#so go check it out when you have the time if you'd like
woso-dreamzzz · 1 day
Shots III
Magdalena Eriksson x Child!Reader
Fridolina Rolfö x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You need a flu shot
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"So they just jab it in?" Frido asks over dinner, mouth open and eyes wide.
"Yeah," Magda says, nodding furiously," Needle out and just jabbed in." She demonstrates with her hand. "It's the worst. It hurts her super bad."
"That's awful. You'd think they'd find a pain-free version to deliver vaccines. But she's all caught up, right?"
Magda shakes her head. "I forgot to take her to get her flu shot before we left Germany. Pernille's so mad at me."
"But we're only in camp, right? There's no way she's going to sick. I mean-"
Frido's cut off by a loud sneeze from Filippa followed by a brutal round of coughing.
"Pernille's going to kill you."
Magda groans, burying her head in her hands. "I've arranged with the team doctors to give Princesse her shot here."
"But..." Frido frowns. "She won't like it here anymore if we make her get shots!"
"I think that's Pernille's plan," Magda replies," If we give Princesse shots here then she'll stop wanting to come. It's genius."
"It's rude."
"Still genius though."
Frido sighs loudly, shaking her head. "I can't believe you put us in this position, Magda! Why couldn't you have just taken her to get her shot in Germany?"
"It slipped my mind!"
"Well now she's going to slip away from Sweden!" Frido continues," We can't let her start going back to Denmark! She'll want to play for their team soon enough! We can't lose her!"
"I know!" Magda replies," But I also don't want to lose Princesse privileges and that will definitely happen if we don't take her to get her shot."
"This is awful," Frido bemoans," I can't believe it's come to this."
Zećira, who had been silent through the entire conversation, sighs. "You're so dramatic."
Dramatic or not, Magda is forced to take you to get your flu shot. Pernille might actually kill her if she doesn't and Frido tags along for the ride, supposedly to remind you of all the great things Sweden has that Denmark hasn't like IKEA and Zećira.
"I know Zećira is here," You tell Frido as Magda leads you into the doctor's office," She's always here."
"I know," Frido says," But just remember how much you like being taught by Zećira."
"I know that!" You say, cheeks puffed out in annoyance," You're being weird!"
Before Frido can defend herself though, Magda hauls you up onto the little bed set up in the room.
"So," The nice doctor man says," Just a flu shot, is that right?"
"That's right."
"Morsa forgot to take me when we were in Germany," You tell him, much to Magda's embarrassment," Momma yelled at her for ages and ages and ages and ages-"
"She's never had a reaction to them before?" The doctor asks Magda.
"-And ages and ages and ages-"
"No reactions," Magda confirms, feeling a sense of nausea creeping in," She's always been fine with them."
"-And ages and ages!" You finish," And Morsa had to sleep on the sofa and I took her space in the Big Bed!"
The nice doctor man smiles at you. "That sounds cool." He wheels himself closer. "Can you open your mouth for me, please?"
You do as you're told and he inspects your throat before moving his hands to check your neck hasn't swelled up. He checks your temperature too and whatever he finds satisfies him because he wheels away to get the medicine Morsa said you were getting given today.
Frido has to hold her breath. it's been a long time since she's had to have any shots herself. She's forgotten what they look like.
Tears already start building in her eyes as the doctor brings out the syringe, uncapping the top.
It doesn't look sharp. In fact it doesn't look like any needle Frido's ever seen before and that makes it so much worse.
It doesn't look like it would easily go into skin so it's definitely going to hurt you a lot.
She sucks in a ragged gasp for air before holding her breath again.
"Have you ever had this done before?" The nice doctor man asks and you nod your head.
"Momma took me last year!"
"And did it look like this?"
You study it for a moment. "Uh-huh."
"Well, it looks like you're a pro. You ready?"
To Frido and Magda's horror, he positions the syringe in your nose, releasing the vaccine quickly before turning to do the same with your other nostril.
"I...I think I feel sick," Frido says, clutching her tummy.
She doesn't know why you're not crying. It must have hurt much more to have the needle jabbed into your nose twice.
She had no idea doctors were working out ways to make kids hate having shots even more.
"All done!" The doctor says," Would you like a sticker?"
"Yes, please!"
You choose a sticker with a kitten on it, slamming it straight onto your shirt before jumping down from the bed.
Frido and Magda are still clutching each other, traumatised from what they've just witnessed.
You frown. "You're both being weird. It was just a spray."
Magda freezes. "Huh?"
"I makes my nose all tingly but I'm fine!" You give them both a beaming smile.
"A spray?"
"Yes," The doctor says," We've started to move away from giving young children actually injections to help against flu. The nasal spray is much more effective...and painless."
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obae-me · 2 days
Happy Birthday to my favorite boy who I love with my whole soul!
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He's ostentatious, yes. It's hard to think otherwise with his title of Pride, his extravagant clothes, his dramatic entrances, and his peacock-like aura; always strutting about with his head held high and his metaphorical and oftentimes literal wings held out fluttering behind him.
So, it's easy to forget how much he loves simplicity. How he craves normalcy.
You'll fully admit you had misjudged him when his first birthday with you rolled around. Rumors forced visions of Diavolo putting a screeching halt over the whole kingdom, making everyone come out of their homes and business in droves just to celebrate. He'd have a limo or flying carriage take him to an exclusive five-star restaurant, drinking millennia old Demonus so expensive, one drop could have Mammon rolling in money for months. All the while decked up to the nines- the tens, even.
But, you quickly learned that those symbols of opulence were not what he wanted.
However, this year, you still found doubt clawing at your insides. Was this enough? His brothers assured you that what you all had planned was more than adequate, but it was still difficult to think so. You wanted to give him the world... Now you knew Diavolo's struggles firsthand when it came to the fallen angel.
After he had fallen asleep, you'd rolled over and disabled the timer on his phone. Mammon had already somehow snuck in and stolen Lucifer's alarm clock, eliminating his backup (which might already be sold at this point). He could sleep in now. Diavolo had already given Lucifer the day off, but old habits died hard, and everyone assumed he'd be up before he needed to.
The plan was set. He'd wake up to already-made coffee he could sip in bed before lumbering down to breakfast in his pajamas. There would be no arguing, the house would be clean, and everyone was ready to participate in a historical museum tour that was showcasing demon adaptations of human technologies. One of which was the first magical rendition of an assembly line.
Then you'd head out to have tea and snacks in the Royal Gardens. It would be just you, him, and Diavolo (with Barbatos serving of course) while the others set up a party at the House. The only ones attending would be family and close friends. It would be then that he opened presents, ate his favorite homemade dinner, and drank a little in the company of others while playing different games. Then while the night was fairly young, you'd offer to take him away.
As you rolled over in bed, listening to his light breathing as he slept soundly, you couldn't help but feel both nervous and excited for what you had planned for him. For months, you had tried scouting for the perfect gift. Was this...enough? It deviated from what you would normally plan to get him. It wasn't a cursed record or a set of cufflinks or a tie or anything like that. This year, you'd managed to find a music box. It played a lovely little tune that had the sort of melody that forced you to go quiet, chills running down your spine. But this wasn't just any music box. No. Under certain conditions, it would show the listener the memory that would make them the happiest in that moment. And the conditions were easy, one only needed to turn the winding key exactly six times.
Thinking about presenting it to him made you all giddy inside, knowing that he could use it whenever he felt particularly stressed...but also more anxiety allowed itself to flood your nerves. What if it had somehow broken in the spot you'd hidden the gift in?! Did you check it twice last night? Yes. But stranger things had happened in this house, broken things were actually quite common. So, you'd check on it again...just to be sure.
You eyed Lucifer as you slipped out of bed, keeping the mattress from bobbing too much as you tip-toed your way out of his room. Straight to the planetarium you went, assured by the youngest sibling that he'd keep it safe by shooing Lucifer out of the area if he got too close, which was so common already the eldest shouldn't get suspicious. Slipping your way into the room, you rushed over to the specific chair you had hid it behind. The ground was cold as you sat down on it, your legs crossed over each other as you sighed in relief as the intact music box was pulled into your lap.
"Might as well give it a test run," you muttered to no one but yourself as the key clicked six times. Music poured out into the room as you opened the lid. Mist seemed to shimmer a little in the air, a scene projected into the magic. Faint voices played into your mind, syllables almost twinkling in time with the notes.
"You worry too much." A familiar voice had you smile a bit sheepishly, an old memory of Lucifer shaking his head at you being the music box's memory of choice. "I've told you time and time again that you don't need to fret over impressing me, or whatever that silly word you said was." Ah, yes...you remembered this now...it was some time ago, worrying over some kind of RAD gala. Even now you weren't exactly sure what the specific thing you had panicked so grievously over was, but you had been so anxious over letting everyone down, especially the one who you held so close to your heart. In the image, Lucifer grabbed your face, looking so deeply into your eyes, it was as if he were reaching through the haze to assure you all over again. "And if I must, I will continue to tell you time and time and time again, even if my jaw must break from the strain. So take a breath, relax your shoulders, and remember that--"
"I love you," something echoed. You jumped, your arms pulling the music box close to your body instead of launching it in the air. You shut the lid as you glanced over your shoulder.
The demon chuckled a bit as he tucked the fabric of his robe tighter against his body as he came up behind you, getting on his knees and resting his chin sleepily on your shoulder. "Should I be offended or pleased that you're sneaking off in the middle of the night to meet up with another me?"
You audibly sighed. So he saw... "Shouldn't you be asleep?"
"Answering a question with a question are we?" As he mused he wrapped his arms around your torso.
"Answering my question to your question with another question?" you quipped right back.
Even without fully seeing him you could feel his eyes roll. He gave you a squeeze and pressed his cheek right next to yours. "Am I to assume...perhaps rather selfishly...if all the secrecy is to imply that this interesting little thing is mine?"
A long pause settled between you. Was this...a bit of disappointment bubbling inside you? "It was supposed to be a surprise..."
If anyone knew the tragedy of derailed plans, it would be him. He hummed in apologetic understanding. "I can pretend like I didn't see it."
That actually had you chuckle a bit, shaking your head. You scooted on the floor to turn around to face him. Grabbing one of his hands, you placed the gift inside his palm. "Happy birthday, Lucifer. May this uplift you in those darker moments when I can't be there. May your birthday this year add to the pool of happy memories to choose from. May I be by your side for another birthday, and the birthday after that, and so many more to come." You leaned forward and kissed his cheek, chuckling at his slightly wild bed-hair that you were just now getting a good look at.
He went a bit silent, and you could've sworn as his eyes shut for a moment, a little bit of color came to his cheeks. He set your gift off to the side of himself as his arms wrapped around you once more, pulling you into a tight embrace. "And may I get to tell you time and time and time and time again...how much I love you."
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boyfhee · 3 days
﹙𝓲ssue﹚ㅤ:ㅤboyfriend headcanonsㅤ...ㅤ( 니키 )
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ㅤㅤ﹙1190﹚ ㅤ장르 fluff, est. rel, troublemaker!riki, sort of golden retriver x black cat tropeㅤㅤwarnings kissingㅤㅤᐢᗜᐢ thank u to ri for helping me with this i love u iNDEX requested ps it's my first time writing this golden retriever and black cat thing i hope i did well ><
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he'd be annoying— affectionately, of course, while also claiming to be the sweetest and nicest boyfriend you could ever have, which is true.
ruffles your hair just whenever. he likes to see your brows furrowed, lips in a frown. you think you look oh so mad however, all he sees is his cute and adorable girlfriend.
wants your attention so bad ! you'd be on a call and he would poke your cheeks, wanting you to focus on him. if you two are out and you bump into a friend, he'll be holding your hand and fiddling with your fingers. down the hallways between classes, catch him pecking your cheeks quickly and walking away as if nothing happened.
would wake you up with tickles, it mostly escalates into a tickle fight. with limbs tangled and you pushing him away while he's adamant on winning— often distracts you with kisses and it works every single time.
and the silly pranks he pulls on your define your relationship !
whether it's scaring you from behind or texting you from another room in a tone that alerts all your senses and when you actually go to check up on him, he's on his bed laughing, asking you to turn off the lights, maybe.
definitely ends up eating your snacks ... he is not holding himself back when those delicacies are in the fridge begging him to devour them TT
“ki,” you'd call his name with a serious and heavy tone, looking at the empty box in your hand. “you ate my cookies again.”
and he would shake his head in denial, giving you an innocent look, lying ever so efficiently. “no, i did not. you ate them, remember? last night, when you wanted snacks,”
“stop gaslighting me,”
however, he would buy more of those snacks for you, along with others that you like. you refuse to share out of spite, but how can you ignore him when he gives you one of his pouts and cute smiles ... even though they morph into a mischievous smirk when you agree to share.
would dodge your kisses and point and laugh at your face. at times, he would just stand up, taking advantage of his height and challenge you to kiss him.
sometimes, you avoid his kisses as a pay back and he just deadpans before cupping your cheeks and kissing you so you can't avoid them or look away anymore ㅠㅠ
0.5 selfies and pics are your thing. he takes at least one such photo of you on dates and adds it to his 'favourites' album which has almost every single pic of you in his phone.
by the way, he has a private album with pictures of you sleeping. only because you look so cute in your sleep and sometimes make faces, and also because you end up snuggling into him and he can't help but take a picture to tease you later.
your relationship is mostly you two goofing around a lot, sometimes chasing each other around the house when he takes an embarrassing picture of you and runs away with the phone, or down the street when you two are returning from a little ice cream date and he takes a bite from your popsicle.
loves to scare you while you two are watching horror movies, and then would get offended when you slap his arm in return.
and when you end up falling asleep on his shoulder during movies, he simply tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear, looking at you fondly with a smile before pulling you closer.
“i like that i'm the only one who gets you see you like this.”
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justasmut26 · 3 days
My dangerous man
The most dangerous man you have ever dated...was currently trying to get your attention from your book.
You looked up from your page, surprised that he had come home early from patrol, his suit torn and raggedy.
Small cuts appeared on his body, but you knew not to worry over those; it was the big wounds that he tried to hide from you that made you panic.
"You're back early! Did...something happen?" you ask, a strange, dazed look on his face as he stepped on through the window.
He didn't answer, chucking his helmet in the corner of your room, stepping closer with an intense look on his face, his eyes gazing into you as if you were the only thing in the world.
And then you saw the hunger in his gaze, as he took in your pajamas (cotton shorts and one of his long t-shirts that you'd stolen from him), his gaze lingering on your legs for too long.
"H-how did the mission go? Who was it that you were after again?" you asked, trying to break the tension.
"Poison Ivy." Jason expressed, and for a moment, your heart stopped.
You now had a hunch on why he was acting the way he was, wanting to test the theory but also a bit skittish on his behavior.
You remember a conversation of long ago that you had with Jason, how Poison Ivy had gotten even more annoying ever since she had developed aphrodisiac spores. She'd use it sparingly, but when she did, Jason admitted to you that it took him hours of jerking off before it was out of his system.
And this is the first time it had happened since you two started dating.
"Jason." you say, holding up your hands out to him in case he got too close. "I-I know what happened to you, and I can leave if you want to-"
He had you cornered then, putting his hands on either side of you as he leaned into you, trapping you against the wall.
"Why would I want you to leave? Especially when you look so good", he inhaled then, "And smell so good?"
At this point, you're trembling a little, and he's gotten so close, you can smell the leather and the faint smell of rain coming off of him.
This was new territory for you, mostly because out of the three brothers, Jason had managed to find self-control, treating you with respect, and always careful when he made love to you.
But now, he looked at you as if he was starved, and his muscles flexed, as if he was trying to keep himself under control, and not scare you away.
And in a way, it was hot. Jason who was level-headed. and always looked at you with adoration and love was now looking at you like as if he had a million things he wanted to do to you.
So maybe this gives you the confidence to push his buttons a little. You reach out and trace the side of his jaw, his eyes closing as he shudders. As he does so, all you can think about is how long Jason had to jerk himself off to get the aphrodisiac spores from his system, and you're wondering if it'll take that long for him to get better if he uses you instead.
"Y/N," he struggles out, keeping his body locked as his eyes stay closed. "If this is too much, tell me and I'll leave."
"Where will you go, this is your apartment?"
"To the Manor or something." he says, leaning over so his nose is now grazing your shoulder.
"Does...does it hurt?" you ask instead, and he shakes his head.
"The spores effect the excitatory neurotransmitters* to shoot off more excitement to the neurons which causes arousal to happen." he breathes, and for some reason, you find that very hot.
Just how brainy he is, and the way he's struggling to keep himself in check.
"Wow, you said a lot of words." you tease, brushing your lips against his jaw.
He lets out a sound, and it's one you've never heard of before.
You made Jason Peter Todd whimper.
That unlocks something in you, because all of a sudden, you're helping him take off his suit, tracing his chest with your hands as your lips kiss his neck, and he's so caught off guard that he's frozen at first before he starts helping you help him get undressed.
When you're reaching for his pants, Jason snaps out of it then, pulling you up and plopping you down on the bed. Your shorts are gone, underwear flying next, and you're both surprised and impressed how quick he works.
"I need you to be ready." he murmurs, as he leans down, spreading your thighs open, and his tongue grazing your clit.
It's not something you're expecting, and a soft gasp of surprise escapes you, but Jason tightens his hold on your thighs his mouth going to work as he licks and sucks your pussy, his fingers going in and out of you.
In no time, he has you moaning, and laying back on the bed as your hips arch up to him but his hold is so firm, you couldn't really move even if you wanted to, your legs resting over his shoulders.
When you orgasm, it's so intense, your body arches off the bed, but he doesn't stop there, licking you clean, and then pulling off your shirt and pushing your bra to the side as his fingers rub your peaked nipples, making the stimulation build up again.
"W-wait-" you try to stutter out, so sensitive from your first orgasm.
But Jason doesn't hear, going back to town, this time rubbing and touching your breasts, and licking and sucking on your clit making you cum again.
You're lying there then, feeling dazed from the first two orgasms he's given you, when he stands up, dropping his pants, and you see his erection basically getting ready to burst free from his boxers.
"Let me know if it's too rough." he says, and you nod, as he fists his cock a little, a soft groan escaping him.
He puts a condom on, and then with slowed urgency, goes through your cunt, shuddering a bit as he feels you adjust.
And then...he begins to thrust.
Slow, because he's appreciating the view, rubbing and pinching your breasts and nipples, and when that's not enough for him, leaning down and his mouth suckling on your nipples, making you let out a moan.
That's when Jason breaks, starting to increase in thrusting, holding your hips in place as he keeps going, making you buck and moan, and groan, your hands trying to reach for him and hold on to him, but he's not having it, pinning your wrists down as he goes the same pace but rougher, biting the top of your breast causing you to moan even louder.
"Come on baby, give me a little more, just a little more." he whispers, as he grunts, and continues on thrusting into you, the pleasure building up as you finally break when his fingers rub your clit oh so slowly.
This time, your vision is a bit spotty, and you're trying to catch your breath when you realize that Jason has only pulled out long enough to change his condom, and change your position, making you lay on your stomach.
"Jay, I-" you start to say, but he's already in you, doing it doggy style, as he guides your hips with his large hands, slamming down on him, his cock going deeper in you than before.
You don't even bother hiding the noises, feeling him lean over as he cups your breasts, rubbing and touch, and pinching your nipples.
You finally cum when he spanks your ass, him following suit after, and you wonder how long it'll be before the spores have left his system.
2 hours. It took two hours of pleasuring, of sexing, of so much damn orgasm after orgasm before Jason finally tapped out, leaving you ruined. He threw away the used condoms, careful to clean you as he tried not to fall asleep instantly from the euphoria he had of having sex with you.
Meanwhile, you lie there limp, trying to gather your bearings because he did indeed fuck the shit out of you. He wipes you off, and down, pulling you close as he cuddles you, kissing your face gently.
"H...holy shit..." you rasp, voice overused from crying out his name.
"I'm sorry." Jason says, and you wave off his apology, too exhausted to really say anything.
You both lie together as sleep takes over.
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For the mafia bad sanses, what if we did try and run away?
Oho, the hunt is on.
Horror likes a chase. He always has, he's a hunter at heart. He's also very good at it; he pays much closer attention than people realise to the very small details. On top of being excellent at following scents, easily capable of tracking your movements, he knows your habits and routines like the back of his hand and he can accurately predict where you'll go and what you'll do during your brief escape. Nightmare absolutely expects Horror to find you first - the other two use him like one might use a bloodhound, following his bulldozing lead through the city.
Though it's fun to chase you down, Horror's genuinely worried about you the whole time you're gone. It doesn't help that Nightmare feeds his paranoia to ensure Horror is a vigilant guard - don't you understand he's trying to protect you? He will bring you back. He has to keep his loved ones in places he can keep an eye on them. He's not angry when he finds you, he's not even upset... he just checks you for injuries, and asks if you're hungry.
When you get back, he'll get you a snack.
Dust understands. He really does. He would run away, too, if there wasn't so much on the line for him. But he really feels like an idiot. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he had started to think of the situation as you and him against them. He started to feel like, maybe, there was... a connection forming? He started to feel like maybe you understood him. Maybe... maybe you trusted him. Maybe he could open up.
... You fleeing is a jolt back to reality. You didn't tell him anything before you left. You don't trust him; he's not your friend. You see him as one of them. Now he feels stupid and embarrassed.
Dust drags his feet about hunting you down. He follows Nightmare's orders, like he always does, but it's obvious he's just letting the other two do it. He still looks after you - he would never go back on his word. But you can tell something's changed.
Killer certainly enjoys chasing. He likes tossing you over one shoulder once he's found you and he's itching for a reason to kill anyone who scared/hurt you before they found you. But once he's actually got you, he's... mature? Sympathetic? He talks to you gently, but without being patronising. What the hell, is this even Killer? He chats with you during the trip home, assuring you that you're not in trouble. He genuinely wants to know why you ran... he wants you to get it out, insisting bottling it up won't help anyone.
... He also explains that when you're outside without them, you're in real, genuine danger. Nightmare is infamous - his enemies might want to take out their frustrations on his prize human, but on top of that, some of his allies might think you're a defector and grasp the opportunity to prove their loyalty by hurting you. Killer's words are gentle, but he paints a vivid picture.
Seems like he really doesn't want you to leave.
Nightmare is frustrated.
When you're brought before him again, you think he's angry with you. He's certainly angry. But at you? Goodness, no, never at you. He's angry at his guards for finding you so slow, and not sufficiently preventing your escape. You're not to blame here, it only makes sense that a pretty bird like you would take flight through the first open window it sees. Nightmare doesn't appear phased by this at all - in fact, the only real consequence (if you could even call it that) for you is that Nightmare is insistent on having a garden built for you, so you can get fresh air to avoid cabin fever. He keeps asking what flowers you'd prefer for it. It's kinda alarming, how blase he is about someone he likes trying trying to flee him.
(Nightmare's very pleased that this has driven a wedge between you and Dust. Better you focus on him instead, dear.)
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exhaslo · 1 day
Hi! Could I ask for a short request if you have the time? I'm just imagining reader in Corruption getting pregnant with twins and Miguel just goes crazy for it. She's too tired to do much - because she's quite small and fragile - but he just follows her around and is just always finding ways to touch her and kiss her and just admire her body because it's become so obediant to him that it's produced two babies in one go?! 😱
I just want to see Corruption Miguel absolutely whipped for his pregnant little wife 😍.
Omg Villain!Miguel will go nuts! Also, LOVING the love that Villain!Miguel is getting!!
Warning: None, just fluff, twisted thoughts, manipulation
Yes! Yes! Yes!
The moment that Lyla, not you, announced that you were pregnant was the best day in Miguel's life.
Miguel was sure to always have your states on his watch, making sure that you were always healthy. Lyla was your nurse, to a point, always checking up on you and reporting to Miguel. Miguel was not going to lose this chance.
Miguel was always with you for every doctor visit. The mad scientist himself, needed to understand the process of child birth. Miguel made sure to get the best doctor in the city to watch and care for you.
When it was time for your ultrasound, Miguel was over the moon. His own eyes staring at the child in your belly. The child that he worked hard to create. The child that you were finally giving him.
"Oh, there is a second head. We have twins," The doctor hummed.
Miguel's eyes widen. Unable to control his excitement, he gave you a deep and passionate kiss. You were in a daze from the sudden kiss. Miguel withheld his laughter throughout the whole visit. By the time you got home, Miguel was all over you.
"Mhm~ Miggy~" You cooed. Miguel kept his hands against your waist, kissing your neck,
"My good girl. Such a obedient, perfect, girl. Giving me twins. I must reward you." Miguel hummed. You felt your face fluster as you couldn't help but smile,
"It's just our luck~"
"No. Your body was made for me. Wants to prove how much it loves me and my seed to give me twins,"
You whined, covering your face from embarrassment as Miguel kept showering you with kisses. This wasn't like him, but you were loving every second of it.
Miguel was being so overprotected. He kept you at home, taking you out only when he cleared the city of every criminal. For once, Miguel was playing a hero, but only for you.
Miguel made sure that nothing came to your harm. Hell, he even killed and used those bodies as a warning to not ruin his day. You came first.
You always came first.
As the months flew by, your body was growing weak and tired. The pregnancy was draining you and constantly making you hungry.
Miguel was always prepared. He made sure that you always had everything you craved, gave you all the vitamins you needed, and even gave you massages.
His hands were always on you. Miguel wanted to make sure he could always feel you caring for his child. Whether it was giving you a foot massage or just touching your belly. Miguel was just excited to have twins.
You were giving him twins.
"Miguel...what about work?" You asked tiredly as you tried to get off the bed.
Miguel glanced up at you, carefully pulling you down. His head buried against your neck as he rubbed your belly. Soft kisses against your neck as he tried to feel the baby.
"You come first. The baby comes first," Miguel whispered, "Today is going to be about you."
"Awe, Miguel~" You cooed, "Can we...get breakfast first? I'm hungry,"
"Of course,"
Miguel was careful to help you up, staring at your large belly. His lips twitched into a smirk as he saw the babies kick. His hands roaming your stomach, wanting to feel. You were carrying the future of humanity.
"Hehe, who would have thought you'd be so loving~" You chuckled, putting your hands against his, "I'm a little jealous~"
"Don't be. Once our children are born, I'll be sure to give you more attention. How else are we to give them siblings?"
"Eep! Miguel!" You whined, covering your face against his chest.
Miguel rubbed your back, finding you adorable. You had already agreed to carry as many children as possible for Miguel. You had to be a good girl and give him everything he wanted. He had to wait so long for this...
And you were going to give it to him.
When it was time for you to give birth, Miguel made arrangements to have the birth at his place. He hired the personal doctor and some nurses and got all of the equipment that they needed.
It was too risky to have you give birth at a hospital. Miguel didn't want to risk anything happening to his children or you. With all the enemies he had...Miguel made sure to keep you a secret.
"Ah!!" You cried out.
Holding your hand, Miguel watched as the doctors helped you. Your grip was tight, it almost hurt. If Miguel were a normal human then you might have broken his hand. Oh, how great it was to have you give birth to his babies.
His super human babies.
Listening to you crying as you pushed, Miguel tried to comfort you. After a few more pushes, you were a panting mess as the room was filled with crying.
"That's my girl," Miguel kissed your head, more focused on the twins.
The doctors and nurses cleaned the two babies before giving them to both you and Miguel. Miguel's eyes sparkled as he stared at the two crying children. You were laughing tiredly,
"Look, Miguel. Our babies~" You cheered. Miguel gave you an honest smile, placing the two children in a special crib,
"Yes. Our babies. Now rest."
Dismissing everyone, Miguel finished taking care of you. He cleaned the bed and everything and washed you. You were sleeping soundly beside the crib with your two children. Miguel stroked your hair, staring at the twins.
"This is only the beginning, (Y/N)."
Hope you enjoyed!!!!
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m-jelly · 3 days
Hey! So once I requested a Levi x reader who is alergic to dust and stuff. I was wondering if you could do another one like that but instead one of the cadets didn't clean and because Levi was tired he didn't notice. But the reader is normally in the room or area and ended up passing out while working In the area. Like how would that go down. Thank you in advance. I hope your doing good, make sure you take care of yourself, eat and drink water. Also make sure to treat yourself some days and take breaks!
"How could you let this happen?" Levi's tone was sharp and frustrated. "I've told you all time and time again that you need to be on top of the cleaning here." The tapping of his boots echoed as he paced back and forth in front of the medical room. "Treat cleaning like you are taking out Titans. If you're slacking in your action someone could get hurt."
"Sorry, Captain." The cadet hung their head in shame. "I let you down."
"You did, you really did." He released a sigh and tried to control his anger. "Are you aware of what allergies are?"
They nodded. "Y-Yes, my friend can't have nuts."
"You manage to protect them, correct?"
He needed to let out some range, so he slammed the side of his fist against the wall. "So why not this?"
He growled a moment before relaxing his body. "Go do your job, now."
They saluted him. "Y-yes c-captain!"
As the scout ran off with sweat pouring off them due to panic, Levi watched them very closely because he needed to let his rage wash off him before he saw you. He grunted a moment as his thoughts and heart calmed a moment.
It all had been a blur for him what'd happened. He wanted to see you and spend some time with you, you were his girlfriend and a wonderful member of staff for the team. Your role was to do admin and unfortunately, you had a bad reaction to dust, your body would just clamp up and you'd struggle to breathe a lot and your nose would block.
Usually, the cleaning was done often, but it seemed like one cadet had been slacking and the dust had piled up for weeks. Levi made his way to visit you and saw you in the office checking out files and having a bit of a coughing fit. He hurried to your aid and knew what to do to help you, but he had been a bit too late.
When you collapsed in his arms he thought his world had ended, thankfully you were breathing. He hurried you to Hange to help him keep you well and now you were recovering in a medical room. Levi once had thought there was little value to his life, but you had changed everything for him. He wanted to live so he could marry and grow old with you.
As soon he took in a deep breath he slipped into your room to see you sleeping soundly. He took a seat next to you and began playing with your hair. A lump formed in his throat as he held back the urge to cry. Compelled by his feelings, he leaned over and kissed your cheek.
A sweet little hum came from you. You opened your eyes and gazed at your teary-eyed boyfriend. "Levi?" You winced as you croaked a little. "Sorry, the coughing messed with my voice."
He caressed your cheek. "Don't ever be sorry, okay? None of this is your fault. You can't help it when you have a reaction. That room should have been cleaned and it wasn't."
"I hope you weren't too nasty to the cadet."
He lowered his head. "I said I was disappointed in them. I didn't shout too much."
You cupped the side of his face. "Good boy."
He smiled sweetly at you, his smiles were only for you. He nuzzled your hand a bit before kissing it. "I love you."
"I love you too. Come here and give me a kiss."
He leaned down and kissed you. "I guess I'll have to look after you for a while."
You hummed a laugh. "Yeah. It'll be lovely."
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a
@youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn
@bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @levistealeaf @pelicanpizza
@notgoodforlife @demonic-bird @searriously
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Sukuna x Reader
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TW: swearing and slightly suggestive (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Sukuna is an absolute asshole, but you knew this already when you started dating him. He loves to be a little shit just to remind you.
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A new episode of your favorite show was coming out. You had the snacks, the drinks, and even the cozy blankets ready. You had even managed to get Sukuna to come sit with you after copious amounts of begging and promises of kisses.
Everything was ready and you were all comfy curled up into Sukuna's side. There was just one problem though. The TV was on the wrong channel and you couldn't find the remote.
After grumbles and muttered curses, you get up from your cozy spot with Sukuna and start looking for the remote.
You search under the blankets, pretending not to notice Sukuna's big hands that drag yours toward him, right where he needs you. But you keep looking, determined to watch the premiere of your show.
You get on you hands and knees to check under the couch. Sukuna, being a little shit, slaps your ass before fondling it. You flip him off as you continue to look.
Then out of nowhere, you hear the TV change channels, coincidentally to one that Sukuna doesn't hate.
You shoot up from the floor and look at him suspiciously.
"Kuna, darling. Where is the remote?"
He smirks and shrugs playfully.
"I have no clue... Maybe you should keep looking."
You look at him suspiciously, but you eventually return to looking. Then you hear the volume increase and you spin to look at him.
"Ryomen Sukuna. Where the FUCK is the remote?"
He raises his eyebrows and laughs at you, not intimidated at all.
"You've got quite the filthy mouth, sweets. I'd recommend apologizing before I decide to take it personally."
You roll your eyes and start searching his hands for his remote. You search under where he's sitting and he chuckles.
"Oh are you feeling pent up?"
He teased you and you scoff and ignore him.
After checking everywhere else, you pull up his shirt and you see him shift to hide something.
"First you sass me and then you touch my ass, and now! You're stripping me like a common whore! How daring of you."
"Give me the remote goddammit! Sukuna you asshole!"
"You love it tho~"
You try pushing past him, but he's a big man, and it gets you nowhere. Finally, you sir on his lap and stare up at him with big doe eyes.
"Kuna, baby. Please. I just wanna watch my show and then I'll give you all my attention. I promise. But if you make me miss this, I will ignore you until the next episode. Next week."
He scoffs.
"Like you could ever last that long without me~"
You give him a serious look and he finally relents, handing over the remote and letting out a sigh as your eyes brighten.
"Thank you, Baby!"
You give him a sweet and happy kiss on his cheek before going to change the TV to your show, realizing that you'd only missed the first few minutes.
You watch it for a second more before turning to face him and whispering in his ear sweetly.
"You're so sweet, Kuna. As soon as this is over I'll make sure to show you just how thankful I really am~"
You sit on his lap as you watch your show, and if Sukuna was smirking the whole time, well, that was nobody's business but his.
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faithfulren · 3 days
the unseen heart
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y/n has feelings for bakugo, but he seems oblivious or uninterested, causing emotional turmoil.
you sighed as you watched katsuki bakugo from across the classroom. he was leaning back in his chair, arms crossed, his usual scowl plastered on his face. despite his rough exterior, you couldn't help but be drawn to him. there was something about his determination and raw strength that captivated you.
"y/n, are you even paying attention?" your friend, mina, whispered, nudging you with her elbow.
you snapped back to reality, your cheeks flushing. "sorry, what did you say?"
mina rolled her eyes playfully. "i said, you're staring again. when are you going to tell him how you feel?"
you glanced at bakugo again, then quickly looked away. "i don't know if I can. he probably doesn't even see me that way."
mina frowned, concern in her eyes. "you won't know unless you try. besides, bakugo might surprise you."
you nodded, though doubt gnawed at you. the bell rang, signaling the end of class. you gathered your things and headed out, determined to push your feelings aside and focus on training.
later that day, you found yourself alone in the training grounds, practicing your quirk. you were so absorbed in your routine that you didn't notice bakugo approaching until he spoke.
"you're doing it wrong."
you spun around, startled. "bakugo! what are you doing here?"
he crossed his arms, eyes narrowed. "what does it look like? i'm here to train. and you're going about it all wrong."
you frowned, a mix of irritation and embarrassment bubbling up. "i'm doing just fine, thanks."
bakugo scoffed. "fine? you're wasting energy with unnecessary movements. watch."
he demonstrated a more efficient technique, his movements precise and powerful. you couldn't help but admire him, even as your heart ached. it was moments like this that reminded you why you fell for him in the first place.
"see? that's how you do it," he said, turning to you.
you nodded, trying to mask your emotions. "thanks, bakugo."
he grunted in response, turning back to his own training. you watched him for a moment, then resumed your practice, trying to ignore the pang in your chest.
days turned into weeks, and your feelings for bakugo only grew stronger. each interaction with him, no matter how brief, was a bittersweet reminder of your unspoken love. you laughed at his snarky comments, cherished his rare moments of praise, and supported him during difficult missions. yet, he remained oblivious, or so it seemed.
one evening, after a particularly grueling day, you found yourself sitting alone on the dormitory rooftop. the cool breeze was a welcome relief, but it did little to soothe your troubled heart. you gazed at the stars, wondering if you'd ever have the courage to tell bakugo how you felt.
"hey, y/n.."
you turned to see mina standing behind you, a concerned look on her face. "hey, mina. what's up?"
she sat down beside you, her expression softening. "i wanted to check on you. you've been acting kind of distant lately."
you sighed, resting your chin on your knees. "it's just… bakugo. i can't get him out of my head, mina. but he doesn't seem to notice me that way."
mina gave you a sympathetic smile. "have you tried talking to him? really talking?"
you shook your head. "i don't think i can. what if he rejects me? what if it ruins everything?"
mina placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "you'll never know if you don't try. and even if it doesn't go the way you hope, at least you'll have closure."
you pondered her words, feeling a mixture of fear and determination. maybe it was time to finally tell bakugo how you felt, no matter the outcome.
the next day, you decided to take mina's advice. you found bakugo in the common area, reading a hero magazine. taking a deep breath, you approached him, your heart pounding.
"bakugo, can we talk?"
he glanced up, his eyebrows raised. "what is it?"
you shifted nervously, trying to find the right words. "i… i have something i need to tell you."
he set the magazine aside, giving you his full attention. "well, spit it out."
You took another deep breath, your hands trembling slightly. "bakugo, i… i've had feelings for you for a long time. i know you might not feel the same way, but i needed to tell you."
for a moment, there was silence. bakugo's expression was unreadable, and you feared the worst. then, he spoke.
"y/n, i…"
before he could finish, the alarm sounded, signaling a villain attack. the moment was shattered, and bakugo's expression hardened. "we'll talk later. right now, we have to go."
you nodded, pushing your feelings aside as you prepared for the mission. as you followed bakugo out, you couldn't help but wonder what he was going to say. but for now, you had to focus on being a hero, even if your heart was breaking.
the mission was successful, but the conversation with bakugo never happened. days turned into weeks, and you couldn't bring yourself to bring it up again. you continued to fight alongside him, hiding your feelings behind a mask of professionalism.
but every now and then, you'd catch bakugo looking at you with an unreadable expression, and you'd wonder if maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way. until then, you would keep your heart guarded, hoping that one day, he might see you as more than just a teammate.
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gyjo-enthusiast · 2 days
special case. ch.3
retired!nanami x younger!sorcerer!reader
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summary: during field training, each student is assigned one semi-grade 1 or higher ranked sorcerer. after the last student is left without a mentor, her professor pairs her up with his old, retired grumpy friend.
reader is in their 20s (attending college), afab!reader, fem pronouns
tags: fluff, eventual smut, colleagues with benefits (is that a thing?), age gap (reader in early 20s, nanami in mid 30s), virgin reader
previous chapter: special case. ch.2 | next chapter: to be finished
jujutsu kaisen masterlist | masterlist
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chapter summary: after taking up the offer to spend a whole week at your mentor's place, you pack your things and talk through dinner together.
proofread: yes
word count: 2883 (9m)
song rec:
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"are you sure it's not going to bother you?" you look at your shoes, sheating both weapons. after nanami's proposal to spend a week at his place, you tensed up, naturally.
"goodness gracious," his hand flew up to his temples, indicating irritation, "i gave you the option, of course it's not going to be a problem." turning his back to you, the blonde started walking away.
"of course if you do not want to, you don't have to," he said, mindful of how this could seem to others. "but i doubt that your classmates are all going back to dorms every single day."
"you think so?" you pondered for a while, coming to a conclusion of staying with your mentor. "okay, but i'll still have to get some spare clothes."
"go ahead and get them. i will text you my address, if anything happens, just let me know," you exchanged numbers before parting ways.
a few minutes later, your phone dinged with a notification of nanami's text consisting of his address and a question: "do you have any allergies? i'm going to make dinner." your face was redder than the sweetest strawberry reading that. wanting to keep cool, you texted back a simple "no allergies, but i don't like raw tomatoes. thank you so much:)"
thankfully you were left on read, you don't think you'd be able to handle a friendly conversation with your mentor. your very handsome mentor at that. your very handsome mentor who was preparing dinner for you two.
you couldn't hide the little smile that took shape on your lips, speeding up slightly. you wanted to be done with those obnoxious stairs to school and unwind after a long day.
as if nanami knew exactly what was going on, almost nobody was staying at the school dorms. quickly, you shuffled your feet towards the second to last door on the floor, unlocking and shutting the piece of old wood behind you.
you picked up your favourite backpack and started filling it up with clothes. checking the things off of your mental checklist: pjs, underwear, comfy clothes, spare uniform, your favourite plushie and more boring stuff like toothpaste and toothbrush.
you were practically sprinting out of your room, when your phone dinged again. this time, it was a notification from your class group chat. as if it was a sign from god himself, you realised you need your charger. you silently thanked yuuji for sending so many unnecessary selfies and finally closed the door. locking it twice, you briskly left the vicinity of your school and tried to find nanami's address on a map.
before you knew it, you descended the school stairs and went into the town without ever finding where his house is located, so you decided to focus on your surroundings for a bit to find out where you even are.
"to my left is a.." looking left, you saw an old bus station, which you tried to locate on the map. "a bus station.."
where the hell is it?!
"okay to my right is a theater, that should be easier to find," you hopelessly scrolled on your phone to find out where you are and where nanami's house is. "it should be easier to find, right?" you started to panic when you couldn't find anything around you on the map.
you were as lost as on your first day in tokyo, maybe even more. you knew you should text your mentor to let him know, but how could you? this is more embarrassing than not being able to exorcise a low-level grade curse.
realising that this is pointless, you gave in and started to look for nanami's number in your contacts.
but of course, as if he was telepathic, he called you before you could even dial his number.
"y/n? are you okay?" he said overly harsh, as if he was afraid something might have happened.
you sighed and eventually answered, "yes, sir. i'm.. i'm lost." you expected a scolding but it never came.
"lost? as in you already got your things but can't find the address? or you never went back to dorms?" nanami softened his tone, relieved that it's nothing serious.
"i can't find the address. i'm sorry," you apologised, guilty for being so troublesome.
"it's okay, just describe where you are, yeah?" he sounded entirely different now, like a concerned friend more than a mentor.
"um, well i can see an old bus station, it looks like it's not being used anymore, there's not a name of the station anywhere. there's also a theater on the opposite side," you paused for a second before finishing your thought, "it's like a crossroad if that makes sense? also i can't see anybody."
"y/n," nanami called out to you flatly, "don't go anywhere, alright?" you heard shuffling on the other side of the phone. "i think i know where you are so just wait there."
"can you not just tell me in which direction to go, sir?" you asked timidly, not wanting to be a burden.
"it's okay, the streets there are complicated to navigate through so this is easier. i'll be there in a minute." and with that, he ended the call and you were left in the empty streets, waiting.
a few minutes went by and you saw the first person to pass through here. as he made his way towards you and you could see him more clearly, you knew that without mistake, it was nanami.
you didn't know whether to be relieved or even more stressed, because he had to come for you like for a kindergartener. you slowly approached him and sheepishly smiled.
"i'm sorry sir, i'm still not used to tokyo," you excused yourself, as if it was good enough to make him come all the way here.
"don't worry about it, for now, let's go eat dinner. i'll tell you about this place later," he put a hand on your shoulder, reassuring you that it was not a big deal.
as you made your way through the streets, you suddenly understood nanami about the complicated layout of the town. if he was to just navigate you, it would do more harm than good.
it was really just a few minutes until you were at nanami's place. he unlocked the door to his apartment and led you to his bedroom.
"since i don't have a spare room, you can sleep here if you don't mind," he gestured towards his king-sized bed. your worried gaze fell upon him as he explained, "i will sleep on the couch, don't worry."
"no, i can't do that," you instantly protested, not wanting to compromise his comfort. "i'll sleep on the couch and you can sleep in your bed," you beamed at him, leaving for the living room.
"it's okay y/n, there's plenty of room on the couch for me to sleep on, if that's what you're worried about," he ignored your statement and stood infront of you. "i've fallen asleep there many times."
"but this is just rude of me, first i can't find your address and then i take your bed?" you sadden a bit, backing away from nanami.
"don't forget that i was the one who suggested this," he crosses his arms and looks down at your small form. "sleeping on the couch is my responsibility as well. at least for this week."
he was taking this very seriously, you wanted to argue once more. you looked up at him, ready to take the couch for yourself, but you stopped yourself. it's not as if his stern gaze alone put you in your place. no, he looked completely different when he wasn't working.
hair slightly falling into his face, forearms exposed (courtesy of his rolled up sleeves), the first two buttons of his shirt undone and glasses discarded. his eyes watched you as you observed him, waiting to see if you'll still protest or not.
after a while, you surrenderred and went to his bedroom. "whatever, but don't complain if your back hurts tomorrow. don't forget that i wanted you on the bed!"
"what?" nanami looks at you, confused.
"w-what?" you repeat after him, confused as well. with a sigh, he softly closes your door and leans against the wall.
"change into something more comfortable and come eat. i hope you're not going to run around in your uniform all day," the blonde then walks away to give you some sort of privacy.
you have to admit, you weren't the best with wording, at least he understood that. you hope. it's amazing how he can brush past that situation and go eat. at the same table with you nonetheless.
you were blushing like crazy just remembering the situation, but what makes matters worse was your choice of clothing. it was particularly hot during this time, so you decided to pack just some shorts that were laying around and a shirt that may be too small for you. that shirt was practically a crop-top now.
looking at your new outfit, you seriously thought that maybe being in your school uniform was better after all. you tried to shove all the inappropriate thoughts away as you awkwardly waddled towards the dining area, careful not to show any more skin than necessary.
nanami was still turned towards the counter, and you hoped he could stay like that while you ate and also went back to his bedroom.
"have you ever been to korea? or had korean food?" he suddenly asked, making you jump in your seat.
"no.." you simply answered before elaborating, "but i'd like to try it one day, why?"
"then i'm sorry you have to try it with me first. i made bibimbap for dinner," he explains, head half-tilted towards your direction. "it's not as authentic, but i like it," turning to you, he brings out a bunch of small bowls with vegetables, mushrooms and some sort of sauce, "and it doesn't contain any tomatoes."
"no it's okay! i'm sorry to be of any trouble regarding food," you apologise, smiling as he remembers you don't like tomatoes. "you didn't have to make something so big though."
"don't worry, if you weren't here, i would simply eat the rest tomorrow," he plainly stated, bringing two more huge bowls filled with food.
"wow, it smells great," you noted quietly.
"thank you," he smiled softly, explaining the dish, "it's basically a rice bowl with vegetables and meat on top. i didn't want to bother with the eggs so there aren't any, but usually you do them sunny side up. in the small bowls you serve kimchi and gochujang sauce, as well as more vegetables."
"that's amazing, it looks easy to make as well," you look at all the food on the table, "except cutting the vegetables." you laugh quietly, still mesmerised.
"it looks easy, but you have to manage a few things at once. i can give you the recipe if you want to try it out sometime," nanami suggests, making your eyes light up.
"really? i'd like that very much!" you smile at him, a gesture which he returns.
"of course. now let's eat before the rice gets cold," the man in front of you picks up his chopsticks and you mirror his action.
you both eat in silence, enjoying the foreign dish, before a thought pops into your mind. it's that crossroad, where there wasn't a soul to be seen. it seemed like nanami knew about it and you couldn't help but be curious about it.
swallowing your bite, you anxiously asked, "sir?" getting his attention, you continued. "can you tell me about the place where i got lost?"
nanami thickly swallowed before answering. "it's an abandoned part of town, mainly because people who go there disappear and don't come back," he raised an eyebrow at you, "i think you can imagine why that is."
"cursed spirits?" you meekly ask.
"an unseen amount, yes. the jujutsu sorcerers can't regulate them properly. it seems to be a huge area that attracts them," he explains, looking irritated.
"that's horrible, even more so that they can't find out why it's happening," you ponder about it for a while, but let it go eventually. still, it's going to be stuck in your head.
finishing your food, you stood up to help with the dishes before you were stopped.
"it's alright, y/n. i'll do the dishes, you should rest," nanami sounds out from behind you, collecting the small bowls.
"you should be the one resting, sir. i should do it, you're the one who made such an amazing meal after all," you try to protest again, however this time, nanami just doesn't have the strenght to put up with it.
"then you wash them and i will dry them and put them away, is that fine?" he sighed.
"okay then, but only because i don't know where to put them once i'm done!"
as you start to wash the dirty dishes, nanami stands right beside you. that's when it dawns upon you that you still only have your short tee and shorts on. embarrassed, you fixate your eyes onto the sink and try to forget about your poor choice of clothing.
your mentor of course noticed your outfit but tried to be professional about it. whenever you would finish up washing a dish and hand it over, nanami's fingers would brush over yours in the slightest. it was driving you crazy and you soon started to shiver, even though your hands were under the warm water and your ears were red hot.
"y/n?" the aforementioned man spoke up to you, "are you cold?"
oh, this was a nightmare. "no i'm okay!" you straightened up, trying to keep as still as possible but your body was not taking orders from you anymore.
"you're shivering, is the water cold?" he looked over to you as you nervously smiled. "why are you wearing shorts if you're cold? and such a short shirt," it felt almost as if he was scolding you.
"it's okay, sir, i'm not cold, it's just a shirt that was lying around, i was packing up so quickly i didn't realise," you tried to laugh it off but before you opened your eyes, the man disappeared. shortly after he came back with one of his own shirts and set it down on the other side of the counter.
"it's okay, you can have this one for the time being," he patted your back, took a small bowl and started drying it. not wanting this to be more embarrassing than it already was, you let out a small "thank you" before finishing up the dishes.
heading towards the bathroom to shower and change the godforsaken shirt, he called for you one more time.
"do you want to watch the tv before you go to sleep? i don't have one in my bedroom."
"if you wouldn't mind, then yes," you quickly showered and went back to the living room.
"just put on anything you'd like, i'm going to take a shower," you heard nanami's voice from around the corner before hearing the door close.
"thank you, sir!" you shouted back at him and went to find the remote, stealing nanami's blanket before he comes back.
turning on the tv and finding netflix, you had no idea what to watch. you felt like nothing was interesting and whatever was, you already saw six times. seeing a new crime tv show, you put it on only to be fast asleep after half an episode.
nanami took his time, letting you watch whatever you were watching, but before long he couldn't endure the scorching heat of the shower and came out. finally changing into his casual clothes, he heard gunshots and arguments on the tv. sighing, he made his way to the living room, only to find you sleeping on the couch, remote still in hand.
he pinched the bridge of his nose, not believing the situation. nevertheless, he slowly approached the couch and tried waking you up. to no avail.
"y/n, hey wake up," he shook with you slightly, whispering so you wouldn't be in too much of a shock once you wake up. "y/n!" he whisper-shouted at you a few times, which was obviously also not doing anything.
"i can't believe this kid," he whispered to himself, wrapping you in his blanket more. he then picked you up bridal style and slowly made his way to his bedroom, trying not to stumble.
finally setting you down on his bed, he was prepared to take the other blanket from the bed and leave, when a small hand tugged at his sleeve.
"y/n?" he whispered, not sure whether you were awake by now or not.
when you didn't respond, he decided you were sleeping, so he should go too. that's when your hand tugged at his sleeve again, and he noticed small tears rolling down your cheeks.
his heart skipped a beat at that, but he decided that this wasn't right, and ultimately swiped your tears with his thumb and left. without a blanket at that.
he couldn't believe you slept through all of that. maybe a new student was just what he needed in life.
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got a bit of a writer's block but we're so back. i think i might just rewatch jjk for this man(❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)
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glitterjay · 2 days
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summary: heeseung finds himself drawn to the girl he initially clashed with. two competitive rivals notice the sparks that fly every time they encounter each other. beneath the surface of their hatred lies a hidden chemistry drawing them closer despite their efforts to resist. could love possibly fire up from sparks?
genre: feuding families, a little bit of everything (smut, fluff, angst), enemies to lovers
warnings: will contain smut (slight), heeeseung and reader are in their late 20s, more to be added.
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heeseung had called you early in the morning, asking if you had made it home. you didn't, in fact, and spent the night in the building. luckily, you were able to ask one of your workers to bring you a change of their clothes as a favor.
the blazer you had woken up with draped around your shoulders was hanging from a clothes hanger in your office. you found yourself staring at it from time to time as you recalled how heeseung had called to check in on you before mentioning that he had a meeting later to sort out your ideas together.
you tried to keep it professional, but the burning ache in your heart persisted. how could he act so naturally after having to work with his greatest enemy?
To Heeseung, you were just another person in his life. You weren't his enemy; you were his family's. It's true that he would get irritated, but that was because, in the back of his head, there was this thought that lingered, pointing out how good-looking and just perfect you looked.
the time for the meeting had arrived, and heeseung proposed that they meet at his apartment. the comfort of his own home helped him concentrate better, and he knew it was probably a better option for you rather than having to be stuck in that building again.
he didn't know why, but he turned on scented candles around the house, prepared a small cheese board that he set up in his living room, and played some soft music on a speaker as background noise.
there was this weird spark within his core again. It was confusing. he thought it was hate at first, since he would always get such a feeling when you'd win clients. but it was accompanied by a strange bubbly sensation in his stomach, and he swore again his heart had stopped for a mere second when he heard his phone buzz.
heeseung shook off every sense of nervousness that was invading his body and checked the message that had made his screen light up. It was you, saying you were standing in front of his door.
once he opened up, you offered him a smile of courtesy, which he reciprocated. little did you both know it was genuine joy in seeing each other.
having to deal with the same person for years was not only convenient when finding the other's flaws and weaknesses, but it also made you notice small details. heeseung knew you never drank coffee and went with tea instead. and you knew he only drank black coffee—no sugar, no nothing.
hours had passed of you sharing thoughts on how to make this alliance work and how it could benefit both of you at the same time. you had let your guard down without noticing, laughing and cracking jokes with heeseung as he tried to lighten up the mood. the tiredness in your eyes had faded the moment the conversation drifted from work.
he seemed like a nice and genuine man. you had learned that he loved singing and, like you, was forced to keep the family business running. the only difference was that heeseung's family wasn't as harsh as yours. he had a lot more freedom, and the decision to go on with the alliance was made by him.
"i'm basically doing this without my father knowing," you blurted out. he nodded in agreement, offering a piece of cheese he had taken from the board. "you're very respectable, you know. I hate that about you."
you froze in place, a sudden tension seeming to fall only on your shoulders. heeseung kept eating, his gaze fixed on the wall in front of him.
"i hate that you knew how to hide everything you were going through, and how, despite everything, you looked fine."
"do you hate it, or do you envy it?"
it was heeseung's turn to tense up. he let out a sigh and let his shoulders relax. "both. and now there's this weird feeling in my chest that just won't go away."
your eyes widened at his words, igniting the spark in your chest as he spoke. for a moment, you could see tiny beams of light forming a string that connected your chest to his.
© glitterjay | tumblr
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m00npill · 1 day
[Transcript] Fallen Angels
source: x the other page missing ;-;
2007 Kerrang! No.1142
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PETE WENTZ is an hour late.
Because of this the first thing you learn about Fall Out Boy is that nothing happens without him. His three other bandmates - singer and guitarist Patrick Stump, guitarist Joe Trohman and drummer Andy Hurley - sit waiting. They're in a conference room on the first floor of the Marriott Hotel in Lowell, Massachusetts, a pretty, vanilla flavoured town 60 minutes north of Boston. The reason the group are here is because in three hours they're due to play four songs in front of 8,000 people gathered to watch the local radio station's Christmas concert. But first they're forced to wait. Because picturing Fall Out Boy without Pete Wentz is like imagining a motorway without traffic.
"See, that's not right," says Patrick Stump. Stump is wearing a small frown and an indulgent smile. It's been said that he has no ego. As you hear him now he's checking out his own entry page on Wikipedia. "No, see, they've got that wrong...
We don't have much time. Fall Out Boy landed at Roston's Logan airport at 4pm. This lunchtime they were in Chicago; by dawn they'll be in Manhattan. The band's ride pulled up in Lowell an hour ago. It's now 6:30. At 9:25, they're due onstage. Before that they need to pose for photographs and answer questions.
"Pete's in his room," someone says. Andy Hurley goes downstairs to the toilet, taking a security guard with him. Fall Out Boy have two security men: one for Pete Wentz, one for the others.
Wentz calculates that he spends 40 minutes out of every hour on the phone. He receives up to a 100 emails a day. He owns a film production company. He's a published author. He owns his own record label. He owns his own clothing line. He's modelled for Gap. He'd be modelling for us if he could be bothered to be here.
But Pete is in his room, laid low with depression. He's sat on the floor "calling random people from [his] home town [Wilmette, Illinois]", people whom he believes will "understand [him]". Problem is, when they pick up the phone he "can't think of a thing to say". All the while it's getting later and later. He feels self-conscious about how to time his entry, aware that he might be thought of as "the asshole American guy in a band". Even now, two and a half hours later, these feelings are still resident in his mind. "It's weird," he'll say. "Although I'm functioning, half of my head is in another place.
Do you see how people might look at you, see your wealth and your privilege and your opportunities, and think: you ungrateful son of a bitch?
"Of course," he says. "I think that all the time. But you asked me about depression and so I'm talking about it. It's the culture we live in."
You don't seem to mind talking about it. "The only problem I have with it is that I don't want people to read this article and go, 'lt'd be so amazing to be depressed! That'd be cool!'. I don't want to create an industry of misery."
These days, Pete Wentz has prescriptions for Xanax, Praxil, Prozac and Ativan. To compliment this, he's taking serotonin reuptake inhibitors (more anti-depressants). In the past, he's been administered anti psychotics. If Wentz were to die tomorrow his coffin would need to be fitted with a child-proof lid.
"Sorry I'm late," he says, entering the conference room, shaking hands. "I'll be your self-conscious rock star for the day." Paul Harries, Kerrang!'s photographer, tells the bassist that we don't have much time. Pointing the lens at his face he tells him it'll need to see his full repertoire of poses. The subject understands precisely what the photographer means, and as the flash lights zap before him he gives him just that. The camera loves Pete Wentz, even if at the moment Pete Wentz hates himself.
He's depressed. You'd never know.
"NOT TO beat up on the press," says Joe Trohman. "But they do tend to take one look at our band and and say, Pete Wentz is Fall Out Boy." Trohman is answering a question as to whether it grates on his nerves that the band's bass player is the one who garners most of the public attention. "Not at all, no. Pete is the public face of the band because we want him to be the public face of the band.
Would you be screwed without him?
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thoughtsforsoob · 7 hours
Hello! Can you write smth abt Reader x idol!soobin got into an argument and the only way to settle this is on the bed ;] ( pls include breeding kink and fingering )
Can i also be a ✏️ Anon? :3
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a/n: hello anon!! thank you so much for requesting! of course you can be ✏️ anon! I hope this work meets your expectations ( ◠‿◠ ) inbox is always open for you and anyone else who wants to request or become an anon
(everything is under the cut!) MDNI 😟😟
You and Soobin never argue and I mean never! He’s really non confrontational. He never likes to bring things up even when they bother him. Fighting or arguing just makes him so nervous and anxious. He’s worried that he’ll upset you so badly that you’ll leave him one day. Therefore, he just never brings up anything.
Tonight was different though. He had a really rough day back at work. Nothing was going right! He and the other boys were not in sync during dance practice, he couldn't focus on perfecting his vocals for their recording and the staff made them skip lunch! He was not only irritated but he was starving!! His poor tummy was rumbling all the way home. He was under the assumption that you were going ti have dinner ready. You made dinner almost every single day and you had gotten out of work early today! The idea that dinner would be ready as soon as he arrived to your apartment was the only thing keeping him sane.
Everything was normal when he arrived him. You greeted him in the living room, where you were watching an anime you'd been binging lately. Soobin noticed that you looked a little off. You didn't say anything other than "welcome home". He was starting to get annoyed because he had an itching feeling that dinner was in fact, not made. When he walked into the kitchen…he finally exploded!
He called you into the kitchen and you got up and walked in after you paused your show. This is exactly why you were nervous. He looked at you and he looked really upset. "What the hell, y/n? What happened to dinner?" You looked at him and frowned, "I'm really sorry, Soob. I really am. I lost track of time. I got home and started to watch tv and before i knew it, you had arrived." You started trying to walk towards the stove to start something but he grabbed your hips, pulling you back. You saw something shift in his eyes. It was no longer anger. It had turned into lust. He pulled you close to his body, looking into your eyes. "I've had the worst day today. This was just the cherry on top. You're gonna pay for this." He immediately picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. Once you were up there, he took you up the stairs and to your bedroom.
Once he got you to your bedroom, he threw you onto the mattress. He immediately started to strip you on your clothes. Your T-shirt and shorts were discarded in a matter of second and when he got to your panties, which happened to be the lacy blue ones he loved, he ripped them off your body. You gasped and his way bigger hand covered your month. "Shut up. You don't deserve to talk. Disobedient girls don't deserve that. Now keep that pretty mouth shut and just take your punishment. Okay?" He looks at you and you nod. You managed to squeak out a small 'yes'.
He took off your bra and instantly started to gently nibble on one of your nipples. When he glanced up to check your reaction, he witnessed your blissed out face and kept going. He made sure to nibble and suckle on both your nipples, causing your legs to squirm. He couldn't stand you moving around and he grabbed one of your thighs and used his other hand to surprise you. He stuck two fingers inside of you and made you cry out. He loved your reactions. He was making you pay just how he envisioned he would. He thrusted his fingers in and out at a quick speed to make you cry. He succeeded because before he knew it, tears were rolling down your cute cheeks. He stopped his movements after a while only to stick his fingers in your mouth. He looked into your eyes as you sucked on his fingers. He felt himself become so hard that he couldn't really think straight.
He pulled his fingers out of your mouth and started to peel off his own clothing. You just watched him strip and couldn't help but reach out to help him. It was only natural. You always helped him take off his clothes but today was very different. He gently pushed you back onto the bed and warned you again, "Do that shit again and I'm not gonna let you cum. Im not kidding." He finished removing all his clothes and got on top of you again. He thought for a second and made his choice. He manhandled you and flipped you over so you were straddling his thighs. He gave you that lustful look again and gripped your thighs. “Be a good girl and ride my cock. Hmm? Gonna pay me back so good, aren’t you?” You just nodded, already having been fucked dumb by his big fingers. He smirked at you as you started to ease yourself into his length. He was quite big and no matter how many times you two did this, you always struggled to take all of him inside. You whimpered at the burning stretch. He let it slide because he loved watching you struggled to take him. He was teaching you a lesson that he was sure you’d remember. Once you were ready, he grabbed your hips. He helped you start to bounce on him and he threw his head back in pure pleasure. He let out a sinful moan and the longer you bounced on his cock, the more he praised you. “Fuck baby, you’re doing so good for me. Aren’t you? You wanna fix this hmm? Make it up to me.” You just moaned and whined at how good every second of this felt. He felt so big inside of you and it brought you so much pleasure.
Finally, when he was feeling like he was gonna cum, he decided to try something he’s always wanted to try. “Baby? You really wanna make this better?” You nodded quickly and felt yourself teetering on the edge, unable to use actual words to respond. “L-Let me cum inside. Fuck, It’ll make everything so much better. I’ll fill you with my babies. I promise I’ll forget all about this.” You just nod, not even really listening to what he just said. He takes that as an answer and finally lets himself go. You feel him fill you up and finally let yourself cum too. “Mmm soobie! Fill me up please! I’ll be a good girl. Take it all!” He swears that he came even more that night because of what he heard you say. He loves hearing you talk dirty in your cute little voice.
He left you flop down next to him, tired enough to stop even after just one round. He looked over at you and kissed your forehead. Somehow, he was acting like the softest boyfriend ever after the way he’d just defiled you. “I’m sorry for that. You know I never get upset but I really did have an awful day. Sorry baby.” He hugged you, his bare chest pressing against yours. You kiss him and hug him back, “s’ okay. I really enjoy this, you know? You’re so sexy when you’re mad.” He blushed at how you recounted what had just happened. “You think so?” You nodded back to his question. You nuzzled your face into his neck, “when we’re done cuddling, we can clean up and I promise I’m gonna cook you something super yummy after. Okay?” He smiled even more and kissed you again, “you’re the best girlfriend ever, you know? Thank you!” He didn’t let go of you for a good while after.
when you tried to get up, your legs felt like jelly and they nearly caved, causing you to stumble. soobin giggled at that and helped you back up, supporting most of your weight against his body. “sorry.” he shyly rubbed the back of his neck and took you to the shower.
<wtf I popped off😏 please enjoy! if you made it to the end, i love you!>
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artficlly · 1 day
a dish served cold (mini series - part two)
Wild West Marvel AU
outlaw!bucky x reader after the murder of your pa, you go on a journey to find justice. fate brings you to crimson junction for a reason, and that reason is bucky barnes. 
Warnings: enemies to lovers, forced proximity, sexual tension, guns, knives, violence, mention of death of a parent, mention of gambling, mention of sex work, creepy men, period typical attitudes, outlaw bucky, protective bucky, bucky has issues, mention of robbery & crimes, mention of police (law), mention of bounty hunters, mention of flooding & drought, no use of y/n, lmk if i've missed anything
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: chapter two!! please let me know if you're enjoying this wild ride so far!! if you're enjoying the western au stuff i have two one-shots (me & the devil and king of pentacles) that you should check out!! they are linked on my main masterlist <3 if you'd like a tag list let me know. sorry for any typos - not proof read.
main masterlist | series masterlist
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If the town of Crimson Junction had thought the pack of unruly travellers had reached their peak of restlessness, they were sorely wrong. The locals were now truly at their wits end. Two afternoons had passed, and chaos had descended. Men turned to drink to quell their boredom and sin followed as it always did. Brawls had broke out in mass, the hotel in ruins as rooms were used as makeshift whorehouses and gambling dens. You were kept up all night as the screaming, laughter, and moaning ensued around you. Violence, indulgence, and wickedness ran rampant through the streets. You had grown to expect nothing less of the once sleepy town. 
The noise did not particularly bother you. You were kept up most nights regardless, tossing and turning at the thought of Barnes. Your dreams would replay the scene from the saloon, a moving picture beneath your eyelids. In your dream, you would beam at him, fluttering your eyelashes, while the outlaw watched on with his cold, blue eyes. He would stalk towards you, his callused hand stroking down your cheek. The dream you would lean into his touch, nuzzling his palm. Then he would wrap his hand around your throat, gripping you tightly. You would struggle, breathlessly clawing at him. His expression would be blank. Unphased.
You would awake, drenched in a cold sweat as breathless as in the dream. 
Even when you were awake, you’d think of him still. His visage was so clear in your mind that it drove you to near insanity. He clung to you like smoke, your thoughts utterly consumed by him. You’d recall how his knuckles grew white or how his jaw clenched. You’d stare up at the ceiling, watching the sun rise and fall. You’d trace the patterns on the wallpaper and the creases on the sheets. 
In the room beside you, the bed would squeak and bang. The force was so powerful and loud that the walls shook. Your hands would ghost across your bare skin, along your thighs, waist, and collarbone. Still, you’d think of him, Barnes. How long had he plagued your thoughts and your life? How long would he haunt you still? Was he the ghost, or were you? Permanently intertwined never to know a day of peace until your work was done. 
The next time your mind wandered to him, your finger tracing the contour of your lower lip, you bit down hard on that finger until you swore you could taste blood. 
When the news of a meeting made the rounds, you were relieved. The flowery wallpaper in your room was growing rather nauseating to stare at. A break from your slow spiral into lunacy was welcome news. Fresh air, you decided, would do you well, even if a rather suffocating and sticky heat had descended upon the canyons now that the rains had passed. 
The mud had begun to dry in the midday sun, a thick skin developing and some sections cracking. The dry weather was a good omen for once. You didn’t think Crimson Junction had ever prayed for the sun to return. The pastor announced that the roads were predicted to be cleared by the end of the week, and the entire crowd breathed a sigh of relief. You couldn’t help but think it was the most civil you had seen them in your short stay. Maybe it was that natural reaction of fearing God and therefore his preachers. Though, after all you had witnessed, you were surprised the small town even had a church. It was even stranger that it seemed Crimson Junction was led by one, as there was no other authority present.
Not even a sheriff's office. 
That did seem rather convenient. 
The pastor spoke of his gratitude for the travellers patience and his admiration for the workers and survivors. You did not find his words particularly interesting, no matter how heartfelt they were. You had spent countless Sundays in church; it was instilled within you to zone out at the droning words of a preacher. You had been a good girl, yes, but never a good Christian. Hands tightly clasped together and chin high, your eyes had remained locked onto the back of a familiar head. 
Barnes stood mingled within the crowd; you could see him well from your vantage point on the wooden porch of the general store. You stood alongside the other ladies who didn’t want to join the men crowded in the mud. You couldn’t help but notice how Barnes also did not seem to care for heartfelt speeches; instead, his attention was swayed away. You might have thought him to be bored of pastors and the almighty house of God, but you watched as his head repeatedly tilted in the direction of a small group of men who were huddled in front of an alley. The longer you watched the outlaw eye these men, the more you realised that the group of men eyed him back in return. 
The men looked intimidating, dressed in black, and armed to the teeth. Well-polished guns were slung over their backs, bandoliers over their chests, and hair slicked back as they snickered between each other in a cloud of smoke. Their grins were vicious, bearing their teeth like wild dogs. 
As the crowd dispersed, you moved with it. Through the layers of bodies, you watched as Barnes quietly dipped away in the direction of the stables and away from the group of men. He viewed them as a threat. Your curiosity peaked. The outlaw had always presented himself as untouchable, stone-like…an unmoveable force. It had never occurred to you that the most dangerous predator in the room might be prey to something bigger. 
As soon as you were sure that there was enough distance, you followed the smoke quietly and discreetly, listening to their distant conversation. The pack of men paused around the corner of the alley, half standing in the street. The rough stone wall snagged against your clothing as you pressed your back flush against the surface. You inched closer to the end of the alley, your ears perking as you listened closely.
“I reckon he’ll be headed further west, tryna disappear into the desert.” One man spoke.
“How ya know he ain’t goin’ up north to join up with that buddy o’ his?” Said another.
“Nah, last I heard, he was doubling back east to throw off the scent.”
Your brows furrowed at their words, and you sucked in a sharp breath. A part of you was paranoid that the men might hear your breathing, or perhaps even your thundering heart. Your nails dug into the wall, the stone indenting into your palms. Were they foolish enough to publicly speak their plans, unaware of how their voices carried? That indicated arrogance. Bigger fish, indeed. 
Your moment of thought was short-lived.
There was a slight rustle in your left ear, a shift in the air. With quick and calculated hands, you shifted your weight, your hand darting to your boot like a viper striking flesh. Within a split second, you had a small blade in your palm, the metal angled to harm as you drove it forward. The man next to you had no time to react, instead freezing in place as you pressed the blade against his throat. 
It took a few seconds for the two of you to process, your eyebrows knitting into a frown as you realised who had slid up beside you. Barnes. When had he sneaked up behind you? 
“Woah there, darlin’.” The outlaw grumbled lowly, lifting his hands in surrender. You held steady, scanning his face as you calculated your next move. You were a fool to think the outlaw would not notice you. A supposed simple girl and bride-to-be should not be stalking a group of dangerous individuals. It did raise the question of how long he had been watching you and assessing your character. Had he grown suspicious so easily after all the precautions and lies? 
“Apologies. You startled me.” You slipped back, taking a large step within eyesight of the street. The group of men had now walked away, a cloud of smoke in tow. You watched as they sauntered into the saloon. Releasing a sharp breath and relaxing your shoulders, you straightened your spine. Giving Bucky a convincing smile, you acted as if nothing had happened. 
“I can see that. And I can see ya weren’t jokin’ about bein’ able to handle yerself in these parts.” The outlaw huffed, his hands lowering, and his fingers twitched around his belt line. Monitoring him warily, you were ready to react to the slightest indication that he might draw. “But I’m beginnin’ to think ya weren’t too forthcomin’ about who ya really are in the saloon the other night.”
You angle your head at him, jaw tightening. You hoped you hadn’t wasted weeks of travel and planning for it all to be thrown away due to your misguised decision to play investigator. Your fist squeezed around your blade then, nostrils flaring as you allowed an intrusive, violent thought to flicker through your mind. This place, this evil place, and it’s vile people were already beginning to corrupt you. With a sigh, you tuck the knife back into your boot. “I don’t see how that’s any of your business, Mister.”
With your knife visibly out of sight, Barnes relaxes a little. His gaze swept over you, inspecting every detail of your outfit, before finally resting on your face. "Nah, it’s not… Just… don’t know why you’d be lookin’ to pick a fight with a group’a men like that.”
You viewed those men as competition, but you knew Barnes would not like your answer. So, you held your tongue, lifting your skirts as you turned to leave. The wooden boards squelched under your weight as you stepped further into the street. You’d never thought you would have missed the sand and dust, but you were beginning to find that you much preferred it to mud. 
“Y’know, if you’ve got a price on yer head… and I ain’t sayin’ you got one but rather… a hypothetical, if I may. If you were runnin’ from something, I wouldn’t be worryin’ about those boys back there. They're lookin’ for bigger fish to fry than yerself. I suspect they would not take a second look in yer direction, ‘least not all dressed up like a proper lady like you is. You had me fooled, that’s for sure.” 
Just as you had suspected. No wonder he had turned tail at the sight of them. You glanced over at him, observing as he kept up pace with you as you walked towards the hotel. “And what would you know of bounty hunters, Mr. Clark?”
He perked up at your words and let out a low whistle. “Best I not tell you, Miss.”
You smiled at that, then caught yourself. And idiot you were to find him somewhat charming, and an idiot you would continue to be if you were distracted. 
“Where’d a lady like yerself learn to arm herself with a knife?” Barnes seemed unnerved by your silence, instead filling it with a question. Uncharacteristic of him, at least from what you had interpreted from his nature so far. A change from his attitude in the saloon, that was for sure. 
“My Pa taught me,” you hummed in response. You couldn’t help but let a small, warm smile cross your lips at the thought of him. He had been a hardy man, always covered in sweat and ash. Still, the two of you had been close. He had always shown you respect and kindness, no matter your differences. “He and my Ma, well, they raised me to be a wife. My Ma wanted to set me up for a good life and hoped I would marry well.”
Your eyes cast over to the outlaw, who still followed your lead down the sunken street. He was enraptured by your words; his icy eyes locked onto your side profile. You continued your story, smile still tugging at the corners of your lips. “It was always about holdin’ one's posture straight, being charmin’ and pleasin’ to the eye. Cookin’, sewin’, washin’ and all that. My Pa, he said it was all well and good that I could balance books on my head while descendin’ a set of stairs or tap out a melody on a pianoforte, but it could only get one so far in life. Much to my Ma's horror, he taught me to handle a knife and guns too.”
Barnes was quiet, running his tongue over his bottom lip. You found yourself wondering if he had caring parents or if they had been strict and cruel. Were they still alive? Did they weep within every time they saw his face plastered on a bounty board? 
“Why ain’t your daddy escortin’ you now?” The outlaw finally spoke up, a cruel snip to his tone. 
Your eyes darted away from him, and your smile was replaced by a frown. “He’s dead.”
His steps falter, as if momentarily taken aback. 
“Oh–” is all he manages, stumbling over his words. His brows furrow. “I–I’m–”
“He was shot.” You cut over him. Taking a sharp, deep breath, you turn your head to look at him fully. You offer him a sympathetic look, then catch yourself. As if he were the one who needed comforting. “He was a blacksmith. I have no other male relatives, and of course my Ma and I can’t do the work to run the business.”
“That’s why yer marryin’.” Barnes states, his voice sounds thick and he is unable to catch your eye. There was a sense of guilt that seemed to engulf his very being, as if your story momentarily summoned old ghosts. Haunted. 
You were glad to see him squirm. 
“Yes.” You reply, shoulders lifting in a weak shrug. “We sold the forge, but we can’t access the money. My savings—our savings—will be for my husband to handle once we are married. I will send funds back to my Ma, and all will be well again.”
“I’m sorry.” The outlaw offers, brows still drawn inward, crowsfeet etched into his skin. “That’s hard.”
You tilt your head in contemplation, then offer a simple reply. “That’s life.”
It was strange to think how easy it was to pretend you were comfortable with your position. That would had simply… come to terms with your new life. It was easy to put on a play and show the world what they wanted. A woman in complete control, despite the misfortune that had followed her. 
The outlaw was right to feel unnerved by your casual disposition, because deep down, grief and rage boiled within you.
Pausing at a gap in the wooden boards, you raised your skirts in order to cross. Before you could walk into the mud, Barnes had circled around you. He offers a calloused hand, which you hesitantly took. With a strange gentleness to his grip, he guides you across the small gap onto the next row of wooden boards. 
“Well, I hope they find the bastard who shot him.” He offers. 
You almost laugh at the irony. Your head dips to hide the amused expression that slips past, strands of hair falling across your face. Barnes seems to interpret your actions as sorrow, as if the mention of your father had left you overcome with emotions. You do not protest as he shamefully leads you directly to the hotel porch, pausing to escort you up the slippery steps. 
“I hope so too.” You finally reply, your voice low, and drop his hand. Stepping into the hotel, you do not allow him time to speak another word.
A gentleman outlaw, or maybe he was an outlaw who happened to be a gentleman. You pondered this for a while as the heat beat down, leaving a thin layer of sweat across your body. Your horse swayed beneath you, hooves steady, as she navigated the desert terrain with ease. She was a piece of home; melancholy would linger in your gut whenever you breathed in her scent. Your fingers twisted through the mare’s mane, lacing together like a tightly woven braid. It was a problem to weigh, for sure. Could a gentleman be an outlaw? And what defines a gentleman? You knew of many supposed gentlemen who fell pray to indulgence, too many drinks, whores, and gambling. Gentlemen who reeked of desperation, sullen and shallow creatures. You had known gentlemen to be cruel, to be kind, to be ignorant, or even to be fools. In your mind, you could see no difference between a gentleman and an outlaw, because both could be evil as equally as they could be kind. 
Barnes had shown you kindness, yet he was a killer. He was an outlaw; that was printed as a fact, but could he be a gentleman too? You had always been taught to believe things in the world worked a certain way, ticking perfectly on time like a clock. Every second, the world would bring good things to good people and rain wrath upon those who sinned. But that illusion had been shattered many months ago when you were thrown into the world of men, unprotected and blind. Outlaw and gentleman, one in the same. It worried you.  
You had travelled no more than five miles from Crimson Juction before dismounting your horse. 
The roads had opened up early in the morning, giving you time to gather supplies, saddle your horse, and leave town unbothered. Your remaining time in the small crossroads town had been without event, sticking to your rooms and steering clear of drunk men and dangerous outlaws. Sometimes you sat at your window, watching the town move on with their days below you. You told yourself it was entertainment, a form of people watching, not a pathetic attempt to catch a glimpse of the dark-haired and broad-chested outlaw. 
You ran a hand across your mare's chestnut coat, leaning down as you traced your hand down to her fetlock. You squeezed her leg, clicking your tongue as a quick instruction for her to lift her hoof. You placed it solidly between your thighs, pushing your skirts out of the way. Blowing a loose strand of hair from your face, you squinted down at the dirt-packed hoof. Your index finger traced the metal shoe with your finger, feeling each divet of the nails.
The crunch of rock was what alerted you to his presence first, whipping your head around to see Barnes atop his horse, armed with one of his distant looks. You smiled and pretended to look pleasantly surprised, wondering if he truly believed you had not noticed him tailing you for the past two miles. Dropping the hoof, you praised your mare with a quick pat on her muscled shoulder. 
“Have you come to be my knight in shinin’ armour again?” You asked the outlaw, raising a hand to your brow, blocking the light from the sun. 
“Depends.” Barnes grunted, sliding from his saddle. “Somethin’ wrong with yer horse?”
You sigh, rubbing the sweat from your forehead. You twist around to look back at your mare, your skirts twirling around you as you motion towards her hoof. “She was limpin’, poor girl. I think her shoe is loose.”
“I can take a look, if’chu want?” Bucky offered. He was still as foreboding as you had remembered, his stature taller than and his build wider. The sleeves of his buttoned-up shirt were rolled up to the elbow, revealing toned forearms kissed by the sun. 
“Oh. Could you? I would be grateful.” Your hand comes to rest on your chest, and the outlaw grunts with a shrug. You step out of his way as he advances towards your mare, whispering to her quietly as he takes her hoof in his large palms to inspect. 
You watch him, wondering if he was blinded by the sun or simply by you. He hadn’t once stopped to ask questions before putting himself in such a vunrable position, nor did his eyes drift towards the rifle tucked neatly into your saddle. How funny it was that he did not enquire why you were travelling alone on horseback, when mere days before you had told him your husband-to-be had paid for your safe arrival by coach. 
“I don’t think there's anythin’ wrong with the shoe. Maybe there's a rock or somethin’ under all that dirt.” He mused and pressed his thumbs inward to see if your mare jerked in reaction. Still, not once did he look up, and not once did he question his safety. He did not seem to notice as you silently slid up besides your mare, tugging the rifle from the saddle.
You held your breath as you circled back around, the wooden stock of the gun placed firmly against your shoulder as you aimed the barrel at his head. 
“Are yer sure she was limpin’? Maybe it’s the other side.” The outlaw muses, engrossed in his own thoughts.
“You could check if you like, Mr. Barnes.” You reply, your voice as sweet as ever. 
It takes him a moment to click. He shakes his head, then freezes. “I ain’t never said my name was Barnes.”
You hold steady, digging your boots into the soil as Bucky slowly straightens up. His back faces you, and you can picture his muscled back beneath. Somehow the outlaw appeared more foreboding while collected and calm. He gradually turned. Maybe he had made himself smaller in your previous meetings so as not to scare you. Your heart thumped wildly, sweat slicking along your palms. He met your gaze, careful and slow, as his body faced you, hands raised in a quiet surrender. 
You had to pray you weren’t being overconfident in your approach, or this could go very badly. 
“I knew your name long before we met.” Your hands remained still, and the gun remained aimed. You observe him through the sights as he arches an eyebrow. 
“Did I do somethin’ to you?” There was an unexpected anguish in his voice that hit you solidly in the gut. Your jaw clenches and your teeth grit as you remain silent. You had practiced this moment in your mind countless times, orchestrating your every movement and perfectly articulating your feelings and your story. But your jaw remained wired shut, any plans thwarted, because you were horrified to find you were teetering on the edge of sobbing. 
“You know, I thought we was startin’ to become friends.” He speaks up once more, daring to take a step forward. You hiss through your teeth, striding towards him to ram the barrel into his chest.
“Drop your guns. Slowly.” You instruct. 
There is a long instant of silence between the two of you, only the slight howl of the wind through the vast rock canyons. His movements slowed once more, and his hands hesitantly dropped to his belt. Your finger ghosts over the trigger as he carefully removes his guns, dropping them to the ground with a soft thud. 
With one sweep of your foot, you kick the two pistols away, backing off a few paces. With a tut, you motion for him to step further away from the horses. He turns away from you, walking in the direction you indicated. With a sigh, he speaks up, cutting through the tense silence. “We can talk about this, ya know. Before you go puttin’ a bullet in me, sweetheart.” 
You glare at him before huffing. “Get on the ground, lay on your stomach or I’ll shoot.” 
Only as his body lay flat on the ground did you drop your aim. Still eyeing him, you back up towards your horse and grab the rope looped around the horn of your saddle. Your heartbeat nearly deafened you as you fumbled with the length, nerves beginning to show. You didn’t know what he made of you or what he thought you were. But now there were real stakes at hand—no opportunities to mess up. 
Perhaps you were too preoccupied by those thoughts, or maybe your pulse had truly made you deaf. You didn’t notice the cloud of dust or the pounding of hooves until it was too late. 
Abandoning the rope, you gripped your rifle once more, aiming it at the small group of men who had appeared from the canyons. Chest heaving, you watched as the leader smiled, his slicked-back hair obscured beneath a wide-brimmed hat. Spitting on the ground, he looked between you and Barnes, who remained on the ground, but his head was turned to watch. 
“Good catch, Miss. Too bad I’m gonna have to take him off yer hands.” 
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katsukikitten · 11 hours
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look y'all don't ask how I got here but here we are
Sako Kota
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He's easy to spot, tall, middle part, blonde hair that fades into black at the tips, late twenties, handsome.
He comes in every week, usually mid week, when it's dead and you're bored to tears. So it's not as if your eyes could wander anywhere else and he doesn't make it easy.
Sitting down in the same booth everytime, closer to the back, both the entrance and the exit behind the counter are best seen from his spot. Plus the advantage of watching through the giant window while being concealed by the tint that keeps the sun from baking you alive.
He dresses nicely, adorned in turtlenecks no matter the season, even now as the cicadas cry out of misery, begging the sun for relief, his throat is shielded by a thin fold of fabric. The sleeves are three quartered as he takes off his light long jacket and tucks it into his booth. Glancing at an expensive watch to check the time. It's the only glamorous thing about him, the rest of his clothes are always form fitting and simple, paired with well worn but unscuffed boots. As if he buffs and polishes them.
He's ordered his usual and the sweet of the week to go, even though he always sits inside. You're sure it's so no one will bother him when it's time to collect his dishes.
Today it is an early gray tea cake and his normal latte. One you could make with your eyes closed, regular milk steamed, regular milk foam, only one shot of espresso so it isn't too bitter and when you have it, three pumps of gomme syrup. You've noticed he prefers it over simple syrup. You wonder if the gum arabic really does make the drink silky smooth like your boss says. You've made his drink for yourself once or twice after he's left but you always felt weird about trying it as you stared into the bubbles of the foam. Felt almost creepy as you dump out your one daily free beverage over some guy you barely knew.
Maybe it was because you knew he never noticed you the way you did him.
Anytime you'd call his name he seemed to look right through you or worse, glare down his nose at you, eyes focused on the white container in your hands that held his sweet caffeinated nectar and the white box with his treat neatly wrapped up.
“Sako?” You call out almost as a question as if he weren't the only other living soul in the cafe aside from you while your lazy coworker hid away out back. His cake neatly packaged on colored paper to make the gray of the cake and white of the soft creme pop under the cellophane window. His drink in your palm as you reach out to hand it to him over the counter.
Rough calloused fingers brush over yours and stupidly you feel your heart race. Honey brown eyes like molten amber glaring down at you from the contact. Sticky is his gaze as he keeps eye contact and this time he isn't looking through you.
He's looking right at you.
His face neither softens nor sours, stays in that bitchy expression of disgust that you think he wears as a mask to shield away some other part of him. Still it stings, feels embarrassing to be under the weight of his scrutiny.
Mortifying as you pull your hand away and realize what you've done on his cup where you normally write a name.
You'd been day dreaming, thinking of the kanji in his name, “help” or “assistant” and “fox.” The idea of it made you giggle as you must have absent-mindedly drew a little chibi fox with a clipboard and glasses before the espresso machine whined for attention leaving you to forget all about your little drawing.
Cold sweat drips down your nape as you wait for your coworker to come back from his ages long smoke. Jittery as you shifted your weight from one foot to the other before he finally returned, shoving your way towards the back with nothing more than a hissed “restroom” in hopes you're out of sight before Sako can see your drawn stupidity that he may take for an insult. Rushing into the sweltering heat of the ally, groaning as you fist your apron and try to fight back tears you hadn't realized were welling behind long lashes.
Instead you miss his scoff as that heavy gaze cuts over the lines of black sharpie. The ink stark against the white paper cup that he turns slightly so he can see it better. The chibi fox in black and white, clipboard perched between its paws and round glasses sitting atop his smiling snout.
You'd even given the little fox a turtle neck, it makes his lips twitch upward.
It's a shame really, a damn shame that you missed how soft his face gets when he smiles.
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fakezircon · 2 days
hellooo zircon, for no particular reason (/silly) do you have any tips for beginner streamers? Your streams are always clean and well put together esp from a technical side imo so I trust your advice on this one :) - @helsex
This is gonna be long so get comfy.
#1 best tip: Get familiar with your streaming software of choice (most likely OBS) and don't be afraid to play with it. Your first streams are not gonna be a polished as you'd like no matter what you do. You don't need to know the software inside and out to use it well and familiarity will come with use. The best approach (in my opinion) is to figure out what you like in other streams and figure out how to do that for yourself, don't worry about learning absolutely everything right from the start.
Another good tip is to do some mic checks beforehand, if you just record instead of streaming you'll be able to see what your mic sounds like on stream, and there are tons of tutorials out there for figuring out mic settings (this is the one I followed I think, although with some differences just for my own preference).
Yet another helpful resource: this is a link to an obs plugin that will help manage audio sources so you can actually control what plays on stream, instead of it just playing your whole desktop audio. (I think OBS has a version of this going now? But I tried using it and didn't get far) You'll have to add an audio source individually for each application but the greater control is a godsend.
For overlays (things like chat on stream and alerts that play when people follow/subscribe/raid that sort of thing), there's a few routes you can go down. Twitch has their own alerts thing but personally I use streamelements (they also have a very popular chatbot which I don't use myself but may be worth looking into if that's something you want). Whichever service you end up using should give you some sort of link, which will be added to your obs as a Browser Source. (Also if you're using the obs plugin I linked, the browser source audio would be under the name "obs-browser-page.exe" after you set up the browser source)
My final bit of advice is that hotkeys are your friends! It is absolutely worth setting up a few hotkeys to make controlling your stream while in game easy. Personally I have hotkeys set up for toggle muting my my mic and discord audio, as well as for changing between my most common scenes (Also my catcam when my animals deign to show up). Typically if you are just using a regular keyboard you'll want to use key combinations as hotkeys to avoid accidentally activating one while trying to type in game (Something I have done many a time, but hey you never stop learning!).
Shoutout to @addaxbones for teaching me literally everything I know about streaming btw. He's the guy that got me into this mess and also the reason I met most of my friends today. (love that guy)
One last thing under the readmore to cover my shame /silly:
I am flattered you consider my streams "clean and well put together", and you can maybe take this as proof that on screen != behind the scenes, but here is my desktop from a few streams ago, not a tidy look I can tell you that.
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It doesn't normally get this bad, but it's also not a whole lot better.
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