#is this even coherent
chaikachi · 10 months
Hey radical spicy hot take but Trapdoor is 100% a ruby song. And. Trapdoor is 100% a oscar song. They are a mirror to each other. They are put on the same pedestal. They bear the same weight. They occupy the same space, simultaneously, impossibly. Do you see my vision?
anono... how does it feel to have such a big brain. all songs are rg songs if you try hard enough. 😤
Yes, Trapdoor is first and foremost a Ruby song, but her and Oscar are 100% mirrors living such similar character arcs. I could talk about all those parallels in a post all their own (one day), but for now a really good example is actually comparing Trapdoor to Sky is Falling (thank you @greenteaandtattoos for pointing it out first).
I'm gonna ramble a bit
Trapdoor is a song about the weight Ruby has been carrying. How she has tried so hard and how it's seemingly done more harm than good. It talks about how she doesn't feel seen or heard or needed, let alone wanted. How she's losing herself. How she feels like a trapdoor, part of the floorboards being walked on and unnoticeable. How one more step is all it might take for her to break and fall further into the depths below. And simultaneously like a trap that will lead all her friends to ruin.
And Sky is Falling (in my opinion) is a song about the weight Oscar has been carrying. How he's struggling with moving forward in light of everything he's been through and everything they've lost. The song itself is cited as referencing the original Henny Penny (aka Chicken Little) fairytale since it's a story that uses the song's title as a cry wolf for fearing the end of the world. But that feels a bit like a red herring to me. Or at least not like the whole picture.
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The original myth of Atlas and the weight of the world isn't actually about the god holding the world on his shoulders. It's about him holding up the sky. So whether you read it as Oscar struggling with what to do given Atlas is falling... or struggling with how to move after Ruby falls, (Ruby, who was holding Atlas on her shoulders. So when she fell, so to did the city in the sky) is up to interpretation.
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Some examples of how the songs mirror each other a bit tho:
Though I try to keep the hope alive
Sky is Falling
Lost all my hopes and dreams
Watch it all Unfold As I Cascade below Frozen In the darkest moment I can't bear the weight I hold
Sky is Falling
Starin' at the casket, hopin' to move past it Knowin' things will never be the same, and that's it Cold soaked as I'm standin' in rain Feelin' nothin' but pain until I see you again
Both of them struggling to hold onto hope. Both of them struggling with the cold of grief. The water imagery in "cascading" and "rain". The feeling of drowning. How to keep moving in the face of it all.
Also just on the topic of them being mirrors, it's interesting how many of these songs can so easily link back together. Trust Love's "open up your eyes" to Sky is Falling's "cover up your eyes". Then Sky is Falling's direct parallel, Touch the Sky. In my opinion, this song talks about both of them. The first verse is very Oscar "Little Prince" Pine, but especially this part:
I'm soarin' like I never have before Flying self-assured and free And I somehow feel I finally feel like me I looked in the mirror and I gotta say It's been a long, long time since I felt this way Right now, I'm just a bit surprised 'Cause I feel just fine and I might just touch the sky
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And then directly towards Ruby's ascension in the second verse:
Open doors and so much hope in front of me Full of confidence, every challenge crushed My heart's electric, racing endlessly Feeling like the stars have all aligned Illuminate the darkness that was blinding me Now I'm positive that it's my time to shineI will explode, you'll see me rise You may not even recognize I just can't wait for this reveal
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But also... very strong argument can be made that both verses apply to both of them. Finally feeling like themselves, the people they've wanted to be, the ones they're meant to be. These kids and their identity issues... But especially cause, um, Ruby isn't the only one that explodes.
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So to summarize, Oscar looked in the mirror - not the mirror that showed Oz's reflection, but the mirror he sees in Ruby - and he became more like himself. Influenced by the hope she inspires.
And Ruby, like Alice, fell through the looking glass. But in the Ever After the only Oscar that was there to stare back at her wasn't a reflection of hope, it was was one of fear.
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So she had no choice but to fall further and looked inward. Until she found the hope that was always inside her. The hope Oscar always knew was there because he sees her.
And the fact that Ruby's hope, her motivation, has always been "the people she hasn't lost yet". And how Oscar is the only living companion Neo 'kills' to hurt her. I'm getting so off track here but...
The Parallels. It's CINEMA.
They make me UNWELL.
Edit: I ended up just talking a bit about how they're mirrors through song and not so much Trapdoor from an Oscar lens. It is so strongly a Ruby song to me that it's hard to apply to him, even if it does fit him in some ways as well. All alone in crowded rooms and all that.
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purgatorily · 1 month
virgin “no they’re just best mates” vs chad “gay suicide pact?! really??😵‍💫”
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xunkun · 4 months
this is not meant to be that serious, and im not trying to express any negative feelings towards antyhing or anyone. im not that pressed about the results, i just want to talk about why rei is even unit leader in the first place
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my minds kinda fucked right now but if i remember correctly, he was put in that leader position so that he would have something to ground him in a single place and not keep running off to do other shit. and he needed the unit and a place to feel and call home. koga also did a buncha shit so that rei could be "resurrected" bc he was in this huge burnout era
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shsl-writer · 2 months
I adore Pekozumi but in a tragic one-sided way.
Peko grows to admire Mahiru and her talent and through Mahiru’s photographs learns the power of smiling and joy. Mahiru’s talent literally inspires Peko to strive to find happiness herself and spread it to others. Mahiru is so strong and confident, she refuses to answer to anyone but she is still so kind underneath that and so dedicated to recording people’s joy. She literally represents everything Peko wishes she could have for herself.
I love Pekozumi in a: Peko was in love with Mahiru but at the end of the day her duty came first, her role as Fuyuhiko’s tool would always come first no matter what, so even though she didn’t want to kill anyone, and definitely didn’t want to kill Mahiru, she still swung the bat.
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rosegoldenatlas · 4 months
Hey it kind of late for me right now so maybe its the half awake braincells finally connecting and everyone else figured this out already, but that one post of like three screenshots of smallishbeans' Twitter got me I've two thousand notes in like a day. I swear with smaller fandom's that have been around a long time like with Joel.. I guess its like lighting a match when you put up an appreciation post. And y'all were like fucking moths to the flame of all hail Jeremyism.
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bish-plz-haha · 4 months
I got bored and, since I'm rewatching BSD, I made an edit.
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citrine-elephant · 10 months
thinking about leon asking chris to help him with recovery and to get on his ass about his alcohol consumption
and he just wakes up in the middle of the night to see the silouhette of chris fucking redfield right outside his bedroom shouting "you better just be pissing, kennedy" as he's trying to get out of bed
and leon just starts fucking screamin
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quinnfebrey · 2 years
i actually really like the way the intimate scenes were done in first kill. obviously the decision to focus on the actresses from the head up was primarily to be protective of the characters’ ages, but additionally i think that it was very true to what it’s like being a young teenager in a relationship
like, no teen is a crazy sex wizard, idc what euphoria wants you to think, but it’s average at best. still, teens are still sexually active because it’s good and fun and meaningful due to how it makes a person feel. sort of like how no teen is going on regular dates to hundred dollar meals or crazy trips to europe, it’s the same italian restaurant or movie theater. but it’s special because of how it feels to be young and in love, regardless of what that looks like
so from both a physical perspective, but also an emotional one, i like that fk’s intimate scenes focus on the feeling of it all rather than physically what’s happening. very respectful but also very analogous of being a teenager in general
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lefthandedvegan · 5 months
longing so desperately to have him throw me around before spitting in my mouth and forcing me to eat him out. choke me against the wall just to push me to my knees and grind his cunt against my face while I desperately try to keep up. shove me into the mattress with his hands around my neck and in my hair while he gives me instructions on how he wants me to please him. Good toys do what they’re told, right?
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fuckedupcleric · 2 months
I'm like if a girl had Can't Shut The Fuck Up disease but also had a gremlin in her head constantly telling her to Shut The Fuck Up
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aro-simp · 9 days
weird little selfship/kink ramble abizt House in diapers
I just hhhhhhhhhh I'm very prone to feeling guilt over things I rationally know do not affect anyone and do not make me "guilty" but something abizt my "hehe I'm gonna put House in diapers" thingy made me feel like the worst person in the world
BUTTTTTTTT Idk today something just clicked and yeah sure the humiliation and watersports aspects and whatever but also the intimacy and care of it all. What if it's not a stupid bet, what if House for one reason or another actually developed an incontinence and it just spurns on the self loathing but I'm there to help, I can take care of it. It's also not something only my s/i can do, helping disabled adults change diapers is like... my real life job.
Just idk something about House (hates himself and would probably rather chain himself to a toilet than wear a diaper) and me/s/i (big time urophobe AND urophile, desperately in need of learning a neutral relationship to urine) working together on this
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I was relistening to the Wayward Son audiobook this evening, and Penelope's "Airplanes don't stop being airplanes when they're on the ground" comment hit home for me today.
Because I have a lot of bad days, and there are definitely weeks where I have more bad days than good days. There are days where I struggle to get out of bed. There are days where I'm proud of myself just for having brushed my teeth.
And I guess Penny's comment hit home because it got me thinking and helped me realize something that I don't think had completely registered in my brain yet:
It's okay to have bad days.
It's okay to have days where you're proud of yourself for simply getting out of bed.
It's okay to let yourself fall apart.
It's okay.
Now, I'm having a bad depression night and I'm on my phone, and it's taking most of my energy to type this right now, but...
Airplanes don't stop being airplanes when they're on the ground.
You're still you, even when you have a bad day.
And bad days suck. It sucks having to be resilient. It sucks when the day doesn't start bad but turns bad anyway. It sucks.
But bad days are temporary.
And it's okay to let yourself be on the ground (literally or figuratively).
It's okay to have bad days 💖
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dirt-grub · 1 year
I’m high as hell and thinking about my childhood cat, who I miss so so much, and like how the internet immortalizes even the most mundane cat videos, and thought you know what, the world needs to see her even if she’s long gone and know she was a good kitty cat. I think she deserves it.
This is Lily. Appreciate her
[btw- I no longer believe in outdoor cats. It was how my parents raised us since I was born and I didn’t know any better when this video was taken. I do not condone letting your cat outside to just roam indiscriminately.]
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a-rats-selfship-blog · 10 months
imagine your f/o taking care of you while you have a migraine.
they have a cool pack ready for you as soon as you need it. the keep the lights low and tell you to stay in bed.
they bring you water and pain meds and comfort food. they sit in bed with you and talk quietly or keep the tv/their phone down so the noise doesn’t bother you.
they kiss across your forehead and hold you close. they know migraines suck but they’ll do whatever you need to be comfy.
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toxictranny · 3 months
i love when i’m the #<- prev in question.
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obscuregenderenvy · 7 months
Their lives are soaked in tragedy. Soaked in a way that when they find each other they don't believe it. Lie to themselves and each other, burying feelings deep in the earth. But just like gravity they're drawn together and when they finally allow themselves to crash? It's fire and lava, ice and storms. It's both ugly and beautiful. Their lives are soaked in tragedy and so is their love. But it's still love. The sun still rises and the moon is firmly in the sky, it is love
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