#snicker bar
benchwarming · 7 months
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me: i gotta stop calling tk a little guy
universe: lol look at this little guy
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protosymphonette · 3 months
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snackrolling the mojavelicious fillmost caramakel you satiswish for a nuclear whunger!
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nyankoizumi · 2 years
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Looking at each other with their autistic eldritch horrors eyes
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daily-deliciousness · 11 months
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Snickers trifle
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shimmershy · 10 months
Deranged idea
Chara in one of those fuckin brand snuggies, like a Dr pepper or a chocolate one
Maybe I'm sleep deprived idk why this is so funny to me
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Yeah no this is hilarious. I knew snuggies were a thing but I didn't know there were ones that just had brands on them and honestly that's so funny to me. I don't understand why you'd want a wearable blanket with a food/drink brand on it. I mean if your love for Cheetos is so strong you want it to keep you warm at night then sure. Sure I mean I guess. Who's going to stop you?
Anyway there wasn't actually a Snickers one I just made it up. I know it's hard to tell because. Because my branded clothing design here is so believable and authentic. My editing is so unbelievably superb. Sorry I'm having too much fun with this. Here's Chara with a Snickers snuggie. Either they genuinely like Snickers that much or they think the idea's so dumb it wound back around and became funny.
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fullcravings · 8 months
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V/GF Snickers Cookie Bars
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mouseshift · 2 years
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hollow mind drives me insane btw
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bekkandaa · 3 months
thank you for your analysis of him!! it's very interesting. especially the part where you mentioned him being a romantic because he's objectively perceived as a cold, cruel, emotionally unavailable person (which he was) but he clearly found grandiose motivations and purposes to justify his crimes. how self-aware do you think he was? and if he was made aware of the outcome of his quest for power, would he do it nonetheless? realistically what would it take for him to have a moral crisis or question his values? was he aromantic and repulsed by human connection by nature or did he actively suppress whatever humanity was left...or maybe just try to be perceived as not needing it? sorry for asking so many questions. i could spend hours attempting to unravel tom's psyche.
thanks in advance
Hello Anon! Thank you for your questions. I want to address the first few in a different post, because I have a few different answers I want to discuss and don't want this post to run on forever. Is Tom Riddle Aromantic?
Before we delve into the intricacies of Tom Riddle's capacity for Romantic love, it is important for me to mention that we'll be disregarding the plot point of his inability to love due to his parents' love potion thing. Instead, our focus will be purely on his psyche and the effect that has on his ability to love. ( Because that's what this blog is for, and the whole love potion thing is silly in my humble opinion)
To address whether Riddle's beliefs and upbringing contribute to an aromantic disposition, I think we first have to consider his own capacity for romantic love. I'll be discussing his capacity for romantic love through the fact of his narcissism, a topic I've explored before here.
Riddle's psychology can largely be understood through the lens of pathological narcissism. While all humans present a public façade, for a pathological narcissist, the gap between this façade and their concealed self is particularly stark. Riddle's charm was a strategic tool to attract admirers who could feed his sense of self. This façade protects the false self from exposure, maintaining his grandiose self-image and fuelling his delusions.
Emotional intimacy is typically outside a narcissist's comfort zone as they are disconnected from their true feelings, driven instead by the need to uphold their grandiose persona. Narcissists often idealise their partners' admirable qualities, using them as a mirror for their own grandiosity. In this context, love becomes a means to an end—a way to support their self-image, making romantic love a form of supply for a narcissist.
Narcissists possess many qualities such as social confidence, likability, and charm, which are optimal for initiating relationships. However, these are coupled with traits like low empathy, a tendency to use others to maintain their false self-image, and overall self-centeredness, which are destructive to functional relationships. A narcissist's partner is usually objectified, unable to retain their own autonomy within the relationship. If the partner shatters the narcissist's illusion, they may become the target of contempt for disrupting the narcissist's grandiose perception they created of their partner. Essentially, the goal of such a relationship is the complete obliteration of the partner's autonomy.
Despite these challenges, it is important to recognise that narcissists can and do love, although their love sometimes differs from a healthy, unconditional relationship. Following this logic, Riddle is capable of romantic love, but it would most likely be an unhealthy relationship where his partner is more objectified than valued as a person.
Having established Riddle's capacity for love, we return to the question of his potential aromanticism. Possible reasons include:
Repulsion by human connection by nature Active suppression of any remaining humanity Intentional portrayal of himself as above human needs
While I do not believe Riddle was innately repulsed by human connection from birth, he likely developed this repulsion through his upbringing. His identity and beliefs were deeply intertwined with his blood status. Discovering his ancestry to Salazar Slytherin inflated his ego and sense of self, fuelling his delusions about an "idealised parent image." However, learning about his Muggle father shattered these notions, inducing an identity crisis and internal conflict. This conflict manifested in his actions, such as punishing his father and changing his name.
Rejection by the family he sought further shattered his grandiose self-image, deepening his mental breakdown. This rejection likely made him feel repulsed by the human connection he sought, leading him to view himself as above such needs. Despite his heritage being a construct to fuel his false-self, the search for a parent and creation of an "idealised parent image" is common among children lacking parental figures. This behaviour signifies Riddle's inherent humanity and need for connection, which he suppressed following the shattering of his idealised image.
According to Freud, human behaviour is more influenced by the unconscious mind rather than the conscious one. The unconscious mind, filled with painful memories, tries to protect the conscious mind by hiding them, influences attitudes, behaviours, and character. For Riddle, the painful memories of his corrupted heritage resurfaced, despite his unconscious mind's attempts to hide them. He then attempted to eradicate his past self, exemplified by his transformation into Lord Voldemort and his agenda concerning blood status.
This brings us to the final point: in eradicating his past, Riddle attempted to portray himself as devoid of human needs through his new persona, Lord Voldemort. ( in all honesty he done the opposite by doing that, just really announced his fear of his own humanity and his disgust of it.)
These points, stemming from his past, suggest that Riddle is most likely aromantic. While he is capable of love, albeit in an unhealthy way, he sees himself above the need for it and suppresses any potential need under the guise of repulsion due to the rejection he faced. TLDR : Tom Riddle is in fact Aromantic, and that was more or less caused by him getting his feelings hurt and choosing to suppress / act like he does not need humanity at all. Just going back to Anon at the beginning talking about how Riddle was a romantic, (which he was, it's a universal fact at this point) I do think it's hilarious how he chose the most 'teenage girl' items for his horcruxes. Diary boy really wanted to go all out and I can respect it.
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quackysmackk · 5 months
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Angy lil creature
Angy lil creature indeed
He was busy dealing with a “situation”
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lysershine · 5 months
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Okay since @outdatedprometheus posted art with my AM design in it he’s officially going public. I’m not sure I’m done tweaking it yet but. Look at my little wasp man (ft. a teeny tiny version of my android HAL-9000 design)
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porschesbabydaddy · 11 months
Maybe if Ai Di didn’t want to get manhandled all the time, he should consider not being so manhandle-able
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saetoru · 1 year
wouldn’t it be so funny if gojo was allergic to peanuts like nothing can hurt him except a peanut butter and jelly sandwich like he would be ultimate loser if that were the case
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nefja · 4 months
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We went to the big flea market in town today for about 2.5h and Nefja was a perfect little angel (as expected). People gave her space and didn't try to touch her without asking 😌
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Snickers pancakes
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aster1a-star · 2 months
ana on her way to maim her child
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This was an attack on my bestie @cyrophobia RAAH
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fullcravings · 11 months
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Leftover Halloween Candy Cookie Bars
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