#so are only DEDUCTIONS supposed to be itemized?
aroguexenolith · 2 years
Misplaced modifiers do NOT belong in wage and hour laws >:/
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faytalepsy · 9 months
Process of my HEX Gift
I finally remembered to take a few screenshots of my progress stages and I always wanted to do a walkthrough post so here we are!!
I did not have a specific prompt from my giftee, except for the ship which was Silrah so I decided I wanted to draw a cozy romantic Christmas scene.
Which totally showed in my first sketch...definitely... My first sketches mostly look unrecognizable and there is no real system for them because it's just lines for my brain to visualize where I want everything to be. Sometimes they look like this, sometimes they are more light/shadow inclusive. The next step was to work out the poses for Farah and Saul and as you can see, I was struggling. 🤣
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When I finally found the pose I was looking for and fleshed out some elements in the background it was time for one of my absolute favorite parts.....that I forgot to screenshot....THE VALUES Which is me trying to figure out the lighting by blocking in light and dark areas with various shades of grey. But because I forgot to take a screenshot (and the value layer that I normally keep until the end for reference disappeared into the void of procreate) we will skip straight to the colour! I very roughly block in the areas with the colours I have in mind to see if everything fits and change what I don't like yet. When that is done I now have a finished concept which I need to refine and then paint!
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And now I reached the point of actual background design which was HARD. I looked at many pics of Farah's headmistress' office to try and get a feel for what items might be in her private suite. The mantle of the fireplace looked very empty even after I added the little astrology magic thing and the flowers so I decided to add a circle just like the ones in her office as @septemberrie deducted. I also played around with the design of the fire guard because I wanted it to have that elegant whimsical fairy vibe. I added a lamp inspired by one from Sims 4 and a book in the foreground to hide the awkward angle they are sitting at. For the frame on the wall, I wanted a moon-themed design but it took me a while to figure it out, which is why I left the frame empty for now. Then it was time for lineart and actually sketching in the elements I wanted to be in the background. I usually set my colour or value layer and the sketch layer to 20% and draw over it.
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You might also notice that the wrapped sword disappeared...which I regret to this day because I simply forgot to paint it into the rough lineart and only remembered when Skye asked what's supposed to be in the remaining present. Maybe I will add it at some point because now Saul has no present...except for Farah. But the square box present was meant to be Saul's present to Farah and originally I wanted a jewelry box but it was too small to see so I just....put a bigger box. Creativity *sparkles*
Another thing is that from the rough line-art to the nice line-art (yes I always draw my line-art two or three times.....even though line-art is my least favorite stage probably) the Christmas tree is losing a lot of ornaments. Originally I wanted to put in way more stuff like small straw stars or figurines but after painting a million tiny branches I started regretting every life decision that brought me to this point so I simplified the tree. A lot. In the end, I don't regret that because I think it fits them even better. Silrah don't strike me as people who go all out on Christmas and rather just decorate small and tastefully (given they would even celebrate because Otherworld= different culture, but we ignore that piece of worldbuilding for this Christmas-themed drawing)
Next I block in every area on a separate layer so I can alpha-lock them for the painting process. At this point I was getting too annoyed with the tree because painting it was a pain in the ass so I started shading and painting in textures and finishing everything else before even continuing to block in the tree.
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The whole image was still too cold at this point so I went in with one of my favorite parts: atmosphere and then lighting bringing it all together and making the painting shine! Painting light is so much fun and I definitely want to learn more about lighting and structure to get better at it but I really love it when someone compliments the light in my art!!
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I also finally added the title of the book in the front. I wanted it to be something about magic that Farah would read and looked at various old book covers with pretty lettering. I decided on "The Story of Magic" because I found a very pretty-looking reference cover with exactly the letters that I needed to spell.
And then....something was still missing......THE TREE. (I didn't take a progress picture at that stage that's why it's already in the pics up there but in the end I still had to draw the light on the branches and after doing about four or five of them I decided the effort was not worth the result and did the light reflection very very roughly. But I don't think anyone except me really notices.
And tada the finished Christmas drawing!
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caffeineandsociety · 1 year
Honestly, as much as many people point out how much large quantities of money spent by the ultra-wealthy on frivolous things could change their lives as a reason that the level of wealth inequality we're at is absolutely unconscionable, and they're ABSOLUTELY correct that it's a great illustration of the problem...
I think an underrated and equally important illustration is how much those quantities CAN'T do.
Let's think about a million dollars. That's a quantity that says "HOT DAMN, you REALLY made it!" to most people. That's a lot. It's more money than most people will handle at once in a lifetime.
And it can BARELY buy most single-family homes in California. It can't buy many that don't even qualify as McMansions, just...nice houses. It's even worse in NYC, where you can find apartments the size of a postage stamp that it can't buy.
And if you want to RETIRE with "just" a million dollars? You'd better hope you die soon.
Suppose you retire at age 55 with a million dollars. Congratulations! If you live to age 75, that's 50k a year. 85, it's $33k a year. 95? You've got $25k a year...and it's likely that you're ending up with medical bills that take an entire year's worth of money in one go. Ending up in assisted living? Well, the median cost of assisted living in the US is...$54k a year. Congratulations, ALL your money goes to rent now! Every cent! Better hope you die within 15 years!
You COULD avert this by putting the money in a high-yield account and only skimming off the interest, yes - the average retirement account, with an interest rate of 5-8%, would give you $52-83k a year...but even then, you have to have a million dollars in the first place and not withdraw from your initial principal, which, good luck doing THAT with the complications that tend to arise in old age and health insurance deductibles and coverage limits and loopholes to make you pay out of pocket. $83k a year may sound like a lot, and it certainly is to most of us, and even so, life has a way of eating through it fast, especially if you're retirement age.
In addition, there's a concept that I call "item debt" - it's about those things that, sure, you can SURVIVE indefinitely without them, but you will live a longer and healthier life if you have them. This can be anything from a stove that can actually maintain a constant temperature, to a computer that lets you do your job without freezing and crashing every few minutes, to assistive devices. Item debt can be the need for transportation in the US's car-centric society - you can't even afford a shitty old beater, so you have to take the bus 3 hours each way; the first thing you'll do if and when you get the money is buy a car and...then what? Your bills are no less impactful; if anything, they're worse because now you have to pay maintenance on the car. It can take the form of, "well, I really SHOULD be using a wheelchair, but I can't afford that and I can walk ENOUGH that my insurance won't even partially cover it, so guess I'll rely on this $10 cane until it inevitably gets worse." It can take the form of saying "I'd aggravate my various orthopedic problems a lot less if I had more power kitchen appliances, but those are expensive, so I guess I'll make do without" until you can't lift a bowl anymore without hitting 8 on the pain scale. It can be the empty first apartment, bare mattress on the floor, that's a wonderful improvement over wherever you came from but if you don't get a bedframe you're either going to wear out that mattress really fast and have to spend a ton of money replacing it, or have to strain to pick it up and let the underside air out every day, which may not seem like a lot now but will destroy your back over the years if the cheap mattress itself doesn't do it first.
Thing is, most people who are not MULTImillionaires have some form of item debt - and if you have multiple disabled family members or a sufficiently expensive illness in the family (e.g., need for a lung transplant, which can cost upwards of $1mil WITHOUT complications, or cancer that requires a particularly expensive type of chemo), sometimes it'll take something like $10mil to get out of it.
Again, we're talking about WAY more money than most people will see IN THEIR LIVES. We're talking about quantities of money that MOST people are expected to live our entire lives without. We would all live longer, healthier, happier lives if we could all have basic food and water, sufficient living space, and health care including home medical devices as needed, guaranteed. There is no scarcity reason why we SHOULDN'T have these things guaranteed to everyone except a many-times-over-disproven myth that everyone would just stop working and then we'd have no supply chain if we didn't have death by poverty as a constant looming threat.
And so these things remain out of reach to EVEN THE LOW END OF THE WEALTHIEST 10% OF AMERICANS.
And for what? 90% of the country is left second-guessing, postponing, or even outright foregoing NECESSITIES, and FOR WHAT?? So the top 0.5% of fucking assclowns can have megayachts and eat gold and spend amounts of money that could change people's lives on stupid and dangerous shit whose horrible safety standards they can then inflict on the rest of us??
If that doesn't piss you off and tell you something needs to change I don't know what will.
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An Exigent Return
In which the Inspector is perfectly well.
Warnings: body horror, gore (referenced/implied), character death (referenced/implied), vague Estival 2023 spoilers (no game text quoted).
(Part 3 of 4)
At last, he was greeted no longer by searing brightness, but the warm glow of beeswax candles, and the rather agitated voice of Mlle Lily.
“Oh, thank goodness, finally- stop doing that to yourself!” Here he expected the speech to be punctuated by the sharp press of a paw, but no such thing occurred. “You could have- you could have- I worked all night to put you together-”
“Day,” interjected Inspector R____-H______ quietly. “You worked the day too.”
This seemed to break the rat’s thread of thought entirely, and the Inspector took the opportunity to ascertain her state. Her white fur yet betrayed small specks of blood, but save for a bandage on her tail, no obvious source was to be seen. “You are well?”
“You,” Mlle Lily snapped, “aren’t listening. You were supposed to- it wasn’t supposed to make it worse- you were supposed to be harder to hurt but all it does is make you get hurt more-”
Here Inspector R____-H______ broke in again. “Tea’s ready soon, Miss Lily, and I’ll need someone to carry the cups if I’m to get the mushroom broth as well. Do you want to, or…?”
The rat promptly hopped down from the bed to accompany the other officer, and the Inspector could hear them speak in low voices.
As he shifted to take in his surroundings, his body protested, yet his pulse remained steady. Doubtless, then, he was healing. He had been brought to his lodgings in Old Newgate - proximity to the site of the battle, then, must have been crucial, for the choice of beeswax over foxfire suggested a need for truer light, and thus more complex procedures, ill suited for the darkness of the prison. The cell bore the signs of continued presence; his colleague’s estimate of the time, then, must have been correct.
Further deductions were interrupted by a muffled bark by the door, and the Inspector had only half attempted to rise when there came a call of “One moment!” and Inspector R____-H______, bearing a teapot and a bowl of broth, bounded out of the adjacent cell that served as a kitchen. It could not have been so great an exertion, the dull ache in his ribs notwithstanding, yet the single look she shot him brooked no argument.
No sooner had she opened the door than Chiot charged into the room, depositing a basket of provisions with great care before proceeding to the Inspector’s bedside. The bloodhound’s wagging tail and searching glances served to demonstrate his admirable restraint in not leaping upon the bed, yet as the Inspector was about to remind Chiot no order to this effect had been given, he was presented with a cup of green tea and a bowl of strong mushroom broth.
Both tea and broth were excellent, and the Inspector ate and drank slowly so as to savor the taste. Yet Mlle Lily’s attempts to aid him must have distracted him, for it was only when he was close to finishing the second bowl of broth when he realized it had been refilled.
“Madame l’Inspecteur, you-”
“- didn’t make too much after all, did I? You know how it is, sir, dreadful hard to judge when you’re cooking for guests.” She raised her own bowl, as if submitting it as evidence.
“More tea?” Mlle Lily skittered off without waiting for the response. Scarcely a moment later, there came a flash of viric light from the kitchen, then a yelp. “This… this… it’s lovely they’re sending cherries, but can’t you tell them to knock?” The rat returned, bearing the offending item, and hastily scrambled up on the Inspector’s bed once more. “Later.”
The tea’s reviving properties notwithstanding, the Inspector felt his eyelids grow heavy. Finding his pocket watch (as well as his remaining attire save for a nightshirt) absent, he cast a glance about the room to determine whether this was appropriate.
Inspector R____-H______ caught his gaze. “I suppose that’s a bit too many candles if you need to sleep, sir.”
“Hardly. I am merely resting my eyes. …There was the sunlight.” He turned towards the wall. “They make it far too bright these days.”
“I’ll douse some of the candles, then. So your eyes can get some rest.”
The room dimmed. Soon, there were no further sounds beyond his companions’ even breaths and the steady ticking of what no doubt was his watch somewhere nearby, and at last the Inspector found sleep.
He was much restored in the morning: the dull ache had dulled further, and he could once more make out the contours of the room even in the darkness of Old Newgate. There was no light save for a faint blue shine, emanating from what seemed to be a point upon the silhouette of Inspector R____-H______ by the desk. She was not in the habit of glowing; he should inquire as to the cause later. Yet as he had evidently been the first to wake, he resolved first to prepare breakfast. It was only proper.
He rose, noiselessly as he could, noting in the process with some satisfaction that the leg that had begun to trouble him since the Horticultural Exhibition no longer did so - it had, he reasoned, been an excellent opportunity to set it anew, and it had healed cleanly on this occasion.
The room had swayed but briefly, and the Inspector’s pulse had remained steady, so he decided he was fit to attend matters of propriety. He found his uniform neatly folded on a chair - the shirt had evidently been a lost cause, but the coat and trousers had been salvaged -, gathered all that was necessary and stepped into the kitchen to set to changing and shaving.
He had come no further than lighting a foxfire candle and removing his nightshirt, the latter once more to the complaint of his ribs, when his attention was arrested by a peculiar sight: sutures, following the path the splinter of the Revolveress must have torn - a path that, if the Inspector was any judge of his own vitality, should have healed unaided. He had hardly begun to examine them when his eyes fastened upon a silver gleam in the center of his chest.
At first, he took it for a button of his ill-used coat, fused to flesh in the haste of healing. Yet surely, he thought, Mlle Lily would not let it remain when she had been so diligent with her needlework? With the aid of his shaving mirror, he deciphered the writing upon what he saw to be a latch: “With Joy, from the Hill.”
“Are you… is everything alright?” came the cautious voice of Mlle Lily. “I told you to be careful, it’s too soon…”
Before he had opportunity to respond, the rat had already skittered to his side.
He fixed her with a level gaze. “Explain.”
“You kept trying to… it kept trying to beat, and it couldn’t, it was just pieces, wearing itself out faster than you could put it together again, and… I had s-something already, it was just a first try, the next one was going to be so much better at winding itself but there wasn’t the time…”
“It is functional.”
He had intended it as a statement, yet she appeared to have taken it as a question. “It’ll keep going for a week without winding, if you’re careful. A few days at least.” Her voice had steadied now she was focused upon explaining her craft. “I wound it just y-yesterday, but… it’s better if I show you how it works before you need it.”
She disappeared into the main cell, but the Inspector barely had time to arrange himself in a more dignified manner before she returned bearing a silver key, much like that of a toy, though larger in size. Under imprecations to keep the key clean and never lose it (“I have spares, but if I have to make spares for the spares, I’ll… I’ll be very cross with you”), she guided him through the process - opening the latch, feeling the spring’s tension, carefully turning the key… When at last he packed the key and all that was required to clean it into the leather case he was to carry at all times from that moment, the Inspector’s hands were nearly steady, and the ticking of his heart entirely so.
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guiderichess · 3 days
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ancestorsofjudah · 1 year
1 Kings 13: 6-10. "Intercession."
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6 Then the king said to the man of God, “Intercede with the Lord your God and pray for me that my hand may be restored.” So the man of God interceded with the Lord, and the king’s hand was restored and became as it was before.
7 The king said to the man of God, “Come home with me for a meal, and I will give you a gift.”
8 But the man of God answered the king, “Even if you were to give me half your possessions, I would not go with you, nor would I eat bread or drink water here. 
9 For I was commanded by the word of the Lord: ‘You must not eat bread or drink water or return by the way you came.’” 
10 So he took another road and did not return by the way he had come to Bethel.
When a priest intercedes and says "there, there now, old boy," He does not mean things will go back to the way they were before. He can restore the Hand, the Yod, to a fellow pilgrim and resume instruction in the Tanakh, but there are always consequences.
The section above is almost all Gemtria, so we have to decipher that first in order to understand the full implications.
Men of God are the Ordinances in the Torah. Do this, do not do that. We are the children, the Torah is the parent. Men of God have every right to approach all of us and hold us accountable for the statues named in the Torah.
Kings are persons who are trying to master the Sefirot. It is not enough to mind the boundaries, the Religion says we must be possessed of a superior emotional level. This requires full substantiation of the authority of the Crown over the rest of the subjects, which burn like emotional torches in a poorly lit underground corridor through which all of life's decisions pass.
Mastery of the Crown cannot take place through intercession or even the study of the Torah. This requires what is called Kabbalah, "rehearsal" of the various Sefirot. Kings therefore are well-rehearsed emotional beings.
Restoring a hand that shriveled and turned to ash= 518-2, האח, "the brother", האחב, "I love"= Cain, the brother of Abel, whom God sent on to create history's first NYC, Enosh, after he murdered his vain twin.
The king said to the man of God, “Come home with me for a meal, and I will give you a gift.”=duhz, "The gathering of the wolf parent and the sheep."
The parent of the situation was a certain Pharaoh in Egypt who gave Jeroboam refuge when he fled from Solomon's court. We might want to take it for granted that Jeroboam repented, performed a sacrifice on the altar and got his hand restored in the process, but as we learned, leaving the food in Egypt behind was the biggest problem for the Israelites who fled from there after their slavery ended.
see Numbers 11: 4-6:
"We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlick: but now our soul is dried away: there is nothing at all, beside this manna, before our eyes."
Slavery, laziness, in government, they are the same. And the real parent of the situation was actually supposed to be Levi.
"The verb לוה (lawa) means to join or to connect things; it's a verb of building and it's also the verb that lies at the heart of intelligence, cognition and logical deduction."
Recall how Jeroboam did not employ Levite Priests in his incense offerings and that is when all the trouble started.
Verse 8: the Gematria is 12752, אבזהב‎, gold. The Hebrew word for gold is zahav: meaning Jeroboam's corruption had to be sacrificed 100%; it had no value in any of its proportions and could not be refined Gold, however, is always pure, and always retains 100% of its value and qualities:
"Gold items were valuable but gold also held an enormous value to the wisdom tradition. Very long ago observers noted that gold is the only substance known to man that doesn't transmute into something else. And since everything else, sooner or later, changes into something else, gold was seen as the ultimate result of all change: perfection, in one word.
Gold held that status until the Word of the Lord came along (or rather: descended from where it had always existed) and surpassed the extent of natural evolution."
Verse 9: 9132, טאג‎ב, tagab, "the supreme tag" or "the mark of the crown of the wise", ie, back to Cain again, "do not go back to Egypt, go forward."
Verse 10: 3759, גזהט‎, gazette, "the writing". According to the Law, the "man of God" follows "good reports" alone to Bethel, the "institute of tribal knowledge."
The Intercession is therefore more of an intersection, as most of life almost always is. In the previous section, Jeroboam was split in half, exposing the errors of his ways which were apparently hidden from him.
God gives him another chance, telling him not to eat the same things, but to change just about everything about himself, and tells him how to do it. "Move on!" He says to the man.
Even still, alas, the story, unlike Cain's does not have a happy ending.
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paypant · 1 year
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lunaamorris · 1 year
Six Small Business Year-End Tax Planning Moves to Make Now
Small business owners often overpay their taxes. It is not surprising. After all, U.S. tax law is incredibly complex and the internal revenue service estimates that business taxpayers spend, on average, around 20 hours dealing with taxes, including recordkeeping, planning, and completing and submitting tax forms. 
With appropriate small business tax planning ideas, you can save a considerable amount of money each year for your business. All business starts with an idea that can make your business earn profit. 
You may have been supposed to open your own business for years, or motivation may have hit you suddenly. Tax planning is an important part of financial planning and it assures saving on taxes while simultaneously conforming to legal obligations and requirements.
Tax saving is the most expensive expense for most businesses, and there are tax-saving tips for small businesses. 
Claim Bonus Depreciation
Chances are, you buy computers, equipment, furniture, and other assets for your business that you use over several years.
Typically, the tax code needs you to depreciate those items over their useful life. But bonus depreciation allows you to write off 100 percent of those costs on your income tax return.
Postpone Income and Accelerate Expenses
Most small business owners do cash basic accounting for tax purposes and create some valuable tax planning strategies. Under the cash method, you recognize income when it is received and expenses when they are paid. So, if you want to lower this year's tax bill, consider whether you can push this year's income to next year or accelerate next year’s expenses to this year's.
Postponing business income can lower your tax bill in a few ways. Rather, if you can lower your taxable income enough, you may be in a lower tax bracket, so you will pay a lower overall tax rate this year.
Establish a Retirement Plan
Small businesses can claim a tax credit worth up to $6000 per year for three years to help offset the costs of setting up the plan. Those costs include fees to set up and help the plan and educate employees about their retirement savings options.
Give to Charity
Charitable contributions are not typically deductible on small business tax returns only on the returns of C corporations. But the tax benefit of those contributions does not disappear. Instead, they pass through to the business owner’s tax return.
Contribute to a health savings account
Health savings accounts are accounts that let an individual with high-deductible health plans save on out-of-pocket medical expenses in a tax-advantaged account.
Contributions to a health savings account are tax-deductible, the money grows tax-free while in the account, and withdrawals are also tax-free as long as you use them to pay for qualifying health care expenses.
Claim the Employee Retention Credit
The employee retention credit is another tax credit created by the care act. It incentives businesses to keep employees on the payroll during the pandemic by providing a credit against the employee portion of payroll taxes. Because it is a refundable credit, if the calculated credit is greater than your payroll tax liability for the quarter, the extra amount can come back to the business as a tax refund.
Every business and individual tax situation is unique, and deciding whether these tax strategies are right for you can be confusing. If you need help then it is best to opt for tax planning services in Marlboro, NJ.
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nsktglobal-12 · 2 years
The Top Ten write-offs for business taxes for independent contractors
Independent contractors are working professionals that provide services or products under specified tenders, verbal agreements, and written contracts. The IRS does not intervene if you fail to avail of benefits under tax deductions; therefore, you must be informed about various tax deductions for your Business taxes as an independent contractor. Mentioned below are the top ten deductions for independent contractors:
The Home Office Deduction
You can deduct expenses for running your home office if you're an independent contractor. This includes a portion of your mortgage or rent, utilities, insurance, and repairs. To figure out the amount you can deduct, calculate the percentage of your home dedicated to your workspace. For example, if your home office is 200 square feet and your home is 2,000 square feet, you can deduct 10% of your mortgage or rent, utilities, insurance, and repairs.
Suppose you have a separate structure on your property that houses your office, like a detached garage or shed. In that case, you can deduct the entire amount of mortgage or rent, utilities, insurance, and repairs for that structure while filing your business taxes.
The Vehicle Expense Deduction
If you use your vehicle for work, you may be able to deduct the costs of operating and maintaining it. The deduction is claimed as an adjustment to income, so you don't have to itemize to take it. To qualify, you must use your vehicle primarily for business purposes. The IRS says that if you use your car for business and personal reasons, you can deduct only the portion of the expenses attributable to the business use while filing your business taxes. 
The Self-Employment Tax Deduction
You are responsible for paying your business taxes as an independent contractor.  However, you may be able to deduct the cost of your self-employment tax from your income taxes.To qualify for the deduction, you must have earned income from self-employment during the tax year. This includes payment from freelancing, consulting, or running your own business. The deduction is equal to the self-employment tax you paid during the year. If you're eligible for the deduction, you can claim it on Schedule C of your business tax return. 
The Health Insurance Deduction
For Independent contractors the cost of health insurance premiums can be deducted from income taxes. To deduct the cost of your health insurance premiums, you'll need to itemize your deductions on Schedule C of your tax return. Health insurance premiums are considered an "above-the-line" deduction, which means you can take the deduction even if you don't itemize your other deductions while filing your business tax online.
The Retirement Plan Deduction
The Retirement Plan Deduction is one of the top deductions for independent contractors. This deduction allows you to deduct your contributions to your retirement plan from your business taxes. The Retirement Plan Deduction is a great way to save for retirement and reduce your taxable income while filing your business tax online. 
The Education Expense Deduction
As an independent contractor, you can deduct the cost of education and professional development courses to maintain or improve your skills. The education expense deduction can be claimed for formal courses taken at an accredited institution and informal learning opportunities, such as online seminars or webinars. Those costs are also deductible if you are required to complete continuing education credits to maintain your professional license. To claim the deduction, you must itemize your expenses on Schedule C of your business tax return. Keep records of all paid invoices or receipts, as well as any course materials or other documentation that can verify the educational nature of the expense before you prepare to file your Business taxes. 
The Business Equipment Deduction
If you're an independent contractor, you can deduct the cost of business equipment from your taxes. This includes items like office furniture, computers, and software. The deduction is based on the cost of the equipment, so be sure to keep receipts and documentation handy while filing business taxes. 
The Travel Expense Deduction
If you are an independent contractor, the IRS allows you to deduct many of the expenses associated with your work while filing your business tax online. This includes travel expenses. When deducting travel expenses, you can either remove the actual costs of your travel or use the standard mileage rate. The standard mileage rate for 2018 is 54 cents per mile. To deduct your travel expenses, you must keep track of all your receipts and records. You will also need to keep a record of the reason for your travel and travel dates so that these match the assessment year of the business taxes. 
Coffee and Snack Deduction 
For the business taxes beginning from 2018, you are allowed to avail of tax benefits for food and beverages that you cater to while having office or client meetings. The taxation is set at a minimum of 50% and goes up to 100% if the expenses are declared publicly. You can also avail of this deduction if your employees need to take meals in the office for some reason. 
Child Care Deduction
This tax deduction can be an excellent relief for Independent contractors whose spouses work with them. Under this benefit, you can offer up to $5000 to your spouse for dependent care benefits, which can be later claimed during your business tax return. 
From office expenses to travel costs, there are several ways you can offset your income and lower your tax bill. To avail of the benefits for tax deductions, you must keep detailed records of your transactions (receipts, invoices, statements, etc.) before filing your business taxes. Understanding the unique challenges that independent contractors face when it comes to taxes. NSKT Global helps you navigate this process by offering various tax services specifically designed for independent contractors, including:
 - Business Taxes planning and preparation 
- Self-employment tax assistance 
- Filing your annual Business tax return 
- Advice on tax-deductible expenses 
Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you stay compliant with all business taxes and regulations.
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Top 9 best POS benefits (retailers and customers)
The benefits of POS for customers
Accelerate by exchanges with speedier reactions for better client support
Innovation speeds up everything, which means POS will do likewise for your in-store buy exchange. The synchronization between gadgets incorporated with POS, for example, standardized identification scanners, card swipers, printers, and so on can decrease the time per exchange. Speedier means done remaining in the line, and your clients will like that!
Get a consistent shopping process
A POS framework with stock administration and devotion projects can make a consistent encounter for customers.
For instance, the framework can check and refresh the situation with any item in real time to answer clients' activities. Accordingly, it limits the chance that customers might buy unavailable things.
Additionally, a dependability program coordinated with POS could smooth out the most common way of overseeing and spending reward focuses. Clerks can compute the entire rebate cost and deduct it straightforwardly from the exchange esteem with only a couple of snaps. Not any more opportunity for misfortune or mix-up occurs!
The benefits of POS for retailers
Reinforce effectiveness
POS is perhaps of the most critical Po benefits in retail when the POS framework switches staff's trust in numerous ways. Your kin won't have to retain the price, or the name of the items any longer. The items are currently on the POS screen with thumbnail pictures. Your staff can utilize shrewd classifications to distinguish and add items to the shopping basket without any problem.
Furthermore, by incorporating everything in the past section, POS can decrease the time per exchange. In this way, your checkout counter could serve more clients each hour. It works on possible income for stores.
Besides, POS can take out human mistakes as the majority of the manual advances are currently done naturally and unequivocally.
If a Magento POS framework is coordinated with stock administration programming, it can associate and match up information from various areas to the Magento backend. That recoveries time for staff as far as information to the executives and assists them with monitoring items continuously refreshes.
Additionally, the POS can rigorously monitor income and item lifecycle to lessen business misfortune. Suppose no to the misfortune from the shoplifter with POS.
Oversee stock calm
With the conventional register, staff needs to genuinely see stock while POS upholds them to mechanize taking a look at stock on-screen. Regardless of whether any change occurs, they just need to take a gander at the POS screen. Furthermore, you'll save time on stock control at your stores. This subsequent POS benefit will astonish you. Peruse on for the amazing advantages of POS and stock framework mix.
Keep up with cost consistency
If your business possesses numerous stores in various areas, the issue of keeping costs predictable merits consideration. Try not to stress as POS can take care of you. It could get to a computerized item data set to change the item costs and consequently apply them across all business areas.
Track staff's exercises without any problem
POS framework can gather any activities of staff for later checking. Each staff is connected to a particular exchange. Along these lines, POS upholds directors to recognize a person with frail and solid marketing projections. In this manner, it's simpler for you to rouse fair rivalry in your business.
Enhance checkout process
You can accelerate the checkout cycle by utilizing a standardized identification scanner. In an eye squint, all data of picked items will go straightly to the framework. Then, right on POS, clerks likewise access the information consequently and add the exchange data to the client history. Clerks can compensate customers with focus to energize their next buys in light of the all-out exchange esteem.
This activity happens when your stores run a faithfulness program to keep the client returning to your stores. We should perceive how helpful a POS is in such a circumstance. With the capabilities permitting coordination with faithfulness programs and different installment passages, POS can uphold your stores to all the more likely market to clients by empowering them to utilize reward focuses or present cards to buy sometime later.
Produce precise reports
Given the historical backdrop of the store exchanges, POS will naturally remove retail location reports with basic data. This capability upholds chiefs in taking outline photos of their business execution. For example, reports show current normal deals drifts or recognize the area of superfluous overspending for administrators to make suitable moves.
Understand business return for capital invested (Profit from Speculation)
With this POS advantage, you'll get these subtleties:
The top-rated product offerings
The best stores and why
Items with the best edges
Best agents of your group
Top arrangements persuading clients to purchase
The best-showcasing efforts
Deals times of the year
You then, at that point, can utilize the data to upgrade the deal interaction, requesting, and showcasing to further develop your net revenues
Top 7 motivations behind why POS is superior to a conventional sales register
Top 7 justifications for why POS is superior to a customary sales register
Assuming you wonder about the distinctions between POS and customary sales registers, here are the main 7 justifications for why the previous is superior to the last option.
Offer quicker support than a conventional sales register
Rather than physically finishing all checkout steps, you presently can utilize a POS framework coordinated with different gadgets, for example, a standardized identification scanner, card swiper, and printer to work with the entire interaction. They function admirably together, naturally and definitively. Consequently, it assists your staff with lessening time-serving per exchange.
Improve on bookkeeping process
Outdated sales registers force bookkeepers to figure out many receipts. Nonetheless, POS will make and keep its ones in the framework for more straightforward checking later.
Eliminate human mistakes
POS robotizes different assignments to limit client mistakes and save time.
POS incorporates a general stock administration framework
Rather than truly seeing stocks in stores, you can undoubtedly check the item amounts right on the POS screen. Moreover, POS can record the greatest merchants and reorder those items when the stock gets low.
Give constant stock updates
POS has this capability while its partner doesn't. It will dispose of an expensive hand count and tedious advances.
Permit retailers to look into exchange history simpler
For instance, to know the amount they had sold the other day, POS can give itemized data in a snap while the customary register requires long stretches of difficult work to track down a similar response.
Make buy orders, killing additional means
Utilizing POS is faster and more advantageous to know when and what you want to restock to guarantee you never run out of blazing selling items.
How to upgrade POS to get more advantages?
POS frameworks can arrive at full benefits if clients coordinate them with different modules to make an omnichannel experience for customers.
Omnichannel is a framework that associates and synchronizes online and disconnected stores to get a consistent customer experience. It guarantees regardless of where customers are (on the web or disconnected stores), no matter what gadgets they use (work area, telephone, or tablet), they will see no distinction and can shop helpfully and consistently.
To get this experience, retailers need an omnichannel framework made by interfacing different modules, including POS, stock administration, standardized tag the board, multi-distribution center, buy request the executives, requests for satisfaction, outsourcing, and reports.
We can see that these days, the way to win clients is client-centricity. The more helpful for them to shop, the more they need to draw in with you. In the hundred years of innovation power, retailers need to refresh and stay aware of the developing pattern to remain at the cutting edge of the market. With POS benefits, let efficiency develop and flourish!
These are the benefits of POS software for both shoppers and retailers. I suggest the best POS software for both offline and e-commerce business owners.  If you want to create a website for your business Orderz is the best solution for creating a website for your business.
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mrskurono · 3 years
could you do a small scenario or hcs with ranpo who has a crush on a reader who owns a family bakery and knows how to bake and make things like candy?
a/n: I wasn't exactly planning on opening requests for bsd but...I like Ranpo enough I think I have his character down fairly well. Apologizes as I am again only on season two
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type: headcanons (’m sorry my brain isn’t working for fic lengths) tags: it's fluff, it's just fluffy + a smidge of Ranpo being a know it all character(s): Ranpo (bsd)
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Ranpo is somehow the best and worst part of working across the street from the Detective Agency
Return costumers are good for business and Ranpo is like a live in regular 
He swears it’s for the matcha swiss roll
Ok and the melonpan and sakura candies and the sesame cookies and the truffles and the cheesecakes and the pudding and-
Actually Ranpo has eaten every single item, seasonal or not, in the shop at least three times
Like his endless sweet tooth and wallet full of yen, so is his constant deduction of hazards in the workplace while he lingers at the counter and watches you work
“By the end of the day someone, the dishwasher, will have tripped on those empty boxes.”  “Tuesday there will be a slip up in the kitchen due to some butter leaking off the parchment upon removal”   “You’ll snag your apron on the doorknob within the next few days.”
At first these were helpful hints from the greatest detective ever
But with Ranpo’s frequency you soon just learn to pick up on the small things he notices about the place
Like how Tuesday is for fresh butter cookies and often means a lot of butter is being processed to make them
Or how the door knob was wobbly all week so it was a matter of time before someone snagged an apron on it
This never kept you from chastising him though and honestly it was probably once you were both on level playing fields did the spark settle in your chests
Thanking Ranpo for his help genuinely even if he repeated the same thing
And Ranpo slowly settled back from “nit picking” the bakery in an attempt to show off
Not consciously, Ranpo still thought he was showing his gusto with his ability 
But slowly it became more like little coffee dates between the two of you
He’d come in, you’d gather whatever treat you were excited for him to try that day and the two of you would sit at the furthest table near the window and just, talk
Everyone notices lets be honest
“What does that make, thirty dates now?”
Your coworkers would comment on why don’t the two of you just go on an actual date instead of this back and forth at work
Confused, then embarrassed, you deny it until the next time Ranpo comes in that is
“Can you believe this? Calling this a date, hah.”
Ranpo would look at you quite frankly confused, “But this makes our thirty first date? And I’m never wrong.”
And Ranpo isn’t wrong
He’s came in this much and you know this much about him. Undoubtedly having shared your fair share of your own life with him. These were facts and Ranpo was good at point those out
“I suppose a date should take place elsewhere too.”
That’s when it hits you like a bus
He really does like you, it’s not the bakery he keeps coming back to. Ranpo comes back this much just to see you
Astonished to see him grinning Ranpo finally asks if you’d like to go somewhere after work hours, preferably some place with dessert
You might seem like a fool but turning him down isn’t an option. More than just a little excited for this little crush at work to blossom into something more
“But....you have to help me buy my train ticket home.”
“What? Why?”
Ranpo would grin confidently and adjust his hat, “Because I never learned how to.”
“Well...what if you just came back home with me? I mean...it would be our thirty second date...”
Still smiling Ranpo would kiss the top of your hand with slightly sticky lips, “I’m so glad you came to the same deduction. Because I’d much rather ride home with you than all alone.”
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𝕭𝖑𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝕷𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 Chapter 2: Traps
Hero Kaeya x Villain male reader
Summary: Kaeya sees these times as the good old days. You don’t really agree. He catches you in silly traps that you somehow manage to fall for every time, though they're easy to break out of.
Word Count: 2,857
Warnings: two long non-heated kisses, implied death of very minor characters
Mayb’s notes: don’t look at the basic spell name 😭 this chapter’s quite comical in comparison to the ones that will come.
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Sometime 7 years ago…
Life after leaving Mondstadt wasn’t as horrible as you’d thought it would be. Though you may not always have the luxuries of a warm roof over your head, the security of the city walls, nor expendable resources within finger’s reach, it certainly felt freer; This was ironic, of course, for the city of Monstadt was often deemed to be the city of Freedom.
It certainly wasn’t easy to adapt to it that first night, but you’d come to enjoy nature’s omnipresence around you.
The sounds of birds singing and the calm running of water, the feeling of the warm sun against your skin and soft blades of grass beneath your feet, this was something you enjoyed each morning.
Which is why you’re quite perturbed by hanging upside down on a rope.
“Kaeya.” You say.
“(y/n).” He returns, a warm smile on his face. “Has anyone ever told you you don’t look your best upside down?”
“Has anyone ever told you the same?”
Kaeya shakes his head. He’d expected a better comeback. Has this past year softened you? He thought it would have the opposite effects on you. “Couldn’t have said anything better?”
“I don’t know, Kaeya. The blood’s rushin’ to my head.” To be fair, you were also racking your head for some incantations that could cut this rope.
“Hmm, I suppose you’re right.” He bends down to inspect the items that had fallen off of you when he caught you in his trap. “I don’t remember these being in the bag of items we gave you.” He decides he shall examine the items outside of the pouch and then the ones inside. He murmurs the names of each of them in the order that he sees them in.
This gives you time to escape.
Soon enough, you remember the name of one such incantation you were looking for. “Secare.” Kaeya only has enough time to glance up when you utter its call, because once the rope is cut, you fall right on top of him. You hadn’t thought this far in.
“Ouch,” Kaeya grimaces. “Couldn’t you control the way you fell or something?”
As romantic as it would’ve been to fall face to face, you really couldn’t. “Oh, shut up.” You could kick him in the face if you wanted to, or if you were irritated enough. You don’t–even though it would be really satisfying–both because he would complain about his ‘pretty face’ and because he could do the same thing to you. “‘Course I couldn’t.”
“Not even with your wizard stuff?” He groans as he sits up. “You’ve ruined my uniform too.”
You roll your eyes, choosing to ignore that question. “I know you’ve got plenty of spares, the Knights make sure of it. By the way, what did they do with mine? I still remember they had my name stitched on there.”
“We burnt them.” He says nonchalantly as he wipes off his clothes. Going off of how casually he says this, you deduct that he’s bluffing.
“Really?” There’s a sarcasm in your voice and Kaeya can hear it bright as day.
“Alright, alright, we didn’t.” He admits. “Initially they ripped the stitching of the label and planned to reuse them, but then there were stupid skeptics that thought you’d somehow ‘enchanted’ the clothing,” He says enchanted while putting quotation marks up in the air. It’s silly. If you weren’t in pain and a little ticked off because he tried to trap you, you would’ve laughed. “so they had to get wizards or sorcerers to try to sense magic on them. Even though they confirmed there was none, the skeptics stayed suspicious.”
“Sounds about right.” Knowing Mondstadt’s population, some, if not most, of those skeptics were drunk while making those accusations. Then in the morning after the wizards didn’t find any evidence, they would be too embarrassed to admit they were both wrong and drunk.
“They did get rid of them though. The public was incessant.”
“You mean to say you didn’t keep any? I remember giving you one.” Kaeya, as much as he tries to hide it, is flustered. After all that time together, you could clearly tell.
He diverts his eye from you, fiddling with his fingers, “Maybe.” Perhaps you brought up a touchy subject. He clears his throat, “We gave the rest of them to your parents.”
Right, your parents. “Do you know how they are, by any chance?”
“Regrettably, I don’t.” He sighs, “They shut down their tavern soon after you left. As hard as I tried to persuade Varka to allow me to play delivery man, I was not the one who returned the uniforms.” He meets your gaze and just with a glance into his eye, you can tell he’s being genuine. “Haven’t heard much of them since.”
Kaeya decides time for catching up is over. He stands and wipes the dirt off his knees then offers a hand.
You raise a brow, “You just tried to trap me, why would I take your hand?”
“I admit defeat.” He shrugs. A charming smile is ever present on his lips, yet it almost feels mocking. His hand is still outstretched, almost as if he’s a gracious victor, even though it may be the opposite. “So?”
You sigh. Something about him makes you want to take his offer, so you do. If he has another trick up his sleeve, you are so going to regret this decision.
“Attaboy.” He says as he heaves you up, “Wasn’t so hard was it, darling?”
His hand is warm. It makes you miss him even more. You clear your throat, in the hopes it may also clear those tempting thoughts of yours. It doesn’t. This blistering silence is making it worse, and what’s more, you don’t have the heart to break it.
After simmering in insufferable silence and realizing you’re not planning to break it, Kaeya lets go of your hand. “I can’t promise I won’t be back. At the same time, I can’t promise I will.” He takes a deep bow, “But I’ll try my hardest to see you again.”
He winks, to which you groan. “Dramatic.” You mutter, though your low tone of voice doesn’t mean you don’t want him to hear it.
“Isn’t that what you love about me?”
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After a couple days without a sight of the hero, you’d fallen back into a sense of security. Looking back at it now, it was quite idiotic of you. The next trap you fall for is much more embarrassing than the last. In fact, they both seemed to be straight out of a children’s book.
“ow.” All you can hope for is that Kaeya isn’t here.
“You fell for it again!” Just your luck. He laughs, though you’re thankful you can’t see his smug face yet. “I thought only a fool would fall for this one.”
Thankfully, you had a flying spell. You emerge from the ditch–that was previously covered with foliage and sticks–he’d somehow carved big, floating in the air. “Only a fool like myself would live so close to the city too.” You reply with a sigh.
He laughs once again, this time from your position: cross-legged and cross-armed. “Managed to tick you off with this one, have I?”
“I don’t know, you tell me.”
Though his traps may have failed, he thoroughly enjoys annoying you. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He smirks.
“You are putting in so much effort for me.” The spell takes much concentration, so you float back to safe land. Kaeya thinks you’re oh so oblivious to have landed so close to the brink of the pit. “I wonder why. What’s happened back in Mondstadt within these two years that–”
All of a sudden, Kaeya’s hand is on your chest. In the blink of an eye, he’s pushed you back in, but you’re better than that. Well… not that much better.
“Auggh.” You groan. You’ve fallen on your back thrice within a week, and this time, you’ve fallen with someone on top of you. He’s not a lightweight either.
Speaking of which, “Now that, uggh– is romantic.” He says between groans.
You would’ve rolled your eyes if they were open. For now, you sigh and use the freehand that is currently not being crushed by Kaeya’s chest to rub your temples. “Are you going to get off?”
“No, not anytime soon, I think.” He chuckles, though he adjusts himself so that you can free your hand. Thankfully, he has a little bit of mercy.“You know, this is very intimate.”
“I know that, Kaeya.” At any rate, it seems like you don’t know that enough. When you open your eyes again, the knight is right up in your face. You blink once, then twice, and finally process the situation. “You just had to take the opportunity, didn’t you?”
“Of course I did.”
At the very least, you’ve got enough strength to sit up.
“My, my, you’re strong.”
You ignore that comment, “You had me surveying my surroundings every moment of the day. Just when I settle back into normal life, you’ve caught me in one of your traps. It’s quite bothersome, you know that right–”
He cuts you off with a long overdue kiss. His lips are just as sweet as you remembered. He parts to say, “Gods, I’ve missed you so so much.” then continues. It’s chaste and tender and most of all, a gesture of longing. You regret not seeing him for years. Gods, you should’ve tried harder to stay together.
However, as much as you enjoy it, you put a hand to his chest to stop him.
“What is it?” Kaeya, for the first time since you were last in Mondstadt, seems unsure of himself. “Did I misread the situation?”
“Yeah.” You let out a small laugh when you see Kaeya pretty much fold in on himself in embarrassment. “Don’t get me wrong, it was nice. Just… perhaps this wasn’t the best place or time.”
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The third and final time Kaeya’s got you in a trap, he seems quite unaffected by the last time you met. You suppose that’s a good thing, for the most part.
He’s got you in a metal cage like damn prey. The details of how you got in here are not important, for it would be horrendously embarrassing to retell them. As funny as it is to see you squatting inside a small cage like this, Kaeya doesn’t seem the least bit amused.
“So, I talked to the person who delivered your uniform. They said that your parents invited them in for a drink and a snack to nibble on and all that jazz,” Those are your parents, alright. “even though they just came in to deliver your uniform. They also mentioned one crucial piece of information, they said that your parents were moving to the countryside soon. This was a while ago, so they’re probably there already.”
You sigh in relief, knowing that they’ll be safe. You can’t imagine how many people would try to target them just because they were affiliated with you.
“Why are you trying to trap me, anyway? Did the king suddenly decide he wanted me dead instead of gone?” You wouldn’t put it past him.
“There’s a bounty out for you.” Of course there is. You couldn’t just stand down against those senseless knights that came out for you, even though you wouldn’t dare touch the city. It was merely self defense. Thankfully, you didn’t recognize them. Perhaps they were young knights just waiting to prove their name.
There’s one more thing he didn’t mention. “How much was it for?”
“...a couple million mora.”
“A couple million?!” You shoot up, forgetting that you’re in a cage and banging your head against the bars. “ow–”
Kaeya takes a deep breath, mustering up his courage to ask this next question, “Are you mad?”
“No, not really.” You snicker. Kaeya doesn’t have time to express his relief because you then say, “I respect the hustle.” He bursts out laughing, rightfully so.
Once he calms down sufficiently, he says, “So I’ve got two options for you. You give me some of your belongings which I can use to prove your death, or this can get gruesome.” You stare at him blankly, so Kaeya knows which one you’re choosing. “I assume that means the former.”
Once he lets you out of that darn cage, you list a couple things you could give to him, your old knife–it was rather dull and it has been since you got it, you wouldn’t be able to restore it well enough now–a tearing of your clothes, a tuft of your hair, and a page off your hit list.
“Your hit list?”
“Oh, shoot, right.” Not everybody–nobody knows about that book of yours. The pages weren’t full, sure, but it wasn’t common courtesy to possess one in the first place.
Kaeya isn’t as disturbed as you thought he’d be. “Ominous.” He laughs it off.
You know he’s curious about the names on the list, so you turn your back to a tree and tear off a page of crossed out names real quick. Kaeya gives them a onceover, quite curious about the fact he doesn’t recognize any of these names; so, he asks about it. “Couple thieves.” He shrugs it off.
For some reason, he insists on helping you with the last two.
Kaeya sits in front of you, trying to find a piece of your hair that wouldn’t affect your overall look if it was cut slightly shorter. “This feels like something out of a fairytale.” You remark. How so? He’s about to cut your hair with a dagger.
“What sorts of fairytales did you read as a child?” You shrug. “Aha!” He exclaims when he finds a good piece. It’s cute, really. “Stay still.”
It turns out the piece he’d found did affect your haircut, not that it mattered to you.
“It’s alright.”
“It’s not!”
“It’s really fine, Kaeya.”
After a bit of a crisis, Kaeya accepts your fate. You’re gonna be unattractive for the rest of your life—that is, until you get a haircut again.
Then, he finds a spot on your clothes to tear off. This spot just so happens to be on your chest, which makes you think–you’re actually quite sure of it–that he’s doing this to indulge himself. He cuts a part of your shirt, and hey, now you’re kind of matching. You don’t know what Kaeya sees in having such open blouses.
“My eyes are up here.”
“Hmm? Oh.” He snickers, “I’m well aware.”
The both of you stand. Kaeya makes sure all these objects are in his pouch and then he turns to you again. There’s a sad smile on his face. The sight of it affects your mood too. “So, this is goodbye?”
“This is goodbye.”
He takes a hold of your newly torn shirt and brings you in for a kiss. For having less of a surface area, his grip is really strong. This kiss is… melancholy. It pours out all the feelings of longing for the years you haven’t seen each other and all the love that you regained for this little time you’ve had. You don’t want to let go, and neither does he.
But, sooner or later, you must.
There’s almost a tear to his eye, and if it is there, Kaeya’s good at hiding it. “Promise me you won’t get yourself on a bounty board again?”
“I promise. Don’t get yourself killed, hero.”
He offers a small smile in return, “Same goes for you, villain.”
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Back to the present...
Your promise ended up broken. After the people found out you were alive again, you were on several bounty boards all over Teyvat.
“Wait, wait, so what did Diluc say when he heard the news?”
“He was impressed, but mostly horrified.”
“You did what?! You killed your ex. Are you crazy, Kaeya? I thought you left on good terms—You told me you left on good terms!”
Kaeya mimics the former Captain’s voice, and he does so terribly. You’re sure he does so on purpose. “What about Lisa and Jean?”
“You’ve really gone and done it, Kaeya.” Lisa says. “I’m impressed. Both at your determination and battle prowess. Are you hiding injuries under your clothes? ‘Cause I’m not seeing any on your skin.”
“You-You–” Jean was at a loss for words. “Kaeya, it’s just mora. You went and—I’m not talking to you about this.”
“He laughed it off, but I’m pretty sure he was mortified. He probably–”
Your chatter is cut off when you see the familiar stone walls of Mondstadt. Your heart’s pounding in your chest. This will be your first time in Mondstadt in years. There are many emotions swirling around within you, amongst them stands out fear. What if someone finds out you’re back? What would they do to you?
“Remember what we said?” Kaeya interrupts your thoughts.
“We’ve said a lot of things.”
“Don’t get yourself killed, villain.” He quotes your own words.
You nod, even though he can’t see. “Same goes for you, hero.”
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writing-in-april · 4 years
The Case of the Missing Coffee
Spencer Reid x Female Reader 
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Summary: Spencer gets on Reader’s nerves just a little too much one day and decides to get back at him.
A/N: This is my piece for the NSFW fic swap- I got @wave0fg00dvibes​ I had this idea on my long list of random ideas for Spencer and when I decided to go in the “hate fuck” direction I landed on this idea. Reminder that requests are open!
Warnings: Petty Reader, Spencer is a bit of a dick, Hate fucking, Dom!spencer, Public sex (sorta),Biting, Choking, Muffling (hand over mouth), a dash of humiliation kink
Masterlist  Word count: 1.8k
Spencer Reid was getting on my very last nerve. That wasn’t a new thing though. For some reason Spencer and I had never gotten along. It seemed as soon as we met we were destined to annoy and bicker until we retired.
Our latest argument centered around a preliminary profile that we were supposed to send off to the Boston PD and as always we both disagreed on what the profile consisted of. This time Spencer had gotten deep under my skin for some reason. His constant bickering had me seething, plus his not so subtle dig at my abilities as a profiler didn’t do anything to help my mood. The whole situation was giving me a headache.
I need coffee
I opened the cabinet where the grounds and sugar were stored in the break room so I could start a cup for myself. I stopped my movements when I caught sight of a large bag of grounds and another bag full of sugar marked in big sharpie letters with Spencer’s name.
Spencer had started to bring his own bags of coffee grounds and sugar after Emily complained about him going through the bullpen’s supplies too fast.
A smirk was dancing evilly on my face at the thought of riling Spencer up by stealing the items for a short while. Every time he decided to push my buttons too far while we were working I usually found some way to get back at him for it. Even though I knew it was petty I still decided to hide his personal coffee grounds and sugar in the bottom drawer of my desk. Maybe he’d think twice next time he disrespected his coworkers.
I’ll give it back to him eventually after he apologized and after having him beg a little.
Later in the day I was sitting in the small file room going through some old case files. Though, mostly I was waiting for Spencer to come down here and confront me about his stolen coffee as I had already finished my most important tasks for the day. He was a genius after all and it was an easy deduction to figure out who had stolen it, only I would dare touch his precious coffee and sugar. Not even Morgan would dare mess with it.
“Where is it.”
Ah, he’s right on time
His dark tone matched the darkness that surrounded the file room that was only illuminated by one light. However, the smirk on my face did not shake, his tone did little to intimidate me. I decided to further annoy him not wanting to give away what I had done with his precious coffee just yet.
“It’s just coffee and sugar Spencer, I’m sure Emily will let you dip into the rest of the BAU’s supplies for today. Though, maybe you should cut down, considering how aggressive you get when you miss your hourly cup.” I was still standing hunched over the files, not even sparing a glance at the genius as I gave him a snippy remark.
“That’s not the point Y/N. I’m more mad about the fact that I know you took it.” Each little quip I decided to give him was making his tone darken almost to the tone he used when interrogating suspects.
“Well maybe you shouldn’t have implied that I was an incapable agent.” I turned to face him with a feisty glare and crossed my arms before continuing, “Maybe, then I wouldn’t have taken it.”
“Maybe, you could’ve come to me like an adult and told me you were offended. Maybe- then I would’ve apologized.” My gaze was harsh in response to his remark choosing not to respond to his words. Honestly, the nerve of him sometimes. Though, what really caught me off guard was what happened next.
Instead of further verbally berating me for stealing his brew he surged forward and captured my lips in a harsh kiss. I almost pulled away angrily to slap him but, I found my anger morphing into something new. I kissed him back with fervor not giving him the full satisfaction of completely dominating the kiss. Though all sense of control I held was lost when he roughly slammed me into the filing cabinets making a surprised squeak fall from my lips, allowing him to slip his tongue into my mouth.
I yanked aggressively on his hair as a warning in response to when he dipped his head down attempting to suck hickies and bite marks into my neck. He grunted in agitation, pulling his head up to glare at me in retaliation to the harsh tug on his curls.
The glare on his face held as he yanked my skirt up harshly and pulled my panties down roughly until they fell down my ankles.
He wound his hand around my neck, not very tight at all only having it rest there as a simple warning to obey and take whatever he gave me. I almost found myself fighting his dominance once more before all thoughts of disobedience were wiped from my mind as soon as he moved one finger experimentally to my core. I was already obscenely wet just from a few minutes of a heated make out. Arousal further coated Spencer’s fingers as he started to circle my hole teasingly, my legs started to shake a little from the teasing almost unable to take it.
I bit into my lip hard to stifle any noise my body wanted to make when he finally curled his fingers inside me and obliged me. A small moan escaped despite my best attempts when he brought his thumb up to my clit working in tandem with his other fingers. I had to bite my lip even harder to quiet myself when the hand on my neck tightened, silently warning me to shut up. The only reason I obliged his order was because I’d rather not have gotten caught by my other coworkers being fingered by the person I claimed to hate.
I could feel myself teetering on the edge of release before it was cruelly swiped away from me when he removed his fingers from my core. I whined in objection though the noise was covered by a harsh command by Spencer.
“Jump.” His tone left no room for argument to his order, making any protests I had die in my throat. Normally, I’d argue with any order that Spencer thought he could give me but, the slick arousal that pooled between my legs fought with the resentment that I held for him. So, for once I obeyed willingly, jumping to wrap my legs around his wiry frame. I was half expecting him to drop me, I had never considered Spencer to be very strong at all. But, he proved my thoughts wrong by holding tightly onto me with bruising force, pulling out his cock from his slacks with speed and precision before swiftly entering me with no warning.
A whimper at the sudden stretch started to come from me though, it was quickly stifled by his large palm coming down over my mouth stifling any noise that tried to make its way from me. Once he was sure I was going to be able to handle my noise level he removed his hand from my mouth placing it back onto my ass. He then started to rock into me, though his thrusts weren’t fast at first as I had assumed. His thrusts were deep but devastatingly slow.
“I hate you.” I tried to growl out with conviction to goad Spencer to start to pick up his pace. He took the bait, starting to thrust rapidly pushing me closer towards release. However, the growl I had adopted dissolved into a mere pathetic whimper making my whole body burn in embarrassment at his ability to work me up so quickly. My hands pulled at his button up to try and ground myself to stave off my release- I was going to try my hardest to not cum first.
“Sure you do Sugar.” He said breathlessly while letting go of one of my thighs to make his way back to my clit. The little circles he started to rub along with his now brutal pace made angry all over again, I was trying so hard to not release first. And, it didn’t help that he tacked on the stupid nickname at the end, no doubt trying to stoke the fire in my belly that was a infuriating mix of arousal and anger.
Though I tried with all the strength I could muster to hold off a devastating orgasm as soon as Spencer pitched his hips to hit my sweet spot my release crashed over me. I screwed my eyes shut and bit into my fist hard in an attempt to stifle any moans that tried to escape me as my release came through my body in crashing waves. My cheeks were burning hot in humiliation from my disastrous defeat.
“W-where?” Spencer almost incoherently stuttered out to me as a warning that he was getting close to his own release.
“Inside. Safe.”  I was honestly surprised I even formed a literate thought to convey to him as I came down from my devastating high. He pumped into me a few more times before falling into his own release, biting into the sliver of skin he could find beneath my disheveled blouse to quiet his own noises.
Once we had both come down completely and caught our breaths awkward silence and tension simmered in the file room. We both made no moves to break the tension as we tried to make ourselves look somewhat presentable. After I pulled my panties up and my skirt back down to its original position I decided to give Spencer back the thing he had been looking for. Leaning forward I took his tie in my hand and pulled him back towards me so we were chest to chest once more.
“Go look in the bottom drawer of my desk.” I whispered into his ear before sauntering out of the room to find a bathroom to clean up some more though, not before sparing a glance back to see a smirk etched on Spencer’s face. Even though I still hated him (Maybe hate is a strong word) I figured why not give him his coffee and sugar back as a reward for giving me one of the best orgasms of my life. Though, I was definitely still mad at myself for orgasming first. Maybe if there was a next time the roles would be reversed.
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mycrofts-gunbrella · 3 years
Caring is the Greatest Advantage- Mycroft Holmes x Reader (Part Five)
Word Count- 3921
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Morning had come around a lot quicker than you had hoped it would, the sunlight peeking through the curtains and birds singing outside making drifting back off an impossible task. Though you felt well rested, you simply just didn't want to move anywhere any time soon. Last night had begun with Mycroft shyly placing his hand on your hip as your back pressed close to his chest, but this morning had ended with Mycroft on his back and you with your head resting between his chest and shoulder, hand crossing over with fingers hooked over the pyjama's pocket. You'd never expected to be the type to wake up earlier than Mycroft Holmes, particularly not two days on the bounce, but you wouldn't complain. He looked so peaceful as he slept, the sunlight turning his auburn hair far more ginger, his freckles on his nose matching. You slowly reached one arm backwards, blindly feeling around for your phone on the bedside table and reading through your messages. You grinned seeing a text from Greg and had to fight the small laugh that threatened to escape you.
'Hey, just thought I'd check in on you both and see how you're getting on. I hate to feel pushy but we do really need to start that paperwork, today ideally. Figured I'd pop round later if it's alright- I need a sodding nap first though. Spent the majority of last night receiving phone calls about mysterious activity around St James', load of dodgy cars sending people away, loads of papers.. don't suppose you saw any of that down your way did you, makes life easier?"
Your fingers typed a response- 'Uhh..guilty as charged.. Myc was in jeans and a Who top, daren't be seen by the public..I'll get him to fix it when he's up x'- a grin playing on your face. Yeah okay you felt a little bad, but Greg had dealt with worse. After pressing send, you scrolled further through your notifications, spotting one from John. Nothing major, just checking in and inviting you both over for late lunch, mentioning briefly how it'll do Sherlock some good seeing his brother, even if he doesn't believe it himself- evidently also receiving a message from Greg as he also explained how it would make Lestrade have to do one less visit for paperwork if you popped over a little earlier. Before you could type an answer, you felt Mycroft shift beneath you, stretching out the arm that wasn't trapped beneath your body.
"Morning Sleeping Beauty." You teased, turning your head and placing a small kiss on the Holmes' chin. Mycroft blinked, rubbing his eyes and offering you a 'good morning' in response as he eyed up you typing on your phone.
"Needed to be whisked away to catch a criminal mastermind already?" He asked, sitting up a little as you moved to give him a little more space, his arm still loosely tucked behind your back, though his torso now free.
"Your deductions in the morning are lacking.. though close. Mastermind, but not criminal. John and Sherlock have invited us to late lunch, Greg's popping over to start the first part of paperwork handling, only the basic stuff this time round, so figured it would make it easier on him only having to go to one home before we left." Mycroft breathed deeply, fingers raising to pinch the bridge of his nose.
"I think I'd have rathered the criminal." He spoke, already mentally planning the afternoon, the conversations he would likely have, the way Sherlock would behave. What if he still hadn't forgiven him? It was surprising enough that you had let him off so easily, but Sherlock was different. Sherlock was a Holmes, and someone of whom already had feudal tendencies with Mycroft, it was bound to end terribly. As though you had read his mind, you moved your hand to take his from his face as you noticed his fingertips whitening as he pinched harder.
"Hey, it'll be fine. He doesn't blame you, he's been far too silent for that to be the case. From the way John sounded, it actually seemed more like he was worried about you, though you know he'd never admit that." Mycroft hummed in response, not being able to find the right words to say before reaching over and grabbing his own mobile. "World ending yet?"
"Not yet. Though with any luck, quarrels could happen before lunch." He mused, one side of his mouth raising slightly in a playful smirk.
"Mycroft you can't wish for conflicts amongst empires to get out of a meal with your brother."
"Can't I?" He raised a brow.
"Anthea wouldn't allow it anyway. We're on strict instruction to not go into work for the next couple of weeks, nations be damned. Lunch sounds far more appealing too." You slid yourself out of bed and grabbed one of the bags from Anthea that you brought upstairs last night, taking a handful of clothing items and tucking them under your arm.
"But it isn't lunch, is it? It's LATE Lunch, settled approximately around 3pm, too late for lunch, too early for dinner. It's impractical by any means; you starve yourself at real lunch so you do not ruin your appetite, and then by dinner time you're hungry once again. And if you eat at both of those times as well as the late lunch, your feeding schedules become on par with a bloody Hobbit." You rolled your eyes and headed to the bathroom. "Though you may be more accustomed to such choices given the height similarity between yourself and Mr Brandybuck."
"Cheeky sod, not all of us have glorious Holmesian legs. I'm sure you'll survive a few hours.. Oh, you also owe Greg an apology." You chuckled, opening the message back up and tossing your phone in the general direction of Mycroft's lap before going to get dressed. After reading the message, you heard Mycroft let out a laugh from the other room, the rare kind that you knew made the sides of his eyes crease and his head tip back slightly in amusement; you were sorry you missed it.
Leaving the bathroom, you couldn't help but notice the silk pyjama clad man standing mindlessly in front of his open wardrobe, glancing over each individual item of clothing. Wandering behind him, you moved up on your tiptoes and peered over his shoulder at the rows of suits. You were still dressed relatively comfortably in a pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt, which you felt was appropriate for the later meal that would likely be somewhere like Angelo's- but you equally knew that Mycroft's idea of 'comfort' lay within his three pieces, pocket squares and oxfords.
"Don't panic, I'm not going to begrudge you of your precious suits today. You deserve it after actually going through with my wardrobe choice for you.. I didn't actually expect you to do it." You laughed, squeezing his shoulder fondly. "We slept in late again, there's barely any morning left." You commented, glancing over at the clock that read 10:53am. "Can I tempt you in Elevenses, Mr Baggins?" You grinned, your Lord of the Rings reference not being missed by Mycroft. He cast you a playful glare, fighting the urge to childishly poke his two fingers up at you. "What? Not judging my bedside manner this time?"
"It is useless to meet revenge with revenge; it solves nothing." He quoted Frodo without hesitation, bastard probably already planned that you'd quip back with something smart and already armed himself with Shire related comebacks. You, in contrast to Mycroft, did have the tendencies to become childish and did opt for the two fingered response, an adoring smile unnaturally paired.
Not many people got to know of Mycroft's little nerdy side, and you took pride in being one of the few that did, though you took more pride in him for being able to easily reel off the quotes. Though he had told you before that The Lord of the Rings trilogy had been his favourite of everything you made him watch, then when he read the books? You wouldn't hear from him for hours at a time while he binge read through them for the tenth time round, and of course you had noticed the varying editions of the three books on his bookshelf in his personal office, rather than lining the shelves in his small library room. If anything, it just made him more endearing.
Though it was nothing compared with his love of Doctor Who. Bless his heart, you had taken him to watch David Tennant's Richard II a few years ago for his birthday and he was insistent on waiting behind after the performance to catch David leaving and got him to sign his special edition box set of his DW seasons. He even had a photo taken with him, his expression being easily comparable to the likes of a child who just got a puppy for Christmas- and, much to his dismay, the photograph had had a prime place on your desk at NSY since the event.
You made your way downstairs, calling out something about making omelettes and leaving Mycroft alone to get ready. His fingers skimmed across the expensive fabrics, tugging out an olive green suit and red tie and pocket square to match. The smell of the food you were preparing began to fill his nose, making his stomach growl as he rushed to the bathroom to get dressed. After removing his pyjama top, Mycroft caught a glance of himself in the mirror, prodding at the pudge of his stomach that settled just over his pyjama bottoms, before sucking in flat and looking again. Maybe he should forego the omelette and just wait until later.. another growl.. okay maybe just a little, just so he didn't raise suspicion. He sighed, stomach relaxing back to its natural state before finishing his morning routine, tugging his trousers up a little higher than usual to tuck away the offending belly fat.
Mycroft had always suffered with his weight, he knew that. He also knew of his past, how he would skip meals, or spend hours upon hours on his treadmill, or the time he was under Doctor Chinnery for just shy of three years following his habits of completing his meals with his fingers down the back of his throat over the toilet just after his job promotions exceeded and he found himself in much higher rankings- public appearance being far more important than any personal preference. Though his eating disorder had improved, the years of therapy didn't miraculously improve his self-confidence. It was one of the many reasons he preferred inviting others for dinners, or at the very least having his days to himself when he knew he would be going out later in the evening. Spontaneous meals out like the one he would be attending in a few hours, or having somebody at home with him while he waited for said meals threw him off balance completely- his usual routine of fasting beforehand as to not appear rude or raise suspicions when he ate in public being disturbed significantly. You knew of his past, deduced it, actually, and had been nothing but supportive, trying your best to convince him for years that he was perfectly healthy and encouraging him to eat better, to actually consume meals. He was thankful, of course he was, but it didn't help his insecurities around you, no matter how welcoming you had been or however many compliments you gave him. His body was covered in stretch marks and areas of loose skin from his weight loss over the years, his chest hair, though scarce, was a coppery ginger and his body was covered in so many freckles he looked like an explosion at a dot to dot factory. It led him to remember the other reason why he had never previously attempted to pursue a relationship with you; if he was disgusted and horrified at the appearance of his nude body then what on earth would you think when that time eventually came around? He daren't even try to imagine your face. You'd worked with Sherlock long enough to have seen him wander around naked and Mycroft had to admit that his brother at least had a body worth parading about in the nude, then there was Gregory who, despite not having an exactly chiseled body, still had the rugged good looks and toned chest- a physique that clearly represented the physical aspects of his occupation- there was no doubt you'd compare him to them and he would come up short every time.
"Myc? You gonna be long? Yours is going to be freezing!" Your voice had knocked him out of his thoughts and he quickly shrugged on the rest of his clothes, straightening his tie in the mirror and plastering on a small smile as he headed downstairs and into the kitchen.
"Apologies.. the cufflinks failed in succession to cooperate at first." You had eyed him suspiciously, knowing that Mycroft had worn enough suits in his lifetime that he could probably find a way to put one on to completion in 5 minutes in the dark with oven mitts on.
"I know I've been so against the suits, but I have to admit that you look incredible.. I think that one's my new favourite." You commented casually, placing a quick kiss to his temple as he sat at the table. "That colour is lovely." He quirked a brow.
"New favourite? You've had old ones?"
"Obviously." Imitating Sherlock. "Charcoal pinstripe with that light blue shirt- brings your eyes out wonderfully... and your bum." You winked, positively enjoying the pink that dusted the man's cheeks, and the way he would open his mouth to speak and then close it before any words came out. In his defence, he was really not used to receiving such compliments. And in your defence, you weren't particularly used to giving them, not like that anyway. You'd blame Greg, he was a terrible influence and an incredible flirt- using his charm to at the very least try and make you laugh when you had shitty days.
You lay his plate in front of him, a coffee to its side, before beginning to tuck into your own meal. You had learned early on that if you didn't wait until Mycroft was able to eat then he likely wouldn't eat at all. While drinking his coffee fairly happily, you hadn't missed that the vast majority of Mycroft's breakfast was still on the plate, cut in smaller pieces and rearranged to appear as though he had eaten more than he truly had. Frowning, you didn't press- knowing better than to point out his behaviour and just being thankful he had eaten anything at all (about a third of the omelette and half a slice of toast if your judgements were correct) but had elected to keep an eye on him. You finished your own food in silence before crossing the cutlery over on your plate and beginning to speak.
"I figured if we left now we could have a bit of time for you to go through the first set of paperwork, Greg should be getting there in the next 10 minutes or so, and then by the time we finish and have a cup of tea it'll be time to go out." You suggested, taking Mycroft's plate to clear away after he had sent a nod to show he was finished. He made a small groan at the need to go at all, but soon acquiesced, sent a text for a car and stood to go to the front door. Tugging on a hoodie, you opened the door and took a step back, the wind shooting in your face and making you scowl. Mycroft made an amused sound and offered you the scarf of his that you had worn last night. Rather than taking the garment, you stood and waited for him to wrap it the same expert way that he had the night before. "I also text Greg to run by my flat and grab my coat so I'll be able to stop stealing your expensive scarves soon.. though this one feels so lovely I may text him again to leave it on the tube." You laughed, stepping back outside once again and walking with Mycroft to the end of the road where a car was waiting. Mycroft had wanted to respond, to make a comment about how he didn't mind letting you wear his things, how he actually quite liked it. But he stayed silent, offering a small smile instead and a soft hand at the small of your back. Mycroft opened the door for you, climbing in after and settling against the plush seats of the lavish car.
As the car began to move you tensed a little, a thought popping into your head.
"Myc.. does Sherlock know yet? About us? I might have hinted at it a little when I spoke to Lestrade earlier but I didn't press.. I just.. I didn't know if you were telling people." You asked awkwardly. Christ it made it sound like you were in some forbidden relationship. Mycroft's jaw clenched a little.
"I wasn't aware it was secret knowledge, if that's what you are asking Y/N. In response to your question, no. I haven't spoken to Sherlock at all since.." He trailed. "And I am not the sort of man to walk into a room and actively announce that kind of thing. But you should know that he will likely deduce it the moment we walk through the door being as you are wearing my clothing, your hair smells like my shampoo and your skin still has traces of the scent of my soap. So if you didn't want anybody to know, then I strongly suggest we rearrange our plans for this afternoon." Who was he kidding? Of course you didn't want people to know that you were actually together now- you would look ridiculous being such a pretty young woman with a man like Mycroft in tow. You opened your mouth to speak but he cut you off. "If you are going to say you could argue the soaps then it would simply be futile, he knows I have your regular brand at your disposal; he'd know you used mine in the form of... sentiment." The last word felt wrong on his tongue now, knowing you had hoped to keep your.. relationship.. behind closed doors. Mycroft Holmes was a very private man, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't want knowledge of your relationship to be at least semi-public, having felt a little giddy when you'd chosen to cross that line with him.
"What? No, I wasn't going to talk about the sodding shampoo." You grinned, reaching a hand over to place on his knee. "Jesus Myc, I asked because I didn't know if YOU were comfortable with people knowing. I'm pretty sure everyone inside that flat knew I fancied you the last few years, I'd proudly walk in and show that my pining eventually paid off. I just know you have appearances to keep up and I didn't want to ruin that, or embarrass you in front of Sherlock." For what seemed like the millionth time in the last few days, your words surprised Mycroft. He felt his jaw loosen and he took a breath, moving only to briefly place his hand over yours for a small squeeze and moving back again. You didn't expect him to say much, he was Mycroft Holmes, not Romeo Montague, but the small smile you sent back his way let him know that you understood his thoughts. The drive to Baker Street was only 10 or so minutes from Mycroft's home so you soon arrived in no time at all, the slick black car smoothly pulling up outside number 221.
"I can only hope my dear brother deduces our relationship correctly and doesn't make a vast attempt to embarrass me in front of his peers.. again." Mycroft knocked on the door, his words casting you back to a Christmas you had all shared a couple years ago.
It was a small gathering, consisting of the pair of you, the Baker Street boys, Greg and Mrs Hudson, and a few weeks beforehand, after multiple arguments of whether or not presents should be shared, Mrs Hudson had come up with the wonderful (terrible) idea of secret Santa which, incase you wasn't aware, isn't a fun game when played with two Holmes' that knew everybody's present and Secret Santa before the packages were opened. You had pulled Mrs Hudson and couldn't have been more thrilled, neither could she when she opened her new tea set- a simple floral design decorated its sides, but she was thankful no matter the pattern, the last teapot having been found at the hands of Sherlock housing human eyes. Conveniently enough, Mycroft had pulled your name and elected to subtly buy you a personalised travel mug for work. After you had opened it, Sherlock had scoffed, muttering something along the lines of "Mycroft isn't that shit at buying presents. He bought you a necklace at first but felt too embarrassed to give it to you in such a public setting and panic bought that cup." Continuing on about how Mycroft had put a lot of thought into your original gift and how it was unusual and how it "obviously" meant he favoured you and was attracted to you. Mycroft had left shortly after that, not making eye contact with any of the silent people in the room and climbed into the back of his car, but you had followed suit and clambered in after him- easing the tension by ignoring Sherlock's allegations and giving him the envelope that you had in your pocket. You had told him you had bought him something special anyway, even though he wasn't who you were supposed to buy for, because you cared for and appreciated him- he had opened the envelope slowly and his eyes widened, that rare smile appearing on his face when he was presented with the Richard II tickets. After your exchange Mycroft had given you the necklace anyway, spouting derogatives about his brother's deductions as he did so. It was a small silver chain necklace with a sparkling silver pendant that, upon closer inspection, you had noticed was a police badge.
You smiled fondly at the memory and instinctively placed your hand above your sternum, feeling the small piece of metal beneath your clothing that you hadn't taken off in two years. You turned to face the man beside you a little more, placing a hand on his shoulder and reaching up on your tiptoes to place a lingering kiss on his lips, moving back only when you heard the latch unlock in front of you, and noticing the ever so slight pink tinge to Mycroft's bottom lip from the lip balm you had put on earlier. "That should make it easier to get it right." You commented, fighting the small grin from your face as you noticed Mycroft standing in the same way, lips parted slightly from where your own had been moments ago, a matching pink dusting his cheekbones. The door opened revealing a smug looking Sherlock.
"Be careful Mycroft, you'll catch flies like that if you aren't cautious enough."
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howl-fantasies · 3 years
A/N - Hello, hello. Here's a request from @immortal-velociraptor. I think I'll do another part soon for this one, since I really enjoyed writing it. I hope it is to your liking! Don't hesitate to let me know if you want to see something specific in the part. 2 or if you want to read about another arc of Gotham ☺️
Again, sorry for my English mistakes, it's not my first language 😬 I'm working on it!
Have a good day and take care 🥰
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It was one of these calm days in an assassin's life. No mark to stalk or shoot, no sudden raid forcing her to grab whatever weapon she had to clear her way out. A peaceful and for once relaxing one. Victor left 30 minutes ago, something to do for Penguin, obviously, and was 'text bickering' with her about some nonsense. But when he demanded her out of the blue to stay at home and watch the last Gotham news flash, she started to curse.
A chimical bomb exploded in the train station, liberating a toxic brainfucking cloud in the whole city. Just when the journalists finished, her phone started to buzz like some freaking possessed item from the Exorcist movie she watched with Zsasz last night.
The first text of her crazy series was surprisingly from The Riddler. A simple "Gas mask on your infuriating face. Now." she chuckled but obliged nonetheless sending him a simple "Roger Dodger" which he insulted her for.
Next text was from Barbara "WTF is that your and your crazy boyfriend doing?!" She was not the only one to ask. Truth be told, Zsasz and her had done their fair share of explosions when needed during the past three years.
The the two last texts were intriguing. One from Jim, asking her to call him as soon as she saw the message. Then from Harvey, demanding in capitals that she ignores whatever request Jim would be asking her until further notice.
Without listening the old cop text, she pressed the calling button on Jim in her contact list.
"Y/N, I suppose you've seen the news. About the bomb." Always straight to the point, she thought with an amused grin. "With those incredible deduction skills, you should apply at GCPD Jimbo." She mocked.
The sound of gritted teeth suddenly stop her mocking. Now that was not what she expected when she teased him. A scoff or a stern scolding maybe, but not a hot rage directed on her. "I know that I may sometimes be incredibly insufferable, mate, but you would be the first guy I would pissed in less than a minute."
"SHUT IT! JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH! I'm trying to concentrate which is nearly impossible with all that noise! " He snapped. Y/N blinked a few times, frowning hard and tried to capt said ruckus. "Dude there is no noise around you. Not to diagnose but if you're starting to hear voices you should consult with your doctor for a fucking schizophrenia."
She heard him take a deep breath before whispering in his phone: "I had to take Tech virus. The bomb which exploded also had it and now the whole Gotham is going to lose it."
That was bad news. "Oh. Welcome to the dark side then, Jim. We have cookies and super nice therapists once in a while when we're taking vacations in Arkham's facility".
He stayed silent. She only heard his hard breathing. "Are you ok? What are they saying, the voices?" She asked reluctantly.
"That I'm a killer." He sighed, suddenly feeling an incredible power without any restraint. "That I need to find Lee" He continued, his voice now perfectly calm. "I feel fine" He finally said and she could perfectly imagine his serene face.
"Wow look at you, touched by the grace Jimbo. I would be amazed if it was the result of an intense introspection" She drawled. "So you're gonna kill every and anybody crossing your dark path, fuck your also infected doctor and live your best bad guy's life?"
An unfamiliar laugh was heard from Gordon's voice. "Yeah. - NO!" He immediately bursts and she heard his ragging breath again. "So you're still fighting it huh? Good. Now move your cop's flat ass and make a good use of that will of yours. Go find an antidote and cure this fucking city. I'm sure Foxy will be able to help with that".
He said nothing for a long time. But his deep breathing kept her on the phone. "I want to make a contract." She just hummed at first. Waiting for him to continue. "On my head. If I'm not able to save the city, I want you to neutralize me, Y/N." He said.
The woman groaned and let herself fall on her sofa. "Aren't you a drama queen, Jim? And for fuck sake why me?! Ask Bullock or your GCPD little soldiers."
Again, he was silent a solid minute before whispering. "Because you won't hesitate. Because I know you won't miss. And because if I had to choose a rogue to kill me in this crazy city, it would be you. You have some kind of twisted moral but it's here. And despite your records, I know you're not all bad.
He heard how her breath stopped for a second. But chuckled when her annoyed response came: "Am I suppose to cry now Jimbo? Or say my own monolog about our odd frenemy relationship and how I'll humbly accept your shitty request? You're losing time, imbecile. Go play hero and let the bad assassin sleep in peace."
She didn't wait for him to answer and stopped the call. "Fucking hell", she muttered with her right arm on her eyes. That idiot. Y/N looked at her phone again and cursed another time, rolling her eyes.
------ 1 New Message -----
Random info - Don't forget Jervis Tech and Alice are siblings and share the same blood. Just saying.
Jim Gordon
Copy that. Thank you, Y/N. You're a good frenemy.
Shut up you're making my eyes puke.
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jiminrings · 4 years
Okay I just wanna say that I really love your writing!!! Hope you and chimmy are doing well! Can I request a drabble with merman tae and y/n's a human and they're childhood besties and tae likes her but she's a dumb little bean. I just realised how many 'ands' are in that sentence. If you don't like it then...ahem know that I still love you!!! 💖💖💖
pearl of mine
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pairing: taehyung x y/n
wordcount: 5k
glimpse: merman!tae is the reason why tourists can’t find any more shells and pearls in the shore, y/n owns more beach houses than deduction skills, and concierge!yoongi’s the hero :D // gif from pinterest
notes: are u kidding me baby i love it AND you!!!! chimmy barks his regards <3
“hmm? where’s barnacle boy?”
alright there goes your peace and quiet
it’s very nice to know that where yoongi is, translates to meaning that all your peaceful thoughts automatically aren’t there
if he’s not manning the concierge, it means he’s there keeping you company!!
annoying you
your ten minutes of bliss of just having your calves dipped into the water is interrupted now but it’s ok!!
after all, yoongi’s ur right-hand man anyways!! he’s the one who keeps track of everything and you’re so close to convicing your dad to put him in the family will too
you can’t manage your family business all by yourself!! how exactly are you gonna manage fIVE of the hotels that your parents have put under your care by yourself
five of the seventeen hotels that your family owns..,.,.,
your dad gives you tOO much trust and he believes in you like actually a lot
a lot more than you could ever trust yourself tbh
he doesn’t want you to take charge only when he retires or dies!! you’re his little dove and he wants you to be as immersed in your family’s group of companies
it’s generous but of course it’s hectic
which is why you’re spearheading the handling of the actual main hotel he’s put under you!!
and the rest of the less major ones, you’ve had to go through a long and tedious process for so you could find an actual trustable manager and supervisor that wouldn’t commit embezzlement and-
yoongi’s about to scare you again by nudging your lower back with his foot, but you’re ahead of him when you nip his ankle with your nails
“... it’s mermaid man.”
he scoffs out a laugh because what was supposed to be a teasing nudge for your friend that’s clearly nOT human, turned to your joke instead of his
he doesn’t need to look at his watch to know what time it was by then bc he’s practically memorized the skies and the tide at this point
every 5:20 in the afternoon, you and taehyung would meet here!!
you come outside at exactly 4:50 to give yourself some leeway into preparing whatever you’d be giving him or rather, pestering yoongi what you think you should give him for that afternoon
it doesn’t necessarily have to be grand! on most days you just make him waffles without the crusty edges (he likes it the most when it’s so hot that it was still soft and jiggly) and the filling would be whatever food he hasn’t tried yet
.... basically.......... almost everything
but now it’s 5:23 and he could tell with how the water didn’t settle to the wooden platform as well as it did when it was 5:20
yoongi could actually TELL the difference because he’s seen you do this for the four years he’s been working here
the hotel had three wings — the shore wing, the balcony-sturdy-treehouse-type of wing, and the cabana wing
you bounce all around the place because naturally, you aRE the boss here, but afternoons really were just reserved for the cabana wing
where there’s a staff cabana by one of the wooden paths that lead to it, and one specifically reserved for you and probably yoongi now lmao bc he wouldn’t take a nap anywhere else
it’s you just sitting by the deck of your cabana that houses your too-expensive waffle maker, and a cozy blanket then deck pillows outside where you lay when taehyung’s there perched by the wood
you easily have three plates always, and yoongi just goes a lil bit soft that you let him intrude your routine with the merman
but today, all that highLy seems unlikely
“he’s totally not coming,” he exaggerates all in one breath, not having the decency to wait bc he’s stuffing his cheeks full with waffles
everything’s a hit or miss with mermaid man anyways and yoongi would rather nOT try his adventures of waffles with buttered rice in between no thank u
so that’s why he’s sticking with his trusty s’mores waffle!!! :D
put chocolate spread in between while it’s STILL in the pan, then tiny little marshmallows with crushed graham crackers and 10/10 u will see heaven
he gets crumbs on your sundress and you barely even grimace because you’re used to yoongi and all his yoongi-ness at this point
“yes he is! we’ve been doing this everyday without fail for like, twelve years already.”
you know what.,.,., maybe even longer than twelve years
this one’s marked on your calendar you can just SNIFF it
what you distinctly remember is your dad picking you up from school then suddenly deciding that he’ll teach you the ropes
you knew what everything was coming to because suddenly, you’d take your daily after-school snacks at the hotel
and then your weekends were slowly merging into memorizing names and amenities
... and then sitting by your dad’s chair with a juicebox when he had meetings
then before you even realize, you’re managing five hotels under your name and a particularly large one mainly
it was when you’ve had a suckish day at school because you cannot seem to just gET the multiplication table of 7 and your dad’s chasing after you again so you could get to see the fire escape plans as “fun little puzzles!!”
ya know what maybe you should go outside
it didn’t exactly click into your young mind that holy shit your family’s LOADED
all you knew was that people greeted you left and right even if you didn’t know them and you’d always be offered stuff you didn’t even ask for :D
all you cared about was skipping by the cabanas but holding by the rope on the side bc what if you fell lmao
yet what did fall to the water beside you was your bracelet!!!
a red, single-threaded, string bracelet from your wrist that must’ve gotten loose
it’s something you’ve never took off and the sheer panic in your mind was tOO HIGH
even before you could call out to your dad though, or any of the staff that would literally drop everything to help you, something just shifts in the water
it’s too quick for you to even decipher and the multiplication table of 7 would’ve been easier to figure out
the moment you crouch by the end of the deck was when you see it aGAIN
there’s this incredibly pretty boy that emerges from the water, only his shoulders up to his head peeking out
he most certainly didn’t look... from around here tho
your attention’s immediately fixated on your bracelet, the one on his mouth as he only tilts his head when you do the same, an eager squeal breaking him out
hold on
wait a second
you’ve seen this in the tv sometimes!!! they were uh creatures that liked being by themselves in the sea
lol which is basically every sea creature
but the narrator said something about them looking like humans???
you overhear your dad talking about them sometimes
up and age???
opened etch????
how do u spell that again
“o-oh!! you’re-...”
the boy who looks like your age replies, looking unsure of himself yet didn’t want to disappoint you either
you meant merman but it’s okay!!
your hands retrieve the bracelet from his mouth, a little giggle at the complexity of the situation
he was completely sold at that
this was his first human!!! his first actual human interaction and it wasn’t really bad as what his brothers painted out to be
you and taehyung took off from then and ya know what,,, maybe you even start purposefully dropping things in the water if you feel a little impatient that he hasn’t peeked his head yet
and yes yes that’s a completely iRRESPONSIBLE thing and your dad stopped you before you could possibly throw out a whole backpack into the water
which was weird for him to look at because there’s absolutely no one he could see in the water
it was a routine that not one of you ever skipped on once!!
even if you were sick and tae thinks that it’s the most pathetic thing because he doesn’t EVER get sick??? sue him for having a cold because he’s in the water 24/7 yea
even if one was late and wouldn’t be able to see the other, there would be an item placed by the deck as proof that they were indeed there!!
tae sometimes leaves a random conch shell or even seaweed in the shape of a heart when he’s swamped with his arrangements
even if there’s a storm, which taehyung absolutely loves because the water’s all cold!!! and it gives him a fun little ride when the waves are all wonky
you leave out a lunchbox that’s snug in a fixed mailbox (you forced yoongi to attach it) by the side of the deck poles and that would count as your attendance
“yes he is! we’ve been doing this everyday without fail for like, twelve years already.”
you are totally UNBELIEVABLE
yoongi snorts, almost choking on his waffles with how hard he did it
“and you’re twelve years dumb.”
ok now you take offense
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
you can’t be any more clueless, can you??
as if on cue, there’s the familar flop and splash that you nudge yoongi to be in his best behavior
taehyung makes his afternoon appearance by outlandishly doing his trick in the air, undoubtedly giving you a splash you’re used to by now
he literally does not care at the thought of anyone possible seeing him
besides, they physically can’t anyway because there’s a spell cast onto the area, allowing nobody to see them besides you
... and yoongi ://
he’s rather grand with his gestures and his words and even before taehyung knew the common lingo on ground, you could tell he was a little more stubborn with his strong expressions
after all, taehyung’s a prince at sea but at land.,.,.,.
<3 well <3
“i’m here!”
taehyung bEAMS radiantly, making you crouch and hold out your hands, him putting his face out immediately for you to squish
“oh, oh! i got you something, y/n!”
he seems to remember out of the blue in the middle of chewing his waffles, yoongi having to suppress another sigh
the prettiest pearl necklace :-)
“tae i already told you that-...”
you’re about to start berating him again with the gifts because what seemed to be so ordinary for him is very fAR from yours
you pout and tae only pushes the necklce to you further, not taking no for answer when he had to squint his eyes extra hard to look for the pearls this morning
to be honest you have sO much jewelry from taehyung
the common theme of it was of course they’re something you could get at sEA
and whenever people ask you about them, u have no idea how to tell where you got them
today’s pearl necklace was a little different — something more dainty and smaller and wraps around your neck like a choker would, a little more suited for everyday wear
“thank you!!!”
you smooch taehyung on the cheek extra quick and it takes every fiber in his tail to stop squealing
yoongi watches you two be disgustingly sweet and PLATONIC yet again, and he could only zero in on the pearl necklace around your neck
that is the fifth time this week
that is the fifth set of pearls you’ve gotten this week
normally you’d get a pearl every now and then and the often minuature sand sculptures
but this week changes the wHOLE ball game
“do you want a pearl ring?”
taehyung wiggles his eyebrows, boxy smile on full display and he looks breathtaking in the golden hours that you immediately poke his cheek
yoongi’s eyes widen because that’s literally-
you don’t seem to find the weight on his question because you only let out a non-commital sound and whisk him away on another conversation about his day
he’s long since dropped out of yours and taehyung’s conversation, going back to the concierge because his presence is required
and he still can’t shake off how CLUELESS you are
it’s when the night gets a little more chilly and you could see taehyung go beneath the water more often, taking it as a sign that he’s going back and his brothers are looking for him
“night-night, tae.”
you offer the top of his head a kiss, rushing back to the cabana to put on your coat and right on time, you miss the way taehyung’s eyes are bigger than a goldfish’s
oh my god
oh my fucking god
taehyung really hATES you
he hates you so much!!!!
he resigns back into the water and he doesn’t even move at all
just defeatedly sits on the seabed and his aura effectively puts off everything around him
his heart’s beyond heavy and his eyes sting and he never wants to resurface ever again
he’s trying not to get upset too much because his emotions have the capacity of changing the tide and it would literally resonate through the seas if he gets even more sad
taehyung’s trying to rEPRESS everything back in but it’s no use :((
“hey, hey, calm down. what’s wrong?”
his brother immediately swims to his side at the first slight tremor he felt, having only little trouble in locating him
“i-i asked y/n if she wanted a pearl-...” tae stutters and he has to physically hold his chest to not sOB at your name, an insurmountable feeling of dread at his chest 
yeah, you! namjoon knows you
in fact all his brothers know you and you’ve met each other multiple times, but not as often as you and tae did
they don’t need to see you everyday to know that taehyung is head over tails in LOVE with you
the mention of you and their brother’s gifts in the same sentence isn’t anything new
“okay? but you give her pearls all the time? and-”
“... ring.”
pearl ring
“yeah? and what did she say?”
joon himself tries to quell the distress he feels because taehyung’s emotions are morE than potent to affect to everyone, most especially his brothers
he sees the others swimming to them from afar, worried frowns already on their faces and namjoon doesn’t want to panic even more
“nothing!! she said nOTHING!!!!”
jungkook tilts his head, cheeks puffed out as he tries to diffuse the situation
“but tae, it could mean-...”
“nothing. y/n absolutely wants nothing to do with me!”
taehyung half-huffs and half-sobs, immediately swimming past them that leaves them confused and with a headache
this was definitely going to be a problem
it already is
today has got to be the slowest day ever
the water is so still and timid
oh my god it literally just looks like tap water in a bathtub that’s untouched
you’ve noticed in the first thing in the morning
was it nORMAL to have the water so still???? practically no waves at all??? not even ripples????
you must be losing your mind right
you dragged yoongi from the concierge desk all the way outside
he squints his eyes because the water.... is definitely not supposed to be this way....
“huh. now that’s just odd.”
some of your patrons don’t seem to mind at all because that just means they could go take their pictures without waves putting their phones at risk
but nO
most especially the swimmers n the surfers and even the lifeguard are all ????
everyone’s collectively looking at the water
yoongi takes a twig and just pokes at it to go do ATLEAST something, but even the ripples it produces are mundane
the water is too still and it makes you miss the one who makes it all better
you spend the better part of your whole day in your sundress and hanging around the cabana, yoongi scrunching his nose up at the fact that he seemed to be more active than the actual hotelier here today
“taehyung doesn’t go up for another seven hours, y’know?”
he finds you sitting by the edge of the deck, feet vigorously splashing around the water without any resistance at all that it feels so unnerving
“yea i know that... just wanted to hang out with him.”
you murmur out the last part, making yoongs do a double-take at his boss who was never this soft-spoken
“and that’s what you’ve been doing ever since childhood? sit by the edge then hang out?”
he wants to push a couple of buttons to get you out of your phase of the day today, but he only gets some insistent nodding and nothing more
“that’s so mundane. that’s literally a decade-long routine!!”
“it’s a routine i don’t mind!!”
and that’s true
it’s a routine you want to do with the rest of your life because it now feels like the equivalent of showering basically
you feel so incomplete without it and satisfaction doesn’t settle on your bones until you do it with taehyung :D
“surely, there must be sOME reason for taehyung to not get bored from doing the same thing with you, right?”
alright one more nudge
you’re considerably more perky now that’s for sure
but that doesn’t mean any less clueless unfortunately
“must be the food!!”
oh my god,,,,,, u are so dumb
he leaves you alone and you don’t even question it because you’re too busy waiting for taehyung
you expect the tide to change when it’s already noon but really, nothing happens still
5:20 passes and he still isn’t there
it’s time for dinner and yoongi has to fetch you aLL the way from the other side of the wings he needed to supervised because you’re spending all your time waiting
you were supposed to have dinner with staff tonight but you don’t even think twice in telling him to go eat without you, giving the company card more than eagerly
“don’t you think it’s time to go home?”
yoongi pipes up when they’ve finished dinner and you’re still there
he feels so sorry for you :((
“w-what if he shows up last minute?”
there’s still hope in your voice and he doesn’t want to taint it as much as people
“hey. they need sleep too. you should go get some for yourself too, okay? now just leave a cookie or something,” he has to pry you off the deck himself, not wanting to feel any more sorry for you because you’re starting to tremble with how chilly the air is
taehyung doesn’t resurface the next day
or the next
and the day after that
taehyung doesn’t show up the entire week.
you’re worried OUT of your mind and you’re tempted to just take your dad’s yacht and sail across the water to try and look for him
or oR maybe you should get one of the divers to try and look for him!!!! but no that wouldn’t work, would it??
how about you go and look for tae yourself???
yoongi’s been busy with the hotel bc the actual hotelier of it (read: you) is too busy MOPING
you’ve ditched your sundresses and waited in hoodies and sweatpants you could roll up in the morning and roll down at night to wait for him
most people don’t even recognize you as the owner and they just walk rIGHT past you when they see you in the hallways
you’ve also been stress-making waffles that you reek of the batter and butter, the staff now having an abundance of experimental ones that you’ve made
you’re definitely not okay
“uh y/n you really rEALLY need to go to sleep.,.,”
yoongi gapes at you when he visits you at the cabana, clearing his schedule out to go watch over you and bc your dad won’t sit still with how unkempt you’ve been
he gestures to the hammock you’ve always begged him to put up, but his handiwork’s wASTED because you don’t even spend more than five seconds looking at it
you should be screaming with glee by now :((
how in the world could he possibly distract you from crushing sadness and worry
he’s been brainstorming the past week and his head’s even more hollow than the decorative coconuts in the gift shop
... wait a minute
hey this has got to be his most stupid idea but the one with the most promising results!!!!!
11/10 risky but it’s the cLOSEST he could get!!
“hey do you wanna do something stupid??”
your eyes glance at him immediately because it’s the first question he’s ever asked you besides if you’re okay or when was the last time you slept or when do you intend on picking yourself up
yoongi fishes for his tablet and whips up a video immediately, only taking minutes for him to explain and seconds for you to agree
it’s what made you end up this way
it’s the reason in your swimsuit with your legs all the way inside a duvet cover and the corners of it knotted tightly on your waist
you don’t know how yoongi’s managed to convince you to race him in swimming with your whole lower body inside a king-sized dUVET cover from one of the cabanas whose guests are arriving in an hour, but here you are lmao
“first one to the furthest cabana wins, alright?”
he practically yelps in explaining in an effort to hype you up and a hundred dollars dOES seem to make him excited himself 
you’re buzzing for the first time in the week and it’s the panicked shoves you try to give each other before starting that kicks you off in an eager mood 
you immediately dive in and you don’t expect the heaviness of your makeshift tail behind you, momentarily cussing yourself because wHY on earth did you get the high-quality ones smh ://
oh my god this is so fucking stupid and oddly enough, you’re ENJOYING it
you can’t exactly paddle your legs fluidly like the times when they aren’t wrapped in a duvet, and the distance of the last cabana seems so tiring now that u think about it
yoongi’s already ahead and you don’t get HOW has he managed to come that far???
also not to mention that the gap between the two of you is large and now you’re just struggling to even move
also doesn’t help oNE bit with how good of a handyman yoongi also is because that is one secure knot you got there sir
it’s only dawning in you that you’re NOT well-versed in swimming!!
not even close to an expert!!! all you know are the basics
but the basics seem hard to even apply when you’re dragging a king-sized duvet cover by your legs
you’d expect more skills from someone whose family owns water-centric properties bUT NO <3
you’re flailing almost to the bottom and your eyes sting then your limbs feel heavy
you’re not necessarily drowning either, it just feels so difficult to swim back up
you’re about to try again and boost yourself up by pushing from the floor but then suddenly you’re being HAULED BACK UP
you have no chance to even try and get away because you know that the hand around your waist aren’t yoongi’s
“are you out of your goddamn mind???”
you instinctively take a big gulp of air when you come up the surface, legs fluttering now that you have some type of support to keep you up
“why would you do this?? who did this??”
the deep voice only registers in you seconds later that it’s taehyung who’s in front of you and holding you up, staring you down intensely
your puzzlement only frustrates him even more, going back down while keeping his hands on your waist before he untangles the duvet cover by your legs rather quickly and powerfully
he emerges back up and he’s looking at you with sO much stress that you wanna dive back down
you don’t even manage to finish speaking before taehyung snaps his gaze away from you and really yELLS
as if he didn’t manage to startle you enough, he looks back at you and pats at you all over out of instinct, wanting to know if you’re hurt by any means
you’re more shocked but it’s over the fact that you’re finally seeing him again
this isn’t the first time you’ve swam with taehyung but this IS the first time in this context
you’ve never been this close to him either and you’re out of breath just by looking at him
he doesn’t seem to share the sentiment though because he looks like he’s gonna pull his hair out in both relief and frustration
“oh my god! i fucking thought that my soulmate would die in a — i-in a bedsheet!”
you are so ridiculous that it actually makes his heart clench
he intentionally didn’t come to see you for a week because he was so hurt over your rejection
he did see you from a distance and he also has a particular someone to watch over you, but he never imagined that you’d be doing THIS
his heart just minutes ago was beating against his ribcage because his soulmate was in danger!!! he physically and literally cannot drown but that’s what it felt like
“i’m your soulmate?”
your breathless gasp explains it all
oh so...
oh my god how could you have nOT known this all along???
taehyung probably acted this way and most especially that way when he ignored you!!!
you vaguely remember yoongi telling you that pearls PROBABLY mean a lot to taehyung even if the tone he’s used on you is beyond certain
the pearl ring was meant for courting!!!
that explains why yoongi gasped and looked at you inrcredulously!!!!
no he’s been courting you ALL this time
you are so..... insuffeable
“i’m so sorry!!” 
you’ve crammed in twelve years of experience into two minutes of critical thinking, throwing your arms around taehyung and burying your face into his neck
he grunts a bit at that but he’s not complaining at all
“you mUST hate me,” you frown and the need to cry overpowers you, taehyung sensing it again which is why he immediately strokes your nape in comfort
“i could never.”
the waves come back and even if they’re present, the water was calming
you’re too entranced with tae and your realizations to even notice that the water felt so much better compared to when it was dead still
it’s when you hear a familiar set of giggles that you sNAP your head in anger
yoongi’s much more near you now, floating and floating until you make the move to look down and see not a duvet cover, but rather a tangerine-colored tail by him
all you’ve been doing this day is squeaking
tae, although still a lil bit mad at yoongi because he’s endangered you, smiles at his informant who’s helped make him last through the week
“half-merman!! i’m sorry if i didn’t tell you sooner, y/n. but since tae’s full, that’s the reason he could only come on land once a month! and since i’m half, i could only come underwater once a month!!”
he grins at his explanation he’s been trying to piece together for the last couple of months
ok maybe years
it probably explained to why it’s no accident that he’s clicked with you instantly and he trusts you with his whole life!! you were truly a gentle human that’s an all-rounder
also explains to why yoongi wasn’t all THAT shocked when you brought him out one day on his first year of working and pleaded taehyung to rise up with only even his eyes blinking up at him
no wonder tae warmed up to yoongi quick even if he did say he had distrust with majority of humans!!
how could you not doubt for one second that it’s the reason why he’s always been really good at swimming too and holding his breath
yoongi chose his day of the month to be today because you were so down in the dumps, and aLSO for the reasoning that he missed the boys so that’s why he’s going down there in a heartbeat
taehyung pinches at your thigh, a bright grin on your face when you come face to face with him after waving yoongi goodbye
“are you gonna make me wait another twelve years more?”
he pecks your cheek and it doesn’t feel platonic anymore, a giddy smile in realization that you’ve finally come to your senses
“would you mind?”
the teasing lilt in your voice doesn’t seem to go anywhere anytime soon hee-hee
“maybe a little but-“
“no more waiting.”
you kiss taehyung and almost launch yourself at him, savoring the taste of him on your tongue that he has to grip your thighs around his waist a little tighter
yeah ur a little slow but ur spirits are high!! you’re on the right direction!!
you’re definitely worth waiting for
and panicking over
and courting
and loving
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