#snk smartpass content
her0-1n · 5 months
I (tried to) made a comic about snk short stories "Good night, dear sweet dreams" of Marco Bodt, I hope I can make also other stories.... I posted the full version on Patreon, let me know if you like it!
Thank @snk-smartpass for the eng version!
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lostcauses-noregrets · 8 months
Hii Lost! I just want to thank you for everything you have done and are still doing for the eruri community. Every time I get discouraged from a bad experience with the fans, it's you, your posts, and your fics that keep me going (Momtaku, too. I miss her :( ) . Now, I have a question. Is aot tactics game canon? Are we to take anything mentioned there as an addition to canon?
This is so weird. I can see this ask on the tumblr app, but it isn't in my inbox on desktop. I usually only answer asks on desktop so I wonder how many others I've missed that only show up in the app??
Anyway, I'm glad I caught this ask because I wanted to say thank you for your kind words, which I'll also pass on to @momtaku ♡
In answer to your question I'd say that this is definitely a case of YMMV. Everyone has a different opinion of what constitutes canon. I tend to see canon as a sliding scale that goes something like this: SnK manga, official guide books & interviews with Isayama, anime & OVAs, Smartpass content, other officially sanctioned content including Tactics and other games.
I know there are fans who regard the manga as the only canon content but I think it's important not to disregard the Answers Guidebook and Character Guides. They were written by Isyama with good reason and the date of their publication was not coincidental. The Answers Guidebook was published the same week as chapter 84 and provided a wealth of detail about Erwin and Levi's relationship, among other things.
The Smartpass content tends to get overlooked these days, but it's really worth delving into as it includes lots of really lovely stories and "interviews" that give real depth to the characters. You can find Smartpass translations on @yusenki's blog (X), @momtaku's (X) and @tsuki-no-ura's (X).
Tactics content is harder to come by but I've just discovered that some fabulous nerds have posted *everything* on reddit. Bless them. The "Attack on Titan: Tactics" Complete Archive.
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ngocdancamille · 2 years
''Armin & Connie: S’abriter de la pluie” (SNK Shorts Stories - Traduction FR)
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A Shelter from the rain, Vol. 04 Armin Arlert & Connie Springer
Une petite traduction non-officielle faite de ma patte. Les short-stories (Smartpass) sont des histoires courtes officielles approuvées et relues par Hajime Isayama. Elles sont publiées dans une application japonaise ‘‘AU’‘.
Source: https://snk-smartpass.tumblr.com/post/188473199629/shelter-from-the-rain-vol-04-armin-arlert
- Par ici, Connie!
Les nuages qui avaient recouvert la ville en début d’après-midi, prirent en ampleur et devinrent gris, pour soudainement dévoiler une averse. Les deux jeunes hommes qui faisaient leurs emplettes au marché, coururent pour s’abriter sous un bâtiment qu’ils trouvèrent au fond d’une ruelle. 
- Hé, Armin, ça devrait bientôt s’éclaircir, non?  - Oui… Les nuages se déplacent vite.
Armin pointa du doigt le ciel, où les nuages défilaient. Or, à côté de lui, Connie regardait tout autre chose. 
- Regarde ces petits morveux… - Ils ont l’air de déborder d’énergie… 
Ils purent entendre les enfants s’exclamer de joie tandis qu’ils gambadaient innocemment sous la pluie soudaine. 
- Ça doit être bien… 
Armin et Connie se regardèrent après que ces mots soient sortis de leur bouche en même temps.
- Pourquoi tu dis ça?  - Et toi, pourquoi tu dis ça?  - Hé bien… répondit Armin, détournant le regard tandis que la pluie battait contre le toit. Je n’étais pas le genre d’enfant qui jouait avec les autres. Voilà pourquoi. 
Armin était perçu comme un dissident lorsqu’il était petit. Il s’intéressait à ce qui se situait au-delà des murs, et lorsqu’il essayait d’en parler aux autres enfants, il finissait par se faire rejeter et harceler par ces derniers.
En écoutant son histoire, Connie fut grandement surpris. 
- J’étais persuadé que tu étais populaire vu que tu es intelligent.  - Et qu’est-ce qu’il en était pour toi, Connie?  - Je me faisais aussi harceler dans mon village parce que j’étais bête et petit. Connie se gratta le nez et regarda les enfants. Et je suis vraiment stupide. Ils m’ont même abandonné dans les bois à l’extérieur du village, en pensant que je n’arriverais pas à retrouver le chemin du retour.
- Et tu as réussi?
- Je n’y suis pas arrivé… A ce moment-là, il a commencé à pleuvoir d’un coup, tout comme aujourd’hui… Je me suis perdu, et j’étais trempé. Je me suis mis à pleurer.
Alors que la pluie s'intensifiait, les enfants qui jouaient commencèrent à prendre refuge sous un toit. 
- Ma mère est finalement venue me chercher. J’ai honte de dire ça, mais… - Pour moi aussi… C’était pareil, renchérit Armin. Il vit les enfants se rassembler afin de s’occuper d’un de leur ami qui avait attrapé froid. C’était un jour de pluie… et je ne pouvais pas bouger car on m’avait frappé. Mais Eren et Mikasa étaient venus me récupérer et nous étions rentrés tous les trois sous le même parapluie. J’avais tellement honte à l’époque, mais… 
Armin leva les yeux. 
- Maintenant que j’y repense, ils me prouvaient qu’ils étaient mes amis. Je suis content de ne pas avoir décliné leur aide.  - Oh. Donc j’aurai dû voir que ma mère me montrait qu’elle tenait à moi, mmh.  - Oui… sans doute. Armin opina du chef puis observa le ciel. Les épais nuages se dispersaient, et se reflétaient dans ses yeux.
- Et si on y allait? On dirait qu’il va s’arrêter de pleuvoir.  - Hé… - Qu’est-ce qu’il y a? Demanda Armin, qui regarda Connie rire, de façon perplexe.  - Pour être tout à fait honnête, je pensais qu’on avait rien en commun, toi et moi. Je n’ai pas pu m’empêcher de rire.  - Vu de cette façon, c’est vrai. Armin gloussa à son tour. 
Tandis que la pluie s’estompait, la radieuse fin de journée assécha le sol pavé, puis illumina les deux jeunes hommes qui regagnaient la ville en courant. 
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momtaku · 3 years
Hi I just recently found out about SNK Smartpass, I have googled a lot about it but I still don't know what exactly it is (from what I've read just some semi-canon stories approved by Yams) and if there is a way to read those stories outside of Japan. Could u expand a bit more on this? Also do you know where I can read the one about Porco? Thanks a lot
Hi there!
The best source for general information about the smartpass is here. I also have plenty of information on my own blog including the Icons, Calendars, Stamps,  Wallpapers  and some of the stories that were shared as part of the promotion over the years, but I've long since lost track of it all. The best source these days is the@snk-smartpass blog. They are focused on organizing the stories and trying to share the english versions.
I hadn't heard there is one about Porco. Maybe someone can correct me but I think all the stories so far have focused entirely on Paradis characters. But if there is one, maybe @snk-smartpass can let you know.
Thanks for the ask! Good luck finding your information!
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Au Smartpass Shingeki no Kyojin Mission Panel Wallpaper October 2017
“It hurts, it hurts.I know that. But even so, we need to move forward.”   - Hange Zoe, SnK Chapter 84
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julystorms · 7 years
do you know where i could read all of the snk au smartass stories?
I have no idea how to find half of the smartpass stories out there; there are a lot of different posters/translators, and some of their blogs have been deactivated.
That said, there are a few here. There might be some here, too. And some more of them are here. 
Ahh and here’s one. And some more.
And here’s a list.
One of the translators (worldofchicken) changed blogs and I think deleted their content, so there are a lot of smartpass stories whose translations miiight no longer be available online? 
Feel free to reblog and chime in with more links, guys.
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warm-starlight · 2 years
Do you sometimes feel like Levihan doesn't have this depth of romantic vibes compared to Eruri and Rivetra? I'm still a bit sad that there's no Levihan song when Eruri has "Midnight Sun" by Cinema staff and Rivetra has "The Light Of Two Wings" by Linked Horizon. Plus both Eruri and Rivetra got Valentine's day and White day official content but Levihan only got Levi making chocolate for Hange in AoT tactics for Valentine's. I'm a bit jealous fr...
Ok, first: source that Midnight sun is about Eroori? It's not even officially part of SnK, only inspired by it. It is also stated to be about the *author's feelings towards a character*, not *one character's feelings towards another.*
Second: The other song talks about Petra's feelings towards Levi and how his presence made her feel. We know that Petra may have had a schoolgirl's crush on Levi that her comrades teased her about (in smartpass Au as well). Was it a serious affection or mature love? I sincerely doubt it. I think it's similar to what Moblit felt towards Hange and what Hange felt towards Shadis.
We recently also got a video of "call your name" which referenced both Eremika and Levihan (with bird and plane symbolism) and you know how the lyrics go
"I'm crying missing my lover....."
So yeah. That said, i only consider Canon sources when thinking about my ship, so no, i am not jealous in the slightest.
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reikasart · 4 years
SnK spin offs details for Rivamika shippers
A compilation that I thought I didn't need but I really do!
Most of these catches are not mine but from the most advanced rivamika shippers. Thanks to all of them!!!! ˶⚈Ɛ⚈˵
I just need all this info to be in a place where I could find it
1. Audio Drama “Survey Corps’ Special Appreciation Party Squad - Operation: Hospitality”
 Mikasa being the most observant one when it comes to her Captain:
"Mikasa: More importantly than not moving his chopsticks, Captain hasn’t even taken a bite.
Eren: Please eat without reservations, Captain! Now…
Levi: Too bad, I don’t feel like eating anything after expeditions, somehow they always make me lose my appetite. Sorry, I should have told you guys before.
Mikasa: Eren, he’s lying. Captain Levi always has his meals together with Commander Erwin after every expedition.
Levi: Tch…
Mikasa: It’s true, plus the captain would know how we gathered these ingredients, and that’s why he’s being careful with our feelings and told those lies..." ...
2. Audio Drama “Captain Levi vs. Mikasa: Raging Cleaning Battle!” 
Mikasa being as meticulous for cleaning as Levi, according to Eren:
"Levi: A room is covered with more cracks and crevices than your brain is… And dust. Loves. Those crevices. The crevices in the table and the crevices in the dresser, the crevices that appear when you open a drawer, the crevices in the metal fixtures on the door… in crevices  like those crevices… dust has gathered. [wipes a finger through dust] Look. I’m talking about these…
Eren: (He’s so meticulous…Almost like Mikasa.)"...
Also Mikasa giving Levi the happiest moment of his life (when Isayama, when?):
"Levi: How many thousands of times have I cleaned up to now? My life has been spent cleaning. You could say my life is cleaning. And yet, I had never cleaned to my heart’s content as much as I did today…That I could was all thanks to your friend….Hey, Eren’s Friend. You’d understand, right? The refreshing feeling of having cleaned to your heart’s content." ...
3. Short Stories - Classroom Learning Time -”The Streets of Corruption”:
Levi referring to the East Sea People even when they shouldn’t have known about it at this story timeline
“That’s right. Before the wall was broken, the rich with distasteful interests, people… like your old friend who is an ‘East Sea person’, those people with rare hair or eye colour, (and so on,) there was a black market to buy such persons with money.”
4. Levi’s Smartpass AU “Close up Report Outtake Interview”:
Mikasa refering to Levi and their clan where it's said they ARE NOT relatives
Read the whole thing please
5. Spoof on Titan - Chapter 8:
Showing mutual concern when it comes to injuries
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6. SnK Junior High Manga Chapter 14:
Mikasa being the only one who isn't afraid of telling him some “things”
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7. SnK Junior High Manga Chapter 45:
Levi being very observant when nobody knew his wife Mikasa was injured ;)
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and then taking her place :D 
(this picture is cropped and paste to sum up the point)
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8. 4Koma:
Mikasa being a biggest fan of Levi that she even created nicknames for each of his batles techniques
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Mikasa blushing after Levi told her she was heavy XD 
(just ignore the rest...)
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9. SnK Junior High Anime:
Levi and Mikasa getting out of trouble in their particular way XD (ackerparallels)
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Levi saving Mikasa from Armin’s room heat
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Old habits never die
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I’m pretty sure there must be more out there!!! 
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ourmondobongo · 3 years
I have to say even though levihan was my favourite ship and probs the only I really cared about, I find it a little difficult to wholeheartedly be as into it because the more snk content I see the more unnecessarily rude, insulting and insensitive Levi seems to Hange and they don't deserve such treatment when all they've been towards him is kind. Like, I know Levi as a character is very much abrasive but he's been more empathetic to the rest of the main characters and even strangers.
This isn't ship hate, I don't even ship them with other characters and still love them but I just wish he was acting a little softer towards them. Isayama I think intended them to be romantic but up until the end he basically set them up as a good friendship a little onesided maybe. I am not sure if that's how he writes romance but, logically wouldnt the person who is in love be a little more.... indicative that they're in love? Even subtly like, lovey dovey Levi would be ooc yet still we know he's capable of showing emotion why exclude the one person you're supposed to be in love with? I know there are moments he's good to Hange but I guess personally him not insulting or cursing them would suffice enough. Sometimes I say he's the rudest to them because he loves them the most and in their world where dying is a frequent reoccurance it's just him trying to distance himself from them even if he loves them so their death won't hurt when it comes. But that's all headcanon, I wish isayama worked more on them two.
Yeah, I kind of understand what you mean...
I definitely agree that I really wish Isym had worked more on Levihan's relationship. It didn't even have to be romantic tbh - just seeing a bit of the last two living veterans sorting one or two things out together would show smoothly how they were still paired up with supporting each other as human beings and not only tools to achieve Paradis's freedom or the vow fulfillment. Unfortunately, Isym was running, and things ended up how they ended…
As for the "unnecessarily rude, insulting and insensitive Levi seems to Hange" snk content out there... I can’t really think of any other than the "hentai" line in the Erwin x Levi smartpass that really made no sense until Tsuki-no-ura explained a few things about Japanese language (and that explained he was not calling Hange "sexually perverted"). I'll come back to this later though.
Now, I don't know if my answer will help you or not, though, or make it worse for your heart, but I think it might give you a bit of perspective shift regarding the main purposes of Levihan creation. (And if you are a hard-core LH shipper, there goes my little warning that you might want to stop reading this post here…):
First and foremost, generally speaking, AOT is not a work focused on romance. In fact, AOT works on so many relevant philosophies and impactful Humanity's issues at the same time that I think seeing it end with Mikasa and her tragic romantic story with Eren is one of the many reasons why many of us got disappointed in the end. Until today, many of us still can't swallow down that all the disgrace of their World was due to Ymir in her freaking and cursed 2000 years of love obsession with a monster that never did a thing for her...
And so, as Isym doesn't seem to like much the common shoujo idea of people "destined to be" that normally the mangakas depict, I don't really think that Isym created Levihan intentionally to really be endgame romantic in the manga either. Because if it was, I feel like he would have dropped clear hints before 126. Like, there were many subtle opportunities open everywhere in the main manga - from a simple confirmation that Levi was wearing Hans's jacket, to a minuscule panel of a shared horseback ride after the RtS battle, or… well, anything believable and not contextually OOC. 
Instead - and using the most neutral reader lenses on -, Yams just mostly focused on their professionalism and commitment to their duties in the manga, and apparently let WIT and everyone else indulge in many other Levi ships without being more ``hey, look what Levi and Hanji have here!". At most, before 126, he left possible hints with open or multiple interpretations, including letting people read it as best friendship or adult comrades in army fighting for humanity side by side as the perfect complementary devoted to duty pair they are since chapter 9.5.
On the other hand, though, I personally feel like Isym did intend Levihan to be the ultimate endgame pair on the portrayal of real and ideal heroism philosophies and ideas Isym explored in AOT. They clearly were made the Wings of Freedom fully devoted to their duties to humanity - expressing the power of righteousness, of taking action, selflessness, dedication, self-sacrifice, and hope. Everything they did in the manga was always thinking for the sake of others. And in depicting it, Isym did a good job (though he could have been more clear sometimes, especially with Hans's narrative). 
Then, it's also nice to remember that Isym created Hans to be a unique character, with "mad scientist" and unhygienic "Titan otaku" vibes, mysterious background and no gender disclosed; this makes me think he was more interested in what their character would offer as playing the role of an eccentric (and comic) SC scientist than a "standard" possible romantic pair with Levi or anyone else. Of course, Levihan fits perfectly the "opposite attraction" theme, as we have the "clean-freak" and the "I don't have time to bath" workaholic one, the listener and the talkative, the brawl and the brain, etcetera. However, their main narratives were way, waaaay beyond this. Not to mention the depth of their bond...
As for Levi’s abrasiveness, yes, there are some times (and pretty much mostly on extra content) that do seem to leave an harsher tone in the way Levi treats Hans. The one which comes to my mind is the "hentai" original line in that smartpass between Erwin and Levi. That really baffled me because Erwin was right there exalting Hans's unique geniuses, and suddenly Levi seems to gratuitously call them "sexually perverted" - like what?? That makes absolutely no sense contextually nor like Levi?! And then Tsuki explained that in Japan there are other meanings to "hentai" other than the derogatory we non-Japanese speakers know. And it clicked to me - language/culture barrier is both a subtle and major issue in understanding how rudely Levi can express himself.
In fact, it is. By the many translations and explanations of words used in Japanese in Levi's text bubbles, the simple uses of "you" that he uses with many people (Erwin included) is expressed in a derogatory way, and that is completely lost in the English translations because English is really… simplistic. So it's not like Levi sounds only harsh with Hans - but more like many rough nuances of Levi's speeches seem to get lost in the adaptation to English/other languages, making his roughness to be clearer mostly when it is actually screaming clear. Which mostly happens when his personal translator, Hange!, is involved.
But to me, this Yams used to show that, in fact, not only Levi might be hard with words but it's not what he feels like, but that Hans is really good at understanding all kinds of people, interpreting their intentions and expressing them properly without bias or prejudice. Something that happens in chapter 127 too, as Hange calms Jean down after expressing the unspoken astonishment that Magath feels seeing that the Devil's of Paradis are trying to help save their worst enemies.
As for Levi’s character, I think Yams had not grasped how big of a character he would become also due to the cruel and unforgiving life he had in the Underground. The fact that most difficulties that Levi went through from childhood to adulthood were left to our imagination is what makes everything more heartbreaking and painful because we can only fill up the gaps of his life with the worst of the worst ideas. Humans are worse than animals. That Levi got out with such selflessness drive and precious heart from one of the dirtiest depths of Humanity’s man-made hell is something really from the exception of the exception of all the exceptions. But as no one comes out of an experience like that unscathed, Yams certainly saw Levihan's dynamic paired up perfectly again: before any romantic idea any reader might have, Hange treats Levi as a human being. 
So while Yams uses Hange's character to let Levi show this raw, harsh, and intrinsic Underground part of himself, it is always with Hans not feeling bad or judging Levi, and usually answering to the moment with a special type of kindness or going along with his shitty jokes. Interestingly too, is that for each time Levi seems to be rougher with Hans than the others, there are mostly worrisome situations happening, strong underneath feelings involved, or Yams trying to make them a comic duo. This is indeed an abnormal relationship dynamic that wouldn't be able to be explored if Hans weren't such an uplifting and understanding character, and if Levi had suddenly suppressed 25 or more years of rough life in the Underground to himself with no space to be a bit more exposed…
This all said… idk, I feel like there is a love root deep inside shipper hearts that wished to see a more smooth intimate depiction of Levihan's relationship that actually could be undoubtedly read as more definitive in their "love classification". But both Levi and Hanji were mature adults around their 30s, fighting maneater monsters and then the whole world for their people to have a chance to live in peace and some dignity. Their bond is much more built of many kinds of love than just the idea of one above the other. And as their quest in snk was NOT about romantic love being placed above what was right (like Mikasa and Ymir's quest), Isym really didn't make Levihan possible romantic feelings for each other the endgame point of their narratives.
I know though that there are especially dishonest people using some of Hans and Levi's interactions to say "Levi hates Hans", he didn't even like her, and whatever. But I think nothing can prove Levi sincerely loved Hans the most than chapters 126, 132, 133, 136 and 139. And while many people also say sometimes we read too much in a simple drawing, I fully doubt that Yams would draw Levi on the verge of crying and so emotionally vulnerable if not feeling Hans's loss with his heart too.
One last thing is that beyond the aspects mentioned in the guidebook about Levi's inspiration in Rorschach (from Watchmen), Levi really seems to have some "rough with words'' reference from him too. Contrary to Levi, though, Rorschach is a sociopath who seeks to punish evilness at all costs, and is a brute detective traumatized by growinp up witnessing the prostitution life of his mother, abandonment of his father, evilness and darkness of humanity. He does say things really in a raw, gruffly way, because of his background and life experiences, so as his character is written in English, it makes me wonder if his way of wording himself would be a little bit closer to how Levi's speech could be translated to English if it were more faithful to the Japanese...
I hope what I wrote made some sense...?!
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halcyonstorm · 3 years
Thank you so much for answering the ask in such a prolific way!
I Always suspected he shipped them through all the fan art and even the smartpasses with Levi gettihg jealous of Moblit and stuff. But damn
How can people still think they're just bestfriends when he literally behaves that way only with her. I think if you compare his interactions with anyone he's ever met inc his squad. His bond with Hange is different. He just doesnt know how to act with her prolly because his feelings confuse him. Either way, its the healthiest ship in the entire series.
Thank you again!
its my pleasure! I think that in Japan and other countries, levihan is seen as canon because of their interactions, meanwhile in the west (like USA) a lot of the movies and shows contain sex or sexual content to express desire or romance. "Let's live together" can be seen as a marriage proposal of sorts, especially in Eastern countries. It can be seen like that in western countries, but usually westerners are more "direct".
I agree in the fact LH is one of the healthiest, if not the healthiest, ship in SnK.
also, Levi is the one who told Moblit to look after Hange. js... levihan canon
I think that Isym won't officially come out and say "levihan canon" although I want him to because he doesn't want to upset his fans, but more importantly receive death threats from other angry shippers.
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snkmerchandise · 5 years
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News: Shingeki no Kyojin Tankobon Volume 29
Original Release Date: August 9th, 2019 (Japanese) Retail Prices: 475 Yen (Japanese Regular Edition) 1,026 Yen (Japanese Limited Edition)
The cover of SnK Vol. 29, featuring Eren, Zeke, Yelena, Floch, Pieck, Reiner, and Porco has been previewed! The Limited Edition of the volume will include a bonus novel compilation, which includes various side stories about the 104th and the Survey Corps. These will be "truths that ought to be passed onto the next generation."
Update: At least some of the short stories (Likely all) are originally from the Smartpass AU’s exclusive content. A previous set of these stories was published with Volume 20.
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Hi! I've been seeing a lot of Smartpass au but I still don't understand where it comes from lmao. Are those like books that made by Isayama like a guidebook? Where do people get them? Are they considered canon? How many smartpass are there? As you can see I'm confused lol. Attack on Titan manga is the only Japanese media that I consume so I'm really familiar with the others. Hope you can help me, thanks!
Hello Anon, Smartpass was a Japanese phone app that released exclusive SnK content including side stories and character "interviews". Some of this content was later included as extras in the anime box set releases. There's an amazing audio version of the Eruri side story Crumbled Castle Gate, which appeared on an audio drama cd included with one of the season 4 (I think) box sets. The official Shingeki Smartpass website is no longer online (though you can still find it on Archive.org) but the twitter account is still there @shingeki_SP A lot of the Smartpass content has been translated and collated by fans over the years including @yusenki (Smartpass Stories), @momtaku (Snk Smartpass Content), @tsuki-no-ura (Smartpass) and @snk-smartpass.
As to whether Smartpass content is canon or not, well, that depends on your perspective. Smartpass content is official, but it's not written by Isayama himself. Presumably it was approved at some level though. I tend to see Spartpass as being part of the wider canon universe along with the anime, the OVAs, and the guidebooks.
Some of the Smartpass stories provide invaluable background and depth to the characters, such as Erwin writing love letters to Marie on Nile's behalf, so I can highly recommend exploring them if you haven't already.
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yaboylevi · 5 years
Do you have a link to the side stories? Thank you
The Short Stories volumes released with the normal manga volumes are just a collection of all the Smartpass Au Stories published throughout the years. Various people in the fandom have taken the time to translate the stories related to their favorite characters, so not every one of them is available in English. But since they are finally being published officially with the Shingeki volumes in Japan, Kodansha is also bringing them to the West, although they have been available as anime BDs special content if I am not mistaken. Definitely less affordable.
In any case, I have reblogged the smartpass stories that I liked, tagging them as snk smartpass au, so you might want to look through my tag and pay a visit to the authors’ blogs to read the others, if you’re interested. 
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momtaku · 3 years
i see, thank you so much for answering. i found this website www(.)shingeki-sp(.)net on @shingeki_sp twitter account. it seems they have shut the website down too 😭😭😭😭 it'd be nice if they keep it for archives... do you perhaps know if there's people who pooled all aus and interviews here or other website?
Between me and @leviskinnyjeans we have all the stamps, calendars, April fools day pranks and wallpapers that were part of the promotion, and the @snk-smartpass site has many of the stories, but their is no reliable mirror of all the content unless archive.org has it.
One problem has been that many of the translators posted under a read more and later deleted their blogs so many of the reblogs I have now lead to broken links.
Since it was a Japanese smartphone app the content has always been a little difficult to come by so it’s nice to see those stories getting brought back even now, like the new audio dramas on the Blu-ray. They are still a valuable and enjoyable part of the franchise.
Thanks for the ask!
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Au Smartpass Shingeki no Kyojin Mission Panel Wallpaper September 2017
“For that to happen, these new recruits and I must sacrifice our lives.”   - Erwin Smith chapter 80, page 23 
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perfectackeracy · 6 years
August’s PSA - Anime goes on!
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Continuing on last month’s events, the anime is still ongoing for a couple of months. It’s going to air every Monday JST at 12:30 AM, which means it’s still the Sunday for us Europeans and Americans. These episodes will air till the last week of 2018 (ending on Bertolt’s birthday no less) and will cover 12 volumes of content. i’m curious to see how they will manage overall, but considering the anime already rearranged Kenny’s attack, expect the Uprising to be more dynamic.
Chapter 108 will be out this month as well. It will be the second chapter of volume 27 and to be safe, I’d say it’s a continuity of the Paradis flashbacks. Since chapter 106, we’ve been exploring Paradis’ opening year per year. Next chapter should finish the deal, as we’re getting closer to the present time. We’ve been left last chapter with a pregnant Historia and there seems to be a missing piece in this puzzle. I’m expecting Zeke to pull the strings, but at least we’ll be fixed on what finally pulled the trigger in Eren’s agenda for him to leave like that. It would also line with the objectively superior Reiner flashbacks from last year, extending on the same months.
My personal fear is the chapter toying once again with Reiner. Since he just woke up, I’m expecting him to catch up onto everything, until Isayama tortures him once more. August isn’t a great month for Reiner. Last year he broke his spirit and forced others and himself to continue the mission, saying he’ll become Marcel if he wants to, two years ago Bertolt died... Morality, never trust August chapters.
August will not only see the release of chapter 108, but a couple of other things alongside it: first, in the same issue will be released the 5th and the 6th chapter of Shingeki Kyojin Koukou, Marley Academy, making it the third month of publication of Saki Nagakawa’s SnK spinoff. On the same day, vol. 26 is released alongside the special edition containing the 3rd Lost Girls OVA, covering Mikasa’s part. The first volume of Shingeki Kyojin: Koukou will also be released and a special booklet called “Shingeki Kyojin Special” will be released. This one contains fanamde stories apparently, alongside two exclusive smartpass stories.
I have no idea when the leaks will be out. They don’t pop up the weekend and Monday, so we’re either hoping for text spoilers, an early release with ant spoilers, a full release the 6th/7th or all three scenarios at once.  As a reminder, I’ll keep the #snk_spoilers and #snk_108 as spoiler tags, as usual.
Considering the birthdays this month, it’s full warrior month with two births on yaoi day (801).
1st: Reiner Braun / Zeke Yeager
2nd: Kitz Weilman
5th: Pieck
7th: Abel Reiss
8th: Shiganshina soldier (the one serving meat before Wall Maria’s campaign)
10th: Marcel Galliard
12th: Colt Grice / Trost merchant
18th: Keith Shadis
26th: Ralph (Sannes’ colleague)
July’s PSA
June’s PSA
May’s PSA
April’s PSA
March’s PSA
February’s PSA
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