#please ignore rumis arms
organised-disaster · 4 months
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Sucked it up and drew the Snowbird girlies myself
Based on this comment under a youtube video
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faulty-writes · 2 years
okay so i had this idea, i tried it w my friends, it gave me like some fun idea, its like paper passing but with your lips, when the paper falls you accidentally kiss someone, (my paper didnt fall, 😪.)
So it gave me some idea, can you do it with a highschool bully!mirko x reader and a bakugo x reader? You can do one if you please!
But delete this ask if you wont! Its all good! Thank you madam faulty!
[ I laughed when I read "LEMME IN!" that was the perfect introduction line. But no worries, you're in. You're the second request I got. So I looked this game up and it sounds spicy, interesting, and near impossible. But don't we all love a challenge? I can most certainly write a little scenario for this game with our bunny girl and hot-headed explosion boy. ]
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"Why is she here!?" you frantically asked upon spotting Rumi otherwise known as your personal hell angel at the party you were currently attending. "Awe, what's a matter there? Too afraid to approach the rabbit girl?" Keigo commented, placing his chin on your shoulder with a smirk.
You placed your hands on your hips glaring at him. "Hardy har har, you're so funny," you replied sarcastically before looking back at Rumi who proceeded to purposely spill punch over someone. "Why don't you go talk to her? I'll be your wingman," he joked, making you roll your eyes.
"No," you said, becoming slightly alarmed when he pressed a hand against your back forcing you forward. "Sure you do!" you tried digging your feet into the floor, but it was no use as he continued to push you.
'You're a terrible wingman,' you thought bitterly and a cold chill ran through your body as soon as Rumi's eyes locked on you. She grinned and got that all-too-familiar sadistic look in her eye. "Well, well, well," she said, crossing her arms.
"If it isn't pretty face and..." she paused, looking at Keigo from head to toe, "birdie," she concluded with a laugh. "Mm," you wanted to step away, but Keigo kept his hand on your back. There was no way he was going to let you keep running away from your problems.
"Hiya there, how's it going?" he asked casually, waving his hand before looking at you. "What do you know Y/n was just talking about you," he lied, ignoring the way you glared at him. Just what the hell was he doing!?
"Oh?" Rumi's furry ears stood up straight and she grinned taking a step toward you. "Is that right, pretty face!?" she exclaimed, grabbing the front of your shirt and yanking you forward. You cried out, almost stumbling over your own two feet before looking at her with a hint of fear.
However, this only seemed to make her happier. She leaned closer, and several silver strands fell across her face making her red eyes stand out. She parted her lips, prepared to speak when someone shouted, "It's time for the paper passing game!" which distracted her.
"Paper passing game, huh?" she said, slowly gazing back at you with a growing smirk. "Come on pretty face!" she demanded, dragging you away while you frantically waved your arms about. "Takami!" you screamed, but he only smiled.
"You can thank me later!" he shouted, making you growl. 'Damn him!' you thought before Rumi stepped to the side and pulled you forward only to purposely release you. Another cry came when you lost your balance and fell flat on the floor.
She crossed her arms, smirking happily before focusing on the one who announced that the game was about to start. "Huh?" you lifted your head, deciding it was safer to remain on the floor than actually stand up and be within Rumi's vicinity.
The game involved someone taking a piece of paper and sucking on it gently to keep it stuck to their lips, then they needed to turn to the person next to them and attempt to pass the said piece of paper using only their mouth.
The catch was that if the paper fell, the two attempting to do the pass had to exchange a kiss. "Oh no..." you said, your eyes shrinking in fear before you felt someone grab the back of your shirt collar and hollered when you were forced back on your feet.
"Let's go pretty face!" Rumi screamed, dragging you over to the circle that was forming. Once there, she let go of you and leaned down to whisper, "Move and I'll beat your ass," into your ear which was more than enough motivation for you to remain still.
"Here Y/n, why don't you start?" a familiar voice said and you turned to see Keigo walking over to you, holding out a single piece of red paper. Despite your heart racing and your cheeks flushing at the very thought of anyone touching your lips even through a piece of paper, you glared at him.
"Heh, what?" he questioned, but you could always yell at him later. You snatched the paper from his hand and looked at it. 'How the hell am I supposed to...' your thoughts shattered when Rumi screamed "Hurry the hell up pretty face!" causing you to jump and almost drop the paper.
In a rare display of courage, you stomped your foot against the floor and screamed back "Fine!" before placing the piece of paper against your lips. Sucking in your cheeks, you slowly turned to her. Shuttering when you saw the smirk she was wearing, it was hard to decipher if she was happy or just plain evil.
"Well?" she leaned closer, "Let's get this over with!" she said and despite wanting to tell her off, your eyes widened when you felt her mouth against the paper. It dawned on you just then that it could break, this was especially evident when her tongue began to probe the said piece of paper.
However, you weren't determined to lose and leaned forward, tilting your head just so, and gently began blowing in an effort to get the paper to stick to her lips. Unknown to you this was not what she wanted and she furrowed her brows, trying to think of how to sabotage your turn.
Just as you began to pull away, she lifted her foot slamming it on top of yours causing you to scream out in pain. The piece of paper fluttered to the floor and Rumi grinned in victory before roughly grabbing your shoulders.
"What's a matter pretty face, can't even play this simple game right?" she mocked, ignoring the concerned stares of everyone else around. She was only focused on one thing and that was sharing the consequence of having failed to complete the pass.
"W-what the hell are you-" before you said anything more, you found yourself desperately wrapping your arms around her neck as she dipped you. All the blood rushed to your face and a surprised gasp came when you felt her warm soft lips against yours.
They parted slightly, and soon you felt her tongue slide into your mouth making you freeze up. You pressed your hands against her chest, trying to pull away. She tasted like carrots with the slightest hint of beer.
"Heh!" when she broke the kiss, she grinned just before dropping you. Once again you hit the floor and found yourself groaning, now you had pain in your back and foot. You glanced at Rumi who lifted her hand up to her mouth.
"I want to play another round!" she declared, wagging her tail before leaning over you. "What do you say pretty face?" she teased and you began silently cursing a certain red-winged individual for having gotten you into this situation.
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"This is stupid!" he screamed as he stood in the large circle with some of his classmates. Ashido had insisted they play a stupid paper passing game that looked like two people exchanging spit. "Aw, come on Bakubro!" Eijirou said, snaking his arm around the other's neck.
"Get the hell off of me!" Katsuki snapped in response, only causing the redhead to laugh. "Y/n will be playing," he said, pointing a lazy finger toward you although you were busy talking to Ashido and looking somewhat distressed.
"So what!?" he replied, baring his teeth like a wild animal. Eijirou grinned, keeping his arm around the angry blond. "I heard they have a little thing for you," he commented wiggling his eyebrows and watching Katsuki roll his eyes in response. He didn't care much for rumors and it didn't matter if they were true or not.
Nothing would distract him from his goal of becoming a hero and yeah even if he wanted a family someday, that was going to happen after he took the number one hero spot in Japan. He crossed his arms, giving a soft "Pff," which seemed to satisfy Eijirou enough for him to step away.
"Come on! It'll be fun, you can even start the game!" Ashido insisted, grabbing your wrist and dragging you toward the circle despite your frantic protests. "Here, stand here!" she said, positioning you next to none other than Katsuki.
Your heart pounded in your chest, yes you did like him for whatever reason. But there was no way you could actually go through with this, right!? Ashido wouldn't really make you face your feelings like this, would she!?
It was safe to say you were in internal despair and could only watch as she walked over and took her place between Kyoka and Kaminari. "Now, you all know the rules!" she said, pressing her hands together with a happy grin.
'Rules, what rules!?' you frantically thought, but luckily she gave a brief review. "You can only use your mouth to pass the paper, if you use your hands you're out!" she declared, throwing her arms into the air. "Oh, and if you end up dropping the paper, the two players have to kiss!" she said looking at you with slanted eyes.
You trembled in response, 'Why is that look so menacing!?' you screamed inside your head. "Y/n said they wanted to go first!" Ashido announced, causing several heads to turn your way. "W-what!? N-no I never s-said that I-" your words were interrupted when she then placed her hands on her hips and gave a dramatic sigh.
"Fiiiiiine!" she whined. "I'll go first, give me the paper," she said, flexing her fingers. Tsuyu was kind enough to hand her said paper and you watched in amazement as the game began, Ashido appeared to stick the piece of paper to her lips and turned to Kaminari who leaned forward and pressed his lips to the opposite side of the paper.
"Wait...they're going..." you glanced around the circle, realizing that Katsuki would be the one to initiate your turn which meant you had to lean over and...oh no! Your cheeks instantly flushed, and you debated about abandoning the game, turning around, and making some excuse like you had to use the bathroom or something.
Then again Ashido would never forgive you if you did that and you were a hero student, surely there'd be more terrifying challenges you'd have to face than almost kissing the one you liked. Eijirou successfully grasped the paper with his lips and passed it on to the next person who just so happened to be Katsuki.
Once he had the piece of paper against his lips, he turned to you. His eyebrows were slanted in their usual angry position and he roughly grabbed your shoulder, forcing you to step closer to him. Yeah, the rules said no hands but who gives a damn. He wasn't using them to cheat, was he?
"Uh..." your heart continued to pound in your chest and your cheeks were probably as red as those gorgeous pair of eyes you found yourself staring into. You could hear him mumble something from behind the piece of paper, and while you couldn't make it out you were more than certain he was telling you to hurry up.
The fact that there were multiple eyes on you didn't help your hesitation, but regardless you leaned forward trying to gather your courage. Closing your eyes, you pressed your lips against the paper. However, you were having a bit of difficulty getting it to stick to your lips even after moistening them with your tongue.
That angry mumbling grew louder and soon enough you felt both of his hands on your shoulders and his nails digging into your flesh. You winced softly, trying to lean back to tell him he was making you a bit uncomfortable but he leaned forward, forcefully pressing the paper against your lips.
"W-wait a min-" before you could finish, Katsuki gave a deep growl and leaned his head back. Before you registered what had happened, you found yourself on the floor. He was at his limit with patience and slammed his head against yours in an effort to try and get you to take the piece of paper.
But this resulted in your classmates gasping as they watched you hit the floor, luckily you were still conscious but you swear you saw stars and closed your eyes to make them go away and to ease your now aching forehead.
Ashido quickly ran over to you as Katsuki spit the piece of paper out, letting it flutter to the floor without a care. "What the hell Bakugou!?" she screamed, kneeling by your side to make sure you were at least still breathing.
"Yeah dude, that was a little uncalled for," Kaminari said causing Katsuki to grind his teeth together. "Shut the hell up!" he snapped as several of your other classmates approached you. "Well, now you have to kiss them twice!" Ashido declared and Katsuki looked at her with a cocked eyebrow.
"What?" he replied, "You knocked them out!" she explained and you resisted the urge to giggle as you continued to lay there motionless with your eyes closed. "So you need to kiss their forehead since you headbutted them and you need to kiss them on the lips because the piece of paper fell!" he rolled his eyes.
A low growl rumbled in his throat, and he stomped his foot. "Fine dumbass!" he snapped, lowering himself to his knees. He then pressed his hands against the floor and loomed over you, hearing the way you breathed.
"Mm..." he raised his eyebrow, suspecting that you weren't completely unconscious but regardless, he closed his eyes and leaned forward pressing his lips against your forehead. Your hair felt soft and he noticed your skin was slightly warmer than it should be.
Your heart accelerated and butterflies fluttered in your stomach as soon as those lips touched your forehead. But then you felt his hand slapping the side of your cheek lightly. "Wake the hell up! I know you're not unconscious, damn it!" you were tempted to open your eyes, but instead, you forced yourself to remain still.
"Maybe if you kissed them they'd wake up, like sleeping beauty," Ashido suggested, although even she was uncertain if you were just pretending to be unconscious or if you actually were. Katsuki looked at her with an expression that read 'really?' before turning back to you.
With a sigh, he leaned forward and closed his eyes once more. When he pressed his lips against yours he noticed that they twitched in response and before he could pull away, your hands came up and fisted into his hair.
"MMM!" his scream was muffled against your lips as you deepened the kiss while his arms frailed about. You let out a cry when his hand eventually pressed against your face and he used it as leverage to pull away, gasping for air.
"What the hell you shitty nerd?!" he snapped and you finally opened your eyes, letting out a laugh even as he glared at you. Ashido pressed her hands against her mouth, seemingly beaming at the way you had tricked Katsuki and wishing she had taken a picture or video of it.
"This game is stupid!" he stumbled back to his feet and walked away. "Wait a minute!" Eijirou called after him before giving chase and Kaminari followed his lead. "If you try that again, I'm gonna blast your damn face off!" he screamed, and you knew he was referring to you.
Still, you couldn't help but smile and sat up on the floor. "Were you really pretending to be unconscious?" Ashido questioned and you pressed a finger to your lips, indicating for her to keep quiet and to keep it a secret.
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https-milo · 1 month
Instagram posts w/ comments while dating Keigo Takami (Hawks)
a/n OBVIOUSLY these are just pictures off of pinterest, reader can be however you imagine!
main m. list / instagram m. list
y/n.o.lantern · 14w
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50.8k likes liked by official.hawks, mirko.therabbit, and msjoke
y/n.o.lantern I feel right at home :)
official.hawks how can you feel at home when you're not in my arms ;) y/n.o.lantern official.hawks we JUST beat the allegations last week, CHILLLL official.hawks y/n.o.lantern sorry cutie 😘 y/n.o.lantern official.hawks whatever birdbrain 👎👎
mirko.therabbit youre so cute, gimme a kith y/n.o.lantern mirko.therabbit always 😘😘
official.hawks · 13w
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145.9k likes liked by y/n.o.lantern, mirko.therabbit, kamui.woods
official.hawks me and y/n are not dating. this is the fourth statement my PR is making me put out about it this month, but sadly the Pumpkin Hero and I are not together. (But look at this cutie... she made a tree just to climb cause she was bored)
y/n.o.lantern incredible how every time you make a statement, it doesn't help!! official.hawks y/n.o.lantern sorryyyyyy cutieeeeee y/n.o.lantern official.hawks I'm going to strangle you one of these days. official.hawks y/n.o.lantern don't threaten me with a good time ;)
mirko.therabbit LEAVE MY PUMPKIN ALONE! YOU NASTY BIRD! official.hawks mirko.therabbit shes not yourssss, shes *my* cutie y/n.o.lantern official.hawks keigo. official.hawks y/n.o.lantern ok ill stop 😒
y/n.o.lantern · 11w ⭐ close friends
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150 likes liked by mirko.therabbit, msjoke, and official.hawks
y/n.o.lantern birdbrain isn't so bad
official.hawks just glad you came around ;) y/n.o.lantern official.hawks yeah me too :)
mirko.therabbit dont let your boyfriend stop you from finding your wife... (THANK GOD YOU GUYS FINALLY GOT TOGETHER. THE PINING WAS INSANE) y/n.o.lantern mirko.therabbit shhhh he doesn't need to know that, it'll go straight to his ego official.hawks mirko.therabbit my little cutie liked me too... good to knowww y/n.o.lantern official.hawks *good to forget. Your ego is already big, I don't need my little crush on you to add to that official.hawks y/n.o.lantern is it so wrong to appreciate the fact my girlfriend has a crush on me? y/n.o.lantern official.hawks ...no
official.hawks · 9w
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181k likes liked by y/n.o.lantern, mirko.therabbit, msjoke, and kamui.woods
official.hawks cutie sent me this after our hangout... 'course it was captioned about how my wings kept hitting her face buttt don't I look so cute on her lap?
y/n.o.lantern yeah you're cute if you ignore the fact YOUR WING WENT IN MY MOUTH AND EAR. MULTIPLE. TIMES. official.hawks y/n.o.lantern but someone still let me sleep 😘 y/n.o.lantern official.hawks next time I'll push you off, idiot official.hawks y/n.o.lantern no you won't y/n.o.lantern official.hawks no I won't
mirko.therabbit ...you're cuddling with the stuffed animal I gave your girl. You just gonna take that? official.hawks mirko.therabbit nah you right, meet me outside y/n.o.lantern official.hawks no fighting Rumi. mirko.therabbit no fighting Keigo. I love you both equally <3 (I just so happen to kiss Keigo) official.hawks y/n.o.lantern yes cutie 😓 mirko.therabbit y/n.o.lantern yes pumpkin 😓
y/n.o.lantern · 6w
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56.1k likes liked by official.hawks, mirko.therabbit, and msjoke
y/n.o.lantern he flew us to a random forest
tagged: official.hawks
official.hawks yeah and I looked cute doing it (and you looked cute in my arms ;) ) y/n.o.lantern official.hawks yeah you did ;D
mirko.therabbit you two make me wanna kick something. official.hawks get over here official.hawks mirko.therabbit why not Y/N? shes a pro too 😒 y/n.o.lantern official.hawks you wouldn't take a kick for me </3 official.hawks y/n.o.lantern ...mirko.therabbit get over here
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
Thank you so much for reading <3
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beneathashadytree · 2 years
Ahh i saw ur mirko fic and i just had to request! If this request doesnt work then you can ignore this!
okay so college AU !
Mirko has a best friend shes sleeping over with and shes in love with her best friend, and when theyre asleep she just has her chance and starts smoother them in affection and small smooches until they wake up leading them to a makeout session? (Kinda suggestive theme i hope thats in the category, if not please do ignore this!) i hope this request does you best!
A little add on! No need to put it in but its optional as long as your comfortable!
Can you make the gn!reader have some sort of style related to grunge masc? But the reader goes by they/them! And is like the tomboy in the friendship, but if this doesnt make you comfortable write it however you want! (2/2)
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Warnings : college AU, this could count as dub-con seeing as the reader is asleep at first, making out, this is not proofread, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : suggestive fluff
Word count : 0.8K words
Additional notes : Thank you so much for your request! I’m a sucker for the best friends to lovers trope🥰 However, I live in a place where clothes aesthetics aren’t a thing, so I have no idea what grunge masc style is, I’m really sorry🫠 But don’t worry, I’m most comfortable writing for gender-neutral readers using they/them pronouns, as they’re my preferred identities and pronouns irl too! Idk if the tomboy part is obvious, but I tried to make it come naturally. Hope you enjoy this!!💗💗
Requests : Are open! Check the rules over here.
Want to support me financially? Here’s my CashApp!
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“And… now we’re done with the skincare routine.” Rumi left the bathroom in her PJs with an excited gait, only to find that her best friend was nestled underneath the covers, snuggled into the pillow and clearly fast asleep. “Did I really take that long?” she whispered, before shrugging and softly padding across the room.
After switching off the lights and carefully crawling in beside them, Rumi couldn’t help but stare up at them in awe. They looked so incredibly peaceful, none of the stress caused by college apparent on their face, all the stress lines gone. It was almost angelic; the way their lips were slightly pouted as they breathed slowly and steadily. Whether that was because they’d been struggling with the massive amount of assignments at this time of year, or because she was just so utterly smitten by them… eitherways, she couldn’t tear her eyes away from them.
‘Lovesick’ was the only way to describe how she looked at her best friend all the time, but they were rather daft when it came to things like this. It was a blessing in the way that they never thought twice about the affection Rumi always gave them, but it was also a curse that her feelings would always go unseen and consequently unreciprocated.
Still, she rather liked the idea of cuddling up to them as she often did. With a happy sigh of comfort, she tucked her head underneath their chin, and if she could purr as she nestled into their chest, she would’ve. Strong arms encircled them, as she tugged them as close as possible. It was rather nice, getting to entwine their legs together and lie like that.
“So fucking cute,” she mumbled under her breath as they unconsciously squeezed her back. Cheeks burning red with adoration, Rumi gently pressed her lips against their arm in a small kiss. She waited for a couple of seconds, just to make sure that she hadn’t woken them up. Seeing them still sleeping soundly, she got a little braver, and began to pepper chaste, innocent kisses all over any place her lips could reach—their arm, their shoulder, their collarbones, and even their chin.
As she courageously left a soft, open-mouthed kiss against their neck, the hand that had been clutching her waist tightened, as a deep sound escaped their throat. Rumi froze, red eyes blown wide as they shifted in her arms.
“Quite the daring bunny, aren’t you? I don’t remember this being a thing friends do.” Their voice was a little gruff and scratchy with sleep, but it still sent Rumi’s heart fluttering in her chest and a warmth blooming in her tummy.
Her momentary shock was quickly replaced by the urge to tease them even more. Damn it; she was so hopelessly in love with them.
“Don’t act like you don’t like it. You latched onto me the moment I got under the covers.”
With a lazy grin that had her blushing furiously, their fingers tipped her chin upwards, the challenging look in their eyes kindling the raging fire inside of her.
“Wouldn’t dream of lying. But I’ve got to one-up you this time.”
And before Rumi could process what was happening, their soft lips were on hers, stealing her breath away. She stilled for a moment, before she melted into the kiss and allowed herself to be swept away. Firm but gentle hands swept over her back, caressing her as the warmth of their tongue invaded her mouth. A shameless moan escaped her, their taste overwhelming her as she arched her back in delight. Tongues enwtined as they passionately kissed, Rumi hadn’t even noticed the way she’d begun squeezing her thighs closed in pleasure.
It was a little messy, with eager hands roaming, teeth nipping deviously at her lips, and sounds of sweet satisfaction escaping them. Rumi felt them all over her and in her, and she couldn’t help but fall in love with this all-consuming feeling, the same way she’d fallen in love with them. Her hands had clutched the front of their shirt, to get some semblance of control over herself, but all rational thought had gotten thrown out the window the moment they moaned into her mouth.
Only when they had to come up for air did they separate—much to both their dismay—and pant heavily in each other’s arms, pupils blown wide and hair askew.
Twisting to lie on their back, they tugged Rumi to sit upright on their lap. A quick glance at the alarm clock on the bedside table reminded her of how late it actually was.
“If we stay up any longer, we won’t be able to wake up for our morning run,” she breathlessly noted, her knees on both sides of their body. A now-familiar mixture of adoration and desire churned in her belly as they smirked up at her, hands firmly gripping her hips in place as she let out an involuntary whine of delight.
“Might as well get some exercise in to make up for that, then.”
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Taglist: @thispersoniscrazy @wifeofkyojuro
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kkodzvken · 4 years
suit up - hawks x f. reader
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the one where keigo marries the girl of his dreams, and then takes her home and shows her just how loved she is. title cred/inspo: suit up by jonghyun
notes/warnings: smut and fluff (your teeth may rot and fall out, you’ve been warned), soft dom!keigo, praise kink, slight size kink, oral (f. receiving), unprotected sex + creampie. reader and kei use the traffic light safe word system and they review it beforehand, and he checks in with her at one point but she’s green, so everything is 100% consensual. they flirt + kei says explicit things at the reception but nothing /actually/ happens in public. mentions of alcohol
wc: 5.3k
a/n: this idea’s been bouncing around my head for a while bc i wanna marry this dumbass so bad :’) my first full hawks fic!! im so happy hehe
You’re so beautiful.
Keigo’s always known, of course. He’s found you beautiful since the very first moment that he laid his eyes on you, all those years ago. He tells you that you’re beautiful every single day, no matter how much you roll your eyes or jokingly tell him to shut up.
You’re beautiful all the time, but there are certain moments that leave him especially breathless. The day that you foolishly challenged Rumi to an arm-wrestling match. The determined look in your eye as you clenched your fist, sweat dripping down your brow and arm muscles straining (you lost, of course – the rabbit hero was ridiculously jacked). The brilliant smile that graces your face whenever he brings you flowers or little souvenirs from his work trips. The very first morning after you moved into his penthouse, when he woke up next to your peaceful sleeping form, and realized that he’d have mornings like this for the rest of his life.
The day that he flew you up to the mountains for a starlit picnic. The smile on your face as you polished off your meal, and the way that your hand flew up to your mouth when he got down on one knee. Your teary-eyed look of pure love as he slipped the ring onto your finger, the diamond gleaming like one of the stars that shone down on you. The way that your eyes rolled back and your legs wrapped around his waist when he took you home and fucked you for hours.
And right now. Keigo swore that his heart damn near burst at the sight of you. The organist was playing, but he couldn’t hear the notes, couldn’t hear anything besides the blood rushing in his ears. Your hands clasped an elegant flower bouquet, and Keigo was sure that the blossoms were pretty, but he couldn’t spare even a second to glance at them. No, his entire focus was trained on you. You, with your beautiful dress that perfectly accentuated the body that he loved so much. When your eyes raised to meet his, and that perfect smile worked its way across your face… he had to bite his inner cheek to try and hold the tears back.
In a simultaneous eternity and heartbeat, you were handing off your bouquet to a bridesmaid and clasping Keigo’s large hands with your much smaller ones. The officiant was speaking, but Keigo didn’t process any of it. The sight of your eyes shining up at him, more beautiful than any of the stars in the night sky, was the only thing anchoring him to the world. He felt like he was floating through a dreamscape with only you, the happiness in his chest powerful and all-encompassing.
You’re talking to a group of your old friends from high school when a tap against your shoulder grabs your attention, and you turn to see your fiancé – no, your husband – smirking down at you. He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close. “Excuse me, ladies,” he says to your friends. “Mind if I steal her for a moment?” His amber eyes glint mischievously, and you swear that a whole swarm of butterflies take flight in your stomach.
Your friends giggle and nod, and then Keigo’s spinning you around so that you’re face-to-face. He’s stunning, in his black suit and red dress shirt, the shade of crimson matching his wings perfectly. “Dance with me, dove,” he says, before leaning down to press a quick kiss against your lips. You nod, and he leads you towards the center of the venue, where most of your guests are dancing to some cheesy pop song. Keigo nods at the DJ, who nods back and switches to the music. Soft synth notes travel through the speakers, before the singer’s dreamy voice floods your ears.
Your hands find their way to his broad shoulders. His wings move to wrap around you protectively. You’re not sure if he even realizes that he does it – it’s such a normal thing, now, for him to shield you, to create a little cocoon for the two of you. You frown as you feel his muscles moving underneath your fingers. “You’re too tense,” you say, fingers gently kneading at the parts of his back that you can reach. “Let me give you a massage once we get home.”
He chuckles, one of his own hands coming up to capture yours. He laces your fingers together before bringing your hand up to his lips and pressing a gentle kiss against your skin. The look he gives you is so tender, the love radiating off his body so palpable, that it makes your knees feel week. “Sweet, but I’m the one who’s going to be taking care of you tonight.” You open your mouth to protest, but he tuts, and a feather flies up to shush at your lips. “No, listen. You’re driving me crazy. Every time I turn my head, I see you looking so damn beautiful that my heart stops. Makes me wanna just pull you away and rip that pretty dress off.”
You gasp at his words, a pretty blush dusting your cheeks. “Kei! People are gonna hear you!”
He shrugs, pulling you even closer and swaying your bodies lightly to the music. “Let them,” he says nonchalantly, but the glint in his eye is pure sin. He leans down so that his lips brush against the shell of your ear. You can’t help the shudder that wracks through your body as his warm breath hits your skin. “You’re so cute when you’re blushing like that. Did I make you flustered, baby?” His fingers release yours, instead gripping your chin and forcing you to meet his eyes. “Answer me, love.”
You nod, feeling small. Only Keigo can affect you like this, can reduce you to a trembling mess with just a few words.
You love it.
He smirks at your confession, pressing a kiss against your cheek before leaning his forehead against yours. “What do you say we jump ship, babe?” Your confusion must show on your face, because he continues. “I think I might die if I have to wait much longer to get my hands on you. And judging by the way you’re acting… I’d bet good money that you’re already dripping for me.”
“Kei!” You swat at his chest before burying your face in it. He laughs, one of his real, genuine laughs that makes your heart soar, before kissing the crown of your head.
“I don’t see you denying it.”
“Shut up.”
“Aw, is my cute little wife flustered?”
Wife. The word sounds so pretty rolling off his lips that you can’t resist retreating from the safety of his chest to press your lips against his. He cups your face with one of his large, rough hands and kisses you back. His wings shift to cover you up before the hand on your waist moves down to pinch at your ass – or, at least, it tries. The layers of your dress obstruct him, and he growls in frustration.
You can’t help but whine as well. You want him all the time, of course. Years of being together haven’t changed how fucking badly you want him all the time. You’d used up all your willpower behaving for the ceremony and the reception so far. You’d been good, had kept your hands to yourself throughout dinner and the toasts. But now, the mix of his body against yours, the dirty words that he’d whispered into your ear, and the cocktails running through your bloodstream were making it very hard for you to ignore the pooling heat between your legs.
You wanted him. You wanted your husband.
“Please,” you whisper. Under normal circumstances, you’d hate how whiny and pathetic you sound, but you’re too far gone to care. “Please, let’s go, Kei. Need you.”
A few whispered words to Rumi, and a knowing smirk from her, and you were gone. It was surprisingly easy to slip out the venue. You’d expected to be stopped by some nosy family member, but it seemed that everyone was too tipsy and having too much fun to care. Nevertheless, you had to be careful once you stepped out into the fresh night air. The number two hero’s wedding was perfect paparazzi bait. You didn’t even want to think about the feeding frenzy that the media would go into if they caught sight of you now.
The night sky was like a shield, though, and it protected you from prying eyes. You’d been discreet when picking the wedding and reception venues, and even more discreet in choosing your honeymoon destination. Tomorrow morning, you and Keigo would fly up to the mountains, where he’d rented a little cabin for the two of you. By some miracle, he’d managed to get a whole week off work – a whole week where you’d have him, entirely to yourself.
But right now, you aren’t thinking about tomorrow morning, or the lovely, peaceful honeymoon that you were about to embark on. Right now, the only thing you can think about is Keigo. Keigo, with his beautifully messy hair that moved like ocean waves as you soared through the air. There’s nothing in this world that you love more than flying with him, pressed against his sturdy body with his strong arms wrapped around you. Light pollution makes it hard to see the sky from the ground, but up here, the moon and stars are breathtaking.
Almost as breathtaking as your husband, who’s eyes are prettier than any stars could ever hope to be.
He looks down and catches you staring, taking him in with your wide, wondrous eyes. You can barely hear anything through the noise-cancelling headphones that he makes you wear whenever you fly, but his words reach you, clear as day – “I love you.”
“And I love you.” Your voice comes out small, stolen away by the rushing wind. You try again, louder this time. “I love you!”
He chuckles, chest shaking as he tries to keep his laughs contained. “You trying to one-up me? I can be loud too.” He takes a deep breath, before tipping his head back and shouting an I love you up into the heavens.
His lips are soft and sweet as candy when they dip down to meet yours. “I’m just so happy,” he whispers against you. “You make me so happy.”
The moment that you set foot into the penthouse, you gasp.
“Oh, Kei,” you breathe, hand flying over your mouth.
He bounces nervously as he locks up the balcony door, not meeting your eye. “Do…do you not like it?”
You march up to him and grab his face in your hands, before standing up onto your tip-toes and planting a kiss on his forehead. “I love it, baby. Really, you’ve outdone yourself.”
He perks up at the praise, kissing your lips once before his hands move down and he picks you up, clean off the ground. You can’t hold your shrieking laugh back as he spins you around, a smile lighting up his face like a god damn Christmas tree.
The house is beautiful. Really, he did outdo himself. Back when you’d first started dating, he’d had to call off your six-month-anniversary date because of a mission. You’d assured him that it was fine, that you understood, but you’d be lying if you said that you weren’t upset. He promised that he would be back in a week at the latest. You’d spent the night with your friends, eating ice cream and watching shitty movies, and left for work the next morning. You weren’t expecting him back for a few days at least, but when you opened your door after an exhausting day at work, he was there, waiting for you. Scratches on his face and bandages on his arms, but he was there. And he’d decorated your apartment with flowers and fairy lights, centered around a haphazardly made blanket fort in the center of the living room. Little candles were placed across the room, each with a red feather standing guard, making sure that the flames didn’t accidentally get knocked over and grow. After you’d gotten over your initial shock – how the hell did you get in here, Kei – you ran into his arms and squeezed him, tight. He didn’t let go of you for the entire night – his body always pressed against yours, fingers constantly entwined, even as he made you cum so many times that you forgot your own name.
It was one of your fondest memories, one that always brought a smile to your face. You’d mentioned it offhandedly last week, while you were in the weeds with wedding planning. Honestly, you didn’t think that he’d even heard what you said, with how stressed and busy the two of you were. He was picking up extra patrols to make up for his honeymoon vacation time, and you were working your ass off to get your overbearing boss off your back.
But he had heard. He heard, and he listened, because that’s just the kind of lover – the kind of husband – that Keigo is. Attentive, sweet, and intuitive. You swear, he spoils you beyond belief. You don’t even know when he got the time to decorate the apartment today, but it’s beautiful. Even more beautiful than the decorations from your six-month-anniversary, because this time, the sight is sweetened by the knowledge that this is your shared home. This isn’t just your apartment, that your friends helped sneak him into so he could fancy it up. This is your shared space, where you’ll spend the rest of your lives together. Where you’ll wake up in his arms every morning, his wings wrapped around you protectively, fragmenting the morning light into shards of red. Where you’ll make meals together and laugh at his bad cooking, where you’ll take sanctuary from the harshness of the world. This place is your home. Keigo is your home.
He finally stops spinning, but refuses to set you down. Instead, he readjusts you so that he’s carrying you bridal style. You almost laugh at how cliché it is. It feels like something out of a cheesy rom-com, but you’re so happy that you feel like you’re in one of those rom-coms.
You do laugh out loud when you see the trail of petals leading to your bedroom. Keigo feigns disappointment, dramatically sighing. “Don’t laugh, princess, you wound me.” That just makes you laugh even more, and soon, he’s joining in, burying his face in your hair as he walks the two of you towards the bed. “C’mon, I’m trying to be romantic! Quit making me laugh!”
“I can’t help it,” you giggle as he gently places you onto the bed. Thankfully, he had the common sense to not put any petals on the actual bed, but the floor is absolutely covered. Blossoms line the walls as well, along with candles that bathe the room in their gentle glow. You take a second to admire how beautiful your husband looks in the soft light. The shadows make his wings seem that much bigger as they unfurl to their full size. He looms over you, looking like the most delicious mix of devil and angel that you’ve ever seen. There’s still a playful smile on his face, but something mischievous simmers beneath it.
“Hope you didn’t forget what you said at the reception hall, baby,” he says, eyes glinting. “What was it? Hmm, something like, need you, Kei, need you to take me home and fuck me, I’m already so wet for you.”
You groan and try to bury your face in your hands, but he’s too fast. He grabs your wrists and pins them above your head, easily wrapping them with just one of his large hands. “You’re making shit up,” you pout. “I only said the first part.”
“So you admit you said it? That you need me?”
“Shut up.”
“Mm, no thanks.”
You groan again, trying to suppress your smile. There are plenty of times that you and Keigo have had “serious” sex, but you mostly find yourself like this, devolving into giggles and teasing. There’s something about him that makes you feel so safe and at ease, and you can’t help yourself from giggling at his stupid remarks. He laughs, and releases your wrists to cradle your face with both his hands. He shifts so that he’s properly on top of you, his thighs on either side of your hips, and bends down to press kisses all over your face.
“My wife,” he breathes, in between kisses. “My sweet, beautiful, amazing wife. This dress is so pretty, but let’s take it off, my love. You don’t need it anymore.”
It takes a few minutes of awkward wriggling and tugging to finally remove the lace monstrosity, but at long last, the dress ends up on the floor. Keigo’s hands are on your body in an instant, fingers trailing over the curve of your waist and snapping the waistband of your panties. “God, you’ve got such pretty little lingerie on.”
“Wanted to dress up for you,” you say, pawing at his tie and trying to loosen the knot. It makes you feel small, to be so exposed while he’s still fully dressed. Normally you love to savor in that feeling, but right now, you need to feel his bare skin against yours. “Now take your clothes off, please.”
You finally manage to loosen his tie enough to pull it over his head. After stopping for another deep kiss, your hands continue their path over his body. His suit jacket comes off next, although he has to help you gently maneuver it off his wings. His cuff links clatter to the ground as you almost viciously rip off his dress shirt, and you moan when you finally feel his warm muscles.
You’re practically grinding into each other by now. Little whines leave your lips as you shamelessly roll your hips, seeking any friction you can get. You can feel his hardness, even through his thick pants, and you chase it with vigor. He’s not much better, a light blush dusting his face as he meets your rolls with shallow thrusts of his own. “Off, off, Kei, need to feel you,” you babble, fingers desperately trying to undo this belt buckle. Breathlessly, he pushes your fingers aside and pulls his belt off, unceremoniously throwing it across the room. You half expect it to collide with a candle and set the entire building on fire, but a few feathers fly out to catch it and gently set it down.
You don’t waste a second in pulling his pants down and throwing them as well, trusting that a feather will keep it from crashing into anything. Your fingers try to pull down the waistband of his boxers, but he tuts and grabs your hand.
You look up at him with pleading eyes. “Please,” you whine.
The smile on his face is gentle beyond belief as he answers. “I told you that I was going to take care of you tonight, baby. Let me make you feel good, okay? Can I make you feel good?”
You want to protest, want to beg him to stuff your face or your cunt and fuck into you until you’re lightheaded, but Keigo’s insistent about making you cum at least twice before even thinking about his own pleasure. And you can’t deny that you’re aching for him. You’re certain that you’ve soaked through your flimsy panties by now, and your mind is hazy with want.
You nod. Keigo takes your face in his hand, gently stroking your cheek with his thumb. “Can you give me your colors too?”
You force your mind to push through the fog, force your heavy lips to move and form words. “G-green for good, yellow for slow down, red for stop.”
“Good girl.” The praise goes straight to your core, and you whine. “Oh, baby, I know I just vowed to give you everything you could ever want, but you’re so damn needy. Be patient for me, okay? Let me touch you.”
You nod obediently, but you can’t fight the urge roll your hips and feel him again. With a soft, scolding noise, he presses one of his hands into your hipbone, effectively pinning you to the mattress. Try as you might, you can’t squirm away. He’s so ridiculously strong, his muscles toned from years of training and hero work, that you’re no match for him. But it’s not so bad. You love the dominance that oozes off his body as he moves down, his hands and tongue exploring every inch of skin that they can find. His teeth nip at the sensitive spot on your neck, the spot that always makes you melt for him. You shamelessly sigh and tilt your head to give him more access.
His right hand, the one that isn’t currently pinning you to the mattress, plays with the lacy edges of your bra. He palms you through the thin fabric, making you groan and arch your back into his touch. It’s not enough, you need more, need to feel more of him before you lose your mind. He seems to read your mind, because he doesn’t even bother to unclasp the bra, electing instead to rip it clean off your body. The snap of the straps breaking makes you gasp, but you revel in the sting of the elastic bouncing back against your skin.
“Couldn’t wait,” he says, not a hint of shame on his face. “You know how much I love to tease, but fuck, I need you now.”
He’s a bit more ceremonious when he removes your panties, choosing to use a hardened feather to slice through the fabric instead of just ripping with brute force. He fucking moans at the sight of you, wet and needy for him. It sounds like absolute heaven, but you don’t have even a second to revel in it before he’s diving into you. The sudden rush of pleasure is electrifying, and you go to instinctively slam your legs shut, but Keigo’s hand is too fast again. His tongue doesn’t falter for even a second as his fingers dig into your thighs and push you open. His lips wrap around your clit and suck, and he’s outrageously loud as he moans into your sex. It’s all so much – he’s licking at you like a man on death row, coaxing little whines and gasps from your lips.
His beautiful eyes are trained on yours, pupils blow out with love and lust. He memorizes every little expression that flits across your beautiful face as he eases a finger into you, eyes only leaving your face to admire the way that your little cunt sucks him in. But he can’t tear his gaze away from you, and the way your mouth falls open, or the way that your eyes flutter and roll back. The way that your hands ball up into fists, alternating between grabbing the bedsheets and lacing through his hair. Fuck, he loves how you pull at his hair when his fingers curl up against that spongy spot inside of you that makes you see stars. Loves the little curses and gasps of his name that spill past your lips as he scissors and thrusts his digits deeper and deeper into your perfect pussy.
“Cum for me, princess,” he groans. “Please, cum for me, need you to be a good girl and cum for me.”
And, well, you did just vow to give him everything that he could ever want.
You throw your head back and almost sob as you gush all over his face and fingers. He’s insatiable, licking and fingering you all through it, desperately trying to lap up every single drop of your juices. Your body is shaking, and you whimper, the overstimulation building until it’s too much, until you’re crying out too much, Kei, ‘s too much!
“Give me your color, baby,” he says, slowing his assault against your body.
“G-green,” you stutter out, the words as shaky as your legs. “Green, don’t stop, it’s just – ah! Kei!”
Your verbal confirmation was all he needed to dive back in, sucking at you with even more vigor than before. His fingers twist and curl against your spot, and his tongue lashes at your clit. He doesn’t stop for even a second, burying himself in your heat. It’s all you can do to maintain your grip on his hair, tugging at it just the way that he loves. You’re thrust headfirst into your second orgasm of the night, crying out his name and positively sobbing at the onslaught of sensations.
When he finally pulls away, the lower part of his face is soaked with your cum. He makes a show of licking his lips clean, not breaking eye contact with you, no matter how much you blush and squirm. He saves his fingers for you, though. A gentle tap at your lips is all it takes for you to obediently open your mouth and take in his digits. You swirl your tongue around, eyes lidded with the afterglow of your pleasure.
But you’re not finished, are nowhere near finished. You suppose that you are being needy, but how could you not, when your husband looks like an absolute fucking god? The candlelight makes your cum on his face glisten beautifully. You whine and pull him in for a kiss, mashing your lips against his and greedily swiping your tongues together. It’s sinful. You can taste yourself on him, and it makes you shudder, makes you need him that much more.
“Please, please fuck me,” you beg, wrapping your legs around his slim waist and trying to pull him closer, closer, closer. “Please, Kei, need you inside me, need my husband inside me.”
“Fuck,” he breathes, so quietly that you would’ve missed it if you didn’t feel the word formed against your lips. “Fuck, baby, okay.” His hand slides between your bodies and quickly pushes his boxers down. He uses a feather to pull them all the way off, because he can’t be bothered to focus on that, not when you’re practically drooling at the sight of his cock.
Your fingers twitch, and you aren’t able to hold back any longer. Your hand finds his cock, marveling at how heavy and perfect he feels as you wrap your fingers around him and guide him towards your sopping cunt. You pause before you slide him in, though, looking up at him with wide eyes. “Can I ride you? Please?”
He curses again under his breath, practically shivering at your words. His strong hands reposition the both of you, until you’re sitting on his thigh and he’s leaning back against the headboard. He cocks an eyebrow and smirks. “Well, then? Get to work, princess.”
You roll your eyes, trying not to laugh at his antics. “What happened to Mr. Let-Me-Take-Care-Of-You?”
“He’ll come out later. If my pretty wife wants to ride me, she gets to ride me.”
You laugh for real this time, but it quickly turns into a moan as you sink yourself down on his length. No matter how many times you take him, he always overwhelms your senses, always stretches you so deliciously. You lean your forehead against his and give yourself a second to adjust, and then you’re rolling your hips, little whines leaving your lips.
“Feels so good, Kei.” You throw your head back, your fingers digging into the strong muscles of his back to anchor yourself. “You always feel so good.”
His eyes are half-lidded and dark as he takes you in. He’s memorizing every inch of your body, every detail and movement that he absolutely fucking adores. “You’re the most beautiful thing in the world,” he whispers, seemingly more to himself than you. “So beautiful. I’m so lucky.”
Your thighs burn, but you force yourself to ignore the pain. You’d rather die than stop right now. His strong arms encircle your waist, and his wings surround your bodies, ruffling with every one of your movements.
You want to ignore your exhaustion, but your husband is perceptive as ever. His hips raise up to meet you, and it sends a fresh wave of pleasure through your body. You’re shaky, though, and you’re getting sloppy.
Before you can even process what’s happening, you’re being spun over and pinned to the mattress. A gasp leaves your lips, and you whine as his cock slips out of you. Your hand reaches out and paws around wildly, searching for him through your haze. Keigo’s quick to kiss you and shush your protests, entwining his rough fingers in your searching hand and stroking his thumb against your palm.
“Relax, angel. Let me take care of it.”
He slides into you again, making you both moan. Your pussy sucks him in greedily, clenching and fluttering around him. He pauses once he bottoms out. His face buries into the crook of your neck, and he presses sweet kisses all over your skin.
You wrap your legs around his waist and squeeze, trying desperately to make him move. “Keigo, baby, please,” you whine, fingers digging into the strong muscles of his back.
He coos, cupping your face and kissing you before he readjusts himself. “Of course, pretty girl.”
His thrusts are deep and hard, so hard that they make the entire bed shake. Your eyes flutter shut, but he grips your jaw and begs you to keep them open – please, baby, look at me, need to see my pretty wife fall apart.
“You’re so fucking perfect,” he moans, teeth nipping at your lips. “So perfect, and all mine.”
“All yours,” you agree. You’re practically babbling by this point, unable to stop the noises slipping past your lips. You’re floating on a cloud, soaring through the sky, anchored only by his body against yours. “You’re so deep in me, Kei, can feel you so deep in me. Please, ‘m so close, just a lil’ bit more, Kei.”
He coos again, hand slipping down to toy with your clit. You wail, sinking your teeth into his shoulder as the coil in your stomach snaps and you gush uncontrollably. You can’t do anything but cry out for him, can’t do anything but cling onto him and shake and twitch. The feeling of you clenching around him is too much, and with a broken fuck and a cry of your name, he spills inside of you. He fucks you through it, the obscene sounds of your combined release making you feel lightheaded and weak.
He holds you for a few minutes, just like that, bodies entwined. You both pant and try to catch your breath. The weight of his body on top of yours is comforting, so you protest when he finally pulls out and sits back to admire the way that his seed drips out of you.
“Come back,” you complain. “What kind of husband doesn’t give cuddles to his wife?”
“The kind of husband who needs to clean her up,” he says with a chuckle. “C’mon, let’s go take a bath.
Your body feels boneless with exhaustion and the hazy afterglow of your three orgasms, so you’re grateful when he scoops you into his arms. You tuck your face into his neck and hum contentedly, unable to stop the giddy smile that blooms across your face.
“I love you, Kei,” you say, planting little kisses over his neck and jaw.
“I love you too, princess,” he says, grinning and poking your nose. He laughs when you scrunch it up and scowl at him. But, with how cute he looks, you just can’t hold the scowl for long. Soon, you’re giggling too.
You look up at him with so much love that it makes his heart ache. His eyes grow a bit more serious, and he dips his head to kiss at your swollen lips. “I mean it, baby. I’m so happy to spend the rest of my life with you.”
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deleteddewewted · 3 years
Ah well then since you like to make little drabbles use this fluff as you please.
ever since you both got along rumi always managed to hug you or show affection to you every sight your on, your so proud she changed her ways and loved herself.
Pure Fluff
(Im guessing this is has to do with Homophobic Rumi? But if it doesn't you can ignore this one. Mirko x Fem! Reader btw.)
Mirko struggled to become publicly open with your guys relationship. She loved you, of course she did, but the fact that she spent so much time creating enemies with some of the other queer kids made her feel afraid. They had the right to be angry with her because of everything she did to them and they should have discouraged you from going out with you in the first place. You told her that if she felt insecure or ashamed she could always apologize. No one needed to forgive her for her past behavior but if she wanted to show change it first had to come through an apology. Soon, she found herself bowing to your friends and telling them that she was sorry for her cruel behavior and that she was going to work on improving herself.
"I messed up and i was cruel to you for no reason. I cant erase what ive done but i can do better. I deeply apologize for my regrettable actions." She walked away and went straight to her dorm. You came after noticing her absence in the common area and comforted her as she cried into your arms.
Rumi from that point on loved to show everyone how much she loved you. Kisses on the nose or mouth were her favorite. She loved the more heated sessions where your tongue would be pushed into her mouth and explore. The hands on her waist as you kept her close to your body and her own hands wondering over your own body in a attempt to memories the planes of your body. She loved having you sit on her lap when out on double or group dates with your friends. They watch as she murmurs sweet words into your ear and how her face lights up when you tell her you love her.
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johnsamericano · 3 years
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『 ‎ ‎لąҽհվմղ / ᎠҽӀմʂìօղ 』
warnings: mental illness implied, hallucinations, meds, aggressive jaehyun, implied sexual relations.
taglist: @nakamotocore @jisooapproved @la-ra-rumi @winwiniee @yijiujiujiu @nctlovesme
loveholic masterlist.
That's what Jaehyun hated the most in the world, lies.
He hated the way you'd smile at him during class, only to pretend he wasn't even there as soon as you exited the room. It wasn't fair. He wanted to confront you, wanted to ask for an explanation for your uninterested attitude, but anytime he'd try, words got stuck in his throat, choking him uncomfortably.
Jaehyun wasn't sure when his interest in you began growing. He was never one to have secret crushes, so then, why you? What made you special enough for him to like you?
The answer came one lucky day when the professor paired you up together for a project. While people usually whined when being put in the same team with someone other than their friends, you seemed all but annoyed, smiling with your white, pearly teeth and waving at him as if he were your very best friend.
“Guess you’re stuck with me.” It was his first time speaking to you, beads of sweat collecting on his upper lip. “Jaehyun, right?”
He hated small talk almost as much as lies. Almost. But when it came to you, he could do it all day long if it meant listening to your delightful voice. All of his pent-up frustrations scattered as you started planning your schedule to work on the project. He’d only hum in approval, still too shy to speak to you.
“So tomorrow's okay with you?” Your head was tilted to the side, the tender skin of your neck looking awfully tempting. He pictured himself kissing it, having you struggle under his weight while he kissed it for hours on end. “Jae?” He was pulled out of the scenario his mind was working through by a gentle hand on his wrist.
There were no mirrors nearby, but the tips of his ears were surely tinted red by now. But most importantly, his pants were becoming uncomfortably tight in his crotch area. A touch from you was all his body needed to go insane.
“Sure.” You smiled, removing your hand from its previous spot. His skin itched for more contact, but he was too shy to initiate anything. “I need to go to the restroom.”
He rushed out of the classroom with his hands in the pockets of his jeans, pushing the fabric forward to conceal his growing boner. He relieved himself inside the small cubicle, his own heavy breathing muffled under the sound of a couple doing less than appropriate things inside the following stall. Would that be you and him one day? Probably, but not quite yet.
Your kindness had no limits. That's what Jaehyun thought when you sat down to have lunch with him, the guy who no one ever liked enough to hang out with.
“Why?” He asked on the second occasion you sit with him.
“Because I like you.”
You started hanging out more often not long after that. Even after you handed in your work, you were keen on staying by his side, and he had nothing to complain about. It was as if the universe was finally smiling at him, all the times you'd ignored him after class now long forgotten. He was happier, brighter than usual. He told his roommate, the closest friend he had, about you. He was happy for Jaehyun, of course, but a feeling in his gut told him something was off.
The night before your spring break started, you invited him to a frat party. He’d never been to one, he didn't like them. But you were so insisting that he had no other choice but to oblige. The entire house smelled like sweat, alcohol, and drugs, disgusting, he thought. However, it was all worth it when he finally got to see you, tucked inside a tight dress that showed the figure you'd so thoroughly hide in baggy shirts. He approached you, wanting to greet you, but one of your friends dragged you away. He didn't mind it, the night was still young and he'd have plenty of time to be with you.
Not even five minutes later, you reappeared by his side, giving him one of your signature eye smiles.
“Having fun, pretty boy?” A light blush crept up his face, settling at the tip of his ears. “Let’s dance.”
His hands were firmly gripping your hips as you rubbed your body on his, causing a more than an obvious problem in his pants. Before his brain could register the current events happening, your lips were on his. It all felt too sudden, yet, he enjoyed the way you'd nip at his lower lip. It sent him to frenzy.
“I’m so wet, Jae.” You mumbled seductively against his fleshy pillows. “Want you to make me feel good.”
You dragged him to the closest room, increasing under his adoring gaze. You were so beautiful, and all his. The promise of your union was sealed that night, as you fell asleep between his arms after three intense rounds of pure bliss.
“Jaehyun?” He felt someone shaking his shoulder, it was a male voice. His arms instinctively closed tighter around your naked body to hide it from whoever was calling him, only to realize it wasn't you who was between them, but a mere pillow. “Dude, get up.” It was his roommate Johnny, picking him up after he got a call from one of the frat members. “You got so wasted yesterday, let's go, I'll take you for food.”
Wasted? He hadn't drunk anything the previous night. Nonetheless, he left the house after dressing up. He tried calling you as they waited for their waffles to no avail.
“Jaehyun, I saw your pills today in the trash bin. Have you stopped taking them?” Johnny seemed truly concerned.
“I’m better now, John. For real.” The sincerity in his words put his roommate’s heart at ease. “I found someone, I like her a lot and it seems like she does as well.”
“Dude, that's awesome. We should hang out soon, I'll invite my girlfriend.” A double date, it felt like you and Jaehyun were finally official. But the question remained, why had you left the house early in the morning?
Because you wouldn't pick up any of his calls, he had to wait until Monday to confront you. During breakfast, Johnny had crushed some of his pills and sneaked them into his eggs, you can never be too safe, he thought. And, oh boy was he right.
You were picking up your belongings from your locker, getting ready to go back home during the break.
“Hey.” He leaned against the closest wall, flashing you a dimpled smile.
“Oh, hey...Jay, right?” Was that a joke?
“Sure, whatever you want. So, my roommate wants to meet you, just let me know whenever you have time and I'll tell him. By the way...” He leaned in, lips brushing against the shell of your ears. Some curious eyes were looking at you, eager to know what was happening. “I really enjoyed that night, but it would've been better if I'd woken up with you between my arms.”
“Excuse me?” You backed away abruptly, escaping his proximity. “I think you're taking me for someone else.”
“What do you mean?”
Realization hit him like a truck. You were ignoring him yet again, but he wasn't gonna take it this time. He hated lies.
“Come with me.” He gripped your forearm, easily dragging you all the way to the janitor's closet. “You don't get to play dumb with me anymore. Stop fucking lying.” You looked like a scared little mouse about to be eaten by a cat.
“I-I’m sorry, but I'm not lying, the only time I've spoken to you was when we worked together. We haven't been in touch ever since.” Even in a situation like this, you still pretended to be kind.
“Lies.” His hands closed against your neck, slightly choking you. “I don't like them, so you better be good and tell me the truth before I do something we'll both regret.” Your eyes welled with tears as you begged for your life, his grip getting tighter with every second. “Come on, angel.”
“I’m sorry, I'm a liar!” Your air supply was running short and your only option was to say what he wanted to hear, even if it was just a lie. “Please!”
“That’s a good doll.” He let go of your bruised neck, letting you fall on your knees as you coughed. “Now, you better stop lying for your own good, are we clear?”
“Yes!” You choked out, unsure of what was happening at the moment.
“I’ll call you later, have your phone by your side.”
You had walked into a trap without even knowing it.
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mango-bango-bby · 4 years
for christmas = mirko's baby bunny makes gingerbread man cookies for mommy <3 she even makes a similar one to mirko, at least she tries >.< ugh i love mommy mirko ʕづ•ᴥ•ʔづ♡
♡ Twelve Days of Christmas: Day Nine ♡
More Miruko, please 🥺🥺💕💓💝
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Rumi enters her apartment, shrugging off her coat that’s above her hero costume. Not that it did much in the bitter cold of Japan. Looking around the living room, the lights are off, the only light in the apartment is the soft glow of the TV. Hopefully you’re asleep by now.
Rumi left out a gingerbread house kit for you. She knew you were going to be bored during the day, you’ve been wanting to something other than watch TV all day. Looking over at the counter, she can see you did in fact make the gingerbread house along with the gingerbread men. Cute. You’ve been much more comfortable around Rumi recently. So much so, that you’ve actively searched for her affection.
Rumi breaks off a piece of the gingerbread house. She knows she’s supposed to be on a diet but she had to try what her baby made! Picking up the gingerbread men one seems to be you and one seems to be her. A smile creeps onto Rumi’s face, you’re just so adorable!
Moving closer to the living room, it’s hard to ignore the large-human-shaped-lump underneath a blanket, on the couch. Sure enough, Rumi lifts up the blanket slightly, to be meet with your peaceful sleeping face. You look so cute when you’re asleep. Rumi slides her arms underneath your body, swiftly picking you up.
You blink your eyes open, still being tired, you buried your face into Rumi’s chest. “Good morning, bunny” Rumi coos, carrying you into the bedroom. You probably shouldn’t be relying on your captor, you sometimes even try to impress her. But how can you not? She’s so sweet to you.
You let out a sleepy murmur. Only trying to cuddle further into her warmth. You’re slightly more awake now, you remember something that you wanted to ask her. “Did you like the cookies I made for you?” You yawn, while Rumi sets you down on the bed. The mattress practically engulfing you from how soft it was.
“I did see that, princess. You made em’ for me?” Rumi asks, you made them for her? “Mhmm, yeah. I thought you’d like them” you murmur, burying your head sleepily into the pillow. You’re just melting Rumi’s heart, right now. You’re to sweet to her.
“Thank you, baby bunny” Rumi kisses your forehead before standing back up. “Where are you going? I wanna cuddle” you whine wiping your eyes sleepily.
“I’m gonna go change into different clothes, m’kay, baby? I’ll be right back and then we can cuddle”
You only nod your head in obedience.
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wonderwomanfantasy · 3 years
Speak up
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OH it’s that kind of day is it
Rumi x Reder
warnings: smut, BDSM, fingering, oral, lesbians lesbianing 
word count:1,000 (about)
summary: Rumi is so pretty you just gotta be mean to her.
Rumi never liked to admit it when she was feeling needy; she was so fiercely independent that it made it damn near impossible for her to ask for help when she actually needed it. This was all fine and well for her work where she could almost always handle her own but it was a little different at home. 
See, never asking for help was more than just ‘hey sweetie can you grab that thing over there for me,’ but also never asking for cuddles even if she was dying for some physical affection. Luckily for her, you’d been around the stubborn bunny for long enough to pick up on her queues and know when she wanted some snuggles, and of course, you were more than willing to satisfy those needs for her. 
But today was different because while you could clearly tell that Rumi wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of the night tangled up in your arms, you were ignoring her. She was so lively and explosive it was always fun seeing her reactions when you teased her and besides, she was a grown woman, it was about damn time she learned how to use her words. 
Rumi was holding strong though. She had started out on the other side of the couch from you and slowly she had inched her way over, slow enough that you wouldn’t have noticed her impending attack if you hadn’t been paying attention.  She was basically pressed against you now her ears twitching with anticipation. Her red eyes almost glowed with intercity as she stared at you, waiting for you to notice her. 
You went right on ignoring her, pretending to be absorbed in your phone, Although it was getting hard to repress a smile as she got more and more annoyed. 
“How was your day at work baby?” she asked, finally breaking the tension and silence. You looked up at her and smiled. 
“It was really good baby,” she pouted a little at your response
“Really? So you don’t want a massage or anything like that to help you destress?” she asked sadly. So that had been her game. 
“Nope I’m all good, thank you for asking princess,” you said, turning back to your phone. She huffed indignantly and head-butted your arm. 
“Cuddle with me already damn it!” she demanded pressing thunking her head against your arm again. You burst out laughing and threw your arms around her bringing her in for a tight hug. 
“Awe bunny if you wanted some snuggles you should have just said so!” you teased, Her cheeks went red and she quickly averted her gaze, Although she didn’t go as far as to struggle against your hold you noted. 
“It’s not nice to tease me like that,” She pouted. 
“But you’re so cute when I tease you bunny,” you cooed, kissing her cheek. “Besides how am I supposed to know what you want if you don’t use your big girl words and tell me hmm?” 
Rumi let out a squeak of embarrassment and hid her face behind her hands
“H-Hey I thought we agreed to keep talk like that to the bedroom,”
“I think the agreement was that mommy can talk to her bunny however she likes,” she squirmed in your lap.
“Now baby why don’t you tell mommy what you want. Just cuddle or more than that,” you said. SHe didn’t answer you so you took her face in your hands and turned her face so she had no choice but to make eye contact. 
“Don’t make me repeat myself,” you warned. 
“I want more,” she whispered. 
“See baby that wasn’t so hard,” you purred tilting your head to the side and kissing her sweaty and chastity. It was clear that she wasn’t satisfied by such a short kiss and quickly went in for another one but you stopped her. 
“Ah- I don’t think you asked for permission to do that bunny,
“Please can I have another kiss?” she whined, you could see you were starting to get on her nerves.  You nodded and kissed her again, pulling away from her just as quickly. 
“That’s not what I meant and you know it!” she whined all but stomping her foot. 
“Oh, my bad baby what did you want?” you asked. She leaned in to show you what she meant but you weren’t having it. 
“You’re being such a rebellious girl tonight, use your words or we’ll stop,” you said harshly. 
“I want to make out,” she said after a long pause, her cheeks going red. 
“There’s my good girl,” finally you gave her what she wanted. You slipped your tongue into her mouth tasting her while you ran your fingers through her silky white hair scratching the spot behind her ears. You felt her shudder and moan as you did so. Rumi kissed you back feverishly like she’d never get the chance to kiss you again. 
Her hands moved up your chest landing on your shoulder and held you close. You could feel her powerful thighs start to clench and unclench around your waist as she tried her best not to start grinding on you without permission. 
If it had been any other night you might have gone easy on her hand and started guiding her hips back and forth relieving some of the built-up tension, but you were still set on training her tonight. 
“Mmm was that enough to satisfy your bunny?” you asked once she pulled away gasping for air, it was clear just by looking at her that she needed more, her face was flushed and her hair was slightly disheveled, her eyes were wide and hungry. 
“N-no,” she stammered. 
“Mmm so needy, but I guess we can keep making out if you want-”
“I-I wanna do more,” she whined, unable to put a label on this undefined more. You smirked at her
“Oh? Alright tell me what you want to do next bunny,” you prompted and waited for an answer. Several times her mouth opened without saying anything before she found the words. 
“I want you to finger me,” she said. This genuinely caught you off guard, you were ready for her to tap out. 
“Very good girl, using your words like that, come here and let mommy take care of you.”
Rumi insisted that she didn’t like making love on the couch but considering the number of times you ended up fucking here you thought that might be a lie. “Does that feel good bunny?” you asked pumping your fingers in and out of her messy cunt, cum dribbling down your wrist and her thighs. Such pretty strong thighs trembling as you continued to fuck her. 
Maybe you’d gone a little bit overboard with the reward, you’d ended up fucking her stupid with your fingers. 
“P-please,” she whispered her thick thighs trembling. Such a good girl, using her words.
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cultgambles · 4 years
The Pro Hero Gala
Summary: Your first major outing as Hawks’ S/O turns steamy when his jealousy gets the best of him. 
Warnings:  n s f w ! , semi-public, not really use of pronouns referring to you, but u got a vag
WC: 2.3k!
Masterlist | Requests? open
“(Y/N),” Hawks whined, “We’re gonna be late! I’m sure you’ll look fine.”
“Alright, alright, I’m coming! I’m just trying to zip up the back of my dress,” you giggled back. 
“The Number Two can help you with that!” he all but burst into the bathroom, taking in your form. You wore a sparkling red evening gown, with a low back, high leg slit, and dainty nude heels. Hawks whistled, pressing cold fingers against your back, slowly zipping the zipper up. “Got a bit stuck there, didn’t it?”
“Yeah, thank you. You’re my hero,” you sighed sweetly, pecking him on the cheek. His suit was a deep black, so different from his usual tan outfit. His tie was red, almost the same shade as his wings.
“You’re gorgeous in that,” he said, taking your hand to lead you out, “but we’re going to be late if we don’t hurry up.”
“I know, I know. Just a little nervous maybe.”
“Don’t be, they’ll love you.” This was your first time at a Pro Hero Event, of course you were filled with butterflies. You definitely didn’t belong, especially just being a normal citizen. Maybe you’d look just as fancy though? “Stop overthinking, chickadee, just be yourself. Stick by me, and it’ll all be okay. We can sneak out later, if you’re really feeling it.”
“While I would definitely love too, I’m not sure your PR team or fellow heroes would commend that.”
Quietly, a jet black limo pulled up in front of your apartment building and the driver opened the door for the both of you. 
“After you,” Hawks smiled, “Ww would just have to find the perfect time.”
“You just wanna look at my ass, huh?”
“You got me.”
The ride to the event was filled with mindless chatter, soft jazz drifting through the air. Hawks reached out to your clammy hand and gave it a squeeze as you both stepped out of the coach. In an instant, camera flashes blinded your vision, tens of reporters shouting your name for comments. 
“Get outta here, guys, you’re making my baby jealous!” Hawks scolded lightly, a wing covering your frame. Inside was as lavish as you could have imagined, rows of chandeliers, butlers floating around, gold accents everywhere, and of course heroes everywhere. Hawks checked in at the booth, gesturing to you as his plus one.  “C’mon, let’s go say hi to Endeavor.”
You shook your head at his enthusiasm, “One day I’m going to lose you to him.”
“Maybe! But not soon. Not tired of ya yet, kid.”
“Maybe!” you exclaimed in fake shock.
“He got a tight little ass,” Hawks shrugged. “Hey-yo! Endeavor, this is my partner I told you about, [Y/N] [L/N].”
You held your hand out to the fiery man, “Nice to meet you!”
“Likewise, I’ve heard a lot about you, Hawks never stops talking.”
“That’s cute,” you coo to your boyfriend.
“I’m gonna get something at the bar real quick. Want anything?”
“I’m okay, thank you. Well, actually, maybe a martini, please?” Hawks nodded and gave you a quick pat on the head. 
Endeavor was already talking with some of his acquaintances and you were left alone for the time being. Soon enough, some Pro who you didn’t recognize made his way to you. 
He was really laying on the sugar, standing oh so close, his hand ghosting over the curve of your hip. You laughed along, as to not be rude. Little did the two of you know, Hawks could hear every sweet word the man whispered, his feathers puffing up slightly. 
“[Y/N], here, I got it just the way you like it,” he glanced at the other hero, “Hey man, haven’t seen you around before.”
“Oh yes! This is my first event since my debut. Half a year, maybe?”
“Congrats! Hummingbird, I heard Miruko just came in. Wanna go say hi? I know you guys got along.”
“Sure, baby,” you smiled, feeling his bitterness seep through his mask. “Nice talking to you!”
“I leave you alone for less than ten minutes and you’re already cheating on me?!” he huffed, trying to hide a smile.
You sighed dramatically, doing a woe is me pose. “I just can’t keep them at bay!”
“How ya feelin’ for ya first fancy event?”
“Feeling a little better.” After twenty or so minutes more of mingling with everyone, the presenter stands at the podium.
“My Heros, I thank you all for attending this event, hopefully crime will just pause for this evening”--a couple people chuckled softly--“and have a wonderful rest of the evening. Please find your seats! Dinner will be served shortly.”
“Any ideas of what’s for dinner?”
“Not sure, I heard they hired American chefs, though. Where do you wanna sit?”
“Maybe over there?” you asked, pointing to an empty circular table.
“Lead the way, baby,” Hawks replied.
You and Hawks sat next to each other, facing the stage. Rumi across from you, and a couple others you didn’t quite know. As the lights dimmed, a familiar voice rang over your head.
“Mind if I sit here? I can’t believe all the seats were filled by the time I got back from the bathroom.”
“Ah, of course,” you smiled slightly. It was the Pro from before. Hawks huffed under his breath. The bread bowl made its way around the table and you leaned over to Hawks, telling him how much you love sour dough bread. 
“I like sour dough too!” the man next to you loudly said.
“It’s nice, isn’t it,” you agreed. C’mon, just leave me alone. Dinner continued, different groups putting on stage show shorts for entertainment. And with each comment from the stranger, Hawks’ attitude changed a little. His words a little sharper, eyes a little narrower. Of course, this was only noticeable to the trained eye. A spotlight shown on the stage, illuminating a row of women. Their beautiful display of the Thousand Arms Dance almost made you forget about the hand resting on your thigh. 
In two moments, that changed.
Dangerously close to your sex.
Rubbing small circles on the inner side.
“What are you doing?”
“Enjoying the show?”
“Don’t play coy with me, you whisper yelled. 
“No idea what you’re talking about, songbird,” he purred, fingers prodding your sex through your panties softly. 
“Okay. I see how it is.”
“What ever do you mean? Don’t go ignoring Mr. New Pro over there.”
You looked around at the table, everyone enthralled by the dance. Mr. New Pro was cutting his steak into fifty tiny meticulous pieces. Weird. 
“He’s not even talking to me,” you snorted, “for once.”
“But you like the attention, don’t you?” You choked on your water.
“Hey, [Y/N], look at my meat,” the other hero said, gesturing to his plate. 
Hawks’ eyes twitched. “Need to go right now.”
“Show’s not over, it would be rude!”
“Right now,” he hissed, getting up abruptly and dragging you with him. “Dinner was good, but I really want dessert right now.”
The bright lights of the lobby made your eyes take a while to adjust. A supply closet door left unlocked, now your small haven with your boyfriend. “In there,” you pointed.
“You got great ideas, hummingbird,” Hawks praised, pressing you against the wall and kicking the door shut behind him. He gave you a quick kiss before kneeling between your legs. They rested on his shoulders, fingers digging into your supple thighs. “Be quiet, you don’t want to attract any unnecessary attention, do you?”
“Maybe, maybe not.” Something about a bunch of Pros seeing you in such a compromising position piqued your interest. 
Hawks attacked your sex, sucking on clit before dragging a tongue along your folds. You threaded a hand through his wild blond hair. Even though you two weren’t dating for a super long amount of time, he was already a master at knowing how to please you. You chalked it up to his keen observation skills. 
His hot mouth brought you so close to your release until he pulled away suddenly. 
“Good girls don’t get to cum until they learn to not flirt with other guys.”
“Barely flirting!” 
“Not what I saw.”
He plunged a finger into your sopping entrance, massaging the spongy patch of flesh that made you throw your head back. 
“What did I say?”
It took you a couple seconds to find the words, to which he pulled his digit out. “No flirting?”
“Close, baby.” Hawks gently placed you on your feet. “Turn around.”
“I wanna see that cute face though,” you pouted. It almost cracked his facade.
“Well, I wanna see your ass pressing against my hips.” You bent slightly, placing your hands on the wall to brace yourself. “That’s it…” you heard his belt buckle come undone, pants dropping to the floor in a heap around his shoes. Hawks’ cold fingers moved your dress to the side, and slowly pulled your silky panties down.
“Glad I wore this dress?”
“You plan it?”
“Didn’t think it would be in the way when we got back home,” you shrugged. “Guess it works for any place, huh?”
Hawks breathed deeply, cock in his hand, running the tip between your ass cheeks. You pushed back, trying to get some friction.
“What are you not supposed to do? Get it right, and I’ll sink into that cute little pussy of yours. Otherwise, we go back to the ballroom, yeah? Dunno if I can handle it though, what, with what’s-his-face all over you.”
“I didn’t catch his name either,” you giggled before clearing your throat, “uhm...you said to not come until you tell me. I’ll be good. I’ll do as you say. Just please--”
“Since you said please,” he hummed, “easy to slide in since you’re so wet for me. Only for me. No one else.”
“Of course!” your walls stretched to accommodate his length. Hawks let out a low groan. “So tight…” 
You let out a high squeak, urging him to go faster. “Birdie, I...I can’t believe we’re doing this here…”
“A certain someone couldn’t wait..”
“I saw you getting pretty antsy too!”
“That little fucker had no business flirting with you right in front of me; and you. You allowed it, egged him on even,” Hawks growled in your ear. 
“Maybe..maybe I wanted a reaction out of you!” your sentence ended with a lit when his tip kissed your cervix.
“Bad move, kid, you know I’m not gonna go easy on ya. When I came back and he was all over you, oooh, I just wanted to kill the bastard. Hero status be damned. When he leaned a little too close at the dinner table, I just wanted to bend you over the table to show him that you’re mine.” Suddenly, Hawks pulled out of you, flipping you around to face him. “Look at me, beautiful.”
You struggled to open your eyes, Hawks’ pinprick eyes trained on your own. They were honestly set ablaze.
He looked beautiful like this: hair more tousled than usual, a bead of sweat on his temple, mouth panting and parted open. “Whatcha lookin’ at baby bird?”
“Just you,” you sighed contentedly, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a searing kiss.
You heard his wings ruffle, and his hips slammed into yours at a more fervent pace. Mmmffmmm, came out of your mouth. “I’m--close!”
Jealousy forgotten for the moment, Hawks nodded against the nape of your neck. “Hold on a lil longer. Can you do that for me? Wanna countdown?” he cooed.
“Y--yeah, okay,” your legs squeezed his body to yours impossibly tighter. 
“Five,” he moaned. At least he didn’t start at ten, that would have been an eternity.
When four came around, you ran your hands on his feathers close to his back.
Three. Almost there.
Two, and it’s so close to one. You felt like you’re almost going to vomit, but in a good way. A tightening just about to unravel.
“One, look down at me ravaging this pussy. No one else can do it as well as me, don’t cha know?” Hawks snarled. 
You peeked at where the two of you became one, his hand snaking around to rub at your clit.
“Hawks! Coming, I’m coming,” you moaned, his name falling off your tongue like a prayer. You briefly wondered when he would tell you his real name, but quickly coming to this moment when he spoke.
“Sing me my favorite song, songbird. You know I love to hear it!” His hips stuttered, wings flaring out (you loved that part) as he came, hot cum shooting out into your waiting entrance. Your pussy milked the rest out desperately as you both felt the aftermaths of your highs. He rested his forehead against yours. “I just wanna stay here.”
“In this closet?”
“No, dingus, with you,” he rolled his eyes, pulling out of you gently. “Round two back home?”
“Maybe nail me in the sky or something,” you suggested, pulling your panties up and shifting your dress around.
“Don’t tempt me,” he smirked, picking you up bridal style. He managed to fly out without being seen, and the both of you looked upon a sea of shining lights.
“I’m jealous you get this view every day.”
“It’s better with you, though,” he smiled softly.
“What is it?
“You’re hard again? Already?”
Hawks let out his beautiful laugh and you snuggled closer into his chest. “Can’t blame me that my baby bird just put that idea in my head!”
👉👈 hi this is my first smut since a lil while so hope you enjoyed it! Maybe tell me what you thought?
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faulty-writes · 2 years
The start where u wrote she (rumi) jumps on you when ur gonna sleep, PLEASE IMAGINE THE READER SNATCHING HER AND COVERING HER AND CUDDLING HER UNBOTHERED
[ Ah yes, I remember that part. Haha. This actually sounds super cute. I can write a scenario for this. I'm assuming Rumi is still gonna be the bully in this situation because that's what I'm going with. ]
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It had been another hard day at school, your classes seemed to stretch on forever. But you weren't looking forward to going back to your dorm despite how exhausted you felt at the moment. This was due to the fact that your roommate, Rumi Usagiyama, had a bad habit of bullying you. Yet considering the fact you felt like you were going to collapse, landing face-first onto your bed sounded like heaven.
Just as you thought, when you entered the dorm there was Rumi. She had her arms crossed, flexing her muscles, and wore an overall annoyed expression. Her ears flopped down and you assumed her tail wasn't wagging. "Where the hell were ya pretty face!?" she demanded as she stomped her way over to you and roughly grasped the front of your shirt with a deep growl. However, she grew confused when you simply yawned in response.
She couldn't stand the sound of your snores, or the way you ignored her when you entered the dorm. 'Just who the hell do they think they are ignoring me!?' she angrily thought clenching her fists. "Oh fuck it!" she suddenly snapped before stomping to your room. She took a moment to look at your sleeping form, then she pounced. "Wakey wakey pretty face!" she screamed as you let out a terrified yelp and immediately sat up in your bed.
"What the hell are you doing!?" Rumi screamed as she continued to struggle against your grip. Her teeth bared and her ears squished against the bed sheet you had thrown over her. She kept moving like a trapped animal and in a sense, she was. "I don't do this shit, pretty face!" she screamed yet again, but you continued to tighten your grip bringing her closer to your body for much-needed cuddles. Granted, she wasn't making it easy, but maybe this would act as payback for all the things she had done to you prior.
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bakugohoex · 3 years
You didn’t expect things to escalate between the two of you — after all, it was uncommon for people such as your self to interact so closely with your superiors—
—especially in such a way so lewd and vulgar, with your back arched against the surface of his desk and your legs fixed around his waist as he pound into you. The tray brought by you is neglected to the side of the table, and the door to Fukuzawa’s office is still wide open, anyone could walk past or walk in, or even hear; but you’re unable to think of that while his hand is buried in your hair, the other gripping tightly around both of your wrists and pinning them down to desk.
You feel his hips brush against yours, catching your clit from under your bunched up hakama. You squeal, but not from the sensation, rather the way the tip of his cock beats against your cervix; he doesn’t feel your nails digging into his arms, or the way tears start to well from your eyes. He leans down to where his mouth meets your ear, he rams harder and further into your throbbing cunt, and you know what’s coming. You break out into loud sobs and try to resist against your master in an effort you know is fruitless, your thighs clamp tighter around his waist.
“ No, fuck, no, please… please, Sir, don’t, you can’t come inside of me, please! ” But he ignores your pleas and racking sobs, clasping a hand over your spit-soaked lips as he’s still chasing his orgasm.
“ Filthy whore. With the way that you dress and you act, you were just begging to be fucked senseless, weren’t you? ” He slams harder into your core, it immediately shuts you up, he watches the way your eyes roll back and your mouth falls open from the corner of his. “ You will take all of my seed, even if it means I end up fucking a baby into you — that’s an order. ” And, finally, your cries are silenced, and you stop resisting.
— Thirsts Anon (having a mental crisis)
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
Lena Luthor x Reader : Truth
This is my first quote request and my first time writing for Lena. It’s likely that this sucks and if it does please let me know(nicely). I love Lena but it’s possible I shouldn’t be writing for her😅
Quote: "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there." - Rumi
Warning: Violence, Language
Word Count: 1,406
* * * * * *
Despite being awake, you cuddle closer to the woman in your arms, breathing deeply and trying to ease back into sleep.
Only for her alarm to go off, effectively pulling you from that sleepy state.
When she starts to move you tighten your hold and press a kiss to her neck,“ shhhh. If we don’t move time just might freeze.”
Lena laughs softly,” I don’t think that’s how it works.”
“Well I think your next invention should make that possible. I hate leaving you.”
The woman turns in your hold, green eyes boring into yours, searching your soul in a way she always had. You raise your hand, cupping her cheek, and leaning in.
Her eyes shut, expecting a kiss, and you give her one. On her cheek. Effectively making her giggle.
“Well that’s not what I was expecting.” She speaks honestly, resting her face in the crook of your neck as she snuggles closer.
As you shut your eyes you have the full intent to go back to sleep. It’s incredibly rare that Lena agrees to sleep in even if it’s a few minutes. But that doesn’t pan out.
The second you hear your phone buzz you know you have to get up. It could’ve been ignored but the triple buzz is a custom notification, from the DEO.
So reluctantly, you pull yourself away from Lena who laughs at you and gets up as well.
“What happened to sleeping in?” She teases, stepping from the shower as you brush your teeth.
You roll your eyes,“ I didn’t want to get up but duty calls Miss Luthor. As I’m sure your familiar with.” You place a gentle swat to her ass that makes the CEO blush furiously.
The worst part of your day comes when you and Lena part ways. A slow passionate kiss all that you have to hang on to until later tonight.
Stepping into the DEO gives you the same feeling it always does. You feel proud to be apart of an organization that saves lives(human and otherwise). And you also feel happy, especially seeing your friends.
“Hey hey.” You smile as you approach the people surrounding the table.
“Y/n!” Kara’s own bright smile meets your eyes and she’s quick to hug you, more than happy to not hold back her super strength to do so. Your daxamite genes take it with gusto and you return the hug with almost the same amount of strength.
“Super hug!” Winn exclaims, joining the hug, and groaning when you playfully squeeze just a tad bit harder.
“Glad you’re in a good mood Agent Y/Ln,” J’onn says with a nod,“ cause we’ve got a big one.”
By big one, he meant big one. None of you are sure who’s inside the lead lined metal suit but you have to assume it’s someone familiar with yours and Karas weaknesses.
A loud frustrated groan leaves your lips when you enter your apartment. Fighting a lead suited man makes you ache in places you hadn’t ached in before.
Of course the one fatal weakness you have is exploited by the enemy.
On top of having your ass handed to you today you come home to an empty apartment, the absence of your girlfriend making you groan again.
It’s not unusual for you to be home before Lena, but that doesn’t make it any better. So you use this time to try and feel better.
Ice works for humans right? Might as well try it.
As you’re resting on the couch, bags of ice on your abdomen and leg, a burst of wind flies past you. H/c strands of hair tousle at the rush and you smirk.
“Always a pleasure Miss Danvers.” You glance at the open balcony doors and over to the front door where Kara stands in her Supergirl uniform.“ What’s the reason for this visit?”
She smiles brightly,“ I know tonight’s fight was tougher on you,” she holds her hands up to reveal two bags, one from your favorite bakery and the other from a Thai place,“ so I picked this up on my way home.”
The blonde walks over and starts opening the bags and the second you smell the sweetness of your favorite dessert you sigh.
Eyes closed, you clap your hands together, and look to the sky,“ Kara thank the gods for you!”
Just as quickly as your moment of happy had come it vanishes at the hurt and shocked voice of your girlfriend.
Both you and your super friend snap your gazes to Lena and you quickly realize your fuck up.
How had neither of you heard her come in? How could you have slipped up like that?
“Lena-“ you both go to move toward her but she steps back, the hurt clear in her green eyes.
“Kara, you’re Supergirl?” The blonde can just nods at her question. And her gaze turns to you,” and you knew?”
You can only imagine how finding this out must feel. Her best friend and girlfriend have been lying to her.
“How did you know? How long?” She asks you, your lying to her seemingly worse than Kara’s.
Opening and closing your mouth, you struggle to figure out how to tell her that you’ve known your whole relationship.
She knows you’re a Daxamite, having met you when you saved her from being hit by a car. The woman was distracted by her phone conversation and stepped straight in front of a speeding car.
At the time you were working. A superhero “in training” as Winn put it. Kara having recruited you from the DEO’s list of registered aliens because you are a Daxamite and she had yet to reconnect with Mon Ël.
“I-“ you know better than to lie.“ I knew long before we met. I work with her.”
It seems that’s the epitome of hurt for her, a single tear trailing down her cheek.
“Lena love I’m sorry I-”
Her hand raises, stopping you mid sentence,“ I can’t. Not now, just-”
You nod in understanding, moving to just a foot in front of her,“ I’ll go. And I’m sorry. Please know that.”
Lena says nothing and so you leave. Kara helping you since your body is still in pain, your heart now in the mix.
The blonde silently flies you to her apartment and the instant you land she apologizes. Kara knows you didn’t tell Lena for her.
“Hey, it’s fine. Um- I’m sure we’ll figure things out after everything cools down.”
Knowing that you’re also hurt by this situation, and that it’s partly her fault, Kara sticks by your side the whole night.
In the morning she advises you to take a day but you need the distraction. Only it doesn’t work out that way.
Instead of letting your work distract you from the situation, you let the situation distract you from your work. Which leads to your downfall.
While thinking of Lena, admittedly when you shouldn’t have been, you took a fairly nasty stab to the abdomen, by lead.
You feel yourself drifting in and out of consciousness as the lead takes a toll on your body.
“Y/n you’re going to be okay.” Alex’s calm and collected voice meets your ears and you nod exhaustedly.
As you’re being moved to medical you faintly hear Kara telling Alex what happened. That is before you go out for real this time.
How long you’re out for is unclear. You just know when you come to that one: you feel a hundred times better and two: there’s a person holding on to you.
Lena you quickly understand.
The woman’s lithe fingers trace circles on your side, just under your stab wound.
“If I say ‘hi’ would that be awkward?” You ask jokingly, pulling a soft chuckle from her that dies quickly.
A heavy sigh wracks her body,“ I’m glad you’re okay.”
You tighten your hold on her and say,“ and I’m glad you’re here, even though I fucked up.”
“Lying to me is not okay. But I do understand that it wasn’t you’re secret to tell.” She rises up to look you in the eyes.“ Admittedly I would’ve did the same thing.”
Brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear, you smile softly,“ does that mean I can come home?”
“Of course.” She leans down to press a kiss to your lips which effectively makes you smile.
Even though you definitely lied, which was wrong, both of you know your decision in keeping a secret that wasn’t yours to tell was right. And Lena wouldn’t hold that over you, she loves you far too much for that.
* * * * * *
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
that final phone call
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— Miruko is one tough rabbit, but eventually even the toughest of people need a helping hand. — 
pairing: usagiyama rumi (miruko) x fem!reader
warnings: angst, cursing, blood
word count: 5,836
a/n: this is for the bnharem angst april collaboration!!! here for the best girl miruko. I would die for her and yuh, im so tired its 5:40 am and I just finished this LMAOOO and its scheduled for 9am posting. lets hope for the best, enjoy bbs. angst masterlist here.
“Pick up…”
“Don’t ignore this…”
“P-Please pick up,” Rumi mumbled into the phone, her head spinning, her breathing weak and faint. “Pick up the phone, y/n…”
“H-Hello?” your tired voice answered, and just like that, warmth flooded Rumi’s chest. She had to resist the urge from cringing; there was no reason to cringe, she berated herself, accept your feelings Rumi. “If this a prank call, I swear—”
“Y/n,” Rumi finally whispered, the energy that always existed within her fading quickly.
She didn’t need to be in the same room with you; she already knew what you were doing. How your back stiffened at the sound of her voice and how your stomach clenched, remembering what had happened two months ago.
“Why are you calling?” you said so emotionlessly that it was a sucker punch to Rumi’s stomach. A sharp reminder of what she did to you, of what had happened because she was weak. 
A ragged breath escaped Rumi’s lips while she closed her eyes, her head laying against the cold concrete, listening to the lull of the line.
“I needed to hear your voice…”
One and a half years ago.
Usagiyama Rumi, better known as the Number Five Pro Hero Miruko was — to put it lightly — a powerhouse.
Known for her almost brash entrances, sturdy legs, and quick temper, it made sense as to why she wasn’t known as the Bunny Hero. She wasn’t soft enough to be a bunny, nor was she meek or gentle. No, Rumi was a hurricane of energy. She was fast, vibrant, and deadly. She was unmatched in her field of expertise, and she had no problem demanding people know that about her. She dived into her work, no matter how big or how small she handled everything with her fullest capability.
She was obsessed with her job because she always had something to prove.
But even a workaholic such as herself needed a break — or at least time outside of her uniform.
It was nearing midnight, and Rumi was strolling the dark streets of Hiroshima, her hands shoved into her jacket pockets. At the same time, she observed the neighborhoods she protected. It was a Saturday night, meaning that street life was quite busy. After working for two months straight without a single day off, her office staff had forced a two-day vacation on her. Still, it didn’t stop her from scouting these blocks for any sign of criminal activity. 
But she stilled when she heard loud arguing many alleys ahead, and with an excited smirk, Rumi took off.
It took her approximately thirty seconds to travel an entire block and into an alleyway where a large and burly man was arguing with a small woman. Rumi stilled, her eyebrow quirking in her confusion, what was going on?
“You have to let me in!” you insist again, your nose scrunching in your annoyance, your chest puffing out, and your eyes blazing. “I have reason to believe that there is a drug-pushing gang in this very club!”
Rumi shifted closer to you, and this now apparent bouncer who was looking less than impressed with you. A drug-pushing gang? She had been trying to find intel on that gang but had been coming up dry, she wanted to know more, to find out more. It seemed that it was her lucky day that she wasn’t relaxing at home because it seemed that you had information she could use. It was ballsy of you to show up at a hideout with such demands… she liked that. Rumi’s eyes looked over at you, and her smirk turned into a grin.
You wore a charcoal grey pantsuit, a white shirt underneath the opened blazer with the first two buttons undone. Her eyes noticed the scruffed up short heels you wore, and the way that your hair was in a chaotic bun. How amusing.
“Oh yeah, little miss nosey? And who the hell do you think you are exactly?” he sneered, taking an intimidating step forward.
The bouncer was easily twice your height, and Rumi watched you, expecting you to take a submissive step back, but was surprised to see you hold your ground.
“The investigative journalist for The Daily Hiro!” you inform back, your eyes daring him without a single bit of nervousness in their blaze. 
The bouncer opened his mouth, obviously ready to kick your poor journalist ass when another voice from the alleyway spoke up.
“She is not an investigative journalist,” the voice clipped, evidently very annoyed with your words. “She’s an intern. She makes coffee runs and edits my works, ignore her.”
Rumi’s eyes shifted on an angry reporter she knew by name. Hirano Naoko. A ruthless reporter that she often found herself at odds with because he didn’t agree with her... enthusiastic approach to being a hero.
A pained yelp escaped your lips when he grabbed your bicep and pulled you to him.
To an average person, there would be no way to hear the conversation between the reporter and the intern. Still, Rumi was not an ordinary person, after all.
“I thought I told you to take witness’s statements,” he hissed pulling you away into the darkness. “Not stir up fucking trouble! Drop the fucking gang shit before you get wrapped up in things you don’t want to get caught in.”
“But you don’t understand Hirano-sama, I saw—”
“I could give two shits about what you saw! That doesn’t mean you get to do whatever you want! This isn’t some fucking cop show, grow the fuck up. You’re an intern, not a reporter!”
Rumi figured she had enough.
“Hold on!” she yelled, her voice bouncing off the walls of the alleyway, and all three heads snapped her way. Her arms folded across her chest while she tilted her head. There was nothing like the way all three eyes widening when they recognized the famed Rabbit Hero standing before them with a feral grin and civilian clothes. “I want to see if this intern is right, open the door, bouncer.”
The bouncer was like a mountain to the Rabbit.
Tall, muscular, and frightening in this dim and yellow light.
“M-Miruko!” he stammered, his fingers searching for something, and Rumi lowered her stance. Was he trying to inform them that she was here? “What a pleasure seeing you here!”
Then she heard it, the familiar noise of shuffling plastic. He was trying to alert someone.
In an instant, she was before him, her heel slamming onto his chin and sending him flying, knocked out cold.
“This is why we wear heels,” she snickered, watching the mountain of a man crumble to his face. How weak, pathetic. Her attention turned to you, the intern who looked both ready to pass out from this scare and vibrating with excitement. “Intern, you promise those villains are in there?!”
Your eyes flutter, and Rumi takes you all in. Strands of hair fall over your eyes, your painted lips pulled into a large ‘o’ from your shock, but there was that confidence in your eyes that made her lick her lips in anticipation.
“On my life.”
Rumi snickered, now that was an answer she wanted to hear.
And as a one-woman show goes, she flung open the door and, in under twenty minutes, single-handedly brought down the most extensive drug unit within Hiroshima. She had defeated them all, leaving her with significant cuts on her cheeks and arms, a fat lip, a broken heel, and bruises on her toes. But damn did she feel alive.
Rumi watched with a broad grin when the twenty-three men were put into police cars, their injuries far worse than her own. How amazing was that! Months of worrying disappearing on a leisurely night stroll! She couldn’t have done it without… her mouth frowned.
She did it with help?
Her eyes flew over to you, an intern, talking to the cops with a whole file that seemed to come from nowhere with incriminating evidence against this group. Rumi shoved off the medics that were applying more useless bandages on her and walked over to you.
“Oi, intern!” she called, and both you and the police officer turned around. Thankfully, the police officer was either done interviewing you or smart enough to leave once Rumi approached with her trademark grin. “You did good work out there.”
“Miruko-san, oh, um, thank you!” you smiled in return, bowing in greeting when she stopped in front of you. “Congratulations on closing that case!”
“How did you crack them? I’ve been working on finding them slip up for months now, but you figured it out?” Rumi asked, her arms folding and head tilting. “What did you see that I missed?”
Rumi could hear your heart stop and watched the way your eyes widened significantly. “O-Oh, well, I don’t know… I guess I have a knack of being at the right place at the right time?” you laughed, rubbing the back of your head. “To be honest, it was probably more important to me than it was to you… so I able to crack it before you?”
“What makes you say that?” Rumi asks, unsure if she should be offended or not. “Are you trying to say that I’m not working hard enough?!”
“Oh my god, no!” you panic, your hands out in a motion of retreat, your head shaking quickly. Rumi wanted to open her mouth and grill you for answers, but there was something about you that made her hesitate, that made her still. You shrug your shoulders, your hands clasping together. “My future career was riding on this case. The company thinks I’m a nutjob, so if I could prove my ‘conspiracy theories’ were right, I could finally be appointed a job as a journalist!”
Rumi hummed, taking a step closer to you, enjoying the way that your heart sped up when she did so, her head tilting in her amusement, “Well, you did what you had to do, congrats.”
“T-Thank you!” you brighten at the praise, and Rumi does everything she can to not throw an arm around you.
“Usagiyama Rumi,” she introduced herself to you, her hand extended.
You stared at her hand as if she was some goddess instead of a person. But that fire that had interested her well before that erupted back in your eyes. You extended your hand, grasping hers firmly.
“Y/l/n y/n,” you grin, and it’s at this very moment that Rumi solidifies that she indeed likes you.
You were a quiet fire, unlike her own raging one, but she was no idiot. You were something that would burn the entire world down because no one would see you coming, and she liked it.
Six months later.
“RUMI!” your voice shrieks from the kitchen. “HAVE YOU SEEN MY LAPTOP?!”
Rumi was soaking in a bath right now, her eyes closed while absorbing the warm water. Two weeks of straight and intense battles had left her body a bit beat up, but hey, she was currently in her girlfriend’s apartment presently being taught how to relax. 
Yes, shocking, her girlfriend’s apartment.
It took a solid week for Rumi to realize that she had feelings for her, something that took a while for her to sort out because she thought she was mentally ill for a second. Nevertheless, her good friend Hawks laughed in her face about how she was not dying but instead just having romantic feelings for you. After that, it took two seconds for her to confess and three minutes for you to say yes. 
It was very new for both of you, but Rumi was very pleased with where everything was going at the moment. Dating certainly wasn’t something on her radar for years now, but for some reason, that fire that burned through your soul was enough to pique her interest.
“Check under the bed!” she called back, listening to your feet shuffling against the wooden floor to get to the bedroom.
“Aha, I found it!”
Rumi cracked open a single eye to watch you waddle into the bathroom with the laptop in your hands and a wide grin on your face.
“So, I’m a junior journalist now, nothing too big or fancy, but… I think I have something outstanding in the making!” you excitedly inform her, throwing open the laptop while sinking to the floor next to the tub. 
“I thought you said bath time was a no-work zone,” Rumi teases her lips perking and her red eyes drilling into your own. 
An embarrassed look flashed across your face, but as you always did, you stood your ground and challenged her.
“I can give my information to a hero who wants it then!” you huff, moving to close the electronic device. “Like you care about my rule, anyways!”
“What a brat!” Rumi barks with laughter, her shoulders rolling in the warm and murky water. Her eyes watched the way her long white hair gently flowed in the water, something you had pointed out looked like moonbeams one night. It had been stupidly stupid, and she would forever remember the way you curled in a ball at your embarrassment. “Tell me!”
Snickering, you nodded, your fingers moving quickly against your keyboard while you searched for the document.
“I have information on the soon to be most dangerous crime group out there,” you inform her, your voice taking on a serious note when you look up at her. “Name it, they’ve done it, and worse yet, they’re a cultish family.”
Rumi felt a chill run down her spine at that information. That wasn’t a title you gave out quickly, nor with such confidence. Together the two of you had taken down four villain groups, and some of them had been nasty fuckers. 
“What’s their name?”
“They go by the name Shinseina,” you inform her, your knees pulling up to your chest, the laptop balanced on your knees to show Rumi your document. “I got one tip about two months ago, and that’s all I’ve managed to find on them.”
Rumi stared at the document.
‘Organization Name: Shinseina
Symbol: A Black Sun
Number of Members: ???
Warnings: ???
Leaders: ???
Location of Base: HQ thought to be in Hiroshima, the possibility of there being more is very high
Crimes: Quirk canceling drugs, quirk enhancing drugs, murder, gang affiliation, rape, robbery, theft, illegal quirk usage, money laundering, and 12 more.
Number of Heroes Killed: 16+.’
Two months of hard work, and that was all you had managed.
Rumi didn’t even need to use her quirk to hear your hammering heart, this was obviously upsetting you.
Sighing, she pulled her wrinkled hand out of the tub to motion for you to place the laptop away, her eyes holding yours when you do as commanded. “Come here, loser.”
“That’s rude,” you grumble, but still, you slide to the edge of the tub and watch Rumi.
Rumi sits up in the tub, her lips pressing against yours in a sweet embrace.
Your eyes flutter close at the feeling of her soft and smooth lips against yours. The slight coldness of her skin from just sitting in this water, sending a pleasurable shiver down your spine. Rumi chuckled, and the next thing you knew, she was dragging you in.
Rumi relished in the way your pitched screams echoed off the walls, your denial of being brought into the water was useless. Eventually, she pulled your fully clothed body into the lukewarm water with her, and your cries of disapproval faded into beautiful laughter.
Your cheeks burned while Rumi’s fur stood up in triumphant victory.
“I told ya, squirt, I don’t lose.”
You slammed your head against her collarbone, moaning loudly in your defeat, “I hate you!!!”
“Sure, you do!”
Rumi could only dodge out of your way when you went in for a weak attack. It was okay though, she thought, teasing you again for your weak punch. She would always protect you.
Her eyes rapidly blinked when those thoughts fully sank into her mind.
Excuse me?
Six months later.
“An obstacle course?” you repeated, your eyes looking at the bouncy house that was apparently a place for a date. While you pursed your lips, Rumi looked back at her friends who seemed excited. “I’m sorry, but in what world do you expect me — a journalist — to be able to keep up with you Heroes?
Rumi once again turned back to look at Hawks and his intern, who both seem ready to compete. So she turned back around to face you and nodded in egotistical confidence. Your mouth dropped when she finished nodding.
“The only time I exercise is when I chase after people who run away from me!” You cry, obviously not at all prepared to compete against people who practically worked out for living!
“Don’t worry, they won’t use their quirks, and this is a team obstacle course!” Rumi laughs, her arms flexing to show you that there was nothing to worry about. She would make sure you both won even if that meant she would have to carry you to the finish line. “I won’t let you get hurt,”
She knew you wouldn’t like the idea of it; after all, you hated losing. But you were not one to back away from a challenge, and Rumi loved that about you.
“Fine,” you huff, turning towards the obstacle course.
With a loud hoot, Rumi bounced after you, an arm wrapping tightly around your shoulders.
“This’ll be fun.”
The objective of the course was to get across some pretty insane things together. There was a maze, obstacles to climb over, crawl over, powerfully slam through, all leading up to a freakishly tall wall to go down a slide, which was the finish line. Rumi was brimming with excitement, if she had to launch you across the course, she would. No way in hell was she going to let Hawks of all people beat her.
Shoes came off, and Rumi bounced on her toes at the entrance. She was shoulder to shoulder with both you and Hawks, and her eyes were on the finish line. She was going to win with you, that was the truth.
The employee working the festival stand sighed, staring at the four of you and getting an okay from his coworker.
“You both need to be at the final obstacle at the very end, but only one person needs to cross the finish line to be the winner,” he explained, and his hand raised for a countdown. “Ready?”
Rumi turned toward you, her hand reaching out and grabbing yours and placing a reassuring kiss on the back of your hand.
“Stop being so gay, Rumi, how embarrassing,” Hawks teased to her right.
“Suck my lesbian ass, pigeon.”
Rumi took off instantly, tugging you along with her, and before she knew it, the two of you were on the course. It was actually going better than she was expecting, you weren’t as incapable as you thought. You were able to keep up with a bit of struggle, but Hawks had smacked into a wall earlier, so she wasn’t concerned.
Obstacle after obstacle, the two of you conquered until you reached the wall.
Rumi looked back and noticed that Hawks and his intern were still stuck on the second to last course. That maze had been pretty bullshit.
“I’ll climb first!” Rumi explained, and you agreed with a pant.
Rumi turned back to the wall and began climbing the poorly reinforced steps that were there. It was obviously constructed to be able to withstand a child’s footing and not anyone over the age of seven. So as it was already stupidly tall, it was a struggle to climb.
Rumi was almost to the top when she looked down at you. You were a few steps down, your face twisted in your attempt to concentrate, your arms wobbling under the strain of trying to support yourself. Her attention snapped over to Hawks, who seemed to be scaling the wall, and her eyes widened. 
She needed to win.
She scampered up a few more steps before a cry came out.
Her focus slammed back to you and the way that your fingers slipped from the grasp, and in slow motion, you tumbled. It was without a doubt that this fall wouldn’t have hurt you, not a chance in hell would you have been injured, but Rumi’s instincts took over, and before she knew it, her arms were wrapped around you.
The trampoline bottom crashed onto her back, and you slammed onto her stomach.
Rumi had caught you.
She groaned at the discomfort caused by this action but lay still her hands stroking your cheek. Your eyes were wide, staring up at your girlfriend in complete shock. 
“Are you okay?” Rumi asks in a rare moment of softness. “You weren’t hurt, right?”
“Why did you jump after me?!” you yell that amusement she loved so much burning brightly in your gaze. “I wouldn’t have been hurt, you dork!”
“I promised I wouldn’t let you get hurt,” Rumi insists, rubbing her nose against yours. 
Once again, she can hear your hammering heart, and it relaxes her.
“But you let Hawks win!”
Rumi blinks at the realization, and suddenly the wheels in her head are turning rapidly.
“Would you ladies mind moving? The champions are ready to visit other stands unless you don’t wanna hang with us anymore!” Hawks calls out to both Rumi and you.
Rumi watches silently when you push off her, pressing a grateful kiss to her lips before responding back to the Pro Hero. 
“Oh, Hawks! Has Rumi told you about the new detail about the Shinseina case I’m working on?” you called off, skipping to catch up with her friend that she had allowed to win.
Rumi gave up a victory for you… she threw it away to save you from nothing… she thought that there were things about you that she loved. It didn’t sit well in her chest, and she watched with a twitching nose when you exited the course with that captivating bright smile. 
She couldn’t be in love… no, there was no way!
Love made you weak! Love made you insignificant! Love was a demonstration that you weren’t strong enough on your own, and to Rumi — no, to Miruko — that wasn’t okay.
Four months later.
Rumi at the edge of your bed, her head down, ears wilted, nose twitching, and face clouded.
What the fuck was wrong with her?
“Bunny?” your tired voice called out in the silence of the night.
The noise surprised Rumi. It had so quiet until then, and it had completely caught her off guard. Her! The Pro Hero with some of the best ears around! Who could hear the quietest things meters away!
“Are you okay?”
Rumi wasn’t okay.
“I pulled a kick today,” she whispered to you, her hands shifting into fists on her lap. She shook with rage, her body trembling like a leaf.
“Is that a… a bad thing?” you yawn, shifting on the bed and finding her body, relaxing at the heat she gives off.
“Yes.” Rumi snaps, her body stiffening against your touch. “Yes, it’s obviously a bad thing.”
Rumi’s eyes concentrate on her bruised thighs, her frown increasing. How could she tell you the truth? How could she say that you were her weakness?
For years she had been a headstrong hero, someone who didn’t think but reacted. She lived her life to the fullest every day, and she gave it her all every chance she got. It applied to her social life and her work life, especially her work life. She wasn’t one to laze about; she would die on the job if she had to, and her opponents always knew that, but lately, things had changed. 
She found herself praying to some god about making sure she lived through these battles so she could go home to you. She prayed that someone else would find the Shinseina and bring them down so she wouldn’t be taken down. Being weak wasn’t a problem; after all, she was motherfucking Miruko, so she was used to building on her weaknesses, but this was different. No matter what she did, she couldn’t love you any less. Fuck, did she love you.
She loved the way your eyes narrowed whenever you interviewed people. She loved how you were quickly gaining traction in the media for being the best investigative journalist ever. She was so in love with you, and that’s where the problem was. Her love for you was so pure, so genuine, she wanted to give you the fairy tale ending. She tried to think before she acted, and villains were starting to notice.
Villains were threatening to hurt you, and Rumi was trapped.
“We need to break up.”
You weren’t expecting that, not in the slightest.
“I don’t want to be with you anymore,” Rumi lies, and she feels you move away from her body, and it takes everything in her to not cry.
“Why not?” you ask, your voice steely smooth.
“You were access to the information I wanted. My office team is ass, and you were always getting your hands dirty with cases I needed to solve. But it seems that you’re nowhere near close to figuring out the last group I care about,” Rumi wills herself to say, her ears moving back up to show that she wasn’t lying. “I pretended for a year to be in love with you, but I can’t anymore.”
“Y-You’re not a great liar,” you state, challenging her false words.
Rumi loved it when you challenged her, but there was no time for that. So with a tight chest and flaring red eyes, she snapped around towards you, lips pulled into a snarl.
“Do you think I’m lying, y/l/n? I stuck around because you made me stronger, but now? You’re no better than the dirt on my shoes. Pathetic, useless, and a disgrace. I don’t need you anymore, so I’m cutting this off because I don’t want to pretend anymore.”
Standing up, Rumi storms over to the door, ready to leave.
She wishes she could say that it ended there, but it didn’t. Not even close to being done.
You spat acid at her, and she returned it at the same toxicity. Over and over again, the two of you verbally battled. False emotions taking the better of you both until you were in her face, tears streaming down your face, fingers shaking in her face.
“You are a fucking coward, Usagiyama,” you sneer, the effect only dramatized by your red eyes and deep eye bags. “Get over your stupid fucking commitment issues, being apart of a team i-is not weak! I’m here to make you stronger, not for you to want to be a one-man squad again! You’ll die alone that way!”
“I know being apart of a team isn’t weak,” Rumi states, her heart long frozen over. “I just don’t want to be apart of yours anymore.”
A humorless laugh escapes your mouth, and you shake your head, “Don’t show your face here again, if I see you, I’ll call the cops.”
“— and Miruko, you’ll enter first. You’ll be alone for about five minutes if that’s okay.”
Rumi looked up, her mind freed from her daydream about what was happening.
It was two months since she had broken up with you, and things had only taken a turn for the worse. She threw herself into work. Overusing her quirk in ways that over-injured villains who were petty thieves, or underusing it in ways that she kept landing herself in the hospital. To put it simply, the rabbit hero was a mess. 
“Yeah, got it,” she nodded.
Things with the Shinseina ended up being brought to the light finally by you. You had noticed a slight clue in your office that had been undetected and ended up having you thrown into the Witness Protection Program due to the severity of the secret. But still, you provided an updated and completed information:
‘Organization Name: Shinseina
Symbol: A Black Sun
Number of Members: 237 thugs and lower cult members, 57 leaders and mid cult members, 12 senior members of the cult, 1 leader.
Warnings: All have dangerous quirks that can be used for assassination.
Leaders: Hirano Naoko
Location of Base: HQ - Hiroshima. Other sites detailed in the secondary report.
Crimes: Quirk canceling drugs, quirk enhancing drugs, murder, gang affiliation, rape, robbery, theft, illegal quirk usage, money laundering, and 12 more.
Number of Heroes Killed: 84’
“Hey, you get one call on this, we don’t want them finding anything on us in case we fail,” the leader spoke to her. Miruko breathed in deeply, accepting the cellphone that was given to her.
“Got it, thank you,” she muttered, and with that, they headed out.
Five minutes, that’s all it was.
Five minutes for Miruko, the Rabbit Hero, was nothing. Especially when she was zipping through room to room, taking out cult member after cult member. Everything was a blur, and she could only see her streaming hair following her like moonbeams in her wake.
Rumi thought of you, your face when you were happy when you were sad, and that night you broke up. Her lip trembled when her foot connected with someone’s chin sending them flying. Panting harshly, she stood in a room full of unconscious cult members. She had three minutes before backup would storm through the door, but which door to—
She just felt the impact. An intense tingle, similar to a severe electric shock coursing through her body. Rumi realized then that thousands upon thousands of circuits have just been broken, and it was burning her up. The heat was nothing she could have ever imagined, festering strongly in her bleeding wound. But there was still no pain when her foot connected with the man’s throat, instantly knocking him out. 
He had snuck up on her, his quirk concealing him even from her rabbit ears.
Rumi whimpered when she fell to the ground, blood pouring from her wound despite her best efforts. He had managed to land seven blows on her, and the world was darkening quickly.
Three more minutes until they came, but she could call them now…
When Rumi collapsed on the floor, her vision swam when she pulled out the phone, a warm and sticky puddle forming underneath her, staining everything that was white about her. Rumi’s fingers punching in the number she wanted to call.
“Pick up…”
“Don’t ignore this…”
“P-Please pick up,” Rumi mumbled into the phone, her head spinning, her breathing weak and faint. “Pick up the phone, y/n…”
“H-Hello?” your tired voice answered, and just like that, warmth flooded Rumi’s chest. She had to resist the urge from cringing; there was no reason to cringe, she berated herself, accept your feelings Rumi. “If this a prank call, I swear—”
“Y/n,” Rumi finally whispered, the energy that always existed within her fading quickly.
She didn’t need to be in the same room with you; she already knew what you were doing. How your back stiffened at the sound of her voice and how your stomach clenched, remembering what had happened two months ago.
“Why are you calling?” you said so emotionlessly that it was a sucker punch to Rumi’s stomach. A sharp reminder of what she did to you, of what had happened because she was weak. 
A ragged breath escaped Rumi’s lips while she closed her eyes, her head laying against the cold concrete, listening to the lull of the line.
“I needed to hear your voice…” 
“Do you even know what time it is?” you almost growl, and that fighting spirit sends a warm feeling in Rumi’s chest. “What in the fuck do you need?”
“It’s two a.m., I know that, but I need you right now,” Rumi staggers into the mic, your spirit bleeding through the call. 
The line goes silent for a bit, and Rumi’s eyes feel heavier with every passing second. She wants to tell you she loves you, please give her the chance to say it.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t go back to you anymore,” you curtly respond. “You made sure of that.”
How ironic, Rumi thought, because now she would never go back to you anymore… never…
“I know,” she hoarsely responds back, her mouth trembling and tears slowly pouring from her eyes. It hurt so much, how horrible it was to go out because of stab wounds. Of all ways to go out, she never expected it to be like this, nor did she expect it to be done with regret in her actions. Because fuck, she regretted how she ended it with you. She regretted letting you go. She thought of your face and how you looked the first time she admitted she loved you, of how dorky you were for your first anniversary. How your eyes glowed whenever you corned the people you were investigating with something that seemed straight from a story. “I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry, y/n…”
“Are… are you okay, Usagiyama?”
“I love you…” she whispered before the phone fell from her fingers, crashing onto the bloodied floor.
You stared at the phone, confused. 
Frowning you placed it down, the call had ended, but why was she calling you?
How this stupid bunny pissed you off sometimes. Turning your phone back on, you went to recent calls and recalled the number she had reached you on.
“Sorry, but the number you’ve tried to call is no longer available, please try again. Thank you!”
You frowned a pit forming in your stomach, but you put your phone away, and for some reason, you couldn’t fall back asleep that night. 
It was eight in the morning when your phone blew up, and with a heavy hand, you grabbed your phone and looked at the billowing messages. And at the headliner, your stomach dropped to your toes, and bile climbed to your mouth.
‘RABBIT HERO: MIRUKO KILLED IN ACTION DURING Shinseina RAID!: It’s being reported that she was stabbed several times while alone, and while she was given a phone for backup, she used it on a call they cant trace.’
You couldn’t read it anymore, your heart hammering erratically while a blood-curdling scream escaped your mouth.
She was gone, she had called you last night to say goodbye, and you didn’t give her the time of day. She was gone, and you would never get the chance to convince her that having a life partner wasn’t weak.
Usagiyama Rumi was gone, and no amount of hoping, praying, or crying was going to bring her back to you or to redo that final phone call.
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tenkoscumslut · 4 years
Dabi x reader (part 2 angst)
(Yall r just to adorable.  I love you all, just sdjf lkasjdf lkj sdklfj sld jfkl sdjf lksdjf l)
Btw Y/N is a bad bitch
Months had passed by without contact with your ex lover, you were still trying to move on and get on with your life.  The crisp night air was cool, lowering the temperature in your room.  A small smile was on your face, you had actually found interest in a pro-hero, a pretty popular pro hero.  She was nice, kind, and honestly just so mesmerizing.  Whenever that tiny dot box popped up your stomach swarmed with butterflies.
Seeing her face made your heart leap out of your chest, her lips were so soft, you always wondered what they would feel like pressed against your lips.  Your smile grew at the thought of her, what would her ears feel like under your touch, what does her morning voice sound like, does she like to cuddle?.  A text popped up on your phone, Mirko.
A bright feeling coursed through you and your eyes widened in excitement.  You quickly read the message.
Adorable little bunny:
 “Hey Y/N, mind if I come over??” 
Adorable little bunny:
“Yuss! I’ll be at your door in 10″
You grinned, carrying your phone softly as you read over your short conversation.  You couldn’t get your mind off of her, she reminded you of a crisp winter morning, she made you feel happy again after him.  Your thoughts diverted to Dabi, his yells, the fear you felt whenever he showed up bruised and bloodied, or that blue fire was directed at you.
Ultimately you knew he was a bad person, someone who couldn’t be fixed, someone who didn’t deserve your love, you deserved someone good, someone who made you feel happy and loved, and never made you fear them.  Another text popped up, it was from an unknown number.
You weren’t one to really pick up the phone from strangers or reply to unknown text messages, but something about this was intriguing.  You opened up the text message, it was just a simple hi.  You ignored it and got to cleaning your apartment since it wasn’t to clean, and you wanting your place to look presentable.
You really just put some clean dishes away, put things back in their place, washed the counters and since you basically live off of Ramen and Boba tea there weren’t to many dishes to clean, so you threw them in the dishwasher and struggled to start it.  Once you got it going you moved to the laundry since your hamper was full.  Putting it in the washing machine wasn’t even a struggle since you’ve been doing that for 2 years with twice the load.
The soft humming of the washer in the background, the dishwasher going, and the small clock ticking away as the seconds went by was comforting, the soft purring of your cat which was asleep on your bed was nice.  You were giddy with delight, knowing Mirko would be here any second.
You sat at the counter, almost squealing with delight when your doorbell rang, you rushed to the door, stoping mid tracks.  Something was off, you were scared to near the door, the comforting place where you would return home everyday.  You didn’t understand what was wrong until the tiny intercom in the kitchen crackled slightly.  Mirkos voice came through the speaker, “Heyo, i’m here, whats the code?”. 
Now you knew the person at the door was not Mirko, and who would be knocking at your door at 3 in the fucking morning.  You slowly moved over to the door, carefully not to make any noise that might signal someone was home.  You leaned up to the door, looking through the peephole (poOPhOle).  There was a hooded man or woman standing there, obviously taller than the peephole, there was something about the man or woman that reminded you of someone you did not want to remember.
“Can I help you?”, you asked the person, they didn’t really reply, instead your phone dinged again.  
Open the door
You narrowed your eyes, an uneasy feeling growing in your stomach, “Please go or I will call the cops”, you said, quickly opening up your conversation with Mirko.  
My adorable little bunny:
Heyo i'm here....???
Someones at the door, the code is ***** (i couldn't come up with a bunch of number :/), please come quick
The person started to knock on the door repeatedly, “Your not coming in, I already warned you, now leave!”, you shouted.  The person continued knocking to the point they were basically was pounding on the door, tears were forming at the corner of your eyes.  The cat you had adopted had woken up, and was now meowing and yowling in fear.
The pounding was becoming more and more louder, you jumped away from the door, covering your ears to at least try and drown out the sound.  The pounding stopped a few seconds later followed by shouts, “GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE”, you recognized the voice as Rumis.  
When you heard her voice you quickly scampered to open the door, the manw as far gone by now.  Her tail was twitching furiously, her ears were flat against her hair, she stared in the direction to where the man ran to, she turned around, “Are you ok?”, she asked.  You nodded your head and brought her into a hug, you squeezed her tightly, just happy you were in her presence.
She smiled, her ears rose back up into a more friendly way, and her arms wrapped around you, your face was buried between her shoulder and jaw, she had to tilt her head upward slightly to accommodate you but she was still happy.  “Thank you”, you mumbled softly, “Don’t mention it”, she threw back lazily.
After a few seconds you felt awkward holding her so close to you, you could feel her chest pressed against your own, and her arms wrapped around your lower back.  Your face heated up, butterflies once again swarming in your stomach.  You quickly pulled away with a blushing face and a sheepish smile, she grinned, walking past you and into your apartment, sitting down on the couch.
“Nice place”, she commented”, this was her first time at your house, and she loved it, there were large windows for light to stream in through, your cat, Bunny, was sniffing the tips of her ears.  It tickled slightly, but not enough to make her laugh.
You moved into the kitchen, “C-can I uhh get you a-any thing to eat, o-or maybe d-drink?”, you asked, “A coffee would be nice”, she said.  You quickly scampered to make the drink, right now you were the definition of a hot mess, the blush on your face didn’t leave.
You were brewing the coffee now, the hot steam wafted onto your face, only making you feel hotter.  You felt a light tap on your shoulder, you spun around, seeing Rumi looming over you, a smirk on her face, her ears were slightly tinted a bit pink.  You whimpered slightly, “Whats wrong little carrot?”, she purred, pressing closer against you.
You opened your mouth to answer but all that came out was a tiny squeak, she hummed softly, her hands snacking around your waist and gripping you in place.  She leaned forward and whispered a soft, “Do you have a little crush?~”.(Oh my god I just found out she’s 5′2, pretend she's taller than you, like she can be whatever height you chose, but if you want it to work with the story then make her just a few inches taller than u).
“I-I uhh mmhh”, you stuttered over your words, a heat pooled in the bottom of your stomach, your thighs clenched together to try and create at least some friction to no avail.  “why don’t we go to the bedroom Baby Carrot?”, she mumbled in your ear again, and began to softly nibble at the shelf of your ear.  You nodded your head, letting her take you to the bedroom.
Mx. Y/N decided Mirko is fucking hot and a great partner.  JUst wait for the next part, she gonna d e s t r o y dabi in the next one....
But I still continue to simp hard for Mirko-
(I was writing this on my phone and Dabi kept correcting to Dab e and I kept loosing it.  Also if popped is accidentally spelled poop im so sorry. And omfg I accidentally wrote peephole as poophole and I fucking died )
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A Frayed Thread of Hope
[Part 3] (this was written quite a while ago, just a heads up for the quality of it)
Ao3 Link here! :)
Finally got round to transferring and posting this chapter to here!!! It’s taken a little while, but I’m hoping that this being in here might remind and motivate me a little more to write the next part out...the fic is up on ao3 and will be updated on there first when I get round to it and then transferred over here at some point too :)
Tagging (you can ignore if you’d like, or tell me if ya wanna be tagged or taken off the list. This is just a repost of a chapter that’s already up on ao3 so sorry if you’ve already read it 😅 I also haven’t posted in a while so sorry if I’ve accidentally tagged you or forgotten to tag): @kouricaesar @chaotic-trash-can @kiriderp @theshisthings
TW: slightly graphic description of injury, mentions of blood, slight mention of nausea, a lot of crying and sad.
‘No no no, please-’ Shinya panicked as he heard the lack of response coming from Jeanist’s side of the raid. Minutes prior to this, he had felt his heart drop and a ringing sound echoed through his head. He knew that this was not a good sign, but pushed it away as he helped to apprehend the LoV. ‘Please, please be okay...’ 
Dammit. He knew that he should’ve tried to stop him. He saw it in his eyes...those eyes...his eyes. Tsunagu knew that something was going to happen and that the worst part would hit his team, he always knew when the worst would happen, and it always had to happen to him.
‘That’s why he looked at me like that...Dammit....DAMMIT! Shinya, you are such an idiot!’ Shinya’s mind was racing as he made his way towards Kamino with Endeavour, where the other team was based.
“We can only hope that we are not too late.” Endeavour said harshly, knowing that he had to reassure the other man but unaware of how to do so.
Shinya simply hummed in response, taking a large leap from one building to another. He wasn’t really listening, his mind was way too busy to hear anything but his own thoughts. ‘Tsunagu....why? You knew that this would happen, and you knew the pain I’d be in once I found out...so why?’ He found himself trailing off into thought, ‘heh....nevermind....even if you could answer me now, your words would always stay the same - that it was “the only way I’d prove myself to be heroic” by taking a hit that could kill you, for the sake of others....’
(end of flashback)
Shinya was torn away from his rapid train of thought by the sound of footsteps hurdling towards him and Tsunagu’s family. Before even he could react, cold hands grabbed his shoulders and shook him gently, a pair of red wings knocking over several items along the way.
“Edgeshot-senpai! You’re okay! Well, you look okay! Are you okay?” The flustered young man exclaimed in a panicked manner, blond hair ruffled across his head as messily as a bird’s nest.
“Ah, Hawks...yes...Yes, I’m alright. Ju-just still a little shocked, I guess...what about you? What are you doing here?” Shinya shakily answered, his mind still thinking back to what happened.
The winged hero sighed in relief, giving a small apologetic bow to the family that was scattered around him. “Isn’t it obvious? I heard the news and came as quickly as I could! All Might-san retiring, Endeavour-san...moving...up the ranks...” Hawks eyed the end of the corridor wearily, “it’s all a lot to take in right now...for everyone.”
The ninja hero nodded, gesturing for the other to take a seat. Hawks simply shook his head in response and mumbled something about feeling too uncomfortable to sit down in this situation, making Shinya chuckle lightly in agreement.
“...Tsunagu...” Hawks trailed off, staring cautiously at the door standing opposite them.
The mention of the fiber hero’s name caused Shinya to snap his head up a little too fast, making him wince at the sudden pain that shot through his neck.
Hawks paused for a moment, before slowly carrying on. “Tsunagu-san....will...will he be okay?” He looked at Shinya with sad eyes, nervously fiddling with a small marble that he held in his hands.
“I-” Shinya’s voice cracked as he tried to find an answer, looking down at his own hands, that were still bloody and shaken. “...we don’t know...we- we can only hope...” he blinked rapidly to try and clear the tears that blurred his vision once again. ‘Not here, dammit, not here. You are so weak, Shinya, don’t cry- you can’t...’
They shared a small silence, standing there, gazing at the closed door in front of them. Just as one of them was to try and break this silence, a rather loud buzzing came from the winged hero’s jacket, causing him to fumble around for his phone.
After exchanging a brief conversation with the mysterious caller, Hawks looked up at Shinya apologetically and lightly grabbed his shoulder. “Ah, sorry, urgent call from the commission...I gotta go...”
Shinya smiled slightly. “Of course. That’s understandable. Thanks....thanks for checking up on us....”
“Yeah,well, someone’s gotta do it. We wouldn’t want our favourite parental ninja to pass out from shock all by himself!” Hawks exclaimed brightly, his wings spreading out even more, almost hitting Ai in the face. “Oh, Rumi sends her regards, by the way. She’s busy so she couldn’t come in person, but she said for me to tell you ‘if that jeans bastard dies I’ll kill him, give him a good thump ‘round the head when he wakes up, will ya’ so....uh....yeah! Um....well, please make sure you let us all know how he’s doing...”
“Heh, yeah I will, don’t worry,” Shinya chuckled at the other’s enthusiasm. Waving at the winged hero, he watched as he briskly disappeared from his sight.
Shinya sighed, leaning his head back against the wall, his mind overflowing with doubts and worries yet again. He thought back on the sight of Kamino, destroyed and in ruins. All might’s thin and frail form, barely holding back that monster....and.....Tsunagu... ‘dammit! Stop it!’
(flashback continued)
As they arrived, they realised that this was no ordinary villain, and that the LoV had already managed to escape. Shinya scanned the area anxiously, trying hard to mask his panic but failing to do so. ‘Where......where are you....I’m here, please, Tsunagu where are you....’ he tore his attention from the ruins and glared at the madman that was loitering in the air. He was absolutely filled with rage, his body shaking, he could barely breathe. He wanted to lunge forward and completely rip this...thing...apart. He wanted to completely let go, just like he did all those years ago, this time with no regrets. But he knew that it was not his fight to do so. He knew that he was only there for support, with the rest of the heroes, to help All Might.
A huge gust of wind from one of All for One’s blasts knocked him over, sending him tumbling backwards. He was never brilliant at going against power types (he’s a light little man, leave him alone) but this was troublesome. Bracing himself for the impact of a harsh landing, he was startled when he felt himself being caught by something wrapping around his arm.
“Edgeshot-senpai!” Kamui called out, catching the other man before he could hit the ground. He set them down, away from the main fight, sheltered by a huge chunk of a building. His shoulder was occupied by a rather unconscious Mount Lady, but he had another in his arms...
Shinya gave a brief nod of thanks, before noticing the condition of the lanky figure that hung loosely from the other hero’s grasp. ‘Oh please- please, oh god, no...’ he felt his heart drop.
He started panicking as he took in the sight in front of him. Eyes lifeless, staring out at him. Hair, messy and dirty. Tsunagu’s body laying limply, now on the ground, his arms and costume bloody and torn. What’s worse, is the gaping hole that was present in the middle of his stomach. He wasn’t breathing, he wasn’t moving, it was as if his life had been drained straight from his body.
Shinya felt as if he was going to be sick, his body shaking too hard for him to stand. This feeling....this feeling was way too familiar. He was so worried in finding him, but when he finally found him...when his partner’s body was lifted from the rubble...he felt even more hurt than before. He started choking on the tears that he couldn’t hide....that he wouldn’t hide....gasping for air as he stared at Tsunagu’s broken form, imitating that of a torn rag doll, riding the edge of death as if it were a knife with which to cut the rest of the strings that connected him to his life.
“No no no, please, no- not again....not again....why- why? Tsunagu, why you....why my family? Why is it always my family?! The people I love....mother...father...my....why did it have to be you?!” He blurted out, unable to contain the rest of his pain. He held onto Tsunagu’s unconscious form, clutching it tighter as more and more tears soak into his mask. He would hide his anguish, but he didn’t care. Not anymore. He didn’t care who saw him crying. He didn’t care who heard his silent screams and cries of lost hope. He ignored everything around him as he hugged his partner closer.
“Senpai....I’m sorry....I’m...we really need to get him to hospital....he’s...it’s...” Kamui spluttered out quietly. He watched as the ninja hero lost all of his hope and felt his heart beat rapidly at the thought of what else could happen. “We are...we’re out of sight from everyone else...it’s- it’s...”
Shinya sniffled. He looked up at the younger man, his eyes still blurry and unfocused. “Thank you....I’m sorry....I....”
“No...it’s okay....I understand.” Kamui replied, cradling Takeyama in his own arms gently.
(end of flashback)
His thoughts became muffled, his ears ringing, and only one sound echoing through his head.
It was Tsunagu’s voice. He snapped back to reality, looking around anxiously.
“Shinya.....I’m sorry...”
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