#so a lot of these glams are for post EW
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eyrie’s glams 1/??
brd: SB + early ShB--> late ShB --> post EW
rdm: post EW | smn: post EW | sge: post EW
dnc: EW --> post EW | drk: post EW
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tovaicas · 4 months
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rouvastre lore 🥰
#saint.txt#oc: rouvastre#ishgardposting#saving this here for my own reference#for people who aren't aware bc I never talk abt rouvastre's backstory: from arr -> hw their family was accused of heresy#similar to what happened with fran.cel but nobody saved him this time. rouvastre smuggled themselves across the grid.anian border#to escape but the inquisition tried the rest of the family at witchdrop.#in post-hw patches they were acquitted of all charges as the accusation was deemed false but in-universe people are still arguing#about it and about what happened to this day and nobody really knows for sure if it was a political move by a rival or a heretic plot#or a baseless accusation from the inquisitors that stuck bc they already hated them for what happened to the fort or what.#currently rouvastre got adopted by edm.ont after hw and the house is extinct but I go back and forth on that and haven't decided#if she keeps it or not going forward. the joke is that he ceded everything to arto.irel bc they didn't want to deal with the constant#marriage proposals from ishgardian nobility and make him deal with it in her place instead VHSFVHSF#I see west coerthas as a lot more built up and developed than as shown personally I think there should be a lot more towns and camps + fort#there's a lore sidequest in stb -> ew abt tat.aru secretly finding + buying all the heirlooms rouvastre had to sell to escape ishgard in ar#and also she fixed their coat that's used on his DRG glam (the eden one) and it was her dad's and that's why she was so obsessed#with getting good at tailoring for like three expacs#savinien was the name of the ancestor the house was founded by. just some guy who killed a dragon but like in a really cool way
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valena-nedela · 4 months
FFXIV Healer Glamour: "The Crimson Scholar"
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The way she fights intrigues me. It's not like I was just watching her or anything! Not just, anyway... I think being able to rely on another's physical strength would serve me well. And it's not as though summoning a battle partner is unfamiliar to me, but I need to know more before attempting it with a voidsent. I've returned to Lapis Manalis to— Wait, what's that further in?
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Lesser voidsent, but not something I can just brush aside, either. Though the battle becomes rather frantic at times, between Eos and my shields I pull through. Not that I find any sign of a voidgate, or any clues as to the actual methods involved in the voidsent pact. Time for a visit to the library.
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I've been looking through these stacks for hours with little to show for it. I shouldn't be surprised. My impression of Idyllshire is that it was chaotic even before the Sharlayans abandoned it. Years of looting and the monsters that overrun Gubal on occasion have done it few favors. I'll have to go further in.
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I can feel voidsent from here. Come out, Eos, we have work to do.
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Minor voidsent, petty soulkin, and overgrown vilekin. They pose no real threat to me, but that doesn't mean I'll be showing them mercy. What if they damage the books?
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Ah, precisely the manner of tome I was looking for. And it has been possessed by a voidsent and expanded to a massive size by the pressure of its æther. Of course. How else would my evening go?
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I'm not teleporting back to Ala Mhigo with this thing. Lyse and Naago would make me go to bed and I don't want to put studying this tome off. I'll be making use of Narumi's house in Limsa Lominsa. I don't think she'll mind another book in the attic. Just a moment of rest before I unseal the tome and determine the state of it.
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Well, that's better, but...
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(Valena does her best to push herself to work through the night to answer her questions about the Garlean Reapers. In the end, she passes out on Narumi's sofa and has to accept defeat and go to bed in the room she still keeps in her friend's house - the very rare event of sleeping in a real bed without one of her girlfriends forcing her.)
(Tomorrow she will conclude the book is of no help, and leave it there for Narumi to deal with, instead planning to make a trip to Ul'dah to visit the Thaumaturges and see if they have any information on this unusual voidsent arrangement. However, a chance encounter in an alley behind Sapphire Avenue will lead her to much more direct answers.)
Went a lot more in depth with this story time. And though this is my headcanon for how Valena was introduced to the Reaper job, leveling Reaper was actually one of the first things I did in Endwalker, and I had the "similar to the reaper arts you wield" lines in my cutscenes.
As for the glam itself, it has gone through multiple versions, and I've worn some variation of it since... around level 65, since my oldest screenshots are from during Azim Steppe MSQ.
And as I said in the EC post, the name was mostly a reference to Maoyū: Maō Yūsha, so even though I do mostly wear it on SCH, it is an all-healer glam.
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The prior incarnation of the look.
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The oldest clear shot I have of the general look, during a pre-EW Prae run.
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sjofn-lofnsdottr · 1 year
Miscellaneous Alts
So there are Other Alts besides the main four, I just either don't play them very much so I don't have as much to say about them, or ... well. Or because they're ridiculous that they exist in the first place.
Random picture because pictures are fun, then I'll actually get to babbling:
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First up is Levi, a hyur fella based on yet another post-apocalypse character. He ran a drug den. He is also a babyfaced cherub.
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I asked my husband what he thought of this glam, and he told me 'Teen Boy's First Adventure.' He's actually in his mid-20s, but literally every single one of my friends refers to him as a teenager. So ... babyface achieved, I suppose.
Another character I wish I played more often, but don't, is Nellwen:
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Part of why I don't play her more often is because I only play her when my husband is playing her husband, Pellian. Alas, during lulls, my husband does crazy things like 'play other games,' usually. They're based on a married couple we played in a Pathfinder campaign (this is rare for us, we usually don't play characters that are romantic with each other). She was an arcanist that set all her problems on fire and/or rattled the bones of annoying people. Obviously, she's a BLM.
I made bunny versions of all the boys, and where Bjalla was Bunny Dusk, Svend is Bunny Mercuriel:
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I barely ever play him, but his fuckin' attitude cracks me up, and I know he'll pop up occasionally picture-wise, so why not acknowledge him. The main thing I decided about him, is he also left the woods after getting fed up with being a feral forest hermit ... but doesn't want to admit it, and tries to pretend that no, he's always been a city boy and no he definitely has no idea how to hunt, kill and dress wild game or anything of the sort. Who told you he did? He'll bite their faces off.
So I know this is absurd, but I have, on occasion, made other Dusks on other servers. The first Other Dusk I made during the interminable wait for 5.3 to finally release, on a server that had Road to 70. I wanted to see how far I got leveling everything before I got bored and stopped. He hit all 50s before I got tired of trying to level everything, but I sort of wound up playing through the entire MSQ with him.
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So if you see a picture of Dusk with this hair, it's likely Bertrand. The funniest thing to me about ol' Bert is for some reason I think of him as the most focused of the Dusks. Something about his hair just makes him seem a little more put together to me. And yet whenever he's sad, like in the picture above, he more looks like he's trying to remember where he put his keys.
Seriously, he just had them.
The OTHER other Dusk, I made on Seraph with Farron. Dusk is going by his real name, Bellinor, and Farron is technically doing the same, using Kare. We're sort of treating it as an AU, where the boys met at the start of ARR instead of the end of Endwalker, but the reason they exist at all is a) Road to <number> makes my brain light up and b) Farron hadn't actually played the bulk of the MSQ as Farron, what with rabbit dudes not even being a thing until EW. Yes, he could do NG+, but he likes having me along to nag him to progress. And honestly, being able to spam each other with silly cutscene faces makes it all a lot more fun, imo.
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I don't know what it is about THIS hair, but I think it makes him look like the biggest airhead on the planet. He is the Dumbest Dusk, and we love that for him.
Kare is relatively new to being civilized, by the way, but Bellinor is doing his best to help:
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Kare doesn't really know how to read very well, for example.
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Bellinor thinks the lessons are going great.
Kare still is a regular-ass adventurer dude, Bellinor is still the WoL. Kare keeps getting dragged into shit he doesn't actually care about because this big dumb ?roommate? of his keeps making big puppy eyes whenever he asks Kare to come with him.
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smallest-turtle · 2 years
How would you describe Deidre’s dress sense? Is she more masculine or feminine? Simple? Fancy? Sleek? Practical?
Edwardian farm wife. Her dress is on a scale from practical to fancy but the scale exists within the logic that she dresses in a time period where she is wearing three layers of underwear (chemise+drawers, corset, corset cover, etc). If you look up "#deidre hunt tag" on my blog that's where not original posts that are Deidre aligned go, there's lots of fashion images. Marilla's costuming in Anne with an E is the sort of thing she wears day to day when not in her healers robes or some sort of armor. She's got a big leather belt that has things like keys and her adventures pouches of holding and a general use knife holstered.
As far as in game clothing fits, this is how she would have looked entering Gridania from her rural mountain village at the start of the game:
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And this is her fancier healer/red mage glam
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She only wears pants if she's in armor XD
She also always wears gloves to hide her aether scars from being unarmed during her first encounter with Ifrit. She also tends to wear high collars to cover scars on her neck. Hair wise she cuts it after she gets to Gridania, and it grows back out until it stays white after SHB. She then had a bit of a bathroom floor meltdown haircut from like 5.4 onward so in EW she has a pixie cut with white edges.
Thanks for the question! None of the scions get why she still dresses like this XD (I enjoy imagining the different stages of fashion development each city-state is in and have spent too much time on pages about historical undergarments and what types of fashion effect changes in those)
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toadeyes-miqote · 2 months
They hadn't hung out in months
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and what with all these feathers and birds and lvl 93 spoilers.
With apologies to Lamaty'i. There is only one main tank to tank for Hylnyan should he show up. Logging out here for the nice background and letting them catch up a bit
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I do be wanting Zoraal Ja as DPS just to see how he moves in battle. and yes. G'raha is there is spirit.
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On a mildly unrelated note. Did GNB Thancred in HW glam shaved post graphics update? Support in Dead Ends. Would add on the one from the trail when I go do it This is now just a glamour. Unfortunately I ran into a spoiler regarding trust glams
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From the lvl 93 trial
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His Antitower Rogue self looks the same
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Obligatory spam
On a certain level I was thinking that Thancred is judging Koana based on whether or not he would leave his sister behind at various spots of the competition. The first one was around the kidnapping. The second one is brib-snek fight. He's utterly professional but I do be thinking he has his standards.
Most of the smile shot happen in low light so far
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Obligatory dramatic leaping entrance as per his contract. Did he had one in EW? The texture on his coat dangit.
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Hylnyan attempting to look mean
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Yes sir. He do be hyping up his boy too. Had me a little worried when Alisaie and the battle spouts got caught in AOE. Leaving them to hangout here until I get back from work.
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Have to do a note later. since Thancred is mentoring Koana. And Krile is definitely trying to do her best for Hylnyan who is mentoring both Wuk Lamat and her. While Alisaie is doing a lot of observation things.
Like with Ryne in ShB - Your answers can shoot Wuk Lamat down, Hype her up (see the way Sareel Ja speaks) or be moderate so that things won't go to her head..
Ryne was the more obvious mentoring job to me(she was filling in for Ardbert and Minfilia). While Deftarm and M'zhat was less so because you'll only run into them during sidequest and it looks less obvious.
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returntosaturn271995 · 7 months
Monday, March 4th: A schedule and its lessons
6:00 am: woke up weirdly alert- washed face and added the serum and sunscreen and deodorant that I got shipped from Geologie.
Lesson: Always check to make sure you cancel your subscriptions or you will end up with a fuck ton of unneeded products. Also are we sure serums do anything? Either way, I smell fucking great.
6:15 am: Nespresso coffee and doughnut
Lesson: Buying coffee pods saves you an obscene amount of money, doughnuts soak up a lot of caffeine so you don't immediately shit your pants.
7:00: Hard hour of organizing around the fact that the dumbass Kellogg's CEO said on TV that poor people should just eat cereal for breakfast...while jacking up prices. I assume I will soon be having to do that when the company goes up in boycotting flames. "Let them eat cake". Fucking idiot.
Lesson: TBH I was already a General Mills girl.
7:20: 20 minutes of hip stretching yoga.
Lesson: Exercise wakes you up. My hips don't want to flex or be told to flex.
7:40-8:30: Dropped off rent check and walked to TJ's in pursuit of the lost ingredient from my TikTok inspo. They still don't have it. Got some cardio at least. Wore my yellow spandex and my boobs were boobing.
Lesson: Trader Joe's is a beautiful fiction. I will never be Tik Tok glam.
8:30-9:00: Work? Maybe? This hour is lost to me but I know I didn't scroll anything.
Lesson: Be more present
9:15: Unloaded the dish rack, vacuumed (ew, I don't do that nearly enough), and washed new dishes while listening to "The Daily Jay". His advice was before any endeavor or journey to emotionally pack what you need along with what you physically pack. TBH I usually love him but this was a pretty dumb way to stretch "remember to be patient when away from your house" into seven minutes.
Lesson: Remember to pack "non-judgement" when listening to the Calm app you spend too much money on.
10:00: Hung out with Makenna as we recapped our weekends.
Lesson: Sharing is caring.
11:00: Hung outside with Blue while reading a new novel, a Spy Rom/Com Thriller by Ally Carter.
Lesson: I may be too cynical for rom-coms. I want to love it but the sweetness is giving me cavity. Trying to learn to enjoy it though. It is cute.
Changed into my fire outfit-of-the-day:
Fitted denim midi-dress, brown booties, simple necklace with a single pearl
11:45: Went to Pangea Outpost and spent a private amount of money on the following tchotchkes:
A kismet framed drawing of a Holly Golightly-styled women (also looking for a rich man to save her) lounging on a dark green couch (exactly like ours), a cat on her back (like Blue), and smoking a cigarette (call it a dad grass joint). It was actually wild because I found this art online and posted it to my story a few days ago and then there it was!
A framed drawing of a naked woman sitting in a chair with palm fronds in the background and a giant sunhat obscuring her face and breasts.
A framed line drawing of a hand and female form holding a book
A "wind and sea" street sign
A candle that smells like summer
I then reorganized the shelves by our front door to look beachy and chic- it's a 100% improvement.
Lesson: Money is never wasted beautifying your home. Anything that was ugly for 4 years can be transformed in under 15 minutes.
12-3: Work, lounging in the sun, reading.
Lesson: Fast responses are 40% or a work day, the other 60% is filling out excel.
3:15: Journaled. It feels like I have lived one thousand years. It has been nine hours.
Lesson: I like my little life.
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thecat-inthehat · 3 years
Vaguely mentally poking at TDP while I’m sifting through my likes and shoving a bunch of EW posts into my que, and I think I’ve arrived at the idea that Nive is absolutely furious for a good half of Endwalker. A lot of the lingering questions and jerking around of Shadowbringers finally came to a head wrt Zenos shenanigans and the Elpis arc, and she just kind of ... exploded a bit.
Ultimately, Nive actually hasn’t had an expansion that focuses on her. TDP is a balancing act between all three of my girls - Shining, Nive, Helisent - but a lot of the time I can pinpoint various parts where one girl is the star/focus. Shining was the focus for the majority of SHB, Helisent the focus for post Mt Gulg and through 5.3, as well as the 3.x patches, etc. Nive hasn’t exactly been left in the dust, but she’s certainly taken a back seat, and I think that comes to a head in EW.
A large part of Nive’s arcs in EW are coming to terms with what other people want from her, and how those subtle manipulations have hooked their claws so thoroughly into her heart. EW is about her quest for identity, I think, and the tenuous balance between what the important people in her life see her as and what she wants to be. She can’t exactly go all the way to either end, because both extremes would hurt her irreparably. Ironically, I think the final duty actually gave her more catharsis than she ever realized.
Hm. Maybe that’s why she’s taken off her hat in so many of her glams lately -- she’s finally more comfortable in her own skin.
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Harry Winks getting creepy fan mail (19) plsss <3
Thanks for your request. Hope you’ll like it :-)
19. Getting creepy fan mail
Every week there would be a few fan letters that would find their way to Harry’s home. He never really knew how these fans had gotten hold of his private address, but as long as people weren’t ringing his doorbell, he didn’t mind it much.
“You’ve got some more!” You called out to harry, as you had collected the post from your letter box. “Nice.” Harry mostly enjoyed reading the fan letters, even though there would sometimes be some odd or creepy things amongst them. “Open this one first.” You chuckled as you handed Harry a pink envelop, which was drawn full of hearts. “It’s from a lady,” Harry announced, quickly reading the letter. “Naturally,” you nodded, “guys don’t usually go for pink envelops.” “Okay, this is quite creepy. Listen to this,” Harry frowned at the piece of paper in his hands, and started reciting from it, “I have attached a piece of gum I chewed. If you chew it as well, it will almost be as if we’ve kissed.” “Ew...” You looked disgusted, “please tell me there’s not actually a chewed on piece of chewing gum attached?” “I’m afraid so...” Harry grimaced, “there’s a smaller envelop in here, with some sort of lump in it. Bloody hell, that’s nasty.” “Yeah,” you agreed, “but if you want a real kiss...” You moved closer to him. “Hm,” he smiled at you, “that sounds a lot better than this.”
Tags: @glam-khal, @kingkepaff, @farmers-league, @manchesterunitedgirlforever
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The winner of my 300 followers reward was Pumpkin! (More pics under the cut.)
Pumpkin is my big girl weighing in at a plump 4.3 kg last I checked.
 (This is healthy for her breed; please don't worry!) 
She is roughly three and a half years old and I’ve had her since she was a kit. You may notice she has a bit of dirt on her nose in some shots, this is because she is digging a new tunnel in their pen. We had to break in their old one during hutch repairs. It was funny during the shoot because she kept trying to crawl into my lap for cuddles, thankfully she was happy to be distracted by the smell of carrot and other nibbles. (which she didn’t end up eating, btw, only smelling) 
Sadly, she and Cindy had a tussle the other day over their lack of tunnel and roughed each other up a bit. It’s all good now though! We stuck them on top of the washing machine and they’re back to being friends.
The shoot was done and over in about twenty minutes, and I assure you the bows/scarf etc. were very loose and only on her for a few seconds and she was happy the entire time. Thanks to my little sister for taking many of these shots, she is a much better photographer than I am!
Since my followers have been so great recently I have included a bonus! 
As runner up I figured she deserved to be given a little more limelight.
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Ebony is older than Pumpkin, probably about 4 and a bit. and as you can see, she is MUCH smaller, weighing in at around 1.7 kg. She is a Mini lop cross netherland dwarf and in summer(it’s winter here atm) she turns a rich brown! When we got her she was black all over but after a few years lots of white hairs grew scattered through her fur. You can see them in the photos. 
Anyway this post is huge enough so I’ll end it here. Thank you for supporting my blog, perhaps we could do this again when we reach some other milestone, let me know! 
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rapidly vibrating between 6.4 flashback sequences + eyrie in a backless shirt + eyrie and zero having half assed conversations about zenos
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cake-by-thepound · 7 years
Saw the EW photos and was totally - yes! new photos - but wondered why they had Danai in that godawful hair situation? But upon closer inspection, obvi the context of the shoot being they are in character/tattered tuxes of the apocalypse, totes get it. But, really would love a glammy-glam (no wigs!) Vanity Fair/Harper's Bazaar/ W magazine editorial. EW is capable of doing this too, but they went for (IMO) glammy-campy. This entire cast is so gorgeous, love them all. Just want more, ya know?
Yeah, I figured that’s what we were getting when Norman posted the picture on Instagram and Andy was wearing his bandage. They’re in character. Which is fine – these shoots are usually on set, so to have them put on some nice clothes, at least, was a cool change. But yes, I’d absolutely love a legit photo spread like Andy’s in The Rake or Danai’s in Atlanta magazine last year. Where they get to put on lots of fancy designer clothes and be glamorous and gorgeous. It may not be the most prestigious show on TV, but plenty of people are still watching it. Their marketing department can do better. 
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mittensmorgul · 8 years
Bon Jovi rocks... on occasion...
I found it REALLY odd and jarring that, while testing Dean’s memory in the motel room after the LAMP incident, that Sam chose BON JOVI, of ALL bands, to see if Dean could remember the band members’ names.
I mean??? We know for a fact from 4.18 that Dean’s two favorite songs were both by Led Zeppelin. My first thought was confusion over why Sam didn’t ask him to name the members of Led Zeppelin, because that would’ve been the obvious choice here... but no. He picked Bon Jovi.
And that told me something SIGNIFICANT. And I’ll explain why.
Bon Jovi has been referenced in a small handful of episodes.
2.14, Born Under A Bad Sign
The first Bon Jovi reference in the series was this:
Dean: You checked in two days ago under the name Richard Sambora. Of course, I think the scariest part about this whole thing is the fact that you're a Bon Jovi fan.
The name Sam used while he was possessed by Meg and had no memory or awareness of what he’d done, was a member of Bon Jovi. 12.11 reminded me strongly of Dean trying to help Sam recover his memories by revisiting the places he went while possessed. Sam did the same thing for Dean in 12.11.
Their conversation with Elke STRONGLY reminded me of Dean’s conversation with the gas station market cashier. WHO EXAGGERATED WHAT SAM APPARENTLY STOLE TO GET MORE MONEY OUT OF DEAN. Like Elke exaggerated her story to Sam trying to elicit SOME sort of reaction out of Dean.
So we already have a connection to memory loss, deception, attempting to recover memories that have been manipulated or altered by outside forces.
3.16, No Rest For The Wicked
While driving to make one last attempt to stop Lilith and save Dean from going to Hell, Bon Jovi’s “Dead or Alive” plays on the radio. Sam and Dean sing along to it. Sam gets into it, and Dean looks like he’s already dead inside.
(aside to say that the face Dean makes while singing it reminded me STRONGLY of the face at the end of 7.11 when he was trying to use Frank’s advice to paste on a smile and be “professional” or just give up. In other words, the most horrible smile in the history of smiles)
Because even in that episode, Sam seemed surprised:
DEAN: You know what I do want? [He reaches down to the radio and starts up Bon Jovi's "Wanted Dead or Alive". SAM looks a bit "eeh?"] SAM: Bon Jovi? DEAN: Bon Jovi rocks, on occasion. He looks over at SAM to underline this statement. When SAM looks away DEAN turns back to the road and begins to sing along with Bon Jovi. [...] [DEAN begins to lose the will to sing and his smile is beginning to fade. SAM just continues to sing, laugh and smile, not noticing how DEAN is suddenly taking in the lyrics, realizing how much they actually fit him and what is about to come. The camera zooms on him as his smile completely vanishes, as he's staring out on the road.]
This was Performing Dean trying like hell to keep that mask in place for Sam’s sake.
7.05, Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Once again, it’s Sam who chooses the alias “Agent Sambora.” We never learn what Dean’s FBI alias was in that episode. Dean wasn’t even WITH Sam during the conversation where Sam used the alias. Dean was busy having a chat with Chris the Hairdresser (played by the same guy who played Akobel in 12.10).
After those two separate respective interviews, Sam and Dean are shown walking down different streets while swapping info over the phone about what they each learned independently.
Aside again, because I love this exchange Dean has with Chris in the salon:
DEAN: Oh. Basically, you're saying that this couldn't have happened. CHRIS: Basically, I'm saying it couldn't have happened.
While standing there looking at the physical proof that yes, it did actually happen.
DEAN: [...] Of course, they don't have pockets in those robe thingies that they make you wear. SAM (on phone): [laughs] I didn't realize you were such a spa expert. DEAN (on phone): Shut up. I observe with my eyes.
Again, Dean floundering to keep up his performance while Sam teases him for knowing that spa robes don’t have pockets... >.>
Dean might observe with his eyes, but he’s prevented Sam from seeing a lot of things over the years with that heavy-duty Performance mask.
Plus, 7.05 was all about witchcraft, deception, and misunderstandings. Remember poor Jenny? Who’d been hexed into finding hearts in her cupcakes? HEARTS?! IN MY CUPCAKES?! Because Maggie thought her husband was having an affair with her? Sam and Dean thought so at first too, but Jenny cleared that misunderstanding up:
JENNY: Don Stark is my boss. That's it. He's married, for God sakes. DEAN: Yeah, well... JENNY: Me and Don Stark. Ew.
8.03, Heartache
It’s again SAM who uses the alias Agent Sambora. In an episode about loss of identity via transplanted organs asserting the personality of their original owner on the recipients, DUE TO THE EFFECTS OF AN ANCIENT CURSE. 
After his long, long life, not wanting to live on after his true love eventually died of old age, a woman who was already old enough to pass as his mother, Brick chose to end his own life instead. After generations of being forced to reinvent himself every few decades and essentially reinvent himself because he didn’t age or die...
But then the recipients of his organs inherit his curse and lose themselves to his identity.
Loss of identity was huge in 12.11.
And again in 8.03, we never learn what alias Dean was using while Sam again chose a Bon Jovi reference.
11.11, Into the Mystic
Dean muses on how nice the retirement home is, mentioning that maybe they should look into it, and again IT’S SAM WHO BRINGS UP BON JOVI:
Dean: So no retirement, huh? Sam: Hey, you're the one who's always wanted to go out 'blaze of glory' style, preferably while the Bon Jovi song is playing. Dean: I am a candle in the wind.
“Blaze of Glory” is a Bon Jovi song, and “I am a candle in the wind” is one of the lines from the first verse.
But this is all part of Dean’s “I’ll die hunting” refrain that we’ve been seeing again in s12. Because Dean just believes he’ll go out that way. Because every hunter he’s ever know does go out that way. 
All this in an episode where Cas has been taken over by Lucifer, and Dean’s REALLY unsettled that there’s something wrong with Cas. He’s being deceived, manipulated, and used as bait, yet he doesn’t even know it. He’s just got a weird feeling at this point.
It’s the “something’s wrong and I can’t put my finger on it” feeling that keeps hunters alive, frankly.
Then we have Dean’s entire conversation with Mildred about finding happiness and following your heart:
DEAN [Chuckles]: You ever miss life on the road? MILDRED: Nah. Nah, I had my fun. You want to know the secret to living a long and happy life? DEAN: Actually, yes, I do. MILDRED [Placing her hand on Dean’s chest and patting it] Follow your heart. You do that, all the rest just figures itself out. I did that. I followed my heart. Traveled the world, made people smile, forget about their problems for a while. And then my heart said, “Well, you're done”. I had my fill and... And I retired. And I love it. [Mildred pats Dean’s knee for emphasis]
Which is doubly interesting when compared with Sam and Dean’s lines at the very end of 12.12:
SAM: You know, I gotta be honest. I was actually, ah, a little jealous at first. DEAN: Of what, the curse that nearly killed me? SAM: No, just... you know. Some of the things we’ve done. We’ve had this... weight. Forever. And seeing it gone... you looked happy. DEAN: [he looks down, doesn’t meet Sam’s eyes, and seems uncomfortable] Huh. Well, look, was it nice to drop our baggage. [he shrugs and looks up at Sam] Yeah, maybe. Hell, probably. But it wasn’t just the crap that got lost. I mean, everything. It was us it was what we do, you know. All of it. So... if that’s what being happy looks like... I think I’ll pass.
BECAUSE WE KNOW THAT DEAN ALREADY KNOWS THE SECRET TO A LONG AND HAPPY LIFE IS TO FOLLOW YOUR HEART. And without his memories? That’s not happiness. That’s delusion. It’s a lie.
A performance.
12.04, American Nightmare
This wasn’t a direct Bon Jovi reference, but I wrote a thing trying to explain the difference between the “Butt Rock” that Sam has always been a fan of, that Dean was so disdainful of when they were talking about Vince Vincente.
Even the Superwiki pointed this out in the reference notes for the episode:
It can be assumed with Sam being a fan of Bon Jovi and Vince Vincente, that his musical tastes veered more towards '80s hair/glam metal growing up, which is in contrast to Dean and John's classic hard rock and heavy metal tastes.
BECAUSE BON JOVI ONLY ROCKS ON OCCASION. I think Dean grudgingly liked a couple of their songs.
Lizbob wrote a thing yesterday before 12.11 aired that said that this was going to be something KEY to this episode, this disconnect between the brothers, and the fact that Dean has functioned as a pseudo-parent to Sam.
And my absolute rant of a post about the promo:
Because that’s pretty much how the episode panned out.
An exposition on Performing Dean.
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zapgraptrash · 8 years
for the hardmode development questions: Grappler, Slyger, and Sazabi and/or Madnug. GO
i know u mean all 45 questions for all of them and i’m SO MAD AT YOU but i will DO THEM ALL REGARDLESS
i’ll do grappler for this post
1) Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?his sister is 2 years younger than him and she was in fact the family member he was closest to. i haven’t actually thought much about his extended family but i just decided his sister would be the only one close to his age anyway
2) What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?his sister was a lot closer to their mum than he was. he always felt like his mum was vaguely disappointed with him and there was definitely some distance between them
3) What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?see above but instead of vague it’s glaringly obvious that his dad was disappointed with him. and once grappler started showing “signs” of not being Straight, his dad got a lot more vocal and and angry about it. his dad was also one of those guys who had his own insecurities and would take them out on his family and grappler was on the receiving end of that a lot so it was like… constant arguing and yelling
4) Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?probably watching his two best friends slowly die. zapper, slyger, dom and likely granox will end up knowing about this.
5) On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?at least one condom and a tiny fuckin thing of lube because “you never know”. when he’s dating zapper, zapper will point out it’s dumb at any chance he gets like “GRAPPLER WE ARE NEVER GOING TO SPONTANEOUSLY BONE OUTSIDE.” “but you don’t KNOW that” “YES I DO!!!”
6) Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?he doesn’t remember his dreams very often so.
7) Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?see above
8) Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?everyone in the platinum army gets trained to fire guns obviously and all the grunts and lieutenants have to use them. once you get to be a squadron leader you can more or less do what you want and grappler mostly uses stuff like swords and his claw arm because he was never that great at using guns and he prefers to get close up to wreck shit
9) Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?sanctuary’s wage system is like. there are only 4 pay grades and they are dependent on rank rather than job so there’s not a huge amount of class difference. when he was growing up grappler was kinda average middle class
10) Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?since he is now at a point where his body doesn’t feel goddamn alien to him he has almost no problem with wearing less clothing these days.
11) In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?either the time when a former “friend” tried to kill him or the time when he got his arm bitten off.
12) In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?maybe the first time he and zapper decided to not play up the “i h8 you” charade and just fuckin be with each other
13) Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?not even a little bit
14) Does your character remember names or faces easier?faces, he doesn’t even bother with names a lot of the time
15) Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?he likes to have Nice Things. maybe there’s a deeper meaning behind this but i can’t think of it right now asdfghj
16) Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?they’re kind of the same thing to him.
17) What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?not technically toys, but he’s had his own vinyl records and cassettes since he was ~7 so, those. people used to get him too many obviously Girly toys which he never liked anyway.
18) Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?probably wisdom because ambition is more threatening especially when the other person is like him (slyger.)
19) What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?not even fuckin trying to keep/make friends. he was like that as a kid and then there was a brief time when he DID have friends but they all either died or deserted him so he became really closed off again.
20) In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?outwardly he likes to think he’s better than everyone else but really he’s super self critical, but mostly about appearance. during the story he does come to realise he’s a dickhead and needs to work on /that/ too though.
21) If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?he will blame other people.
22) What does your character like in other people?he’ll never admit it but he admires people who are straight out nice to other people and as such have people be nice to THEM too.
23) What does your character dislike in other people?arrogance, being over-dramatic, attention-seeking, basically most traits he has himself lol
24) How quick is your character to trust someone else?Nobody Can Be Trusted
25) How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?he doesn’t give people the chance to do anything to be suspected of. like he will just get what he wants from them and immediately bail
26) How does your character behave around children?either “ew” or will just mess with them for shits and giggles
27) How does your character normally deal with confrontation?he will have the last word or die trying
28) How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?he prefers to insult people but he’s not above cutting someone
29) What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?he wanted to be lead singer in a glam band lmao. (no it did not come true)
30) What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?slyger lmao but not reallyI JUST ASKED BOXY FOR SOMETHING AND SHE SAID BAD SHOES AND DAY OLD POPCORN AND THAT ABSOLUTELY WORKS SO YES.
31) Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.sitting around with friends (SUPPOSING HE HAS ANY but during trashland’s story he does gain some) just chilling and drinking and maybe watching some bad movies
32) Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.during that period after banging a randomer and you’re not entirely sure when it’s acceptable to leave….. and they invite him to stay longer and do somethin else
33) In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?defensive as hell
34) Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?he will try something else
35) How does your character behave around people they like?annoy them at every opportunity
36) How does your character behave around people they dislike?annoy them at every opportunity but a lot meaner
37) Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status?protecting his status.
38) Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?removing himself implies the problem wins so he removes the problem
39) Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?THIS IS HOW HE LOST HIS ARM some big alien thing (which i have yet to design but it’s probably gonna be vaguely similar to a large cat) attacked him and straight up bit it off. and u can imagine how losing half an arm would affect someone right. though he actually doesn’t mind jokes about it (unlike zapper who will kill anyone for joking about his eye.)
40) How does your character treat people in service jobs?about what you’d expect for a middle class person born in 1970. maybe not quite that bad but he could definitely be nicer.
41) Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?he feels like he deserves most things he wants especially because he Did His Suffering Already.
42) Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?no but the two best friends he had while he lived in LA were like older siblings to him
43) Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?not entirely dependent but since he IS a squadron leader and has to manage a load of grunts, i guess they somewhat count
44) How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?SUPER FUCKING DIFFICULT he feels like if he says it even when he does mean it it will sound forced or insincere.
45) What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?he believes nothing happens and then people forget you which does in fact scare the shit out of him.
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amikatie-blog · 6 years
Hello huns!
My last beauty post about my favourite concealers seems to be a real winner. I’m not going to lead you into a false pretence, if you were looking for a beauty expert or someone who is glam then you have come to the wrong blog. I nearly always wear the same products on my face and I’ve only recently thrown away products I’ve had for years (ew, gross). However as the weather is getting warmer and I’m baring my pins for all the see, I thought I would share with you what is on my face.
Fake Tan:
I’d like to thing I’m pretty low maintenance. I may be kidding myself… as if I had the time and money I’d be a lot more glam, but I still find the time to fake tan as it makes me feel more put together. I use Rimmel Sun Shimmer Fake Tan Mouse (Light). Although it’s the lightest shade it give me a nice healthy glow, obvious that I’ve got a tan without looking too fake.
I’m missing my pregnancy glow and my skin isn’t feeling that healthy at the moment. I’m loving the Loreal Infallible Illumizer Primer. Apart from the beautiful look of the bottle, it gives the appearance of the healthy glow without getting pregnant again (yeah not ready for that anytime soon). Also it comes out like melted silver and makes me feel like a unicorn… yeah I said it!
As the weather is pretty damn warm at the moment in the UK, a full face of make-up sometimes makes me want to claw my own face off…just me? So I’m currently using a CC cream from Bojouris. It’s a bit darker due to my fake tan but it’s not as heavy as foundation so it makes me feel a bit better about life. I love the 123 Perfect CC cream is beige. I apply it using a beauty blender as it really helps give the lighter more even complexion I’m desperately seeking!
I change between the two, but for this look I used my Nip + Fab concealer as I think it provides longer lasting coverage and not too heavy.
Eyeshadow Palette:
I’m a big fan of an Eyeshadow palette and is probably my biggest secret. If my partner knew how much I spent on make-up he would be astounded. Yes I did need to spend £40 on the palette that is ideal to 3 I already own…
My favourite summer-go-to eyeshadow Palette is Maybelliene “The blushed nude palette”. The colours are all beautiful pinks, yellows and browns perfect for summer. When I first got it I followed the little tutorial on the back, that shows you what goes where on your eyes and it’s perfect if your a newbie to eyeshadow, blending and all that jazz.
I used the Max Factor Eyebrown Pencil in brown and I keep going back to it! I love the precision of it and the shade works really well for me. I don’t want to look at photos of me before I filled my eyebrows in… a different time!
Liqui Eyeliner:
I am a big fan of my ELF Liquid eyeliner. I’ve heard ELF is hit and miss in the USA, but I adore my ELF liquid eyeliner and their brushes, especially for the price. I find it creates the perfect flick.
Obviously I don’t see the need to splash out on expensive Mascaras (yet) when the drugstore ones are so good! I’ve heard really good things about the Maybelliene Sensational Lashes Mascara and although I really like the brush, I think it will need a few more attempts before I fall in love with it.
This is really sad because my favourite bronzer palette has almost ran out. I used the NYX contouring palette and combine two colours to attempt contouring, giving me healthy glow. Can you guys give me any recommendations of what bronzer I should use next?
I fall in and out of love with blusher and I have particular times I like to wear it. So I like to wear a teeny-tiny bit of blusher in the day but not the evening. Strange huh? Well when I have had a few drinks or am laughing too hard I go really red in the face. I’m the best beauty blogger ever and a total hun right??
This Creme Puff Blusher (shade Lavish Mauve) from Max Factor is so gorgeous I almost hate using it. I dust it ever so lightly on my cheeks before applying highlighter.
I’m all about the glow this summer. This has to be Pixi Glow in the shade of Santorini. It can be applied subtly or more so to give you that healthy glow we all desire. It has a slightly shimmer in it and it’s one of the best highlighters I’ve ever used.
Lottie Matte lipgloss in the shade “Were it” is beautiful and so useful, a nice nude pink if you have thin lips like mine. I own a few of these lipglosses and although they are not long lasting, they don’t dry your lips out.
This is the finished look… what do you think?
If you want the “Do the make-up in the dark whilst the baby sleeping look” like above leave a comment!
    So they are my favourite summer make-up products at the moment. What are your favourite summer make-up products and brands?
Kay xx
Check out my top "Summer" Make-up products on my new blog post now! #summer #makeup #beauty #favourites #products #look #faketan #foundation #eyebrows #glowing Hello huns! My last beauty post about my favourite concealers seems to be a real winner. I'm not going to lead you into a false pretence, if you were looking for a beauty expert or someone who is glam then you have come to the wrong blog.
0 notes
amikatie-blog · 6 years
Hello huns!
My last beauty post about my favourite concealers seems to be a real winner. I’m not going to lead you into a false pretence, if you were looking for a beauty expert or someone who is glam then you have come to the wrong blog. I nearly always wear the same products on my face and I’ve only recently thrown away products I’ve had for years (ew, gross). However as the weather is getting warmer and I’m baring my pins for all the see, I thought I would share with you what is on my face.
Fake Tan:
I’d like to thing I’m pretty low maintenance. I may be kidding myself… as if I had the time and money I’d be a lot more glam, but I still find the time to fake tan as it makes me feel more put together. I use Rimmel Sun Shimmer Fake Tan Mouse (Light). Although it’s the lightest shade it give me a nice healthy glow, obvious that I’ve got a tan without looking too fake.
I’m missing my pregnancy glow and my skin isn’t feeling that healthy at the moment. I’m loving the Loreal Infallible Illumizer Primer. Apart from the beautiful look of the bottle, it gives the appearance of the healthy glow without getting pregnant again (yeah not ready for that anytime soon). Also it comes out like melted silver and makes me feel like a unicorn… yeah I said it!
As the weather is pretty damn warm at the moment in the UK, a full face of make-up sometimes makes me want to claw my own face off…just me? So I’m currently using a CC cream from Bojouris. It’s a bit darker due to my fake tan but it’s not as heavy as foundation so it makes me feel a bit better about life. I love the 123 Perfect CC cream is beige. I apply it using a beauty blender as it really helps give the lighter more even complexion I’m desperately seeking!
I change between the two, but for this look I used my Nip + Fab concealer as I think it provides longer lasting coverage and not too heavy.
Eyeshadow Palette:
I’m a big fan of an Eyeshadow palette and is probably my biggest secret. If my partner knew how much I spent on make-up he would be astounded. Yes I did need to spend £40 on the palette that is ideal to 3 I already own…
My favourite summer-go-to eyeshadow Palette is Maybelliene “The blushed nude palette”. The colours are all beautiful pinks, yellows and browns perfect for summer. When I first got it I followed the little tutorial on the back, that shows you what goes where on your eyes and it’s perfect if your a newbie to eyeshadow, blending and all that jazz.
I used the Max Factor Eyebrown Pencil in brown and I keep going back to it! I love the precision of it and the shade works really well for me. I don’t want to look at photos of me before I filled my eyebrows in… a different time!
Liqui Eyeliner:
I am a big fan of my ELF Liquid eyeliner. I’ve heard ELF is hit and miss in the USA, but I adore my ELF liquid eyeliner and their brushes, especially for the price. I find it creates the perfect flick.
Obviously I don’t see the need to splash out on expensive Mascaras (yet) when the drugstore ones are so good! I’ve heard really good things about the Maybelliene Sensational Lashes Mascara and although I really like the brush, I think it will need a few more attempts before I fall in love with it.
This is really sad because my favourite bronzer palette has almost ran out. I used the NYX contouring palette and combine two colours to attempt contouring, giving me healthy glow. Can you guys give me any recommendations of what bronzer I should use next?
I fall in and out of love with blusher and I have particular times I like to wear it. So I like to wear a teeny-tiny bit of blusher in the day but not the evening. Strange huh? Well when I have had a few drinks or am laughing too hard I go really red in the face. I’m the best beauty blogger ever and a total hun right??
This Creme Puff Blusher (shade Lavish Mauve) from Max Factor is so gorgeous I almost hate using it. I dust it ever so lightly on my cheeks before applying highlighter.
I’m all about the glow this summer. This has to be Pixi Glow in the shade of Santorini. It can be applied subtly or more so to give you that healthy glow we all desire. It has a slightly shimmer in it and it’s one of the best highlighters I’ve ever used.
Lottie Matte lipgloss in the shade “Were it” is beautiful and so useful, a nice nude pink if you have thin lips like mine. I own a few of these lipglosses and although they are not long lasting, they don’t dry your lips out.
This is the finished look… what do you think?
If you want the “Do the make-up in the dark whilst the baby sleeping look” like above leave a comment!
    So they are my favourite summer make-up products at the moment. What are your favourite summer make-up products and brands?
Kay xx
Check out my top "Summer" Make-up products on my new blog post now! #summer #makeup #beauty #favourites #products #look #faketan #foundation #eyebrows #glowing Hello huns! My last beauty post about my favourite concealers seems to be a real winner. I'm not going to lead you into a false pretence, if you were looking for a beauty expert or someone who is glam then you have come to the wrong blog.
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