#so I guess I kinda got attached to my online name 😭
yanderecandystore · 2 years
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Me when I realized I could have named him Belsire instead of calling him Male Beldam every time:
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cowboymantis · 4 months
Y'know what since it's pride month, I'll do a little random rambling about my identity, bc hell I am 22 whole years old and I am still struggling with my gender lmaoo 😭😭
But also, nowadays I think it's really funny that I took so long to properly realize I was trans and aroace
There were. So many signs. 💀
I almost dreaded to come out as trans to one of my old online friend groups, not bc I thought they were transphobic (bc we were always a heavily lgbtq group), but because I thought I took so long and now I'd have to explain myself. (Stupid I know, but my family is very transphobic, so I never got to be my true self irl, and idk if I ever will as long as my family lives, but maybe I'll be brave enough one day)
But one of the first reactions I got was just yeah I always thought you were gonna say that 😭 And us all talking AND OTHERS COMING OUT TOO it was just such a weight lifted from my shoulders, it was so great.
Because of my family, I'm not 100% sure how I feel about my gender, if I feel more nonbinary or male, it's more something in-between, but more towards male,, but that's why I just feel most comfortable without a label, I'm just me and I'm here 🛌
When it comes to figuring out I'm aroace, the thing is, I kinda thought about it before, but I wasn't sure. Even then, it wasn't too long before I realized.
I always hated romance and cheesy scenes, kissing and especially sex scenes in anything I watch make me super uncomfortable, I'd sometimes think about, if I'm grown up and in a relationship, I have to do all of that... And I was actually scared of needing to get in a relationship, or something like that. Part of it was pressure from my parents to tell me I need to find a partner, to, I guess properly live my life or something. And this is essentially what a lot of people think, that you NEED to have a partner to be complete, and I always found it so weird. I don't want a partner I just wanna sit in my room and play videogames all day :'D
Oddly enough, No Straight Roads, one of my favourite games ever, has indirectly helped me- NOW HEAR ME OUT. One name: Eve.
Omg I love Eve so so much, and her whole arc just made me slowly go ... I feel that omg
I was in one relationship in my life, I'm actually still friends with that person, they also came out as trans, but are in a poly relationship now, which is kind of funny to me because we went pretty much the exact opposite route, I love it 😭
Anyway, I never had any feelings of love how people describe it, I never had any attraction to people. But I was so desperate when we broke up, like I lost my one opportunity in life to be in a relationship, like I needed to have someone else no matter how uncomfortable I felt being in one.
And I just saw my younger teenage self in Eve and I think this is one of the reasons I am so attached to this character, gahhHH I love No Straight Roads so much. It has helped me in a time I was feeling down, it indirectly got me into kpop (😭😭yeah), which then also came at the right time when I had a downer phase, and the community of the game on release was just so sweet.
But yeah, to come back to it, throughout my life, I basically went from "I guess I'm pan or something, because I don't have a preference"
To "Okay the thought of being with a man disgusts me, so I have to be a lesbian"
To "Okay, but I just like looking at people in an aesthetical way, I simp for characters or actors as a joke, I just like looking at them or think they're cute, but that's about it"
And then I was just like oh. Oh wait. it's all coming together.
Realizing you're aromantic and/or asexual can be really hard, and I've seen others' experiences be similar to mine. I think, in a way, it's so hard bc pursuing relationships is the norm for most of the world.
Thinking back to that one lesson we had in ethics class I'll never forget, we had to write down something about the meaning of life. And then everyone should say what they have written down and what their idea was. Most people wrote down having a family. I don't even know what I wrote down (probably something like a happy life or something basic), but I talked about how meaning of life doesn't have to be having a family. And the teacher basically laughed at me for saying that bc that's the whole point of being a human!!!
And I guess from that day I had this one sided beef / grudge against this teacher bc how the hell are you an ethics teacher and think so one-sided 😭 Sure, humans start families so they don't die out, but not EVERY human needs to start a family to have a purpose in life?
So yeah, anyway. Aspecs are very nuanced, there are those who have platonic relationships, people who enjoy sex although they are not attracted to someone, I myself am absolutely repulsed by anything sexual and I don't ever want any type of relationship, I don't like being lovey dovey, and I hate being too close to someone, like hugging, etc. On the outside I've always been very distant, but on the inside I have all the love I don't have for romance, for my friends and for this world instead 😌🙏
I guess I can really seem too cold or maybe even angry, bc it's hard for me to properly show my emotions, and that's why I prefer text over word, I can express myself so freely and can add all the silly little emotes I want :3
Also, I always loved the I do not perceive and do not wish to be perceived bc yeah . Me fr jfhdjdhr
Also, I'm not too fond of sexualities and genders all having weird stereotypes, but god damit I love robots/androids etc sm I always would love to be one fr ‼️‼️ I guess that's one of the reasons I was immediately hooked on Tokusatsu- NO THIS IS NOT GONNA BE A TOKU POST THIS HAS DERAILED WAY TOO FAR
But speaking of-- Naki me belobed and ofc their actor, I love Nakayama sm man and recently read an a bit older interview of him and he's so real 😭😭 I've never literally me-d for an actor so much 🥲
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thunderblessedhero · 10 months
hospital food is gross 😭
okay… I should probably start at the beginning
my name is August, I’m N’s travel buddy. he’s probably mentioned me a few times? about a month ago me and my friend Hugh ran into him at Floccesy Ranch, and he said he had some important mission to find a friend of his. I offered to let him travel with us for a bit, and we just kinda ended up sticking together
N doesn’t know this but I know he was the king of team plasma. I was… there at the league that day. I snuck into the castle during all the panic to find my friend’s stolen Purrloin, and ended up watching Reshiram and Zekrom’s fight from behind some rubble. no one really realized I was there
uh, guess that’s not super important, though. fast forward to yesterday, as we were leaving Lentimas Town N told us he was gonna go finish his mission by himself- just as we were about to split ways though we saw Reshiram and its chosen (the two N had been searching for) fly over. they didn’t see us though and we saw them land in a forest a few miles away
we tried to go after them, but by the time we got there the forest was burning and Reshiram was flying away all panicked. I don’t… I don’t know why Reshiram and its trainer would do this, but despite what everyone is saying I don’t think it was on purpose. there’s already a lot of articles online already claiming the hero of truth has gone rogue…
either way… N ended up running into the fire to go save Blake, who I guess he thought might still be inside, and dropped his phone. that’s how I got ahold of it. Keldeo and his friends came by to help me and Hugh fight back against the fire (…did I mention I’m Keldeo’s chosen? it’s um. a long story)
after a while the lack of clean oxygen made me pass out, so now I’m in the hospital. I’m doing relatively better now, though.
I still don’t know where N is. or where Blake and Reshiram are.
I woke up to Nyx at my window this morning… she says N told her to go back for me. I guess I’m taking care of her until I find out where he is
[Attached: A photo of a shiny Zorua curled up on the blanket of a hospital bed, fast asleep.]
…I don’t know what else to do after this except keep heading towards Opelucid City, so I guess that’s where I’m going next
the forest fire had been contained at least, the rangers say they should be able to put it out soon
and that’s… about it I guess
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