#so I expect jaden is going to go from a character i like a lot to a favorite
cardbored-box · 7 months
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Current yugioh gx watching experience (I’m well into season 3)
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shitpostingkats · 4 months
Wouldn’t it be really funny if Jaden had like The Most Messed Up Traumatizing Childhood but is completely unaware that what he went through isn’t normal? And every time he says something his friends take +1000 points of psychic damage. (It’s like that one meme of the guy in the fast food drive thru talking with the employee looking like they’ve witnessed The Horrors) For example:
Chazz, fed up with whatever dumb crap Jaden has said this time, not expecting a serious response: oh my god why are you like this, were you dropped on your head as a child or something?
Jaden, goes to retort, but then pauses, actually considering something, then half mumbles to himself: hmm you know that might explain the botched lobotomy actually…
Chazz & everyone else in the room: I’m sorry the what
Or alternatively:
Alexis during lunch with the crew hanging outside the Silfer dorms, concerned at how run-down they seem to be getting: Why don’t you move up at all? If you’re that attached to the red, at least see if you can just move into the Ra or Obelisk dorms, I’m pretty sure the Slifer dorms are an actual health risk at this point, the building looks close to collapsing…
Jaden, completely unbothered, eating a sandwich: I mean up until enrollment I was living in a cardboard box in some back alleyway, the Slifer dorms are paradise compared to that. Plus the other dorms are too fancy for me idk-
Everyone: You what.
Jaden, taking another bite of his sandwich, entirely oblivious the growing looks of horror that worsen with every word out of his mouth: I mean it wasn’t so bad, it was only for what? 3 years? The rats were actually pretty friendly if you gave them food scraps! Better than the giant possums at least.
Everyone: The what.
Jesse, hanging out with Chazz and Jaden in Jaden’s room and going through decks: You have such a good relationship with Winged Kuriboh, I can tell he cares about you a lot, you must have been friends for a long time!
Jaden, casually sifting through his cards: Oh, no actually, I got him the day of the entrance exams. Actually I didn’t even know I could see duel spirits until I got to the academy. Or at least I think I couldn’t? I have vague recollections of something from way back when, but I try not to think back too far, otherwise the screaming gets in the way
Jesse, completely unexpecting the way he says it so nonchalantly: The,,, screaming?
Jaden: Yeah if I think to like,,, any time before I was 8? All I get is a bunch of static and screaming. Weird huh?
Chazz, half paying attention, once again joking and not expecting anything seriously: Screaming huh? What, you commit a murder or something?
Jaden, once again pausing before contemplating, unaware to the horror building the longer he stays silent, before finally responding: Huh. Y’know that might explain the blood that pops up too actually-
Chazz, now fully paying attention and regretting every life decision that has led him to this point, and is barely holding onto his sanity by a thread: *deep bone-weary sigh* was this before or after the botched lobotomy
Jesse, who is completely and utterly devoted to Jaden, but is unfortunately New and has not yet been exposed to his special brand of out-of-pocketness, and is now internally screaming: excuse me the what-
I’m realizing now I wrote a lot on this BUT I want to see your interpretation too sgshdjd This is just the funniest thing to me, I love it when a character is completely unaware of the psychological damage they unintentionally inflict on others it’s so funny hahashsjsjs (all of the scenarios are from before the Dark World arc do with that information what you will)
Being Jaden's friend is an occupational hazard.
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nettleshuttle · 2 years
so, welcome to my ted talk! today’s topic: an attempt to put together all my thoughts on chazz in an at least slightly coherent manner
honestly, there’s a lot of these — as of now, he’s one of my favorite characters from the whole ygo series and definitely among the ones i find most interesting, although gx itself does him pretty dirty most od the time (more on that later). when i encountered him first in the show, i was actually kinda surprised/disappointed to see him established as the main rival figure — i mean, really, he was supposed to take over after kaiba? that bland, stuck-up, good-for-nothing guy? but then his later arcs really captivated me, up to the point where i was crying during his society of light duel against jaden and i begun to really appreciate him, so i guess here we are; as i’m still not over much of his character, i’m going to try to break down my favorite/the most important parts of it and see what comes out of it. if you’re still reading that, feel warned that you’re up for a long-ass post
first of all: a definite cornerstone of everything that chazz has going on, so the “talented, successful, arrogant, popular dueling ace” to “ridiculed drop-out underachieving ojama user” pipeline. needless to say, i really love this whole idea, as it’s frankly a take on gifted kid burnout, not handling expectations, not handling not handling stuff and a meaningful self-restoration after all that. it may be difficult to trace, because chazz remains arrogant throughout, but he’s going through a lot of personal growth — and quite realistic at that. the “hitting rock bottom” which he talks about (or bottom of the barrel, as it’s for some reason also being translated) seems ridiculous for a guy who’s, like, on the second most privileged place in life possible. yet, he really feels like he’s lost everything after the downfall he’d taken — and that’s exactly how such stuff works. the even better part that comes from it? as he plainly says, what osiris red really taught him is how little he knew about life. he never hit “rock bottom”, even though it felt like it — but he learned to scramble up and pull himself together after whatever fall it was, which, alone, makes him (and the other osiris reds, i infer) more broad-minded, more aware and stronger than all the obelisk blue elites which have never tasted defeat. that’s a very epic take and a very needed one, if you ask me — just like using a zero-atk hopeless ojama deck rather than some powerhouse of a card set as some blue eyes 2.0 doesn’t make him weaker than any duelist playing the latter, because he knows both and still chose the former. because that’s what suits him, that’s who he is — and although he lost all the pride he once had, he found much more of it on his own later. actually, the pathetic-dignified dichotomy works really well for him — he uses the ojamas, which elicit little more than a snicker from any respectable duelist, but he’s proud because he plays using them and nothing else, like when he deliberately nerfed his deck to sole 0-atks before dueling his older brother. he’s definitely struggling a lot; losing, falling back to his old self, fixating on the need to get revenge on jaden, losing again, scrambling up somehow, getting brainwashed, losing some more, but in all that, he’s getting somewhere — painstakingly and, at times, without any recognition of what he’s doing, but he’s improving in his own way and he is so much stronger and prouder than all who look down on him, all who are what he once had been, before all the losing and the struggling and the pathetic stuff. and i think that’s just great. besides, all of this — the desperation, jealousy, fear, weakness, confusion — make him come off as so much more human than characters like (with all due respect) jaden or jesse and make his development feel so realistic and rewarding.
some more on the decks he uses; i like the way he is shown to juggle multiple archetypes, ranging from armed dragon, to VWXZ dragon catapult, to ojamas — i talked about it a bit already, but i also think him not sticking to a single deck is a good way of showing how he’s in the process of developing all the time. trying out different things, mixing them, getting ridiculous combinations, going for them anyway, going back to some previous stuff, mixing that in too — that’s a real nice metaphor for how finding out stuff about yourself works, developing the optimal ways of doing things that suit you, your own ways of combating your own problems. of course, the three ojamas are a laughingstock next to kaiba’s three blue eyes (or tbh pretty much any other ace monster), but they’re the best representation of what i had laid out in the previous paragraph — i often think about his promotion duel, where the obelisk blue guy chazz faced was so disappointed seeing the ojamas, kept saying how they were a disgrace and how he had looked up to chazz in earlier times, but now considers him just an underachiever and a loser. the way how chazz almost spitefully uses the ojamas to win never ceases to make me happy because he’s making a statement of doing things his own damn way. even if they’re less efficient, weaker, anything, even if he actually loses the duel as a result (like the society of light one against jaden) because, ultimately, there are so much more important things — like when ed said that chazz needs to defeat a certain monster rather than win the game, which was a perfectly accurate summing up. losing with the ojamas is better than winning with anything else because the ojamas are his — and i find it really heartwarming, somehow.
then what does it all actually lead to? character growth is nice when it’s conclusive. what do we actually get for chazz? i mentioned that gx does him dirty and i will stick to it to my dying breath — his development could have been handled so much better (especially his relationship with jaden; even asuka got a more satisfying ending in that aspect) if the show didn’t use him as a scapegoat each time some shit needed to be stirred up or a duel needed to be lost. still, there are some really rewarding scenes to his character — most have to do with the popularity and renown he had enjoyed, then lost, then got back tenfold. “manjoume thunder!” being chanted and yelled and cheered comes off as a rolling joke more than anything else, especially along with the 1-10-100-1000 countdown (count-up?), but it’s actually much needed too — they really should let him have some of the recognition and applause. he deserves it. the empowerment coming from those scenes is great and the cringer it is, the greater it gets, because, come on, that’s chazz we’re talking about, right? his career as a pro duelist has much to do with it and i’m so glad each time i see it developed in post-canon fanfics — with his ojama deck, weird attitude and drop-out reputation, he’s not cut out to be a pro. not talent, not any gift, definitely not destiny — but, in a strange way, there’s nothing that would suit him more. he’s made for the dueling arena, for the spectators and the publicity, but he’s choosing to enter the pro world in his own way, with his own ojama deck, his own ojama yellow ace and the rest of his own identity — and that’s good enough to best ed phoenix, the guy who beat kaiser’s ass into the dirt, because that’s precisely where chazz’s strength comes from. and even if he used a more optimal deck, if he stayed in obelisk blue or god-knows-what, i like to think (and am quite certain) that he never would have gotten that far. so yeah, that would be a great ending for chazz, all in all, if his relationship with jaden wasn’t left practically unaddressed, which was definitely not the way it should have been treated — but even though i love this ship with all my heart and could ramble on it literally without end, maybe it’s best to leave that for some other (indefinite) time. the whole thing is, of course, a very crucial part of chazz’s character, but i think there a limit to amount of gx rambling anyone can feasibly process and i’ve surpassed it some time ago already. also i’m not even mentioning the whole thing with asuka because, try as i might, i fail to see any real reason or purpose for it, apart from some cheap comic relief stunt pulled by the creators. so no.
long story short — chazz is a great character, realistic and relatable (i should stop calling myself out), with a development that is really uplifting when you really consider it, made even better by some very epic scenes that he wholly deserves. arguably, i’d also call him the best ygo rival figure, but since that’s easily debatable, i’m not going into that too much. and, of course, thanks for coming to my ted talk (sorry, i’ve always wanted to finish an essay post that way <33)
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krakenshaped · 1 year
For the character ask game, what about the man, the myth, The Chazz?
Dude when I say I fucking love this guy I fucking LOVE this guy he makes me so happy on every level
First Impression: Initially I enjoyed making fun of Chazz like. A lot LOL I pretty much bullied for his first couple of appearances. His English voice actor (the original one/S1) PERFECTED his voice. PERFECTED! From the start Manjoume was such a snotty little loser and hos voice in en and jp perfectly encapsulates how snotty he is and I think it's so funny that his brothers sound exactly like him but older. I thought he was so funny. But he just kept getting funnier. He just kept getting more unhinged. I think he really took a shine to me during his North Academy arc. I related a lot to his struggle with expectations
Impression now: THE CHAAAZZZZ!!! MANJOUME THUNDER!!! MY GOOBY WOOBY! MY BIMBLO BLORBO!!! MY FUCKING GUUUUYYYY!!!! I love Judai but like. Manjoume is my favourite GX character to be honest. I still think he's so fucking funny and I love how funny and pathetic he is and I think he is perfect shitty teenager rep. He is arrogant. He is goofy. He's having a bisexual crisis. He thinks he's the most romantic feminist in the world. He probably listens to emo music. He wears black because he's a non-conformist™️ and he's Not Like The Other Slifers In This Shitty Dorm. He smells bad. He is me at 15. I want to wrap him in tin foil and put him in the microwave. I wanna study him under a microscope. He is my son!!!
Favourite moment: Every Chazz moment is a fun moment
But also
The Duel against his brother, fuck yeah Manjoume, get their asses!!!!
Idea for a story: Honestly I've wanted to write about Manjoume grappling with a post-grad crisis for a hot minute because I find it difficult to believe that after everything that happens in DA he just hits the pro league like nothing happened. I wanna see him go to therapy and process everything that's happened in his life, especially the guilt he probably feels over both awakening the sacred beasts and his role in the society of light.
Unpopular opinion: I don't really mind Manjoume's weird character progression, because watching him be a little silly even though he's the main rival is fun. I think people expected something akin to Kaiba and Yugi's rivalry but Manjoume isn't Kaiba and his rivalry and friendship with Judai is really different. Plus his silly moments make him fun and relatable (don't know if that's unpopular but voila)
Favourite relationship: Gx Rivalshipping. Hands down. I'm a sucker for Chazz/Jaden and I am a chronic multishipper LOL
Favourite headcanon: Transmasc baby!! Jesse and Chazz are trans guys on opposite sides of the spectrum!! And by that I mean Manjoume is Jesse Pinkman trans LMAOOO
Other than that I refuse to believe his hair is naturally like that. I think he gels it to keep it in that style. It's all apart of His Aesthetic™️, It's not a PHASE you just don't understand his SUPERIOR FASHION TASTE
Also hc he plays wow
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Axel for the character ask atsgadgrgrgaffshdgsgsgd
yeeeeah let's go AXEL
First impression: "holy shit why i have never seen this black yugioh character before" (i know why)
Impression now: GOD. REAL ONES UNLIMITED i love Axel... gx nichefav for certain. Savior of Season 3. He really just went through absolute terrifying trauma the entire time he was on screen and WELL. HOPING HE GETS A MOMENT TO FUCKING REST
Favorite moment: the end of the Supreme King Duel where he uses the Eye to finally blast Jaden back to his senses still goes hard as absolute hell. Again, REAL ONES UNLIMITED
Idea for a story: I'd like to see Jesse and Axel talk!! Thought about them going to a rock show with Jim and Hassleberry and just talking relationship advice and Real Talking over things. I think they could be good pals.
Favorite relationship: he and jim really were just in a homoerotic war movie for a Long stretch of season 3 and we should let them
Favorite headcanon: GMs intense, combat heavy ttrpgs and has a lot of fun with it. I feel like he has a lot of weird one-off little skills you wouldn't expect, just picked up from his years of mercenary-esque work--can do knife tricks, a backflip, make pretty impressive birdsounds, etc.
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khaleesiofalicante · 8 months
The IALS story was everything, Max and David are everything and it couldn't have been more perfectly imperfect than that, it was so them so thank you for this amazing doze of serotonin!🤗
“Not necessarily,” David shakes his head again. “Max, what happened, it didn’t just happen to me. It happened to both of us. Just because our wounds are different, it doesn’t mean we can’t share our pain.”
This line did it for me honestly, because in most of your fanfics, especially LBAF, Max is so obsessed with fixing things for David and helping him that he forgets that whatever's happening affects him too. That's why he can't be Other Max, those things aren't happening to Other Max, he has other stuff to deal with (see what I did there?) , the shit that happens in the current timeline is affecting both of them and they need to start healing and hurting together. That's the dream, I really hope they realize and fix this.
The Jaden content made me remember how much I didn't like him, I was half expecting Lance to show up and start roasting him, and now I can't stop thinking about Lance running into Jaden again, pure ✨️comedy✨️, which also made me wonder Max's reaction if he finds out that David called him? I can see that conversation going pretty bad and then better.
I forgot how much I enjoy David perspective, personally I relate to him a lot as a character, and I've found myself having similar problems or views so I really missed reading his inner thoughts. I also missed him simpimg over Max, that's just adorable.
Like real people do was what I didn't know I needed it was amazing, again it was absolutely brilliant🩷
PS: Was that how you always envisioned this scene going or was it easier for you to write it after all this time? Like when you finished it you had the mentality of Mavid trying to heal but after time passed it was like something cooled down and it was easier to imagine them getting closer?
PPS: People who can't take no for an answer suck and should burn in hell, honestly as someone who has a problem setting certain boundaries, it's so annoying when you have finally mastered the courage to say no and some people just disregard it. Stupid idiots, let's hope they find their lost empathy at some point🌼
I'm glad you liked the story. And yes, that's one of my favourite quotes too, because Max is one of those people who forgets about his own pain when his loved ones are hurt and I WANNA SHAKE HIM AND BE LIKE BITCH YOU ARE HURT TOO.
Originally, I wanted David to tell Max that he called Jaden. But it seemed unnecessary tbh - and it would've taken focus away from the real story. So, I decided against it. That man has caused enough drama.
I miss David perspective too :(
It was definitely not easy to write it right after IALS. Like I couldn't even picture it - because it was almost as if they were still healing inside my head. It's like saying 'get well soon' but without the 'soon' part, because I wanted them to take their time. I was willing to wait for them because I knew whenever the story would come to me, I'd be willing to write it. There were certain bits and pieces that I knew would be in this scene, including Max feeling insecurity about his appearance and David reaching out to Jaden, and the whole thing happening randomly, as if their hearts were healed and they didn't know about it and it randomly hit them like 'oh'. I hope that makes sense!
PS - Those people really do suck and there is nothing more despicable than disrespecting consent!
Love you.
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dragontamer05 · 11 months
Thoughts / sort of rating of the Yugioh dubs;
DM- Look for all it's flaws, weird edits and censorship over all it's fairly decent. Most of the voices are good, generally speaking the tone and story are still relatively in tact. No episodes were skipped or out right cut, although changes were made.
Are somethings handles better/ make more sense in the orignal form for sure but during a time among a sea of very mixed dubs (and even compared to some of the other series 4kids/4K tried) It's honestly pretty good.
GX- Look while I admit to having some nostalgia for it's just.. not great. The joke meter got turned farther up and while some areas they did manage to keep the tone/ emotion- particularly there's a few good lines of Jaden/Judai from the dub when desperately going after Jesse/Johan
BUt oh boy is it sure just a product of its time with just some of the dialogue feeling very peak 2000s energy. And also a lot more questionable voice choices for characters (some is decent tho)
I'll sooner recommend someone watch the sub first if genuinely interested in the series. But if you've got a bit of nostalgia or just want to have some fun riffing on something it can be a fun watch.
Other majour problem is due to the desire of wanting to get on the next series fast as possible it never got completed and never got s4
5Ds- A mess.
Once again for a lot of the main cast voices are okay but definitely getting worse/more extreme in their attempts to try and hide death / censor or alter things. Whole chunks of it simply was not dubbed at all which I'm sure made pacing weird.
Never actually watched it all but oof. Even if everything else was great just the fact that there is a good chunk that got cut / not translated makes it hard to recommend watching it.
Might be a fun curious watch I guess but probably the dub series with some of the most issues (maybe)
Zexal- Well at least it got completed, like DM did so that's something. Personally kind eh about some of the voices. Astral's is great love it, Yuma is okay but I can understand how it may get annoying for some.
Another one with pretty bad censorship problems that I think even some who's only watched dub could probably figure seem off.
Probably could have ended up a lot worse truth be told but even looking at how DM was handled probably could have been better in places.
Still suggest subs over dub generally but if knowing of the changes doesn't bother you / okay with the voices I mean there's worse out there.
Arc V-
Decent. A clear sign of things to change and improvements. Complete series, still some expected censorship and changes here and there but otherwise fairly faithful to the source. No egregious changes even any allusions to death if altered it's in away that still makes sense / doesn't totally negate it just perhaps stated less overtly or something.
Serious moments often able to be kept serious (compared to some from what I recall just the usage of jokes didn't feel as egregious / bad)
Voicing pretty good over all with only a few characters that make me question the voice direction.
Overall, for sure worth watching it's fun (also there are just some great very quotable lines that got me laughing)
Likely helped in part by being owned by Konami thus I'd assume giving them some control/input on how things go
So good. Voice acting great and just everything was handled well I think.
Once again Complete series, some of the typical changes that are just usual stuff at this point but for a series that can get as dark and serious as it does they handled it pretty well. I think honestly they even have a few lines that just wow.
Like as much as it would be great to have them do a dub where nothing gets changed (say for anything that is typically might happen for any localization- i.e like changing a joke that doesn't work in translation or whatever) I'd say it's pretty darn close and over solid job.
I know some people we kinda eh on that ending/scene in the last episode and I get it, wasn't what was expected or hoped for maybe but I thought it was fine. Far from the worst thing they could have done and it still felt at least fitting/ pretty in character. And if your someone watching only dub I think they still manage to hit and keep the emotion of that scene just doing it in a different way.
As it is, Sevens is a pretty goofy show with big Saturday morning cartoons energy. From the get go it had the makings of what would be a fun dub and they nailed.
Voice choices are so good, continuing on the track of completing series and whatever changes might have been made be it dialogue or what have was nothing that I ever noticed or affected the plot/story in anyway.
Like obviously the script can't/won't be word for word exact but I'm pretty sure more often then not whatever was used or said was pretty close to/equivalent there of whatever was in the original anyway.
It's good, it's fun and silly and I can promise that despite what you may think I'd argue the vast majority of jokes come straight from the Sub itself or at the very least it keeps within the general tone /feeling of something the character would say. Never came across any moment where a joke was used that did feel quite right.
As said as it is Sevens is a pretty silly and fun show even in its original form and the Dub does a great job of keeping the spirit alive and story intact
Sub or dub I strongly recommend watching it anyway. Yes it's animated by a different group- no longer done by Studio Gallop. But honestly it fits and works. I have no idea how much was already planned out before the switch was made or any of the behind the scenes but regardless the art/animation style really fits well the tone of the series - and you can still look at it and go 'that's a yugioh'
Plus after the plot of Vrains ngl kinda nice n fun to have what Sevens brought.
Also look it's time to accept that for as much as it is a series that anyone can enjoy the target demographic IS technically kids / a younger audience (and trying to use this as a means to attract more of that younger audience get them interested)
Go Rush doesn't have a dub yet but I'm hyped and am sure it'll be a blast to.
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general-kalani · 1 year
⭐ for Dennis and-or Jaden if you're interested
{ Prompt from here! }
SO I was finishing up icons on Joseph when you sent this in so LITTLE distracted lmfao but lets DO IT SO OFC I'M INTERESTED!!!! <3
Once again under a read more because fandom lengths!
Don't want to look at the read more? Overview here:
Most likely characters I'd throw at yours: Belorussiya, Knoxx and Steele, Hammerlock and Wainwright, Blake, Mordecai, TK, Zane, Harlock, Bruno(?), Muckenberger, Reinhard and Kircheis(?), Kesler, Sheryl, Claudia and Roy, Domel(?), Berger, Heiny and Wolf(?), Dietz, Gettoh(?), Vance, Sanada, Nazca(?)
Hmu if you want to discuss anything!!
Azur Lane: SEE I do think the boys would have an interesting time interacting with Belorussiya as WEIRD as that is, I really do think so. Probably because it's a COMPLETELY different fandom that no one expects out of left field. Also she has big ass guns so there's that too
Borderlands: I still gotta recommend Knoxx first up the CRAZINESS LMFAO PLEASEEEE, Steele on the side too because that poor girl is not paid enough
Vince? Absolutely not mans would again die on the spot LMFAO. Gd this is my own oc and I haven't recommended him ONCE in this whole debacle ig that's how much I hate him,,,
Hammerlock and Wainwright would once again though, adopt. Thank god Wainwright was there for that first thread instead of Hammerlock. Hammerlock would've convinced Wainwright to pick those two up LMFAO
Blake is a potential, only because he's interacted with Vault Hunters AND sirens before and that goes well with the bg you have!!
Katagawa would rather die, sorry-
Mordecai is literally friends with one so perfect slot, HOWEVER also a worry because well. Mans shouldn't be teaching a kid how to shoot a sniper rifle while drunk. (It goes well though I swear-)
Do not let Ned near them jfc he'd do so many experiments to figure out how a male siren exists yk-
Zane has too much potential for shenanigans it would be WILD LMFAO
Far Cry: wahjdhjka THIS IS THE ONE I'M DEPRESSED ABOUTTT LMFAO dw not your fault, there's a lot of triggering content in Far Cry but at the SAME TIME- absolutely is for the best though that neither of these characters interact with yours
Harlock / Leijiverse: ONCE AGAIN gotta recommend Harlock. Come on. Space pirate adventures????? WHO WOULDN'T WANT THAT?????
Emeraldas would rather not babysit another boy through the galaxy so she's sitting this one out-
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Anton and Oberstein are once again "uh oh" in this situation. Mostly because of the war going on so as I've already explained in the PREVIOUS post for this kinda thing, they kinda are too military focused so not a chance with these two lmfao
Bruno? Would probably show them the ropes of how to be a Minister of Industry but it's kind of a stretch.
Bittenfeld has disconnected-
Muckenberger would keep them out of the war any way he can. Some fortress in the middle of buttfuck nowhere? You know he's assigning them there. I do say "them" because child soldiers are a thing in lotgh and I REALLY need to tag that- other than that??? Come on, domestic life Muckenberger I am SOFT FOR-
Ovlesser doesn't want to babysit. Either they're GOOD enough to join his division or they're out. No ifs no buts no maybes. So not a good choice LOL
Reinhard and Kircheis I like to think would extend some kind of "immune to military service" thing if they ever decided to adopt two boys. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, I'm not considering it as a choice however personally but maybe you do who knows!!
Kesler my sweet baby boy, he'd train them in the ways of MP (Military Police) stuff, or how to command a ship. ANYTHING he's a good teacher he's so patient and can shut down any arguments.
Schenkopf would do the same as Ovlesser but he's a little more lax on the rules. Still not a good choice LMFAO
Macross Frontier: Sheryl's still kinda fickle in this kinda setting. I mean it COULD turn out to be a Basara Nekki situation where the boys become a band!! There ARE male singers they're just rare in the Macross universe for some reason. STILL, she can still be an influence to them to start a band! Or, in classic Macross fashion, pilots! Possibilities are very limited
Robotech: Gloval would definitely check up on them while they stayed in the civilian zone. Or check on how they're doing with military stuff (pilots, gunners, extra bs yk lmfao)
Claudia once again, best aunt. Spoils them rotten and then some. Roy's just along for the ride and gets dragged everywhere.
Lisa again isn't the best choice there's not much she can do other than go "you need to be more responsible!" Type stuff, not the best option but certainly better than Ovlesser and Schenkopf
Breetai, Khyron and Exedore are wondering how these children got aboard that's literally it LMFAO
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion: See UNLIKE Azur Lane where there's potential there, these space boys don't have much potential unless your boys were the Commander or worked in construction for ship repairs or... Yeah very limited, no chance lmfao
Space Battleship Yamato: Similar to last post where it depends on verse with Dessler! Mostly he'd be wondering why they're not in the military
Domel's possibly either ignored them or let them play with the bird for a little while. Seriously idk why he goes everywhere with that thing!! Either way, very short thread unless there was human relations to work on Gamilan ships??? Again very limited.
Berger is the big brother to both of them even though he's suffering with depression. That's it those are the thoughts LMFAO
Heiny and Wolf are ignored for this post once again, unless they want an eccentric submarine crew that are very eccentric, battle hungry and trigger happy.
Dietz would like to roll to keep them out of battle and dangerous weaponry. Would also adopt them on sight because of his daughter. No in-between lmfao
Gimleh jfc would do as the last post stated just less; indoctrinate into the military or kill them for fun. That's it don't let him near.
Gettoh either trains them as pilots or he's leaving and ignoring them.
Vance has already mentally adopted one after that short thread HE WILL DO SO TO THE OTHER GIVE HIM T I M E-
The Talans are stepping back and away-
Sanada! Once again BL verse is similar to Ned where he'd experiment, lotgh verse he'd rather focus on finding Mamoru Kodai and main verse he'd probably let them work around the lab!
Gairen, Zwordar and Nazca would rather kill them than let them interact. Although once again Nazca might develop a weird big brother family thing that he's worried about because, well, feelings gets a man killed in Gatlantis!
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littlemisssquiggles · 2 years
I don't think I've talked enough about how much I freaking LOVE Cobra Kai.
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It's a series that I ironically only just got into like earlier this year; thanks to my sister. We watched the first season together and after she fell off of it, I kept going because I couldn't get enough of how genuinely good this show is. From its terrific and at times surprisingly clever writing (when considering the source material) to its amazing cast of characters, this squiggle meister could not get enough of this show.
Similar to Arcane, I came into Cobra Kai from the perspective of someone who only saw the first original film like donkey years ago when I was just a little kid---barely old enough to remember it at all.
So I haven't seen the Karate Kid in many, many years and never watched any of its sequels. I did see the Jaden Smith Karate Kid movie. But as far as the original ones go, I'm not very versed in the world of Karate Kid.
So I didn't have the nostalgic attachment to the franchise as some of the more hardcore fans might had.
All the more reason why I found myself genuinely enjoying Cobra Kai a lot more than I expected.
That and of course the thing where I also got super attached to some of the characters and their dynamics with one another.
My favourite aspect of Cobra Kai is the connection between its protagonist Johnny Lawrence and his boys---Miguel Diaz and Robby Keene. I know some CK fans (particularly the ones on Youtube) love to go on and on about the "kicks" of the show---meaning the fighting and the cameos/callbacks to the Karate Kid series.
But for me, what pulled me in were these three characters and the bond they have which tied into their respective stories---well them and a few other characters who I also love.
Cobra Kai Season 5 premiered yesterday on Netflix and I watched the whole thing in one go.
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It was only 10 episodes but I watched it all because as soon as I watched one, I had to watch the rest. I almost even didn't want to finish because I was having so much fun with this season that I wanted to savour all the good from each episode since I know it would be a long while before S6 comes back (if there even will be a S6).
For me to say that Season 5 of Cobra Kai was its best season yet wouldn't be fair to the other seasons that came before it. Because so far, ALL of Cobra Kai has been really, really, REALLY GREAT in my opinion with each season only toping the other that came before it.
And not surprising to me at all, S5 didn't disappoint. It came and it delivered!
I don't want to spoil anything about the season or the show in case anyone hasn't seen it yet.
All I want to say is that…S5 DID NOT DISAPPOINT!
Even after finishing it, I still find myself going back to rewatch my favorite moments from the season. There wasn't a single episode that I thought was bad or boring…it was all just GREAT!
Again, not gonna spoil anything. I just wanted to gush about Cobra Kai for a bit while I'm still riding the high of S5.
If you haven't seen Cobra Kai as yet---definitely go watch it or at least give it a try.
Whether you're an ole school fan of Karate Kid or not like myself, like I said, it's like Arcane in terms of storytelling and direction---the writing delivers for both old school fans while making way for new ones.
~LMS (2022)
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aberooski · 3 years
Taylor Swift lyrics I associate with GX characters that send me into a deep spiraling depression for one reason or another.
And a small few that make me smile or laugh because we can't be sad all the time.
Feat. Occasional color commentary because I'm a silly silly lady 🤭
- Midnights sent me down a spiraling path there's A LOT of new lines across her whole discography and I'll probably add more later anyway 😭
"I've been having a hard time adjusting. I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting. I didn't know if you'd care if I came back, I have a lot of regrets about that."
"They told me all of my cages were mental, so I got wasted like all my potential."
"I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere, fell behind all my classmates and I ended up here."
this is me trying is Jaden's and Jaden's alone
"I'd like to be my old self again, but I'm still trying to find it."
"I was dancing when the music stopped."
"I haven't met the new me yet."
"And you're tied together with a smile, but you're coming undone." 🥲
"How did I go from growing up to breaking down?" 🥲🥲
"When you are young they assume you know nothing."
"And they tell you that you're lucky, but you're so confused."
"I'm the one who burned us down, but it's not what I meant."
"All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn’t put me together again."
"And you might think I'm bulletproof, but I'm not."
"I'm harder to forget than I was to leave."
"I just think that... you are what you love."
"I tried to pick my battles till the battle picked me."
"There were pages turned with the bridges burned, everything you lose is a step you take. So make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it. You've got no reason to be afraid."
"Never take advice from someone who's falling apart."
"You should find another guiding light, but I shine so bright."
"Every single thing I touch becomes sick with sadness."
"I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser."
"God rest my soul, I miss who I used to be."
"All of me changed like midnight."
"You know how much I hate the everybody just expects me to bounce back? Just like that?"
"No one wanted to play with me as a little kid."
"My hand was the one you reached for, all throughout The Great War." 🤝
"I really thought I lost you."
"And when I break it's in a million pieces."
"I've never been a natural, all I do is try, try, try." 🥲
"I'm still on that trapeze, I'm still trying everything to keep you looking at me."
It's Chazz. Chazz is the mirrorball
"The idea you had of me, who was she? A never needy, ever lovely jewel, who's shine reflects on you." Allow me to murder his brothers please thank you 😌🔪
"And no one knows that you cry but you don't tell anyone, that you might not be the golden one."
"And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town."
"My smile is like I won a contest, and to hide that would be so dishonest."
"I'm just too soft for all of it."
"You're on your own, kid. You always have been."
"Too young to know it gets better."
"He spends most of his flights getting pulled down by gravity."
"You drew stars around my scars, but now I'm bleeding."
"Marked me like a bloodstain."
"Life is emotionally abusive." Shitty brothers are too
"'Cause I knew everything when I was young."
"I'm not your problem anymore, so who am I offending now?"
"Don't treat me like some situation that needs to be handled"
"My castle crumbled overnight, I brought I knife to a gunfight. They took the crown, but it's alright."
"Family that I chose now that I see your brother as my brother."
"You gotta step into the daylight and let it go."
"That old familiar body ache, the snaps from the same little breaks in your soul. You know when it's time to go."
"Sometimes walking out is the one thing that will find you the right thing."
"And it's fine to fake it till you make it till you do."
"When my depression works the graveyard shift all of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room."
"I should not be left to my own devices, they come with prices and vices, I end up in crisis."
"I'll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror. It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero." 💔
"Pierced through the heart but never killed."
"Break up, break free, break through, break down."
"You said I had to trust more freely."
"It's nice to have a friend." *cough* Atty *cough*
"You have knocked me off my feet again, got me feeling like a nothing."
"You are pointing out my flaws again, as if I don't already see them. I walk with my head down trying to block you out 'cause I'll never impress you, I just wanna feel okay again." Fuck you, Zane 🥲
"Never be so kind you forget to be clever."
"Never be so polite you forget your power."
"All your closets of backlogged dreams, and how you left them all to me."
"If I can't relate to you anymore then who am I related to?"
"I know people change and these things happen, but I remember how it was back then."
"I can't make it go away by making you a villain."
"I wish you knew that I miss you too much to be mad anymore."
"Why'd you have to go and lock me out when I let you in?"
"Lived in the shade you were throwing till all of my sunshine was gone."
"Salt in the wound, like you're laughing right at me."
"Still got scars on my back from your knife."
"Sometimes to run is the brave thing."
"It's okay, we're the best of friends anyway."
"Breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, breathe out." Syrus 🤝 cripping anxiety
"I really thought I lost you."
"Never be so clever you forget to be kind."
"Never wield such power you forget to be polite."
"I guess your really did it this time. Left yourself in your warpath." Don't make me feel bad for you you bitch
"God smiles on my little brother, inside and out, he's better than I am." Sure is 😌
"Soon you'll get better."
"You'll get better soon, 'cause you have to."
"And I fell from the pedestal right down the rabbit hole, long story short, it was a bad time."
"I just wish you were a better man."
"It's me. Hi. I'm the problem, it's me." Sure are 🙄
"Took the battle underground."
"'Cause baby, now we've got bad blood." Always did. But now episode 95 is calling 😤
"They say I did something bad. Then why's it feel so good?"
"This is why we can't have nice things darling. Because you break them." 🙄
"I forgot that you existed." Leave him alone 😭
"But God, I love the English." 🤭
"Luck of the draw only draws the unlucky, and so I became the butt of the joke."
"Did all the extra credit then got graded on a curve."
"Lost in the labyrinth of my mind."
"You were more than just a short time." I miss him 😭
"But if -god forbid- fate should step in and force us into a goodbye, if you have children someday, when they point to the pictures, please tell 'em my name."
"Long live the walls we crashed through, I had the time of my life, with you."
"All that I know is I don't know how to be something you miss."
"Hope it's nice where you are. And I hope the sun shines, and it's a beautiful day. And something reminds you you wish you had stayed."
Literally so upset there was no reason for him to stay behind and not come home after Dark World 😭 like bring Tania with u goddamn 😭😭 but I wish them all the best 🥲
"I didn't have it in myself to go with grace, 'cause when I fight, you used to tell me I was brave."
"You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same."
"And I can go anywhere I want. Anywhere I want, just not home." Fuck you, Mr. The D 😤
"Those eyes add insult to injury."
"I'm taking my time, cause you took everything from me."
"Everybody wants you. Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you."
"What must it be like to grow up that beautiful? With your hair falling into place like dominoes?"
"I'll be summer sun for you forever."
"He seems fine most of the time, forcing smiles and neverminds. His laugh is a symphony, when the lights go out it'shard to breathe."
"And my cheeks are growing tired from turning red and faking smiles."
"Hold on to this lullaby, even when the music's gone."
"Long story short, I survived."
"Been sleeping so long in a 20 year dark night. And now I see daylight."
"Midnights become my afternoons."
"I wake up screaming from dreaming."
"But at night you live it all again."
"It's nice to have a friend." *cough* Chazzy *cough*
Listen Atty is STRUGGLING 😭
"Everybody wants you. Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you."
"I picked the petals, he loves me not."
"I'm so sick of running as fast as I can, wondering if I'd get there quicker if I was a man."
"What's a girl gonna do? A diamond's gotta shine." Queen on her queen shit 😌
"Won't lose you again."
"I know, I know, I just know. You're not gone, you can't be gone, no!"
"I really thought I lost you."
- the entirety of Bigger Than The Whole Sky. Just the whole song, but she's mourning Atticus after he disappeared on a night when she had reached the point of thinking she would never see him again. 😭😭😭😭
"With your hands in your pockets, and your 'don't you wish you had me?' grin." Adorable ass 😭
"I know looks can be deceiving, but I know I saw a light in you."
"I've never seen nobody shine the way you do."
Cue all of my pure of heart/princess of heart jokes
"Soldier down on that icy ground, looked up at me with honor and truth."
"I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile."
I literally miss him so much when he isn't present you don't understand that's my SON 😭
"Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I'd been betrayed."
"Soldier down on that icy ground, looked up at me with honor and truth."
"Just one single glimpse of relief to make some sense of what you've seen."
"With you I serve, with you I fall down."
"You held your head like a hero on a history book page."
"You held your head like a hero on a history book page."
"You were more than just a short time."
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pridewhatpride · 3 years
do you have any gx rivalshipping hcs!! im super curious on your take of them :]
When I saw this ask my immediate reaction was thinking: "Yes, I have an excuse to talk about gx rivalshipping, YES."
So yeah. I love this ship a lot, like a whole damn lot and it's a little hard to explain why, especially when gx has so many open possibilities for romances involving Judai. By which I mean two, really, and Manjoume is not one of them (sadly for me). I am referring to Yubel and Johan, by the way, I refuse to acknowledge Asuka as a love interest.
I'll start off with a bit of fluff headcanons?
Manjoume thinks Winged Kuriboh is really cute and that its friendly and fluffy appearance screams Judai, in a way. But he will never admit it because of what that might imply for him and the Ojamas.
Manjoume is fueled by caffeine and monster, he only really starts to recognise how nice it can be to have a meal because of how much Judai enjoys his food. He tries to sit at the table with him with dumb excuses.
Judai feels a bit guilty for how his actions impacted Manjoume's life, but Manjoume generally tells him that it's fine, it's better this way, that he's never this happy, that the only reason why Judai should maybe feel bad about it is because of his tendency to get overly invested in other people's problems and getting hurt in the process. Judai responds with bear hugs.
Manjoume brags about Judai a lot, actually. "Oh you think that's cool? One time Judai managed to do a backflip, you loser." "Slifer reds suck, but they do have redeeming qualities, by which I mean one of them is actually good."
Judai likes to indulge himself in the thought that he's Manjoume's most trusted, that he's the only one who could ever be allowed to have that many incriminating pictures of him. Because Judai just loves taking candid pictures of Manjoume. He thinks he looks and and cool in every situation, so yeah. A part of him does it because he has an inexplicable fear of forgetting people and the way they look, but he just can't say why that is.
They hang out in silence a lot, but once they start talking they just never stop. You'll find them on the beach at 3 am with a smiling Manjoume listening to Judai go on about how crazy it is that you can fry food in so many different ways and how he once caught a butterfly as a kid and named it Kujaku.
They share their music a lot, so Manjoume's tastes switch from just emo to fast paced rap and the weirdly happy sounding songs about very morbid things Judai listens to (plus emo). Judai starts to enjoy a bit of angry screaming into microphones thanks to Jun. Do they sing along like idiots as they share earphones? Yes. Is Manjoume mesmerised by Judai's singing voice? Also yes.
Judai loves hiking and sometimes invites Manjoume, but because he's a lot weaker and has less stamina, they take it slow. Manjoume keeps cursing himself for being slow and dead weight, but Judai is just happy to have a companion. Admittedly, going slower makes the walks better as he has the time to enjoy the scenery properly. He never teases Jun about his lack of physical training.
Now... I wanted to talk about my general view on the ship, plus headcanons I guess, but this is going to be EVEN LONGER (you are getting more than you asked for, your fault for enabling me, really). For the sake of the sanity of mobile users, I'm adding a cut so nobody has to unwillingly scroll through endless text.
On to the the juice, then. My thoughts on the ship. Manjoume and Judai are, of course, the rivals of the series and, if my thoughts on rivalry weren't clear enough, I am one of those people. It's just really romantic to me. What is very interesting about the two of them specifically is that they are polar opposites in the way the reason why they play, throughout the whole series. Hell, their views end up getting reversed completely: Manjoume goes from "if I don't win I'm gonna have a breakdown breakdown" to "losing is ok, as long as I enjoy the game and am true to myself", while Judai does the 180 from "I really just love playing cards with my friends, who cares about the outcome, it's fun" to "I have card game related trauma, nobody speak to me, games are only an excuse to assert a sort of power scale and honestly fuck that".
Manjoume is sort of the only person in the 'friend group' (he's never actually part of it, sadly, literally only Judai and Fubuki like him) to not idolise Judai, not explicitly. He clearly has an admiration for Judai from the beginning, but he is adamant on expressing it as hatred towards for being better than him. A part of me feels that a lot of his superior act is meant to try and fool himself and Jaden into thinking that he's a worthy rival, because I know for a fact that Manjoume doesn't believe that. He wants it to be true, yes.
What I am trying to get at is that Judai is probably a little confused by the fact that Manjoume doesn't drool all over him like the rest of the school does, but it soon becomes a crutch. Judai is under a lot of pressure because he is the hero who will save everyone and people like to remind him of how much they count on him. Manjoume is in it for Judai. He wants to be acknowledged by him, he wants his recognition and his attention, but he never asks for help or expects Judai to fix his problems for him. Judai is probably thankful for that.
Manjoume is also really scared of being left behind and cast aside as soon as he stops being useful and that's exactly what the writers do to him!!! hooray!, but Judai keeps insisting that he's not a bad guy, that he's fun to be around, that he's competent. Manjoume doesn't really believe all that that much, but Jaden keeps playing him despite his repeated losses and to Jun that's the equivalent of someone kissing his tears away. Manjoume only learns to accept his losses and shortcomings because Judai did it for him first.
So basically Manjoume is the only one who fully sees Judai as a person, while Judai is the only one who is really willing to look past his pretentious facade. I fully believe that Judai was relieved to learn that Manjoume was not just a perfect boy with perfect manners, by the way. They both just love to learn about every imperfection that the other has and silently thinking that they just add to the beauty of the other's character. Will they tease eachother about it? Fuck yes. Do they feel awful when the other tries to fix something about themselves because they pointed it out? Also fuck yes.
They are in a dumb competition against themselves to be better in order to earn the right to be friends with eachother, but because they are fucking dumb they never actually communicate (until they do), so for a long time it's endless pining that is definitely not gay because admittedly Judai just doesn't think that dating is a thing, while Manjoume is straight™, really straight. He has never liked a boy in his life, he's so very fucking straight, I swear.
So Manjoume is a bisexual disaster (and in my headcanon he prefers boys, actually, the Asuka incident is the biggest example of denial™ ever. He prefers Fubuki, fight me over this). The problem is that he never really considered he might be crushing on Judai, but at the same time admitting to maybe liking boys too means that there was more to wanting to stay at DA, to hanging out with Judai's crew despite their mutual dislike, to his continuous playful headlocks and ear pulling. To add onto that, there is probably a certain amount of guilt over having betrayed that bond with Judai by trying to throw away his cards and everything. Judai, on the other hand... is confused at how bothered he is by the public declarations of love, because Manjoume is his rival and rivals are supposed to focus on eachother, not on some girl, no matter how good said girl is at card games.
So maybe they are a bit gay for eachother. And maybe they just want excuses to be together as much as possible. And it's really just the vibe of highschool romance between two people who don't want to admit to caring for one another on a deeper level, but are also weirdly possessive of eachother for no apparent reason. And I think I'll stop here with my gay retelling, but really if you look at the two of them you do see that they do a lot for eachother's characters. It's kind of beautiful, really. They are the two socially inept characters who find comfort in someone being just like them and understanding them as they change and grow up.
I have a lot to say about how that changes once the transfer students come in, but I think I've bored everyone for long enough- as in nobody will read this lol. That's ok. I thank you again for the ask and for allowing me to gush about this ship that is so close to my heart. If anyone ever wants to talk about them, just. Do. Break into my house at night and I still won't mind, I just want to talk about them.
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lucemferto · 4 years
I just thought about a Tommy villain arc - and I really like the hypothetical situation that’s haunting my fevered brain.
Like, I know that villain arcs have become a meme - and rightfully so, because some of them on the Dream SMP have been really badly implemented - but I still think that the potential of a good villain arc is kinda lost on some people.
My most favourite thing about a Tommy villain arc would just be the subversion in the metastory, where everyone wants or expects him to be the hero. I mean, it’s a trope as old as dirt, but written well it still tickles me. Like, I love this kind of dynamic switch up.
I don’t see it happening right now, because with Dream, the Eggpire, Glatt, Quackity and Wilbur we’re kinda 10 for 10 on villains/villain-leaning characters right now, but for a later story arc, maybe.
Not to put my cards on the table, but I’m a big sucker for:
a) hero has been through a lot and just decides to go apeshit
b) friends are in shock and denial that hero has fallen as far as he has
c) hero gets saved through the power of friendship
... so what I basically want is for Tommy to have Jaden Yuki’s story-arc from Yu-Gi-Oh!GX Season 3. It’s a classic and hugely underappreciated! Yes, I will die on this hill!
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just for a day
summary: What’s a little acting between friends? If friends was even the right word.
word count: (idk yet man lol ) 3,373
request:  Hello! I just wanna say your writing is absolutely amazing! If I may, could I request an 11 x reader where the reader’s friends keep bugging them to get a boyfriend, but they say they already do and they have to ask the Doctor to be their “boyfriend” (kind of like with Clara at the beginning of Time Of The Doctor) and eventually leads to feelings being spilt? If not, that’s perfectly fine!
a/n: this got WAYYY too long and for that i am so sorry lmao. i’m writing and posting this on the same day so if there are many mistakes or it doesn’t make sense that’s on me. anyway, i hope you enjoy this fic!
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gif credit: @pavel-chekovs
“You’re back!”
 You’d expected screaming. You’d expected yelling, and a fair dose of pterodactyl-esque screeching from the students in your advisory class, but what you weren’t expecting was crying. And lots of it. Nearly every fresh-faced elementary student was in tears, some sobbing quietly and some full-on bawling as soon as you walked through the door.
It was nice, cute even, but honestly a little disconcerting.
 “Hi, everyone,” you said, shutting the door carefully behind you. The sight of their crying faces immediately activated your Parent Mode. “Are you all okay?”
 “Perfectly fine!” Marih chirped, president of the class and therefore a little more levelheaded than the rest, which earned her a handful of disagreeing sighs. “What? Guys, you look ridiculous crying,” she continued, as she wiped her cheeks with the back of her palms and gave you a toothy grin. “We’re just happy you’re here again.”
 You smiled at her, and reached out to pat the top of her head. “That’s great and all, but it’s like you guys haven’t seen me in ages.”
 A heavy silence fell over the whole class. You saw students shift in their seats and look down at the floor, suddenly very interested in their black school shoes. Even Jaden, the class’s resident troublemaker, didn’t say a word. Marih cringed, ran a hand through her long dark hair, and smoothed the front of her checkered uniform.
 “How long have I been gone?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. Marih seemed to cringe away at the question. “I thought I was only travelling for a week!”
 “Actually,” Marih said, stretching out the word, “you’ve been gone for three months?”
Your mouth fell open. You stared at her for a moment, dumbfounded, before you dug into your pocket and fished out your phone – she was right, it had been exactly three months and a week since you’d left the school to go travelling.
 You groaned. “Oh, I’m going to kill him.”
 By travelling, you meant time travelling and by him you meant the Doctor. The madman in a box that you’d run off with. You had let him turn your life upside down in the best way possible since he dragged you into the TARDIS, with his stupidly gorgeous smile and eyes and – you were getting off topic. Now you were plotting the murder of the man that you would consider to be the most incredible thing that had ever happened to you.
 “Hey, ma’am?” came a soft voice from the front of the room. Karyll, with her tied-back hair and glasses, looked up at you from her seat. “Why are you looking like you’re going to kill someone?”
 “’Cause I am,” you said cheerily, shoving your phone back into your pocket. Oh, you were going to have words with him, and they would most definitely not be nice ones. “Have I missed anything big? Were you nice to my substitute?”
 A collective wave of disagreement swept over the class, and you couldn’t help but let a smile slip onto your face. These were your babies after all, and if you’d really been gone for three months then they were sorely missing their Second Mom.
 Maybe the tears weren’t that much of a surprise after all.
 “Okay, good morning everyone! Now, if we’re still on schedule, and I really hope we are, we should be talking about integers…”
 The late afternoon sun drifted through the curtains of your classroom, filling the room with an almost hazy glow as you sat with your best friends in a haphazard circle of desks. Your kids had all gone home already, and a little pile of flowers and chocolates sat neatly on your shelves, right beside your lesson plan folders.
 Denise leaned forward to look at them, her curly hair falling over her face. She was the elementary students’ science teacher, and was so well-organized it was almost inhuman. She would have liked the planet where everything was arranged alphabetically, you thought.
 “I’m jealous, my students never give me gifts,” she said as she leaned away. “Sis, where have you even been?”
 “Long story,” you replied, and it was. You weren’t sure if you could fit everything you’d been through – travelling through time, going to planets lightyears away, and of course all of the near-death experiences – into a story that you could tell in under an hour, and you weren’t going to try.
 “And you’ve been travelling? By yourself?” Julianne, an arts teacher, raised her eyebrows at you from behind her laptop. “God, that’s lonely. Oh – unless…” Her calm expression morphed into something truly evil in your line of work – mischievousness. “Unless you had someone with you.”
 “I mean –” Oh no, this was going to be hard to get out of. “I mean, I wasn’t alone,” you said, hoping the smile on your face was enough to mask your utter fear. You knew exactly where Julianne was going and you hated it. “I was with someone.”
 “Ooh,” Julianne said, her grin growing so sly it was sending shivers up your spine. “You’ve been gone three months, has anything happened between you and your travel buddy?”
 Heat rushed to your face. If you were a cartoon character steam would be pouring from your ears. “Why would you say something like that?”
 Julianne shrugged. “We’ve been telling you to get a boyfriend for so long. You said you’d be gone a week, and then you disappear for three months… that kinda says something, don’t you think, Denise?”
 “Definitely.” Denise grinned, and you shot her a helpless look.
 “We’re doing this because we love you,” Julianne sang. The light from her laptop was enough to make her look absolutely menacing. “So? Travel buddy? Or more than that?”
 The Doctor wasn’t just a travel buddy, and he was so much more than that – but you hadn’t found the words for what he meant to you, at least not yet. Companion was enough for you and him, but even then, there was a weight to that word. And there was definitely a weight to your partnership, but you wouldn’t call it… dating.
 Julianne simply waggled her perfectly shaped eyebrows at you. You swallowed. You and the Doctor were a long story too, and Julianne wasn’t going to be happy with “maybe” for an answer.
 The words were out of your mouth before you could stop yourself. “Fine, he’s my boyfriend!”
 I want to crawl into a hole and die was your inner monologue, and your background music was Julianne and Denise’s raucous laughter. I want to crawl into a hole and never have to face the world ever again.
 Smash cut to you, standing nervously in your bedroom, gripping your phone so tightly you were sure it was going to break. Your plans of killing the Doctor for dropping you off late would have to wait. The phone rung once, twice, and you chewed your lip. If he was in the Time Vortex, any version of him could answer the phone and you couldn’t deal with that on top of everything, not today at least –
 You heaved a sigh of relief at the sound of the Doctor, your Doctor’s voice. “Help?” you squeaked out.
 “Help?” the Doctor repeated. There was a blaring noise, and then the sound of electricity crackling. Something fizzled and popped, and the Doctor shouted something that sounded like a swear. “Oh, shut it – you – sorry, sorry. You were saying?”
 “Uh, where are you right now? Are you somewhere?” you asked.
 “I’m not somewhere, I’m drifting! Right above Earth, approximately right where you are,” he said. You could hear the smile in his voice. It quelled your anxiety somewhat. “I’m doing maintenance. Agh – ow! I think I can see the roof of your house through the clouds, unless that’s someone else’s house. What color is your roof?”
 You giggled. “It’s brown. You’re in the same time as me?”
 “’Course I am,” the Doctor said. You heard the clanging sound of metal being dropped. “I never left.”
 The Doctor liked to run off on his own when you were home and have his own mini-adventures. He liked to come back and say he’d spent his time with alien royalty, or something like that. But instead he was staying put, he was waiting, for you. It made the next part so much harder.
 “I need you to be my boyfriend,” you said quickly, covering your burning face with your free hand.
 “Oh,” the Doctor said simply. Another clang.
 Oh? “Just for a day,” you coughed. “I kind of said that I had a boyfriend, and that he was my travel buddy, and now my friends kind of want to meet you. It’s my grade’s family day tomorrow, maybe you could, uh, show up?”
 “And be your boyfriend,” the Doctor said.
 You nodded, then, “And be my boyfriend. Just for the day. You never have to show up again.”
There was a beat of silence, and for a second you thought the Doctor was going to say no – he had every right to, of course, and you could just lie and say that he couldn’t show up – but the Doctor laughed, cheerful and warm. “Ding-dong! Okay! What time tomorrow? I have to study, I’m a bit rusty in places.”
 Your mouth fell open for the second time in twenty-four hours. “You’re serious?”
 “Very! Any pet name preferences?”
 You groaned loudly, and the Doctor laughed again. “Shut up!”
 “Alright, alright. Guess I’ll have to do my own research.”
 There was another moment of silence, and when the Doctor spoke again, it was much softer, much less playful. His voice almost sounded fond. “Goodnight?”
 “Goodnight, Doctor,” you said softly, and the call cut off with a series of short beeps.
 Was it a surprise that you barely slept at all? You had spent the whole night with your imagination running at full capacity, your mind latching onto every single thought and concept it could come up with. You slipped in and out of sleep, lying still in bed whenever a possibility popped into your head. To say you were nervous was the understatement of the year – but what was a little acting between friends?
 If friends was the right word for it.
 You waited for the Doctor behind the school, leaning against the concrete wall and watching the TARDIS fade into this plane. Wind blew into your face as the TARDIS groaned and wheezed, eventually materializing in front of you.
 “I’m not late, am I?” the Doctor said, sticking his head out of the TARDIS doors. He grinned widely, his hair falling into his face. You grinned back at him and pushed yourself off the wall.
 “You’re early, which is a first,” you said. The Doctor frowned at you, stepped carefully out of the TARDIS, and frowned some more. “Don’t look at me like that.”
 “I think I’ve earned the right to look at you however I’d like,” the Doctor huffed, adjusting his bowtie. He’d ditched the tweed for the day, it seemed, going with a long green coat that annoyingly complimented his eyes. The frown didn’t last very long, though, because he went right back to grinning brightly at you. He held out his elbow in your direction. “Shall we?”
 “Here’s the lucky girl,” Julianne cooed as you walked into the empty canteen. All the tables were pushed aside to make space for all the games you’d be playing – in the corner of your eye, you saw the Doctor light up at the sight of all of the streamers and balloons. “And here’s the lucky boy – oh my god, Denise.”
 “What?” Denise popped up from behind a large speaker, then blanched. “Oh, now I’m double jealous.”
 The Doctor pulled away from you to lightly kiss both of Julianne’s cheeks in greeting. Julianne looked positively starstruck when he stepped back to stand beside you, quickly waving Denise over. Denise had her mouth hanging open, still clutching a microphone in her hands.
 “Hi,” you said, gesturing at the Doctor, “here’s my boyfriend.”
 The Doctor raised his hand and smiled. “Hello! I’m John Smith, lovely to meet you both. You’re my girlfriend’s girl friends, I assume?”
 “Uh –” Denise blinked owlishly. “Yeah, we are.” Then, quietly and to herself, “Holy moly.”
 You couldn’t help but grin at their flabbergasted faces. The Doctor rested his hand on the small of your back, and you leaned into his touch as if it was the most normal thing in the universe. That was enough to make Denise stumble into Julianne, who barely even reacted, as she was still staring wide-eyed at the both of you.
 “I think we caught them off guard,” you said. The Doctor chuckled and leaned down to kiss the top of your head.
 “You did when we met, sweetheart,” the Doctor said smoothly. Sweetheart echoed in your ears and bounced off the walls of your already racing mind. Your heart stuttered in your chest. That was bad.
 “Oh, are we doing charm now?” you asked. “Are you trying to be charming?”
 “I did say I would study,” the Doctor said.
 “You guys are insufferable,” Denise said, but she was beaming at you. “If you could get your hands off of your travel buddy for just a few minutes, I need help with the mics, the families are gonna be here any minute…”
 Her voice trailed off as she walked back to the speaker. You stood on your tiptoes to kiss the Doctor’s cheek, feeling his skin heat up underneath your lips. “See you later.”
 “…See you,” the Doctor echoed, and bent down to kiss your cheek too. He turned on his heel and walked towards the decorations, softly muttering, “Ooh, balloons! Love a good balloon…”
 You stared at him for longer than you should have, watching him poke and prod at the balloons lying on the tables. He put his face very close to one and smiled at his reflection in the plastic. Affection welled up in your chest, and a tiny smile slipped onto your face.
 “Look at you, you’re smiling at him,” Julianne chimed, sidling up to you and nudging your side. “That’s disgusting.”
 “Says the girl who said I needed to get a boyfriend,” you shot back.
 The Doctor went still for a little bit and turned to face you, smiled and winked, then went right back to inspecting balloons. Julianne made a strangled noise, and you made one too. So he was doing charm, and you hated to admit that it was absolutely working on you.  
 “I meant to say disgustingly adorable,” Julianne said. “You’re so lucky.”
 You gave him another glance as you walked away to help Denise with the mics – “help with the mics” was apparently code for “I’m going to tease you more about your new boyfriend”  which wasn’t helped by the fact that every so often, the Doctor would look in your direction and just smile, which was enough to make you stumble over your own words and give Denise more teasing fodder.
 The parents and their kids eventually filed into the canteen and you flipped into Teacher Mode. You stood next to your students, pinched their cheeks and then greeted all of the parents and got everyone ready for the program. (You didn’t notice how the Doctor mirrored you, standing a little far away and watching, a dumb smile on his face.)
 Julianne and Denise were the emcees for the family day, big smiles on their faces as they rounded up everyone for the games. At the mere mention of games, the Doctor was back at your side at an instant, his eyes glittering with excitement.
 “Please don’t destroy the kids,” you pleaded.
 “No promises,” he replied, and then proceeded to destroy the kids in most of the games.
 The first game had Julianne call out for whoever could bring an item of her choice to the table – the Doctor, with his coat that was surely bigger on the inside, had no trouble pulling out whatever was asked. Even when Julianne started to test the waters and ask for increasingly insane items, the Doctor just kept going. He jumped in joy like a little kid at the win, bounding up to you and pressing a kiss to your cheek. You’d just blushed and smiled, ignoring the butterflies that were multiplying in your stomach.
 The Doctor holding your hand wasn’t new. The Doctor being close to you wasn’t new. The Doctor being affectionate with you wasn’t new. But now it was all under the guise of being your boyfriend. Of course it felt different, but to your surprise and growing horror, it didn’t feel bad.
 The Doctor shouting your name snapped you out of your thoughts. He was standing on a piece of newspaper as Denise started to get music ready, waving his arms to beckon you over. His coat was gone, thrown onto a nearby table, and even without it he was dashing.
 “I need you over here!” he yelled, still jumping excitedly. His hair bounced up and down with the movement. “I need a partner!”
 You let your feet carry you to him, trying to ignore the stares pointed your way. The Doctor took your hand in his and pulled you onto the newspaper.
 “Stay close,” the Doctor said. “I’ve got this.”
 Loud, thumping music filled the air. The Doctor spun you around and you squealed in surprise, moving your feet clumsily to the music. Suddenly, it stopped, and the Doctor pulled you back onto the newspaper. It was a tight fit, and you had to press yourself against his body to even stay standing. The butterflies in your stomach went crazy at the contact, and once again you tried to ignore that, too.
 “What did I say?” the Doctor breathed, his breath tickling your ear, his smile wide and manic. “Let’s dance!”
 The paper got smaller and smaller, and the two of you got closer and closer. Sweat started to bead on your forehead, and the Doctor had rolled his sleeves up in the middle of all the chaos. In the end, it was just you and another pair of parents, tiptoeing on their own folded pieces of newspaper.
 “I’ve got an idea,” the Doctor said, his voice loud over the music. “When the music stops, jump into my arms.”
 “Seriously?!” you shouted, and the Doctor nodded enthusiastically. “You’ve got the balance of a drunk giraffe! You’ll drop me!”
 “Do you trust me?” the Doctor asked.
 There wasn’t any question. “I do!”
 “Then jump!”
 The music stopped, and in the split second where the Doctor stepped onto the now-tiny folded newspaper, you ran and leapt. For a moment, it seemed like he wouldn’t be able to catch you at all, and in your mind you could already see it – you crashing into him and sending you both tumbling to the floor.
 The Doctor’s arms shot out and caught you. Cheers erupted from everyone in the canteen, and behind you your competitors both lost their balance and fell face-first onto the floor. You wrapped your arms around the Doctor’s neck to steady yourself in his arms, feeling him shake slightly as he kept you aloft.
 “We won!” you gasped, still basking in all of the cheering. “As expected from my lovely boyfriend.”
 The words left your mouth as easily as breathing. You smiled up at the Doctor, breathless from all of the dancing. His skin shone with sweat, his hair was a mess, and his bowtie was askew, but even that was enough to make you throw all caution to the wind – still in his arms, you pulled him down and kissed him.
 Cheers erupted from everyone again, but you could care less. The room could be empty and nothing would have changed. As cliché as it sounded, all the mattered was the feeling of the Doctor’s lips against yours. Your hands found their way into his hair and he melted into your touch, pulling you closer to him.
 “You know,” the Doctor breathed as he pulled away, “I don’t want this to be just for a day.”
 “Good,” you replied. You leaned up to press a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Because I don’t either.”
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vivinightingale · 4 years
Hi! I have a request! This one is where the fem reader has Angel wings! How would the yugioh characters and GX ( yugi, yami,Joey, seto, jaden, and chazz react to finding out that thier dorky yet sweet crush has wings? Like imagine all the fun you can have if you had wings =u= ✨ and help your friends ( or crush ) with them? Or save them from danger. Tho there are times she will have a crash landing sometimes ( she’s working on it. ) hope this was ok!
Could you imagine tho? Like it would be hella pretty but I also feel like you have to have someone behind you to pick up the feathers.
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Yugi Muto:
At first it was kind hard for process I mean it's not everyday you meet someone with wings, after the shock he just adores them.
His favorite thing about them is how soft they are, he could honestly just sit there and run his fingers throught them all day if you let him.
Whenever the two of you are late (from staying up most of the night playing Duel monsters) you will simply just pick him up and fly your way to school.
At first that was down right terrifying to him, but eventually he grew to love it and enjoyed these flights with you whenever he could.
When the two of you end up together his favorite this when he hugs you and wrap your wings around him. He feels so protected.
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Being alive for as long as he has, he has seen many diffrent things, but your wings are something special.
From the moment he laid eyes on him he transfixed on their beauty. So when the two of you became close enough he finally asked to touch them.
After that he touched them out of comfort. The thought of a guardian angel like you watching him made him feel better. Speaking of which...
Expect to save this man a lot, because if his title and previous status many people wish for him out of the picture, but you wont be the only one saving because he will be damned if something happened to you.
Though flying isnt really his thing he will gladly watch you dance through the sky.
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Joey Wheeler:
Out of all the dm boys he is the one who will have the most fun with you. He loves flying over the city with you, and flying over his fellow students as your guys race twords school.
He will always hype up your flying abilities, even go as far as bragging to Kaiba on how much faster you are compared to his copters and jets.
He doesnt touch your wings as much as the other boys but he will look in how to keep them shiny he tried to feed you bird feed one time
He is also one of the boys that you need to watch out for. He gets into a lot of trouble so expect to fly him away from a lot sticky situations.
At the end of the day he loves your wings because you are something special to him.
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Seto Kaiba:
Seto has been know to be hard to read, so when he saw you walk in the classroom carrying a beautiful set of wings he stared you down hard with unreadable expression.
After class he walked up to you and immediately started touching them, trying to determine if they were real or not. When he figured they were he started questioning you about advertising for Kiba Corp.
That was the start of your weird relationship with the older Kaiba. He had you dress and pose as diffrent duel monsters to advertise new packs coming out. Over time he eventually saw you as more of friend then a model.
More times then not your saving mokuba from diffrent situations, on the rare occasion that you do save Seto he made you vow to never bring it up again.
It took him time to get use to your friendly attitude, but he eventually came to love and expect it from you.
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Jaden Yuki:
Out of all of them he is the most excited to see them. Something about how beautiful you look soaring throught the sky just makes him so happy.
He wont ask you to carry around him a lot, but more times then not when you do your either hurrying him to school or saving him.
His favorite thing to do though is to dance through the sky with you, with this romantic waltz throught the sky makes his heart soar.
He is also the the type to give your wings a massage especially when you having a bad day. He just wants you to know that he is there for you.
He loves the romantics of having an s/o who has wings, but he also loves you for you.
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Chazz Princeton:
It takes him a day or two to come to the realization that you had wings. I mean it's not everyday that you meet someone that is a literal angel.
However once the shock was said and done he immediately wanted to be friends with you. So he took his time getting you to know you and your amazing wings.
You kind became his prim source of transportation, it was a big campus after all and wings were just more convenient. He does pay for the rides though usually through food and drinks.
Which is how the two of started dating and thought he can be a little competitive he is real sweetheart when you got to know him better.
You both feel very lucky to have each other in your lifes and your wings are just bonus points.
Care to buy me a Ko-fi??
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booksandwords · 3 years
Intensity by Sherrilyn McQueen
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Series: Chronicles of Nick, #8 Read time: 1 Day Rating: 5/5
The quote: Let no one take you down. You stand and you fight until the end! Not for fanfare, or for applause or laurels, but because you know what’s right and what’s wrong. Never fight because you have an audience or to gain esteem or notoriety. You fight for what matters—for the right things in life. Truth. Honesty. Dignity. Let no one steal, lie or cheat. You keep what you earn and never allow anyone to run over you because of the lies they tell others. And the lies others are so willing to believe about you. — Cherise Gautier
I am not tagging this with a spoiler warning but read on at your own risk. Intensity (and this review) contain spoilers for the Dark-Hunter verse.
We ended Invision with Simi in danger and being framed for murder. The murders of Tyree and Alan were actually committed by Cyprian Malachai, Nick's son with Laguerre. Cyprian is exactly as dangerous as he sounds given he is the son of a Malachai and War. Cyprian and Laguerre are the ones that Grim was sensing in Instinct and possibly the ones that bought out the Zeitjägers. The very first chapter of Intensity before the prologue, kinda like an introduction but not is called The Meaning of Time. It is about the Zeitjägers, about how they were born and why they were needed. It indicates they will be important to the story in some way.
Interestingly the end of Invision is not addressed until about halfway through the book. Simi isn't addressed at all. There is an awful lot of emotional punches in Intensity. Jared is completely unaware of Xevikan's existence. He knows Myone is his mother but thinks that Jaden is his father not his grandfather. Something I've suspected for a while is that Jared and Jaden are in a self-sacrificial protection loop. Hearing more of the story confirms it for me. Add Xev to the mix, who sacrificed his happiness allowing his father to raise his son and the whole thing is just tragic. We get to meet the beautiful Myone, that was just one of the time I cried in this book. Crying for what might have been and her happiness at meeting her great-grandson. There was a shock for me in that section, it is so easy to see why Xev fell fo Myone why he risked so much for his love of her.
Intensity is a good name for it. Not only is Nick's world ramping up but there is a lot packed in plot-wise. It is an intense read. But I did read it in a single sitting. The ending is effective, if unexpected. It explains a lot. Why Caleb isn't known, why Adrian is gone. Yes, I cried. But it wraps up the series well. If Sherri had decided to leave it there I would have been okay with that. There was true happiness in seeing Xev and Caleb just watching content and talking. Xev openly thinking that Nick is now his and Myone's legacy. But yet again Sheer throw information that we are almost expected to know but didn't. Like Braith and Apollymi being one and the same? Since when? Aside from that, there are a few implications that never lead anywhere like were the swords were saved by Jaden? What happened with Simi? They don't detract per see. Especially because it gives the next series somewhere to go immediately. With questions to answer.
Have a dump of thoughts from my reading.
Of course, Nathen is Cyprian. His pure power is why Kody and Caleb can't sense him. But I'm surprised it isn't having an impact on Caleb having two masters in one place. Though Nathen’s identity is not confirmed explcitly.
Takeshi and Nashira are brilliant together. I did not expect Takeshi at all. He's wonderful. But a trickster demon and a time guard (aka a yōkai and a Zeitjäger) feel like an odd combination, I'd love to know that story.
I like Shadow. I swear I've read a book with him in him before. But I would have noted him in my reviews and I didn't (though I have read the Deadmen series multiple times).
Takara is a surprise. I did not expect to see her. SHe's not in her humanoid form but she is there. Good lord she belonged to Kissare, the father of the first Malachai. She was only ever wielded by two. Kissare and Jared.
Have I ever mentioned how much I love the mighty chihuahua as a nickname for Cherise?
Something it's taken me an embarrassingly long time to pick up about Vawn. He's coded trans. Yes here it is by magical means but he is still trans he is a man living in a woman's body.
I really like the Celtic triplets, Arswyd Gan Drindod, the Terror by a Trinity. Rhyvawn Ddu (usually called Vawn), Kaziel and Aeron.  They are terrifying yes but man oh man they are fantastic.
Is it Neria or Nyria? I'm wondering if it is a term of endearment. Her name is Nekoda Kennedy or Belam.
"And not all that far in the future. It would all start when Julian and Grace reunited with Kyrian" (Kody, p.222) — And that would be Night Pleasures. (Julian's story, Julian of Macedon is a prequel)
Damn, I was off on Simi's husband. It's Savitar. It makes sense. Between them, they can broaden the scope of the Omergrion Council. And there aren't too many beings that Acheron would trust Simi with.
So here we are the last book in the Chronicles of Nick series. While I had spoilers for some aspects of the series mostly who characters are and parentage I had no idea for the series ended. I somehow managed to avoid those spoilers. I looked up what happens after this. There is a four-part series called Shadows of Fire, focused on Cyprian Malachai then a trilogy for adults to finish everything off.  Sherri confirms in the bio for Shadows of Fire that CoN & SoF are Nick from Dark-Hunters real and true past. That said due to the dramas with he-who-shall-not-be named we are looking are 6+ years before Heart of Venom (book one in the SoF series). I'm not going to look at the series overall as I sometimes do in the last book od a series because as Nick says “Take my word for it. The end is just beginning.” (Nick p. 280). But what I will say is the series does stand alone if Sherri never gets to Shadows of Fire.
I put in my review for Invision that I felt I needed a family tree to keep up with the familial connections in the Chronicles of Nick. I chose not to add it to that review after reading this before finishing that review (yes I read this in a single sitting the next day). So I'm adding a family tree to this review. It's a family tree such as I read it from the books. There is likely to be errors in here but this is my interpretation of the information we were given. Including the piece where Braith is Apollymi. I know the Dark-Hunter verse a bit, if she is Braith no one knows it. Braith is missing, she's off wandering as far as I understood. But then again most people have no clue who Jaden and Menyara are. CoN gives a dangerous amount of information if you know how to interpret it. Razer is in play though not in CoN, he goes by the Egyptian name Set (I think). If I'm right Razer is tied into Kody's line. So my family tree has some indications of where there is heavy speculation. I did use Sherri's website for some of my workings.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
zane for the character ask thing?
favorite thing about them: waaahhhh so much. god i love zane. his character arc is so so good. His dub voice is I think my single favorite dub voice so far ( a high honor; I love a lot of the dub voices!!), I love how he can go from mumbling to a snarling roar in an instant. I love his Hell Kaiser design, I love the way the show storytells through his deck and how he plays it. He's also in my Single Favorite GX Duel so I think that counts as a Favorite Thing.
least favorite thing about them: genuinely trying to think about. what my least favorite thing about him is. hm. I do adore dub zane but it's a shame a lot of his relationship with respect re: dueling and himself and others got cut in order to play up a little bit of a "edgy mid-2000's tough guy bully older brother" characterization with him in the dub; the respect thing is such an important part of his character and it sucks to lose that!!
favorite line: sorry theyre all dub lines but "CYBER END DRAGON.... IT'S BEEN REAL" *EXPLOSION* still makes me go absolutely insane and "he's got one" re: jaden desperately telling him that he cant go, that syrus needs a big brother, literally makes me start crying. Also special shoutout to the fact that the dub specifically had zane tell syrus he loves him on two separate occasions!!!! That's so dear to me. Sub wise I do also love "I don't need an assistant" re: yubel being like 'i'll help you down on your way to hell.' he just goes hard.
brOTP: his bond with syrus is my single favorite yugioh siblings dynamic and every time i think about them im just like ;__; aauuaaghhhwwaahhhh......could talk about them. for ages. I also love his friendship with Jaden and Alexis!!! Zane Truesdale has Three Whole Little Siblings!!!!!!!!! I know and see the truth!!!!!
OTP: you know i gotta be on that idolship babeeeyyy!!! I did not expect a gx ship to weasel into my brain but he and Atticus just make me so soft. Why don't you come with me into the light and maybe you'll fucking calm down. love CAN bloom between a NIN fan and a Jimmy Buffett fan.
nOTP: never could vibe much with zane/jaden as a ship????? idk. thats his little brother to me. also again if you ship him with syrus im biting you. and im biting you. and im biting you. and im killing you.
random headcanon: zane alan truesdale my autistic aromantic gay nonbinary competitive pokemon player........... he is transneutral to me. his ideal gender is a 2 1/2 by 2 1/2 by 2 1/2 floating steel cube with the hell kaiser jacket on it. He listens to Tool. He'd go to raves and stand again the wall with his arms crossed. His special interest as a small child was printers. He loves old computers. His favorite Pokemon is Dialga. i could go on.
unpopular opinion: HE'S NOT. EVIL?!?!?! PEOPLE ALWAYS ARE LIKE "my sexy evil husbando >:3" WITH HELL KAISER AND IT'S LIKE. HES NOT EVEN EVIL!!!! HES JUST MENTALLY ILL!!!! HES HAVING A MANIC EPISODE SOMEONE HELP HIM. also. his 'death' is better in the dub than in the sub imo (it's the telling sy he loves him. for me.) <3
song i associate with them: Heel Turn 2 by tmg is the Zane Song Ever for me but also Bleed Out off their latest album.... "I will go down punching, but I will go down/ and my corner men won't bring me back around...."
favorite picture of them: sorry it's not an in-show screenshot but it's always going to be this pic from tag force
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i cannot fucking believe this is a real picture of ryozane marufujitruesdale from a Real PSP Game that Really came out and that you can play but it IS. emulate Tag Force 3. my final message.
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