#snowquill trousers
resenart · 1 year
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shelbybunny · 11 months
anyone else spend an unnecessary amount of time, money, and resources crafting a news reporter sona for the lucky clover gazette sidequests
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vulpiximisa · 8 months
Adding to the "Revali made the Snowquill Set for Link” train, maybe not in the "Zora Armor proposal" sense but in the "give him a paraglider so they can have an even battle" sense.
In an game/art design stand point, all of the outfits were made with Link in mind. But lore wise, I don't think it makes much sense for the Snowquill to look the way it does if it was meant for any/all Hylian travelers/tourists.
If it was meant for max comfort, the headdress should have been replaced with a warm cap. It could have been adorned with feathers and rubies as well, but they emphasized the braids that the Rito wear. Not many Hylians will wear their hair long enough for that, but you know who does?
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Also the Snowquill Tunic's gloves are shown to be or replicate archery gloves. If it was any random traveler, why would they assume that they would use a bow, in this cold weather? Most hylians are probably more comfortable with a sword. The Snowquill was made with archery in mind.
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An example is the couple on their honeymoon. The husband admits that there isn't much here, which makes it more obvious that not many hylians would even want to travel here. He's seen wearing the Snowquill Tunic and Trousers but not the Headdress. You could say that it's expensive (the rubies I suppose) but his wife isn't wearing any of the set, so it isn't that cold in the area. Most likely the husband just wants to immerse himself in the culture. Yet he doesn't have the headdress, it probably doesn't fit him.
So in conclusion, the Snowquill Armor was designed for a Hylian, to wield the bow comfortably, with hair long enough to wear in a braid. Sounds super specific. *side eyes*
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tashacee · 5 months
So, I was just thinking about your masked wild fic (can't remember the actual name sorry) and I was wondering, are there changes to his outfits besides the headpieces turning into masks? Mainly more revealing/tighter ones like the Gerudo and climbing outfits, since you wrote that he wears loose clothing to hide the missing chunks
This turned out LONG so it's below the cut
Yes some of them are different. Let's see
Stealth Outfit: rather than being skintight, the people at Enchanted made him a custom hakama that he can move around in silently. His mask also covers his whole face.
Flamebreaker Set: no change, except he probably puts a mesh across the grille over the face
Zora Set: the mask covers his whole face but otherwise there's not much of a change. He has a lot of feelings about the armour Mipha made. It's sturdy enough that it makes it look like his body is the same shape it was before the calamity, but that's disconcerting for him and still feels pretty revealing. Sidon has since commissioned a long cloak/robe for him to wear over it, that helps, but it's still uncomfortable.
Snowquill Set: It's quite padded and puffy, so although it has that corsetted appearence at the waist, it really isn't much of a reflection of his body shape. Also he has a feather lined cape that comes down to his knees to keep him extra warm and also cover himself. Teba had it made for him and thinks it makes him look like a little chick.
Hylian Set: Basically the same, except he bought it deliberately a size too large. It's pretty loose and comfy, but when his scars are hurting it itches them too much to be comfortable and feels tight anyway.
Gerudo Set: He has a collection of GORGEOUS flowing abayas and several matching veils. A bit around his eyes are visible and sometimes the veil shifts a bit wider showing a few thick scars around his eyes and forehead, but the gerudo are super affirming about it.
Climbing Set: the trousers are ankle length, slightly looser. kinda like narrow gym pants. The vest has longer sleeves too.
Desert Voe Set: the same, except he wears it with boots and a loose shirt underneath
Soldiers Set: no change
Barbarian Set: no change, and he wishes he had the courage to wear it.
Rubber Set: no change and he will never wear it
Radient Set: no change and he has never worn it
Ancient Set: not much change; it's quite bulky and sturdy so it doesn't show much. it probably has a bit more structure around the waist
Dark Set: it's the same and is creepy. He hasn't worn it because he doesn't want to know what will happen if he puts the face on top of his own face. Kinda creepy.
Hero Of The Wild Set: the monks made it with all of Wild's preferences in mind. It's still tailored to fit him but sits loosely enough that he's comfortable even though it's not overly baggy. Instead of shorts he has long trousers and boots. There's a matching mask the colour of pine trees, decorated with delicate, barely visible designs of oak leaves and acorns around the edges. He left it with Zelda because it felt too precious to wear.
Royal Guard's Set: it's the same, and weirdly it's exactly his preferred cut. Unfortunately, it also freaks him out because that was HIM. IN THE BEFORE TIMES. So while he looks super dashing in it, he doesn't wear it.
Champion's Tunic he wears this most of the time. It's pretty loose on him anyway and he doesn't wear a belt on it. He also wears a very loose shirt underneath
Lightning Helm he wears it over another mask
He does have it with him though 👀
Any other outfits? Either from the game or that you think he'd get? Let me know!
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pupika-samika · 19 days
A King is Nothing Without His People
Chapter 7
Join the Flock
CW:  Intrusive thoughts, breakdowns
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Link had woken up at five am as he always did and changed out of his Gerudo Vai outfit, being careful that Riju wasn't awake to catch him getting changed. He folded the garb up and put them in his slate for later use, dressing in his Snowquill Tunic and Trousers. He'd put the ruby circlet on when he got cold, but he left it in his slate for now. He kissed Riju's forehead and scooped Fostri up, the Korok not waking at the disturbance. The champions aren't around… I wonder if they're sleeping, he thought as he held the slate in his hand and opened it to the map screen. He maximized the screen and scrolled until he saw Rito village, tapping on the Akh Va'quot shrine when he minimized the screen. 
He closed his eyes as the blinding blue of Sheikah technology covered him, opening them again when the biting cold of Rito Village met his skin. Behind him, he could faintly hear Kass playing on his concertina, playing a tune he'd normally play when he had nothing else to play. Fostri stirred and turned his head to look up at Link before moving to look around them. "Where're we?" He asked and slowly floated up to rest on Link’s shoulder.
"We're at Rito Village. I'm waiting for the others to wake up before doing anything," he quietly explained and turned around to watch Kass play. The bard was facing the setting moon, playing a melancholic tune. "Want to meet one of my best friends?" He asked the Korok, leaning against the railing of the landing. The wind was calm but there was still a chill in the air, enough to make Link think about putting on the circlet. Though the rising sun would be enough to warm him in a few hours, he just had to wait a while.
Fostri nodded and draped himself over Link’s shoulder, content to be drug around while he dozed off. Link smiled and stayed where he was for a few moments before pushing himself to stand, making his way to where the bard continued playing. Kass must've heard Link as he turned around, the music filling the air coming to a halt. "Link! It's so good to… see you?" Kass almost questioned, faltering when he turned to look at Link completely. Link tilted his head slightly, wondering why the Rito was confused.
Revali appeared behind Kass, almost startling Link enough for him to jump. "You know us Rito can see forest children right? It's not uncommon for us to be born with that ability, though usually fledglings are the ones who can see them as the ability fades with age." Revali explained, lazily looking around the area.
Link perked up and grabbed the Korok off his shoulder, holding him up for Kass to see. Said Korok gave a chime of discomfort, being abruptly woken and dangled like a toy. "You can see him?" He asked with childish glee, glancing at the Korok to make sure he wasn't accidentally hurting it. Maybe later if I can get Kass to watch over him I can visit Teba for an hour or two. 
"Ah, I wasn't sure if you were aware he was there. Yes, I can see the forest child." Kass answered, setting his concertina on his belt as he didn't need it now. He hesitantly held two feathered hands out to hold the Korok, letting the leafy body rest on his feathers. Fostri protested at the movement, letting little chimes out as he fought to get comfortable again. 
Link smiled at the sight, itching to grab his slate and snap a picture of the two. "We met a few days ago, he wanted to come along with me on my adventures so I allowed him to!" Link excitedly explained, though the excitement died down when he looked back at Revali and remembered why they were there. "I have to go talk with Kaneli, but I'll come back when we're done! He should be awake by the time we're done talking so you two can have a proper introduction," Link explained and walked towards the Rito, intending to get a hug from the bard before walking off to his inevitable doom. That, and it was starting to get a little too cold for his liking. Kass happily indulged him, carefully moving the Korok to one feathered hand and wrapping the other around Link. 
The two stayed like that until the telltale clack of multiple talons hitting wood was heard. "I take it that's my cue to leave. It was nice seeing you Kass," Link said gratefully and bumped his head against Kass’s chest. He gently grabbed Fostri from Kass and cradled the Korok to his chest, waving to the fledglings who were now moving onto the platform. 
"We haven't been here in a while, I hope that seagull’s taken care of my flight range while we were gone," Revali said as he materialized next to Link, making the Hylian jump in surprise.
"Stop doing that. Hylia, you guys pick the worst time to come out." He huffed in annoyance before continuing, "where are the others? Are they in my soul?" He asked as he began making his way up the steps of Rito village. Saki passed him and gave him an excited wave, getting one in return. She always made time for him, whether it was a simple wave and smile or a short conversation. 
"Urbosa is still resting but Mipha and Daruk are somewhere within the village. I think they said they were heading up to Vah Medoh." The Rito explained as he lazily looked around. "They're probably looking over it now, so we can get right to work when you're done."
Link nodded and put Fostri on his shoulder again as they came upon more Rito walking around. The Korok, more awake than he was moments ago, held itself on his shoulder.. "Hopefully this won't take long, Kaneli seems docile enough to not put up much of a fight." Link muttered to the Rito, waving hello to Harth as he passed the Rito's roost. Harth barely gave a wave back as he was busy fixing a bow. I'll have to talk to him about getting more bowstrings, a few bows I have need restringing.
Link stopped walking when he didn't hear the sound of talons hitting wood following after him, pausing before he began climbing the last staircase. "Revali?" He called out as he looked behind him, noticing the Rito was looking at the landing next to them with a melancholic look. 
What is he- oh. Link thought as he noticed which landing was next to them. Revali's Landing. "You know, I wasn't liked much among my nestmates. I was born too young to play with those in my year and too old to play with the ones under. Who'd think, a hundred years later and dead, I'd finally get the approval I've always wanted." He said bitterly, glaring at the landing with hatred only a dead man could harbor.
Link frowned and got off the steps. "If it makes you feel better, back when you were alive I admired your skills." Link said and moved closer to the Rito Champion, looking over the landing with him. "I know I didn't show it- or at least I don't think I did. But I was envious of your skills. I spent a week trying to master the bow but no matter what, I couldn't." Link said without thinking. Huh, he doesn't remember getting that memory.
Revali looked down at the Hylian in shock. "You… you did? I thought you were a stuck-up brat who only cared about himself and the Princess." 
"Well, when the weight of a whole kingdom rests on your shoulders, you quickly learn to be quiet and endure the envy or give in and have your reputation ruined." He joked, but he wasn't sure where these feelings of hatred were coming from. He never hated his circumstances before. "Let's- let's go... see Kaneli," he uttered and almost stumbled as he turned around. But it was too late. The memory was already flashing in front of him.
He was with Revali in a forest clearing. Princess Zelda, Princess Mipha, Chieftess Urbosa, and Chief Daruk were faintly seen in the background, talking with each other and setting up camp. The Rito Champion was with Link and was boasting about his bow skills. "I'll have you know, I can shoot five arrows in one shot. And I won't miss a single target." He bragged, pulling out his famed Eagle Bow and praising the craftsmanship. I wish I could shoot as well as him… If only I had more free time to practice my shooting. Link thought as he watched the Rito. Revali has been at this for almost an hour, seeming to taunt the silent knight. Finally, Link had enough. He stood up abruptly and grabbed his own bow, a simple knight's bow he requested some months ago. 
He made sure Revali was watching as he pointed to a few trees in the distance and readied his bow. He took out five arrows from his quiver and, after a steadying breath, shot each arrow in quick succession. Each arrow hit its intended target, sending the Rito Champion into a fit of disbelief. 
Link let out a sharp breath as the memory passed over him. "...nk? ink? Link!?" Revali panicked, waving a feathered hand over Links’ face. Said Hylian hummed in response, leaning heavily on the fence. Weird… usually his memories didn't come with thoughts. "Honestly, are you even listening to me? Hello?" Revali snapped, covering his growing panic with snark. 
"...hm? …Yeah… yeah I'm listening. I hear you, stop yelling," Link mumbled out and half-heartedly swatted at the Rito, glad Harth was too busy not watching him. "Just a memory, everything's fine." He said and straightened himself, almost sending Fostri tumbling off his shoulder. Luckily the Korok was able to keep its grip, just barely managing to catch itself on Links’ shoulder. Right as I'm about to go have an important talk, I get a memory, he thought bitterly and began climbing the stairway again. "I'll explain later," he added when he could tell the Rito was going to ask a question.
Revali huffed and began walking again, walking next to Link. "Fine, but don't think I'll forget." He threatened but was quick to quiet down when Kaneli's roost was in view. Link took a deep breath and walked into the roost.
Kaneli smiled warmly when Link entered the roost, pausing from rocking in his chair to greet the Champion. "Ah, champion descendant! How nice to see you again! I take it you've come to check on Medoh? The beast fired a laser a few days ago and hasn't done much since then, I think it's finally powered down!" 
Link almost flinched at the amount of joy he could hear in the Rito's voice. Right… the Rito were grounded while Medoh was in the air. They wouldn't take too kindly to it flying again. "Kaneli, I have important news to tell you-"
"Why of course Champion descendant! What is it? Were you the reason Vah Medoh has turned off?"
"Well yes but-"
"Oh, how wonderful! We should hold a celebration! I'm guessing along with Vah Medoh turning off, you also defeated Calamity Ganon?"
"Yes to that too but Kaneli-"
"Wonderful! Oh, how absolutely wonderful! We most definitely have to host a celebration in your honor now! Oh, how wonderful this is!"
"Kaneli I have something really important to tell you-"
"Yes Champion descendant? Do you have any food allergies? We should get planning right away! Harth! Har-"
"I am King of Hyrule!" Link finally yelled, tired of being interrupted. He froze as he realized how loud he yelled out. Crap, I hope no one heard that. He hoped fervently before continuing to speak. "I apologize for that. As I was saying-"
"Yes yes, I heard you the first time. Congratulations. Now, do you have any food allergies? We will throw a celebration in honor of defeating the Calamity tomorrow!" Kaneli cheered, before shooing Link out of the roost. "Oh, and tell Harth to get in here!" 
"I-I'll be back in a month with important information," he managed to get out before the elder shooed him down the stairs. Link glared at the shaking Rito Champion, daring him to say something. Daring him to laugh. "Not. A. Word." He quietly hissed as he began walking to Harth’s roost. He froze as he came upon five Rito staring at him as soon as he made it down the first staircase. 
"So your highness, what can we help you with?" Saki teased, a sickly sweet and yet sadistic look on her face. 
"Saki, don't." He whined and hid his face as he felt a blush covering his skin. His ears pressed into his skull without his permission, trying to hide them from the embarrassment he felt. "Harth, Kaneli said he wanted to see you," he mumbled out as the villagers laughed at him. 
Harth nodded and stood up, placing the bow he was working on on the ground. "Anything else you require your highness?" He teased as he passed Link, bowing ever so slightly. 
Link groaned and grabbed his slate, quickly pressing on the Vah Medoh teleporter. "I hate you, I hate you guys so much." He ranted as he disappeared into strings of blue, appearing outside Vah Medoh. Revali was cackling beside him, laughing too hard to even complain about the sudden teleportation. The embarrassment he felt kept him hot enough that even the frigid temperature near Vah Medoh wasn’t enough to cool him down.
Mipha and Daruk jumped as they heard the laughter, turning around to see what the noise was about. "What's so funny?" Daruk asked in confusion, taking the three in. Link was sure his face was still burned red with embarrassment while Revali was laughing so hard he was curling in on himself. 
"Not. A. Word." Link threatened, which seemed to make the Rito laugh harder. He huffed as he waited for Revali to calm down, moving instead to check on Fostri. The Korok had fully woken up sometime during his conversation with Kaneli and had kept quiet. Unlike the Rito, he wasn't laughing. 
"Well! You see!" Revali cackled, taking deep breaths to calm himself. "The old hoot wasn't giving him the chance to talk so Link here went and screamed to the world that he was King of Hyrule! And that's not the best part- the best part was five other Rito heard him and started calling him highness! Oh, that was amazing, truly amazing!" Revali gasped out, his laughter finally dying down. 
Mipha and Daruk let out short laughs themselves, finding joy in teasing their youngest. "Alright, alright. Let's laugh at Link, I get it. Can we get on the stupid bird yet?" He huffed and moved closer to Vah Medoh. "Can you guys please not tell Urbosa about this?"
"Tell Urbosa about what? Tell Urbosa how you screamed to the world that you were King of Hyrule?" Link stiffened as a voice he dreaded hearing spoke from behind him, slowly turning around to face the person. There, standing behind him, was Lady Urbosa, Chieftess and Champion of the Gerudo. The rising sunlight illuminated her golden-red hair along with the deep brown of her sun-kissed skin. Her sky blue skirt danced in the wind, following a melody only the breeze could hear. And her face… her face was plagued with the ugly smirk of a smug bastard.
Link hissed and marched over to Vah Medoh, getting in position to activate Revali's gale. "Shut up and get me in this stupid bird," he grumbled out. Much like Vah Naboris, Vah Medoh was drooping over and deactivated. Its wings were almost folded into its chest and its head was hanging so low it almost looked like it would fall off. 
Revali took a few moments to calm down before he threw his wings open to create a gale. Much like last time, this gale sent him much higher than he needed to go. He was sent flying over the top of Vah Medoh, affectionately called Med sometimes, where he could see the green backside of the beast. Remembering the beast's back entrance, Link steered the paraglider so he could land near the control unit. Much like Naboris' unit, Medohs was no longer alight. Link looked back to the Zora and Goron champions, raising an eyebrow at them when they continued to let out an occasional laugh. "Alright, what needs to be fixed up?" 
And so, the six of them then went to work on repairing Medoh, the occasional laugh ringing out from within the beast. Around nine-thirty pm, there was a soft flapping of wings and the sound of something landing on Vah Medoh. Link looked to Revali, who headed up to check who it was. It only took the Rito a minute to come back, a confused look on his face. "It's the bard," he said when he came back to where Link was. Said Hylian was currently in one of the rooms in Medoh's wings, trying to fix the broken window. He nodded and made his way up to Medoh's back, wondering what Kass could possibly want. 
"I swear to Hylia if this is about earlier," he grumbled as he climbed up the beast’s walls. It was difficult to get anywhere, multiple times Link had to rely on Revali's gale to lift him to the beast’s back so he could get somewhere. That's how Link found himself almost thirty feet in the air, looking down at the blue Rito bard. "I'll be down in a second!" He called as he closed his paraglider, falling a few feet before opening the contraption again. "Hey, Kass! Did you need something?" He asked once he finally touched the back of Vah Medoh, putting the glider back in his slate once his feet were on the gorund.
Kass smiled at Link and enveloped the Hylian in a hug, his feathered wings providing a warmth Link hadn’t known he needed. Link hugged back, though he wondered what prompted the hug. Kass must've seen the confusion in Link’s face, explaining, "after you disappeared, everyone was worried that they had taken the joke too far. They've been looking for you all day." He loosened the hug, allowing Link to step back when he wanted to. 
Link looked up at the bard and hugged him tighter for a moment, before stepping away. "I've been here with Medoh the whole day. Me and the- the forest child have been repairing it. It's probably repaired enough that it can be turned on today," Link thought aloud as he mentally went over the various repairs he'd done. Medoh was much less damaged than Naboris was, though the outside had more wear than the inside did. "I'm sure if I fixed up the control unit a bit more, I could have Med running again." 
Kass gave Link a concerned look. "Are… are you sure that's wise? Vah Medoh could still be under Ganon's control. Wouldn't it be better to have the Princess or someone more familiar with the beast look over it?" He questioned, looking down at Medoh with uncertainty. While the Rito trusted Link, he wasn't sure it was a good idea to reawaken the beast, especially after what it had done to the Rito while it was running.
Stiffening, Link turned away from Kass. "Right, I forgot. Kaneli didn't give me time to explain, so you didn’t hear." He started bitterly, preparing himself to explain what happened. This was Kass, the most reasonable person he knew! Kass would never judge him for protecting Hyrule...would he? 
"After I defeated Calamity Ganon I was able to rescue the Princess’s body. Only her body. She was able to help me one last time in defeating Ganon but was already dead by the time I was able to defeat it. Meaning, the Princess is no longer alive. I learned from Lady Impa of the Sheikah that the Princess had plans for me to be king if she ever died. Kind of morbid to think about. She knew she would die so she made plans for Hyrule to be taken care of." He tried to keep his tone level as he explained, eyes firmly planted on the land he was responsible for. If his voice wobbled a few times as he spoke, no one mentioned it.
The land he would gladly die for again. He could barely see anything in the darkness of the night as well as being so high up, but he could see Hyrule Castle. The once-menacing building now held a certain air around it. With the Calamity no longer surrounding it, Link could see the building's age, could see the scars this whole mess had left on it. The green fields were barely seen over the harsh cliffs and mountains, covering the softness of the land he's grown to love.
"So no, we can't wait for the Princess to look over the beast, but I can get someone to come out and look over them in a few weeks. Someone who knows the beasts better than I do. For now, I'm only fixing them enough to check to see if the beast can still be turned on, but I'll do that tomorrow seeing how late it is." 
Silence followed the explanation. Kass must've understood he hit a nerve as he didn't say anything, instead unbuckling his concertina and playing a familiar melody. The melody of his teacher's last song. Kass hummed along with the melody, wrapping Link in a blanket of comfort he so desperately needed. 
No! I can't cry! I've already cried enough, I can't cry anymore, it's not kingly behavior.
"Kass?" Link quietly asked a few minutes later, sitting down and leaning against the bard's legs.
"Yes, Link?" He asked, looking down at the Hylian he's grown to think of as his fledgling.
"Can… Can I talk to you? About that day? You don’t have to listen to me, I should probably talk with Impa about this but I don’t think she’d understand. Not that I think you’ll understand any better but-”
He was cut off when Kass sat down next to him, letting the Hylian lean against his shoulder instead. “It’s okay Link, I’ll listen to whatever you want to tell me. You can tell me everything or you can tell me nothing. I will be here for you.” Kass said, placing his concertina on his lap and wrapping a feathered arm around his shoulders. Link leaned into Kass, closing his eyes as he took in the scent of feathers and wind. 
“I loved her, Kass. I loved her and she loved me. And I couldn’t save her. The one person I loved, and I couldn’t save her. If I can’t save the one person I love, how can I save the whole kingdom I love? I already failed this kingdom once, what if I fail everyone again? I don’t know what to do Kass, why did she choose me?" Link cried out, squeezing his eyes shut as the tears began making pathways down his cheeks. He tried so hard not to cry and here he was, crying like a baby in front of one of his best friends. 
Kass didn't answer him, only wrapping his wing tighter around the Hero. "I think you'll make an excellent king, Link. I'm sure the Princess left this all to you because she trusted you to make the right decisions for this kingdom. You won't fail this kingdom again because everyone here loves you. If you need help, I'm sure anyone would be willing to help you; be it construction, planning, repopulating, agriculture, or simply offering a warm bed for the night. You're not alone on this Link. You have a whole kingdom behind you, a whole kingdom willing to help you with anything you need."
Kass moved back slightly, making Link look up at him. A few tears escaped as his eyes were no longer holding them back. "You're not alone, Link. You'll never be alone again." He firmly stated, waiting until Link stopped crying to pull him into another hug. 
While the two hugged and cried, the four Champions sat a distance away, giving the two privacy. "Would you look at that, it seems like I don't need to waste an arrow on making him cry out his emotions." 
"Revali, shut up, please." 
"Let him be Red, I'm sure Blue Jay’s trying to keep his own tears at bay."
"I am NOT about to cry! If anything, I'm about to laugh at his weakness!"
"But weren't you the one who always got concerned when he got a new memory?"
"The big guy’s got a point, you were the last one to stop being concerned over him whenever he got a memory."
"S-Shut up! I was only- huh?" Revali stopped himself, looking over at Kass and Link when he noticed something odd. Kass was handing Link what looked like a necklace made of rope. There were three thick coils of rope tied into the main coil, each delicately braided, though the braided rope was hidden behind beautiful feathers colored the shades of sunset yellow. The necklace- no. Revali knew what that was.
Kass held out the hair ornament, holding it up for Link to see. "I'd like to tell you a story, Link. Back when the Rito were coming to terms with the rest of Hyrule, there was a Hylian. Some stories say his name was Coron, some say his name was Dampé and some say his name was Frejor.”
"In the tales where he's named Coron, he was a Hylian born with the love of flight. He'd spend days with the Rito, watching them fly and soar through the clouds. One day a monster, one we could compare to a Lynel, appeared too close to Rito village. Coron risked his life defending the village and successfully defeated the monster. Goddess Nayru looked down at Coron and gifted him the power of flight with a single feather colored after his Rito soul. While wearing the feather, Coron could turn into a Rito like he desperately desired. So the first story goes at least.”
"In the tales where he's named Dampé, he was much the same as Coron. Born with the love of flight and risking his life to defend the village he loved. But instead of succession without fail, he fell along with the monster. Goddess Farore looked down at the valiant hero and forged his soul into the shape of a feather where it would be reborn into the body of a Rito.”  
"Finally, In the tales where he's named Frejor, he was a Hylian who hated the Rito. He would go out of his way to sneer at them and insult them. Goddess Din became insulted for her sister's creations so she cursed him with becoming the very thing he hated. Only when he removed the single cursed feather would he become Hylian again, but the cursed feather was tiny and difficult to locate. He plucked himself free of every feather but could not find the cursed one. Only when he spent years with his Rito body did he realize where the feather could be hidden, but by then he came to appreciate the race he had been cursed as." 
As Kass explained the stories, he gently placed the hair ornament on Link’s head. He splayed the golden feathers of the ornament far enough apart that they could be mistaken for hair. "Kass- that's a great story but what's the reason for this gift?" Link asked, sitting still as the Rito prettied him up.
Pleased with how his work looked, Kass sat next to Link again. "Ever since then, whichever story you choose to believe, it has become a sacred honor for a Rito to bestow a feather ornament onto a Hylian. If a Rito gifts a Hylian a feather ornament in the colors of their Rito soul, which means that that Rito thinks of that Hylian not as a Hylian, but as an honorary Rito."
Link looked at Kass, tears gathering in his eyes again. "Kass, you don't mean that. You don't want me to be a part of your race, tell me you're joking." He almost pleaded, wishing this was a dream. He loved the Rito, he was incredibly honored to be considered one of them, but he wouldn't let them take him in, not when he was such a failure. He couldn't let them take in a failure that would only bring problems. "You can't possibly want me to be a part of your flock, I'm a failure to Hyru-!"
He was cut off when warm, inviting feathers wrapped around him, once again enveloping him in a hug. Kass is good at giving hugs."Welcome to the flock, Link. You'll always have a home here in Rito village."
The two stayed like that for a few more minutes, long enough for Link’s stomach to growl. He apologized, embarrassed that his forgotten lunch break caused a disturbance to a peaceful moment. 
"Not to worry, Amali and Saki prepared dinner for you. It's in the kitchen. Saki also wanted to give you something." Kass explained, releasing Link from his hug of death. Link nodded, stepping back from the Rito. 
"Thank you, Kass, I'll make sure to go see them. It was nice seeing you again," he smiled at the bard. He was truly blessed to know such wonderful people. 
Giving the Hylian a once over, Kass nodded before turning around, wings spread as he prepared to take off. "It was nice seeing you again, Link. I'll see you tomorrow." The Rito gave one last smile before tipping off the side of Vah Medoh. Link hurried over to the side and watched as Kass glided down to Rito village, lazily spiraling to wherever he planned to land. 
"Excuse me, but is no one going to talk about what we just saw?" He heard a startlingly bold voice ask from behind him
Link jumped and turned around, all four Champions were staring at him. "What do you mean?" He asked, moving away from the edge of Vah Medoh.
He was given flat glances, even Mipha gave him a look that seemed to say, 'you can't be that dense.' "Kass gave you a sacred treasure and you don't want it?!" Revali exploded, his feathers puffed up in irritation. "This sacred tradition that hasn't been performed in almost two hundred years and you! You're so selfish to not accept it?!"
"Now now boys, let's calm down and talk things through," Urbosa warned and gave the two stern glances. 
"No Urbosa! I'm tired of him breaking our traditions and cultures! First, he broke the Gerudo law, then he wore Mipha's proposal without giving an answer, then he cheated at the Goron race, and now he's refusing a sacred gift?!" The Rito fumed, turning his wrath to Urbosa before switching back to his original prey. 
"I was willing to put up with it when the others didn't mind but I won't stand for you to go and do what you want with my traditions! Why don't you want to be accepted into this flock?! Can't you see they love you?!" Revali screamed, his feathers puffed up so much he almost looked threatening. His face was now pointed downward, hiding the vulnerable look on his face. His flock never cared for him the same as this flock cared for Link and here he was, throwing away the opportunity to have a family because he was selfish and could only think of himself!
"I don't want to stain their flock with my failure. I already failed Hyrule and everyone in it, I don't want these guys to unknowingly take in a failure." He tried explaining again. Why could no one understand him? He couldn't let these innocent Rito take in the person who doomed Hyrule! 
"They don't care about that, you idiot! You told that bard all of this and he still welcomed you in! The children look up to you! Saki and Amali give you food and clothes every time you visit! Harth always helps you take care of your bows! Bedoli and Larissa always sing their family song whenever you ask them to! Teba stayed around a few minutes after you boarded Medoh to make sure you were okay! They know you failed Hyrule and they still want you to join them! Stop thinking about yourself, for one goddess damned second, and think about the others around you. For once, push yourself to the back of your mind and push this village to the front of it!" A cracked voice marked the end of the sentence, flickering flames surrounding the angered spirit. 
Right, he was only a spirit, destined to watch the world rot away into nothing with his only connection to the living being one Hylian. One selfish Hylian. "If you don't want to accept the gift because of yourself then fine, but accept it for the village. Accept it for the flock that wants you," Revali whispered before disappearing. Links soul felt a little heavier, a little more full of guilt than usual.
Mipha frowned and floated over to Link, a cold, ghostly hand resting just above his shoulder. "Don't worry, give him some time to calm down. Though it would do both of you good to apologize to each other when he comes out." She advised, her soft voice holding a stern tone to it. She glanced over her shoulder, sending a look over to the two champions behind her. 
"I'll go get the forest child, we'll be back in a few minutes," Daruk stated, disappearing in a flash of teal flames. 
A gentle shake of red caught his attention, making him turn to look at the Gerudo Chieftess. "While he was in the wrong for blowing up, he was correct on one aspect. You've broken many of our traditions and laws, though we have been able to overlook them as they weren't major or harming anyone. You should be more careful about each race's culture, things like this could start wars." 
The three stood in tense silence as they waited for Daruk and Fostri to return. Link held a hand up to his hair and ran a gentle finger over the braided ropes, his hand tensing when it drifted to the three feathers that lay in one of the coils. Was he selfish? Would they really accept him? 
He was startled out of his thoughts when an unexpected weight rested on his shoulder. He looked over and saw Fostri holding the Sheikah Slate, staring at Link’s hair. Daruk most likely told him of what happened as the Korok didn't say anything about the feathers. Link stretched his arms above his head, satisfying cracks sounding from most of his cramped limbs. He took the slate from Fostri and grabbed his paraglider before sticking it back on his hip. "Hold on tight, I'm going to jump off." He warned his Korok companion as he untied and retied the fabric of the glider. He wasn't sure if it would survive the fall. Maybe if he opened it at the last second?
Taking a quick glance at the remaining Champions, he got a running start before jumping off Vah Medoh. He let the air rip around him, his hair and clothes having a violent dance with the wind. As the ground came closer and closer, Link briefly imagined what it would feel like to die, permanently. He harshly shook those thoughts away, he could think them later when he wasn't about to become a pancake without a pan or cake. Besides, Mipha’s Grace was charged up, she wouldn’t let him die. Throwing open his paraglider, he slowly descended the last few feet he needed. Revali's Landing stood underneath him, the wood creaking under the newly added weight.
The paraglider in his hands broke as soon as he was safely on the ground. One of the support beams was snapped cleanly in half, the cloth almost falling off the opposite support beam. Link stared in shock at the now broken paraglider, the first gift he was ever given. He hesitantly ripped the cloth off the support beams and put it in his slate, wondering if the beams could be fixed, or at least repurposed. He ended up putting them in his slate too in case they had a use, something more than firewood. The cloth, he figured, could be used as a bandana or pillow cover.
The champions were quiet as he walked down the stairs to the communal kitchen, most Rito were asleep in their roosts. When he walked into the kitchen he was met with two very sleepy Rito and a warm smell in the air. "Hi Saki, hi Amali." He quietly greeted, hyper-aware of the five sleeping fledglings next to him. The two Rito chirped soft replies, the greener of the two sat up slightly and smiled at him.
"Eat dinner, we kept it warm for you. We knew you'd be back late," Amali motioned a wing to the crackling fire underneath the cookpot. The cookpot held what looked to be three servings of creamy seafood soup. The exact amount I usually eat, he thought as he got a bowl, ladle, and spoon off the cutlery shelf.
He had begun serving himself when he paused and looked up. "Are you two going to eat too?" He asked when he realized they may have made enough for all three of them to eat. Maybe Revali was right and I am selfish. I should stop thinking that everything is about me-
Amali shook her head, hiding a yawn behind a feathered hand. "We already ate, that's for you. You usually eat three servings so we made enough for you," she explained as she cuddled up to Saki, prepared to doze off again. Link was more than happy to leave the two to sleep, intending to wake them up when he was done.
Rito prefer to cuddle with strangers than sleep alone. Most Rito couples will share a hammock and siblings will sleep together when they outgrow their fledgling hammock. He recited, unaware of when he learned this information, but glad to have it. He was quick to finish his dinner, setting the dirty dishes in his slate and taking them out again. Setting the now clean dishes back on the shelf, he debated whether he should wake the two or not. Link decided not to wake them up, figuring they would rather be well-rested.
Link did, however, nudge Amali awake to tell her where he would be. It took a few gentle nudges before the Rito was aware of what was happening. "Amali, I'm going to go spend the night at the inn," he whispered so as to not wake the sleeping Rito next to her.
It was so fast that Link almost didn't believe what happened. One second he was kneeling in front of Amali and the next he was wrapped in an armful of feathers, his body half laying on Saki and half on Amali. "Why waste money when you could sleep with us. After all, Rito aren't shy about sleeping with each other." She said as she got comfortable, wrapping one arm around Links back and resting the other over his legs. Saki automatically readjusted herself too, resting both her wings on the legs that sat on her lap.
"Wait Amali, it's fine I can spend the night at the inn. You don't have to do this," he struggled to get up. The wings did a good job at pinning him down. 
Amali ignored him in favor of running her beak over Link’s hair, careful of his new hair accessory. "Good night, Link," she chirped before laying her head over Links. 
Said Hylian froze, wondering if what happened was real. He looked down at Fostri who managed to sneak his way into Link’s lap, curling up to sleep. Effectively trapped, Link had no choice but to fall asleep with the two Rito. 
When he woke up, he was still trapped underneath surprisingly heavy wings. He shifted and looked around at his surroundings, blinking when he noticed Teba, Kass, and Harth were also in the building. The three Rito were quietly chatting with each other, Teba or Kass occasionally glancing back at the three of them. Link remained leaning against Amali, too comfortable to bother getting up. He glanced down when he felt something move, noticing Fostri was beginning to wake up. He rested his hand against Fostri, feeling the Korok grab his finger as he woke up more.
"And after I sang him the song, he disappeared for a few minutes before coming out of the forest riding a buck as big as him," Kass said, eliciting quiet laughs from not only Teba and Harth, but also Saki and Amali who had woken up without Link realizing.
"Back when he went up to defeat Vah Medoh, I almost didn't want to leave him up there. He's still barely a fledgling and the thought of someone so young taking down that beast? I can't believe I let myself leave that day." Link heard Teba say. Did Teba think he was weak enough to fall to Windblight?
"Well that test you gave him wasn't much. Honestly, dear, even Tulin could shoot twenty arrows in three minutes. Especially with how skilled Link is, I'm not surprised he managed to shoot twenty targets in half a minute." Saki disapprovingly chirped, her feathered hands rubbing circles over Links ankles. 
He shifted around and let out a quiet groan, pretending that he was just waking up. Better to let them think he hadn't heard them. Fostri looked up at him before floating up from his lap, dancing over until he rested on Kass' shoulder. The bard didn't seem to mind, barely glancing at the Korok as he watched Link. Amali peered down at him, her yellow eyes keeping contact with his blue ones. "Good morning Link," she greeted and gently knocked her beak against Link’s cheek. He unconsciously returned the affection, knocking his temple against her feathered cheek. 
'Good morning's were passed around as Link sat up, saying good morning back to everyone. "Why's everyone gathered here? You guys eat breakfast at different times." He asked, hiding a yawn behind his hand. Amali gently pushed Link out of her lap, helping him stand up. Sleeping on Amali's lap was surprisingly comfortable, he felt more rested than he's ever been. 
"We wanted to check in on you. Kass told us what happened and we got worried," came Harth’s blunt reply. Blinking in surprise, Link looked over at Kass to see the blue Rito giving Harth the most disappointed look he's ever seen. 
Making sure his slate was still on his hip, Link rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. What did today's plans look like? A quick breakfast- hopefully, then try to turn Medoh on. Oh, and apologize to Revali whenever he decided to come out. Speaking of Revali, where are the other Champions? He wondered silently before turning to the five Rito. "What did Kass tell you?" He hoped Kass hadn't told them everything.
"He told us everything."
Dammit. "Everything? As in, everything, everything?" He asked to double check. No harm in knowing what they know. He should also think of what time he wanted to leave. Medoh was basically fixed up, so he could leave as soon as he turned it on, if he wanted to. 
"We know about the Princess's death, and we know you blame yourself for it. But Link, that's not your fault. If anything, it's the fault of the past king. He sent the princess and the past hero to their deaths. None of this has, or will ever be your fault, Link." Teba reassured and walked closer to Link, wings open to give him a hug. 
Link looked at Kass incredulously. He tells them everything except perhaps the most important piece of information? Link almost opened his mouth to tell them the truth, when Revali appeared next to Teba, a sharp feeling echoing in his chest at the Champion's return. "Don't, Link. Rito are close minded, they wouldn't react well if you told them you were the original Champion. It was honestly a surprise how quick they were to accept you as king, my flock never would have accepted that." Revali huffed, looking around the kitchen at the five Rito.
Defeated, Link allowed himself to be hugged again. Cursed Rito and their need to hug someone, he mentally huffed as he allowed himself to relax in the embrace. Hey, it was still a hug. He'd get those whenever he could. 
"What are your plans for today Link? Heading back up to Vah Medoh?" Kass asked as he plated- were those simmered fruits? When were those put to cook? The Champion wondered as Teba released him from his hold and sat down next to Saki, the two nuzzling each other. Fostri floated off Kass' shoulder and moved to Link’s, sitting and leaning against his head. Kass passed a bowl of the fruit to Link, grabbing another bowl to plate more fruit. 
Link held his breakfast and sat down next to the fire, enjoying the heat that radiated from it. "Well, I fixed up Vah Medoh enough to where I think it'll run again. So I plan to turn it on, do some last minute repairs then head over to Death Mountain to see the Gorons." He explained as he took a bite of the fruit. Wild berries, apples and spicy peppers, he hummed internally as he took in the flavor of the fruit. The sweetness of the berries and apples covered the spiciness of the peppers while still allowing them to warm him up. 
"Oh no you don't! You're staying for lunch at the very least!" Saki stated, a frown on her beak. Upon noticing Link’s shocked expression, she continued. "We haven't seen you in ages, at least stay for lunch when you're done with that beast." 
Shocked, Link was only able to nod in agreement. "A-Alright, I'll be back for lunch." He promised, reminding himself to come back for lunch. It took Link fifteen minutes to finish his breakfast, and he was quick to excuse himself when he was done, placing all the dirty dishes in his slate and taking them out again. 
"Revali? I'm sorry, for last night." He said when the two of them were alone next to Vah Medoh. "I didn't-" 
Revali cut him off, an annoyed sigh leaving the Rito. "Don't. I shouldn't have blown up on you like that, I was annoyed but not at you." 
"Why were you annoyed?" 
It was quiet for a few seconds. Link wondered if he should've kept his mouth shut when Revali spoke again. "My flock was never accepting of me, I always had to push myself for the smallest bit of praise. But here, you have such a loving flock that accepts whatever you say without question. They trust you. I guess… you rejecting them angered me and I blew up." He explained, becoming visibly upset before straightening again. 
"I shouldn't have pressured you to accept the gift, that was wrong of me. But don't take this as an apology, I'm simply telling you why I was upset." He huffed and turned away from Link.
A few seconds passed before a muffled laugh sounded from Link. "You have a talent for making an apology sound like an insult. I'm sorry for insulting your tradition, I'll be more careful about each race’s traditions in the future. Now, how am I supposed to get up there?" Link thought out loud. His paraglider was broken and he didn't have a fabric strong enough to withstand Revali's gale.
Fostri, who had been a little angel, spoke up this time. "That pink Rito put something in your slate before you woke up. She said it was a gift she meant to give you last night." He said and floated off Links shoulder, bouncing his way over to the Rito Champion where he proceeded to circle around Revali's head.
The slate couldn't leave his hip fast enough. Saki had taken his Sheikah Slate? He turned the slate on, immediately noticing the new item in his inventory. It was a new paraglider! Link gasped in shock, taking the glider out and holding it in front of him, slate shoved back on his hip.
This paraglider looked the same as his old one, the only difference was in the color. While his first one was maroon and white, this new one was a seamless blend of white to red. There had to have been some kind of dying process involved, there’s no way anyone would be able to cleanly combine these different colored fabrics together like this! The pattern of the original cloth stayed the same, a sorta moon shape in between two wings. The color stayed the same too, if a few shades lighter. There were seven different patterns on the moon and wings, each with different degrees of detailing. Whoever made the cloth itself clearly hadn’t created the seven different embroiders on the cloth.
Link stood in stunned silence, taking in the beautiful cloth in front of him. "Remind me to ask Saki what her favorite object is so I can get it for her." He was almost scared to use this paraglider. What if he broke it? Revali didn't give him the chance to doubt himself, creating a gale underneath Link and sending him skyward.
The glider caught the updraft and carried him up. The wooden beams felt smooth under the pressure but he could still keep a firm grip on them. In fact, this glider felt more secure than his old glider! Fostri laughed as he grabbed onto Link’s back at the last minute, his Snowquill Tunic whipping around in the air.
Eventually, Link landed on the back of Vah Medoh, the new glider safely put back into his slate. He held the slate up to the control unit, looking back to Revali. "You ready?" He asked the Rito Champion, receiving a scoff in response.
"Of course I'm ready. Seeing Urbosa mingle with Naboris has prepared me as much as possible. Get it over with so we can be done." 
Link slid the slate over the control unit. The three of them waited in tense silence as Medoh refused to wake up. Oh no, did I do something wrong? Link panicked, staring down at the control unit.
An irritated huff was heard behind him, causing Link to turn around. "Wake up Vah Medoh, quit being lazy and wake up." Revali ordered, glaring at the head of the beast. Link almost thought it wouldn't work until Vah Medoh let out a cry. He stumbled back, the ground under him shuddering slightly with the weight of turning on. "How long do you think it'll take until a Rito flies up here and sees what's going on?" A bold, feminine voice said behind him.
"Five minutes, tops. Better question is, who will come up." A jovial and loud voice replied, followed by a softer, gentler voice.
"I think Teba will check. After all, he was the one who helped take it down."
"Are you three really making a bet right now? Ridiculous." Revali shook his head, "I think that bard will show up in a minute." He smirked before he disappeared in teal flames, though those disappeared soon after as well. The sound of wings flapping was heard after a minute, the minimal wind making the sound stand out. 
Teba was the one who showed up, concern and suspicion on his face. "Link! Is everything ok? Why did Vah Medoh turn on again?" He asked and stayed far enough away to see both Vah Medoh and Link.
"Looks like Mipha guessed correctly."
"Yes, but Revali guessed when he'd appear."
"Don't worry Teba, I turned Vah Medoh on. I'll turn it off again before lunch, I wanted to see if it would actually work." Link explained, ignoring the Champions conversation. Did they do this sort of stuff all the time?
Teba looked unsure before nodding and backing away from the divine beast. "Alright, make sure you turn it off before lunch." He reminded before flying away, glancing over his shoulder once as he left.
With five hours to kill, the Champions, Fostri and Link played games and told stories around the control unit.
4 notes · View notes
cozfics · 4 months
Pspspspspsps hey you
Imagine Wild from LU with a s/o tags just stupidly cold like all the time.
Now- imagine the group happen to be travelling through a snowy area, and s/o is low-key seconds away from passing out, despite being a cocoon of jackets and scarves.
AND NOW- imagine group is attacked, s/o is pushed down a snowy hill and lose some of their jackets and blankets in the fall.
They hit their head and are unconscious, but the snow is still falling so they're slowly being burried.
Cue panicked Wild.
Where are they?
Is that them!
No, just their coat.
Fuck, their coat. Theyre cold.
Cue more panic as he searches the snow for s/o.
He eventually finds them half covered in snow, shivering and pale, lips blue.
Cue: devastation.
Wild is FREAKING OUT! He needs to figure out how to warm them up while also finding the group.
What will he do?
Will s/o survive?
Find out next time...
Whenever you decide you want to take on this request and interpret it how you like. You choose the ending!!!
This is my roundabout way of asking for a request with this scenario, please and thank you<3
- pspsps anon
Chilly Tumbles (Wild x Reader)
Word count:2.2k
Pairing:Wild x reader
CW: Heights, hitting head, blood, mentions of others going without
Notes:Sorry about the long wait, hope it's worth it I really tried hard to make it good. I was really excited about this one too, sat down and wrote it all in one sitting, which is big for me!
The cold can kiss your ass. Honestly, you felt that way most days while you bundled up in layers of clothes most people called excessive, but never have you felt the sentiment of fuck the cold than you did right now as you hiked your way up Hebra mountains alongside the boys. And quite honestly? You felt awkward next to them. Here you were bundled in a sweater, and snowquill trousers you had borrowed from Wild, (Which really meant he had thrust them into your arms, and when you had tried to reject them so he didn’t freeze his ass off he had cut you off with “They’re a spare pair.” and walking away before you could argue any longer.) A scarf, winter hat, A winter jacket from home, and gloves alongside the cold resistence elixir. (How were you still so cold?) Meanwhile, the boys were dividing their resources amongst themselves. 
The only one who was remotely close to being as bundled up as you was the sailor, and while the young hero would normally be arguing against being favored over the others he was pretty quiet. He was wrapped in the spare snowquill coat with War’s scarf wrapped around his neck. You had lent him a pair of earmuffs, which he did actually try to argue about but he stopped after you explained it wasn’t about his age. It was because he grew up in a tropical environment. And besides his ear tips were red enough to rival Legend’s tunic. He needed them.
The rest of the boys had downed elixirs and meals and divided gear amongst themselves. Legend had a ring to keep him warm. Hyrule was bundled in the warm doublet. Apparently Wild had been working on grabbing extra clothes every time he popped in his world to help in situations like this.
You were currently bringing up the rear of the group, Only Hyrule and Four lagged behind you. It had just recently started to snow, as well. You wondered if Hylia was above you, laughing as the conditions around you reached whiteout levels. The cold bit at you through your layers. You realized you couldn’t see any of the others anymore. Before you could open your mouth a voice cut through the wind.
“We need to stick close. It’s getting bad out here. Wild is there anywhere we can take shelter until the blizzard blows over?” Time questioned, taking charge. You took his speaking as an opportunity to catch up to the bulk of the group. It seems Four and Hyrule had the same idea so now at least you were all together.
Wild had pulled out his sheikah slate, tapping away. “Nowhere we’d get to before the storm blows over, or without severely backtracking.” He responded after a minute. Time stood, obviously mulling over the choices he had.
“I will say, if we backtrack and come get these monsters another time, there’s still a chance this will happen again.”Wild put his slate back on his belt.
“And we’ve used a lot of resources to get this far..” Warriors remarked. That seemed to be enough for Time to give in and sigh.
“We’ll keep heading towards the peak then. Everyone stick close. Captain stick towards the back and make sure no one falls behind.”
With the decision to continue having been made, You pressed on. You hunched over, trying to stay as warm as possible. You were starting to vibrate with shivers as the temperature just kept dropping. How could the others be so…. Unbothered by this? It baffled you. It seemed like you would have quite some time to let your mind dwell on the question. You guys still had about a day's journey left to get to the supposed group of black-blooded monsters.
Within about an hour the wind had picked up loud enough that you couldn’t hear the crunching of snow. Or the cry of a startled Warriors as he was attacked. The cold and wind however didn’t keep you from feeling an impact to your side. You were caught unaware, launched in a direction. You managed to land on your feet, but there was something else the snow would hide from you it seemed. Where the ground was stable. Your foot slipped and the rocks under your good foot gave out. You would say you were approaching the ground at a rapid rate but quite honestly you had no idea as you tumbled down the side of the cliff. Pain erupted in your right shoulder as you slammed against a rock jutting out from the side of the mountain. You were relieved for a moment when you felt your fall slow, only to just barely have enough time to realize your jacket got caught on another rock. The rock ripped your jacket, leaving you to tumble out of it.
As if that wasn’t enough pain blossomed from your head as you hit it against the mountain. Then nothing.
The silver lynel had blended in with the blizzard. The boys hadn’t seen it till it was right on top of them. The really bizarre part was it was horridly out of its territory. Or at least that’s what Wild kept trying to insist to his teammates between dodging hits. Wind and Hyrule had sustained injuries leaving them out of commission for the fight already. Wild was trying to get enough distance to release some arrows into the damn thing's head. The only issue was that if he got far enough away that the attack would be effective, he wouldn’t be able to see the lynel.
Wild rolled to the side as the lynel took aim toward the skies to shoot arrows into the sky. Legend had (Dangerously And stupidly) Taken this chance to get close and slash the hoof of the beast. Wild bit back an annoyed groan as black oozed out. Well, that explains the abnormal behavior at least. The creature charged, slashing his sword at Wild, but his footing slipped. Wars, Legend, Wild, and Time all spotted the opportunity to attack the lynel, slashing at his back, his chest, and his hooves. Sky stabbed the monster's side and it let out a furious roar, rearing up as the boys scattered again. Wild didn’t like this. Thanks to the blizzard he couldn’t make out his brothers while they fought. One of them could be injured and no one would know. They would just have to hope that one of the others ran by them during the fight. That's how he found out about Wind and Hyrule.
Thinking on that when was the last time he saw Four… or you for that matter? He didn’t have much time to think about that as the lynel breathed fire his way and he had to quickly leap out of range. Yes! That’s the kind of opening he was waiting for! He took a running start and pulled out his paraglider to boost himself up into the air. With his newfound distance, he pulled out a bow and notched an arrow as he took aim. He released the string to fire the arrow right in the lynels head. The beast whipped its head and let out a pained roar, stumbling. Wild watched as his brothers seized the opportunity and ran in to beat the creature up a little more. Well, that answered where Four was. Wild hoped you were just tending to the injured.
Wild watched as the creature swung at Sky, sending him flying. Damn it! He was starting to get desperate. He watched the Lynel stumble from its leg injuries. Wild, who to be fair is known for being reckless, raced for the opening, launching himself on the lynels back. He mounted the lynel, slashing at it repeatedly. His brothers moved in again, using the distraction to their advantage. This time the beast crumpled. It stopped moving, finally dead.
“What in the goddesses' names were you thinking Wild! Do you know how dangerous that was! You could have died!”Twi was marching over.
“I knew what I was doing. I’ve done it tons of times before” Wild remarked.
“Not on a black-blooded Lynel”
“It’s my Hyrule. I knew how to handle it. The fight couldn’t drag on any longer, our elixirs will be wearing off soon.” Wild insisted. Twi seemed like he wanted to continue but Time interrupted. 
“It’s already done now. No point in fighting over it. We have injuries to attend to and potions to be handed out.”
Wild nodded. The snow was finally starting to let up. One thing that he noticed incredibly quickly was that you were nowhere to be seen. He started off walking around calling for you, but when he got no response it turned to frenzied running. Still nothing. He ran over to the others. Wild told them he was going to look for you and tossed some cold resistance elixirs their way before leaving to look for you. He didn’t give them a chance to object to his ideas, which they absolutely would have.
It didn’t take long for his search to lead him to the edge of a cliff. Oh no… He could see exactly where you slipped off. He started climbing down. Okay, okay this is fine. He’ll find you. You… you probably just found a cave to stay in.., Yeah! Wild finished climbing down the wall and started wading in the waist-high snow, calling for you. It was honestly really freaking him out that he couldn’t see ANY trace of you in the snow. He kept on walking.
A sudden thought hit Wild. Oh no... Your cold resistance elixir had to have worn off by now. You were probably freezing. He had to find you, and now! Wild perked up when he saw a flash of color in the distance. Ah! There you were! He began to race over, sloshing through the snow and nearly tripping over his own two feet in the process. After reaching his goal (And only face-planting in the snow a single time mind you!) He was all ready to celebrate and wrap you in a hug…. Except... It wasn’t you. It was just your damn coat… Your damn ruined and ripped coat. That you had to be freezing without. Aw for fucks sake! Why can’t things ever go to plan? Or well, Wild isn’t exactly known to plan. Ugh, why can’t things ever go to impulse! Okay, this is fine. Just a person lost on a snowy mountaintop, freezing to death. No pressure here Wild. He took in a deep breath and continued his search, not like there was much else he could do.
Wild kept himself busy scanning over the snow for any signs of you. It was the only thing keeping him from breaking something in frustration. Ah! There! He rushed over when he saw it. A place where something had obviously disturbed the snow. Even the blizzard couldn’t hide it. He made it over and started desperately digging, flinging the snow behind him like a dog digging a hole. The man seemed feral in his desperation. There you are! Lips blue and no longer shivering. But the good news is you were still breathing. Wild let out a sigh of relief. He began to check you over and he quickly noticed, that your head was bleeding. The snow around your head had turned red. There was no way he could take you up to the others, and he had no way to wake you up at the moment later. 
Honestly, both were problems he could face later, right now Wild had to find a way to warm you up so you even could wake up. Thankfully he had explored many nooks and crannies in his time here. There was a tiny cave nearby, nowhere near big enough to hold ten people, but it could easily house two people and a fire. He began to carry you that way.
Once you arrived in the cave Wild set you down and began to work on his fire. He kept you a decent distance from it. Warming you up too fast would threaten to put you into shock, and he knew you were deep into the stages of hypothermia. You’d be lucky if you lost nothing to frostbite quite honestly. The next thing he got started on was removing your wet layers to keep you from getting too cold. Of course, letting you warm up would have been easy, and nothing in any Link’s life was ever easy. So while he was trying to help you warm up, the world seemed to rumble.
Wild drew his sword, ready to fight whatever was stupid enough to try to attack him. As he got ready to leave the cave the world grew dark. You were snowed in. There had been an avalanche, and you were nearly dying from hypothermia. And no one knew where you or Wild were…. He sat down with his head in his hand to ponder the situation for a few moments, before moving to lay next to you, pulling you close to his chest to try to warm you up.  In this moment the only thing Wild could think of was how glad he was that there was a hole in the ceiling of the cave so he didn’t have to put out the fire. 
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herstarlitdreams · 1 year
Breath of the Wild: All Armor
Use ctrl + f or cmd + f on desktop to search for your armor piece to see if it's a part of a set and what you need to upgrade it!
A Well-Worn Outfit Old Shirt + Well-Worn Trousers Set Bonus: None Cannot Be Upgraded
Stealth Set Stealth Mask + Stealth Chest Guard + Stealth Tights Set Bonus: Night Speed Up ★ Blue Nightshade x3 ★★ Blue Nightshade x5, Sunset Firefly x5 ★★★ Silent Shroom x8, Sneaky River Snail x5 ★★★★ Stealthfin Trout x10, Silent Princess x5
Flamebreaker Set Flamebreaker Helm + Flamebreaker Armor + Flamebreaker Boots Set Bonus: Fireproof ★ Fireproof Lizard x3, Moblin Horn x3 ★★ Fireproof Lizard x5, Moblin Fang x5 ★★★ Smotherwing Butterfly x5, Moblin Guts x3 ★★★★ Smotherwing Butterfly x8, Hinox Guts x5
Zora Set Zora Helm + Zora Armor + Zora Greaves Set Bonus: Swim Dash Stamina Up ★ Lizalfos Horn x3 ★★ Lizalfos Talon x5, Hyrule Bass x5 ★★★ Lizalfos Tail x5, Hearty Bass x5 ★★★★ Lizalfos Tail x10, Opal x15
Snowquill Set Snowquill Headdress + Snowquill Tunic + Snowquill Trousers Set Bonus: Unfreezable ★ Red Chuchu Jelly x3 ★★ Red Chuchu Jelly x5, Warm Safflina x3 ★★★ Fire Keese Wing x8, Sunshroom x5 ★★★★ Red Lizalfos Tail x10, Ruby x10
Hylian Set Hylian Hood + Hylian Tunic + Hylian Trousers Set Bonus: None ★ Bokoblin Horn x5 ★★ Bokoblin Horn x8, Bokoblin Fang x5 ★★★ Bokoblin Fang x10, Bokoblin Guts x5 ★★★★ Bokoblin Guts x15, Amber x30
Gerudo Clothes Gerudo Veil + Gerudo Top + Gerudo Sirwal Set Bonus: Heat Resistance Cannot Be Upgraded
Climbing Set Climber's Bandanna + Climbing Gear + Climbing Boots Set Bonus: Climbing Jump Stamina Up ★ Keese Wing x3, Rushroom x3 ★★ Electric Keese Wing x5, Hightail Lizard x5 ★★★ Ice Keese Wing x5, Hot-Footed Frog x10 ★★★★ Fire Keese Wing, Swift Violet x20
Desert Voe Set Desert Voe Headband + Desert Voe Spaulder + Desert Voe Trousers Set Bonus: Shock Damage Resist ★ White Chuchu Jelly x3 ★★ White Chuchu Jelly x5, Ice Keese Wing x3 ★★★ Ice Keese Wing x8, Icy Lizalfos Tail x3 ★★★★ Icy Lizalfos Tail x10, Sapphire x5
Soldier's Set Soldier's Helm + Soldier's Armor + Soldier's Greaves Set Bonus: None ★ Chuchu Jelly x5, Bokoblin Guts x3 ★★ Keese Wing x5, Moblin Guts x3 ★★★ Lizalfos Tail x5, Hinox Guts x3 ★★★★ Lynel Hoof x4, Lynel Guts x2
Barbarian Set Barbarian Helm + Barbarian Armor + Barbarian Leg Wraps Set Bonus: Charge ATK Stamina Up ★ Lynel Horn x3 ★★ Lynel Horn x5, Lynel Hoof x5 ★★★ Lynel Hoof x8, Lynel Guts (x3 for Leg Wraps) ★★★★ Lynel Guts x10, Shard of Dinraal's Horn (Helm)/Farosh's Horn (Armor)/Naydra's Horn (Leg Wraps)
Rubber Set Rubber Helm + Rubber Armor + Rubber Tights Set Bonus: Unshockable ★ Yellow Chuchu Jelly x3 ★★ Yellow Chuchu Jelly x5, Voltfruit x5 ★★★ Zapshroom x5, Yellow Lizalfos Tail x5 ★★★★ Yellow Lizalfos Tail x10, Topax x10
Radiant Set Radiant Mask + Radiant Shirt + Radiant Tights Set Bonus: Bone ATK Up/Blend in with Stal Enemies ★ Luminous Stone x5, Bokoblin Guts x3 ★★ Luminous Stone x8, Moblin Guts x3 ★★★ Luminous Stone x10, Molduga Guts x3 ★★★★ Luminous Stone x20, Lynel Guts x3
Ancient Set Ancient Helm + Ancient Cuirass + Ancient Greaves Set Bonus: Ancient Proficiency ★ Ancient Screw x5, Ancient Spring x5 ★★ Ancient Spring x15, Ancient Gear x10 ★★★ Ancient Shaft x15, Ancient Core x5 ★★★★ Star Fragment x3, Giant Ancient Core x3
Dark Set Dark Hood + Dark Tunic + Dark Trousers Set Bonus: Night Speed Up Cannot be Upgraded
Hero of the Wild Set Cap of the Wild + Tunic of the Wild + Trousers of the Wild Set Bonus: Master Sword Beam Up ★ Acorn x10, Farosh's Scale x2 (Cap)/Naydra's Scale x2 (Tunic)/Dinraal's Scale x2 (Trousers) ★★ Courser Bee Honey x5, Farosh's Claw x2 (Cap)/Naydra's Claw x2 (Tunic)/Dinraal's Claw x2 (Trousers) ★★★ Energetic Rhino Beetle x5, Farosh's Fang x2 (Cap)/Naydra's Fang x2 (Tunic)/Dinraal's Fang x2 (Trousers) ★★★★ Star Fragment, Farosh's Horn x2 (Cap)/Naydra's Horn x2 (Tunic)/Dinraal's Horn x2 (Trousers)
Salvager Set Salvager Headwear + Salvager Vest + Salvager Trousers Set Bonus: Swim Dash Stamina Up Cannot Be Upgraded
Phantom Ganon Set Phantom Ganon Skull + Phantom Ganon Armor + Phantom Ganon Greaves Set Bonus: Bone ATK Up/Blend in with Stal Enemies Cannot Be Upgraded
Phantom Set Phantom Helmet + Phantom Armor + Phantom Greaves Set Bonus: None Cannot Be Upgraded
Tingle's Set Tingle's Hood + Tingle's Shirt + Tingle's Tights Set Bonus: Night Speed Up Cannot Be Upgraded
Royal Guard Set Royal Guard Cap + Royal Guard Uniform + Royal Guard Boots Set Bonus: Charge ATK Stamina Up/Climbing Jump Stamina Up/Swim Dash Stamina Up Cannot Be Upgraded
Hero of Time Set Cap of Time + Tunic of Time + Trousers of Time Set Bonus: None ★ Amber x3, Star Fragment ★★ Amber x5, Star Fragment x2 ★★★ Amber x15, Star Fragment x3 ★★★★ Amber x30, Star Fragment x4
Hero of Winds Set Cap of the Wind + Tunic of the Wind + Trousers of the Wind Set Bonus: None ★ Opal x3, Star Fragment ★★ Opal x5, Star Fragment x2 ★★★ Opal x10, Star Fragment x3 ★★★★ Opal x20, Star Fragment x4
Hero of Twilight Set Cap of Twilight + Tunic of Twilight + Trousers of Twilight Set Bonus: None ★ Topaz, Star Fragment ★★ Topaz x3, Star Fragment x2 ★★★ Topaz x5, Star Fragment x3 ★★★★ Topaz x10, Star Fragment x4
Hero of the Sky Set Cap of the Sky + Tunic of the Sky + Trousers of the Sky Set Bonus: None ★ Sapphire, Star Fragment ★★ Sapphire x3, Star Fragment x2 ★★★ Sapphire x5, Star Fragment x3 ★★★★ Sapphire x10, Star Fragment x4
Hero Set Cap of the Hero + Tunic of the Hero + Trousers of the Hero Set Bonus: None ★ Ruby, Star Fragment ★★ Ruby x3, Star Fragment x2 ★★★ Ruby x5, Star Fragment x3 ★★★★ Ruby x10, Star Fragment x4
Fierce Deity Set Fierce Deity Mask + Fierce Deity Armor + Fierce Deity Boots Set Bonus: None ★ Hinox Toenail x5, Farosh's Scale (Boots)/Naydra's Scale (Armor)/Dinraal's Scale (Mask) ★★ Hinox Tooth x5, Farosh's Claw (Boots)/Naydra's Claw (Armor)/Dinraal's Claw (Mask) ★★★ Hinox Guts x5, Shard of Farosh's Fang (Boots)/Shard of Naydra's Fang (Armor)/Shard of Dinraal's Fang (Mask) ★★★★ Lynel Guts x5, Shard of Farosh's Horn (Boots)/Shard of Naydra's Horn (Armor)/Shard of Dinraal's Horn (Mask)
Other Armor (with Upgrades)
Champion's Tunic ★ Silent Princess x3 ★★ Silent Princess x3, Shard of Farosh's Horn x2 ★★★ Silent Princess x3, Shard of Naydra's Horn x2 ★★★★ Silent Princess x3, Shard of Dinraal's Horn x2
Other Armor (No Upgrades)
Amber Earrings
Opal Earrings
Topaz Earrings
Sapphire Circlet
Ruby Circlet
Diamond Circlet
Thunder Helm
Bokoblin Mask
Lizalfos Mask
Moblin Mask
Lynel Mask
Korok Mask
Midna's Helmet
Majora's Mask
Ravio's Hood
Zant's Helmet
Nintendo Switch Shirt
Warm Doublet
Island Lobster Shirt
Sand Boots
Snow Boots
Shiek's Mask
Vah Ruta Divine Helm
Vah Rudania Divine Helm
Vah Naboris Divine Helm
Vah Medoh Divine Helm
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rosebramblewolf · 11 months
i finally have my standard outfit for exploring again: desert voe headband, climbing gear, snowquill trousers. i need mats and cash for more upgrades but that will come in time
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cinnamonpretzelboy · 1 year
Just a reminder for stuff to draw for a au later:
Link’s aliases
Link: basically same appearance as breath of the wild but slightly more tan and hair a shade lighter and not tied back looks late teens early 20s. Mainly seen in central hyrule and the plateau but rare sightings around the lost woods, usually seen in champions tunic and hylian trousers and Rito headdress , only really seen using a bow
Arn: slightly taller than Link, red eyes brown same hair color as sheik, paler complexion than in game Link looks late 20s early 30s. Mainly seen in Lanayru and necluda with rare sightings of him at lake hylia and eastern central hyrule, usually wearing knights greaves and chest plate with sheikah scarf, seen using a spear and sword and shield
Brook: slightly shorter than average gerudo adult, brown eyes, black hair, short beard, looks mid to late 30s most visibly strong of Link’s aliases with a bulkier frame, mainly seen in ancient chest plate climbers bandana and hylian trousers but will switch out ancient chest for flame breaker on occasion and hylian pants for snowquill in other occasions, mainly seen using heavy weapons (hammers, greatswords, etc) mainly seen in northern hyrule with focus on akkala northern border of hyrule and also seen in the tabantha tundra
Madius: tall for a hylian, grey eyes that sometimes look glowing white, white hair, looks mid 20s or late 40s there is no in between, slim frame. Mainly uses rods or just straight up magic (mix of champions abilities and stuff seen performed by other heroes [dins fire as just shooting fire from his hands to name one]) Mainly seen in western hyrule from just above the gerudo highlands (around lake Illumeni to the southern base of the hebra range but will go into hebra if someone needs help. Wears snowboots snowquil tunic and a hood over ruby earrings but will occasionally switch out snowboots for hylian trousers
“Faron”: nobody knows the actual name of this Alia’s because he won’t communicate in anything other than a grunt or a headshake red hair, gerudo skin tone, red eyes seen in southern hyrule through the desert wastes and the jungles. In the jungles and beaches wears barbarian armor died green with pieces of zora armor attached (the silver pieces so shoulderguards shin guards etc.) in the desert seen wearing sand boots a light cloak to keep the sun off of him desert voe arm bracers and shoulder piece over the radiant shirt with ruby earrings (the cloak mentioned is basically a placeholder as the I can’t remember the actual name of what I’m thinking of)
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zeldamnonanza · 5 years
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I couldn’t decide which one i liked better, so i’m just gonna post all three. 
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argetcross · 7 years
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“Let your lionheart cleave the waves. Brother, you will return, in the breaking light.”  - Vienna Teng
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raviotherabbit · 2 years
Eight Days of Candles (And One Extra for Good Measure) - Prelude
Prelude Sundown is a persistent tradition in Hyrule, spanning back millennia, to ages long since past. And of course, when you’re on a time traveling journey like the heroes of Courage are, you get to experience it in quite a few new ways.
[next] [read it on ao3!]
“No! No no no no NO!”
Twilight sighs as he watches Legend’s latest and most impressive temper tantrum. He drums his fingers on the wooden bedframe of their room at the inn, regretting so terribly choosing to room with Wild and Legend.
“Come on, it doesn’t have to be these,” Wild pulls up their Snowquill Trousers from the year before. “Just something to cover up with.”
“No way,” Legend crosses his arms, tapping his foot in annoyance. “I’m not covering up for your modesty standards, or whatever.”
Wild gasps indignantly, their free hand clutching at their shirt above their chest. “How dare you.”
“This isn’t about modesty, Leg,” Twilight tries to mediate. “It’s about not freezing to death.” He pushes himself off the leftmost bed, moving to examine the options Wild has laid out for Legend. Honestly, it seems like Wild has been a bit too lenient with their choses. With a scowl, he tosses the Desert Voe Trousers to the side.
“Hey! Stop that!” Wild dives to pick up their trousers, just in time to get hit in the face by the Stealth Tights.
“He might as well be wearing nothing if he wears these.” Twilight picks up the Barbarian Trousers, eying them with disgust. “Seriously? These are shorts.”
“If he doesn’t have options like this, he isn’t going to choose anything!” Wild argues.
“Stop talking about me like I’m not here!” Legend interjects. “I’m not wearing any of these!”
“Fine!” Wild throws their hands into the air, before grumbling to themself, “It was only temporary, anyway…”
Legend raises an eyebrow at that. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, I’m just saying,” Wild folds the clothes Twilight threw on the ground, pretending to ignore Legend’s scrutinizing gaze. “If you want your Sundown gift…” They hold up their spare set of Hylian Trousers.
“Wait,” Legend blinks in surprise. “You got me a Sundown gift?”
“Of course I did,” Wild asserts, a smirk on their face. “I got one for all of you.”
“I did too, actually,” Twilight says. “I mean, I’m still working on Wind’s. But you didn’t forget, did you?”
“No!” Legend snaps defensively. “I actually already have most of yours…”
“Aw, how sweet,” Wild snarks, tossing their Hylian Trousers right at Legend. “Now wear these, or you’ll be an icicle before the first night!”
Legend looks between the pants and Wild, before finally sighing. “Alright, you win. I like presents.”
“Ah, the only thing that can triumph over Legend’s pantslessness,” Twilight remarks as he lays back on the bed. “His greed.”
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aarons-main-blog · 3 years
Things about Fierce Deity!Wild:
Wild put on the mask, and due to a combination of him being already more than half insane, having a whole lot of space due to not having any memories aside from ones he made (and possibly the 13 memories), and being unwilling to die more out of pure SPITE than anything else, the mask only filled in gaps in him but was unable to convert him fully into the Fierce Deity entity. Instead, it acts as a power boost. He doesn't see any reason to take it off, and instead can just take off the armour and replace it with other sets.
His meeting with the group is sometime after beating the calamity, maybe 1-3 months.
Wild has worn the mask for a really long time, so his appearance and the Fierce Deity's have started to merge. 
His hair is a mix of blond and white, but not in a 50/50 split way. Different parts of his hair are clumps of white or blond strands. His hair style is in his LU form, for simplicity reasons.
He wears a black Hylian hood with an extension (not as far down as assassins creed) to cover his face from the sun, but that also has the effect of making his face dark and mysterious. Win-win for him! His eyes are a blank white, but if he focuses hard enough he can change their color temporarily and/or make them glow. The markings on his face are the same as they are on the mask. The white hood is stored in the Sheikah slate. 
He doesn't feel entirely worthy of the champion's tunic, so he usually wears either the dark green Hylian tunic, or the full armor set of whatever "fits" the scenario, such as the full rubber set during a thunderstorm (because he already returned the thunder helm), the desert voe set in the desert, or the armor set from a village (such as stealth in Kakariko village, snowquill set in Rito village, ect.) The fierce deity armor is in the Sheikah slate.
He just wears Hylian trousers. The fierce deity boots are in the Sheikah slate.
If he knows he's going into a battle situation, he switches to the Fierce Deity set before hand.
Other things! (Will 100% be extended / changed later)
He either acts like a leader, would give someone an indepth explanation on how to launch yourself over a wall with a bomb and a shield, looks like he's about to commit arson, or scare the $#it out of people for fun, depending on his mood or just randomly. 
Can't think of more at the moment, but I will be back to update this!
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anthropophagay · 3 years
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finally got around to remaking Zet's full body after wanting to for literal ages, lol
ended up going in a completely different direction with his color palette than i meant to, but i really like it!
anyways, there's some build info and fun facts under the cut if you wanna check em out 👇
Pescatarian (Only vegetable/mushroom/fish meals. No red meats or poultry. Milk and eggs are fine tho.)
Bows > Swords > Spears > Clubs > All two-handed weapons.
The only elixir he makes are Fairy Tonics.
Realistically, he'll use whatever he can get his hands on, but he does have a preference for specific weapons/shields/ammo.
Phrenic Bow > Soldier's Bow > Forest Dweller's Bow
Frostblade > Eightfold Blade > Forest Dweller's Sword
Frostspear > Serpentine Spear Forest Dweller's Spear
Shield of Mind's Eye > Forest Dweller's Shield > Radiant Shield
Ice Arrows > Shock Arrows > Regular Arrows
NORMAL: Hylian Hood (red), Stealth Armor (white), Royal Guard Boots
COLD: Snowquill Headdress/Tunic (red), Royal Guard Boots
HEAT: Desert Voe Headband (red), Stealth armor (white), Desert Voe Trousers (red)
(i already posted some of these verbatim on another piece of art, but fuck it, lol)
ENFP-T (VERY emotional and tends to let them get the better of him.)
Carries several journals/sketchbooks with him, one for each different type of information he catalogues (Flora, Fauna, Ancient Tech, Monsters, etc.)
Zet's a homeless wanderer, so he scavenges and takes up odd jobs whenever he can to make his living. He doesn't stay in one place for too long, but he frequents towns, stables, and hot springs (I found an unnamed(?) hot spring that I have dubbed "Zet's Spot", because I think he'd set up a more semi-permanant camp there).
The opal earrings Zet has were a gift/reward for completing a quest (not the one in Gerudo Town, though, since he's not allowed in.)
Zet is Not well suited to be living in the wilds of Hyrule, but he's learning! It's hard to be good at something so difficult when you were raised having everyone do essentially everything for you.
A pacifist to a fault, he really dislikes fighting. Zet oftentimes gets beaten up pretty bad by monsters because of it, and is constantly covered in bandages and bruises, and has even broken bones on occasion as a result. If he sees other people in danger, however, he'll raise his sword to their aid.
He's also an altruist to a fault, he'll give up anything he can and then some, and ends up neglecting his own well-being.
His favorite foods are Seafood Paella, Fish Pie, Creamy Heart Soup, Wildberry Crêpes, and Energizing Honey Candy.
Constantly grimy because he is always out and about, but he does bathe and wash his armor at hot springs when he stops by.
He prefers to visit cold (Hebra, Tabantha) and/or temperate (Faron, E. Necluda, Lanayru) locations opposed to hot ones (Gerudo Wasteland), and he downright despises visiting Eldin. He knows the Forbidden Forest like the back of his hand, as well.
Once he gets the money/materials, Zet would upgrade to ancient tools/armor.
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Ruffled Feathers
Link: I gotta tell ya, these Snowquill trousers are something else. The Rito feathers inside feel so warm and snug!
Mipha: I know, right! I could spend the rest of my life in those fine feathers.
Link: What
Mipha: What
Revali.exe has stopped working
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ridetherain · 3 years
Febuwhump Day 2
Febuwhump Day 2: "I can't take this anymore"
Rating: T
Words: 946
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Summary: Link can barely handle the cold of the Spring of Power.
A chill breeze raced through my hair and down the back of my shirt. It stuck between my outermost layer of fabric and the heavy weight of chainmail but I could barely feel it on my back. My feet were stuck in warm boots that I maintained carefully. I've re-soled them twice, and I brush the dirt and mud from them each night. I also have warm socks made from wool harvested by the tenants on my land. It's high-quality wool and dyed a fitting forest green in honor of my patron Goddess. Most of my clothing is dyed green in honor of Farore. I think my mother finds it funny to deck me out in green when I've told her I prefer blue.
All of my heavy garments protect me from the biting air and the cold stone leeching heat below. It makes my task of guarding the Princess worse. If it helped anything, I would take it all off. I would wear the light Gerudo silk trousers I acquired on our last visit and go entirely shirtless. I would let the cold air sap the warmth from my skin if it meant I could wrap her in my Snowquill coat and pull her out of the water sooner.
Her shivers caused never-ending ripples on the surface of the spring water. Long hair brushed the top of the water,  slowly soaking upward towards her head. When it reaches her scalp, she will begin to shudder violently with cold. She will insist on continuing her prayers with a damp crown and will catch a cold. I will beg and plead with her in my mind while saying absolutely nothing because it is not my place to offer salvation. She will become sick and withdrawn after catching cold. I will warm her with my body against all the rules of propriety while we race back to the castle. I have planned for her sickness this time and left her horse, Tempest, at a nearby stable. Instead, we will travel back together on Epona and share my body heat. I will sweat in my heavy garments until then to ensure that I am hot to the touch when the time comes.
Zelda takes a shuddering breath behind me when the next breeze sweeps through the spring. Her dress will be soaked to the top by now. It has three layers of white fabric. I've washed it several times while she's been delirious after praying and I have cataloged its deficiencies. The innermost layer will soak through first and stick to her cold skin. It's the thinnest and softest layer. Designed to be comfortable against the skin for long periods of time and therefore soaks up water like a sponge. It will become heavy. The outer layers will take longer to become damp. The water will seep up the bottom three or four inches quickly. Her little movements in the water will shuffle her dress in and out of the water so it will saccharate quickly and thoroughly. It won't soak through all the way to the collar of the dress. Instead, it will just look damp and prevent warmth from reaching the inner layers when she sits by the fire. It has no sleeves which will keep her arms mostly dry, but also won't protect her from the chill of the air when dusk comes and night falls. I will never survive our trip to the Spring of Wisdom. I will commit treason by refusing to let her sink into the cold waters atop a snowy mountain. I will commit treason tonight to drag her out of the waters. The only thing holding me back is knowing that pulling her from the water will require that I get wet and physically drag her from the Goddess. If I get wet then I will be cold and I won't be able to warm her. She could die.
My sword rings in the silence when I slide it into its scabbard. Zelda doesn't turn to me or cease praying.  The flint is warm from being pressed against my leg in my pouch. It's easy to coax a small flame into existence and build it into a friendly cooking fire. My pouch was stuffed with spicy food to cook for the Princess. I roll out a blanket and her clothing next to the fire just out of reach of the flames. Little riceballs with spicy peppers are warming on a stick when I finally turn to look at the Princess for the first time.
She's shuddering in huge wracking quakes. Her face is wet with tears that I'm certain she isn't aware are spilling from her eyes. Her hair is soaked to the roots and her dress is translucent in the moonlight. Every breeze threatens to tip her into the dark water.
Enough is enough. I cannot take it anymore. I drop my baldric and sword to the ground. I strip my sturdy boots and warm socks off my feet and tear the tunic and mail and undershirt from my back. I strip out of my trousers so that there is nothing left but my pants to protect my modesty. She would care about that.
I wade into the waters. It's like ice in the pool. My muscles seize in protest and I walk as quickly as the water allows me to grab at the Princess. She tries to struggle, but really it's hardly noticeable around the trembling of her body. Her voice is gone and I think she's sick already.
Saving her is worth the danger, and the treason, and the beheading, and the damnation. It is worth the cold.
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