#so I will tag this as 2012 just so that ppl who are interested in their dynamic shifted a bit to the left will see it
FIRSTLY: this is mostly based off of 2012 with some rise influence.
In this au splinter is absent for most of their early lives due to him believing his kids would be safer without the foot targeting him (i promise there’s a plot to this but for now its gonna be silly). And since theres gonna be a plot thats about it ! Oh also they met april at 11 yrs old I think and Casey just a little bit before the story starts
Casey tries to do their own facial piercings
The piercings almost always get infected
They have to go to donnie for help
April wears her iconic hat to hide her dark roots (shes not a real ginger!!)
Leo is technically the second-oldest they just have a complex
the turtles steal most of their food
April goes to a bouldering gym and can scale buildings
Casey plays roller derby
donnie is the oldest despite the fact that they’re all 15
None of them could cook until the age of 12
They all play dnd passionately
donnie is the oldest because he said he scientifically proved (lied) it and everyone else called dibs on who would be next oldest (raph and Leo agreed to tie)
now take some character blurb thingies that go by age
April: april is 16 and has a driver’s license (could technically be a junior in hs but she’s not), shes very cool and accidentally went ginger at some point then just decided she liked it?? No one knows. They go to a lot LOT of concerts and also rock climbs and she loves women. Also a drummer in a band called smth that i will figure out later. Definitely takes a lot of responsibility for the wellbeing of the turtles due to their situation but like subtly. they for sure got their own issues but chooses to ignore em a lot of the time. Only child (lameee)
Donnie: hes 15 and pretends hes biologically the oldest (he is not they’re all the same age). he made all the blueprints for the lair once it was decided it was too small. hes very good at stealing stuff which is how he gets most of his materials, learned how to hack into ATMS a while ago but thinks it’s morally wrong (only used in desperate measures). Doesn’t mind not being the leader since he knows his claims of being the oldest are total bs but definitely adopted an oldest child mentality. Keeps a lot of problems a secret from his “younger” brothers and mostly talks to april about it. Extremely silly. Main doctor but also very squeamish specifically about bones (not broken bones, just the concept). Purple everything. He has access to every one of his sibling’s internet accounts he just doesn’t tell them about it. Also the main cook, since he would try and read whatever books they could find in dumpsters, especially when they were kids. Shares leo’s space interests less because of a show and more because of science stuff. Didn’t like Casey at first but they got close super fast later on. He is the best thief out of all of them (shhhh).
Casey: also 15, in april’s grade. Knows april from Spanish tutoring despite the fact they’re latine (haha if im violently whiteified my little guys have to be too) very into punk subculture and roller derby and also engineering/mechanics (I’m very excited to show off his vigilante equipment). Constantly does dumb shit for no apparent reason. Very much similar to 2012 casey (says “thats so metal dudes” anytime anything horrifying/dangerous happens). They also have had weird unspoken tension with everyone completely by accident and cant stop falling off of buildings. They have zero fighting skills or training but somehow haven’t died yet. Missing one tooth, top of the mouth next to his right canine (replaced with a glow-in-the-dark plastic one don’t ask them how it stays in).
Leo: 15, self-proclaimed second oldest and leader. (they have a complex probably) they’re only the leader because [HAHAHAHA PLOT AND BACKSTORY] and everyone else just stuck with it. They try very very hard to be silly and goofy but are also constantly anxious, not specifically about their siblings but like in general. Very very hesitant, prefers stealth (and stupid jokes) to direct confrontation. very close with raph since they’re “twins” (all of them are the same age). Intense sci-fi/space obsession, they’ve watched every single episode of their world’s equivalent to Star Trek (and all the movies) and also had a huge nonfiction phase which is still ongoing, fueled by stolen textbooks and endless internet videos . They also write fanfiction (secretly and make fun of other people who do to throw off their siblings it doesn’t work at all). They are so so lame and i love them so much.
Raph: 15, also second oldest, very very overprotective but like low-key about it. Super close with april and leo. Does all the confrontation and has accidentally been confused to be the leader of the team (CONSTANTLY ends up in hostage situations to the point it’s almost funny). ALLERGIC to Feelings he will Die if he has to talk about things so he mostly vents by tearing up his room and then feeling bad abt it. Made donnie help him find leo’s fanfics and then swore him to secrecy forever. Very distrustful, secretly super artsy, weirdly obsessed with messing with ppls hair (probably because he is surrounded by bald ppl). Also secretly a fashion icon, he has a disguise specifically so he can go to the mall with april and look at clothes for fun. He is physically the strongest out of everyone and has a really bad habit of using himself as their meat shield. Accidentally very very silly dude.
Mikey: 15 the Absolute Youngest by request. He is objectively the best fighter but is constantly being sidetracked by his siblings taking hits/taking out enemies for him (look theyre all just Like That). Really really smart when in a crisis, but for some reason not in a low pressure situation. She tries to cook but ultimately prefers baking. He’s also good at building things, so he usually hangs out with donnie in his workshop and made a lot of the lair’s furniture though he somehow can’t build anything from ikea. Also knows about leo’s fanfic career and accepted a bribe of a hubcap chandelier (?) to not tell anyone. Leo never made him a chandelier but at this point she has completely forgotten about it. Is secretly a beta reader for the fics and pretends she doesn’t know leo, except for when he describes very very distinct details of their home as suggestions for a room or something. Will continue to do this until leo either has a nervous breakdown or realizes it’s him. 
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shoheiakagi · 5 months
I agree with you about the tags u left on that anon being rude to ciassu! Seriously thats just plain so fucking rude smh. Anyway u ended your tags with mention of shuhei x yata that op was going to write and it got me curious bc ive never thought of that pairing before lol so now im wondering if u have any other yata or shuhei ships u like/can think of? Sorry for the random ask i just want to see if theres any other ships i can add to my list other than chitose x yata lol
Hi!! Thank you for reaching out! And yeah, I feel like some ppl just like to send anon hate cause they’re bored? Like what is the end game here? You’re not gonna be the person with the last laugh cause your ask is either gonna be deleted or responded to in a post. And like, if you think there’s other writers who post the same type of fics, then why don’t you just focus on them? People need to realize that writing fics and drawing art is a skill, and that the creator puts in a lot of time and effort into perfecting it for the audience. I just don’t get why some ppl act mean online, when they don’t have that same persona irl?? Like why act like an internet thug??
Yes, I was also intrigued when I saw how op was working on a ShouheixYata fic! Like I know some bits and pieces of how they’d interact as friends, but as romantic partners? I’ve seen some EricxYata and and ChitosexYata, but never a ShouheixYata. I’m sooo curious cause Yata is terribly shy when it comes to romance, while Shouhei is charismatic and nicer than the other abc boys. Like is Shouhei going to be all flirty and try to charm him?? Does Yata develop a crush on Shouhei which he tries to hide but miserably fails at it??
And I do!! So to start off, I’ll be honest and say that I’m not really fond of romantic!banshou. Its weird cause i have other ships with similar dynamics, and i also adore both characters individually, but im not the biggest fan of them as a ship. I think its probably bc i dont like how its portrayed by the very few fans they have, and how a lot of things about shouhei, end up revolving around bandou’s inferiority complex towards him (which really sucks as a shouhei’s girl who wants to learn more about him).
But despite being in my y/n feels for shouhei, i do have a few ships for him! I don’t think it’s as obvious as it was when i first created this blog, but shouhei/eric is the closest to an otp i have for this fandom. Its probably bc theyre my top two faves, but i do think they have strong potential to be a sweet and interesting ship, and the few interactions they have are so cute 🥺 the fact that shouhei is the only person Eric refers to by their first name other than Anna 🥹🥹 (although i do think its probably cause everyone refers to shouhei by his first name lol. If im not wrong, i think eric refers to fuji by his last name despite being very close). I also do think they’d look really good together! Despite Eric being unkempt and not into fashion, he is objectively very good looking and i think his sharp and cool features are a good contrast against shouhei’s softer and warm features. I genuinely do think shouhei is the second person eric is comfortable with, after fujishima. I also ship shouhei with chitose and akiyama! I think i started shipping shouhei with chitose sometime last year and honestly? I think they’d be a fun and hot pair. I can’t really see them being them in a serious and committed relationship, but i do think they would probably hook up here and there (or even just be really good friends, since theyre pretty similar to each other except for some differences). Akiyama/Shouhei is always going to be that one opposites attract/enemies to lovers ship for me lol. I wish their fight scenes from s1 were longer, im so curious on what the dialogue would have been like.
Yata was my first ever fave character/crush when i first got into K back in 2012, but unfortunately that died out. But i do think ericxyata is such a cute and funny pair! I remember reading this really old fic on them in which yata learns english just so he can finally respond to eric’s taunts, only to have the story end with eric kissing him on the cheek 💞 i don’t remember being sold that quick on a ship like i did with that fic lmaoo. They’re like my second favorite pair, but theres sooooo little content on them :/ thats what i hate about k. Most content are on the popular/designated ships, you barely see anything on different pairings/dynamics. Yata and Kamamoto are seen as platonic for the most part, but i can see some potential for it to turn romantic! Kamamoto is a ride and die for yata. Like if theres ever a rare chance that yata decides to leave homra (unlikely, i know), i do feel like kamamoto would probably join him idk. the loyalty there is really strong. I think yata and chitose would be interesting since chitose is a playboy while yata is a virgin, but its probably gonna end with a nasty heartbreak on both sides 😬
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pumpkinpie59 · 9 months
Do you feel insulted when people ship things that go against your ships? (Like Leo x whoever else…honestly I can’t think of another Leo ship that isn’t problematic atm)
depends ig. tho i think it’s less insulted and more annoyed
with leonardo i can only ever see him with lotus blossom so other leonardo ships annoy me to a rlly bad degree. leo/sagi especially due to its popularity. and also bc most leo/sagi fans don’t seem to care about usagi’s franchise at all
like bro,, miyamoto usagi is an adult in everything except the tmnt 2003 series and has multiple great love interests anyway. and yuichi gives me kinda aroace vibes?
87 leo/sagi makes me physically nauseous for multiple reasons. like literally sick to my stomach.
i mean if u ship it whatever i have the tag blocked anyway but yeah i just don’t like it.
and lotus blossom has a history of being overlooked by the tmnt franchise so it just makes me extra salty when the fandom ignores her too, or reduces her to being a version of karai, which is possibly even more annoying cause i hate leo/rai too
so yeah when it comes to leonardo and lotus blossom u will never see me ship them with anybody except each other.
only sorta exception is that i hc that leonardo crushed on casey in 2012 season 2 but i don’t ship it i don’t see that ever happening. the show just gave me that vibe only in season 2. i think after that leo moved on
but then there are characters who i can ship with multiple characters, like any of the other turtles. so ships that aren’t my main ship don’t bother me as much
i have a history of shipping raphael with mona, joi, and mezcaal. michelangelo with kala and trib. and donatello with april (2012 only) and jhanna. and also some other sillier ones too (zakatello …)
i mean now that i’m thinking about it, i’m probably more defensive of a ship the more underrated it is, especially if it’s backed by canon.
like 2012 ramona is adorable and i like that it’s canon, but it’s not underrated at all so i feel no need to defend it much. then with 87 ramona, it’s not rlly canon but it’s not underrated either, so i can enjoy it both romantically and platonically without defending it.
but with leolotus, ppl forget it all the time even tho it’s more canon than most tmnt couples, and i have to make my own ship content anyway :p
agh u got me rambling. idk what else to say. uhhhhhh leolotus is best leo ship everything else is objectively incorrect 😌
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hawkepockets · 1 year
Hey! I've never played (or, never for more than an hour and not enjoyed it haha) a MMORPG, but your GW2 posting has me very interested o: Do you think it's good for a shy beginner? Is there much single-person content or a good community for casual group play? Ty!
yeah i do think it’s beginner friendly !! granted i’ve been playing the thing for 10 years so i don’t know firsthand what the new player experience is like these days, but i do know the game has made a lot of adjustments over the years to accommodate new players, introducing mechanics more gradually and making things easier to navigate.
there’s no subscription, the base game is free, & there’s no content a casual player would encounter that necessitates getting in a voice chat with people if ur shy — although collaboration with other players will come up organically, as gw2 is built on an xp sharing system (helping another player take down an enemy rewards u both, so kill stealing isn’t possible) & the heart of the game is its open world group events, where strangers will gather to complete objectives or kill bosses, then scatter again to explore and follow their own interests. you definitely don’t have to type in chat ever, but you will probably find that u want to ! group content is like laser tag for forming low-stakes casual bonds with ppl fast
the main story takes place in easily soloable private instances u can do by yourself no question, though u always have the option to bring in a party of friends or join a guild and ask for help there <- highly recommend this for learning the ropes & finding casual group play opportunities !
the 1 caution i give ppl who ask about getting into gw2 is that the story writing gets really good after the base game, in the transition from living world season 2 (a mini dlc, more or less) into the first big expansion, “heart of thorns.” the story expansions (3 big expacs, 5 smaller dlc “seasons”) do add up in cost, $100 USD in total. that should be the ONLY thing you spend real money on in this game (cosmetics can all be got with in-game currency, crafting, or achievement grinds, and there’s no pay-to-win features), and you should definitely hold off until you’ve played the free base game & are sure you like it, but i think everyone should be warned about that in advance. the base game is good too, it was just written in 2012 and is a little bit vintage/unpolished/frankly jank in places. ack……. but i love her
i’ve tried other mmos and not cared for them, but guildwars is special to me and i rly do recommend it. if u try it out and want an oldie player to show u around, please don’t be nervous to dm me !! i’ve tagged along with new players before, i find it super fun :-D
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unsafe-chikku · 2 months
I have sort of mixed feelings on the whole “brony” thing bc I was deep in the paint of all that (pre-egg-crack tho so a slightly different perspective) from 2012-2016 ish)
I think it’s extremely important to note I don’t like the term or the origins of it all now, and if I met someone today who still used the label I’d keep a close eye on them bc many who do are in the 4chan bigot crowd.
However, It is interesting to dissect my experience a bit with this weirdness though.
But even way back then when I’d get defensive of “fellow bronies” 😒 I had to always admit that many sucked ass.
Since it had origins in 4chan lots of ppl who were in it were just absolute bigots and the worst ppl you can meet. I knew that in 2012 and I know it even better now.
The high defensiveness of their masculinity bc of enjoyment of a little girl demographic show lead to a lot of the worst behavior I’ve ever seen in a fan space. I think this also explains the abnormal hyper sexuality they inserted into the space.
Sure, R34 is a thing and I honestly really don’t care what ppl are making/into as long as it’s tagged properly away from kids/ppl who don’t wanna see it. It’s usually drawings/fics/ect made by a guy with max ten to fifty followers, who give a shit. Pointing it out gives more attention to it and makes more of it appear in my experience.
But the sheer volumes made and extreme lack of self awareness or in some cases just irrational vitriol about properly tagging nsfw shit…well there’s a reason the sane members scrambled to do Safe Search Roundups once a month to eliminate as much fetish/nsfw content as they could from Google safe search.
My mixed part of the feelings is that me and many others involved in all that became leftists and realized we were queer.
Bc having an online community where the common theme is “I am not being a Man in the correct way and it makes me very cool” is atttactive to ppl who are either “men” (nope!) or ppl who secretly/unknowingly want to be men but not like the cishet assholes in their lives, or just ppl who felt weird about cishet gender and sexuality in general.
(if you asked 2013 me if I was trans, I would have 100% believed when I told u I was a cisgender girl if I even knew that term then. Likely not lol.)
And I had a lot of great experiences with ppl in the community too. It legitimately helped me get out of the culty evangelical mindset I had been born and brainwashed into.
I even had a group I met with irl in college and no one there was more weird than me as ppl going to a private conservative Christian school afaik.
(One guy went on to go somewhat viral for making a really convincing Rayman smash leak years ago lol.)
Anyways, I just wish it hadn’t been through something that started on 4chan and was called “brony” (inherently alienating and sexist bc the idea is to pull away from the feminine while also co-opting it) and had a lot of pure bastard folks at the Peak of it (late season 1 through season 3).
I don’t even mean the nsfw stuff (though again that was abnormally rampant) since that exists for everything- I mean just honest to god so many bronies were just fucking bigoted assholes who considered it their god given right to post untagged porn and say racist shit and be sexist as hell.
However imo “brony” really became a huge misnomer after the Princessification of Twilight. A huge chunk of the original 4chan weirdo crowd fucked off, and even more after Equestria Girls, and it kept bleeding after that as more sane, queer and chill fans became more active.
This allowed the sane, queer, and chill fans to thrive in a smaller community with less scrutiny on them from outside and fewer loud assholes flaming their flutterdash fics.
It really was just “mlp fans” by season 6 or 7 but the original name was stuck for a while after that sadly.
At this point, those remaining mostly recognized the show for what it was-a well made show about tiny horses made to sell plastic horses to kids, especially little girls, and engaged with it that way.
It was actually fairly fun especially by 2016. I lost interest in late 2017 but the fond memories I have are mostly that era.
I’m so glad that the brony label is dead and mlp is back in the hands of sane, chill, and queer creators and fans.
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googledocsdyke · 4 years
Do you have any thoughts/recommended texts for Cas analysis? I genuinely love the dean gender studies and I just wanna know what people might apply to Cas.
yes absolutely!! while dean studies is my first love i also deeply love cas analysis (casnalysis?) and wanna strive to do more of it. here’s some stuff off the top of my head:
1. gender, sexuality, heavenly embodiment
this is much more theological and less psychological than dean’s whole Deal because there’s so much fascinating stuff around how the angels in general experience express and conceptualise gender (@autisticandroids has a good post about angel gender & lily sunder has some regrets) but for cas in particular there’s this fascinating kind of collective fandom agreement (which i DO also agree with) that cas’ own gender kind of is gay man, that he actively chose gay manhood, but also that he’s kind of..... lacking the Insane Genderishness that dean exhibits at all times, even though he actively chose to engage in male gendering and became so comfortable housed Within Jimmy that he, as some post i saw the other day that i can’t find anymore said, “became his own body” when jimmy died. 
like on the one hand there’s an almost-canonical transness to the whole process but it also never feels fully written-into because 1) the supernatural writers for all their insanity are sometimes very boring and *most* of the time only feel interested in narratively expressing angels As Their Vessels anyways and just like leaving convenient spaces around these questions (boldest thing they ever did was hot girl cas which i WISH i had the range to unpack) 2) there’s a vague inevitabilist shrug to the whole thing since they obviously weren’t gonna recast misha collins (though they HAVE tried to get rid of him) and 3) something amorphous about cas’ entire..... personhood? makes him Empty Of Gender as a contrast to dean’s Full Of Gender (i believe it was @deanwinchestergender who said this) and like is it just the juxtaposition to dean/jensen’s whole insane Deal? or something else? 
like he actively chooses the terms of his own embodiment and yet narratively it feels like a shrug. and we’re all like “well obviously even though he’s a celestial being he was always a gay man” and like WHY. i love it idk idk much to think about! and yeah just in general the theological questions of possession and cas genuinely Becoming a man as he iterates himself consciously towards humanity it almost feels like. by doing the most boring things possible with his gender they made it interesting? idk if that makes sense.
2. discipline, free will, metanarratives
cas is like a tool (“i am not a hammer, as you say”) held in constant discipline and surveillance by the system that enmeshes him and it’s really, really fascinating to watch the way the angels hold each other to conformity. especially pre-god they kind of produce each other as foucauldian disciplinary subjects (which i posted about here) in perpetual visibility through angel radio, generating their own and each other’s conformity rather than being directly ruled through like a single centralised source of power. only the spectre of a god. and obviously cas’ whole thing is that he has ALWAYS disobeyed and the narrative affords him this psychological interiority never given to the foucauldian subject, an internal will and desire for freedom in a way that fits more with the liberal subject (super roughly and not with the same pro-capitalist implications but he has this internal drive for self-liberation. 
and that’s also where the metanarrative comes in ofc! i think it was @dykecas who said that cas is a real person written by people who hate him, and there’s this crack in the narrative (mirroring the crack in his chassis) where cas gets in, over and over, despite all the order imposed by the show’s authorfathergod. like we’ve all seen the analysis about how it was Never supposed to be this way they DID try to fire misha collins in 2012 and yet this gay man literally cannot be stopped! i think actually his appearance in scoobynatural is a neat little distillation of this — he drops into this animated world originally with a singular purpose (Save Sam And Dean) the same way he dropped into lazarus rising with a single 3-episode arc (Save Dean). huge hammer behaviour. his “utility” diminishes within the narrative (he finds that he can’t fly in the scooby doo universe) and so he is no longer a tool/means to an end that salvation moves Through. and in the process (and huge creds to @lesbianyuugi for this) he does something ENTIRELY unrelated to his original cas-as-tool aim, and learns, like, the meaning of laughter from shaggy and scooby. WHICH brings me onto the third point
3. love, queer kinship, family-making
HE’S GAY AND HE’S A DAD! i feel like a lot of tumblr throws around the term “found family” in a very flat and tropey way (which is fine it’s cute and fun no matter what!) but like . GOD there’s so much specific stuff going on here. like the way that cas (unintentionally) obliterates the midwestern white christian nuclear family (made incarnate in the novaks) which like could be uniformly portrayed as an act of deep malice and villainy but instead grows to serve as a surrogate (if imperfect/complex, but DEEPLY loving) father figure for the gay daughter who has now escaped that nuclear family/seen it destroyed depending on how you read it? like he remasters the entire concept of fatherhood and it’s a very interesting (if DEEPLY) unintentional subversion of the homewrecking non-nuclear gay trope. cas is so good because his character arc doesn’t say “look, gay people can be normal and have perfect settled families just like you” it says “gay people DON’T have normal settled families actually and they are full of love anyways! or Because of the abnormalcy itself!) 
to cite ziz lesbianyuugi again he DOES queer fatherhood in his parenting of jack particularly because it really is one of the ONLY parent-child relationships in the show that breaks the incessant cycle of abuse and control and cold indifference perpetuated by the authorfathergod (a cycle reified in 15x20 lol). like god’s treatment of cas and his siblings mirrors john’s treatment of sam and dean (particularly dean) mirrors victor’s treatment of krissy and her crew mirrors dean’s later treatment of jack. there is a CONSTANT reiteration of the story of authorfathergod (often a father tightly entwined in biological kinship) treating a child as a mechanism or a tool or a means to an end. and cas looks at ALL that he has suffered and all that he is ever known and chooses constantly to reject it with every piece of love he expresses for his child. and not to sound like the kind of academic people make fun of on twitter but there is an INHERENT queerness to that. gay love will pierce through [the veil of death/the thick silence of abuse/the mechanism of godly control/hegemonic american masculinity] and save the day
anyways here are some very haphazard recs on everything above for further reading:
angels in america (tony kushner)
histrionics of the pulpit: trans tonalities of religious enthusiasm
the public universal friend: religious enthusiasm in revolutionary america
discipline and punish (michel foucault)
friendship as a way of life (michel foucault)
the genesis of blame (recommended by @pietacastiel who has GREAT theology content in general
all about love (bell hooks)
the chapter “when hated characters talk back” in anti-fandom: dislike and hate in the digital age (is actually explicitly about cas)
also cannot recommend enough following the ppl i tagged above!! most of the unlinked stuff is available through http://libgen.li/ and bookshop is a good alternative to amazon if ur american and want physical copies
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merotm-a · 2 years
  you know .... ever since i remade + switched from being t//wst main to fandomless i’ve had some things i wanted to get off my chest about it all. and i think i’m gonna do it now because it does affect my ability sometimes to get on and write on this blog. pls go ahead and blacklist ‘vent.’ if ur not interested in seeing this post but i just have had enough of thinking on it. 
  this is like a rpc callout tbh 
  for me, personally, i can’t enjoy the series or writing in the verse as much as i did before bc of things that go on in this rpc sometimes (not all the time or at least not that i’m aware of nor do i wanted to be made aware of more than i already know). 
  first of all, the division in this place is terrible for lack of a better term. if u end up being ostracized from one group you’ve essentially lost like half of the potential writing partners in this space. if this fandom were bigger, getting pushed out or cut off or what have you wouldn’t be so bad but it’s not a big fandom so it’s like ‘ oh well ’ if that happens. secondly - and idk if it’s just bc i only talk to like two or three people consistently enough so i’m out of the loop or whatever - the amount of ooc shit talking that goes on behind the scenes away from the public eye is frankly appalling. there is no reason why there are little groups dedicated to talking shit about other rpers in the fandom. if you have a problem with someone, you can go talk to them. 
  if you don’t like someone, just block them or blacklist their tag or whatever you need to do to have a peace of mind. that’s what i do when my mutuals interact with ppl i don’t like or i have blocked. i just move on. y’know, like a normal person. literally no excuse to be in dms saying awful things about people or making people feel shitty like they might get blocked just because they disagree with you on something or for whatever other silly little reason that may be ( like you just talk to someone they don’t like or have a problem with ). 
  why is there always this constant feeling of walking on egg shells ??? the tumblr rpc can be toxic; i know i’ve been here since like 2012. but this is on a different level since i’ve been on this platform. 
  regarding the pro vs. anti stuff that goes on in this rpc ( i literally never came into contact with this stuff much until i got here ). now, i am personally someone who adheres to the ‘you do you’ mentality. i have content i won’t write and that i wouldn’t be fine seeing from my mutuals hence why i either unfollow or block someone if they write said content; i leave people alone to write what they write. THAT ALL BEING SAID, this is a public platform, so when you write stuff that is publicly frowned upon, you really shouldn’t be that surprised when people have issues with it or give it attention bc, you know, you’re putting it out there. people being rightfully uncomfortable when you write sensitive subjects isn’t “”harassment”” and certainly doesn’t make you a victim. 
  on the flip side, i personally think that you can’t just jump to conclusions based on what someone writes right off the bat since quite a few of us also write for fandoms that are violent or have darker topics woven into the narrative and doing so can come across as being bad faith and lacking nuance. a lot of my evaluation is based on the intention of the writer ( why are you writing this ? are you doing it respectfully ? do you really HAVE to incorporate this into your character / story - if it’s original for an oc or hc for a canon ). frankly, if you’re writing downright terrible things because you get off on it then it shouldn’t come as a surprise that people will criticize or ostracize you; you’re not treating the subject matter with the appropriate time and respect it deserves. and not only that, instead of writing such a thing privately, by writing it on a public platform you are subjecting it to people who could potentially read it and judge it.
  saying that i support murder because i have a character that kills someone is downright stupid and it takes away any nuance in this line of thinking. 
  everyone does have a responsibility to curate their own space to navigate the internet as much as possible but they also have a responsibility to not subject others to unwarranted, unwanted and potentially triggering content ( either through having a proper tagging system or writing this stuff privately or on another website ). 
  the pressure to have labels in this rpc is dumb imo because they really don’t explain everything that person is thinking or what they actually support. you can be an ‘ anti ‘ but still be okay with writing a toxic dynamic between two characters provided it’s done right. you can be ‘ pro ‘ but not support certain things like CP or n*ncon. it’s dumb. it’s pointless. idk why this rpc is rampant with this issue in particular but it’s one of the main reasons that so much shit goes on. 
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pooklet · 4 years
Simblr Community Challenge by @amelettes
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tagged by @lilith-sims !
How long have you been playing the Sims? - since late 2001/early 2002. i don't remember when exactly. i know that i had been aware of the sims since the game was released and desperately wanted to play it but we didn't have a computer i could play it on for a couple years. when i was finally able to get it, i was allowed two expansions. i picked livin' large and then spent fully a week debating whether my second ep should be house party or hot date, which had just been released. (fwiw i chose hot date.)
How long have you been a Simblr, and why did you become one? - since may 2010. @skulldilocks and i both joined then, back when having a simblr was mostly comprised of curating an image board of other ppl's pictures that you liked so you wouldn't have to comb through gos threads or livejournals when you wanted to look at them. it was basically proto-pinterest. i didn't start posting content on my simblr until i started playing ts3 in 2012, after a year-or-so break from the community. inevitably, i wandered back to ts2.
What type of Simblr are you? - content poster/off-topic garbage blog/cat gif hoarder. i don't rly post gameplay pics here, those go on dreamwidth, cuz i'm stuck in my ways and i like long-form entries. i never could get the hang of posting legacies and stuff on simblr one or two pictures at a time, it's just too piecemeal and easy for me to lose track of.
Which generation of Sims do you primarily play? - ts2! ‘tis my forever game, both cuz it’s the devil i know and cuz it holds such a special place in my heart for being the means through which i met my wife. :) we still play it together constantly and have as much of a ball with it as we did ten years ago (tho at the moment we’re both way into darkest dungeon). i rly enjoy ts3 as an occasional thing but often get overwhelmed by the hugeness of it, not to mention keeping two cc folders organized. i was interested in ts4 at first but the more i hear about it the less likely it is that i’ll ever play it lol. but i’m super pumped for paralives and if it continues to look awesome i’ll probs play it when it comes out!!
tagging: @skulldilocks obvs, @lilithpleasant who has likely already been tagged a billion times, @leaf-storm and @brattylulu​
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miru667 · 4 years
A few notes on Audrey (and the Once-ler)
I’ve gotten a lot of new followers lately and also a lot of words of support and kindness from so many ppl, so I first wanna say thank you, you know who you are and it all means more than i can say ♥
I’ve been asked to explain more on what I think about Audrey and the Once-ler as a ship, so I’ll use this space to talk.
And I think I’ll first talk about Audrey. When I draw Audrey nowadays I’m really only drawing my own Audrey OC or my friends’ Audrey OCs, and we’ve all made them different ages from the canon Audrey in the 2012 movie. Everyone’s Onceler ocs are different ages, so why not Audrey ocs? I’ve seen Audreys as young as 5 and as old as 60. This isn’t unusual at all for the onceler fandom; it’s this level of imagination and creativity that has kept the fandom going for over 8 years. I haven’t drawn canon Audrey in a rly long time (but maybe I could again someday, who knows).
I headcanoned my own Audrey as 15-16 during the movie, and I made a mainverse askblog for her back in 2012 which took place right after the movie’s plot had finished. In 2018 I then revisited her to rp her in a zombie apocalypse AU, BUT I wanted to start her story with her already being a seasoned zombie slayer, so I pretended some years have passed since her mainverse days and made her 18. That is the only reason I aged her up.
And true to the OG onceler fandom, my friends and I then made more AUs, so I kept my Audrey at 18 or older since I got used to it. She actually should be 24 right now if I used her mainverse askblog as a starting point and let her age in real-time (which is what a lot of onceler fandom mods have done with their characters), but I have a couple college AUs with my friends for example so I kept her younger than 24 for those.
Being passionate about your own versions of the movie’s characters, changing them a little (or a lot), putting them in AUs, letting them grow up, this is all natural onceler fandom-brand progression for any person who invests themselves in a lorax-related oc for longer than a few months.
You are free to agree or disagree with changing a character’s age. Please curate your own fandom experience by ignoring, blacklisting or blocking content you don’t want to see.
As for shipping, if you got to know me at all then you'd know that i actually very rarely ship or think about ships in any fandom, relative to everything else i engage in/share/talk about. I know you guys have seen me talk about 7212 but that was only cuz I was prompted, even tho it’s my fandom otp. Shipping just isn’t a big part of my life at all in the grand scheme. I’ll say like 2 things about a ship i think is neat and then just move on usually.
That said, I DO ship my non-canon Audrey with my friends’ characters for fun once in a blue moon, and a few of those characters ARE Once-lers, also non-canon. But we have always agreed beforehand that they are the same or similar ages, and that they’re both consenting adults. I’ll do my best to mention this detail in the tags or description of any audrey ship art i draw and post, and please let me know in private if I forget to. I’m extremely uncomfortable at the thought of a teen with an adult, and I do not condone it.
Some other odds and ends...I’ve portrayed my Audrey having a celebrity crush on the Once-ler before in mainverse, but it was obviously one-sided and never to be reciprocated. I think that’s pretty normal for a teenage girl. I also have my Audrey’s Ted crushing on her, but that won’t be reciprocated romantically either.
When I have reblogged non-oc audler before, I have always assumed that they were both consenting adults as well. Audler is a crackship, which means it can’t ever exist in canon, which means we are free to imagine space and time shenanigans for Audrey and Onceler to have met while they were similar ages. People age down Norma to ship her with a young Once-ler when they don’t even know either character’s canon ages (like who knows, what if old onceler and grammy norma are actually 10 yrs apart?), but in young normaler art we think of them as similar ages. So the same can be applied to audler art as well. We should just think they’re mostly the same age for our own mental peace.
I have tagged a few posts/reblogs with #audler even if it looked like they were just friends in the picture - this is to keep people who have blacklisted audler as safe as possible while still getting to make my blog my own personal organized space. I reblog art mostly because I like the execution/style; the content is actually of lower importance to me. If you read the tags I write in my non-onceler-fandom reblog blog, you can see i am 90% of the time gushing about how beautiful the lighting is etc and only 10% of the time saying i love the character or ship. or at least that’s how it feels like in my head. im here to look at art, not ships.
I understand if there are still people who are uncomfortable with all this and you’re of course allowed to not interact with any of it. I am not interested in engaging in drama or discourse but I think a lot of new people in the fandom must not be familiar with how the fandom has been working since the beginning and the things we had collectively agreed upon in the fandom since the beginning, so I hope this post helps clear up some confusions.
Thank you for reading if you’ve made it this far and thank you to all my followers for supporting me and sticking with me and being interested in my stuff, it really means the world to me. Please stay safe and let’s hope the new year is better.
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causticsunshine · 3 years
twenty questions
tagged by @are-you-quite-finished-giovanna thank you babe!! 🥰
1. why did you choose your url?
simply put i adore louis and i like purple and it just rolled off the tongue lol, but i also had a list of possible urls i also liked and i had to snatch this one up while i could!
2. any side blogs?
yes i have four....i'm not one of those 'everything goes on main and you can deal with it' type people.... but i have an inspiration blog @prickelndauge (art insp, lots of fashion, cool photography), an art-only blog @swmpwxtch, one just for spooky/creepy content because i'm really into horror manga and scary movies and that kind of stuff but i keep it off of main because i know a lot of it can often be triggering to others! (i also don't post much there but @bonepickng) and one for art references, life tips, random resources, and more donation sharing @am-ref!
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
soooo long i thought i'd be gone by now tbh. i know i signed up in 2011 after just browsing the site through random blogs and tags for ages, but i didn't start actively using my own account until early 2012!
4. do you have a queue tag?
when i actually remember to tag things i have queued i'll use 'i'm sleep queue' because all my early morning posts everyday are queued....i am an insomniac rip
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
keeping up with my interests better! i was like 15/16 at the time so it made sense. back in Ye Olde Days much like now—i really have come full circle lmao—it was mostly just for 1d and then some random tv shows/franchises i just to see content of semi-often, as well as finding cool art!
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
rn it's just a regular pic of louis! as much as i like using my collages or little edits as my icons, you can't see much of anything and it looks too busy sometimes (but also the photo i have rn....i am always thinking thoughts about it soooo)
7. why did you choose your header?
it's pretty! i wanted everything to follow a color scheme + i love embroidery and fancy gowns!
8. what's your post with the most notes?
ok i thought it was gonna be one of my old larry chibi doodles because i know a few of them hit 1k+ notes, but i deleted those in 2017 and apparently now it's this 6 year old like....funky photo study i did of dan howell from 2015 when i still watched him and amazingphil a lot?? i mean at least it's something i was once proud of lmao....there's a few art posts i have with semi decent notes that i pretend i Do Not See
9. how many mutuals do you have?
i think rn 40 something so not very many, although i unfollowed a lot of people i was moots with when i left my last fanbase so that's probably why 😬 i've been meaning to check out more HL/ot5 people though!! i love mutual interaction but i'm afraid of being annoying if i'm any degree of attentive
10. how many followers do you have?
overall i have almost 2.4k rn, but there's a decent amount that are totally inactive or at least don't interact with me so it feels like....a lot less lmao but since re-joining 1d i've already made up like all the people i lost when i left my other fanbase of almost three and more so thank you for actually liking my work and maybe me as well 🥺💗
11. how many ppl do you follow?
around 370 rn!
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
half of the stuff that comes out of my mouth is a shitpost fdngjkdf like my tags are bad enough lmao, no one needs to properly share the bs i have to say
13. how often do you use tumblr?
pretty regularly rn but there are times i'll go completely MIA depending on what i'm into/how busy i am!
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog?
in the past i have had some....issues with other people i've met on here but never directly had confrontation with them? most of the time that's happened i figure it's been one-sided though because i can get irritated with certain behavior really quickly—like i always say my heart is big and open but my bullshit tolerance is dangerously low—but when that's the case i'll just unfollow or block without saying anything?
although back in the day there was one instance (and seriously if anyone remembers this you deserve a medal because this shit was Ridiculous) where i kinda but not really called out another 1d fanartist who posted untagged noncon fanart they'd done of at least two of the boys, and then acted like it was no big deal (like. 1. those are irl people my dude and 2. untagged noncon art?? in front of my salad??) and their friends kept defending them for it and tried to come for me claiming i was a proponent of Purity Culture when i'm not and literally all i said in my post on it was that in my own opinion it was kinda fucked up to draw noncon art of real life people—not characters played by actors! but actual real people as themselves—in the first place, but if you felt the need to post highly triggering content like that the least you could do was tag it accordingly
but i think that was the last time properly so i guess times within this fanbase are still chaotic as ever just in a different way?
15. how do you feel about "you need to rb this" posts?
Annoyed™️ like don't guilt trip me over a post lmao i do what i want !!
16. do you like tag games?
YES i love to talk about myself after years of trying not to show any personality online out of fear of judgement dfjkngdf
17. do you like ask games?
yes! i want to do them more but i'm always afraid of reblogging one and then getting nothing and looking like a Fool :'(
18. which one of your mutuals is tumblr famous?
i guess i have a few moots that are kinda well-known or at least get good interaction within the community we're a part of? also isn't that phrase kind of an oxymoron at this point adfjkdf
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
not past platonic friendly affection lmao but honestly what is it like to have a realistic crush on an actual tangible person versus someone in the public eye who doesn't even know i exist.....it's been so long and i am so lonely please send help
20. tags?
@niallnailme @bolitodequeso @milkcurls @exzouis @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk @got-my-devotion @aliensyndrome uhhh anyone who'd like to please consider yourself tagged by me! literally if there was an 'all my moots' button i'd just pick that lmao and as always no pressure/sorry if you've already done this and i haven't seen!
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palmett-hoes · 4 years
Hi, I really loved your post with the monsters as Birds of Prey! Was wondering if you had any thoughts on the Foxes as Marvel or Mcu characters? I feel like I could see Dan as Carol Danvers and Andrew for sure is Jessica Jones, idk about the rest.
oh wow old post!!
haha unfortunately i’m not really a comics person so i don’t feel like i can really give the best analysis possible, but i have seen most of the mcu movies and bits and pieces of the netflix show so i’ll try my best. also im using dc characters too bc i want to
1. Dan: I think your instinct with Dan as Captain Marvel is spot-on (at least uhhh,, based on the movie lol sorry comics ppl). Her direct, forceful powers and fighting style are definitely reminiscent of dan’s no-nonsense leadership approach. similarly the themes of overcoming sexism and acceling in a male-dominated industry in the captain marvel movie is pretty much the same as dan’s story establishing herself as the first female exy captain (tho sports is way more valid than the military). plus there’s a lot of emphasis on love and friendship between women that dan is ALL about. also lashana lynch would be a god tier dan wilds fc. Dan could also def have that lawful good Okoye from Black Panther energy. Loyal, disciplined, no-nonsense leader. no powers except discipline. no hair. also danai gurira in 2012 with the dreads and the sword and the cape on TWD was definitely part of my middle school sexual awakening
2. Kevin: Aquaman. this is based pretty much exclusively on the fact that jason momoa is my #1 kevin fc and also that Pasifika kevin is phenomenal and mandatory, actually. otherwise i think he has a decent amount of stick-up-the-ass cyclops energy. or dick grayson nightwing energy but i don’t have any evidence for why. kinda looks like him tho
3. Andrew: andrew gets the most characters bc he’s my favorite. i think ur jessica jones instincts are absolutely correct, both in her storyline (i only watched the first season) and her powers. i’ve seen some powers au and the tendency seems to be giving andrew like,, psychic powers or the like, and i don’t really agree. andrew is a very direct character. he’s pragmatic, he confronts problems head on, and he doesn’t muck about in details. to me this really translates best into physical powers like super strength that help u big punch straight thru all ur problems. also i def think andrew would be not just a solo hero but a mercenary (or a detective) because he’s not altruistic enough to be a standard vigilante. he doesn’t care enough about other people to hang out on rooftops all night waiting for Crime to occur. there’s a price for that.  which brings us to the NEXT andrew hero: deadpool. maybe in personality more of a drugged andrew but the superpowered mercenary is really a perfect fit for andrew. also, healing powers have a decidedly tragic poetry to them on andrew. already he’s self-destructive, if he had a healing factor his concern for his own well-being would be so beyond rock bottom it’d be in the earth’s core. even worse when you remember that with a healing factor, as opposed to indestructibility, you still feel all the pain. which brings us to Wolverine and X-23, who have the same thematic points as deadpool but are much more of a personality match and they have knife hands, which i really think andrew would appreciate. ending that sadness train and onto another tho, andrew’s aesthetic and Vibes fit the Winter Soldier just SO well (just that movie tho, not really civil war or anything past that) and a reinterpretation of the captain america story using the twinyards would be incredibly interesting. and finally, one last hero that would work really well for andrew: rogue, only remove the angst around not being able to touch people, andrew would love that. one touch and their comatose? baller. don't fucking touch him.
4. Matt: Shazam. I didn’t see the shazam movie but my dad and brother did and they said it was very funny and all the trailors looked like it had a lot of fun himbo energy and i really think that fits. in terms of matching himbo disaster energy i think i’ve heard good things about comics hawkeye (not mcu). thor?
5. Aaron: Mr. Fantastic. now this might be a stretch but aaron is a character who uses a skin-deep veneer of anger to cover the fact that he’s actually quite pliant and bends to other people’s wills. and he’s a doctor or w/e. he could alse be like,, antman. he’s smart right? hank pym not paul rudd. katelyn can be wasp
6. Seth: Arm Fall Off Boy. no i will not elaborate.             ..... ugh fine, but i'm using my favorite piece of superhero media of all time: x-men evolution, the one where they're all teenagers in public high school. seth can be lance alvers/avalanche who’s a bit of a jerk and has a lot of issues with authority and has a rivalry with cyclops very reminiscent of seth with kevin, but still there’s the recurring theme that he’s lashing out because of low self-esteem and a bad situation and he’s a surprisingly sympathetic character who i’m very fond of. his power is earthquakes but i think the name makes that pretty self-explanatory
7. Allison: Iron Man. cocky, bitchy, and rich rich rich. sounds like allison to me. then to elevate it a level higher: emma frost, rich bitch extraordinaire. also if allison had telepathic powers she would be unstoppable. plus one more bitchy, morally-gray blonde (but chaotic this time): Harley Quinn
8. Nicky: Okay so I do wanna give a quick shout-out to Northstar, the first openly gay comicbook superhero, who’s a speedster which I’d actually say fits Nicky pretty well. However, if i had to choose a superhero to represent nicky in presence and powers it would have to be Jubilee from x-men (... from what i’ve heard lol. i’ve never actually consumed any of her Media hahaha anyway) she’s a joyful, energetic presence and her powers are setting off fireworks which i think is a good balance of nicky being a supportive cousin-parent AND a chaotic train wreck garbage trash man. also gonna throw in johnny storm for a cheap 'flaming' joke
9. Renee: Thunder/Blackbird from Black Lightning bc she’s a fufkin lesbian lol. (i don’t watch the show but i do follow nafessa williams’s tag). now the fr ones i’m gonna do together because to me they have the same Vibes so i chose them for the same reasons. Wonder Woman and Storm who to me have the same  reserved, impartial, regal energy. honestly ethereal and somewhat otherwordly, and quite literally goddesses. also op as hell.  black widow and her “red in my leger” looking for redemption story also fits thematically.
10. Neil: okay lazy answer first: the flash or quicksilver. get it? because they run fast? and neil run too? yea i like to think i've proven myself to be better than such a surface level interpretation but worth the mention ig. so for srs now, mystique and her shape changing powers would be an interesting interpretation of neil's identity issues, but i wanna push it a step further. nightcrawler would actually be possibly the MOST interesting hero to apply to neil 1. because powers still very movement go fast place to place 2. because of the thematic focus on neil's unusual looks and the lengths he goes to hide them, very much in line with the way nightcrawler will use a hologram-projector in order to look human, yet in both cases it's only a surface-level illusion, and 3. his parentage. here, mary would be mystique, which i also think works very well considering mary seemed to be the far more effective chameleon on the run than neil, and also fits with her place as a morally grey character, as mystique herself is often a villain or an antagonist, with her own agenda and shadowy motives. then nathan matches well with nightcrawler's father: azazel, a literal demon, and also where kurt gets his appearance. it's a shockingly coherent narrative between the three of them. then, to also give neil some powers that aren't contingent on his fucked up geneology and rather on his own merit and abilities, Black Canary and her sonic voice parallel the way that neil began to anchor his identity and take ownership over himself through his voice and his sick roasts
and 1 extra, wymack: batman, on account of his altruism, his dedication to second chances, and his many, many adopted children
anon, ik it's been a sec since you sent this, so i hope it gets back to you. i had a fun time with it and it prompted like,,, 7 different au s that i'll never write
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Fandoms & Me
Spoiler: this is gonna to be a long-ass post
OK so I did a not-so-little list of questions about fandoms because I needed an excuse to talk and I wanted to do a sort of a recap for 2020.
Feel free to use it, as a tag game, as a 1 like= 1 answer.. Whatever you want!
Also yes the format is inspired by another list of questions about shipping lmao. (I have to finish it btw....)
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I had been reading Fairy Tail and One Piece fics before but the first fandom I really got into is Harry Potter!
Well technically I started reading on Skyrock lmao. But the first true platform dedicated to fics I used was FFnet
I think it was Tomarry and Drarry
I'm really focused on the MCU and its fandom currently but I do enjoy content from other fandoms sometimes (like HP, SPOP, Lore Olympus…)
FROSTIRONSTRANGE. Ironstrange and frostiron are my second faves. I discovered frostiron while I was watching the MCU (I mean.... IT'S SO EVIDENT????) and started reading fics about it. Ironstrange was also evident but frostiron was first. For frostironstrange it was with the @frostironstrange blog (and their fic on Ao3) and it's later that I really jumped on the ironstrange and strangefrost wagon.
Yep. I'm very focused on my main ships but I'm always ready to enjoy good content about other ships I like. Especially beautiful fanarts and cool headcanons.
Obviously. I could die for polyships. They make my little heart go doki doki *loud sniffles*. Apart for frostironstrange there is also Draco/Harry/Tom, avengers OT6 (or more), Sam/Steve/Bucky......... Basically if I can polyship I will.
I love the 2012 avengers fics' headcanons. And I think I have a lot of headcanon I like for HP but it's because the fandom basically rewrote the whole universe. HP belongs to the fandom and Mrs Dementor can eat my ass.
I'm firmly pro-ship: ship and let ship, your kink is not my kink and it's okay, I'll never condone harassment and hate in fandoms. I encourage ppl to use tools they have blocking, muting unfollowing, to curate their online experience.
Well 2020 basically brought me everything. A new fandom, a new ship to dedicate my whole soul to. I discovered Ao3 (and THAT'S amazing). I started actively reading and talking in English (very proud). And most of all: I started WRITING FICS and even tried to DRAW. I mean. There was so little content, I had so many ideas for this ship. I decided to start creating the content I searched for. ALSO I COMMISSIONED FOR THE FIRST TIME AN AMAZING FANART SKXJSKXJSK. And I discovered amazing people to talk with and share about ours ships 💖💖💖💖
Huum... It's really rare for me to like a fic writer so much that I go read everything they wrote. But there are some French fic writers in the HP fandoms who's fics I absolutely love (one of them is Magouille on FFnet). And I think I admire Rosae on Ao3 a lot.
I discovered Rosae (@frostironstrange) year! Their works introduced me to frostironstrange, the amount of content and headcanons they created for frostironstrange is truly amazing. It really inspires me and encourages me to create as much content as I want to.
Yep. I'm thinking about several fics. One of them is Vlad Kemenov ou la Vengeance des Potter, a French Harry Potter fic written by Magouille on FFnet. It's truly excellent! It starts as Vlad Kemenov growing up in the Russian magic mafia's circles and the author creates a whole universe around it. The characters, the ideas, the plot, the several political/diplomatic etc intrigues over the years are so well written. It's truly captivating and a fabulous jewel.
There is also The Black Heir by FirePhoenix8 on FFnet, an excellent Tomarry fic in English.
Revenge is so sweet in French by Elisabeth Canden on FFnet. SO GOOD but alas abandoned.
Very known, it's the most famous HP fic but Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. I only read the first 20 chapters of this last Fic but trust me. In the first chapter I understood why it was one of the most popular HP fic. Genius.
And also An Aunt's love by Emma Lipardi on FFnet in English is excellent as well.
I didn't read a lot this year but I loved:
Worldbuilding is important by Rosae on Ao3 (amazing frostironstrange smut)
Kinktober 2018 fics by Meshkol on Ao3 (god-level written smuts...... Just. Wow. It takes my breath away)
Iron infinity by DuncanIdaho2014 on FFnet, this is an infinity War fix it fic with Tony being an atrocious Gary Tsu. It's one of the first mcu fics I read and I have a fond spot for epic Gary Tsu (and Mary Sue as well).
Poetic Justice by Limmet. OF COURSE, a true frostiron reference. the first longfic I read in English.
Collared by HogwartsToAlexandria, an amazing ironstrange fic....... Wow. WOW. So well written..... And I love D/s fics......
Il souriait by Asrial on FFnet in French.... It's Tony being Ares' reincarnation and WOW. WOOW. BAMF Tony Stark, homoerotism, interesting spiritual vision
Shit I forgot to put this number. It's the ghost-question.
My favorite fanartists are @sed269, @Kraionis, @Blackrain1019 (on Twitter), @hackedmotionsensors, @fu-king-liar, mokonosuke7, @batwynn..... OH MY GOD THERE IS SO MUCH INCREDIBLY TALENTED AND AMAZING ARTISTS I WANT TO THANK THEM SO MUCH. Their art is always breathtaking 😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖💖 I honestly can't list all the awesome fanartists we're blessed to have.
Literally all of the fanarts of the artists listed above lmao. ❤️ But ok, I'm fond of every frostironstrange fanarts, I always keep a list of them lmaooo. (especially fond of the one I commissioned of course 💖💖💖)
I love all these ppl giving recs and headcanons for their ships. It's so precious. Thank you so much.
I also love ppl creating incorrect quotes like @shinindragon for frostiron, @salty-ironstrange-shipper and @stark-strange-love2 for ironstrange.
Currently my wallpaper is this absolutely breathtaking and gorgeous fanart by @sed269 💕💕💕💕 I can't express how much this is truly an outstanding work of art. My love for it is unlimited.
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20. Okay, to be perfectly honest I almost created this list of questions only for this question and the next.
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22. Well. I always have so many ideas I'm overwhelmed most of the time but I love creating things (fics, headcanons, incorrect quotes...) with these ideas to share them.
Content call content. Ideas call ideas.
Also, my advice is: ALWAYS NOTE YOUR IDEAS. ALL OF THEM. even the silly ones, the embarrassing ones, the most self-indulgent ones... Bc no u won't remember clearly all of them without noting them. Bc they can always grow into more. Bc the more you note, the more you have ideas
23. There are so many WIPs I'm excited for.... I think one day I'll dedicate a whole thread/post about them. (I feel too lazy to talk about all of them rn lmao)
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elfgremlin · 4 years
i was tagged by @mindoir !! thank u love <3
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
tagging: whoever wants to do this! tag me as the person who tagged u if you’d like~
name/nickname: siana/anna
gender: nonbinary (she/they tho any pronoun ig is fine)
star sign: libra
height: 5′1 (almost 5′2)
time: 5:17 pm
birthday: sep 23
favourite bands: listen i’m just kpop trash rn... pentagon, monsta x, ateez, nct, oneus, stray kids, dreamcatcher
favourite solo artists: dawn, ashnikko, jessi, taemin, wonho
song stuck in my head: dawndididawn by dawn and also criminal by taemin
last movie: rudolph the red-nosed reindeer but it’s the circus edition 
last show: i don’t watch tv really so the last thing i watched/still am watching is a let’s play of majora’s mask *again*
when did I create this blog: this one specifically like 2018-2019 i think but my og blog i’ve been here since ............. 2011? 2012?
what do I post: everything, i used to be a game blog but i’m just vibing bay bee
last thing googled: can’t pee in a cup reddity
do I get asks: sometimes! i really enjoy them!
why I chose my url: i’m a gremlin that wishes they were an elf
following: 2k
followers: 340 (on old blog 3k)
average hours of sleep: 3-8
lucky number: 5, 10, 20, 50, and multiples of 2
instruments: my instrument is my throat
what am I wearing: joggers and a big ole t-shirt from the men’s section in walmart
dream job: honestly i wanna be a youtuber, but doing something funny. i wanna make ppl laugh and have a fun time, or sing
dream trip: anywhere but america, i’d love to go back to germany
last book I read: illuminae by kaufman and kristoff (still reading, super interesting book composed of websites and letters and emails and articles, you gotta piece it together yourself)
favourite food: tempura mushroom sushi OOGOGHGHHH i want it so bad
nationality: american
favourite song: 대동단결 by monsta x
top three fictional universes: dragon age, mass effect, loz 
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brightlotusmoon · 4 years
hiiii umm you commented on one of my fics so i checked ur stories out and u have a ton of empath / psychic mikey fics that i put on my to read list! turns out ur tumblr is the same name as ur ao3 so here i am :) its a popular hc that mikey is an empath because of some stuff in 2012 about the kraang dimension and his neurodivergence. or so i thought bc i did some digging and this hc seems to precede 2012. youve been in the fandom longer than most and im not calling u old i swear T^T i just want to ask what made empath mikey so popular. dont get me wrong i love it and im writing a huuuge fic about it (8 chaps in already!) so i hope u dont think im questioning its validity ;-;
i can message u on my blog btw if u want 🥺 i have autism and adhd too and i always love talking to neurodivergent ppl about my interests
Well, uhh... it's popular because... I made it popular. *looks left, looks right* I might have started a trend.
So, back in the 2000s, I had written this really long fic called Cold Fire that got around and then I noticed that other writers were doing similar things that I had done, and then life got busy for a decade, and when I came back I rewrote the whole thing for 2012 Mikey, and then I met @ulisabarbic-blog who had been writing Empath Mikey for 1987 and 2003, and I guess it went on from there? And I found that a bunch of fans had been discussing psychic Mikey ideas and neurodivergent turtle ideas. And I genuinely don't know if I got that snowball rolling or not. Because in the early 2010s I became friends with the very people who coined Neurodivergent and Cousin Neurologies, and started my own advocacy, and it wasn't until after my own autism diagnosis in 2013 that I even saw the word neurodivergence in fandom. I joined Tumblr in 2016, but it took a good couple of years before I saw Autism and ADHD headcanons other than my own in the TMNT fandom. I really pushed for Mikey's ADHD to be noticed. Then I pushed to call him autistic. And then I saw other fans doing it. I don't know if I got any of it started, but I know I at least influenced Mikey being psychic throughout the fandom after 2012. Because literally all my fics are about that.
Also, you can call me old, I might as well be in this fandom with how most of the Elder Fans aren't around much anymore!
Also, I know I at least helped push the headcanons about Mikey's ADHD until it became canon. Donnie was always suspected autistic (back in 2003 it was Aspergers before that was folded into Just Autism It's All Just Autism, plus, as I'm Jewish, Asperger's work with Nazi doctors upsets me) but he was stereotyped.
I call Mikey Girl Autistic, because autism in women wasn't studied as much, same with ADHD, also Autism Speaks Light It Up Blue Campaign made it so much worse ANYWAY-
I tend to write entire master theses on why the Ninja Turtles are each autistic. Actually, I have tags about it!
I wanna read your fic, go ahead and message me about it!
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zusollen-writes · 4 years
21 questions tag
nobody tagged me but i wanted to do this, took it from @percvalx who said anyone could do this :p
name: i am in between names to use online bc i dont wanna use my real name. atm i guess it’s Liekki but im not that excited abt that name
nickname: my best friends call me myrs
zodiac: libra
favorite music/bands: lately i’ve been listening to Billie Eilish a lot, my faves change a lot tho. Chill music is my go-to usually tho
favorite sports team: i don’t follow sports at all
other blogs: @/jyrs-kuur is my main
do you get asks: no :/ (i did get some writeblr event asks but i didn’t have time to answer and now i don’t get anything. on either blog but it’s whatever)
how many blogs do you follow: 307
tumblr crushes:@rhikasa @adaparkwrites @livvywrites are my top 3 atm, all writeblrs who seem nice :3
lucky number: i dont have such a thing
what are you wearing rn: a striped shirt and an orange skirt
dream vacation: in the forest away from ppl
dream car: i don’t want cars i want ridiculously convenient public transport
favorite food: soups? vegetables?
drink of choice: water or tea
instruments: viola (10+years), piano (self-taught), guitar (self-taught), i can also play the violin, and a little bit cello and drums and electric bass
languages: finnish, english, some german, swedish, dutch and japanese, plus a little basic french, basque, spanish and italian
celebrity crush: none
random fact: i have been on tumblr since 2012
favorite ecosystem: can’t pick favorites!!! nature is so interesting!!!!!
favorite cat: i guess appearance-wise norwegian forest cat
i’m just gonna go ahead and tag @shamelesswordcinnamonroll and whoever else wants to do this also
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chobanist · 4 years
thank you to @the-optimist-hoper-dreamer for tagging me! i love talking about myself for no reason at all so i vibe.  name: Evani but I also go by Chobani like the yogurt lol
sexuality: Bisexual
gender: F
hogwarts house: I took the quiz and im 98% sure im a ravenclaw but I actually never watched or read the series bc I wasn’t allowed to until I turned 18
time: 1:02 PM (EST)
Cats or dogs: I really love both, I’ve also had both! Dogs are more energetic and I loved coming home to see my dog waiting for me in the window and then to run up to the door to greet me. But I also like coming home to see my cat slowly slink over bc she wants pets.
favourite animal: the pangolin! I think they’re so cute and really neat
dream job: realistically, it would be working in bioremediation or remediation at all, i tend to like research more than industry but either is interesting to me. not as realistic but still a possibility: working for the AMES center in NASA doing microbiology astrobio research or being a professor who does microbiology focused astrobio work. This is like god-tier dream job no lie i actually picked my major bc i started reading more about astronomy and i ended up reading that one infamously retracted paper about organisms that utilize arsenic over phosphates lol and then my friend bought me the oxford press intro book for astrobio and i fell in love love. also about that researcher!! omg he came to a conference i was at but i missed his speech by a day bc i had class :( but he was doing more work with arsenic and someone asked him about his retracted paper and he like threw a fit and started blaming his grad student fully and completely. it was insane omg anyway yea kids always think critically about the papers u read and cross reference when you can
when i made this blog: April 2014 but I had another blog before this one (lol when I was still a homestuck) and like that was probably made in 2011/2012. i actually ended up meeting one of my oldest friends through that blog! 
reason for my url: I wanted a new URL and Chobani is my nickname (and discord name, if u wanna talk to me ask for my discord or smth) and my best friend threw out chobanist and I took it
Tagging: @the-4am-crew @aestheticemoji @polymorphicsentientrocknroll @junebloom21
i forget how many ppl i had to tag lol but obviously dont feel pressured to do it, i just felt lame by not tagging anyone also i think ur all p neat 
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