#snowpiercer awards
Jennifer Connelly at the 95th Academy awards!❤️
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missaudreystiara · 3 months
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rocknroll2024 · 18 days
I do this for humanity! Eat, drink and be Happy!🤠🎥🎬🎶
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afaimsblog · 6 months
Keine Überraschung im Film und eine Überraschung im Fernsehen - Vom Oscar und einer geretteten Serienstaffel
Wie es zu befürchten war, war die diesjährige Oscar-Verleihung so enttäuschend, dass man sie sich gleich hätte sparen können. Dass überhaupt irgendein anderer Film als "Oppenheimer" mit einer goldene Statue nach Hause gegangen ist, liegt im Grunde nur daran, dass sie "Oppenheimer" nicht in allen Kategorien nominieren konnten und ein-, zweimal jemand anderen den Oscar zugeschoben haben, damit es nicht so auffällig ist, dass die Elite von Hollywood der klaren Meinung ist, dass im letzten Jahr nur ein guter Film in die Kinos kam, und das eben "Oppenheimer" war. "Poor Things" ist der einzig andere Film, dessen Macher etwas davon hatten zur Verleihung zu gehen, alle anderen wurden eher enttäuscht als belohnt. Der Hass auf alles, was mit Superhelden zu tun hat, wurde einmal mehr zementiert, indem nicht nur Godzilla die Guardians besiegt hat, sondern auch Studio Ghibli der Vorzug vor "Across the Spiderverse" gegeben wurde. Jetzt kann man natürlich sagen, dass Animation Geschmackssache ist, aber bei allem Respekt vor Studio Ghibli und deren konstante Leistung, die Animation die in "Across the Spidervese" gesteckt wurde ist doch eine ganz andere Stufe als jene, die "The Boy and the Heron" zum Leben erweckt hat. "Barbie" wurde übrigens auch in beinahe jeder Kategorie übergangen, bis auf den Song, und der Sieg dort ging eigentlich an Billie Eilish und nicht den "Barbie"-Film.
Highlight beschränkten sich dieses Jahr auf kurze Momente dazwischen. Und zwar genau drei: Erstens war die Live Preformance von "I am just Ken" das absolute Highlight des Abends, trotz spür - und hörbarer Nervosität von Ryan Gosling, und hatte einen Special Guest Star zu bieten, der neben allen Kens und den entsprechenden Damen des Filmes Partizipant des Auftritts sein durfte. Zweitens durfte Michael Keaton ein letztes Mal Batman sein, als er in dieser Funktion von ehemaligen Penguin und Mr. Freeze Danny DeVito und Arnold Schwarzenegger (der ja genau genommen gegen George Clooney und nicht Michael Keaton angetreten ist, aber bitte) "erkannt" wurde. Und Drittens war John Cena so nackt wie möglich auf der Bühne um einen historischen Oscar-Flitzer zu gedenken. Allen drei Momenten ist gemeinsam, dass sie von dem Charisma und der rührenden Ernsthaftigkeit der Beteiligten leben und im Grunde nichts mit dem Oscar an sich zu tun haben. Was mich wie jedes Jahr erneut anregen lässt, dass doch bitte der verstaubte versnobbte überholte männlich-weiß dominierte überschätzteste Filmpreis der Welt endlich abgeschafft und durch irgendetwas anderes ersetzt werden sollte, bei dem endlich mal zur Abwechlsung tatäschliche Leistungen honoriert werden könnten. Doch das wird natürlich nie passieren.
Der Oscar hat verwechselte Kuverts, eine Pandemie, Ohrfeigen und diverse (wahre) Vorwürfe über die Politik hinter Nominierung und Vergabe überlebt, wir werden ihn niemals los werden, weil im Grunde alle den einen Filmpreis haben wollen, der von weißen männlichen US-Amerikanern für weiße männliche US-Amerikaner erfunden wurde und von der Möglichkeit auf das Ergebnis zu wetten lebt und von nichts anderem. Und weil jeder, der nicht diesem Schema entspricht und dann doch mal einen Award für irgendwas bekommt nachher das Gefühl hat wirklich etwas geleistet zu haben, weil er von der herrschende Elite anerkannt wurde. Also nein, es wird so langweilig und unbedeutend wie dieses Jahr über Jahrzehnte hinweg weitergehen, und alle werden damit zufrieden sein, weil es ja genau da ist, was sie wollen: Eine Unterstützung der herrschende Elite, die sein muss, damit sich ja nichts am Status Quo ändert.
Während wir nun langsam aber sicher in die Periode von 2024 kommen, in der es dann auffallen wird, dass es weniger Filme gibt, als es geben sollte, gibt es fernsehtechnisch endlich neuen Stoff für uns. Die Networks können endlich mit ihren aktuellen Seasons beginnen, und das, was lange währt, doch noch gut werden kann, zeigt, dass die 4. Staffel von "Snowpiercer" nun nach über einem Jahr [!] doch noch ein neues Zuhause gefunden hat und zwar bei AMC. Die werden diese finale Staffel der Serie zwar erst 2025 zeigen (bis dahin sind wir vermutlich alle tot, aber na ja man kann nicht alles haben, schätze ich), aber immerhin werden sie sie zeigen. Ob die Staffel dann bei uns auf Netflix, woanders, oder gar nicht zu sehen sein wird, wird die Zeit zeigen, aber zumindest illegal streamen könnte man sie dann endlich weltweit. Dass die Folgen nach über einem Jahr endlich eine neues Zuhause gefunden haben, ist insofern ein gutes Zeichen, da das zeigt, dass nicht alles, was Warner verschwinden lassen will, wirklich verschwinden muss. Natürlich haben wir es hier mit etwas zu tun, was bereits fertig gedreht war, als beschlossen wurde, dass es niemand zeigen wird. Noch nicht gedrehte Enden für Serien wie "This Flag means Death" oder "Legends of Tomorrow" wird es dadurch nicht auf magische Weise geben (sondern niemals, damit müssen wir uns abfinden). Aber immerhin gibt es Hoffnung für die nie gezeigten Episoden von "The Nevers" und ähnlichen Serienprojekten.
2024 mag in jeder Hinsicht ein Entertainment-dünnes Jahr sein, was die Einseitigkeit der Oscar-Verleihung deutlich unterstrichen hat, doch zumindest verspricht man uns eine bessere Zukunft für 2025. Die kann natürlich von vielem verhindert werden, doch die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt. Also sollte man manchmal vielleicht doch wagen zu hoffen. Manches ändert sich dann vielleicht ja doch.
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Remembering Academy Award Nominated, Golden Globe Winning, 3x BAFTA Winning actor Sir John Hurt! ^__^
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captaingimpy · 9 months
Parasite: Who Is the Real Parasite?
This review was intended for Release in 2019, shortly after we saw the film. We contemplated deleting it and letting this mistake pass after so long siting in the drafts folder, but in light of the recent passing of Lee Sun-kyun on December 27 of last year, we decided this review would serve as an informal trubute. Rest in peace, and thank you for bearing your soul to the world so that we could…
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justenjoythegossip · 8 months
Autumn is over so it’s time to get back to work…
Chris has finally grown tired of looking at leaves and trees changing colors. Also all that reflecting he did with his kind of wife must have become tiresome. Pottery and weed will have to be put on hold for a while since he is getting ready to get back to work. He had said that there won’t be another year with 3 movies. But this coming year already has 2 and according to rumors there’s more in the pipelines. 
Chris is getting the best opportunities he’s had in a very long time…
Certain blogs (trolls/plants) were obviously lying when they were stating that Chris was blacklisted. He didn’t agree to this shitshow, so that he could retire in the sunset with his Nazi “bride”. We knew that there would be payment for all of his efforts. Sure for a lot of us, his efforts selling this RS/marriage didn’t look that great but they were good enough for his masters anyway. And it was all that mattered in the end. 
And now he is getting his reward. Look at the 2 gigs he just got. 
Honey Don’t is directed by Ethan Coen, a multi academy award winner. And Celine Song (the director of the materialists) just directed Past lives which is considered by many to be a masterpiece. And I personally agree, that movie is extraordinary.
Sure we don’t know how these new movies will turn out but these are the most exciting projects he has been a part of since Sunshine by Danny Boyle and Snowpiercer by Bong Joon-ho. If you exclude his involvement in Marvel of course. 
So Chris is getting amazing opportunities at the moment and yet it makes little sense. 
Payment for the PR shitshow…
Not that Chris is not talented. I do believe he is. But he has recently starred in many panned movies, that were not only flops commercially but critically as well. And he just got his first nomination for a Razzie award. Actually he even got 2 nominations at the Razzies. Red One looks like another disaster in the making.
His numbers on social media are plummeting. The engagement is quite low. So the math ain’t mathing. But actually it does…
Anyone who had followed Sebastian Stan’s own shitshow knew of the great opportunities Seb got after it and is still getting to this day. Chris is following the very same route. Anyone who is excited to see Chris in these exciting new projects needs to understand that this PR shitshow was the price to pay for it. 
Most actors go through ups and downs. Sometimes the downs can be terribly long and horribly painful. By agreeing to this PR, he has taken a shortcut. He has taken the easy way out. Or the lazy way out I should say. I do consider what he did to be a lot more difficult for the soul though. No one is in his shoes and we can't judge. All we can do is to wish him the very best and hope that all of this was worth it.
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evansbby · 1 year
okay nobody asked but here’s another thing i find irritating about chris evans 😂😂😂
Okay so whenever he’s reflecting on his movies, he always kinda turns his nose up at his earlier movies such as not another teen movie and he’s always like “pfffft I was just accepting ANY movie back then” as if he’s sooo much better now?? like bro?!? The movies you’re doing now are low-key WORSE than the movies back then?!? At least not another teen movie was funny in a campy sense and people know of it. But he’s acting like he does the most meaningful and academy award worthy projects now when it’s actually like… bro is doing a hallmark christmas movie with the rock??? he did ghosted which sucked… gray man which sucked… like?!? of course he’s done some great films like knives out, gifted, snowpiercer etc but??? let’s not act like he’s some great cinematic masterpiece of an actor who’s done some great work…
and it’s not just him!! there’s other actors who do this and it’s so annoying… for example, jacob elordi… like he thinks he’s some great cinematic actor bc of euphoria (which btw the second season was so horrifically bad) bUT let’s not forget your origins!!!! WHICH IS KISSING BOOTH!!! never forget that even tho you’re trying to get everyone to forget it!!! priscilla movie isn’t out yet but even then don’t forget where you came from… HE IS SO ANNOYING FR
anyways back to Chris… actually chris isn’t that bad with it like he still talks fondly of his past movies like Scott pilgrim etc but like?!? the quality of his movies now are arguably worse than what we got before 😭😭😭 that’s okay I guess like he’s settled down now, wants to start a family, isn’t taking acting that seriously but you wanna know the truth??? I think he’s been typecasted as a marvel superhero guy and so he’s not getting these great dramatic roles despite the fact that he’s proven he has the acting ability to do them… so he’s doomed to work with fuck ass Russo brothers for the rest of his career (I hate them)
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majaloveschris · 3 months
I have seen rumours and heard some of those rumours repeated on professional film podcasts, that over the past five years (since Knives Out) Chris has turned down some really good rolls. All of the times I’ve seen or heard this it’s always been in the context of wishing good things for him but with the disappointment of his choices since Knives Out. His turning down these rolls is obviously a part of industry chatter but with the latest news of him joining some more promising projects hopefully it will turn around. However, every time I see him at a con or staying publicly relevant via *alternative means* it’s so perplexing to me when someone at his level could have just buckled down and given some solid performances.
As you said, those are just rumors; we can't know for sure if he was even considered for those roles. I think it's tough to decide what project should be picked, especially if you are presented with multiple ones. I'm not that disappointed in his choices. I really enjoyed him in Defending Jacob, The Gray Man, Lightyear, Pain Hustlers, and even in Ghosted (I think people were too harsh on that movie). I think his acting was great in all of them, especially in Defending Jacob. 
Yeah, obviously he could've been on better projects, but that's always the case. There are always better projects out there. I see people saying (not specifically you, anon) that they are disappointed in his career and they expected more, and I don't get why. Yeah, he hasn't gotten any awards, but he is always working; he always has new projects, and most of them are more than okay. I'd rather have five mid-projects than have a huge success with one and then suffer to get any roles. Even after Marvel, he still gets roles, gets good money, and is part of really good projects. 
I don't mind the cons. Yeah, maybe it's easy money, but a lot of fans are really happy they can meet him, so I don't really see the problem with that. I think he also needed some good fan interaction after everything. I also don't agree with this whole PR shitshow. At least they could've picked a better partner, not someone who is the exact opposite of everything he's ever stood for. But I have to say that I think he is underrated. I think his performance in DJ and Snowpiercer was definitely award-worthy. There are much worse actors out there who get much more credit than him.
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carsonian · 1 year
Cap-IM Rec Week: Take A Chance on Me Sunday
This is the last one I'll be doing for Cap-IM Rec Week, and I gotta say, I'm all rec'd out. You could say: I'm w(rec)ked. You could also say: shut the F up, that wasn't funny. Free speech! We're trying to make it a thing.
A massive thank you to the @cap-ironman team for creating the platform for such an awesome event! It's been incredible to celebrate old fic, discover new fic, and feast on the fanart and podfics that don't get nearly enough cred in the fandom. A billion thank yous to them for all their hard work behind the scenes!
Now onto the fic recs, one last time:
"Disney World!" by Captain_Panda
To celebrate Tony’s 48th birthday, Steve and the gang go to the most magical place on Earth: Disney World!
I started reading this series with very ambivalent feelings about Disney World and by the end of this series I would have lain down by own life for ol' Mick the veteran Slick.
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"Even Though We Know Love's Landscape" by lazywriter7 (@lazywriter7)
But at the core, he’s the same brand of poor little rich guy that dot the shadowed corners of every charity gala, every award function. Sure, maybe it comes in a ‘genius billionaire playboy philanthropist’ package…but his mettle is common iron. A drop of sea water, a dash of air, and he’d rust right through. She, on the other hand, is made of better stuff. In which Tony compares people to weird things, Steph recites poetry and two dorks fall in love.
I usually don't go in for genderbender shenanigans but I remember coming across this and being like I know that if anyone can make me get into this, it'll be this writer. And fuck me! I was right. This is absolute motherfucking nuts! Wholly earnest character study with the sweetest relationship building. I want to bury myself in this fic like an ostrich buries itself in sand.
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"How to Treat An Outcast First-Class" by deervsheadlights (@deervsheadlights)
[...] "You want to the front. You want the engine. And I just so happen to be your only chance of getting there.” Steve’s going to admit, the guy’s got spunk for a naked, first-class omega in ten wagons full of angry alphas who’d give a not-so-figurative limb to get a go at him.
I watched Snowpiercer once and was O.O after so I definitely never expected to find or read fic set in its universe. But holy shit is this written well and holy shit did I have a blastin' good time.
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Maybe I don't take enough chances. . .
& for the last time--go forth: SteveTony lovers, fuckers, ambassadors, champions, perverts, freaks, losers, dreamers, legends! Read, re-read, kudo, comment, spread legs and spread love.
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
I am the anon who mentioned this isn't PR, wouldn't be good PR , Backgrid, how the fandom wondered why Chris doesn't have the same career as his peers, and wasted potential. I'm going to get into observations I've made since coming to the fandom in 2020 after watching Snowpiercer.
I feel further validated by the latest events.
What we're seeing is the Chris before Marvel PR cleaned him up. He was always a fuckboi pre Marvel. He hasn't changed or evolved. He surrounds himself with yes people who never challenge him or encourage him to level up because they know if he did they would get left behind and lose the freebies he gives them. The saying "You're the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with" applies here. His friend group appears to be immature, thirsty, and too overly involved in his life. Just because they knew him before fame doesn't mean anything. I think there have been quality women he dated who were turned off by his clique of friends always in their business and face. Not to mention the same vacations, the same restaurants, the same everything. Groundhog Day. Who wants to date someone like that?
I didn't realize Jim Toth use to be his agent. Look at what he did for his wife Reese Witherspoon. Reese gave an interview explaining that she had aged out and was unhappy with her career. She said Jim pushed her to create her production company which she did. She also used Jim's connections to launch Draper James, her book club, podcast, and other ventures. Jim also helped rebrand Matthew McConaughey. He had the Golden Year for Dallas Buyer's Club and True Detective. He turned down the Wolf of Wall Street that got Jonah Hill an Academy Award nomination because of money. I'm sure Jim tried to get him to the next level.
Chris directed one movie. It didn't get the response he wanted yet he didn't seek directing gigs on television to hone his skills. Denzel Washington directed episodes of Grey's Anatomy. Other actors and actresses have done the same. Defending Jacob didn't get awards recognition so he returns to comfort zone of romantic comedies and action films instead of trying again with the drama genre. Look at his ex Jessica. She created her production company when she didn't get the roles she wanted. The Sinner and Candy changed her career for the better. Chris is capable of so much more with his career. He gives up after one try.
The latest mess is just his immaturity and wanting to be a rebel. He'll retreat when he becomes a punchline while being compared to Dane Cook and John Mayer. That's where this train is headed if this goes public. He has coasted off his reputation for being kind to fans, crew members, and staff. That gets celebrities a lot of leeway with fans when we have other celebrities who make staff and fans miserable.
His messiness is more on display due to social media and not having Marvel backing him. Studios heavily invested in certain actors and actresses always keep their PR image intact.
He will either become a cliched joke or find his own version of Amal Clooney.
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Yes, yes, a thousand times yes, Anon. (BTW, would you like to pick an emoji for future use as an ask tag?)
I do think people don't understand how much benefit he got from having two PR teams, Disney and Megan, cleaning up behind him from 2011-2019. We've already seen the "oopsies" that have started happening once Disney/Marvel dipped out. And now that he's full-blown in the messiness of a mid-life crisis, who knows what else we'll see.
But, I'm not seeing anything over the last couple of days that changed my mind from "situationship" that has PR angles unfortunately attached. I don't think it makes it somehow more special that he coasted up in NYC for some Broadway shows when he's got some filming downtime. If nothing else, to me it just makes it look even more like an arranged meet-up.
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I'm emotionally unavailable right now.
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I can't wait for her to show her cuteness on that stage. It's been 20+ years 🥺
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georgiapeach30513 · 11 months
I hate to say this because we know there’s a subsect of crazy qanon conspiracy ppl on here…but im kinda wondering if someone is like out to get Chris or has he been like blackballed in HW somewhat?
I know it sounds insane but the reviews that came out for PH had ppl saying he was miscast and that he wasn’t giving enough and xyz, meanwhile Emily is the sole person whose getting nearly unanimous praise. The supporting cast is sometimes not even mentioned but IMHO everyone was solid in their roles.
But Chris was really darn good in this and I’m surprised that his performance has been downplayed by the critics. I’ve seen ppl praise actors for way less. I’ve seen actors get noms and awards recognition for way less.
I think you may know what I’m getting at. like, I personally am a big fan of Emily so her getting praise isn’t surprising because she can act and do things with a subpar script. But there were moments in this film where I felt she was kinda struggling while Chris was basically solid throughout it all. His Pete never really wavered. Always solidly douchey but surprisingly showed vulnerability at some parts where it actually worked. He showed emotion, and his rapping skills were actually better than the guys who made the actual video that scene was based on. LOL.
I think future filmmakers need to watch Him in this role if they ever consider him for other things.
Again, I’m not trying to make up things or sound delusional but I’ve wondered for a while why nearly every other big name mainstream actor and many not so big names and more indie actors nowadays gets accolades but CE consistently gets passed over. It’s almost like he’s being marketed and set up to never get higher than where he is. I don’t mean just for Oscar’s Emmy’s or SAGs - I mean even like Saturn awards or xyz platforms where actors can get nominated for roles they’ve played.
Snowpiercer - critics and fans alike have hailed this as one of his best roles to dates. But go on Wikipedia - Tilda swinton and some of the supporting cast got nominations from diff platforms (not Oscar’s or Emmy’s but maybe smaller awards) and the only person left out was Chris. I was virtually shocked he was being overlooked for even small awards.
Hopefully this doesn’t come off as me saying he’s snubbed for awards. I think he definitely needs to let go and give more to really open ppl’s eyes on his ability. But I am saying I’m surprised at the latest developments - where he’s putting out a solid performance that’s worthy of praise but is getting zilch from the ppl who “matter.”
I have had these thoughts myself. I by no means think he is the best actor in his age bracket. There is one that I have talked about that I think is genuinely amazing, and Sebastian will continue to do amazing things because he allows himself that vulnerability. He continues to hone his craft, and work with children speaking on acting. Sebastian has remained very humble but also had humble beginnings. Chris really hasn’t. He’s lived a charmed life and sometimes it makes you jaded.
Now, I do think this is a solid performance from his. I will continue to sing his praises for Defending Jacob, Snowpiercer, What’s Your Number and several other movies where he’s the light in the movie. But there does seem to be a bit of a disconnect throughout his career, not just recently, when it comes to critical praise.
I don’t know that Chris wants to be a critical adored actor, but judging by some of the roles he’s taken, he does want to be respected. And of course when we do a job, don’t you hope people acknowledge your skills? I’m not saying Oscars, but even just a moment of, he did so good! 🤷🏻‍♀️ who knows.
As for Emily, she’s fine. In my opinion people give her more credit than she’s worth.
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thelonesomequeen · 3 months
We needn’t discuss this but again for the people in the back:
Chris is the type of actor who shines in certain types of films. I don’t believe he likes/enjoys playing the cooky quirky action hero typically portrayed by the Rock and Ryan Reynolds, but there’s not much else for a white leading man in Hollywood to do unless you’re strictly an awards/prestige actor. Cap went well because he was stoic and didn’t require the dramatic/exaggerated gags of most action films (plus it was his meal ticket at the time so he knew he had to sell it.) For, the Gray Man he was opposite Ryan and so he had to go hard and it worked out for his performance as Lloyd I think. Other than that, Chris is the type of actor to phone it in for these more replaceable films. But, when he is interested in scripts and works with good creatives (eg KO, Snowpiercer, and DJ) he can give a really good performance!
Noted there are actors who never phone it in regardless of how ridiculous/mediocre the scripts is. Chris is not one of them and most likely only does it because of the paycheck and being on set with friends.
Thankfully, Red One looks like the end (for now) of his shameless cash grab era and hopefully he can go back to making quality films with creatives who know and care how to bring the best performances out of their actors. If you’re the type of Chris fan who likes prestige films, let’s hope Materialists is the one for him!
Well said! 🦎
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niuniente · 11 months
Thanks again, Danny! :3
Tag nine people to get to know better
Three ships: I answered this recently so I'll skip it this time :3
First ever ship: I answered this recently so I'll skip it this time :3
Last Song: Nyrkkitappelu's song Poliisiautossa (In a police car. A fun punk song how it's free to get a ride in a police car to any destination)
Last Movie: Snowpiercer. I heard that it was a decent movie but unfortunately, it wasn't. Too many loopholes and a really lousy ending for my taste.
Currently reading: Malcolm Gaskill's (awesome surname!) book "The Ruin of Witches - Life and Death in the New World". It was awarded as the History Book of The Year in UK after its release. It's a history book, inspecting how Salem witch craze became possible and it starts from the very beginning before anyone from England had moved a single hair to USA yet.
Currently Watching: Nothing at the moment. I gave up with Buffy so...
Currently consuming: I visited an Asian market today as day after tomorrow, my sister will come here and we're going to make sukiyaki. I happened to come across with Tokimeki brand's matcha cookie sticks - like Poki rip off. As I'm a matcha slut, I had to get them. Unfortunately, they don't take like matcha at all but like burnt cookie crust.
Currently craving: I have a horrible heartburn and would like to have some ice-cream to soothe it.
@nei-ning @murhamarsu @nmzuka @eleanorappreciates @starlling-writes @panimauser @reservoirmonks @delyth-thomas-art
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heavenboy09 · 8 months
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You
The Black American Actor, Rapper, & Singer-songwriter Of Disney's Hamilton & The 2023 Live Action Adaptation Of The Disney's The Little Mermaid 🧜🏿‍♀️
Born On January 24th, 1982
He is an American actor, rapper, and singer-songwriter. He is the vocalist of the experimental hip hop group Clipping, and in 2015, he originated the dual roles of Marquis de Lafayette and Thomas Jefferson in the musical Hamilton, for which he won a 2016 Tony Award for Best Actor in a Featured Role in a Musical. Along with the main cast of Hamilton, he was awarded a Grammy Award for Best Musical Theater Album in the same year.Since leaving Hamilton, he played a recurring role in the television series Black-ish (2016–2018) and co-starred in the films Wonder (2017), Velvet Buzzsaw (2019) and The Little Mermaid (2023). Diggs also wrote, produced, and starred in the 2018 film Blindspotting, which earned him a nomination for the Independent Spirit Award for Best Male Lead; he acted as creator, writer, and executive producer on the 2021 spin-off sequel television series of the same name, in which he also reprised his role as a guest.
 As of 2020, he stars in the television adaptation of Snowpiercer. In 2021, he received a nomination for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Actor in a Supporting Role in a Limited Series or Movie for his performance in the Disney+ live stage recording of Hamilton which was released in 2020.
Please Wish This Remarkable Black American Actor, Rapper & Singer-songwriter. A Very Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎁 🎈 🎉 🎊
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MR. DAVEED DIGGS #DaveedDiggs #DisneyHamilton #TheLittleMermaid
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