#so be nice in the tags pls lmao
onihat · 1 month
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some asshole's dnd character
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turtletoria · 2 years
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a mask of my own face
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inkingkitsune-art · 10 months
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@originalartblog Remembers how I said I had the urge? It's not finished but this is how that urge is going. Enjoy this snippet.
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ferretonfire · 6 months
guys i have a confession 🤫🤫
ive only been watching dnp for like 7 months because i am just a wee highschool student🤫🤫
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basofy · 1 year
i hope when the lisa definitive edition releases old and new players start to see the party members as not only a fun mechanic to progress in the game but also as their second purpose (specified even in their gang page)
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which is to tell how different the people of olathe are from eachother from good to neutral to bad.
all of the party members got their own personalities, points of view and goals, which i've always been appreciative of because it makes them all feel like they're their own person and it shows that they're not going to think exactly like you just because they're on your side.
so some of them can be assholes that despise brad for different reasons and are even creepy to buddy and others can just be neutral on the whole thing or don't care about brad but don't hate him and there are others who are nice people who just want someone to hang out and get attached to brad and it pains them to betray him at the end. some of them even got someone they care about too the same way brad cares for buddy.
and all of this is made just so you don't see them only as tools, they are written this way to show you what the people of olathe are like from a closer perspective. the only other way to do this would be using npcs which would go more overlooked, and it already IS overlooked by players
becuz over time i've seen toooo many fans who speak as if absolutely every man in olathe is an asshole and a pedo, which is why they congratulate tooley too much just for being decent to buddy. i like him but you give him too much credit for something other characters do as well.
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and they talk like these are just 'olathe standards' and like it's okay for this game when No, this game condemns this type of behavior at all times and it makes it very clear. it's not normal, it's just common
i mean was terry a creep towards buddy??? bo?? carp?? shocklord? birdie? nern? olan? the warlords??? and more characters and there are even npcs who deeply question the stuff going on around buddy or are simply not interested in her
and then i see takes such as "maybe x character is gay becuz they don't seem interested in buddy". pal i can think of a million better reasons to consider a character gay (sometimes no reason at all, have fun). (also again, TOOLEY. i mean he was seen at the beehive, isn't that a better reason to think he's gay??)
you don't need to be a pedo and a rapist to be attracted to women, and it's crazy how little the concept of consent matters to some people, because this isn't the only time i've seen this type of thinking over a piece of media.
this is a way of thinking that comes from people who got into lisa for the fun battles and do not understand the story, and it's sorta okay, it's fine if the battles are your favorite thing or if you're not that fond of emotional stories, but you can't ignore this part of the game, to do that you better just play something else, because my problem is that when you try to explain the emotional matters of lisa's story they never want to listen; they preffer living in their little bubble of misinterpreting everything. (like the amount of times i've tried explaining to other fans why lisa isn't worst than her goddamn dad and it's like talking to a wall) like damn, i love the battles too but i can perfectly have both things yknow.
anyway just my silly little thoughs that have been going thru my mind these past weeks, i take this game too seriously but i also feel like it's dumb not to because that's what it wants you to do.
hope things go well when the definitive edition drops and that everyone enjoys it 8)
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americansrequiems · 1 month
music monday
thank u both @sznofthesticks and @lemonlyman-dotcom for the tags <33 this is a new concept to me and it’s a really cool one!! so today i’ll mostly focus on the tk, carlos, and something a little extra at the end!
the rules: songs you relate to LS characters!!!
gotta let go of weight, can’t keep what’s holdin’ me choose to watch, while the world break up and fall on me all the while, i’ll await my armored fate with a smile still wanna try, still believe in (good days) good days, always, always inside good day living in my mind
this song is about introspection and personal growth. the lyrics discuss emotions and memories while acknowledging the pain and mistakes of the past. the song explains that yes, you can make mistakes and go through issues, but you can also look forward to the next day and what's next. you can choose to be positive and hold your head up high, even through the struggles. i feel like this fits tk— he chooses to live in every moment, while acknowledging that he's made mistakes and has gone through some problems (addiction/past relationships) in the past.
carlos (and gabriel!):
i wanna say it's alright you're just a man after all and I know you had demons i got some of my own i think you passed them along i wanna tell you about the time wanna tell you about my life wanna play you all my songs and hear your voice sing along
this song is about a complex father/son relationship that is only intensified by grief. the first half of ths song expresses resentment and disappointment towards the lack of a relationship w/ the dad (ie. unable to confront him over unspoken actions that have caused a rift. sound familiar?) the second half is more forgiving, more gentler. it talks about the influence and positivity surrounding that father/son relationship, a desire to share life experiences and seek a sense of closure due to grief. i think that the carlos and gabriel relationship is very complex and fascinating, especially now that gabriel has died and carlos has all of this grief inside of him: what does he do with all of it? (the day i write my gabriel/carlos exploration fic is the day that i'll celebrate.)
tk x carlos:
where would you like to spend eternity? if i bring you to my world, you'll never wanna leave if you take away my air, how am i supposed to breathe? tell me, why would we be here if this ain't meant to be? you know where to find me (you know where to find me) go on and call my number, i'll pick up
this song explores the nuances of a romantic relationship. the softness, the passion and challenges that comes with being in love/allowing yourself to be loved by somebody. this song reflects on the intimacy and intensity of the concept of loving— and it has that overall “floating” feeling people get when they allow themselves to fall in love. to me, tk and carlos are always redefining what love is— when they first get together, when they get back together post-breakup, when they’re engaged and finally, when they get married. i think that there’s this constant “passion” when it comes to them and that’s only intensified by the time they’re married. plus. it’s kali uchis. i don’t need to say anything else.
and finally… you know i had to do it…
grace/nancy/tommy/paul (basically all of the poc characters in ls, but them specifically):
nothin' really ends for things to stay the same, they have to change again hello, my old friend you change your name, but not the ways you play pretend american requiem them big ideas (yeah), are buried here amen
this song is very dear to me, let me start out by saying that. this song is about carving out a space, it’s about saying— look, i am here too, and i belong here, just like you do. this is all my opinion. as a woc, and maybe i’m just talking here— i feel like paul/grace/nancy/tommy (yes, carlos/marjan/mateo too— but i want to talk abt them specifically for a moment.) they have all had moments to where they haven’t felt welcome— is it because of how they look? of how they talk? or is it because of something totally different? they’re all talented first responders too, right? i feel like that the feeling of “you are not welcomed” kind of follows them around no matter where they go, no matter how progressive your coworkers are— there’s always that feeling of doubt inside that can’t go away. especially (if you’re paul and nancy, being a poc and part of the lgbtq+ community is def something that makes people pay attention, negatively or positively). however, this song turns all of that on its head and celebrates that, celebrates who you are no matter what you look like. look at me, i’m a damn good person, and i belong here, and i will continue to have my voice heard.
again, the songs and the analysis that comes with it are all based off of my opinion. so do not come for me lmao.
(tagging, no pressure: @heartstringsduet, @nancygillianmvp, @carlos-tk, @reyesstrand and idk who else has been tagged lmao)
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cloverwood · 2 months
morningggg, actually speaking of discord servers, mine is actually up and running now. It's a little barebones but things will be added as needed ^_^ so...
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an 18+ only discord server mainly aimed at mythkin and otherkin! For adult alterhumans of these calibers to discuss and share experiences in a comfortable space just for us!
I often found that while I enjoy interacting with younger alterhumans on all ages servers it never felt like i could truly connect or be myself. I think a lot of adult non humans have quite different experiences going through life and I've been craving a place just for us to chat and share our stories ^_^ and maybe talk about topics that wouldn't usually be allowed in all ages servers. If this seems interesting to you please give this server a look! It's still in its infancy and it may take me a while to get through all the verifications if theres a big influx of users but I hope to keep this community quite small and cozy. Thanks!
If you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask in the replies or DM me ^_^
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icantspellthings · 4 months
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salsa-di-pomodoro · 1 year
I've been playing Luigi's Mansion 3 blind for the first time despite having had the game for three to four years and i just want to say i absolutely love Luigi. I thought this when i played Luigi's Mansion 2 and i think it now this guy is so brave. Like he's just a little guy and he's got a resting happy blank face and he's so so scared but he's being so so brave about everything, people don't give him enough credit. Guy is a scaredy cat and still chose to stay in the haunted hotel where everything wants his ass dead just to save his friends and family. And he's doing a damn good job of it too, King Boo and the other one are getting increasingly pissed every time i see them <3
Anyway yeah if my brain wasn't already occupied with like three different blorbos he'd be a great candidate for one. Luigi my beloved (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
(if he gets paired up with someone i'm glad it's Bowser. He deserves someone how treats him right and we all know Bowser is the guy for that)
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strangezuicide · 1 year
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JTHM (The H stands for high)
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coridallasmultipass · 25 days
Personal vent post, how I tag things, apologies for this probably showing up in search results because I'm not censoring words (do not have the spoons rn)
So I'm getting really frustrated (at the situation, not at individual people! Sorry to vague right after getting a request, I was gonna make this post like a week ago) that multiple people have asked me not to tag Bro/Cal reblogs as Stridercest.
Stridercest does not mean incest, it means Strider/Strider relationship. I'm tagging it for followers who don't want to see Strider/Strider at all (or for those who do, too, I guess). On MY blog, it has NO bearing on whether or not something is incest. Lil Cal has been a Strider since Day 1 to me, way before any of the events after Act 6, as a pure vanilla puppet. A Strider by marriage, in my opinion. But I'm not opposed to calculating the amount of Strider that got put in Lil Cal, as I've done before. You also have Dirk/Hal which is also Stridercest, but not incest (at least in canon, sometimes it is incest in fan depictions). Or Guardiancest, which I don't think counts as incest in canon either (but usually always is in fan depictions). Even selfcest between one Strider (beta!Dave/beta!Dave in a time travel situation, for example) is still gonna be Stridercest to me.
The ONLY Stridercest I add the specific ship tag for is Bro/Cal, because that's otp5eva for me, separate from any other Strider stuff (Stridercest probably doesn't even make top 3 HS ships for me). Everything else only gets the blanket Stridercest in reblogs, because I already tag a lot, I don't have the energy to add nuanced tags for weird Strider situations, and whether or not that constitutes incest, or which version of a character it is, especially when the artist/authors don't usually make the difference explicitly stated in their own caption/tags, and sometimes it's vague on purpose! (I'm currently writing a fic where Bro and Dirk are the same person! I'm not gonna make the distinction a big deal.)
It's mostly frustrating because then I have to decide if untagging the relationship as Stridercest is going to make someone else following me uncomfortable who will then see it untagged.
Going forth, I am going to delete whatever reblog I made if I get this request from someone else again. I'm trying to remember names, so I don't reblog any future content that would conflict with their requests, but this has already happened with three people in like the past two weeks. Had to block one person for telling me to die because I tagged "Stridercest" on the post preventatively, as usual, because I care about tagging for my followers. (I literally checked their blog like 3 times to make sure they didn't have a DNI pinned, and I still got told to die for my efforts lmao.)
Literally, please just DM me privately (thank you to the other people who did, sorry for the trouble!), and I will either delete the reblog, or block you if you request that. I'm not TRYING to make people uncomfortable, which is the whole reason why I tag it to begin with.
So, I'm not un-tagging shit anymore, it's delete only from now on. I'm not going against my own blog rules I set both to try and accommodate my followers, and to make searching my blog easier for myself. (Used to not tag anything from like 2011-2016 or later, and I'm still in the process of back-tagging everything, since it's been so frustrating to find old fandom posts.)
#unrelated but if you need me to tag something else ill try and accommodate it#im just not differentiating all the stridercest ships in tags its not possible the artists dont always make the distinction known#im still tagging shit ppl asked me to in 2012 and i dont think ive seen them interact with me in years lmao#if i miss a tag on something u can dm me sometimes i forget to tag hs on things bc in trying to tag all the characters in a group#id rather over-tag something than under-tag it since this function is available on this site#i should make a pinned post or something explaining my other tags honestly but i dont think enough people care#its just ughhh its prob gonna take pc use to navigate my official about me page. which is an ordeal because i cant click to it...#...without using a mouse and my mouse doesnt reach to my couch where i usually use my pc#i hate that about mes have been made obsolete by pinned posts and the inability to see blog themes on mobile or by the share link#wouldve been nice if they made the option to put a button to the about me page accessible to mobile users#havent been able to update mine in a while ider whats on there besides highlights of my blogs#anyway i got irl shit to do rn i spent way too much time explaining all this ugh it takes me so long to type anything#Cori.exe#Post.exe#im about to have like the worst week of my life btw pls send prayers that i can physically attend all the appointments i have this week#i can hardly lift a cup of water to my mouth im in so much fucking pain and its humiliating and miserable#its not even the endo this time its my back and idk what triggered it. must have been built up bc of all the stress i put on it...#...over the past like 3 weeks of doing backbreaking activities that needed to be done. i hate this so much lol
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emilykaldwen · 3 months
Your fic is so detailed and rich in background info that it's both amazingly jaw dropping and incredibly intimidating as someone playing in the same sandbox. I am very happy this story opened the writing flood gates for you ❤
jksldfhskdfhjgsd It's the culmination of two decades of fic reading and self-examination askdjhasd I don't know what unlocked in my brain but here we are. AND HUSH YOU. Comparison is the thief of joy, and we're all just playing here. YOU HAVE AMAZING IDEAS TOO! But thank you for the kind words. I am pretty proud of it!
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seiwas · 9 months
um is it rlly a thing that ppl copy your tags when they rb from you?
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I'm actually so shitty at separating romantic feelings from platonic ones. Sobbing into my hands.
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zeawesomebirdie · 4 months
This is probably just me not knowing how to utilise google correctly but WHY is it so hard to find Western novels about gay men that aren't romance novels
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charcoalstardust · 1 year
second(?) nonart/nonwriting post i've put in the outlast tag but i literally do not enter fandom spaces very often because bad experiences gave me extremely overwhelming anxiety which means i have no idea when a fandom's like... okay or not and not knowing freaks me tf out so—
what's the usual reaction to canon divergent aus? good? bad? is the outlast fandom nice on ao3? genuinely want to know.
ig if you're curious on details uhh... here it's abt outlast au stuff:
i can safely say i have a solid outlast au now and while there's def bits in it that are different it's the outlast 2 part that is like. the most canon-divergent. that and the murkoff account epilogue events would be different—
no antichrist stuff. idk i just didn't like it man 🤷🏾
different prophecy shit that's blood + bloodline-centric so it doesn't change A LOT of shit as far as i've worked on it??
still involves blake & lynn and everyone wants to kill them it's just for different reasons
lynn also runs around temple gate
lynn also lives
lynn & miles are siblings
walrider + miles presence
can the walrider for sure shapeshift bc walrider shapeshifting into a bunch of fucking ants sounds so much funnier than walrider possessed ants. imagine it for me.
radio tower foundations are found completely crumbled and a main power generator is destroyed. a few of murkoff's men + miriam (an oc) go investigate an hour before pauline arrives at the chapel and they find miles unconscious nearby and bring him down
basically he, lynn, and blake all get sent to elrich and get stuck there for a fairly long time. at least a month or two
only reason they even get medical attention at elrich is so they don't suddenly have any complications that render them useless too early and also they need miles alive bc he's the host of the walrider (and exactly what murkoff wanted when they funded the project) AND besides they're all equal leverage bc they're family
waylon, through a few extra hands of other people trying to stop murkoff, discovers where these three are and w/ a friend of miles + the langermann's & lisa, they go to elrich to fuck up the security footage and save them
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