#snake dna
blackmambaboobs · 5 days
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First ever fanart of Sebastian!
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typhlonectes · 2 months
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How did snakes lose their limbs? Mass genome effort provides clues
DNA sequencing helps explain how these reptiles got to be so unusual
Snakes are weirdos among vertebrates. Their bodies are typically too thin for more than one lung, they smell with their tongues, and—perhaps most importantly—they have no legs. Now, an extensive effort to sequence the genomes of more than a dozen snake species has uncovered mutations that likely helped make these appendages vanish, as well as the DNA underlying other unusual traits. This research “will undoubtedly have a transformative impact on snake and vertebrate biology,” says Todd Castoe, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Texas at Arlington who was not involved with the work...
Read more: https://www.science.org/content/article/how-did-snakes-lose-their-limbs-mass-genome-effort-provides-clues
Slug-eating snake (Pareas berdmorei) collected in China was one of 14 snake species newly sequenced to learn about snake adaptations. (Di-Hao Wu)
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kankuroplease · 6 months
are you going to draw a drawing of Sakura with Sumi "not a couple 💀 Tajina won't like it" just 2 beautiful women together ✨
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I wasn’t going to, but it’s kinda fun to see the founder era wife and the new generation wife 🖤💗
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evilkitten3 · 8 months
team minato modern middle school au where kakashi is the annoying genius who skipped like two grades, rin somehow lives in a hospital (no one's sure which nurse/doctor is her parent but. it's one of them. right? it's gotta be. no way did a bunch of worked-half-to-death medical staff accidentally adopt a baby someone forgot about. definitely one of them is her parent. her birth certificate is around here somewhere i'm sure look i'll get back to you once my shift ends in six hours), and obito is the class clown who lives with his awful anarchist stoner grandpa and calls his house "the cave"
minato is a former student of kakashi's dad's friend and he's their carpool driver bc no way in hell would that man be allowed to teach in real life
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probablyaparadox · 9 months
Ok like, I know Toei probably doesn't know more than the average manga reader does about where the story is going/future chapters and plotlines but. Man. I've been rolling this around in my head all day.
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You really put this between Bonney and Kuma and did not expect me to think about it so much. With the strong connection the two characters have, why place a seraphim in between besides cool visuals??? Why not slightly after and use anything else as a transition? Why would you choose S-Shark??? Why do we see this motion of him falling into the water eyes closed, and then once in the water eyes wide awake??? Is he going to have some sort of mental awakening from their "kind of a kid, kind of obedient robot" to "full kid?" This further leads me on the spiral of "Hey remember when S-shark lost his arm" and "Does it hurt? Are their pain sensors numbed? King could endure a lot but they're only half him-" Anyway that little thought tangent aside, I hope that people can see my thought process in this: With recent events, I've heard some people saying the seraphim are probably going to show up to fight Kuma and the straw hats. What if Kuma freed them from having to obey orders? It would be incredibly fitting in my opinion for him to protect children inherently, both Bonney, and the children the government is using- one of which is a clone of HIMSELF. That's gotta bring back some memories for the guy, even if his mind is gone, I think it would trigger something. Even though they're Vegapunks, the seraphim are loyal to the government by force, by programming. And I don't think he could bring himself to fight kids. (UNLIKE SANJI- Dude you ripped off his arm- I mean with your understanding of what's going on I guess I get it but damn) Solution? Freedom. Again, I know it's probably just "pretty visuals" But my analytical brain says just as Bonney reaches out of the water, as she sorts out her baggage, The awakening minds of the seraphim plunge them DEEP into baggage, both that they gained as minions for the government, and the ones seemingly imprinted on their lineage factor, as we see with S-Snakes trait of "Being in love with Luffy"
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hemorrhoidbabe69 · 3 months
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God hes just like me
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bapydemonprincess · 11 months
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Just continuing the ongoing pattern that 80% of all the human adults in the kuroshitsuji universe are fucked up and do not give a damn about the kids sharing the universe with them. 😒 (If they can't be exploited in some manner)
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sanchoyoscribbles · 5 months
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daily may day 11: infused
being able to handle extremely venomous snakes without being concerned at all bc ur infused with their DNA and now also can speak to them would be kind of a flex ngl. jealous
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unopenablebox · 7 months
i always feel like it's sort of disingenuous to do those "we found a new animal and it's CRAZY" posts about. someone running mitochondrial sequencing to determine that a species of animal we already knew about is in fact best described as two visually and behaviorally identical species .... both of which are still animals that we already knew about and had documented and merely had not gene sequenced yet
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atthebell · 7 months
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vibrating at the speed of sound
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oculusxcaro · 8 months
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One thing that makes me sad about Khare is that even if by some slim miracle she does end up getting cured (or her body somehow manages to fight off the mutation), she's still going to have a hard time living a day-to-day life given she's an amputee. Cooking, cleaning and other chores would be much harder to do with only one hand and some tasks becoming downright impossible to do. The scarring she could live with but Khare would feel even more useless only having some of the functionality she used to.
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sspacegodd · 9 months
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I love the way sound looks.
It's a total DNAbler.
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Too many memes!
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My thoughts on metal gear solid are funny because its like "wow ...love how they dealt with the topic of carrying on legacies , media manipulation , criticizing people in power etc etc"bur when i sir down to do fanart for this god forsaken game its like "Solid snake is so bisexual and transmasc , very yaoipilled game"
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killerchickadee · 4 months
So my snake eats (thawed) frozen mice, and until yesterday I was just buying them individually at work. But yesterday I bought a 6 pack (lol) and today I went to thaw one and.... ok when they're sold individually the packaging is opaque so you don't see gross dead mouse. But apparently in multipacks... they're just in clear little baggies???? I used to snakesit for @thebrideofcaliban and I don't remember that at all but maybe I'm blocking it from my memory.
Anyway it's gross and I don't like it lol. Not what I expected to see when I opened the box.
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cxpperhead · 1 year
What's Copperhead's opinion on reptile shows?
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Slipping this beneath the cut for animal cruelty mentions ~
Provided the animals are well-cared for and aren't being exploited by unscrupulous breeders, Copperhead can't bring himself to completely hate reptile shows? Anything that spreads public awareness and puts reptiles in a positive light is way better than ignorance and hate, and should the animals be in good health, treated well and handled by enthusiasts who know what they're doing, he's content to leave those people be. What Copperhead hates are people who care more about spinning profit than caring about the animals they claim to love. Breeding for certain colours and patterns is one thing, but certain lines are as detrimental to reptiles as pedigrees are to dogs. Spider Ball Pythons are one example, bred for their unique patterns despite horrific neurological side effects for the animal in question - the snakes perpetually have a 'wobble', can never see or move straight and are condemned to a miserable life from start to finish. All for the sake of a pretty pattern. He despises that so much, and in turn despises people who care more about getting a fancy-looking pet than actually caring about the impact their purchase has on the future of keeping reptiles, with more people getting into the hobby. Educating the public and showing them that reptiles aren't cold-blooded monsters looking to bite everyone is something he loves, whereas bastardizing nature and screwing with it for profit is one way to get his attention and not in a good way.
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