tug of her fingers, and cuddles him with such care, talking enthusiastically about the Potioneering mastery she is starting soon."
Pansies on My Skin by @melanoradrood E // 12K // Pansy Parkinson/Neville Longbottom
🔥 THE Paneville tattoo parlor/flower shop AU of your dreams. pansy is a bad bitch and sweet nev is smiley and fumbling... until they hit the sheets and then daaaamn buckle up baby: "Nothing about the two of them made sense - nothing. It sounded more like an absurd movie for grandmothers than for real life. A tattoo artist that wore all black and smoked too many cigarettes and lived a grungy life in combat boots and eyeliner, falling for the sweet next-door neighbor flower shop owner, who smiled rainbows and puppies and wore colors and..."
A Love Story of Less-Than-Epic Proportions by @innerlilith E // 39K // Drarry
🎶 the sloooowest sweetest burn, complete with all of the 2000s pop-punk bands of your my teenage years. includes the tag "Draco has snakebites" which is really all you should need to know: “'I wish,' Luna began, her lilting voice sending a pleasant tingle down Harry’s spine, 'I wish for you two to look within, to recognize how deeply and completely you already love each other,' Harry swallowed. Luna sounded pretty serious. 'I wish you the strength to consider the source of your fears and doubts, and to face them. And of course, once you do that, I wish you a lifetime of joy together.'”
For more info on my New Year's Rec-olutions for January, check out this post. Tomorrow's tag will be "Animagus."
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✨ REQUEST: nose si voy tarde però bueno, espero que no. i would like to request (obviously if that is okay for you) a headcanon with angel x reader of the day of their wedding, like súper súper fluffy.
✨ MADE BY: @artofvamps
WORDS: about 2k.
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place, or something that it makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted ❤
❚❙ Especial thanks to my lovely @angelreyesgirl for helping me with this wonderful masterpiece 🖤✨
❚❙ GIF credits: to the amazing @angels-reyes.
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Never in your life you could think about having a most perfect wedding, Angel didn't care about it too much, being enough for him to see you happy.
The most magical place you have ever been. Especially when the sun is almost falling, around five pm.
From the window of his room, you can see the backyard perfectly decorated by Creeper and Riz. They didn't lie when they told you that would be amazing.
White and red roses everywhere, forming vines wrapping the wooden beams of the altar. Over the guests' chairs, there are six fairy lights, giving some more intimacy when the night has come; and a red carpet in the hallway, over the grass.
All your friends are there, mixed with the Mayans, waiting for you.
Your hands are trembling, alone in Taza's room, while you hear some voices and laughs outside. You can't help but take another look of yourself in the mirror.
The white dress fits your body perfectly, falling from your chest to the floor.
The girl at the shop called it ‘a-line wedding dress’. You don't care about the name, but about the fact that you look like the most beautiful girl. Your hair is tied on top of your head, behind a delicate silver tiara and small red crystals in it. Soft make-up, that Bishop's Old Lady did for you, just like your future husband likes.
Felipe is run of words when he comes to the room, but you can see what he thinks in his eyes, about to cry.
You know that he would like that Marisol could see you marrying her son. She would love to see the man Angel turned himself into since he met you three years ago.
“Hey, I’m Angel Reyes, and you know what? You’ll be my wife one day”.
He wasn’t wrong.
But he’s not going to lie. He has been the whole night having nightmares about you running away from him; about you deciding that you didn’t want a life with him.
Ezekiel and Coco have been awake too, comforting him whenever the doubts hit his mind.
Holding Felipe’s arm, he guides you downstairs to the outside, feeling your legs shaking and your heart about to explode. You have doubts too. You’re scared of him taking a step back at the last moment.
Although every bad feeling disappears from the two of you, as soon as you lay eyes with each other.
Angel is about to cry. So are you.
For you, for him, there's no one else around your orbit. Just the two of you. Him waiting at the wedding altar, watching you walk over the red carpet perfectly placed on the ground.
And, damn. You thought that Angel couldn't look better, until you have seen him wearing that suit.
A black suit, covering the immaculate white shirt under a silver waistcoat with mayan symbols tissues in it. His hair is perfectly brushed to the back of his head and his beard is giving you desires of kissing it.
Seriously, it should be illegal to look this good.
But the detail that steals all your attention is the fact that he isn't wearing his characteristics rings. That big silver cross in his right pinkie and a signet ring with the Virgin of Guadalupe in his ring finger.
Felipe kisses your cheek, to intertwine his son's hand with yours.
You can't help but use your free hand to clean the tears falling down his cheeks, making Angel chuckles softly. You are always taking care of him with the most minimal details, showing him how much you love him, before leaning forward to kiss the tip of his nose.
“You changed me. You changed my life. You came with that smile, illuminating all the darkness around me. You've accepted me, advised me, shown me the road to happiness, put me first. You've never, ever, judged me. You've healed me, you've healed my wounds, my soul, my heart. You gave me the opportunity I always thought I would never have… You, mi reina, have loved me unconditionally without asking for anything back. I don't have enough words to express how I feel every morning when I wake up with you under my arms, when I kiss you, when I see you dancing in our kitchen, when you… look me with these beautiful eyes as if I was the fucking Big Bang happening in front of you”. Bringing your hands to his mouth, Angel kisses every knuckle of them. “I can't imagine a single day without you, without hearing your laugh, without reading your texts desiring me a good day when you wake up and I'm already gone. I don't wanna live a single day without hearing you singing in the shower, without riding my bike with you behind my back, without you smacking my ass and screaming ‘daaaamn, this is all mine’! You make me happy like no one could do. You make me feel important like no one could do. And I promise you, fuck… I swear it to God, that I'm gonna give you all of me. Every second of every minute, of every hour of every day till the end of my time. I don't want to live without you”.
Now, it's Angel who has to clean your tears, causing some laughs between the guests. And he can't help but wrap you with his arms in a tight, tight hug. The warmest and dearly hug he has ever given you.
“I didn't know what love was until I met you. I didn't know which was the meaning of life until I met you. Mi rey. My other half. It was you, and only you, since I saw you the first time sitting on your bike, smoking and with that face of grumpy idiot”. The guests laugh again, because they all know that pose. “And then you standed up and started to walk, and I thought ‘what the hell is wrong with his leg’”. More laughs. The loudest comes from your future husband. “But I would never change you for anyone else. We've been through bad days and good days. Shitty nights and funny nights. I would never change my life with you for anything else. No one has ever made me happy as you do every moment of my existence. You're the most awesome, incredible, loyal and lovely man I have ever met. You fight for me, you take care of me, you protect me. You make me smile whenever I feel insufficient, whenever I feel sad, whenever I feel that I don't belong anywhere. My home, my life, my happiness is wherever you are, Angel Reyes”.
Then, Taza as the priest looks at the two of you, before guiding his dark eyes towards you. “Would you want to take Angel Ignacio Reyes in hol—”. He can't finish, being interrupted by the man in question clicking his tongue. “Of fucking course she wants”. Gently grabbing your chin with a hand and placing the other on the back of your head, Angel kisses you by pecking your lips, making you laugh.
But Leti breaks the moment, coughing exaggeratedly. You asked her to be the flower girl and she has been practicing the last month, to don’t mess up her task. The most important one, actually.
For the next two hours, you can’t stop looking at your hand tangled with Angel’s, and the two fresh golden rings in your fingers. To other people they could be just two pieces of jewelry, but for you it’s the purest way to show him your love, your support, and your unconditional trust in him.
And for the next two hours, Angel can’t stop kissing your face all around. Going down with furtive kisses on your neck, your shoulder, your knuckles; not being able to take off from you his other arm around your waist, tightly closed to push you next to him.
Coco and Gilly are in charge of the speech, knowing that it’s going to be more funny than you thought, when they get up from their chairs drunk as fuck after too many shots of tequila. “Yo, mami… you really got the golden dick”. “Man!” Gilly punches him on the shoulder, making him strumble with his own feet and having to grab the other’s jacket to not fall. “I’m speaking the truth! Who was gonna think that he would get the girl to this point, ah?” “Not me”. “Me neither”. “You jealous, ah, motherfuckers?” Angel tosses them a napkin, causing the laugh of everyone around you. “Seriously, girl… How you do it to st—”.
“Enough?” Leti whispers to EZ, sitting by her side. The younger Reyes nods in silence, getting up, making Creeper and Riz a sign to take them off from the center of the yard; between curses in spanish and in some kind of invented language because of the alcohol.
“Hey, brother, I just want to tell you that by far this is the happiest moment of my life. You don’t deserve anything but all the love and the affection, and we all know that only her can give it to you”. You’re starting to think that EZ’s purpose is making Angel cry, because his eyes are being filled up with a bunch of tears now. “Our lives haven’t been easy, you know that… And you have put all the weight on your shoulders since ever, but I’m proud of you. Of who you are. Of calling you my brother. Mi sangre. I don’t desire you anything but happiness, Angel”.
“Yeah, and God bless your patience, sister”. Leti can’t help but add that remark, trying to not laugh when she finds you nodding energetically, before kissing your husband’s tears running down his cheek.
The big toast echoes all around the ranch, in the meantime that the prospects from Yuma and Stockton bring the cake. One of them. That’s the main, a three-story cake of black and white chocolate with your names drawn in red. Canche’s wife has made it for you. She’s an amazing pastry.
And you thought that Angel wouldn’t do it. HE PROMISED YOU ONE HUNDRED TIMES.
But that piece of shit were lying,
Stamping a piece of cake on your face, your husband quickly grabs your wrists to avoid you punch him, or do the same to him. As you sob between chuckles, keeping your eyes closed, Angel licks your lips with the tip of his tongue. “Mi dulce, mi favorito”.
“You promised me…”
“Ah, ah… I promised that I wouldn’t smash YOUR face IN the cake. And I didn't”.
After cleaning yourself and changing the heavy dress for another one that fits your silhouette to the perfection, you are ready to give your husband the last surprise of your wedding.
“Are you takin' me to a dark corner?” “Stop asking, Angel… You'll see”.
At the front yard, a baseball bat and a ball awaits. “What's that, baby?”
“Sh… I throw you the ball, and you hit it, okay?”
So there you are, watching Angel in position as in his old times, when he used to play in highschool.
You throw it.
He hits it.
And in just one second, the distance between you gets caught up by a pink powder, almost staining your clothes.
Angel is in shock. The bat falls from his hand. Eyes widened. Parted lips. His skin bristled, as his cheeks got wet again because of the tears.
“Felicidades, papi”.
He can't stop crying, embracing you with all his strength to his chest. Your husband can't believe anything that is happening today. All he has ever wanted is happening in a sight.
“The day we met, you told me that one day I would be your wife. And I told you that you looked like the father of my future children”.
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Survey #283
“if teardrops could be bottled, there’d be swimming pools filled by models”
How much would you tip a waiter or waitress for good service? I honestly don’t even know the proper etiquette of tipping because I almost never ever have been in a sit-down restaurant where I’ve paid because of the whole “I don’t have an income” thing. If for whatever reason I did, I would have asked the person with me how. I do (maybe…) believe however that there should be a baseline for how much you tip, even if your experience is somewhat unpleasant. You don’t know what that person is going through that day. If it’s just pure awful, then I might not tip at all, but I think I’d honestly feel way too guilty. Who is your favorite character from the television sitcom Friends? I don’t watch it. Whose name might you have tattooed on your body? None. Well, I guess if I had hypothetical kids, I might, especially as a tribute if they died. What is something that you always need to leave plugged in? I always at least have my laptop charger plugged into the wall, but not always into my computer as to not totally kill the battery. I just need it a lot because I’m only always on it. Who might you send a selfie to? I don’t send them to anyone, really, save for specific occasions. I just take selfies once in a blue moon to change my Facebook picture, honestly. I feel weird just sending people pictures of me because I feel like I’m screaming, “HEY LOOK AND COMPLIMENT ME!!!!!!!!!”, so it makes me uncomfortable. I only did semi-recently because my friend did my makeup for a Halloween shoot and for once in my goddamn life I felt really pretty so sent it to Sara. Name an item in or on your bed every night. My phone is on the right upper corner of my bed so I can check it when I wake up; I always wake up throughout the night and wanna know what time it is. Out of your work shift, how much time do you spend doing “actual work”? Well one, define “actual work,” but odds are almost zero because I don’t have shit to do. How long do your New Years resolutions typically last? I don’t make ‘em. Who would you call first after getting engaged to tell them the news? Most likely Mom. What’s the song that reminds you of the person you like?Okay so deadass I listened to NSP’s “Wish You Were Here” cover recently and kinda cried lol. Are you good at holding back your tears? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Have you ever sacrificed something important to you for someone you love? My goddamn sanity. How many jobs do you have? None. Do you have any memories you want to erase? There’s one occasion with Jason I wish I could forget so, so badly. Do you believe in the phrase “If it’s meant to be, it will be”? No. I don’t believe in pre-determined destinies and such, and thus I don’t see anything as “meant” and “not meant” to be. Do you believe in destiny? Wow, good timing lmao. Do you believe that things will get better? I like to think so. Have you ever drunk dialed someone? No. Have you ever worn a tiara? Haha, I think on my 18th birthday maybe, my friend Summer came with us to dinner and brought me a birthday tiara. If someone offered to take you out for your birthday, where would you decide to go? I almost always go to Olive Garden for dinner. But, after trying the Cheesecake Factory for the first time… *eyes emoji* If you plan to have kids, what will you tell them about Santa Clause? I’m not having kids, but hypothetically, I’d let them believe it. It’s so magical as a kid and brings so much excitement. I’d tell them the truth when it feels appropriate, and if I know they’re not the type to go telling other kids for no reason “HEY MY MOM SAID SANTA’S NOT REAL SO UR DUMB.” I’d be damned if they ruined it for other children. If you have ever been employed, have you ever been attracted to your boss? What about a co-worker? Not that I remember. Do [would] you avoid kissing your [possibly hypothetical] significant other when you or they are ill? Look man I made out with my ex while he was recovering from bronchitis before we knew it wasn’t contagious so OOPS yeah because I am 110% the “if you’re sick, I’m sick” dumbass all the while going FULL Mom Mode taking care of the person. What was the last thing you bought, other than food? With my own money, that is a daaaamn good question. I only really use it/am given it for food. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? No. Who was the last person you Facebook messaged? Do you know what that person is doing at this moment? My mom. She’s in the living room watching TV, probably. Think back to the last time you cried, or felt like crying. Who or what helped you to feel better? My mom. Do you own any accessories with your name or initial on them? No, they don’t appeal to me. Is there someone of the opposite sex that knows everything, or almost everything, about you? I would say Jason, but we haven’t seen or spoken to each other for almost four years, and I’m a much different person by now, and I’m sure he is, too. Do you remember the last time you cried because you missed someone? A few weeks back I had a breakdown over Jason again. My PTSD was and still is being pretty rough lately. Are your eyes the same color as your sibling(s)? Just my brother. Anything in your room that you’re hiding from your parents, or someone else? No. What’s your most noticeable flaw? Thinking about it, probably my extreme aversion to conflict. I will BOLT from confrontation. And what’s your best feature? I’m extremely empathetic. Have you ever hallucinated? Yeah; I would see shadows move when I was coming off a certain med. Do you have fangirl-ish tendencies? ………………. Have you ever replied “OK” when someone confessed they liked you? Wow, no. Either admit reciprocated feelings or gently turn them down. The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, or The Beatles? OHHHHHHHH BUDDY. Led Zeppelin, I think… but maybe the Stones. Idk. What would you do for immortality and infinite youth? Nothing. Would you rather have a pool or a hot tub? A pool. Is your handwriting legible? Yes. Well, some people find it slightly difficult because it’s kinda fancy. Have you ever held a baby chick? Yes! Do you think ‘everything bagels’ are disgusting? I’m not a fan. Do you live with anyone that you try to avoid at all costs? No. What did you last get upset about? How incredibly fuckin weak my body is. When is the last time you personally made someone else cry? I don’t know. How many more people do you think you’ll kiss before you die? Hopefully only one. I do NOT want to deal with anymore heartbreak, nor do I want to waste anymore time with someone I’m not going to spend the rest of my life with. Are you more spiritual or religious? Spiritual. Ever been to a rave? Nooooo, most definitely not my scene. Are you afraid to name the person you talk the most shit about? No. Song playing right now? I’m listening to “PRESIDENT X” by 3TEETH rn. Have you ever laughed at someone because they had a funny name? No, that’s incredibly rude. Speaking of names, why do celebrities always call their kids stupid ones? They’re not all “stupid”…? There are some beautiful names I’ve heard. It’s none of my business why others’ children are named what they are. Do you get car sick easily? I don’t. Do you think you’re a good conversationalist? Why is that? NO. I’m just awkward and don’t know what to talk about or what to say back to people a lot. Awhile back though my friend Ian told me I was actually a really nice one and it meant a LOT to me. Hearing someone say that reassured me a little bit. Have you ever been on a float in a parade? What were you doing on it? No. Have you ever been in a helicopter? No. Have you ever had chicken pox? No. Who is your favorite animated character? Oh boy that’s hard man, idk. Maybe Ninetales, at least aesthetically. Idk about as characters themselves. Is it easy to make you gag? Yeah. Who’s your favorite Disney character? Probably Scar. Would you rather have a pet crocodile or a pet octopus? I deadass kinda want a caiman lol. It’s something I doubt I’ll actually do, though. Do you like Ritz crackers? Yeah. Do you have any designer clothing? If so what brand? No. Were you afraid of the dark when you were little? Not very, no. What are your opinions on war in general? It’s fucking awful and could be avoided if people weren’t so goddamn hasty, selfish, and uncompromising, among many other adjectives. Do you like pretzels? Yessss, especially soft ones. Have you ever wanted to be a writer? Yeah, tons of times in my life on-and-off. Did you even vote? This is the very first year I actually did. I felt really bad for not acting, only complaining about my government, and “silence speaks” was heavy on my head. Did some research to educate myself, and I felt amazing afterwards. What is your favorite flavor of gum? Usually watermelon. Are you wearing any bandaids? If so, where and why? No. Do you currently have any bruises on you? No. Do you/did you like or dislike school? I always hated it. Are you currently wearing any lotion? No. Do you ever make recipes found online? What was the last one? I don’t cook, so… but there sure are some that look good. If you smoke weed, what do you usually do after you get high? If you don’t, what would you do if everyone around you were smoking? I never have, so I wouldn’t know. Haha, for the second half, sit there awkwardly… been there once. What’s the last thing you ordered online? The next Wings of Fire book. Starting Sunny’s story now. Tell me about your favorite dress. I had this spring dress in high school that was white with purple skulls on it in a floral design… It was really cute and just has a special memory tied to it. Have you ever slept in a waterbed? If so, what was it like? Yeah, that used to be considered “fun” as a kid. They’re not awful, but not that comfortable either, and if I remember well, it’s easy to get sweaty because of the material. How many floors does your house have? Just one. Have you ever had anything removed from your body? Yes. Do you enjoy sappy love songs? Hell yeah I do. Do you ever buy the same shirt in different colors? Simple tank tops, yeah. Ever made out on a rooftop? Damn dude no I’d be paranoid of falling off lmao. One place you will never eat at? Arby’s. If someone went through your pictures, would they find a "bad" one? Nope.
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Word Count: 4413 
WARNINGS: smut, language and drugs 
If you wanted to be tagged please let me know. :))
"Baze pass me the joint!" I admit, I'm pretty drunk and I'll start to lose my shit any minute from now. My cousin Baze tag me along tonight, its suppose to be a boy's night out but nah I don't mind they can have their fun. I'm no stranger to them. We're in Andrei's house. These guys are my childhood friend, wrong they are my brothers and we're reunited after 4 years? I think. I've been in Ireland for too long and now I'm back to my roots. "Yo Y/N! Are Irish girls hot?" Slim asked and everyone starts laughing. I flip him off and chug down the vodka in my cup. I smoked the joint Baze handed me. Ah I miss these. Chill night with the gang. "Yo seriously. You look like them. What made you color your hair red? You look like a fuuucking idiot." Then Slim laughed sounding like a goat in labor. "Shut up fucker." My only response. I know they missed me that's why I'm their target tonight. And Slim is the leader of the pack. "Kells is on his way here." Rook said while looking at his phone. "Who's Kells?" Everyone fell silent as if I said something wrong. "What? Did I say something wrong?" Slim look at me in disbelief and laughed like a goat again. This dude is high I'm sure of that. "Really? You don't know who's Kells? Dang girl it's Colson." The fuck? Colson? Since when did he become Kells? Rook must have read my confusion.  "It' his screen name Machine Gun Kelly. Kells for short." I don't know if it's the alcohol or the shroom but I laugh so hard. "What the---- hahahaha as in Colson Baker is Machine Gun Kelly?" They look at me weirdly, like I'm some kind of alien. "Dude you don't know? He's famous." I shut up. Colson really made it. He is successful now. "What did Ireland do to you?" I just shook my head. I can't think of any comeback cause my head is somewhere in space and everything looks sharp. I guess the shroom is having it's effect on me. "What's up fuckers!" That deep voice vibrated all over the room. Colson. "Ayo man. Finally." The boys did their handshake until his eyes landed on me. "Y/N? What the fuck?! Dude you're here!" I got up from the couch and he embrace me in a tight bear hug. "Dude I fuckin miss you." I felt dizzy when he let go of me so I hold on to his arm. "You okay?" He holds my wrist and look at me. I nodded as a response. "Yeah." I sat down on the couch again, eyes felt heavy and mind flying somewhere. They converse about work, which I could not relate so I just listen and nods whenever they ask me something. "Yeah, why don't we talk about our Irish lady here." All eyes are on me again. "Seriously dude. We missed you. The good shit and such when you are here."
Back when we were bunch of idiots we used to hang at Ashleigh's place. She's the only one who has a decent home to stay and live in, and her mom was kind enough to let us stay especially Colson. "Yeah I missed you too." I drink from my cup and my gaze landed on Colson who is looking at me too. "What?" I asked, my brow raising. "Nothing. I'm just appreciating the changes." I shrug. My hair is red for a year and I'm planning to dye it black. "Whatever Colson."  I rolled my eyes while giggling. It was unintentional though.
We are all catching up. Especially me, since they missed the 4 years of my life and me missing the 4 hollywood glamour of their lives too. It's all sex drugs and rock and roll. I'm just hoping it won't get the best of them. "Daaaamn. We're really getting old. Next thing we knew Casie's walking down the aisle while Colson's crying." Colson almost choke on his drink after Baze said that. "Not happening Baze. No boys for my baby girl until I said so." Oh yeah Casie. Colson's daughter. That girl is turning to a lady and that will make Colson grow 10 years because of headache. The kid is beautiful and for sure boys will be chasing her. I wish she could spend more time with us whenever she's in Ireland. "Of course. Look at Y/N, we're so protective of her that 'til now she's single." I want to kick Dubo's shin for blurting out to everyone that I'm still single. "You're still single?" Colson asks. I can't help but blush, nothing's wrong about being single but talking about my romantic life with these idiots is like telling them that I shit in my pants and the teasing will never stop after that. "Well, it's our fault. We never let a guy come near you before. " Slim confessed. It didn't shock me though cause the guys who wanta to date me before told me that these idiots scared them or bribe them. Atleast I knew that they aren't men enough to be scared by my friends. "I don't mind though. I suck at dates." Through my peripheral, I see Colson smirked. I rolled my eyes at him. "And you have a bad taste when it comes to men." He added. I scoffed. If he only knew. Indeed I have bad taste.
We continue chatting and some of the guys are already drunk or high. I too is drunk. I stood up to went to the bathroom but everything seems spinning. With my high and drunken state I look for the bathroom. I found  it in a hallway to the kitchen but when I opened the door Baze is in there doing some porno. "Fuck. I'm sorry, don't mind me so proceed." I didn't wait for their answer and close the door. Damn I have to see that. I can't help but giggle, ironic I did that before too. I search for another available bathroom upstairs and I trip in every step. My body felt heavy so I crawled until I ended up in a room. Guest room I think? "Damn it." My vision is blurry but I managed to reach the bathroom and puked my brains out. "Fucking vodka." I wipe my mouth before puking again. Oh god, I never puke before. I felt a hand massaging my back and I turn to see who it is. Colson. "Alcohol is a bitch."
"Fuck. Y/N saw me fucking in the bathroom." Baze came from god knows where while zipping his pants a girl clinging on his arm. Mod Sun laughed. "That cousin of yours is hot." Baze threw his cup at Mod. "You're not hitting her." Y/N changed a lot, physically. I mean it's good maybe I'm not just used to since we haven't seen each other for 4 years.
I don't know why she left, everything was okay back then. But I guess it's better that we separate ways, look at us I made it to Hollywood, she's fine and we're all good. "Yo Colson! You're awfully quiet today." Actually I'm high already. Not drunk but high. I smoked two in the studio before getting here. "Nah. I'm good. Where's Y/N?" I search the room if there's any sign of Y/N. "Maybe she went into another bathroom, one with no one fucking." Everyone laughed even Baze at Drei's statement. "Seriously tho, you and Y/N are good?" This is the question I've been dreading. Me and Y/N are good but awkard so I'm avoiding their attention by remaining silent. "You know what. Stop dicking around and tell her what you feel." I was taken aback. How the hell did Slim knew when I didn't tell anyone about it. It's so hard to act cool whenever she's around. So I didn't tell anyone and it's better if it remains tgat way and I won't lose her.  "Tell her what?" Acting as if I don't know something will do me no good. Action speaks louder than words. "Go on Colson. Deny it, next thing you knew she already have someone who's not scared to admit his feelings." I clenched my jaw at the thought that Y/N is with someone who's not me, us. "Hell yeah, we got you bro." Rook taps my shoulder. I stood up from my seat and look for Y/N. I went upstairs and search each room for her and I found her on the left wing puking her guts out in a bathroom. I immediately attended her and rubs her back. When she's done she turns around and look at me with droopy eyes. "Alcohol is a bitch." She wipes her mouth and leans on the wall. "Goddamn I need a bed." Y/N close her eyes. The alcohol and weed must have hit on her. "Hey hey, stay with me, I'll put you to bed." I held her arm but she flinch. "Don't fucking touch me Colson. I wanna fucking beat you right now." Since she's drunk I didn't mind what she said. I grab her arm again but Y/N clung on my neck and buried her face on my chest. "I thought you wanna beat me?" I held her waist to support her weight cause she looks like she's about to melt. "Shut up. I hate you." Maybe it's just her drunk self hating me. Everyone's her enemy whenever she's drunk. "Why do you hate me?" I decided to ride along with her craziness. "Cause you're a fucking asshole?" She mumbled almost hakf asleep. "And you love this asshole?" I couldn't hide my smirk. She probably won't remember this tomorrow. "Of course I love you..........and Rookie, and Slim, and Baze, and Casie.....I love EST fam." She look up to me with a smirk. Damn, she played well. "How about me? I mean only me?" She freed herself and sat on the counter, I moved forward a bit so I can be in between her legs. Y/N leans her head on my chest again. "I hate you. But I hate that I don't hate you at all. I wish you would meet Chase." Who the fuck is Chase? Is he her boyfriend? Am I too late? The fuck the boys were right, I should've told her earlier. "Who's Chase?" I rub Y/N's back, soothing her. "He's.........I love him. But I wish you would love him too." My heart began to race and I am now confuse. I held her face and look at her straight in the eye. "Y/N, tell me who's Chase?" Her eyes are all droopy and red but managed to return the look I gave her. "He's your fucking son. Happy?" Suddenly I am the one whose high. Everything around blurred and Y/N's word echoes. He's your fucking son. I have another kid. I have another kid, with her. I had a fucking kid with her and I didn't knew. I didn't even knew something happened between us. "H-how? We didn't even....." A lot of questions are running in my head but  that's the only thing came out. I am loss for words right now. "Of course you don't remember. You were so doped up with drugs that you almost raped a fan but being the good friend I am I came to the rescue and....." I think I knew what happened next. "I had sex with you instead." I finish her sentence. "I can't fucking blame you because I was the one who's sober. And God..... why did I let it happened." I didn't expect my night to be like this especially she just got back from overseas. And her confession infuriates me. "Why did you not tell me?" I want to punch myself for doing that to her. I blow every fucking chance. I took a good thing and fuck it all up in one fucking night. "I fucking loved you asshole! We were both a fucking mess. I was with you during your worst, sex drugs, rock and roll, fame is getting on you then you got me pregnant, I wasn't ready and......How can we raise a child if we're like that?! One of us has to sober up so that we won't end up hurting ourselves and the child. Funny how one night can change life forever." Y/N broke down into tears. She fucking love me. She said she fucking love me. I wish she's sober right now cause I'm not believing what's happening. She went through all this alone and I hate myself for that. I was dicking around when she was suffering alone in that goddamn country. "I'm sorry Y/N.....I -I didn't knew." I wipe her tears and rubs her back while kissing her head. "It's my fault. I never told you." I hushed her, but tears still streaming down her face. I am so angry right now, to myself, to what happened. I feel like shit for being a dick. Now I have a son whose growing up not knowing his father. It's an awful situation cause I grew up without a mother too. I may be an asshole but I won't let a kid running around not knowing me especially if it's mine. "Let's get you to bed. You're drunk." I carried her out and brought her to my room. I laid Y/N on my bed and undress her after. As if I've never seen her naked before. I dress her with one of my shirts then cover her with a blanket. Kissing her head I left the room and went back downstairs. Everyone seems to chill now. "Yo dude. Is Y/N okay?" Baze asks. He was caught off guard when I lounge him and held the collar of his shirt. "Why the fuck you didn't tell me?!" Slim, Rook and Drei went to the rescue to ease the tension. "Ayo, Kells chill. What the fuck is going on?" Slim held me back while Drei is pulling Baze from my grasp. "Man. It was her decision, and I won't intervene on whatever's going on between you two. I didn't know how did you even got her pregnant when you were busy fucking around." My blood boils and Baze's words fuelled my anger. I was about to attack him again but Slim blocked me. "What the fuck Kells? You had a child? With Y/N?!" Everyone fell silent. "Yeah." Rook was the first one to speak. "No shit. How old is the child?" I don't want my son to estranged me, it was hard before when I had Casie. "Probably 3. Who else fucking knew? Could've told me I had another kid." I glared at Baze. "Ashleigh fucking knew." Baze answered. Damn it Ashleigh. "But she just found out when Y/N called before going back here." Didn't they even thought that it was my child who's growing up not knowing his father?! "Yeah. Whatever. Thanks for the info. Gotta go."
I grabbed my keys and left. I need to fucking think.
I woke up with wave of nausea. My head hurt like it was hit by a ton of bricks. I opened my eyes just tk realized I'm not in Baze's house and I'm not wearing my clothes. I couldn't even remember what happened last night. The last thing I remember was Colson helping me threw up. Guess this is his clothes I'm wearing base on it's size.
I look at the clock and it's 2 in the afternoon. Damn I was that passed out? I opened the closet searching for a sweatpants or short. Fuck that 6'4 height of his. I look like a sack. Blame my 5'8 height. I settled on his shorts because it's the only bottom I look human. I don't want parading around the house with only my panties on. I went downstairs to see if someone's here. Slim is in the kitchen looking like a bitch. Looks like he hadn't sleep yet. "Slim where is everyone?" Slim jumped a little, surprised by my presence. I giggled and I sat down to one of the chairs in the counter. He served me a plate of pasta which I heavenly feasted. "Out. With Colson." Had they sleep yet? "Where are they going?" I munch all in the plate while listening to Slim. "Out, having some quality time with his son." I choked on my food. I coughed, It feels like the pasta stucked in my throat and wants to go out in my nose. Slim handed me a water. "T-thanks. What do you mean son?" My heart started to hammer. "Oh? I thought Colson's the one who didn't knew he had a child. Seems like you forgot." I feel like all the Colors in my face drained. Impossible. I have blurted out everything last night! Stupid! Colson already knew. I won't get away this time. Slim taps my shoulder. "You know we're here for you Y/N."  Slim said sincerely. I sighed feeling guilty. I feel like a bitch for not telling Colson, he deserves to know, it's his right. "I was just so scared Slim. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't ready and I don't know how to raise a child." A tear fell. It's all out now. "You two should talk." Just in time the living room is filled with noise. They're here. Anxiety building up inside me, Colson is here and I don't know how to act. I heard the small giggles and that little voice of a child approaching. "Look who's hereeee..." Chase's blue orbs widened when he saw me. But I almost cry at the sight because Colson is carrying him. "Mumm..." Chase wiggled and Colson put him down. He ran towards me. "Baby......mommy missed you." I held Chase, embracing him in a tight hug while I gave him kisses. "Ash! Can you get Chase here first. Y/N and I, need to talk."
A shiver went down to my spine. This is it. And by the looks of it Colson is not happy, he keeps a neutral face except when he holds Chase. Ash went to here in the kitchen and took Chase. I gave her a reassuring smile and went back to the living room.
"In my room now." He didn't let me answer and immediately went to his room upstairs. I followed him. I got into his room and locked the door.
"Colson I'm so sorry I didn't tell you---" Colson turned to face me and his eyes is at it's darkest shade of blue.
"Take off your shirt now." My jaw dropped. I am confused, we are in a serious situation and he wants my shirt off? I followed his orders and take off my shirt exposing my bust in lacy bra. "I don't know what this is bu---" he didn't let me finish my sentence again. "Strip all your clothes." My eyes widened this time. "Colson what the fuck are you up to?!" Is he insane? "Are you going to do it? Or let me do the honor?" I gulp. He is serious. I strip all the remaining clothes leaving my underwears. Damn good thing I have everything lasered. "Do you know how frustrating all this is?" He moves forward. I move backward. I am so scared of him right now, excited at the same time I don't knkw if he's high or what. "Leaving without saying goodbye, showing up again after years and told me that we had a son." I keep moving backwards until I hit the wall, Colson trapping me with both arms. "You know how frustrating it is you left me hanging?" His fingers ran through my sides giving me shiver. He hooked one of his fingers to the strap of bra. He lowered his head on my ear. "You know how frustrating it is when I am fucking someone but it's your face I see." He whispered. I bit my lip from the sensation. "You are not getting away this time Y/N." He licks my ear and kisses my jaw reaching my lips. I respond to his kisses but Colson suddenly pulled away. What the fuck. "I don't forgive easily babe." He unbuckled his belt with one hand while the other was holding both of my wrist already. I was so drown in his charms that he already held my wrists.  He tied the belt around and held both of my hands up. "My rules." Colson dipped his head on my neck sucking it making sure it will leave marks after. I bit my lip hard, holding myself back not to let out a moan. "I am so angry that I want to fuck you so bad. So dirty." I clung both my arms to his neck initiating the kiss rubbing myself against him, being the fucktard he is he pulled away again. I can feel his boner poking to my stomach, that's it go hard for me asshole. "A-ah, what did I say? My rules. Now behave." Colson slammed me to the wall and kiss me hungrily, it wasn't gentle at all, seems like he's venting out all his anger. My lips will be swollen after this. I kissed him back with the same enthusiasm, it's my inner dominant self taking over. He grabs my ass lifting me and I gladly wrap my legs around his waist. "Bad huh. " He smacks my ass throwing me to his bed. "You're all talk Colson. Just fuck me." I don't know where my confidence came from but that made him smirk, grabbing my legs and pull me to the edge of the bed. I know I hit his ego and now he's more aggressive. I pulled him towards me, clinging on to his neck, kissing him passionately and less angry than earlier. He ripped my panties off and throw it god knows where the same aith my bra. "What the fuck! That was la perla!" He insert 2 of his finger making me gasp. "I can fucking buy you a hundred pair of those. Now moan." Biting my lip didn't help at all, I let out a slutty moan feeling his fingers inside me. "Damn look at that so wet for me." He trailed kisses from my thighs to my belly button adding speed to his pace. I rolled my eyes back from the sensation fuck his fingers feels good, I want them in all day. "God dammit you're mine." He kisses me again and lowering it to the valley of my breasts. "Did you feel like this when we did it Y/N?" He added another finger causing me to moan louder. "I----fuck it." He remove all his fingers. "Fuck give it to me Colson!" The bastard just smirked unbuttoning his pants and taking off his shirt. "Say it, or you won't getting this." He took off his pants leaving his ethika boxers, his XXX tattoo and boner peeking. I have the same tatto on my belly button. "Yes you fuck so good!" His eyes turned darker, taking off his boxers his dick sprang out in it's fullest hard form. My eyes glued to God's gift to women not believing it fit inside me years ago. "Give me a head sweetheart." I don't know but his words are like spells that makes me follow him. Colson moved forward, I grab his dick running my hands up ad down. I lick the tip of his dick which earned him a groan, falling his head back. I started to bob my head up and down, taking him all within my reach.  He grabs my hair guiding my head. "Fuck. You're doing good baby." Colson breaths heavily, he couldn't take it anymore he pulls me up and lay me down to bed placing himself above me. He kissed my head before kissing my lips feeling him entered me. I gasped. It was painful, it feels like giving birth. A tear rolled down my cheek but Colson was quick to kiss it away. "I got you baby." He let me adjust to his size before moving slowly. I moaned, not feeling pain but pleasure instead, making me scratch hard his back while my other hand grips his hair. Colson groaned speeding up his pace and my moans are getting louder. "Colson......oh my god. Don't stop." I arch my back and wrap my thighs around his waist tightly giving him more access. "Fuck Y/N you're so tight." Colson pulled out and I swear I wan't to cut his balls. He flip me off, now my ass is facing him. He entered me again without warning and it feels damn good in this position. I moaned out loud not giving a damn if somebody hears me. Colson gripped my waist tight continue slamming himself. We're both panting as our bodies slapped against each other, sweats dripping, and lust feeding us both. Colson knows what he's hitting and it made me see the heavens and galaxies. "Colson I'm c-cumming." I said through heavy breaths. He lowered himself and bit my earlobe. "Come for me baby." My walls clenched around him, tension building from my stomach until my orgasm hits. Colson didn't stop he speeds up instead and moments later he came, spilling his essence inside me. "Fuck." He lets out a groan while still inside me riding out his orgasm. We stayed in that position for a minute and laid beside me after. I moved and laid on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "I'm sorry." I pressed a soft kiss of his jaw before kissing him on the lips. "I love you." I jolted up from the bed covering myself with a blanket. He just blurted out those 3 words. "Shit. Don't freak out." He also got up from the bed but only on the edge. "Fuck Y/N! I fucking love you okay? Since the day we stole a weed from your dad." I couldn't help but cry. I straddled Colson's lap and kissed him hard. "You asshole." Colson kissed me again his hands on my waist. "Round 2?" The bastard grins wiggling his eyebrows. "I fucking love you asshole even though you're the worst."
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randomoranges · 5 years
Actor au
part 8
Shootingwas getting easier with each passing day and Étienne was slowly settling intohis new job; he was starting to carve a space for himself and it sort of helpedthat he was getting along extremely well with Edward – but then again, itseemed like everyone loved Edward andhonestly, Étienne could see why – the guy was super easy going and extremelyfriendly and welcoming.
The firstepisode he was in was going to play the day after tomorrow and Étienne was alittle nervous; as a rule of thumb, he never watched his own work when it wasimmediately released and he tried to stay as far away from the Internet, incase he found any clips – it wasn’t that he was vain, but he was extremelycritical of his own performance and he would start doubting and criticisinghimself over every little detail – it also wouldn’t help if he was working onan ongoing project; it was why he had Emma watch it for him and she wouldfilter through the reviews and offer him global remarks; he was currently onbreak, enjoying a smoke outside on the back lot, when his phone chimed with atext message; he checked and saw it was from Emma.
Congratulations. You’ve beenemployed for three weeks. A new record. Don’t fuck it up.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:02pm from: Ems
Wow thanks. Also, I’ll have youknow I was with the porn company for seven whole months.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:03pm from: Étienne
I try to forget about that.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:03pm from: Ems
Aw, come on Ems, it wasn’t so bad.Just… a lot of work, but the people were pretty nice.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:05pm from: Étienne
I know. But I feel like I failedyou as your agent and your friend. It’s not like you wanted to do porn.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:08pm from: Ems
I know, but it ended up being apretty cool experience. No hard feelings – promise.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:10pm from: Étienne
Was that a sex pun, Maisonneuve?
Messagesent: Thursday 3:10pm from: Ems
Messagesent: Thursday 3:10pm from: Étienne
Messagesent: Thursday 3:11pm from: Étienne
HAHAHA. Maybe. ;)
Messagesent: Thursday 3:11pm from: Étienne
Are you interested? ;)
Messagesent: Thursday 3:12pm from: Étienne
Ew. No. keep your moves for yourEdward fellow.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:14pm from: Ems
You know, speaking of Edward…
Messagesent: Thursday 3:15pm from: Étienne
Oh God, here we go.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:15pm from: Ems
No – wait, listen. Look, this guyis like a fucking angel-saint. He’s suuuuper nice.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:16pm from: Étienne
Messagesent: Thursday 3:16pm from: Ems
He brought everyone muffins.Homemade muffins. Ems – you don’t understand. These were the best-goddamnedmuffins I’ve ever had. I legit heard angels sing when I ate it.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:19pm from: Étienne
Daaaamn. Too bad you can’t impresshim with your cooking skills.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:20pm from: Ems
Wow. Rude. Thanks. I’m opening upto you about work and you shoot me down. I thought we were friends. I thoughtyou loved me. :’(
Messagesent: Thursday 3:21pm from: Étienne
Tough love, buttercup.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:21pm from: Ems
Also, idk if he’s even into dudesand I don’t wanna just waltz up to him all heeey there hot stuff and like freakhim out. I mean, he didn’t freak out over the porn thing, but like – what if it’sjust him being Nice? And even if he’s legit okay he could not be into guys – orhe is and he’s already with someone. I gotta get to know him more first. But inthe meantime, I’ve started seeing someone else.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:25pm from: Étienne
Spare me.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:25pm from: Ems
Emmmmaaaaaa, c’m’on, I let you goon about your lame-ass boyfriend.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:26pm from: Étienne
Rude, Lucas is not lame. But alsopoint. But also – not, because every time I bring him up you make dying whalenoises and then imitate him.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:26pm from: Ems
Excuse. Last time you wereactually die-laughing at my impressions of him.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:27pm from: Étienne
Messagesent: Thursday 3:27pm from: Ems
Don’t deny it Emma Dubois. I havevideo footage.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:28pm from: Étienne
Messagesent: Thursday 3:28pm from: Ems
Hooked up a few times with themakeup artist who does my makeup. Lemme tell you – she was miiighty fiiine.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:29pm from: Étienne
Messagesent: Thursday 3:30pm from: Ems
?? because we were both mutuallyinterested?
Messagesent: Thursday 3:30pm from: Étienne
Krdhtn ielrht oi what if she tellsher boss you lured her? Or what if it goes south and then you lose your job?!
Messagesent: Thursday 3:30pm from: Ems
Chill, Ems, she was totally finewith it. Hell, she even initiated the whole thing.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:31pm from: Étienne
STILL. Be careful. Don’t takeadvantage of people.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:31pm from: Ems
It’s like you don’t even know me. Listen– she was doing my make-up and then she was all like you know, I know manytechniques to mask hickeys and other marks on a body. She kept standingrealllly close to me and look – she didn’t have to wear shirts that showed thatmuch cleavage but she did and I wasn’t gonna do anything about it, because shecan wear whatever she wants, but then she asked me out for drinks and I saidyes. Send me to the gallows if you must.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:34pm from: Étienne
What if she’s trying to use you? Orframe you????
Messagesent: Thursday 3:34pm from: Ems
… or, you know, what if she’sinterested in me? We are two consenting adults. I enjoy sex. I checked in withher at all possible times. She gave very enthusiastic yesses. We were notdrunk. I asked if it was okay when I unclipped her bra – she said yes.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:36pm from: Étienne
Asked again when we were bothnaked – she said yes.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:36pm from: Étienne
Asked again before I went down onher – she said yes.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:37pm from: Étienne
Messagesent: Thursday 3:38pm from: Ems
Messagesent: Thursday 3:38pm from: Étienne
Ugh. Just. Be safe. I don’t wantyou to get in trouble.
Messagesent: Thursday 1:38pm from: Ems
Aww, you do care about me, Emma
Messagesent: Thursday 3:39pm from: Étienne
Sometimes I wonder why I spend somuch energy on you.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:39pm from: Ems
Because it’s looooooooove : D
Messagesent: Thursday 3:40pm from: Étienne
Don’t you have work to do? You’rebeing very chatty.
Messagesent: Thursday 3:40pm from: Ems
Break time, baby. Also we haven’tspent time together in ages :(
Messagesent: Thursday 3:41pm from: Étienne
I know :( Maybe we can do brunchnext weekend?
Messagesent: Thursday 3:41pm from: Ems
Messagesent: Thursday 3:41pm from: Étienne
Haha, alright. I’ll text you thedetails. I gotta get back to work. I promise I won’t miss your grand premiere! Loveyou!
Messagesent: Thursday 3:42pm from: Ems
Messagesent: Thursday 3:42pm from: Étienne
Étiennepocketed his phone and continued quietly smoking, until he heard the door tothe lot open behind him.
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saintanism-archive · 6 years
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daaaamn aj, back at it again with the long as fuc headcanons !! anyway hi everyone it’s me this is saint he’s a pretentious fuck & my ( really long, sorry, feel free 2 skip them, there’s a tl;dr summary in my bulletpoints so u can just scroll past it ) headcanons and intro stuff is under the cut !
first headcanon. while most houghton parents are doctors, lawyers, and business executives, saint’s always been something of a horse of a different color. his family certainly isn’t unwealthy—he does, after all, live in one of those multi-million-dollar brownstones in beacon hill auctioned by freaking sotheby’s—but they’re certainly neo riche, which can be sort of hit or miss, depending on who you’re asking. saint is not unlike his parents in that they surround themselves with a kind of off-kilter opulence ( sure, that kind of cash value would have bought them a newly constructed sleek mansion in the suburbs, but why go for something new and modern when you could live in a brownstone with over three hundred years of history that, supposedly, one of the founding fathers lived in? besides, you just can’t beat that location—never mind that the brownstone’s been totally gutted and replaced with sleek, modern interior anyway, and definitely not anything that ben franklin or whoever would have touched ) while pretending to eschew materialism and vanity. why else would they live in boston instead of new york or la, right? anyway. saint is the only son of the one and only cordelia st. mercy ( pronounced, unlike saint’s name, the french way—san merci, which sounds hilariously close to ‘sans merci,’ meaning ‘without mercy,’ a joke that is not lost on saint ), a renowned fashion photographer and portrait artist ( think in the vein of annie liebovitz  and arthur elgort ) with a marked celebrity and high art clientele, and also the one and only son of the less elegantly named garrett wallace ( a pen name; his real name is garrett wallerstedt, but his editor and agent agreed that last names that are difficult to pronounce are harder to sell ), whose grisly but artful novels earned him a national book award in 1997, a film deal in 2001 ( the film was a critical and box office success but, in garrett’s opinion, too reductive of his book; ‘pure snuff’ ), and a professorship in the creative writing program at MIT. yes, that MIT, which yes, does have a creative writing program, and yes, it’s a very good one. SO—that’s the pedigree saint mercy-wallace was born into, and it probably explains a whole lot about him. his parents are not and were never married, so he can’t quite say he’s a child of divorce. instead, he spends the school year with his father while his mother travels all over the world, doing her work, though she comes home for holidays and saint’s birthday, and the summers he spends with his mother, dipping his feet into the world of the new york art scene. it was an unusual arrangement, but not a bad one; it was a long time before saint even understood that his family situation was out of the ordinary, but, like, at least he knew both his parents loved him or whatever. they are both pretty emotionally distant and prone to getting caught up in their own work—his father is always focused on teaching or poring over his latest book or invited to give a talk somewhere, for example—but it’s not a bad situation. they’re just more like friends than parents. as a result, saint grew up with a lot of freedom ( more than most of his houghton peers, whose helicopter parents put the weight of the world on their shoulders ) and little discipline, often left to his own devices and trusted with the ability to take care of himself.
second headcanon: ah, yes. the houghton food chain. it’s easy to say saint sits at the dead bottom. like, he’s not even the bugs that get eaten by the birds or whatever. he’s the plant that gets eaten by the bugs. or the soil nutrients that get consumed by the plants—something like that. but the easy answer isn’t necessarily the correct one, and you see, once upon a time, saint sat somewhere near the top. he was never number one, of course, but he was up there, in that little crew of self-proclaimed high school princes and princesses ( quite literally, what with calling themselves windsors and all ). and he fit quite well, all things considered. what, with his pseudo-celebrity family background and his instagram roll full of selfies with models and musicians and actors and that specifically youthful brand of devil-may-care attitude that bordered at times on cruelty—he was a perfect fit for the windsors, his five-story, oft-empty brownstone the perfect venue for their parties and his unconscious need to belong to some kind of family the perfect host for going along with anything that dante and his ilk said. that’s not to make it sound like he was manipulated into it or anything of the sort—he wasn’t. he and dante were good friends—they were all good friends—and like anyone would, saint relished in the perks that came with sitting at the king’s left hand instead of dancing for his entertainment. he was ( and still is ) always the kind of person who gave off an air of not really caring about anything at all, but that’s especially easy when you want for nothing. his life was impossibly easy. too easy, perhaps—exactly what went down that infamous day when saint fell from his high school pedestal remains a mystery. all anyone really knows is this: it was your typical rager at chateau mercy-wallace. the party was going as saint’s parties typically did, so, pretty well, until saint cut the music and ( red-rimmed and wild-eyed, or stinking of about a hundred cigarettes, or with a bloody nose from too many lines of coke, depending on who’s telling the story—it’s morphed a bit over time ) threw everyone out of his house with no explanation. just a party’s over, fuckwads, get outta my house, and some monologue about the bullshit superficiality of high school, of all of them, about how they were all talking in circles and repeating the same lines over and over, but not even their own lines, lines they’d inherited from generations and generations past. it’s equally up for debate whether saint left the windsors or was kicked out, but there’s something of a general consensus that it was in the muddy lines of both. that went down somewhere towards the middle of the end of his junior year. since then? total social pariah. he left behind the lacrosse and soccer teams, opting instead for chain-smoking under the bleachers and cutting class. he’s a mystery, that saint mercy-wallace.
third headcanon: they were friends until they weren’t. they met in middle school and hit it off pretty easily, these two sons of daedalus who feared not the dangers of flying too close to the sun. they were handsome and charming and confident and gifted and the world opened for them—it made it easy to get along. eleven-year-olds didn’t need much by way of substance to start friendships. if you were to ask saint, looking back on it, after that they remained friends out of habit—because they were in the same place at the same time, because they had similar privilege, because they both felt they could do anything and get away with it, because they had similar luxurious sensibilities. it was ( if you ask saint ) what really bonded all of the windsors together more than any other kind of commonality. but, you know. when you wake up—as saint describes it, a waking up—and you look around and you see all this shit you’ve been brainwashed into thinking matters about anything, and you call out the only flimsy common ground you’ve got. well. you’re not going to be friends anymore, are you? after that, saint didn’t harbor any particular resentment towards dante, but he made no attempts to be friendly, often making snide remarks about the absurdity that was the whole premise of the “windsors” and how maybe they all needed to get outside and look at something other than their phones once in a while. he was still fairly shocked and upset by his death—nobody wants anyone to die, old friend slash new enemy or otherwise—but not enough to make a big thing out of it. saint’s had a pretty hard time feeling much of anything these days.
son of a big hotshot fashion/art/celeb photographer ( cordelia aka cordy st. mercy ) and an acclaimed writer, essayist, novelist, thinker, etc ( garrett wallace, who teaches creative writing at MIT )
lives in a big ol brownstone in boston proper, often left to his own devices
his parents are not married to each other so he usually spends the school year w dad and the summer w mom - pls advise if u want some kind of step sibling or “our parents are dating this is terrible!” connection
used to be a windsor ! he was once (in)famously a member of the elite Inner Circle(TM) until he even more infamously had a giant burnout , threw everyone out of his house during a Classic Saint Rager ( he used to be known for throwing parties ), stopped hanging out w the windsors and has been kinda.....weird ever since
i mean don’t get me wrong he was always a pretentious fuck but he used to be better at keeping it inside and like having fun and talking about silly things now he hates talking about basic high school bullshit
his instagram is full of selfies w models and artists and musicians and actors and he only listens to bands you’ve probably never heard of who are “on the up and up”
and also house music and gregorian chants and weird af shit he’s into, like, industrial noise. anyway..........
prides himself on being very fashion forward and forward thinking in general
literally never says things that aren’t . ridiculous
“can’t today my existential dread is acting up”
“i only eat squid ink pasta it’s the most melancholy of pasta”
“i can barely navigate the hellish vortex between breakfast and dinner, let alone the labyrinth of the soccer field” ( said when he quit the soccer & lacrosse teams, which he used to play )
does not give a single fuck about anything ever
chainsmokes like u wouldn’t believe catch him on the bleachers during football practice wearing all black and smoking three cigarettes at once it’s disgusting ( lowkey he thinks it looks cool lol what a loser )
reads pretentious af shit like jd salinger and allen ginsburg and the other beats and thinks he’s so edgy. kill him
skips class.....all the time . . . . but has really good grades ? wild
hates everyone and everything that isn’t Elegant
acts like he’s so above all this high school hierarchy nonsense & too cool for it & blah blah but uh
he’s probably just depressed
maybe still gets invited to parties if people forget for a second that he’s a giant fucking weirdo now? but maybe not
i would Love a ferris bueller to his cameron frye but we’ll see
anyway he’s super hard to plot with but you should plot with me anyway
this has been an intro by aj thanks for coming to my ted talk
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hetaliawhatifs · 7 years
May I request a soulmate AU scenario where the female S/o doesn't want to admit that she's 2p!America's soulmate? (It can be like the tattoo Soulmate AU where the soulmates have matching tattoos or they're similar..).
Awwww, I haven’t done the tattoo Soulmate AU since my one with 2p Canada forever ago! I love this AU! -Admin Jay
Allen sat there staring at his wrist and sighed. He knew only one person with those initials, but he remembered them saying to him that they had someone else’s initials on their wrist. They were his best friend, his only real friend, so they wouldn’t lie to him. He trusted them about that…but it didn’t make it easier to process…he was still alone…but hey, at least they would find someone. “Fuck this…who needs a soulmate right?…”He leaned back as he took a long drag from his cigarette…he didn’t need a soulmate…he was fine…Allen looked out at the setting sun as he blew out the smoke and shook his head. Every time he thought about it he felt gross…and off…and he hated it. He had 101 things to keep his mind off it, but it always crept into his mind when he was alone…Did he even have a soulmate? Allen flipped his phone around in his hands and sighed. Maybe he could call them and they could brainstorm…just people-watch and think about where he could look…not because he cared or anything…“Hey, wanna come chill?”“Sure…”“You ain’t busy, right?”“No, I’m on my way.”“Aight.”With that short talk out of the way, all he had to do was wait for them to walk up. They never made him wait long as he smirked as looked them over before wolf whistling.“Daaaamn, someone looks good tonight.”They rolled their eyes, like they always did. But he saw it, for a split second, Allen could’ve sworn he saw a blush on their cheeks. “Hush, Allen…so what did you want?”“What? I can’t call you to hang out and maybe smoke?”“You know I hate when you do…”Allen sighed and put out his cigarette on the pavement beside him…and subtlety pushed the baggie of weed deeper into his pocket…“Aight, fine, it’s out. See?”They sighed and looked at him, their eyes meeting for a second and holding before they looked away quickly. Allen knew he wasn’t the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but he could tell they were hiding something.“Hey, doll, what’s up?”“It’s nothing.”“No, tell me. What’s bothering you?”“It’s nothing..”“Bullshit! What is it?!”Allen could feel the air between them get like ice as he raised his voice. The ice between them forcing him to feel the burning anger rising inside of him as he stared them down. Why wouldn’t they just tell him?! They never hid anything before…Before he could stew too long in his anger, they shot up and stared him down before throwing their hands to their sides.“Maybe I’m tired of you always trying to be a bad boy and do drugs to be cool?! Maybe I’m tired of seeing you chase after everyone else?! Maybe it’s because I wish my soulmate was anyone but you!”Allen froze mid-breath and any vicious words he had ready died on his tongue. He was their soulmate…but they didn’t want him…Allen watched their face go bright red and them get ready to bolt away from him as the realization dawned on them. They admitted it. They lied to him and admitted it. Before they could even move, he snatched their wrist and pulled their sleeve up. And there it was. The truth. In the same ink, A.J. was on their wrist.“Y-you lied to me?…”Allen’s voice wavered for the first time in years. “Yes..”“Because you don’t want to be mine?”“Because I hate the lifestyle you lead…”“Doll, I swear I can change…”“Show me. And then let’s talk…”
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baby-come-bach · 4 years
All writing asks!
Oh daaaamn! Thanks, bro!! @brynhildr13 !!!!
In response to this post!
1. What is your preferred place to write (notebook, laptop, cellphone, etc.)?
~Normally I try to do everything on my laptop in Zoho’s Notebook app. I seriously love the app, and there’s a desktop and mobile version that will sync so if you’re on the go you can still edit your notes! If I’m ever stuck I’ll hand write in a paper notebook and that usually works really well for me.
2. When did you start writing?
~I started writing back in the third grade, when I wrote and illustrated a comic series called The Evil Substitute Teacher from Mars! Obviously it was of a third grade quality and I had no intentions of being a writer at that point, but it was the first time I seriously flexed my skills even though it was just for fun!
I started writing fanfiction in my freshman year of high school.
3. What is your favorite thing to write?
~I love to write stories that take characters through intense emotional journeys. I absolutely love quality character development when you can track it from beginning to end.
4. Fluff or angst?
~Angst. I have little to no interest in writing a love story or love encounters as the primary plot. It’s hard to emulate the kinds of emotions people feel during those encounters when I’ve had minimal experience.
5. How would you describe your style?
~Hmmm . . . I would say . . . healthily balanced between pragmatics and prose. I try to make things as literal as I can when there’s action happening, but when I describe character’s emotions I literally love to pour on the cheese.
6. Where do you usually find inspiration?
~In general, for overall fanfic concepts I’ll find it in the source material, in a detail that wasn’t well-expanded. For specific ideas within a story, and for specific language to describe something I’ll borrow from both the source material and other writers in canon-based fics.
7. Do you listen to music to help you write?
~Hell yes.
8. What’s the biggest “challenge” for you as a writer?
~I love to write and I mainly write for myself - meaning I write the stories that I would want to read. But it’s extremely easy to fall into the “Nobody else will want to read this/Nobody is reading this = it must be bad and I’m a terrible writer” mindset. Surprisingly, that hits me harder than comparing myself to other writers. I understand and embrace that my style is different and the way I tell stories is unique. I actually really love how I write in comparison.  I also struggle with pacing.
9. Where do you usually go to write (bedroom, living room, etc.)?
~When I’m at home, my bedroom. However, occasional changes in scenery do wonders for my inspiration, so I also love public libraries. When it’s very late at night (and it usually is because I’m a night owl to begin with and I work two jobs), I love to go to Denny’s. The people at my local Denny’s know me by name and I have the same server almost every time. They let me sit there for hours and hours (and if I do stay, I always leave a gigantic tip).
10. Can you give us a sneak peek of your current WIP?
~We’re mid-fight scene and this is unedited (I’m just really self-conscious lmao). It’s from my Dissidia fanfic, A Petal Among Thorns:
“’Cosmos's assassins!’ the Emperor sneered. He laughed, calling his staff from its resting place next to the throne. "I'm glad you could make it!" Removing Cloud first would be the most important thing. That, and deflecting Terra's magic. Cloud lifted his sword behind his head and slashed it down, and an arc of power careened off the blade towards him. The Emperor slammed the end of his staff into the ground and called a cluster of purple mines in its path. The Blade Beam collided with the mines and they detonated on contact in a cloud of smoke, the sound booming through Pandaemonium.”
11. How many stories have you written so far?
~18, though not all are complete.
12. What’s your favorite thing you ever wrote?
~In the first version of A Petal Among Thorns, I wrote a giant fight scene between a goddess and her warriors. It was intense and epic, and really maximized my skills at the time, and I loved every second of it.
13. How many chapters does your longest series have?
~Well, the new and improved version of A Petal Among Thorns has 45 posted chapters at 171k words, and I’m working on 46. The original Petal, which I finished, ended with 64 and had 108k words. Both are my longest so far. the most words, though, is Horrible Bosses with just under 200k.
14. What’s my favorite character/person to write for?
~This is so tough. But I think the Emperor for A Petal Among Thorns. He’s a classic kind of “Muahahaha” villain and I absolutely love getting into that evil headspace.
15. “OCs” or “Reader” inserts?
~If it’s an either/or question, then I say OCs. But nothing against Reader inserts. I love those, too. If it’s a do I read or write them question, then not really. I did one back when I was in high school. But I do read them and I support writers who do. There’s no such thing as cringe culture anymore so don’t let any elitists make you feel shitty for writing them.
16. Can you tell us anything about your current WIP?
~Sure. I’ve got four major ones:
1. A Petal Among Thorns (Dissidia Final Fantasy) - Cosmos just sent a group to take care of the Emperor since he’s been plaguing her and her warriors, but they’re caught unprepared when they realize he’s been secretly amassing power.
2. The Krypt (Mortal Kombat) - The group just found Master Hasashi and Kenshi, two out of the whole group they’ve been looking for. Their next order of business is to escape the spider caves, but it won’t be so easy.
3. Legends Yet (Final Fantasy XII) - Balthier and Fran are preparing to infiltrate the Archadian Palace to go after a special item. Little do they know the palace is more prepared than they thought.
4. This is My Punishment (Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus) - The Turks go looking for Vincent after he fails to report in. They confront Dr. Hojo about it, but he’s smug and disinterested.
17. How long was the longest fic you ever wrote?
~The longest COMPLETE story I ever wrote was the original A Petal Among Thorns with 64 chapters at 108k words. The longest INCOMPLETE story I have right now is the rewrite of A Petal Among Thorns with 46 chapters at 171k words. The most words I ever wrote was Horrible Bosses at just under 200k but with only 15 chapters.
18. What fandoms do you write for?
~Final Fantasy and Mortal Kombat and Hetalia are pretty much it right now, but a variety of FFs! I have written for Assassin’s Creed too, and Voltron, and I did one very self-indulgent Black Butler self-insert.
19. What is/are your favorite fandom author/authors?
~Poisonous Panda on AO3 (she used to have a tumblr but she deactivated for some reason), and Jaydee Grey on ff.net
20. Have you ever written an AU?
~No. All my stories take place in the actual world and parameters of canon. Although, I guess Petal could be considered one, since Rosa was never called to the cycles in any Dissidia game except Opera Omnia . . . ?
21. What’s your favorite AU trope?
~I don’t know if I have one. I read them but they’re not my go-to. I usually stick to canon stuff first.
22. A fanfiction cliché you can’t help but love?
~Hmmmm . . . I think descriptions of eyes. Not like, the word ‘orbs’ or anything, but the use of gemstones to describe color. I love the aesthetics associated with gemstones and their luster and how they shine, so if someone has “emerald green” eyes, or “amber” eyes, “crystalline blue”, etc. It makes me understand that their characters’ eyes are aglow with something, that they have character or passions or an ideas.
23. For how long have you been a fandom writer?
~I started my freshman year of high school, so . . . 10 years?
24. Have you ever had an idea for a story and forgot about it?
~No, I usually write stuff down right away. But as I develop my stories they rarely stay along the path enough to end up using the idea. Either the plot point is too out in left field now, or the characters are too far along in their journeys to make it work in-character.
25. What do you do to motivate yourself to write?
~Motivation? I don’t know her. 
In all seriousness, I have ZERO self-control, so I can’t bribe myself. I mostly use my own desire to see my stories finished, plus nice comments and reviews from users on AO3 and ff.net. They’re so few and far between that a single one can make my entire day.
26. How did you find out you like to write?
~I’ve always enjoyed telling stories, from the third grade up! Making my own comics, and novelizing games I used to play, like Pac-Man World 2! I sort of never stopped, but WHAT I wrote matured as I grew older and joined fandom.
27. Are there any writers (fanfiction writers or not) that have inspired you to start writing?
~No, I was writing in general before I knew what fanfiction even was. But what inspired me to start writing fanfiction in particular was reading a Dissidia fic on ff.net by the name of Slash and Burn, that hasn’t updated since 2011. Reading that fic made me realize that the stories and scenarios I was coming up with surrounding these characters I loved could be transcribed and posted, and that other people were doing it too! I simply started writing down what I already was imagining for these characters outside of the events that happened in their games.
28. What’s your favorite fandom to write for?
~Final Fantasy, hands down!
29. Describe your style in three words.
1. Balanced
2. Introspective
3. Natural
30. What would you say is the most ‘famous’ fic you’ve ever written?
~Definitely The Krypt for Mortal Kombat on AO3. Writing for an active fandom is vastly, vastly different than writing for an older, stale one. The Krypt has the most comments and shares. On ff.net, it’s Horrible Bosses.
31. Blurbs or drabbles?
~Drabbles. Flesh it out more! I wanna be more immersed in whatever this is!
32. Have you ever written smut?
~I have written ONE SINGLE SHEEPISH scene in chapter 13 of Horrible Bosses. It was my very first attempt at smut and it is god-awful. Go check it out on AO3 if you want (and can withstand the second-hand embarrassment!)
33. How long does it usually take for you to write?
~LMAO that depends entirely on if I can get started for the day. If I can start and I can stay focused, I’ll easily write 3,000 words in one sitting. If I can start but I’m not focused I can usually still grind out anywhere between 100 - 500 or so words. But I’ll go days without touching Notebook if I can’t even get started.
34. What’s your favorite font to use when writing?
~I don’t put much stock in fonts but the one I’m using now on Notebook is Montserrat. I will change it every so often if I want something new though. Changes in scenery help my focus most times.
35. Which do you prefer to write: longer or shorter fics?
~Longer definitely. Shorter fics are easier but I love the challenges associated with aligning plot points with character development, as well as pacing.
36. how do you keep yourself inspired?
~My love for the fandoms I’m writing for usually does it. I love these universes and characters so much that I want to spend more time with them and watch them grow and change in ways that are or aren’t necessarily spelled out in canon. That, and the idea that since I’m writing stories I would want to read, then I’m the only one who can tell this story in my own way, so it has to be me.
37. Have you ever written something you didn’t like but posted anyway?
~Hell yeah. It be like that sometimes. Sometimes you stare and stare at a chapter and you absolutely hate it but you can’t figure out why and eventually you get pissed and say, “Fuck it, i have to post this to move on,” and you do. Specific examples for me are a few chapters in the new Petal.
38. What is your “strong suit” as a writer?
~I pride myself on my characterizations, to be honest. I feel like I have a good sense of who these characters are based on canon, and I can translate their reactions well to situations that test them.
39. What’s your favorite trope?
~I actually really, really love when characters are injured or slipping physically or emotionally, but they keep it to themselves for the sake of others. It can be for any reason - they don’t want to be a bother, they think they should be strong enough to handle it, etc.
40. How many likes do your fics usually get?
~Depends. The most I’ve gotten on anything was ~70 follows/favorites for Horrible Bosses on ff.net, and 128 kudos on The Krypt on AO3. Those are outliers, for the most part. My more popular fandom fics float around 20 - 40 kudos, my smaller fandom fics float around 5-10. The mean average for AO3 kudos across all my fics is 32, and the mean average for ff.net favorites is 14.
41. Have you ever used a prompt?
~No. it’s very, very hard for me to imagine characters into scenarios that I didn’t myself come up with?? I’m not sure why.
42. What is your weakness as a writer?
43. Have you ever cried or felt any emotion while reading something you wrote?
~Yes, I cried when I wrote the aftermath of the large battle I talked about earlier, between Cosmos and her warriors in the first version of A Petal Among Thorns.
44. Have you ever done a collab with another writer?
~No, I’m too self-conscious.
45. One thing you love about fanfiction.
~I love how it allows fans to expand upon these worlds and universes that were created for us. I love how it allows us to demonstrate our love by interpreting things that were either not touched or not expanded upon in canon. It also allows me to express myself in a healthy and creative way.
46.  What’s your favorite emotion to cause on your readers?
~Nothing makes a person sexier than physical pain. But I also love anger and regret.
47. What’s your favorite thing about writing?
~See above. Writing fanfiction is another way that I express my love for something that matters so much to me, which are these pieces of media I write for. It also gives my daydreams purpose and doesn’t make me feel like I have to bottle them up!
48. Do you post your writing in any other platforms?
~Yep! AO3, ff.net! I’m Keyblader41996 on both.
49. What app/apps do you use to write (word, notepad, etc.)?
~I’ve got notes all over! I’ve got some in Notepad on my Mac, and I have some in Notebook by Zoho on their site and app, I have some in my paper notebooks, I have some in my college textbook margins and notebooks, etc. My favorite to use is Zoho’s Notebook.
50. One thing you don’t like about fanfiction.
~Thinly veiled, arbitrary and unnecessary bullshit that is masqueraded as “constructive criticism” when I didn’t ask for it, and when it’s easier for the commenter to just, idk, LEAVE THE FUCKING FIC?!?!?!!??!?!?! Rather than spend ALL that time just to be shitty???????????? get away from me.
51. Least favorite trope?
~I dislike time travel.
52. Favorite words to use when writing?
~I love facial descriptions and body language: He crossed his arms. Her eyebrows furrowed. She winked coyly. His fists balled at his sides, trembling. She jumped, clapping her hands enthusiastically. etc.
53. Least favorite words?
~I hate describing clothes and bodies/figures. Hate it.
54. Do you usually like what you write?
~It depends. I cycle through different phases. (1) This is great. (2) Oh god, what the fuck??? is this??? (3) I can’t even look at this, it’s so bad. *Stops writing for days* (4) Wait, why did I hate this so much? It’s a great starting point! (5) Edit (6) YESSS YESSSSSS YASSSSS!!!!!!!! (7) Post
I can start at any one of those numbers and go from there but it’s always in that order no matter where I start.
Thanks so much for asking me these!! I love them!!!
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chibimamalife · 4 years
To Be ... Or Not To Be...
Though it is nobler for us to suffer the slings and arrows of OUTRAGEOUS fortune. 
That about sums up the news for the past few days. I mean people, people, people wake up and smell the sewage. Our president is using a slide of hand on us, look at my right hand and pay no attention to the left. While people who have NO clue what the average person is going thru are trying to tell us how to raise our children. And don’t get me started on the wild theories that are being passed around like tik taks. What ever happened to actually facts and researched news. I’m human, I like the fluff as much as the next guy but come on. At this point I’m past the “Fluffy” stage and about to pass the “Daaaamn” stage. 
For those of you out there who skip the news due to fluff overload here’s a snap shot of what’s been happening:
We got lots of fires raging in California and humanity is taking a a little dip in the numbers. Looters are going full tilt on evacuated homes, even clearing out the firefighters that are fighting them. (Not kidding, a firefighters car was looted while he was working)
Vaccine for Covid is looking like a reality, of course that’s if the testing doesn’t kill to many subjects. I know I know, to soon but come on people. The virus is deadly enough why rush the process to get a vaccine. I don’t know about you but the thought of taking something that may kill me to protect myself from something that may kill me feels like I’m at Vegas deciding to bet on red or black.
We have teachers unions, sometimes just a group of teachers, fighting for virtual classroom teaching instead of in person. This one I’m torn on because frankly we are asking them to come in during an epidemic and risk their lives to teach school. Granted some schools are trying to make it as safe as they can but lets face it, children are petri dish of germs. And the younger they are the less likely they are to adhere to guidelines. Granted I’ve met some high school students who, and I’m being nice here, make the dump look sanitary.
Still some talk about the Democratic and Republican conventions, mostly a lots of whiny adults bad mouthing each on the sidelines. You know the usual drivel we’ve been hearing the last 4 years.
OH and did you know it’s soda’s fault that covid is running rapid, at least that’s what they’re saying in Mexico. Why do I feel like the “soda is bad” march is following the “cigarettes are bad” march. HMMM Mexico is taxing sugary drinks and high calorie snacks - check,  oversized warning labels about the danger of consuming them - check, the ban on selling to minors - check. Now I get the dangers of consuming to much of these items. But why can’t we, as thinking human beings, cut back and watch our children. Why do we need “big brother” to enact rules and such to try and fight an uphill battle? Whoops, I did it again with the common sense.... seems it’s not that common.
Storms are a coming, so button down the hatches and hold on to your hats.... it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
Wall street is starting to behave, we hope, by rising above 28000. The question though is was this just someone shaking the “Magic Eight” ball or are we stuck in a reality loop.
Football, american not the real football hehehe,  is still thinking about opening. Why does it feel like they are playing keep away, we’ll play... we’ll not play... we’ll play... we’ll not play....  WE FOOLED YOU, we’ll play virtually.  
People from US are being told “No we don’t want you here” as popular vacation locations shut down tourism. Ok, Ok I’m sensationalizing it... some locations aren’t letting anyone in while others just the US. See I clarified my statement, so why can’t the news room.
Last but certainly not least the president’s executive orders for COVID relief. You know the ones I’m talking about. Money for unemployment, hold on money taking out from paychecks for taxes, and all that stuff. Lots of theories but the two main ones are this was just a smoke screen to force the two sides to compromise so he can look good or truly doesn’t understand what his powers truly are and just want’s to try and see how much he can get away with before he’s possibly loses the election.
I know I skipped entertainment but hey if you’re into that you’ve already read it and read the “Fluff” news so why bother. Just for kicks here’s one, Sean Connery aka Bond turned 90. 
Tune in next time when I delve into my scary psyche and give you my opinion on education...... scary stuff. I’m sure you can handle it though.....
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