cheaplolita · 1 year
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lexotanmerlin · 1 year
Lex # 4984
♥Hair: Wasabi // Fiji Hair – Absolute Pack by MissAllSunday Lemon & Rouge Darcy ♥Head: [AK ADVX] – Zephyra Head by kaoz.koba – Introducing the Futuristic “Zephyra” Alien Head by AKERUKA: Four Eyes and Animated Antennae Redefining Virtual Avatars!Meticulously crafted by AKERUKA, the Zephyra Head offers an unparalleled level of personalization, allowing you to truly embody your virtual persona…
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almightyshadowchan · 2 years
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A cozy morning in, or…?
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ca-dmv-bot · 1 year
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axlator · 10 months
hello im axle
- 22 years old - they/them, blue/blues, xe/xem
dont repost/edit my art
i follow & interact from @snaxle
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faq & other general info below
multi-fandom; primarily one piece & fairy tail, and whatever other media i like. also my ocs
don't have a dni, i block very liberally.
- feel free to use my art as your pfp with appropriate credit only! - this is an art-centric blog only, majority of my posts will be my own art. i do not reblog other people's content onto this blog, sorry!
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louisianimal · 11 months
It is time.
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meafortuna · 2 years
Let’s talk about synastry. 💞 I know you ladies (i hope u guys too) love that topic and here are some observations of mine. Take only what resonates for you and enjoy it! 😇
*Good synastry won’t save your relationship and the bad one will not destroy it. ⚠️
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• If someone’s Moon falls in your 12th house or vice versa, that is a guarantee for you to dream a lot that person, and it’s not just dreams, more like intuitive or vivid ones. When you dream of them you may have the feeling your conversations are real or telepathically. Very spiritual bond, especially if the Moon is in water sign. 🦀🦂🐡
• Sun - Mars hard aspects… The Sun person will be always on battle within themselves do they like or hate the Mars person. Not so favourable aspect, but the s*xual tension is off the charts.🌶️If Tom and Jerry have synastry chart, I’m pretty sure this aspect will be there. 😁
• If someone's inner planets falls in your 6th house, there is a chance to turns out that the planet person it is not your friend at all. 🔪If it comes to romantic couple it’s possible the 6th house person to be betrayed emotionally/s*xually, especially if the planets are Venus, Mars or Moon. Because sixth house is not only about our health, daily routine and etc. it is also about who are our open enemies.😈 Just be careful.🤞
• When Vertex or Anti-vertex make tight conjunct to NN/SN or planets - this can be an indicator for you guys were meant to meet each other and it will make a significant impact on you. ✨
• The conjunction between Saturn and Venus, it’s a big indicator for having a karmic relationship with someone. This aspect comes with ups and downs, the Venus person can feel a little bit restricted by the Saturn person, but there is a big chance for the couple to grown together and stay together for really long time. Infact i often noticed that when it comes to synastry, people really dislike this aspect, but why? There is not only bad in karmic connections it all depends on what kind of fate you two have. WHO and WHY said that when Saturn is involved, something scary will necessarily happen? I think it all comes from the word “karma”, but “fate” and “destiny” are synonyms for karma, right? So is it something wrong with that to have fated/destined connection with someone?! Doesn’t sound wrong for me, not at all. Ok, let’s get back to the point… 😅 With conjunction between Daddy Saturn and Lady Venus the couple can experience that kind of thing like “we are not together, but we keep coming back to each other again and again”. 🪃 And why? Because this is their karma . Also if you have this aspect in yout natal chart it will be easier for u to deal with it in synastry. Yes, karma is a b*tch, but only if u are one. 🙃
• Sun making hard aspect to Sun it’s always battle for power. 🤼‍♀️ The two of you have really different aproach to life. One of you will be push to make more compromise than the other and that will make the individual feels frustrated and unappreciated.
• If someone's Sun or ASC falls in your 7th house, you will be drawn to that person, see them as The One.⭐️ Even if the native it’s not really your type and doesn’t meet your expectations. In my eyes can be a little annoying to have this placement with someone, because that will make you do sacrifices and things that you wouldn’t do for any other else, just because you trully believe in that this is your person, even if this is not actually the truth.
• Pay attention when someone’s Pluto falls in your second house. And no, not just because there is a 100% chance there will be too much possession and jealousy, but more about the fact that your partner may take the control over your money, but not necessarily in a good way. As we know Pluto it’s all about transformations, so there can be a great chance for you to earn money/presents 💸🎁 from that person or you can feel more financially confident with them, you never know. My advice is to be more cautious when it comes to your money, if you have this placement with someone.
~meafortuna 💙
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 4 months
Absolutely not.. I don’t care about widows law or whatever. But under no circumstances should Allic*nt be allowed to live. The only reason why I accept it in canon SPOILER is because her being allowed to live is the worst punishment and because her entire house is wiped out, and her life drives her mad. It’s the best of karma. But in any other au, b*tch gets executed for treason SnS
I also only accept that any surviving members, w exception of Helena, though she renounces her mother’s house, but the rest of them are stripped of all their titles.
I do like putting Alicent through hell and back in my fics, as most fanfiction writers whose stories I like to read.
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judesmoonbeauty · 5 months
Jude Jazza & Silvio Ricci LINE SNS -
This was an extremely quick and rough translation before work this morning. I may review and re-translate later. Not 100% accurate. Cybird owns everything!
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Silvio: Hey, Jude. Do you guys only sell defective products?
Jude: Prince Silvio, what’s the matter?
Silvio: The rare stuffed butterfly I just received has a crack in its dome.
Jude: I’m terribly sorry, I’ll look into it. Please wait a moment.
Silvio: Huh? No need to look into it, I'm the one who got it, and I'm the one who said it's broken.
Silvio: I have to have it in a hurry, Don’t complain, and just send me another one quickly.
Jude: Even if ya say so.
Silvio: This is taking up extra time. It's not just an exchange, of course you’ll show your sincerity, right?
Jude: …..Tch.
Silvio: Ah? You’ve got some nerve clicking your tongue like that. 
Jude: Feels good when I act badly, yea I’ve gotta bad personality. As expected of a prince of a country, who has great wealth and personality.
Silvio: Ha, you finally showed your true nature, you damned mobster. Well, that would be faster.
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cheaplolita · 5 months
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partrin · 9 months
rinharu headcanon incoming!!!!!!
(i have too many thoughts about these two and would like to share them with people who might appreciate them):
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whenever i see photos/official illustrations like this of rin, i can't help but to think he's one of those good-looking, naturally charismatic people who also happen to be very photogenic and self-aware, i.e. they know their best angles and by god they will make sure EVERYBODY knows their best angles when it comes to selfies, group photos, the likes.
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by contrast, haru is awkward when it comes to having his photo taken. and by awkward, i mean all he can offer most times is his soul-searching stare. if he's feeling generous, maybe a slight tilt of the head and the barest hint of a smile (like it physically pains him to curve his lips more than a metal ruler). an awkward peace sign, if he's feeling extra generous (he is me. he is us. he represents a lot of us that can't pose for shit in pictures).
these two clowns somehow end up taking on the world stage together, which can only mean they travel a lot together following the end of the franchise, right? we know rin is the type to take pictures of the places he visits, whether to send them to his loved ones back home or mail postcards or update his SNS. but haru, haru is canonically illiterate when it comes to technology. sure, he's an artist - he sees things with the keen eye only a person who can appreciate beauty (squints eyes at rei) might have, and he might take photos of sceneries that he finds breathtaking (waterfalls, fountains etc.)
but he is almost never the one to initiate taking photos of people. or of himself. or of him with people.
so i imagine a lot of haru and rin's travels going like this (read it like you're listening to an audio CD):
rin: nice, isn't it? the canal. they call this the grand canal - venice's main waterway.
haru: [stares into the distance] ah.
rin: do you want me to take a picture?
haru: of what?
rin: the rubbish bin. of you, you idiot! what else?!
haru: ...oh. [fidgets in place because the clown doesn't know what to say]
rin: would be nice if you could send makoto a picture without him asking for a change, wouldn't it? c'mon. i'll take it for you.
haru: [hesitates. makes some weird low disgruntled noise of disapproval. considers picking an argument with rin - wants to insist that he does do things on his own accord without makoto having to ask, but alas -] ...fine.
rin: okay, good. go stand in front of the parapet.
(silence. a bicycle whisks by. birds chirp in the distance. rin watches as haru moves towards the parapet and stands in the center like a rigid coconut tree. he rolls his eyes)
rin: can you at least look like you want your picture taken?
haru: [grumbles] it was your idea.
rin: i know but can't you - [pinches nose] fine, fine. it was my idea. just... pose or something, at least!
haru: i am posing.
rin: no, you're just standing there.
haru: then what am i supposed to do?!
rin: tch, i swear to god - okay, how 'bout this. turn your head a little to the side.
haru: [awkwardly looks to the extreme right] like this?
rin: no, that's too much! just a little. a forty-five degree angle. show your side profile - that's your best angle. your jaw looks sharper from the left than it does from the right.
haru: like this?
rin: yes! yes. okay, now, do you know what's mewing?
haru: i... what.
rin: mewing. it's when you flatten your tongue against the roof of your mouth. realigns your teeth and helps define your jaw. try it.
haru, exasperated: rin, i don't know if-
haru: fine, fine. [attempts to follow through] is this good?
rin: yes. god, yes. okay, now do something with your hands. don't just leave them hanging next to your body like wet socks. do something with them. look natural.
haru: [awkwardly slides hands into pockets]
rin: tch, boring. do something else!
haru: but you said-
rin: haru.
haru: [narrows brows] fine. [folds arms]
rin: okay, that's- [starts snapping pics] that's good! keep doing it! look left. okay, now look above my shoulder. don't look directly into the camera. okay, now look at the floor, but like, at a forty-degree angle. look like i just casually took a candid photo of you unaware. run your fingers through your hair. good. okay, now smile. SMILE MORE. haru, that is NOT a smile. smile! yes, like that! okay good. alright! come over.
haru: what?
rin, shit-eating grin on full display: see? the pictures look so much better when you put some effort into looking like you don't want to die having your pics taken. i managed to make you look handsome.
haru: [brow twitches] i am handsome, no thanks to you.
rin: yeah, yeah, whatever. damn. i should consider becoming a photographer if the swimming thing doesn't work out.
haru: yeah, if your clients don't mind having an insufferable asshole as a photographer then sure, why not?
rin: why, you little shi-
aka i typed an entire script just to conclude that rin would probably make an amazing instagram boyfriend. (or just boyfriend. for haru. um. yeah that's it)
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almightyshadowchan · 2 years
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Naruto has nightmares, too.
Day 7: Hurt and Comfort
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fateinthestars · 6 months
Star-Crossed Myth Fluffbruary Fanfic April Catch-up (11th Feb Prompt): Commitment (Zyglavis/MC)
Title: Commitment
Fandom: Star-Crossed Myth
Genre: Fluff
Rating: T
Pairing: Zyglavis/MC (MC’s name left blank so you can fill it in with whatever you wish in your head)
Word Count: 1,561
Written for Prompt: February 11 : reflection | water | apology for @fluffbruary
A/N: Zig please, I'm trying to write fluff. Ahem I hope the fluffiness of this one shines through, I guess you can kinda describe it as fluff to ease internal worrying? 😅
February 11th: Commitment (Zyglavis/MC)
Zyglavis sighed as he worked through a seemingly never-ending punishments list at his personal reflecting pool in his room. He was sure he could trust Dui to tell ___ that he would not be able to make it to Earth tonight after all but that did not mean he liked how startlingly often this had been happening lately. He knew ___ understood his position and the importance of what he did, in fact it sometimes frustrated him that she would back off with her troubles rather than interrupt him when he was busy. He would always find a way to make time for her.
And yet, here he was, still working. Worse still this had been a last minute thing so he had not been able to change their arrangements in advance. 
Before he could ruminate further on whether he should have found a way to see her tonight, Zyglavis was interrupted by a knock at his door. Expecting it to be Scorpio he snapped his fingers to open it. “Is there a problem?” He asked, not turning round from the pool.
“Not unless you count overworking,” came the familiar voice of ___.
Zyglavis sharply turned to face her. Frowning he glanced to the side, his posture stiff. She didn’t seem upset, but… “My apologies. This really could not wait. However I should have thought to find a way to update you in person. The frequency of urgent work recently has been -”
“Zyglavis,” ___ interrupted softly, moving over to him and placing a hand gently on his arm. “I don’t need an apology. That’s not why I’m here.”
“... Was there something you needed to talk about urgently?” Zyglavis asked, his tone now concerned as he returned his gaze to his girlfriend.
“Relax,” ___ sighed. “Not everything has to be a problem.”
Taking a deep breath, Zyglavis finally became less rigid and he looked lovingly at her. However he was still frowning. “I’m glad, but I do have to finish this work. I will not be able to give you any attention.”
___ smiled reassuringly at him. “I don’t mind just spending time with you, you know.”
Zyglavis sighed, but finally relaxed into a smile himself. “Well I cannot say that it is not wonderful to see you. Are you quite certain you are alright just relaxing here whilst I work? What I am doing won’t upset you?”
“It won’t if I don’t look,” ___ pointed out. “But if you want a second opinion I could help.”
“Oh? And do you have an opinion already?” Zyglavis asked, still a little thrown by her being there.
“I think you’ll find I said it when I first came in. You are overworking.”
“Whether I am or not is immaterial when this cannot wait.”
___ rolled her eyes and put her hand on the pile of papers he was still holding. “All of these have to be done tonight or was there just something in particular that needed dealing with and you decided as there was no way you could make it back to Earth at a reasonable time that you might as well do the rest of the work as well?”
“...” Zyglavis looked to the side. He should have known she’d be able to read him this well so far into their relationship. “Technically it does still need doing as it is what I was initially supposed to be doing today.”
There was another knock at the door, and this time it was Scorpio who entered the room. He looked at the Minister of Punishments with a frown. “Tch, I can’t believe that damn problem child was right that you’d still try to do all this shit yourself even after what the King needed us both for earlier. Give the rest of the list here.”
“Scorpio,” Zyglavis snapped. “You have been nearly as busy as -”
“Today, maybe,” Scorpio interrupted, “but not the last time. And anyway I don’t have something else that should have my attention.”
Zyglavis frowned. “But…”
“Dammit, Zig, will you let me do you a favour for once rather than the other way around? The others are worried too, you know.”
“... Ah.” Zyglavis somewhat reluctantly handed the rest of the punishments list over to his Vice Minister. “If anything comes up that you believe needs me, I still expect you to fetch me, clear?”
Scorpio relaxed into a smirk at that. “Very.” He then shot a glance at ___ that seemed to mean ‘you owe me one for this, woman’, before leaving.
Zyglavis sat down on the edge of his bed with ___, sighing softly. He looked at her, still seemingly a little troubled. “Well, now you have got my attention but I’m afraid it is too late to go anywhere.”
“Zyglavis, I said before I was happy just to spend time with you. Besides, we don’t want you going anywhere, we want you to rest.”
Hearing her reassuring words that she was happy to just stay with him in his room, Zyglavis wrapped an arm around her. “Did the others put you up to this?” He asked with slight suspicion, sure that Scorpio wouldn’t have confronted him on his own without her first breaking down his barriers.
“Not exactly,” ___ murmured, leaning into his embrace. “But, um… you see… after Dui gave me your message, there was a certain comment that made the others leap to your defence and it suddenly became clear that you’d been making sure to help everyone else as well still as well as your usual duties on top of this extra assignment…”
Zyglavis was initially puzzled and then he scowled. “Did that wretched Lion imply that I do not value you?! Because if he did -”
___ laughed lightly. “I don’t care what Leon thinks. I know you care for me. No doubt you spent tonight before I got here worrying that you hadn’t even been able to cancel in person?”
“...” Zyglavis couldn’t find any way to respond to that, knowing that she was correct. “So what actually happened? Much as I trust my Vice Minister I very much doubt he would have agreed to bring you up here if you’d just asked.”
“... Well like I said all the others were defending your decision, but as you may have gathered from what Scorpio said Ichthys was the one who bought up you wouldn’t even leave the normal work, but in regards as to who actually put the idea into Scorpio’s head that he should take the list off you? I think that was actually Huedhaut.”
Zyglavis’ eyes widened a little in surprise. “I beg your pardon?”
___ laughed. “Oh I doubt Scorpio even realises that that was what happened, but one minute Huedhaut was being condescending to Leon regarding commenting on your work ethic considering how often he disappears on Karno, and the next Scorpio was grabbing my hand snapping that if I still wanted to come up here he’d come with me to get away from the nonsense everyone else was spouting.”
“... Pfft…” Zyglavis broke into a wide smile. “I may have to ask someone to show me a vision of that later. Still…” he sighed. “I suppose this shows just how buried in my work I have been recently for both departments to make comments tonight. My apologies for -” Zyglavis cut off as ___ leant forward and captured his lips in a brief kiss. “... ___ ?”
“I told you before that I didn’t need an apology,” ___ murmured softly. “Besides, I think that’s enough talk of the others and work tonight don’t you?”
Zyglavis smirked at her. “True. I suppose you still wish me to get some ‘rest’.”
___ nudged him lightly for that suggestive comment. “Yes, rest, like I said,” she replied firmly. However she then reached into her bag and pulled out a neatly wrapped package. “Here. I was going to give you this tonight.”
“What’s the occasion?” Zyglavis wondered as he undid the wrapping.
“Does there have to be one?”
Zyglavis shook his head slightly, then looked down at what he was holding. It was a box of chocolates with parfait filling, including ganache ones. “I hardly deserve these right now…”
“Of course you do,” ___ murmured, wrapping her own arms around him now. “I picked them up simply cos I happened to see a display of them at the convenience store and I thought of you. I could have saved them for some special occasion but you have been working so hard, this is exactly what you need right now.”
“But I do not have anything to give you in return.”
___ smiled softly. “You do not need to give me anything. I did this because I wanted to. All I want from you right now is to slow down a little. The Gods may not need sleep but you’ve been working so hard you did not even notice…” she quickly trailed off.
“Notice what?” Zyglavis asked, frowning.
“I promised I wouldn’t say anything,” ___ muttered.
Zyglavis sighed heavily. “From your tone I am certain it is something  that Ichthys has done. Well, he should be glad I am in a forgiving mood as I will not ask you anything further pertaining to that. Just tell him that the next time he pulls a prank I will not be so lenient.”
Laughing lightly, ___ leant over and kissed him once more.
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tamelee · 10 months
Hello there! You've been tagged! You don't have to do anything if you don't want to, but if you'd like, list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! Learn to know your mutuals and followers! 💖💖💖
Aah thankyou for sending this @fille-de-skroa 🥰🧡 
Hm, it’s a little sad I had to think so long to come up with 5 xD 
Autumn! 🍂 Especially when there are these mysterious and misty mornings/days. It usually gets a bit dark, really quiet and the energy (sorry if this is too spacey) is just so different from let’s say... Summer. It’s less invasive or something (ik this may not make any sense). I’m currently at home a lot, and stuff... but in weather like this no one really expects you to go outside and do something. It’s kinda like, the more people are annoyed with the weather when it comes to rain and stuff, the happier I am xD It’s so calm and if I can allow it, it makes my days drawing/working/studying more cozy and relaxed than when the sun is shining. Everyone’s inside so there’s also not too much noise outside, people here tend to party in their gardens the second the weather is “better” (why are sunny days automatically “better”? Tch) and then my ADD-ass get less distracted as I sip on my hot chocolate and snuggle in the electric blanket I recently got. Aaah yes 👌
Drawing hehe ✍️ especially while listening to music or a podcast~ Or if I have time half-watching a movie/show on the side.
Working on my story or most things story-telling related 📝 (Of course SNS!) Reading (both fiction and non-fiction) also! And with that learning anything new *-* 
🥹 reading tags/comments 💕 
Uhm, uhm! When brownies are the chewy/fudgy kind and it’s not pretending to be a brownie as a dry-ass chocolate cake. I mean, c'mon, what is it trying to do here? I’m really serious about this one. 
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apixellife · 1 year
-♥- sass [selene boots]
-♥- sass [selene boots] @ the Pandora Event [20% off for event only] MAY 19 – JUN 10 Includes the following pieces: ♥ knee high boots ♥ materials enabled ♥ texture hud with 20 color options & 3 metal options Compatible with the following bodies: ♥ Legacy ♥ Maitreya ♥ Reborn ♥…
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sasukeblunt · 2 months
sns is my gold standard of silly shounen yaoi so my toxic trait is that whenever i see new pairings roll around it’s like… Tch… They will never be narusasu…
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