#sneo is mad.
randomalistic · 1 year
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Context i tried to color lineart
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p-jinx · 3 months
My voice headcannons for Spamton
Mainly because I’m bored and need to kill time and also because I wanna know if yall feel the same
Since he's a garbled mess of ads and cut-ins they all apply simultaneously
Robin Williams, specifically his role as Batty in Fern Gully
Tim Curry obviously (applies especially to SNEO imo)
Jim Carrey especially from his role in The Mask (exhibit A)
The voice lines from BIG SHOT
Jack Stauber! Specifically from his songs, $4.99, Baby Hotline, and Today, Today (disturbing imagery, analog imagery cw)
AM from I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream (the click and point game released in 1995, voiced by the author of the book Harlan Ellison) (specifically for SNEO)
The Master from Fallout voiced by Jim Cummings (seen more heavily in SNEO but clips into regular Spamton when he's particularly egotistical or mad)
The voice synthesizer from Moon Base Alpha
I'll probably come back to this and modify it as I see fit but these are the big ones, I'd like to hear what yall think or if you have more suggestions!
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im going to talk about ralsei for a second bare with me
out of all the main characters in deltarune he's my favorite little scrungly. when i first played the game i liked him because he looked cute and mysterious and was funny. but there is obviously more to this little guy...
so!! after waiting in castle town for who knows how long, probably (definitely) alone if not for, i don't know, gaster telling him things from behind trees (total crack theory), he doesn't have ANY social skills and zero empathy. this doesn't make him inherently evil, he just has a harder time relating to people and that makes it hard for him to be friends with people.
his "purpose" is to assist the lightners in sealing fountains and banishing angels and he also has to be friends with them. he assumes to make friends you just have to be nice, but to him being nice is just acting out a script. he's saying "the good sentences". so when he's in an uncomfortable situation (after the sneo fight) he just says whatever works best for him, "don't think about it". this obviously doesn't work and susie manages to atleast calm kris down because she's a level 100 emotional intelligence master but atleast he tried i guess.
you could read this as him trying to disregard kris's feelings so that the player is happy and i guess it could be true but uuuuuuuhhhhh ummmmmmmm i just don't like that theory
there's evidence that he could know kris and the soul are different entities but i don't think he has any malicious intent he's just serving the lighner. at some point he could have to choose whether to side with the cool entity from super heaven or his friend kris. and i hope he leaves us in a mud puddle
enough about the player let's talk about noelle
noelle is extremely good at casting spells, she can cast heal prayer which is just as good as ralsei's and sleep mist which is better than ralsei's pacify because it works on multiple enemies instead of just one. and of course she's better than him at attacking (...everyone is) but in a SCARY way. one day he's probably going to feel like his friends don't need him anymore because noelle can already heal and pacify and she's even better than him, and they can seal fountains just fine without his help, and noelle knows how to be friends with people, and she's nice, and she can bake, and
while i want them to be friends i know he's going to feel left out if she joins the party long-term. the three already know eachother, meanwhile he just popped into their lives a few days ago. and he's been a paperweight the entire time. he probably feels left out already, kris and susie are friendlier with eachother, susie still thought he was weird the other day, kris probably still does, as soon as they find a better healer they'll leave him and have every reason to do so
he's very against violence but will do everything kris (...the player) tells him and i think this absolute obedience is another reason why kris doesn't like him that much. i also think the fact that they met two days ago is another reason why they're not already best buds. maybe when ralsei finds out they opened a fountain he's going to finally get mad at them and kris will appreciate that they're not being treated like a god anymore
ralsei is especially friendly with kris and wants their approval in every situation (what happens if you say mean things to him in the acid tunnel of love??? well the results are shocking) and it would make sense if it was because he was kris's old pair of red horns they might have lost in the closet. some people think he's the missing crayon but there's no emotional connection to that crayon so it would be less shocking
i don't think he's asriel and i don't think he's related to kris in any way (it would make a lot of their interactions very weird), he's probably meant to represent what kris wants to be, or what kris feels they should be, or just their monstersona lol
his friendship with susie is the best thing on planet earth and they're so funny together. at first you could see susie as a bad influence on him but she's NOT!!!!!!!!!!! she's teaching him that there's more to friendship than just being nice and that he can't just be kind to everyone and it's very very important and without her he wouldn't be as cool. and he's teaching susie that people DO want to be friends with her, he thinks she's sooooo cool and just cause she's scary (just cause she's a monster) it doesn't mean people shouldn't like her.
another important thing to note is that nobody aside from the fun gang (and noelle, barely) has ever so much as acknowledged his existence. the other darkners respond to him but only if he speaks first, and queen didn't even know there was another guy. he is alone forever and always
let's go back to the prophecy, he could straight up just NOT be the prince of the dark. the drawing doesn't match him in the slightest, he did wear a hood at first, but those weird shoes are only seen in his mafia outfit. but it's definitely also not lancer. lancer is the jack of spades and has never been called a prince the prince of spades straight up does not exist it could be someone else but not lancer (and then in chapter 5 they're going to prove my theory wrong i bet)
also he seems to be the only one to know about the prophecy (queen didn't even know about the roaring smh my head) but he assumes everyone knows. he probably has some other arcane secret knowledge that he just assumes everyone knows
about the difference between lightner and darkner merch i think it's because lightners are meant to be real ass people and you just... can't buy merch of real ass people. ralsei has so much merch because he's literally made to be blorbo so that the lightners can like him. put him in a cute outfit and leave him on a shelf he was made for this he was made for you
aside from all this cool lore stuff HE'S JUST SILLY!!!!!! his glasses are silly his attempts at being hip with the lightnerz are silly the things he says are silly HE'S MY LITTLEGUY!!!!!!
and if he becomes evil I'LL GET OVER IT AND DRAW HIM BEING EVIL!!!!!!!
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bigshotspambot · 2 years
I made a SNEO playlist a while ago and wanted to make a video with it but it turns out that 1hr and 21mins of laggy premiere pro effects was ..Very hard to work with (and the video would be ridiculously huge in file size)
But here’s the playlist itself! Maybe there’s still hope for the video…
Sorry for the weird format I don’t use Spotify lol
TRACKLIST BELOW (content warnings for certain tracks are also below!)
DURATION: 1:21:31
(Most are slightly slowed)
Dream Puzzles - I'm real, I'm alive
Lemon Demon - My trains
Rob cantor - I'm Gonna Win
Will wood - Tulpamancer's Prosopagnosia
groundbreaking and shadrow - voices
Jack stauber - dumpster girl
IDKHOW - Leave Me Alone
Lemon Demon - Cabinet Man
Mother mother - Business Man
IDKHOW - Mad IQs // noose mention
Will Wood - Laplaces Angel
Depeche Mode - Welcome To My World
Manipulation - JTFrag! & Bomber
Bear Ghost - Starkiller
IDKHOW - from the gallows // suicide mention
jack stauber - i hope you miss me in heaven
Tally Hall - Turn the Lights Off
Depeche mode - Heaven
Ghost - Perfect nothing
Halsey - Gasoline (Rock Cover by Johnny Laurelli)
Tally Hall - The Mind Electric (custom clips)
The 88 - Biggering
The Neighborhood - Wires
Anthony Warlow - Jekyll and Hyde: Alive
Tally Hall - The Mind Electric (Demo 4 clip)
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movedtodykedvonte · 2 years
"Spamton?.. you still mad?"
That animation made me chuckle)
I like interpretations of the Addisons wanting to apologize cause they know they fucked up just leaving him like that and refusing to make amends sooner, so they hope he’s open to making but then Sneo is just this when they get to him:
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loveletterworm · 2 years
i know basically everyone has at least mentioned something like this theory but i will just reiterate my logic since i brought it up again and because i thought i came up with a decent enough way to present it. so my logic for the areas of deltarune is that they will to some extent evoke the areas of undertale backwards, so its like
(...actually i will use a read more for once because i realized i’m going to be talking for goddamn ever on this one and saying not much of value. so i’m showing mercy now. this is the longest post ever and it’s formatted terribly. you are responsible for if you try to read it)
Area: Card Kingdom | New Home (pretty easy because...it’s a kingdom and new home has the castle.) Main boss: Spade King | Asgore (also really easy, it’s a boss fight at the end of the area where you have no choice but to fight. the part where spade king fakes surrender is obviously meant to remind a player of asgore to catch them off guard when it turns out to be a trap) “Secondary” boss: Jevil | ...well most people say Sans because he’s blue and funny, but it’s occurred to me just now that Jevil’s thing is he sees the world as a game and thus somehow came to the conclusion of killing people for fun, which...that’s technically Flowey’s thing? and Flowey is also sort of a boss of New Home, and his fight does use the red heart rather than the blue one (which would be a more obvious pick if Jevil was meant to parallel Sans).  (He could be sort of a combination of both though or I could still be forcing this. Well think about it)
Area: Cyber World | The Core specifically (not the rest of hotland) (very blue technology-focused area) Main boss: Queen | Mettaton Ex (This is less solid than the Asgore thing was. If i’m being honest it’s mostly just that they look vaguely sort of slightly similar. One could also argue that maybe Queen’s goal being to make Lightners happy is similar to how Mettaton’s goal was to prevent the destruction of humanity by just taking the soul and keeping it? Maybe?) “Secondary” boss: Spamton NEO | Mettaton NEO (You do not need me to explain this one to you. Yes Mettaton counts for both prominent characters in the Core. That’s just the kind of luck being beautiful gets you...) (also of note is that Spamton isn’t exclusively a Mettaton callback as he also is a Mad Dummy one (a dummy shows up out of nowhere while you’ve taken a detour into an area with trash in it and now it’s a quirky miniboss with earthbound soundfont music! but it’s a different kind of dummy this time!) so that’s worth noting for the fact that characters aren’t like, completely beholden to being a match for exactly one undertale character and it has to be in the right area or it doesn’t count. Spamton is also notably unsubtle about this callback thing compared to literally anyone else so far so one probably shouldn’t expect every upcoming secret boss to go as severely on the callbacks as he did...I doubt we are getting something as crazy as the direct sampling of dummy and power of neo in big shot again. it was just too life-changing.)
so now after that point we move into complete nonsense speculation zone but using my previous logic it could be
Area: TV Dark World With Unknown Name | Hotland (just makes sense for a TV world really, most of hotland’s big setpieces are when you’re on a TV show) Main “boss”: Tenna, presumably | Mettaton again because third time’s the charm (just makes sense for a TV again, also presuming spamton’s “game show host” thing is foreshadowing like everyone has presumed for whatever reason) “Secondary” ““““boss””””/prominent character: ??? | Alphys...you never fight her but she’s there like the whole time! would also maybe sort of line up with how sneo sort of “makes up” for the fact that mettaton neo wasn’t a real boss fight...? (though alphys does have the lost soul at least so she’s not...completely unfought...? just has mettaton’s attacks though...) (Muffet is ruled out due to being a backer reward character, though I still want to believe the purple soul will be there...so it’ll be like if alphys inexplicably had the purple soul. Sure.)
Area: ??? (I think church) | Waterfall (The church could work well for a Waterfall callback since Waterfall is where you learn of the Delta Rune prophecy in Undertale...and also it’s already been set up that Noelle will likely be at church by the time of chapter 4. If you think “religion” is a weird dark world theme then I actually think it’ll be more about books in general.) Main boss: ??? | Undyne (I have no ideas on this front specifically. Maybe this one’ll be subtle or something.) “Secondary” boss: ??? | Undyne but The Undying this time (Ok my prediction on this is very specific I think it’ll be a darkner that looks like Gerson psuedo-reincarnated through the hammer that was buried at Gerson’s grave as a symbol of him being brought into the church. Because Gerson Undertale was once a war hero called the hammer of justice. The “undying” part is he would literally have un-died also if its a book world maybe you could get a “death of the author” joke in there. Very specific) Area: ??? | Snowdin (...I think it’s Ice-E’s Pizza. Only because of Ice-E. Literally only because of Ice-E.) Main boss: ??? | Papyrus (Absolutely no idea) “Secondary” boss and/or prominent character: ??? | ...the dogs are the minibosses of snowdin, but...the most prominent character other than the main boss for that area...is sans...again...What if there’s two sans. 
Area: ??? | Ruins (Asgore’s flower shop is my favorite guess for this because the flowers :) ) Main boss: ??? | Toriel(? Aw man it’s gonna be Divorce World) “Secondary” boss and/or prominent character: ??? | Napstablook? Flowey again because it fits the flower thing better? Could go anywhere really my reasoning lost steam as soon as i said we’re getting pizza world. But I still think we’re getting pizza world.
and then the 7th chapter doesn’t line up with any undertale area but cmon man thats the bunker its gotta be the bunker. or the entire town explodes or something but cmon man we gotta look at that bunker at some point.  but if you want to get a bit brave with it you could say the 7th chapter would line up with something that happened before the events of undertale by which i mean  Le gaster  of course
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cyberdragoninfinity · 3 years
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*wakes up* oh fuck i havent drawn Spamton NEO in a while *runs out into heavy traffic*
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lithiums-corner · 2 years
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TADAAAA say hi to my SNEO!!! (Lithium’s universe)
he might look goofy and friendly but while he is (mildly) stable in this form, he is prone to biting and being evil and so forth (and so is his [[HeartAttack]] critter, for that matter)
some more info under the read more!
because he’s had the company of Lithium (his adopted daughter), he’s not as unstable as he could be but he absolutely still has a lot wrong with him (like when he’s overwhelmed by the power of NEO and tries to kill everyone!!! [[Fun For The Whole Family]])
after he gets the NEO upgrade, Lithium also McFreakin’ loses it because she thought that she lost him forever and that was like, the last straw for her strained sanity
(in this universe, Lithium has a hand in getting the EmptyDisk and manages to sneak in and snag it before Kris does, not knowing what would happen when her and Kris go down to the basement later on)
but. there’s something else that happens as well. Gamma (Lithium’s Spamton) can puppetize people when he’s empowered with NEO. unfortunately, there’s an accident and he ends up puppeting Lithium during the NEO fight. Lithium doesn’t remember it happening until much later, though...
his size varies but i think he’s close to 16 feet tall if i had to put a number on it
he desperately wants to escape the darkness with his daughter so they can experience freedom together and see all the things :( even if it means losing himself completely to madness and chaos and power
also his strings are not wires connected from a power source to the NEO body, rather they’re manifestations of power already within him and are what’s keeping him alive
if you snap his strings, you essentially kill him unless you can get him a new power source (which will enrage Lithium =) don’t kill him.)
there’s more but i’ve rambled enough LMFAO if you want to know more you can always send me asks,,, 👉👈
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pearlyscribbles · 2 years
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Did a lil height chart to see if I'm capable of consistency
(spoiler: I'm not)
just head canons for the characters I guess, don't mind my OC in there- mostly just made this for personal reference but ended up kinda liking it
Also a good excuse to show off my squishy sneo. His wings are different because I like him being asymmetrical, I feel like it fits his whole vibe.
Just some OC lore garbage under the cut
Be warned; there is a lot. And it's boring.
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Was working on the gasterfyuroc thingy (that I'll get back around to doing later maybe) and got some ideas for backstory.
But basically Adrianne is a blind (and momentarily mute) lil guy, spamton funsize kinda deal, and is stuck in a small room with only one access point. a grate on the ceiling leading into a busy street. He is constantly teased with the light sounds of freedom above. He is driven to madness by his inability to perceive or interact with the world above him and some eldritch force takes advantage of this.
details get kinda fuzzy here but basically, he is transported outside by this force and makes contact with a lightner. The force goes to encourage him to take the light but he's already on his feet towards the energy of the lightners soul and proceeds to brutally end this poor things life and scrambles to absorb its soul.
I don't really know what effect a lightner soul would have on a darkner so I'm just working with the monster and human circumstances in Undertale, aka godlike power.
I took some creative liberties with it clearly, but the soul makes Adrianne more complete? It "fixes" his speakers allowing him to vocalise through songs and small snippets of audio.
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disastrouslyyours · 3 years
Please explain your spamton playlist 💔 I'm honestly curious
Oh no bestie, you've activated my trap card. Here is a link to a youtube version if you're curious for the full list. I'm gonna detail some of my personal faves under the cut.
Notes: playlist is in no particular order bc I add songs as I hear them/think of them. Different songs can represent different iterations of Spam. I tried to include my favorite example for each Spam, but you are welcome to ask me about literally any song on this list!!
1. Leave Me Alone by IDKHow
IDKHow is my #1 Spamton-adjacent band, as I call it. This an all in one Spamton song! I imagine it to follow him from the end of his Big Shot era to the NEO transformation. There are so many good lyrics, lemme outline them real quick:
“Big shot, so what? Do you wanna pretend? You took the money but the money couldn’t buy a friend.” Self explanatory. Even tho he wasn’t in it for the money (just the freedom), he did lose his friends lmao. Illustrates the end of his Big Shot era.
“You’re a big shot here but nobody else knows. Now I want you to leave me alone.” The titular lyric is of course a reference to the phone calls.
“Mad as a hatter with the dagger in the dollar sign” A decent summary of dumpster Spam.
“And when the sun comes up you’ll find a brand new god.” This marks his NEO transformation.
2. Toes by Glass Animals
This is a SNEO song all the way. I imagine him singing it as he grapples with the realization that his new body did not free him from his strings. I’ll highlight key lyrics again:
“And all I ever want
Is just a little love
I said in purrs under the palms
And all I ever want is breaking me apart
I said to the thing that I once was
I'm a man, I'm a twisted fool
My hands are twisted too
Five fingers, two black hooves
I'm a man, don't spin me a lie
Got toes and I can smile
I'm crooked but upright”
like are you KIDDING me!! thats sneo in a nutshell baybeeee
3. Animal by Sir Chloe
This is a Big Shot Spam song. I want to fuck him ooooh my god I want to fuck him senseless.
“I tried to love you but you’re not my type. Tried to pretend but it just don’t feel right to be your #1.” I am so down bad for big shot spam it’s horrendous. But I know deep down in my heart he would have too big of an ego for me to actually fall in love with him. But I don’t need that, I just need him to “make me behave like an animal.” 😇
4. Touch Tone Telephone by Lemon Demon
Modern day/dumpster Spam!! Mans has lost his absolute mind and you’re the only one who can help him.
“I try to call you every day
I'm rehearsing what to say when the truth comes out (of my very own mouth)
I've been working on a unified theory
If I make it through tonight, everybody's gonna hear me out
'Cause I'm the right one
On my touch-tone, touch-tone telephone
I'm the only one
On your AM, AM radio”
Like he needs YOU to listen to him and help him, Lightner!
I’ll stick to just these for now but feel free to ask me for my personal takes on any of the other songs on the list!! Thank you for the space to ramble, Anon. ❤️✨
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krizs-main · 3 years
I’ve been thinking about your Spamton NEO for the past 6 hours and I’m partially mad about it but at the same time I’m glad he’s living rent free in my brain
I don't think I ever posted my regular neo here before, going to assume you mean the uh SNEO miser as I christened him
Very honored to be taking over your brain regardless, have a drawing of regular sneo
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e2blogengine · 5 years
Live @ Open To Close 2020
Wow, Open To Close last Saturday was on fire! I feel very grateful for being able to play the music I love and get such an amazing response from the crowd for every track and twist I played during this 6-hour set. Thank you everyone for your support, dances, and smiles ❤️ Also, a massive thanks to Rave People team for making it happen.
For those who weren’t able to join us that night, here’s my full 6-hour set available on SoundCloud to stream and download. Enjoy
0:00:00 Matter, Universal Harmonics — Re Entry (Original Mix) Particles 0:06:20 Golan Zocher, Mila — Shush (Alex O’Rion Deep Dub Mix) Clubsonica Records 0:10:01 Anton Maiko — Luna (Original Mix) Deepersense Music 0:14:44 Sealine, Stereo Underground — Flashes (Gai Barone Remix) FSOE UV 0:18:56 Matter — Indica (Original Mix) Replug 0:24:09 Dosem — All Locations (Original Mix) Anjunadeep 0:27:48 Collective States — Azumi (Original Mix) Selador 0:30:57 Chris Sterio — Zen (Matter Remix) Balkan Connection 0:35:37 D-Nox, Kalil — Stingray (Paul Thomas & White-Akre Remix) FSOE UV 0:40:18 Daniel Lesden — Breaking From The Shadows (Original Mix) JOOF Recordings 0:44:58 ID — ID JOOF Recordings 0:50:55 Andre VII, Jaaw — 303XX (Original Mix) Sincopat 0:55:34 Andromedha — Perpetuum (Original Mix) JOOF Aura 0:59:10 Rick Pier O’Neil — Tys (Original Mix) Forescape Digital 1:02:00 Cyan Aura — Distortion (Original Mix) IbogaTech 1:06:38 Dosem — Evidence (Original Mix) Truesoul 1:08:41 Pete K, Walden — Gotten (Extended Mix) Release Deep 1:12:48 Monococ — Dark Warrior (Original Mix) Cerebro 1:15:25 Nosh & SJ — 17.17 (Ziger Remix) Eat My Hat Music 1:20:02 Emok, MVMB — Pathfinders (Original Mix) IbogaTech 1:24:39 Ettica — The Serenity (Original Mix) JOOF Recordings 1:28:25 Mr Bizz — Big Clean (Spektre Remix) Natura Viva 1:32:39 Marco Bailey, Tom Hades — Bonistia (Original Club Mix) Toolroom Records 1:37:00 Andre Sobota — Lost Cause (Original Mix) Zerothree 1:42:22 Damian Mazzeo — Recollections (Subandrio Remix) Massive Harmony Records 1:46:59 Draso — Strum (Cid Inc Remix) Wide Angle Recordings 1:52:21 Fuenka — Sirius (Original Mix) FSOE UV 1:56:58 Dylhen — Genesis (Extended Mix) FSOE UV 2:01:33 Estiva — The Maze (Extended Mix) Statement Records 2:07:32 Grum — U (Original Mix) Anjunabeats 2:10:35 Dulcet — Truffle Hustle (Original Mix) Techburst Records 2:14:39 Relaunch — Night Train (Techno Edit) Bonzai 2:18:58 Sohn — The Wheel (F-Act Bootleg) 2:24:07 Union Jack — Cactus (Jonno Brien Remix) Platipus Records 2:27:54 Ronnie Spiteri — Rough Rider (Original Mix) Tronic 2:32:10 Monococ — Tornado Road (Original Mix) VapourTrail Records 2:36:56 Andrea Frisina, Slackers Project & Pirania — Wave Of Madness (Alex Di Stefano Remix) Gate Null Recordings 2:41:27 NHB, Sisko Electrofanatik — My Black Line (Original Mix) Binary404 2:45:26 Umek — Ravaged (Original Mix) 1605 2:49:42 Bakke, Gaudium — Misophonia (Original Mix) Iboga Records 2:54:26 Hollen, Mr Bizz — Parthenope (Original Mix) Prospekt Records 2:58:04 Heerhorst — I Feel It (Original Mix) Redrum Music 3:03:04 Durante, Enamour — Taos Hum (Original Mix) This Never Happened 3:07:06 ID — ID JOOF Recordings 3:10:06 Airwave, Phi Phi — A Breeze On the Nile (Philthy Chit & Superlifter Remix) Bonzai 3:15:06 Enamour — Catalyst (Extended Mix) Zerothree 3:18:21 Andy Ling — Fixation (Relaunch Remix) Lost Language 3:22:21 Rolo Green — Music Saved Me (Extended Mix) mau5trap 3:26:21 Rodg — Tell On Me (Extended Mix) Zerothree 3:30:26 Kalden Bess — Cold (Original Mix) Phobiq 3:33:42 Anza Off, Sopik — Air Force (I’Gor Remix) JOOF Recordings 3:39:12 Tkno — Nameless Point (Original Mix) Selected Records 3:42:26 Roel Salemink — My Body Is My Temple (Nakadia Remix) Intec 3:45:27 Spartaque — Making Sense (Original Mix) Codex Recordings 3:48:56 Loco & Jam — Cell Structure (Original Mix) Octopus Records 3:52:11 Kaiser Souzai — Zug Der Liebe (Fifteen Bullets Rehab) Ballroom Records 3:55:42 Desna, Metodi Hristov — Call If Found (Original Mix) Set About 4:00:09 Dino Maggiorana, Sisko Electrofanatik — Desolate (Original Mix) AnalyticTrail 4:05:48 In Verruf — Too Much DMT (Original Mix) R Label Group 4:10:03 Christian Cambas — Drop Out (Original Mix) Autektone Records 4:14:29 Jay Lumen — Razor (Original Mix) Drumcode 4:18:55 Spektre — Opus (Original Club Mix) Toolroom Records 4:23:21 Gabriel D’Or & Bordoy — Tasio 25 (Original Mix) Selected Records 4:26:03 Tom Laws — Crazy (Spartaque Remix) Loose Records 4:30:15 Drunken Kong — A New Light (Original Mix) Tronic 4:34:55 Dok & Martin — Synthetic (Original Mix) VapourTrail Records 4:39:21 Leo Lippolis — Drone (Original Mix) Throne Room Records 4:44:31 K-Hate, Roby M Rage — Floating (Original Mix) Dreizehn Schallplatten 4:46:00 Shaun Mauren — My Dream (Eric Sneo Remix) Naked Lunch 4:49:08 Rudosa — Behind The Lens (Original Mix) Underground Audio 4:54:03 Bruno Aguirre — Alarming Situation (Original Mix) AnalyticTrail 4:58:00 Carara, Kreisel — Model CK89 (Original Mix) VapourTrail Records 5:02:55 Klangkuenstler — Supernova (Original Mix) Outworld 5:07:36 Mycer — Das Tier (Heerhorst Remix) Not Equal Records 5:11:02 Gary Burrows — Programme Of Control (Tom Laws Remix) Eclipse Records 5:14:48 Jens Lissat — Brothers on Acid & Sisters in Love (Original Mix) Studio3000 Records 5:18:29 Darmec — Oxygenic (Original Mix) Eclipse Records 5:22:55 Don Ruijgrok — Awake (Original Mix) JOOF Recordings 5:24:34 Beico & Mt93 — Kosmos (Original Mix) Suara Records 5:30:07 Transcode — Eternal Gateway (Original Mix) Prospekt Records 5:35:00 DJ Ralph — Bobun The Drum (Cosmonaut Remix) 852 Recordings 5:37:56 Cj Bolland, The Advent — Camargue 2019 (Enrico Sangiuliano Remix) Drumcode 5:42:49 Nineteen Sines — Keys (Original Mix) JOOF Mantra 5:46:46 Brennen Grey — Les Dieux (Original Mix) Respekt Recordings 5:49:22 Awex — It’s Our Future (Asys Alternative Acid Remix) Plastic City 5:53:55 John 00 Fleming — Healing (Original Mix) JOOF Recordings
Источник: Daniel Lesden Blog - Live @ Open To Close 2020. Опубликовано с помощью IFTTT.
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ultrastacion · 7 years
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((AHORA de 17 a 19 Hrs VET)) Episodio Estreno de Global DJ Broadcast #July 13 2017 Markus Schulz World Tour #TuneIn http://ultrastacion.com #Venezuela #NowPlaying #NowOnAir @markusschulz Tracklist: Markus Schulz (Recorded Live from Dreams Festival Afterparty at Uniun in Toronto - July 8th 2017) 01. Clint Stewart - Breathe (Timmo Rework) 02. Push - Universal Nation (Arkham Knights Remix) 03. Monika Kruse meets Pig&Dan - Get Me On 04. Markus Schulz presents Dakota & Koen Groeneveld - Mota-Mota 05. Kaiserdisco & Karotte (Official Fanpage) - Mauve 06. Julian Jeweil - Techno Corner (Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction) 07. Remy Unger - Feel the Force 08. Adana Twins - Uncompromising 09. Konstantin Sibold - Mutter (Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction) 10. Arkham Knights - Afterworld 11. Pleasurekraft - Bellatrix (Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction) 12. Age of Love - The Age of Love (Koen Groeneveld Remix vs. Wippenberg Remix / Markus Schulz Edit) 13. Andres Campo - Blind Call (Pig&Dan Remix) 14. Bart Claessen & Raz Nitzan presents Who.Is - Only Totally 15. Markus Schulz presents Dakota - In Search of Something Better 16. Thomas Schumacher - Falling 17. Gabriel Moraes - Die Hцlle 18. Gregor Tresher - The Kraken 19. Enrico Sangiuliano vs. Hertz - Start of Madness 20. ID 21. Radio Slave (Official) featuring Danton Eeprom - Grindhouse (Arkham Knights Remix) 22. Sam Paganini - Labyrinth (Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction) 23. ID 24. Eric Sneo & Christian Smith - Loaded Dice 25. Underworld & Michael Woods vs. Arno Cost & Norman Doray - Always Loved an Apocalypse (Markus Schulz Mashup)
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cyberdragoninfinity · 3 years
so it’s been *checks watch* some four months since deltarune chapter 2 came out, and i am STILL constantly thinking about the Spamton NEO fight, and especially constantly thinking about just how... really, really cool the entire lead up to it is, how those first few minutes preceding the actual combat rattle up your emotions like a soda can and then pop the cap. It is, genuinely, I think one of my favorite preludes to a boss fight ever.
you’ve got the inherent eeriness of the mansion basement (“Digital Roots” such an underrated track off the OST imo, it’s SO absolutely unsettling ESPECIALLY with the weird creaky train sounds in the background), the tenseness of putting the disc in the machine and getting Nothing. The fruitless tapping/rattling/kicking the machine. The total dead quiet as even the soundtrack flees the scene. The horror movie dread that, well, something is obviously about to happen...
then you step outside and get slammed with Spamton’s new look and oh he is HOLLERING about FREEDOM and H E A V E N and you’re stuck there just like WHOA, HELLO??!??! up until Susie and Ralsei show up and the whole thing just flies into high gear, the incredible kinetic energy of the whole boss fight is revealed with the train cars, and then--! and THEN!!
the Soul pops up. the Soul turns sideways. the SOUL CHANGES COLOR FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE WHOLE GAME AND THE PAYOFF OF THE “BIG SHOT” ARC WORDS COMES CRASHING IN SPECTACULAR FASHION. god that bit makes me go wild!!!! it’s so GOOD!!!!
and then like you couldn’t get any MORE hyped up, you get hit with “[Heaven] are you WATCHING?” (<--Spamton lines that make me go bananas), you get hit with his frenzied horrible cackling, and then the battlefield opens up, you see the bizarro spamtown in the distance, and you get hit directly with the oncoming train that is the sweeping, Final Fantasy-ass orchestral opening notes of BIG SHOT. And then you are OFF to the goddamn races, and it is GREAT.
the whole experience really well and truly feels like you’re strapping into a roller coaster and about to go plunging down that first hill. it kicks ass, and i LOVE it.
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loveletterworm · 3 years
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did you know he is a cat 
kind of mad because this was just going to be a file of shitty doodles again but then i somehow spent like an hour and a half on the second thing i drew and it accidentally was really good except i drew it in the corner so it cuts off the wing like that and going back to make it not do that would be really annoying and look bad. but at least i finally figured out how to draw sneo kinda
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