#so Daddy Mine here is a song and it's sealed with a kiss
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I used to think that happy endings were only in the books I read but you made me feel alive when I was almost dead…
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majestyeverlasting · 3 years
Till Dawn
Duo: Dad!Bucky x Eden (age 7 in this)
Summary: Bucky and Eden have the house to themselves because you and Jamie (James Jr.) are away for the night. Bedtime ends up getting pushed back because she starts playing music and wants him to dance with her. The opportunity is one Bucky can't pass up. Contains cute daddy-daughter moments.
Prompt 5: “No, keep dancing. Please?
Prompt 11: "Can I have one more hug before you go?"
A/N: I decided to write something quick using two of the prompts from my fluffy prompt list for Bucky. I'm still chugging through everyone else's requests as well, and I will be posting more very soon. School has started back for me (sophomore year @ uni) which equals oof, but it's all good at the same time. Thank you so much for all the support and patience! :) -Hannah
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There was a stillness to the atmosphere until a strong melody rang out. The sound was muffled due to the walls and slight distance of its origin. But as Bucky stood brushing his teeth, he could tell it was the intro to a song—an old pop song—even over the sound of running water. As the singer’s voice flowed into the first verse, he moved to begin rinsing his mouth in the least sloppy way he could manage. Eden was supposed to be getting ready for bed just as he was. Part of him wondered if he’d been wrong not to hover over and make sure she didn’t get drawn off track. Hurrying through his night routine wasn’t something he’d anticipated that night, but it’s what found himself doing.
As soon as he located his daughter, he threw his hands up. It wasn’t an overly dramatic gesture, but it was enough to communicate that he was a bit thrown off by what was going on. It was rather peculiar for a seven-year-old to be up blasting music on a Friday night. At bedtime, no less. Bucky went to turn the speaker down a couple of notches. “Aren’t you supposed to be brushing your teeth?”
“I already did—see?” She smiled to show him. “And my breath is minty. Wanna come check?”
That drew a laugh out of him, a quick huff of air through his nose. “It’s fine. If you’re lying, they’re gonna be your cavities, not mine. What are you in here doing, anyway?” He ran a hand through his hair and watched the almost comical way she shrugged. “Well, you’re supposed to be winding down for bed, silly.”
But even Bucky couldn’t deny that the music was cultivating a somewhat energic charge within the air. One that made it impossible to be frustrated or annoyed. Or ready for bed, for that matter. There was even more of a buzz in the room as the song continued to build. Rather than insisting they wrapped things up, Bucky was curious to see if his daughter would attempt to further explain herself or do something else characteristically Eden.
What he wasn’t expecting was for her to extend her hands for him to take. “Wanna dance?” It was a simple question, and there was a twinkle in her eyes that made it impossible to say no.
So, just like that, they let themselves to get lost. Bucky took her smaller hands in his and allowed her to bounce around and begin swinging their arms, leaving him no choice but to move too. She began singing along to the lyrics and gazing up at him with the brightest smile. There was nothing in the world quite like her happiness. It touched him in a way that no words could explain. When the chorus came in with deeper bass, she broke away. Twirling and letting her arms catch the air. For a sliver of time, Bucky allowed himself to sway and bob his head. But then he stopped to watch her. Surely, she was joy in human form.
She didn’t notice his eyes on her at first. But when she did, she slowed down. “Daddy, no, keep dancing. Please? We’re supposed to be rocking out together.” That request coming from her lips was yet another thing he couldn’t say no to.
Another song came on, and then another. The whole while, they were enjoying each other's company. Bucky wanted to seal the night in a jar and keep tucked away where it would never be forgotten. And soon, the sound of their laughter was the only one filling the air. The playlist had ended. Bucky’s heart was full as Eden sighed and wrapped her arms around his waist. She nuzzled into him for a moment before propping her chin on his stomach to look up at him. There was something hopeful in her gaze and as easy as it would’ve been to entertain it, Bucky was afraid he couldn’t. It was getting late.
“It’s bedtime now, E. For real.” He ran a hand over her hair. “We can’t keep doing this till dawn.”
“Yes, we can.” There was a playful quip to her tone.
“Well, we’re not going to.” Bucky whisked her up bridal style and began carrying her to her bedroom. She was groaning at first, but then let her body go lax to feign unconsciousness. Even closing her eyes. She bit back a smile when she heard him chuckling. “You’re trying to be a little actress, huh?” He pretended he was going to drop her by dipping downwards, which made her squeal and wrap her arms around his neck.
He gave her an innocent look. “What?”
“Be careful! You can’t drop me.”
By then, they had made it into her room. “Watch me.” He released her onto her bed, and couldn’t help laughing when her frame started shaking with giggles.
She had to get back up in order to properly crawl under the covers, but Bucky helped her as she did. When they were pulled over her he pressed a kiss to her temple, and they talked for a little while. But it eventually came time for them to exchange their goodnights. And just as he switched her lamp off and was about to slip out the door, her voice called out, “Wait!”
Bucky turned back towards her. The light from the hallway was casting enough illumination into the room for him to be able to make out her features. “What, sunshine?”
“Can I have one more hug before you go?”
“I just hugged you.” But even as he said that he was making his way back to her bedside. Eden wrapped her arms around her father’s neck as soon as he leaned down, giving a gentle squeeze. When he straightened back up, he put his hands on his hips. “Satisfied? Can I go now?”
“Umm… no—just kidding,” she said with amusement in her voice. “G’night for real this time. I love you.”
“Love you more, E.”
It came as no surprise to Bucky that, after he’d crawled into bed himself, she eventually came padding into his bedroom to join him.
Thanks for reading! Click here for more fluffy Bucky stuff.
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matth1w · 4 years
Always You
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Pairing: Roman Sionis/Black Mask x Female Reader
Summary: After years of separation, you finally reunite with Roman.
Warnings: Vague descriptions of sex
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1,344 words
Note: Inspired by repeat listenings of Crystal Dolphin (I know). I imagined a camera circling around the two as their eyes meet, everything else fading into the background.
Second Note: Again, so stunned and thankful all the love Dancing for Daddy is still getting. 800+ notes!!!
Forever Friends: @captainrogerss​ / @commander-writergirl​ / @fics-not-tragedies​
Roman Sionis (Open!): @stardancerluv​ / @redspaceace​ / @darling-i-read-it​ / @tales-from-gotham​ / @vintagemichelle91​ / @ladyofhellhounds​ / @aliasimagines​ / @justauthoring​ / @daphne-fandom-writing​ / @ewanfuckingmcgregor​ / @troybcker​ / @ntlmundy​ / @21stcenturywitchcraft​ / @theblackmaskclub​ / @jokersdoll-blog​​ / @ryjo1992​​ / @highly-unknown​​ / @nighttime2am​​ / @hoefordarknessrecreated​ / @zodiyack​ / @obiorbenkenobi / @innuendocrescendo​ / @obitwo​
D O  N O T  R E P O S T  M Y  W O R K
You and Roman had always loved each other. Before you knew what love was, back when love was sweet and innocent. The love you shared was simply that of best friends who smiled wider when they held each other’s hands than anyone else.
As you stepped forward, patient and thankful for the line that let you try to simmer the bubbling anxiety within you, you took in a shallow breath. 
Your name only barely loud enough for the guard to hear. After a few moments of attention directed at his lists, no doubt, his eyes met yours again, a bit of a frown beginning as he looked back down at his tablet. 
“I see.” He gruffed. 
Unsure if you were hoping he would turn you away or let you forward, you stayed silent. 
After one more long beat of staring at you, he jerked his thumb to the door. 
“Inside for weapons check.”
As you crossed the threshold, you heard the signature beep of an old school radio being pushed.
In the club, Victor’s ear buzzed. “Tell the boss she’s here.”
He strides over to Roman who is thankfully in the middle of a very unimportant conversation. 
Only a moment after he leans down to relay the message, Roman jumps up from his seat. 
Manic excitement lights his eyes that leaves as quickly as it came, replaced by pure nervousness. 
He runs his hands through his hair, taking in deep breaths as he shakes his body and removes his sunglasses, and much to everyone’s surprise, his gloves, mindlessly throwing them into Zsasz’s hands. 
He turns on Victor with a start, seemingly realizing his friend is more than an accessory rack. 
“Do I look good?” He resists the urge to grab onto his shoulders and shake him when his answer isn’t instant. 
A nervous, too high pitched laugh bursts out of Roman before Victor can even reply. 
“I mean, of course I do.” He flits his head with his typically fake big smile.
Zsasz just nods with an unaffected look, hiding the concern underneath. 
“Course.” He says as he places a reassuring hand onto his boss’s shoulder.
Roman had been waiting for this moment his entire adult life. But now that it was here, that you were here, he felt so nervous. So insecure. 
Would you like him? The club? His clothes? Was it too much? Not enough?
The cacophony of thoughts continued to race through his head. 
‘Everyone out. 
… No stay. 
No one look at her. She’s mine. 
… But she deserves a sea of people adoring her. 
What do I do? What should I do?
Oh it’s too late to do any—’
Time seems to slow as you walk through the curtain leading into the main room. Everything quiets, even the song seeming to slip underwater. 
You’re unsure if it’s truly the music or just the effect this man is having on you. The air vibrates with the deep bass, electrifying your skin and moving you forward despite the echoing worry in your mind. 
‘What if he doesn’t recognize me?
What if he doesn’t remember me?’
You gather all the courage in your body as you let your eyes scan the room for the only one you could truly see. 
Had you not been holding onto something you would have certainly faltered in your step.
The way he looked at you instantly quieted your fears and confirmed you had not once left his mind.
You were expecting his looks. Roman was always fawned over as a child and truth be told, you had always found him attractive. And recently, you searched him online and realized he had aged like fine wine.
You expected the lavish suit. Dressed to the nines in a glamorous, almost campish style that seemed to be perfectly made to shine amongst everyone and everything else.
You had even expected the eyes, though they were more intense than before. Piercing through your skin and soul.
But lord. You did not expect eyeliner. 
And Roman himself was stunned. He had kept tabs on you and had even gone to see you once from afar but nothing could compare to how you looked only feet away from him.
He felt like a young child again, the moment he realized he loved you and would make you his one day. The emotions came crashing and he was frozen in his place.
You faintly register the music beginning to rise as the world seems to spin around you two.
You wanted to bottle this moment. Play it over and over again. The music, the lights, the touch of the dress of your skin, the warmth filling you. 
But most importantly, the way Roman looked right here. 
Right now. 
And how this man, your oldest friend, first and truest love, was looking at you. 
The music coming back to its full force makes you blink out of the trance and finally move. Your steps matching his cautious, unbelieving steps. 
You’re standing in front of each other, just staring, eyes roaming over each other’s bodies, taking in everything that was hidden by distance before. Hands hovering in the air, still in their instinctual yearning for the other’s embrace.
Neither of you dare to break the silence, the fiercest spell that had come over you both. 
With one last journey of his face, so close allowing you to appreciate every inch, you realize one of you will have to say something. 
His lips jolt onto yours, closing the electrified distance, breaking the spell and instead creating something stronger - stealing the words from your mouth, breath from your chest, and heart from your very soul.
His lips are strong and firm and desperate in their movement like returning home to a place you had only been to in your dreams.
But you feel them pull away. Too soon. 
So you follow him and grab them again, sealing them with smiles as you bring your hands up and around to the back of his neck. Fingers flirting with the ends of his hair.
In a singular moment of clarity, Roman has but one thought tearing his lips from yours.
“They don’t get to see what I’m going to do to you.”
The sound of his rough voice stuns you, so different yet so similar to that which filled your memories. Not even taking in the words, you nod. Your head just barely moving down for a moment, still lost in your state of bliss.
With that, he leans away as if nothing had ever pained him more and takes your hand in his, rushing steps moving you through a parting sea of bodies.
Within moments, the sound and staring eyes disappear and his hands are roaming all over you, overwhelming your body so much that it can only respond in kind.
In the privacy of his darkened bedroom, you make slow, deep love. Staring into each other’s eyes as you give all of yourselves to the other. 
Deep kisses capture your moans - breathing them into each other’s mouths when you can hold them no longer. 
His touch always on you, never leaving your skin. 
Unsure where he ends and you begin. Both shaking, tensing, pulsing, releasing together. 
Finally laying together side by side, you’re both unable to stop looking and touching one another. The spell thicker than ever. 
You want to say something, anything, other than a cut off greeting and euphoric chanting of his name. But you continue to appreciate the moment in silence.
Roman kept his body closed off from the world. But not you. He wanted to feel everything you had to offer. With yet another thought pushing out to be voiced, he opens his mouth.
“Marry me.”
It was quick, sudden, and for a flicker of a moment, you thought impulsive.
Until you realized this was always where you two were meant to be. 
You had no other words than the one he repeated to you as a boy when you asked with innocent giggles if he would marry you.
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deathonyourtongue · 4 years
Resurrection | 10
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Summary: A ragtag team of Spec-Ops operators are brought out of retirement for all the wrong reasons. When the dust settles, only the best will be left standing. Pairing: Pablo Schreiber x OFC, Henry Cavill x OFC (listen, she gets with the whole team, okay? Don’t lie, you would too.) Word Count: 2.6K Warnings: Nothing much really. A/N: The one you’ve all been waiting for! 😈
As the unofficial dad of the team, none of us are surprised when Rick floats the tab not only for dinner, but for the strip club afterwards. 
“You gonna give us money for working girls too, pops?” Dom jokes as he shuffles past, collecting the money Rick’s doling out and patting his shoulder gratefully as he does so. It’s the same with the rest of the team, each of us getting enough money for two lap dances if we choose to, although I have a feeling we’ll end up pooling our funds towards the end of the night for a group dance. 
We’re good and liquored up by the time we make it through the doors of Prowler, the bass of the music reverberating through our chest as we file into the VIP area, two bottles of champagne there to greet us. Sitting between Max and Jake, it’s not long before I have a glass in my hand, raising it to toast a reunion none of us imagined possible. 
“To the walking dead. If you two fuckers ever go off on your own again, I’ll personally drag you back and kill you both. Love you guys.” Rick grins as our glasses clink, all of us nodding our agreement.
Before long, I feel a head slump on my shoulder, and looking down, find Jake, eyes at half mast. The realization that this is the first time he’s probably been able to relax since everything happened is a sobering thought, and in that moment, I want nothing more than to drag both he and Benji back to our safehouse and curl up with them until they both get as much sleep as they deserve. Logically, I know this is the only respite we’ll get until Wallace is in the ground, but it doesn’t stop me from wishing for more. 
“You should get up there and show Lil’ Miss Daddy Issues how it’s really done,” Jake grins, giving me a wink to make sure I know he’s kidding.
“As tempting as that is, I feel like my time’s come and gone,” I laugh, shaking my head and earning a raised eyebrow from Max. 
“I’m sorry, I thought I heard you disparage yourself, love,” Max comments during a lull between songs, one hand scratching at his short hair before he gently strokes a lock of mine behind my ear.
“It’s the truth. I’m not built the same way I used to be. And I’m definitely not as flexible.” Giving him an appreciative smile, I stroke his cheek in much the same way I had Jake’s, though Max nuzzles into my touch far more. 
“Bet Max is dying to find out just how flexible you are.” Jake smirks, earning a light swat from me just as one of the girls comes around, offering herself up for a lap dance. 
“If he wants to, it’s his,” I grin at Jake as I hold up my night’s allowance, figuring if I can’t beat ‘em, I may as well join ‘em. 
Both Jake and Max’s eyebrows go up as I shift in my seat, making room for the dancer to grind in my lap. As the music thumps through the nearby speakers, the redhead slowly takes off her top, giving all the boys a front row seat. 
Discreetly watching their reactions, it’s easy for me to spot the fact that out of all the boys, Max is the only one who seems ill at ease with the situation. It confuses me, because a few weeks prior, he was in the same position I’m in, and was only bothered when I took the girl away in favor of dragging him along on this mission. Although I’ll be the first to admit that his behavior’s changed in the last little while, this feels like another level, even for Max; like a breaking point.
Before I can even determine what to do, Jake flashes a $100 at the dancer and pats his lap, giveing me a kid-in-the-candy-store grin. Shaking my head, I’m about to say something, when I feel a tug on my hand. Looking to my left, I find Max standing and motioning his chin towards the exit, looking for all the world like this is the last place he wants to be. 
I shoot a quick look back to the rest of the team, doing my best not to laugh as I find them entranced by three different girls, all of them vying for the attention of men who aren’t over 60 and actually know how to dress. Satisfied that they’re all occupied, I let Max pull me under his arm as we step outside, the comparative silence of London at night one that makes me instinctively shake my head to clear it. 
“Where we going?” I smirk, my voice a little sing-songy as Max looks both ways before jaywalking us towards the direction of the safehouse.
“Home,” he smiles, tucking me back in. Although the stroll through the more historic part of town is a nice change of scenery, there’s no missing the fact that both Max and I are keeping our heads on a swivel, both of us keenly aware of everything that’s led us here. 
Scanning our thumbs to get into the safehouse, I only manage to get my heels off before I feel Max pull me close, our lips colliding gently. 
“Hey,” I murmur once we both pull back for air, my hands cupping his bearded face and forcing his gaze to lock with mine. “Are you sure? Or did I misread and you’re just planning another movie night?” I ask softly, not wanting Max to go any further than he feels comfortable with.
“If yesterday taught me anything, it’s that we don’t often get second chances, and that I may very well have been wasting what could be my only shot. That, and well...I love you, Carmen.”
I must recoil a bit, because a look of disappointment crosses Max’s face. 
“Max,” I start, holding onto his face with just a bit more firmness, not wanting him to assume the worst. “In our line of work--”
“I know all about the superstitions and the old wives’ tales, Carmen. I just...After this I’m out, and I hope you are too. I want to enjoy what’s left of our lives, you know? Don’t want to keep looking over my shoulder forever.” 
“I was out until this happened, so I understand, but Max..Me? Really?”
The tension leaves his face in lieu of a relieved and joy-filled smile, Max pulling me close and kissing me deeply. I sink into his arms, his mouth moving against mine without hurry as he walks us back towards my room. 
I kick the door closed, hearing the woosh of the automatic lock behind us at the same time that Max’s calves hit the bed frame. Smirking, I push him back, enjoying the confusion on his face.
“I’m not exactly Mrs. Robinson, but I just might be trying to seduce you,” I joke, lifting one leg onto the chair across from the bed and slowly pushing down one of the thigh highs I’m wearing while simultaneously putting on some music, hellbent on making his first time as memorable as possible.
I watch Max sit up, his eyes roving over my body as he leans back on his elbows. Never has a man looked at me with more hunger and more love, and I know that tonight will either end quickly, or cause us both to walk into tomorrow’s meeting a little sleep-deprived; I’m hoping for the second option. 
Though I have as many questions as I’m sure all the guys do when it comes to Max and his situation, I put them aside, focusing instead on being present and reading his body language for any sign of anxiety. Swaying my hips in time with the music, I come close enough for him to reach, only to pull away just before he can, sticking my tongue out teasingly as I slowly strip for him. 
I make sure to face him when I drop my bra, not missing the tent in his slacks or the adoring look in his eyes. Max sits up further when I straddle his thighs, his hand slipping up my back as his lips find my breasts on instinct. I let my eyes close as he takes his fill, grinding against him without shame, learning how his body responds to mine. 
Blindly, I push Max’s jacket off his broad shoulders, my fingers finding the buttons on his shirt soon after, a soft inhale escaping me when I feel his teeth gently nip in just the right spot. Raking my hand through his curls, I pull back just enough to admire a body I know he’s worked hard for. 
Max uses my distractedness to his advantage, flipping us around so that my back is against the mattress. I let out a whoop of surprise, laughing softly as I watch him practically tear his clothes off, leaving only his black boxer briefs on, the thin fabric leaving little to the imagination. If the bulge is any indication, he’s big, and I’ve got my work cut out for me. 
I motion for him to come back to me with both hands, and he obliges with a big grin, kissing his way up my body even as he pulls off what’s left of my clothes, leaving only my g-string intact. Neither of us hesitate as we eachother’s lips once more, Max cupping my breasts while I let my hand slip over his bulge, feeling a tingle go through me when he responds with a shiver and a thrust closer. 
Pushing him back so that he’s sitting on his heels, I let my gaze flit between the waist of his briefs and his own blue orbs as I slowly pull down the material. His cock springs out, hard as marble and my eyes go wide, having expected the length, but not the girth that comes with it.
“Suddenly, your call sign makes so much more sense,” I shake my head with a smirk, waiting for Max to tug his briefs the rest of the way off before I take hold of his hips. Eyes meeting his again, I kiss through the thick thatch of hair that leads from his belly button to his base, feeling the jolt of anticipation go through him.
Max cards a hand through my hair as I lick my way up to his tip, a soft sound of enjoyment leaving my lips as I collect the precum drooling from his slit. I can’t help my smile when Max inhales sharply, the reaction making it clear that he’s been honest about never being with anyone. 
Holding onto his muscular thigh with one hand, my other gently cups his sac, rolling gently as my lips seal around his shaft. Max’s breathing increases as every lick and suck brings a new feeling he’s never experienced before. 
“Oh fuck!” He pants out, gripping my hair a little tighter as I take him all the way down, swallowing around his head before pulling back with a gasp of my own. I can’t help but moan as I lick down his shaft once more, popping his balls in my mouth to further tease him. 
I can feel Max get close as his muscles contract, and with one last lick to his tip, I lay back, waiting to see what he’ll do. Max doesn’t hesitate, nearly diving between my legs, eyes wide with need. His enthusiasm earns a giggle from me, one that’s quickly silenced as he kisses over the sheer material of my g-string. Sitting up, I stroke my fingers through his curls, appreciating how good his mouth feels against my most sensitive area. 
A soft moan escapes me when Max pulls the thin fabric aside and lets his tongue slip through my folds, the feeling reminding me of our deeper kisses and causing the same weightless sensation he’s so good at making me feel when we’re cuddled in bed. I lay back, putty in his hands as he lifts my legs over his shoulders, taking off my final piece of clothing as he does. 
“Darling?” Max’s voice is hoarse but gentle, the question in his tone equal parts uncertain and hopeful. 
“Bare, babe. Want to feel nothing but you inside me,” I answer, having already felt the swollen head of his cock brushing against my entrance; it’s one of the most arousing sensations I’ve experienced in a long time. 
With a kiss to my calf, Max pushes his hips forward, groaning softly when he slides in with ease. I can’t help but reach up and cup his face, smiling as I experience the moment with him. Knowing how long he’s waited, I don’t take it lightly, honored to be his first. 
“Feels so good inside you,” he whispers, eyes still wide, as though any minute he’ll wake from his dream. 
Biting my lower lip, I can’t help but roll my hips, grinning ear to ear when my movement elicits a choked noise and a look of utter bliss. The growl Max gives me sobers any laughter, and before I can even open my mouth to squeal, his body is covering mine and his hips are rutting. 
My mouth falls open in utter shock as Max cocoons my body in his arms, his lips searing every inch of skin he can find, while his thrusts push me up the bed an inch at a time. I can almost see stars at the crown of Max’s head as he brings me up so that I’m nearly seated on his thighs, his cock going even deeper and making the breath catch in my throat. 
His lips find mine for a torrid kiss, Max’s pace picking up as he shifts the angle once more, making me moan loudly as his hips grind into my clit while his cock sweeps my g-spot relentlessly. There’s no doubt that Max’s need is primal, born from years of waiting for this very moment. Our gazes meet and I can’t stop myself from cupping his face, seeing beyond the lust to the depth of his feelings beneath and knowing that after tonight, nothing will be the same. 
Max comes with a cry of my name, and I follow suit, gasping and jolting my hips, having never experienced an orgasm as intense as the one he’s given me. By the time he rolls us to our sides, our bodies still connected, tears are streaming down my face. 
Everyone’s heard about the elusive orgasm so good it makes you cry, but I never thought it was true; until now.
“What’s wrong, love? Did I hurt you?” Max’s voice holds a razor’s edge of panic, and though I manage to shake my head and smile, the tears won’t stop.
“I j-just...I’ve never...Y-you love me?” I stammer out nonsensically, burying my face in Max’s chest as I feel his arms tighten around me.
“Yes, darling, I love you. I’ve loved you for a very, very long time. I’ve just been too chicken shit to do anything about it until recently. I love you with all my heart and I’m not sure I’ll be able to spend another day without you.”
I look up as Max brushes my hair off my face, finding his gaze filled with the same tenderness, love and devotion that I’ve seen in his blue orbs time and time again over the years. My face finds his chest as the sobs come once more, Max chuckling softly as he holds me close.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
The Legend of the Three Caballeros: Shangri-La-Di-Da and Sheldgoose Squaredance Reviews: The Last Ride (Comissoned by WeirdKev27)
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SALUDOS AMGIOS.. THIS IS IT! The finale review of my retrospective on the Three Caballeros THE RIDE OF THE THREE CABLLEROS. It’s the final ride. While there will be, as i’ve said the last few time, a little epilogue to celebrate finishing this, as clocking in at 15 reviews, one best of list coming next week and covering a film, two sizeable comic book stories, and 18 episodes of television, this has been one of my largest projects and one of my proudest. But there will be time to look back next week. For now i’m amped up, excited about this series and excited to finish. So after the cut join me for one last full ride as our heroes face their final hour! 
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Shangri-La-De-Da: Our penultimate adventure begins with the Cabs returning home after training with King Arthur, where they apparently got a years worth of training in a day.. because apparently Camelot is one giant hyperbolic time chamber. But the training’s paid off as our heroes are now at their most skilled and most powerful: As a result Jose skifully and perfectly cuts an orange in seconds, Panchito ropes an apple from a nearbye stand (and the owner’s really cool about it since Panchito gives him the money for it “Thanks magic rope!”) and Donald.. breaks everything but in a really impressive ways. Our heroes are at their best and ready to take on Feldrake when the time comes, while Ari and the Bear.. are hiding what happened last episode with the girls investigating. Hey can’t win em all. Meanwhile Sheldrake is leading Sheldgoose into the Manor.. after a few goofs on him running into the barrier because he’s a petty asshole. They decsend into the depths bellow leaving Leopold to guard. 
Back at the Cabana Donald just wants one more thing... Daisy. 
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I’ve.. gone on about why he shouldn’t do this last time. He deserves better. Xandra is right there and while she’s treated him shabbily from time to time. it’s more human error versus... everything with Daisy just everything. This plot point has been nothing but pain and suffering for me and it’s not changing that track record in these last two episodes, though thankfully it’s barely in the finale, so my own track record of screaming about daisy in text form every time she shows up will also remain in tact. He does this because Xandra offered them a vacation so he won’t be distracted.. again why isn’t she the love intrest? I dunno maybe sh’es more into Jose.  And Daisy sucks on arrival, phrasing, as her response to Donald’s call wasn’t to just.. tell him no but to go to his place to clearly tell him no to his place saying “Let’s recap, you abandoned me in a bad part of town, spent our date in the bathroom all night in a hula skirt, then brainwashed my nieces into helping you trick me with a dummy”. Okay Daisy, you want to recap, you insufferable, pompus, selfish, self absorbed, overly demanding, overly haughty, golddigging rose colored shrew?
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Let’s fucking recap: He left you in a bad part of town because he got FIRED from his job and found out his house burned down, something you REFUSED to let him explain. You found out about this and then proceded to berate him over dinner, saying he couldn’t possibly help people. While he did spend a while in the bathroom with a hula skirt nad never explained it the ONE point you have.. he LEFT to go help his friends, with you once again leaving instead of letting him come back and explain later or leaving but going to his place to hash this out or just dump him. THEN, something you CAREFULLY omitted, you moved on which is fine.. as a way to make him jealous, bringing the guy to his door to rub his beak in your new relationship with not a hint of shame,a nd ran off whie he was fighting for his life clearly. Now seeing things were more complicated, you asked NO follow up questions, imposed a date on him and while he did lie your nieces WERE NOT FUCKING BRAINWASHED. This was of their own free will you unbleivible she demon. You are so up your own ass you can’t even see the obvious. And then you came here JUST to say all this and be mean to Donald one more time. While Donald shoudln’t of called you up it’s not because of all that it’s because your a heartlress, selfish, shrivled husk of a person. You care about NO ONE but yourself, and that includes Donald. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. 
So Xandra just zaps them away and says she’s perfect for Donald. 
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Donald and Daisy end up in the himlayas.. cue the music. 
Why isn’t this game on Switch? Questions for later. Point is our heroes find a cave to duck in and a yeti.. who after clearing their throat reveals Xandra left them at the entrance for Shangri-La, and the inside is intorduced.. with a very lackluster musical number. A weak note for the songs to go out on but not bad, though Donald is pissed off because that’s his schtick here.. though credit where it’s do: Since I didn’t know everything and hadn’t finished it turns out his anger was delebrate.. but we’ll get to that and why it dosen’t work in a moment.  Back at the Cabana the boys fence with bread before Panchito gets a flash as Sheldgoose puts the first amulet into..some kind of melting pool... and the girls confirm what happened seconds later. Feldrake has the amulets, which were used to seal him last time as revealed in last episode, and is melting them into his own power. The final battle is nigh! So Xandra goes to fetch Donald.. and comes back as she CAN’T. Donald and Daisy signed a contract and they can’t leave till ALL their problems are solved. And given Donald is carried off after his anger issues not only are evident when, given a pillow representing his frustratoins he destroys it, but he DENIES having anger issues, he’s dragged off to some extreme thereapy.. i.e. a Self Reflecting reflecting pool that manifests his anger as a giant, sausgey, pissed off version of himself and he reacts as you’d expect and gets flattned.  Back at the Cabana, Xandra breaks the bad news.. and whie Jose TRIES to reassure them, his amulet is next to go so he gets a flash of it being destroyed and our heroes now have to scramble to take on Sheldgoose.. WITHOUT Donald.  Back at donald’s inner hulk.. man I love this fucking job, Donald is pounding away until his own flash breaks things for a moment.. and sends him into his own head. We’re then treated to an acid sequece, an homage to Donald’s surreal reverire from the original movie that while not as wild, is still gloriously bizzare. Donald rencounters the teapot ghost thing that’s apparently part of his psyche from the first episode that gets him to consider why his life is like this and he goes through a lot of moments of the first episodes.. conviently eddting out daisy’s questionable behavior and the fact some things had actual catalysits.  See the idea of Donald FACING his anger issues and growing from them is fine. But this has two faults. One, it assuems you can just.. cure anger issues. You can’t. Anger is a normal emotion and as someone with them I hope to generally work thorugh mine with a therapist.. but I know they just don’t magically go away and therapy is a process and your mental issues are lifelong things you have to grapple away. It’s not the MOST insulting treatment of emtoinal issues i’ve seen, as Total Drama you know had someone with MPD cured with a fucking button press, but it’s not great.  And the second is this was poorly set up. Donald was an angry asshole all series yes and it was an issue.. but it wasn’t really FRAMED as a character arc. Just Donald being donald. So while having that be the source of his issues is a good idea for a character arc for im it comes off sloppy and forced because it’s been treated more like a joke or a character trait and less like a SERIOUS issue or the problem with him and Daisy. Hell they put the whole Dapper duck thing in there when he was fine that episode and is rightfully angry about that if at the wrong person. This whole thing just feels rushed, forced and unsatsifying and is a hsame for such a good idea
The payoff is good though, as when Donald awakens and let’s his anger wash away.. he just stands as the anger donald tries to beat the crap out of him.. but can’t do anything to him since he’s calm. He’s fine, and he’s released.. and his shock collar is disabled. Good quick gag.  Meanwhile our heroes aren’t sure what to do despite having tons of magical items.. until they think what would donald do.. and he’d just at least try and thus corm a GIANT FUCKING MAGIC CANON OUT OF THEM. Very nice. They blow the doors off.. and through the back.. and into the money bin where we get a scrooge cameo. 
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And he’s voiced by Eric Bauza.. which is sadly not great because it’s far from his best work and dosen’t even really attempt a scottish accent. 
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But our heroes storm the gate.. after Xandra easily disposes of the dog guards.. who Sheldgosoe apparently raised to do this... still not entirely over that. They find the staircase and the triplets op to go back while the rest charge in and prepare to fight leopold. 
Back at the Cabana, Donald and Daisy return via tub and Donald, seeing the swirling vortex of darkness outside sheldgoose manor, tells daisy he has to go his friends need him it’s his destiny, gives her one hell of a kiss she dosen’t deserve.. oh and earlier he told her “Thanks for being patient with me” and she tells him it was worth the wait. Ha ha... I hope you get hit by a rusty tractor you unfathomable blight on duck kind. 
So part one ends with Donald heading for the treasure chamber to armor up. 
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Sheldgoose Square Dance:  Part two begins with Sheldgoose putting the staff in place, and an egg emerging. Weird.. and as a result of that Leopold sense his ‘Daddy’ and leaves, and before the cabs can charge in donald shows up, now confident, at full strength and after tripping as you’d epxct, with the other cabs armor and in his. The guys suit up, and we get to see both jose’s.. amazing.. toned.. stomach. 
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And Panchito’s big belly.. which I have one of those so we’re twinsies. And Xandra of course watches Jose change slyly. Eh i’ts a bit creepy but I can’t blame her for sneaking a peak as long as she didn’t linger. 
So our heroes are suited up, look awesome and have their trademark weapons Let’s fucking go!
Back at the ranch, the Nieces talk to daisy and having grabbed a weird document last time, are trying to piece it together. Daisy.. is suddenly really good with puzzles and helps them with it. They reform it and.. don’t really do much until after the danger has passed and I avoid another cornary yelling innterally at this unpleasant pile of hippo excrement. 
So while the Cabs dash to stop feldrake feldrake awakens.. as a demon baby. And Sheldgoose has about a minute of mockery before feldrake smacks him around with telekensis and agrees while his mind’s affected by his current state, he’s still fully aware and can talk and seeing the cabs are coming gives him a bit of power, i’d say about as much or a little more than what feldrake had as a staff, and sends him after the cabs. 
So we get one of the most awesome moments if not THE most awesome moment in the entire series as something from EVERY episode makes a come back as shelgoose, after trying some zaps, back in full robe and cloak, MAKES HIS OWN ZOOM POINT. Thus it becomes an utterly awesome back and forth as sheldgoose summons one thing from the past and xandra summons another to counter. And it avoids reptititon as the sheer sight of characters from each episode battling it out, and never knowing which ones next, keeps it intresting. 
In order: Sheldgoose summons the moon bots, Xandra summons the roman gods to hack them to pieces, after the boys get some shots in too. Sheldgoose blocks the way with lava lizards, the cabs respond with a goblin army who block the lava river and use a cat launcher against them, courtsey of king vomit. Sheldgosoe unleashes the tengu, the cabs unleash king arthur.. and we get the immortal line from donald “Thanks king arthur!”. Sheldgoose summons his ancestors, the cabs summon the ghost presidents! And in a call back that had me clapping Sheld summons the termintes.. and xandra summons THE MINOTAUR! And Sheldgoose thirsts over him. .huh.. so shledgosoe is bi good for him. And for a final distraction sheldgoose summons.. the dragon.. that was from the adventure they just had he had no way of knowing about. 
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So with that out fo the way our heroes and villians both reach feldrake.. whose awakened and is.. this
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Really.. weird , if still threanting, deisgn aside, Feldrake now at full power turns new quackmore into the psycadelic starry battlefield we saw in the intro to the series and thus the final battle begins. We see the fight from the start.. but it’s now even MORE beautiful and glorious with context. Before we saw three strangers, if ones we knew from other works fighting some evil we never met. Now we’ve seen our heroes grow, both as people, and as heroes, learning from every encounter, getting stronger with every fight and slowly getting noticably more compitent: going from falling all over themselves just to work a ship, to defeating dragons, tengu, and other horrors as a team. And we’ve seen jus thow petty and cruel feldrake is.. and how serious the stakes are and what our heroes tand to loose should they fail. It’s not perfect.. we could stand to loose daisy and new quackmore dosen’t mean much, though Sheldgoose gets to zap regina into a worm, but it’s still AWESOME and feels like a tremendous payoff and Donald’s predator bro fist thing with Panchito has more weight. Our heroes have risen to their peak and now they face one last obstacle to becoming legends.  The fight is fluid, awesome and gorgeously animated and utterly epic in every sense of the word and we catch up to their seeming defeat.. only for something we DIDN’T know about last time to help.. Xandra who gets htem out of the way. It’s a long and fantastic fight, with our heroes eventaully getting knocked over to a pool while Xandra tries her best to hold feldrake off, but is clearly wearing down despite doing her best. 
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Yeah while itw as established Feldrake was melting down the amulets and we saw a pool of resdiual magic, so teh magical pool of stuff the cabs find them at WAS set up.. but what happens next remotely wasn’t. The cabs fall in and commuincate with blazebeak the creator of the amulets who embues them with their power. Where he came from, why he’s just showing up n ow.. I dunno, it comes off as a really badly setup deus ex machina.. but it still dosen’t hurt the finale that bad. A little yes, as everything else is so well paced and feels like so much payoff.. but the awesomeness of our heroes glowing with their signture colors, rushing in to save xandra and then ari, who swiped the rest of the magic goop, giving it to xandra to reivvie her.. overrides it. Sometiems somethings too stupid to be awesome.. and sometimes it’s so awesome it overides common sense. So yeah poorly set up yes.. still fucking awesome also yes. 
Our heroes tear feldrake apart and realize once they see the now empty staff floating in the void they can simply reseal him. Sheldgoose interupts it.. but the nieces arrive riding on humphrey and knock him inot a golden toilet... again I fucking love this job. Our heroes then try ghost bustering him back into the staff and SHeldgoose tries saving him by breaking it.  And it seemingly fails.. new quackmore is restored, Sheldrake’s gone and the town remembered EVERYTHING, cheering at their new heroes and saviors. Sheldgoose finds the staff gone and bemoans his lost master.. and soon looses his presidency as regina strips him of it. With his own powers gone Sheldgoose flees on Leopold, and while Regina tries to take the presdiency for herself.. the girls reveal the document explains if a sheldgoose is absent.. a coot takes his place. And since Donald is the only remaning coot apart from Della and she’s busy actually raising her kids in this continuity apparently, Donald is the new president. While Regina vows to beat him in an election.. our heroes are now happy, with the lawyer from the first episode backing Donald’s claim up. So Donald now has a new job, a new purpose in life, his girlfriend back, which is negiably a good thing, and a new family he dearly loves and tells them as much. Awww. Also he gets the mansion, which our heroes promptly plan to move into. Donald and Daisy fight, of fucking course, our heroes claim roms and Xandra and Jose share a moment. The series gets a truly satsifyign and happy ending.. and a sequel hook as it turns out feldrake is now in sheldgooses body and the tow are going ot have to share it as Sheldgoose has leopold take them to a house with legs.. so the baba yaga then. Sadly we’ll probably never see with this leads.. and this is the end. 
Final Thoughts on the finale two parter: While the first half is a bit weak in the yeti stuff, the rest of it is incredibly strong and Sheldgoose Square Danc,e while having the worst name of the series.. is easily it’s best episode, tying everythign together greatly and being one, tense and epic finale the whole way through. A true masterpiece and a clear sign the series would be even BETTER going forward had it actually been allowed to live and a true shame.. but even with the sequel hooks aside.. it’s still an utterly sastifying, joyous note to go out on and i’m GLAD I saved this one for last, as it provided a great capper for both the series and this retrospective. 
Final thoughts on Legend of the Three Cablleros:
This series.. was excellent. While at first I wasn’t sure it’s rep was warranted, as the first three episodes were good but had flaws and four and five were not great.. everything after that is sublime. The series has it’s flaws, the character devlopment is uneven, the characters can be made into caractures of themselves once in a while and the writing on Daisy is horrid and i’ve said enough on that to last me a lifetime and is easily the worst part of an otherwise fantastic show. But yeah.. as I said OTHERWISE fantastic, as while the daisy stuff is very bad, it’s for the most part in the background of a VERY good show with great voice acting, fun pacing, and beautiful animation.  It’s a loveletter to clasic disney animation, holding tons of mythology gags and refrences and having humphrey as a main character, but with unquie touches like letting the nieces have a starring roll and everything about xandra and sheldgoose. It’s a unique, wonderful and awesome addition to the disney animated canon and deserves a second season or some other sort of revivial. This was a wonderful note to go out on and I’m throughly glad I finally watched it.  So with this the Ride of the Three Cablleros is almost over.. but come back, let’s say next week, for one last party as we count down the top 12 cabs moments and celebrate these happy chappies in matching serapes one last time. Until then.. it’s been a pleasure.. and Kevin.. thank you. 
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My Savior
Characters: Sebastian Stan x Suzanne Annucci (second person; you; you’re)
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: fluff, minor freak out about pregnancy and renal disease
Summary: Your wedding day is here, and you couldn’t have been more happy about the choices you’ve made, and the person you decided to be with. Here’s to spending the rest of your life with the man you love, the love of your life, and your best friend.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Author’s Note: This is the seventh part of seven parts of the commission for @sea040561​​.
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Today is the day. Today is the day you marry your best friend. It took a long time to plan, but you’re glad you waited for this moment. Instead of rushing right after your little girl was born, you decided to wait until the moment was right. Taking care of Sabrina came top priority, and after she got out of diapers, and she just got down the potty training, so it’s now or never.
Your sisters and best friends are your bridesmaids, so they’re the only ones in the room besides Sabrina and your mother. They are getting the last minute things taken care of while Sebastian and his best men are waiting at the altar. It was going to take a little longer for you to get ready since you know you would cry about this.
You’re just staring at your reflection, thinking about how far you’ve come, about how far you still have left to go. You’ve beaten your disease, you’ve got the guy, and you’ve had your baby girl. There is still a lot that needs to be done, but all in due time. Right now, you just have to focus on marrying your best friend.
“You look stunning, baby,” your mom smiles.
“Thanks, mama,” you chuckle.
“Remember, I’ll take care of my baby Bina here until you get back from your honeymoon. You have nothing to worry about.”
“Did you pick a spot yet?” one of your sisters asks after finishing pining up your other sister’s hair.
“Sebastian said he is going to surprise me. I have no clue where we’re going.”
“Here’s to you marrying the famous actor who can take you anywhere in the world. Lucky bitch,” your best friend jokes.
“I think it’s time now,” your mom says.
“Right, let’s go. I’ll take Sabrina,” your older sister offers, and your mom passes her off to her.
“Don’t get cold feet!” your best friend jokes as she and your sisters walk out of the room.
“Don’t listen to her,” your mom rolls her eyes.
“I never do,” you laugh.
“I am so proud of the woman you’ve become. Your father would have been proud too. I wish he were here,” she sighs.
“I know, mama, me too. He’s here, I can feel him.”
“I thought it was just me,” she smiles.
“Go, I’ll be out in just a minute.”
She kisses your temple before doing as she was told. You’re left alone to gather your thoughts. This is the wedding of your dreams, and you can’t believe it’s finally here. You never thought you would get this much less get the guy you’ve been dreaming about. Everything you could ever want is waiting for you at the altar, and who are you to make him wait?
The music starts just as you open the door, and you grip the bouquet tightly in your hands. Your mom must have made her way back inside because all you can see are your bridesmaids by the door. Sabrina is holding your older sister’s hand, and she has the widest smile on her face. To have her in your wedding is a dream come true. They open the door and begin filing into the large room.
Sabrina takes as many flower petals as she can and throws them on the ground with the assist of her aunt. Sebastian smiles when he sees his daughter, but he’s waiting for you. The bridesmaids walk to the altar and stand off to the side, and that’s when everyone in the room stands.
You would have your mom or Sebastian’s dad walk you down the aisle, but you believe in Heaven. You know that when your dad passed, he went there. You also know that he is standing right by your side to walk you down the aisle. You can’t see him, but you can definitely feel him by your side.
“Let’s go, Daddy,” you whisper.
You take one step into the opening, and your eyes immediately go to your future husband’s. At first sight of you, he gets so emotional that tears build up in his eyes. Chris leans in and whispers something to him, but you’re not sure what he said. Whatever he did say, Sebastian wipes his eyes and tries to focus on not crying. Everyone’s eyes are on you as you walk down the aisle.
You pass off the bouquet to your eldest sister before grabbing Sebastian’s hands. Everyone seems to just float away so that it’s only you and Sebastian here. The minister starts the ceremony and everyone takes a seat again. You’re not sure what the minister is saying, but you honestly don’t care. You’re just excited to get to the vows since you two had written your own.
“Now for the vows. They’ve each written their own. Who would like to go first?” the minister asks.
“You can,” Sebastian says.
“Before, all I was known for was my disease. I spent my life in and out of hospitals, never knowing what it was like to really live my life. I didn’t see myself having a future. That is until I met you. I used to watch your movies with my friends because you are what made me feel better. So, to see you roll into my room after the transplant is something I will always relive in my head. To know that you’ve become my best friend, my soulmate, and the father of our beautiful baby girl. To know I will never be alone, and I will always have you by my side. You are the love of my life, and I will promise to always love you no matter what.”
Sebastian wipes his eyes before starting his vows, and your heart begins to pound.
“I never thought my life was complete. I used to go to parties and have dates I wished to get away from. I always searched for that something extra, but I could never find it. When I walked into that hospital and heard you screaming at the TV, something was pulling me to that room. The second I laid eyes on you, I got a vision. I saw this moment, and I saw us being happy together with kids and dogs and a great big house. I remember telling Chris that I knew you would be the one because I believe in love at first sight, and I believe in soulmates. Every time I look at you, I fall in love all over again. I promise to spend every moment of my life trying to make you as happy as you make me.”
You want to cry, but the only thing stopping you is the fact you had someone work very hard in fixing your face with the best kind of makeup, and you don’t want to ruin it. The rest of the ceremony goes by in a blur with the only thing on your mind is sealing the deal.
“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
Sebastian was already pulling you in before he could finish his words. The entire room erupts into cheers and claps, but you can barely hear them. You kiss Sebastian with everything you’ve got, proving to him of your love. You pull away and turn to everyone with a big smile. He takes your hand and leads you down the aisle where people are tossing the flowers into the air.
This party is only half-over, and everyone moves into the reception area where you and Sebastian can have your first dance. Everyone gets their first to start the party, and you and Sebastian join a little while later. You want to get used to the fact that you’re now Mrs. Stan--something you never thought you’d get to say.
As soon as you walk into the room, the DJ announces that it’s time for the first dance. Everyone shuffles away from the dance floor so that you and Sebastian can have the entire floor to yourselves. One of your favorite songs of all time starts playing, and Sebastian pulls you in close. Your left hand goes around his neck, and the other meets his by your side.
You two begin to slow dance together. You’re ignoring the many pairs of eyes on you since Sebastian’s is the only ones you care about.
“Thank you, Sebastian,” you whisper.
“For what?”
“For saving my life.”
“You saved mine. I don’t think I can be any more in love with you than I am in this moment,” he confesses.
You lean up and kiss him, still moving around the dance floor elegantly. This one kiss tells you that despite the downs you’ll experience, you’ll always know that his love will be there to cushion the fall. To know that you’ll have the greatest love anyone’s ever going to get.
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chilling-seavey · 4 years
Anything But Mine - The Wedding
A/N This was highly requested as a blurb but it needed it’s own full post as it is almost 5k words and it holds a special place in my heart <3
Note: Daniel and Florence’s wedding song is Blessed by Thomas Rhett. Please click the link and give it a listen because it speaks absolute volumes to their relationship and it’s so special to them!
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Saturday, October 14th, 2023
Daniel was always good at finding instruments to play in the strangest of places. This morning in particular, at around noon, he found himself in the upstairs hallway of the old historical castle, his fingers dancing delicately over the keys of the grand piano, filling the stone building with a soft melody. He was dressed in a full suit and tie, ironed and styled to perfection down to his shiny black dress shoes, his dark hair combed and styled in a soft part and hair sprayed enough for it to stay put for the rest of the day and then some. A gentle smile was playing at his lips, his blue eyes seeming to catch the warm light of the midday sun that was spilling through the stained glassed window beside him and streaking across the old wooden floors.
Footsteps sounded down the hall and Daniel glanced up to see Corbyn headed towards him.
“I can never lose you. I just have to follow the music.” his best friend tisked, making Daniel crack a goofy grin as he played on. Corbyn leaned over the side of the piano, trying carefully not to crease his own suit. He simply watched him play for a little longer before Daniel dropped his hands to his lap. The final notes died out slowly, echoing off the old stone walls of the castle.
“How are you feeling?” Corbyn asked.
“Antsy.” Daniel said lightly, his leg bouncing restlessly off the side of the bench he sat on. He let his gaze drift out the stained-glass window, the brightly coloured fall trees filling the streets below them making the city seem a bit warmer. “What time is it?”
Corbyn glanced at his watch, “12:10. You still have two hours.”
Daniel sighed deeply, turning back to his friend, “I don’t think I can wait that long, bro.”
“Well you gotta. The girls are still getting ready.” Corbyn chuckled. “But your flower girls are demanding to see you. That’s why I’m up here.”
At simply the mention of his daughters, Daniel broke into a grin and he got up from the piano to start towards the stairs.
“They’re in our room with the guys.” Corbyn said, following him down the spiral staircase. Daniel seemed to navigate the winding corridors with ease – probably since he couldn’t stand still since he finished getting ready at 10:30 that morning – and he got back to their room with Corbyn a mess of confusion behind him.
The rest of their friend group were still in there hanging out after finishing getting ready along with Daniel’s two brothers and his dad. Clementine and Penelope were in the center of the room, demanding all of the attention from the men in their knee length light pink dresses and white stockings, looking no less than the cutest girls anyone had ever seen.
“My girls.” Daniel smiled, as he walked inside, bending down to their height as they rushed over to hug him. “You two look absolutely gorgeous.”
He tugged lightly at the brushed-out ringlets in their hair.
“We got makeup, Daddy!” Clementine beamed, pointing to her eyes where, sure enough, a thin coat of sparkly eye shadow and mascara framed each pair of bright blue eyes.
“Well, aren’t you two all grown up.” Daniel chuckled.
“Just a little.” Penelope said as if to reassure him.
“Yeah.” Clementine agreed with her younger sister. “Mommy said okay but just a little and Auntie Anna helped do it.”
“It looks very pretty.” Daniel said, looking between his two beaming daughters. He stood up from the ground and picked up Penelope to set on his hip and right away she leaned on his shoulder. “What did you need to see me for?”
“Oh!” Clementine ran across the room to the coffee table set up in the corner and she grabbed something from it before running back over to him. She held up a small envelope. “Mommy wanted me to give you this. It was a special mission. Only I could do it.”
“Sounds important.” Daniel smiled, taking it from her with his free hand that wasn’t holding the three-year-old. “Do you want another special mission, Miss Clementine?”
“Yes!” she squealed.
Daniel gave Penelope the envelope to hold so he could reach into his inside jacket pocket to pull out his own letter. He passed it down to the young girl who beamed at the sight of it as she held it in her two hands.
“Make sure Mommy gets this. No one else, okay?” Daniel instructed.
“Yessir!” Clementine nodded before running out of the room. The quick clicks of her Mary Janes could be heard disappearing down the hallway.
Daniel looked to Penelope in his arms, as he took the envelope back from her tiny grip, “You want to go with your sister?”
Her little head shake made him smile and he pressed a kiss to her head as she wrapped her arms around his neck and cuddled into him. He told the room that he would be right back before he walked out again, his youngest falling asleep on his shoulder. Penelope seemed to be a sense of calm to him as walking down the hallway felt so much easier with her.
Daniel found a small bench over-looking the garden below and he sat down, leaning against the wall so Penelope could still nap comfortably against him. He kept his arms on either side of the sleeping child to make sure she wouldn’t fall as he held the small white envelope in his hands, the contents inside personally written from the bride.
His name always looked so much nicer when it was written by her.
When he turned it over, a soft pink lipstick mark was pressed to the seal and he smiled at the sight of her sitting by the window over looking the castle gardens in a long white dress and pressing a kiss to that very envelope. He could almost hear her soft giggle at her own ridiculousness.
Daniel slid his finger along the seal in order to pull out the small sheet of cardstock. The black ink scrawled crisply over the high-end parchment and he held it carefully in his two hands as if he was holding priceless artwork.
Penelope shifted against his shoulder and he set one hand on her back securely as he began reading.
My dearest Daniel,
How long has it been that we’ve awaited this day? It already feels like a lifetime. Every day spent with you brings so much brightness to my world and I truly cannot imagine a life without you by my side. You have always been my confidant, my protector, my best friend, and my one true love. You live so passionately yet carefully, thinking through every action before doing and always putting everyone else before you. Especially our girls. Clementine and Penelope are so blessed to be able to call you their father, and I am even more blessed to soon be able to call you my husband. It still sounds so surreal. We’ve been awaiting this day for exactly 5 years now, even if we might not have known it at first. Every obstacle led us here, all the heartache, the tears, the laughter, and the late-night talks – and I wouldn’t change one thing. This is our story. It may have been five years in the making but it starts today.
I love you more than life itself, and I will every day forward.
Yours forever,
Clementine came skidding into the bridal suite, her dress shoes shrieking against the floor.
“Clementine Ophelia, you’re going to hurt yourself.” Florence tisked, holding out her arm to catch her rambunctious daughter running for her at top speed as she sat at the dressing table getting the finishing touches on her hair.
“I have an important message for you, Mommy!” Clementine said, bouncing on her toes as she held onto Florence’s white dress tightly with one fist, her other waving the envelope in her face.
“Thank you, angel.” Florence took it from her with a cheesy grin and gently pried her four-and-a-half-year old’s hand from her dress. “Now go sit with Uncle Callum and calm down, please.”
Clementine skipped across the room to Callum who was sitting on the couch with Daniel’s mum.
“What’s that?” Anna asked through a teasing smile, pinning the last bit of the soft white flower into her curls.
Florence grinned down at the letter in her hand, “You know what it is.”
“A love letter from my brother.” Anna sang softly as she picked up the hairspray. “Hold your breath.”
Florence closed her eyes gently and took a deep breath, holding the envelope safely against her chest as Anna sprayed at least half the can of hairspray onto her curls. The girls coughed a little together when she was finished, waving their hands in the air.
“Well, my dear, you look like an angel on earth.” Anna said proudly.
“Thank you so much.” Florence sighed, welcoming her soon to be sister-in-law into a hug.
“You’re most welcome. We’ll go downstairs to make sure everything is going smoothly…and you so can read your mushy letter.” Anna said, ushering everyone out of the room.
Florence took a small breath through her wide smile, catching her own eye in the mirror nearby. She hardly recognised herself…but in the best way. Anna really knew what she was doing. Her blonde hair fell in soft curls to her shoulder, side swept to the left with her bangs falling gracefully over her forehead. The white baby’s breath flowers tied her hair together and her light makeup smoothed out her skin perfectly. It was the type of makeover that Florence wasn’t a stranger to from her adolescent years, but the importance of that day had it meaning so much more.
She looked back down to the white envelope in her hand and smiled at the soft cursive of her name, ended with a small heart.
Florence opened the letter carefully, making sure to be cautious of her fresh manicure, and slid the small piece of cardstock out of the envelope. It was heavy in her hands and before she even read it, she felt tears prick at her eyes from the emotion of it all.
My Sweetheart,
We both know the story about how I was that love-sick teenager at the frat party, trying my best to hit on the most beautiful girl there and ultimately failing miserably after I accidentally spilled my entire drunken thoughts about how I was wanting to marry you one day. I bet you didn’t see that actually happening. I probably didn’t either to be honest. I still remember how you looked that night, almost like the image of you is ingrained in my memory forever. A shy young woman, clueless about where life was going to take her. I thank God every day that it took you to me. From the moment we first met, you have been the shining star guiding me wherever I go; saving me when I’m lost and being my biggest constellation when I succeed. Having you by my side through everything is the biggest reassurance and I truly don’t know where I would be without you. Thank you for not only blessing us with our two beautiful daughters, but also for being such a selfless and caring mother. Thank you for pushing me when I feel like giving up, and being able to let me come to you with anything, even if it’s as stupid as losing my keys over and over again. Thank you for saying yes, for promising to love me through all the hardships. Thank you for making me who I am. I’m honoured to soon be able to call you my wife.
It’s always been you.
All my love,
Daniel stood at the top of the stairs, biting anxiously at his bottom lip, watching all the guests below make their way into the conservatory for the ceremony.
“5 minutes.” Tyler said, coming up behind his youngest brother and set a hand on his shoulder, “How are we feeling?”
“Really freaking nervous for some reason.” Daniel mumbled, his voice shaking.
“You’re not facing your death, Dan.” Christian laughed, joining them by the stairs as well.
“I know, I know. What if I like…mess something up? Or like…cry in front of everyone.” Daniel sighed, looking back down the stairs at the hallway that now appeared empty, meaning all the guests were seated.
“That’s the whole point of a wedding. You’re doing it wrong if you don’t cry.” Christian scoffed, brushing his hands over his youngest brother’s shoulders, straightening out his suit.
“You look good, bro.” Tyler smiled.
“Boys, it’s time.” Keri called from the bottom of the stairs. “Tyler, Christian, get out there please.”
“Good luck.” Christian winked as the eldest brothers rushed down the stairs and into the conservatory.
“Ready, baby?” Keri asked, sensing Daniel’s hesitation from the flight of stairs that seperated them. Daniel nodded and walked down to her slowly. “You look so handsome.” She smiled at her youngest son, holding his face in her hands. “I’m so proud of you, you know?”
“Thanks, Mum.” Daniel whispered, smiling softly to the dark wood floors.
She linked her arm in his and they took a few steps towards the grand doorway into the white painted conservatory. The large domed skylight was built of stained glass and cast a soft glow around the room, the floor to ceiling windows framed with elaborate white paneling only adding to the sunlight seeping onto the cream checkered tile floor. Dark marble trim lined the conservatory, dotted with many foliage and led to the end of the aisle where the officiant stood in front of the fountain framed in white flowers.
Daniel and his mother took the two marble steps into the sun filled conservatory and all eyes turned to them. It wasn’t a large guest list. The young couple didn’t know many people, but the four steady rows were only filled with everyone in their lives. Daniel couldn’t bite back his wide grin, turning to look at his mother on his arm who smiled up at him proudly. When they reached the altar, he leaned down to kiss her cheek and she sat down in the front row with his father and two brothers. Christian and Tyler gave him two thumbs up, making him chuckle as he shuffled in place. His friends sat behind them, Jack throwing up a heart with his hands that made Jonah smack his arm and shake his head. Daniel stuck his tongue out at them teasingly regardless, his hands held together behind his back, tapping a finger against his palm restlessly. He kept his eyes focussed on the double doors a few metres away.
Barely a minute later – although it felt like an eternity – the band started to play and everyone in the room turned to look behind them.
Anna and Callum walked out first, arm in arm. Anna held a small white bouquet and had on a long light pink gown, matching to Callum’s bowtie over his black suit. When they reached the front, they seperated, Callum standing to the left and Anna finding her place beside Daniel, giving his arm a small squeeze on her way and they exchanged small smiles.
Clementine and Penelope were next, still dressed in their matching light pink dresses and white Mary Janes, sprinkling white rose petals from their wicker baskets as they walked down the aisle with wide grins. The room ‘awe’d at the little girls, Daniel smiling so proudly at his daughters. Penelope ran ahead to him and wrapped her arms around his legs shyly.
He brushed her dark curls from her face, whispering a gentle, “Go sit with Luke, Penny girl.” as he ushered her towards them. Clementine held out her hand and the sisters went to their seats with the Clifford’s.
The room shifted to their feet, everyone turning to the double doors as Florence and Michael stepped down the two small stairs into the conservatory. Daniel could have sworn his heart stopped beating at the sight of her in the long white ballgown, the lace accents sitting softly over her shoulders and the thin veil tucked securely into her blonde hair and falling effortlessly down her back. The moment she looked up at him, her light eyes finding his, Daniel couldn’t hold back his tears, pressing his hand to his mouth in awe by her. 
It was if nothing mattered anymore, not worrying about anything but the woman he loved dressed in white, walking towards their future. He couldn’t help but return her smile as he wiped the tears from his cheeks, her eyes already shimmering with tears herself as Michael pressed a kiss to her cheek and passed her over into Daniel’s outstretched hand.
“You look gorgeous.” Daniel whispered, his voice breaking a little as he tried to speak.
“So do you.” Florence chuckled lightly, taking a shaking breath as her other hand fell into his.
They stood together, hand in hand, in front of all their friends and family, as the officiant opened the wedding. Daniel couldn’t take his eyes off of her and Florence was just the same, giving his hands a soft squeeze.
After a quick prayer and introduction, the floor was passed to the bride first for her vows. She took a shaking breath, a small nervous whimper falling from her glossy lips and Daniel smiled at her reassuringly.
Florence met his strong gaze, running her thumbs over his as she spoke.
“Daniel James Seavey, five years ago to this day, I was nothing less than a confused 18-year-old, unsure of what my purpose in life was. I was really at my lowest point. But that goofy, slightly tipsy brunette boy sat himself down next to me and right away things started looking up. From that night onwards, you have taught me so many valuable lessons, from learning how to live joyously, trust honestly, and love passionately. It hasn’t been an easy five years, but I know that after all the tests we have been put through to get here, that our love can survive anything. Loving you is my greatest honour and I promise to love you more and more with each passing day as your wife,” Florence paused a moment, her bottom lip trembling as she held back her tears and her hands tightening on his, “and as your best friend. I promise to laugh with you and cry with you, and to never go to sleep angry. Even if you’re always waking me up in the middle of night when you get a burst of inspiration at 3am and you have to play a new song right then and there.”
The room laughed lightly.
Florence sniffled but continued, “It’s not going to be easy. At least that’s what everyone always told me. But for some reason, standing here with you right now, nothing but the strongest love in my heart, knowing that you’re by my side forever…nothing seems easier than that.”
Daniel cracked a small smile through his silent tears, mumbling a very quiet ‘I love you’ which she returned.
“I wrote mine down because you know I can’t keep my mind in one place.” Daniel said, reaching into his jacket pocket to pull out a small piece of paper. He unfolded it and took a shaking breath, taking a quick look at his bride and smiling, sliding one hand back into hers before turning back to his vows.
“Florence Margret DiCaprio. My sweetheart. My best friend. There seem to be so many words to describe what you mean to me but none that seem to be enough to truly encompass how I feel. I have been a boy in love since I first laid eyes on you and I knew, although quite naïve at the time, that life wouldn’t be quite worth living if you weren’t by my side. I made many stupid mistakes in my life, especially the first two years of knowing you, but you never gave up on me and you never held that against me. We make each other better people, better parents, and better life partners. I thank God every single day for bringing you into my life, for bringing our daughters into our lives, and for allowing me the chance to live the life that I only could ever dream about. I promise to work through life with you, to be there for you at your lowest at and to celebrate with you at your highest, to cherish you and our children through everything, and to write you so many songs that we could make our own record library.”
Daniel glanced up at her to meet her soft chuckle through her forming tears, her hand gently squeezing his.
He looked back down to his paper, gently rubbing his thumb over hers, he took a small breath, looking back at her as he spoke, “Most importantly, I promise to you love you honestly and truly, with all my heart, until my last breath.”
Florence let a few tears fall down her cheeks, her heart felling like it might beat right out of her chest. How she absolutely adored the man in front of her.
Clementine was ushered over with the little satchel with the rings and Daniel bent down to take them from her.
“Thank you, angel.” he smiled softly, pressing a kiss to her cheek before standing up again. She rushed back over to her seat with a grin on her little face.
Daniel stood back up, following the instructions of the minister. He took Florence’s left hand in his, carefully sliding the ring on her finger, saying “Take this ring as a sign of my everlasting love.”
The minister directed Florence to do the same. She smiled softly at Daniel before taking his left hand and slid on his own ring, “Take this ring as a sign of my everlasting love.”
Their hands fell into each other’s sharing excited smiles, hand in hand, as the minister said his closing remarks and blessings.
“I now pronounce you man and wife; you may kiss the bride.”
Daniel let out a quiet, “Oh my gosh” as he leaned in to kiss her. Florence’s hands went to the side of his neck to keep him close, smiling widely into it, as their friends and family applauded.
They whispered quick “I love yous” heard only to them before they were walking back down the aisle hand in hand.
Photographs were taken on the castle grounds under the trees that were changing colour into a frenzy of oranges and reds. Daniel felt like his smile would never leave his face, staying tucked up nice a close to Florence as if he never wanted to be more then two inches away from her for the rest of time. It was all a bit messy and a tad chaotic, the two young girls getting a bit restless and wanting to jump in the fallen leaves rather than pose for picture and Penelope fell over which got them a few good shots of her bawling her eyes out in Daniel’s arms, her tears staining his suit jacket. But even still, Daniel and Florence wouldn’t have had it any other way.
They still had their moment to walk into the library where their reception was, hand in hand, their small group of family and friends standing and cheering and Florence felt happier than she ever thought was possible in life. Daniel led her to the middle of the dancefloor as the lights dimmed to a soft glow and he pulled her close for their first dance. The music played through the speakers, filling the dark wood library with an indescribable warmth, their eyes on each other’s with Daniel’s hands tucked around her waist and Florence’s hands draped over his shoulders.
It was a love song that Daniel heard on the radio one day and it brought him to tears alone in his car on the way home from class, the words speaking volumes about the deep and unbreakable love he had for this girl, who had overcome so much with him, to find them in that exact moment.
He couldn’t help but lean in to kiss her softly, running his thumb softly over the lace of her dress, smiling as she curled into him, leaning her head on his shoulder as they swayed slowly to their favourite song. Daniel let his eyes close, trying to savour the feeling of that very moment, letting the lyrics fall quietly from his lips as he sang to her as if it was just the two of them. Florence moved back a little to look at him, their noses brushing a little, keeping her arms tucked around his shoulders, pressed up close as if they were one.
Of course, nothing was ever perfect, and Clementine managed to slink out of Christian’s lap and made a beeline for the dance floor, dodging his desperate lunge for her. Daniel reached out to grab her as she ran right for them, keeping one hand on Florence’s waist as he took her small hand in his own and she swayed dramatically to the music the best she could. Florence waved over Penelope who rushed over to them as well and joined into their little circle, spending more time with her arms held up to Daniel to get him to pick her up than anything. Daniel and Florence finished their first dance with their two daughters, Clementine twirling around her mother’s white ballgown and Penelope curled shyly into her father’s neck. They wouldn’t have had it any other way.
The rest of the evening was spent amongst their family and friends, eating their expensive dinner and thanking everyone for coming. Dancing occurred by evening and despite the loud music and lights, both Penelope and Clementine were fast asleep, the youngest tucked up on Christian’s lap with her head on his chest and the oldest sleeping against Callum’s shoulder. The brothers, Callum especially, was set on giving Florence and Daniel all the time together on their special day, meaning he was on toddler-duty all night. Christian didn’t complain in helping out either.
The newly married couple didn’t really get their one-on-one time until the reception came to an end and they were off for their honeymoon. Newly graduated from university and parents of two, all they could afford was a week at a ritzy hotel downtown which is where they found themselves that night. Not wanting to be apart for a moment longer; a bit tipsy from champagne from the wedding and a bit love-drunk, they made the impromptu decision to have a third baby, consummating their marriage in the soft white sheets of the hotel king size bed.
And for the rest of the week.
It was no surprise when they were met with two positive pregnancy tests come the end of November...
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mckenzierossistory · 4 years
Solo [Background Story Part One]
This is my story.
My parents are Donovan Rossi is a Navy Seal, Master Chief Petty Officer, and Angel Rossi, she was a singer; my grandparents are Alden Rossi, a Navy Seal, Captain, and Isabella Rossi is a music teacher. I’m McKenzie Grace Rossi. I was born July 28, on the hottest day in the summer. We lived in Nashville, Tennessee. Daddy said that they were very excited to have me. It was a blessing to them; it took a long time to get pregnant with me. When l starts to get older, my father, when away a lot to protect our country. Mama, when on tour, she makes sure she called me. So I am with my grandparents a lot. My Grandaddy was very strict about things, but Granny wasn’t until you piss her off. I wonder where l get my temper from, a southern woman that carries a wooden spoon that will fixin’ you real fast. Granny ensured that I was always busy; music was a big part of my life with my Mama and Granny. One day mama was on tour, the news announced that Angel Savannah Rossi was murder by a fan.
My Grandparents knew that they would have to protect me more. I start to look like my mama with the sassy, southern girl charm that can charm off a man’s pants. Granny said to Grandaddy and Daddy that will be a special man that can handle me when l get a little older. My daddy knew that his mama was right. Still, for now, Daddy didn’t want to lose me from mama fan, he put in a request to move to Florida; my grandparents took me to Florida before Daddy came back from his mission; we are on base the time Daddy got back, he knew we are safe, Grandaddy chuckles at the guys as l got older. I started to look like my mama; Daddy was growling at his unit, warn them about me that I’m off-limits. Throughout high school, l wanted to be a cop; I didn’t want to be Navy Seal like my Granddaddy and Daddy. I applied for the police academy I have gotten in; I had to work twice as hard as everyone else because my granddaddy and father are Navy Seals; when l graduate from the police academy, I went to Narcotics Unit, I did a lot of undercover work. I was offered to go to Sniper school. I had to go to DMO Camp Geiger, the United States Marine Corps base in Jacksonville, North Carolina.
We got off the bus, meet Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Trooper, then l meet Master Gunnery Sergeant Jayce Caelan. He was a tall guy. I had to prove myself a lot l was the only female on the base at the time; I learned a lot about being the best sniper, a lot of rumors about Master Gunnery Sergeant Jayce Caelan that he was the best sniper in the world. A lot of the guys start to notice me. Master Gunnery Sergeant Jayce Caelan has a stop of that; I was here to learn. Graduation hit, my family was there. A few months later, l was on the roof, my phone ring; I couldn’t talk when l am on a case. He left a message asking me to come to meet him. A few days later, I sent him a text message because my partner's wife got hold of my cell phone; she knew that l had the hottest for Master Gunnery Sergeant Jayce Caelan.
The date is set to go to the bar off base to meet him. My partner's wife picked out a very sexy emerald dress with a pair of black Jimmy Choo’s, a very sexy lace black bra, and matching panties. I drove to the bar. I was very excited and very nervous about seeing Master Gunnery Sergeant Jayce Caelan again. I step in. The guys that l graduate with are snipers. They are whistling and hollering at me. I saw Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Trooper hugs him. We talked a little he knew l was a sniper for the swat team; he hears that he was undercover.
The bartender steps out of the bar hugging me, he asked me what l wanted to drink, and l told him a glass of white wine. I couldn’t get away from Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Trooper; then, I saw Master Gunnery Sergeant Jayce Caelan as the song of “Burnin’ it down, by Jason Alden.” Master Gunnery Sergeant Jayce Caelan has a smirk on his face telling the guys that they are dismissed. I smiled, taking a sit with Master Gunnery Sergeant Jayce Caelan in the corner of the bar with him talking about everything and anything. He told me to stop calling him Master Gunnery Sergeant Jayce Caelan; I just called him Jayce. I feel his hand on mine, then we kissed. That night was unforgettable with him; a month later, l found l was carrying Jayce’s baby. I sent Jayce to tell him, but l knew that he was on a mission in Iraq. Sergeant Majors Pete Cox and l start to become friends; I have gotten into some trouble with the Russian Mob with a case. So Sargeant Majors Pete Cox starts to protect me. I passed out in the house. I was rush to the hospital to have #AshleyLynnCaelan on July 24.
A few years later, #AshleyLynn, she is turning three years old, she is so excited about having her Birthday in Miami, Grandaddy and Granny live next to us, I couldn’t believe who l am seeing it’s Jayce. We started to talk; we had our first date on the beach was romantic. He moved in; I finally told Jayce that #AshleyLynn is his daughter, giving him proof of it along with her birth certificate; we got married on April 14, 2019; the wedding was a surprise for him, I had a lot of help to pull off for us. Then we went to visit my mother's parents; I was pregnant with our little boy, I miscarriage on him that broken my heart along with Jayce’s heart we pulled threw it then we got #AngelSavannah, a few months later Jayce got his assignment the girls always send him pictures, and letters and AshleyLynn put a teddy bear in Jayce bag so he will have someone to keep him company. #TBC
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barfzal · 5 years
nocturnal me 
Tumblr media
word count: 6,600
warnings: rough, choking, daddy kink, getting tied up, possessive adrian
requested: yeah! 
a/n: hey, hunnybees! i’ve been sitting on this one for a minute. i was feeling rather uninspired to post my writing on here, but bad times pass, and i want to say a giant thank you those of you who have consistently supported my writing and have reblogged it, i really appreciate you so much. this one is featuring a very possessive adrian kempe, and the title comes from a song by echo & the bunnymen. the swedish in here stems from my research, but if you’re a native speaker and find it a little iffy, please lmk. translations are at the bottom for my fellow non-swedish speakers. thank you so much for reading! ⋆ mia
Adrian’s tone sweeter than syrup masked his cruel intentions when he asked you if you would be interested in trying something new tonight. Your head was hung over his shoulder at the time, and his inquiry prompted you to lift your head and ask if he was hinting at anal. To that, he had let out a short, wheezed laugh, and he shook his head back and forth. With your fingers brushing over his toned, tattooed bicep, and the remainder of your third glass of red wine down the hatch, you foolishly nodded your head in agreeance, figuring that you could handle whatever it was he wanted to try. Under the yellow glow of the lamps that lined the streets of Paris and with a warm kiss from Adrian’s soft lips, you had sealed your fate for the evening.
At the door to your suite, Adrian leans over your body, his tall frame consuming yours, and he leaves delicious kisses on the surface of your shoulder blade while his wide palms engulf the fullest part of your hips. His lips against your skin fights at your attention, and you struggle in the search for the key to your room that had to be somewhere in your Saint Laurent shoulder bag. “Adrian, baby, I can’t focus when you touch me like that,” you whine to him quietly as his fingers glide under your dress, and you can feel his lips stretch into a wide smile against your shoulder at your complaint; he absolutely adores when you lose focus because of him. When you finally find the key, you fumble with the lock before turning the knob on the door. Once inside, you turn into his big arms while he closes the door behind him. Your fingers instinctively reach for his satiny, sand colored hair, and your lips reconnect. You let out a sigh of relief against his bottom lip while you loop your finger under the gold chain around his neck and tug him in closer; you are desperate for more of him, and by now, you have completely forgotten about how you had sold your soul to the devil when you agreed to Adrian’s innocent request.
His callous-lined palms are rough in contrast to the skin of your face, and he grasps you by your chin and pushes back on you. When your lips are pushed away from his, you unintentionally pout, and Adrian lets out a quiet chuckle at your expression of disappointment. The tip of his noise lightly brushes against yours. “Oh, my poor baby,” he mumbles sarcastically while he grins down at you. Your eyes follow his beautiful smile, while you feel his fingers trace over the apples of your cheeks delicately, and he tenderly sweeps your hair from your face and tucks it behind both of your ears. One of his hands hooks behind your neck and the other cups your chin again, and you hold his gaze for a few long moments; it’s not until you hear his voice, that you realize you have been holding your breath the whole time. “Go into the bathroom. I left something for you,” he tells you, and you note the difference in his tone; his voice has grown dimmer; Adrian is not asking you to go into the bathroom, nor is he suggesting it. He’s telling you.
Turning into the bathroom, you almost expect Adrian to come behind you, rather you hear the quiet sound of the door clicking shut behind you. The bulbs that line the vanity give off a diffused light, and sitting atop the countertop is a scarlet box. On the box, is a cream envelope; you reach for it, and slide your finger under the wax seal to pull out a thick card stock. You read the contents of his note in his scribbled cursive.
I want you to get undressed and put on what’s inside this box. Jag älskar dig - Adrian
Your nerves coil, but a smile spreads over your lips. Neither of you had really ever done something of this nature before. Adrian liked to be rough, but he was never this demanding. Usually, he would scramble to strip one of his Team Sweden shirts off of you in the apartment you shared in Los Angeles, but this was something entirely new. The nerves dissolve to anticipation as you pull the box open to find a skimpy set of black lace and mesh lingerie. The fabric was flimsy as you pulled it over your naked body, and you were certain the little material could not have been your size, so you check the tag, but sure enough it was exactly the size you were consistently. The little black straps and mesh were obviously designed to leave little to the imagination, and it flatters your figure impeccably. Your breasts are accentuated by the delicate straps of the bra, and you turn to your profile to look over your body in the mirror. Stepping into the red-bottomed black heels, you let out a quiet giggle at Adrian’s appetite for designer clothing and shoes; he was always picking out the most needlessly expensive clothing and accessories for you when he shopped for you, which was quite often, and he undoubtedly paid a lot for this micro set.
Moments pass of examining your own reflection and ruffling around with your hair before you walk out of the bathroom to see Adrian reclining in the artisan leather chair that was placed in the corner of the suite. His shirt has been stripped off, and the light carves out the muscles of his abdomen. His black denim hangs off the defined dips of his hips. His expression is stoic, so it takes you off guard when a smile creeps over his face. He couldn’t help it when he saw your beautiful body on display for him. “Come here, älskade,” he calls to you from his seat, beckoning you with two fingers to him. “Let me see what’s mine,” he whispers as you near him, and he wants no time, letting his hands brush over your stomach and wrap around your hips.
Looking down to where he sits, Adrian doesn’t meet your eyes; he is far too busy scanning over every inch of your body, and like every other time his intimidating stare was zeroed in on you, you feel the warmth build behind your cheeks. With a strong hand, he twists your hips, and he not so subtly guides you to turn for him. His short nails press into your hips and sink into your skin, sliding down the side of your thighs. “Fuck,” he hums against your skin before pressing a kiss into the dip of your lower back. He slips his fingers down the outside of your thighs, collapsing his hands around them and forcing your thighs apart gently as to not make you stumble in the shoes. Now you can feel his teeth press into your butt cheek, and the sensation makes you whimper, but you can feel the familiar tickle between your thighs. His grins with your flesh between his teeth at the noise you make, and his bite dissipates into a sweet kiss on your left cheek. When he pulls his lips from your butt, he is smiling widely with satisfaction after seeing the pink print of his teeth on your soft skin.
The warmth of his hands travels up to the front of your hips, and he yanks on you, pulling you down into his lap. You gasp when you find your seat on his thighs, and he lets out a quiet chuckle at your immediate shock. You stifle a whimper when his hand slides down your chest and past your stomach. His fingers roam between your thighs, and he rubs you through your panties. As you are about to let out a soft noise to indicate your approval, you can feel Adrian’s other hand wrap around the front of your throat. You let out a strained gasp at the contact of his hand over your throat. He doesn’t squeeze your throat with much strength, but like his fingers to your clit, he leaves a firm pressure there. Your noise makes him hush you quietly. “Shhh, that’s my girl,” he murmurs possessively into your ear as he slips his fingers under the material, and he runs his middle finger between your pussy lips. Your hips buck forward into his palm involuntarily, trying to get more contact, and Adrian’s hand clenches over your neck. “Don’t be greedy, baby,” he grumbles into your ear before leaving a kiss on your earlobe and releasing some of the pressure on your throat. With his long fingers, he lightly traces your clit in circles, and your toes curl in the Louboutin pumps while you exert an extreme amount of self-restraint to keep yourself from rocking your hips into his hand again.
By now, the wetness has seeped through the meager fabric of your panties, and when he lifts his fingers out from under the fabric they are glistening with your nectar. Using your jaw, he turns your head so your eyes will meet his. “Open up, sötnos,” he murmurs while looking into your eyes. Holding the gaze from his pale blue eyes, you open your mouth while he cradles your jaw with one hand. His eyes fall to watch his two wet fingers slide down the center of your tongue, and he groans out when you close your lips around his knuckles. When his eyes come back up to yours, his hand slips back to the base of your neck, and keeps his grip there. “Tonight is a little different because I want to have complete control. I want you to listen to and obey everything I say, yeah?” Adrian begins, his eyebrows furrowing as he questions you. With his fingers still in your mouth, you nod your head along, and blink once to confirm that you agreed to his terms. “Good girl, and when you answer me, you call me daddy, okay?” he murmurs as he pulls his fingers from between your lips, so you could respond. “Yes, daddy,” you let out for him as your fingers slide down to find his rigid cock prodding through his distressed denim. Adrian clasps his hand tightly around your wrist and pulls your hand up between the two of you while he shakes his head. “No touching unless I give you permission,” he orders and gives your jaw a light tap with two fingers.
Nodding your head up and down at this rule, he opens his lips to give you his final instructions. “Two last things,” he says while clearing his throat. Your eyes watch his dark pink lips move as he speaks. “If the pain or pleasure becomes too much to bear, say the word ‘nine,’” he instructs. You start to grin just a bit at this: his number. He uses his thumb to tilt your chin, to focus your attention away from his lips and back to his eyes. “And no matter how cruel I can be, don’t forget how much I love you,” he says in a tone just above a whisper. You hold his gaze with questioning eyes before he gives you a single nod, and you lean in to give him one last gentle kiss. His tongue tenderly rolls against yours, and you suck on his supple bottom lip before you reluctantly pull away from the kiss. “I love you too…” you murmur to him before adding “daddy,” which causes him to give you a wide smile, and he holds you by the throat and brings your forehead down to his. “Good girl,” he praises you quietly before bringing his lips up to your forehead and placing one kiss there.
His hand finds its way to the base of your neck, and the other hand tangles in your hair, strands of your hair lace between his knuckles, and he tugs on the hair at your scalp. “You’re gonna be good for me right, baby girl?” he asks with a sugar-coated voice, and you eagerly nod your head for him. “Yes, daddy,” you say obediently, and you watch as he bites his bottom lip. The word felt strange leaving your lips. There were times before where you almost accidentally yelped it out, but you never admitted that to Adrian. The word is new and provoked excitement, and a smile smooths over your lips after saying it.
His hand grasps the underside of your jaw, and his fingers press into your cheeks, squeezing them together while he smiles back at you, showing you the slight indent of a dimple in his left cheek. “You’re so good already,” he mumbles to you as he brings your wrists together behind your back, gathering them with only one of his large hands. “Now, down on your knees,” he says to you, “and keep those hands behind your back.” Following his order, you sink down now onto the floor between his open thighs and look up at him while lacing your fingers together behind your back. You see the bulge in the denim, and it takes every ounce of control to keep you from unbuttoning the pants for him. He loosens his pants slowly, his slender fingers working over the button and zipper. He pulls down the black material of his boxer briefs with the denim and slips it down his calfs before kicking them off. His firm cock rests, growing to its full, thick size, against his stomach, and he leans back in the chair.
His arm lifts and his tattooed bicep flexes as he sweeps back some of the long hair from his eyes. His other hand slides down his toned abdomen, and there is a shadow that emphasizes the definition of his Apollo’s belt. He slides his hand to the base of his long cock, and he lifts it, so it’s standing up straight for you. Your tongue instinctively slides over your lips, and hungrily, you wait for his command to take him into your mouth. Your eyes lift from his cock to his eyes, and you can see that they’ve darkened considerably to a dark slate. He has a cold stare, and though he had been your boyfriend for two years, you feel your stomach twist at his intimidating eyes. His fingers sweep up some of your hair, and without words, Adrian pulls your face in closer to his core, and he starts by slowly rubbing the tip of his cock over your soft cheeks. The tip of his cock slowly presses to your lips, and with great discipline, you keep your lips closed, only letting them be drawn open as his cock drags down your bottom lip. He slowly rubs himself over your lips like the wand of your lip gloss.
Taking this opportunity, you soak in all of your boyfriend’s physical perfections. His profound cheekbones, and the scar that lined his left cheek; the way his necklace dips in the crevice of his collar bones; the way his blonde hair curls at the back of his neck; the way his supple, dark lips hang open as he watches you. When you hear him order you to open your mouth, you are drawn back from your state of musing, and you obey, allowing your tongue to slide out for him. Adrian lets out a guttural noise as he slides the head of his cock over the center of your tongue. With a soft curse leaving his lips, his eyes shift from your open mouth to your eyes. Your mouth closes around the tip of his cock, and a quiet sigh leaves his lips. Your cheeks hollow as you suck on his shaft, moving slowly and intentionally, looking up at him with a cautious glance. He gives you a nod to let you know it was okay to continue, and you work your lips up and down his length. His chest heaves at your work, and his fingers delicately slide over your cheeks and sink back into your hair.
Saliva rolls down the center of your chin, dripping onto the brown leather between Adrian’s thighs. Your slow lips frustrate him, and his hips rock forward, shoving the remainder of his long cock down your throat, and it forces a quiet gag from your throat. “That’s my girl,” he huffs out. Sweat is beginning to form against his golden hairline, and you watch him try to stifle the pleasure, but behind you, his toes are curling into the floor boards, and you can see the muscles of his abdomen tense up. With his fingers winding into your hair, Adrian’s hand falls to your throat, and he begins to fuck your mouth. You feel him push himself down your throat again, but this time he holds himself there. For a few suffocating moments your throat contracts around him, and with the feeling around his shaft, and the way he can feel your throat move under his palm he lets out a long, loud moan. “Fuck,” he groans as he pulls his cock from your lips. You are panting now, eager for oxygen that you were just denied, and Adrian starts into a wide smile after seeing the string of saliva that hangs from your darkened lips.
Adrian drags your face up to his, his hands cradling your cheeks as he presses an open-mouthed kiss into your lips. His tongue dips into your mouth, and he moans quietly against your bottom lip. You let out a content sigh into the kiss, and absentmindedly your fingers slip between his thighs and wrap around the base of his cock. Your fingers slide up the entirety of his length before his lips tear from yours with a quiet grunt, and he firmly grabs your wrist. “I’m sorry,” you breathe out instantly, wide eyed when you realize your mistake, and he lets out a hushed chuckle while shaking his head. “That’s not how it works, little one,” he murmurs to you as he runs his fingers down to the edge of your jaw, and he rises to his feet. Adrian guides you by the neck until you’re standing in your heels, still coming up short compared to his height over you. “If I don’t punish you,” he starts while twisting your hips and walking you to the edge of the bed. “How are you ever going to learn?” he murmurs into your ear and presses a kiss into your earlobe before he pushes you down to your knees on the bed, positioning you like a figurine on your hands and knees. “You wanna be a good slut for me, don’t you?” he prompts you while yanking the slight panties down to the middle of your thighs. “Yes, I do daddy,” you moan back.
Your heat aches from the exposure, and Adrian revels at the sight of you propped up for him like his own doll. Your response strokes his inflated ego, and he revels in it. He starts with one strong hand, and the first slap to your ass comes like a thousand volts through your skin. You audibly cry out into the pillow, and he peppers the tender flesh with a few kisses. “What do you say?” he speaks up from behind you. You lift your face from the pillow with flushed cheeks. “Thank you, daddy,” you sigh out, and you can hear the smile in his voice when he responds “you’re welcome, älskling.” His fingers press into your ass, squeezing you tightly into his palm before he presses a kiss to the right cheek. His hand raises and cracks across your skin like lightning. You choke back a yelp, and your toes scrunch into the soles of the designer heels. He smiles, and slowly, his palm runs over the splotchy pink hand print forming on your ass. His fingers slowly slide between your thighs, and he slips his fingers down your slit, tracing your pussy lips with his fingertips, and your thighs tense at the sensation. You let out a moan through closed lips, and sigh blissfully into the pillow under your head. You begin to relax, arms stretching out, like a cat, melting into the sensations of Adrian’s gentle teasing until you feel the edge of his teeth pierce your skin and you gasp. He lets out a low laugh from his throat, and nibbles on the skin of your left cheek.
He roughly paws at your hips now, and with a firm grip, Adrian rolls you over onto your back. You let out an audible breathe as you’re turned over; your hands grab fistfuls of the sheets underneath you. You are met by Adrian’s cold eyes, and you unintentionally bite into your bottom lip upon eye contact. Slipping your panties off the remainder of the way down your thighs and calves, he carefully unhooks them from the heel of your shoes, and he brings the damp fabric up to take it between his teeth; he groans at the satisfaction of tasting you. You watch on eagerly while he goes on to tease you to great lengths. His fingertips are light for the first time tonight as he slides his fingers over your lips, every finger intentionally avoiding your clit while he watches you squirm. He pulls the panties from his lips and puts them next to your hip, not throwing them over the edge of the bed like he normally does. “Stay still for me, love,” he commands, and your hips come to a rest, but the task is proven more difficult than you thought when Adrian lightly slaps the skin of your warm pussy again, and it makes you flinch.
His fingers slap the surface of your pussy over and over before he slips a finger down your folds. His attention is fixated on your pussy, and he admires it as if it was his first time looking at it. “Look at this cute little pussy,” he says to you while his eyes follow the direction of his finger, and you try to mute a moan, but it hums through your lips, and it only feeds Adrian’s confidence. This would usually annoy you, but when you are as desperate as this, you are not above begging him for more especially when your pussy is throbbing for attention. “So small and tight,” he carries on, only adding in the last word when he presses the entirety of his middle finger into you, and it makes you whimper audibly. Adrian gives you small doses of the pleasure you crave, but it was only scratching the surface, and it is making you restless. “Please, daddy,” you finally breathe out, and the innocent tone of your voice make his cock jump against the sheets.  “Please what, baby?” he teases with a dark smirk. His finger curls inside of you, prodding the surface of that spot that makes your mind go blank. “Please lick me. Touch me. Anything, please daddy,” the begging fall out of your mouth in a quick desperate stream, and Adrian’s lips curl into a wide self-satisfied smirk before he pulls his finger out and slips a second finger into you. He groans as he presses his fingers into you, and he feels you constrict around his knuckles. Adrian never responds to your pleads verbally, but his arm wraps around your thigh, and he rests his tattooed forearm over your lower stomach. With his hand resting over your pubic bone, his thumb lightly grazes your clit that he had been ignoring. He pulls his fingers from inside of you and wraps his lips around them to taste you again.
Groaning at your flavor, he pulls his fingers from his lips, and he presses his fingers into your thigh, to push your leg out further. He lowers his head in to your heat, and his tongue starts leisurely sliding over your slit. His tongue is warm, and it tickles you when his tongue only faintly slides along your mound. “Such a pretty little pussy,” he breathes out against it, his eyes lifting from your pussy up to your eyes. The blue of his eyes are darkened to a cloudy grey, and you can see his tongue while it presses in deeper between your lips. Your pussy is being spread open by his tongue, and his tongue provides a firm pressure that makes you ball the sheets under you in your fists. His tongue slips through your folds in long licks, and he slides it over your clit very sloth-like. Your juices have rimmed the hair on his upper lip, and he moans as he presses in deeper. His nose rests above the hood of your clit, and he sucks your small clit into his mouth. His tongue lightly flicks it over and over, and the suction of his lips around it makes you moan helplessly. The stimulation is so much that you fear you might need to pull your hips from him. Just then, Adrian releases your clit from his mouth, and he lets out a groan from the back of his throat. His fingers that were pressed into your thigh to hold it out for him, come to your pussy and he lightly smacks it again, smacking over your clit gently. “This little pussy tastes as good as it looks, huh?” he mumbles to you with a small grin, his lips are glossed over with saliva and your juices. “Thank you, daddy,” you answer back, meeting him with a shy smile, and he grunts at your sweet tone.
His lips meet the surface of your thigh, and he presses a kiss into the skin there before dragging his teeth along it. Your nails dig into the mattress, and he brings his lips back to your pussy, placing a kiss on the lips of your pussy before he spits onto it. His saliva trails through the folds of your pussy before collecting at your hole. He presses his tongue into you slowly, and now he wriggles his tongue into your entrance, making you squirm. His arm that rests around your hip, forces it down into the bed, and his thumb rubs over your clit. Before long, your body temperature feels like it has risen, and your body is hot all over like you were in fever. Lost in the heat of his tongue, and captivated by the sound of his muffled grunts and tongue fucking you, you instinctively bring your fingers into the softness of his blonde hair. Your fingers grasp at the soft strands of hair, raking your fingers through his scalp without registering the rule you had broken. His fervent tongue stops, and his lips pull from your throbbing core. “Baby girl, you get too handsy,” he murmurs while letting out a quiet tsk under his breathe. He raises to his knees on the bed, his cock is harder than before, waving in front of him, and he reaches for the little fabric of your panties under your hip.
He gathers your wrists together in front of your stomach, his one hand clasping your wrists together, your breasts pushing together with your arms crossing in front of you. He wraps the material around your wrists, and ties it until you are no longer free to use your hands. He leans over you, and his face meets yours. He gives you a dark little smile. “That’s until you learn to ask permission,” he says while bringing his lips down to yours. You eagerly meet his lips, and you sigh at tasting yourself on him. His tongue tastes of you and the wine you two shared earlier. His lips drag from yours and you feel him roughly pull down the material of your bra. The mesh cups bunch up under your breasts, lifting them, and providing an incredible view for Adrian. His lips work marks into the side of your neck. Bruises come to flesh on your chest, as he moves his lips down your breasts, and he meets your nipple with his tongue before sinking his teeth into it to see you wince at it. The edge of his cock rubs into your inner thigh, and your hips brush up into his in response. His lips graze against the side of your breast before he sits up between your thighs.
The heat between the two of you has left Adrian with a light sheen of perspiration. The muscles in his arms flex when he ties his long, blonde hair back into a small bun. One small sweat slicked strand of his hair persists in hanging in front of his forehead, and with one hand on the base of his cock, he uses it to gently slap his length against your glistening pussy. You are warm and wet between your open thighs, and your body feels electric under him. His teeth press into his bottom lip as he teases you by rubbing his cock over your folds, but he knows he can’t hold back much longer himself. He rolls his hips back before easing the tip into you, once the head of his cock is inside of you, he lifts his broad hips, and presses them into your, his length tearing into you, and making you gasp out at the sharp pain and pleasure that floods you all at once. “Fuck,” you whine under your breathe at the sting before he pulls his hips back and brings them back to you with a strong force.
It starts off slow. His cock leisurely filling you up, but inch by inch he buries himself inside of you. You feel yourself stretching around his shaft, and while you liberally let out moans, Adrian holds them in his throat, only letting deep grunts out sparingly. “Look at that pussy stretching for me,” he groans out while his hands press down on your hips, pinning you into the bed with his thumbs connecting under your belly button. The muscles in his arms look tense and his veins are prominent as he anchors his weight in your hips making them ache and bruising the skin there, but the pleasure masks the damage being done. His cock fills you just right, and by the time he picks up his pace, you are dripping onto the bed, and your orgasm is nearing. Your inner thighs are coated with your juice, and you are a moaning mess withering into the sheets. “Please let me cum,” you let out through strained moans while Adrian presses a sloppy kiss into your ankle that rests over his shoulder. One of his hands slides up your stomach and takes hold of your throat, and through the blinding pleasure of his thrusts, you feel his thumb drags down on your bottom lip, before he pushes it between your lips, and you suck on it lazily, consumed so much by pleasure it was hard to focus. “Cum for me, baby girl,” he croaks out, grunting as he thrusts into you, his pace somehow picking up to bring you over the edge. Your orgasm is one that makes your legs tremble and your muscles spasm. Your back arches off of the mattress as you cry out, the noise strangled by Adrian’s thumb on your tongue and his hand around your throat. “Holy shit,” Adrian moans under his breath while relentlessly fucking you through the orgasm, and he admires the way you lay on the bed: spread open and helplessly shaking. Your breasts jiggle under the pressure of each  thrust, and you moaned around his thumb, relishing in being used by your lover. “Fuck, that’s my girl,” Adrian groans over you while sweat rolls down his forehead, slowing his hips to a stop.
He moves to untie the panties around your wrists, so you don’t risk getting bratty with him. Red impressions were left from the tight knot around them, and you rub the marks gently, thankful for the break he has given you to recover from the orgasm. His chest is flushed a shade deep like he had been out in the sun. Sweat sheered over the two of you, and his chest glistens deliciously. He wraps his palm under your neck, and lifts you up to meet his lips. In a desperate kiss, you moan against his tongue, and he slides his hands under your spine, and starts to turn you over. He peels the bra off of you, and he leans you back into his lap. He sits back on his feet and pulls you back into him, your ass resting comfortably against his hard, wet cock. He presses a kiss into your shoulder and nibbles into the nape of your neck. “You have been such a good girl,” he praises while pressing another kiss into your earlobe that releases serotonin like a flood over you, his accent heavier as he pants into your neck. “Tell me who you belong to, älskade,” he prompts you while his fingers cup underneath your breasts, and now he firmly squeezes them. “I belong to you, daddy,” you purr back quietly, pressing a kiss into his temple while you delight in your boyfriend’s words, his fingers pressing into your chest, smiling at your bliss. It’s a confusing, almost exciting thing to discover just how much you adore being used by him, and how much you love to be his personal fuck toy.
Your thought is interrupted by his palm falling down your spine, and Adrian pushes you onto your hands and knees. His hands fold under your hips, pulling them up, and you arch your back for him. You can feel his cock slowly rubbing over your ass, and it makes you hum impatiently, just wanting him back inside of you. You rejoice when he rubs his cock over your entrance, and it seeps into you with no fuss on your end, however, your frustration grows when he just rests inside of you. His cock feels incredible in you, but you were desperate for the friction that would bring you to another orgasm. “Work for it, baby. Earn it,” he says with a grin forming on his face as his hand comes down with a stinging spank to your ass, and you moan out. Sliding down to rest on your forearms, you slowly rock forward, and bring your ass back onto Adrian, your ass resting against his pelvic bone. He mutes a moan by biting into one of his knuckles, and he watches as you find a rhythm. Encouraged by your boyfriend’s deep moans over your shoulder, you rock your hips back and forth, and your moans muffle into the pillow, loving the way his hand comes down onto your ass with a sharp slap. You turn your head, to look over your shoulder at Adrian. His eyebrows are knit together, his mouth ajar as he takes in heavy breaths, and his chest heaves at your pace. You hear him huff out “herrgud,” just above a whisper, and your blissed out smile turns into a smirk. “Like this daddy? Am I earning your cock?” you tease, and Adrian’s hand comes down onto your ass in a swift motion that makes you inhale sharply. He realizes he is losing the control in the situation, and he roughly gathers your hair into his fist, dragging your head back, so you’re forced into a deep arch. “Don’t get too cocky on me,” he chuckles lightly; his other hand still rests on your hip, supporting you, but now his short nails press into you there. “You remember who’s in charge don’t you?” he challenges while his teeth drag down your shoulder blade, and he bites into your skin. With a gasp, you nod your head profusely. “Yes, daddy,” you respond obediently, and he releases your skin.
Adrian’s fingers release your hair, so you relax onto your elbows and his hands slip back to your hips. His nails drag up to your hips, and the ghost of the sting lingers on your skin. His cock pulls out and now he thrusts back into you, filling you up, the tip of his cock brushing against your g-spot in this position. His hands clasped around your ribcage while he finds a new pace. It is hard and fast, each pump of his cock, makes you let out a moan like a desperate yelp, and your excitement drips down onto the sheets. You can feel it rolling down your thighs as it rolls down Adrian’s cock that is burrowed inside of you, and constantly thrusting into you. He fucks you cruelly and ruthlessly, his nails slipping up your spine. One of his hands cups the front of your throat, and the other tugs at your hair, bunching it up into a fist. His sweat rolls down his forehead and some drips onto your back from his momentum. Your body is electric, the pleasure courses through your veins like venom, and your mind begins to feel pleasantly numb. You feel the muscles in your core tense at the first hint of your second orgasm, and you know it’s going to leave you seeing stars. “Daddy,” you struggle to let out, “I’m gonna cum,” you gasp out. Adrian’s hips are sloppier, but maintain the same speed. “Fuck that’s it,” he murmurs to you, his lips are over your shoulder, his wet chest is pressed into your shoulder blades, and his hand slides over yours, his fingers lacing between yours to steady himself on the bed. “Cum with me,” he growls into your ear.
A lewd sound leaves your lips, and with a core-throbbing orgasm, you crumple into the sheets. Adrian lets out a carnal moan against the edge of your ear, and you can feel the warmth of his thick cum spill into you, seeping deep into your cervix. His last few thrusts are weak and groggy, and he pulls his cock from you with a heavy sigh. His arms drapes over you, as he collapses into the bed next to you. Both of you are left panting for air with eyes that are lidded from the bliss of having orgasms that made the world go fuzzy. You swallow hard, rolling to see Adrian admiring you again. His eyes are lingering over your naked figure, and he looks up at you with a wide smile. “I love you so much,” he says bashfully with a breath-filled laugh, his hand coming up to graze over your cheek. “I love you, too,” you giggle back to him, laughing at his shy demeanor after how rough he was. Your hand slides up his tattooed arm, tracing over the skull on his forearm. Your eyes are focused in on the line work of the tattoo, when he clears his throat. “I wasn’t too hard on you?” he asks, while pressing a warm kiss into your forehead, and bringing his concerned eyes down to meet yours.”Not at all,” you assure him, eyes lifting up from your doodling, and you press a kiss to his damp chest while all the joy and dopamine washes over you. “As a matter of fact, maybe next time you can spank me a little more,” you joke. His laugh vibrates through his chest, and you look up to the light blue rings in his eyes, and with your finger brushing over the hair on his chin, you bring your lips to his, and you close as kiss to his lips. “Jag älskar dig,” you murmur sleepily to him, and his wide, gorgeous smile and a kiss on the bridge of your nose are the last things you can recall before giving into the exhaustion and drifting into a sound sleep.
jag älskar dig - i love you
älskade - lovely
sötnos - sweetheart
herrgud - oh my god
älskling - darling
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melien · 6 years
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I wanted to express my gratitude for your amazing support throughout the latest Twinkle storyline. All the lovely comments about Carn and Claret have made me so happy. I think I can’t find the right words to describe how thankful I am, and how much these comments always made me smile, laugh, go “awww” and be like “god same” when people were yelling at them. I have to confess that along the way (ever since I started planning their story in March/April last year), I’ve also hopelessly fallen in love with these two, and all this time I was trying so hard not to give up and just spill the beans. I usually reply directly under the post when I know what to say, but I didn’t want to spam you all, so I decided to compile the comments from the last few days into a large reply post! I haven’t made such posts in more than a year since they’re quite a pain due to x-kit, and they will probably be occasional, but this time I wanted to do one, and even made a new banner for it. I’ll try to replicate my live reactions to the comments :D
Carnet will be back very soon with the quadruple portion of feels (and I mean it). It makes me so content that you love them as much as I do, and I promise to deliver. 😁 Now, it may be a good time to start posting at least a little introduction to my new legacy, the Lilygreens. Here’s a fun story about where I got the inspiration for their last name: I was looking for something special to no avail. But what inspired me was this song (only true eurofans will remember, lmao. It’s from ESC 2010). It’s so lovely and reminds me of a few couples of mine (Carnet included, I’ve listened to it a lot during working on their story). So I thought the singer had a really unique last name, and the rest was history. I hope you’ll enjoy this legacy, it’s a vanilla one and I haven’t played vanillas in such a long time!
aestheicpixels replied to your photo “Claret: And this one is… ???: Claret?”
Lowkey hoping it’s Carn even though it probably isn’t.
simlovinggirl replied to your photo “Claret: And this one is… ???: Claret?”
Eeeee is it who i think it is??? i hope so *excitedly waiting for the next post* :D :D
I mean, it could be Master Fu Huang or Cami or Cat or her parents or literally anyone... but I’m sure it would be frustrating :P
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “Claret: CARN!!!”
♥o♥ is it possible to be in love with a sim?!? Omg, he's such a heartthrob ♥ ♥ Claret is one lucky girl! :D
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “Claret: CARN!!!”
Also, her face, i'm dying xD
No worries, that’s exactly how I feel about Carn :D
cafeheart replied to your photoset “Claret: CARN!!!”
I think he had the biggest glo-up among my sims, ever! He doesn’t even look like his old self anymore. :D
a-simming-princess replied to your photoset “Claret: CARN!!!”
*low-key screaming*
cloudberry-sims replied to your photoset “Claret: CARN!!!”
I KNEW IT!!! I had this feeling in my gut that Carnelian would come for Claret *w* Ahh what a lovely love story!
aestheicpixels replied to your photoset “Claret: CARN!!!”
YEET, also awwwww her reaction!
vintageplumbobs replied to your photoset “Claret: CARN!!!”
He’s such a cutie. I love this boy 💜
simside replied to your photoset “Claret: CARN!!!”
Ajdksdkslkd I was anticipating this post so much! I was trying so hard to keep my lips sealed :D
simlovinggirl replied to your photo “Carnelian: Oh my god, you– your hair! Claret: No, it’s your hair! And...”
lmao xD omg i love this ♥
I just imagine them screaming at each other until they realize what’s going on xD
aestheicpixels replied to your photoset “Claret: I sent you scenery pics! I thought it’s more important!...”
Awwwwwww, I am so excited about this! This is too cute!
aestheicpixels replied to your photoset “Claret: I did. I really missed you. Come here… I’m so happy to see...”
That hug, how much both of them craved it!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “Carnelian: We have matching hairstyles now. We’re basically soulmates....”
Soulmates! <333
The original draft said something like “soul buddies” but I guessed it would be too much even for them lmao
aestheicpixels replied to your photoset
aestheicpixels replied to your photoset
I love them
I do too, so much ♥
borderlinedub replied to your photo “Carnelian: Why am I even in lo– I mean, why am I even friends with...”
weirdsimfreak replied to your photo “Carnelian: Why am I even in lo– I mean, why am I even friends with...”
We all know what you meant Carn ;)
monets-pixels replied to your photo “Carnelian: Why am I even in lo– I mean, why am I even friends with...”
boi just SAY IT
aestheicpixels replied to your photo “Carnelian: Why am I even in lo– I mean, why am I even friends with...”
Carn is one of those precious people who is constantly worried about overstepping boundaries, so he was trying so hard to show that his intentions are solely friendly ;_;
cherishsims replied to your photo “Carnelian: Oh my god, you– your hair! Claret: No, it’s your hair! And...”
He became a daddy during Claret's time away
Stop it Anonymous Friend
borderlinedub replied to your photo “Claret: And this one is for Cami and Cat. They are already bombarding...”
fsr Claret's eyelashes are particularly prominent in this one. so pretty
Right, I love these eyelashes! They sometimes glitch out and randomly disappear but it’s not too much of a problem, I just replace them.
simlovinggirl replied to your photo “Claret: And this one is for Cami and Cat. They are already bombarding...”
Awwwwwwww ♥
aestheicpixels replied to your photo “Claret: And this one is for Cami and Cat. They are already bombarding...”
They’re so adorable!!
Spoilers: Cami and Cat died from all the feels
simlovinggirl replied to your photo “Carnelian: Ahhh… Quite refreshing, after such a long flight. Claret:...”
Bahaha, Carn's face xD I love him ♥
High five, I’m so in love with him right now! :D
tainoodles replied to your photoset “Claret: You’re beautiful. Carnelian: Uh… me? Claret: I mean! The water...”
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “Claret: You’re beautiful. Carnelian: Uh… me? Claret: I mean! The water...”
LMAO i mean she's not wrong ;) but that words vomit, i love it xD
For some reason the words vomits are always so fun to write!
simlovinggirl replied to your photo “Claret: What a wonderful day. Blue sky, green grass, Carn’s abs… Wait,...”
Dang right girl, no one missed those Carn abs xD
simmeronnie replied to your photo “Claret: What a wonderful day. Blue sky, green grass, Carn’s abs… Wait,...”
Relatable tbh
Love me some abs
aestheicpixels replied to your photoset “Chinese guy 1: Girl, just kiss him already. Chinese guy 2: Yeah....”
Carn and Chinese Guy 2 for sure
weirdsimfreak replied to your photoset “Chinese guy 1: Girl, just kiss him already. Chinese guy 2: Yeah....”
New otp
a-simming-princess replied to your photoset “Chinese guy 1: Girl, just kiss him already. Chinese guy 2: Yeah....”
Claret who?
vintageplumbobs replied to your photoset “Claret: I mean, what I did to you at the homecoming. What I’ve been...”
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Claret: I mean, what I did to you at the homecoming. What I’ve been...”
Omg omg omg
theladygrace replied to your photoset “Claret: I mean, what I did to you at the homecoming. What I’ve been...”
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “Claret: I mean, what I did to you at the homecoming. What I’ve been...”
asdflasdkfs OMG I wasn't expecting her to actually say it, i'm dyyyyyying ♥o♥
a-simming-princess replied to your photoset “Claret: I mean, what I did to you at the homecoming. What I’ve been...”
YAYYYY finally, a confession!! 😍😍
simmeronnie replied to your photoset “Claret: I mean, what I did to you at the homecoming. What I’ve been...”
*insert more screaming*
This post!!! I’ve come with the idea of it when I was going on a trip in November and was exceptionally bored on the bus. It was past midnight, too. All the best ideas come unexpectedly! But yeah, since then I was imagining how he’s saying “I won’t force you into loving me when you don’t” and she’s like “but I do...” and not gonna lie, it made my heart skip a beat every time I thought about it. Sometimes simple lines like this can evoke so much feelings!
simlovinggirl replied to your photo “Carnelian: You… do? Claret: I was lost and confused when I was...”
His face, I'm dying right now!! ♥ ♥
aestheicpixels replied to your photo “Carnelian: You… do? Claret: I was lost and confused when I was...”
I also love how his face turned out. Deep inside he almost lost hope that she’ll ever reciprocate! But she, unknowingly for herself, did all along.
simmeronnie replied to your photo “Carnelian: You mean, about Lemon? Claret: No. It’s hard, but I’m...”
I keep reading Lemon as Lennon for some reason and I don't like it lmao
OMG SAME! I’ve done it so many times that I lost count. Stop haunting me, Lennon!
simlovinggirl replied to your photo “Claret: I know what you’re thinking! Now I made everything awkward....”
I'm crying, i love this so much ♥ ♥
aestheicpixels replied to your photo “Claret: I know what you’re thinking! Now I made everything awkward....”
Awww! I’m so happy now! Oh my goodness! Best thing to happen!
I’m happy that I have made people happy and managed to touch hearts, it’s the main purpose I want to achieve with my stories!
aestheicpixels replied to your photo “Claret: My parents had this magical love story which almost seemed...”
This is so beautiful. Like beautifully written and oh my goodness Claret
simlovinggirl replied to your photo “Claret: My parents had this magical love story which almost seemed...”
I think someone inherited some writing genes from her mommy :) She could be a poet with this, love it ♥ ♥
Claret has a soft poetic side for sure :P I’m always insecure about my writing, but I can definitely say this is one of the best scenes I’ve written and I’m 100% satisfied with how it turned out, it’s the kind of scene I’ll probably be randomly reading in the future and getting hit with feels. I’m glad that you also like it! ♥
a-simming-princess replied to your photoset “Carnelian: There’s a reason why I had no chance to be happy with Guava...”
Omg make me cry 😭💗
monets-pixels replied to your photoset “Carnelian: There’s a reason why I had no chance to be happy with Guava...”
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “Carnelian: There’s a reason why I had no chance to be happy with Guava...”
My hear omg ♥
vintageplumbobs replied to your photoset “Carnelian: There’s a reason why I had no chance to be happy with Guava...”
Quoting my girl Claret when she was talking to Cami, “my mission is to make you cry. Happy tears, of course. I won’t accept sad tears”.
a-simming-princess replied to your photoset “But you’ll never be alone I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn I’ll be...”
Mfkfkdiejddnslcof the lyrics match perfectly with their names 😭💕
Yessss! I’ve always associated this song with them. I had quite an interesting experience with naming these two. I know a lot of simblrs had a dusk/dawn theme going, but it wasn’t them who influenced me. I’ve always wanted to name my sim Dawn ever since I had banilla legacies going on, it’s a beautiful name. It was Claret’s first name originally, but then I decided to give her a double one, because that’s when I started noticing there’s a lot of sims around with this name or middle name, including some people’s BPR heirs for gen 3, and I didn’t want to seem like a copycat.
As for Carn, he didn’t even have a middle name originally, for some reason I was dumb and didn’t figure out I could give them matching ones. But it was once again on another trip in summer, at 6 am, when I was tired and the only thing that kept me awake was listening to my playlist. This song, “Dusk Till Dawn”, came on shuffle, and I was like “... Carnelian Dusk. CARNELIAN DUSK. I’M SO DUMB WHY DID IT TAKE ME SO LONG”. I had to replace his tag too when he was still a kid. But yeah, these names fit them absolutely perfectly.
So yeah, that was story time with Melien :D
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “But you’ll never be alone I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn I’ll be...”
*sobbing* ♥ ♥ ♥
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “But you’ll never be alone I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn I’ll be...”
Omg omg omg
I'm not crying not crying
Wait I'm totally crying
aestheicpixels replied to your photoset “But you’ll never be alone I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn I’ll be...”
Words cannot describe how happy I am
I’m happy too, it was so hard to keep it under wraps!
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “I’ll hold you when things go wrong I’ll be with you from dusk till...”
*cries happy tears* ♥ ♥
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “I’ll hold you when things go wrong I’ll be with you from dusk till...”
They are so beautiful! ♥ ♥ ♥
I wasn’t kidding when I said that I also cried during writing this scene. I don’t know, it’s just so feelsy! I love slow burn relationships because it’s so satisfying in the end when they finally get together.
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “Carnelian: Ah, Claret. Your lips are the sweetest I’ve ever kissed....”
lmao xD ♥
a-simming-princess replied to your photoset “Claret: Hah… Carnelian: What? Were my kissing ideas so funny? Are you...”
Okay but they are so cute??
aestheicpixels replied to your photoset “Claret: Hah… Carnelian: What? Were my kissing ideas so funny? Are you...”
This is so great. I love them so much
I can’t wait for you all to see how wholesome they are as a couple! I can hardly call this a spoiler because it’s obvious that they would be. :P
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theauthorunicorn · 6 years
Inevitable -  Part 10 | Shawn Mendes x Reader
Summary: Reader is an actress and was about to attend her boyfriend’s concert, Shawn’s when she met her inevitable fate.
Missed anything? Read Inevitable Series below;
Inevitable | Shawn Mendes x Reader
Inevitable - Part 2 | Shawn Mendes x Reader
Inevitable - Part 3 | Shawn Mendes x Reader
Inevitable - Part 4 | Shawn Mendes x Reader
Inevitable -  Part 5 | Shawn Mendes x Reader
Inevitable -  Part 6 | Shawn Mendes x Reader
Inevitable -  Part 7 | Shawn Mendes x Reader
Inevitable -  Part 8 | Shawn Mendes x Reader
Inevitable -  Part 9  | Shawn Mendes x Reader
** Italics serves as flashback/memory.
It was in a restaurant where we’re eating our desserts when he spilled his admiration to me. We’ve been friends for eighteen months to be exact when it happened. I’ll admit we’re something next to nothing. I do like him but not as much as he did for me.
“I’m not busy next week I can watch your concert on Thursday, right?” I told him settling our plans together. It’s been a habit that if either of us is free we made the most of it by supporting each other by any means.
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“Yeah.” he answers me in a monotone voice as if I am distracting him. He’s thinking, I can sense it.
“Aaand,” I told him excitedly, “I got a red carpet event next, next week that would be on,” I stopped for a moment to think of what day that event lies on, “On Saturday that week.” I smiled at him as I grabbed his phone from his left in our dining table, “And you don’t have any,” I checked his schedule in his memo, “appointments that day. Yeeey!” I cheered as I hold his hand trying my best to be cute so he can be my date for that event. “Please, say yes?” I smiled awkwardly to him. “Can you spare a couple of hours for me?”
“Yeah, sure, Y/N I will.” he smiled faintly.
“Anything wrong?” I asked him as I saw his loss of interest to our topic.
“Bad happened?” I inquired.
“Okay. Then, why are you like that?”
He shrugged his shoulders as he took a deep breath as he glanced in the mirror.
“Are you tired of listening to me or eating with me?” my words stumbled to each other as I spoke the sentence. “Are you tired? Of me?”
“No,” he shakes his head, “no, no. Probably.”
I was in awe with the word probably because that means yes and yes he’s getting tired of me. Behold world, I am about to lose my best friend and I am not ready for it.
“Are you tired of me being your friend, Shawn?” I am about to cry over my strawberry topped cheesecake.
“Yes. I’m tired being your friend Y/N.” he said plainly but frankly.
I swallowed my own saliva as he spoke those words and inhaled deeply as I tried to hold back my tears.
“I-” I was pulled off by own despair and questions of why he is getting tired of me. Yesterday we’re okay and now we’re not? I am really losing my favorite person in the world?
“Because,” he hesitated as my eyes were still fixated to his face, “because,” he repeated but this time our eyes met in the middle, “I’m starting to fall for you, really. I don’t want to be your guy best friend who supports you. Don’t get me wrong but I am falling and I am really in love with you, Y/N.” he said as he brushed his hair backward.
I stared at him in awe with my mouth slightly open as his words we’re scribbled by my brain cells. I had to bit my lower lip to bring me back to reality.
“Oh.” was all I have to say.
“‘Oh?’” he mimicked me, “All I get is an 'Oh.’ for my confession?” he questioned me.
My brows furrowed with confusion if it was real or if it’s a bad joke of his because at this moment my heart is pounding more times than it should be and I am falling too, wait, what?
“Just an oh?” he backfired his question again as his brows were knitted to one another like mine and his face is red.
“Wait, is this the dumbest joke you can have tonight?” I laughed to ease my abnormal palpitations.
“Do you think it’s a joke and I’m joking?” well shit, he’s serious.
“Then, when?” his tensions were relaxed as he knows were meeting in the middle.
“Japan.” he answered softly as his left hand found mine. We’re still sitting in our dining table with our desserts in our front and I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply as I could.
“Japan.” I repeated as I managed to chuckle.
“Yes.” he said as he bits his lips.
“Okay.” as I smiled sweetly to him.
“Yeah, I know, yes of course, I don’t want to disappoint them - but, yeah, I get that, Andrew. It’s just that, Y/N needs me.” I sighed over the phone, I am standing outside Y/N’s room and I glanced at her lying in her bed peacefully, “I wish to cancel the tour and move it somewhere, later, I will continue them but not now, not this time.” I begged him over the line. “Okay, I understand, give me time, I’ll give you my answer whether I’ll be back on the road or not. Bye.” I dropped our call.
“You better continue it, son. She’ll be mad to you if you’ll cancel it.” A husky man voice talked at my back and I saw Mr. Y/L/N in my back listening to my call earlier.
“It’s just, sir, I think it’s very inappropriate.” I hesitated answering her father.
“Well, it’s really is, but I know her and how much she loves you, Shawn. She’ll be very disappointed to herself if she’ll know you’ll cancel couple of shows for her.” Mr. Y/L/N warns me and I am falling for his words.
“I am speaking on behalf of my daughter, Shawn. Continue it, that’s what we want, she wants for you.” he inhaled deep as he pats my back. “She’ll be very proud of you, son. And I am too.” he smiled as he encouraged me to continue what I’ve started.
“I’ll talk to her mother and we’ll give you some time. I know you should be back tomorrow morning and I’ll give you this night with her, alone.” he said as I nodded in agreement. He walks towards her room and shuts the door for their own privacy.
I grabbed my phone and texted Andrew, “Okay, let’s do this. Fetch me tomorrow morning. I’m doing this for them, for myself and for her.” I hit the send button.
It’s me, my dad and my mom in my room. I am trying so hard to maintain my breathing because I don’t want to lose what I had again.
My mom kept brushing my hand but I can’t still feel it even if I wanted to. Something is really wrong with this and I’ll figure it out soon. My dad whispered something to my mom’s ear as she nodded softly and looked at me. He smiled a little but it was genuine. He sits in my bed and started talking.
“Pumpkin,” he started talking and I hate that nickname but never mind it was his to use, “Shawn needs to go back in the road.”
Oh, it left a sting in my heart.
“He wanted to stay but he needs to go. I asked him on behalf of you.” he uttered. I closed my eyes to embrace darkness for a mere second and inhaled deep. Okay. It’s okay.
“We’ll give you the night to have each other. And pumpkin, please hold on tighter, breathe for Daddy, for Mommy we missed your talks and for Shawn, he misses you badly and breathe for yourself because you have this beautiful life ahead for you, baby. We love you.” my dad mumbled in his low and sweet voice as a tear escaped from his eyes.
Yes, I will, dad.
It’s ten before one and I am standing in her side, wordless. I inhaled and exhaled deeply a couple of times as my flowers rested on the table with her coffee nobody touched it and I stared at it for minute.
My guitar is lying on the edge of the table soundless like I am. My earphones were in my pocket and my phone too. I am thinking if I’ll play some songs from my phone to her ears or sing one for her.
“Sing something for me, mon amour!” I hear her voice saying this words. These were the same words she loved to say whenever she’s bored and want to cuddle me. I inhaled deep for the last time, I smiled at Y/N even if her eyes were still closed.
I sat on the chair on her side and grabbed my guitar and started singing and playing strings for her. I sang her favorite song, our favorite songs. Minutes passed turns to hours.
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I stopped a couple of times and found myself staring at her. I’ll be picked up around nine am and I seek what time is it to the wall clock saying it’s four am now. I rested my head on her bed and dreamed her hands running towards my hair.
I didn’t get enough sleep, three hours to be exact. It’s seven am and I pushed myself from where my head is lying to excuse myself for bathroom. I washed myself, changed my clothes. Almost ready to go.
Seven thirty, I eat some cereals in her room. She’s still asleep and I’m almost ready to go.
Seven forty-five, an hour fifty minutes left before I’ll be away with Y/N.
Eight twenty, forty minutes before parting ways, we should be cuddling, hugging at this time, but still, her eyes were closed and I wished them to be open but still it’s shut.
Eight thirty, I inhaled deep as I grabbed my guitar and my left hand is brushing against hers. If you can feel this my love, open your eyes for me.
Eight forty, breathe for me, my love, breathe to life, Y/N.
Eight forty-five, fifteen before nine, I started to sing Hold On for her.
Eight fifty, they’re here. I know. I’ll be soon away with you, love.
“I don’t know what
You’re going through
But there’s so much life
Ahead of you
And it won’t slow down
No matter what you do
So you just gotta hold on
All we can do is hold on, yeah
Yeah, you just gotta hold on
Just hold on for me.”
“Just hold on for me, love.” I whispered in her ears as I planted a long, soft kiss in her temple. I left a note beside her flowers addressed to her with her name on it.
I started walking away from her bed towards the door before grabbing the doorknob I faced her for the last time, “I’ll see you soon, Y/N. And you should be awake. Okay?” I requested as I tried to smile for before I exited her room. Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N is waiting outside as they embraced me with their goodbyes.
I’m walking away from her, Y/N, tracing the familiar halls of the hospital and my tears are escaping my eyes.
He said his goodbye in my ear with a soft whisper. I am crying and it’s crushing my soul. He planted a kiss in my temple to seal our goodbye. But, I felt it. Shawn’s kiss. I felt it and a legit tear escaped my left eye to prove it.
I am alive.
Inevitable -  Part 11 | Shawn Mendes x Reader
171 notes · View notes
My Favorite Part
Two strong knocks cut through the room filled with bubbly conversation. You quickly walk over to the door, cracking it just enough to identify who is on the other side. 
“Pssst! It’s me!” Harry whispers, making you giggle at his goofy comment. “I’m here to pick up my princess." 
Shaking your head, you smile at your husband who is looking extremely sexy in his black suit. The custom fit trousers cling to his thighs in a way that makes your body tingle. His white shirt is tucked in but he looks as if he is allergic to buttons because only the bottom two are buttoned together, letting your favorite butterfly tattoo make an appearance. The custom fit suit jacket shows off his body in a way that makes you feel hot and bothered. His hair is still short, but just long enough to let some of those beloved curls show. 
"Let me grab her from Gem. Hold on.” You don’t let Harry into the room. All the ladies are getting into their dresses for the wedding that is supposed to start in about 30 minutes. Gemma is standing in the middle of the room, her white dress sparkling in the light. The final touches of makeup have been added to her face and her veil is currently being clipped into her hair. Three-year-old Grace is quietly standing in front of Gemma, holding Bob, as she watches her aunt be transformed into a princess. 
“Mumma.” Grace notices you coming towards her in the center of the room. “Look how pretty!” Her eyes are wide as she looks at the sparkles all over the wedding dress. 
“Daddy wants you! Should we go find him?” You ask the toddler, even though she doesn’t really have a choice. “Give Auntie Gem a kiss!”  Grace leans towards Gemma so she can plant an open mouth kiss on her Aunt’s cheek. You begin to walk towards the door. 
“Bye Auntie.” Grace is blowing kisses to the room and waving goodbye to all the women in the bridal party. 
You grab the flower crown and shoes that belong to your little monkey off a table and open the door to step out. 
“There’s my princess.” Bending down, Harry opens his arms wide in an invitation for Grace to give him a hug. 
“Daddy you my prince?” Grace asks as Harry giggles and nods. 
 Bob in hand, she runs to her father, her bare feet slapping against the stone floor. 
“Look at how pretty you are.” Harry says admiring Grace’s dress. The dress was a rose pink color that stopped just above her toes. Random flowers are scattered around the fabric of the skirt. The same pink and white flowers pepper the top of the dress. A tiny bow wraps around her middle where the skirt meets bodice. Her hair has been pulled out of her face in a way that the curls are mostly at the back of her head.
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“Look!” Grace shows her pink fingernails to Harry, wiggling them around so he can see the sparkles. 
“Lucky! I want some!” Harry says, looking at you with a smirk.  
 "Here are her shoes and crown.“ You say handing Harry the flower crown and glittery shoes Grace is wearing for the wedding. "I guess I will see you when the wedding starts?” You question. 
“Yea, I’ll finish getting her ready. Go put on your dress and we’ll see you soon.” Harry throws a wink in your direction as you wave to the two people who have taken over every inch of your heart. 
The wedding is being held at the beautiful Thornton Manor in Birkenhead, England. The estate is huge and absolutely gorgeous. The whole wedding party is staying in the Manor during the wedding celebration. Walking down the hall of bedrooms holding Grace’s hand, Harry puffs out his cheeks and lets out a huge gust of air. Harry knows his daughter will not comprehend the thoughts he needs to express but he lets them out anyway. 
“Can’t believe your Auntie Gem is getting married today. Are ya ready for Michal to be your uncle?” Harry knows that Grace won’t even blink an eye at the change. Gemma and Michal have been dating for years, so in Grace’s mind, Michal is already part of the family. 
“I like him.” Grace says. 
“Me too bub!” Harry really liked Michal. Michal was good for Gemma, Harry can visibly see how happy they make each other and that makes Harry happy for them. Harry knew Michal and Gemma will live happily together for many years. 
Stopping, Harry turns and opens the door to the bedroom your family has been staying in over the past three nights. Harry picks up his bouncing toddler and sets her on his bed. 
“Gracie girl, are ya gonna help me throw some flowers?” Grace sets Bob on the bed and picks at the flowers on her dress as her father puts on her sparkly shoes. 
“Mmhmm. That’s my job!” Grace smiles with pride. 
“Push bug.” Grace makes a pushing sound but doesn’t move her foot at all. After struggling for a minute to get her right shoe on, Harry attempts the left. 
Squeezing her chubby foot into the sparkly shoe, he buckles the strap. Harry walks over to the full-length mirror to verify he is looking sharp and ready for the wedding. Running his hand through his hair a few times he decides he is all set. 
“Grace Gemma Styles please come to daddy.” Harry calls for the little one who is being oddly quiet and is probably getting into something she shouldn’t. Grace sneaks around the bed, her dress swaying back and forth. 
Harry smiles at her goofy personality. He is a proud dad and loves this silly girl with all his heart. Walking over to the bed, Harry picks up the crown made of flowers. The flowers matched the bouquet and flowers used for decoration. 
“Hold still Gracie, gotta make you a princess okay?” Harry stands behind Grace. 
“O-Tay!” Grace smiles as she tries hard to hold still for her father. Sticking his tongue out, Harry places the flower crown on top of her curls and begins to pin it into her hair with major concentration. 
“I believe I have the most beautiful girl in the world standing in front of me.” Harry says meaning every ounce of the statement he just uttered. 
“That’s me!” Grace shouts pointing to her chest. 
“That’s right Gracie. You are the most beautiful girl in the world.” Harry puts his hand out so Grace can hold his hand as they walk to the meeting place before the ceremony begins. 
You can see the guests sitting in their seats as your husband and daughter join the group. 
“You look beautiful.” Harry says in your ear as he pulls you into a tight hug. 
“You don’t look so bad yourself Styles.” You tease with a slight smirk on your face. Harry hands over Grace so he can go talk to his sister for a moment. 
You watch the private interaction take place. The sweet relationship they have melts your heart into the biggest puddle. You can only hope Grace will have a sibling that she will love like Gemma and Harry love each other. With a hug, and a kiss, Harry returns to get Gracie as the music begins. 
The string instruments begin to play a beautiful song as Harry shows Grace how to hold the basket. Harry walks alongside her as she holds the basket in her hand. The aisle is lined with lanterns that each contain a candle. The matching flowers from the bouquets and flower crowns have been placed on top of each lantern. The decor is simple but beautiful, just like the bride. 
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Taking her time Grace reaches into the basket and pulls out a handful of flowers. She drops them on the ground and looks up at her father for verification that she is completing her task correctly. Harry nods and encourages Gracie to continue down the line. Upon reaching the end, Grace gives Michal a hug then Harry picks her up and joins his fellow groomsman in line alongside Michal. 
The bridesmaids follow, each looking beautiful as they glide down the rows. Harry’s smile grows as he watches you walk down the aisle. Thinking back to when you were dressed in a white gown, flowers in your hands and happy tears streaming down your face. Remembering the day you became his. It is a day he will never forget; it was one of the best days of his life. 
Harry sets Grace down as Gemma begins to walk down the aisle. Harry’s eyes immediately fill with tears. His sister looks stunning and he is so proud of her. As he watches her float down the aisle, Harry cannot help but be happy for her and this next chapter of her life. 
“Auntie!” Grace says as she points to Gemma. 
“Shhh. Gotta be quiet love. She looks pretty huh?” Harry sniffs back tears as he whispers to his daughter. 
Just as he finishes his sentence, Grace wiggles her hand out of his and runs toward Gemma. Wrapping her arms around the skirt of Gemma’s dress, Grace looks up and says with a massive smile “Auntie, you are the prettiest princess." 
The wedding guests let out a laugh at the honest flower girl, as Harry scoops her up into his arms. Apologizing for his little girl, he takes her back to their spot with the groomsmen. Grace hides her head in Harry’s neck embarrassed by the laughing. 
Gemma smiles at her niece, chuckling to herself as she finishes the walk to her groom. The ceremony continues and it could not have been better. A beautiful day, for a beautiful couple. 
The marriage is sealed with a kiss and the bride and groom walk hand in hand for the first time as a married couple. The wedding party follows behind, when Grace breaks from Harry’s hand once again. Running through people, Grace meets up with Gemma. 
Pulling on Gemma’s hand to get her attention Grace starts to have tears fill her eyes. "I sorry Auntie.” Grace cries feeling extremely bad for   people laughing on her aunt’s special day. 
Gemma stops and bends down to her niece’s level. “No need to feel sorry Goose. Can I tell ya a secret?" 
"Mmhmm.” She hums as tears spill down her chunky cheeks. 
“Your hug was my favorite part!” Gemma smiles wide as she sees the grin starting to appear on Gracie’s face. 
“Love you Auntie!” Grace and Gemma embrace in a hug. 
“Go find your mum and daddy Goose!” Gemma tells Grace as she bounces back to her parents. 
“Where did you go bug?” You ask as your daughter climbs in your arms. 
“I told auntie sorry. Guess what?” Grace says with her eyes as wide as golf balls. “I her favorite part." 
"Really? Mine too love.” Harry says as he kisses her forehead and pulls you in tight for a family hug. 
A month later, you look upon the mantel at the beautiful moment that was captured. A bride and her flower girl wrapped up in a hug that turned out being the best moment of the wedding.  
 A/N: As always, Thank you @whoopsharrystyles for your advice, love, and support! I really do love you lots and I don’t know what I would do without you! I have posted this story along with my others on Wattpad so check them out! Please send feedback! I want to know what you think!!! Love you all!! Thank you for reading!!
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atc74 · 7 years
Fast Cars and Freedom - Part 2
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Word Count: 4087
Warnings: Fluff, slightly angsty Teen Dean, super light smut, storm warnings
A/N: Inspired by the Rascal Flats song Fast Cars and Freedom. I do have a few parts planned for this, let’s call it a mini series maybe...Thanks as always to my bestie, @just-another-busy-fangirl for her mad beta skills. Italics indicate flashbacks.
Fast Cars and Freedom series masterlist
We lay in bed, spent from worshiping each other’s bodies for hours. Our room was quiet except for the wind and rain outside and our still ragged breaths. I held my wife gently in my arms, each of us still damp with the perspiration of our efforts when a scream broke the silence.
“I’ll get him, you get some rest.” I kissed the top of her head and reluctantly slid out of our bed, throwing on a pair of lounge pants. I padded down the hall to our five year old’s room to find him cowering in the corner of his bed.
“Buddy, what’s wrong? Bad dream?” I asked, sitting on the edge of his bed and he leapt into my lap, wrapping his arms tightly around my neck; he was warm, too warm.
“Daddy, I had a nightmare; there was fire. I got scared and I had an accident. I’m sorry Daddy,” he cried into my neck.
“Hey, Will, Buddy, you don’t have to be sorry. It was an accident and I think you are coming down with something. Let’s get you cleaned up and we will go see Mom, okay?” I told him and stood, lowering him to the floor as I took off his soiled bed clothes and we walked to the bathroom. I ran a lukewarm bath and had just gotten him in the tub when Y/N walked in.
“Hi, Mama,” Will said weakly from the tub as I helped him clean himself.
“Hey, little man, what’s wrong?” She knelt down and gently kissed his forehead, then raised her eyes at me when she felt how warm he was. “I am going to get you some clean jammies, then when you are done, you can come lay with us. Does that sound good?” She was always so calm.
“Okay, Mama,” Will replied as we finished up his bath. I wrapped him a fluffy towel and got him dressed before I carried him down the hall to our room. I laid him in the bed with Y/N and she had his fever medicine and his favorite book ready. I gave them both a kiss before I headed back to Will’s room to strip his bed and get the sheets in the washer.
When I returned to our room, he was fast asleep and Y/N was running her fingers gently over his forehead; a trick she had shown me when he was only a few weeks old and fussing, but it put him out like a light. I crawled back into bed with my wife, our small son nestled between us.
“I am glad he got some sleep and didn’t wake up an hour ago.” She winked at me across his small blond head. “That would have been less than ideal.”
“Oh yeah. At least we got to finish this time! You do remember that night don’t you?” I smiled at her, her eyes shining bright through the dimly lit room.
“Remember? I have tried to block it out of mind, but I just can’t. That was the night I knew we could make it through anything,” she recalled.
“Let me take you back, kid,” I said fondly as I rewound time for her.
It had been the best summer of my life. Y/N and I spent as much as possible together when I wasn’t working. We spent lazy afternoons out by the river, sometimes letting Sam tag along. We took long drives to nowhere in particular, just to scratch the itch to drive. But as summer drew to a close and the start of our junior year crept closer, I felt myself growing distant from Y/N. I started working longer hours out in the shop, spending more time on Baby, closing myself off from everyone, even Y/N. I knew I should come clean, but I never was big on words.
School started with a rush of new schedules, making sure Sam had everything he needed and making frequent stops to get what had been forgotten. Chores were still looming over me every afternoon, along with homework. I buckled down and got it done each night, often taking a walk after dinner just to clear my head and sort out my thoughts.
I stepped foot on the porch after one of the walks, feeling slightly better than I had when I started when a voice stopped me.
“You ever going to tell me what is going on in that handsome head of yours?” Y/N asked lightly, sitting on the porch swing, her legs dangling over the edge.
“I didn’t see you there. What’re you doing out here?” I asked, trying to remain casual.
“I could ask you the same thing. You disappear every night after dinner. You stay gone for hours, then come back and repeat the process again the next day. Dean, please talk to me.” Y/N grabbed for my hand, pulling me to her. The pleading look in her eyes pulled me farther in.
“I am sorry, Y/N. I haven’t been going anywhere; just walking and thinking,” I told her.
“Dean, you can talk to me, you know. I hope you would know this by now. We have been friends for most of our lives and together for the last few months. I love you and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you,” she promised.
“I know, I do. I just...I needed some time to myself. I have had a lot on my mind lately and needed some time to sort it all out.” I wanted to tell her more. I wanted to tell her all the things that were on my mind. “Thank you.”
“Of course, Dean. I am yours and you are mine and that is all we need right now. I know you will tell me when you are ready,” she whispered, laying her head on my shoulder and I breathed in her sweet shampoo before I placed a kiss on the top of her head.
“Hey, Y/N? You want to take a walk with me?” I asked her as soon as the dinner dishes were put away and I reached out my hand to her.
“I thought you’d never ask,” she replied sweetly, taking my hand in hers.
We walked in silence for a good distance, weaving our way through the old, broken down and rusted out junkers that littered the scrap yard behind the shop. I stopped her as we neared the edge of the yard where there was a break in the chain link fence. I held one side of the fence back for her so she could slip through before following close behind her. The river flowed swiftly ahead of us and we stepped up to the edge of the bank, dropping to the blanket I had laid out.
“So what’s on your mind, Winchester?” she asked, bumping her shoulder into mine.
“I know I have been distant the last few weeks and I am sorry. I have just been thinking about how my life was just a year ago and then in the blink of an eye, everything changed. I lost my dad and then Sammy and I had no one. I know your dad is always there and he loves us, but it just isn’t the same, ya know? Then you and me became, well, you and me, and I will forever be grateful for that dip in the river. I think I always knew I loved you, but that day you made it so clear for me. But lately I have been thinking about my dad. He has been gone almost a year now and I can’t help but think what life would be like if he were still here, and…”
“And you are wondering if you and me would still be you and me?” she finished my sentence before I could even formulate what I wanted to say.
“Yeah. If my dad were still alive, would ‘we’ have ever happened?” Dean wondered aloud.
“We would have and you know it. It just may have taken you a little longer to get on board. I told you before Dean, we are meant to be. It may have happened later, but I am glad that it didn’t. I am happy with you, now and forever.” She pulled me to her, pressing a sweet kiss to my lips.
“Me, too, kid. Me, too,” I replied, laying down and wrapping my arms around her.
“You know that you are only seven months older than me, right?” She chuckled, lightly tickling my side.
“Hey, older is older. And don’t start what you can’t finish,” I teased, both of us knowing she never wins a tickle fight.
School had been kicking my ass all winter and I wasn’t even excited to celebrate my birthday. Seventeen wasn’t a milestone year and I already had everything I wanted, except my parents. I had Sammy, Bobby and Y/N. I had enough money to take my girl on dates and keep fuel in my Baby.
I still went for walks around the yard after dinner, but most nights I took Y/N with me. We talked about our frustrations with school and the teenage hierarchy, which neither of us fit into, and the upcoming events.
“Hey, Dean?” she asked one night as we were walking, bundled up and huddled together against the wind.
“Yeah, Y/N,” I looked down to see her eyes peering up at me.
“I got you something for your birthday and I was going to wait to give it to you but I can’t wait anymore. Here!” she squealed and shoved an envelope at me.
“What is this Y/N?” I asked, a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.
“It is a birthday present, duh! Now open it!” she exclaimed.
My hands shook slightly as I opened the envelope and pulled out the heavy, hand made card it held. Y/N was an amazing artist and had drawn a portrait of me sitting on the hood of Baby, the sun setting behind me. It was beautiful. I opened the card and a piece of paper slipped out and floated to the ground. I bent to retrieve it to read the words she had written there:
You are my white knight
On a black steed
You are what I want
I am what you need
Be my date for Prom
And our fate will be sealed
Once we have done the deed
“Are you taking me to Prom just to have sex with me? Is this what this means?” I couldn’t help myself, I chuckled a bit at her ingenuity.
“Duh! I mean, have you seen you?! What girl wouldn’t want to go to Prom with you, but you are all mine Winchester and I intend to make it official at our Junior Prom.” She winked.
“You beat me to it, ya know? I was going to ask you, but you beat me to it. But you know what, this is nice; takes some of the pressure off of me. But Y/N, are you sure about the rest of it? It is a really big step. I w-want to...do that with you, God knows I do, but…” I stuttered more than I wanted to.
“Dean, how many times do I have to tell you? You are it for me. Period. Nada. No more. You are the only man I want to be with and this will only serve to seal our love and make our bond stronger than ever. So, yes, I am sure,” she assured me.
I reached for her, my hand on the side of her neck, fingers snaking through her curls, my thumb caressing the soft skin on her cheek. I looked deep into those eyes I could get lost in forever and leaned in. Our mouths met, cold with the winter air as we shared a breath, and I sealed my lips around hers. She sighed and parted for me. I took advantage of that sigh as I eased my tongue into her mouth, relishing in the taste of her, drinking her in like a man deprived of water for too long.
“I love you, Y/N,” I professed as she pulled away, the moonlight twinkling in her eyes.
“I know,” she replied.
Spring was here before I knew it and that meant Prom and the end of another year. I was nervous. The dance was only a week away. I knew we had everything ready. Y/N had her dress and shoes for months now, my tuxedo was rented and Baby had been washed and detailed every weekend for the past month, just to keep my mind off of what we had planned.
I popped the trunk to make sure the spare tire was in good shape and the emergency kit was stocked, just in case. Then something caught my eye; tucked back in the corner was a large duffle. I pulled it out and saw she had packed a blanket, a change of clothes for each of us and an entire box of condoms. There was even a bottle of mouthwash and spare toothbrushes. This girl had thought of everything, didn’t she?
I was nervously pulling at my collar, suddenly feeling like I was being choked by the shirt and tie. I knew I looked good enough, because Sammy had told me I looked like a Disney Prince, so at least I was on the right track.
I was standing at the bottom of the stairs, the clear plastic box in my hand that held her corsage. I didn’t even know color matching was a thing until she had handed me a small baby blue swatch of flimsy material and told me to bring it with me when I ordered my tux and the flowers. I guess she was right, because everyone that helped me that day knew what to do with it. Not that I had a freaking clue.
I heard a door open and heels clicking on the hardwood floor above me. I closed my eyes and counted to ten, taking deep breaths. The sound of her heels slowed down and I knew she was descending the stairs right in front of me. I opened my eyes and was now aware of how the term ‘drop dead gorgeous’ was coined. I swear my heart stopped the moment I laid eyes on her.
She looked exquisite in the baby blue ball gown. Y/N had always been beautiful, but the woman that stood before me now took my breath away. Her dress matching her eyes perfectly and I am positive that I would not be able to find my voice when she reached the bottom.
“Hi,” she whispered.
“H-hi. You look...you are absolutely stunning.” I impressed myself that I was able to find the words to articulate what I was seeing and feeling.
“Thank you, Dean. You look quite dashing yourself,” her voice barely a whisper.
“Okay, kids, let’s take some pictures and get this whole thing over with, yeah?” Bobby’s gruff voice called from the living room, where he and Sam were waiting, a camera in his hand.
“Oh, my Baby Girl. You look so beautiful. I wish your mother was here to see you,” Bobby marveled at sight of his daughter, a slight tremor in his voice. “And you clean up good, kid.”
“Ahh, thanks Bobby,” I breathed out, satisfied that he wasn’t going to kill me, yet. We took a moment for her to pin the boutonniere to my tux and I slipped the light blue corsage over her hand.
Pictures were taken of Y/N and me together and with Sam, then a couple with Bobby. I asked for a couple with just Sam and me, and then of just Bobby and me. This was going to be a special night and I wanted to have the memories in color. Soon, I pulled us toward the door and we were walking to the car, both Sam and Bobby watching us from the window.
“Your carriage awaits, milady,” I bowed, opening the door for her and holding her hand as she stepped inside.
“Why thank you, kind sir,” she blushed.
I am not really one for dances or getting all gussied up, but this is what my girl wanted and I was going to give it to her. We had reservations for a nice dinner at the steakhouse and our meal was fantastic. The dance was fairly lame, but after pictures, she managed to get me out on the dance floor for a couple of songs, but we bailed after only about ninety minutes because we both had other things on our minds.
Y/N directed me to the river bank where she first told me she loved me. It was secluded and the spring air was still warm on our skin. I had shed my jacket at the dance and my tie hung loosely around my neck as I parked. I left the headlights on, popped in a tape I had made for her birthday last year, turned up the volume and got out of the car. I walked with purpose to her door, opening it with a creak. “May I please have this dance?”
She giggled as she accepted my hand and we danced for a few songs, our hands wandering everywhere and stealing kisses as we swayed in the night.
“Dean…” her voice shot straight through me. “Get the bag.”
I grabbed the bag from the trunk and laid out the blanket in front of my car. I turned to look at her for a moment, the headlights creating a halo that made her even more beautiful. She took a step toward me and kicked off her heels. Reaching up, she removed my tie and started unbuttoning my shirt.
My arms snaked around her waist, pulling her to me as my fingers searched for the zipper of her dress. Awkwardly, I inched the zipper down, only to get her hair caught in it.
“Ow, Dean! My hair!” she yelped.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry! Here turn around,” I told her, hoping I could use the headlights and get it loose without hurting her anymore. It took longer than I thought it would, but I finally freed her hair and the zipper, letting the dress fall and pool at her feet, revealing a lace bra and panties in the same shade.
“You are so beautiful, Y/N,” I breathed out.
“Thank you, Dean. Now, come, lay with me,” she beckoned with one finger and I followed her command. She quickly undid my belt as I toed off the rented shoes and kicked them to the side. We knelt facing each other, our kisses becoming more heated as I rubbed my hands up and down her back, stopping to unclasp her bra, only to fail.
“It’s okay, Dean, let me,” she spoke so calmly, while I was a nervous wreck inside and it showed as my hands shook so bad, I could barely undo my pants, but soon, we were both down to our underwear and she kissed me again. Her hands worked their way into the back of my boxers, grabbing a handful and squeezing my ass cheeks as she pressed herself against me.
I could feel her breasts, warm against my chest; the peaks of her nipples rubbing as we moved together. I gently pulled her down with me as I removed her panties, kissing my way down her body. Sure, I have explored her body before, and she mine, but this was all new territory for both of us. I sat up to reach into the bag for a condom just as she was sitting up to kiss me and my head collided with her, both of us swearing and rubbing the sore spots, before we broke out laughing.
We composed ourselves and resumed kissing, that was familiar at least, and we were good at that. We both had ourselves so worked up and cocooned in our own little world, that we hadn’t noticed the wind pick up. By the time I finally got the condom unwrapped, it had started raining.
“Are you sure you want to do this, like this?” I asked her, not wanting to be selfish and make love to her the first time in the rain.
“We have played in the rain a million times, Dean; this will be one more of those memories for us,” she smiled up at me sweetly.
I kissed her once more as I rolled the condom over my length, now painfully hard. I gently laid my body out on top of hers, trying to keep my weight on my arms as I felt something hit my back. Then again, and again, and again. I looked around us and noticed it had begun to hail.
“I love you, but this isn’t safe, kid. Let’s pack it up and get in the car,” I told her as I stood, reaching for her hand and wrapped the blanket over her in an attempt to protect her from the projectile ice balls.
She yelped and I turned back to her from gathering the rest of our stuff, only to find she was laid out flat on the ground beside Baby. I rushed to her side to check to make sure she was okay but slipped on the wet and muddy ground, landing on my side right next to her. We were both laughing now and struggled to get up, slipping more as the skies really opened up.
We somehow made it up and inside the car, she wearing only a blanket and me just the boxers I had managed to pull on. I backed up the car and fishtailed it in the mud back to the main road and that is when we heard it; tornado sirens. We shared a momentary look of fear as I gunned the engine and made way back to the house. If we could just get to the shop and into the storm cellar and then we wouldn’t have to explain why were naked and covered in mud.
I slammed on the brakes, sliding a little as we pulled into the drive. Y//N pulled the blanket over her head and I grabbed the bag from the backseat.
“On three?” She looked at me and I nodded my reply. “One...two...three!”
We threw open Baby’s doors, slamming them behind us and ran for the shop, making it just in time as sparks erupted and rained down just outside the fenced in yard. She screamed and I pulled her inside with me, bolting the door. We quickly, but cautiously, made our way to the back and I pulled up the trap door in the floor. We fumbled down the stairs, feeling our way along the walls. I felt the familiar shape of a flashlight on the shelf to my left and turned it on. The room was dark and smelled of oil, but at least we were safe.
I handed her the bag and lit one of the kerosene lanterns Bobby kept down there so we could get changed before someone found us. There were a few bottles of water so we could clean up some. Once dressed, we huddled together on the old mattress in the corner, listening as the wind whipped and thunder cracked.
“You know, it could have been worse,” she laughed.
“How could this have been any worse?” I looked at her indignantly.
“At least we didn’t get sucked up by a tornado buck ass naked,” Y/N burst out.
“Yeah, okay, Dorothy,” I replied, tucking her into my side some more, trying to make her comfortable.
“There’s no place like home, Dean,” she sighed quietly and held me tight.
“Yeah, that was some night, but at least we did not get sucked up by the twister and it gave us time to check the weather before we tried that again. Dean?” She looked over at me.
“Yeah, kid?” I answered, a smile on my face.
“I am glad we waited because I have you and there really is no place like home,” her voice was sleepy so I leaned over and kissed her forehead before laying back down.
“As long as I am with you, I am always home,” I whispered.
Taglist - add yourself here: @padackles2010 @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @smoothdogsgirl @mamaredd123 @meeshw777 @tmccarney @milkymilky-cocopuff  @iwantthedean @ashstrom87 @chelsea072498 @paintrider13-blog @zeppo-in-a-trenchcoat @d-s-winchester @scorpiongirl1 @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @just-another-busy-fangirl @winchesterprincessbride @gemini75eeyore @waywardjoy @katewatso @cosmicpeanuthologram @jotink78 @l8nitl0vr @supernaturalyobsessed @memphisgirl1977 @bmcnally85  @ruprecht0420 @mskitty416 @theoriginalvicki @hexparker @nanie5 @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @sandlee44 @fangirl1802 @moonstar86 @raylin19 @niamandthings  @feelmyroarrrr @ellen-reincarnated1967 @kittenofdoomage @t-bear99 @hamartiamacguffin @colorfulobjectenemy @uttertrash--butlikecutetrash  @sammieb1127 @evyiione @you-didnt-see-that-cuming @death2thevirgin  @moshingatthedisco  @tankcupcakes  @winchestersmut  @alicat-life @mogaruke @cyrilconnelly @growningupgeek @charliebradbury1104 @evansrogerskitten @therewillbeblood @docharleythegeekqueen @megansescape @taste-of-dean @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid   @scarlet-soldier-in-an-impala  @deathtonormalcy56  @notnaturalanahi @jensen-jarpad @impalaimagining @fangirlextraordinaire @itseverythingilike @jesspfly @love-kittykat21 @mrswhozeewhatsis @aiaranradnay @supernatural-jackles  @spnsasha @27bmm @keepcalmandcarryondean @iamnotsaneatall @autopistaaningunaparte @sis-tafics @blacktithe7 @deansdirtyduchess  @emoryhemsworth @dracotomanddeansprincess23 @bringmesomepie56 @devilgirlsarah @spnbaby-67 @katymacsupernatural @holytrenchcoatedsubtextchuck @emilycollins11 @myoutletforfanfiction @deansangelgirl @queencflair @mizzzpink @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel @wonderange @kayteonline 
Dean/Jensen: @anokhi07 @perpetualabsurdity @txp87 @akshi8278  @iamabeautifulperson18 @suzannebeaketa @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @deandoesthingstome ​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @boxywrites @deansangelgirl @sparklesuperwholock88
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jadetiggy · 8 years
JAJA’S NOTES (UPDATED): I thought I tagged you guys when I posted this, this morning. So sorry. 
JAJA’S NOTES: I wrote this a long time ago but I feel that JACOB FRYE APPRECIATION DAY is a good day to post this. It is already 6th of March here in Malaysia. So, I shall post.  
Also, I did a little touch up to one of my favourite pictures of Jacob (ones I have in my little collection).
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A small dedication to the sisters of the Sisterhood; @emouel @swiggle-muffin @afterglowingassassin @jiruchan @freedomaboveallelse @poojadey12 @a-little-0wl @victorianassassinqueen @vaniri @vanilleeistee @cybersweetsdonut @mieliikki @coolpurple82 @babelast @lady-mz-hyde @vrgxo @tokufan1 @thepandadrawer @lil-templar @bunnyyumyum @xxxjenniferxxx18 @deathhoundx @yourchepazworld @masterassassinmercer and every one else I forgot to tag, know that I love you guys, too.
I could not breathe.
My body slowly weakens; the explosion must have done something to me. No matter how I struggled, I could not move at all. The cold water of the Thames piercing my skin was overwhelming. The last thing I heard besides the explosion was a voice yelling my name. A voice that often kept me warm, the voice of the man I love.
His voice calling for my name became distant as I sank into the darkness; deeper into the cold. I try to call for him but I couldn’t find my voice. Soon, his voice disappeared. My body felt numb. Is this what it feels like to die?
                                               It felt lonely in the pitch dark and it was… Cold.
“Shannon?” Jacob called. I opened my eyes and saw him towering over me. I sat up with my hand on my head. I saw children running around the Italian fountains at Hyde Park. “I leave you here for a bit and you fall asleep! Here,” Jacob said handing me a cone of ice cream.
It was hot that day and Jacob was a life saver. The ice cream on my tongue felt like a blessing. The shady tree which sheltered us from the sunray rustled gently from the warm breeze. “Thank you, Jacob.” He sat next to me and took my free hand.
“There is something I have been meaning to ask you,” Jacob said. His voice was warm and inviting. I turned to him only to find him staring at me with his hazel orbs. He laughed when he saw my ice cream moustache. “You are adorable, Shannon,” Jacob told me, taking out his handkerchief to wipe my mouth.
Jacob had always been nice to me but that day, he seems extra affectionate, which was pretty unusual, “So, Frye, what was this thing you wanted to tell me?” I asked him, taking a bite off my ice cream.
“I don’t know how to ask you but would you be my girlfriend?”
I nearly choked on my ice cream and stopped eating. He pats my back until I stopped coughing. Jacob and I had been friends since we were young but we got close when we were training together. I have seen him going in and out of relationships, standing by him when he needed my shoulder most.
I blinked at him and that made him laugh. “What?” I asked, unaware that I had ice cream all over my face.
Jacob wiped my face again, “I shouldn’t have asked when you were biting into your ice cream, Love.” I smiled as I offered him some ice cream. He was about to open his mouth when I pushed it into his face. “SHANNON!” Jacob yelled.
I picked up his handkerchief and wiped his face, “Yes, Jacob. I will be your girlfriend.”
Little did he know, I had feelings for him, too. Only with him, I felt warm.
Jacob turned out to be a good boyfriend. The kind that put other men to shame. The kind girls could dream of having. But no, he belonged to me. His hands were never far from mine, his arms never far from my body. His lips often heated and passionate against mine. Those very kisses and embrace kept me safe and most importantly, it kept me warm.
As time went by, we started talking about our future; about marriage and having children. Jacob approached my parents to ask for their blessings. Without any further negotiation, my parents accepted Jacob and did not doubt him.
Our wedding day was beautiful and Jacob was the happiest man I have ever seen that day. He kept reminding me that I was beautiful and he had a way to make me blush whenever I was by his side. I wore a beautiful white lace ballroom dress and he looked handsome dressed up in a suit with his hair swept to the back. I knew one thing for sure, he was going to be the man to protect me from harm, despite our jobs as Assassins and I trusted him with my life.
Behind my veil, I blushed while waiting to exchange our vows. His hands holding onto mine gave me strength, his smile gave me happiness. His voice like a song that will never die on me. To me, Jacob was the perfect!
We exchange our vows and rings when he uttered, “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” I whispered as his face leant forward to mine.
The shared kiss that sealed our vows was filled with passion and a love that was warm.
A few months into our marriage, I fell sick. He was by my side the whole time. He was, after all, the one who brought me to the hospital, thinking I caught a sickness that could be dangerous for me.
During the consultation with the doctor, he held my hand tightly when the doctor took blood from me to check if my sickness was dangerous.
“We will call you once we get the results from this blood test,” the doctor told us and we went home.
Before the week was over, my body started to sore and I felt sicker than I did. I was vomiting everything I ate the night before, I felt extra nauseous and worse, I was getting cramps which, I hated with a passion. Jacob brought me back to the hospital again.
“The results came in and I am delighted to inform you, Mr and Mrs Frye that you are going to be parents.”
Those words, going to be parents… At first, I did not know how to react. I looked up at Jacob who looked perplexed as well. The doctor let out a friendly laugh and told me that I was pregnant. Then, it registered into our brains.
“You are pregnant, Love,” Jacob whispered as he cupped my cheeks and rested his forehead against mine, our noses touching. Tears of joy streamed down his face, I wrapped my arms around him and he held me close, with no intentions of letting me go.
Since that day, Jacob made sure I was comfortable with everything around me. It was his child I was carrying and knowing that news made me love him even more. “Jacob…” I said as we lied down on the bed one day. “Have you thought of what to name this little one?”
“I have a name for both boy and girl but let’s keep that a secret until the day the little one arrive,” Jacob said warmly.
                                                                                                      More warmth.
“Jacob… I can feel a contraction.” I grunted, clutching my swell stomach. Jacob jumped from his seat and grabbed his car keys. He noticed how difficult it was for me to move around when he swept me into his arms bringing me to the car.
At the hospital, Jacob remained by my side. He wiped the sweat and tears from my face while resting his forehead against mine assuring me that everything will be fine. I held his hand tightly begging him not to leave my side. “I am here,” he assured me lovingly. “I am not leaving you alone and cold, Love.”
After struggling to live and to give life, a baby’s cries was heard.
“Congratulations, it’s a girl!” the midwife said as she placed the blood-stained baby on my naked chest. Immediately the baby calmed down and suckled from my breast.
“Jacob… Our little girl.” I panted, smiling at him. Jacob kissed my lips tenderly and pressed his forehead against mine. His hands caressing his daughter’s head.
“Evangeline Cecily Frye,” Jacob said suddenly. I looked at him. He smiled and said, “Our daughter’s name. Evangeline Cecily Frye.”
I looked down at our little angel and saw a small smile carved on her face. “Eva,” I whispered as the little bundle of joy laid happily on my chest keeping my beating heart warm.
“Mummy! I love you.” Eva said. “Daddy loves you!”
“I love you, too, baby,” I said kissing my 5-year-old daughter. “And I love Daddy, too.”
She wrapped her little arms around my neck and pressed her warm cheeks against mine.
Our little girl was growing; strong and healthy. She had her father’s complexion but she had my temper. Despite her flaws, she was perfect and we were proud of having a daughter just like Eva.
Her presence brought our household so much joy. Our days filled with laughter. Jacob and I were proud of our little girl and it warmed our hearts.
The flashes of my life ended when I saw myself hugging Eva as Jacob and I left the house that morning. It got darker and colder. I was already losing myself when my body felt numb. This was the end for me.
But I heard someone calling my name, though it was slightly muffled. A familiar voice it was; inviting and warm. My conscience fought back. The distance voice came from that light. I had to go towards it, I was determined to follow that voice. “Shannon, my Love.” There is was again, this time, it was louder and nearer. That voice; familiar and warm ringing with concern. “Shannon…”
My chest felt some pressure and then it was filled with air again. Slowly, the heavy feeling in my chest got lighter. My body got less tensed. The lighter my body felt, the brighter the light at the end of the dark place I was in. Finally, I reached the end of the tunnel and was blinded by the lights and there were other voices surrounding me. The loudest voice was the most familiar.
Gasping for air, I coughed out water.
“Shannon!” Evie cried in relief. I looked at her and next to her was Jacob, drenched. Jacob held me in his arms tightly. I could hear him sobbing.
“I thought I lost you,” Jacob whispered. I wrapped my arms around him. Somebody threw a blanket over our shoulders. I turned and saw Kieran, my brother, along with a few paramedics. I buried my face into the crook of Jacob’s neck and squeezed my eyes shut.
I didn’t want to let Jacob go. I wanted to remain within his embrace. “I love you, Jacob,” I whispered, looking up at him. He caressed my face and brushed my lips with his thumb. He was lost for words but on his face, I saw a smile of relief, a smile accompanied by tears.
My body felt a warm tingle. His breath was warm, his smile was loving. His embrace melted the ice that surrounded my heart which was struggling to beat like normal. I was thankful for being alive. Jacob pulled me away from his body to cup my face. “What would I do without you, Love? What would Eva be without her mother?” Jacob asked. I wrapped my arms around him. Slowly, the cold disappeared when Jacob’s warm tears fell onto my skin.
“Your warmth kept me alive.”
Warmth. That was all I ever need and I found it in the arms of the man I married.
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mckenzierossiblog · 4 years
I am getting ready, Chicago.
Jake and the girls are sleeping; my Captain Pete Cox is grinning at me, Trooper sits with me. “Well, now we have some of the units here.” I start to laugh. “Chicago PD will be sending someone later, and I will be meeting them at #Mollys Jake owns with #Herrmann” Pete nods at me hands us the file of the Navy Seal was murder by a drug lord, I lean on the table reading about this Navy Seal that he was one of the best, I looked up seeing my father standing there. “Daddy,” He comes to me. “Yes, McKenzie,” I lean back. “How often do special forces got a drug test” He takes a seat, my father was in the special forces when l was little. “Just matters on the mission, but l had a lot” I bit my lip, thinking I tuck my hair back behind my right ear showing off the little tattoo. “What would think he had something going on or blackmail” Pete watched me rereading the Navy Seal file. “Normal when there a mission, they will spend time with loved ones, does this Navy Seal have someone or family? That’s the first thing we need to find out; I looked at Trooper, I have to keep my cover for the reason that the drug lord can’t pick up who l am, Daddy is coming to Chicago with us to make sure we have extra protection. Chicago Police Department hangs out at #Mollys. I knew that Jake and the girls would be safe there. I’m not worried about that; I think other sources got this Navy Seal killed. I got up, standing there Granny comes over hands me a cup of tea she kisses my cheek, she smiles at me. “So how is Angel and Ashley with Jake, McKenzie” I didn’t tell her about Ashley being very sassy today. “Well, she is picking on Angel.” Granny looks at me. “You did to your brothers,” I laughed “They are older than me” Granny smiles, then whispers to me. “Angel will get even soon enough she is more like you then Jayce” I shake my head laughing. “Well, she will get even for sure. I hope AshleyLynn knows that Jayce loves her” Granny place her hand on mine. “I’m sure she does; that’s why family told you if you need help, we will back you as Jake says #IGOTYOU.” AshleyLynn comes outside “UNCLES PEYE AND TROOPER” she runs to give them hugs, Trooper hold her, he talking to her very quiet about her behavior today, I told Trooper about it to see if she will listen to him, she puts her head on his shoulder. ”McKenzie, your singing at this thing for #Herrmann,” I nodded at him. My father shows me a song that l should sing. I wink at him. “Alright, Daddy, l will do that song.” I started to sing it to my father,” Dog & Butterfly, Heart” Tropper is rocking Ashley. #TBC
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tamsclapper-blog · 6 years
Sweet Bouillon
I was walking down the boulevard wearing a brown skirt and this green vest that had rectangles of velcro and came with different things you could put onto it, like birds, steamers, various violins, and just food groups and stuff. You could velcro on whatever you felt like for the day and keep the rest at home on an old diving board or w/e. I was walking down the boulevard and noticed it was really clean for a boulevard and that there were only children around though some had grown old. I was in the mood for spaghetti and meatballs but thanky thanky I resisted the urge because meatballs have this way of rolling off the table and out of your life and reminding you of a song they made you sing as a kid that you only remember in spirit but not in words or sound. I ended up eating finger foods. Then I called my identical twin and it turned out she had eaten spaghetti that day which heaved and peeved me.
            The next day was really notable when I try and think about which days are or aren’t notable because that was the day I carried a sack of potatoes to my sisters house and almost left them on the door step without saying hello, but then turned back around and knocked on the door. The man who answered the door was a cosmonaut but I didn’t know yet that he was a cosmonaut because it was only 1985 and I didn’t even learn what a cosmonaut was until 1986, when this man admitted he was a cosmonaut and told me what that was.
            I stared at the man a bit but only for half a second before saying, “The fuck’s my sister and who are you?”
            He said he didn’t know and tried to close the door but I was wearing boots that curl at the toe and I caught the door with my curl tip. He sighed like a panty horse and opened the door, “She’s in the basement making wooden plates and cups.”
            “That’s fine. That’s just fine,” I said sternly.
            I went in and turned three corners and went down some steps and there was a corner in the steps too, then I was in my sisters woodworking shop. She turned to me, all cute in her goggles, and wiped her hands on her apron. We had the same face but she wore her hair long while I kept mine bowl cutted with a tam smacked on top, and she was mysteriously frail even though she ate spaghetti all the time and I only ate spaghetti once a month and she almost always had it with meatballs.
            I asked her who the guy was and she donned a goofy smile when she told me it was the buttermilk man. I pressed further and she said it was a friend of our cousin Rifkey’s and that she was fucking him, and she begged me not to be mean or scare him away.
            I helped her finish sandpapering, then she handed me three plates and cups and asked me to go up and set the table. As I sprinted up the steps she chased behind, playfully spanking my grateful booty.
             The cosmonaut’s name was Anton Pavel and he was dreadful. He said he only drank hot chocolate, and made her get up to rewarm it while we ate. People didn’t even drink hot chocolate in 1985, but this guy did. My sister did too that night which was absurd and probably not good for the wooden cups. She wrapped her fingers through the cup’s handle and held it to her mouth covering giggles while Anton Pavel said a bunch of dumb stuff. It got to the point where enough was enough and I took my tam off my head and slammed it on the table.
            “What’s that matter,” Anton asked, “Don’t like pork chops?”
            “Of course I like pork chops, you just sat here and watched me eat two, why would I eat two pork chops if I didn’t like em.”
            “Okay,” my sister said standing up, “It’s fine. It’s okay.”
            “No, I want her to get that puddle of wool off the table. I don’t like the looks of wool on wood.”
            “Wouldn’t expect you to and not surprised at all,” I remarked without rehearsing.
            He reached out to grab the tam but froze, and a dreamy look came over him like he was remembering a far off land of unverified pleasures. Then I went home and went to bed.
 My dreams back then were the same as ever; robust, vascular, with a halo sometimes, I could go on. What has changed, though, is I used to have orange plates and it has been oozy ruzons since I’ve heard from my old roommate, Cap’in Jean Bobby. 
            Cap’in Jean Bobby was three parts landlord, two parts roommate, and a chicken farmer from North Dakota and I loved her deeply in the mornings when she stockpiled those orange plates with thick eggs like they were brackets. Unfortunately, my affections vastly dwindled by late afternoon/early evening, after the eggs digested. She had these metal buttons on her overalls that creaked and would not replace them with less creaky buttons no matter how sincerely I screamed and begged. Furthermore, if you must know, the chickens she cared for, Beats and Tommy, were like first class citizens in our New Yorksville highlife apartment and I had to sit on the floor. You could really count on life not being fair when Jean Bobby made the rules. Sometimes she would push the envelope and by that I mean she would seal the deal on the kiss of death by asking me our zip code, like I was some sort of number spouter. Other times it was more subtle things like, oh, I don’t know, WHEELING IN CHICKEN FEED AND PARKING THE BARREL BY MY LIMBS. But w/e. I would just lick my finger and slick back my mane.
            At 5:30 she would do roll call, where she called everyone she knew to ‘check in’ and ‘chat’. This would tie up our phone line till 7:45, but Jean Bobby didn’t care. She would just sit there in her gross ass recliner with a chicken on each knee, moving her mouth and tongue strategically and I would have to limbo or high leg it over the cord that stretched from the kitchen blocking our walk through.
            There was this one time, hands over honor, I had a real medical emergency with the back of my knee and had to call my dentist to warn him I’d be limping when I came in for my cleaning. I wrote in jumbo letters on a sheet of paper, ‘Knee wont bend much,’ and held it in front of her but she went on chatting. So I went and got four sheets of paper, stapled them together, and wrote in bubble letters, ‘Maybe I should spread the news.’ This time she glanced and squishyed her face like a lemon licker but continued on with her roll call. By the time she was finished my dentist’s office was closed and I was plastered pink with indignants. I followed her into the kitchen as she went to hang up the phone and right as she craddeled it into the wall receiver I put my hand over hers and smashed it down firmly into the phone.
            “This smarts a little, I mean jeeze,” she squirmed, trying to get away.
This went on for a few minuets and then the phone rang. She looked at me with distress and I tried to keep my cool.
            “Lift the phone slowly,” I ordered, releasing the tightness of my grip but still holding my hand over hers. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she lifted the phone in slow motion. It was half way to her lobe when the doorbell rang.
            “It’s a double whammy,” she sniffled.
            “Yea and double the time and patience. Maybe we should call a truce. I’m going to want eggs in the morning.”
            “Truce? Your always just saying a bunch of words. You forget I’m from North Dakota and two years younger than you.”
            “It’s a verbal agreement to put down the phone and go to bed early and you have to spoon me and get up to get me water in the night even if I don’t want any, and for gods sakes take off those creaky overalls and put on something bottonless, if you even have anything like that.”
            “Truce. TRUCE!” she shouted.
In 1984, a year before that damned cosmonaut ransacked his way into my sister’s silky wormhole and heart when we made a special trip to the Green Grasshoppers Industry, an industry that inspired our town to put up flashing lights and where we pretended our mother’s ashes were. It had always been a special place to me since I was a little girl because there were no bean bag chairs there and I was dead to center allergic to beans of any kind even if they were bagged or being sat on. Another thing about this Grasshoppers place I think you should know right now is how easy it is to get inside. You’d think there’d be more to it then just the push of a glass door. A lot of places were like this in our town.
            “Either my eyes are slathered in hot burning peppers or it’s the Bouillon sisters,” the receptionist said dryly.
            “Yes, it’s us, her and I, here we are.”
            “We’re here for a little something something,” my sister added.
            She sighed and threw down her pen, “Look, we really don’t have your mother’s ashes.”
            “No, you misunderstand,” my sister said politely, “Were here for a bit of some-TING.”
            “Well, I’ve got brass knuckles in my drawer here. You want me to take those out?”
            “Ah, hm, sorry, is there anyone here we could talk to who mixes well with others?”
            “Someone’s dad was out in the hall earlier. Maybe you could still catch him.”
            We found a bearded fellow standing with his legs straight and his spine and head straight too. We ran up and pulled at his coat tails.
            “Are you someone’s dad?”
            “Yes, Sharon’s.”
            Excited, we couldn’t stop from both speaking at once.
            “So we had this thing-“
            “It was ooey gooey!”
            “We were on the night bus and just so exhausted-“
            “Our hands couldn’t grip firmly!”
            “It was just so late!”
            “Please! There must be something you can do!”
            He laughed heartily, “Say no more, girls! I think I can help you with this object of your desires. Wait here.”
            “K!” I rubbed my hands together furiously until he returned, and when that return he made, he indeed had the very object my sister and I dropped on the bus that brisk and weary nightshed. We curtsied and he bowed.
            “You girls look like a pair that likes ice cream?”
            “I guess so,” we shrugged.
            “Well I have two extra tickets to a town’s meeting later this afternoon. It will be long and arduous but they will serve vanilla-chocolate swirl, after, to anyone who’s willing.”
            “That’s not really how we jive,” I pointed out.
            “Alright then, why don’t I take you for ice cream now?”
            “A man like you who’s a father and all should be headed to the Daddy and Me Ice Cream Parlor with Sharon if you’re going to eat ice cream at all.”
            “You sure are a couple of tricky bitches. Forget ice cream. What do you like, soup?”
            “What we really have a taste for is justice,” my sister spouted.
            “I’m listening,” he was in it for the long haul.
            But before she could lay it on thick in a pop it to him sort of way his coat tails were tugged upon once again, this time by a Miss around 15 who may have had talent for the arts or crossbow or, if not, would surely someday find her niche.
            “Dad? Dad! Is it really you?”
            “I - uh,” he patted around at his torso in a confused manner, “I think so. Where am I?”
            “We’ve been searching for years!” She hugged the bewildered man and several doors opened at once. Team members in green windbreakers with loose sketchings of grasshoppers on the back flooded the hall and wrapped him tightly in white cloths. It turned out we had been talking to a real relic in time and a county lost man.
            They carried him out on a stretcher, daughter at side holding his hand. The sun shown so brightly as they walked through the glass doors that it looked like they were heavens glass doors, but when I turned to face my sister it was clear she didn’t see the beauty.
 She fell ill after that and would lie in bed whispering, “I can’t believe I didn’t see the signs. We would have just left him there. Me. I would have left him.” She couldn’t forgive herself for not recognizing the man had been lost. At times like these it would seem my sister and I were snipped from a different cloth even though our umbilical cords were snip snapped from the same nauseating placenta a certain amount of time ago, while over the loud speaker Neil Diamond chortled and hummed about a mystic sort of love on the only peninsula we were delivered on and to. But maybe I’m just being idealistic.
            I agreed it had been obvious with the heehawing and pants shuffling and the whole ice cream or die bit, but told her, ‘a diamond in front of the eye can look like an old seaweed rock sometimes.’ My math tutor would have called that a ‘ little white lie’ if he were still with us.
            I elevated her feet with conch shells and surrounded her bed with several dozen trays of rice.  She loved how the thin metal legs of the tv trays contrasted with the flat tops that she thought of as the flat lands of America, and the single bowl that sat center on each tray was a cascading mountain. When she leaned forward she glimpsed the white rice, the snow cap of the mountain, and to her it felt like all of time was passing when she teetered forward and back, seasons changing rapidly.  Her sounds of agony bounced off the bowls and echoed terribly through this ceramic wilderness; and if you listened closely then maybe, just maybe, you could hear the shrill voice of Lady Liberty crying back.
             At 2 pm eastern time I would army crawl into her bedroom and plop myself down by the left mid-bottom side of the bed; her blind spot. I would wait till she rang her bell, then I’d army crawl back out and walk in on my feet like the homosapien I was raised to be. One day, though, she never rang. I must have been laying there for 12 hours at least before I got the courage to shimmy upwards and steal a peak at wtf was going on. The sheets were pulled back and the bed was empty. Making a dash for the lights, I searched every inch of that room for her and then got on top the bed and did a fast shuffling with my feet, like a football shuffle. I was just too mad to do anything else. Eventually I sprained my ankle and now I really had to army crawl through the entire house swiping a Q-tip in every cranny. Then I sat cross-legged on a skateboard and pushed across town looking left to right with night binoculars.
            By morning I came to my dull senses and went down to the Green Grasshoppers Industry and sure enough, there she was in the hall trying to pressure some poor elderly couple into going with her to get a cone. Not wanting the Green Team involved, I took her home and bound her in white cloth myself.
            For dinner we had spaghetti and meatballs and lit a candle in each ball; the pink ones represented earth and gratitude and yellow stood for erased fears and droppings.  Now this is where the story gets weird. Just as we had our lips puffed to oblivion and ready to blow, the sound of carolers filled our airspace. Okay, it’s fine, we thought. Its Christmas Eve, so whatever.
            Wrong. The caroling got louder until it sounded like they were standing just outside the kitchen window. I drew back the shutters and there on god’s grass stood the Green Grasshoppers. It was odd to see this gentle rendition of ‘God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman’ come from their mouths cause they looked pissed. Their eyes were gleaming red and a few of them had sharpened their teeth. Clutched in their mitts was a huge cake frosted with the image of a stretcher.  When they got to the line, “Comfort and Joy” their voices boomed and snarled. Clearly they were insinuating the comfort and joy of being carried out of their industry on a stretcher, now how deceptive is that? We folded our hands in our laps and watched a few more songs before I snapped the shutters shut. We tried to persist on with dinner but the meatballs were sauced in wax drippings and a resemblance of twelve flies floated helter skelter in my grapefruit juice. It was probably one of the worst Christmas Eves ever, thanks Grasshoppers, that’s the last time I even show you my sister.
“Life is short and so are our children.” This is what my mother said to my turn of the keeps father every morning upon their lawful wedded waking procedure. He replied with a chin tilt I am guessing cause I wouldn’t hear another peep until after they donned themselves in silk robes and floated into the sitting room with gallons of strawberry lemonade, setting them gingerly by their feet. They called this Liquid Quench Hour. My sister and I, being ahead of the times in fashion, called it Silk’s Last Minuets in hushed tones. It really was a key stoned way to spend a morning for a dentist’s tool inventor and a dentist’s tool inventor’s wife, if you think about it. So I don’t. But sometimes when trying to preform my own morning proceedings of eating dot by dot, as it appeared from satellite, every speck of egg from those orange plates till they looked like clear bright suns, my sister called to and ask if I remembered Liquid Quench Hour. I’d sigh and say no, and she’d go over each step with this sing songy tone, “And as they would sat, their elbows straightened until the gallons grazed the floorboards. Mother’s ankles were like a sweet birds and reflected off the plastic lemonade jugs, making her look quadruple ankled, do you remember?”
            “No,” I replied, sinking my head on the table.
            “And after tax season,” she went on excitedly, “they drew open the windows and let the light heat their brass jewelry until it was luke warm to the graze of a greedy finger.”
            “Okay. Well I’m eating breakfast now, so…”
            “Yes, and on Sundays, no let me think, yes on Sundays, this would be the morning after chicken finger night –“ around here I softly hung up and continued as best I could chewing chunks, but honestly at that point the morning was a wash. I’d ask Jean Bobby to stop petting her chickens for just one round and pet my head and she’d say no and I’d crawl back into bed while crimson tears stretched from my eye socket to three forth’s of the way down my pillow case like the Nile River, but a stain. If there were any human like gods or semi god-humans bopping around in space, this would be when I’d beg them for mercy. Really, all I wanted was to be draped in silks drinking strawberry lemonade with my father but I could never admit that, even to a half god-human half anchovy.
            My neighbor had a bumper sticker that said, “TRUTH, NOT TOLERANCE” but obviously his parents didn’t have a morning ritual he was disincluded from or lofty feeling about it, hey-oh.
            I scrapped myself off the bed sheets, pulled it together, and set out find someone to disincline or pick on; maybe go down to the fire person’s station and trip em up with their own hose or something. Beats and Tommy were out of the question as I didn’t want to be on the receiving end of a circle’s ooze exaltation from the Cap’in’s ready as rules iron fist. I’m saying I don’t know what she’d do if I touched those chickens but probably fist me.
            But on May 24th, 1982 as I long horned it out my door looking for a sucker, what I found instead was a new neighbor who made me feel, at the instant we locked eyes, like the velveteen rabbit resurrected. He was short and had this flat top head you could probably set a Frisbee on and top with a handful of coffee beans, and his tennis shoes were spray painted gold. I almost had to rub my eyes to make sure there wasn’t any dust on the lids.
            He said his name was Bailey and he had a fresh litter of puppies.
            “I want you to meet all twelve of my puppies before I die,” he said.
            “Are you sick?”
            “Can I meet them all at once?”
            “When should we get started?”
            “We could get started right now if right now is when you’d like to get started,” he said without the slightest hint of malice, “Or you could come by tomorrow after I go to the YMCA to tell them their pool is an Olympic meter off. I like to do that sort of thing in person.”
            “So do I. You never know who you’re talking to on the phone. They say a name but its all just vowels and sharps to me.”
            I followed him to his backyard and sat my puffed ass in an easy does it fold out chair. He shuffled inside and came out with a baby Doberman and placed it on my lap. It’s name was Credshaw. All the puppies were named Credshaw.
            I learned a lot sitting in that chair. He told me everything I ever needed to know about cleaning out an iguana tank, plus some, but it was in what he didn’t say that intrigued me most. I came back every Sunday to see what he wouldn’t say next. It was on my third visit that I asked to use the loo and was baffled to the core that his bathroom was bare besides a few handtowles, liquid soap, inspirational dental tools likely sanctioned by my father, a copy of MAD mag, stacks of loose change, joint medication, toilet paper and stuff, and just a few other odds and ends. On the floor was just a trash can, a plunger, and a pair of putrid slippers next to an old chewed up red hell of a dog toy. I really didn’t get this guy, Bailey.
            It wasn’t until my ninth visit that I realized he only really had one puppy. He had been dumping the same tired Doberman in my lap week after week. I felt a little sick when the realization hit but I didn’t have the throw away know how or the heartbeat to ring the bullshit bell that hung over our heads like back of the drawer tweezers, ready to pluck. I just kept on smiling and looking him straight in the gold shoes. He worked for the Overton’s Factory where they made a special spray to clean spider and bird droppings, and was giving a demonstration when the rudest and crudest thing happened inside my brain and projected out onto Bailey’s face. It was his hands holding the spray and scrubber, his voice hinting at a soon to be spotless remote control car, but popping out of his neck collar was a true to life Doberman head. I gripped the sides of my chair.
            He finished wiping off the little car and drove it round my feet.
            “Look at that puppy go! Drives much faster without all the spider and bird droppings!” he said with his snout mouth. “Join the spray of the month club and this will be the first they send. Just a down payment of forty dollars if you order through me. I can get you the employee discount, what do you say?”
            “Naw. I’m good, Cha-chi,” I lifted Credshaw off my lap and onto the ground as I stood up. I was feeling dizzy. “I gotta go home. Listen, I don’t think I can come by anymore.”
            “WHA?! But you haven’t even met Credshaw or Credshaw yet! You’re really going to love Credshaw, I’ve saved the best Credshaw for last!” Each time he said ‘Credshaw’ it was like a gong had been smacked in my skull, and on his final Cred I fell to my knees.
            “Mayday!” he bellowed, and I could feel his prickly fingers all over me as he lifted and flipped upside down. The back window to my apartment was open so I screamed, “Cap’in! Cap’in! Haaalp, Cap’in Jean!” but everything went white and I lost consciousness.
            I awoke in a mostly kosher hospital and a nurse with the most perpendicular shoulders sat bedside with her legs crossed as if one knee had conquered the other. She told me I was allergic to dogs and that Bailey was a hero.
            Just so we’re clear, this was no Halloween costume nurse. This was the kind of nurse you could bring home to your children if you happened to have any at the time you met her if you did. But all I had was a North Dakotan roommate and two chickens, so I left the nurse there in that rectangular hospital that practically looked like it had been stapled to sedimentary rock. 
            Before I went, she ripped the sheet off me and it made this exhilarating parachute noise. I wished we were in a cave so the noise would echo and I could lie there on my back listening for all eternity. She placed a box of prizes on my outstretched legs and told me to pick out one that made me feel alive, so I chose a silver whistle that’s packaging said it would disappear if dropped into murky waters, which turned out to be pretty fucking true.
            When I got home I noticed the back window had been cemented shut. I guess the Cap’in heard my cries after all.
In 1986 the word ‘cosmonaut’ was uttered 34,962 times in the states alone, often without citation, but I didn’t utter it once. Not once. I guess I didn’t see the point. My sister must have been in the top 10 utterers. I would have pasted a blue ribbon to her fleece if I wasn’t so disgusted. By 1989, however, the word was obsolete and so our very own, Anton Pavel, became a couch potato. He would hunch to the max on my sister’s sofa in grey sweat pants with one knee facing southeast and the other northwest. It was unbecoming to say the least. His friendship with our cousin Rifkey grossly solidified when it was discovered they were the only two in town that liked to watch Spin City. Other people watched it too but only these two liked it.
            I would trot over to my sisters a couple times a week when I needed a breather. This was over a decade before my unfortunate bare-legs-smashed incident and I was quite the trotter. Her house was decorated from head to toe in linoleum, yellow brick, and this cute as the eye can take it caulk she had peppered between wall tiles in her kitchen and bathrooms. It was a pleasant change from the loose feathers that rose and settled with each breath I took in my neck of the stank woods, or should I say ‘havre puant’, as it would be if we if we spoke French for any reason or w/e.           
            Wearing a pair of cutoffs with a turquoise tunic, matching blazer, and a tam one luke warm spring afternoon, I put forth a nimble limb and rang the bell with the outer most tip of my finger pad. Rifkey must have shot off the saddle cause the door swung open faster than a French to German translator can order an elephant ear. He handed out, with his face, this grin that should be reserved only for banquet settings, if my opinion matters at all. He was dressed like a b-ball / all-star component, and challenged me to find a snag in his jersey. I told him I was in far too prudent a mood to shove my irises up near his nipples, where a snag was most likely to be. He told me to survey the back and then he’d flip it around. Still, I refused. Clicking his tongue in annoyance, he stepped back to let me pass. Truth is I don’t have the sort of a mind that can consider much about snags.
            Anton sat in front of the telly and my sister on the couch facing the wall, with her booted feet up on the coffee table. I took a seat by my sheer hearted twin and America’s Most Wanted squirted into my ears making me wonder what I ever did to deserve such a TV-loving ass-hat of a sister’s boyfriend that Anton Pavel couldn’t help but be. Rifkey bounded over the back of the couch and landed by Anton. It was like my sister and I were two eggs side by side in a carton, and the boys were two other eggs in a different carton facing another direction and so on.  That’s probably what we were if you peel back the dimensions, organized eggs. It’s probably the best we could hope for.
            “I’d like to make a toast,” Rifkey mentioned, so sister went to the kitchen and came out with three cups of white wine mixed with grapefruit juice, and one hot chocolate.
            “How are you guys doing out there tonight? I wish I had prepared something. What is there to say really about the four of us and this eye opening spring day and America’s Most Wanted and wine coolers and grapefruit juice?  Shout out to all the beautiful ladies out there who couldn’t make it today, I’m thinking of you all and only pretending to watch TV.”
            He tapped at his wooden cup with a spoon making several dull thuds.
            “Alright, alright let’s get this toast started. I sing to the remembered whispers of several shoes that walked these lands without pivot during peripheral water sheddings with the wind to their backs.”
            “With the wind to their backs.” We echoed.
            “And to the underestimated grief that can be held in a winter coat-slathered pair of arms and then thrown to the ether with one pledge or grunt from a southern beast with brows of fury that reach across an entire face, the remorseless face dash of a brutish bore that receives no mercy.”
            “No mercy received.”
            “And to these things of the earth that may bounce back each season like a whistled upon foul ball. I’m going to play some basketball later. You wanna come, Anton?”
            “With the wind to our backs,” he replied.
            “I toast to the downfall we each gather in hearts as morning dew pounces on a slick blade and of which we shoot out of our chests when we rise from bed for now and forever more. Goodbye.”
            We choked down our drinks, slamming our cups to the coffee table. Another episode was on the rise so I motioned my sister to join me in the porcelain sitting room, where one often sits alone, but where us ladies sometimes gather to smear blush on our cheeks or compare tampons. She side eyed my trucker arm pumps, the universal sign for “I want to talk shit about your boyfriend in the bathroom” but wouldn’t budge from the couch. So I said, “I sure am getting sleepy. Maybe someone could help me make a pillow. Maybe from extra soft touch toilet paper. From the bathroom or something.”
            Anton said, “Why don’t you put your tam to work. If there ever was a hat burley enough rock your thick skull into slumber it would be that damned tam you always got sitten around the top of your head.”
            “HAAAAA,” Rifkey blurted, not diverting his eyes from the screen.
            “Is that the most clever thing you could think to say about my tammed head? Tam rhymes with like 40 things yet you’ve never so much as made a limerick. You’re always just like, “Oh, there’s a hat on your head, it’s a tam”.
            “I’m so bored with this, you guys,” my sister mouth blinked.
            “What I’m bored of is brown tams, red tams, turquoise tams, tams always knitted, never any variety. I bet you play with that one in the bathtub, it looks so tattered. How can her cuticles breath under there?” Anton pondered out loud for all the living to hear.
            “My cuticles are barely a whisper in the dark compared to what probably goes on near and around your head,” I shot back.
            “Awe! Naw, Anton’s got a great head,” Rifkey pulled Anton’s bald ass head towards him and gave it a kiss, “Dirty but sturdy.”
            “Let’s get Taco Tundras for dinner,” my sister threw out.
            “Babe. Let’s. Just me and you.”
            “WTF I thought you were going to play basketball,” Rifkey whined.
            “Sorry, man, the only balls I’m going to play with tonight are going to be the little ball chunks of ground beef circling around with cheese and lettuce in a tight fitted shell.”
            “Daaaamn,” my cousin pouted.
            What am I supposed to eat, I wondered. But before I could even realize what it was I was wondering, the girl and the guy known as my sister and Anton had long left us bottom feeders to fend for our own lives as far as meals go, and entertainment. Je n’aime pas ca!
Seventy-two days later, my sister was patiently explaining the benefits of macrocarpa wood to a boy who was soon to become a man, judging by the length of his legs. We we’re sitting in a delicatessen called Wrong Way Home, and I was hard munching on a glob of paper thin shredded beef that some pair of hands smacked onto a kaiser, possibly with all their strength and stamina.
            The thing I liked about my sister’s ability to finagle wood into cabinets and signs with western sayings, was how it pulled people to us like flies to a wood expert, literally, but this boy was no fly. In fact, he was completely wingless. I guess that’s why his legs were still growing after all these years. He really needed them.
            The boy was eating beef too and when he finished his last bite he put out a finger to warn us that a wave of speech was crawling, from within him, out into the open air.
            “Wood has one enemy and one enemy only, termites.”
            My sister protested but he stuck his hand in her face, a rudeness I will never forget because I have it written in a diary I still have.
            “Say what you will about the growing strength of the sun, I cannot deny that it multiplies everyday, but I’m yet to see one scrap of wood set ablaze by our daily, glowing, fire-ball-god that whitens everything, if you’re one of those people that call nighttime ‘black’.  Now, termites, if you’ll flip to the other hand –“
            “I’m going to stop you right there, son,” a man in a blood covered apron came out from the back and firmly gripped the boy’s shoulder, “The only thing that’s growing every day here is you. The sun ain’t doing nothing it’s not done for billions of years. Ain’t that right, gentleman?” We looked around for the gentleman he spoke of but nobody was paying us any part of any day. 
            I couldn’t understand why no one would let this boy talk about termites. All I know is, since then, beef has always reminded me of the sun and visa versa. Even cold beef.
A few years later something happened that was mostly life shattering, I’m going to tell it quickly cause I’m in the middle of making worlds soup.  It is a story of pomp and circumstance.
            Knowing damn well what time my sister goes out to the mailbox each morning to check that numbers were still sticking on, has been cosmonaut Anton Pavel arranged a plane with a banner to fly overhead, warning of a very sharp knife in their sink water. On draining the sink, she found, lurking at the bottom, an engagement ring, sitting next to the sharpest knife known to mankind, the Alloy Titanium. Shoving the ring on her finger, she crept down the hall towards their bedroom, clutching the knife. Hot Chocolate Breath was still in bed and she wanted to surprise him as well as answer his popped question by reflecting the ring off the knife to make beautiful prisms on the walls. As she approached the door he wheeled around the corner, air plopping his thick and thieves abs into the blade.
            So my sister’s almost replied to dreams of a ceremonial binding between American land dweller and Russian moon walker, that was the pomp. And Anton, who fell forward further pushing the knife into his gut, and who lay at my sisters feet with the silver tip of the blade sticking out through his back, well, that was the circumstance.
            My sister was so upset, she was plagued by three months of goiters. She then had herself committed to a faculty of marital misfits, where women slathered in black robes gave their bodies and souls to the lord, our savior. I tried to visit often, in those early years, but all she ever wanted to do anymore was walk up and down the corridors in a single file line.
            Being that my sis up to that point paid my rent, I was forced to take a job at the candy cane factory on the outskirts of town, a factory well known for being easy to love and easy to hate. I won’t get into why, but think carbon footprint and sweet tooth.
            They started me out in the mint room and told me I had to prove myself before I could think or even dream about a cane. They said I didn’t look trustworthy.
As it turned out, I had no clue how to swirl red confections sugar with white to make a smooth patty now matter how many times I was meticulously shown each step. In retrospective, I think this was probably why they threw a sack over my head and spun me in circles. The workers took turns loading me into the back of a truck. It must have been their lunch break. Then I was driven to the other outskirts of town, to the Overton Factory. My candy cane bosses marched me up to the door, pushed me inside, and I never saw their crude baby faces again. What I did see a whole lot of after that was my neighbor Bailey, as I landed right in his good grace-anatomy arms. By that time he had become the factories head honcho. He gripped my chin and lifted it so my eyes met with his.
            “Do you remember the knowledge I bestowed upon you about cleaning out an iguana tank?” he asked.
            I did not.
            “No matter,” he said, “We have machines that do that now. What I need is someone who can clean fly and bee and ant droppings off of the machines, someone who won’t get land sick.”
            “I almost never get sick on land, “ I lied.
            And so began my 52 year employment at the Overton Insect and Reptile Droppings Cleaning Spray Factory, and counting. I would be lying if I said it hasn’t been difficult working all these years for a man that would lie about how many puppies he’s got. But us Bouillon sisters, we may have been deprived the strawberry lemonade of our forefathers, but in the end that’s what made us tough. And thirsty. And hungry. Everybody gets hungry though, so idk.
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