#snk short stories
snk-smartpass · 2 months
Do Attack on Titan Fans still refer to this Blog for Repost of the Stories from the Attack on Titan Short Stories Booklet/Smartpass? 👀
Sorry I’m Long-Sighted now and still without a PC/Laptop plus Real Life distracting me, so typing out the Stories can get tedious! But will try start upload again soon!
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ngocdancamille · 1 year
"Levi & Hange, s'abriter de la pluie. La bibliothèque couverte de poussière.''
(SNK Shorts Stories - Traduction FR)
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Une petite traduction non-officielle faite de ma patte. Les short-stories (Smartpass) sont des histoires courtes officielles approuvées et relues par Hajime Isayama. Elles sont publiées dans une application japonaise ‘‘AU’‘.
Source: https://attackoncoffee1988.tumblr.com/post/615576613014454272/the-library-thats-covered-in-dust
Le Bataillon d’Exploration avait décidé de s’abriter de la pluie dans un ancien château, qui avait néanmoins une allure robuste. La pluie qui battait contre les grandes fenêtres résonnait, les plongeant ainsi dans une ambiance assourdissante. 
- C’est pas vrai… Mais quelle montagne de richesse! Ces anciens manuscrits… ce serait tellement bien si je pouvais les lire. Fichtre! Je ne peux toujours pas déchiffrer ça! 
Le dos de cette personne pleine d’enthousiasme, fouillant joyeusement dans les documents, n'appartenait à nulle autre que Hange. 
- Hé, fichue bigleuse. T’as laissé les membres de ton escouade vagabonder dans le château comme bon leur semble? 
- Oh, Levi? Non ce n’est pas le cas, car Moblit s’occupe de répondre aux besoins de tous. C' est un inestimable et excellent assistant, tu ne trouves pas? 
Sans se retourner d’un pouce, Hange parcourait les étagères, où se trouvaient divers types de manuscrits anciens et de parchemins illustrés, qui semblaient ainsi constituer une ancienne bibliothèque. Elle essaya d’attraper un livre qui se situait bien trop haut pour elle, ce qui la fit tituber. 
- Oh!
- Pff! 
Tandis qu’un amas de livres s'apprêtait à lui tomber dessus, il réussit de justesse à la saisir par la veste, pour ainsi la mettre hors de danger. 
- Ouah… Tu m’as sauvé la vie, Levi. Si tous ces livres m’étaient tombés dessus, j'aurais eu une bosse qui aurait rendu ma tête bizarre. 
- Ne t’en fais pas. Elle n’aurait pas été davantage bizarre. Sérieusement, tu devrais faire plus attention à ce qui t’entoure. 
Hange remit en place ses lunettes de protection qui pendaient. Elle dépoussiéra ensuite les livres qu’elle venait de saisir. 
- Ce livre-là, par exemple… Dans ce vieux château qui se trouve au sein des murs, il y a de nombreux livres et du matériel qui sont écrits avec des lettres que nous ne savons pas lire. Cet héritage est présent partout, au sein des murs. On dirait les vestiges d’une civilisation disparue, tu ne penses pas? 
- Pas besoin de m’étaler toute ta théorie. Je sais bien que tu en as dans le cerveau. C’est pour ça que je te dis que t’avoir en vie est important. Si je n’avais pas été là en ce moment-même, et que les livres te seraient tombés dessus, les os de ton cou se seraient brisés. 
- Tu es adorable. 
Levi se sentit irrité. Il tira même la tronche, témoignant ainsi de sa mauvaise humeur. Il détestait qu’on le décrive avec de tels mots. 
- Tu fais exprès de me dire ça, car tu sais que je déteste ça. 
- Ha ha, tu as vu clair dans mon jeu, hein? 
Hange se laissa ensuite tomber sur le sol. Elle ouvrit un livre tout en redressant sa tête. 
- D’ailleurs, quel bon vent t’amène? Tu es venu me voir, non? 
- Ah. C’est au sujet d’Eren. Il voudrait avoir l’autorisation de se déplacer dans le château, et qu’en tant que soldats, nous lui donnions le droit de sortir du sous-sol. 
- Il n’y a pas de danger. Les murs extérieurs ont été construits de façon solide. Et si jamais dans le pire des cas, Eren se transformerait en Titan et détruirait ainsi le toit, il y a de nombreux points d’appui le long de la tour qui nous permettraient d’utiliser notre équipement tridimensionnel… Ah, si seulement j’arrivais à saisir le sens de ces illustrations en m'imprégnant de tous ces livres… Hange annonçait ces mots de façon insouciante. 
-Je vois. J’en suis ravi… Et aussi…
- Oui? 
-Avant de continuer à farfouiller, sèche tes vêtements. On voit à travers ta chemise, c’est indécent. 
Il montra du doigt le feu de la cheminée qui avait sans doute était préparé par Moblit, qui s’inquiétait de voir sa supérieure trempée. Levi la dévisageait comme s’il se trouvait face à la pire des immondices. 
- D’accord. Ce serait pas mal de lire par là-bas. 
Levi soupira à la vue du dos de Hange qui se déplaçait lentement pour se positionner devant la cheminée, puis il quitta la pièce.
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its-zur1 · 8 months
when tired, Levi lays down with his head on Erwin's lap. He never admits he's tired but Erwin always knows, yet never does anything about it, and they both keep it that way, unspoken of, something casual.
Once they both knew they started feeling something for one another, yet their relationship wasn't really official, they just knew and kept it unspoken, Erwin started stroking Levi's hair everytime he did that, and soon realised Levi always fell asleep when he did that.
In the mornings, Levi would swear he fell asleep cause he was tired, not cause he found it comforting. Of course, Erwin knew.
after Erwin's death, Levi can't sleep as much anymore, especially not on the couch where they used to rest so peacefully, without having to worry about anything.
As Levi grows older, he begins forgetting what it felt like to be held, to be calmly resting that way. Then, one night as he goes to sleep, he wakes up to the smell of tea, as well as something else. He's confused at first, as it gives him a sense of comfort, which he hasn't properly felt in a long while. Looking around, he realises his vision is blurry. He feels a hand on his shoulder, and it clicks what the other scent is. It's the smell of nature, a forest, a river, all mixed together, and a sense of nostalgia washes over him.
The hand drags him down, where he stays, not moving until his vision gets better. He blinks a couple of times before seeing that familiar face.
He feels his lips curl into a small smile. He can't remember the last time he's felt so calm, so relaxed, so.. at peace. He doesn't seem to remember how he even got here.
He asks in a tired voice, staring at him. His eyelids feel heavy, his body isn't moving, only his eyes are observing his surroundings. He realises he's in Erwin's office, on that couch, laying comfortably. He feels the urge to get up, but at the same time feels too lazy to do so. He lifts his head slowly, knowing the scars on his face will hurt when he moves too quickly.
But they don't. Nothing does. Nothing feels dangerous, nothing hurts, he feels safe.
Looking over at his body, he notices none of his fingers are missing. He doesn't react, he feels too tired to. He tries moving his legs as well; it doesn't hurt.
He feels just perfect.
He feels something on his forehead; a kiss. A gentle one.
He rests his head back onto Erwin's lap and lets out a sigh.
"...are you.. real?"
He asks his lover.
Erwin looks down at him.
"...it depends."
"..what..do you mean.?"
Levi replies tiredly.
"..would you wish to stay here?"
Erwin smiles down at him, his fingers running throught Levi's hair. Levi finds it soothing, and his eyes feel heavy again.
"..for how long can I?"
"as long as you wish. you've done so good, my love."
Levi feels another kiss on his forehead, and he closes his eyes.
"..Just us..?"
"Just us."
Levi smiles, letting himself relax onto Erwin's touch.
"Although, I'm sure Hange would show up too, they might bring Miche and Nanaba with them."
Erwin adds jokingly, and they both chuckle about it.
"I'm sure your other friends would like to see you too. Isabel and Furlan, am I correct?"
Levi's eyes shoot open once he hears they're names.
"..But they're..."
"Shhh... It's okay."
Levi calms down and feels his eyes close again.
"Yeah, I'd like that.."
He falls asleep for the last time as Erwin continues stroking his hair.
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ariadneamare · 1 year
OK so, since everyone's feeling so angsty, how about Hange and Levi get into an argument that like slowly ends up in them like throwing chairs at each other, but levi accidentally injures her, with a hurt/comfort ending ofc 🤭
The connection between Levi Ackerman and Hanji Zoe had been going strong for some time.
Neither confessed, but they both felt that there was something between them. Levi would often come down to her lab, and bring food. He would check in on her from time to time, and he was more protective during missions outside the walls.
Levi's initial jealousy stemmed from Hanji's time spent with an acquaintance. He attempted to conceal his emotions, but Hanji still felt something wasn't right. When she inquired as to his well-being, he responded angrily.
“Levi,” Hanji spoke softly, “you seem tense.” 
“Just lack of sleep.” The soldier answered sternly. 
“Are you su-” 
“You and Cory, huh?” He said sternly, a hint of sarcasm in his tongue. 
The candor caught Hanji off guard. "What do you mean by that, Levi?” 
“You seem to like him,” he continued. “He’s good for you.” 
“Stop that.” 
“Tch. I see you two sitting beside each other every meal, and I see how he looks at you,” he argues. 
“We’re friends, he’s a colleague.”
But Levi's envy prevented him from paying attention. 
“Bullshit,” he scoffed.
They were in the midst of an angry debate before either of them realized what had happened.
She could not believe that he refused to believe her. Him of all people. 
Hanji was never the type to play around. 
Did he really think she was that type of person?
Hanji has been having a really bad week, with her experiments not going the way she wanted, and the upcoming missions she have to prepare for. Levi being condescending instead of confronting her properly was the cherry on top. 
The brunette’s patience was wearing thin. 
“At this point, you could just announce your marriage.” That snapped Hanji, it ticked the time bomb in her head. 
“Oh, you’re so petty!” A book flew across the room. 
“Now I am petty?” His voice rose an octave. “I am not the one flirting with other people! I have been so patient with you. I ignored it because I trusted you.” 
Levi was too busy rambling that he did not hear the footsteps approaching him.
His best efforts to maintain composure were ultimately foiled by his rage. In his anger, he tipped over a table without noticing that Hanji was standing dangerously near.
Hanji collapsed to the floor, screaming in pain and clutching her ribs after the table had struck her in the side.
Levi turned his head so fast, he heard it click. His anger transformed into worry as he hurried to her side, cradling her gently.
“Are you okay? Where does it hurt?” His voice cracked as he said, "I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."
Although Hanji was in agony, she could read regret in Levi's expression. She had faith that he had intended no harm. 
"Calm down, I know you didn't mean it," she said to him. “No broken bones, I am okay.”
But Levi was not an easy person to console. He hated himself for doing harm to the one he cared about most. 
“No, no it is not okay.” 
“Levi, please, it is okay.” 
“No, it is not.” He finalized. “I cannot let my anger get the best of me, especially when it comes to you.”
“You are an enigma, Levi Ackerman.” 
“I care about you deeply,” he announced. “People call me Humanity’s strongest soldier, and I have this sense of duty to that. I cannot show them that I am anything but strong.” 
There was a pause in the air. Hanji does not reply. She gives him a moment to gather his thoughts. 
“But with you,” he begins again. “I can be anything.” Levi sighs heavily, leaning forward and letting his forehead rest against hers. “You are my rest.” 
“You could’ve easily said ‘I am in love with you, Hanji Zoe’.” She jokes, lowering her voice to immitate his. 
“Is this your way to break the ice?” 
“Yes,” she laughs. 
She laughs and he is okay. He holds her a little bit tighter, and they relish in each other’s presence.
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jayteacups · 6 months
Trying to come up with things that will fill The Void ™️ after AOT is finished and I was thinking of reading AOT: Before the Fall for the lore, so…
FYI I’m thinking of reading the manga version, not the novel version.
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amandabe11man · 1 month
if you know me, you'll know of my fear of zombie-related media. I'll still give in to my morbid fascination once in a while though and read a zombie-manga, watch a movie, watch gameplay etc, because at the end of the day, it's one of the only horror subgenres that makes me feel fear these days, so like-- gotta give 'em credit for that.
but now I've been re-reading some zombie mangas and found a loophole in my fear... I've realized that I pretty much just think the beginning of whatever outbreak we're talking about is the truly scary part? I could re-read the beginning of I Am a Hero and see the world go to shit over and over, for example, but as soon as the characters start to adapt and get used to the zombie-situation, it gets boring to me?
I can't be the only one who thinks that the scariest part of zombie media (and the like) is right before the shit hits the fan, during said shit hitting the fan, and a little bit after that. like, to me, a huge part of this being scary is seeing the familiar turn on its head so quickly, and how it catches those in the story off-guard. part of why it's so scary is seeing how unprepared the world is to deal with the zombies, ya know? therefore, I always lose a bit of interest when things eventually mellow out, and the characters get somewhat used to being on their guard.
and then, most of these stories will eventually move on to "oh no the zombies have mutated!!!" or "oh no, the other survivors are crazy! we have to fight them for resources!!". especially the option where they have infights with other humans is sO boring to me. it's like bruh I didn't come here to see regular humans fighting each other. I'm trying to FORGET the real world over here
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warm-starlight · 11 months
Thank you! Where do I buy the books?
Unfortunately they are only sold as special merch with the box sets of the manga as far as i know.
You may try to hunt for the second hand ones.
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jeanbie · 1 year
the suitcase (6) -> part of the 101 days drabble series ; jean kirstein, levi mentioned
📂 You are staying overnight in a motel room. The previous guest has left a suitcase in the closet. It is slightly open and you can see a bundle of hundred dollar bills and the handle of a revolver inside. What else is inside the suitcase, and who owns it? What happens when the owner comes back for it, and knows you’ve seen the contents? Write a story describing the scene that unfolds.
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For once in his life, Jean wishes that he didn’t arrive places early.
He’d arrived much earlier than anticipated to the motel; thankfully, the room had been emptied a few hours prior and the old receptionist had let him crash early. It had been grand, until Jean realised he now had no money left, and went to shove his suitcase under the bed, and shoved one out the other side.
“And, what, it’s just been left behind?” Naturally, Jean had called his friends out of panic. “No name? Just a big case full of cash?”
“There’s a name, on the inside,” Jean said, double-checking. “Levi...Ackerman?”
Connie checked Google: “Nobody famous. It just keeps coming up with that big gang, but, even if it was them, it can’t be. Why would they go to that motel? Aren’t they like, anti Smith-Owned property?”
Jean hung up with no new information, and later, a guilty conscience. His stomach was growling, and he had no money left after bunking for one day more at this shitty motel, and so surely, Levi Ackerman wouldn’t notice a missing $20.
At around 11:45pm, Jean sat on his bed, full and slightly less guilty. The TV flickered bokeh colours and he was breaths away from falling asleep, when he heard the door handle rattle. He shot awake, straining to listen. Jean sat deathly silent and only began to panic when the lock clicked and the door swung open, letting three darkly dressed and masked men into the room. One moved all the way in and spotted Jean, deer-eyed at the edge of the bed. His gaze shifted between Jean and the new exposed bag from under the bed, sitting on a chair near where Jean sat atop the bed.
“Who the fuck are you?” one yelled. Then, Jean noticed the gun in his hand. “You been through our stuff? Huh?”
“I-Are you Levi Ackerman?”
The stranger flinched. “Oh shi-he’s with Levi.”
“What, no, I-!”
“Take him out,” another rasped. “He’ll be our new party trick. You know how it is with these Winged pricks- one’s taken and ten come out to fetch him.”
They ignored all of Jean’s protests- “Wait, no, I’m not with him, I don’t even know who he is!”
“Shut up, pretty boy,” one huffed, and Jean registered the clip on his skull before he fell into an ocean of black.
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daisynik7 · 1 year
In Between
Pairing: Eren x f!reader x Reiner
Genre: college au, one-shot
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~4.5k
cw: threesome, cunnilingus, nipple play, blow job, vaginal sex (doggy), creampie, horny reader (I mean, who isn’t), pet names, use of the term ‘big brother’, but there is no actual incest here I swear and I’m so sorry. This is just filth. 
Summary: Your “big brothers” from Alpha Tau fraternity take care of you for a night. 
Notes: OKAY, so I’ve had this in the back of my mind for a while now. Fun fact for those of you who have read my other series Rush: I originally wanted to make it an Eren x f!reader x Reiner fic but was intimidated about writing a love triangle, so I axed it. Instead, here’s porn with little plot to satisfy this itch. Enjoy! Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated, I would LOVE to hear what y’all think! 
Additional Notes: This might be the smuttiest one I’ve written so far, idk, you be the judge. As always, READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. Also, think of this as an alternate universe to Rush, I’m using a lot of details from it, but there is no correlation. Okay, I’m done talking, have fun.
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It’s a Sunday night and Sigma Nu Kappa begins their first chapter meeting of the spring semester. Petra Ral, your sorority’s social chair, stands at the podium, a delighted smile on her face. “Good evening, sisters! I have very exciting news: Alpha Tau has agreed to pair with us this semester! This means we’ll be joining them to collaborate on charity events and most importantly, social gatherings.”
There’s a collection of giggles and pleased hums. Mikasa, your big sister and best friend, nudges you. “This should be fun.”
Although the two of you are the same age, Mikasa rushed SNK as a freshman, you joined as a sophomore this past fall. She picked you to be her “little sister” when you were a pledge, adopting you into her family line called The Angels. Since then, the two of you have been inseparable. 
Petra continues. “A neat thing we’ll be doing is combining families! We’ll be assigning each of our family lines to one in Alpha Tau. Consider them your ‘big brothers’. FYI, these were assigned at random.” 
She passes a stack of papers to each row. When you get yours, you try to find which family you’re being paired with. Before you can, Mikasa scoffs. “Of course.”
Next to The Angels is The Warriors. You turn to her with a questioning look. “The Warriors?”
“Guess who?”
You pause to think, then answer, “Eren?”
“Yup. Random my ass,” she jokes. 
Eren is Mikasa’s actual brother, older by a year. You’ve never met him in person, but you’ve heard plenty of stories about him from her. Petra notices her reaction and grins. “Okay, maybe yours is not so random. It just makes sense!” 
“So, what are we supposed to do with our assigned family?”
“It’s just for fun. It’s a nice way to get to know the brothers and build a strong connection with them. They’ll look out for you and take care of you, especially at the parties.” 
Since joining last semester, you haven’t properly bonded with anyone in the other organizations, too busy acclimating to sorority life as a new member. Now, with a bit more exposure to Greek Life, it’s time to build your own relations, make new friends. Maybe even find a boyfriend. It’s been a while since you’ve had sex, and you find yourself desperate for it. This new partnership with Alpha Tau is a good opportunity to find potential candidates. 
And, with the help of your new big brothers, you might be able to achieve this.  
The first exchange between Sigma Nu Kappa and Alpha Tau happens on Friday night, inside the fraternity house. The theme for the party is Game Day. Everyone is required to wear a sports jersey of some kind. You and Mikasa come in oversized basketball jerseys paired with black bicycle shorts. When you arrive to the house, it’s packed with your sisters and Alpha Tau brothers. Immediately, your big sis leads you into the kitchen where the drinks are. 
You help yourself to a serving of Jungle Juice, the common frat party concoction. Mikasa, already on her second, mentions, “I texted Eren. He’s finishing a game of beer pong with Reiner, so they should be meeting us soon.”
You chug the rest of your drink, excited to finally meet The Warriors. Several minutes pass, in which you spend time chatting with your sisters and refilling on more Jungle Juice. You turn around once you hear Mikasa yell, “Finally!”
In front of her are two well-built men, one with dark, brown hair wrapped in a stylishly messy man-bun, wearing a sleeveless jersey, showing off his tone arms. The other has a shorter, blonde cut, standing a few inches taller in a football jersey, displaying his broad shoulders. 
“Sorry, the game went longer than expected. Neither of us could sink a shot,” the brunette explains. You assume this is Eren, based on family pics Mikasa has shown you. “So, where’s our new little sis?”
You step towards them, hovering beside Mikasa to introduce yourself. They both smile at you, shaking your hand. “Welcome to the family.”
You exchange small talk, asking the standard questions to break the ice. Reiner, Eren’s big brother in the fraternity, is a senior, scheduled to graduate this spring with his bachelors in psychology. He hopes to eventually become a therapist. Eren is a junior, majoring in education to become an elementary school teacher. You were expecting them to be intimidating and arrogant, the stereotypical frat boys. Lucky for you, they are surprisingly easy to talk to.
In the midst of your conversation, Mikasa checks her phone and announces, “Jean just got here. I’m going to hang out with him for a bit, is that cool?” She seems to be directing it at you, specifically. 
“Don’t worry, Mikasa,” Eren says. “We’ll take care of her. Right, Reiner?” 
He nudges his big brother, who smirks. “Yeah, we’ll take care of her, alright.”
As soon as Mikasa leaves to hang out with her boyfriend, the energy shifts. Maybe it’s your imagination, but there’s a different vibe being alone with your new brothers. They have polite expressions on their faces, but behind it is something…sinister? Wicked? Naughty?
You refill with more liquor, your nerves getting the best of you now that Mikasa is no longer there to protect you. Before you tip the drink into your mouth, Reiner intercepts and covers the lid with his palm, stopping you. “Don’t drink that anymore. All that Jungle Juice will give you a hangover. Let’s take shots instead.”
“Yeah, we got some vodka in the fridge.” Eren opens the door to the refrigerator, reaching in to retrieve a brand-new bottle of Grey Goose. “Big brother here works for the Psych department so he can afford top shelf.”
“Yeah right, like you can’t afford it with daddy’s money,” Reiner retorts. “Did you know his dad is a doctor?”
You nod. “Yeah, Mikasa has mentioned that.”
“I’m not getting a cent after undergrad, though. He’s pretty disappointed that I’d rather be a teacher than take over his practice. At least Zeke’s going to do it.”
“That’s your half-brother?” you ask. Mikasa’s briefing of her adopted family, the Jaeger clan, is coming in handy.
“Yup,” he confirms, pouring the liquor into three cups, poorly estimating a shot’s worth in each.
“Being a teacher is just as important a job as a doctor,” you comment. “Maybe even more, considering the impact you make on the students. It’s a crime how underpaid they are. That’s my opinion.”
He offers you the shot with a small smile, watching you carefully. “What other opinions do you have?”
“I’m sure you have lots of opinions in that pretty head of yours.” He passes the third cup to Reiner without taking his eyes off you. 
You’re unsure what to make of his comment, so you don’t respond, pretending to be fixated on consuming the shot. The buzz is starting to kick in, cheeks warm, head pleasantly airy, inhibitions loosening the slightest bit. Luckily, you’re being taken care of by your big brothers so that you don’t do anything reckless tonight.
The other two throw back the alcohol easily, Eren quick to refill their cups. He waves the bottle at you. “Want another?”
You refuse. “I’m good, thanks.”
“Can’t hold your liquor?” Reiner asks, moving to stand next you at the counter. 
“I know my limits.” You lean into him, comfy against his large physique. You play with the hem of your jersey, observing the other party goers in the living room, dancing to the music blasting through the speakers. Mikasa and Jean are nowhere to be seen, most likely doing it in his room upstairs. You spot a few of your other sisters dancing alongside the Alpha Tau brothers, having a grand old time.
“Should we dance?” you suggest, hoping they agree. You want to join in on the fun. 
Eren chuckles. “Reiner doesn’t dance.”
He stands up straight, setting his cup down. “That’s not true. I can dance.”
“I didn’t say you can’t dance, I said that you don’t. I have never, ever seen you dance, dude.”
With a mischievous grin, he looks at you and says, “Well, I guess there’s a first time for everything.”
In an instant, Reiner is leading you to the living room, Eren following close behind. It’s crowded, the small space not accommodating for the size of this party. The three of you squeeze in the middle, surrounded by other warm bodies, too intoxicated to care about being smushed. Someone shuts the lights off and only a dinky strobe illuminates the room. You start moving to the music, bobbing your head back and forth, swaying your shoulders to the melody of whatever top hit is playing. Eren is in front of you, copying your motions, a lazy smile on his face. Reiner is to your rear, close enough that you feel the fabric of his jersey brush against you. 
Eren leans forward, lips grazing your ear. “You’re so pretty, you know that?” He shuffles closer to you, still dancing to the music. 
From behind, Reiner drifts towards you, hands at your waist, his husky voice hot on your other ear. “You look so good dancing like this.”
It’s sweltering now; from the lack of air in the cramped capacity, the alcohol taking its effect, the swing of your hips in tandem with the bass. Or the situation you currently find yourself in, sandwiched by two extremely attractive men, breathing compliments in your ear, exploring your body. They trap you, Eren’s chest basically pressed to yours, your back flat against Reiner. His hands are still at your sides, while Eren reaches for your nape, pulling you in to kiss along your neck. 
You should stop it. That’s what you should do. Whatever this is, it’s wrong. These are supposed to be your quote unquote big brothers. What would Mikasa think? 
But something snaps in you. It’s curiosity. The need to know. What would it be like to be fucked senseless by them? It has your imagination running wild. How can you deny this opportunity? It’s basically being served to you on a silver platter.
“Let your big brothers take care of you,” Reiner whispers, nipping at your ear lobe, grinding his hips on your ass. It’s so wrong. So wrong, you keep chanting in your head. 
Eren fondles your breasts through your clothes. “You want to feel good tonight, right baby? We can help you feel good.”
Is it the pet name that pushes you over the edge? Or is it the allure of being pleasured by two guys at the same time? Either way, you reach behind you to run your fingers through Reiner’s hair while you take your other hand to tug Eren forward into a sloppy kiss. 
“Fuck, I think she wants it,” Reiner murmurs, licking a stripe behind your ear. “Let’s go.” 
“Follow us, baby. We’ll take care of you tonight.” Eren grabs your wrist, leading you upstairs to follow Reiner into his room. It doesn’t seem like he has a roommate, considering the beds are combined to create one that is nearly king-sized. Too busy inspecting the interior design of a typical frat boy, which so far consists of flattened boxes of beer packs hung up like posters and a large Alpha Tau flag strewn across one side of the wall, the sound of the door shutting loudly brings you to your senses. 
You’re very aware now that it’s the three of you, alone in this bedroom, air dense with sexual tension. Suddenly, you’re nervous. You’ve never had a threesome. It’s certainly been a fantasy of yours, but to experience it first-hand, you start having self-doubts if you can really go through with it. 
Eren, sensing your trepidation, puts his arm around you, rubbing your shoulder. “Hey, you okay? We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
Reiner, who’s already sprawled out on the bed in his boxers, clothes promptly stripped off, adds, “Yeah. We can just chill here. It’s all good.”
They’re not pressuring you, which you appreciate. You’re hesitant, sure. But you haven’t changed your mind. You want this. You want this bad.  
“I want to do it,” you state, removing your shorts and tossing them aside. 
Reiner laughs, sitting up to watch you, shoving his own boxers off. “You’re eager. She’s eager, Eren.”
“Yeah, she is,” Eren muses, tugging at your wrist. “Let’s go to the bed, sweetie.”
Reiner scoots over to make room for you, palming his growing erection, watching Eren strip you nude. When you’re naked, you turn to Reiner to kiss him. He smiles before shoving his tongue into your mouth.
“Lay down for us, baby,” Eren purrs, now naked, boner stiff against his sculpted abs, kissing your stomach. He peers up at you with twinkling eyes, almost innocent, knowing for a fact he’s about to wreck your pussy apart.
Reiner lies beside you, cupping your cheek, large tongue working its way deep inside your mouth. His hand trails down to your chest, squeezing at your breast. “Do you like having your nipples played with?” he asks, lips glossy with spit.
You nod, eyes glancing at Eren, his head positioned between your legs, palms spreading your thighs wide, staring at your pussy already sticky with arousal. Reiner refocuses your gaze on him, muttering, “Pay attention to me, princess.” Another nod and you close your eyes, kissing him, enjoying the soft caress of his hands on your tits. 
Below you, Eren, the fucking menace that he is, doesn’t start slow. He wraps his lips around your clit, swishing his tongue against it until you’re whimpering from pleasure.
“Oh fuck, she likes that, Eren. Keep doing that. I want to see her come all over your face,” Reiner smirks, brushing his rough thumbs on your hardening nipples. He moves down, facing your chest, sucking on your breast until it’s hard and plump. “Fuck, your tits are amazing,” he rasps, flicking his tongue. 
Eren gives you a break, slowly licking your sensitive bud a few times before latching on once more. It’s almost too much, body instinctually jolting from his touch. You endure it, though; the sensation too divine to stop. 
“Finger her, Eren,” Reiner demands, as if reading your mind. The desire to be filled is overtaking everything else.
Tongue flat on your clit, he hums in the response, middle finger teasing your slick entrance before slipping inside, knuckle deep. Still, it’s not enough. Even Reiner knows it.
“Put another,” he growls, eyes focused on your pussy being wrecked as he continues to play with your tits. “Fill her up.”
Eren obeys, sliding his ring finger along with the middle, pumping his digits inside you. You’re a whining mess, unable to control the lewd sounds escaping your mouth. Drool leaks out from the corners of your lips, your tongue lolling out from being fucked out. Reiner chuckles, releasing you with a loud pop. “You’re a loud one, aren’t you? You need something in your mouth to keep you quiet.” He grazes your tongue with his thumb, staring at you hungrily. “Suck on these like they’re my dick.”
All you can do is nod dumbly, grabbing at his thick wrist to stick his three middle fingers down your throat. He pumps them into your mouth as he suckles at your nipples, like an animal desperate for milk.
You’re overstimulated, from having your mouth and pussy stuffed, to your most erogenous zones being consumed by lips and teeth. Your toes curl from the pleasure, throat dry from the endless moaning around Reiner’s rough digits, skin damp with sweat and saliva. The orgasm hits you like a wave of electricity coursing through your veins, exciting every nerve in your body. You whimper on Reiner’s fingers, tickling the back of your mouth, causing you to gag slightly. 
“Fuck,” Eren muffles below you, still lapping at your clit. The wet squelches sound even more lewd from your noticeable orgasm. He flicks his tongue on your sticky mess, smearing it over your puffy bud, repeating the action several times until he’s satisfied.
“Ah, Eren. Fuck,” you breath out, mouth relinquished from Reiner. He has been relentlessly working your tits, swollen and sore from his efforts. When he’s done, he slides back up the bed beside you.
“Look at the mess you made.” He grips at your chin, directing your gaze at Eren, who’s face is glistening, smirk coated in your shiny cum. 
“You did so good for us,” Eren says, crawling up the bed to join you on your other side. He gently pinches your tit, sucking on your neck. Reiner kisses you on the mouth, massaging the other breast. You grasp their hard cocks, stroking them simultaneously, resulting in both of them moaning. 
“Fuck, baby.”
“You’re a good girl, aren’t you?”
“Fuck yeah, she’s such a good girl.”
“So fucking good for us.”
The three of you stay this way for a while, erections growing unbelievably stiff in your fists. One of their hands, at this point you’re not sure whose, is at your clit, tapping it and rubbing fast. You’re convinced that you can come like this if they let you. 
“Think she’s wet enough?” Reiner asks his brother.
“Yeah, she’s really fucking wet, dude. It’s going to feel so fucking good.” Eren answers. “Can you take it, sweetie? Can you take Reiner’s fat cock?”
“I can take it,” you breathe out, needy and aching to be filled again.
Reiner moves to the bottom of the bed. “Are you on the pill?” 
You nod, humming against Eren’s mouth, occupied with kissing him. 
“Good. I want to fuck you raw.”
“Come inside her, Reiner. Give her a fucking creampie,” Eren murmurs, kissing your forehead affectionately, despite the filthy words coming out of his mouth. The way they speak to each other, instructing one another on what obscene act to perform on you next, spurs you on. Makes you feel like you’re in fucking heat, ready to be bred. 
“You want my cum inside you, princess? Want me to fill up that tight cunt?” Reiner spits into his hand then strokes himself, teasing your slit with his tip. 
“Yes,” you respond, voice shaky.
“That’s not enough for him, cutie,” Eren whispers to you. He massages your clit gently as Reiner slides his cockhead up and down your folds. “He likes it when you beg for it.”
You’re too desperate to care about pride. You’re going to beg for this, no matter what. “Please, Reiner. Fuck me, please.”
“That’s more like it,” he grunts, stroking himself faster. “Get in front of her, Eren.”
Eren gives you one last smooch before sitting up and kneeling at the top of the bed, tossing a few pillows to the floor to make space. 
Reiner taps at your hips. “On your hands and knees, slut. And stick that ass up for me.” His voice is raspy, demeanor rougher than a few minutes ago. Something has taken over him; it’s his carnal desire to fuck you into the mattress. 
You do as your told, arching your back to give him a nice view of your pussy, wet and fluttering, ready for cock. Without warning, he smacks your ass cheek, laughing. “I’m going to fuck you so good. You have no fucking idea.”
Eren kneels in front of you, erect and oozing with precum. “You’re so cute, you know that? So pretty.” He caresses you delicately, thumb brushing against your cheekbone. “Can you suck my dick, baby? Pretty please?”
You’re beginning to understand the dynamic that’s going on here. Eren is sweet, tender, and considerate. Then there’s Reiner: rough, harsh, and greedy. Opposites of each other, working together to tear you to pieces, rip you into shreds. Two sides of the same coin. 
You wrap you fingers around Eren, leaning forward to spread the bead of precum along your lips like gloss. He smiles at you, still cupping your face. “So fucking pretty.” 
Reiner continues to tease you, gathering your slick onto his cockhead to rub it on your bud. “I’m going to fuck you now, princess. Let me take care of this pussy.” Aligned with your entrance, he slowly slides in, your walls stretching to adjust to his girth. You hear him suck in a breath behind you, cursing. “Fuck, you’re tight. Such a good girl.”
“You are a good girl.” Eren pushes past your lips. You take him into your salivating mouth, surrounding him with your wet heat, tongue tracing the prominent vein running along his shaft. “Our good girl. Our good fucking girl.”
You bob your head on his dick, further and further until he’s deep down your throat. You keep him there, swallowing around him, resisting the urge to gag on his cock. Through teary eyes, you peer up at him, looking for approval, wanting him to be proud of the way you take it. He meets your gaze, breathing heavily, eyes wild with lust, staring at your stuffed mouth. His kind disposition from earlier is crumbling; he caresses your cheeks tenderly, but his expression gives him away. Still, he stays still, hesitant to take control.
Reiner, however, is on a different level. He starts fucking you, pulling his cock out halfway only to slam it all the way back in, pace picking up gradually after each thrust. The force causes you to plunge further onto Eren, nose buried in his dark pubic hair, spit seeping from the corners of your mouth. Your muffled whimpers vibrate around him, causing him to moan from the sensation. 
“Fuck, you’re doing such a good job,” he praises, holding your head cautiously. 
Reiner holds you firmly at your hips, fucking you hard and fast, grunting. “Take my cock, princess. Take it like the fucking slut you are.”
You pull off of Eren just enough so that only his tip is engulfed by your mouth. With your fist jerking his shaft, you blow him, swirling your tongue on the slit. “Fuck, that’s it, baby. Feels so good. Gonna make me come.”
“Make Eren come,” Reiner huffs. “Make him nut in that slutty mouth.” He’s found your sweet spot, barely pulling out to hit it over and over. You’re soaked around him, convinced that your arousal is dripping onto the sheets, making a mess of his bed.
“I’m coming,” Eren warns, stomach tight, eyes shut. His warm cum shoots into the back of your throat as you suck him off, swallowing every drip. He slumps against the headboard, catching his breath. “Thank you, baby,” he murmurs, bowing down to kiss your puffy lips. “Thank you.” 
“I’m gonna come soon. Gonna fill you up with this load,” Reiner growls. Your ass smacks against his groin, his heavy balls tapping lightly onto your clit. You’re close to your second orgasm, but you need just a little bit more.
“Come here, Eren. Play with it while I fuck her.” It really is as if Reiner can read your thoughts, aware of exactly what you need to push you over the edge, get you closer to that peak. 
Eren crawls down the bed, kneeling beside you, hand reaching between your legs, finding your swollen bud. When he does, you cry out, “Ah! Fuck!”
They both laugh, Eren brutally rubbing it as he watches Reiner fuck you from behind. 
“Look how creamy it is. That’s all her. She fucking loves it.”
“Our pretty girl loves getting fucked.”
“Pinch her little clit. Make her come on my cock.”
Eren squeezes your clit gently between his thumb and forefinger. It’s too much. You let go, the orgasm so intense, you’re trembling, fists bunched in the bedsheets below you, whining in ecstasy. 
“Holy shit, I’m coming.” Reiner thrusts into you a few more times before his cock spurts inside you. 
“Fuck,” Eren swears, loosening his grip on you.
Reiner stays in you for several seconds, coming down from his high. He slowly pulls out, his cum and yours leaking out of your fluttering hole. They both breathe out a satisfied fuck, staring at the flow of cum dripping out of your slit. Someone, you’re not sure who, plants a smooch on your lower back. Most likely Eren, the more affectionate of the two. You lower your torso onto the bed, relaxing into the mattress, exhausted and satiated from the insanity that just occurred.
Once again, you find yourself sandwiched between them, both facing you, smiling. You turn on your back to stare up at the ceiling, glancing at each of them, unsure what to say.  
Eren is the first to break the silence. “Did you have fun, cutie?” He turns your head towards him, nuzzling his nose with yours.
“Yeah, I did,” you answer, grinning. “That was amazing.”
“You came so much, princess,” Reiner adds, chin grazing the skin of your shoulder, palm tracing languid circles on your breasts. Eren kisses you on the lips while Reiner works on your neck. The three of you stay like this until a phone starts ringing. 
“Shit, that’s probably Mikasa,” Eren mutters, breaking away. He hops off the bed to retrieve his phone on the other side of the room. Reiner quickly turns you toward him, taking this opportunity to kiss you passionately as his brother answers the phone. His arms are snug around you, cozy and comfortable in his warm embrace. 
You don’t pay attention to Eren’s conversation, focused instead on making out with Reiner. It ends as soon as Eren comes back into bed.
“What did Mikasa say?” you ask.
“She’s looking for us. Specifically, you. She’s worried.”
“About what?”
“Probably about us corrupting you,” Eren laughs, nestling his face into your neck.
“I guess she’s on to something,” Reiner responds, copying Eren. 
You snuggle them. “She doesn’t have to know about this. It’ll be our little secret.”
“You’re okay with sneaking around next time?”
“Next time?” In your head, you already decided this would be a one-time kind of deal. Not because you want it to be, but because you assumed they wouldn’t want to do this again. 
“You don’t seriously think this is the last time we’re doing this, do you? Baby, you’re too cute,” Eren says, grinning.
Reiner chuckles. “You’re stuck with us now, princess. You’re way too good to let go. Right, Eren?”
“Yeah. I think we’ll keep you for a while.”
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End Notes: Happy birthday Eren!
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snk-smartpass · 1 year
TEXT Vol. 03 Nick’s Notes on Remonstration
It was Minister Nick’s turn to take the pulpit himself that week, and he found himself thinking about what he would say as he carried out this responsibility.
[Welcome, everyone. Today’s lesson will be on the great mercy of Goddess Rose.]
The Wall Religion’s three gods represented each of humanity’s three Walls, and this was the goddess that now needed to be taught most, as the Wall bearing her name had just been exposed to danger.
Nick wanted the words to sound even better than usual, and they would be later printed and delivered to churches around the land. As such, Nick repeatedly wrote and erased the words of his sermon on a sheet of paper separate from his holy texts.
Many religions—though only a small handful remained within the Walls—had holy texts that were esoteric and tricky to read, and the Wall Religion was no exception. Close readings often turned up no meaning at all.
“…It’s intentionally vague so that it can be interpreted in a way that matches what the masses are focused on, whether the topic is good or bad. If a robbery takes place, it was because the victim lacked devotion. If a believer has a child, it was because their prayers were received. This is how you need to guide their thoughts,” a high-ranking member of the clergy once instructed Nick about preaching when he had just become a minister.
In other words, he had it all flipped around.
It wasn’t that the goddess was the one who saved you.
It was that you were saved, and that was because of the goddess. A minister’s job was to create the reason after the fact.
[Not long ago, the greatest enemy to the gods, the Colossus Titan, appeared in Trost District. However, the goddess answered our prayers. The Wall was miraculously plugged without being further destroyed. The goddess’s protection was bestowed upon our soldiers…]
Nick got this far before stopping his pen. His pious believers would surely believe this, just as they always did. Now that the attack on Trost District had left its society uneasy, though, this was an opportunity to gain new followers. The now-fearful masses may come running to the church, seeking rescue in religion. How could he give the impression that it was the goddess, not the soldiers who saved them…?
He erased the word “soldiers,” writing “citizens” in its place.
[The goddess’s protection was bestowed upon our citizens. The fact you were all able to take shelter without a single wound is a miracle, just as described in our holy text.]
Nick made sure to avoid any mention of the soldiers who plugged the Wall. At times like this, there is meaning in omission.
The sermon went well. Nick moved even curious bystanders by the end and joined him in worship. The Wall Religion’s service involved creating three rings, after the three Walls. Believers stand side-by-side, their arms linked.
Long ago - when Nick had joined the Wall Religion and rose within it to eventually become a minister, he had learned the truth of the Walls. The services felt like a dreadful thing in light of that knowledge.
“Let us pray for the security of our three goddesses: Maria, Rose, Sheena…”
There was no place for such emotions, though. Nick needed to lead those before him.
(Whatever the case, the reality was that no one man could change the situation that society and humanity within the Walls had been placed in.)
Nick took the strung-together words of convenience written on the scrap of paper that he called his “remonstration” and placed it in his breast pocket. He too could do nothing but pray.
SOURCE: Attack on Titan: Short Stories 3
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ngocdancamille · 2 years
''Armin & Connie: S’abriter de la pluie” (SNK Shorts Stories - Traduction FR)
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A Shelter from the rain, Vol. 04 Armin Arlert & Connie Springer
Une petite traduction non-officielle faite de ma patte. Les short-stories (Smartpass) sont des histoires courtes officielles approuvées et relues par Hajime Isayama. Elles sont publiées dans une application japonaise ‘‘AU’‘.
Source: https://snk-smartpass.tumblr.com/post/188473199629/shelter-from-the-rain-vol-04-armin-arlert
- Par ici, Connie!
Les nuages qui avaient recouvert la ville en début d’après-midi, prirent en ampleur et devinrent gris, pour soudainement dévoiler une averse. Les deux jeunes hommes qui faisaient leurs emplettes au marché, coururent pour s’abriter sous un bâtiment qu’ils trouvèrent au fond d’une ruelle. 
- Hé, Armin, ça devrait bientôt s’éclaircir, non?  - Oui… Les nuages se déplacent vite.
Armin pointa du doigt le ciel, où les nuages défilaient. Or, à côté de lui, Connie regardait tout autre chose. 
- Regarde ces petits morveux… - Ils ont l’air de déborder d’énergie… 
Ils purent entendre les enfants s’exclamer de joie tandis qu’ils gambadaient innocemment sous la pluie soudaine. 
- Ça doit être bien… 
Armin et Connie se regardèrent après que ces mots soient sortis de leur bouche en même temps.
- Pourquoi tu dis ça?  - Et toi, pourquoi tu dis ça?  - Hé bien… répondit Armin, détournant le regard tandis que la pluie battait contre le toit. Je n’étais pas le genre d’enfant qui jouait avec les autres. Voilà pourquoi. 
Armin était perçu comme un dissident lorsqu’il était petit. Il s’intéressait à ce qui se situait au-delà des murs, et lorsqu’il essayait d’en parler aux autres enfants, il finissait par se faire rejeter et harceler par ces derniers.
En écoutant son histoire, Connie fut grandement surpris. 
- J’étais persuadé que tu étais populaire vu que tu es intelligent.  - Et qu’est-ce qu’il en était pour toi, Connie?  - Je me faisais aussi harceler dans mon village parce que j’étais bête et petit. Connie se gratta le nez et regarda les enfants. Et je suis vraiment stupide. Ils m’ont même abandonné dans les bois à l’extérieur du village, en pensant que je n’arriverais pas à retrouver le chemin du retour.
- Et tu as réussi?
- Je n’y suis pas arrivé… A ce moment-là, il a commencé à pleuvoir d’un coup, tout comme aujourd’hui… Je me suis perdu, et j’étais trempé. Je me suis mis à pleurer.
Alors que la pluie s'intensifiait, les enfants qui jouaient commencèrent à prendre refuge sous un toit. 
- Ma mère est finalement venue me chercher. J’ai honte de dire ça, mais… - Pour moi aussi… C’était pareil, renchérit Armin. Il vit les enfants se rassembler afin de s’occuper d’un de leur ami qui avait attrapé froid. C’était un jour de pluie… et je ne pouvais pas bouger car on m’avait frappé. Mais Eren et Mikasa étaient venus me récupérer et nous étions rentrés tous les trois sous le même parapluie. J’avais tellement honte à l’époque, mais… 
Armin leva les yeux. 
- Maintenant que j’y repense, ils me prouvaient qu’ils étaient mes amis. Je suis content de ne pas avoir décliné leur aide.  - Oh. Donc j’aurai dû voir que ma mère me montrait qu’elle tenait à moi, mmh.  - Oui… sans doute. Armin opina du chef puis observa le ciel. Les épais nuages se dispersaient, et se reflétaient dans ses yeux.
- Et si on y allait? On dirait qu’il va s’arrêter de pleuvoir.  - Hé… - Qu’est-ce qu’il y a? Demanda Armin, qui regarda Connie rire, de façon perplexe.  - Pour être tout à fait honnête, je pensais qu’on avait rien en commun, toi et moi. Je n’ai pas pu m’empêcher de rire.  - Vu de cette façon, c’est vrai. Armin gloussa à son tour. 
Tandis que la pluie s’estompait, la radieuse fin de journée assécha le sol pavé, puis illumina les deux jeunes hommes qui regagnaient la ville en courant. 
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its-zur1 · 6 months
The horses gallop through the newly discovered land. The wind shoots the soldiers right in the face, hitting them with a familiar scent of salt.
They've seen salt before, they know the smell of it, but this is different. The salty aroma is much more stronger, more than they've ever felt before.
And there, they see it. The sea, the giant, never-ending pool of water - the reason they traveled all the way there.
The reason behind so many dedicated hearts.. Now they are finally worth the sacrifice.
They arrive, still on their horses, and stare. It's so beautiful, gorgeous, breathtaking even. And it's real, it isn't any story from an old book full of fairy tales, it's all real, right in front of them.
Connie and Sasha are the first ones to get off of their horses, dragging Jean with them. Slowly, most of the soldiers who've survived get off too and approach it. The kids run around, screaming, giggling, laughing, splashing the water on themselves.
Yet, there are some who are still taken aback by the sight of it. As smart as Erwin may be, his mind can't quite catch up. He's done it, he realises.
A smile, a big one appears on his face, he looks like a child who was just given the finest candy, and Levi sees it. He doesn't think the man has ever looked so happy in front of others. Here, he isn't a commander. Here he is a human, just a person.
Erwin jumps right off of his horse, with Levi copying him. The blonde man then breaks into a run, out of nowhere, just sprinting down to the beach, waving his arms around in pure joy and happiness.
How childish of him, Levi thinks, even though he runs right after him, and they both go straight into the water. Erwin gasps at how cold it is, but they both quickly take their shoes off, walking right into it once again.
The sand under their feet shifts with each step they take, and Erwin can't help but feel even more excited, giggling at it. He watches small fish swim right by his feet. He looks at all the seashells, trying not to step on any.
When the water reaches his ankles, he stops, and turns around, staring right at Levi. His teeth still shine bright at him, and Levi returns the smile. Even if it is a small one, it still says everything it wants to, which is enought for Erwin.
He grabs Levi's hand, and begins walking further into the sea. He stops only when accidentally stepping on a shell, almost falling.
If it wasn't for Levi catching him, he'd be wet from head to toe. Levi's always there when Erwin needs him, and Erwin adores that so much.
They're close now, so close. The feelings, the passion, it's all there. Erwin looks around; the other scouts aren't close, not that they would be paying any attention to their captain or commander anyway, they're too busy playing, having fun.
The blonde picks up a shell, admiring how colorful it is. His sleeve is now wet, but he doesn't mind.
Levi stares at the object in Erwin's hands, at his face, and the way he observes it. Seeing Erwin this happy makes his heart flutter in his chest, makes him feel butterflies in his stomach, as if he was a teenager, falling in love for the first time.
Which he is. Although, he's fallen for Erwin long ago, but it looks like this might just be the right moment to act on it, as it finally feels like the hell they've gone through will get easier.
And perhaps one day, the two of them will get out of the hell completely, settle somewhere where the flames won't reach them. This looks like a good place. The house could be on the hill..
Yes, I'm alive. I apologize for any mistakes.
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lucysarah-c · 5 days
What do you think about Levi not mentioning Farlan and Isabel throughout the anime? They were literally his first real friends and family. Even in their deaths he was frustrated. But strangely we don't see any flashback scenes about them or Levi talking about them. It's obviously disturbing to me.
I have an Oc an underground childhood friend that I ship with Levi in particular and I didn't write their story down, but it makes me think that if my character was in danger or if she died with Farlan and Isabel or if she ended up dying long after their deaths, Levi would never remember her or talk about her, just like Farlan and Isabel's deaths, and that bothers me.
I know it's a bit strange to get this kind of analysis-like question since you are a Levi writer's blog. But since I love your writings and I really liked and found comfort in your answer to anon's question about whether Levi likes weak people. Because I am also a person who gets caught up in rumors and doubts whether Levi will like us or not haha.
Anyway, I don't want to deviate too much from the subject and make it too weird. You can answer question if you want.
Hi, sweetie! Oh, I see. Yes, I understand where you're coming from. First of all, I'd like to thank you for saying that you love my writing, and I'm so happy you found comfort in my answer about Levi and a "weak person." It's alright that we get lost in what the fandom discusses too frequently; it has happened to me too. And do not worry, rest assured, I don't find these "analysis questions" weird at all. Though my analysis will never be as good as my close friends', like my friend Sushi who used to have a meta-analysis blog of SnK or Cosmic! They are beyond amazing.
But to answer your question, before I get lost in my thoughts, long story short, Isayama is extremely bad at writing emotional connections in my humble opinion. In my personal group chat with my SnK close friends, we discuss this in great detail at least twice per week haha. In my opinion, Isayama is a writer or a storyteller who struggles to find a balance between keeping the plot going and creating a cohesive society and interrelationships between characters. I personally think that the story was always advancing so fast, full gas, no stop, that we hardly got any real details about the characters that made them human beyond their mere roles in the story.
I always use as an example, if one chapter in the manga or anime started with different panels of the veterans getting ready and sitting down all together for a meeting, we could have seen how their personal chambers were, how their interactions were not only between them aside the presence of the cadets, but we could have also seen how they confront early mornings, if they had paintings of loved ones, flowers on their desks, etc. It would have taken ... 5-10 pages at most, and we could have learned so much. It's something I even keep in mind while planning my own stories; I have an entire notebook of "backstory" for all the characters of Holy Ground, canon or not. So when the time comes around, I can drop little details of their lives here and there because... Let's be honest, has someone ever sat down next to you and said "here, let me tell you my whole life"? No, usually, you get to know someone organically, and that's also what, in my opinion, should happen in stories.
Now, going back to why Levi doesn't talk about Farlan and Isabel. Well, my best answer to you is, sadly, another question. Tell me one scene in the whole anime or manga where Levi was having some quality time with someone he felt comfortable enough to open up and talk about fond memories, be vulnerable, or even crack a joke about some silly hormonal stuff he did as a young man with Farlan. Tell me, I will wait... Haha.
Levi doesn't talk about Farlan or Isabel because he doesn't have screen time to talk about almost anything besides the plot moving haha. I would put my hands on a burning fire and swear that Farlan and Isabel are still extremely important to Levi! And so would be your OC! Don't let Isayama's literary limitations fence your story. That's my best advice; explore feelings that he didn't have the production time for (perhaps he wasn't allowed to write about it because of financial stuff) or he simply wasn't good at it.
Hope that helps!
Love ya!
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laluvlidovezgal · 5 months
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✦ 𝐓𝐇𝐄.
✦ 𝐈𝐌.
✦ 𝐘𝐎𝐔.
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hi, hello, heyo!
a stranger amongst many. sincerest of greetings from me to you!
a teen astray the infinite void, aimlessly adrift the tremous journey of studying ⎯ a newfound author, honoured to make your acquaintance.
have you ever felt that hefty feeling, so overbearing that you wonder as to endeavour a charade ⎯ a deceitful escapade from reality?
why, darling, fret not!
please, if you may ⎯ i humbly encourage you ought solitude within my abode ⎯ now a shared sanctuary ⎯ to ensure a tapestry for us through a mutual desire of a longing to infinitely be enveloped in a mesmerizing reverie, by the means of our limitless imaginary.
despite a majority of society potentially deeming it all a mere delusion — i yearn to grant me and you boundless indulgence in our false reality.
seek refuge in our fantastical daydreams. manifested as I weave mine to words, laid to the utmost flare of my capabilities, to gift a safe haven for you and me.
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in this station specifically, i’ll be primarily concentrating on short stories.
such as scenarios, oneshots, hcs, etc…
i tend to harvest in the realm of many themes.
yet even still, i’d prefer to keep mine mature—pardon, not in that explicit way, however.
it is merely themes centering with ones such as gore, violence, harsh language, etc…
nonetheless, i am open with engaging in multiple fandoms.
╰ var. (requested)
var. (crossover)
var. (isekai)
t. muichiro (short story)
╰ t. giyuu (oneshot)
╰ t. muichiro (ramble)
╰ t. muichiro (oneshot)
╰ t.muichiro (requested)
thh & sdr2 & drv3.
╰ g. satoru (oneshot)
gi & hi & hsr.
var. (crossover)
╰ scaramouche // gi. (drabble)
hazbin hotel.
sec . acc (do check it out! this is where i post my artworks and stuff)
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any of you’re radiant displays of endless support,
evokes a heavenly bliss within me.
kindling a whimsical jubilation,
i had not fathomed remained.
as serendipity intertwines our paths,
my fervent aspiration is to adorn you
with even the most delicate semblences,
of that ineffable warmth.
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soldier-poet-king · 3 months
get to know you better game! answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better. tagged by @galahadiant
last song I listened to: Incandescent Ruins - The Mountain Goats!
currently reading: finishing up Flannery O'Connor's short stories, a historical nonfiction overview for work research, Victoria Goddard's At The Feet of The Sun, Blood and Ash series (IT'S SO BAD. HOLY SHIT. it's for hater bookclub and is probably the worst thing ive ever read), FMA manga, James Baldwin's Notes from a Native Son, Fun Home
(i always have a zillion things on the go and switch between as the mood strikes)
currently watching: nothing?? i dont really watch tv ;-; i put on critical role when crafting if that counts? technically I ave snk, the bear, and the untamed all on the go, but i watch VERY sporadically, mostly just when im too sad to read or play video games, which i prefer to tv
currently obsessed with: when am i NOT obsessed with something? I dont think I really 'get over' obsessions, inasmuch as they enter the ever growing rotation in my heart, and everyday it's a wild guess what will get me super emotional. in 2024 thus far it's been: Sad Russian Man Simulator Pathologic, Pentiment (video game), BG3, Under Jurisdiction Book 1 by Susan R Matthews*
*this is NOT a rec. omg. this is not a book most people would enjoy. it is super graphic and violent and deliberately horrifying and uncomfortable. i loved it. it very much asks questions and explores themes at the intersections of all my interests - submission to Duty vs. Authority, questions of loyalty and devotion even to a 'bad' person, mercy and justice to 'bad' people, being worthy of care regardless, questions of autonomy and dehumanization and what does choice really mean when you are not free?, facing the monster of the self and refusing to hide from it and acknowledging the terrible thing you are, questions of responsibility, duty and care of a Master over his servants, and man to man, family angst, religious angst, what does the ends and the means really mean when it's harm reduction? when it's doing something unspeakably awful to prevent something even worse?
THAT BEING SAID. it is still like. a book about a doctor who is forced against his will to become a government sanctioned torturer in an evil space empire. and to his disgust and horror he realizes he's a sadist. he's not only /good/ at it, some part of him /enjoys/ it. and he has to live with that knowledge, that burden, that guilt. Andrej is Not A Nice Man, by any means, but maybe, MAYBE, he can try to be a good one, or as good as circumstances permit. im compelled by this exploration of things so horrifying. we cannot look away from the horrors. cannot refuse to ask the difficult questions. and art is just. the place for that exploration of things too terrible to stomach irl
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ryuichirou · 12 days
A couple of replies about our sketches from yesterday, a couple of follow-ups and some stuff about Papa and Mama Leech today~
Anonymous asked:
Thank you for your contributions to the Toddallace fandom!!!
No problem, Anon! Thank you so much for enjoying our Toddallace stuff.
Anonymous asked:
Screaming and crying and on my knees and absolutely losING MY DAMN MIND-
Freminet is my favorite Genshin character and he is so underrated! Seeing him in your beautiful art style has blessed my entire MONTH and I am eternally grateful!
Thank you for the wonderful sketch 🙏 I will now proceed to be insane over it for the next week
You are very welcome, Anon!! I am so happy you liked the sketch! <3
Freminet is cute, his freckles really look good on his face.
irregardlessly-tish asked:
Have you guys ever read/watch Higurashi or Umineko no naku koro ni? Not a lot of cute boys to ship, (especially in Higurashi) but I get the impression that the dark themes in both of them may be things you find enjoyable lol They are both of my favorite mangas I've read besides SnK
We haven’t yet, but we really want to! My knowledge of both of these titles is pretty vague outside of some of the most well-known things, but I am pretty sure we will enjoy it a lot. Thank you for recommending it to us!
I don’t know when we’ll have the opportunity to dive into it, but whenever we do, I’ll absolutely have some sketches to show. I can already feel it…
Anonymous asked:
Wait I think I know which webtoon anon is talking about
The Guy Upstairs by Hanza
I don't like Hanza bc she's an anti but she kinda got stuck with the short end of the stick with the whole situation
The shippers for the main pairing started harassing Hanza and that's why she decided to end the webtoon early
(related to our replies from yesterday)
Oh, I see.
Regardless of an author’s views, it is always unfortunate when they have to finish their story abruptly because of the pressure of the readers. One would think that they would appreciate it enough not to bully the author, but unfortunately, a lot of times people are very demanding and emotional.
Anonymous asked:
I like Idia’s underwear. 😏
Jade loves it too <3
Anonymous asked:
jade move over that's my job.
Oh you can take a break and relax, Jade will gladly do the hard work for you ^^
Anonymous asked:
If Idia wasn’t butt-naked, he would’ve ran away and left the entire Jade for you, Anon…
Anonymous asked:
every day is a good day when I get to see Jade x Idia YEAHHH
Sooo, are they doing anything spicy~? 👀
Thank you, Anon!! <3 I’m glad you liked it!
They’re about to~
Anonymous asked:
The way I started counting syllables to check if this was a haiku….
I am very happy you liked it so much, Anon!! <3
Anonymous asked:
Holy fuck ill keep saying it over and over but EEL ABS
Swimmer abs! Meaty boys!
Anonymous asked:
So, I saw a post and I wonder if you've seen it or thoughts of it but a eric/crewel/trein threesome (i think his name was Eric but its vil's dad)
No thoughts so far. We keep getting asked about Eric and Trein (and Crewel I guess), but I don’t even know how or why they would interact. We haven’t watched the event yet, so maybe I just don’t know some crucial piece of information, but… Eric seems like too big of a celebrity to stumble upon these two all of a sudden? And Trein doesn’t sleep around as well, he is a very tough one to crack…
Not completely impossible, I just don’t feel it for now. Maybe I’ll have an epiphany at some point in the future!
Anonymous asked:
NEED to know more about your leech parents!!! do they sleep in the same fish bed? did they even want kids, was it just for traditional family points? she doesnt cook, do the rest of them keep it a secret too? hgrgrhrhrhhhhhh FISHFISHFISHFISHFISHFISHFISHFIFSHFISH
im willing to vote they have a cuck chair (? ...merfolk dont sit tho..)
lol Anon!! I am very happy that you got intrigued by these two; I really like thinking about them too to be honest lol so I guess I better share my thoughts before we get more canon lore about them (god forbid, I wouldn’t want that at all! *reverse psychology*)
Alright, so to answer your questions…
To be honest, I don’t think they sleep in the same bed, mostly because both of them are too damn long and take up too much space to share a bed lol They used to sleep together when they just got married, but quickly decided that it’s just too bothersome.
Moray eels aren’t super social and don’t have the “mate for life” mentality, so their family façade is kind of fake. It also makes them dangerous, because one moray eel is already trouble, but two? Who also have a family? This is one of the things that make them so dangerous. So yeah, I wouldn’t say that Papa and Mama Leech love each other romantically, but they have mutually beneficial relationship, and to them this is probably even better than love. They are also probably aren’t intimate with each other anymore… they are with other people though, when they feel like it~
So yeah, to answer your question about a cuck chair lol Sure, why not, but I feel like with these two it’d be more like one of them is obliterating some poor merman while the other watches it just for the sake of enjoying the show. And some additional intimidation/humiliation 😔
When it comes to family, both of them really wanted kids, but not due to any wholesome reasons: Papa Leech wanted to keep his business going strong even after he’s gone, and he would rather choke on a puffer fish than entrust it to anyone other than his own copies lol And Mama Leech really enjoys the drama of being a mother and a wife. She is a bit of a narcissist, and both of them are kind of sociopathic?? But they love their kids in their own ways.
The fact that Mama Leech doesn’t cook is the biggest secret in the world lol The tweels usually play along, especially Jade, but Floyd is more likely to just roll his eyes whenever she is talking to someone about cooking dinner for her sons. I would say that they have a cook, but actually I feel like the majority of things that they eat are raw…
Anonymous asked:
I wonder if you see the time we ask these at... hmmm
Female!Jade, in Bayonetta 1 or 2's outfit...
We do~ We don’t check it though, so if you’re worried for some reason, don’t be lol
You’re making this woman way too powerful, please have mercy… she is already tall and scary…
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