#so have fun with your ship! really!
i’m so sorry but if you watch stranger things and you actually actually for real genuinely think that the duffer brothers have been secretly dropping hints that Mike is bi and actually always loved Will... get help.
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purgatory-jar · 2 months
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Who's excited for tonight's episode???? I am!!!
A lil bit of buck/tommy as a good luck charm for tonight!
Want something like this? Commission me here: x
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peridots-pixiwolf · 10 months
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[Start ID. A digital drawing of Gabriel and V1 from Ultrakill in super-saturated, pixellated colors. It seemingly takes place during phase two of his second fight, judging by Gabe's bright yellow-cyan wings and the consequent blush shining through his helmet. Gabriel is pictured on the left, facing the left side of the screen with his head turned to V1, preparing to strike them with the bloodied spear in his right hand. Small but frequent splatters of blood dot his armor and outstretched wings, fabrics torn through in places. V1 is on the right, aiming its piercer revolver at his face. Their arms are stacked in pairs on either side, idle Feedbacker and Knuckleblaster on the left and Whiplash tucked atop their default arm on the right. Both parties are stylized to resemble insects, Gabe with beetle wings and a halo in the shape of antennae, and V1 with the four wings, four arms, short antennae and bristles expected of a dragonfly. End ID]
woah.... happy 1 year anniversary to gay people
also a couple alts (background removed, just gabe, and just v1, respectively) in hopes it'll be a little easier to understand what's going on and all!
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additionally once again: special thanks to @magnumopos and @muzzleroars , neither of which I have actually spoken to in my life but both of which are credited with partially inspiring this! (dedicated section under the readmore due to the fact I do not generally tag people at all ever and wasn't sure if I should, but thought it was worth mentioning!) The former for giving me the wonderful idea of dragonfly V1, the latter for drawing V1 like a strange little creature + for the feedbacker plate, I enjoy both your works :]
(retroactively, on march 27th of 2024, assigning them a full bingo with credit to deep-space-lines. ehehehehe)
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seagull-scribbles · 10 months
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“Ain’t turtles supposed to be endangered?”
“Only the ones who can’t do this!”
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yoong-tae · 30 days
Do some of these fans not realize how hilariously foolish they look?
They’re mad that we’re having fun with our little invisible string theory. Saying it doesn’t make any sense but like y’all are the same people who were counting refrigerator magnets and now have a lasagna theory? Like we are all just trying to have fun. It’s a show. It’s not that deep.
But then they claim they don’t care, but you cared enough to sit there and reply to a post that had nothing to do with you. They sure do act pretty bothered about a couple they claim they’re not worried about. If you’re so sure they’re going to end, why waste your time arguing with their fans?
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ectoplasmer · 10 months
imagine cuddling up with your f/o in bed during a thunderstorm… arms curled around each other, legs intertwined, head resting against chest while it rumbles and pours outside. getting to listen to the sound of their deep, calm breathing with the patter of rain against the window, seeing their features whenever the room is lit up by the flash of lightning… maybe their arms tighten around you whenever there’s a clap of thunder, maybe they make some sort of sound or they snuggle closer to you… just imagine being all warm and cozy with them during a storm, safe and comfy in their embrace <3
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winepresswrath · 8 months
Darla/Angelus is also great because the show has a competing designated OTP and they exist to serve as contrast and hateful competition to THE ship. they are soulless monsters even by the standards of soulless monsters, they literally make the other soulless monsters go "yikes... your relationship seems not good maybe." but they love each other so fucking much. the writers can't help it. they are constantly trying to find their way back to each other. the way she hits him over a head with a shovel and leaves him to an angry mob while he tries to say he doesn't mind dying if it's with her AND the way they coo about it to each other afterwards. the way she takes him back against her better judgement because she missed him so so much but then kicks him out again later because he still can't be who she needs him to be. that's just how they say i love you.
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sysig · 7 months
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Didn’t know you had it in you, did you (Patreon)
#Doodles#Adventure Time#Fionna and Cake#Simon Petrikov#Winter King#Winterkov#What? Me? Enjoying a self/ ship ft. two dorks wearing glasses? Haha couldn't be me that doesn't sound like me at all#Trading one Tom Kenny brainworms for another sheesh - Tom Kenny stop voicing queer scientists challenge (impossible)#I hadn't drawn Simon before but I have known he's a massive cute for a heck while now lol#And yeah confirmed - he's Really fun to draw especially this iteration#His crows feet and hair streak ugh <3#Plus I've just missed this style of eye more than I realized haha#And Winter just flows off my pencil like water like woah#I blame Spamton at least partially for that lol although he's easier to draw than Spamton :0#Spamton is very fun! Winter's just easier for some reason :0#Maybe 'cause he's so soft-faced haha ♥ And I don't use my colours on him lol#Honestly I only count this as self-slash on a technicality - yes they're both Simon bodily but that's not really Simon in Winter anymore huh#Maybe to some extent - he's still a scientist and all but honestly there's a comment I can't stop thinking about since I saw it#About how really that's The Crown using Simon as a host just without the madness - and his skills aid in keeping him lucid#So it's like a ghost puppeting your clone's still-living corpse more so than kissing yourself :) In my opinion lol#And I don't say that to get away from self-shipping! I love that stuff!! That's just genuinely how I read Winter now haha#Not that he wouldn't play into it lol#I've seen a ''I am like this so you are also like this :) Right Simon? :) You're like this'' and I enjoy that very much#Manipulative so and so <3
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sinnbaddie · 1 month
When you’re so hyperfixated you feel physically ill seeing any other character shipped with your faves
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stinkypeanutbutter · 1 month
ra ra ra rating SBG ships out of sheer unknown impulse
if that makes sense
Aidlyn : 9 . 5 / 10 just cause
sigh . . Guys . . I hate them . I’m kidding but not really . I love them so much I hate them 😿😿 yes yes I know they are overrated and stinky but I LIVE THEM !!!! Plus , I made way too much fanart of them to just be like “ lame , 3 / 10 “ 😹😹😹 ( they SUCKK !!!!! ) love their dynamic ,
Taylyn : 7 . 6 / 10
being honest , they aight . LISTEN !! They just aren’t my favorite . But they are very cutie patootie so they get like uhmsmm yea I could totally see it still . They have their moments , so I do like them quite a bit . :3
Tyden : 9 / 10
I looovooeee them they are so silly so pookie best so shriveled almonds don’t ask anyway I love them . Their dynamic is so silly the bickering is so osisozozojdhsva anyway they would be good together , they have that vibe to eachother and it fits really well
Ashgan ( is that how it is ?? Idk it has Logan and ashlyn ) : 3 / 10
Mmmm nah . Nope . I don’t mean that in a “ this SUXKS I HOPE IT BURNS !!! “ way , more like aaaaa “ It’s notttt it . “ way . I seen them more as siblings lowkey like listen guys they are such big bro little sis vibes you hear me ??? Pslspls
Benlor : 7 . 7 / 10
Also not a favorite ngl . It’s cute , but idk there’s just something there that makes it hard to see but also see st the same time if you get it . Hopefully y’all understand my writing and don’t feel annoyed by it woosys. Anyway , they are cute , but I don’t ship it as much as the others . Maybe it’s cause I just hate drawing ben 😹😹☝️☝️
Tygan : 6 / 10
i like it , it’s silly , I can mayyybeee see it but I don’t like it as much as others may . I need more interacting between them yk ? I ship based on reason like their interactions how they feel about eachother what they done yada yada , and I just might ship them more if they did silly things together more often , and it’s the way their personalities are in some waysysyss . No hate , they cute 🫶😇
yhhh what’s next uhmsm Benlyn : 3 . 5 / 10
can’t see it personally , they don’t interact as much and we might see it more in the future ofc but rn I’m kinda dead on them . They have potential I’ll give them that but they aren’t it for me . ☝️ Plus I see them more like cousins who see eachother once every 5 months or just on thanksgiving yet they hit it off pretty quickly . ( I don’t see them as actual cousins , that’s just rhe dynamic they give me ) :3
Aidgan :
idk how half of these ship names but ushmmm nah not that much . Maybe it’s just Cause Aiden’s and Logan’s personality difference issss . . Different . Can I say that ? Idk it’s just kinda hard to see between them and I see them more as buddies who team together every science project becahse one of them is better at one thing then the other . Also , team cause friendhsip is magic . 🦶💥
Taylog : 7 . 5 / 10
Seriously I couldn’t tell what it was and I thought “ taygan “ but NO MORE it’s taylog now like eggnog or something anyway they are pretty cute I’d say , I can see it but also not really but also quite a bit if you get me . They are very silly together , I like their dynamic throughout sbg and they would be a good pair in some way or another , would maybe ship :3
Ashler : 7 . 4 / 10
Mmmmmm silly , it’s cute , they bicker , I like the bickering . Buttttt I don’t ship it that much . Usually I say that and give it a high rating just why not , its cute just not for me . As everyone else , they certainly changed a lot throughout the comic and their dynamic became more clear and also potential showed . Soosooo
guys idk what other ships there are pleas whlep me I’ll rate polyships next time give me names I can’t think of anymore pslsplspslpsls
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drunkin-kong-donic · 10 months
Hey, I just gotta say...
It's ok if you ship Vecpio. Really. Everyone knows I do. I don't try to hide it.
From what I've seen, new fans automatically ship them until some 'anti' pops up with the tell tale 'espio is 16 and vector is 20.' bullshit. BUT GUESS WHAT.... Espio isn't actually 16, and Vector isn't actually 20. I can tell you right now, no Vecpio fan ships them at those ages or ever have. Everyone can agree that's MESSED UP. Same with a 20 year old raising a 16 year old as their own kid. They're peers. Can't everyone at least agree on that? Platonically or not. (listen, we can all go on for ages about the characterization of each of these characters, but I digress. I'm trying to keep this short) For as long as those two existed, they were never written as their listed ages, which is why recently, Sega officially got rid of those ages and removed them from Sonic Channel. (remember, the wiki's are fan run) Espio and Vector have always been on equal grounds in the Chaotix, and just because Vector is the leader, doesn't mean Espio's any lower in status. With their personalities, its just why they click so well. Vector is naturally a leader, and Espio's a natural follower given his ninja background. Throw a rambunctious bee in the mix for them to take care of and you got a perfect found family. What's to hate? (again, platonic or the two of them as Charmy's guardians) People in fandoms NEED to stop letting other's force their headcanons onto others And if you don't ship Vecpio, that's fine too. Block it, mute it! Just like any other pairing you're not into. But don't go around to OTHER people and tell them what they can and can't do. And call them 'proship' like its a bad thing or say they're liking a pedo ship with no basis besides the intention to scare them onto your side with that word. (also plz look up the actual definition of proship i beg u) Trust me, I'm old enough to know that as soon as you stop caring about what other people think, life'll be so much easier on ya and you'll have a lot more fun in a fandom. I promise. UNTIL THEN....
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IT'S OK to ship Vecpio and not feel bad about it. Don't let other people bully you away from having fun about a harmless pairing in a fandom. Everyone can stay in their own lane and live their lives peachy keen like. SssssEEYA!
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andoutofharm · 9 months
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vote now!
i said i was done being annoying but the stucky voters continue to be intensely angry for no reason so i say we keep having fun at their expense
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kakusu-shipping · 21 days
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Another self insert based entirely one someone else's self insert. @lunayumes has such a habit of making the prettiest and loneliest self inserts, but unlike Your Turn to Die I've SEEN Dungeon Meshi and thus can make her at least a little less lonely.
Emile's a Gnome/Half-Foot hybrid who was raised by his parents far from most civilization. When his mother (half-foot) died of old age his father (gnome) took his own life, unable to live without his wife, leaving their son of indeterminate age completely abandoned on a farm in the middle of No Where.
Emile saved up the funds to leave his home and go traveling in hopes of learning more about his heritage and culture he was deprived of and eventually found himself on The Island. Naturally he gravitated to the local library to read everything they had on Gnome and Half-Foot culture and History. This is also where he meets Emi, who goes to the library mostly just to get out of her empty house when he husband, Chilchuck, is away.
Neither of them are very sociable people, but eventually Emile works up the courage to talk to this very pretty Half-Foot he sees regularly. Surprisingly, they have a lot in common and end up hitting it off.
Emile eventually convinces Emi to leave Chilchuck, partly because he's formed a crush on the woman, but mostly because she's his friend and he wants what's best for her, and this clearly wasn't it. He knows what it's like to be alone all the time. When Chilchuck eventually comes back to talk to Emi and the two make up, Emile remains pretty Anti-Chilchuck for a while afterwards, mostly just giving him dirty looks. Emi doesn't seem to notice.
That's about all I have. Again thanks to @lunayumes for letting me use her S/I as a base for mine!! Anything is subject to change at you're request!!
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rotisseries · 5 months
inspired by elli's poll lol cause this seems fun actually but if you guys have bad answers I'll kill myself on your doorstep or smth
#“rori all of these are your faves how can there be a bad answer” well I still have an internal ranking on some of these#and if all of you pick an option that I think pales in comparison to the others. well. hm#I know what's gonna sweep though because two of these are niche as hell and 4 maybe 5 of these are things you people don't follow me for#fun fact I actually had to scrape my brain to make sure I couldn't come up with any more#I am unintentionally very picky on what is a favorite apparentlyyyy#I also just don't watch/read enough stuff these days so there's that#AND I NEED LONG TERM EXPOSURE TO KNOW THEY'RE STICKING AROUND#so like. I have some options but I don't KNOWWW if they're sticking yet#but this feels like such a small poll lmao#also no sapphics on here this is actually cause I hate women-#NO. JOKING. zelink is here. I almost put gideon and harrow but I'm in a perpetual state of not having finished tlt#and I couldn't put nebetta and darya I was drawing the line at 2 tbos ships. well. actually. changed my mind#not editing these tags actually you guys can see my thought process#WAIT AND SAYMARI. FUCK. I LITERALLY MADE A PLAYLIST FOR THEM I LOVE THEMMM#ok. is 4 tbos ships too many. hmm#I said 2 of these are niche now four of these are niche it's really the “which tbos pairing is your fave” poll#THIS POLL IS SO FUNNY IT'S SO SELF INDULGENT I HAVE TO TAKE OUT AT LEAST ONE TBOS SHIP#I should add one more general one...#cause I do actually want genuine and varied answers I gotta give y'all options so they don't all pool at the first two#I also almost put ellie and abby on here.. that would've been so funny four popular 1 rarepair 3 super niche ships#ellie and abby are soooo interesting to me though so of course the thought of them having something horrible going on together compels me#and they are one of my 3 favorited ao3 tags... they deserve a place...#ok well while I debate on that I'm putting akutagawa and atsushi on here I admittedly have only had like two months of exposure to them#but it is enough I can tell they are so crazy to me#the way my tags are just me overthinking everything on what is supposed to be a fun and silly poll... no one does it like me I'm afraid
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spicerackofblorbos · 3 months
Hey :D
I love your idea of the White Day Event, I think it's very creative and amazing! Anyway, I would really like to participate in that event, so here goes!
The character would be Levi Ackerman, and the date would be a late night picnic in a field, watching the stars, surrounded by candles etc. For his favorite things about me would be my reserved and caring personality and maybe also my eyes (which are blue). Finally, what we love to do together is drink tea while watching the stars at night, movie nights and cooking together.
Anyway that's all, I hope you have a nice day, thank you for this event! Can't wait for the 14th :D
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kuroimarzipan · 2 months
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finally finished my rogue trader's portrait.... pieces that fought with me every single step of the way lmfao its not even in the right style but i needed to finish it and move on. anyway this is selais von valancius shes a voidborn noble, officer and iconoclast. she likes to study people and is excessively conceited. jae is her sugar baby
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