#i wish i had a better order for some of these glams
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eyrie’s glams 1/??
brd: SB + early ShB--> late ShB --> post EW
rdm: post EW | smn: post EW | sge: post EW
dnc: EW --> post EW | drk: post EW
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nezumeanie · 1 year
☆ a s m o party night! *˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧.˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. ˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩.
warnings: alcohol mention | drunk mc | a party scene, ofc (horrific!!!!!!) | but gn reader as always >_<)7 and maybe some typos i dunno
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♡ you had never actually considered going to one of those “asmo parties”—spending so much of your time exhausted from devildom antics, swamped with language homework you couldn’t make sense of, and the overall overwhelm of your exchange, you just couldn’t find the time or energy to look into it. this particular asmo party, however, was going to celebrate his birthday making this asmo party even more asmo themed: everyone should wear as much pink as possible and glam themselves up as much as their pretty little bodies could handle. something about that made you feel giddy and annoyed at the same time, not really knowing whether or not it was a good idea to go.
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♡ that night had been filled with an electricity you hadn’t been used to as well. unconsciously, you really wanted to impress asmo, and wanted to make sure you looked good in front of all the guests he loosely called his friends. maybe his sin was peppered in the air, you hoped people would look at you and know that you knew asmo in ways that they would never think to imagine, that you had seen him really cry or that you had even seen him with a bandaid over a pimple on his forehead (thought you hadn’t ever seen the actual pimple). that your proximity to him would incite anything in them: anger, jealousy, awe, admiration. maybe that feeling was new, maybe it wasn’t. the venue was dark with varying shades of pink and white neon lights, all sorts of beings were pressed together in a way on alcohol could make cozy, the sound of the music drummed deep in your chest making your own heartbeat unrecognizable. you wondered is this the right idea? since you would, undoubtedly, see asmo again in the morning at home and would wish him happy birthday then, instead of watching him turn over a new year at midnight tonight. he thought himself to be the whole world like this, it made you smile how strange he truly was.
♡ the only worry you had was whether or not you would get to see asmo at all! the air was hot and sticky, the people around were singing and yelling and laughing and all of their faces were unrecognizable to you. there’s no earthly way someone could have actually known this many people, but then you supposed asmo had thousands of years to make friends. or maybe he hadn’t. there was also a surprising amount of humans at this party which lifted your spirits slightly: there would be something other than demonus here tonight. worming your way through the crowd, you found the bar, the bartenders all wearing paper masks with asmo’s smiling face on them. definitely weird, definitely on brand. asking asmo number five for something from the human realm, they poured you something pink and shimmery and you downed it in haste. it definitely was not champagne. but you couldn’t ignore the warmth and…..and confidence it was giving you. you asked for another.
♡ the ‘countdown to asmo day’ was projected on a screen behind the dj, ten minutes and fifty-four seconds. how long had you been here? this whole thing suddenly feels really funny. you start to giggle with a sparkly drink in your hand. hey when did you order this drink? hehe. it tasted sooooo good though maybe someone gave it to you with a smile because you looked sooo pretty tonight? hehe. well, you knew better than to drink an open drink anyway. you blinked slowly and staggered backwards bumping bodies with someone, not uncommon. giggling again you turned to apologize. oh! you found him! asmo! he had a wide eyed expression. “what’re you doing here? and like this too?” he gracefully stole the glass from your hand and smiled. “you look gorgeous” he added. hehe asmo was always so forward wasn’t he? you could smell demonus on him, but you really couldn’t tell he had been drinking at all. and what sort of question was that? what other reason could there be to go to an asmo party? that made him laugh in a way that made you swoon in a way you normally wouldn’t allow. maybe he hadn’t noticed maybe he had. asmo told you he was flattered you came this time after many many months of asking you to attend one. wishing you two had walked in together to turn heads and gain gasps from his audience. somehow you were just sober enough to roll your eyes at such a statement, but unable to tell if it was bass or butterflies in your stomach.
♡ the ‘asmo day’ timer ticked on minutes went by that he stood and talked with you. you don’t remember when he had taken your hand in the conversation, whether to steady or you because he liked doing so you didn’t have the mind to wonder. your drink still in his hand like an accessory. anger burned in your chest inexplicably—why was he down here talking with you? shouldn’t he have been on stage taking in the excitement when the asmo-faced ball dropped down the miniature tower? you had been shouting over the music all night, so maybe your tone hadn’t changed when you said this. asmo kept on smiling at you, but his eyes softened. “i really wish i would’ve known you were here tonight.” he had leaned into your ear to say that. something in your chest burned again. what the hell is that supposed to mean? and shouldn’t he be up there hosting his party. he leaned in again. as much as this is an asmo party, the majority of it is mostly, he said to you, for show—the humans; the incubi; the demons; those sneaky, sneaky angels; they weren’t here for asmodeus, but for what he represents: unadulterated and limitless access to their deepest desires. asmo always found himself being incredulously honest with you, and here he was telling you that it wasn’t him they desired, but the desire itself kept them drawn to him. you blinked hard and he laughed. “unfortunately there’s no one else in the devildom who can host a party like i can, after attending an asmo party every other party will feel like a five year old’s birthday,” he spoke while waving that glass on the air, the glitter in it spun but not a drop sloshed out. “and besides, i’ve already gotten everything i wanted out of this party about ten minutes ago.” his smile morphed into a smaller, more intimate one. you couldn’t help but wonder if anyone else got smiles like this or if it was just for you. that shimmery drink hadn’t given you the confidence to ask him that.
♡ asmo was impressive, maybe you were truly seeing it for the first time. the atmosphere was both lighthearted and intense. all the bodies around found ways to flirt with each other, touch each other, give each other knowing looks before sneaking out of the crowds. you had even noticed a larger amount of eyes on you than usual and, without meaning to humble or self deprecating, you knew it was an effect of the party: the secret wants of someone bubbling beneath the surface of their everyday life was brought beneath asmo’s moonlight, unclothed, inspected, and accepted. encouraged, even. he looked over his unruly crowd with a pleasure of his own, something almost paternal in his eyes. you called to him again. the countdown had begun from thirty. when asmo turned to look at you, you noticed the way he looked at you. innocent. not that he thought of you in that sense, but that he hadn’t looked at you with the intention of eating you up. maybe it was that drink, but this really annoyed you. the crowd calling numbers annoyed you, the way people came and went touching asmo’s arms and shoulders and waist annoyed you, the fact that he felt like babysitting you in the crowd instead of putting on a show on stage annoyed you. also the way he trusted you with his secrets was starting to annoy you. half teetering, you leaned into his chest hoping to press your lips against his and to your bewilderment, he pulled away biting his own intensely. “you don’t understand it,” he panted “but i’ve really, really been holding back. because it’s you.” the look in his eyes where the ones you had been longing for. the countdown concluded in a series of cheers and applause, the crowd all pulling the ones nearest to them into lust filled kisses. only you and asmo stood staring at each other. the energy, the smell, his hand in yours, the look on his face…you leaned once again and said “did you really think you were the only one?”
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mamamittens · 2 years
Oh man your asks must be jumping! Jumping! Well I want in on the bouncy house.
Lemme get uhhhmmm
Caramel chocolate with pop rocks and candy corn, a water with strawberries with a shot of mind eraser and to wash it down a hot damn. All for me, because soy goloso:3 with Eustass Kid from one piece. I'm M!Afab and femme presenting and like to explore with alt fashion. I'd like to add I'm dark skinned and a have my curves but have a bit of a tummy and stretch marks. Do with that as you like
Can't wait to see what work of art you come up with!
Well, I hope you have fun on your date! (Hope this is what you had in mind lol)
Date Night Event!
Warnings: Aggressive, horny behavior from Kid. Arranged marriage. Accidental misgendering at the start. Clothed grinding against a door, degradation, praise kink, (bonus) oral sex, table sex, and possibly a marriage kink in there somewhere. Implied sex as a behavior reward.
Word Count: 3,014
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Kid couldn’t help the sneer on his lips at the overly polished, glitz and glam of the upscale restaurant he had to visit. Unfortunately, this was non-negotiable as it would be his first time meeting his fiancée. Hardly his decision or idea—why the fuck would he ever want to get married to anyone let alone a stranger—but he was stuck with it. So he had to sit still and try not to rip up the expensive suit he would have sworn he never owned before tonight.
“Eustass, I assume?” A soft voice called from his side. Kid jolted in revulsion for a moment—no one called him that under threat of death what the hell—before his attention was immediately drawn to her. His fiancée.
He hated how damn good she looked.
Dark pantsuit that hugged her curves, modest enough to pass muster in this uppity hell hole but with an edge. Red accents in her heels and makeup that Kid almost wished he knew was on purpose because fuck was that his color. And hers, clearly. Hair pinned back with a few strands brushing her dark skin. She looked fine as hell.
Like sin in a business meeting and if this was any other moment or place he’d make it personal.
Instead he has to deal with the fact that he doesn’t want to fucking be here, he didn’t choose to be here, and this is all obligation. He likes to fuck for fun but damnit at least they both want it when he does.
No way in hell would this hot piece of ass be here if it wasn’t for obligation.
“Just Kid is fine.” He huffed, shifting in his seat to relieve the pressure on his erection. “Let’s get this over with.” He snarled, tipping his chin towards the menus laid out on the table. She looked a little startled at his brisk attitude and he couldn’t help but take satisfaction from it.
He wasn’t nice on a good day. Better to get used to it before they’re married so that maybe they won’t be totally fucking miserable together.
Fuck does it burn that the only way he’d bag her is through an arranged marriage. He can’t take satisfaction in anything knowing neither one of them meant to be here.
“Are we ready to order?” A waiter asked, startling Kid a bit. He bit out his order of steak and wine. Hopeful that the booze will take off the edge of his temper.
It wouldn’t but it never stopped him from trying before. His fiancée ordered in turn, a fancy pasta with shrimp and wine. The waiter nodded his head before excusing himself.
“So, tell me about yourself.” She asked with a polite smile that pissed him off with how pretty and cloying it felt. Like she gave a shit.
“Well, for starters I hate nosy bitches.” Kid snapped, glaring at her.
Instead of withering under his gaze like he expected, her dark eyes narrowed as her painted lips pursed slightly. She looked pissed and Kid was pissed off at how even slight anger looked good on her. He wanted to reach over and smear her lipstick. Smudge the kohl around her eyes and pull her hair.
Find something—some expression or disarray that she wouldn’t look like his wet dream in.
And Kid suspected—seething at the unfairness of it all—that he would fail miserably like the sad, horny bastard he is.
“Well, I’m not signing a piece of paper tying myself to a man when I don’t even know his favorite color. So, you better learn to put up with a nosy bitch and pull the stick out of your ass.” Kid wished he had sat for a fitting in his suit. Maybe then the inseam would allow for the raging hard on. As sudden as it happened, her sneer turned into that polite smile as the waiter brought their wine. “Thank you. Leave the bottle, please. I suspect I’ll need it.”
“Better bring another.” Kid snapped, receiving a stern look from his fiancée for his terse treatment of the poor waiter.
He wasn’t sure if it was his inherent desire to defy authority or his horny ass desire for his fiancée that led him to wonder if she could keep up that look if he fucked her over the table. He hadn’t even sipped at his wine and he already was dangerously close to an act of public indecency. The sheer, dark promise of satisfaction sank deep into his chest. They’d have to consummate the marriage eventually. And when they did, Kid was fucking ready to show her something more than obligation. Until she begged for it, even.
They were stuck in this shitty ass situation but he’d be damned if he didn’t to bend her over at least once.
Until then, he’d just have to bite back the heavy weight of blue balls.
“We’ve only been here ten minutes and you’re already such an insufferable dick, Kid.” She sighed, taking a long sip of wine. Kid slammed back his, not even tasting the expensive booze. “Are you going to be like this all the time? Is this what I have to look forward to?” She smacked his hand when he reached for the bottle just as the waiter brought Kid his own.
She pulled out a crisp hundred and handed it to the surprised waiter.
“Oh. Are you already leaving, miss?” He asked, “I’ll get the check.”
“No, no. This is an advance on my tip for dealing with him. This is going to be rough for both of us.” She commiserated with a soft smile as the waiter smiled back awkwardly, pocketing the money.
Oh, he’d fucking show her rough—
Kid sneered and started drinking straight from the bottle. He didn’t give a shit anymore. If he didn’t get buzzed fast, he was going to personally ruin that makeup and tight pantsuit. Right here in the uppity restaurant.
Kid refrained from speaking anymore, distantly aware that he’d embarrass the fuck out of himself if he opened his mouth for anything other than more wine. Either by reflexively snipping at his fiancée to hide his carnal desire or being patronized for his behavior. She simply sat back and took small sips from her wine, glaring at him from across the table—literally doing nothing but making him more aggressively horny.
The food was both a welcome distraction and a horrifying realization that soon every dinner would be like this.
Husband and wife, sitting across a table and pissed to be there.
The food was fucking delicious but biting into the high-quality steak did little to help him restrain himself. It melted on his tongue, parting for his fork without even using a knife. Seasoned to perfection, Kid bitterly wished he could enjoy it.
And normally he would.
But right now? Right now, he needed something tougher to sink his teeth into. A distraction from how poised his fiancée looked swirling up steaming hot pasta and eating without smearing her lipstick. The pleased sound that made Kid wonder if she’d make the same noise if he was between her thick thighs. She’d probably taste even better than the damn steak.
Maybe having horny thoughts about eating out his fiancée while actually eating a steak so soft it falls apart on his tongue wasn’t helping his erection. Just maybe. Could also be the wine at this point. Whisky made him a rough fuck but wine… well, wine made him get lost in his bed partner until they cried for his cock.
“At least you’re enjoying something tonight.” Kid snarked. She gave him an unimpressed look, swirling up another wad of pasta and tangled up shrimp.
“Well, I can’t really enjoy the company, can I?” She said.
“Like you wanted to be here to begin with.” Kid drank heavily from the bottle. “But guess what, sweet cheeks? This is only the start! Guess you’ll just have to get used to this as my future wife, won’t you?” Kid raised his bottle, aware he was being a massive asshole.
“To miserable company.” Then he slammed it back until it was empty. When he sat the bottle down, gasping for air, he sputtered. Wine thrown at him.
Snarling, he was shocked to find his fiancée standing up from the table. Sneering at him.
“I guess it was too much to expect my future husband to not be such a miserable fucking bastard. We’re well-matched at least, in our disappointment with our partners. I wanted to know the man I’d marry would be my partner. My equal, if nothing else. But you’re just a drunk prick.” She huffed. “And you won’t have a wife at all, for all that you clearly didn’t want one. At least have the courtesy to not be a complete dick and call me what I am. Your future husband. Have a good day, Kid.” She slammed down money and stormed off. Leaving Kid spiraling.
Dazed, he flagged down the waiter and added his own money to the table for the mess and show he helped create. Tipping generously after being given a towel to wipe his face.
When the cool night air hit him, his phone was in hand instantly.
“Killer… I fucked up. Do you know where my fiancé lives?” The startled grunt was all he needed. “Great. Give me a ride. I’m buzzed as hell.”
He absolutely deserved the look Killer gave him when he picked him up.
The loft apartment was nice. The doorman judgmental as hell in a way that he wouldn’t tolerate if he wasn’t still reeling from being reamed in the restaurant. It really shouldn’t have been such a turn on but he was rapidly coming to term with the facts of life. His fiancé just did it for him. All the time, it seems.
His fist was heavy as it slammed into the door, his blood buzzing with arousal and expensive wine.
She—He opened the door, hair still pinned back but suit jacket removed. Silk red camisole displaying his shoulders and the swell of his breasts beautifully.
“Kid?! What the hell are you doing—”
“You’ve got balls talking to me like that.” Kid snarled, bullying his way into the room, pinning his fiancé to the door. “Maybe there’s hope for us after all. I needed that. I was a dick to you.” Kid could smell the intoxicating mix of expensive perfume and a natural spice.
“W-Well, I’m glad we can come to an agreement about that.” He stammered, shocked by his behavior. Kid couldn’t blame him.
“Fuck, I should have bought flowers… do you like flowers?” Kid shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. “Red.”
He looked as confused as Kid felt.
“My favorite color is red. The shade doesn’t matter but right now I’m partial to the shade on your lips. I wear makeup usually but decided not to scandalize the staff… think I could wear that shade?” Kid leaned down, pressing his forehead against his fiancé’s. Their eyes were wide.
“Uhm… sure. I can… let you borrow mine. You’d look good in it, I think. It doesn’t smudge when it sets, so you’ll need makeup remover for it.” He helpfully explained. Kid grinned.
“So, what I’m hearing is that I better put some fucking effort in if I want it on my skin?” Kid’s voice dropped low and intimate. “I’ll have to kiss you hard to transfer it to my lips? Let me try it. I want to see how good it is.” Kid murmured, slowly moving and allowing his fiancé to decide.
“If you think that weak ass apology is good enough, you better think again. That’s not nearly good enough for the attitude you’ve had all night.” He smirked, hand resting over Kid’s erection. “Is this the root of the problem? All that huffing and snarling because you’ve got blue balls?”
Kid grabbed his thick thighs and lifted his fiancé against the door, pressing between them with a smirk of his own. Rocking against the door in a slow, dry fuck.
“How can I not get bricked up when you came in looking so fucking good?” Kid grumbled, staring into his eyes. “Fine. I’m sorry I was too busy imaging your makeup running when you introduced yourself to be a gentleman. I’m sorry I drank a whole bottle of wine so I wouldn’t bend you over the table. I’m so fucking sorry all I can think of when I look at you is how fucking beautiful my future husband is.”
Kid kissed him then, lips pressing hard against the soft red as he ground his cock against his fiancé’s body. Groaning when he felt a hot tongue slip into his mouth. He was sorry, but he sure as fuck wasn’t going to fold when his fiancé was the one getting dry fucked against his front door. Kid pressed his tongue back and took control of the kiss. Wet and filthy, Kid soaked up the weak, mewling moans and how hot his dick was. Pressed against slick fabric that he wanted to rip open like a gift.
Finally, he jerked away, panting and snarling when he found his fiancé was right. The lipstick didn’t even smear a little the entire time. He’d need to give them a different kind. One that leaves marks everywhere. Makes sex so much better to see afterwards where those sexy lips have been. On his lips. His chest. His cock. Everywhere.
“You’re not sorry. If you were, you wouldn’t be teasing me like this. What kind of gentleman fucks against a door?” Kid smiled.
“You’re so fucking right. I’m sorry, husband.” Kid pulled away from the door, still holding his fiancé against his body. He glanced around and spotted the kitchen table. “A real gentleman fucks his husband on a table.”
Kid slammed him onto the table and yanked off both their pants.
“Fuck!” He cursed as Kid tore open the camisole with his bare hands.
Breasts and body finally fully bared for Kid, he grinned down at his fiancé.
“Finally.” Kid licked down their body, fully tasking his skin and testing the softness of his fiancé’s breasts with his teeth and tongue. Hands firm as they gripped thick, supple thighs as he panted over their cunt. “Some good fucking food.”
Softer than a wet dream, Kid groaned at the sweet fluttering against his tongue. Cute clit begging for his attention as the wine fully settled in his system. Sure, his lipstick didn’t smudge, but maybe the mascara would? Goal affirmed, Kid set to work. Fully indulging in the soaking wet cunt as his fiancé cried out, wriggling against his face.
Hands carded through his hair as Kid wound them up. Tasting deeply as they sobbed, twitching around his tongue and fingers.
“O-Oh! Kid! Fuck! Yes!”
“S-So good… Ahnnn~! Oh! Oh! R-Right there!”
Praise rained down onto Kid’s shoulders, going right to his cock as he drove his tongue in deep. Spreading his fingers out as cream poured onto the table. Kid wanted to fucking ruin his fiancé. Make a mess to bad he’d slip when Kid fucked him properly over the table later.
When he begged for it.
“S-Shit! Kid! O-Ohhhhnnnggghh~! Ah! K-Kid y-yes!”
He trembled around Kid, thighs quivering as he came again.
“P-Please! Fuck me! Fuck me oh~! Fuck me please~!” Kid ripped himself away so fast his head spun. Lungs burning as he panted, eagerly slamming in his cock so fast there was a startled scream.
Kid fucked him hard. So close to cumming already, he throbbed as he saw the dirty tear tracks running down his fiancé’s face.
“This good enough? You like that? Slut.” Kid grinned, watching his tits bounce with every hard thrust. Grip on his ass firm as the puddle on the table made him slip away. “Look at my pretty baby, ruined on my cock. Good think you’re going to wear my ring, I want to break you every night.”
“That’s right.” Kid leaned over and licked at the sweat dripping down his chest. “That’s the name of your future husband. Am I still a fucking rude dick? Go on. Tell me if I still need to kiss and make it better~” Kid teased, railing into him so hard the table rocked back.
“S-So rude! A-Ahn~! F-Fuck!” He raked his nails down Kid’s back as he cried out. “N-Not even married yet!” Kid clicked his tongue and chuckled.
“You’re so fucking right. We aren’t husbands yet.” Kid agreed. “But you’ll cum for me like you are anyway, won’t you, slut?” He jerked under Kid’s thrusts, squeezing down harder.
“Yes!” He threw his head back and Kid took advantage. Kissing and sucking a bruise into the skin even though he couldn’t see it. His fiancé cried out, practically wailing as he came on Kid’s cock.
“Yeah, that’s right. So fucking tight! Every time I’ve got an attitude, are you going to spread for me? Let me take it out on your wet cunt?” Kid asked, going slower so he could press in deeper. “Might finally start acting right with a pussy this sweet for me, husband.” Kid smothered his panting fiancé’s lips with a groan as he came.
He shivered, pulling out as his fiancé gasped for air. They trembled hard as Kid’s cock slipped out.
They smiled in a daze, looking up at him through their lashes. Kissing him softly, they caressed his face.
“If it makes you sweet, I just might let you take your attitude out on me like this.” Kid smirked, thrusting back in with a wet smack. His fiancé moaned in surprise.
“Whoops.” Kid said dryly, grinning. “I think I still feel like a complete bastard. Better start working on that.”
To no one’s surprise, Kid did not stop being a dick when he felt like it… but he did feel more incentivized to be polite when his husband gave him a look. Matching bands on their fingers gleaming in the light.
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auralina33 · 1 year
Hm. Gonna go for Glamrock Freddy here (also would love to hear more Glam lore ✨)
First impression: An animatronic taking a benevolent role in FNAF? God I've been waiting years for this. And he seems like he could have dad vibes, too... If they do this right I may be insane about this guy.
Impression now: They did not do it right. HOWEVER... I somehow am insanely invested in the possibilities his character has. If canon just allowed him to be afraid, to be properly worried, to question things and actually do things of his own right, he'd be SUCH a good and interesting character.
Favorite moment: Every time he vouches for the other Glamrocks, even if they didn't actually have anything come from that in canon, the fact he's at least supposed to genuinely believe in their innocence makes me so insane. Also that scrapped moment where he could have gotten wrecked by Vanny ordering them to attack him and he pleads for them to stop and resist her control still has me like. I wish that had happened so fucking badly.
Idea for a story: To be honest I need to write some one-shots with him in general. For an idea I already have, I've considered time and time again to write a piece set in post-canon Memento Mori, where Glam visits the Daycare to check on Sol and Luna and ends up having a heart-to-heart with Sol about how traumatic what happened was.
Unpopular opinion: Glamrock Freddy would genuinely be a much better protagonist for FNAF SB than Gregory is. He has actual real stakes on this situation, both from his friends being both the antagonists and the victims, and also if you assume that Vanny and/or Glitchtrap (Mimic) want to hijack him too.
Favorite relationship: Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Bonnie and Montgomery Gator polycule REAL I'm manifesting it. Also I can at least say the way the fandom portrays him and Gregory is cute. He has so many chances for an interesting dynamic with Vanny, Vanessa or either version of the Daycare Attendant too.
Favorite headcanon: Glam from Memento Mori is my favorite final girl. But on a serious note, him being autistic and also him feeling immense amounts of guilt for the situation his friends are in, especially as their supposed leader.
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 3 years
Supernova (Chapter 7)
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Pairing: Dick Grayson as Robin x Reader
Warnings: None! Lmao finally
Word Count: 3.9K
Summary: As the daughter of Wonder Woman, you always knew you were destined for something more than the life of a mortal. It seemed like your wish for a life of adventure came true but whether in the form of a blessing or curse, you didn’t know. All you know is that you were the sole witness for a chain of murders that would begin. It’s up to you to find out who was the murderer before it’s too late……
A/N: It's a sweet chapter ya'll. I promise.
Supernova Masterlist
“You’re sweaty.” Robin murmured when you rested your forehead against the nape of his neck. You both were exhausted after training and you were a shower away from passing out in your bed but you both still needed a few minutes to catch your breath, leaning on each other for support. Even though he was complaining about you sweating, he didn’t seem to do anything to get away from you, even going so far as to wrap an arm around your shoulder.
You felt him swallowing the gulps of water against your skin before scoffing and wiping your skin with a towel, “As if you’re any better, my eyes are stinging from your sweat.”
Then you both dissolved back to silence, quietly enjoying each other’s company as the night slowly bled into day.
“Do you ever wonder what smoking feels like?” You asked and Robin laughed, making you whine when he began shaking, moving your body in tandem with his because of it. Even though you pinched his side to get him to stop laughing, it was useless since it made him laugh even harder, slugging you off his shoulder as your back hit the training mat.
“It wasn’t even that funny.”
“It was random."
“I was just thinking about it. I can hardly breathe when someone else is smoking beside me. I wonder how it feels actually inhaling the stuff.” You wondered, now getting comfortable on your back and he lay down beside you, “I guess some people enjoy it.”
It was silent again and you yawned, waiting for your body to cool off. The unfortunate thing about living at Happy Harbor was that the weather was unusually hot during the summer, so hot that even the water ended up getting to a scorching temperature. If you went for a shower straight after training, you’d be slowly boiled to perfection.
But the more you waited, the sleepier you got.
Robin spared you a glance as you yawned once again, stifling his own. The training had been taking a toll on him, since he would come to the cave right after patrol instead of sleep at the Manor. Partly because he liked seeing you improve in combat and get better each day and partly because he just liked seeing you.
If he caught you on a good day, you were fun to be around, cheerful and funny. Your energies mixed together well, fitting together like two puzzle pieces but he never lingered on that thought for long. For now, Robin just wanted to be supportive and a good friend. He’d seen firsthand how much you could change when things hurt you and he never wanted to push you towards that again.
His mind drifted back to the day in the interrogation room, the way you didn’t have any remorse for Thelma when she cried and screamed in front of you. It was so unlike you and for a few brief moments he wondered if he ever knew you at all.
He looked at you again, noticing the way you were smiling at nothing, the sheen of sweat on your face and neck before rethinking. He knew you; he was sure of that. And he liked you for it too.
“What are you thinking about?”
“Just that prom is next week at school. Before Valerie I would’ve pleaded to go but I don’t think I’d want to return to school after this.” You said thoughtfully, suddenly thinking about what you would do if you made out of all this alive.
“Maybe you should transfer to my school.” He said absentmindedly. It wasn’t really a suggestion that he thought you’d accept but he actually liked the thought of you going to his school.
You sent him a teasing smile, “Oh? Boy Wonder actually goes to school? Not some advanced intelligence nerd program?”
He laughed at this, “You’re one to talk.”
It was silent for the next couple moments once again while you both rested comfortably. This was the thing he appreciated the most about your relationship; when it was silent, he wasn’t scrambling to find some conversation piece to fill the silence. He wasn’t unaccustomed to awkward silence but it never felt awkward when he was with you. It was just silence.
He could stay beside you and just stay silent and that was enough. He liked that.
“What color are your eyes?” You asked again, curious.
“Like I’d tell you.” He sighed, sounding way too comfortable for his own good. You kicked him lighter than you were intending to.
“They’re brown, aren’t they?”
“Why brown?”
“Because I feel like any other color would give you an unfair advantage.”
He settled in further, wanting the training mats to suddenly feel like his mattress back home, “Well I’m no swim team captain but.”
The sweat was making the mats stick to your skin and you felt it aggressively peel from your skin when you turned on your side to face him. Now you were made painfully aware about the cold sweat pooling below you and realized you were in desperate need for a shower.
You rubbed his arm gently, wishing him a good night even though you knew that the sun was up. Robin returned the gesture with a smile, telling you to get a good night’s sleep. As he watched your receding back, a thought came to his mind and he stopped you in your tracks.
“Here’s a thought, why don’t we do something on prom night? Have our own little thing right here? We could watch a movie or something.” He proposed and your brows furrowed, “Don’t you have prom too?”
He did. Which was planned and decorated with the money his father had generously donated. But Dick didn’t feel an ounce of remorse for missing it. He also knew it was the only night that the others wouldn’t be home, all at their own prom. As long as he would get to have a fun night with you.
“Yeah, but I wasn’t planning on going anyway.” Alfred had already pressed his suit and had a special corsage ordered. He was going with Barbara, as friends, but cancelling on her seemed like a small feat in the moment.
“Are you sure?” “Definitely.”
You smiled slightly, nodding before waving goodbye and continuing on your way to the showers. When he heard the door shut, Dick realized just what he had gotten himself to and flopped back onto the mats, ‘What did I just do?’
He’d have to cancel the limo without his dad or Alfred finding out. He’d have to cancel the reservations at the restaurant. For goodness’ sake, he’d have to take a rain check on Barbara. Still, Dick wasn’t able to wipe the smile off his face.
You were oddly looking forward to hanging out with Robin tonight. Everyone had already left for their own proms, Zatanna was in a dress that she had borrowed from you. Even though you knew that the prom dress you had been planning to wear would’ve been the best for her school theme, you had a weirdly hard time parting from it, considering it was just a piece of clothing.
All three girls spent a couple hours primping with you, trying their best to include you in some of the fun. You even managed to rope Artemis into getting glammed up. She protested a lot at first but once she got in the chair it was like you had tamed a jungle cat. They had time to style your hair as well and you barely had any idea what was happening while Doja Cat played and you had a sheet mask on. After getting that off, you felt like a new born baby.
You sent all three of them off after taking a ton of pictures and they told you to have a great night too, smiling like they knew something you didn’t.
Now that the cave was completely empty, even Aqualad had left that morning to pay a visit to Atlantis, you were left alone with Robin and were excited about it. You weren’t going to do anything special anyway, other than watching a movie and stuffing your face with food but you were still happy to spend some time with him when you both weren’t sweating like pigs.
Even the thought of sitting beside him on the couch while a movie played had a skip in your step.
Just as you saw the doors to the main hall and a familiar head of hair, you picked up the pace until you stopped walking all together, shocked.
Because there stood Robin waiting by the door with a shy smile on his face. Dressed in a suit and tie.
You chocked out a laugh, not quite sure why it felt like the wind was knocked out of you before walking up to him, gently pulling his fingers away from the tie he was fidgeting with and straightening it out, “A little over-dressed for a movie, don’t you think?”
“Change of plans, we’re going to have our own prom night, right here.”
You giggled, reclipping the tie clip before straightening out the corsage in his breast pocket. You spared a glance up, meeting his eyes and you realized just how close the both of you had gotten. If he didn’t have the sunglasses on, you would’ve been able to see your reflection in his—probably— brown eyes.
You cleared your throat, stepping away from him not before smoothing your hands down the lapels, smiling at just how handsome he looked.
“Wish you would’ve told me. I would’ve matched what I’m wearing to your tie.” You teased.
“Actually, you can.” You raised a brow at this and the red began crawling up his neck, “I asked your mom to drop your dress off. It’s in your room.”
The uncomfortable conversation with Wonder Woman about why he wanted the particular dress that her daughter of the same age was planning to wear to prom was completely worth it when he watched your eyes light up like the sun before throwing your arms around his neck, “Oh my god! I love you!”
The dress fit you like a glove, even though the last time you wore tried it on it had been a teeny bit snug. All those hours training with Robin probably made it fit a little better even though you didn’t look any different. You stood in front of the mirror and couldn’t stop twirling; the dress was just so beautiful and you were over the moon that you got to wear it.
When you met Robin by the door, it felt a little too good to be true, the way he smiled at you just as your eyes met and then held out his arm for you to take. Your heart was sure to stop beating tonight at the rate it was thumping in your chest. You could barely hear him over the sound of it, filled with too much adrenaline and excitement. You could’ve gone for a 100-mile run with the amount of energy you suddenly had.
“You look pretty.”
You grinned and curtsied in an old-fashioned way, tipping an imaginary hat, “Why, thank you. You look pretty dapper yourself.”
He laughed, “Dapper?”
“It’s a word, look it up, tweetie bird.”
“And now all the magic’s dead.”
“Oh? Because I was expecting you to pull out a bouquet from your sleeve there.”
“Actually—” He smiled, pulling out a matching corsage from his suit pocket and holding it out to you, “I went all out.”
He helped you fasten it around your wrist when you struggled to do it with one hand and your breath got caught in your throat. It was awkward, to say the least, the energy between the both of you. In fact, there was so much tension that you felt like you could choke on it. Even though your first response to any kind of distress was to hide underneath the blankets in your bedroom, you still stayed by his side.
“So, what are we waiting for? What movie are we watching?”
It seemed like he finally remembered why he was standing outside the hall in the first place and smiled shyly, a blush faintly painting his cheeks. It felt like he was stalling the more you thought about it, lingering at the door for way too long as if something would explode or jump at you if he put his hand on the handle.
He opened the door and you gasped, “You need to stop saying ‘Actually’ because every time you do, I get a heart attack.”
How he managed to get all this done in a day was beyond you. The table was filled with snacks and drinks that you knew was meant to be left over for Wally to finish. The TV had a blanket fort in front of it, looking so cozy that you suddenly wanted to take a nap. The holo-computer was projecting something similar to a carnival game, with a couple targets levitating mid-air, labelled with different points.
Your heart fluttered when you realized that Robin had gone through all this just to make sure you’d have a fun night and suddenly your eyes felt alarmingly wet.
“You’re not gonna cry, are you?” Came his incredulous response and you gave him the weakest punch you could possibly muster because you knew any harder could give your date a hairline fracture, “Excuse me. It’s a perfectly healthy emotional response.”
“Yeah, but you cry a lot, have you realized?” He teased, pulling you toward the holo-computer, giving you a simulator stun gun and then picking one up for himself.
“You don’t cry at all, Mr. Roboto,” You cocked the gun and pointed at him playfully, “But no matter, you’ll be crying once I beat you to dust.”
His signature laugh was the next thing you heard and you blushed, embarrassed that you liked it more than you cared to admit, “Let’s just see about that.”
“And then she goes—Word for word, I’m not even kidding—” You told, picking up a tennis ball and using it to imitate an apple before pretending to take a bite out of it, “Young lady, eating is simply not allowed on school premises. *crunch* These rules obviously apply to everyone. *crunch* No one is above the rules. *crunch*”
Robin was laughing at your horrible British accent and the way you tried so hard to sound all hoity-toity, had Alfred been here he would’ve been appalled. To be quite honest, you weren’t even sure if the lady was British or not, but it seemed fitting and the way Robin was laughing made you embarrassing yourself a teensy bit worth it.
“Not to mention she’s spewing apple chunks all over me. I can never unsee that image.” You shuddered, shaking your head and his laughs dulled down to chuckles.
“That’s not that bad. Once, our health class teacher was covering contraceptives and such. And he stands in front of the entire class and, with absolutely no hesitation, asks ‘So boys and girls, what are your favorite condom brands?’” You burst into laughter at that hiding your face in your hands as tears began blurring your vision.
“Oh, my goodness, I can’t breathe, stop talking!” You interrupted his story, clutching your stomach and flopping on your back from laughing so hard. He laughed, watching you writhe on the floor, unable to stop the choked chortles that were leaving your lips. Your stomach felt like you had just done an ab workout.
The movie that was playing had long gotten over, the credits frozen on the screen as you both continued to talk, recounting all the hilarious stories you could remember as music played in the background, “Alright, so it’s an all-girls program and all of the girls are chattering about and have their own little groups in the auditorium. And my principal goes, ‘Why are you all standing so close? You all are straight girls, are you not?’”
“Not as bad as a girl volunteering to sing during a school assembly before serenading me in front of the entire school. Even though we’ve never actually talked.” He blushed, remembering just how embarrassing the situation was. You threw your head back, missing the moment Robin took to admire you.
“You little Casanova. Are you really complaining about being a heartthrob?” You teased, nudging him playfully and he rolled his eyes though it was hidden by his glasses.
Eventually the stories and laughter begin to die down as your ears tune into the music playing in the background. Just as a fun, rap song that you weren’t paying attention to but were sure had something to do with sex ended, you heard the familiar tune flow through the speakers and smiled as the singers’ voices filled your ears.
“Ahh, I love this song.” You smiled, listening to the first verse. It was a pretty love song that always got you singing when you heard it playing in the car. It was the song you listened to on repeat when you read a romance book to give you the right feels. Closing your eyes, you recalled the last book you read to the music, smiling as the feeling of giddiness began to flow through you.
“Care to join me for a dance?”
When you opened your eyes, Robin was holding a hand out for you, a gentle and reassuring smile on his face and you didn’t hesitate before taking his hand. If he had asked at the start of the night, you probably would’ve blushed and felt nervous just by holding his hand but after spending a couple hours together, you were finally in tune with each other.
You didn’t mind resting your hands on his shoulders as his floated around your waist before you began swaying to the rhythm. You had spent the whole day together, more or less in the same way; resting against each other while watching the movie, holding his hand when he attempted to throw a ball with your lacrosse stick and failing before you stepped behind him to show him how it was done and finally feeding each other food as you attempted to play the guess different foods while blindfolded.
You giggled at the way Robin squirmed when the petals of your corsage tickled his neck, still swaying out of beat to the song but it didn’t really matter, you were just trying hard not to trip over the slight train of the dress or on his feet.
“It’s occurring to me that I haven’t actually thanked you for all of this.” You began, eyes darting around the place as you took in just how much he had done for you today and your heart swelled in your chest, smiling softly without even realizing it. His fingers tightened their grip on your waist slightly and the light blush crawling on his cheeks was the only indication that he was feeling slightly embarrassed.
You looked him back in the eye, well at your reflection in his sunglasses, “I’m really touched, Rob. No one’s ever done anything like this for me and I really don’t know what to say to make you understand just how much this means to me. Thank you.”
Thank you didn’t even begin to express how much you felt for him at this point, dancing with you in bare feet across the hall. A night you had been dreading for a while, a night you thought would be spent all alone was made one of the best ones since you opened your eyes on the planet just because of him. You couldn’t tell him how grateful you were for that.
He felt embarrassed that you were putting him on the spot this way. You had said so much and a simple ‘You’re welcome’ didn’t seem right to say. It felt awkward and distant and off-putting, how would you continue the conversation after he so rudely shut you down without any other way to continue?
His hands were slightly sweating against your dress and if you noticed the increase of warmth from his palms, you didn’t say anything. So, he said the only thing he could to sort of fill the silence, “It was nothing, really. You really don’t have to thank me; I didn’t do much. Besides, I hardly think any of this could compare to your real pro—”
He was cut of by your hands slowly sliding to delicately cup his cheeks before slanting your lips over his in your first kiss. He inhaled sharply against your lips, fingertips digging into your waist. The kiss itself wasn’t much, just a silky brush of your lips against his without any pressure before you pulled back and gave him an endearing smile, “Thank you.”
He returned it, pulling you a teensy bit closer so he could hold you against him but still far enough so you couldn’t feel his heartbeat thrumming against his ribcage.
Not even twenty minutes after the two of you had parted with whispered goodnights, you climbed up the stairs to Robin’s nest, with your makeup freshly washed off and dressed in comfy pajamas. You saw the tip of Robin’s head peek out from the beanbag and smiled. Your heart was slowly sinking to your stomach with the thought of talking to him.
He turned around, seemingly surprised to see you which he never seemed before. Usually, he could hear you from a mile away. The tie around his neck was loosened, the top button undone and his suit jacket lay wrinkled beside him, though he was still wearing his glasses.
Nonetheless, he gave you a gentle smile, scooting over a little so you could plop beside him on the beanbag, “Missed me already?”
“Yeah.” The honesty in your voice caught him off-guard and he found himself blushing and avoiding your eyes as he waited for you to speak again and tell him why you came up here. Of course, his heart leaped at the thought that you were up here just to see him, even though you spent the whole night together.
“Listen about earlier,” He turned his head to you but this time it was you who wouldn’t look at him, playing with your fingers in your lap, “About the kiss; I’m sorry.”
He could hardly hear anything other than his heartbeat when he heard the tone in your voice and he knew that something bad was going to come. Were you going to tell him that it was a mistake and that you regret it? He wouldn’t hold it against you but his heart tore at even the thought.
“I shouldn’t have done it without asking for permission first, I’m sorry. I was just reliving it and I realized that I never actually asked if I could, you know? It’s just I really like you and got caught up in nerves and emotions and all—” Somehow you managed to catch yourself rambling and stopped, taking a deep breath, “Anyway, if it made you uncomfortable, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry.”
You glanced back up at him with a shy smile, “Are you gonna say something or, do you want me to leave….”
If it was possible, you looked even more beautiful barefaced and hair pulled back from your face than you did in the most beautiful dress he had ever seen you in before.
“Could I kiss you? Please?”
Your breath got caught in your throat and you found yourself leaning in before you could even think of saying anything.
Who were you to say no?
Forever Taglist:
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Supernova Taglist:
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alluringjae · 3 years
it’s a royal order - jjh
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⤑ summary: one of your royal campaigns became a success, and your bodyguard jaehyun was there to see it all happen. it’s only fair to celebrate, right?
⤑ pairing: jaehyun x female reader
⤑ word count: 2k
⤑ genre: fluff, suggestive (dirty talk, jaehyun got a daddy kink, superiority complex!!), implied smut | bodyguard!jaehyun, princess!reader, slight enemies to lovers!au, modern royal!au (where south korea remains under monarchial power)
⤑ warnings: mentions of alcohol, drugs, family problems and therapy, explicit language
⤑ playlist: lows by pink sweat$ | céline by gallant | i put a spell on you by iza | nasty by ariana grande | dance for you by beyonce | body by sinead harnett
⤑ author’s note: this is definitely less emotional than all i do is wait! i got this idea from a show i really enjoyed before it got cancelled named the royals. specifically, i really liked the story of eleanor and jasper, which is the whole princess x bodyguard dynamic. the pining and tension, ugh! if you know this show or not, it doesn’t matter. anyways, thank you for the 30+ followers and 200 notes on aidiw! enjoy!
i need holy water because of this piece.
⤑ credits to jeongjaehyuns for the gif above uwu
⤑  leave me some feedback, constructive criticism or hellos!
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“On behalf of the royal family, I would like to extend my utmost support for the Anti-School Violence campaign for all students to have a safer and more meaningful learning environment.” You proudly announced to the board of officials alongside other influential individuals in Korean society.
Being the only princess in the current royal line may have its pressures, but holding a strong, direct impact for a brighter future for the people motivated you to take advantage of your platform for the better. As the image of pure innocence and revamped women empowerment, you aimed to accomplish all the things your mother wished she could before her untimely death alongside your personal aspirations.
Expressing genuine joy with the campaign, with a tinge of desire to annoy the old-fashioned and closeminded officials, your prying eyes were more enamored by a certain man in the back clapping by the ballroom doors. You can’t help but act flustered whenever he witnessed you in a state of success and satisfaction.
This man went by the name Jeong Jaehyun, your trusted bodyguard since you were in your early twenties. 3 years later, he still stuck by your side and helped you endure all the darkness as a royal.
Back then, you went through a rebellious phase that was ruining the image of your family. Clubbing almost every night, drugs, skipping school, you even managed to get all assigned bodyguards to quit! The media ate up all your tricks, turning them into scandals. That was the plan, of course. You desired your own freedom from all the royal obligations because you didn’t ask to be born into that lifestyle. To all of your peers who wished to be in your footsteps, you would’ve impulsively passed your title to them. There’s so much deception that lies behind the glitz and glam of it all.
This unexpected change in your former untainted attitude came to the point that your father, the king himself, stepped in and personally assigned one of his men to get you in check. He figured that appointing a guard nearest your age may lessen the tension and mend you back together.
In the start, you absolutely despised him. There was no way to fool him when you were up to no good. He easily found your alcohol and drug stash which he disposed of on the spot and stood by your bedroom door every night so you wouldn’t sneak out past curfew (which your father also strictly implemented).
One big turning point in your relationship was when he rushed you to the royal hospital when you drank a cocktail that went unnoticeably spiked. To think that this was a typical social gathering with other royals and officials, you’re a constant target to many. You didn’t wake up for a few days, and the entire time, Jaehyun willingly stood by your bedside and outside your hospital room.
Since that and more instances your father insisted you get involved in royal affairs, you softened up. As cliché as it was, the more time spent with him, the more you knew about him and vice versa. He was the one that got you to fully open up about your grief towards your late mother, encouraging you to seek help. Turns out you weren’t as different as you thought despite your differing ranks in society when he also had a void for a missing parent. In his case, it was his father, who ditched his family for his mistress. Silently, you helped each other recover from your traumas alongside therapy. From dreading his presence, you started treating him more casually. Your father’s tactic of assigning a bodyguard around your age admittedly worked.
Oh, how time flies.
This campaign was the last thing on your weekend agenda, so you had the entire late afternoon and evening to yourself. Bowing one last time to the audience, you stepped down from the platform and accepted the soft hand of your bodyguard, who quickly made his way to you despite the flashing cameras. It was something he got used to as it is part of the job.
Once he successfully ushered you out of the ballroom, his hand still held yours. Nothing new, except this event was quite public and you didn’t want anyone to get any wrong ideas. Strolling down one of the many hallways in the palace became a pastime for the both of you, where no one can catch you. It was a safe haven within the destructive life of the Park kingdom.
“You did phenomenal as I expected, your highness.” Jaehyun complimented, recalling your panic the night before as the stage fright hit strong when you were reciting your speech to him over and over again.
“We are in private, Jaehyun. Must you really use those formalities with me?” You taunted, bobbing your head sideways mockingly. With him could you felt like a normal young adult, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Jaehyun loved being frisky with you, catching you get irked up. And he was up to do it again.
“Hmm last time we strolled these halls, Yuta caught us making out after a successful meeting with the Prime Minister.”
You gasped at his statement, conscious of whoever may be in the vicinity. But before you could refute, your hand that was interlocked with his were mightily slammed against the white wall. You lost your breath for a moment, his warm body closely on yours. His free hand freely roamed up and down your covered waist. His lips were dangerously near your neck, where you’re sensitive. Your hips naturally grinded against him to release the pent-up tension.
“Something tells me you want to do it again, princess?” Now he’s just using your title as a pet name, but you couldn’t complain. It just hits differently when the situation was set up like this.
“I deserve it, don’t I? Got a lot of those hell-driven officials on my side for this round.” You raised both your brows cockily, licking your lips.
“Hell yeah, you do.” Finally, he rids of the tension and plants open kisses on your bare neck. Your throaty moans were uncontrollable, and you could care less.
“My princess,”
“So intelligent,”
“So benevolent,”
“So helpful,”
“But,” He changed his pace and direction, swollen lips near your ear.
“But?” You question naïvely. He scoffed, smirking at your antics of playing dumb.
“But a total slut for her bodyguard.” He dominantly planted his lips against yours, one of his veiny hands gripping on your waist and the other by the arch of your butt. He was hungry, needy even. Due to your shared schedules, it’s been a constant struggle to have proper alone time from the snooping eyes of Korean society. After all, it wasn’t in the norm for a princess to fall deep for her bodyguard. Nor were you sure you would be accepted by anyone. Yuta, the bodyguard of your oldest brother, the crowned prince Jinyoung, finding the both of you at that time was a total shock but didn’t care either.
All that mattered was that your feelings towards each other are real and strong. Accepted or not, you had each other.
All this lust put you in a daze, wanting much more than another smooch fest in the hallway. Tugging on his belt, he squeezed your butt tightly. You emitted a moan, which allowed his tongue access. No way could you keep your hands to yourself, touching his upper body and the flexing of his abdominal muscles from his button-up. You felt his now hard member poking through.
Analyzing your area, you were on the other side of the palace. Farther to your bedroom where numerous rendezvouses were made, one kink you’ve considered in the past amplified your mind. Considering this area was also the king’s side, and he was abroad for royal affairs, this was your chance.
“I have an idea, my love. You up for it?” You rose a brow at your lover, challenging him. Not one to overpower this man in bed, but always suggesting a way on how to spice it up.
“And what exactly does your feral brain want to do with me, princess?” His finger lifted your chin so you meet eye to eye. You can just see the fire still burning, and oh how you were ready to intensify it.
“The main ballroom, where my father and late mother’s throne rest, are a few doors away.” Your fingers signal him to lower his stance as his tall height was difficult to reach. With a sneaky smirk,
“Let me ride you in the king’s throne, my love.” Your lips brushed over his and sucked his bottom lip, tugging him by his belt. He groaned, squeezing your butt. “It’s a royal order.”  
“Nasty, your highness. Insanely nasty, you are.” His hands hoisted your waist, boosting you up in his arms. You gasped with profanities, ravenously cut off by his lips again. His nails digging deep in your bare thighs, your legs naturally linked themselves around his torso while your arms passionately intertwined his broad neck.
In between kisses, he carried you to the said main ballroom. One of your wildest imaginations, just a second away. This room remained to be the only place without any guards stationed technological advancements or updated interior designs to preserve its traditional beauty. Dated as far as the 19th century, only special events were held and the highest of the high were allowed inside. Spacious, surrounded by gold linings majestic paintings of angels from above with a huge crystal chandelier right above the center. Right ahead, the original thrones that your ancestors, grandparents, and parents sat on when they were throned in its pure glory.
Pushing your lover on the king’s throne, the gold sun-like rays plastered behind the headrest, he cockily leaned back and manspread his legs for comfort. He rubbed his hands before patting his thigh, waiting for your submission. But you weren’t going to give in just yet.
Not when you prepared a mini-show just for him underneath your designer silk dress.
Jaehyun’s solemn eyes marveled over your gorgeous figure as you stripped down one strap after the other. Due to its silk fabric, it effortlessly dropped down to your figure to reveal a new set of black lace lingerie from your previous trip to Paris. Ages ago, Jaehyun unhesitatingly ripped your favorite ones during his birthday, so you decided to get a mature version of it. A version where your bra lifted your breasts more and undies hiked up to your waist to elongate your legs. Only for the eyes of yourself and the man in front of you, establishing that you were a powerful woman who can be absolutely anyone she can be. Princess, a normal young adult, or his slut, it’s up to you how you see yourself.
Jaehyun mumbled all the profanities he could think of at the moment. Looking like a divine angel when the sun from outside shuns behind you, his slacks tightening so much more than a while ago.
“All this for me?” He ogled shamelessly, undoing the buttons of his dress shirt and untying his necktie. “What did I do to deserve such regal treatment?”
You sneered at his comment, stepping out your dress in your heels and stationing right in front of his luring lap. “You’ve always been there for me, thick and thin. I think you deserve a reward, don’t you think?”
Lowering yourself to straddle him, his breath hissed when your damp core collided with his crotch. Distracted and caught in your trap, “I don’t think you answered my question, my love.”
Rather than a verbal response, he roughly pulled you back in for a kiss. His hands scattered to explore from your back down to your waist. Your hands messily ran through his hair, tugging on some when your body got too sensitive to his wild touches. The thrilling sounds of the two of you drowning in your fiery romance bounced throughout the ballroom, not minding if anyone passed by the hallways outside. It was a private room after all, and whatever happens here, stays here.
Rolling on his crotch while his lips trailed down to your collarbones, the quick snap of your bra wires echoed. The tight lift lessened as Jaehyun’s fingers dropped the straps, unveiling your bare chest covered in his marks.
“Enough playing, princess. Let daddy have some real fun with you.”
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Doing Their Makeup
Poly Lost Boys, Michael and Star x Gender neutral reader
Basically came up with these while I was messaging @aliypop​ . Thank you for somehow getting me to a place where I wanted to write an imagine about the lost boys, Michael and Star’s partner wanting to do their makeup. XD This is everyone x reader. 
Also this is kind of my head-canon that Michael and Star became one happy family with David, Dwayne, Paul and Marko. But Max still died cause I don’t think anyone likes him. 
Warnings?: swearing? Cursing? 
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The second you told your partners that you wanted to do their makeup, each and everyone one of them were down with the idea, but at all different degrees of being okay with it. 
Paul was the first one to practically bounce his way over to you. He already needed your help with doing his simple eyeliner on a daily basis so you paying attention to his face for more than a few minutes made him a very happy camper. 
Paul LOVES it. I mean it. Give him the whole glam rock look! Glitter? Yes! Winged eyeliner? Yes! Bitch, make him look like a disco ball and he will be very happy. He loves glitter more than any of them and will directly ask you to use as much as you wanted. 
When doing his makeup, he always smiles, loving that your attention was solely on him. Though you have to scold him not to smile because the crinkle in his eyes will totally mess up whatever eyeshadow or eyeliner look you're trying to accomplish. He complies… for about two minutes. 
This boy will have you straddling him as you work, his hands on your hips, rubbing little circles into your skin softly. He practically becomes putty in your hands as you gently touch his face. He finds it absolutely adorable that you're being so delicate with him. 
When you're done, he shows it off to everyone around the cave. His babe of a partner went all out and he will brag that his makeup is going to be better than everyone else's once you are done. 
Second would be Marko. Seeing how good you were with Paul, he was excited to see what kind of look you would give him. He wasn’t too much into glitter like his fellow blonde but he was okay if you wanted to use it. Makeup to him was an artistic form of expression so he became your canvas on which to paint on. 
Seeing you figure what colors you wanted to give him and what tools you wanted to use would make him smile with how serious you were taking this task. He would ask you as you worked what your ideas were and you thought looked best on him. 
Your bodies would be close, not sitting in his lap close, but your legs would be locked together as you sat on your makeshift bed. His hands fiddling with whatever piece of clothing he could get his hands on. It was very hard not to touch you and he wanted you to fulfill your wish for the night. 
By the end of it, Marko’s makeup look would have half of the amount of glitter that Paul had. It would be very colorful, almost reflecting the multiple colors of his jacket. Marko was a little easier compared to the others because of those colors, you had more options to work with. 
Marko reacted like Paul, showing it off to everyone. Soon him and Paul compared their looks and pointed out what they liked about them. 
Dwayne was third. He wasn’t overly into it, but he loves seeing you happy and if doing his makeup was going to put a smile on your face, then he was happy to do it. He did have a few things to say though, he was okay with a little glitter but nowhere near Paul's and heck, maybe even half of what you did to Marko. Also, no colors that were too bright. 
From that, you only choose a few warm hues, some reds, oranges and a tiny bit of yellow. Even some earthy tones to complement his tanned skin. In a way you connected it with the jaguar on his leather jacket. 
Dwayne would have his hands placed on your thighs as you worked, saying only a few words here and there, asking simple questions if he was curious about something. If anything he was the calmest one of the bunch, not really interrupting your process. 
In a way it was nice. While you worked, you didn’t really talk, too focused on the task at hand and he thought it was cute when you would bite your lip in concentration. The silence that sometimes hung between you two was sweet, like you both were in your own little world. Minus the fact that Paul and Marko were just outside your makeshift area in the cave making noise. 
When Dwayne was done, he placed a small kiss on your lips and walked out. He didn’t really show off to the others but he couldn’t help but smirk when Paul and Marko grew silent at his new look. 
David was the fourth and probably the one that wasn’t overly crazy about it. If he was going to have glitter, it was going to be tasteful and very little of it. Dark colors only, and if you want to stick on gems, guess what, they better be little and it's gotta be sexy. Make him a sexy princely creature of the night and you are good. 
For once, he let you have control, even with his requests orders on what you can and cannot do. You went to work, both of your knees touching and you had to constantly stop him from moving, trying to smoke his cigarette. In the end, you lost against him cause if he couldn’t smoke a cigarette to distract himself from your hands being so gentle with him, they were going somewhere else and you would get nothing done. 
In between his puffs of smoke, you poured everything into his look wanting it to be perfect because you definitely wanted to do it again in the future. The only way he would let you is if you did a bang up job. 
You made his facial features sharp and his icy blue eyes seemed to pierce through your soul even more with the dark eyeshadow on his eyelids. A little bit of glitter and a few small black gemstones later, he was beautiful. Definitely different from what you were used to, but with David, he could pull off anything and he’d still look good. 
With a smirk, he thanked you for your work, which surprised you, and walked back out to the others. You chuckled when you heard Paul exclaim “Holy shit!” when he saw David. Needless to say, you did make David look like a prince of the night with your talents. 
Second to last was Star. Your beautiful girlfriend of your group of male partners entered your part of the cave, bringing some of her own collection with her. Star was probably the easiest of the group to do makeup for. She already wore red lipstick on the daily and brown toned eyeshadow to compliment her skin but she never went farther than that. 
But tonight, she would let you take it a step further. Nothing too crazy, maybe even a little more toned down than David’s. 
Star practically cuddled up to you as you worked your magic. It was a little difficult but she stayed still nonetheless. You kept her signature red lipstick, and decided to focus more on her eyes and add some stick on gems that matched the colors of her skirt. 
You added a splash of color to her eyes that went well with her usual browns, picking some of her favorite makeup items and mixing them with your own.
Of course you couldn’t help but smile when Star would giggle as the makeup brushes lightly tickled her face. You wanted to scold her for it but it was too cute so you said nothing just having to work around it. 
Just as you were finishing, your last partner, Michael walked in, watching you with curiosity and a slight twinge of interest. When you did finish, Star looked to Michael to see what he thought and happily kissed him when he said he liked it. Which in turn having you redo her lipstick one last time before she left, leaving only you and Michael. 
Michael was probably the most hesitant of the bunch. It wasn’t that he didn’t dislike makeup, he just didn’t know what the process was and never really saw much interest until you expressed how much you love doing it. 
With a little bit of encouragement, Michael sat on your bed, having you sit on his lap. Michael reminded you a little bit of Paul. He was very affectionate but was much softer compared to the blonde. 
Michael asked you the most questions as you worked. Asking what tool was used for what purpose. What colors you were using and why. Glitter? Yeah, why not? Just use it however you see fit and what you thought looked good on him. 
Overall he was excited about this. New things always intrigued him and he was willing to try something new. 
When you told him you were going to give him a more softer look, he had no quarrels with your choice. Just a tiny bit of glitter, some light colors, a sharp eyeliner that could cut someone, accentuating his cheekbones a bit, and even giving him a little bit of gradient lips, made him look even more pretty than he already was. 
You were so proud of yourself that couldn’t help but hug the poor boy. You went all out for your partners and you had a lot of fun doing it. When you let him go after hugging him, he was met by a few compliments from the others who admired his own look that seemed very different from everyone else. Which made the poor boy even more flustered. 
When all was said and done, and after doing your own makeup to your own tastes with the help of Star since, well, mirrors can’t help any of you. You all went down to the boardwalk as one big group date, showing off your talents proudly, taking any compliments, and giving you credit where credit was due. 
If anything was said negatively, especially by a group of surf nazis, guess what? After your group dinner date at the local diner, those surf nazis would be your dessert for the night. 
If that did happen, you’d be a little upset that your work was now covered in blood but they all reassured you that you could give them makeovers whenever you wanted.
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Could you please write number 4 with Chilly?✨
Thanks for your request. Hope you'll like it :-) 4. "I'm not feeling well." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Chelsea squad had only arrived yesterday for their summer training camp in Portugal. Ben was feeling a little under the weather when he woke up that morning, but had gotten out of bed anyway. He didn’t feel bad enough to justify staying in bed all day. During the warming-up for training, Ben already realized he had misjudged things. They always started with running a few laps around the pitch, and after just two laps Ben was out of breath, and breathing much harder than he should be after such a short distance. Ben halted, leaning forward to catch his breath. A pounding headache was starting on the left side of his head now, too. “Chilly? Something wrong?” Tuchel had seen it, coming over to check up on Ben. “I’m not feeling well." Ben pressed his eyes shut against a sudden wave of nausea. “Is it serious?” Tuchel looked worried. “I think I’m coming down with the flu,” Ben wiped some sweat off his face. The nausea was slowly subsiding again, but he was sure a fever had started to set in. Tuchel looked Ben in the face, and clearly saw confirmation of what Ben was telling him. “Go back to the hotel,” Tuchel ordered, “get some rest.” Ben immediately went back to bed after he had been sent away from training. With the flu now seriously setting in, he was feeling more miserable with each minute. He buried himself under the sheets on his bed, and fell asleep almost instantly. ———— “Chilly?” Ben awoke to Mason standing next to his bed, softly shaking his shoulder. Mason was Ben's roommate during this training camp. “What?” Ben mumbled groggily. He was still feeling like shit. “It’s dinner time,” Mason answered, “boss wants to know how you’re feeling. And so do I, actually.” “Not much better,” Ben grumbled, "I’m staying in bed.” “Thought as much,” Mason said softly, “I've been here in the room for the past two hours and you haven’t woken up once.” “So you have just been sitting around watching me sleep?” Ben mumbled. Mason chuckled. “You wish.” Tags: @glam-khal, @evie-pr, @gryffinwars, @auawdo, @meteora-fc, @mmmufc, @quacksonlover81, @footballffbarbiex
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luvknow · 4 years
anything for you | lee felix
genre: rich kid!felix x reader | rich kid au ; friends-to-lovers au ; food ; swearing warning ; alcohol warning ; drinking and driving warning ; abuse warning summary: felix’s family owns the largest restaurant franchise in the country and your family works under them. you two have spent your entire lives together and somehow you’ve turned into mini versions of your parents with a boss and secretary type relationship. it wasn’t until last year on his birthday when he tells you he loves you while drunk that your friendship dynamic dramatically changes, and it’s not for the better when he pretends it never happened. wc: 11.2k
You and Felix were two peas in a pod.
From the moment you two were born until your last months at university, you were tied in this relationship for life. Were you two dating? No, of course not! Were you two friends? Well…
Your friendship with Felix was complicated because it was kind of… bought. There was no way to put it lightly, that was simply the origin of your relationship. It all started when Felix’s rich ass CEO of a Dad hired your Dad to be his right hand man in all decision-making aspects of the company he ran. You thought of your Dad as a Chancellor to the King, which I mean was still a high position in the company, but your peers around you thought otherwise.
You attended all the same schools as Felix (thanks to his Dad’s connections), attended the same after school activities (also thanks to his Dad), and even attended the same overseas summer camps (thanks to his Dad who owned the plane that flew everyone). Even then, after being on the same level as Felix for over twenty years, everyone saw you as Felix’s Secretary who waited on his every word. As a kid, your Dad was transparent about how all the privileges you had were all because of Felix and his family and that you should always treat them with respect. And as an impressionable kid, of course you took that a little too literal.
Your Secretary title started in Pre-School when Felix was crying because he forgot his toy to take a nap with at home, so you offered yours. Those small, kind gestures turned into getting him drinks and snacks whenever he wanted, to tutoring him in subjects he had trouble with, to completing essays he didn’t want to complete, and you did it all without ever complaining.
So despite receiving all the same opportunities as all the other inheritance-dependent kids, you were the bottom-feeder of your entire grade.
“_____ ~” Felix whined while entering your apartment. “I’m hungry.”
You exited your bedroom fixing the last couple buttons on your dress shirt. You’re not surprised to see him in the least, as you’re used to him coming in whenever he pleased since he owned the other copy of the apartment keys. “I have food in the fridge.”
“I don’t want a huge meal before the shareholders meeting.”
“You know where the snacks are, what are you waiting for?”
“I just wanted to ask just in case.”
The excited boy wasted no time invading your pantry and grabbing a handful of fruit snack packets, some he stuffed in his dress pants pockets and some he immediately tore open. He made himself home by flopping on your couch, also known as his second bed, and scrolled through his rotation of dating apps while waiting for his dear friend to finish getting ready.
“Don’t lie down like that!” you nagged. “Your pants are going to get all wrinkly!”
Rolling his eyes, Felix sat up straight, to which you immediately fixed random strands of hair  that strayed away from the rest of his slick-back style.
“What are you, my mom?” he mumbled, swatting away your hands.
“Don’t you know how important this meeting is? We could land our internships today.”
“Do you really think I need to worry about that?”
“I guess not… You don’t even want to try out another company for a semester? Scope out your partners?”
“That’s exactly why I shouldn’t be doing that. I’ll look so shady! You probably shouldn’t be thinking about doing that either.”
A small pout emerges from your lips. As much as you owe the Lees and their company your life, you’d like to think the possibility of freeing yourself from their financial shackles was high, even if it was for just one semester. But Felix was right - in order to avoid any spying controversies, it was probably best to not even think about another company. Basically, you were trapped with this company for life.
“Ready to go?” Felix broke the silence. He was the first to leave your couch and head for the door without even bothering to wait for you to catch up.
When you finished locking your front door, you caught Felix looking at your business casual outfit a little too closely. If you weren’t so quick with your reflexes, you would have bumped right into his oddly bulging chest (has he been working out lately?). Still, his foxy eyes scanned you up and down, slowly and intimately.
“Wh-What are you doing…?” you asked nervously. “Is my outfit too bland? It’s ugly, isn’t it? I can’t really glam up for a business meeting, you know.”
“Chill, why are you being hella defensive right now?” he teased. “No, you look good. Honest. Good enough to stand next to me, at least. I wouldn’t stand next to Father if I were you.”
“Thanks, I think.”
“You kind of fit that secretary stereotype you like so much. Especially since you’ll be following me around all day.”
“I do not!”
“Yeah, ok,” Felix tossed you the keys to his expensive black sports car, to which you were also covered as a driver by his insurance. For someone who owns several expensive cars, he sure hates driving them. “Shotty.”
“There’s only two of us…”
The car ride was mostly silent other than the deafening rap music that blared through the subwoofers. Felix could tell you were nervous depending on how talkative you were. If you were blabbering on about how you looked or something arbitrary for at least fifteen minutes, you were probably nervous about a date or maybe a quiz that was coming up in class. If you were silent, he knew that the matter was much more serious. Silence meant that you believed no matter what you did to change yourself or improve upon past mistakes, there was no hope and that whatever was coming was absolute.
“Don’t worry about today,” he reassured after reading your mind. “It’s not like you’re talking in front of hundreds of people at the meeting.”
“Easy for you to say, you’re used to this type of crowd.”
“Are you not? We have class with those good-for-nothing kids of theirs, it’s like the same thing!”
“It is definitely not the same thing! These people have power and they’re smart! The uni is full of idiots who got in with bribes!”
“And you don’t think our shareholders do their fair share of bribing?”
“Of course they do, and that’s what makes them even more terrifying, Felix! They have that kind of power to either buy my entire life or buy out and make sure I never see anyone’s faces again!”
“You say it like you haven’t been shackled to me for over twenty years.”
“That’s different ok, I was a commodity, I couldn’t change anything as a fetus.”
“And now you think you can?”
“I mean, I’d like to think so. Am I crazy?”
“No, not at all.” Gingerly, Felix patted your head like a little kid. “You’ll be just fine ~ I can even introduce you to the ones you want to talk to if you’d like.”
“That’s ok. I’d like to try on my own.”
He understood completely. How he wished he could have that little bit of freedom… To even think about leaving the company behind to work for someone else was blasphemous.
The shareholders meeting was a social event like no other - like, it might as well be a ball with all the people attending and all the press surrounding and being in the building. You pulled up to the normal valet guy who only chuckled at your shocked expression. Felix, on the other hand, wasn’t all that surprised and was rather annoyed at how something as simple as a meeting was getting this much attention.
After dodging all of the press and making it through several thresholds to reach the conference room, you helped Felix prepare for his opening speech.
“You seem more nervous than me,” Felix teased while you quickly smoothed out the wrinkles in his jacket.
“I'm nervous all the damn time.”
“Well, can you quit it before I start sweating? This outfit was expensive. Do you have my speech?”
Searching through your trusty bottomless bag that held everything from tips from your part-time at the cafe to snacks in case Felix got whiny, you pulled out a medium-sized notepad with his opening speech written on it.
“Really, _____? Hand written?”
“My sentences sound better when I write them down instead of typing it!”
“At least it’s legible.” Felix’s Dad announced over the microphone on stage that the meeting will begin shortly. He saw the both of you standing off to the side and waved happily, to which you both could only wave back. The boy in front of you sighed, and it’s the first time today he seemed only slightly nervous. He turned to you. “How do I look?”
How did the most handsome boy you’ve come to know look this morning? Dressed in navy with a white button-down, ears bejeweled and shining in the bright lights, his eyes and his smile sly and foxy, so of course to you he was the only one in the room who you had your eyes on because no one else could ever compare. That’s how it’s always been. 
Gentle fingers startled Felix, only for him to realize you were fixing his monogrammed silver tie clip. “You look just fine.”
“‘Just fine’? Not the sexiest man in the entire world?”
“I’d hardly call you a man…”
“Welcome to the YONGBOK Inc. Shareholders Meeting,” greeted your Father while on stage. Felix noticeably cringed at the sound of his birth name slash company name. “We will begin this meeting with an opening remark from Mr. Lee’s son, Felix.”
“Go get ‘em, Tiger,” you whispered with two thumbs up.
A loud round of applause erupted from the audience filled with press and shareholders. Lee Felix was named one of the most influential people under twenty-five this year and has consistently landed spots on Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list so yes, Felix was always highly anticipated as a guest to fashion shows and charity balls and even more so as a speaker for his future company. Though it was only less than a minute ago he was jittery with nerves, the second he stepped on stage in front of the podium, it was as if he was born to be a public speaker.
“Good morning, honored guests,” he began in his deep voice that startled unfamiliar guests..
His speech - your speech - wasn’t that long, since it was a simple welcome to all the rich people who gave the Lee’s their money. Regardless of its length, Felix somehow drifted his gaze towards the right where you stood. You, who always stood by him and was his friend through everything, stood at the sidelines giving him your unwavering support, even through this minor milestone. Despite this huge corporate building being the last place you want to be, still, you were here by his side.
In your eyes though, it looked like maybe his stage fright was worse than you expected, so you gave him two thumbs up again for reassurance. You couldn’t really tell what he was thinking because he seemed totally fine, in fact his execution was quite flawless, it was just… Why wouldn’t he look into the cameras? The stage lights that shined on him showcased the bright grin he gave when he saw how confused you looked.
“We will continue to work hard together so that YONGBOK will continue being the best restaurant franchise in the country,” was the motto of the company and how Felix ended the speech. With a deep bow and a wink for fan service, he exited the stage.
He fell into your arms clutching his heart. “Ugh, that was so scary!”
“You did fine,” you mumbled, quickly pushing him off before any cameras caught you. Still, he swung an arm around your shoulders unapologetically.
“All right, let’s ditch this popsicle stand.”
“You know we can’t do that or our Fathers will kill us.”
“You think I haven’t died and resurrected like a rising phoenix dozens of times?”
“Leave if you want, it’s your suicide.”
“You won’t come with me?” the handsome boy pouted.
“I’m not actually your secretary, you know.”
“I know, but I’ll be so lonely… Did you at least bring a snack?”
Felix decided to stay when he realized you weren’t kidding about wanting to sit through the entire meeting. Your right ear was focused on all the questions shareholders and the press had while your left ear focused on the child you were babysitting playing with the chocolate bar wrapper. Eventually the conflicting sounds merged into one when the lack of caffeine in your veins made it hard to concentrate for long hours.
“Bet you wished you left with me a couple hours ago, huh?” Felix teased once everything was over.
“Whatever. The important thing is that it’s over now.”
“Are you going to go talk with some of the shareholders?”
That was the original plan - to land an internship at a different company and slowly but surely escape the bubble that is the Lees’ world, but what was the use of making life harder on yourself if you’ll just be seen as a spy? What was the use in anything anymore when your life was determined the moment you came out of the womb?
You shook your head tiredly. “Nah, I think I’ll save that for another time.”
Felix linked his arm with yours like you were the gentleman and he was the lady. The warmth of another body so close to yours was only familiar when it was his, and you wished your body was unbiased and rejected anything within a five feet radius. “You wanna hang out with me that much?”
“Who said I’m hanging out with you? I’m driving you home.”
“No come on, let’s hang out today! Neither of us have class and when was the last time it was just the two of us?”
By ‘just the two of you’, he meant when was the last time you and him hung out without any business involved? When was the last time you and him had pizza together after a long week of midterms and studying, or the last time he picked you up from your part time at the cafe to have a cup of coffee, or the last time you talked about anything other than being ordered around by the Prince himself?
The answer to that question was last year on his birthday when he got too wasted and you didn’t have the strength to carry him up his multi-story mansion, so instead you carried him up to your humble apartment and let him crash on your bed the whole weekend (insisted upon staying the whole weekend because all the puking made him ‘weak’ and ‘dehydrated’).
Truth be told, you loved Felix’s company, whether it was business or personal. The hesitation was because you wondered if he truly felt the same way, especially since he never spoke about that night on his birthday. That night, a lot was said, but nothing was ever confirmed, so you were left in limbo while Felix managed to live in ignorant bliss.
It was better this way.
“I guess it’s been a while…” you trailed off.
“It’s been forever, love. Can we go to your cafe? I’m really craving the strawberry milk latte thing.”
“Anything for you, Felix ~”
“That’s what I like to hear.”
“Felix,” the haunting voice of his father echoed from behind. “Come here for a second -”
“That’s our cue!” The wild blond took you by the hand and sprinted out the conference room doors before his dad could catch him.
As if already predicting the time of events for the shareholders meeting, the valet already had the sports call pulled up and tossed you the keys for maximum efficiency.
“Hey, you’re hand-eye coordination is getting better!” Felix teased while hopping in the front seat.
“And your fear for your dad is not.”
“It’s not fear, it’s pure distaste. Completely different.”
The short ride to your cafe was anything but quiet as Felix filled you in on his most recent Tinder match. The story was something along the lines of ‘she was hot, but kind of stupid’, and you weren’t exactly sure what came after that because, well, you didn’t care. Hearing about the guy you were in love with slash your childhood friend slash the guy whose family bought out your family’s current dating app situation wasn’t exactly the most ideal setting, but hey, it beats sitting in that conference room for any longer.
The cafe was surprisingly not as busy around lunch time, even though it was Friday. Other than a few customers, the only other person in the cafe was your coworker Wooyoung who was busy dramatically singing to whatever drama OST was playing over the intercom.
“Are you making it?” Felix asked, referring to his strawberry latte.
“I wasn’t planning on it since I’m not working.”
“... Can you?”
“Are you serious!?”
“The last time someone other than you made my drinks, they tasted watery!”
He wasn’t wrong - a lot of the baristas here were a bit lazy with the job. You and Wooyoung were among the very few who genuinely cared for the cafe, the menu, and its customers. You supposed you could take a moment to step away from Felix - you sort of missed the barista behind the counter, anyways.
“Sit tight,” you told Felix, who obeyed happily at his favorite table.
Wooyoung with his cutesy cheeky grin chucked one of the ugly brown work aprons right at your face, to which you only whipped right back.
“I’m not working and you know that!”
“Can’t a guy dream to have the same shift with his favorite coworker? What are you doing here then?”
“Making a strawberry latte.”
“For yourself or for His Highness over there?”
“Do you even have to ask?”
Wooyoung knew all too well what your relationship was like with Felix and that was because he was also one of the elite, also known as a trust fund son. Wooyoung and Felix were from the same side of a coin, reigning from families whose net worth could buy out entire towns. The circle of the elite had a lot of members, but it was tight-knit, so everyone knew everything about everyone else. You were included in Felix’s dossier.
“You know, _____, you are your own person,” Wooyoung tisked as he hovered over you making the fruity drink. It was as simple as pouring milk over some strawberry compote (Felix liked it when there was extra compote) and shaking vigorously.
“You telling me that whenever I come in with him totally makes it more valid than the last time.”
“You know I’m just looking out for you.” His soft fingers gently pinched your cheeks. “You’re so sour today, I kind of like it.”
“Aren’t you known for liking people who have zero interest in you?”
“Exactly, so you better watch your attitude or I’ll steal you away from Mr. Lee Felix ~”
“You’re so weird!” Even so, Wooyoung stole a kiss on your bruised cheek before helping the customer at the counter. The aftermath left your face burning up, even though you were used to his flirtatiousness by now.
Of course Felix saw the entire interaction. Though he tried to hide behind his phone, he made sure to still have a view of whatever you and that spoiled ‘I-own-a-yacht’ Wooyoung were doing. You were much different around him than you were with that cheeky bastard behind the counter. With Felix, you were strict, quiet, and pouty, but with Wooyoung you were able to smile more and joke around and even laugh when you flicked whipped cream in his hair. In those short five minutes, that was a type of you he hasn’t been able to see since high school.
But now? You were so cold and distant. He could barely hang out with you without it seeming like it was some business meeting. What changed?
Felix watched you walk back to him holding his pink drink with your cheeks to match its color.
“I didn’t know you two were so close,” he said bitterly after you both exited the cafe.
“We work together, of course we’re close. You’re welcome, by the way.”
You’ll take his happy humming as he inhaled the latte as a thank you. “You talk about how much you hate some of your coworkers all the time!”
“I guess I do… but he’s different.”
“Of course he is…”
The handsome and pouty boy beside you did his best to ignore your accusing glare. “Do you have some beef with him, or something.”
“No,” he said simply in between gulps. “I just don’t like him.”
“You don’t like any boy I talk to.”
“So what happens when I really like someone? Do they need your ‘Lee Seal of Approval’?”
You sighed heavily. “Why do you enjoy making my life so hard?”
“Because I love you, that’s why!”
You couldn’t count on all your fingers and toes how many times Felix has said ‘I love you’ since his birthday party. With his special day coming up again, the words hit harder than usual, even when you knew he was joking, but no ‘I love you’ hurt more than the first time he said it last year before he passed out on your bed.
Speaking of which, “Sooo ~ Guess what next week is ~?” Felix sang cheekily after hopping in the car.
“Uh, midterms week?”
“No ~”
“Buy one get one free soju at the karaoke place?”
“Oh wait, isn’t it Han’s birthday next week?” He knew you were trying to push his buttons, but it clearly worked by the way he was glaring at you. “Yeah, that must be it.”
“So mean…”
“Are you two throwing a joint party again?”
“Yeah, but I think we’re skipping the club scene and throwing it at his house instead.”
“Wow, the Lee Felix is tired of the club scene?” you scoffed. “Never thought I would see the day.”
“Maybe it’s just my eyesight getting worse - I’d like to see who I’m hitting on for once.” One sharp stab in your heart. “Will you help me plan?”
Did you really have any other choice? “Of course.”
“Yes ~ This’ll totally top last year’s party!”
You sure hoped so, and you hoped you wouldn’t remember a single moment of it.
Planning for the party didn’t start until a couple days before the big date. Since Jisung was hosting, it was Felix’s responsibility to come up with all the decor and the theme and literally all the smaller bits and pieces of the party.
“Honey, I’m home ~” Felix sang as he walked into your apartment. An aroma of fresh spices and cooked meat and roasted vegetables hit his nose upon entering. “Whoa, are you cooking!?”
“We can’t plan on an empty stomach,” you stated the obvious. Immediately, a bowl of rice and the fixings was handed to the grinning boy.
“I love it when you cook. I haven’t eaten your cooking in a while.”
“I didn’t know you liked my cooking,” you blushed. “I haven’t cooked for you that often.”
“It’s because we’re both always so busy or we just eat the restaurant’s food when we’re lazy.” A happy hum came from his lips. “You have a mad talent for this, you know.”
“Do I?”
“Of course! The Boy with the God Tongue himself said so!” Being the future heir of the country’s largest restaurant franchise meant ridiculous chef-related nicknames, to which Felix enjoyed whole-heartedly. “You know this means I’m never going to let you leave YONGBOK.”
“Can you stop, you’re so embarrassing, it’s not that amazing!”
“You stop! Quit undermining your talents.”
“If it’s so good, what do you like about it?”
“For one, there’s tons of balance between the flavors. It’s also not as salty, which is what some of the chefs in some locations are having trouble with lately. But the best part is that it feels like home when I eat your cooking.”
“Like home? Like… as if your in-house chef was cooking it?”
Felix chuckled cutely. “No, I mean it feels like someone who loves me very much made this with lots of care.”
You’re too stunned to say anything right away. It felt as if Felix caught you in his trap and was forcing you to admit something that he knew from the very start. But now was not the time nor was it the place. As a response, you turned away and chugged the rest of your glass of water.
“Right,” you cleared your throat awkwardly. “G-Glad you liked it.”
Felix wondered why you wouldn’t look at him. “S-So, let’s get started?”
You took a bowl of food for yourself and refilled Felix’s before settling down at the table. “Do you have an idea for a theme?”
“Ok, hear me out - casino themed?”
“Isn't that underage gambling? Sounds super illegal to me.”
“Right, right… Ok, how about, uh, a masquerade?”
“Not bad, but a little cliche, no?”
“But it’s so sexy! Classy clothes, bejeweled masks -”
“Choreographed waltzing?”
“Yes! For the first half of course, then we’ll probably bump the real shit after a couple of drinks.”
“Hm, I actually like that.” You entered the theme into your notes. “Cool, we have a theme down. Now for all the decoration…”
That itself took about an hour. Imagine, talking about banners and balloon arches, and personalized masks for a whole hour with the most indecisive human being alive. How he’s expected to make major decisions for a multi-million dollar company one day, you’ll never know.
“Ugh,” you were over it, at least for another hour. You couldn’t take comparing different shades of gold and different grades of champagne anymore. Your couch was supposed to be your safe space away from Felix, but he followed you like a puppy and laid his head on your lap.
“This weekend is going to be so much fun! Did you get me a gift yet ~?”
“Uh, maybe…”
“What is it?”
“It’s a surprise, silly.”
“Can I at least get a hint?”
“Probably the cheapest gift you’ll get.”
“Hey.” Felix silenced any doubt you had about your gift by taking one of your hands in his and holding it over his chest. He closed his eyes, tired from the day, tired by your constant doubts, tired of it all. “You know I don’t care about that kind of stuff when it comes to you.”
“I know, but I do.”
“Well, don’t. My favorite gifts have always been from you.”
“Even more than the diamond chain from Chan?”
“... Your gifts are my favorite after that one.” Your free hand poked his freckled cheek, causing him to laugh and smile brighter than the sun. Lying here with you made him happy. “I miss hanging out with you like this.”
“We hang out all the time!”
“Not like this. We never just chill out together and not worry about anything. We’re always worrying about something, especially since we started uni.”
“Uni sort of defines our future, so of course there’s tons to worry about.”
“Not for me. My life has been predetermined. If you think about it, uni doesn’t define your future, either.”
“I wish you didn’t tell me that,” you groaned. “You’re so right. What’s the point when the two of us are just going to take over our Father’s positions, anyways!?”
“Does our future together sound that miserable to you?” he teased. You wished he didn’t word it that way.
“Not miserable, but doesn’t it suck that we don’t have that sort of freedom? You and I have had our lives predetermined since birth!”
“Perhaps it was fate that you would be my Chancellor and I would be your King,” Felix snickered.
“Call it whatever you want, but where’s the joy we could get from spontaneity and disorder?”
“Good point. But I think you and I will find that joy just fine.”
“You think so?”
“Mhm. Life will always be a joy if I’m with you.” A tired smile spread across his lips. “You and I make a disorderly pair.”
You and him were definitely a disorderly pair. It was like you two were in a modern-day forbidden friendship that was only seen in royal fairy tales. Felix was the Prince, the apple of everyone’s eye, the boy with the highest ranking just below the King. You were the lowly common person who devoted their life to the castle and serving the royal family. Somehow, even with the drastic gap between your social classes, you both found each other and became inseparable. 
Through childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood, the time spent together naturally formed your feelings for Felix to nothing less than love. You were the number one witness of seeing him laugh, smile, cry, and scream through all his happiness, sadness, and anger. You were the only one who knew the exact number of freckles that dusted his cheeks. You knew what specific snacks he wanted for certain craving occasions, his favorite orders at every restaurant, how he liked his instant ramen (with egg, American cheese, and green onions), and especially his cafe drink orders. When they say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, you supposed that was especially true for Felix.
After over twenty whole years together, how the fuck were you supposed to avoid falling in love? How were you supposed to look at Felix and feel with your whole chest that you were not madly in love with his beautiful face and his kind heart? When Felix told you he loved you with slurred words on his birthday last year, how were you supposed to let that go and live on like you didn’t cry in the shower for a whole month afterwards?
You put the blame for the disorder in this messed-up friendship all on Felix, but you couldn’t help but clean it up and do your best to keep it together. So when he forgot he said those magic words, you did your best to forget them, too, but the best you could do was bury the memory away and cover it up with work and school. It wasn’t the most ideal way to deal with the issue, you knew that, but the important part was that it was working even if it was just a little bit.
Felix was the first to wake up the next morning. You didn’t move a single muscle and ended up sleeping upright since he used you as a pillow. Still, your hand was in his and the other tangled in his messy blond hair and truly, being here with you was the only place that felt like home.
The day of the party was filled with chaos on your end, as you had to wake up at 6:00 am just to make it to Jisung’s pool house in time to set up the decorations for the joint birthday party. You ended up directing all the crews to where the cocktail tables needed to be set up, where the instagram photobooth should go, and where the Michelin-star chefs were going to set up for dinner. The most important part was the dance floor, which would be clean with nothing but some shoe scuffs for the first couple of hours and probably stained with different colors of liquor by the end of the night.
By noon you were totally wiped out having a stomach full of only coffee and a granola bar. The worst part was that you didn’t get a chance to buy a mask yet and would probably have to settle for some cheap recycled paper with sequins and feathers glued on it from the birthday party store down the block.
But as if the Gods’ translated your feelings telepathically to Felix, your Prince in shining armor came to the rescue with a sandwich, more coffee, and something in a matte black gift bag. The gesture, though small, made your cheeks burn the brightest of pinks. It was your first time seeing and talking with Felix since he left the comfort of your lap a couple of nights ago. Although you were unsure of yourself (as with any situation, am I right?), the Prince didn’t seem so phased.
“I figured you could use a pick-me-up,” he grinned brightly, handing you all the goods.
“You are a blessing,” you sighed, chugging the iced coffee. “What’s in the black bag?”
“It’s a surprise. Open it.”
“I thought today was your birthday?”
“It’s nothing big, I promise!”
You shot him a skeptical look, but opened up the gift regardless. Inside was an intricately bejeweled mask for tonight, colored perfectly to match your outfit.
“I went to your apartment because I thought you’d be there,” Felix began shyly. “I went to your room and saw your entire outfit laid out, but no mask, so I figured you didn’t have one yet. I bought one to match your outfit and to match mine! Mine looks exactly like that, but black.”
“You really didn’t have to,” you pouted, though staring at the shiny jewels adoringly. It was gorgeous and you never thought in your lifetime you could own anything so glamorous. The gesture lifted an extremely loaded weight off your shoulders and you couldn’t help but hug the birthday boy as a thank you. “You’re the best, thank you.”
“Anything for you, love.”
“Also, please stop going into my bedroom.”
“What, afraid I’m going to raid your panties?”
“That’s fair.”
Felix spent the rest of the day helping you make the pool house perfect since it was also technically his job as the co-host. Holding the ladder while you hung up crystal decor was reminiscent of past Christmas parties that his family hosted. Your two families would come together and prepare the cookies, the eggnog, and the presents for the whole morning before the big party that started around dinner time, and you and Felix were in charge of the Christmas tree. He’s not too big on heights, so he always made you hang the ornaments on the top layer. It was a very adult networking and old people gambling games type of party, so you and Felix would always sneak off into his basement and play video games or watch corny movies with a stolen tray of sugar cookies.
The Christmas before uni was probably the last one where you two felt like kids and didn’t have to worry about what kinds of feelings would get in the way of your beautiful friendship.
“Ugh, my calves are burning,” you whined on your way down from the ladder. Your legs gave out on the second step down and the weight of your tired body pulled you down, causing you to drop to your death from a mere five feet above.
Luckily, your Prince had quick reflexes and caught you bridal style. As kids, it was surprising when Felix could carry anything even half his weight with his twiggy arms, but the fact that he could hold you without struggling or even breaking a sweat was the closest you’ve ever experienced a miracle.
A gentle, handsome smile came from his lips. “You ok?” he asked in his deep voice.
No, you’re definitely not, but lying was ok in this situation. “F-F-Fine! I am fine!”
“Are you sure?”
“Y-Yes! Uh, you can put me down now…!”
“Hm, but I kind of like holding you like this.” You hit his rock-hard chest lightly, to which he recoiled dramatically before placing you down gently. “Is that how you thank your hero!?”
“Thank you, My Hero.”
“That’s more like it.”
It wasn’t until around dinner time when you left Felix alone to be in charge of guiding all the caterers to their cooking spots while you sped home to get ready as fast as you could. You didn’t want to leave Felix in charge for more than an hour, otherwise there would be more room for error.
You must have had such little faith in him because he did as was told without any issues and was done well before the party was going to start. He took the down time to put on his satin black suit and fix his blond hair before putting on the matching mask. While looking in the floor-to-ceiling mirror, of course he admitted to himself that he would be the sexiest one at the party, but something about the view didn’t seem right. He didn’t have you beside him hyping him up like always. The view in the mirror was lonely without you.
“Good job with the chefs!” you called into the dressing room unannounced.
Felix could see you jogging in wearing the full outfit he saw on your bed this morning, now complete with the mask he gifted you in the reflection of the mirror. The view of you was stunning, so much to the point that the Prince himself was too afraid to turn around and look at you with his own eyes. You reminded him of the story of Medusa, who would turn men into stone if they dared to look at you, and Felix thought that he was well past that point, already frozen in place with his jaw dropped and hands fixated on his crooked tie.
Luckily, you didn’t seem to notice as you stepped in between him and the mirror. The feel of your knuckles brushing up against his chest broke him free of his frozen state, causing him to hitch his breath in his throat. It was very un-Felix-like to be this nervous, especially before an event that circled around him, but perhaps it was his sobriety that made him jittery.
“You good?” you reciprocated after a long moment of silence.
Prince Felix cleared his throat before speaking. “Yeah.”
“I guess so.”
“What do you have to be nervous about other than being the center of attention in front of hundreds of people?” you teased lightly.
“It’s not like I know everyone, though.”
“What do you mean? You and Han invited all the people you normally party with.”
“Yeah, but it’s not like I’m friends with all of them. I don’t hang out with them before 10:00 pm.”
Even behind the mask, you could tell his nerves were sincere. “Are you having regrets about this party?”
“I wouldn’t say regrets… I don’t know. I’m sorry, I know you put a lot of work into this.”
“Do you not want to go -”
“No! No, I want to go.” To ditch a party you worked on for forty-eight hours would be like slapping you in the face and he knew that. But he also knew if he said yes, you would follow him wherever he’d go in a heartbeat because that’s how much you loved him. He cleared his throat once more. “Will you stay with me?”
You raised a brow, unsure if you heard correctly. “Stay with you?”
“As in, will you stay by my side tonight?”
“You want me by your side the whole night?” Oh, how the tables have turned, in which Felix with his blushing cheeks couldn’t look you in the eyes as he nodded shyly. It was hard to believe what you were seeing with your own eyes and you wondered if you were dreaming. “Ok.”
Softly, you straightened his mask. “Anything for you, birthday boy.”
The anxiety from the claustrophobia of the party was replaced with the thought of being with you the whole night, but this is how he’d rather be. No longer did he want to stay in this room he filled with bad energy, so he took you by the hand and led you back to the main room where guests quickly filled in. Anxiety filled his chest again and you felt it through his hand squeezing yours tightly, as if afraid you would let go and slip away into the crowd where he’d never see you for the rest of the night. You’re not sure what’s gotten into him and you didn’t want to make it worse, so you led him to the tables of food hoping he could fill the emptiness in hopes of loosening up a little.
Even while eating food, Felix refused to let go of your hand, so you had to act as his free hand and feed him gourmet finger foods.
“You’re even more of a baby on your birthday,” you scoffed.
“But you love babying me, right?” he teased.
“I don’t know if ‘love’ is the right answer…”
The beginning of the night was nothing short of energy-draining as every single guest came up to greet Felix on his birthday and greeted you second. It was crazy that even in a room full of hundreds of peers, the crowd was still able to distinguish the birthday boys from everyone else, but you supposed it was easy because who else was blond and this handsome? The same way you looked at Felix, everyone else also had their eyes on him because he was truly that stunning in a crowded room.
It was occasions like these when you felt most out of place. You only ‘belonged’ here because Felix was your ticket in, but you would never become one of the elite. You didn’t have all the luxury of buying a new outfit or new jewels for every occasion like everyone else here. You were a simple person in your humble apartment living your predetermined life and getting by without any conflict, all thanks to him. That was what made you believe for twenty years that you had no right to fall for Felix the way you did - you were nothing more than the King’s hired Chancellor.
Even so, when the whole room was looking at him, he only looked at you.
The next song was a common waltz song that was played at every masquerade party on the planet. With a hop in his step, you found the birthday boy in front of you bowing with his hand still in yours.
“Will you dance with me?” he asked dramatically like he was playing a character.
“Why, of course, Your Highness.”
Waltz dancing was definitely not the first talent you’d think of while wondering what Felix was good at, but to your surprise, it was like he’d been taking classes for years. You knew little-to-nothing about it yourself, but it was easier when your date took the lead and you didn’t have to think, just follow. It was a ride, honestly, and you couldn’t stop yourself from giggling, even when the dance finished with Felix dipping you, faces close and noses barely touching.
You hardly noticed his eyes shift to your lips in the midst of all the giggles. “When did you learn to do that!?”
“Last night,” he admitted sheepishly. “Are you impressed?”
“Then those three hours of Youtube tutorials were worth it.”
Your predicted cycle of food, dancing, alcohol, and back to food was correct. Several rounds lasted several hours to the point where you were at the perfect amount of tipsy, but still able to navigate, although if any more rounds of alcohol were going to happen, you might be in trouble. Keeping up with the birthday boy was so hard!
But you didn’t mind, because the poison made you forget about how much you didn’t belong there and swept any overreaction to Felix’s affection under the rug, though it was getting harder to do the latter, as each shot meant closing the distance between you and him. Somehow, you went from holding his hand to his hand never leaving your waste, with your bodies keeping close contact, a feeling you’ve always been familiar with even when sober, but this time was different.
“So,” he began in the middle of the dance floor. “When do I get my gift?”
“How about after your birthday cake?”
“Birthday cake?”
On cue, the lights dimmed and the music stopped. Jisung found his way next to Felix and all the chefs rolled out a giant tiered cake with candles on it, cueing all the guests to sing happy birthday. You made sure to keep the design simple, but the flavors immaculate and matching the boys’ palates because that was the most important part. Even from afar, you could smell the chocolate.
You tried to step away from him so that he and Jisung could have the spotlight together, but even then he didn’t want you to leave. He squeezed your side a little tighter, a silent gesture that said, ‘please don’t go.’
By now, you were starting to sober up a bit and that was a bad sign because now you were realizing that this whole night would be forgotten tomorrow, just like last year. Still, you stayed by his side because that’s what he wanted.
Why it had to be you, you’ll never know, but the feeling was too right to question it.
At the end of the song, the birthday boys blew out the candles and the cheers deafened your ear drums. What shocked you next was the feeling of soft lips on your cheek.
“Thank you,” Felix whispered with so much adoration. “For everything.”
You’ll never be able to recover from tonight. “Why are you like this all of a sudden? Have you had too much to drink?”
A cute giggle escaped his lips. “No, I’m fine. This day feels extra special, that’s all. You’re the reason.”
Felix was such a smooth honey talker when there was a little something swimming in his bloodstream. You should know better not to take these words to heart, but you can’t help it when they’ve all you’ve ever wanted to hear. A repeat of last year was bound to happen any second.
You did your best to avoid the compliment. “Do you want your gift now?”
“Ooh, yes!”
The gift was hidden in the room you find him in earlier today. You were too embarrassed to set it up next to the gift table that was dressed in bags with brands like Cartier and Gucci, so you stashed it away from the rest. The bouncy and excited boy had the widest grin on his face, impatiently waiting for you to present him with what you had.
“Close your eyes,” you demanded.
Felix held out his hands with his eyes closed and expected something small, like a watch or a cupcake or some plush toy that he could strap on his keychain, but instead nearly stumbled forward holding something as heavy as a textbook.
“Ok, open your eyes.”
He wasn’t too far off, actually. In his hands was a thick, heavy book titled “Felix & _____” that you printed out on an embossed label maker. Inside were infinite pages of pictures, stamps, receipts, travel brochures, foreign currency, movie tickets, anything and everything from most if not all the memories you spent together over the past twenty years. The first few pages were filled with old film pictures and polaroids you had to steal from your parents and the later pages progressively got more crowded with trinkets and things when you two were old enough to hang out on your own.
For a while, Felix was silent as he flipped through all the memories. There wasn’t a smile on his face, no tears streaming down his cheeks, in fact he was emotionless and now you were confused. He told you he didn’t care about money or the cost of gifts when it came to you, but…
“You hate it,” you stated rather than asking.
Felix looked up at you, completely sobered up, with the most incredulous expression. “Of course not,” he reassured softly. “I love it. So much. You saved all of this…?”
“I saved every receipt that wasn’t smudged with barbecue sauce or oil and every movie ticket since the start. I had boxes full of it and I didn’t know what to do, but I knew I didn’t have the heart to throw it away, so I made you a scrapbook. It took forever, but luckily your family’s historian captured a lot of the earlier stuff.” Felix was listening, but his eyes were fixated on the last page, where you pasted a single picture of a selfie you two took just a couple days ago. “Happy birthday, Felix.”
Flipping through the scrapbook made him realize that yes, so much has changed between the two of you. There’s so much growth and care and love in between the pages and the fine lines that isn’t seen unless you look for it. As he looked at you, with your cheeks dusted scarlet and wearing your heart on your sleeve, perhaps him pretending he didn’t tell you he loved you last year was what was slowly drifting you away from him, because how were you going to deny to his face that you didn’t love him, too?
Perhaps it was best you would admit it to him on your own time. For now, he hoped a gentle kiss on your forehead would push you a little bit.
His rose petal lips left your forehead tingling. “You’re the best. Thank you.”
When Felix tried to close the gap in between, you took a large step back. You couldn’t look him in his eyes and now he’s confused and his heart hurts.
“Why do you keep doing that?” you asked.
“Doing what?”
“Holding my hand, holding me, kissing me…”
“Oh, I thought you were ok with all of that.”
You take a deep breath. You can’t let last year repeat itself. “You’re wrong.”
“I’m wrong?”
“You can’t just do that whenever you feel like it.”
“Do what!?”
“Play with my feelings!” You took another breath to calm you down and prevent anymore tears that were about to pool. “I have feelings, Felix. You can’t just use me whenever you feel like it and take it all back like it never happened the next morning!”
“I have feelings, too. How the fuck else was I supposed to deal with the night I told you I love you and you didn’t say it back?”
You’re left stunned and speechless. Felix just admitted to you that he once told you he loved you. He didn’t have to say when for you to know that he was talking about the inebriated self on your bed mumbling those three words as you tucked him in on his birthday last year.
“You didn’t say it back and I thought you didn’t feel the same, so I pretended to forget all about it. But now I know you feel the same,” he begged desperately. “I just know. Tell me I’m wrong, _____. Tell me I’m wrong to think that after all these years together, I think you fell in love with me the same way I fell in love with you.”
You couldn’t say anything. You couldn’t admit that he was right because he was drunk then and he’s still a little intoxicated now. But even if he’s right, even though you both knew how much you loved every cell of Felix, what if all this sweet talk was brewed by the mix of drinks that settled in his core? What if he forgets again tomorrow and you’re left in a worse state than you were last year? What if the alcohol just jogged last year’s memory that was stored deep in his cortex that only tequila was able to unlock?
The more you tried to make an excuse for it, the more ridiculous it sounded...
When you didn’t say anything right away, Felix was sure if he had his ribs broken that it would hurt less than the pain he felt in his chest right now. But that wasn’t your fault - nothing was ever your fault. This was all his doing because that’s what Felix did best - screw everything up.
The blond’s once hurt expression turned to stone before he dropped the scrapbook onto the cushioned chair next to his belongings.
“My mistake then,” he muttered before leaving you alone in the room.
“Felix, wait -” but it was too late, he was already out of the room to do something stupid to forget what just happened.
You ran after him, but the party room was so loud and dark and filled to the brim with guests that you couldn’t find him. In a room full of people, you were always able to find Felix no matter what, but it’s like he changed the makeup of the atmosphere to make sure that wouldn’t happen again for the rest of the night. You tried looking for blond locks from high ground, you tried snaking your way on the dance floor, you even checked the private rooms and men’s bathrooms in the whole house and none of them worked. You were afraid that after all the heartbreak, you wouldn’t see him again for a long while.
You bumped into Jisung in an empty hallway, who seemed out of breath like he was running a marathon just now.
“You have to come with me,” he gasped in urgency.
“What happened?”
“It’s Felix. He’s about to race Wooyoung.”
Those five words sounded like a terrible ad-lib in the newspaper, but when you followed Jisung to the front of the pool house, lo and behold half of the guests were gathered around the two boys who looked like they were about to get into a fist fight. In Felix’s hand, you could see that he was holding the keys to his sports car that was already parked out front.
Wooyoung’s the first to see you run to them from the crowd, with Jisung following behind you. “Hey, _____. Can you tell Prince Charming here that I’m not about to race him and go to jail?”
“That’s because you’re a pus -”
Jisung held Wooyoung back before he could get a swing in and you stepped in between. This was the first time you got a good look at his face, which was tear-stained and flushed red, all because of you.
“What are you doing!?” you muttered harshly.
“Trying to understand what you see in this guy. It’s not his looks, or his brains. Can’t be his car either, but I just wanted to prove my prediction just in case.”
His breath smelled like freshly poured alcohol. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Am I ridiculous, though? I think I might be onto something when I said there’s something that you see in him.”
“There’s nothing, so can you please give me your keys so we can talk inside?”
“I don’t want to talk to you anymore.”
Ouch. “Ok, we won’t talk. Let’s do something else -”
“I don’t want to do something else with you. I want to race and kick his ass.”
“You want to crash and burn that badly?” Wooyoung screamed over Jisung’s shoulders. “Fine, let’s drive!”
The crowd cheering only boosted Felix’s ego more, so he broke free from your wall and walked towards his car.
“Felix, don’t do this!” you cried out desperately, and for a second you could see the hesitation, but it was easily overcome.
“If you don’t want to be here, then go home. I don’t need you.”
The crowd oohed in unison and your left in the middle of the circle humiliated, watching the boy you loved the most get into his car and prepare to race your coworker. There’s a myriad of scenarios that fly through your mind of what could go wrong and you’re not sure if you should stay for the mess of the aftermath. But Felix said it himself that he didn’t need you, so maybe you should follow his advice and go home.
If something were to happen to him and you weren’t there to pick up the pieces and mend them back together, you would never forgive yourself. Your life’s purpose had always been to help Felix mend his pieces together whenever he needed it. But maybe this was his way of telling you that you were no longer needed for that - that you were free of all your duties as his personal fake secretary and since he thought you didn’t love him back that you served no purpose to him anymore.
When Felix said he didn’t need you, he meant that he didn’t need you to be the person you always were. He didn’t need you to be his babysitter trying to stop him from doing something stupid, he needed you as someone who wanted to stop him because you loved him and was afraid that he’d get hurt. And perhaps it was his mistake for saying it so harshly because you didn’t bother to stop him after that. But it hurt him to his core that you believed him when he said he didn’t need you anymore, that after twenty years you so easily believed that he could cut you out of his life, just like that. How many stupid mistakes could Felix make tonight? He was too far into this that he couldn’t back out, so all he had to do was race and make it out alive to see you again.
From the rear view mirror, he saw your distant figure fade away with the night.
It has been a long sixty-eight hours and twenty-four minutes since you arrived home from the birthday party. Hermit crabbing for the first twelves hours was stressful - you couldn’t sleep until 6:00 am, you only slept for a couple hours, you sent mass text messages to multiple people, including Felix, curious about his whereabouts and no one got back to you until twelve hours after that.
han solo [8:43 pm]: sorry darling, i like just woke up. he’s fine i guess.
you [8:44 pm]: what do you mean you ‘guess’!?
han solo [8:44 pm]: i mean they both came out unscathed and his dumbass won so physically he’s fine! but he didn’t seem too happy that he won. i think he’s back home with his parents atm.
That settled your racing heart only a little, but at least you knew he was fine physically, at least. Still, your hundreds of texts sent to him were all left on read, meaning he saw all your desperation and worry and didn’t bother to ease any of it.
You couldn’t eat for those long hours, but now it was getting unbearable and you needed to eat something. You had all the ingredients for Felix’s favorite soup, and as much as you didn’t want to constantly remind yourself of him, you couldn’t help yourself. The process was nice and slow, where you took extra care into washing the vegetables and bringing the broth to a gentle boil before dropping everything in. You could imagine the look on his face if he smelled what you made with your own hands.
Cooking for Felix was a very rare occasion because you were still self conscious about your abilities, especially as someone who was going to work for the country’s largest restaurant franchise. But the times he’s tasted your creations, his reaction was nothing but sincere bliss, cleaning his plate or bowl or several every time. He was the only one who truly believed in your talents and far-off dream when your parents wanted you to follow your Dad’s footsteps. You always cared about what Felix thought about you and your actions and nearly everything, but what he thought about your cooking was one of the most important things and his constant support for your craft was what made you fall for him so much harder than you already did.
The aromas of the soup made you miss him even more. If you didn’t hear back from him today, you were going to take drastic measures and find him yourself.
A quiet, eerie knock came at your door. You hesitated, wondering if you should just pretend you weren’t home, but then a voice spoke up.
“I know you’re home,” Felix said. “I can smell you cooking my favorite soup.”
You dropped your wooden spoon and hurried to open the front door. Behind the door revealed a tired Felix with one bruised up eye and cut up lip. Though the tears quickly fell from your eyes and you covered your gaping mouth, he still gave you a weak smile in hopes of easing any worry you now had.
“I kind of need you,” he admitted softly. “I really need you.”
Speechless, you took Felix by the hand and sat him on your couch before grabbing your massive first aid kit. He’s not surprised that you took him in with open arms without any hesitation because that was the kind of person you were. He loved that about you, but there’s guilt in his heart because he’s the last person who deserves this treatment. He knew you didn’t exactly forgive him yet because you still haven’t said a word, even as you were wetting a cotton swab with isopropyl alcohol.
“Is it going to sting?” he asked. You didn’t bother answering and let him feel the pain for himself. “Motherfucker!”
Through all the cleaning and wincing, though your facial expression didn’t move much, a waterfall of tears fell from your eyes at a constant speed. Since you were kids, Felix’s Dad was big on spanking and physical discipline, but this was a whole different level than you’ve ever seen before - this wasn’t discipline, this was intentional. Even so, Felix still smiled, even through all the stinging.
“Stay still,” you whispered, voice shaking. Your free hand held his face in place by pressing your palm into his nonbruised cheek. The wound still stung, but the wincing at least lessened. When the cotton swab dried up and you weren’t sure what to do, Felix calmed your racing thoughts by placing a hand on top of the one you had on your cheek.
He liked the way your thumb gently brushed across his cheek. Your touch always left tingles in its absence.
“What happened?” you finally asked.
“Dad found out about the racing because it was in the tabloids as ‘Future YONBOK CEO Caught Racing Under the Influence. Is the Future of YONGBOK in Good Hands?’ and, well, you know how that turned out.”
You said nothing while shaking your head. You took your hand back and stood up to get something and the fear of you leaving him again left Felix sweating and tears of his own pooling in his eyes. But you came back with a bag of frozen peas to press against his bruises and swollen lip.
“Are you hungry?” Felix nodded silently. “I made your favorite soup.”
“I know. Did you know that I was coming?”
“No. I guess I’m lucky.”
One of his hands is on top of yours holding the frozen peas and the other grabs hold of your other free hand. Felix wanted to hold you in every way possible, but for now this would have to do until you accepted him.
“You know I love you,” he told you. “And you know I will always need you. I’m sorry I pretended to forget about telling you last year and I’m sorry if that made you think I was insincere the second time. But now you know for sure that I love you. Was I really that wrong to think you felt the same?”
“It seems like you already know my answer.”
“I need to hear you say it.”
You sighed heavily. By now the tears had stopped, but you wouldn’t be surprised if they started up again. This was the first time you would admit aloud that you loved the stupid boy who tried to hide his smile sitting in front of you.
“I love you, Lee Felix. I always have.”
“Knew it ~” he sang. “Tell me when you fell for my handsome looks.”
“Remember Prom night?”
“Prom night!? Seriously?”
“My date standing me up and you offering to dance with me the whole night sounds like the perfect formula to fall in love with you, does it not?”
“I guess! I just thought it’d be longer than that!”
“I’m sure it has been longer than that.”
“Prom night was just the point of no return - that no matter what I did, my feelings were absolute and I couldn’t be in denial anymore. But I didn’t feel any different… And that’s when I assumed I just always loved you.”
“Even when I do stupid shit like this, you still loved me that much, huh?”
“Even with a busted lip, I still think you’re the most handsome.”
“That’s what I like to hear,” he chuckled. “Do you know when I knew?”
“Uh, last year?”
“Nope. On your tenth birthday.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I’m not. When you shared your birthday cake and gave me the corner slice with the most icing flowers on it, I knew you were the one for me.”
“Can you be serious for once!?”
“Baby, I am dead serious! Look me in the eyes - well, my good eye.”
“I hate you.”
“I know.” Felix pressed a long kiss to your forehead and then rested his own up against it. “I’m sorry for worrying you.”
“And being an ass.”
“Yes, and being the biggest ass.”
You dared to kiss his lips, but just enough for them to touch, too worried about hurting his bruise. Felix didn’t care - this was the only time you’d have your first kiss and he wanted it to be long and slow, putting his all into your very first kiss even if it hurt a little. His lips were hungry for yours and so were his hands, making you drop the frozen peas on the floor so he could pull you into his lap to deepen the kiss. Wandering hands traveled your waist and your own in his hair and all your worries about wondering if love was truly real melted away with every second. Even when you broke free to come up for air, Felix refused to loosen his grip on your waist, holding you so close that he buried his face in the nape of your neck. He short breaths tickled your skin and when you giggled, he peppered kisses all over. Your laugh was music to his ears.
“Do you forgive me?” he said in between kisses.
“Mm,” you hummed. “Just don’t leave my side again.”
“Never again. I promise you.”
“Well… Where do we go from here?”
“Hm… I get to eat my favorite soup with the love of my life?”
“I like the sound of that.”
“And then straight to bed.”
“But it’s only 9:00 pm?” A playful, naughty smirk spread across Felix’s lips. “Lee Felix!”
“What!? I won the race, can’t I get a prize!?”
Soup was always better with your love and a cup of frozen peas.
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unassumingpebble · 2 years
ESC 2022 Semifinal 2 recap:
(if you see me reusing my jokes for the final no you didn't) and once again also just a general warning for mean gay bitchy judging ahead, this is my one time a year that im mean it's like lent or smth, you have been warned. if you're not into bitchy shady opinions then uuuhhh i recommend reading something else for your own peace of mind tbh.
skits at esc still are so painful dear god opening: well that's 5 minutes of my life i'm never getting back laura's biceps HELLO???? and this look?? FAB!! the ruffles! the wet hair look!!!! the deep lip!! officially obsessed mika has now decided to be a LEMON realtor popsicle, go off i guess the presenters giving licorice rasperry lemon fantasy. or the flag of germany, i guess? if it's not in the right order don't bother me i can't read the fucking clock correctly it's nothing personnel
Finland - what the fuck is this yellow IT moment??  i either end up super biased for finland or holding them to a higher standard and this time uuuuhh i expected better. also i don't think a song about a toxic woman who clearly isn't good for you is particularly feminist (idk if they claimed it was or if it's just my announcer but???? nor using a kind of degrading word in that context? so that's kinda weird) also i'm curious to see if the board is unhappy with this one bc i heard that they had issues with albania and latvia ( :// ) and while i obviously don't want any numbers punished or censored but i'm expecting an annoying double standard tbh where showing skin and suggestive text is fine if you're a man or doing it through a male perspective, i guess :/
Serbia - i wish i could understand the text so i could know what's happening but i also appreciate the non-english. it seems so interesting and fascinating, generally im confused but interested and intrigued, ART. genuinely so into this
Azerbaijan - i really do like his voice and his beard is very pretty. and i do really like this song tbh, it gets the ballad pass although it's just barely not quite engaging enough for eurovision imo. a fantastic vocal performance tho that sounds genuinely sincere and a good song.
Georgia - i fucking love this, ngl. the looks, the sound, the aesthetic. love how odd it sounds. totally a dnd party vibes. we've got officer druid, punk pirate man, glam goth plague doctor, and steampunk willy wonka. this is a psychadelic mess and i'm living
Malta - ig model? doing a power ballad? groundbreaking. *insert miranda presley*
San Marino - love the cowboy hat moment. the song is absolute ass. i do respect rhyming cowboy with sex toy i suppose. bit hypocritical for me to say this and obvs måneskin doesn't own rock gender fuckery (hello, have you SEEN rock?) and it could just be being yourself and trying to piggyback for that purpose but it feels just. a little too derivative maybe. but like a soft derivative, i don't think it's anything worth making some hubbub about
Australia - okay ART. the met gala could NEVER. it's personal, it's honest, it's art, it's fashion, it's vocals, it's real, it gets a ballad pass any fucking day from me. i'm THROWING ballad passes. legit love it genuinely love everything, it's art, it's fantastic, and i fucking love that the song's about his experiences as an autisic person, bc relate. one of my favs now
Cyprus - okay art reference, go off venus! kinda love it with the stage fountains. obviously not the most over-the-top energetic but i appreciate that, still very full of life and a bop with a more lowkey energy, a whole moment tbh. lovely vocals
Ireland - esc back at it again with the pop a whole decade too dated.
North Macedonia - i legit forgot a number was on
Estonia - i usually say that i'm into folk music but not country because country's sound is just too polished and that won't be changing today
Romania - started with what might be the gayest interpretive cow milking in history, which might not seem as a particularly spectacular achievement but with all the farming in stage musicals, it is fairly impressive. i was going to say that i was into the cutout jumpsuits but the pattern is truly horrendous.
Poland - we have now arrived at my least favourite esc genre, which is man in suit on empty stage with a single spotlight and the singer's moody face agressively imposed in the background. just agressive crooning, endless belting, and high notes. not even being about water can save this song for me, which says a lot because i am a complete sucker for water songs.
Montenegro - poor girl got impaled by an umbrella, no wonder she's in pain
Belgium - i mean it's fine. he's clearly a good singer. i wouldn't be mad if it moved on, but i also don't really care if it doesn't
Sweden - i know it's moving on but i fully cannot stand it. it's trying so hard to be robyn. but no one will ever be robyn.
Czech Republic - i'm not mad at it tbh. like her look and the vaporwave inspired background. slightly less dated than a lot of other eurovision pop, giving kinda 2018. I do appreciate the man with the bow on the electric guitar
the world always needs more Mika, i've been saying this for years. also laura looks stunning it's giving decadent vampire retiring for the evening posed casually on top of a decadent staircase. I do think these kinds of songs might not be what her voice needs though, it's very strong and clear and clearly needs a bit more circumstance and force, unfortunately. Mika is giving the exact same suit but now as a polar bear realtor that fell into a strawberry patch. he really saw that suit on the clearance rack and said yeah i'll take at least three of it, thanks
I Do Not Care about these men in leather suits. a sentence i never thought i would say but here we are, i suppose
Laura serving an even more dimitrescu-esque look i love
Spain - yeah it's a dance song. you can do a lil shimmy. don't super care. for being as energetic as it is it feels weirdly lethargic
UK - well we've got a camp stage, i am stealing his jumpsuit.
Germany - looking forward to another german bottom placement, this is tanking for sure.
Voting thoths: "We have a valid result" yeah we'll see about that buddy
my literal reaction to belgium's qualification was 'who the fuck is belgium' LMAOO azerbaijan may not be the most eurovision but it might be one of the actual best songs this year POLAND????? finland?? finland gets a spot but latvia didn't????? RIGGORY.. thamkg god australia made it because i would have rioted ugh serbia is art and im happy to see it here, so deserved!!! very sad about georgia. was kinda expecting it, but i'm still upset. i am def checking out their other stuff after this tho.
For sure rooting for australia this year! <333 This one was less of a tragedy so i won't have too much trouble falling asleep tonight, even if a lot of things moved on that certainly did not catch my attention at all.
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ryttu3k · 2 years
Running order is out! Here's a graph of the running order versus where I scored them in the semis! (Blank spots are for Big Fives, and since I tend to score higher in finals, I'll fill those in afterwards for a comparison.)
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Right, so I'll be scheduling my loo break for 15-18, haha.
Beneath, thoughts on all songs in the semis/previews, in finals order:
Czech Republic: Hey she has the same hair stylist as the female host! Oh I’m digging this one, it’s energetic and fun! 8/12
Romania: Oh we going glam glam. I have no idea why Romania seems to be into Spain so much but there’s usually a nice little mutual 12-points going on so this feels pretty fitting. Energetic and fun! 8/12
Portugal: Whew that contrast. It's nice it's sincere it's just. Boring. 4/12
Finland: Starting off with the Rasmus! Oh this is fun. Starting off with some good energy! 8/12
Switzerland: Coma/12 (no it’s like... a 3)
France: Oh neat, this is the Breton song, that’s got a pretty cool vibe.
Norway: Well they definitely have the best title! ………fascinating. 8/12
Armenia: Energy in the second half is definitely better than the first! The staging is pretty fun too. 7/12
Italy: Some of the favourites, it’ll be interesting seeing if they can go two years in a row! Not my thing, alas, bit slow.
Spain: Oh this looks like it could be fun! Lots of energy.
Netherlands: Okay I’m… I like the idea of focusing on mental health! That’s fine! That’s good! But is Eurovision really the best platform for it? 4/12
Ukraine: The favourites, although is it because they’re genuinely good or because of the situation? Ahh. The latter it is, then. I do like the flute, the folk elements, and the swamp witch costume! 6/12
Germany: Aaand the award for lowest-effort outfit goes to...
Lithuania: Very torch song but it feels weirdly... atonal? Nice and sparkly but wow I just felt my energy drop. Sorry, this ain’t it! 6/12
Azerbaijan: “Shit, the audience is having too much fun. Bring in a ballad!” Oh, picks up a bit towards the end! 5/12
Belgium: This has some serious late 90s, early 00s boy band vibes, and not in the way my 10-year-old self would have enjoyed. 4/12
Greece: Coma/12, part two. I see we’re going for a repeat of last year’s second semi, which hopefully means this year’s second semi will be better? 3/12
Iceland: The Vibes™ are pretty cool (and I dig that costume with the floofy white sleeves and black vest), I just wish it had some actual energy. 5/12
Moldova: A jaunty folk/weird song about a train ride between Chisinau and Bucuresti. This is terrible in such an endearing way :D 7/12
Sweden: Very torch song, I like her voice but it’s not my thing. I imagine this will do the numbers. 7/12
Australia: lmao we have to have slightly awkward host banter because Sheldon’s costume is so extra it needs extra time. Full disclosure, not my favourite song! Good on him he seems like a sweet kid and it’s very emotional just… yeah, not my thing. 6/12
United Kingdom: I’m digging the outfit! Song I’ll have to see in full but so far fun.
Poland: Ballad, picks up a bit as it goes on. Oh this “in the river” bit sounds like it belongs to a different song? Interesting. Wow, that last note just kinda… died. 4/12
Serbia: I’m… not 100% sure how I feel about it as a song, probably wouldn’t download it, but goodness it’s an interesting performance! Very neat visuals. 8/12
Estonia: The poor neglected guitar. Very beige! The song is kinda fun. 7/12
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frienderbender · 3 years
hey frienderbender is it ok to ask for some lore/information on your magpickles 🥺 I’m very invested in those goods ( off the topic but can I just say I am in LOVE with the way you draw Skwisgaar my heart is just fluttering to fast when I see him 🥺💞 Anyways muah you’re wonderful artist thank you have a lovely day/evening )
oh sure! first off thank you so much for the sweet message! that made my night :'] i love drawing skwisgaar and im glad you like how he looks in my style haha
anyways im assuming youre talking about my general lore for them in the canon timeline, so ill talk about that under the cut
i think they first met some time in the late 80s while pickles was still with snb. they met after a show specifically. magnus introduced himself as a fan, and that was true! but (quick tangent for some general mag thoughts) it brings up something that ive always thought about when i look at mag. magnus definitely gives off the vibe of being the guy who was always just Around in the music scene, especially in the rock and metal scene of this era. like, hes a mysterious dude but he has connections. he will play with random bands sometimes. he knows so many fucking people in this industry (not saying hes friends with all of them though); what im trying to say is. Everyone Has A Magnus Hammersmith Story. hes the type of guy that gets talked about in podcasts decades down the line. ok all that to say he was able to get backstage because he just Knows People. and he introduces himself as a fan blah blah pickles and magnus drink and do some drugs and honestly i wouldnt be surprised if they at the very least made out with each other the first night they met.
so pickles is like, pretty into him right off the bat. magnus was too, but i think on his end INITIALLY he was more just interested in hooking up but they exchange info and keep in touch and all that. so. this is RIGHT before snb implodes. and theyre still meeting up fairly regularly and becoming closer and doing a lot of drugs and drinking a bunch. typical rockstar stuff.
but pickles had been on a steady downward spiral at this point (he was already like this before he met magnus), and in one night snb is no more. having burned all those bridges in his band (for now), pickles turns to his only friend left: magnus. and i think its at this point, when pickles comes to him, wrecked by the dissolution of his band, that magnus kinda starts to realize he might actually feel something for him too? seeing him like this, seeing pickles from fucking snakes n barrels, so raw and real and not at all like the fiery redhead he met that night after their show...it just feels different somehow. like yeah he was attracted to pickles from snakes n barrels, but he realized he had grown to care about pickles from tomahawk wisconsin. he liked that one better, there was no bullshit. no hiding beneath layers of glam makeup and hairspray.
so its the two of them against the world. its the early 90s at this point. on a whim, pickles decides they should leave LA and just drive. wherever. just away from the city because LA fucking sucks. he takes all his money and he and magnus get in his car and just start driving. they end up in florida eventually, because its the other side of the country. or something. they get an apartment, and for a couple of months they live together and its. kinda nice. its different, for sure. but not bad. magnus and pickles both always kinda skirted around the topic of their relationship. they never called the other their boyfriend. but i feel strongly that they did tell each other that they loved the other, once. and they meant it.
so heres where things get tricky for me. how did dethklok form? what was the order? who met who first? i dont know!! i wish i knew! its something i have a million scenarios for and i wish we got a canon order of the members joining at the very least so i can model my headcanons around it haha
with that in mind though, i do think magnus and pickles were a bit of a package deal. like, whoever joined first was able to get the other in. so. yeah. they joined dethklok some time in the early to mid 90s now.
they have a pretty decent few years. theyre still.......something....even in their new band. like they arent open about it and hook up when the other guys arent around and all that.
its around this time though that i think magnus is really starting to go through it. combination of feeling frustrated because of the bands status at this point, general untreated mental health, etc. anyways i think the stabbing incident occurred some time in the mid 90s, probably like '95 or '96 or something. so.....he gets kicked out. obviously. and those are the terms they end on for awhile.........
but uh. you see. pickles never completely cut ties with the dude because. well. what do you do when this happens to someone you care so deeply about. and i think probably a month or so later, magnus actually contacts him for the first time since the stabbing incident. and maybe i have a comic script and thumbnails about this encounter what about it. magnus tells him he wants to see him, so pickles slips out that night to meet up at an old bar they used to go to a lot. may or may not be the depths of humanity uhhh anyway. theyre talking for awhile but it just kinda devolves into honestly more one-sided arguing on pickles end. hes frustrated and sad and confused because fuck! magnus! why would you do that? why, when the bands just starting to take off? it becomes this whole like. you arent the same guy i knew. and in that moment it quietly hits them both that like. we arent who we were, and we dont know what to do about that. magnus asks if pickles would want to join him and leave the band, and pickles tells him to go fuck himself. and thats the last thing he ever said to him.
and thats where the magpickles lore/relationship timeline ends. i realize it really did kinda turn into a timeline but also i did write a timeline during a slow day at work once like two months ago but. anyways. this is basically that.
but uh. yes. i love them. they make me sad but in a good way yknow. its like. its one of those situations where i feel like under different circumstances, they probably couldve made it work in their own weird way. they have such a specific dynamic, whether in their background together in the canon timeline or just me fucking around with AUs and being like hmm what if i actually gave them a scenario where they could have the time to develop AS an actual couple. im rambling but i just love these two so much. this is so long.
i feel strongly they wouldnt get back together in any sort of canon capacity, but i do think they still have feelings for each other in that way you do when you remember people you loved in the past. old friendships that dissolved with no resolution. the person you still have things you want to tell them, even though you know you will never get the chance.
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kmelanin · 4 years
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something random: not edited
                         You met Soobin three years ago, you walked into a grocery store and went down the cookie aisle. You bumped into him on accident, and he almost broke his back bending over and apologizing. He knew how to make you swoon. He then asked for your number and promised to pay you back. You didn’t know how many times he would put on this act of breaking his back and giving you a apology.
You never thought you would let it get to this point. Out of the three years you have been with Soobin, you never would have thought he would hit you. Neither did he, which is why he, once again bent over then left you on the floor and you watch him slam your front door. Your hand was cradling your burning cheek. You were more shocked than anything.
           This has to be it; you couldn’t take it anymore. You hated yourself for staying with him for so long. You should have left when his brother Yeonjun asked if everything was okay a year ago. It was then when you knew, you knew it was not okay. Your mental health was completely depleted, you gained so much weight, and you could not even look at yourself in the mirror. The only thing keeping you going was Yeonjun, he was the light to everything. You were always at their house and so it was natural to become friends.
           Yeonjun stood a bit shorter than Soobin. He being 5’11, and Soobin over six feet. You stand next to them, and you still look up a bit, you being  5’9. He gave off this hard look, always wearing darker, edgier clothes. He has piercings, or fakes ones at least. He looks so pretty, all the time. He is the one that makes you smile now. It truly acted different around you. A truly soft boy. If only he came around before Soobin.
           Soobin, he was so great at first. His softness is was got you. He was a so sweet, taking you on lots of dates, and gifting you with gifts. You were not as lucky as he was, you did not have as much money, so you tried to give back with chores or art pieces, but it was not enough. He suddenly started to demand sex and treat you as if you owed him everything. He would get mad if you didn’t work out certain days, or if a chore was missed.
He was still soft at times, and he always apologized for the things he did to you, and you always forgave him. But now you just knew that he refused to let you go. And for your own sake you needed to leave. You just did not know how, nor did you want to leave Yeonjun behind.
           You needed to just forget about what is happening for now, and deal with it later. You need to figure out how to break up with Soobin. Because he hit you, for the first time in your relationship he hit you. You could never forgive him for that.
           You quickly suck it up as best you could, and you get in the shower. You decided to go out to the club. You quickly wash up and get dressed in a simple black slip dress. It bunched up in the right areas making your curves look great. You also put on some pretty black lace underwear that you never had the chance to wear.
           You look in the mirror and notice how red it was on your face. You quickly pull out your makeup and put on a night glam look. You just wanted to go and get some drinks and then go to bed.
           You finish up and call a cab. You didn’t even feel like dealing with friends, so you wanted to make sure you didn’t drive. You hoped that Yeonjun was here, he really loved dancing. He also loved drinking and music so it was a win to him. He fits in so well with the party crowd, but stands out so much at the same time.
You wore your AF1s for a reason instead of heels. You hated heels.
You go into the bar side of the building. It had less people and the music wasn’t as loud. There was a soundproof wall with a open door way letting in the music, but not to much. You sit at the bar and order a strong drink, and a couple of shots. You weren’t a big drinker, so you liked to down it and move on.
When you got the drinks, you drank both shots quickly and chased it with your main drink. You turn around in your seat, trying your best to hold everything down. What you didn’t expect is a almost neon yellow haired Yeonjun standing on the other side of the room, when your eyes met his head tilted a little bit. You waved at him, feeling relieved to see him here,
             He wore all black and he walks straight towards you. The friends he was around looks at him confused, but connects it when they see you. You turn back around in your seat, trying to calm your heart beat down. The alcohol that you drank was started to burn through your body. He sits down next to you, but his body faces the room.
           “What are you doing here? I thought you guys were having a date night?” He leans in and asks you. You just laughed softly, you don’t answer. Instead you throw back at least half of the drink down your throat.
           Yeonjun frowns at what he sees. You’re acting strange, not like yourself. You’re drinking yourself into a depression, and he refuses to let you do so.
           “Look at me.” He says. He words forced you to look at him in the eyes. His already worried face turned even more upset. “Why have you been crying?” His thumb runs across.
           You grab his hand from your face, his fingers instantly grabbing yours.
           “Lets just go dance.” You smile up to him. He doesn’t push it any further, and he just smiles and nods. He takes your hand tighter and leads you to the doorway that leads to the dance floor. It was filled with people, but he easily got you two towards the middle.
           A slower song came on as he pulls you closer. You recognize it as Another Day by PARTYNEXTDOOR. He lays his hands on your waist and starts to rock with you. You lay your head on his chest a little, he lays his head on yours. He was so happy in this moment. He wish he could hold you forever.
           You wrap your arms all the way around his waist. You then look up at him, he looks down and your eyes connect. It was a bit weird, it felt as if time had slowed down a bit. His gaze was so intense, and it made you so nervous. His hands reach up to your face. He holds onto your face to gently.
           Was he going to kiss you?
           You quickly turn around, rubbing your ass against him. You were blushing. His hands instantly found your waist again and started to guide you a little better to the beat. You leaned against him a little more. You let go a little bit, letting your body move more freely. You close your eyes and live in the moment a little. You felt the alcohol running thought your veins.
Where his hands lay, it tingles. Tingles so much.
           As the song comes to an end, you tilt your head back a little more. With your eyes still closed, you could feel his head lean into your neck, his lips grazing against your skin. You let out a little gasp, enjoying the fresh feeling
           The song Body by MINO came on, and his hands grip you tighter.  His hands pull you in closer and his lips start leaving kisses all over your neck, and you let him.
           He was on cloud 9. Not a drop of alcohol or drugs in him, and he felt a bit addicted. You’re his brother’s girl, he shouldn’t like you this much.
           His hands start to travel up your body, applying pressure in the right areas. His hands leave trails of tingles behind. He turns you around so that you’re facing him.
           “Ya know, Soobin will kill us if he seen us like this.” He says against your lips. His words make you freeze. He is right. He hit you already, what will he do next? You remove yourself from Yeonjuns warm embrace and leave. You were getting so overwhelmed so quickly. As you exit out of the door, you felt a hand on your wrist.
           “Wait! Wait, Im sorry.” Yeonjun stars to go on. He let it go to far, he went to far. His heart was beating out of his chest. He could not lose you.  
           “No, youre fine. Its just-“you trailed off, bottom lip caught between your teeth as you contemplate what to say to him next. You could feel his eyes on you, scanning your face, examining the way your brows furrowed as you thought.
           “Can we just go back to my apartment?” You ask him, your voice slurring slightly. He frowns a bit.
           “You don’t wanna go back to So-“
           “NO! Ill go home myself then.” You blurt out in frustration. You felt bad for not telling him, but why worry him? You turn around and start walking down the street. You didn’t think Yeonjun was following you until a moment later you look back and see the neon haired boy walking behind you with his jacket over his shoulder. His eyes were low and dark when they connect to yours. You just look forward and continue walking home.
           You make your way up to your apartment and you unlock your door. Thankfully Soobin wasn’t here. You pop your shoes off and you head towards your bedroom.
           “Yn.” His voice cuts through the quiet air. You turn back to him and look at him. All of the lights were off. The street lights shined in through your window, creating a shadow on half of his face. “Tell me whats wrong. Did Soobin do something to you? For the past three months you’ve been acting strange.” He finally asks you. You were afraid of this moment. The moment you were going to tell the most important person in your life your worst kept secret.
           “He hit me, he actually hit me.” Your voice could barely get above a whisper. If you thought it was quiet in your home before, well now its dead silent. Its like time was actually frozen. “Yeonjun-?”
           “When?” He voice cut you off. It made you get nervous.
           “Its fine, im over it, I’m over him.” You shrug it off. You go to turn around, but he grabs you once again.
           “No, you can’t be. I can’t let him get away with his. When did he do it YN?” He held you so gently, you couldn’t help but want more of it. You wrap your arms around his waist again.
           “Today. He slapped me. But I know he didn’t mean it.” You mumble against chest. Your heart was beating so loudly in your ears. You felt his body tense up around you, and he pulls away from you slightly.
           “What?” He sounded like he was out of breath. He pulls away completely. He looks at you a bit. You look completely normal to him. You look like you always do, fucking beautiful. But then he realized that  he has only seen you in horrible lighting. He quickly pulls you to your room and turns on your light. He now notices how puffy your eye was. It was different from your usual crying eyes. Because only one looks damaged. How fucking hard did the man hit you.
           “Yn, he couldn’t of just hit you? Are you sure this is the first time?” He asks you seriously. He had to know if his brother was truly a piece of shit or if the girl he was in love with blinded him.
           You sighed.
           “Its like every time he would get mad at me it would be for the littlest shit. And he would always explode, either breaking things around me or even breaking a finger.” You looked at Yeonjun in the eyes. “This time he hit me. And Im over it. I don’t deserve this. If you don’t believe me then fine.” You just shrug.    
           “Of course, I believe you.” He fights back and he tries to reach out to you but you dodge him. The look on his face when you did probably hurt you than the hit you received earlier.  Before he could say anything, someone knocks on the door.
           You both knew who it was. Soobin, coming to apologize and probably demand for makeup sex. Yeonjuns feet move faster than yours and he almost runs to the front door. You don’t follow, in fact you just shut your bedroom door.
           Yeonjun opens the door and shoves Soobin away from it, shutting the door behind him.
           “What the fuck?” Soobin says confused as fuck.
           “Are you serious?!” Yeonjun yells at him. He has to hold back his voice before he wakes up the whole building. Instead he continues to shove him away from your home and down the stair.
           “Look, I just want to apologize-“
           “I don’t even want to know how many times you have ‘apologized’ to her. But she’s done with you. I’m done with you. Once you put your hands on her, its was really over with.”
           “I already know. I am still so fucking sorry. I regret it so much.” He cries.
           “Go home.” Yeonjun says walking away. He cannot even look at his brother in his eyes. He needs to go back to you and try his best not to let you slip through his fingers.
           He opens your door and finds you sitting in the couch with your legs up. Your eyes connected with his when he spotted you.
           “His he gone?” You ask softly. He does not know what to do. So, he just nods his head. “Are you going to leave now?” You ask him next.
           “Do you want me to?” He asks almost as softly as you did, nerves making him feel nauseous.
           “Not really. I don’t wanna lose you.” You mumble looking down at your fingers unsure of what to do to make him stay. You look at when he starts to move around. You watch him take his shoes off and make his way over to you.
           Your eyes remain connected with him throughout the whole time. He bends down in front of you and drops to his knees. He slowly grabs your hands and holds them in his. You put your legs down and in the position you are now in they just fell naturally on both sides of him. He doesn’t stop there, he leans in even more. His face coming closer and closer to yours.
           Its not that you freeze up, you just refused to move. You did not want to ruin this moment between you too. this could be the start of something truly beautiful.
               He was moving slowly because he didn’t want to startle you incase you were to snap out of this for some reason. He just really wanted to show you that he refuses live without you.
               Before you could do anything, his lips connected with yours. They were soft and gentle at first, barely pushing against your own lips. He pulls back just a tad to see how you were reacting to his moves. You reach up with one of your hands and caress his cheek. You truly could forget about Soobin with him. He made you and everything around you so much better.
               Your hand made its way to the back of his head, lacing your fingers through his surprisingly soft neon hair. You push his head towards you, meeting him in the middle. Your lips connect with his. His was shocked at first by your sudden bluntness, but he quickly recovers by grabbing your waist and pulling you closer to him.
               He wraps his arms around you, and you wrap your arms around his neck. Your hand controlled his head a bit, allowing you to gain control of everything. He let you.
               Whatever you wanted from him; he would give it to you.
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shittylongcatposts · 4 years
Jumin week Day 5: tea/coffee
A/N: I wasn't feeling really good yesterday, so i didn't really get to write something for jumin week, but i at least thought about it and came up with an idea! So it's just a small Imagine or drabble or something. Enjoy!
The little ring of the door bell nearly got a constant sound for you, and you wondered when the day will come where you didn't notice it anymore. It was really busy over the last week and your customers were either very joyful and kind or in a pretty bad mood, not even saying thank you or a hello.
Despite the hard work you really loved working in that small coffee shop. Enjoying the smell of freshly brewed coffee or tea and getting to talk to people was a nice way to keep yourself occupied after your break up.
Today was a different day though. You didn't even get to talk properly to the regulars, because there were so many people coming in. There even was a line with people waiting to get inside. Your eyes glanced nervously over the folks standing outside while you prepared the next order. While recognizing some of the faces, there were also some you did never see before. Especially one guy who stood outside took your attention. He wore a suit, and was currently speaking with someone over the phone. His dark hair looked disheveled and wild and you wondered if he ever used a comb or a brush before.
"Please son, reconsider and talk to her, you maybe even start liking Sarah. She's a nice girl and Glam and I would really like it if it work out." The voice over the phone said yet again.
Jumin sighed, there was no way he would listen to his father this time. This girl came to his home, without even knocking on the door and just invaded his precious privacy, as Luciel would call it.
"No father I won't reconsider. You need to clear your head and your heart. Are you really willing to sell of your son because of a company you never even heard of before? Look I have to go, this talk is not over." And with that he pressed the red button.
Another sigh escaped his lips and he ran a hand through his hair. Man, this wet weather really makes it look like he didn't even brushed it before he left the house.
The next satisfied customer stepped out of the door and held the door open a little bit, so that Jumin could hurry inside. Being a guy with good manners he thanked him properly and wished him a nice day.
The shop smelled of freshly brewed coffee and the young man quickly took in all the little details. With a little bit of white paint the walls would really look fine in Jumins eyes. Right now it was a soft yellowish tone with some pictures in brown frames hanging on them. Here and there stood some small decorations which made the place seem full of live.
The customers could either sit on small comfortable couches or on dark wooden chairs, which where polstered with self sewed pillows as it seems.
The next person stepped up to the counter and placed his order. Without even saying hello and thank you. Didn't they learn how to properly place an order?
Then he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He took a quick glance on the screen and wished he didn't. It was his father again. For a short time he wanted to answer the call but it would be rude to discuss family matters in cafe. He pressed the red button again and let the phone glide into his pocket again.
"Hi how can I help you?" Jumin heard a soft voice speaking, only now realizing that it was his turn to order something.
He shook his head and stepped in front of the counter, figdeting with his cufflinks.
"I'd like to have a Coffee please."
He saw you blinking then you chuckled, a broad smile on your lips.
"Which brew would you like to have Mr.? And which size?" You held your finger up to show him the sign above your head. The odd dark eyes followed and read the sign thouroughly.
The customer behind Jumin placed a hand on his shoulder and stepped ahead. "Just take a seat and read the card there." The guy said, nearly hissing the words.
"Hey! It's not your turn now! Let him pick something first", you said and locked your eyes once again with the young man's.
"No it's ok, I think it's better if I sit down, I'm sorry." He said and took a look around to find a good place.
When he did, he sat down on a chair, quickly taking the card in his hand.
You sighed and took the next orders.
Finally being able to walk around again was amazing. You loved this part of your job, and were glad when your colleague told you she needed a break and wanted to work behind the counter. She gave you a quick impact of the tables who already got something and threw her head into the direction of the dark haired suit-man.
"He's watching you, you know? I bet he's super weird..." Your colleague giggled.
"I don't think he is. He doesn't look too happy, don't you think?" You said, while reaching out for your hair to put it in a ponytail.
"Who the fuck enters this place only to order a coffee without even knowing which brew he wants, Mc?"
"Maybe he didn't know better."
And with that you leaved her standing behind the counter, walking over to the table the suit-man sat at.
"Hey again, have you found something?"
"Hello, I'd like to have a coffee, the columbian brew, medium size, and an espresso afterwards please." He looked up from the card and smiled kindly. You could tell it was a fake smile and somehow you began to feel sorry for whatever happened to this guy.
"Ok, then, one columbian coming right up, I serve the epresso later, ok?"
You waited for him to nod and turned around to take care od the other guests. There was something about this guy that fascinated you. Maybe it was the suit, you always had a thing for them, or the dark hair?
While shaking your head to snap out of your mind you prepared the next orders. Then you got an idea, maybe a small piece of cake could light him up.
Wherever Jumin went, he always got into the center of attention. It was strange how some people always seem to recognize him. But he was glad that nobody wanted to take a picture of him right now or worse than that talk to him.
Shifting around on the pillow he sat on he glanced up, seeing you walking around the cafe, small talking with an old lady, even with your heavy looking tablet in your hand you still wore that kind smile on your lips. He didn't know why but you really fascinated him.
When you came up to his table again placing a little plate before him he tilted his head. "I'm sorry, but I didn't order that..." He was about to sad something more, but couldn't. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw that unfriendly guy from early, he didn't look where he was going and bumped into you. You tried keeping the balance of the tablet but lose the fight and the cup of coffee fell.
Right onto Jumins suit. He hissed because of the hot coffee and grabbed the cup. Catching it before it hit the ground. With a wince he looked at you. Your eyes were wide in shock and the first thing you could think of were the tissues on the table. Threwing them onto the young man you wanted to mop the hot liquid up. Tapping his upper leg and his torso with the tissues. The tissues however dissolved and one even left a red stain on his white shirt. He took your hands, throwing the tissues on the ground. He looked pissed. But he didn't look at you.
"Don't touch me, I'm ok.", He growled and jumped up to grab the arm of the other man.
"Don't you want to apologize?"
"Leave me alone. I don't have something to apologize for."
"Yes you do. You just bumped into them!"
"Mr, it's ok, come on I'll show you the toilet."
You grabbed his hand and he followed you. After closing the door you asked if he needed anything.
"I guess I'm ok. Thank you..." His voice was muffled through the door but you still like the dark tone of it.
"Mc, my name is Mc."
"I'm Jumin, ehm... Nice to meet you"
"Hey, I'm sorry you're having such a bad day. I wanted to make it better with that cake but I totally regret it now. I ruined your suit."
"You didn't do anything. Thank you." He opened the door a little and peaked through it. "Not for ruining my suit though. You don't happen to have a white shirt my size?"
You looked at him, and he was still smiling after all that happened. How was he able to do that?
"Actually we do. Here take this one." You gave him one out of the shelf and chuckled. "It's nowhere near as fancy as your old one but it'll do."
He closed the door again after grabbing the shirt and changed.
When he came our he held onto the dirty one in his hands, standing right before you. His eyes looking down on you and you blushed.
"You're cute. Thanks for helping me out." He said, making you blush even harder.
With one hand Jumin scratched the back of his neck, a little pink on the cheeks himself.
"I never introduced myself through a door before. It was fun talking to you, here take my card, if you ever want chat again." He bowed down and closed his eyes.
God he looked so wonderful in that moment that all you could think of was to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. His eyes grew wider at your reaction and he blushed.
Stumbling a few steps back you took the card and wrote your number on it.
"Let's do it like this, take my number and call me when you have a bad day, deal?"
And with that you turned around hurrying back to work, letting Jumin stand there on his own.
He leaned back against the wall looking at your number. God he really started to like you.
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bamon4bamily · 4 years
TVD 9x16 - What happens in Vegas... (part 1 of part 2) Enjoy!=)
Cut to – a few hours earlier. The Mirage Resort & Casino, three-bedroom villa.
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Bonnie opens her eyes, head pounding, confused as to where she is. Unbeknown to her, she is lying on a huge inflatable shaped as, let’s just say a male part, in the middle of their villa’s private pool. She turns her head, to see if she can recognize the place… Bad call, woman overboard.
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She quickly rises from below the water and manages to make it to shore. On one of the deck chairs, a familiar face… Bonnie thinks to herself, I must be hallucinating, why is Katherine here? She wasn’t invited. Has to be Elena, but… she’d never wear those tacky shoes… She’ll have to come back to that later. For now, she wants to make sure everyone else survived. She walks inside the villa… it’s apocalypse now. 
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There’s no way they could have caused so much damage. It was supposed to be a chill girls trip, with some partying, of course, but not to that scale! She hears a sound, sounds as if it comes from the afterlife…Could she be hearing ghosts? Wouldn’t be uncommon to her… but the voice, she knows that voice. She searches, trying to follow the sound, seems like the source is coming from a closet. She opens it… inside, Elena, dressed like a nun, empty bottle of champagne on one hand, a dildo on the other… Maybe, this one is Katherine? Elena wouldn’t be holding that… One thing is for sure, she can now confirm there are two of them there.
BONNIE: Elena?
ELENA: Bonnie… I think I’m dying.
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BONNIE: We might actually be dead… otherwise, why would Katherine be here?
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ELENA: Katherine?
BONNIE: (As she helps her get out of the closet) I’m pretty sure she’s passed out in the pool patio….
ELENA: (Looking at the aftermath) Holy mother Mary… what the hell happened last night?
BONNIE: I know I’m psychic, but I have no freakin idea.
ELENA: Was I holding, what I think I was holding…?
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ELENA: (Grabs and shakes her head) I don’t think I want to know why…
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BONNIE: … or why you’re dressed like a nun, for that matter. I know I don’t!
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ELENA: (Looks at her attire) Oh, god… definitely don’t want to know! Where’s Caroline?
BONNIE: Not sure, let’s check out her room. Hopefully, she’s sleeping like a baby…
ELENA: Somehow, I doubt it...
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(They go into the master bedroom to see if Caroline is there. The room is in order, complete opposite of the outside scenario. It seems Caroline is in fact, sleeping in her bed, comfortably covered head to toe).
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BONNIE: (Sigh of relief) Ah, thank god! At least one of us had some sense in them… (They approach the bed, just to make sure she’s alright. Bonnie peeks under the covers… Holy shit! (She takes Elena’s hand and immediately teleports out of the room).
ELENA: (Really dizzy from the teleport and the hang-over) Bonnie, you really need to give me a heads up when you do that; especially when I’m in this state! What happened?!
BONNIE: Definitely not Caroline…
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ELENA: Who, then?
BONNIE: A cop … all tied up, face cover n’all…
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ELENA: What!!! Are you sure?
BONNIE: Pretty sure…
ELENA: Is he… dead?
BONNIE: I think he was breathing, just seemed like he was passed out, but I’m not going back in there to verify.
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ELENA: I’ll take a look… I’m sure it can’t be that… (She goes back into the master bedroom, not even a minute in, and she’s back). Well… it’s a cop! But he’s alive, thank god!
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BONNIE: Did you see his face?
ELENA: Hell no! Just made sure he wasn’t dead, and got out of there.
BONNIE: (Starts to panic) Oh my god; oh my god, oh my god! We kidnaped a cop!!
ELENA: Maybe it’s a stripper? It’s probably a stripper…
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BONNIE: Either way, we kidnapped somebody!
ELENA: Well… at least we didn’t kill them.
BONNIE: No, but we’re kidnappers!!
ELENA: Calm down, Bon. I’m sure there is a logical explanation for all of this…
BONNIE: Elena, I woke up floating on a penis! Katherine is passed out in the patio, wearing nothing but stripper shoes, and I mean, nothing! You are dressed like a nun and had a dildo in your hand! Lexi is hanging-upside down from that chandelier! We kidnapped a cop, or a stripper! And who the hell knows where Caroline and Radka are! Perfectly logical!
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ELENA: Wait… Lexi is hanging from where?
BONNIE: Look up, I just spotted her… (Lexi drops to the ground).
LEXI: (Looking utterly confused) Where am I?? Oh no… is this another version of the other side? Not again… Can’t be peace… since you are here (referring to Elena) …
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ELENA: (A tad irritated with her constant subtle insults) I’m too hung over to reply with a snap… 
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(a few seconds later, Katherine walks into the villa, makes her way into the open kitchen…)
KATHERINE: (Looks at them and shakes her head) You call me the crazy bitch? You are all borderline insane! 
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(As she pours herself some water) Want some?
BONNIE: Uhm… why are you here?
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KATHERINE: Duh, you invited me.
BONNIE: No we didn’t.
KATHERINE: Yes you did… and (looks at the mess), if I can find my phone, I can prove it to you.
LEXI: Maybe you should put some clothes on first…
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KATHERINE: (Realizes she’s naked but doesn’t really care) Oops…
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ELENA: We would never invite you, Katherine. Cut the crap and tell us why you are really here.
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KATHERINE: Actually, Elena, you were the one that invited me; so, rude!
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ELENA: That’s ridiculous!
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KATHERINE: Fine, I’ll show you the proof; my phone has to be around here… somewhere.
BONNIE: Just, please, put something on, for god’s sake!
KATHERINE: Fine, Bonnie! Gees, such prudes! (She finds a robe nearby, puts it on, and looks for her phone. As she looks amongst the debris, she finds another casualty, passed out under a piece of furniture). Well… found Radka! The good news, she is breathing. The bad… ain’t no way she is waking up any time soon… she’s completely out.  
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ELENA: (To Bonnie on the side) There’s no way I invited her, right?
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BONNIE: Before last night, I would’ve said, hellz no! But…
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KATHERINE: Well… it’s going to take a bit longer than I thought to find my phone. And, shouldn’t we be focusing on more important issues? Like the fact that the bride is MIA!
LEXI: (To Bonnie and Elena) Hate to admit it, but she’s right.
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ELENA: Also…we seemed to have kidnapped a stripper, or a cop…
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BONNIE: Okay, okay, I’m sure we can figure this out. We just need to retrace our steps; does anyone remember anything about last night?
ELENA: I remember we had a spa day… then we came back to the villa, got all glitz & glammed, opened a bottle of champagne to kick-off the night. After that, I’m at a blank…
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BONNIE: Well, the original plan was supposed to be… a spa day, followed by dinner at Le Cirque, drinks at The Cosmopolitan, closing with, and against our will, that Britney Spears show at Planet Hollywood… But I also checked out after our kick-off cheer...
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LEXI: I vaguely remember Le Cirque… something about a clown?
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ELENA: (To Katherine) I’m going to play along because we really need to figure out what’s going on… You said I invited you, when was that?
KATHERINE: You sent me a WhatsApp around five, I think…
ELENA: Aha! You are lying! That can’t be true! No way you would have made it here on time!
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KATHERINE: You do remember your best friend can teleport, right? Bonnie was the one that got me here. 
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I must say, I was reluctant at first, but there was no way I was missing the opportunity to mess with Caroline. Anyway, I joined you guys in your little cheer, and then, lights out… That’s the last thing I remember.
BONNIE: … I think she’s right… I’m getting flashbacks of you and Caroline cracking up, the Salvatore house; Katherine complaining she hadn’t had the chance to pack; the cottage; Kai…
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LEXI: Yes… I remember Caroline talking about a prank…
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ELENA: (To Bonnie) Wait, did you say Kai?
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LEXI: You did…
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BONNIE: I don’t know; I’m all messed up! I’m just saying things as they come. But that’s not important now. So, back on track. I say we first check every single corner of this place; maybe Caroline is here… if not, we’ll check the spa, the pool, the shops, etc…
KATHERINE: Well, if we want to make it back in time for the love fest… which I could care less, we should probably find a faster strategy. Lexi and I can search the larger area, vamp our way through the hotel. And you two (referring to Bonnie and Elena), can look here. (To Bonnie) Unless you can do your witchy woo to find her faster?
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BONNIE: My powers are all over the place, don’t want to risk it. So, and I hate to say it, your original plan sounds like a good idea.
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KATHERINE: I’m full of good ideas, Bonnie (winks).
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BONNIE: (Rolls her eyes) Just meet us back here once you’ve searched the place.
(They search everywhere, Caroline is nowhere to be found. They teamback at the villa)
 BONNIE: Any luck?
LEXI: Nop. She isn’t in the hotel, that’s for sure.
ELENA: Well, she isn’t here either.
BONNIE: Great, back to square one…
KATHERINE: (Completely off topic, looking at Elena up and down) I’ll never get tired of saying it, I really am much better looking than you.
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ELENA: (Triggered by her comment) Please, you wish. Or did your slut brain forget you lost two men to me? Ouch…
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KATHERINE: One, actually. I never loved Damon. But I’ll say this, because you need to hear it. It’s quite sad that your insecurities led you to marry the first man that paid any attention to you, after you lost Damon to Bonnie. Which, and let’s not kid ourselves here, was way before they got together. Anyone with half a brain would know that Damon fell in love with Bonnie in that prison world, he was just afraid to admit it… Ouch!
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ELENA: Bitch...
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BONNIE: Katherine, shut up, or I swear…
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LEXI: Wow, wow, wow, wow… ladies, chill! We are going way off topic, and into dangerous territory….
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KATHERINE: Just saying, your wedding ring is tacky.
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ELENA: What the hell are you talking about?! What wedding ring??
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KATHERINE: You really ain’t that bright, are you? The one on your finger, Einstein.  
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ELENA: What?! (Looks at her finger, she’s in fact wearing quite a tacky ring. Turns to Bonnie) No…. Please tell me I didn’t…. 
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(she takes the ring off, it’s engraved, the inscription reads: No matter how forbidden, our love will last forever. Sister Mary Chapel. 
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Looks nauseous) I think I’m going to throw up (runs into the nearest bathroom).
BONNIE: (To Katherine) I know you are soulless… but why would you say that to her?
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KATHERINE: Because it’s true, Bonnie! You people really need to learn to be more honest with each other.
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BONNIE: You’re gonna talk about honesty, really?
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KATHERINE: When it comes to the people I care about; I couldn’t be more honest… Anyway, I do believe we have a lead… Guessing that place can give us some insight about last night. So, let’s wait for Sister Mary Elena to get it out of her system, and go to church, god knows you all need it. I’m gonna go change, and I figure my Doppelgänger should do the same. And you (to Bonnie), should probably put on some dry clothes. 
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(They slip into something more decent, and off they go).  
They take an uber to the place; it is definitely not what they were expecting. Not your typical Vegas wedding chapel; on the the contrary, it’s quite sober and elegant. 
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They go inside, it’s empty… 
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They walk around to see if they can find someone, or any indication that they were there last night. Just as they are about to give up, Katherine spots something strange inside one of the confessionals.
 KATHERINE: Ladies, I think I found something… (they go check it out). Isn’t this (shows them a bracelet) Barbies?
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BONNIE: (Takes it) Yes, this is Caroline’s. So… we were here… Why would we come to a church?
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LEXI: (Teasing) Maybe we were feeling regretful, wanted to confess our sins.
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KATHERINE: What the hell… (she sees a very strange lever, definitely not fitting with the decor; she decides to pull it… the confessional door closes, and descends into the unknown…)
LEXI: Uhm… might still be really hung-over, but are we going down?
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BONNIE: We sure are… down a rabbit hole…
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ELENA: I have a real bad feeling about this…
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KATHERINE: Come on, have some sense of adventure, might be fun!
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ELENA: God, I swear I’m going to kill you.
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KATHERINE: (Sarcastic) You wouldn’t dare take a life in the house of the lord, would you? I don’t think he would approve, Sister Mary Elena.
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ELENA: Well, you’re already dead, so… (just as they’re about to go at it again, the door opens…) Holy mother Mary…
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TVD 9x16 (part 2 of part 2) coming next. Hope you stop by, read and enjoy! =)
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rittz · 4 years
thoughts about being trans, idk where else to put them so here u go
it’s not like i don’t have trans guy friends to talk to about this, it’s just usually in the form of jokes or passing comments rather than an actually serious conversation. also, the transmasc people that i’m closest to identify more with the label “nonbinary” than i do-- it’s not like they couldn’t understand or relate to things i’m saying, but i’m just assuming that they probably don’t feel the exact same way i do
anyway, as a trans person we get often asked “so why do you feel like a [gender]?”, and the answer is usually some variation of “i just feel like it”. this is the most accurate but also vaguest possible answer, so i kinda wanted to break down my personal answer to that question?
basically, i identify as a man because i identify with men. in a general and also personal sense. gender stereotypes are something that trans people by necessity both embrace and reject. i relate to gender stereotypes about men more than those of women-- i’m less outwardly emotional, i like being handy, i don’t like kids, i have questionable personal hygiene, etc-- but obviously these things alone don’t make someone a man. however... you can’t deny that there is some general truth about behavioral differences between men and women (bc of society, not biology). men and women both experience different problems in the world, and each have trouble understanding the experiences and problems of the other. generally, i can relate to the experiences and problems of men more than those of women, even if it seems like i shouldn’t (for example, i am not afraid of walking alone at night, even though i am very tiny).
i, from a young age, have had a constant yearning for more male friends. i would occasionally choose to play video games as a male character. i was upset that i couldn’t be in boy scouts. i have been jealous of my younger brothers being treated by my parents the ways i wished i was treated. when i imagined myself older, i pictured myself less like my mom and more like my dad. when i’m around men, i want them to treat me like one of them. i want to be seen as a man.
and i think that’s what being trans really boils down to. wanting to be seen as someone other than how everyone sees you. wanting what you see on the outside to match how you feel on the inside. this obviously extends to nonbinary individuals, who face their own struggle when it comes to presentation. but at the end of the day, i think that presentation is equally important to gender identity as internal feelings. i mean, i think we’re all familiar with the research proving that transitioning makes trans people happier. surgery is an invasive, expensive, painful process that i DON’T think is necessary for every trans person, and HRT isn’t always easy to get. but changing a name, getting a new haircut, dressing differently, binding, etc. counts as transitioning. you don’t have to hate your body to be trans, but wanting to alter it in order to better connect your internal identity with your presentation, i think is necessary in order to consider yourself to be trans. 
i will admit i am confused by “GNC trans men” i see on tumblr and insta, who use he/him pronouns but exclusively present femininely. i’m not talking about trans guys who don’t yet pass, i mean trans guys who don’t want to. i don’t harbor any ill will, i’m just confused. if i understand being trans to mean “wanting what you see on the outside to match how you feel on the inside”, you can see how. doesn’t that make you feel dysphoric? don’t you want people who see you to read you as male? how is your life different from when you didn’t identify as male but presented the same way? this isn’t me trying to gatekeep on who’s “trans enough”, and especially when it comes to nonbinary identities it’s arbitrary to harp on presentation like this. but like, what’s going on here?
taking a turn here that will come back around, an extremely key component to why i identify as and with men is my sexuality. i have always idolized, envied, and evoked various queer icons from media and real life. the hunky, grunting, macho, hetero version of “man” never appealed to me the way that the fashionable, artsy, flirty, homo version of “man” did. drag queens, my mom’s hairdresser, glam rock stars, i could go on. associating my more feminine qualities with GAY stereotypes instead of FEMALE stereotypes suddenly made more sense, and made me feel less dysphoric. it’s also something that took me a long time to realize, because i had surrounded myself with queers who were mostly attracted to women. transmascs and butch lesbians historically have a lot in common, but personally, i didn’t relate as much to lesbians as i did to drag queens. in dating and loving men, i developed my understanding of them. but my attraction to men was why it had taken me so long to realize i felt more like a man-- i thought i was just some weird straight girl.
now, am i calling these “GNC gay trans men” with long pink hair and poofy skirts and conventionally attractive bisexual boyfriends “weird straight girls”? ...well, not to their faces. but i have to admit that i’m thinking it. these people would never go to a predominantly-male gay bar, these people would never be harassed on the street. i’m not saying i know someone’s identity better than they do, but i don’t agree with the liberal utopian ideal of “let everyone do whatever they want as long as they aren’t hurting anyone” when taken to mean that we can’t question other people’s choices. “why do you feel like a man?” is a question that, coming from another trans person, isn’t inherently transphobic. it’s not “forcing” someone to “prove” their “transness”, no one “owes” me an explanation of their identity. i’m just confused. i don’t disapprove of the way these people live their lives, i just want to know why.
a straight girl being feminine is different from a gay man being feminine, because it has less to do with personality and more to do with society’s historic view of gay men as closer to female than male because of the loving and fucking men aspect. an AMAB gay man wearing makeup and a crop top probably just wants to look good, but he is also signaling to other men that he’s gay via gender non-conformance. by being AFAB and female-passing, wearing makeup and a crop top is not GNC. in fact it’s pretty GC, and gay men will not recognize you as a gay man.
it’s easy to say “gender is fake so do whatever you want”, but like, we have to acknowledge reality. time is a social construct too, but we still use days of the week when talking to each other. strangers will treat you differently depending on what gender they interpret you as. different people will be willing to date you or not. you have to choose which public bathroom to go in. if being misgendered doesn’t bother these people, then who cares? but if it DOES, which it usually does, wouldn’t you want to take steps to prevent being misgendered in the future? if your desire to present femininely is stronger then your desire to be seen as male, then like... why call yourself a male at all? ultimately nothing these people do will really affect me in any way. it just makes me wonder if these people will eventually go on to present as male, or if they will later ID as nonbinary or even cis. i encourage people trying out different labels and exploring their identity, so it’s not like i think these people SHOULDN’T identify as trans guys. it’s more like, i wish they were able to articulate WHY they identify as trans more than “because i said so”. not wanting to be a woman doesn’t automatically make you a man, it just makes you not a woman.
maybe i’m particularly cynical because of the MULTIPLE times that people with larger online followings who identify and present this way have later turned out to be lying, manipulative people. hopefully it goes without saying that i do NOT think that everyone who identifies and presents this way is a toxic liar. the reason i bring it up is because some people genuinely can’t understand the possibility or purpose of misleadingly claiming a marginalized identity, but it can and does happen. an analogy could be made here about white people claiming indigenous heritage. we all WANT to believe what people say about themselves, and asking for “proof” is a social no-no. but we shouldn’t just... automatically trust everything someone says about themselves, right? and as bad as i WANT to live in a world where gender doesn’t matter and everyone default uses neutral pronouns and there are no divisions in clothing stores and bathrooms, we don’t live in that world (yet). when you are AFAB, /extremely/ femininely presenting, and have little to no plans of transitioning, saying “i am a man” will not make other people see you as one. and if you don’t want to be seen as a man, then maybe you aren’t one.
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