#so happy for you *arthur fist meme*
teamunee · 7 months
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gonna be giving some of these away at aninyc <3
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slyfire · 7 months
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TGCF episode 3 time! (Also minor novel spoilers)
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Get 'em
Poor Lang Ying man...
OMG Yin Yu's here at last! I don't mind his mask per se, but it's the brown hair that's throwing me off.
Woah I wasn't expecting the pink eyes.
The cursed shackle design is...very literal.
A preview of the outfit we'll see Lady Wind Master in later, perhaps? Also love the music inside the manor.
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Hua Cheng with the little flourish...he can't help but be cool in front of Xie Lian
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I'm about to cry. Baby Xie Lian and his mother 🥺
A little bit of his father too.
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He's so...
"As long as you're here, I'm happy"
"It's not anything valuable" SHUT UP!!! But also Hua Cheng touching his neck as he's saying it.
"haha no Gege I would never go to a brothel haha please believe me 🥺🥺"
IDK why but Hua Cheng sitting like that is so funny to me.
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HC Arthur fist meme.
Hua Cheng activated the hands-on-hip pose.
Book 4...one day...
Out all the things to be reminded of, it's tokyo mirage sessions chapter 5.
Damn, this armoury is fire!
Does someone even love you if they don't offer you their armoury??
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The moment it saw Xie Lian, it got all puppy-eyed.
And they way E-Ming shyly looks away...best sword.
Yesss he remembers Hong Hong-er
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GOOD EPISODE as is the pattern so far.
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diagonal-queen · 9 months
thungo thursday: prison break
jesus christ fyozai look *demented*. sigma is the only normie left
MYKOLA'S 'OH' OH MY GOD I CANT HELP HE'S FANTASTIC AND ADORABLE. i could seriously listen to him talk for hours he just has a silly ahh voice
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jesus fucking christ you two (i'm so turned on right now)
sigma: I'M NOT YOUR ASSISTANT sigma: *brings the trolley in anyway*
they even finish each others' sentences. we get it you guys you explored each others' bodies while in prison you don't need to rub it in
yall i think fyolai are bones' new favourites. there is NO reason to make them look this adorable and peggable especially when one of them is in the process of killing the other
when aya said she's the fastest sprinter in her class it reminded me of that scene from narnia where lucy is like 'and ACTUALLY im the TALLEST in my CLASS'
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THIS IS NOT APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE FOR A TODDLER (also not sigma like trying to fucking smack dazai in the face??? T-T)
one of my absolute favourite things about kolya is that his idle animation is just him spinning his cane around and i love it so much you guys don't even know it's just so GOOD yes mmm
it was absolutely unnecessary for that vampire to kick aya so hard she's literally a child with half a man strapped to her back
you guys literally will never comprehend how happy i am that kenji's here like ITS MY BOYYYYYYY MY LITTLE SUNSHINE BOY HE'S BACK IM SO FUCKING ELATED RN HE'S **HERE** AND HE'S KICKING ASS I LOVE HIM SMMM
sigma: hey stop dancing!! we don't have time for this sigma: *does literally nothing to stop dazai from dancing with him*
they're being so silley
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(i demand you all to make memes with this image and send them to me at once)
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SIGMA'S IDEA OF HOME IS LITERALLY AN 1800S COTTAGECORE DREAM omg he's literally me i am him we're the exact same person real not clickbait
okay so vampire chuuya, woohoo he's back and all that.
kenji be like 'my passion is FARMING. and my little side gig is saving the fucking world from terrorists'
LMAO not bram going 'hey don't die ok?? i needa commission you to plough my land later' to kenji asdajfkshkdssdkjghsgh
tachihara i would literally die for you i would do anything for you i will lick the undersides of your boots i will cook and clean for you i will do absolutely any single thing you asked me to
nahh not bones tryna trick the anime onlys into thinking kenji's dead T-T yall he's fully alive don't worry
i can't wait for the next ep also atsushi pls don't die i love u also jouno and tachihara i hope neither of you are dead because i love you guys too
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mystiika · 1 year
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jamie is, objectively, a bit of a strange guy. now, its not that his music taste itself is odd, but rather his choice of playlist names. he won't knock other people's preferences but he personally believes that life is too short for boring playlist names. the ones he comes up with are just so incredibly niche but make perfect sense to him. his playlists i've come up with so far ( except 2 & 3 which i saw & stole ) are as follows:
chugging 5hr energies in the campus library is his study/focus playlist
neon green troll living under the golden gate bridge is songs that have big trickster energy, do with this info what you will
is this a wedding or the apocalypse is pretty much entirely optimistic nihilism if that makes any sense. sorta just nothing matters so do what makes you happy
songs that taste good is songs that have really satisfying sounds or lyrics that are just objectively fun to say/sing
ruh roh raggy ( got any scooby snacks ) is his late night driving playlist
arthur's fist is based on the meme & is basically just a rage playlist of songs that are both angry & aggressive
lets commit a felony & tweet about it is for when he's either feeling like the main characte or needs a confidence boost
white noise 10hrs is still just music but its what jamie categorises as having a noisy sound. i'm not sure how else to describe it tbh
call me austin powers the way i be groovin' is songs that have a fun bass line or are a lil funky
my frisbee is got in a tree again is just sort of his generic feel good happy music, the type of thing you want to listen to if you go on a park picnic on a nice day
sometimes violence IS the answer ( untitled goose game ) is his work out or training session playlist all really high energy & intense, very hype
how to channel your inner pomona sprout is his stoner playlist because weed → herb → herbology → professor of herbology
brb gotta level up real quick is just video game songs or soundtracks he enjoys
please don't sue i have a family to feed is copyright-free music he can safely play while streaming
welcome to the chum bucket is just metal music
got that dr suess flow is just rap music
hot sauce classics is for all the old school iconic rap
tongue stained from all the pop rocks is his favourite b-side tracks
call my dentist is bubblegum pop
little berry richard & chuck ( in them we trust ) is exclusively rock & roll
rock paper scissors winner gets an autographed picture of jack black in a bowser onesie is inspired by this tik tok but basically the concept is songs that evoke the feeling of jack black while being from other artists. no particular genre or subgenre either, they are truly all over the place but all have the jack black vibe to them. one of the comments also referred to this as wizard music which, yeah 100%
& his sex playlist is titled yo yo yo & a bottle of cum but was previously called shake n bake
jamie also is v much the type to make people playlists or mixtapes that have equally strange names bc its his brand <3 hits such as: two needles in a haystack or made this you in a fever dream & the songs were actually good. or from when he was feeling Romantic: i'd join a pyramid scheme for you
that is all, ty 4 ur time
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unremarkablechap · 1 year
❛  you promised me you'd stop this.  ❜
@lil-miss-romano sent a message through the blower ! ↳ via a meme .
Arthur hated when he got like this. He knew it was scary to her. He knew it was scary to most anyone around him. His anger was at the very least, unpleasant. And at the most, a destructive force that has broken walls, bent tables, and smashed glasses. It doesn't happen often with her around; she's generally extremely loyal, confiding, and always a pleasantry to be around. However there were times when the emotions bubbled. They would skyrocket from home station and wouldn't really know how to be brought back down.
Unfortunately it had happened again. Another wave of rage that the wellie couldn't simmer. Thankfully it didn't get as far as to punch a wall or smash something. Those were impulses anyway -- a hobby probably quite worse than his lack of regulation. But, from time to time, when perceiving the world, Arthur became quite defensive on his beliefs. It's hard to witness anything when logic is so fierce it was horribly wrong.
She was at home, and a man was in here with her. They weren't doing anything, just chatting. But the chap was getting rather promiscuous with her, and she was smiling all giddy and laughing at him. Laughing! His mouth just wouldn't stop when he walked in. Constantly interrogating the both of them on what was going on, who this guy was, what they were doing here.
It was just the postman. She had gotten a package from the seamstress in town of a new dress, and the nice man was dropping it off for her. Bella even broke the package and proved it to him. But it still wasn't enough. Rage still fumed. Emotions were still rampant.
A promise, she says.
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" Oh, a promise. Yeah, and do you remember yours? Y'know, when you married me?! " their faces are mere inches apart. His spit flies off his tongue and is brash voice is booming in their house, echoing off the walls. " You wanna tell me why you didn't shove him off or tell him to leave? Why you sat there, happy as a clam, reveling in his provocative tone? 'I'd bet you'd look lovely without the dress?!' And you giggled at that?! You fucking giggled! "
A loud groan. Arthur throws his arms down and storms backward a few steps. His fists are clenching so tight, his knuckles are turning into a soft, pale white. His pace is swift, walking around in a circle as his eyes are keen on staring his wife dead in her eyes.
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kendrene · 2 years
Hi ! Just wanted to pass by because I'm (still) thinking obsessively (picture the meme of Arthur's fist clenching) about this little bit of Rhaenicent where Alicent is delivering her baby and calling for Rhaenyra.
I don't normally like too much angst (especially if the happy ending isn't sure. I know, boring, but I'm a bit fragile emotionally speaking) but the both of them got me in a chokehold, I cannot do anything about it. My aversion of conflict and confrontation (which is a problem when 95% of their interactions are literally this) irks me but I manage to read most fics about these girls.
So what can I say but I am so happy you are doing work for those two. You have a very distinctive style and applied to Rhaenicent, it's wonderful ! It goes so well with it. And I don't know, the way you approach their relationship even after their "break up" it's.... Aaaargh, I love it.
Well, sorry for the rant, I kinda get fired up about my girlz and writers having their takes on them. Each one of them is so good, I love them !
Hopefully you will like the finished story too once it's posted! I'm absolutely feral about them and the way they are portrayed in the show. Overall the acting is so on point!
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justafleck · 1 year
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@llosgcariad​  :   Stab meme thing but Kiran just stabbed someone for J idk why it just gave me hug mob vibes because Kiran sees him as a good investment
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—  Things  have  gotten  out  of  hand  :  just  the  way  he  likes  it  .  And  he’s  gotten  so  wrapped  up  in  the  chaos  that  he  didn’t  keep  track  of  his  chamber  count  .  A  blank  meets  him  when  he  pulls  the  trigger  as  a  brute  of  a  man  charges  in  his  direction  and  J  is  left  clamoring  in  an  attempt  to  dodge  the  blow  .  A  strike  in  the  face  with  a  fist  that  feels  twice  the  size  of  his  own  head  sends  him stumbling  back  ,  thick  crimson  streak  trails  from  his  nostrils  and  he  sees  stars  . He’s  managed  to  take  down  three other  people  ,  but  this  guy  was  apparently  a  black  belt  in  karate  .  His  fingers  dab  into  the  blood  ,  momentarily  distracted  as  his  eyes  fall  to  inspect  the  glossiness  on  his  fingertips  .  The  riot  they  stand  center  of  rages  :  a  massive  crowd  of  bodies  fumbling  and  fighting  around  them  and  the  air  is  clouded  with  smoke  .  The  city  burns  and  he’s  found  himself  out-matched  by  the  fellow  before  him  .  He  hasn’t  seen  Kiran  in  some  time  ,  he  must  have  been  swept  away  or  busy  with  enemies  of  his  own  .  They’ve  sure  caused  a  scene  tonight  .
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—  And  just  as  his  vision  begins  to  resolve  ,  he’s  met  with  the  barrel  of  a  glock  45  .  It’s  inevitable  ,  his  death  could  be  tasted  upon  his  tongue  .  It’s  bitter  ,  metallic  and  unavoidable  . He  craves  it  .  Anticipation  eats  away  at  him  but  instead  of  a  bullet  lodging  into his  chest  ,  blood  spray  splatters  against  his  face  :  a   sudden  turn  of  events  as  the  large  man  before  him  collapses  to  his  knees  with  a  blade  sticking   straight  through  from  his  back  .  Kiran  stands  behind  the  enemy  as  more  blood  sputters  through  the  man’s  mouth  and  his  body  falls  forward  and  his  head  now  rests  upon  Joker’s  feet  .  Shocked  ,  J’s  eyes  lock  with  Kiran  .  He’s  been  saved  .  He  wants  to  feel  happy  :  to  feel  thankful  but  all  he  can  feel  is  grief .  He  was  supposed  to  die   —  to  finally  be  released  of  this  life  and  yet  ,  fate  once  again  snatches  the  opportunity  right  out  of  his  fingertips  .  “  You  ...  W- w- why  did  you  do  that  ?  ”  Arthur  passes  through  ,  his  eyes  laced  with  a  familiar  mix  of  panic  ,  agitation  and  desperation  .  He  wanted  to  die  . 
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condorclaw · 3 years
Grian has the worst time of his life over Monopoly (ft. Jimmy, Grian, Joel, and Gem)
- Jimmy hit 300k subscribers before the game began! His chat had no mercy on him however and said he was going to lose again when Jimmy claimed he was the best at Monopoly
- Grian is about 15 minutes late to the stream once more because he decided to pair socks. He apparently even sent an image to everyone ("He's gone upstairs and literally emptied the sock drawer on the bed to show us.")
- Grian’s screen is blurred, and despite all his attempts, it remains blurry for the rest of the game ("I'll just take my glasses off, it'll feel natural!")
- Throughout the stream, the monopoly money is referred to as “monopolls”. This name is switched on and off at random
- "That makes you look like an idiot, not a nerd. A nerd knows stuff."
- "Let's start a trend." "What about the trend of you losing every game you play?"
- Grian makes it incredibly clear at every given moment that he does not want to be here.
- "I'm angry and it's only the beginning." "It's the socks." "At least you're not in bloody jail!"
- "All I've done is pay rent to Joel, and look, I'm now going to pay rent to someone else.”
- "It's a good thing you're not in Last Life anymore." "You killed me!"
- "I will give all my properties for one dollerydoo so I can leave this game."
- "How do I leave?" "I've been asking that for the last several minutes."
- "You got $10, how do you feel?" "Like I wanna leave."
- "How does Grian have $1000?" "Because I haven't been able to buy anything!"
- "Grian, how do you feel?" "Let me out."
- "Jimmy if you think anyone is teaming with you after this, you have another thing coming."
- "Is there any trades you want from me, Grian?" "I want to leave this game."
- "You know the Arthur meme? Like the fist? That's me."
- *completely monotone* "I would've gone to the ends of the earth."
- "It hurts my soul every time Grian lands on something he has to pay for." "I feel like at this point, he's devoid of all emotion."
- "Grian, did that make you happy?" "Yeah, I still wanna leave."
- "This is the start of my villain arc."
- Gem and Joel begin threatening each other in Empires when they’re the only two left. ("I'm turning into a villain on empires, Joel, I'm burning down your megabase.")
- "This is like being poisoned." "Except not as fun."
- Grian, Joel, and Gem all made a pact before the start of the game to make Jimmy lose.
- "Why is this auction in silence? Yell at each other!" "One's Canadian and one doesn't care."
- "Do not give him that train station." "I won't." "Jimmy, I'll give you my brown and some money for the train." "Deal."
- Jimmy forgot to put the money he wanted in for a deal and got scammed for a lot, much to the delight of everyone else. ("Don't you dare put houses on your property with the money that's supposed to be mine!")
- Grian owes Jimmy money at one point, and he combats it by giving all his properties to Joel in exchange for a dollar. He then proceeds to give all his money to Gem in exchange for a dollar. He gives the remaining dollar to Jimmy, and files for bankruptcy.
- Joel insists on flaunting his wealth as much as possible
- “Damn it feels good to be rich.”
- "Oh no, hope I don't land on those horrible reds. Just kidding, I own those."
- "Watch me land on Community Chest. Oh, it's my train station." "Shut up, Joel!"
- "Hi chat, I'm losing. Did you think I was gonna win?"
- Joel placed 1st, Gem placed 2nd, Jimmy placed 3rd, and David placed 4th!
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Ah!! My bad!! Didn't know you couldn't write controversial stuff!! I'll be happy to resend the ask!))May I have Enji, Bakugo, and Deku with a very punk S/O?-Anarchy anon
• He thinks its very entertaining.
• V e r y
• He likes what you wear 🥺🥺
• He thinks they suit you
• they match your skin
• and your body
• thigh highs?? Yes.
• skirts??? He loves it
• tight jeans?? Baby pop the duck off
• studded collar? Y e s
• all your bracelets? Shits dope as duck
• Listen I know his parents literally work in fashion- but he did not inherit the genes needed to be good at it
• so you're gonna have to help hi
• and your make up blows him away
• You teach him how to do eyeliner
• bc we all know he abuses the power
• so you sit him down and you show him how you do yours
• and then you give him an extra eyeliner pen and he copies each step
• Now his eyeliner is sharp as fuck
• its great
• he'll help you dye your hair
• which you love because the feeling of him playing with you hair or running his fingers through it to even out the dyed strands feels like heaven
• you've fallen asleep from it before
• he thinks its funny
• bc here you are
• big scary punk babe
• falling asleep bc he's playing w your fucking hair
• There just this ion give a fuck attitude that punks have
• and he lives for it
• except when it comes to school
• or anything else productive
• so basically just when you're dealing with other people
• bc he's absolutely on your ass about grades
• he'll come w you to get new piercings
• stick n pokes are a no go tho
• seriously he'll flip lmaoo
• Bro you and Dekj are literally the opposite
• he's ✨🧚‍♀️🥰😍💋💫❣❣
• a fucking bottom
• and youre 🤬👺😈💢♠️⛓💉🩸🗡
• its very amusing to see a babey decked out in black and blue and purple with crazy fucking hair, screamjng profanities at some bitch who had the misfortune of messing w ur bf
• and then a broccoli boy w green hair panicked and trying to pull you away from the fight
• :)
• he's enamored with your makeup tho
• heavy eyeliner?? Yes
• blush??? Yes.
• eyeliner in places thats not your fucking eye? Yes.
• Black lipstick? Yes.
• Babey wants to try and to it 🥺
• its harder than he thinks
• he's looking at the best he just made on your eyelids and he's like 😓
• he likes to try on your jewelry too!!
• just chill with it throughout the day
• like he'll walk into class one day wearing your spiked choker and no one bats an eye
• bc they just know
• its a deku thing
• or he'll come in wearing your cool hand chain things on days they don't have to train
• or your bracelets!
• also?? He sees your coping method of piercings
• and that you do them yourself
• and he'll watch as you do it like 🥰🥰
• he'll make sure its all safe tho!!!
• just because you're punk doesn't mean you can't be safe!!!!
• he likes to see all your cool pins :(
• he'll steal those too
• @ arthur making a fist meme pin
• your favorite one
• n your like sir??????
• whomst??
• you can't take it from him tho 😔
• he's just too cute and he'd be sad if you took it
• he'll sometimes pick your outfit to go out
• or he'll have you style something he can wear so he looks 😤😤 too
• and its a vibe
• You'd never think
• THE Enji Todoroki
• would end up
• w someone
• like
• you
• He's a very composed man
• He dresses well, expensive designer brands
• he's always put together and well-mannered (for the most part)
• and then there's you
• the fucking gremlin from hell that runs on caffeine and energy drinks that looks like a hottopic advertisement
• Its awesome tbh
• Shouto LOVES you
• Bc you're in your late 20's- Early 30's and you fr just living not giving a shit
• Not acting like his mother
• knowing you have like 0 authority over him
• just fucking vibing
• And somehow you managed to snag his dad??
• youre the embodiment of ill marry your date and make you my stepson bitch
• he's like yo, I see you
• Enji lowkey (highkey he just doesn't think its obvious) finds it hot
• that you dress the way you too
• and your attitude
• it just does things to him
• he just really really likes the vibe
• theres an excitement of finally just letting go and saying fuck it after a long day of being composed
• and it appeals to him
• I feel like lowkey part of the punk vibe is making/thrifting/mismatching clothes and just good hard as fuck
• like
• I got these pants from Walmart, this shirt from 7/11 that I cut up and I found these shoes behind the dumpster of an Arby's so here we fucking go
• so when he buys you fancy and expensive punk shit you're like 😤😤😤
• but also like 👁👁
• bc get that bread sis
• mans just watches you kill your hair with bleach and hair dye
• "Would you like me to call and schedule and appointment with Fuyumis hair stylist?" He asks with confusion
"No!! We're fucking shit up is what we're doing. We HAVE to do it this way!!!!"
"Okay, would you like help? I can try the best I'm able to,"
"Aw bby, help is for the week."
• you end up needing help to get the back lmaoooo
• you do your own haircuts
• bc like I said
• fucking shit up
• thats the vibe
• m u l l e t
• or you know the girls that cut lil bits of their hair so short it looks like lil horns??
• please do that
• I promise he'll get rlly soft about it
• "I believe it suits you," he'll say softly, running his fingers through the ends of your hair
"Thanks, I fucked it up and went for it."
• he tends not to curse as much
• so
• :)
• you'll curse for him
• some shit goes wrong? You're right next to him?
• get ready for the storm bb
• "oh you mother fucking cu-"
• he honestly doesn't mind the mouth
• bc like I said before
• its refreshing for him to know he can come home and not be expected to be composed
• He will absolutely be willing to pay for whatever tattoos you want
• and honestly just take him up on it bc tattoos are expensive like
• 3 letters is like 150 bruh
• but!! Piercings are done at home!
• unless they're in your mouth :)
• tongue piercing or that peircing above your teeth
• he won't let you do shit like that at home
• when you did get them he helped you take care of them
• but esr piercings are free game
• overall he's very very supportive in the way you dress and act all around• he really doesn't mind at all
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the-kaedageist · 3 years
I was tagged by the lovely @mllekurtz for this - thank you for thinking of me! I’m always happy to navel gaze about my writing, haha.
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 46 works total!
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
~373k (woah)
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I have a TON of fandoms listed since I participated in Yuletide a lot about ten years ago and I wrote a lot of one-shots for fandoms here and there in the 00s a lot and moved them all over from LJ to AO3 in the early 10s. I have 19 fandoms listed on AO3.
The top ones I’ve written in recently are: the Flash, Critical Role (obviously), a little bit of The Magnus Archives (although I have a wip that’s 23k words long that I should really finish), and exactly one Scum Villain fic - I really should write more of that.
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
- Suspicious Behavior (Naruto, SasuNaru, 3,301 words)
I wrote this in 2006 when I was 20 and somehow it is still popular today? I still get comments on it? Sometimes people bookmark it with comments like “THIS IS FROM 2006 WTF???” and I laugh. It sure is! I haven’t read it in years but something about it must still appeal, go figure.
- Rules of Endearment (Inception, Arthur/Eames, 1,739 words)
I wrote this as a fill on the Inception kink meme in like, 2010. I barely remember it but it still does the rounds on AO3 sometimes too. Honestly, I don’t even think I’ve reread this in about five years. My other Inception fic is better but it totally does not have the kudos of this one; that’s the capriciousness of AO3! (On LJ, my other one, with dreamscape field trips, was more popular. What a weird world.)
- all you want all you need (I could be your everything) (Scum Villain, moshang, 2,404 words)
This is one that’s more recent! Hurrah! I wrote this in May. I definitely need to write more in this fandom.
- fist-fighting with fire just to get close to you (Critical Role, shadowgast, 3,079 words)
I posted this right at the height of shadowgast madness at the end of C2 and have the kudos to prove it. This fic took me over and wouldn’t release me until I’d written all 3,000 words of it in one sitting.
- So Magic About You (Critical Role, shadowgast, 1,699)
Wow, all of my top fics are short. I need to write more long fics in bigger fandoms. This was also written during the peak of shadowgast furor.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I absolutely try to! Every once in awhile I won’t on a really old fic or I’ll miss one, or I’ll take 7 months to respond to someone if I’m in a hiatus or whatever, but my intention is always to reply to my readers. I’m sure if I ever ended up deluged with comments like some of the cnovel fandoms end up being, I might stop this practice, but for now it’s manageable and I love each and every one of them.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Honestly...considering I don’t remember a lot of my fics from before 2010 very well at all...none of them? I don’t really do angst.
OH ACTUALLY!!! The angstiest fic I ever wrote isn’t even on AO3 - I THINK it may still be on my old fic LJ? I wrote the very first Mohinder/Sylar fic (that I know of) for Heroes back in 2006/2007, immediately after the episode aired that had them together for the first time, and I made it a serial killing roadtrip where Mohinder was clueless but eventually figured it out? Except I decided NOT to have them fall in love because I was like, “that’s weird, they have crazy chemistry but I’ll keep it gen” and then they went on to be the biggest pairing for that show, lol. Anyway I THINK that ended angstily? I was 20.
My kingdom hearts fics are all kind of angsty too, I wrote them during a period where a friend of mine had just died when I was 19 and I basically used them to process my existential grief, but they all end on a hopeful note so I don’t think they count.
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK! My very first fanfic, back in 1999, was a Sailor Moon/Star Wars crossover that actually got a large enough following that people emailed me some fanart, another person wrote a spinoff, etc. I was 13? It was a wild time. I met two of my best friends through that fic, and back then, everyone had to send EMAILS to each other to give feedback.
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I actually discovered a really scathing review of one of my Flash fics back in March which was what kick-started my determination to have a better relationship with my own writing - if something like someone badmouthing my fic where they didn’t think I would see it made me feel so awful, then I needed to learn to love my own writing enough that nobody would make me feel that way. It’s been really paradigm-changing, in a really good way, although I would not have guessed it would have been so!
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I write smut but as part of longer fics, rarely as stand-alones (although I have been writing hornier one-shots lately so who knows, maybe I’ll eventually go all in). I do have a couple E-rated fics though.
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I did find one of my fics on one of those sites that tries to sell fanfic that’s harvested by bots, like 5-10 years ago? I think I sent a lot of emails to have it taken down. It was awhile ago.
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don’t believe I have, or if I have, I’ve forgotten. We’re talking about nearly 20 years of my life here so my memory is a bit foggy.
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven’t formally co-written a fic before, but I’ve tossed the idea around with people in the past.
13) What’s your all time favourite ship?
There is no such thing, I go in waves of hyperfocus. I have so many ships I love and for so many different reasons.
14) What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Either my TMA fic (the 23k one) or my shadowgast time loop fic. I may actually end up finishing both of them though, I’m writing so much lately!
15) What are your writing strengths?
I think I’m a very strong writer when it comes to wacky hijinks. This has always been my writing strength, and while it gets a bit more sophisticated as I get older, you can see just from some of my Critical Role fics that it’s still the genre I default to. (Fist-fighting with fire and my fjorjester/blumenduo fics probably showcase this the best. You’d THINK it would be Tusk Love, but that actually ended up somewhat serious despite the wacky premise).
I also think a lot of my fics (although not all, mostly the long fics) tend to have scenes composed in an almost cinematic way in them because I see a lot of them as movies/TV in my head. I’ve been complimented on this before and it was one of my favorite comments to ever receive.
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
I have a pretty utilitarian approach to word choice and language that sometimes makes my writing plain and simplistic; this also uses me to overuse the same few words a lot. A lot of times I am writing to shove a scene that I’m seeing in living color in my head out on the page; the words are secondary. I do tend to go through on my edits and fix a lot of the word choices, change phrasings, and get rid of the plainness of the language, but it’s definitely a weakness of mine.
I also write by the seat of my pants with regards to plot, which means the story forms as I write. Even if I write an outline, if I outline any more than 1-2 scenes ahead of where I currently am, the story always changes. This is maybe not necessarily a weakness, but it is one of the main reasons that I post my fics only once I’ve fully completed them - it allows me to go back and make sure the plot twists are adequately hinted at, the story is paced well, etc.
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I usually don’t do it other than the occasional one-off. If characters are speaking in another language, I usually just write their dialogue in English and then include “they said in Zemnian” or whatever. I will occasionally have Caleb swear or use a pet name or whatever in Zemnian but that’s the extent of it. I don���t mind it in other fics, but I don’t want to butcher languages I don’t speak so I avoid it as much as possible!
18) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
As I mentioned above, Sailor Moon! (Well technically, and Star Wars, but the crossover was in the Sailor Moon universe and my main character was a Mary Sue named Sailor Alderaan. I don’t think it exists on the internet anymore but the wayback machine may still have it. Please don’t look it up.)
19) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh GOD. What a question. Probably “The World is Not Enough”, my 90k fic for the Flash. Despite starting with an absolutely ridiculous premise (does this sound familiar?), I think it is by far the best plotting, pacing, and relationship development I’ve ever written. Oddly, despite being a fic I’m insanely proud of, it’s just never gotten a lot of attention even in that rarepair side of fandom...my other two fics for that pairing are pretty popular but that one just gets overlooked a lot.
I’m exhausted from a LONG day and have no idea who has been tagged and who hasn’t, so please consider this an open tag for all!
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brahms--heelshire · 3 years
Do you have any Hetalia headcanons regarding a PJO AU?
I have been waiting my entire life for someone to ask me this omg.
Okay so I’ll just drop my faves for now, but feel free to ask for more. I just don’t want this to get too long AKDGKJHSKGH.
(I’ll also put them under the cut.)
has been living at Camp Half Blood for as long as he can remember. lives there year round.
didn’t get claimed for like six years, so he’s very anti-gods, even after he did get claimed.
son of Athena, and incredibly pissed off when he found out, to the point where he was like “seriously??? what is she so busy with in bloody greek heaven????? like oh too many books to read to notice her goddamn son?” and pouted around for like a week.
up until that point, he’d always hoped that he was the son of one of the big three, and had been convinced that he was super special. so when he found out that he was the son of Athena, it kinda gave him a complex.
used to be good at sword-fighting, but then only ever encountered weaker monsters, so he just says that they’re not worth tiring his arms, and kicks them to death. 
because of that, he usually ends up injured.
he’s also taken up archery, although he prefers just having it as a skill to actually using it in any sort of combat. any time he messes up a shot, he claims that his fingers were just shaky or something.
still in his rebellious phase, and extra dickish because of it. the counselors hate him. like 16-year-old him once ate grass because some counselor told a small child near him not to.
got to CHB when he was older, and goes home to his mortal dad in the winter.
kinda neutral towards the gods, other than his burning hatred for Zeus and Hera.
son of Apollo and his mortal dad, and is very happy about that. he likes to flex that he got one of the good ones.
he also got claimed fast. (making england both jealous and pissed off at him.)
like a god at sword-fighting. this man has too much upper body strength. the other kids are a little scared of him, but they all think he’s too nice to kill them, so he has a lot of friends.
works in the infirmary. got the healing and music sides of Apollo. he sings injured and sick campers to sleep, and always hangs around to help.
everyone (himself included) assumes him to be amazing at archery, because he’s the son of Apollo.
he’s so,,,,, not.
like PLEASE don’t let him near a bow. he has horrible aim, and has accidentally shot a fellow camper before.
he’s lucky he’s good at healing because he’s a complete disaster.
but he’s generally trusted, and he gets along with (almost) every camper.
lives in camp Jupiter
is probably like the head of a cohort. (AND THE MOM FRIEND TO EVERYONE IN IT. HE BRINGS CAPRI SUNS TO WAR GAMES.)
son of Mercury and his mortal mom.
goes home to his mortal mom for the winter most of the time.
kinda positive towards the gods. he has semi-okay luck, and he doesn’t wanna annoy them enough to make it worse.
after CHB and CJ got on good terms, he travels back and forth between them.
he brings people mail in-person, and any time he’s asked, he claims it’s more romantic this way. (including if he’s delivering like,,,,, bills. he really just lives for the aesthetic.)
risks his safety to look at the internet, and brings cursed mortal memes to everyone else. (sometimes he prints out memes to bring to everyone.)
super dramatic but also actually stressed out over the idea of war, and people can never tell whether he’s like a step away from sobbing or just Gilbert being Gilbert.)
like kinda a jack-of-all-trades. like he’s not amazing at sword-fighting, hand to hand combat, or archery, but he can do them.
he’s an expert at planning, and takes home the win at war games like 9/10 times.
everyone thinks he’s like a thief or something due to his Hermes blood, but he’s just like *clenches fist* really passionate about the postal service. and he’s a good speaker, and a good diplomat.
everyone in his cohort loves him, and some others think that he is a cursed minor god. (he’s not.)
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atlafan · 3 years
When Jordan says this part made her emotional that means I’m going to be a puddle of sadness... sooo here we goo bookclub time!!! Happy Friday!! CONFESSIONS!!! Ohhh mhmm yes!! “she was just painfully aware of the fact that she hadn’t had sex in a really long time.” Me! “Jane almost fucking offered to lick it off for him.” FUCKING ME!!! “Everything feels so easy with you. And I…I don’t want anyone else. I…I’m in love with you, Jane.” SCREAMING!!! Omg omg omg!! Jane is very much feeling the Arthur clenching his fist meme when Harry confessed! “You are one of the strongest, most intelligent, fearless women I’ve ever met. You don’t need to be scared of me. I love your daughter, I love taking care of her every day, and I just want the chance to do the same for you. Let me take care of you, Jane.” Lilly is over hearing this and just ready to scream ‘LET HIM TAKE CARE OF YOU ALREADY!!’ “Their lips just mold and move against one another in a comforting way.” 💯🥺🥺 we have date scheduled folks!!! MaryAnne and Lilly high-five! Awww mini golf date!! Again one of my top choices for a date!! “I know you can sing louder than that. C’mon, give me a little show.” Am I at a Harry Styles concert? ALSO is this foreshadowing to possible Harry and Jane in bed?!? Harry telling her to be louder?!? Oh god horny on main and it’s not even waxy yet! “Sounds like someone’s trying to tell me what to do.” Oh god this prick is heaven I love him! “I’d like to have kids someday, sure. If it’s with someone I love a lot.” He reaches across the table to hold her hand, and he gives her a soft smile.” Oh my heart is beating so fast and melting!!! They are so cute!!! “Jane realized she didn’t need to have a ton in common with Harry, so long as they could just easily talk about whatever, and they could.” Yes yes yes 1000% approve! JANE LOVES HARRY TOO!!!! “He pecks her lips before licking over her bottom lip. He bites down on it gently before sucking on it, and she lets a small whimper slip.” Where can I get a kiss like this?!? Screw sex making out is like a #1 for me!!! Let’s just kiss all day long!! “Well, I certainly wouldn’t want to distract you, darling. He nuzzles his nose to hers. “But just know, once Lilly’s down for the night, I’m lovin’ all up on you.” God dammit god dammit!! I’m punching my bed because I’m in LOVE!!! Just take me now!!! “Maybe Harry will be your Dada after all.” JORDANNNNNNN!!! LOVIE I know you love a cliffhanger but how... how can you?!? This THIS part messed me up!!!! Yes yes yes! 💜💜💜
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assless-chapstick · 4 years
Down for the count, fighting off acid reflux and anxiety. My spouse and I just got into it over my anxiety. SO. Wanna talk about the couch AU, maybe John having anxiety attacks? What about Arthur? You think either of them lay on the cold linoleum and hold each other until it passes?
Fun fact, feller; I been slowly picking away at another ask sorts like this, about the boys' various coping mechanisms. I been feeling some kinda way lately, and I got a little deep in the paint with it, it got a little too real, so I might throw it on the backburner for a minute and come back tomorrow another time… but Im thinkin bout this and… yeah, I think so
About a year after John and Javi start dating, John learns his dad’s first parole hearing is coming up, and that blows a big ol' shotgun blast of a hole through his life, shakes him up something bad.
John’s been OK for a while now, been managing as best he can; sure, he’s got nightmares, he don’t sleep much, and he has interpersonal problems, and emotional regulation problems, and a shitload of problems… but he’s been holding it together pretty well.
Knowing that his dad is up for parole though, knowing that he’s gotta testify – cuz there’s no way he ain’t gonna testify – he knows he’s gonna have to relive some heavy hitt. He’s been able to cope for the most part, but this means he’s gonna have to think about it, and thinking about it is like stirring up old dust.
His lawyer (a feller named Trelawny, somebody Dutch n Hosea hired) says that, so long as John’s victim impact statement is good, there’s no way they’re gonna parole John’s dad, but that doesn’t make it easier.
So I think, leading up to the hearing, John has a… rough time.
He spends a lot of time in his room, the music turned up loud enough that Arthur can hear it clear through the walls and their neighbours complain. He goes for runs, long, drawn out runs that take him near round the whole lake and back, til he comes home sweat-drenched and breathless and ravenously hungry.
Other times, Arthur will come home from work to a dark house, only to flick on the lights and see John lying there on the kitchen floor with his cheek pressed against the cool linoleum, eyes focused on an old macaroni noodle stuck under the fridge, and Arthur can hear him; breathing in deep through the nose (one, two, three, four), hold it (one, two, three, four), and let it out through his mouth as a noisy gust of air (two, three, four).
Arthur hangs his coat on the hook by the door, places his keys gently in the little dishes that used to be an ashtray (gently, so they don’t jangle loud and anxious against the glass) and pads over to John, stands over him for a moment.
“Can I sit?” he asks, nonchalant, a little amused, maybe.
“S’a free country.”
So Arthur sits, and he pulls out his phone to hold in one hand, rests the other gently between John’s shoulder blades so he can scroll thru insta as he rubs John’s back in slow, rhythmic circles as John breathes. Ever once in a while Arthur will snort and lean forward to show John his phone, a meme or a funny video or a cat in drag.
After maybe 45 minutes of that, John lifts his head and paws at the fridge door til Arthur opens it for him and John pulls out a beer and asks if they can order pizza and they do, and they curl up on the couch and Arthur asks if John wants to smoke a bowl and John says no, not right now, so they sit and binge some dumb reality show on Netflix and eat pizza and cuddle
And Charles lets himself in later that night after his study date with Tilly (they spent most of it gossiping and giggling and oh Tilly is an anime fan, and so is Arthur, so they talk about the anime Arthur and Charles have been watching together and Charles shows Tilly Arthur’s art and she shows Charles the new cosplay she’s working on idk)
Anyway, he comes home to find Arthur and John curled up on the couch together, the tv still on even though Arthur is snoring softly and John is drooling and it makes Charles all soft and fond to see them happy like that … until he sits down on the couch and grabs the remote to put on Jeopardy and, half-asleep, John reaches out to slap the remote right out of his hand ….
(also I think Charles manages to work it so he can attend the hearing with John and his lawyer, and it’s touching as hell… cuz John is nervous as fuck, he even lets Charles drive to the courthouse as John sits in the passengers seat, chainsmoking and bouncing his leg and fidgeting with the cuffs of his jacket (perfectly tailored so John looks almost presentable; thanks, Hosea).
When John’s dad walks into court, unshackled, in a blue suit, John jerks and Charles is afraid he’s gonna bolt; but John just shifts, squeezes a fist against his thigh and grabs Charles’s hand, holds it so so tight and Charles runs his thumbs over John’s knuckles as they wait…..
John doesn’t cry when he reads his statement, keeps his voice hard and impassive as he reads, recounting the painful details of his childhood… and Charles always knew the gist of it, what happened, but he didn’t know the details, the specifics, and hearing it straight from John’s mouth in such raw, unfiltered terms, it sets Charles’s blood to boiling, that someone could do that to another person, and it reminds him why he got into law in the first place…
John holds it together through the rest of the hearing – parole denied, next opportunity in three years time – and on the car ride home. He makes it through the door of the apartment before he breaks, going to his knees on the kitchen floor with his head in his hands, and he just let’s out an anguished, angry, growling wail, as loud as he can with his damaged voice, and then he’s sobbing and Charles and Arthur both know he held it in as long as he could, until he felt safe to let it out, so they settle on the floor too and just sit by John (cuz he doesn’t always like to be touched or held when he feels some kinda way) until he’s ready to collapse in their arms)
Anyway , hope you’re feeling better! Thanks, mister!!
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scoopsgf · 4 years
happy belated ffwf, my friend! if you don't mind answering or haven't gotten this kind of ask yet--what kinds of comments inspire you most to keep writing?
Hi!! honestly the comments that rlly get the brain meats going are the loooooong ones. like, where people tell me what they liked best and their favorite lines and the insights they took from my writing. i have a couple of reviewers who really go all out and basically write essays every time i post and i just *arthur clenching fist meme* love them so damn much for it
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neosiwoo · 4 years
hi, i'm ria and i play the ares canon aka kwon siwoo aka living embodiment of the arthur clenching fist meme. i’m hyped to get to know all of u and ur muses even if my replying speed is the most dreadful thing in existence (speaking of replying thank u sm for all your welcoming messages! i’ll get to them asap <3) under the cut i have a few links and a run down of siwoo but yeah if youd like to plot (on discord or im, whatever’s best) feel free to like or just hmu :^)
bio / modifications / profile
lowkey inspired by j.d from heathers and cha dal-geon from vagabond
classic elysium native, knows of inequality from birth and was an angry child
dipped from his house when he was a young™ and found a family in the other fighters and the manager of an underground fighting club .. was happy for a few years before one by one they started leaving until it was the only old manager left, who at this point had a serious illness
uhhh cut to the discovery of the illness only being treated out of elysium and an 18 year old siwoo begging every day to be allowed into olympus so the manager could get treatment
long story short: the manager passes away, the club gets sold to a businessman in olympus and siwoo gets arrested for attempted murder after he attacks (understatement) the guard that had refused to let him into olympus 
comes out of prison 3 years as an even angrier 21 year old, having lost the only family he had due to the system they were stuck in ... if you thought his childhood bitterness and resentment at the disparity of wealth and power in the world (😍) was strong back then, its intensified by 1000x now at the age of 26
wants to see society fall to pieces and flipped upside down so u cant tell what olympus is and what elysium is .. mention any form of rioting whatsoever and he goes <3 
currently recruiting more people for the rebellion and split between keeping it lowkey out of suspicion of traitors but also keeping it highkey because he wants riots to spread like wildfire (traitors? supporters? any plots i’ll take them)
personality wise .. very aloof and detached when you see him by himself but when he’s in a crowd, manages to say just the right words that resonate with the indignation felt by the general public. persuasive and intelligent (in the gaining support, plotting an uprising sense) but also fucking stupid when it comes to anything that requires emotions other than anger. also super suspicious as a person and as a result has very few (if any) close friends or individuals that he trusts .. or actually cares for 
siwoo vc: however elysium as a whole? i care <3
finally he failed the vibe check pass it on 
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Hey, can i ask you to update the hogwarts tag ? Thank you so much you’re really the best blog out there
Oh yes! My fav. And the tag.  - Anastasia
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Jump Right Out (and Into My Heart) by OverMyFreckledBody
(1/1 I 565 I General I Sterek)
He nods his head and clenches his fists a little tighter into the robes he's wearing, and his mother nods back at him before continuing, "But there is one thing. We have a reputation to uphold. One of dramatics and poise. You must answer your Sorting with flair –"
Derek interrupts her, not with words, but with a rolling of his eyes and she pauses. Then, ever so slowly, a proud smile unfurls onto her lips. "That's my boy."
Derek lives up well to his family's reputation - until he encounters a blip named Stiles.
Tea Leaves by DarkAliceLilith
(1/1 I 605 I General I Cora/Lydia)
Lydia smiled. “I didn’t catch that, Cora, can you say it again?”
Our little love would last by sarahcakes613
(1/1 I 1,605 I General I Stydia)
Stiles has been in love with Lydia Martin for nearly seven years, and today is the day he’s going to tell her.
he's pretty nice for a slytherin by 6lytherin
(1/1 I 799 I Teen I Liam/Theo)
Theo meets the troublesome duo for the first time, and of course he has to save them from whatever craziness they've gotten into now.
First To Ask Out by literaryoblivion
(1/1 I 1,439 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles wants to ask Derek to go to Hogsmeade with him for Halloween, but what if he says no?
Meanwhile Derek wants to ask Stiles to Hogsmeade but he overheard him tell Scott he was going to ask someone else. Should he try to beat him to the punch before he can ask the other person?
I Smell You, Too by CallMeHopeless
(1/1 I 1,673 I Teen I Sterek)
Draco is happy with his job as potions master. He likes the day when he gets to teach his students the Amortentia potion best. Trust a handful of Slytherins and Gryffindors make him overthink his choices.
He definitely noticed you. by newtypeshadow
(1/1 I 2,660 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles was following the sounds of movement to the only open doorway when the screaming started. The man’s agonized cries were augmented by the sound of breaking bones. Stiles was through the doorway with his wand out before it occurred to him to be afraid, but by then it was too late.
Derek Hale—fifth year, walking wet dream, star quidditch beater, Gryffindor’s most eligible bachelor, and Stiles’s crush since first year—was curled up on the floor and turning into a wolf.
Derek was a werewolf.
Derek was a rampaging monster that killed people on the full moon...and he was looking right at Stiles.
OR: the Hogwarts AU where Stiles follows Derek past the Whomping Willow and into the Shrieking Shack on the night of a full moon.
Where You Belong by AutumnLeavesSoaring
(1/1 I 3,127 I General I No Pairing)
Whilst the Sorting Hat was truly nothing more than a bewitched item of clothing, it was also an entity that stared deeply into the minds of children, saw into their very souls, and picked a path for them. It often mused that it knew each of its students better than anything or anyone else, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that it had once known them in such intimate detail.
“Perhaps you're a reflection of us, and not the founders, a mirror in which we can judge ourselves.”
Not Exactly a Love Potion by glorious_spoon
(1/1 I 4,066 I General I Sterek)
Stiles and Derek have been rivals since first year, but the Yule Ball is coming up and somehow everything has changed. 
Oblivious by bitacrytic
(2/2 I 5,395 I General I Sterek)
Things were cool when Stiles was goofy and people ignored him. Things were fine when he wasn’t interested in Quidditch. But now, everyone wants a piece of Stiles and Derek doesn’t think things are cool anymore.
Amor Potio Numero Novem by Welsh_Woman
(3/3 I 6,346 I Teen I Sterek)
Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski have been best friends throughout their Hogwarts Years, despite a rocky start and the involvement of the rest of the school, due to Stiles' 'evil Slytherin' status. It seems that friendship might be in trouble, though, due to a mishap in Potions that Derek is having a hard time remembering...
Wolves in Hogwarts by emmathedilemma
(7/? I 8,980 I General I Stydia)
The golden trio that wasn't talked about as much but was just as adventurous as the original. Follow Scott, Stiles and Lydia into their seven years of Hogwarts. With death, fights but overall jokes and happiness breaded in.
Pink Is For Pining (You, You, Nothing But You) by clotpolesonly
(1/1 I 10,946 I General I Sterek)
“You know you could just ask him out, right?” Scott asked.
Stiles stuffed the toast in his mouth and hoped he wasn’t blushing. “Why would I do that?”
“Because you have a ginormous crush on him.”
“I do not, shut up,” Stiles hissed as well as he could around a mouthful of toast.
“Your pink hair says differently,” Scott sing-songed at him.
In which Stiles is a supremely socially awkward metamorphmagus with a crush, Derek is a quietly pining werewolf, and Scott and Lydia are done with their stubbornness and stupidity.
How To Meme Your Way Into His Heart by nana_banana
(1/1 I 14,555 I Teen I Sterek)
Dressed as Batman, Mieczysław “Stiles” Stilinski breaks into the Restricted Section of the school library at 1 AM, but he's caught by Gryffindor's Head Boy. And while he definitely doesn't plan it, Stiles finds himself running for his life through the halls of the castle in the middle of the night alongside one very Grumpy Cat.
Well, Nothing Seems to Matter by whynotnow
(12/? I 22,695 I Mature I Sterek)
It’s bad enough being a secret werewolf trying to woo a girl like Kate Argent. Derek definitely doesn’t need Stilinski, a Slytherin that everyone says is a Death Eater in the making, butting into his life at every turn.
Stiles, meanwhile, is just trying to make sure that dumb Hale kid survives until second year.
Life is a Hell of a Thing to Happen to a Person by RedRidingStiles
(3/? I 24,534 I Explicit I Sterek)
“The moon and the sun will align and bring forth destruction of an already fallen kingdom. The one with the power burning through his blood will band together the ones most lost. The lightning guardian will unlock their true potential. the one who screams for death will learn what loss truly is, the one made of silver with a chip in her sword will go against her birthright, and the ones who chose to follow the red eyes of the moon will gain what they always craved. Each will fall and rise again, the scream will be heard around the world as the last of the alliance falls.”
-Stiles is a super powerful wizard who brings together nine friends to fulfill a prophecy, Derek is a lonely wolf in need of a pack and Stiles gives him one. Based at Hogwarts, everyone is a fifth year. Drinking, magic, scary stiles, pack bonding, romance and lots of feelings.
Merlin Emrys, Wizard by Bod
(9/9 I 26,676 I Teen I Merlin/Arthur)
The Once and Future King has finally returned, and the time is now for Merlin to fulfil his destiny. Merlin decides to join Arthur at Hogwarts in their sixth year, just in time to join the Triwizard Tournament.
say love and death in the same breath (I dare you) by fyeri
(3/8 I 42,237 I Explicit I Sterek I MCD)
Older, wiser and infinitely more jaded, the famed Harry Potter returns once again to Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, after twenty-one years. He’s hoping for one last wild adventure that he never got in his seventh year, and as usual, Hogwarts doesn’t disappoint.
Lovesick teens, brooding werewolves, life-threatening curses and the Triwizard Tournament are just some of the roadblocks on his secret mission to spend more one-on-one quality Daddy time with his kids. Can you blame him?
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