#snowbird adjacent
organised-disaster · 3 months
This is what I look when I listen to music and imagine the most impossible-to-create, highest budget, most gut-wrenching Snowbird animations:
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Me after listening to my Snowbird playlist for too long
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royboyfanpage · 1 month
Hello ! I'm slowly but surely getting into Green Arrow comics and Roy appears fairly often but not much enough yet that I can get his personality that well. So, I wanted to ask - and I know it probably changed throughout the years, but - how would you describe him at his core ? What kind of guy is he ? His values ? (Is he into leftist and ecological ideologies like Ollie ? etc.)
Thank you for your help !
Hi, thanks for the ask friend!
I’m gonna answer the easiest question first which is his politics- yes, he very much is a leftist like Ollie. I’m just gonna show this one panel
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And I don’t think I really need to elaborate more. He’s just like his dad.
As for who Roy is as a character, I don’t think it has really changed that much, at least before the New 52 his characterisation was pretty consistent. Roy’s always been someone who is very much fuelled by his relationships with others and his love for those closest to him. Most notably his love for Lian has always been a huge motivator for him since her introduction- a lot of the time she’s very much the thing keeping him alive, with at least two instances where Roy refuses to give up because if he died Lian would be alone. He also has similar love for the rest of the Arrow family- he was snapped out of brainwashing because he refused to kill Ollie, he’s always had an incredibly close relationship with Dinah ever since Snowbirds (I would highly recommend reading Arsenal 1998 and Vixen: Return of the Lion for them), he’s fiercely protective of Mia and yelled at Ollie when he found out she was gonna become Speedy, and he gave Connor what was essentially an ace acceptance speech decades before Connor was canonically asexual, for some examples.
He’s also an incredibly forgiving person, and he wears his heart on his sleeve a lot of the time. It’s something that definitely came about more heavily after Lian was born (which personally I chalk up to his acknowledgement that she was gonna change him + his promise that he’d never lie to her- promising to be honest and open with his child made him a more open and honest person in general), and it’s SUCH a crucial part of his character. When Roy has feelings, he expresses them loudly and immediately and then moves on most of the time- which is why when Roy and the rest of the Fab Five were stuck on an island designed specifically to bring up grudges and resentments Roy was really the only one who wasn’t that affected- all of his grievances were in response to things that were actively happening in the moment while others had let things fester for a while. It also does make the few moments were he does hide his emotions more poignant, particularly in his relationship with Donna in Titans 1999 (which I would very very highly recommend you read, it’s the jackpot for Roy Harper characterisation.)
And I know it’s very cliche to say about a superhero because duh, he’s a hero, but Roy is so good. He tends to get the reputation as the bad boy of the Titans, which I do get, but at his heart Roy is a hero through and through, not just because he saves the day but because he cares so, so much and the best example of that is through his interactions with kids/teenagers. The most notable example that comes to mind is Grant Emerson- Roy was really one of the first adults in Grant’s life who genuinely cared about him and his wellbeing, and… y’know what, I’m just gonna show this page off again because I will never stop talking about it
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Again, highly recommend reading Titans 1999 for Roy and Grant because they’re genuinely one of my favourite father/son-adjacent relationships in any media ever- also recommend Roy’s Titans run for them, oh and if you wanna know more about Grant by himself you should read Damage 1994 :)
Oh and also Roy is lame. An absolute loser. He quotes Friends to try and flirt with women. I hate him.
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albatmobile · 1 year
The Art of Rehabilitating Snowbirds Chapter 20
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𓅪 After not hearing from Roy or Jason for five years, you suddenly find yourself taking in extra income as a babysitter for their child.
𓅪 Rated: M | 3.3k includes: skipping school w jayroy, shopping w steph
fem!Reader x Jason Todd x Roy Harper [masterlist]
Chapter 20: Junk of the Heart | ao3 - wattpad
This time, you guys ditched your usual stomping grounds at the diner to meander around Gotham’s botanical gardens. Perfect timing- not. There was apparently a field trip going on. Every few seconds, you were forced to dodge gaggles of little kids left and right who zoomed around the foliage-filled room at alarming paces.
Jason and Roy had hardly spoken much past grunts and terse head nods the entire ride in Roy’s beat-up 1998 Mustang coupe. Both did, however, laugh when you were forced to sit in Jason’s lap the entire ride. 
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It started out with Jason and Roy splitting up in the expansive room, forcing you to choose between the two.
You groaned, figuring Roy would be the easiest to persuade to meet Jason halfway.
“Soo,” you drawled once you caught up to the redhead. He was staring at a butterfly as it swooped down from the roof and floated down onto the petals of the pink dahlia in front of him.
“I’m surprised you followed me,” he admitted, light green eyes flickering over to you.
“Yeah, well,” you trailed off, unsure of where exactly this was going, “here I am.” 
Just what had happened after you’d left?
Apparently, you’d managed to voice your question aloud because Roy began to visibly panic as he searched for words. 
“I mean, princess,” he said your nickname with a fake charm you’d only ever seen him use on the girls he brought around. “Yeah, I mean, obviously something happened,” he laughed cheekily with a cringe-worthy faux nonchalance, “but, uh, nothing like else.” He then played way too naive for you to actually believe any of the shit that spewed from his chapped lips. Your squinted eyes proved this and he began to backtrack, “Yeah, no. Nothing else happened after you left.”
“Sick,” your monotonous response spurred a panicked look across his freckled face. You knew Jason would start getting pouty if the three of you didn’t reconvene soon, so you tilted you needed to hurry this shit up. You tilted your head sharply in Jason’s direction, leaving no room for negotiation. “Now, come on.”
Roy mumbled something about you being a ‘meddlesome kid’ before begrudgingly following behind you.
Jason remained silent as the two of you bounded up beside him at the koi fish pond. All around him, little kids were scattered around, listening to the tour guide. The man was explaining their usual habitat and feeding habits before allowing some of them to feed the spotted fish small food pellets. 
“Leave it to us to come here on the one day kids are running all over the fucking place,” Roy muttered to you behind his hand. You snickered, having just been thinking the same thing. 
Jason, however, was busy helping a little boy safely lean over the side so that he could throw the treats in.
It was cute.
A quick glance out of the corner of your eyes proved Roy must’ve been sharing your thoughts again. 
His eyes were absolutely entranced with Jason’s soft complexion, highlighted by the sun’s rays that broke through the greenhouse roof. His mouth, normally tense or forced downward, was relaxed into an easy smile as the boy turned around to thank him gleefully.
Upon remembering your and Roy’s presence, Jason cleared his throat and awkwardly patted the kid on the back in response. The group of kids moved on to the adjacent field outside, leaving the three of you alone with the butterflies, koi and a shit ton of unresolved tension.
“You guys decide to ditch me?” Jason deposited the rest of the treats into your hand and you blushed as each pellet hit your palm. “What kind of shit is that?” he said with his voice overly cool and controlled, just as it had been since meeting up earlier with Roy in the school’s parking lot.
“We’re all ditching technically,” you warned him to drop it. “You know we would never ditch you. Never.”
Varying shades of green glared back at each other as Jason and Roy sized each other up.
Nope, no. 
No, they weren’t doing this. Not today, not ever. 
Especially when the three of you had just made up. Like, come on.
The last thing you needed was these two sexually repressed teens going at it, no, not that going at it, in the botanical gardens, especially with schoolchildren outside on the playground not even forty feet away.
“Cool,” he said, spinning around without another word. 
You smacked Roy in the arm when he rolled his eyes at the dramatic action before following after your other friend.
“Very cool, Jay.”
You and Jason turned around, shocked to find that it was Roy who’d completed your inside joke.
“Whatever, man,” Jason shooed him off like an insistent fly. “You making fun of me now, too?”
“Never,” Roy sighed, sounding actually genuine for the first time since you’d arrived. “I promise.”
From there, the rest of the day went on as it normally would’ve to the point you’d nearly forgotten about the earlier tension between them. 
Well, mostly.
Ever since the kiss, yes, they’d been awkward at first, but eventually, it’d been hard not to notice oddities. There were more accidental brushes, more pinkies bumping pinkies and more shared glances that lingered just a bit too long as the day went on.
For the most part, you just let them do their thing while silently observing. It was only when Jason brushed a piece of Roy’s hair from his face that you finally gave in and questioned them. You asked where they went after the… er, occurrence in Jason’s room and they blushed in response. 
The distance between them grew as they stumbled to address you.
“What?” You couldn’t help but eye them skeptically, not quite believing what you were seeing. “Are you guys dating now or something?” you asked half curious, half being an asshole.
“Hell no,” they answered in unison. At this, they backed away from each other at the same time, but you merely shook your head. 
These two needed to fuck and get it over with. And maybe let you watch… 
Never mind. 
Roy noogied the top of your head, pulling away before you could retaliate. “You’ve got a dirty mind there, kid,” he accused jokingly.
 If only he knew.
“How is it dirty to ask if you’re dating?” You quirked a questioning brow at his flushed, freckled cheeks. “Seems like you’re the dirty-minded one here then, huh?” you teased, flicking his nose and laughing when it scrunched in protest. 
Definitely payback for the noogie. 
He muttered something before smacking at your hand without any actual malice. Meanwhile, Jason’s eyes remained curiously fixed on your own as if searching for something.
You had lots of shit to make up for the classes you’d missed while skipping, so an impromptu library session was a must. 
You’d never been to the library alone, aside from your first week at the academy and you’d definitely never been here after school, so seeing the crazy influx of students coming in and out was shocking.
Every single seat at every table was taken.
You inwardly sighed. You were never skipping again.
“Hey,” a boy’s voice called out your name. 
You spun around to see Tim with headphones in at a small table in the middle of the packed room. You waved and awkwardly shifted from foot to foot until he motioned you over.
He removed his bag from the seat next to him and patted for you to sit, pulling out the chair for you in the process.
“Thanks,” you sighed in relief. You gratefully slid into the seat and wasted no time pulling out your trig homework. “Didn’t realize I’d need a reservation for the library an hour after school let out.” 
Tim snorted, “Gotta come during last period and place a towel over your seat just like the pool, rookie.” He turned around to tug at his green hoodie that hung off the back of his seat. “This works too, though.”
You added his library hack to your repertoire as you peeked over his shoulder. It didn’t seem like he was doing much studying at all, considering the majority of his notebook page was covered in little chibis. He blushed and attempted to flip the page back to where he’d previously been working on… magnets? There was a class for magnets at GA? Regardless of the magnets, or lack thereof, you’d seen Tim’s superhero chibi’s and you were determined to get a closer look. 
“No way,” you squealed down at the sketch as you reached into your bag to produce your phone. “This looks just like this new suit idea I made for Red Robin.” You quickly pulled up your Tumblr, shamelessly showing him new content on your fanblog filled with all types of provocative illustrations of the bat boys, including some of your own embarrassing fan art. Finally, you reached the post you were talking about. “See?”
Tim seemed way too interested in the other content on your blog, but his eyes lit up when your finger stopped scrolling.
“Oh, wow. That is pretty similar,” he trailed off, pulling the phone from your hand to get a closer look, only to recoil at the next photo you’d drawn of a bloodied, half-naked Red Robin.
“You don’t like that one?”
He cleared his throat and handed you back your phone, “No, I do. They’re both really… detailed.”
“Tim!” The two of your heads popped up to see Bernard swoop in. He came to a swift halt directly in front of Tim. “We’re going to be late. Let’s go,” the blond demanded impatiently.
“Yeah, just give me a sec,” Tim said as he set about collecting his things. Once he’d finished, he stood up, bidding you a quick goodbye with a kind smile, “I’ll see you around.”
“Thanks for showing me your sketches!”
Bernard hustled him away from you without looking back or acknowledging you in any way. Before they were completely out of earshot, you heard the blond ask, “What is she talking about?” 
Ever since Tim and Bernard had been hanging out recently, you felt like chopped liver to him. Even at your lockers, he was always too preoccupied with Bernard to even acknowledge you.
You hadn’t seen Stephanie around recently and even though you’d gotten off to the rough start you had, you still missed her presence. You’d take Steph’s sparkly sass to Bernard’s persnickety ass any day. 
It was by chance you saw her in between periods the next day whilst taking a new route Roy had shown you the previous week. Supposedly, it cut 30 seconds off your commute, but you honestly figured it was because he played basketball in between these periods and the route conveniently passed by the gym. 
Sure enough, Roy was there and caught you looking. You chortled at his wink and continued on your trek toward the blonde.
“Hey!” You gave a small wave. 
Stephanie ignored the action. “You’re still talkin’ to me?” she asked monotonously.
"Uh," you quirked your head questioningly, “should I not be?”
She gave you an unimpressed once over. “You trying to get with Tim?” You shook your head no, completely and utterly confused. When had you ever been trying to get with Tim? Your face must have accurately portrayed this because she simply shrugged and said, “Cool. Guess you’re tagging along with me tonight then, yeah?”
She started walking and you trailed slightly behind her fast pace.
“Is Tim going?”
Her weird questioning, along with Roy’s question to Tim the other day, left you feeling like you were missing a large piece of the puzzle. He had just said they were going on a date- had he not? Did Stephanie really think you were trying to take Tim away from her when you had your hands preoccupied with two other Waynes and Roy?
“Fuck no,” she spat. “It’s a college party, so I doubt his dorky-ass will show.” She turned to you, slowing down finally. “Well, actually, I don’t know, nor do I care.”
“Aren’t you guys a thing?” 
“Doesn’t matter anymore,” she said with an air of distaste before crossing her muscular arms. You took the hint, dropping the topic altogether. It seemed to be some fucked up form of fate that caused the two of you to pass by Tim, who waved in your direction. He noticeably hesitated when Stephanie’s fiery gaze shot his way. “I’m so over these little Gotham boys. It’s time we hung around the men.” 
“I severely doubt the Gotham Academy students qualify as men,” you pointed out, shooting Tim a tiny wave back once Stephanie became distracted with pulling up details from Dick about his party. 
“You’re literally a titted version of Damian, you know that? Swear, it’s scary sometimes.” 
You snorted, jokingly shouldering her, “Fuck off.”
“Fuck you, bitch,” she shouldered you right back with a cackle. You were instantly sent sprawling clear across the hallway and directly into the angry oncoming foot traffic. Once you rejoined her at her side, she continued on as if she hadn’t just bruised your entire arm and ego. “We’re going to the mall after school. I need something to make my tits look perkier.” She floofed at her boobs with a slight pout. “‘Sides, your wardrobes a bit all over the place. Screams ‘jailbait’ and we don’t want that.”
“Hey! All you've ever seen me in is the uniform or Jason’s clothes. Besides,” you tried to flick her on the nose as some form of payback, but she dodged you with a practiced ease, “I am jailbait and people should know that.”
She raised a dubious brow. “Just not Jason and Roy?”
“Fuck you,” you joked with a roll of your eyes as you came to a halt in front of your next class. “So, your locker?”
“My locker,” she confirmed with a nod.
It was your first time at the mall with a friend and you were absolutely buzzing with excitement. You matched Stephanie’s upbeat nature easily, creating a positively chaotic vibe you loved. 
That was, at least, until the actual shopping commenced.
Stephanie unloaded a barrage of options into your arms, all of which you turned down in seconds. 
Everyone was self-conscious about something; you knew this. However, it wasn’t always obvious until you were in a Nordstrom Rack, freaking out because every god-damned piece of clothing showed off the one thing you couldn’t stand to bare: your scar. Sure, Jason had tried to point out you’d only been wearing turtlenecks and, yeah, you probably should’ve realized that you’d been hiding your scar by avoiding certain styles of clothes too, but it hadn’t truly clicked until just then.
Stephanie pouted at the options you steadily stacked back into her arms, only to return with another armful of options that you also turned down. 
“What are you so self-conscious about? It’s not like your tits haven’t been out before,” she said, shooting you a pointed stare, obviously mistaking your insecurity as distaste for low-cut clothes. “Trust me, I saw the photo of you and everyone at the gala.” She wore a teasing smile, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes or her tone. If you were being honest, she sounded… upset? 
You unwittingly gulped and tugged at the collar of your turtleneck, “Yeah, well, I haven’t worn that shit since then.” Luckily, she suddenly seemed to understand.
Not speaking about the incident at the Gala became some sort of unspoken rule that the Wayne Family seemed content to uphold. It worked in your favor, regardless. The less you had to talk about that night, the better.
“Oh,” she trailed off. “Turtleneck then? I already have a few in mind that I saw earlier.” 
You shot her a genuine smile, glad that she hadn’t pressed any further. 
Her being accommodating of your insecurities meant more than she’d ever know. 
You wandered about the clearance section while her blonde hair bobbed in and out of isles with Flash-like speed. Soon enough, you were making your way to the dressing room with bundles of clothes piled high in each arm.
There was no attendant at the desk when you walked back, so you and Stephanie hightailed it for one of the bigger rooms and set down your spoils before getting to work.
She undressed quickly in front of you and you blushed, not being in the right state of mind to notice her watching you taking in her nearly nude body.
“Do you always match your,” you cleared your throat, “bra and undies?” 
“Only when I know I’m going to be sharing a dressing room,” she said with a wink, picking up a tube top and ripping off her neon pink bra without hesitation. “Now, strip.”
You gulped, nodding distractedly.
The first few shirts you tried on, you could manage with a bra, but the remaining options required you to strip yours as well, allowing Stephanie to see the extent of your scar. She couldn’t contain her shock, though you pretended not to notice her silent horror. She schooled her reaction quickly enough that most wouldn’t have caught, but you did. She turned around to offer you some privacy as you continued to reject hanger after hanger of clothing.
Nothing was fitting right and, on the off chance it did, it exposed your scar. Your ‘no’ pile was growing faster than Stephanie could keep up with. She’d only been on her second shirt while you were already down to your last hanger.
It was a red turtleneck dress with low-cut arm holes that exposed the top part of your ribcage. Stephanie wobbled over to you with black jeans half-pulled up around her mid-thighs to finish styling you. She turned you away from the mirror to give the outfit a fair shot as she accessorized you with a cute belt and thin, strappy heels.
When she finally allowed you to view yourself in the mirror, you knew you’d found your outfit (X).
You waited until Stephanie was busy pulling on a pair of pants to rip off your bra, wishing you shared Stephanie’s same mindset about matching lingerie or, at the very least, her same confidence around nudity.
She turned around just as you were tugging the fabric over your nipples and gave you a once-over. “Honestly, I kind of dig it,” she said as she motioned for you to do a spin, then rolled her eyes as you came back around to face her. “Okay, titties.”
“What?!” you exclaimed, covering your tits nervously as she took in your exposed skin.
“Don’t ask dumb questions,” she sighed. “You’re fucking perfect. It’s annoying.”
You blushed, allowing your hands to drop and expose your hardened nipples that tented against the lightweight cotton. “Still jailbait?”
She scoffed, “Definitely not. Your side boob situation is making my dick go up.” 
You choked. You definitely hadn’t expected her to say that. 
The obnoxious howl that filled the dressing room following was not your proudest moment. Once you caught your breath, she shot you a stupid look that left you cackling all over again right alongside her. It was only a matter of time before your buffoonery forced an attendant to come by, knocking on the door to ask if you were alright. 
This only led to more giggling and reassurances that, yes, you were still just looking.
“You’re going to get us kicked out of a fucking Nordstrom Rack, Stephanie,” you swore, shaking your head in thinly veiled amusement.
“It would be an honor to get thrown out of this Nordstrom Rack with you,” she said your name, then did a double take. “Oh, your underwear line is showing.” Without warning, Stephanie squatted so her face was directly in front of your backside. She wasted no time in snaking her hands over the globes of your ass and snapping at the edges of your underwear with a resounding smack to smooth out the lines. “There.”
You managed a pathetic ‘thanks,’ deciding that you had to buy the dress that had Stephanie’s straight-ass eyeing you up and down.
“Nothing.” She blushed more, if it was even possible. 
You checked out after Stephanie decided on a flowy, white chiffon button-up top and a dark purple skirt. You, personally, didn’t see the vision, but you seriously doubted Stephanie could look bad in anything. She claimed the lace plum bra she was going to wear underneath would bring it all together, so you’d just have to wait and see. 
“Be ready at eleven,” she said when Babs, the only person you and Stephanie knew with a car, dropped you off at the library as you'd requested.
Fuck, no. You couldn’t have her seeing the shithole you lived at. 
At the last second, you called out Stephanie’s name just as Barbara made to peel off into traffic, “Meet me here.”
She shot you a confused glance but nodded anyway before disappearing off into Gotham’s rush hour.
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A/N: I <3 steph- who's ur fave character so far?
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world-holiday-vibes-23 · 11 months
Unmissable Sights and Activities in Palm Springs
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Nature lovers! This is a perfect spot for you!
Palm Springs is a holiday destination in the Sonoran Desert, surrounded by four mountain ranges. The resort city is popular for weekend getaways because it is only a three-hour drive from San Diego and a two-hour drive from Los Angeles!
The city and other adjacent communities known as the Coachella Valley are popular winter resorts. It is famed for its mid-century modern architecture, abundant championship golf courses, warm weather, and a joyous and inviting culture. Apart from golf resorts and swimming pools, there are a variety of tourist attractions, activities, and places to visit. Shopping, dining, museum visits, and excursions to the neighbouring desert, mountains, and canyons!
Did you know Palm Springs‘ busy season lasts from November to March? Yes! When most of North America is chilly, the population grows with tourists and snowbirds. During the annual Palm Springs Film Festival in January, the city attracts many Hollywood luminaries, while Modernism Week in February draws architecture and design enthusiasts from around the world. The city becomes much busier during the Coachella and Stagecoach music festivals in Indio, some 30 minutes outside downtown.
Read more to find out more about Palm Springs!
Explore the Living Desert Zoo and Gardens
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What began as an idea 50 years ago to preserve some pristine desert land as the region around it blossomed into a resort has evolved into a world-class zoo. The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens in adjacent Palm Desert provide an opportunity to see desert plants and fauna and get insight into desert ecosystems worldwide.
The little zoo also houses horses, wolves, foxes, badgers, alpine lions, raptors, giraffes, zebras, hyenas, leopards, gazelles, and other creatures from North America and Africa.
The best time to visit is when the animals are still energetic before the day’s heat sets in. To learn about guided excursions to the outdoors, wildlife displays, and animal feeding times, consult the zoo’s daily schedule.
Participating in the daily giraffe feeding is a delight. Visitors can feed their giraffe herd from an observation deck. During the summer, it is done in the mornings, while during the other months, it is done all day. You can also mingle with the zoo’s horses and camels by helping keepers feed, nurture, and train them!
Palm Springs wind turbines
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The San Gorgonio Pass, just west of Palm Springs, is one of the windiest spots on the planet, which is why it’s loaded with windmills! The pass, positioned on each side of the I-10 freeway as it approaches the Coachella Valley, provides strong and constant wind, which is required for power generation. Wind turbines cover acres of desert and hillsides, quietly creating electricity for the region.
The wind turbines can be seen by exiting the I-10 highway at the Indian Canyon exit or taking a guided tour. Palm Springs Windmill Tours is the only approved tour allowing you to go “behind the fence” and get up and personal with these massive machines! If you want the chilliest and rare experience, don’t miss out on this spot!
Palm Springs Art Museum
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The Palm Springs Art Museum exhibits works of art, natural history, and the performing arts. The museum has been open since the late 1930s and used to focus nearly entirely on desert subjects and artists. Still, over time, the focus has evolved to a well-curated collection that includes contemporary and modern art, including Native American art! History lovers! Pay attention! This spot will blow your mind!
The museum features a vast collection of Native American arts, crafts and artefacts and great art. The museum also has a natural science collection that displays creatures and fossils, making it a terrific destination for kids and families to visit!
On the grounds, there are additionally two outdoor sculpture gardens. Paintings, photography, glass, ceramics, architecture, and design are among the museum’s permanent holdings, emphasising American Western art and artists. There are also short-term exhibitions and shows that change from season to season.
The museum’s massive Annenberg Theater hosts various music, dance, and dramatic productions and performances throughout the year that is extremely enjoyable! Schedule your trip according to the specific dates of your preferred show!
Get a taste of the date palms
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Did you know Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley have a long agricultural heritage? Yes! You read it right! Dates are an important crop in the area, producing more than 90% of the dates farmed in the United States! This Middle Eastern fruit was initially cultivated in the desert in the early twentieth century, and it is one of the few crops that can be grown year-round in the region’s harsh climate.
The Shields Date Garden is located near Indio, roughly 30 minutes from Palm Springs. The nearly 20-acre date farm has a cafe, an informative tour of the date groves, and even a theatre screening a 1940s film about date farming. They also sell date shakes, a must-have date milkshake-like smoothie that every visitor to Palm Springs should experience!
Moorten Botanical Gardens and Cactarium’s barrel cactus
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On the southern end of Palm Canyon Drive, just outside Palm Springs, are the Moorten Botanical Gardens and Cactarium. The extraordinary natural area features an amazing display of cacti and other desert flora, ranging from mature trees to newly sprouting plants. The gardens are at their best in the spring when the desert begins to blossom, and the trees are turning green again.
Although Moorten is open all year round, you can receive a free guided tour of the facilities from fall through spring as part of your admission.
In addition to being a botanical garden, the grounds also function as a business nursery where you can buy some plants to take home with you!
Our Holiday Vibes are Good Vibes Only!
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Jessica Ken about snowbirds and we realize some left of the many octillions here about 20,000 people. Did Jason table is now being very rude and saying they're police again. You're talking about having someone drink antifreeze to kill them now and it's going out on the radio with just sitting there saying this dumb s*** and it's the max talking about it you're hearing it now.
I'm sending in a lot of units take care of the issue it's not as fast as it could be but it works and the people are very rude.
It's really trying to remember Lord and he's sitting there spreading trying to activate his robots which are mostly under control of Tommy f and he is a waste of time and people entertain it cuz he's paying them and this morning whatever they have left and we need him out. He was chastised for what he did last night but there are issues new warrants right now and they're going to kick him off the sheriff's for us today they say they're going to try again.
A huge force is building up and that's at the five points and they're also assembling a fleet right now it's about 80,000 octillion tonight we expect you'll have a huge for us and it will be wiped out again and then another Force is going to evacuate the Midwest about 80,000 octillion some came down and from the upper Midwest probably $20,000 octane and that's a total of $100,000 until you evacuated and it will leave only $80,000 octillion in the upper Midwest the Midwest will be clear and the doors will be shut and if the cities don't empty they'll be stuck there until gone in a few days it's still in there and they're not leaving and they shouldn't flee to The Rivers and they're being told to by their own there are several streams forming right now that go to the rivers of cars and trucks and motorcycles dirt bikes scooters whatever you can find they said and they're on it flatbeds trucks that carry things to stores and that holes come in them they're moving very fast and the holes are cut while they're moving and they pull the metal inside so they can curl it downwards and close it if they have to it is a very very fast operation they're moving a lot of people right now it's moving and they're going to The Rivers probably another 80,000 octillion and then another 80,000 octillion will empty all of the adjacent cities and towns and we think it might happen tonight they're getting more ships ready
Thor Freya
The reason they're doing this is they want to evacuate and they're saying they're leaving us exposed and that's what they say but they are also leaving the United States so it kind of curious about that and they say they want to hit the perimeter and then try and threaten us and send one our way of once in a while and they will be finished if they start that up
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justasparkwritings · 2 years
August {I} Salt Air
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Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG13
Warnings: None
Word Count: 5.6K
Summary: Your family has gone to Lake Augusta every August since before you were born. 10 summers ago, the arrival of a new Kim family shook up your existence, and future.
Notes: Look, I love a summer romp starring Kim Taehyung. Sue me.
Listen: August, Taylor Swift; Long Hot Summer, Keith Urban; Slide, Calvin Harris feat. Frank Ocean & Migos; This Must Be the Place, Sure Sure (Talking Heads Cover); 
Tag List: @4ksj, @jagiya, @ot7nem, @knjkitten, @teamtardis-notdead​
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August, 10 Summers Ago
           There’s a stillness on Lake Augusta, before the hordes of people begin jet skiing, boating and tubing crash through it. It’s glassy smooth, deep blue and murky with seaweed and an invasive species of lake weeds. It expands for miles, the largest lake in the state, home to numerous resorts, personal and time-shared cabins, a coastline that stretches around almost all of the lake and home to a quaint, small town full of charm. Every year it waits for summer to breathe life back into it, to expand its holdings to be full of happiness, sunscreen and a few heartbreaks. It’s home away from home for many people. Not just a summer getaway, but a place to find oneself once again.
           The town stretches on for maybe five blocks, with little shops selling nearly identical goods flush to each other. Each is painted its own pastel or neon shade, bright and calling in the friendly customers and new faces. The dirt road seeps into your shoes no matter how hard you try to avoid the dust, making certain shoes impossible to wear anywhere but at the lake. Everyone shop owner knows every shop owner, and they call to each other as they open their stores each morning. Shops shift every summer, the few boutiques selling overpriced goods often go under before the following year, the summer town desolate in the fall and winter. The few snowbirds come through town but want nothing to do with summer fair, and thus shops change management and names but rarely change the goods they sell.
           It’s all cute and quaint, with the only relative drama coming from said shops switching management.
           That is, the adult world is hardly any drama.
           It’s the teenagers, and young adults that wreak havoc on the whole town, turning the peaceful pirate themed mini golf into the perfect place for clandestine meetings of exes, joint trading and conspicuous pictures being taken. They run town, and in turn their drama seeps into everyone’s summer jobs. The people running mini golf have always had suspiciously loose lips, trading secrets with the golf caddies at Gunner’s, who tell their girlfriends that work in Twix, Madras Plaid, and the sweet shop The Confectioners Corner. They then spread it to their friends who work at the resorts, Draven’s and Coral Mist (more on them later), who text and call and soon everyone, even the dockers who are only 13, know.
           It’s an incestuous gossip hole, where secrets are hard to keep, and secret relationships rarely remain that way by summers end.
           But it’s here, in August, that everything somehow coalesces and finds both you, and both Kim families, at the lake.
           You have come to this cottage since before you were born. A property your moms bought when they had just gotten married, they’ve fixed it up year after year until it was absolutely perfect, AC included. It’s winterized, though you rarely make the four-hour drive from your house to the cabin when there’s a threat of snow. But some Christmases, and New Year’s, have been spent inside the walls. It’s a modest, two and a half bedrooms, two bath single story cottage with a stretch of sand and a lengthy dock. All the swimming gear stays locked in the wooden shed just adjacent to the house, and the pontoon sits readily waiting for rides around the lake, to dinners at Arnie’s and Bar Harbor.
           This is your home, and so is the cottage next door, the home of the Kim’s.
           Seokjin and his twin Namjoon, and your best friend and coconspirator, Eun-Ji (everyone calls her EJ), their parents bought the cottage the same time as your moms and raised you almost in tandem. Seokjin and Namjoon, a few years older, have never once looked at you or your brother, except the one time they were told to babysit and naturally didn’t. They’ve always been lost in their own lives, even as kids, they have a bond that’s unbreakable largely due to their shared womb experience. But EJ, now EJ has done nothing but pay attention to you. A friendship forged over having brothers, you’ve spent every summer together. The worst is always June and July, when the Kim’s are up at the cabin and due to your moms’ jobs, are stuck in the city without EJ.
           This summer will be different. You both of scored summer jobs. Yours at The Confectioner’s Corner, EJ’s at Pirate’s Treasure Chest. You’ll both be working odd times, evenings and weekends, but somehow, you’re going to make this the best summer. You’re about to turn 15, ready to start high school…. This would be your summer. You’re sure of it.
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           “If you don’t hurry up and take the cooler in, all the food will be spoiled,” your mom scolded from the porch of the cottage. She stood with her foot in the door and a hand on her him, watching with scrutinizing eyes as you and your brother struggled to carry the large cooler up the walkway.
           “We’re coming, it’s really heavy,” your brother, Alex, complained.
           “Yeah, did you put an entire pig in here?” You asked.
           “Stop complaining, you want to eat, don’t you?” She asked rolling her eyes.
           “Of course, we do,” your mama called from the car, sticker her head out to meet her wife’s gaze. “Stop giving them hell because you’re hungry. Eat a snack, Jackie.”
           Your mom rolled her eyes and took the few steps to come and help you and Alex.
           “Can I go –
           “YOU’RE HERE!” A voice bellows from somewhere between the trees. Thankfully your mom picked up the handle of the cooler because you dropped your side swiftly and took off running towards the voice.
           “I AM!” You screamed, arms wrapping around EJ.
           “I thought you were never going to get here!” EJ said, hugging you tight. “I’ve been stuck with my brothers for too long and I have needed you.”
           “You have a cellphone,” You reminded her.
           “You know my house is a total dead zone.”
           It was a well-known fact that the Kim’s cottage, ten times larger than your family’s, has the worst internet and wifi connection on the whole lake. Well maybe not the whole lake, but at least this stretch of beach. You’ve texted and called EJ only to have them bounce back or not go through at all. It’s a nightmare.
           “I know, but still. You don’t have to suffer any longer because I am here.”
           “Y/N,” your mama called. “Help unpack or you’re grounded for two days.”
           You stared at your mama in disbelief, two days? The beginning of August meant the small fair and carnival was happening, and with work not starting until Tuesday, you had all weekend and Monday to play, eat cotton candy and try to win cheap stuffed animals.
           “Mama!” You groaned and stomped over to the car to help unpack.
           “I’ll help too!” EJ declared as she took a bag of groceries from the trunk. The cooler was full, and being in the middle of nowhere, your moms had stocked up on the essential city items: almond milk, oat milk, gluten free waffles, bagels and bread, the good wine they loved, and Costco sized containers of meat. It wasn’t just that your parents and the Kim’s had become adults in tandem, it was that they raised you in tandem. Seokjin and Namjoon came over to eat at your house, talking to your mom and harassing Alex, almost every night. You too went to theirs. And thus, your moms had to buy Costco sized packages of meat to feed not one growing boy, but three.
           EJ stops dead in her steps as she enters the kitchen, because of course Seokjin has already beaten her to it.
           “Ugh, you,” she commented.
           “Ew, you,” Jin said back. He was busy unpacking groceries into the fridge, your mom filling the pantry and cabinets with fresh food.
           “Did you come in the back way?” EJ asked, snark in her tone.
           “I did, smarter huh?” Jin teased.
           “You’re the worst.”
           “No fighting,” Your mom said. “We’ve been here for twenty minutes and I’m not starting my vacation with the two Kim’s bickering. My own kids –
           “We are your kids too!” Namjoon said, poking his head in from the living room where he was setting up the router and powering up all the electronics.
           “My biological kids have already been fighting. I don’t need additional bickering. Got it?”
           “You need a drink,” Mama said coming in with the last of the carload. “Kids, go unpack.”
           “Okay!” You agreed happily and tugged EJ’s hand along to your bedroom, where someone (probably Seokjin) had already placed your suitcase. Your room at the cottage was desperately smaller than your room at home, a single bed instead of a double, it’s soft white walls welcomed you every time you stepped into it. EJ had no trouble plopping on your bed.
           “So, wanna hear the gossip?” She asked, eyebrows raising.
           “Yes! I’ve missed out on two months of it. What has been going on?”
           “Well, the big news is, the house two doors down from you,” EJ pointed, albeit in the wrong direction, to where the house was.
           “The one that got demoed and rebuilt?”
           It was hot gossip – who had torn down and built up a brand-new cottage? Who had threatened to change the landscape of the shore by creating a modern home? Who were these mysterious people?
           “Yeah, duh them. They move in this week and get this, they have a son that’s also going to be a freshman in high school and, the craziest part,” EJ paused, leaning closer to you. “Their last name is Kim!”
           “Whoa, another Asian family?” You sat down, staring shocked at her.
           It was enough that you and Alex, biracial and clearly brown, with your two moms, was more than enough diversity for the small town. Then of course, there was the Kim’s and their three, very Korean children. And now, another Asian family was moving in. Never had there been this many non-white people living here.
           “Isn’t it crazy?”
           “Yeah, we have to like, be friends with them, don’t we?” You asked.
           “Yes, because Jin and Joon are already annoyed someone else named Kim is moving in. They think everyone is going to be confused and think we’re related.”
           “Wouldn’t that make people think you’re related, more?”
           “That’s what my dad argued before he said that not wanting to be friends with them was anti-American, which sent Joon into a total spiral and mom sent him to his room.”
           Ah, yes. The three Kim children have their own rooms in the lake house.
           “It’s crazy that a Korean family is moving in, like that doesn’t happen. Not here.” You said, carefully taking the folded shirts out of your suitcase and placing them in their designated drawer, the second from the top.
           “No, but maybe more people are buying houses out here? My mom said things are changing.”
           “How would your mom know?” You asked.
           “She’s on the board of the town beautification project or whatever and working on dealing with the invasive species that are in the lake,” EJ said.
           “They’re not like, dangerous to humans, are they?”
           “Relax, if they were Seokjin would’ve turned into a red puss ball by now.”
           You laughed. “Can you imagine?”
           “I can, it happens when he eats too much garlic. It’s very funny and apparently can kill him.”
           “What’s the other gossip?” You wanted to keep the conversation moving. EJ, much like Namjoon, can get stuck on a subject and circle around it for hours.
           “According to sources I cannot confirm –
           That was lake code for “someone told me something they weren’t supposed to and now I’m telling you though I’m not supposed to”.
           “Uh-huh,” you said.
           “Maia is planning on losing her kissing virginity to Eric by end of summer.” EJ whispered, voice nearly rising loud enough to be heard outside your bedroom.
           “Whoa,” you said, sitting back and staring at her. “She likes him like that?”
           “I guess.”
           “I thought she was into Matty,” you said.
           “I did too, but then she came in this summer with boobs and straight hair, and I don’t know. They play mini golf at least once a week.”
           EJ leaned in again, voice even quieter than before. “Apparently, Matty and Katherine have done under the shirt stuff too.”
           “Whoa!” You said, making sure your door was closed so your moms didn’t hear anything. You sat down next to her, legs crossed, staring. “You’re joking.”
           “Cross my heart on Fearless, I am not.”
           “Oh my god,” you said. That was a serious vow, EJ loved Taylor Swift.
           “Yeah. And apparently some of the older kids are throwing a rager next weekend when Roman’s parents are out of town. Like a real party, with beer.” She was so glad you were finally here to tell this information to because the bad reception and likelihood her parents would look at her texts meant that she couldn’t send you a message. But this was huge. Parents never go out of town, and kids who throw parties while they are away, always get caught. Always. There isn’t a parent in this section of shore that wouldn’t go over immediately and shut it down, or worse, call the sheriff with noise complaints.
           “How do you know that?” You asked.
           “I have my ways,” EJ said. Which was really a code for, I eavesdrop on my brothers.
           “How could I have missed so much?” You asked, laying back on your bed.
           “I don’t know, but once you start work, I’m sure you’ll hear so much gossip you’ll be filling me in.” She confided.
           “I hope so. I just hope –
           “None of it is about you, I know. Your deepest fear.”
           “Are we going to the fair tomorrow?” EJ asked, standing to look through the new clothes you’d brought with you.
           “Yeah, but not until like two because we don’t want to seem, like, eager.”
           “We’re high school freshman,” EJ said, like it carried weight or magnitude in your current situation.
           “That means we’re at the bottom of the totem pole, again.” You reminded her.
           EJ scoffed. “We’re always going to be at the bottom with that attitude.”
           “At least while your brothers are around, we will be.”
           “So true, I can’t wait until they go to college.”
           “A few more years,” you said, resigned to experiencing the summer in the shadow of EJ’s hulking older brothers.
           Seokjin and Namjoon, fraternal twins born five minutes apart, are like night and day. Seokjin has always been the sun, willing to help, kind to everyone but introverted to a fault. He’s the favorite caddy of all the summer hires, requested by the high-profile club members, he’s kind and welcoming, always known for sharing an uproariously funny joke or two. But outside of Gunner’s, Jin stays to himself, doing his schoolwork, studying in the summer for his upcoming standardized tests, reading college required reading and making sure EJ stays in line. He might be the sun, but he carries no social clout and thus tries not to be outshone by Namjoon, something he fails at at the lake.
           Namjoon, student body president and assistant summer manager at Draven’s Resort, he works in mysterious ways. Clumsy and prone to accidents (he’s definitely broken a bone sitting on the dock), he knows what’s happening at every single business and clique of friends in town. How? No one really knows, but his penchant for being found both behind all the stores (the area they call the mall), and somehow never being seen anywhere but work and his parents’ house, has led the towns youth to create so many rumors about him he can’t keep straight what’s true and what isn’t. He isn’t above it all, in any sort of way. In fact, he’s always been a little lost in who he is when he’s up here. At home he’s totally fine, self-assured and aware of who he is and what he does. But here? He’s both Namjoon Kim, second son of the Kim’s, and Namjoon Kim, mysterious perpetually single yet dashing intellectual who is always injured. Neither identity feels true. If it was up to him, he’d be a bit more like Seokjin, who is the same at the lake as he is at home. Or EJ, who doesn’t ever seem to doubt who she is becoming.
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           The Lake Augusta Country Fair comes through once a summer, in August always, and brings with it a host of outsiders and new job opportunities. The businesses around town hire extra teens, and you’re considered lucky if you don’t have to work the weekend of the big fair. Seokjin and Namjoon always work it, their personalities and penchant for big tips always makes the guests spend more money, so they only get to go in the evenings. EJ is too new to be kept on at Mini Golf for the weekend, and thus she and you are on your way with Alex in tow.
           The fair is like any state fair, carnivals rides, a Ferris wheel, elephant ears, are all a part of the excitement. No one in town sells shoestring fries quite like the carts available that weekend. And, the thrilling part of the entire fair, the water park. The water park is the best part of the fair. A small wave pool, five large water slides that all pour into the same pool, and a surf simulator are the most popular of the attractions. But the lazy river, which extends the entire perimeter of the water park is truly the best place to be. Not only do the non-working teenagers gossip there, it's where first dates are held, college students get drunk, and pre-teens get to experience freedom away from their parents.
           It’s there that you see him – soft eyes, one mono-lid, big and brown and staring at you. He smiles shyly, staring at you before looking away quickly.
           “Hey,” you said to EJ. “Who is that?”
           “Who?” she asked, looking to the spot where you were gesturing.
           “That guy, black hair, he looks about our age,” you said.
           “I don’t see him.”
           “Oh,” you shook your head, maybe you imagined it.
           “It’s our turn, come one,” EJ said and grabbed your hand, pulling you and your tube towards the entrance of the lazy river.
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           Dinner at the fair is a cornucopia of fried foods and grease covered side dishes. Mac & Cheese balls, corn dogs, fries, topped off with ice cold coke and a root beer float, or fried ice cream with a fried Oreo on top, are the best of the options you and EJ can pick.
           It’s in picking up your root beer floats that you spot him again, honeyed skin, boxy grin, staring at what looks like his younger sister. He glanced up and you glanced away, unsure what the moment was, if anything. But you couldn’t forget the way your heart raced, how you wanted to talk to him, know him, wave and say hello to him. But you didn’t. You grabbed your treats and went back to EJ.
           “I saw that kid again.” You told her.
           “Really?” She asked. It was unusual to see the same person again, the fair brought in thousands of locals.
           “Yes really, I think he has a little sister.”
           “Okay, stalker much.”
           “I’m not stalking, I just happened to see him again.” You said.
           “Did you say something?” She asked.
           “Well how are you going to give him your kissing virginity if you don’t talk to him?”
           “Oh my god EJ!” You said hitting her arm. “I’m not doing that.”
           “And why not?” She asked.
           “I don’t even know him. He could live a town over and never come back after today, I’m not going to give my kissing virginity to someone I don’t even know.”
           “Whatever you say,” EJ teased.
           The thing is, what you didn’t realize and refused to acknowledge even now, is that EJ was completely right. And you absolutely would.
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           The saccharine smell of sugar, homemade fudge and fresh waffle cones waft through the doorway of The Confectioners Corner, the towns only sweet shop. It’s painted sky blue with yellow, pink and white polka dots. The branding is very Dylan’s Candy Bar if Dylan’s went rural summer destination. It’s owned by Greg and Donna, two lifers who spend their fall and winters in the city running some clothing boutique, which apparently does well enough that they built a million-dollar lake getaway. They hire a group of teens every summer to run their candy store while they’re busy making the candy. Fresh fudge nearly every day, decadent malted milk balls and designer gummies from top notch suppliers fill the shelves. It’s heaven for kids, and the most coveted place to work outside of Pirate’s Treasure Chest Mini Golf.
           The only reason you’re working there that summer was because Alexis had to go home early to prepare for college, she’s going to UC San Diego and has to pack up her entire life to move. Which meant Greg and Donna had one single opening for the month of August, and with the recommendations from Seokjin and Namjoon, the spot was yours.
           Stepping into the shop on your first day, you maneuvered through the crowd of people buying gummy worms and cookies and cream fudge to the back where you’re meant to sign in. It’s busy, as to be expected for noon on a Tuesday when the temperature is over 80 degrees. In the back is Shannon, the manager, waiting patiently for you to show up.
           “There you are Y/N!” She said with a smile. “Finally, here’s your apron. Toss it on and wash your hands, then the three of us will get started.”
           “Three?” You asked, looking around for a third person to join in your training.
           “Three,” a voice said behind you, causing you to turn and stare.
           Of course, in the perfect rom-com moment that could only happen at Confectioners Corner, it was him. The boy from the fair. He was much taller when he was standing two feet from you, and his eyes somehow gentler than you realized when squinting in the hot sun. he was… cute. Too cute to be back here working in the ice cream section. He should be working on the golf course or at the resort being a lifeguard. Not relegated to the back section of the candy shop.
           “Y/N, this is Taehyung. He’s new, too,” Shannon said and tossed the blonde hair dripping down her back into a messy top knot.
           Shannon had worked summers at the candy shop every year of high school, and somehow came back the first two summers in college too. She was 20, lean from playing club volleyball and tan from sunning on the shore in her off hours. Two years ago, she nearly ruined her reputation over a relationship with the lead caddy over at Gunner’s. It had been the hottest gossip of the whole summer. Craig had been a year older, and after taking Shannon to prom his senior year, they started dating. That is until he broke up with her over a game of mini-golf and nearly ruined her life with the scandal. Craig’s family sold their property and bought a home on a lake twenty miles away, and no one’s heard from them since.  
           Shannon is beloved by Greg and Donna, who view her as their fourth child and entrust the business to her every summer without fail.
           “I saw you, at the fair,” you said, staring at Taehyung.
           “Yes, I saw you too.”
           “Taehyung, are you the new Kim family that moved into Pebble Beach Road?”
           “How’d you know that?” He asked.
           “I live next door, the little navy cottage.”
           “Next to that huge house with the loud boys, right?”
           “Yeah, next to them.”            
           “We haven’t been here long enough to know anyone, but I think I’ve seen you.”
           The idea that he had seen you before you saw him made you dizzy. Had he known when you locked eyes at the fair that you were neighbors? Did he already know you’d be working together for the rest of summer?
           “You should come over sometime, meet everyone,” you were unsure where this bravery came from.
           “Oh yeah?” He asked, surprised.
           “Yeah, you should. The guys are idiots, but EJ and I are fun, and my brother Alex is always looking for someone to go tubing or swimming with.”
           “I’ve got a sister and a brother, they’d probably like all that too.”
           “Cool,” you said.
           “Yeah, cool.”
           “Okay, now that you two know each other, let’s get started,” Shannon said.
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           It turns out scooping ice cream is harder than it looks, particularly because The Confectioner’s Corner keeps the ice cream a little past freezing, making it almost rock solid. Taehyung already has natural muscles, some from dancing and whatever sports he plays during the school year. You on the other hand, are fairly strong from swim team and volleyball. But by weeks end you’re both exhausted, barely peddling home on your bikes.
           It’s routine, whenever you work together and are heading off at the same time, you ride together. Your moms and Taehyung’s parents are happy that each of you has a buddy, and it does make the often-sweltering ride so much nicer. Taehyung is sweet, and funny, and a little off kilter in a way that makes him exciting to be with.
           “You wanna come for a swim?” You asked at the end of your morning shifts. 8AM-12PM is a sweet time to work because you hardly get a rush but then get the rest of the afternoon to swim, play and be nearly 15 years old.
           “Oh, sure!”
           “EJ has the day off, so she’ll be around, and of course Alex too. I think one of EJ’s brother’s is off too… I hope it isn’t Seokjin.”
           “You don’t like him?” Taehyung asked as he hung his apron up.
           “Everyone likes Seokjin. Everyone.”
           “Not you?”
           “He’s so… obnoxious. He teases me all the time and just, he sucks. Namjoon is much more likable.”
           That was in no way true, in fact the crush you had on Seokjin was so buried deep within you that not even EJ knew. You didn’t really know, either, keeping it all locked up inside you… burying it because what would happen? Seokjin was seventeen! What did a seventeen-year-old want with a barely fifteen-year-old? And it wouldn’t be romantic like in The Princess Diaries, it would be weird and creepy because he’s almost an adult and you…. well, you hadn’t even started high school.
           “Oh, I get that.”
           “I’m gonna head home to eat lunch and then go out – wanna meet in an hour?”      
           “Uh, yeah, sure.”
           “Okay, you can just cross the beach to mine, I’ll be outside,” you smiled at him, excited for EJ to finally meet him.
           “Sounds perfect.”
           “I gotta stop by the store on my way home, otherwise I’d ride with you,” you told him. Taehyung nodded and took off through town and turned right at the stop light.
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           You hadn’t given yourself enough time. The store was a ten-minute bike ride from work, and then a twenty-minute ride to your house from the store. And of course, it took longer at the store to get the tomatoes and lettuce and whatever alternative to mayo your mama wanted for BLTs that night, and then cobb salads the next day. By the time you were meant to be on the beach, you were barely getting into your swimsuit let alone eating. You ran out the door to the beach with your turkey sandwich in hand, and stood slightly breathlessly as EJ and Taehyung made their respective ways to you.
           “Why haven’t you eaten?” EJ demanded, staring at you with confusion in her eyes. “Weren’t you done like an hour ago?”
           “I had to stop at the store to get dinner stuff.”
           “Couldn’t your moms do that?” She asked.
           “Moms?” Taehyung repeated as he finally made his way to you.
           “I have two moms. They’re chill,” you explained.
           “Oh,” Taehyung said.
           “Taehyung, this is EJ.”
           “Hi, nice to me-
           “Aish! What are you doing?” Namjoon’s voice came booming from the dock across from yours. Wasn’t he supposed to be working today?
           “Ya, why are you touching our sister?” Came Seokjin’s voice from the porch of their house. He met Namjoon halfway and came walking together towards the trio you had formed.
           “Calm down jerks,” you said. “This is Taehyung, he lives next door, and we work together. I invited him, and his siblings to come and swim this afternoon. Chill,” you said.
           “No, we won’t chill,” Namjoon said as he laughed and elbowed his twin. “So, you’re Taehyung.”
           “Uh, yes?”
           “The newest Kims,” Seokjin said taking in the sight of Taehyung.
           “I guess? Are you guys’ Kim’s too?”
           “We are, the original Kim’s on Lake Augusta,” Namjoon answered.
           “Oh, well that’s super cool!” Taehyung said with a shy smile.
           “So where do you live?”
           “Yeah, you local?”
           “No, we came here because my mom used to as a kid, and she wanted us to experience it.”
           “Why weren’t you here all summer?” Jin wanted to know.
           “My mom saves her PTO and some sick days to take most of a month off and it’s always August,” Taehyung explained.
           “That’s fair,” Namjoon and Seokjin agreed.
           “What are your thoughts on Glee?” Jin asked.
           “Or P!nk?”
           “Why?” Taehyung asked.
           “Enough go away!” EJ declared pushing her brothers away. “You can do your weird protective spying from the dock. Leave us alone.”
           “Just one last question,” they said, stopping and maneuvering out of EJ’s weak grasp.
           “What?” You groaned.
           “What are your intentions with our sister and sister from another mister?” Namjoon asked. Seokjin laughed, high pitched and squeaky before EJ charged at them and they ran back to their posts on the dock.
           “Those are?” Taehyung started.
           “My older brothers. Sorry they’re incompetent jerks.”
           “Why were they asking about P!nk?”
           “We’re really obsessed with her.”
           “Did you siblings want to come and join us?” You asked Taehyung.
           “They’re eating and then they got in trouble, so they have chores to do. My parents are not happy.”
           “You don’t live around here, do you?” EJ asked him as she led you guys towards the dock. She sat dangling her feet off the edge while you finished your rushed sandwich.
           “No, we flew in and then drove.”
           “How old are your siblings?”
           “My sister is twelve and my brother is nine,” Taehyung said, then he did what he knew you and EJ weren’t expecting: he slid right off the dock and into the water, disappearing completely before his head came bobbing to the surface.
           “Oh my god!” EJ laughed. “You scared me!”
           You just stared at him, smiling, because somewhere you knew… this was going to be the first of many times Taehyung Kim surprised you.
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           The rest of summer passed in a haze of swims in the lake, mini golf tournaments that Taehyung always won, and enough ice cream scooping to turn you and Taehyung into pros. It was a perfect summer, your very own The Summer I Turned Pretty which is all you and EJ had wished and prayed for.
           Your final evening, you sat out on your dock, the Adirondack chairs your moms bought perfectly placed on the edge just so your legs dangled barely above the water, Taehyung in the chair next to you. You'd spent a lot of days, and nights, sitting with bug repellent on and Taehyung by your side, EJ on the other Adirondack. But she’d gone home yesterday because her brothers had clubs and coursework to begin for their senior years, not to mention SATs to finish studying for and college applications to perfect. Your moms sat in the screened in, air-conditioned porch, watching your and Taehyung’s shadows as you gazed up at the stars, totally unaware of what you talked about.
           “I’m kind of scared,” you said, gazing up at the big dipper.
           “I am too.”
           “What if I can’t find my classes? Or am late?”
           “I think everyone has those concerns,” Taehyung said.
           “I hope so. Orientation is going to be so weird. But I’m kind of, excited?”
           “I am too. I don’t know if I’ll know anyone, though.” He said.
           “Really? Because you moved?” You asked.
           “Yeah, and whatever my friends were before we moved to Seoul and then back have probably all moved on and don’t care about me anymore.” Taehyung explained.
           “Can we promise something?” You hoped, eyes pulling from the stars to look at his profile.
           “Yeah,” Taehyung said, mimicking your posture.
           A crush was what he had on you, little and quiet, something brewing in his chest. You’d spent nearly every day working together at The Confectioners Corner, and afternoons and evenings together too. He’d become your second-best friend after EJ, and somehow… he’d started finding your company a little dizzying. His heart racing whenever you smiled at him, excitement when you started listening to a song he recommended. It was exciting, and he… he was going to miss you and EJ when you left for home.
           “Can we promise that on August 1st, next summer, we’ll meet here at 9PM?”
           “So specific,” Taehyung teased.
           “Well, I’m not getting a phone until my birthday, and neither are you, so it’s not like we can text. You’ll just have to promise.”
           “Pinky promise?” Taehyung said.
           “Yes,” you stuck your thumb towards him.
           “Okay, Y/N, I promise.”
Next: August {2}
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7whistlepig7 · 5 years
Mountain Magic
The Snowbird Mountains of North Carolina are adjacent to the Smokey Mountains. They are still the home of the Snowbird Community, part of the Cherokee Reservation. Much of the story of my novel, Stone Man and the Trail of Tears, takes place in the Snowbird Mountains.
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architectnews · 2 years
Mid-Century Modern Home, Palm Springs California
Mid-Century Modern Home and Pool, Palm Springs, California, Californian Real Estate, American Architecture Photos
Mid-Century Modern Home in Palm Springs
Apr 15, 2022
Mid-Century Modern Home, CA
A Charles Du Bois Home in Palm Springs’ Mecca of Mid-Century Modern has been listed for $2.75 million
Location: Palm Springs, Southern California, USA
Source: TopTenRealEstateDeals.com
Southeast of Los Angeles and northeast of San Diego, the desert oasis of Palm Springs has been a fashionable resort town since the early 1900s but experienced a modern architectural boom following World War II. Reflecting the optimism of the atomic age, the Mid-Century Modernist school of architecture is known for clean lines, geometric shapes, and functional materials with an emphasis on steel, glass, and concrete.
Hundreds of unique creations by the greats of the movement decorate the palm-studded sands of Palm Springs, including the striking glass-and-steel Palm Springs Visitor’s Center, the Richard Neutra designed Kaufman House (considered one of the most important American houses of the 20th century), and the “House of Tomorrow” where Elvis and Priscilla Presley spent their honeymoon.
One of these mid-century modern homes, designed by Charles Du Bois who was one of Palm Springs’ most prolific architects, has been listed for $2.75 million. Beautifully restored, the 3,600-square-foot home has four bedrooms and four baths inside its geometric angles and stone facade.
Enter through double doors with Du Bois’ signature handles to find a gorgeously turned-out open floor plan space featuring a hand-scraped douglas fir and wood-beamed umbrella roofline that contrasts with the bright white walls. The fireplace with a dramatic neolith overlay is a true statement piece. Throughout the home, playfully colored terrazzo tiles and photographer Don Flood’s coveted Fliepaper wallcoverings provide a chic aesthetic. Walls of glass let in tons of natural light.
The master suite is its own wing, with a gorgeously styled bedroom, dual custom walk-in closets, and a patio with breathtaking mountain views. The stunning en-suite bath offers dual vanities, a freestanding soaker tub, and a clear glass entry shower.
The kitchen features minimalist lines, a massive oversized waterfall island, and top-of-the-line appliances, while an adjacent wet bar is perfect for evening cocktails or poolside drinks.
The private dining room includes a wine cellar and overlooks the gorgeous poolscape. The indoor-and-outdoor spaces connect seamlessly as the kitchen wall disappears to open to the pool. The custom-tiled oval pool is recessed into the spacious pool deck, which accords stunning mountain views, a firepit, and a uniquely shaped jacuzzi separate from the pool. A separate casita with bed, bath and breakfast bar provides a space for guests. Mature palms line the driveway and pool area.
The home is one of the largest in the South Palm Springs Canyon Estates development with over 200 Du Bois-designed homes and community amenities, including 15 pools, 12 spas, tennis/pickleball, a par-3 golf course, a stone-and-waterfall Du Bois-designed clubhouse, and a fitness center. Nearby options for entertainment include the Indian Canyons Golf Resort, the Moorten Botanical Garden, and the Palm Springs Art Museum.
Home to numerous festivals and known as a destination for both spring breakers and snowbirds, Palm Springs is a popular location for celebrity vacation homes. Just a few of the notables who have or had homes in the area include the Kardashian family, Leonardo DiCaprio, Frank Sinatra and Bob Hope.
The listing is held by Gillian Jones and Joey Chuo of The Agency.
Source: www.theagencyre.com
Photo Credit: Courtesy of The Agency
Mid-Century Modern Home, Palm Springs California images / information received 150422
Location: Palm Springs, Riverside County, California, USA
Palm Springs Residences
Palm Springs Houses
Palm Springs’ Historic Desert House For Sale! Design: Richard Neutra photo : Daniel Solomon for Sotheby’s International Realty Palm Springs’ Historic Desert House by Richard Neutra
Chino Canyon House, Palm Springs, California, USA Architects: Hundred Mile House photo : Lance Gerber Chino Canyon House in Palm Springs
Martini House, Palm Springs, Los Angeles, California, USA Design: Greg Wolfson Interiors photo courtesy of architects Martini House in Palm Springs
California Houses
California Homes
San Francisco Houses
Los Angeles Houses
James Goldstein House in Beverly Hills photo © Tom Ferguson Photography
The Richard and Dion Neutra VDL Research House
Architecture in California
San Francisco Buildings
Californian Architects
American Architect
American Houses
Oakpass Residence in Beverly Hills
A celebrated US building by Modern architect Paul Rudolph on e-architect:
Yale Arts Complex – Paul Rudolph Hall at Yale University, USA Paul Rudolph Hall
Comments / photos for the Mid-Century Modern Home, Palm Springs California page welcome
Website: Palm Springs
The post Mid-Century Modern Home, Palm Springs California appeared first on e-architect.
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Significant Information on Opting For a Tamarindo Hotel
Famous for its longer stretch of white sandy seashores, surf-friendly waves and open-shore sport fishing, Playa Tamarindo is a boomtown in Guanacaste, Costa Rica best of the second look. With impressive Tamarindo hotel, eco-lodges and resort rentals to pick from, arriving exact to its stunning shores and surrounded with verdant exotic woodland, there promises only one thing-heaven on the earth. As, the frigid chill covers the North, Canada and various European states, most ardent snowbirds travel to this side of this world to thaw the hardened intellect. From broad expanse of Pacific cerulean blue waters to sandy islets, fishing towns providing fresh hook and rural feel and for the most magnificent of setting Sun, being close to the beach makes one to think of choosing a seaside Tamarindo hotel or sometimes procuring one might even be great.
Tamarindo Hotel Location
Obviously, in regards to selecting a Tamarindo Hotel, location is viewed a pivotal factor. Warm getaway spots like Costa Rica normally provide impressive series of resort motels as such proper preparation and inspection must be executed on numerous offerings within the area. Atmosphere is really significant with regards to location and based on your choice of leisure or fun, a fast check on an accommodation's feel and ambiance is important. Think about also vicinity of location to your transporting needs. You might consider getting a Tamarindo hotel that's adjacent to Liberia where the airport terminal is situated connecting to main places across the globe.
Contemplate also the amount of land vehicles available in the chosen destination. Acquiring one around train stop, public commute or with a unique shuttle, airport terminal pick-up and drop-offs, and car rental is essential.
Very important Amenities from a Tamarindo Hotel
Make a description of your needed amenities in a Tamarindo hotel. Meticulously tick-off your decision between public or private beaches, on-site or off-site routines, pool, Jacuzzis, saunas and additional swimming service, social calendar inside motel, a bar or cafe, and other essential elements of the great trip. Fitness conveniences may also make a difference to you when holidaying at such a hotel with workout center would be great. To vacationing families, childcare, family-friendly activities and games are perfect factors to speculate. Though most supply free breakfast food, consider analyzing those that also have their own personal eating venue and bar for safety purposes. An important part, obviously, is in selecting the kind of Tamarindo room accommodation. From ancient cabanas to floating villas, stunning chalets, large overlooking high rises, these different room accommodations attributes will add energy to your choice.
Price and Basic safety of any Great Tamarindo Hotel
Though, most Tamarindo hotel accommodations boast of low cost and airtight security, careful deliberation must still be practiced. Select to reserve your vacation with a trustworthy booking partner as advised by a close buddy or family who had been to the site most recently. You can even refer to good websites that provide honest and comprehensive overview about hotels in Tamarindo.
Indeed, there is much to contemplate when choosing a Tamarindo hotels. With all the improvements being allotted on the area, you can get also obtainable seaside hotel spots nowadays on sale on the market. Consider to browse some trustworthy realty websites that may give the investment decision a boost and your Costa Rican experience a truly unforgettable one.
For More Info:- Liberia To Samara Transportation
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gaiastreetart · 6 years
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#SNOWBIRD Piece in Yuma Arizona. RV (Recreational Vehicle) traditionally used by aging white retirees that live in Northern States who invade the southern states to escape the snow during winter. The flying RV is adjacent to a fighter jet, a violent device that ensures this privilege of mobility.
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bardellrealestate · 4 years
Click to see more: https://533HIGHERCOM.TheBestListing.com 533 HIGHER COMBE DRIVE DAVENPORT, FL 33897 Contact Bardell Real Estate for more information. Bardell Real Estate 863-424-2309 One of the best parcels in the popular Highlands Reserve golf community. A pie shaped lot at the end of a quiet cul-de- sac with a 180 degree elevated view over the golf course and Green Swamp conservation area in the distance - the sunsets from the pool deck are truly breathtaking. Original owner from new the home has been meticulously maintained. Tiled throughout the downstairs living area the entrance hall leads into a formal living and dining area and provides access to a fully equipped kitchen at the heart of the home with access to a separate breakfast area. A family room with sliding patio doors overlooks the pool area and offers ample room to relax or entertain in this spacious, open floor plan. A good sized bedroom adjacent to the house bathroom completes the first floor accomodation. Upstairs the master bedroom overlooks the golf gourse and benefits from a good sized ensuite bathroom with tub, separate shower and dual sink. The loft area with built-in desk separates the remaining bedrooms and provides a great work space while the banister railing and picture window ensure lots of natural light. Stepping outside the covered lanai provides the perfect place for al-fresco dining and the inground swimming pool (resurfaced 2020) offers the perfect place to relax in the Florida sunshine. Located close to schools, shopping, restaurant’s, and easy access to Hwy 192, I4 and all the Central Florida attractions this would make a great family home or snowbird/vacation home. Sold fully furnished so if you are looking for something special to make your own……..this has to be on your viewing list!! Music by AShamaluevMusic Music Link: https://www.patreon.com/ashamaluevmusic via Bardell Real Estate
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organised-disaster · 4 months
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Sucked it up and drew the Snowbird girlies myself
Based on this comment under a youtube video
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earth-as-art · 7 years
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A Haven For Snowbirds
Every winter, more than one million people from Canada and northern parts of the United States, many of them retired, head to Florida to escape the cold. These temporary winter residents—so-called snowbirds—increase the state’s population by roughly 5 percent.
Many snowbirds end up staying in communities like Barefoot Bay, one of the largest communities of manufactured homes in Florida. Established in 1969 in southern Brevard County, Barefoot Bay has a population of roughly 10,000 people, many of whom are drawn to its affordable homes and recreational offerings. Proximity to the Indian River and the Atlantic Ocean gives residents easy access to fishing, boating, and swimming.
On October 22, 2016, the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8 captured this image of Barefoot Bay. With few trees and closely-packed residential neighborhoods, Barefoot Bay appears light gray in comparison to some of the leafier suburbs around it. A drainage canal connects the golf course on the western side of the community with a lake on the eastern side. A mixture of farmland and pastureland (light green), undeveloped land and nature preserves (dark green), and suburbs (gray) surround Barefoot Bay. The developed barrier island east of Barefoot Bay is an RV campground popular with snowbirds.
Note the difference in the color of the water in Indian River and the Atlantic Ocean. Watersheds adjacent to the Indian River have undergone significant development in recent decades, so the river absorbs significant inputs of nutrients, sediment, and other substances from septic tanks, farms, lawns, city streets, and other sources. This can change the clarity of the water, and in recent years, elevated nutrient levels have led to several large algae blooms.
The line of islands in the Indian River were created when the area was dredged in the 1950s to make the Atlantic Intercoastal Waterway. The spoils were used to form 137 different islands, which are now managed by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and used for wildlife conservation, educational programs, and recreation.
References and Further Reading
Barefoot Bay (2017) Home Owners Association. Accessed December 20, 2017.
BLT (2017, February 17) 30 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Snowbirds. Accessed December 20, 2017.
Florida Department of Environmental Protection (2017) Spoil Island Project: History. Accessed December 20, 2017.
Orlando Sentinel (2017, February 17) Central Florida churches give thanks for snowbirds. Accessed December 20, 2017.
Smith, S. & House, M. (2006) Snowbirds, Sunbirds, and Stayers: Seasonal Migration of Elderly Adults in Florida. The Journal of Gerontology, (61) 5, 232-239.
The Christian Science Monitor (2017, May 4) Population boom creates environmental consequences in Florida lagoon. Accessed December 20, 2017.
NASA Earth Observatory image by Jesse Allen, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Story by Adam Voiland.
Instrument(s): Landsat 8 - OLI
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Part One
This post contains alternate universe sbb2017 works of all sorts of genres. This post contains the following, take a look at what participants have been working hard on since June!
Band/Musician AU
Based on other media AU
Canon Divergence (sorted from were they diverge from canon)
College/University AU and also HIgh School AU
Fairy Tale/Mythology 
Also check out  Canon ‘Verse | AU Part Two | AU Part Three | Masterpost
The Alpha’s Ball by Samwise_baggins & Steve-Bucky-Stucky
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-con
Word Count: 44, 706
Relationships: Steve Rogers/James ‘Bucky’ Barnes, Thomas ‘TJ’ Hammond/Johnny Storm, Sam Wilson/ Riley, Nick Fury/ Phil Coulson
Tags: Omega Verse, Rape/Non-con Elements, Implied/Reference Child Abuse, m-preg, Mating Cycle/ In-Heat, Violent Sex, Graphic Sex
Summary:  The annual Alpha’s Ball, where people go to find a mate, is being hosted by Tony Stark at his mansion in New York. It is a masquerade ball, and the Avengers are among the guests. But even when searching for love, things don’t always go as planned for the Avengers. For Steve, it means a chance to forget his one time love, killed during the war. For Bucky, it means a night out, trying to pick up the pieces after having fled his former lover. What it means for the pair of them is a revelation of secrets and twisted plots - - and a chance at a possible new beginning … together.
Artist: Samwise_baggins
Band/Musician AU
I’m With The Band? by @mystrana (Ao3)
Three beautiful pieces of art by: @artgroves (Ao3) (rating: G)
“Oh Shucks Steve”
“Pre-caffeine Bucky”
“Rock Star Bucky”
(rating: NC-17)
words: 23.9k
Relationships: Steve/Bucky
Tags: College AU, Band AU, Fluff, Wee bit of angst, explicit content, no archive warnings apply
Steve Rogers is getting by just fine spending every Friday night by himself, thank you very much, until his classmate Peggy invites him to come see her favorite local band. One look at the lead singer Bucky, and it’s lust at first sight. The next thing he knows, Steve is outside making out with the guy of his dreams, but it’s never that simple - Bucky’s bandmate Natasha finds them outside and all but drags Bucky back inside by his ear.
Steve’s not sure where to go from here, but he’s pretty sure, somehow or another, he’s gonna have to see Bucky again.
Rating: Mature Word Count: 46,112 Relationship: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Background Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Characters: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Maria Hill, Sam Wilson, Peggy Carter, Alexander Pierce Warnings: Alcohol Use, Drug Use, Drug Overdose, Suicidal Thoughts. Tags: Modern AU, No Superpowers, Punk AU, Band AU, Veteran Bucky, Musician Bucky, Pre-Serum Steve, Artist Steve, Tattoos and Piercings, PTSD, Drug Addiction, Temporary Breakup, Happy Ending, Based on a Real Band, Rise Against Summary MAY YOU BE IN HEAVEN BEFORE THE DEVIL KNOWS YOU’RE DEAD. MAY THESE WINDS BE ALWAYS AT YOUR BACK. ‘CAUSE WHEN WE’RE ALL JUST GHOSTS, AND THE MADNESS OVERTAKES US, WE WILL LOOK AT THE ASHES AND SAY, “PEOPLE LIVED HERE.”
When Steve meets the singer of Crimson Riot, on whom he may or may not be harbouring a years long crush, and gets offered a job, Steve thinks it’s a dream come true. Getting paid to go on tour with his favourite band and create art? It’ll just take some time to get used to the rockstar lifestyle.But as he gets to know James “Bucky” Barnes, and sees what’s underneath the drugs and the cocky attitude, he gives himself a new job: Help Bucky before it’s too late. 
Based on other media AU
Ain’t Misbehaving by Revenant-Scribe (Ao3) (Tumblr)
Header art and paper craft art by @milollita
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter/Angie Martinelli, Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers (past)
Steve Rogers is an excellent judge of character. No, really! But, as Peggy puts it: when it comes to love his head tends to override his heart. When his girlfriend leaves him for a model Steve wonders if he’ll ever find the right partner; maybe it’s time to stop looking.Naturally, this is when he (quite literally) runs into Jim Buchanan, a fashion exec who (also literally) makes Steve weak-in-the-knees. Sure, that might just be the concussion but they do seem to have some sort of chemistry. Jim’s sweet and funny, walks his neighbor’s rescue dog and can do over 300 chin-ups without pausing to catch his breath (Steve’s new apartment has a great view), so clearly there must be something horrible he’s trying to keep secret.(A Head Over Heels adaptation)
Read over at Ao3
As Soon As Possible by turn_turn_turn
Art by Jessie Lucid
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 30K
Relationships: Main course of Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes with a dash of Natasha Romanov/Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers/Brock Rumlow, and Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson on the side
Tags: When Harry Met Sally AU, Modern AU, No Powers AU, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, more like Begrudging Acquaintances to Friends to Lovers, seriously you guys please stop poking at each other and fall in Love already, Rom-heavy-on-the-Com Fun, please laugh at my jokes
Can two idiots stop bickering long enough to confess their true feelings for one another? Steve and Bucky will attempt to answer this question in just twelve short years! A journey filled with road trips, arguments, other relationships, emotionally convoluted hookups, borderline-salacious and pastrami-sandwich-adjacent amateur theater, and heaps of completely unnecessary, totally mutual pining! An updated re-imagining of a romcom classic, starring Steve Rogers, a bird-boned, hopeless romantic with a stubborn streak, and Bucky Barnes, a laid-back Lothario (dubious on both counts) with a heart of gold and more bad Star Wars puns than Mark Hamill himself! Also features supporting roles by Natasha ‘We All Wish We Were That Cool’ Romanoff, Samuel ‘Has His Shit Together, Unlike All of You Dweebs’ Wilson, Clint 'Are You Going to Finish That Slice’ Barton, and many more! Now showing at an archive near you.
Header by the amazing Jessie Lucid @lucidnancyboy
Art by the amazing Jessie Lucid (on ao3)
Brooklyn Bound by multifandomfics
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Tags: Minor/Childhood Death (Mentioned), Sweet Home Alabama AU, Multiship, non-graphic sexual situations, Cursing/Swearing
Summary: Steve Rogers is ready to embark on a new chapter in his life, his perfect boyfriend has just proposed and all is going well. The only problem, he’s still married to his childhood sweetheart. Steve needs to return home to Brooklyn and finalize his divorce before his fiancée finds out he was ever married. However things become more complicated as Steve arrives, it turns out that there is more to his ex than meets the eye, and old feelings resurface. Steve needs to choose, stay in Brooklyn with the man he once loved, or return to California and start his new life. Sweet Home Alabama AU.
Art by 10feetalice
Creatures of a Brief Season by @goddessvicky & @octobergryphon
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 56k
Relationships: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Clint Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Sam Wilson/Wanda Maximoff, Darcy Lewis/Grant Ward, Jane Foster/Thor Odinson
Tags: public sex, outdoor sex, magic, anal sex, oral sex, fingering, rimming, blow jobs, UST, au covenant, different powers, au magic, bisexual steve, bisexual bucky, bottom steve, top steve, bottom bucky, top bucky, au modern with magic, college, friends to lovers, smut, we tried to make it fluff, all the swears, slow burn, Framily
The Sons of Ipswich possess otherworldly powers, but they are not the only ones with this gift.
On the edge of his 21st birthday, Steve Rogers feels the Power growing within him. He’s hoping that with Bucky, Sam, and Clint, he’ll survive the transformation.
That’s not the only thing that’s changing. Bucky and Steve have always been best friends, but now, maybe, there’s something more?
Amazing Artwork by the phenomenally talented Alby
First I commit a Crime (Then You Get Blamed For It) by @tisfan 
Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, James “Bucky” Barnes/Tony Stark, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Characters: Loki (female), James “Bucky” Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanov, Lucky, Nick Fury Additional Tags: Sinbad AU, Low-tech/high-magic, Sea Monsters, Sirens, Pining Idiots, Idiots in Love, Anal Sex, Barebacking, Everyone Is Poly Because Avengers, Pirates, Oral Sex, Cheating, sort of, everyone is forgiven Summary:
When Loki is bored, suddenly, nothing is easy.
Framed for stealing the Reality Stone from his best friend (and former lover!) Steve, Bucky finds himself accused of the crime and sentenced to death. When the Council doesn’t believe that Bucky is innocent, Steve swears to be executed in Bucky’s place, giving him time to seek out Loki and recover the stone from Loki’s realm of Jotunheim
Accompanied by a ship full of stalwart adventurers, and Steve’s fiance, Tony Stark – who doesn’t trust Bucky as far as he can throw him! – the ship, Hydra, faces sirens, snowbirds, and living islands to make it to Loki’s realm, recover the stone and save Steve’s life. The biggest problem? Bucky can’t forget his old lover, but at the same time, finds himself falling in love with Steve’s boyfriend.
for the ashes of his fathers (and the kingdoms of his gods) - ‘Oblivion’ stucky AU by LadyNimrodel
Steve and Natasha are an effective team. They work for Shield’s Control Station, built after the planet was destroyed in the war with the Scavs. They are left on a broken and barren planet to keep the drones running that protect the hydra rigs, which collect precious water for what’s left of humanity, now living in a colony on one of Saturn’s moons.
What Steve knows is this: the Scav attacks are getting worse, even though they lost the war nearly fifty years ago. In two weeks he and Natasha are leaving to join the rest of humanity. And that neither of them want to leave earth.
What he doesn’t know is why the Scavs are attacking again, why everything Control tells them feels wrong, and why he keeps dreaming of a man with grey-blue eyes and a familiar smile and who Steve doesn’t remember.
-Or- The Oblivion AU that no one asked for.
Art by Emeraldwolf | Art by koreanrage 
Give Me Fuel, Give Me Fire by 221BJen
Rating: E
Archive Warnings: Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 41k
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Tags: Fast & the Furious AU, Major Character Injury, Car Accidents, Car Sex, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Mechanic Bucky Barnes, Undercover Steve Rogers, AU - No Powers
Summary: Brooklyn detective Steve Rogers finds his loyalty tested when he goes undercover to investigate a group at the center of a series of high speed heists. He doesn’t know what to make of James Barnes and his family of choice, but he wants to know more. Drag races, muscle cars and intense attraction leave Steve wondering if he’s in way too deep. Spoiler alert: Definitely.
Art by faceisamess (on AO3)
Home Is Where the Heart Is by @anice-1 (AO3)
with art by MrBarnesIfYaNasty beta-read by @curry-spice-and-everything-nice
Rating: T
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 22k
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter
Tags: Sweet Home Alabama AU, based on a movie, modern AU - no powers, referenced minor character death, referenced pet death, people get drunk, artist!Steve, background Clint/Natasha, brief mention of past Bruce/Natasha
Steve Rogers has it all: He’s the hottest new artist in town, he’s dating the most eligible bachelorette of New York City, and he just got the proposal of his dreams. The problem? Steve already has a husband, and travelling home to finally divorce Bucky Barnes proves to be far more of a trip down memory lane than Steve expected.
How to Fix a Broken Heart by RockSaltAndRoll
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warnings:
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Based on Grey's Anatomy, medical AU, Major Illness, Blood, Surgery, Fluff and Angst, heart failure, Doctor/Patient Romance, Doctor!Bucky, Patient!Steve, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Happy Ending
Stucky Big Bang 2017 Submission:Falling in love with a patient was top of the list of things Bucky Barnes would never do...until he met Steve Rogers - a good guy with a broken heart that can't be fixed. After Steve's transplant surgery falls through and his bad heart weakens, Bucky and his team try their hardest to keep him alive until they can find a donor. Over bedside picnics and games of scrabble, Bucky fights against time to save the man he's in love with before Steve loses his battle.
Identity Is Your Most Valuable Possession by assemblingbrokenmemories 
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 72.5 k
Relationships: Steve/Bucky
Tags: Alternate Universe- The Incredibles, Modern with Powers AU, Fake Marriage, Family Fic, Amputee!Bucky, Cryokinetic!Bucky, Canon Typical Violence, Minor Character Death Mention, Alternating POV
Summary: Steve and Bucky meet as opposite sides of a battle when the brainwashed Winter Soldier was sent to kill Captain America and ended up captured and a friend instead. This battle and its resulting damage are the nail in the coffin for enhanced individuals, and the government rolls out the Enhanced Relocation Act which rehouses superheroes into civilian life. Seven years later, the glory of the “super hero days” are over and the ERA sees Steve and Bucky masquerading as a married couple with three adopted children- Pietro, Wanda, and Peter. As they struggle to adjust to their as regular citizens, a unique and potentially dangerous offer puts their family in danger. WIll they come together? Or will this see the end of their charade? - The Incredibles AU people (sort of) asked for!
Art by debwalsh (tumblr)
Art by debwalsh (ao3)
Indiana Barnes and the Curse of the Tesseract by follow_the_sun
Art by sulasaferoom
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: Creator chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 56,576
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers
Tags: Action/Adventure, Non-Serum Steve Rogers/Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes | Shrinkyclinks, Inspired by Indiana Jones, Inspired by The Rocketeer, Marvel Norse Lore, sbb2017, Stucky Big Bang 2017, Canon Disabled Character, Brief torture scene, The Real Treasure Was the Priceless Historical Sites We Blew Up Along The Way
Summary: It’s 1943, and art history professor Steve Rogers has been hired to help wealthy industrialist Tony Stark find his father, who went missing while searching for the fabled Tesseract. It sounds like an easy job until Steve finds out that his old flame, Bucky Barnes, is also part of the expedition.
Our Core is Madness by Terrenis | Art by noncorporealform
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Words: 61380
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson/DarcyLewis, Mentions of Peggy Carter/Angie Martinelli, Thor/Jane Foster, Sif/Maria Hill/Sharon Carter
Tags: AU - Modern Setting; AU - Year 2000; Serial Killers; Mental Issues; Movie Science; Post-Serum Steve; Bucky has Issues and a metal arm; Howards A+++parenting; Dissociative identity disorder, more on Ao3
Summary: When Crossbones, New York’s and New Jersey’s newest Serial Killer, collapses, when finally captured, it’s up to SHIELD Agent Steve Rogers to find a way to locate the killer’s newest victim, before it’s too late.
Enter one James “Bucky” Barnes - a psychologist and engineer, who uses an experimental device to engulf into his patients’ minds. In a race against time, Steve and his partner Natasha turn to him for help and Bucky agrees, while secretly fighting against his growing attraction for the nice blond federal agent. The only question is: Is it safe to enter a mad man’s subconscious or will it end badly for them both?
Or a The Cell! AU that no one asked for. But I wrote it anyway.
Steal The Rhythm Out From My Heart by Nori [ AO3 | Tumblr ]
Rating: Mature Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 32K Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes Tags:  Alternate Universe - Destiny (video game), Canon-Typical Violence, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Angst, Humor, Post-Serum Steve Rogers, Minor Character Death
Summary: Humanity’s dwindling numbers hang by a thread and the last of the Traveler’s strange, powerful Light grows dimmer by the day. With their fearsome, unknown enemy closing in, it falls on the Guardians to defend the last of Earth’s people. Steve, only recently reborn and still learning the limits of his inhuman abilities, is thrown headfirst into an unceasing battle for life itself. Falling in love with a mysterious, reticent Hunter isn’t really part of the plan, but Steve’s always been flexible. Now if he could just convince the object of his affections to admit he’s in love, too, these long days of war might even be worth the trouble.
“You’re a madman,” Bucky informs him fondly. Steve steps forward, using both hands to grab the edges of Bucky’s hood and pulling until the material lies neat and even.
“Probably,” he agrees amiably, and hops backwards off the cliff.
Art by Emeraldwolf | Art by koreanrage
Stevie by malone78.tumblr.com
Word count: 35k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James “Bucky” Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Stony - Freeform, Depression, blink and you miss it mention of Buckynat, Recovery, Deception, Age Difference, Suicide Attempt, Arranged Marriage Summary:
Steve is the son of a live-in-nurse who returns home from two years in Paris a stunning young man, and immediately catches the attention of Tony, the playboy son of his mother’s rich employers. Tony woos and wins Steve, who has always been in love with him. However, their romance is threatened by Tony’s serious older brother, Bucky, who runs the family business and is relying on Tony to marry an heiress in order for a crucial merger to take place. Steve is initially elated because he has been in love with Tony since he can remember. What seems like a dream come true for Steve ends up taking a strange turn when Bucky starts spending time with Stevie. In a world of money and high society, who can Stevie trust with his heart?
Art by milkberi.tumblr.com to follow
Storm Chasers by raisedinthunder
Rating: T
Archive Warnings: None
Words: 29k
Relationships: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers
Tags: Twister AU, storm chaser au, estranged husbands, rekindled romance
Summary: When the worst series of storms on record are predicted to hit Oklahoma, Bucky Barnes drags his entire department out into the field to chase them down. When they’re joined by his estranged husband, Steve and his new fiancé it’s not just their new tornado warning system that’s put to the test. Risking their lives Bucky and Steve go up against mother nature together once more.
Art by drjezdzany
The Holtzmann-Rogers Plan of Action by krycekasks
Archive Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence
Relationships: James Bucky Barnes / Steve Rogers, Erin Gilbert / Jillian Holtzmann
Tags: Holtzbert - Shrinkyclinks - Great British Bake Off - Ghostbusting AU, misunderstandings, Rogers and Holtz are scamps!, evil twins, Fluff, dream/flashback with gun violence and killing, description of an asthma attack / difficulty breathing, description of a cut / bleeding, allusion to disturbing human experimentation, but mostly: Fluff and Crack, Fluff and Humor
Summary: Why have one five foot one-ish obstinate blond with no sense of self-preservation issues and a propensity for getting into trouble when you can have two for twice the price? Only by working together do they stand a chance of getting their best friends to fall in love with them. Throw in experimental robotic arms, ghost hunting and internationally renowned televised baking competition and a cunning plan, what could possibly go wrong?
(aka the one where Steve is an art professor in love with his best friend, the former Special Forces sniper Bucky Barnes, who lost and arm in combat and tests experimental prostheses for Jillian Holtzmann, who is in love with her best friend Erin Gilbert, paranormal expert and Steve’s colleague. While Erin and Bucky vie for Star Baker in the Great British Bake Off, Holtzmann and Rogers devise a plan to win their hearts.)
Adorable, amazing and delicious art (I’m so lucky, it’s ridiculous) by Frau Argh - thank you for taking a chance with this story, your enthusiasm (and love for Aliens) has made it all worthwhile
Where No One Goes by made_of_sunshine
Rated: PG/Teen
Character tags:James “Bucky” Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Helen Cho, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Nick Fury Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Daemons, Fantasy, Non-consensual daemon touching, loosely based on httyd, pre-serum Steve Rogers, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Amnesia, Loss of Identity, Dragons Summary:
Three years ago, Steve Rogers woke up on the shores of Skjoldr, barely breathing, his daemon at his side. He remembered nothing of his previous life. Featuring: A war in which he is not the hero, a dragon who may not be what it seems and two boys who are more than they realize.
Art by @cloudwolfbane
Art by @inkforwordsart
Canon Divergence (sorted from were they diverge from canon)
Gweilo Gongfu by P.R. Zed
Rating: E
Warnings: No archive warnings apply
Words: 34K
Relationships: Steve Rogers/James “Bucky” Barnes
Tags: Alternate Universe, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Chinese American Bucky Barnes, 1930s, Period-Typical Racism, Martial Arts
“I can look after myself.” Steve bristled. “And how about you? You go around taking on three fighters from the Hip Sing Tong on a regular basis?”
“Sure,” the guy said, and then he gave Steve a big grin. “I don’t like bullies either.”
“Jeez, we’re two of a kind, ain’t we?” Steve laughed and stuck out his hand. “Steve Rogers.”
The guy took his hand in a firm grip.
“Bucky Dyun.”
“Yeah, unless you want to call me Pok Chi like my ma does.”
“Bucky it is.”
Steve Rogers doesn’t know much about Chinese culture when he makes a wrong turn in Chinatown. But a chance meeting gives him not only a new friend, but an entry into a whole new world. The more he learns from Bucky, the closer they get, until Bucky is so much more than a friend. But when a Chinese gang goes after Bucky and his family, Steve knows he needs to stand up and make sure the man he loves doesn’t lose everything.
Art by potofsoup (link to come)
Art by cassandrasfisher (link to come)
Red Strings and Violent Things by urbanconstellations tumblr
Rating: T
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings apply
Words: 27k
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Tags: Post- Winter Soldier, PTSD, Allusions to sexual situations and Violence, Cursing
Summary: There is an old Chinese myth about a red string of Fate, that is intertwined around two souls by the gods. The cord may stretch, or tangle, but never break. Two boys fall in love in Brooklyn, slowly and full of promise. As they fall, their string unwinds to catch them. Seventy five years later, that string finds its way back home. After the Winter Soldier pulls Steve Rogers out of the Potomac, he isn’t quite sure where to begin putting the pieces back together. Steve Rogers is spending his time pulling on threads, while trying to follow his own. Their strings will pull them through memories and doubt, until they wind up on a pier, wound together again.
Seventy five years in fits and starts.
Art by @sorrowingsoldier
Art by @starmaki
A Retelling by AftertheFall (you_took_everything)
Rating: E
Words: 20k
Archive Warnings: Rape/Noncon
Tags: TFA, Howling Commandos, Peggy Carter, Pre-Seruem Steve, Bucky Barnes as Captain America, Religious Themes
Bucky stood in a line with a bunch of other men at parade rest. All the men were probably as scared as Bucky, and, like Bucky, none of them willing to show it.
His papers had come in the mail. It wasn't like he hadn't been expecting them. His father had looked grim. His mother had not been able to stop crying. She had always been religious, but she started attending mass two times a day and three times on Sundays. She tried to make Bucky come too, but he didn’t really see much point to it. He’d never been very religious.
Colder Weather by FireflysLove
Rating: Mature
Words: 20k
Archive Warnings: Major Character Death
Tags: Alternate Universe - Ghosts, ghost au, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pre-War, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Period-Typical Homophobia
In another life, Bucky died in Azzano and Steve never became Captain America. Bucky's come back to haunt Steve. In another time two boys fall in love and learn how to live.
A Ghost AU written in two parts.
Demobilization by 743ish
Rating: E
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 41k
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Tags: Post-war, No Powers, Steve Rogers/OFC, 1940s Bucky Barnes, War Veteran Bucky Barnes, Mutual Pining, Jealousy, Angst with a Happy Ending, Homecoming, Emotional Sex
Summary: When the Statue of Liberty slides into view, the whole ship roars. It’s deafening. Bucky throws his fist in the air and yells along with everyone else. His heart is in his throat. The Statue of goddamn Liberty. Bucky wants to climb up her robe and kiss her sour green face.
The cheers rise up again as they go by her, and then die back down; most of the guys are just happy to sit and smile and watch the city float lazily into focus. They know they’ve got days more of barracks and bunks and cheap train seats before they’ll get to see their families in Pittsburgh, or Columbus, or Chicago. But Bucky’s home, he can see Brooklyn, and he laughs and shades his eyes from the sun and feels crazy with happiness, and this has to be the slowest fucking boat in the world, but at least he has a good view while he dies of impatience.
In 1945, Bucky comes home from the war.
Art by Sallysparrow017 tumblr || ao3
Beta by Dreadnought
Folie a Deux
Author: Cloud_Wolfbane
Artists: Xemsonx and Mithborien
Rated: E
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Gaslighting, Manipulation, and Amputation
Summary: When Bucky falls off the train in the Alps, Steve follows, and Russia gains two of the greatest assassins that ever lived.
Art Links:
Xemsonx’s awesome trailer can be seen here.
Mithborien’s amazing gifs can be seen here. Mithborien also did the lovely header and the time stamps seen throughout the story.
maybe tomorrow (i’ll find my way home) by obsessivereader
Rating: E
Words count: 26,361
Relationships: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Tags: shrinkyclinks, reincarnated Steve, Post-CATWS, AU - Canon divergent, alternating POV, mild gore (treating injuries), suicide ideation, past rape-noncon (brief mention), implied/referenced torture (brief mention)
Summary: A man exits the building. Approximately 5’6”, thin, tired-looking. A suitable target. He needs someone he can overpower quickly and quietly. He’s injured from the fight on the helicarriers, and weak from hunger, and blood-loss.
A streetlight illuminates the target’s face as he passes under it. That one brief glimpse of a narrow face and glowing blond hair sets his heart rate climbing. Something presses at the edges of his mind, like the wingbeats of night moths against a pane of glass. He ignores it, like he ignores the phantom voice that comes when he’s too long out of cryo. He walks towards the target, knife in hand.
What if… What if Captain America died on the Valkyrie. What if he was reborn. What if the Winter Soldier met him after the fall of the helicarriers.
Art by @this-simple-mind 
Check out my other art for maybe tomorrow here
Now I Can Only Dream (Of Being All You Need) by IndigoNight tumblr
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con
Words: ~35k
Relationships: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/The Winter Soldier
Tags: multiple personalities, hurt/comfort, implied/referenced torture, panic attacks, dissociation, scars, non-consensual body modification, implied/referenced rape/non-con, non-consensual magic, not AoU compliant, not CA:CW compliant
Summary: The Winter Soldier exists for one reason: Protect Bucky Barnes. It is an ongoing mission, one that does not change when their HYDRA handlers are exchanged for the Avengers. Except the Winter Soldier has no defenses against magic, no contingencies planned for when Bucky is ripped out from his protective cocoon and exposed to the world in a body of his own. It’s a mission adjustment that neither of them were prepared for. At least now they have back up, if they’re willing to accept it.
Beautiful art by arania
Protector by @capgal with artwork by glide-thru
Rating: Gen Archive Warnings: No warnings apply Word Count: 30k Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes Additonal Tags: Magical!Shield AU, Canon Compliant Summary: In which Steve finds Bucky, loses Bucky, finds Bucky, and loses Bucky again, and picks up and drops the shield a few times along the way.Or: the one where everything is the same, except the shield is a magical alien artifact like Mjolnir.
Winter Gorgon by @quarra 
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers
Tags: Canon Divergent, Gorgon!BUcky, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Torture, Captain America Steve Rogers, Light Dom/Sub, Switching, Internalized Homophobia, Angst
For as long as Steve could remember, all he ever wanted to do was what was right. So when he hears about his father’s old regiment being held as POW’s by the Nazis, he’s determined to put what Doctor Erskine gave him to good use and goes AWOL to rescue them.
But the 107th isn’t all he finds there. Deep in the labs is a very unusual prisoner; one with snakes in his hair and a mask nailed to his face. Despite the man’s monstrous visage, Steve can’t in good conscience leave him to the enemy. That one act of mercy will change his life, the course of the war, and even the future of the world.
Art by @lenadraws
To Split the Night by AftertheFall with art by @ivedoneit100times that can be seen here
Rating: Explicit 
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con 
Words: 20,043 
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers 
Tags: Period-Typical Homophobia, Bucky Barnes as Captain America, Peggy Carter is a badass as per usual, regligious themes, suicide ideation, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Drugs 
Summary: “It seems we all need something to kill for to seek & claim to treasure till it screams in elemental dark to argue with the Gods over–” - yusef komunyakaa
You Would Be In Clover by @chibisquirt
Rating: E (Explicit)
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Words: 126k
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson
Tags:  Alternate Universe - Always a Different Sex, Gay Bucky Barnes, Female Steve Rogers, Marriage of Convenience, Religion, Miscarriage, Period-Typical Homophobia, Crossdressing, Howard Stark/Steve Rogers (minor ship), Bucky Barnes/Others (offscreen)
Sarah “Gwen” Rogers was nineteen when she married Bucky Barnes, and she knew at the time just how stupid it was: it wasn’t exactly a brilliant move to marry a man who could never love her, even—or especially—when she knew that she was in love with him.
Neither of them could have predicted the war that came, and if they had, then they sure as hell couldn’t have predicted what would happen when Gwen volunteered for Project: Rebirth.
Art by @esaael and by @mamadonovan
A Song for Eurydice by Optimustaud @optimustaud
Rating: M
Archive Warnings:  Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 19999
Relationships:  Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Tags: cursing, torture, medical experimentation, suicidal ideation, mental illness, body horror, cannon divergence, motown and soul
Summary:  Ten years after the events of The Winter Soldier Steve tracks Bucky to an abandoned Hydra base in Siberia.  
Read the fic on AO3
Art by @riakomai / @artbyria
“Episode Two: We Hate Cats!” by @lucidnancyboy and @drjezdzany ​. 
 a direct sequel to “Episode One: Red Vines”. 
Art posts on tumblr: Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4+5
playlist here
Rating: M
Warnings: Mentions of past Torture, Depression, PTSD, Angst, Past Dubious Consent, Suicidal Ideation, Drinking, Explicit Language
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov (mentioned), Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (mentioned), hinted at past Steve/Bucky/Peggy
Characters: James “Bucky” Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov, Sam Wilson, FRIDAY
Word Count: 88k
Summary: Simply put, Bucky was different now. It had taken a heaping dose of pain for Steve to get that fact through his thick skull, but they were finally on the same page…sort of. Unfortunately, ‘sort of’ wasn’t making things easier. Like an idiot, Steve had expected instantaneous rainbows and sunshine to bathe them in happiness, but all he saw was a giant wall of stubborn and bacon flying at his head.
Bucky and Clint covering their mouths so Steve couldn’t hear them whispering? It hurt. Bucky and Tony laughing at unfunny jokes about torture? It hurt. Bucky and Nat exchanging secret spy glances? It hurt like hell. But Sam declaring himself ‘Team Bucky’? That downright sucked. Once, Bucky had given those pieces of himself to Steve…and only Steve. That was the problem: Steve wasn’t the boy Bucky fell in love with, he wasn’t Captain America, and he wasn’t even doing a good job at being Steve Rogers. Their foundation lost, the question had become, ‘Now what?’
They sucked at it, but they were trying. The fighting, laughing, panicking, hugging, sarcasm, make-up sex, and yes, flying bacon proved that. Not so simply put: Relationships are never a straight line; especially when you both get frozen and end up in the wrong century.
Read on AO3.
Find lucidnancyboy / Jessie Lucid Art on tumblr, AO3 and Instagram.
Find drjezdzany / Lorien on tumblr, AO3 and redbubble.
I Was Me by stuckyisawayoflife
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 20k +
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Tags: Friends to Lovers, Sam Wilson Is a Good Bro, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Hurt/Comfort, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, Post-Serum Steve Rogers, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Old People Love Bucky Barnes, Depression, Anxiety
It went like this.
James Buchanan Barnes aka Bucky aka the Winter Solider knocked on Steven Grant Rogers aka Steve aka Captain America’s door at precisely 5:47 am on Tuesday morning. And Steve who, despite all his training, was known to catch a case of “overtrusting idiot” every now and again, shuffled sleepily to the door and swung it open, yawning out a “can I help you?” without even fully opening his eyes.
He blinked when he noticed Bucky standing there, long hair hanging limply under a hat pulled down low, metal hand hidden surreptitiously in his left pocket, giving him a shy sort of smile. Steve had to grip the doorframe to keep from falling to his knees.
Bucky, who was much more composed, simply said, “Hey, Steve.”
Art & Header by ee-void
The Waves Above Us by Suchthingbutnever
Rating: E
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Words: 50k
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers
Tags: Antifascist Steve, Communist Bucky, Anal Sex, Mental Instability, Racism, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Attempted Suicide, Drug Use, Depression, Socialist Steve ftw!
Steve Rogers looks for death, that elusive fucker dodging him left and right. He stares at walls, talks to ghosts and smokes a boatload of weed. He has a homeless friend who sells stuff on the sidewalk. He eats greasy burgers and barbecue chips. He works for S.H.I.E.L.D., because why the hell not? Yet, unwittingly, there are several things he rediscovers: communism, sex, and then, unbowed, unbroken and very much unhinged, the only equal to his insanity: Bucky Barnes.  
Or: The first piece of Bucky Barnes that returned was, in all honestly.
His cock.
Art by Sally, as well as sundae cherries. 
College/University AU and also High School AU
It’s Quiet Uptown by princess-of-the-worlds (ao3)
Rating: Teen and Up
Archive Warnings: None
Words: 28K
Relationships: Steve Rogers/James “Bucky” Barnes
Tags: Modern!AU, Boarding School!AU, Canon Temporary Death, Brief Underaged Drinking, Road Trip, Mutants
Summary: Steve Rogers has always relied on the fact that Bucky Barnes is a major part of his life, and his burgeoning crush on his best friend shouldn’t alarm him. It doesn’t, in fact, but Steve has always had the worst timing in life. He anticipated problems but not problems like this. Enter: boarding school for rich kids, death, assassins, mutants, a road trip, and what could possibly be a government-wide conspiracy. Steve may not even make it to college.
Art by @ninjasherlock
Betaread by @lostthebucky
Lessons In Chemistry by @brendaonao3
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships:Bucky/Steve (Background Sam/Rhodey)
Word Count: 42329
Tags: College AU, Science Nerd Bucky, Artist Steve, Bucky POV, Sexual Experimentation, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Dom/sub Undertones, Friends With Benefits, Boys Who Can’t Communicate Except Through Sex, Language Kink, Skinny!Steve, Bucky & Sam Friendship, Bucky & Peggy Friendship
Summary: Bucky Barnes is having a rough senior year of college: his girlfriend of two years just dumped him for being too boring, he’s drowning in lab work and classes and assignments, sleep and free time are a distant memory, and all his friends seem to want to talk about is how he needs to out of his comfort zone.
But then his old high school buddy, Steve Rogers, drops back into his life, and suddenly classwork and studying and getting into a great grad school are the last thing on his mind.
Art by @sulasaferoom​  
of glory and of good by laure_lie (justawks) with art by barnesergeant
Rating: Teen And Up
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words:  20,230.
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, brief - Relationship
Tags: alternate universe - actors, alternate universe - modern setting, actor Steve, actor Bucky, Hamlet - Freeform, Shakespeare, high school theatre, social media, coming out
Summary: Steve Rogers cannot escape Bucky Barnes. He’s everywhere. High school was a long time ago, yes, but it’s not easily that you forget your first rival. Bucky Barnes stole the role of Prince Hamlet right out from under Steve’s nose, after all. Ten years later they find themselves in the same position - two actors, with a few scars and a few more secrets - vying for the role of Prince Hamlet in what promises to be the role of a lifetime.
Roll for Initiative by QueenoftheRandomWord42
Rating: T
Archive Warnings: Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 30244 words
Chapters 5/5
Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe, The D&D AU nobody asked for, Bucky Barnes plays the Winter Soldier, Steve plays Captain America, Fury’s their GM, M to F Transgender side character Joseph Rogers is the trans side character, no powers au, modern day AU, College AU
Summary: What happens when you mix D&D, The Avengers, with a dash of Identity Porn, a dash of fun, and put into the blender and press frappe? Hopefully this fic!
Bucky Barnes has been trying to juggle his final term in his undergrad while trying to find a thesis project for grad school by day, by night he plays table top games. His characters have a habit of dying before the end of the campaign, and all he can do afterwards is talk to his friend Nomad1974 about the games.
Steve Rogers has been trying to get though art school while his mother is sick with cancer, and circumstances have required that he move in with his mother and uncle until his mother is better or he graduates from college, which ever comes first. The best escape he has is playing table top games online with his friend Not_Yur_Side_Kick17.
Both players have started developing feelings for each other online, but when they meet in real life, they are unaware they know each other, and begin pining. When well these two figure out that they know each other in real life?
Art: by @samthebirdbae
Fairy Tale/Mythology AU
Endurance and Magic by izabelluhroze
Rating: G
Archive Warnings: Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 22k
Relationships: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Tags: Cinderella!AU, Tony is the fairy godfather, mild abuse, minor character death, cliffhanger ending, pre!war Bucky, skinny!Steve, illness, this sounds angsty and it kinda is but there’s also a lot of fluff.
‘Hear ye! Hear ye!
Know that on this day, our new king here by declares his love
For the mysterious blonde Bachelor, as wore white satin gloves
and who called himself Steven.
And requests that he presents himself at the palace immediately,
Whereupon, if he is willing, his royal majesty shall, forthwith, marry him.
Art by instagrims
I Think You’re the Cat’s Meow by daslebensmittel  
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 22,109
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes / Steve Rogers
Tags: Beauty and the Beast!AU (sort of), Modern Fairytale, Humor, Asshole Cat, Mostly Canon!Steve Rogers, Canon-divergent!Bucky Barnes, Pets, Cats, Enemies to Friends (I guess), Brief Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers
Summary: When Steve met Bucky, it was love at first sight. Bucky, on the other hand, wasn’t impressed; but he also happened to be - a cat. First-time cat owner Steve has a lot to learn about taking care of Bucky, as he tries to juggle his missions and hectic love life. And despite his initial rejection of Steve, asshole-cat Bucky soon learns to appreciate his patient human. However, Bucky also has his own secret agenda to achieve, before his nine lives run out. He never expected Steve of all people to help him - not at first, anyway.
Cover Art by @kikisloveschocolate Art by @barnessergeant Art by @milkberi (pending)
It Tastes Like Ambrosia by Little_Iago, myfailsafe, picoalloe
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: None
After a human soul escapes the grasp of Hades and evades ferrying by Charon, the peaceful God of death Thanatos is tasked with finding out which God is interfering. Taking the mortal form of James Buchanan Barnes, he finds himself face to face with Steve Rogers, the man who has escaped death not once but twice. Now he must get into Steve's good graces and figure out why this mortal is special enough to disappear from the Underworld. Now Thanatos must navigate the normal life of a human, feelings and all, and manage to finish this simple task. The only problem is nothing involving Steve is simple. At all.
Art by @squeakydevil and @cbolle
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tripstations · 5 years
$3.6 billion airport redevelopment and new convention hotel in Salt Lake
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Salt Lake City in the state of Utah in the US is booming, with projects like the $3.6 billion redevelopment of the Salt Lake City International Airport, where a completely new airport will begin serving passengers in 2020. A 28-story convention hotel is expected to break ground later this year and bring more than 700 rooms and 62,000 square feet of additional meeting space to the city when it opens in 2022.
Salt Lake is a dynamic Western city with an incredible array of hip new restaurants, buzzing brewpubs, and an NBA team, not to mention Broadway shows and performing arts venues. And just 35 minutes from downtown, 4 of the best mountain resorts in the west are primed for retreats and post-meeting recreation. Here’s why Salt Lake is celebrating its meetings offerings:
Start with the Salt Palace Convention Center in the heart of downtown, which offers nearly one million square feet of exhibit, meeting, ballroom and pre-function space. Then there’s the Mountain America Expo Center, with 234,000 square feet of space just 16 miles south of Salt Lake City International Airport. There are numerous options for holding an event in an offsite venue, including Olympic venues, the Natural History Museum, Rio Tinto Stadium or an outdoor music venue to name just a few. The four world-class resorts just 35 minutes from downtown – Alta, Brighton, Snowbird and Solitude – offer extraordinary mountain meeting venues for the perfect retreat, with time for hiking, mountain biking and team-building activities.
For luxury meetings, nothing tops The Grand America Hotel in the heart of Salt Lake, which offers five-star facilities and conference space for up to 3,000 guests. Thanks to 19,000-plus rooms throughout Salt Lake County, including more than two dozen hotels downtown that are within walking distance to the Salt Palace as well as hundreds of bars and restaurants, there’s an array of lodging to make organizing any conference, convention or meeting even easier.
After an all-day event, it’s time to sample Salt Lake’s amazing roster of brewpubs, including Squatters, Desert Edge Brewery and Wasatch Brew Pub. There’s also Epic Brewing Company, Red Rock Brewery, and the Uinta Brewing Company’s Brewhouse Pub. Or maybe try Fisher Brewing Company or the RoHa Brewing Project? Need additional choices? The Beer Hive Pub has 200-plus brews (24 on tap). All of them offer a great venue for a casual dinner. After dinner, it’s time to head to Beer Bar/Bar X, owned by Ty Burrell of “Modern Family,” for a nightcap, or a nightspot like Urban Lounge. Fancier drinks and fare can be found at Whisky Street, The Red Door or The Vault at Bambara, as well as at Lake Effect and Under Current.
Salt Lake’s dining scene is wide-ranging, with new restaurants like George, which pours natural wines and serves classic bistro fare made from local ingredients. Another newbie is Stratford Proper, with pizza, pasta and burgers for post-event eating. If formal dining is in order, consider Bambara at the Hotel Monaco, The Copper Onion, or perhaps Log Haven located in Millcreek Canyon. There are popular places such as White Horse Spirits & Kitchen, a modern American brasserie; the seafood emporium, Current Fish & Oyster; as well as Lake Effect, adjacent to the Salt Palace, where cocktails, small plates and live music are the rule.
Classic Salt Lake eateries include the sushi haven Takashi, the incredibly popular Mexican restaurant Red Iguana, and the small plates and pizza place Copper Common. Seasons is beloved by vegans while Table-X is where chefs create artful but casual fare, focused on local meats and produce, some of it from the restaurant’s own garden. Avenues Proper is where to satisfy that chicken and waffles craving or maybe fall for a smoked meatloaf sandwich. Late night eats? Head to Spitz, which is famed for its Döner Kebab.
By day, check out the extensive dinosaur collection at The Natural History Museum of Utah or visit The Leonardo, a visionary interactive museum of science, technology and art. There’s also The Utah Museum of Fine Arts, which has works by such American artists as Gilbert Stuart, Thomas Cole, Albert Bierstadt and John Singer Sargent.
In the evening, theater-goers can take in a Broadway-style show at the George S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Theater, take a seat at Abravanel Hall to hear the Utah Symphony or watch Ballet West at The Janet Quinney Lawson Capitol Theatre, which is also home to the Utah Opera. There’s also a schedule of concerts, dance, ballet and theater at The Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center. During the respective seasons, sports fans can cheer on the NBA’s Utah Jazz or MLS’ Real Salt Lake, as well as a number of minor league teams.
For more on conventions, events and meetings, contact Visit Salt Lake Meetings.
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