#so I'm saying this with complete love in my heart for my fellow bisexuals and esp bi women
oasatelematics · 2 years
being bisexual really humbles you like randomly snapping out of the static noise of being in love and realising damn im really going googoo gaga starry eyes and so on over a guy who is literally just some guy
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gellavonhamster · 4 months
Tagged by the lovely @mushiemellows to post four characters that make me say "my man, my man, my man." Hehe.
Quincey Morris. THE Gothic horror cowboy ever - not that there are too many Gothic horror cowboys, which must be because most filmmakers can't handle his sheer power and don't include him in the movie adaptations of Dracula (and the adaptations that do include him don't do him much justice, though they get a cookie from me for trying). Brave, compassionate, a "rough fellow" and a "gallant gentleman" at the same time. Tells a girl who rejected him he'll be okay with just remaining her friend and then actually proves himself a great friend, wow. Would totally die for his friends, would totally speak exaggerated Texan slang just to make Lucy smile. Super hot and ~manly~ according to Jack "Bisexual Disaster" Seward and pretty much everyone else. There's a post of mine gushing about him in the Dracula Daily book, which is a tiny bit embarrassing, because I've made plenty of much smarter posts about this novel, but you know what, that tracks.
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2. Porthos from BBC's The Musketeers specifically. I'm kind of a fake Three Musketeers fan, because I've read the novels and enjoyed them a lot, but when it comes to the main characters, I highly prefer them in this historically inaccurate, book-inaccurate show. The original musketeers are much more complex as characters, but they're also quite shitty as people, and while I appreciate their complexity, their significantly-less-shitty working-class versions (or rather, three working-class ones and Athos the class traitor) are dearer to my heart. And Porthos, well, damn. BBC really knew what they were doing when they took Howard Charles - a very attractive man per se - and gave him leather clothes and those puffy shirts and a pirate-y bandana and an earring and a cool scar. Porthos is actually my favourite musketeer in the books as well, but the one from the show completely won my heart with his loyalty, kindness, and commitment to justice. And with being hella charming, too 👀
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3. The currently inevitable One Piece part of the list! Look, I'm a simple woman, I'm not immune to gruff but secretly kind men who are built like a brick shithouse (and buy ice cream for random kids, and tell their corrupt superiors to eat shit). So I would let Smoker do unspeakable things to me. Who said that.
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4. Caleb Brewster from Turn: Washington's Spies is one of those cases when I laid my eyes on a character and immediately thought "I guess this one's gonna be my favourite" and was absolutely right. To quote another character from the show, "he's unshaven, he's insane". Also loyal to a fault and extremely funny and reckless to the point of piloting an 18th century submarine. An absolute madlad. Every time there's some kind of a "who's hotter" poll in that fandom, I end up convinced that people understand nothing. But then again, most people probably were either Legolas girls or Aragorn girls, and I've been a Gimli girl since the age of nine.
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Tagging @jennathearcher and @murphmurphthejerk - I know what one of the answers is going to be, but I'd like to hear the other three as well ;) As always, feel free to ignore if you don't want to answer, and so on, and so forth.
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 5 months
I've been thinking of how queer-coded Eddie (from 9-1-1) is, and the way his cardiologist (a heart doctor, how symbolic!) suggested Eddie might be repressed and...
Skip this post if the concept of repressed sexuality is uninteresting to you, this is mostly me talking about myself, to spread some knowledge about repression.
Anyway. Since anyone who has read any of my posts already knows I'm unhinged beyond comprehension, there is no reputation to lose here...
I just realized that I keep saying that I think Eddie is repressed and bi, and it just hit me that maybe people don't know what I mean by that? Maybe people don't know all faces of what repressed bisexuality can look like? It's not talked about a lot, I think.
So fic writers of the world, or whoever likes to learn, let me share my personal flavor of insanity - what my repressed bisexuality has looked like at different times!
Ah yes, first stage was Buck. Outrageous, oblivious flirting with anyone pretty... Without any clue that I was in fact flirting with everyone, including other women (I'm a woman). I just thought I was joking, teasing... Until it got just a bit too intense, and I finally went "Wtf. I'm flirting now. Like seriously, to get their attention! This isn't straight. What am I doing?"
And I was definitely nowhere near ready to get out of the closet or act on these instincts, so hey, we enter stage...
2. Repressed - and aware of it. Yes, may sound bizarre. To make things even more bizarre, when I say I started to repress my behavior... I don't mean just around women!!
By that time I had a lovely, open-minded friend group, I'd always been into queer rights etc. So I definitely felt like this wasn't really anything I should hide, or be ashamed of...
But I still grew up religious, and even though I left religion behind quite early in my teens? My family didn't.
So I wanted to come out. And was scared to come out.
And somehow... The longer I stayed silent, the more the mask of conformity started to suffocate. It disturbed me, to have people think I was 100% straight.
I started to feel like I was betraying my people, other bisexuals and queers in general, by conforming, and slipping notice under the cover of heteronormativity.
I thought, why should I talk about the men I like... if I can't also talk about the women I like. It just means I'm shoving myself deeper inside the closet!
So my logical solution to this problem...
Was just stop talking. Of anyone! I became this sexless creature, no flirting, no admiring comments, no dating, nothing. Even if someone made a comment about a random person on tv... I existed in a cage, not wanting to comment on anyone's attractiveness. Simply because it felt like betrayal to talk about some part of my identity if I could not talk about all of it.
So to summarize: while it's true that some bisexuals hide under the blanket of fake straightness, and some will actually also pretend to be fully gay or lesbian...
Some of us just attempt to disappear off the map completely, and show no interest to anyone at all.
That doesn't btw necessarily have anything to do with our fantasy life - that may still be rampant. Or equally repressed in some way or another!
And we may also act differently around different people. But not necessarily. It can feel awkward or scary or "unimportant" to come out even to fellow queer friends.
The point is... There are many kinds of masks. Repression is a freaking chameleon. Everyone does it differently, even the same person can do it differently with different people, at different stages of life.
And btw, unbecoming this self-made onion of a person can be annoyingly slow and difficult. Personally I'm still not done untangling the mess I am. But maybe getting there!
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downn-in-flames · 2 years
I read your zoyalai fic and it’s amazing!! Would love to hear more of your thoughts on them 👀
i'm so glad you like the brainchild of me forcing fictional characters through the same extremely specific hell that is law school as i'm in rn 🖤
as for zoyalai thoughts: i just adore the foundation of their relationship, right from the outset in king of scars. nikolai and zoya each know each other better than anyone else knows them - nikolai, who is perpetually putting on a show and concealing any vulnerability, has zoya there seeing him at his darkest, and he trusts her with that unquestioningly. and by the end of rule of wolves, zoya has let nikolai in in the very same way. it's these two extremely powerful and competent people who have carefully crafted their different personas for self-preservation - and they're very different personas, with nikolai going for the ever-cheerful, blustering confidence and witty remarks and zoya going for the fear-inducing heart of stone and cold demeanor, but they work together. and it's just something about the way you have these two who put up so many walls for the entire world letting them down for one another that just does me in.
there’s also this line:
They said she was cruel because she’d been harmed in the past. They claimed she was cold because she just hadn’t met the right fellow to warm her. Anything to soften her edges and sweeten her disposition—and what was the fun in that? Zoya’s company was like strong drink. Bracing— and best to abstain if you couldn’t handle the kick.
and adafjkhg;ajo i cannot explain how much i adore what it says about nikolai’s perception of zoya. a part of that is personal: in a lot of ways i’m very similar to zoya in demeanor, and it rubs people the wrong way sometimes. and i’m completely fine with that, i have absolutely no interest in being palatable to everyone, but i’ve had my fair share of romantic partners who were convinced (despite my explicit disclaimers to the contrary) that i’d soften up over time, that they could “fix” that part of me somehow. and that shit’s infuriating. so i just love the fact that nikolai doesn’t like zoya in spite of her bluntness and ruthlessness, but likes her because of it.
also holy shit they're both so hot and i am a simple bisexual bitch.
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scarletttries · 1 year
hello! it's me again, dude with request about kendall roy x trans-man!reader. i saw your wedding event, so i want to make another one request, but on the subject of this event, if possible. take your time, i wish you inspiration and the best of luck in preparing for your own wedding! i don't know what exactly to tell about myself, what kind of information will be useful, but i'll try! i'm a silly goofy ukrainian trans man. i am short, i have black short hair and sad dark blue eyes. i pretend to be a bad boy, but all my friends will say with confidence that i have a heart of gold. i'm bisexual but very gay for kendall roy kldajkljdd. i don't know for sure about my dream date, but maybe it was time in nature as far away from people as possible, just me, kendall and the forest. i don't have many ideas for my wedding too, but i think i would wear a floral print black suit and a traditional ukrainian embroidered shirt (vyshyvanka). thanks in advance and with you good luck again!
Thank you so much for this request and your well wishes for my wedding! Also I love this description of you, and I ship you with a fellow bad boy with a heart of gold.... Kendall Roy! ☺️💛
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- I picture you and Kendall meeting at a campsite in the middle of the forest somewhere in Europe. You're there to enjoy to the beautiful scenery, and he's trying to find some inner peace and sense of purpose after all the bullshit the last few years of Waystar have thrown at him.
- Kendall would be confident he could survive the wilderness alone despite having no experience doing anything for himself, so don't be surprised when you offer him some help setting up a tent and he tells you he doesn't need it, despite watching him struggle with it for several hours. Eventually as it gets dark he'll come crawling back for help, impressed by how at peace you seem out in nature and sure he could learn a lot from you.
- By the end of a weekend in the forest you and Kendall will be sharing a campfire in remote sites where no-one else will bump into you, swapping stories about why you're trying to get away from it all, bonding over all the little forest creatures that try to come up to you to steal little bits of the food you brought.
- Kendall would ask for your number, saying it's just to be camping buddies, but a few days would go by and he would know deep down it's more than that. He would miss your goofy sense of humour and the way you made him laugh with his whole body, a kind of joy he couldn't remember when he last felt.
- It's less than a week later that he's asking if he can come visit you, or fly you out to see him, quickly moving your friendship to a relationship as you start to spend more and more time together. Kendall feels like you are his perfect escape from all the stresses and pressure of his life, a safe place he can be himself and rest easy with someone he trusts.
- Kendall would love the way you appreciate nature, looking at everywhere the two of you visit in a completely new way and growing to enjoy the simple things a lot more in his own life. That doesn't mean he won't occasionally beg you to stay in a five-star hotel with him, which I'm sure you won't argue with too much!
- To propose he'd hire out one of those elaborate tree houses that let you look across the top of a rainforest and have your own private, luxury cabin in the sky.
- Kendall would be so excited to go wedding suit shopping with you, torn over whether to keep his outfit as a surprise, or embrace being able to go through this whole experience together. When he sees the traditional ukrainian vyshyvanka you've picked out he would be so incredibly moved, so proud of the way you embrace your heritage and just how gorgeous you look for your perfect day together.
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sirenascales · 3 years
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-> Chuuya with a Black F!Reader who's a bit insecure because of her skin.
@furrypostsoul said: Hello admin, I hope you’re having a good day! So stoked to see a fellow bisexual bsd fan! I would politely like to request a chuuya Drabble with a black fem bisexual reader where she thought that chuuya wouldnt be interested in her romantically cause of y’know, her skin. If you could also add in scenarios where she was racially harassed in public (pls dont write this is ur not comfortable, I understand if you don’t! it’s something I want people to be aware about)
note: ahhh thank you so much for your request! i immediately had an idea as soon as I saw it and I believe I came up with a good one, especially after asking some of my pals for advice on how to tackle it! Hope you like it!
warnings: colorism, mentions of racial fetishization, microaggresion, and racism [not from Chuuya] insecure reader, angst to fluff i promise,
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"I still don't understand why it takes so long to do your hair... aren't you just getting braids?" The confused look on Chuuya's face was honestly super cute and hilarious and you couldn't help but laugh behind your hand.
"That's just the way it is, man. That's why I said we can go out on Saturday. I can't on Friday since I'll be strapped to the chair."
"Man, whatever," Chuuya huffed and you rolled your eyes at him, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Don't whatever me. Just suck it up!"
You shook your head, the hustle and bustle of the shopping district around you fading as you looked to your companion. Red hair, blue eyes, fancy clothes and a dumb hat; Chuuya was honestly too handsome, too damn fine. The scowl on his face was cute and you resisted the urge to pinch his cheeks. You knew he would literally kill you for that, and you valued your life.
You and Chuuya were in that talking stage and finally decided to go out on your first official date on Saturday. Besides his... occupation, you found yourself very much liking the man. Not just for his looks, but his fiery personality made him interesting, the way he carried himself. He was great and you were so into him.
You hoped he felt the same way. He had to, he agreed to the date in the first place! And how could he not? You were a sight, rich brown skin and he sorta, kinda, absolutely loved the cute afro puffs you had on your head. You were beautiful, a bright spirit with a bit of an edge that Chuuya definitely liked.
After talking some more, Chuuya had to go off to do his own thing, and after sharing a very tight hug, you waved him farewell, promising to see him on Saturday for your first date.
You couldn't help the huge, happy grin on your face, giddy as you made your way over to a nearby bench, sitting next to an older woman. You paid her no mind, grabbing your phone to text your friend as you giggled to yourself.
"Was that your boyfriend?" the woman suddenly inquired and you blinked at her in surprise. Then, your face started to heat up and you laughed lightly.
"Well, not yet. We're just dating."
"Ah..." the woman trailed off and you didn't like the tone of her voice. Suddenly feeling awkward, you turned back to your phone.
"I don't mean to be rude," the woman started and you couldn't help the sense of dread you felt. Here we go again. "But you should be careful, dear. You're a beautiful woman but... Japanese men don't really like dark skin. Not unless they are with you for... ulterior motives."
Even if you were already expecting some foolishness, the woman's words still stunned you, striking you to your core as you gave her a look that exceeded shock. You were appalled, your chest tightening in anger and hurt. You took in a slow deep breath, your fists clenching tightly. Your body had gone numb, and you tried your best to keep it cool. You couldn't make a scene.
"Wow," you laughed softly, shaking your head as you stood up. You didn't pay that stupid bitch any mind, storming away, your anger just boiling.
Not only did that woman ruin your entire day, she honestly ruined your entire week. The anger had soon subsided and you were left with the insecurities you tried to push down, especially when it came to Chuuya. Your mind ran at one hundred miles per hour, overthinking as the cruel words lingered in your mind.
Was Chuuya another one? Like your last relationship, were you just a sexual conquest for someone just wanting to try having sex with a Black girl? That was what your ex-girlfriend did to you, so was this just the same? Did he even like you?
No. Chuuya wouldn't do that.
Even so, you canceled your date with him as you sat in the stylist's chair on Friday, eyes burning with tears. You didn't want to experience that again, so you figured you give it all up before you get hurt again. Or even worse.
After spending day getting your hair done, you gotten a quick bite to eat before heading home, feeling completely dejected. Your hair looked amazing, long box braids swaying as you trudged along. But Chuuya didn't answer your text at all, and that honestly made you feel even more like shit. Did he not care at all?
You sighed deeply, coming up on your apartment, stopping when you saw a very familiar red motorcycle parked along the sidewalk. Your heart skipped a beat when you spotted Chuuya leaning against his bike, and when he finally noticed you, your heart dropped when he yelled your name.
"Oi!" he hollered, stomping over to you angrily. "What the hell do you mean our date is canceled?!"
"I-" you were at a loss for words. "Why are you here?"
"I was waiting for you! I didn't know where you were getting your hair done so I just stood here."
"Th-the whole day?! Chuuya!"
"I mean, I went and got food and stuff but-"
"That's not the point!" you interrupted. "Why would you even bother?"
Chuuya scoffed. "Are you serious? You suddenly cancel our date and you expect me not to worry about you?" As he finished talking, Chuuya is shocked to find tears pooling in your eyes, your lips trembling as you hung your head. "H-hey, what the hell happened?"
"You don't just want to fuck me, right?"
Now Chuuya was at a loss for words, his jaw hanging open as he registered your ridiculous words. You spoke again, telling him about the things that woman said to you earlier that week, as well as the horrible experience you had with your ex-girlfriend.
"... I tried not to think too much about it but... I'm used to comments about my skin and race, I mean, hello! I'm Black, but... " you trailed off, lifting your hands up to wipe your tears away. Chuuya beat you to it, and you stared at him with teary eyes as he gently wiped your tears away.
"I'm not your ex-girlfriend." Chuuya was firm as he spoke. "And that old hag needs to mind her own fucking business. I fucking like you. Not because of some weird sexual thing, I actually fucking like you. The whole you. You're beautiful and smart, you keep me on my toes. And yes, your skin and hair are amazing, I love them, but those are only parts of you that I find amazing. I'm not giving you my love and attention because I want something from you, I'm giving it because you deserve it. And I want to be the one who gives it to you."
You didn't know what to say, what to do. You could hear your heart pounding in your ears, your mouth going dry. Still, after a moment you just end up punching Chuuya lightly on his chest, choking out a laugh while you cried.
"Shut up... all that sappy shit..."
Chuuya scoffed, lowkey offended. "Excuse me? I basically just confessed to you."
"Yeah..." you sniffed, looking and giving the man a watery smile. "You did. I..." Lips trembling again, you took a step forward and Chuuya wasted no time in pulling you in for a hug.
"And you better accept me or else I will kick your ass," Chuuya said, pressing his face against your hair. "You smell nice..."
"And you're perfect. Worth more than an experimental fuck and the words of some old bitch." There was a bite to Chuuya's words, and that made you feel so much better.
"I'm sorry for doubting you..." you whispered and Chuuya shook his head, pulling away from the hug.
"Don't be. I understand, I promise."
You smiled widely, face getting hot as he gently cupped your cheek. "Are you sure?"
Chuuya rolled his eyes. "Fine, you can make it up to me by un-cancelling our date. Let me show you off."
You giggled softly, hugging him again. "Okay. That's fair."
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Send in your requests!
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rosietrace · 3 years
Clarkson Monroe
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"Oh trust me, I'm as brilliant as they say! OOH LOOK, ONE OF MY RUBE GOLDBERG MACHINES, COME LOOK-"
Full Name: Clarkson ‘Clark’ Monroe
Japanese Name: クラークソン ‘クラーク’ モンロー
Romaji: Kurākuson ‘Kurāku’ Monrō
(Partially) Twisted from: Clank and Bobble
V/A: Shun Horie(旬堀江)
Age: 300+ (at most), 21(physically)
Birthday: May 29
Horoscope: Gemini ♊
Species: Tinker Fairy
Height: 165 cm
Hair color: Dark pastel blue
Eye color: Green
Homeland: Valley of briar and thorns
Current residence: Scepter Hall Institute
Occupation: SHI counselor & SHI dorm head
Sexuality: Bisexual
Dominant hand: Right
{ Family:
Francesca Monroe(Mother/Deceased)
Unnamed Father(Likely deceased)
Maryse Calliope Harlow(Cousin) }
Likes: Family, his inventions, academy counseling, consoling his students when they're in need of it, babysitting Meryl, conversations with the staff, spending time with Madam Maryse and Lilia, giving Finnigan more paperwork, working at SHI, Rube Goldberg machines, rubix cubes, messing with Silver /j
Dislikes: His ‘deadbeat’ of a father, his mother's death, Malory Khione's disappearance, Eclair grieving Malory, being called ‘annoying’, imperfections in his inventions, his students facing troubles, the ‘war of the unresolved’, bullying, Lilia flirting with Maryse /j
Hobbies: Academy counseling, consoling students, inventing, engineering, alchemy, writing down his inventions, playing with puzzles, using his rubix cubes when he's bored, babysitting Meryl, improving his own rendition of a rube goldberg machine
Talent(s): Engineering, counseling, alchemy, puzzle solving, babysitting, comedic timing, consoling others
Flaw(s): (Somewhat) ignorant, arrogant(?), easily swayed, overprotective, perfectionist
Clark works at SHI as its counselor, and he's mostly found in his office, likely consoling a student regarding any problems they're having at the moment.
Surprisingly enough, Clark is actually quite talented in one of the most unexpected hobbies for an academy counselor; engineering.
Outside of his occupation of being a counselor/therapist, Clark has won several accolades for his one-of-a-kind inventions. He has so many awards that it's baffling when you first enter his office.
Clark's nonsensically carefree and fun-loving, and almost always has time to spend time with his students, Meryl, and fellow staff members. It's almost like he has nothing in his schedule outside of being a school counselor!
Of course, Clark is just as unhinged when it comes to his negative traits when compared to his positive traits.
For one, he's actually quite the perfectionist when his inventions are involved. He's well aware that one single mistake could change the trajectory of his invention's effectiveness, so he makes sure they're practically perfect when they're complete.
Due to his accomplishments for being a well-known inventor, Clark can have his moments of (occasionally justified) arrogance. He labels it as confidence, however the people around him could say otherwise.
And…. Most unfortunately, Clark has the very frequent tendency to be ignorant to how people perceive him.
Compared to his cousin, Clark's rather oblivious about how people perceive him, given that he spends most of his time counseling, inventing, and engineering.
However, his obliviousness is occasionally deemed a blessing in disguise, as he doesn't need to know how people feel about him in order to help those around him.
Let's just hope he doesn't take their cruel words to heart.
Name Meaning
Clarkson: The surname means "son of the clerk", and refers to a scribe or secretary.
Clark: The name Clark is a boy's name of English origin meaning "scribe, secretary, cleric, scholar, clerk".
Monroe: Monroe is a masculine name of Scottish and Irish Gaelic origin that translates to “mouth of the River Roe,”
Clark posseses no magical abilities despite being a faerie, but finds no sadness in it
Considers his lack of magical capabilities a blessing, because it helps him stand out amongst his fellow staff
Was an engineer for the valley of briar and thorns back when he and his cousin were members of the kingdom's militia; which explains his engineering capabilities
Grew up poor, and would often stay at home with his late mother due to her sickness
Compared to Madam Maryse, Clark knows nothing about Malory Khione and what kind of man he was
Despite the fact that they're annoyed by him, many people in the academy are very endeared by Clark
Considers alchemy as a form of magic
Does generic, Houdini-esque magic tricks to entertain Meryl whenever he babysits her
Babysitting Meryl is a joy for him because of how unabashedly attached they are to each other, they're practically best friends at this point
Teased Claudette and Ambrosia nonstop when he found out about their relationship
For literally no reason, Clark loves rubix cubes. He just does
Shortly became the dorm head of Forêt Gelée after Malory's disappearance, and somehow never questioned Eclair's reasonings behind choosing him
Retired to become an SHI staff member with Madam Maryse after he grew tired of military life
Became Silver's unofficial godfather
Often makes jokes about his cousin's budding romance with Lilia, to which the latter not so jokingly agrees
He's either in the staff room, his office, or his workshop; no in-between
Has rewatched mean girls on loop at some point and never regretted that decision
Wears pink on October to honor the legacy of the iconic chick flick
Unironically gives Finnigan more paperwork on the daily
Was Brooke's first friend when Eclair took him in
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doctorgerth · 5 years
May I have a matchup please? I don't know if their open. I'm an infp virgo. I love animals and prefer them over people. I'm introverted and socializing drains me a lot. I love reading books, when I find a really good book I won't put it down till I'm done. I tend to befriend loners or the misunderstood. I'm kinda invisible in my group of friends, so they kinda forget I'm there sometimes. Kinda dense/ oblivious when people flirt with me. I'm bisexual
Hi honey! You absolutely can. Thanks for requesting, you’re the first matchup that I’ve done in a hot minute! I hope you enjoy it ❤️
Your match is...
Nami (ESTJ, Cancer)
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Now, this is a very interesting match, however, her Cancer nature flows very well with your Virgo vibes. Her empathetic tendencies pairs well with your practical nature. You two learn from each other and that's what keeps your relationship thriving. Nami can be a bit moody at times, being sensitive towards emotions, but your logical tactics help keep her stable. And when you're feeling a little too in your head, Nami is there to push you through and help you emotionally, any way she can. This push and pull of logic and emotions can make you bump heads at times, since you tend to think too much and speak too little while Nami tends to feel too much and speak too much. As you two grow and work it out, you figure out a good balance for the both of you, you reaching out more emotionally towards Nami and she not letting her emotions get the best of her. You're not complete opposites by any means, but you two bring varying qualities to the relationship that helps you two grow as a couple and individually. You two work so well together because you are truly dedicated to only one another and work very hard to keep each other!
Nami completely understands that you do not like to socialize, though she is extroverted herself, so that means she likes to show you off when you two are around others. You are her greatest treasure after all, and she loves to show people just how amazing you are! Due to her emotional intellect, she can tell when you're starting to drain, so she knows the best ways to remove you from situations that stress you out. She can also get socially drained just like you, especially after dealing with her dumbass chaotic friends, so being able to wind down and enjoy some quality time with you is something she truly cherishes. Nami knows how to take good care of you, and though she enjoys being pampered herself, she can't deny that she loves pampering you just as much! She loves bath time with you, letting you relax into her body as she helps wash your hair. It's so intimate and something the two of you share together and it's very special to her.
She is a sucker for animals and really finds it adorable how much you love them as well. She can agree that animals are better than some people. Nami also enjoys reading and she loves to go book shopping with you. It's pretty much a guarantee that she'll take you to a library wherever the crew is visiting. She just can't get enough of how your eyes light up like a kid on Christmas at the books. Nami's love language is gifts, meaning she loves to give and receive these. She has bought many books for you and she never has an issue spending money on you. You are the only person she ever wants to spoil! Any gift you ever give her is instantly her favorite thing ever. 
Nami would never let anyone ignore you; she's very quick to stand up for you and let yourself be heard. She loves to have you included during any conversation she's having and she enjoys letting people see your fun nature. Nami thinks you're pretty great and dammit she's gonna make sure everyone around her believes it too! She is a sucker for the fact that you don't pick up on her flirting. One, it's just fun to see things go over your head, and two, it makes it all the less embarrassing for her. Nami is confident and sexy, but if you ever reciprocated her flirting, she'd be a blushy mess!
All in all, Nami loves to take care of you and spoil you to death. You get all the special treatment from her (crew is jealous) and she proves to be a really great partner for you. She loves you with all her heart and treats you like the best treasure she could ever find. No need for the one piece now that she has you
Other potential suitors:
Luffy (ENFP, Taurus) - realistically, Luffy would be your perfect match according to your zodiac signs and MBTIs. They always say that an introvert needs an extrovert in their lives and vice versa, and Luffy loves to push you out of your comfort zone! He shares a love for animals with you and makes sure no one ever forgets your existence. He talks about you constantly and will make sure you're included in all group functions! The Strawhats find this easy any way as you're part of the family first and their captain's partner second! Luffy is also completely dense when it comes to flirting, so you two consistently flirt with one another without even knowing it. Now, Luffy is a social butterfly and he tries to understand that you're very much not so, but he pushes it sometimes, begging you to be the life of the (many) parties they have along side him. The difference in social skills is the only reason why I wouldn't put you as a perfect match!
Koala (ESTJ, Scorpio) - Koala is a spunky girl with a rather tragic past. Though she is extroverted in nature, she does enjoy quality time with you as you bring her so much peace among the hustle and bustle that is her Revolutionary life. She loves to hear you gush about your books, she even enjoys you reading to her! Koala always makes sure to buy you a new book with every mission she goes on. She really admires your tendency to befriend the misunderstood and your friends instantly become her friends! She also finds it hella adorable when you don't pick up on her flirting.
Hawkins (INTP, Virgo) - a fellow Virgo! Hawkins will gladly spend his days with you in the privacy of his quarters, not caring about another soul in the world. He is very reserved in nature, and I'd say socializing drains him just as much, so being able to recharge with you is truly a blessing. He loves to sit in your shared room, reading books together, talking about them every now and then, and just peacefully enjoying each other's company. Hawkins also loves animals, specifically cats, and he wouldn't mind adopting a few with you. Hawkins knows how it feels to be misunderstood and left out, but as long as you're around him you never have to worry about that!
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the-noodle-king · 6 years
more Visor: 33)Give us an in-game interaction between your character and Reaper. 36)Give us an in-game interaction between your character and Tracer. 45)Give us an in-game interaction between your character and Reinhardt. 46)Give us an in-game interaction between your character and Roadhog. ((i'm so sorry)) AND cuz i'm self-indulging and would love to see two happy guys interactin 50)Give us an in-game interaction between your character and Lucio. BONUS: Do they have a CanonOW character crush?
33) Give us an in-game interaction between your character and Reaper. 
Reaper: What are you looking at?
Visor: (A little more high pitched than usual) Nothing at all!
Lore Note: Visor is literally the only character who doesn’t know that Reaper is Gabriel Reyes or that Soldier:76 is Jack Morrison. He’s the only one. The day they were both declared dead to the world he cried himself to sleep. He still gets teary when he looks at the poster of them he has over his bed. No one has the heart to tell him they’re both alive but one’s a literal demon and the other became a grouch, so they all just pretend. That scene in frozen where kristof says “I’m gonna tell him” and anna says “No you are not” is Sombra and Tracer every time he talks about them.
36) Give us an in-game interaction between your character and Tracer. 
Tracer: You alright mate? You look a little ill...
Visor: I, I, I- You! Tracer! Hrrn, fan, I’m- *gasp* Fan! I’m your- *wheeze* I’m your biggest- *Gasp* I’mSoSorryINeedToLeave NOW.
Visor: I’m so sorry to bother you but... could you... sign something for me?
Tracer: Oh! I’d be happy to! *Humming* Do-do-do, there we are! Now let’s get to work!
Tracer: Hey, Bayani, how’re you holding up? I know it can be scary, all this.
Visor: I’m not scared! ... Well, maybe a little nervous. But I’m good, I’ll be good. Thanks.
OR, map specific to King’s Row (not an interaction per se, but Tracer adjacent) 
Visor: Oh, my, gosh! I’m in Tracer’s home town, I can’t believe this is happening! I think I’m gonna pass out!
45) Give us an in-game interaction between your character and Reinhardt. 
Visor: Oh wow, Reinhardt Willhelm! It’s an honour to meet you sir. (whispering) You look even cooler than in you posters...
Reinhardt: Ahaha! The honour is mine, it is nice to meet a fellow warrior fighting for justice!
Or (this is the same as the tracer one, just either can answer it)
Visor: I’m so sorry to bother you but... could you... sign something for me?
Reinhardt: Of course! ... Er, perhaps we should wait until after the mission though?
Lore Note: Rein’s huge power armour hands do not look like they can hold pens very well. That’s the tea.
46) Give us an in-game interaction between your character and Roadhog. 
Roadhog: *Heavy Breathing*
Ahem. Sorry that just slipped out let me.... come up with a real interaction.... (seriously the first time you gave me hanzo and visor now this??? WHAT am I supposed to do)
Nope, i can’t do it. the canon is that, even non-canonically Visor and Roadie do NOT interact. Not verbally. Visor waves, Roadhog gives a long, silent, mask-covered stare, and then Visor sweats profusely while looking terrified and leaves. There’s your interaction.
50) Give us an in-game interaction between your character and Lucio. 
Visor: Woah, international superstar DJ Lúcio Correia dos Santos is here!?
Lucio: Keep it down man, I’m tryn’a keep a low profile!
Lore Note: I know, I know, the game isn’t canon, Lucio isn’t actually joining a bunch of vigilantes, mercenaries and his personal arch nemesis to shoot his and their clones in random yet critical locations around the globe. BUT, I still find it hilarious to completely ignore that and pretend that Frog-DJ Beyonce-with-a-gun is actually Doing That.
Bonus) Do they have a Canon OW character crush?
I’ve got a post floating around here somewhere, where in the tags I make mention of Visor having an aforementioned poster of young Jack and Gabe, and also the naughty dreams it has sparked therein, and for my boy’s dignity I shall not get into it. But first of all, Jack and Gabe, specifically as, Jack and Gabe.
Further, McCree and Lucio, in very different ways; he finds them both attractive in very different ways, but also like, he crushes on Lucio the same way one crushes on a Hemsworth, he’s pretty and famous, but that’s all there is too it. With McCree, he loves listening to him talk about his Blackwatch days, and when he found out he’s Trans too they really bonded over that, in a “wow one of my heroes is just like me” kinda way, so that’s more of a like, friend-crush, or mentor-crush even. it’s like crushing on your pretty teacher. In both cases he doesn’t think of them in “I want a relationship” terms or even “I’d tap that” terms, it’s all just infrequent daydreams and aesthetic appreciation.
Genji’s a snac and we all know it. Bisexual disaster Young Genji would have hit on Visor and he would have been putty in his hands we all know it. First time Genji took his mask o Visor got palpitations AND WE ALL KNOW IT.Now as for platonic girl-crushes, he’s a Sym boy, all the way. Queen stepped out of a teleporter one day and he was like “!? Damn now I KNOW I’m gay, and also that God is clearly real” He cried when he first saw her, and was compelled to give her all of the money in his wallet. She once stepped on his toes and he said he was sorry. One time he saved Sombra’s life and to repay the debt she set up a shopping trip where they could all hang out, and he and Sym are besties now. They have inside jokes and quote each other. Sombra hates it.
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asynca · 7 years
I love your work and I was so happy to find that to had a Tumblr. I don't know if you're the right person to ask, but I really respect how intelligent you are and I'm hoping you can help. I'm a bisexual woman who is in a long term relationship with a man. I love him dearly. But because I'm in a passing relationship, I'm starting to feel the hate from my fellow queers, who are passively shaming me for who I fell in love with. What should I do? I never got treated like this dating women.
I completely understand. I had exactly the same thing happen to me. Gay women mistakenly think that dating a man magically makes you heterosexual, forgetting of course that men don’t magically cure you of your love for women and other genders, and that all that sleeping with a man makes you is sleeping with a man. 
The ‘passing privilege’ is something I specifically want to address. 
We all have passing privilege. All of us have different levels of passing privilege. Every single one of you will pass at some point in your lives, ranging from either just online to every situation you’re in. For most people, when you walk down the street, people assume you’re cishet. When you interact with someone new they ask you about your ‘husband’ or ‘boyfriend’ (and if you have one!) and any children. People assume you are straight. ‘Passing privilege’ is not something exclusive to bisexual folks, and just because there are a few more situations they can pass in, and a few more obstacles they avoid, doesn’t mean they don’t face most of the discrimination like gay folks do. 
FURTHERMORE, bisexuals may sometimes avoid some of the obstacles gay people face when they date someone that appears to make them look like a cishet couple, but in avoiding those, they face something incredibly isolating that we all understand: being invisible, and feeling like no one understands. 
When I was dating a (lovely) man in my mid-twenties, every time someone would say something homophobic, I felt it. Every time someone would assume I was with a man, even though I was actually with a man, I noticed. Every time the government debated gay marriage and gay rights I intimately felt all that stuff because you know what? I’m still queer. I still love women. That part of me didn’t magically disappear. My boyfriend didn’t understand, either, because he was like, “At least that doesn’t affect you anymore!” Yeah, babe. It actually DOES affect me. I’m not straight. 
Worse: my mother acted like I was ‘cured’ when I was dating him. She was so overjoyed, and that broke my fucking heart because nothing had changed about me. I was the same. She just didn’t like the bisexual truth about me. So the idea that I get to have my parents acceptance and love is false, because that’s not what I had. I had conditional acceptance, and believe me, it hurt. Because it wasn’t for all of me. 
On top of that, every time I dated a guy, my lesbian friends would essentially excommunicate me. They’d stop inviting me out for ‘girl drinks’. They’d talk about me behind my back. They’d all have fun without me and the message was clear: you’re not welcome here anymore. Nothing about me had changed at all, nothing: but by dating a man, somehow I was suddenly ‘impure’ and unwelcome in ‘pure’ lesbian spaces. It was disgusting. I even had a lesbian call me a “sperm recepticle” once, which is not only biphobic, but transphobic to the fucking max. 
Bisexual folks face many (all, if they’re dating someone of the same gender!) of the same obstacles gay folks face with the addition of straight people and gay people dismissing them. 
So: don’t let anyone tell you you’re not queer. Don’t let them passively excommunicate you: CALL them on it. Tell them nothing has changed. You’re still attracted to women, and sleeping with a man doesn’t change that one bit. Don’t let them discriminate against you without (gently, or not gently, if necessary!) calling them on it. 
You’re just as queer as they are. You’re just a different sort of queer. You’re not a lesser queer. You’re not an ‘impure’ queer. You’re a different flavour of queer and the rainbow needs all colours
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chocolatechiplague · 7 years
Ok but I'm curious, what's the difference between having a gay ship and fetisizing gay ppl?
Oh man, this is gonna get long, I have some serious thoughts about this. So warning, this isn’t some short post. Also, any mistakes are because I typed this originally on my phone due to studying for finals next week.
Before I start, the reason I’m tagging Yuri On Ice is because this stems from a post that was in the tag a while ago that I commented on(I’ll find the post and link it later on), also that I see the blurred lines people have between the two often in the tag. I’m not getting into the high level of biphobia i’ve seen either, that’s another rant/vent for another day after finals. Feel free to say what you disagree and all that!
So, a gay ship is about characters thst have connection, that they have multiple interactions and spend time together outside their profession, competition, practice. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a canon relationship but it makes sense the possibility of them. I’m not even in the Voltron fandom but Keith and Lance fall into this. They aren’t canon, but it’s a ship based on their interactions, working together, compatability, spending time together. Yuuri and Victor are straight up canon.
Fetishizing a gay ship/characters is that the reason you like the two together is straight up because they are attractive, because they are ‘gay’, be it headcanon gay or canonly. You get off on the two characters because they look good together. That these two characters don’t even speak to each other or even in the same scene, that they have no interaction beyond light conversation about their friends and fellow skaters while they are watching them skate their hearts out. Where you turn canonly straight, in a heterosexual relationship character gay because you want them together with another character of the same sex and ONLY because that.
I see this with quite a few of the ships in the fandom and hell, I even low key ship them. These are the long as fuck stretch for a ship, the forcing together ones for anything possible that i’ve noticed. Things like Phichit and Seung-Gil, Mila and Sara who have only SAT together and had light talk about their friends yet I’ve seen out right screaming they are nothing but lesbian despite creators saying Mila had a light crush and highly admired Otabek(So fuck yeah to idea of a female bi character!). ANY SHIP WITH GEORGI OR JJ. Georgi can simply be a headcanon of bisexual and no, him being a drama queen with too much eyeshadow doesn’t make a character gay, that’s a damn stereotype of gay men. But JJ is canonly engaged, to a woman, who is his world and he loves.
A few ships that are easy to argue possibly canon but more up to fan opinion are Yuri and Otabek as a very easy to argue as being canon as all hell despite people forgetting they only been friends for few short days, Michele and Emil, Guang Hong and Leo, Christophe and mystery man(that’s mostly a headcanon I personally love though and will fight for) and there a few more.
A HEALTHY gay ship is set on two characters that know each other, interact often, and that you don’t have to alter their entire personality (Seung-Gil as example) to make them 'work’. Fetishizing a gay ship is forcing them together, ignoring facts they don’t even speak, that they only LOOK at each other once across a filled room so they must obviously be in love, where you have to remove a canon, healthy relationship because they are in a heterosexual relationship because it gets in the way of your ship. You simply ship them because they are hot and get you off.
Gays ships can be healthy, fetishizing isn’t, even if the ship you make is rather cute.
There isn’t anything wrong with liking the idea of characters together, that you think they would be good together, but it’s when screaming, shouting, making comments about 'my smol sinnamon roll gays’(seriously, I see this so fucking often in posts where every single character is gay, not even bi or pan or asexual with no ifs, ands, or buts).
It’s easy for people to see and understand the fetish people have about lesbians especially in porn, but it’s completely IGNORED and scoffed at the idea of gay men being someones fetish. It’s something that needs to be realized and talked about, because it hurts so many people. 
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