#so have some variety. hes clean shaven now. and it looks weird
gophergal · 1 year
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SubScorp Week 2023 - Day 6: High Notes
Being Grandmaster is hard and sometimes you need some help ;3
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First Times
For a long time, i didn't understand what Men find hot about this. A girl licking a toilet or other non-sexual but icky things. But nowadays i know that it isn't about sex, it is about dignity. A normal person wouldn't lick the toilet, but a dirty whore would. That means by licking the toilet the girl admits to being a dirty whore. She shows that she has no boundaries, that she will do anything for him. Often it does not even matter what it is she does, as long as she does it because he wants it (and would never do it without him demanding it). And the more repulsive the action is, the more turned on the Man gets.
By debasing ourselves, by lowering ourselves to toilet licking whores, we can attract male attention. Every girl can look pretty in a dress, it is not that difficult. And while it is also not technically difficult to lick a toilet, most girls get stopped by their pride and dignity. Only by being able to overcome those burdens, we can show Men that we are worth their time. We can show them that we don't act inside the normal morals, that we are not like all the other girls, we are better, more fun. Of course, toilet licking is here just an example, not every Man will be into this particular action, but what they are into is into pushing the boundaries of what is considered "normal".
In that sense, it is kind of a test. A test if we are ready to submit or if our pride and dignity have ruined us. When it comes to sex Men have a very dirty and creative mind. There will always be new things that they invent. Just look at the porn industry. One would assume that by now every kind of porn has already been shot but yet the industry is booming with more and more videos coming out each day. Men don't want to let their sex life get stale, they need new things. So while it might have been enough to show some ankle 150 years ago, today Men need more. They need dirty sluts. They need us to throw away the "morals" of society and go the extra mile. Where it once has been showing some ankle, then maybe some knee and now we are in a time where clean-shaven pubic hair and anal sex is expected.
It won't stop. It will keep going. Men will need more and more, we can't just sit back and relax on the basis that we once licked a toilet. No, Men need more and need it repeated. You cannot do things for the first time twice. Once you degraded yourself in a certain way, you can repeat it but you can never make happen for the first time again. With each repeat, it will get easier and more normal. That is why morals shift - there will always be people on the edge of what is "normal" and push the boundaries a little further. And after a while, it is not seen as weird anymore and a new normal gets created.
So keep in mind that with every degrading action, with every defiance of your pride and with every renouncing of your dignity, you shift what's normal a little bit further. And every first you give your Man just ingrains you in his brain. A Man will not remember the 10th blowjob he got, but he sure as hell still knows everything about the first time he came into a girl's mouth. Do your research and check the porn sites for new stuff. Look at what is trending, those are the videos Men are watching. Watching something is the first step. After they have seen plenty of it, they will want to experience it. So prepare by watching the same videos and get used to the ideas in porn. Over time even the most degrading actions can appear normal to us, use this to your advantage and always be one step ahead :)
Of course, this does not mean that this is all Men want. Men want a variety of things, they are quite complex beings. But porn, sex, and degradation go hand in hand. Every Man is influenced by them to some extent. Some more and some less. But it never hurts to dismantle any pride you might feel. Pride never helped anyone, it is poisonous. With dignity it is the same. No girl ever got her prince charming because she was the most dignified. No Man ever had an orgasm from respecting a girl.
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sethrine-writes · 4 years
Daughter of a Devil - Ch. 16
Main Characters:  Father!Dante & Daughter!Reader
Words:  2343
Warnings:  Fancy stuff, Fluff, Father-Daughter Dancing
Story Summary: Being a parent wasn’t easy, nor was there such thing as being perfect at it. Good news for Dante, seeing as how he doesn’t have the slightest idea in hell what to do with a child. Sometimes, he was certain that fighting off a horde of demons was a far better match than keeping up with his own daughter. Well, at least he wasn’t going down without a fight.
A/N:  Thank you guys so much for all the warm welcomes back into this series! I’m so glad you guys are still interested in this lovely little universe. Here’s another chapter, just for you kind souls! Some nice fluff. Enjoy!
Chapter 16 - When the Devils Dance (16 yrs.)
You had honestly not expected to see both Lady and Trish waiting for you as soon as you entered the shop. In fact, their presence was a little irking, seeing as how your father had said they were on some sort of mission of their own a few cities away. Either he was lying, or they were really fast; the former sounded much more fitting for this particular situation.
“Hey Trish…Lady,” you said with a nod in greeting, eyeing the smiling women suspiciously. Sure, you were covered in dirt and muck and God-knows-what else from your earlier assignment of taking care of some small-fry demons (damn things were fast and kept tripping you up), but the mischievous grins sprouting on their faces didn’t look like the type of reaction appropriate for your disheveled appearance.
“Have you guys seen Dad?”
“Dante’s a bit…tied up at the moment,” Lady answered, her smile never wavering. You had a feeling her statement was far more truth than it should have been.
“Right. Well, if you’ll excuse me, I’m just gonna go…that way, so - son of a bitch!”
You had just turned toward the kitchen and had taken a few steps when Trish had suddenly appeared before you, arms crossed just below her breasts and hip cocked to one side. Whatever her smile meant, you had a strange feeling that you were involved.
“I’m afraid there’s just no time for you to wander about. We have to get you ready!”
You gave the blonde she-demon a very strange look.
“R-ready? Ready for wha-“
“Come on, now, upstairs for a shower.”
You continued to shout and curse the whole way upstairs as Trish pushed you along, already pulling at your clothes to quicken the process. By the time you were actually in the bathroom, you were almost completely naked.
“Alright, wash your hair, shave those legs, and brush your teeth. You’ve got fifteen minutes to finish!”
You sputtered at the ridiculous amount of time you were given to do all of what she was asking, especially with how dirty you had gotten from your mission. You were just about to tell her off, too, when you turned and found she was no longer in the bathroom with you.
“Remember, fifteen minutes!”
“Are you guys crazy?!”
“Goodness, you’re right…better make it ten!”
You sighed heavily as you finished undressing and climbed into the bathtub for a quick shower. Whatever those two had planned, you were being forced to go along with it. You decided you might as well go along with the ride and hoped that whatever they were going to do with you didn’t hurt too badly in the end.
You may have just started out as a demon hunter, much like your father, but you had definitely already faced some hard challenges, had come home with some bruises and bleeding wounds that would soon scar over - much slower than Dante’s own almost instant healing, but hey, they would make for some interesting stories. 
In that regard, you wished you were fighting Sparda, himself, then being dolled up by the two women doting over you at that moment. Truly, you had to be in some sort of hell-dimension. Maybe you had died on that mission, and this was your punishment.
“Just hold still!”
“Damnit, stop pulling on my hair!”
“You’re acting like a child.”
“I am not!”
You continued to argue and struggle against both Lady and Trish, cringing at makeup brushes and coughing at the excessive amount of hairspray being used to keep your hair in place. It felt between a lifetime and probably about ten minutes for them to finish, everything calming rather suddenly as both women ooed and awed at their work.
You were turned abruptly to look into the full length mirror hanging on your wall, your disgruntled expression smoothing over almost immediately at your made-up visage.
“I look…so different.”
“Well, not really,” Lady explained, coming up behind you and placing her hand on your shoulder. “You’re just a little spruced up, is all. You’re still the same rough, difficult, badmouthed, daughter of a devil that we all know and love.”
You gave a huff of a laugh as Lady pat at your shoulder reassuringly and made her way to your closet as Trish excused herself with the promise of having Dante ready.
“One last thing, and then you can meet your dad downstairs.”
“Was he in on this whole thing, too?”
Lady gave you a look, one you recognized as twisted in the most delightful way. It was safe to say that Dante had gotten the same treatment as you.
You definitely still had questions, but they were answered rather abruptly when Lady presented you with a full-length dress, a gown only seen at high school proms or those fancy parties and dances-
Everything was starting to make sense. You weren’t sure if you had ever been so nervous as you were at that moment.
Every year for the past fifty-seven or so years, the local park held an annual formal spring dance that allowed all ages to attend. It was sort of like a prom, but with the addition of small children and elderly couples dressed up nicely in frilly outfits joining in on all the festivities. It was a chance for everyone to dress up for one night and make themselves feel beautiful as well as have fun with close friends and family members.
The park itself was lit up with lights stuck in trees and bushes throughout the whole area. There was a big makeshift dance floor laid out along the less grooved area of grass in the middle of the park, and several tables of refreshments and tasty treats were set out. Off to the side of the large expanse set aside for dancing was the music-mixer table where two DJs were stationed and playing a variety of music.
Many people from around the city were present, dressed to impress, and despite the large crowd, you were having a blast.
You weren’t even sure why you had been so nervous, in the first place, and even though the whole process of being dressed up wasn’t much your style, you were happy Lady and Trish had sprung such a little surprise on both you and your father.
Already, you had been asked to dance by several sharply dressed young men, all of which you accepted. You were surprised that Dante had actually allowed you to do such a thing, especially with the way he was when you so much as mentioned a guy you talked to on a normal, friendly basis. His focus tonight was to make you happy, however, and if you were happy dancing with all the men that showed up that night, then so be it.
At one point, as you were sitting down to take a small break and talking with your father on some of the weird and rather hilarious dance moves a large group was pulling off, a small boy around the age of five had come up to you with the sweetest little face. He then held up a flower he had picked just off to the side of the dance floor and asked if you would dance with him. It was the single most sweetest thing you had ever witnessed, and with a smile of your own (and a hardy laugh from your father) you accepted and allowed the tyke to lead you on the dance floor for two songs.
Before long, the DJs were beginning to dedicate the dances for specialty couples, such as elder couples, younger couples, just the kids, and so on. After about four or five dances, there was one that was for “Fathers and Daughters,” quite similar to the one some traditional weddings still did.
“Looks like it’s our turn to tear up the dance floor, Squirt,” Dante said with a short waggle of his brows, standing and holding out his arm for you to take.
You shook your head at his antics, but took his arm with a smile and let him lead you to the middle of the dance floor along with the other fathers and daughters gathering around.
The song itself was a very lovely melody, one that you were familiar with and enjoyed listening to in your free time. Instead of stepping to a more complicated dance routine, as you had first expected Dante to lead you into, you and your father both fell in-step to a gentle sway that went perfectly with the tune. One of your hands rested comfortably in his as the other took purchase on his shoulder, right above where you rested your head.
You were aware of several parents with cameras snapping a quick photo or two around you, but you didn’t mind much. There was almost a guarantee you’d be gifted with a photo of the moment by some mysterious means, of which you were more than okay with.
“So, how’d you like the surprise?”
You laughed a little and pulled back to look at your father fully.
Truth be told, Dante cleaned up really good, with his longer hair slicked back in a nice style and his face clean-shaven. He’d donned a nicer shirt for the occasion with a tie that matched the color of your dress and a newer, black coat, dark jeans and his usual dusty boots cleaned up to an almost decent shine polishing off the ensemble. He looked younger, rugged, even, in a nice way. You could definitely see the charm in his look, and it was no wonder why your mother had been so smitten with him when they first met.
“So, you did have a hand in it,” you accused in a playful tone, earning an equally playful smirk from your father.
“I may have mentioned something to the ladies, though all the planning and torture was their doing, I’m afraid.”
“No kidding,” you huffed, leaning back against his chest. “It was a little sudden, and too much hairspray was involved, but it was nice. This is nice. Oh, I was wondering, did Lady and Trish really have you tied up?”
Your father gave a heavy sigh, and laughter escaped your lips. Dante may have been one of the most difficult men you knew, but Lady was much more stubborn and hell-bent on anything she set her mind to, with Trish more than happy to join along in the mayhem. You were sure that if they wanted to put your father in a bright orange dress with ruffles and make him do the Macarena, they’d have him dancing the night away by that evening.
“Well, I’m glad you did it. You know, for me; I don’t think I’ve had this much fun since shooting off the eyes of that limb-sprouting demon a couple months back.”
“Yeah, that was one hell of a treat, wasn’t it? Lady was so pissed after that mission!”
You both began laughing as you remembered quite well the verbal thrashing the demon hunter had given Dante for taking his sweet time in taking care of business. You had been given the same thrashing, though it wasn’t nearly as harsh as the one your father had to endure.
Before long, the song came to an end which gave way to many cheers from the bystanders watching the fathers and daughters dance. You and Dante stopped in the middle of the dance floor, smiling at each other. You then reached around him and pulled him to you in a warm hug, feeling his much stronger arms wrap around you securely to return the gesture.
“Dad, I know I don’t say it often enough, but…thanks, for everything you do for me.”
Whatever Dante was about to say was interrupted by a loud, screeching noise coming from the sky. You both looked up into the darkness to find a large group of bird-like creatures swooping down and startling the people in the park, attempting to scramble the mass and section them off. Many began screaming and running around in hopes of finding a way to escape the strange sight, just as the demons were expecting, most likely.
“Let’s go,” Dante said, and just like that he was pulling you along by the arm while reaching inside his coat and pulling out what looked like Ivory to fire several shots at the circling demons. Doing so only served to do two things: make the demons angrier and startle the crowd even more.
People were tripping here and there as the winged creatures began to swoop lower to pull a human or two up a small ways before letting them drop back down. In a way, they were teasing them, playing with their meal, so to speak.
At one point, one of the bird-like demons came too close to you and had pulled at the back of your dress, ripping several seams and pulling at the fabric at the bottom until several pieces of it hung from your form.
You looked back at the tattered skirt of the dress, a burning sort of anger quickly seeping into your veins.
As your father reached within his coat once more to retrieve Ebony, you tore the remaining fabric from the bottom up to your knee in order to move around easier, revealing the glittering heels you wore as well as your gun, Rein, strapped carefully to your lower thigh. You pulled the weapon from its holster against your skin and began firing your own shots into the air at the swarming horde, all but roaring with the anger building inside you.
“You damn pterodactyls ruined my dress and one of the best nights of my life! I’ll send all of you back to hell!”
Dante stopped momentarily in his shooting to watch you go to town on the flying creatures, almost swearing he could see red in your gaze.
God, but you looked like your mother. You’d grown up into such a lovely young woman - damn near brought a tear to his eye.
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sleepykittypaws · 4 years
The Christmas House
Original Air Date: November 23, 2020 (Hallmark) Where to Watch?: Hallmark will replay it multiple times this season, and for every season in perpetuity
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It's impossible to review Hallmark's The Christmas House without noting that this time last year, then-Crown Media CEO Bill Abbott was personally taking phone calls from a SPLC-designated hate group, and pulling a Zola ad showing two brides chastely kissing from his network, at that hate group's behest. The ensuing firestorm of well-earned criticism following Abbott's bad judgement, is, without question, what brought us to today, with Abbott ousted, a woman of color, Wonya Lucas, now at Hallmark's helm, and a still totally G-rated holiday lineup that now regularly features former Hallmark no-gos like, interracial romance and LGBTQ+ inclusion, improving Hallmark's abysmal diversity record, one movie at a time. 
So, even though Hallmark had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century, it's still hard not to be at least a little emotional that they're finally joining us here. The bigots are still having online temper tantrums about losing their all-white, all-straight safe space, but Hallmark's holiday ratings are up 7% year-over-year—a significant jump in a world where cable subscriptions are declining by 10-15% annually.
Now, what that progress looks like on a network known for being “clean,” conservative and about as unwilling to take risks as any channel on the planet, is another story. Frequent Hallmark star, and out gay actor, Jonathan Bennett, has been tirelessly talking about The Christmas House, since the day it went into production. And Bennett brings a lot of energy to this ensemble story, written by co-star Robert Buckley, of a family getting together to decorate their home one more time before it's sold. 
Buckley and Bennett play the sons of Sharon Lawrence and Treat Williams, a recently retired couple struggling with that fundamental shift in their relationship. Buckley is the star of a ridiculous court show, Handsome Justice, of which we luckily get to see a clip, and Bennett, a baker, and his husband, played by Brad Harder, are waiting to hear about an adoption, after several previous disappointments. 
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Bennett and Buckley bring more humor than is normal for Hallmark to their portrayal of loving, competitive brothers, who clearly enjoy ribbing each other.
How conservative was past hallmark, you ask? Well, that Buckley's girl-next-door love interest is divorced, not widowed, is still a somewhat shocking twist in that world, as is the fact that both Buckley and Bennett are "allowed" to sport some facial scruff, rather than be clean shaven. Oh, and that the family next door is (gasp) Latino, is also something we likely wouldn't have seen in the Hallmark of yore. All of which is just mind-blowing, since those “days of yore” for this TV network were [checks notes]…2019, not 1968.
Lawrence and Williams are believable as a long term couple, and their life-change struggle to re-center their relationship feels real, but the way it's revealed is almost as anti-climactic as its resolution. The movie laid very unsubtle hints along the way—all storytelling progress aside, Hallmark movies are still written so you can half watch and not a miss a thing, allowing folks to join 20 minutes in, or do the dishes and come back without being confused—that Williams and Lawrence's wanting to have "one last Christmas" was about more than just downsizing in retirement. 
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When Lawrence told the story of the clearly-actually-brand-new-and-from-Homegoods Santa pot, and what it meant to her, I thought Williams was going to later accidentally break Checkov's sentimental teapot and, in her anger, Lawrence would blurt out something about that's why they were separating, shocking their grown sons. 
And, honestly, as predictable as that would have been, it would probably have had more impact than what did happen…Lawrence just casually telling Buckley while stringing lights, and then nobody really mentioning it again, excepting oblique references during a single conversation between the brothers, and then Lawrence just announces at breakfast that they're not doing that after all.
Definitely feels like Hallmark's aversion to conflict in its stories is one of those provisions that is still firmly in place. (We saw a similar unwillingness to commit to actual marital difficulties, despite that being the central plot point, in Cranberry Christmas.)
Which is too bad, because Lawrence and Williams being much better than the actors usually used for these parent roles, could have handled a more realistic story well, and brought some real emotional beats to the movie.
As expected, Buckley's romance with Ana Ayora was the definite A-plot here, but why did their memory lane rekindling catalyst have to be close-up magic, the worst of all entertainment options? Was there no mime troop they could have been teenage members of? When it comes to magic, and jazz, I'm like Indiana Jones and snakes…Why'd it have to be magic?
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Also, no way that 29-year-old guy they have playing "teenage" Mike grows up to be Robert Buckley. Nope! They definitely had to soft focus all the mostly unnecessary flashback scenes so that those actors, easily less than a decade younger than our leads, didn't quite look their age. 
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And, c'mon, Buckley, who, again, is the star of his own TV show, gives the love of his life a necklace he bought…in high school? For real? I'm surprised we couldn't see her neck turn green in real time. At least get a gal a little upgrade. Sheesh! 
The whole rival real estate agent thing went nowhere. And what was that subplot even supposed to be about? Would have much rather seen a scene from the Handsome Justice episode where Buckley's character defended a dog accused of murder, than that whole waste of time. 
On the other hand, loved the Grift body spray mentions, and so glad we go to see that ad. Hallmark doesn't do subtle—"But will they get it?" is basically the network's motto—but this is one case of subtext just being text that worked.
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Oh and, how did his parents buy a house on the Hudson river just by selling a nice, but fairly average, suburban home? Sure, they said it was a fixer upper, but anything on the water is gonna be way more pricey than where they were, and you've still got to have the cash to do the fixing. Also, you know the old adage about how nothing soothes a struggling marriage like a whole house renovation project, amirite?
Speaking of money…Why didn't Buckley just buy his folks the house right away if he didn't want to see it go? I mean, even if he's only a mid-level TV star, this wasn't some extravegent manse, and certainly wouldn't be an unusual thing for a well-off child to do for their middle-class parents. Why all the rigamarole with the weird guy and the rescinded offer? And, like, what was that all about? So many stories I'd have rather seen from this talented cast than some of the filler we actually got.
Harder didn't get nearly enough to do, but he and Bennett had decent chemistry and they got most of the best lines. The joke about "Will we decorate like this for our kids," and Bennett's emphatic, "No," cut the tension of an emotional scene well, with perfect timing, making it actually, laugh out loud funny—a Hallmark rarity. And when Harder appears in doorway after hearing from the adoption agency, and Bennett knows just by looking at his face what the call said, I got emotional.
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That all the couples in this one got to kiss, including Bennett and Harder, is important. With the specter of last year's Zola debacle absolutely lingering over the entire movie, it's hard to think of a better, actual example of #LoveWins, than that moment.
I also teared up when we saw Bennett and Harder's family at the end, not only because it was a long overdue Hallmark milestone, but also because Harder's real-life son, Kael, played he and Bennett's on-screen adopted child, and is just so stinking cute.
Am I giving this bonus points for finally having an LGBTQ+ storyline, even if it was pretty far from the foreground? For sure. But Buckley and Bennett also brought humor and heart to this one, of a variety not usually found on Hallmark, and Lawrence and Williams also upped the ante on the quality here. Notable that Hallmark also sprung for two actual, name-brand holiday songs, so they were willing to spend a little bit of extra cash on this effort, which says more about their “commitment to diversity” than years of empty promises ever did.
Would have liked House even more, if Hallmark had been brave enough to swap the storylines; Bennett falling in love the boy next door, and Buckley and his bride waiting to hear about adoption, but barring that, do wish it had been bit more of a true ensemble (i.e. all three love stories had equal weight).
Despite quibbles, I'm still putting this on top of the 2020 Hallmark heap, at least for the moment, because I laughed, I cried and I felt good about the progress that has been made, no matter how long overdue it is.
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As I've said so many times, representation really does matter, particularly on a channel like Hallmark, which caters to exactly the audience that most needs to see LGBTQ+ people laughing, living and loving, just like every other family.
Representation really can change lives. It opens hearts and minds. It can help those struggling within themselves feel seen and worthy. Really can not underestimate how transformative these normalizing glimpses can be, particularly for a network like Hallmark, with a large "conservative" audience. 
"Conservative" is in quotes, because there's nothing genuinely conservative about human rights, and respect for those unlike you. Empathy and acceptance for others should be a baseline standard for living in a society—not a political statement. 
No one has the right to deny someone else's humanity, and someone's choice to hold hate in their heart deserves no respect from Hallmark, or society at large. Really hopeful that some kid out there who feels excluded and awful about themself because their family and upbringing has told them everything they're feeling is wrong and sinful, can now see representation like this on their family's safe space TV channel, and know it's going to be OK.
It's a small step, but it's definitely a good one, and I'm really looking forward to the actual lead LGBTQ+ holiday romances coming soon, like Hulu's Happiest Season (Nov. 25), Lifetime's The Christmas Setup (Dec. 12) and Paramount Network's Dashing in December (Dec. 13), and hoping Hallmark joins that club in 2021.
Until then…
Final Judgement: 3 Paws Up
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hollenka99 · 4 years
The One Where Jackie Settles In
Summary: Chapter 3. Jackie gets used to life with Marvin.
Warnings: death mention, violence mention
@bupine @badlypostedeverything
In the minute it takes for Jackie's mind to wake up along with him, he becomes confused as to why his chest is in agony. More confusing than that, he appeared to be in the bedroom of someone's home. In a pile on a bean bag was a pre-arranged outfit for him to wear. Dressed, he ventures to the hallway. And things finally click. Right, he was living with Marvin now. Marvin, who happened to also be Cat. The past 24 hours had been quite eventful. He'd… rather forget it. He requests anything Marvin had on hand. If he was a superhero, surely he was no stranger to injury. Therefore, there must be something lying around to assist with pain management. To his relief, Marvin can indeed help him. In fact, he goes further and offers him whatever is required for his recovery. With the medical care over, Marvin invites his new roommate to help himself to mini Weetabix or bread. Jackie doesn't think he can manage more than a simple buttered slice of toast this morning. The Russian blue missing her front left leg observes them from her shelf. Marvin notices where Jackie's gaze is directed. "Indie's watching us eat, isn't she?" "Yep." Jackie chuckles. "Come face us, you little spy." Marvin turns around in his seat, wearing a mock scowl. "Caoimhe was like that. I couldn't eat anything at home without her staring at me until I gave her a bit of my dinner." Marvin is facing the table again. "Caoimhe?" "Oh um... she was my dog before- before all this." "Is she with friends or something?" "I guess. Them or my dad. It all happened so quickly." Suddenly, stories relating to pets fill the space between toast and soggy cereal. Jackie learns of the time Indie somehow found herself stuck in the space between the television and the wall. Likewise, he tells his friend all about Caoimhe's misadventures as a puppy, including her habit of attempting to snack on his drumsticks. This in turn leads to Jackie confirming that yes, he was a drummer and guitar wasn't his preferred instrument. The two of them chat at the table until Marvin realises in a shock that it was already time for him to get ready for work. Running late slightly, he blurts out his apologises and suggests Jackie finds a DVD to watch while he's alone. Despite how abruptly it had ended, the morning had been an enjoyable one. Joel checks up on them a couple days after the incident with Anti. He raises the issue of Jackie not having any clothes of his own. The Canadian offers to accompany him around the shops, making the point it would be a proper chance to get to know each other. With the promise expenses shouldn't influence decisions, they leave. They manage to collect a variety of tops and jeans. Apparently ripped jeans were fashionable now. Fashion had certainly changed in the past three decades. He and Joel are still able to find items that were close enough to what he used to know. The shops they visit are lacking in leather jackets but Joel is able to offer a black denim one as a compromise. With socks and underwear also in their possession, it was time to move on from clothes shopping. Almost. Doing so as discreetly as he can, Joel mutters quietly to Jackie. "I can see you eyeing the women's section. Why don't you have a look?" "No, it's weird. Trust me, men were not made to wear feminine clothing." "Listen, I have two dads and a diminished sense of gendered clothing. I am the last person who will give a damn about a guy wearing a dress. You have a similar build to my dad so..." Joel approaches the racks, flicking through them. Periodically, he scrutinises Jackie to likely determine if the dress was right for him. The most Jackie lets his new friend buy for him is a skirt that reached his knees. It seems to please him that Jackie allowed him to get even that. He supposes it was a nice garment. And a kind gesture too. With the clothes stuffed into the back seat of Joel's car, the duo return to explore the Tesco Metro. The older of the two triggers a whole conversation about Easter celebrations. Joel talks about the Beaches Easter parade in Toronto while Jackie grumbles about Easter Sunday masses. They both agree there's no such thing as too many Easter eggs. "Hey, you should get a notebook or something. It might help if you have somewhere to put your thoughts about the 21st century." "What, you want me to write you an essay about modern life when I've known nothing else? I'm 20, I was born in... 1999." "It's April so if you want to turn 21 this year, it's 1998." "Wh- 'if I want to turn 21 this year'? Can I please get through the rest of this month without having my life being threatened?" Joel groans. "No, dumbass, it was advice." He leans close to Jackie's ear. "I know about Village Square and how you were born in 1966. I'm sure you want to talk about this further but I don't have anywhere I can really take you to speak privately." "You're psychic?" "No." Joel places his bags down, resigning himself to tackle this subject while standing outside a WHSmiths. "Sure, I can create portals but I'm no mind reader." "Then how-?" "I already told you, this is not a conversation we should have in public." "What about your apartment? You don't live with Marvin and you told me you weren't living on the streets anymore." "In Canada. And I doubt it would be healthy to send you somewhere over 3500 miles away when you sustained a major injury a few days ago. Listen, how about you text- A phone, we need to get you a phone too." "Right." Mobile phones are unrecognisable. How the hell did technology advance to the point where this small slab of glass and alloy was capable of receiving calls? Not to mention the plethora of things it also offered. And controlled by your fingers on top of it all off. Joel reassures him he can take it slow with this technological leap. The main reason he bought it was for communication and it could remain so if he wanted. Jackie supposes the shiny blue back was pretty. It wasn't hard, growing accustomed to life with Marvin. His roommate would sleep in after a long night of patrolling then spend most afternoons working a shift at the local garden centre. In addition to that, Marvin would also don his Magnificent Cat costume twice a week so he could help those still on the streets. Jackie usually sat those out, feeling awkward about his new situation. Marvin was typically the one to cook. As such, Jackie felt it necessary the head of the kitchen should be aware he couldn't have mustard. If the hero could try getting into the habit of checking ingredients and being wary of anything labelled 'spices', he'd be much obliged. Marvin does his best to follow these instructions. It seemed to be working fine as there was yet to be any allergic reactions. At some point during that second week, Marvin invited Jackie to the kitchen. His plan was to bake his favourite cake, one containing chocolate and strawberries. Their joint efforts go well for a short while. Then Jackie gave himself an edible moustache upon stealing the whipped cream from the fridge. Marvin confiscated the can, only to follow suite. By the time the cake was ready to exit the oven, the duo were laughing, in need of a whipped cream restock and a change of clothes. It is after returning from a shift that Marvin introduces Jackie to an unusual pizza crust arrangement. "Pizza Hut have the best stuffed crust though. This is only the best Morrisons has to offer, as far as I've tried it." Marvin continues on, rambling about how, while studying at university, he made it his goal to find the best frozen pizza supermarkets within walking distance of his accommodation had to offer. As such, he had designated this specific pizza as his favourite. Something about the other varieties being too liquidy or whatever. He has no interest in this subject. Pizza was pizza. But... Marvin seemed very engrossed in imparting his findings to him and who was Jackie to stop him? "Oh, tell you who would go with us to Pizza Hut, my friends Henrik and Jameson. Maybe Chase too but he tends to be a rather busy guy. You should meet them. I think you might get on with those guys." Marvin makes a note as a reminder to invite his friends for a meal out. For the time being, that is the end of that. Before long, the Easter weekend arrives and with it, a chance for Jackie to finally meet Sean. It was clear Marvin looked up to his big brother from the way he spoke about him. As far as Jackie was aware, Sean was 9 years older, a video game developer and a reluctant cook, hence why the two roommates were taking care of the big meal. He can certainly see the resemblance between the brothers. Their features were very similar. The main difference between them was hair. While Marvin was clean shaven with waves descending to his shoulders, Sean had stubble and short straight hair. It was pleasant to see them have such a good relationship, complete with teasing and half-serious threats of burning the other if he kept pushing it. Jackie found Sean likeable. The whole meal, they kept themselves occupied with chatter. He learns Sean enjoyed painting in his spare time. In fact, he was creating the backgrounds for his company's new game. It is at this point that Marvin lets him know there was still a blue smudge, albeit slightly faded, on the side of his left hand. The afternoon is a good one but like all things, it comes to an end. Before too long, they are bidding Sean farewell and exchanging comments about the day's success. Night, the stranger found, was the best cover. Some dark clothes to reduce visibility and a hood to better conceal his identity from CCTV cameras. With some silent fiddling, the door grants him entry. He knows precisely which room he has to visit first. His most recent escapee is completely oblivious to the intruder. He could ensure Jackie never woke up with a single touch. But Marvin would discover the truth were that to happen. That method was too obvious. Besides, this wasn't what he was here for. The envelope slips out of his bag. In the morning, Jackie will find the surprise on his bedside table. That done, he moves on to the other bedroom. The hero is still awake, albeit engrossed by his phone's screen. Only now does Anti allow his presence to be sensed. Marvin reacts accordingly by throwing the covers to the side and defensively leaping to his feet. A palm is raised to prevent any provocative action before it could be carried out. The message is delivered. "Back off, Marvin. You should know by now what I'm like when frustrated. Let the next one slide and you won't hear from me for a good while." He looks like a three year old persevering with their poorly thought out argument. He's certainly a 24 year old man in his pyjamas rather than an on duty superhero fully in costume. "I... I can't." "One life for several. Aren't you supposed to be on the better side of the morality spectrum? Surely this is a easy choice." Anti doesn't wait for any potential response from Marvin. The serial killer leaves the way he came. The sun rises and with it, Jackie. Marvin was already awake, cradling an abandoned coffee. He gives his friend little acknowledgement as he enters the kitchen. The piece of paper Jackie is holding, however, gains his attention. Especially when he asks the dreaded question. "Uh, Marv? Do you know anything about this?" It's only a portion of an A4 sheet. A pair of scissors has been used perhaps a third of the way down. The contents is limited to a single typed line which reads: We both know he's no doctor. Maybe you should ask why he hasn't taken you to be treated by professionals. Jackie starts talking as soon as he's sure Marvin has read the message. "I- Listen, I will admit I had wondered why you never sent me to a hospital. But I guess I brushed it off as a secret identity thing. So why didn't-?" "You're new to this city, right?" "Yes." "So you don't know Anti like I do. He likes making a point of finishing what he started. I don't know how the hell he does it. But if he's the one who put you in hospital, the only place you're going after that is the morgue. So forgive me for wanting you still around. And yeah, it's true, I am not a doctor. However, books on human biology and the internet have served me fine. I've had way more injuries than Sean is aware of. Yet here I am, walking around despite the occupational hazards my hobby is littered with." "Marvin-" "If you want me to apologise for prioritising you staying alive, then I'm afraid you're out of luck." The aggression radiating from him remains for several seconds. It dissipates into something softer. "But I am sorry for putting the decision solely in my hands. If that means anything." Jackie lets the air settle between them before answering. "Alright. Listen, I am still upset-" "Fine, then I'll leave for a while." Marvin begins making his way to the shoe pile by the door. "What I was going to say was I'm still upset but I'd rather move on and let bygones be bygones for now. Just promise you won't do something that risky again." He stops completely to face Jackie. "Yes, of course. I promise." "Thank you. And, as a sidenote, if you're going to run from disagreements, at least fix that mess you call your hair. It's horrendous." The sleep deprived hero scoffs, a tiny smile creeping into existence. "Got it."
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leisurelypanda · 5 years
Daddy!Steve verse...Steve ties Bucky to the coffee table where everyone tried to pick up Thor’s hammer during AoU. Puts an announcement out that Bucky free game the whole weekend. EVERYONE comes to fuck Steve’s little boy. Male, female, human, God, Fury, and Wanda’s power.
Bucky felt Steve shift behind him before he felt the kiss against the back of his neck. The bristles of Steve’s beard scratched his skin, but they didn’t move any lower. He snaked a hand around Bucky’s front and ran it over his stomach. Steve’s movements were slow and lazy, perfect Sunday morning sleepy affection. Bucky smiled and sighed happily.
His back was sore from the lashing he’d received a couple days ago. Much to his surprise, Bucky found that there actually was some measure of truth to what people said about submission being a kind of escape. His anxiety was relentless, lately. He had one month left before a decision would be made about whether he’d stay on with Stark Industries permanently.
On Friday night, Bucky was so wound up that Steve had tied him to the bed and gone to town on his ass and back. For the ass, Steve had used a belt. For the back, Steve had chosen a flogger. It hurt. It burned and Bucky had cried and yelled until his ass and back were covered in welts and bruises. And then Steve had come around, wrapped a hand around Bucky’s cock and whispered sweet praise until Bucky came and it was the most intensely satisfying experience Bucky had ever had.
The fact that the welts and bruises took a couple days to clear up made Bucky feel a little proud. Just like the hickeys Steve left on his body, he saw them as trophies, of a sort. There was a certain comfort and thrill in knowing that Steve had left marks on him.
Behind him, Steve hummed as he kissed Bucky’s neck and shoulders softly. His hands wandered over the expanse of Bucky’s body. They never wandered over any erogenous zones, but they felt good nonetheless.
“Morning, Daddy,” Bucky sighed. He felt Steve smile against the crook in his neck as he sucked gently on the skin there. Bucky gave a soft, breathy moan at the feeling.”
“Morning, baby,” Steve replied. “Got any plans for today?”
“This feels nice,” Bucky replied. “Been thinkin’ of getting my hair cut, though.”
“Really?” Steve asked. He moved Bucky onto his back and started kissing his collarbone. “Why’s that?”
“I’ve had this for a while,” Bucky said. “Sorta getting tired of the maintenance, you know? Want something different.”
“How much you thinkin’ of gettin’ rid of?” Steve asked. Bucky wrapped his arms around Steve’s body as Steve’s caged him in, making him feel safe and secure and loved. He ran them across the smooth, muscled plains of Steve’s back as he considered the question.
“I’m thinkin’ a lot,” Bucky replied. “Like, short. Might shave, too.”
Steve grinned. “You wanna look all cute and innocent for Daddy, baby?” he asked. “Never seen you clean shaven before.”
Bucky grinned and his hands wandered down to rest just above the curve of Steve’s ass. He felt Steve growl softly against him as he sucked on Bucky’s clavicle.
“You can only take my virginity once, you know,” he said. Steve chuckled against him.
“Ever heard of role playing?” he asked. “I can take it any times I feels like it, doll.”
Bucky arched against Steve’s body. “Fuck,” he murmured.
“Maybe later,” Steve said. “Just wanna love on ya a bit for now.”
“Sounds nice to me,” Bucky replied. Steve hummed in thought.
“Could take a razor elsewhere, you know,” he mused. “Could shave your whole body, have it all nice and smooth for me.”
Bucky’s breath hitched and his cock started to harden. He moaned as Steve continued kissing along his chest as though he’d said nothing out of the ordinary.
“Your whole body, from your legs to your arms and your chest, even your ass,” Steve murmured. “All soft and smooth for me.”
Bucky squeaked and Steve laughed. “You like that, huh? Well, I guess I have some plans for today, too.”
It was almost noon by the time they managed to get to the barber’s office. Steve dressed incognito. Sweaters and coats that hid his body and a hat with sunglasses that obscured his face. It was a necessary part of going out. Bucky didn’t mind. Steve’s celebrity status made it difficult to be himself in public and Bucky was honestly not ready to deal with the media finding out about their relationship. He wanted to savor the privacy a while longer.
Bucky’s hair, thankfully, was easier to style than some other types of hair. It was neither completely silky and straight, nor thick and course. The hair stylist knew what she was doing, too. He had Steve wait outside. He wanted to surprise him with what he ended up with.
In less than an hour, his hair went from shoulder length to not even covering his ears. His hair was styled up in a curl on top of his head, but short on the sides. He looked smart and professional and every bit the young guy he was. Part of the reason why he’d decided to shave and cut his hair was he thought it aged him a bit. Maybe having a different kind of look where he didn’t look like he’d gone through a war (aka college and grad school).
After he’d paid and tipped the stylist, he stepped outside. Steve turned to him and Bucky smiled as he saw Steve’s eyes go dark. He pulled Bucky close and kissed him fiercely. Bucky moaned into the possessive kiss and clung to Steve’s body.
“You look so pretty, baby,” he said.
“You think so?” Bucky asked, coy and blushing.
“I know so,” Steve said. He kissed him again. “Prettiest little boy Daddy’s ever seen.”
“Wanna go home, then?” Bucky asked. “Can’t shave me out in public, you know.”
Steve chuckled. “A shame, too,” he said. “Gotta wait to make your body all soft for me.”
Jesus, he’s really into this, Bucky thought. It was exciting, though and he practically dragged Steve to the car when they left.
There was something oddly erotic and exciting about standing naked in a bathroom with Steve standing by the counter with a variety of shaving tools at his disposal. Bucky briefly wondered where Steve had gotten them and how long it had been since he used them, because Steve’s beard, while neat, was definitely a beard.
Thankfully, Bucky had never really grown much in the way of chest hair. His torso and back were naturally smooth and hairless, so Steve didn’t pay much attention to them. The rest of his body was another story. Steve took a trimmer on the lowest setting and just like that, the hair on his arms and armpits were cut short. Next were the legs, which took a little longer as the hair was a little thicker there. When Steve was done trimming, he took a razor and cream and shaved the rest.
Bucky went to move, but Steve stopped him.
“Not done yet, baby boy,” he purred. Bucky shot him a pointed look.
“Where else is there for me to shave?” he asked. Steve glanced down pointedly and Bucky shivered.
“Relax,” Steve said. “I’m not gonna let anything bad happen. Just stand still.”
“Easy for you to say,” Bucky grumbled.
“I’ll give you a nice treat if you take the rest of this without complaint,” Steve offered. Bucky nodded.
“Just get it over with,” he said. “At least you have a better view.”
Steve smiled gently and took the trimmer to Bucky’s bush. He did just as he had with his arms and legs, but slower and more careful. Then he applied a lot of cream to Bucky’s balls and shaved them. Bucky kept himself utterly still as he did so. Finally, finally, the last thing was Bucky ass, which Steve did not touch. Instead, he went about cleaning Bucky up.
“Thought you wanted me totally shaved,” Bucky said.
“I do, but I also want it to be done right,” Steve said. “And I don’t know how to properly wax an ass, so we’ll leave it there for now.”
When he was done, Steve’s hands trailed along Bucky’s body. He hummed in wicked delight and Bucky shivered at the lust in the sound.
“So soft,” Steve murmured. He kissed Bucky’s arm. “So smooth for Daddy.”
Bucky preened at the words. Steve left a trail of kisses along his body. He knelt to kiss him, to run his hands over the newly smooth skin. The roughness of the calluses dragged along Bucky’s skin and they felt amazing.
“It’s like you’re a sweet little virgin all over again,” Steve murmured. He looked up, his eyes filled with passion and lust and Bucky’s breath hitched.
“Still not a virgin anymore,” Bucky said.
“Just let me pretend, okay?” Steve replied.
“But I’m not,” Bucky replied, growing annoyed. Steve got up and took a step back.
“You okay, Buck?” he asked. “This didn’t bother you the first time.”
“I’m fine,” Bucky said as he looked away. Steve reached out and took his hand.
“Tell me,” Steve said. Bucky grumbled, but didn’t pull away.
“It’s just… you’ve got so much experience,” Bucky said. “You’re confident and sexy and shit, but I’m… I don’t know what I’m doing half the time. I love having sex with you, I just…”
Steve looked at him for a moment, but Bucky couldn’t finish the sentence.
“You want to have sex with other people,” Steve said.
“No!” Bucky replied quickly. “It’s just… I feel a little weird about you having so much more experience than I do, is all, it’s nothing!”
“Bucky, calm down, it’s okay,” Steve said. Bucky took a deep breath as Steve rubbed his arms gently. “If you want to have sex with other people, I can make that happen.”
“What?” Bucky asked. “I thought… you said you…”
“I admit, I was role playing a bit the first time,” Steve said. “But… the reason I have so much experience is because I’ve had a lot of sex in the 21st century. Not so much in the 40s.”
Bucky blinked. “What are you saying?”
Steve blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. “The Avengers… have an open sexual relationship,” he said. Bucky blinked again. “I’ve fucked pretty much everyone on the team.”
“So… you’re saying that those crazy tabloid articles that say you guys have crazy sex marathon weekends… are true?!” Bucky demanded.
“Well, no not generally,” Steve said. “But yeah, if we wanted to have sex with each other, we did.”
“And you… don’t have feelings for anyone else?” Bucky asked hesitantly. Steve’s eyes softened and he took Bucky’s face in his hands.
“No, I don’t,” Steve said. “They’re great people, but none of them ever worked out romantically.”
Bucky nodded. “Okay, that’s… something, I guess,” he said. Steve kissed his forehead.
“I promise I haven’t done anything with anyone but you since we’ve been together,” he said. “And if you decide you don’t like it, you don’t ever have to do it ever again.”
Bucky took a deep breath. “You would really be okay with me having sex with other people?”
“With some rules,” Steve said. “You want to talk about them now or later?”
“Now, before I chicken out,” Bucky said.
“You can’t make love to anyone else,” Steve said. “Unless you want for our relationship to include him. If either of us want to have sex with someone else, we need the other’s consent beforehand. If either of us start to feel neglected by the other, we need to say so.”
Bucky nodded. “Okay, that makes sense.”
Steve kissed him again. “You’re my partner, Buck,” he said. “You’re the only one I’m interested in being in a relationship with. The first in… a long time.”
Bucky smiled. “I’ll… think about it, okay?” he said. “It’s not that I don’t’ want to have sex with them, I just… need to get used to the idea, you know?”
Steve nodded. “Take as much time as you need,” he said. “Meanwhile… what do you wanna do now?”
Bucky smiled and ran his hands up Steve’s arms and chest. “Well… I think you were saying something about loving how soft I am, now.”
Steve grinned and his gaze darkened. “Yes. Now I remember.”
It was a couple weeks later when Bucky came back to Steve about this idea. In that time, Thanksgiving had come and gone and Bucky had officially met the other Avengers in a totally normal, non-sexual environment. They were… surprisingly chaotic when they weren’t on TV.
Bucky also received a vaccine from Bruce, who didn’t even seem surprised by the request. He was checked for signs of disease, even though Steve’s serum made him immune to most forms of disease. Bruce was thorough and professional and Bucky walked away with a clean bill of health.
“So… about the thing you mentioned a couple weeks ago,” Bucky said. “The fucking of the Avengers.”
“What about it?” Steve asked, raising an eyebrow as he grinned. “And I’m pretty sure you would get fucked, just so we’re clear.”
“Shut up,” Bucky said. He shoved Steve playfully. “You know what I mean.”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“I think… I’m okay with it,” Bucky said. “But… only if you’re there, too.”
“So you’re talking about a threesome, or do you just want me to be in the room?” Steve asked. Bucky blushed and cleared his throat. “Or… is it something else?”
“I… God this is embarrassing,” Bucky said.
“I promise I won’t laugh,” Steve replied. Bucky looked away.
“I… want you to be the one who… gives me away,” Bucky said. Steve grinned. “You said you wouldn’t laugh at me!”
“I’m not!” Steve protested. He took Bucky’s hands. “I’m just wondering where this came from.”
“I just… I think it would be easier if… you were the one to tell me to have sex with your friends.”
Steve grinned and shifted them around until Bucky was pinned beneath him. There was a dark, feral grin on his face, like Bucky had told him exactly what he hadn’t known he wanted to hear. It made Bucky’s blood burn with desire.
“So baby boy,” Steve growled above him. “Daddy wants you to meet his friends.”
Fuck, Bucky thought. “Yes, Daddy,” he squeaked.
“They’re gonna love you baby,” Steve said. “I know it.”
What Steve had in mind apparently involved rope, a butt plug, and a cock ring. It was a large plug, but if any of the Avengers had something the size of Steve’s dick, Bucky had a feeling it would be good to have such a plug. It was the same area where they’d had Thanksgiving dinner just a week ago, but instead of the dining table, Steve took him to a coffee table. Standing naked in the Avengers common room was… somewhat strange, to be honest, but Bucky’s body thrummed with excitement and anticipation.
“Get on, baby,” Steve said. Bucky knelt on the table and Steve shoved his front down so that his ass was in the air. He tied Bucky’s calves to his thighs, before he also tied his ankles to the table. Finally, Bucky’s wrists were tied behind his back so that he was stuck in either a kneeling or a prostrate position. When he was done, Steve came around and grabbed Bucky’s chin.
“Daddy’s friends will be here soon, baby,” Steve said. “You remember your safewords?”
“Red for stop,” Bucky said. “Yellow for a break.”
“Good. Now, there’s two rules I have for you for tonight,” he continued. “You can’t come. At least, not for anyone but me. And every time someone comes when they have sex with you, you say ‘Thank you, sir.’ Understand?”
“Yes, Daddy,” Bucky said.
Steve smiled. “Good boy. I’ll be right here the whole time,” he said.
With that, he released Bucky’s face and walked over to an armchair directly across from where Bucky was kneeling. He took his phone out and texted for a bit before he set it aside and took out a copy of the New York Times like he was some kind of old person who actually read newspapers.
Bucky somehow managed to keep himself in an upright position, resting on his haunches because it was the only somewhat comfortable position available. He wondered who the first person to show up would be. There was no way of knowing until someone showed up, though.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Pietro Maximoff was the first one to show up. He appeared in a blur of motion next to Steve. It took Bucky a second to register the fact that someone was there aside from just him and Steve. He sat on the arm of the chair and grinned at Bucky before looking at Steve.
“Steve,” he greeted. “I was surprised to get your text. Is it true?”
“See for yourself,” Steve replied, not bothering to look up. Pietro returned his gaze to Bucky and Bucky blushed. Pietro’s grin grew as he walked slowly over to Bucky. He laid a hand on a bare shoulder and trailed down Bucky’s chest. Bucky’s breath hitched as Pietro’s hand grazed a nipple. His hand wandered further down until it reached Bucky’s half hard cock. Bucky bit back a moan.
“He’s beautiful,” Pietro said. “Where did you find him?”
“At Stark’s party back in May,” Steve said. “He was one of the staff that got invited to the party.”
“Really? And you’ve kept him to yourself all this time?” Pietro asked. Steve shrugged.
“He didn’t seem interested in having sex with anyone else until recently,” he said. He looked up and grinned smugly. “Daddy’s cock kept him satisfied for a while.”
“Any rules I should know about, then?” Pietro asked. “I can’t wait to take him for a ride.”
Fuck, Bucky thought as his breathing hitched. It was like he wasn’t even there, like he was just there to get fucked and nothing else. It was… hotter than he expected it to be.
“He’s not allowed to come,” Steve said. “You’re free to touch his cock and balls, though.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Pietro said.
He turned to Bucky and kissed him. Bucky was surprised for a moment, but kissed him back. He glanced at Steve and saw him nod in approval. He closed his eyes and yielded to Pietro’s mouth. Pietro kissed like it was the end of the world, fast and hot and demanding. He supported Bucky’s body easily before he pulled back and grinned.
“This is gonna be fun,” he purred. He got up on the table and pulled his pants down. His cock sprang free, long and thin and slightly curved. It was all Bucky had time to think before Pietro put the head to his mouth and pushed in. Pietro moaned above him as he fucked Bucky’s mouth in earnest.
“Fuck, your mouth feels so good,” he moaned. He fisted his hands in Bucky’s hair as he thrust into Bucky’s mouth and into his throat. Bucky was glad that Steve’s cock was bigger and that he was used to getting his mouth fucked. It was still hot, though. He moaned around Pietro’s length. “You should share your boy with us more often, Steve.”
Steve hummed. “We’ll see,” he said. “Have to say that I’ve liked having him to myself.”
“Can’t blame you there,” Pietro said with a laugh. His thrusts grew faster and more desperate and Bucky could barely keep up. Bucky stared up at him, at the muscles shifting beneath Pietro’s skintight shirt, the dark blue eyes gazing down at him. “His mouth feels amazing.”
“He’ll be here all night,” Steve said.
“Good,” Pietro said.
He threw his head back and groaned as he slammed his cock all the way into Bucky’s mouth and came down his throat. Bucky moaned at the taste. It was less bitter than Steve’s, but more salty. Pietro sighed as he pulled out, his softening cock slipping from Bucky’s mouth.
“Thank you, sir,” Bucky recited dutifully. Pietro smiled.
“Thank you, Bucky,” he replied. He bent down and kissed Bucky again before he hopped down from the table. He grinned as sauntered for a couple steps and bent down to kiss Steve as well before he ran off in another blur.
“That was… interesting. In a good way,” Bucky said. Steve hummed.
“Glad you enjoyed it,” Steve said. “Wait until you meet the rest of them.”
About 15 minutes later, the elevator dinged and Natasha walked out. Bucky frowned. He wasn’t expecting Natasha to come. She didn’t seem interested in him, though, and sat down on the couch and looked at Steve.
“Got your text,” she said.
“I can see that,” Steve said without looking up. “You should know that he’s not into women.”
“You don’t say,” she replied. “It wasn’t exactly difficult to tell. I just came to see if he was… occupied.”
With that she held her phone up to her ear. “Hey, baby, come down to the common room,” she said. “And bring the puppy.”
“Puppy?” Bucky asked. She smiled slightly but said nothing. Bucky looked at Steve, but he was smiling just like Natasha. Bucky got the feeling that this was a kinky thing. A couple minutes later, the elevator dinged again and Sam and Clint stepped out. Well, Sam stepped. Clint crawled on his hands and knees with puppy ears in his hair and a plug in his ass.
“Hey, Mama,” Sam said. He bent down to kiss her and Clint sat in front of her on his haunches like a dog. He was completely naked, aside from that, while Sam was dressed in a red shirt and black gym shorts.
“Hey, baby,” she said. “Why don’t you take your clothes off? You’re here to have some fun, right?”
“Yes, Mama,” Sam said with a grin. He took his shirt off and Bucky drooled at the sight of his body. He was thick and strong, his chest nearly as impressive as Steve’s. His length, which was only half hard, hung long and thick between his legs. Clint whimpered and Natasha turned her attention to him.
“Hey, puppy, you wanna play with someone new?” she asked.
Sam and Clint looked over at him. Sam’s eyes raked down his body and he smirked. His gaze was dark and honestly, the guy was gorgeous. He was big and broad and his face was just so damn pretty, it hurt.
“He’s cute,” Sam said.
“Can I, Mistress?” Clint asked.
“Yes, puppy,” Natasha replied, ruffling Clint’s hair fondly. “Go play with your new friend.”
Clint grinned and crawled up onto the coffee table. Bucky sincerely hoped that he wasn’t about to get licked. Thankfully, Clint just kissed him. Natasha turned to Sam, who was still standing by Natasha.
“Why don’t you get to know him, baby?” Natasha suggested.
Sam came around behind him and his large, strong hands wrapped around his waist and stroked along his chest. Bucky leaned back and shivered in Sam’s grip. Sam sucked a kiss on Bucky’s neck while Clint kept kissing him. It was… oddly amazing, being sandwiched between two guys who kept kissing him.
“Touch his cock, puppy,” Natasha said.
“Yes, Mistress,” Clint said. Bucky mewled into Clint’s mouth as he obediently wrapped a hand around his cock. He tugged it steadily as his tongue explored Bucky’s mouth. Sam licked and sucked over Bucky’s neck. “Having fun, baby?”
“Yes, Mama,” Sam moaned. “He feels real nice.”
A moment later, Bucky felt Sam’s hands near his ass and he pulled the plug from Bucky’s ass and tossed it aside. His hole was still wet with lube and Sam pressed his dick against him. Bucky moaned loudly as Sam pushed in. He was thick and long, but not as much as Steve. It was still a sizeable cock. He arched his back against Sam’s chest.
“He’s so tight, Mama,” Sam groaned. “So tight and hot.”
“Good boy,” she said. “Don’t hold back, now. He’s used to Steve, he can take it.”
“Yes, Mama,” Sam said darkly. The next moment, Sam slammed his cock into Bucky’s ass hard and Bucky moaned loudly. Sam fucked hard and fast and Bucky groaned. Clint stood up and his cock stood out. It was shorter, but thick and veiny.
“Why don’t you suck the puppy’s cock, baby?” Steve said. “Be a good boy and make him feel good.”
“Yes, Daddy,” Bucky said. He leaned forward and licked up the length of Clint’s cock, trailing the veins until he reached the head. He wrapped his mouth around it and took the length in his mouth.
“How’s he feel, puppy?” Natasha asked.
“So good, Mistress,” Clint moaned. Bucky hollowed out his cheeks and started to suck Clint’s cock more earnestly. He swallowed it down to the root and watched Clint’s dark eyes close as he moaned in pleasure.
“Good boy,” Steve said. “Nat, do you know a 9 letter word for sneaky?”
“Insidious,” she said.
Bucky bobbed on Clint’s cock. Clint’s hands went to his hair and tugged on the curled top that he kept for exactly that purpose. He loved the tugging in his hair as he went down on Clint, who passively received what Bucky gave him. Meanwhile, Sam continued slamming home, hitting Bucky’s prostate with every thrust and Bucky moaned around Clint’s length. His hands gripped Bucky’s hips hard enough to bruise and Bucky loved it.
“I’m close Mistress,” Clint moaned above him. Bucky sucked harder and faster, chasing him towards his climax.
“Not yet,” Natasha said almost casually. Clint whined and Bucky began to lessen his rhythm. Steve cleared his throat.
“Don’t let up, baby boy,” Steve said. “Show him what you can do, make Daddy proud.”
Clint whined again as Bucky obeyed, sucking hard and bobbing quickly on Clint’s shaft, swallowing it down to the root before rising up and swirling his tongue around the head. Clint whimpered and his grip in Bucky’s hair.
“Please, Mistress,” Clint moaned. “I’m close, so close.”
“If you come before I say, you’ll be punished,” she warned. “I’m thinking maybe some CBT. Would you like that?”
Clint swallowed. “N-No, Mistress.”
“Well then, don’t come,” she said. Steve chuckled. Bucky just focused on Clint even as Sam pounded into him relentlessly.
“Fuck,” Sam groaned. “Mama, wanna come, can I come, please?”
“Of course you can, baby,” Natasha said sweetly. “Come whenever you like.”
Clint whimpered and Bucky moaned around the cock in his mouth. He didn’t dare let up. A couple minutes later, Sam grunted and slammed his cock into Bucky’s ass and came. Bucky moaned as he felt Sam’s cock pulse inside him as warm come filled him up. He kissed him gently before he pulled out and Bucky whined at the loss. He popped off Clint’s dick.
“Th-Thank you, sir,” he said, his voice low and gravelly. Sam smiled and kissed him again before he stood up.
“I hope Mama will let me play with you again sometime,” he replied. “You got a nice ass.”
“Would your boy mind if I entertained myself?” Natasha asked.
“Dunno,” he said. “Baby, can Natasha have some fun while you’re here?”
Bucky popped off Clint’s cock again. He was so horny, so lost in arousal, he didn’t really care anymore. He nodded at Steve.
“Need verbal confirmation, baby boy,” Steve said sternly.
“Yes, Daddy, I don’t mind,” Bucky replied. Natasha grinned.
“Good for me, then,” she said, spreading her legs. “Come here, baby boy.”
Sam dropped to his knees in front of her and Bucky went back to sucking Clint’s cock. Clint whined desperately.
“Mistress, please, may I come?” he begged.
“Hush, puppy, Mistress is busy,” she replied, her voice low and thick. She moaned and Bucky tuned it out as he watched Clint. His stomach clenched tightly and his face was screwed up from the effort to not come. “You can come when I’m done.”
Clint whimpered and Steve chuckled.
“You are a cruel woman, Nat,” he said. “Look at him, he’s desperate.”
“He’s pretty when he’s desperate,” she replied. “You could borrow him when he’s done, take care of your… little problem.”
“Maybe. We’ll see,” Steve said. Bucky just kept sucking. A few minutes later, he heard Natasha gasp softly, almost completely inaudible, and release a high moan in, what Bucky’s gay brain assumed was, an orgasm. A second later, Clint gasped and grunted and Bucky’s mouth was filled with his come. He swallowed it down before he took a haggard breath.
“Thank you, sir,” he said. Clint grinned down at him before he got off the table and crawled over to where Natasha and Sam were. Sam had his head in her lap and Steve had actually put his newspaper aside to gaze at Bucky hungrily. He got up and stalked over to him. He ran a finger on Bucky’s chin.
“Missed a bit, baby boy,” he said before putting his finger into Bucky’s mouth. Bucky licked it up eagerly, sucking on Steve’s finger.
“Am I doing good, Daddy?” he asked.
“Yes, baby. Such a good little boy, taking care of Daddy’s friends like this,” Steve purred. “Daddy’s good little slut.”
“Thank you, Daddy,” Bucky said, somewhat breathless.
“You need anything?” Steve asked. Bucky shook his head and Steve kissed his temple before he returned to his chair.
It was about an hour before the next person showed up. Bucky was both glad for the break, and frustrated that Steve was so focused on other things. Like the newspaper crossword puzzle like a fucking nerd. Who did those, anyway? Steve Rogers, apparently, and only while Bucky was getting fucked by someone who was not Steve Rogers. Seriously, he was doing this like it was his hobby, when Bucky had spent 5-6 months dating the guy and had never even seen a newspaper at his apartment.
About hour after Natasha and her subs left, though, who should appear? Tony Fucking Stark. He sauntered into the room as though a naked intern on his coffee table was the least surprising thing he’d seen this week.
“Hey, Stevo!” he said. “Hello again, Buckeroo. Gotta say, I didn’t really expect for him to be into our usual stuff.”
“You complaining?” Steve asked.
“Hardly, he looks good in rope,” Tony replied. His eyes danced with mischief. “Almost as good as I do.”
Bucky swallowed, not quite sure how to respond to that. Tony hadn’t been at the Thanksgiving dinner, so Bucky hadn’t met him yet. He was… just as cocky in person as he seemed on TV. His eyes did drop down to his crotch, though, and gazed at the building erection in Tony’s pants.
“He does, doesn’t he? I should tie him up more often,” he said. Bucky’s cock jumped at the idea of being tied up more. He loved it, especially when he was with Steve. “Anyway, what took you so long? Figured you’d have raced here to fuck someone new to the group.”
“I had to get permission,” Tony said. “Ma’am said that since I don’t actually run the company, there’s no issue with fucking one of the interns, but you know, didn’t want to get sued or something.”
“Of course,” Steve said with a chuckle.
With that, Tony went behind Bucky and pushed him down to the table with his ass in the air. Bucky groaned at the angle and looked at Steve, who was watching with dark interest. He heard pants unzip right before Tony put his cock to Bucky’s hole and pushed in. Bucky moaned as he was filled again with the fourth cock of the evening. He didn’t fuck as quickly or as hard as either Steve or Sam. He was just as good, though, hitting Bucky’s prostate with each thrust. Bucky’s cock strained against the ring around his cock and balls and bit his lip with the effort not to come.
“God, he feels good,” Tony moaned. “Know why you kept him to yourself this whole time. He was born to get fucked.”
“You have no idea, Tony,” Steve replied with a chuckle. Bucky moaned against the cool surface of the table as Tony fucked into him, his length dragging over his prostate as he moved inside his body. Steve just watched, his newspaper forgotten as he pressed his hand against his large erection. Bucky watched as he unzipped his jeans and fished his cock out.
“Daddy,” he whined.
“Hush, baby boy,” Steve said. “Just let Daddy’s friend use your pretty little hole like a good slut.”
“Fuck,” Tony breathed. Steve wrapped his hand around his length and started to stroke himself. He went slowly and Bucky watched every movement. His hand squeezed around the thick length and rose up before twisting around the head and travelling back down.
“Squeeze his dick, little boy,” Steve said. Bucky obeyed and Tony groaned in pleasure as his hips snapped forward. “That’s it, show him what Daddy taught you, baby.”
Bucky squeezed Tony’s dick, felt the hot length fucking into his willing body, grazing against his prostate and sending sparks of pleasure through his body. Tony’s rough, callused splayed across his back, holding Bucky down as they traveled up and down his spine. Bucky kept his eyes on Steve, though.
“How you feelin’, baby?” Steve asked with a grin. He squeezed around the base of his cock and took the top in his other hand. “You like Daddy’s friends? You like being Daddy’s slut?”
“Yes, Daddy,” Bucky moaned. “Feels so good, so hot.”
“Good boy,” Steve said.
“Fuck, that’s so hot,” Tony moaned. His hands went to Bucky’s hips and he gripped them as his thrusts grew more erratic. Bucky tightened around Tony’s cock, half out of pleasure and half out of trying not to come. Tony snaked a hand around and wrapped it around Bucky’s cock and Bucky whimpered at the touch.
“Not allowed to come, huh?” Tony asked. “Yeah, Ma’am likes to do that, too. It’s a pain, isn’t it.”
Bucky nodded and Steve tutted in playful disapproval.
“Now, baby, you like everything Daddy makes you do, don’t you?” Steve asked. Bucky swallowed and nodded again. “But you just said that you didn’t like not being able to come. Which is it?”
“I-I like it, Daddy,” Bucky squeaked quickly. “Hurts, hurts so good.”
“Mmm, that’s a good start, baby boy,” Steve said with a grin. “Keep going.”
“L-Like it when you make me come, Daddy,” Bucky said. “When you make me hold it in, fuck me like I’m your little slut.”
“Good boy,” Steve moaned. “Go on.”
“L-Like it when you don’t let me come while you tease me,” Bucky moaned. He screwed his eyes shut from the effort of holding it in.
“Look at me!” Steve barked. Bucky’s eyes snapped open. “What else?”
“Fuck,” Tony moaned. His thrusts grew faster, but Bucky barely paid attention. He was transfixed by Steve’s hard, demanding gaze.
“Like it when you tell me not to come,” Bucky said. “Don’t’ wanna come, Daddy, want you to make me come.”
“Good boy,” Steve said. He got up and knelt in front of Bucky on the table, his dick hanging low between his legs, heavy and red and thick and wet with pre-come. He picked up Bucky’s body and held him there as he wrapped a hand lightly around his throat before he kissed him hard. Bucky mewled into the kiss. “That’s my good little slutty boy. So eager to please Daddy.”
Bucky nodded.
“God this is the hottest thing I’ve seen in weeks,” Tony moaned. Steve grinned.
“You wanna make Daddy happy, baby?” he asked.
“Yes, Daddy,” Bucky moaned.
“Good,” Steve said. He reached around and untied Bucky’s wrists. Bucky moaned as he moved his aching shoulders and put his hands beneath him. Steve backed up and pushed the front of Bucky’s body down until his mouth was level with Steve’s cock. Then he pushed his cock into Bucky’s mouth. Bucky moaned around the hot, thick length as Steve buried his cock in Bucky’s throat. “That’s Daddy’s good boy.”
Bucky moaned as Steve lost no time in fucking his throat. He matched Tony’s rhythm, taking what he wanted from Bucky. It was all Bucky could do to remember to breathe when he had the chance. His head felt floaty and wonderful as every cell of his body honed in on his Daddy.
“Oh God, fuck!” Tony moaned as he snapped his hips forward again and came in Bucky’s ass. Bucky moaned around Steve’s length and Steve grunted. A couple seconds later, Steve came down Bucky’s throat with a groan. He slipped his cock free of Bucky’s mouth and Bucky slumped against Steve’s chest.
“Well, this was fun,” Tony said. “You two crazy kids have fun, now! Let me know if you ever want to do this again!”
“Thank you, sir!” Bucky called after him. Tony just laughed and sauntered off.
“How are you feeling, baby?” Steve asked.
“My knees hurt,” he said. “I wanna come, but aside from that, I feel okay.”
“You having fun?” Steve asked.
“Yes, Daddy,” Bucky said. “Your friends are… crazy. But good crazy.”
Steve chuckled. “Good.”
“Can I come, Daddy?” Bucky asked. “Been a good boy, right?”
“You have. You’ve been such a good little boy for me,” Steve purred. He reached down and wrapped a hand around Bucky’s cock. Bucky moaned and bit Steve’s shoulder. “Do good boys deserve to come?”
“No, Daddy,” Bucky said. “Good boys wait until Daddy gives them permission.”
“That’s right,” Steve said with a smile. His grip tightened around Bucky’s cock as he stroked it. “You’re gonna be a good boy for Daddy, right?”
Bucky swallowed. “Yes, Daddy,” he whined.
“Good,” Steve said. With that, he got up, tucked his dick back into his pants and sat back down. “Now, do you know a 7 letter word for pain?”
Bucky glared at him. “Torture.”
The most terrifying person in the planet stepped out of the elevator next. Nick Fury was the last person Bucky had expected to show up, but Steve made no move to shield Bucky from the director’s view. He didn’t even look surprised, more like mildly interested in this turn of events. Just how often the Avengers had sex with each other in places other than their rooms, Bucky didn’t know. But he was sure that now that it had happened once, Steve would do it again.
“I was wondering if I would ever run into you Mr. Barnes,” Fury said.
“Liar,” Bucky said immediately. “You know exactly how long Steve and I have been together, don’t you?”
Fury was unfazed by the accusation. He just shrugged. “Well, to be honest, I didn’t really see any reason to meet you before,” he said. “You check out, no known affiliations with foreign powers or terrorist organizations. No real reason.”
“Do you want something?” Bucky asked. Fury raised his eyebrows and looked between Steve and Bucky.
“Little bird told me that there was some fun going on here,” he said. “Don’t get much time for fun these days. Figured I could take a break.”
Bucky looked at Steve, who just shrugged. With that, he came around and Bucky bent down over the table. His hands were still unbound and it made it easier to find some kind of comfortable position. Fury took Bucky’s ass in his hands and laughed.
“Boy, looks like you been fucked good already, don’t it?” he asked. He slapped Bucky’s ass and Bucky yelped at the touch.
“Yes… sir,” he said. Fury smacked his ass again.
“Well, far be it from me to walk away from a good hole like this,” he said. He unzipped his pants and Bucky breathed in before he felt it enter him. Fury rolled his hips against Bucky’s ass, dragging his cock against Bucky’s prostate. Bucky moaned in pleasure and arched his back. Slowly, Fury began to pick up speed and his thrusts became longer and fuck, it was good.
Fury might be old, but he’s got some moves, Bucky thought. His body felt amazing. Fury’s dick grazed over Bucky’s prostate almost constantly, pressing against it so that Bucky saw stars.
“Oh, fuck! Oh, yes!” he cried as Fury’s fucked him long and hard.
“Yeah, you like that, don’t you?” Fury said. Fury pushed him down to the table and fucked down into him and Bucky whimpered loudly in pleasure. Fury groaned above him and kept fucking. “Fuck, your hole is so loose and sloppy, don’t hardly need anything to just fuck right into you.”
“Yes, God, don’t stop,” Bucky begged. Fury slapped his ass again and kept fucking. Bucky squeezed around his long, thick cock. Then, Fury slammed his cock into Bucky’s ass and came. A lot. He pumped his load into Bucky’s ass with a soft moan before he pulled out.
“Needed that,” Fury said. “Back to it, though.”
“Thank you, sir,” Bucky said. Fury turned around and nodded before he walked off. Bucky turned to Steve. “Is he always like that?”
“No,” Steve said. “Most days he’s worse. Must be in a good mood.”
“Why’d you invite him?” Bucky asked.
“Well, one, because you wanted to have sex with other guys,” Steve said. “So I texted the people I knew who would be open to something. Two, he’s got moves.”
“Yeah, he does,” Bucky replied.
Next came the youngest Avenger, Peter Parker. He arrived in uniform, too, so when Bucky saw Spiderman drop down from the ceiling, he nearly died of excitement. A kid from the middle of a poor area of Queens becoming a hero and local icon? Bucky loved it.
And he was adorable. Slim, younger than him by a couple years, with a round face and warm, brown eyes. He smiled at Bucky before he kissed him and Bucky eagerly kissed him back. Peter was gentle and sweet and it was a nice change of pace from the other hard, kinky folks who had fucked Bucky today.
“So what do you wanna do?” Peter asked. Steve actually laughed.
“You know you can do whatever you want, Peter,” he said. “He’s tied up, he’s fine with anything.”
“Yeah, but it’s nice to ask, right?” Peter replied. Bucky grinned.
“He’s right, whatever you wanna do, I’ll do,” Bucky said. Peter reached around and cupped Bucky’s ass.
“Damn, nice,” he said. Bucky moaned as he kneaded his ass. “Your ass is fuckin’ great, man.”
He reached around and pressed at Bucky’s hole. Bucky moaned as the fingers entered him easily. They squelched softly as they encountered the messy mix of lube and come that resided there.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” Peter said. “How many guys have you had?”
“Three in my ass,” Bucky said. “Four in my mouth.”
Somehow, that made Peter’s eyes darken. He got up and shucked his uniform to the floor and stripped somewhat clumsily out of his clothes. His boxers were stained with pre-come and his dick was hard. Bucky could tell it was thick, with decent length. Kinda like Clint’s. When it came down, it had a distinct rightward curve. Peter came around Bucky pressed his fingers to Bucky’s ass again.
“Fuck, can’t wait to feel you,” Peter murmured. He kissed Bucky’s neck as he pressed his cock into Bucky’s waiting hole. Bucky’s hole made wet, squelching sounds as Peter fucked into him, but for some reason, it was also really hot. Peter’s hands wandered over Bucky’s chest and teased his nipples. Bucky moaned and arched his back against Peter’s body.
“Fuck, don’t stop,” Bucky moaned. “Please, Peter, fuck me, please.”
“God, you feel so damn good,” Peter moaned.
He moved slowly and gently at first, drawing out the moans and sounds from Bucky’s ass. Steve watched them, his eyes dark and hungry as they moved against each other. Bucky half expected him to join in, but he simply stayed there. He leaned back in his chair with his legs spread and his dick tenting his pants prominently with his head propped on one hand and the other slowly moving over his length.
“Fuck,” Bucky moaned. He squeezed around Peter’s length to keep from coming and Peter moaned. He went slowest of the men who’d used Bucky���s ass, like he was savoring the sloppy seconds of Bucky’s ass like they were the best thing on earth. He reached back and pulled Peter deeper inside him. “More, Peter, please.”
“You got it,” Peter moaned. His thrusts grew faster, but stayed gentle. It was a nice change of pace. Bucky angled his face and Peter kissed him hot and open mouthed. His tongue slid along Bucky’s with the same gentleness. Bucky moaned and tightened again around Peter’s length.
“Daddy, please, can I come?” Bucky asked.
“Can you come?” Steve replied. He hummed thoughtfully. “What do you think, Peter?”
“It’d be nice of you to let him come,” Peter said. “It would definitely feel nice.”
“I bet it would,” Steve replied. “Baby, you may come when Peter comes. If you don’t… well, guess you’d have to wait then.”
“Fuck, yes,” Bucky cried. Peter kept fucking him, went faster, the squelching sounds in Bucky’s ass filled his ears, but he couldn’t think of anything but how desperate he was to come. “Come on, Peter. I’m close, let me come, please.”
“Oh, fuck,” Peter moaned. He wrapped a hand around Bucky’s cock and Bucky moaned into his mouth. Peter’s thrusts grew faster, more erratic. He moaned and sighed into Bucky’s mouth… and Bucky felt his cock pulse as he came inside him. Bucky released the walls he held up and cried as he came, his come shooting out onto the table beneath him.
“Thank you,” Bucky breathed when he was done. He slumped, utterly boneless. Peter supported him easily. “Thank you, sir, Peter… thank you.”
“Anytime,” Peter said. “Seriously, I mean, this was fun, so definitely want to do this again.”
Bucky chuckled and kissed Peter again before Peter slid out of Bucky’s ass and gathered up his clothes. He jogged to the elevator and waved at them before going up.
“I like him,” Bucky said.
“I’m not surprised,” Steve replied. “Think you made a friend?”
Bucky smiled and nodded. “Thank you for letting me come, Daddy,” he said. Steve chuckled.
“Don’t thank me just yet,” he said. “There are still a couple more people who haven’t fucked you yet. You might not get to come again.”
For some reason, Bucky’s cock twitched at that thought.
He heard the next person before he saw him. He was loud and cheerful and boisterous. When he arrived, Thor drew Steve into a fierce hug. He clapped him on the back and all Bucky could do was gape. Thor was even bigger than he looked on TV. Bucky always assumed that the camera just made him look bigger, but maybe people edited him to look smaller out of fear of what a man his size would be capable of in the imaginations of thirsty bastards everywhere.
Well, Bucky’s imagination anyway.
“It is good to see you again, Steven,” Thor said with a smile. “I am glad to see you are well, it has been too long.”
“Good to see you, too, Thor,” Steve said. “How are the Nine Realms?”
“They are safe and all is well,” Thor replied. “I have some time to be here and help with whatever arises here on Midgard for a while.”
“Good, we’ve missed having you around,” Steve said, a suggestive smile on his face. Bucky had a feeling that Bucky wasn’t the only one in the Tower who had thirsty thoughts about Thor. He could hardly blame anyone for it. Thor was even more sex on legs than Steve was.
Thor looked at him and Bucky’s hole quivered just from that. His eyes darkened as his gaze took Bucky in. Then he smiled and Bucky thought he would melt into a puddle right then and there.
“You have acquired a submissive,” Thor said. “He is lovely. What is your name, boy?”
Fuck me, Bucky thought. “Bucky Barnes, sir, uh, I mean, Your Highness, er… Mr. God of Thunder… sir.”
“Thor is fine, Bucky,” Thor replied with a chuckle. “Or Master if you consent to entertain me.”
“Fuck,” he murmured. He wanted this man to fuck him so bad.
“So, shall I assume from the boy’s… compromised position that he is free for the taking?” Thor asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“He is indeed,” Steve asked. “As long as I stay here and watch.”
“Well, I believe I shall help myself, then,” Thor said with a wide smile. He walked over and petted Bucky’s hair gently before he pushed Bucky to his hands and knees. Steve sat back down in his chair.
“Daddy?” Bucky said.
“Yeah, baby?” Steve asked.
“Can I suck your cock while Thor fucks me?” Bucky asked. “Please?”
Thor chuckled, his callused his hands stroking Bucky’s sides before they reached his ass and squeezed. Bucky moaned.
“It is pleasing how eager he makes such a request,” Thor said. “He is well trained. What say you, Steven?”
Steve smiled before he got up and knelt in front of Bucky’s face. He unzipped his pants and took his cock out.
“I can never deny my baby boy anything when he asks so sweetly,” he purred. “Well, not now, anyway.”
Thor chuckled and Bucky felt the broad head of Thor’s cock at his entrance. He froze.
“Fuck me,” he breathed. Steve chuckled.
“As you wish,” Thor purred. He pushed in and Bucky gasped. Thor was fucking huge. Definitely bigger than Steve. If it weren’t for the fact that Bucky had been getting fucked all day, this would probably be nearly impossible. As it was, it was a bit of a stretch for him.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he gasped. Steve smiled sympathetically.
“Just relax, baby boy,” Steve said. “He’s a lot to take, I know.”
Bucky definitely wanted to hear Steve talk about the time he got dicked down by the god of Thunder. Later. He took a deep breath as Thor pressed further into him. Steve pet his hair, told him to breathe as Thor continued his slow, steady penetration.
When Thor finally bottomed out, Bucky gasped. His skin was covered in a layer of sweat. He clung to Steve’s body and Steve held him in turn. Thor was still. Bucky concentrated on breathing, since there wasn’t much else he could do.
“What do they feed you on Asgard, anyway?” Bucky demanded.
“Many things,” Thor replied. “I am considered large even there.”
Bucky huffed. “Why is that not surprising?”
Thor chuckled. “Let me know when you are ready, boy,” he rumbled. “I wish to make this pleasurable for us both.”
Bucky nodded and kept his eyes on Steve. Steve looked down at him and smiled. Bucky could swear he could see a glimmer of pride and approval in his eyes. Bucky shifted up and kissed him. Steve returned it softly.
“Still want my cock, baby?” Steve asked. Bucky chuckled.
“Maybe… maybe next time,” he said.
“Good boy,” he murmured. “Daddy’s good little boy. You’re doing so well, baby.”
Bucky preened at the praise and turned his head to look at Thor out of the corner of his eye.
“I’m ready,” he said.
Thor hummed and began to rock slowly into Bucky’s ass. Bucky whimpered and trembled in Steve’s arms as he felt Thor’s cock move inside him. He still felt like he was being split open, but damn if it send sparks of pleasure amidst the pain up through his body. It was the most amazing mixture of pain and pleasure he’d ever felt. He whimpered and moaned and Steve just held him.
“So tight,” Thor murmured. “He feels so good around my cock.”
“His ass is amazing, it’s true,” Steve replied.
“A shame you found him first,” Thor said. “I should like to have been the one to tame him.”
Steve laughed at that and ruffled Bucky’s hair. Thor slowly started to increase the length of his thrusts, the thick length creating near constant friction against Bucky’s prostate as it pressed against it. Bucky moaned desperately as Thor began to fuck him in earnest.
“Daddy, please can I come when Thor’s done?” Bucky asked. “Please, Daddy?”
“Of course, baby,” Steve said. “You’ve been so good. Daddy’s so proud of you, baby.”
Bucky mewled at the praise and pushed back against Thor’s thrusts. Thor gripped his hip in one hand and with the other, he grabbed Bucky’s hair. Bucky moaned loudly as Thor’s thrusts grew harder. He gasped as he felt Thor’s hips slap against his with each thrust. The only thing he could think about was how good it felt, how much it hurt, how every cell in his body just screamed in unbridled pleasure. Lightning danced over his skin, making him feel alive, see stars, and his head spin.
Thor grunted and growled and groaned as he shot his load into Bucky’s ass. Bucky moaned as Thor’s hot, thick come filled his ass. Thor fucked him through his orgasm. As soon as Thor was done, Steve wrapped a hand tightly around Bucky’s cock and in a few short strokes, Bucky came in his hand, his ass tightening around Thor’s still hard cock.
He was dimly aware of Thor pulling out of his ass. He slumped boneless and spent in Steve arms.
“Red,” he breathed. “I’m done.”
“Good boy. Thor, could you untie his ankles from the table for me?” Steve asked.
“Of course,” Thor replied. Bucky sighed happily as his legs were freed. “I must say I enjoyed this immensely. I wish you both a pleasant evening.”
“See ya,” Steve said.
Then he scooped Bucky up and walked to the elevator. They went back up to Steve’s apartment. It was late, Bucky was hungry, sweaty, tired, and sated. Steve took him to the bathroom and lowered him into the tub gently as he filled it with warm water and orange and ginger scented bubbles. He cleaned Bucky tenderly before he stepped in with him. He sat behind him and wrapped his arms around Bucky’s body as he held him close.
“You did so good today, baby,” he murmured. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you,” Bucky sighed.
“Did you have fun?” Steve asked. “That was a lot for you to do in one day.”
“I did,” Bucky replied. “But… maybe not all the time. You’re enough for me most of the time, Daddy.”
Steve smiled and kissed his hair. Bucky closed his eyes and relaxed into the comfort of Steve’s body and affection.
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araniaart · 7 years
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Ace Comic Con Report!
@shipperhipster and I road-tripped to Arizona for Ace Comic Con in Glendale!  (Afterwards, we made a side-trip to the Grand Canyon to make it a real vacation before heading home - more photos on that later!) BUT wanted to post about the experiences at the con! I did a separate write-up about how awesome it was to meet two of the top Art Designers of the MCU (Andy Park and Ryan Meinerding) HERE There were a lot of ups and downs about the convention itself.  The SUCKIEST was that Chris Evans got sick the 2nd day of the con, which is the day we had our tickets to meet him/get photographs.  It was going to be our first chance to actualy do a photo-shoot with both us with Chris & Seb together, and we were really looking forward to that.  On top of that, Chris was only days off of filming Avengers 4, and he was actually in a rare state of clean-shavenness (which as much as I do love beardy-Steve, he still looks the most like iconic Steve Rogers to me when he’s clean-shaven.  We had planned on capitalizing on that for some photo shoot poses :/ )   That being said, we still feel like we couldn’t be that upset about that. We’ve had the chance to meet him before and took an awesome photo with him.  We had friends there who were going to be meeting him for the first time, and there were even people who had flown in from countries all over the world to meet him that may not have gotten the chance :( That being said, all in all, even with the disappointment of not getting to see Chris Evans, we still had a great time, and the things that did go well went very well.
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Speaking of international visitors, right as we were heading in, an Uber pulled around and asked us if either of us spoke Japanese.  Which was absolutely coincidental since I did actually take four semesters of it in college - even though it had been a long time, I knew enough to help translate between the young woman who had flown in by herself to the convention and the Uber driver.  She was so sweet, another huge stucky fan, and we chatted as we waited in line to get into the con!  (I have a terrible memory for names, but I believe she was Kanoko!)   She was super sweet, excited to be there, and her sister had even spotted us at a different convention before and had photos of us - such a small world!  She had a great movie-accurate Bucky Backpack with her that she was going to get signed ^^
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The Location of the Arena was wonderful - since the stadium is designed to deal with a LOT of people, the area was beautiful with a ton of shops and restaurants in easy-walking distance that could easily handle feeding the crowds.  There was an amazing Japanese place we went to called Kabuki after the con that only had a very short wait and some delicious sushi.  There was a movie theater, Dave & Busters, bars who had decorated to cater to the comic convention crowd, and all-around a great time :) A comic convention IN an arena, however... there were definitely some growing pains.  While the photo shoots were great, and they are run by a different company, all of the autographs were up in the top level of the arena - which meant if you had a narrow time-gap between a photo and an autograph, it could be tough.  You had to sit in the very tight (especially if you were in a costume) nose-bleed seats that were angled so as vertigo could be a thing.  It also meant that when you were waiting for your turn, since they were pulling people up a row at a time, you couldn’t watch other people interact with the guests while you were waiting.  
The con also did not allot NEARLY enough time for the autographs.  Sebastian Stan was running over an hour over his allotted time and the staff was rushing him with talking to people - we were at the end of his line, and when we came up he was talking to a handler about why they didn’t budget enough time, and feeling bad bout not getting time with visitors.  Such to the point that while he was signing something for him and we were waiting for him to finish/finish speaking with the staff so we could say hi, one of the staff was trying to rush us out “you got your signature ladies, now go!”  - I’m thankful Shipper said something - along the lines of we paid to at least get the chance to say Hi to him, and poor Seb - was very apologetic even though we weren’t directing it at him/he wasn’t the one trying to rush us out before we said anything.  BUT - My wife got the chance to compliment him on his work on I, Tonya (during the panel, the emcee had spoken to Anthony Mackie and Chris Evans about other roles they’d done, but then asked Seb about The Martian (which he was in like 5 minutes of) and asked how it was working with Ridley Scott (who Seb said was like acting in the dark - NO guidance at all) - and you could tell he was miffed that he hadn’t been asked about I, Tonya since that’s what he’s been promo’ing and the movie is up for some good awards and he has a significant role in it! He also said that he liked my costume!  Eeeee! Another down-side of the arena format was the stairs: we had brought a rolly-bag FULL of the MCU Artbooks (The bag probably weighed like 40 lbs)  for signatures but rolly bags are not convenient for stairs.  Most con floors - sure.  Thanks again to Shipper for hauling it up and down the arena stairs TWICE before we were able to get them signed and taken back to the hotel.  That being said, the upsides were good - All of the Arena staff were absolutely on-point.  They were helpful, concerned about the experience and knowledgeable.  When Chris cancelled they made sure guests had choice of alternatives (subbing-in a different op, doing partial-shoots and refunding the Chris “value” if he wasn’t there, or a full refund) - and stayed late to work on processing refunds.  When the exchange-your-printed-ticket-for a photo-op coupon line got RIDONKULOUS (across the entire arena floor, up the stairs, and around a corner in the next level, arena staff got on it to make sure that people expedited it.  And aside from the lady rushing us at Seb’s table, the rest of the con staff were nice and helpful.  which after Comicpalooza, was incredibly refreshing.  
That being said, one of my favorite things about cons - the artists’ alley where you have a lot of craftspeople selling interesting wares - was absent from the con.  They had BIG comic/pop toy/etc dealers on half of the arena floor, and then a big circle of pro artists selling almost exclusively prints (which is great, but I like a variety) all around the (rotunda?) ground floor of the arena hallway.  Then a few different vendors up around the signature area.  
Tom Holland was absolutely sweet.  I think that this was his first convention outside of SDCC - where he actually got to meet fans and interact with them.  He had his own private security team that had a second round of checks after the convention group and were more limiting props for shoots, but that’s understandable considering how young he is and how up and coming he is!  (And that this was his first con of this format I think) He was enthusiastic, friendly, and seemed genuinely excited to be there.  He had also volunteered to be a sub-in for Chris Evans with group photo shoots, staying late to help people out.  I missed most of his panel, but it looked like he was having a good time, and Ned’s actor was also thrilled to be there, taking photos of the crowd.   Tom also was having fun peeking out of the curtain of his signature area and waving at the people waiting for him.  
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It was still a little weird for me to see all the girls likely half my age heart-throbbing after him XD  I had no idea how popular he was with teens, but it makes sense!   But we were thrilled to meet the MCU Spidey, get his autograph added to our shield, and I think he was an AWESOME Cast!
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Signature Right in the blue in silver! Other things of note - Jon Bernthal makes me squee a little more every time I hear him talk.  He spoke in his panel about the experience that made him an actor.  He had gone to the college for sports, but wasn’t good enough for that to be a long-term career.  He had wound up taking an acting class for an elective because he thought it would be an easy class he could hang in the back of.  IT wasn’t what he expected and when he didn’t prepare for one class where he was supposed to bring a significant object and describe why it was meaningful, and seeing all his classmates breaking into tears talking about the things he brought, he felt put on the spot.  He dug out a baseball glove and made up a story about it being from his grandmother.  He had half the class in tears and felt bad - saying afterwards - no, man, this is just acting - it isn’t true.  The teacher then pulled him aside - and said that he broke the rules of acting - he wasn’t genuine - but that he had a gift.  She made him enroll in the play, and psuhed him.  She changed his life and he tattood her name on his wrist and she officiated his wife and his wedding.  
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Ebon Moss-Bachrach (Micro’s actor), on the other hand, obviously didn’t want to be there.  He came an hour late to his signing after a staffmember had to go retreive him, and apparently “came in with an attitude” about being rushed.  He was pleasant enough to us for the signing (and was pleased that people picked up on his character's interpretation being a Snowden analog) - but at the panel he had stank face the whole time, and when asked the same question about what got him into acting it was “it seemed like the most logical choice at the time.”  Moreover, when the emcee asked them about what their favorite role was the other actor had been in, Jon gushed about being a fan of Ebon’s work - his great role on Girls, some of his stagework, and Ebon just.... drew an uncomfortable blank - even after the fact two questions ago Jon had talked about his other roles.  The moderator had to offer him to “come back to him”.  It was kind of awkward.   Anyway!  All in all, the experience was worthwhile - and Shipper’s new iphoneX got some great photos of our cosplays :) 
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claracussonseo · 5 years
Email Marketing Lesson (2)
The following blog post Email Marketing Lesson (2) is available on: Jack Lombardi SEO Expert
Email Marketing Lesson
Every so often I take time out of my busy Email Marketing Consulting schedule and steal an afternoon just for myself. A few months ago I decided to take one of those days. With five glorious hours ahead of me I pondered how best to enjoy my break. I really wanted to do something memorable, something that would inspire me and something that would last long after my special day was over. So I did what everyone does on an afternoon off – I got a tattoo. I had never gotten a tattoo before and did not know which shops were the best but I was on an e-newsletter list of a shop called Brave Tattoo. I had joined the list while they were running a contest to win a Harley. I didn’t win but stayed on the email list because I was impressed with how creative the tattoo shop was with their e-zine. There was always two or three professionally written articles about tattoos and a whole bunch of tattoo design suggestions. I really looked forward to their bi-weekly e-zine because their e-newsletter approach really communicated their passion for their product and store. I sort of felt like I already knew the shop because of their e-newsletter. This week’s email special was a little odd but it worked perfect for me and I took it as a sign. 21 characters for the price of 20. I arrived early for my appointment and got all setup with an artist named BeeBee. She was painted from head to toe and had earrings, nose rings and studs everywhere imaginable (she told me about the ones that were not visible and I took her word for it). We got started right away with the cleaning and stenciling. All those needles looked a little unnerving so I turned away and tried to clear my mind of work and everything else I was thinking about. Just as my first character was about to be stenciled, a rowdy group moved into the booth next to me. Six people. Three of women and two of the men looked like they had just stepped out of a cloning machine. Same clothes, similar hair and similar gestures. The sixth guy was obviously the leader. Dressed in a William Fioravanti suit, this guy looked like a million-and-a-half bucks. His teeth were bleached white and gleaming. His face looked like he had shaven so close he was glowing. He almost looked too perfect or something. “Probably due to a fake tan,” I thought. I knew I had seen the guy before; he looked really familiar. Oh well, it was my afternoon off and I decided to not waste my time paying attention to Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth. I closed my eyes and let BeeBee go to work. I must have dozed off because when I came to I already had ‘EMAIL MARKETING FOREVER’ stenciled on my shoulder. It looked pretty good so far. The little flying envelope was really cute too. BeeBee mentioned that the next step was the point of no return. I eagerly nodded and told her to get going with the permanent ink. We started chatting about my tattoo choice and I told her the history of Email Marketing and how I had chosen to have my tattoo done at their store because of their creative e-newsletter. She told me that a fellow name Buzz took care of all the marketing but he was out on an errand right now. Throughout our conversation BeeBee and I had to talk louder and louder because of the group in the next booth. It sounded like they were having a party. The five clones must have been the guy’s groupies because they weren’t calling him by a name, just his initials. I asked BeeBee who the guy was. Maybe he was a rock star or something and that’s why I recognized him. “He is the new cat’s meow,” BeeBee said. I thought ‘cats meow’ was code for ‘new lead singer in a rock group’ so I tried to act smart and answered casually, “Oh? What club are they playing at?” I got really excited at the prospect of getting a tattoo AND meeting a rock star all in the same day. What a great way to celebrate my Email Marketing Forever tattoo! Who knows, this guy might be a great performer. The glowing skin was a little too perfect and I’d pass on the groupie thing but who knows where this guy might be in a few years. I got giddy at the thought of meeting Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth and hearing his group. BeeBee didn’t seem to hear my question about the club and started humming Bob Dylan’s hit “The Times They Are A-Changin'”. I always liked that song. I hummed along too and decided to go introduce myself to the suit and teeth after my tattoo was done. I would find out the address for the club first hand. I could hear the clones squealing at the suit and teeth’s every word. “He must be something special to get so much attention,” I thought. I closed my eyes and was only half listening but I think they were calling him RSS. I lay there with my eyes closed wondering what RSS stood for. Ricardo the Super Stud? Maybe RSS was the short form of his heavy metal band. What could the band be called? All those bands had such weird names. Could it be Rotten Salmon Sushi? Or maybe it was a country band called The Raunchy Smoking Smiths. Who knows. I was only half paying attention because the tattoo needles where starting to sting. I tried to clear my mind and focused on going out clubbing when all this was over. Suddenly BeeBee stopped humming and looked up from her needles and ink. “Buzz, is back from his errand,” she reported. “You can meet him after he’s done getting the catering set up.” Catering? What kind of a tattoo parlor was this? BeeBee noticed my query and motioned to the group next door. “I think it’s to keep the groupies quiet so RSS can get his tattoo done in peace,” she giggled, earrings swaying to and fro as she laughed. My mind wandered to thoughts of dancing at the club with my new Email Marketing Forever tattoo permanently sitting on my shoulder. I could hear the clones expressing awe over the tiny sandwiches and little cakes. Then I heard it. There was a lot of sandwich squealing going on but I knew what I heard. I heard it again. “RSS feed me! RSS feed me!” Seems Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth, or RSS as they called him, was making the rounds with the cloned groupies and aiding them in tasting all the culinary delights. RSS was tossing crackers and caviar into the open mouths of two of the women. I gagged and quickly realized that I did know this guy. He wasn’t a rock star like Bono; he was an Internet rock star! You can’t go anywhere without hearing about this guy. The suit and teeth was none other than RSS Marketing! How could I have not recognized him? I guess my MyYahoo! aggregator would have helped but the perfect good looks and groupies should have been a clue. I took a deep breath, looked to see where BeeBee was at with the permanent ink and said, “I think you had better stop.” ‘Email Mark’ was as far as BeeBee had gotten. Great, I was now the only person on the planet with a ‘to do list’ tattooed on my shoulder! Well at least it sort of made sense. My brother’s name is Mark so I thought I could make up some little story about how my brother and I had matching tattoos to remind us to keep in contact with each other. A vision of Johnny Depp and his ‘Wino Forever’ tattoo raced across my mind. I said a quick prayer to Johnny and asked him if I could join his club of botched tattoos. I got all bandaged up and went over to the RSS party and introduced myself. The clones looked a little worried but I assured them they could keep all the little sandwiches for themselves. RSS was quite personable and really nice, however I quickly realized the guy had a bit of an identity complex. We were all laughing and joking when RSS whispered in my ear, “They all have so many expectations…” Those bleached white teeth so close to my ear sort of startled me. RSS’s voice sounded like the kid who saw dead people in ‘The Sixth Sense.’ “Who?” I whispered back, surprised I was having a whispering conversation with a person I had just met. “Everyone.” RSS whispered. He motioned to the clones: “They are all marketing executives eager to dump every other kind of digital marketing and ride my back into the RSS Feed golden sunset. “First they blogged me and I thought I was stretched with that. Now they want to personalize me and individualize me. Some of them even want me to pretend I’m email and go right into a customer’s email inbox!” RSS sounded a little freaked. I started to think he might need a Valium. “What if I they take me all the way into the bedroom and I can’t perform?” RSS pleaded. “Cute analogy,” I thought. Forget the Valium, this guy needed some marketing Viagra just to make sure he could go all the way, regardless of who decides to hop into his digital bed with him. I finally left the tattoo parlor that day only after RSS Marketing made me promise to email him. We meet quite regularly for coffee and I think he is slowly getting more comfortable with his stardom. He realizes that he probably won’t make everyone happy but he is trying his best. Those marketing executives have him going day and night. He was right; some of their expectations are pretty high. I wonder where RSS Marketing will be a year from now? Will he be washed up with caffeine-stained teeth and a fraying designer suit playing in some Internet bar? Not likely, but will he be around ten years from now with a greatest hits album? Who knows. I think the bottom line is that personalized digital marketing will progress and RSS Marketing will be part of it just like Email Marketing, Podcasting, Blogging, Text Messaging and everything else savvy marketers are trying. I think most people are being realistic and realizing they have to stock their toolbox with a variety of tools built with their specific customer group in mind. You can’t build a marketing strategy with only one tool and RSS Marketing is not the key to everyone’s fiscal salvation. Should marketers use RSS Marketing? Of course they should. Should marketers dump Email Marketing in the north river with a concrete block around its neck? I guess they can if they want to. But they may find their decision is shortsighted. Just like my Email Mark tattoo, the use of Email is in our bloodstream and getting it out will take more than an RSS Feed transfusion. Why not get smarter and acknowledge the landscape has changed and change Email Marketing accordingly? We did it with TV, magazines and the radio. “Come gather ‘round people Wherever you roam And admit that the waters Around you have grown And accept it that soon You’ll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you Is worth savin 'Then you better start swimmin’ Or you’ll sink like a stone For the times they are a-changin’.” -Bob Dylan The last time RSS Marketing and I met he was kind of down as he had pulled another all-nighter. He asked me what he should do if his Internet gig didn’t work out. Where would he hide and spend his retirement without living in shame? I told him not to lose another ounce of sleep. If RSS Marketing doesn’t work out according to Internet Marketers’ expectations RSS could fade into the sunset without a care. RSS didn’t seem convinced. I assured RSS he had nothing to worry about. If RSS Marketing doesn’t meet the expectations of corporate marketers everywhere, everybody will be sending the blame up the Pacific Northwest coast into the misty air of Redmond to Bill Gates, to Microsoft and that new browser of theirs.
Email Marketing Lesson (2) click: Best seo company
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claracussonseo · 5 years
Email Marketing Lesson (2)
The following blog post Email Marketing Lesson (2) was first published on: https://chicagowebsitedesignseocompany.com/
Email Marketing Lesson
Every so often I take time out of my busy Email Marketing Consulting schedule and steal an afternoon just for myself. A few months ago I decided to take one of those days. With five glorious hours ahead of me I pondered how best to enjoy my break. I really wanted to do something memorable, something that would inspire me and something that would last long after my special day was over. So I did what everyone does on an afternoon off – I got a tattoo. I had never gotten a tattoo before and did not know which shops were the best but I was on an e-newsletter list of a shop called Brave Tattoo. I had joined the list while they were running a contest to win a Harley. I didn’t win but stayed on the email list because I was impressed with how creative the tattoo shop was with their e-zine. There was always two or three professionally written articles about tattoos and a whole bunch of tattoo design suggestions. I really looked forward to their bi-weekly e-zine because their e-newsletter approach really communicated their passion for their product and store. I sort of felt like I already knew the shop because of their e-newsletter. This week’s email special was a little odd but it worked perfect for me and I took it as a sign. 21 characters for the price of 20. I arrived early for my appointment and got all setup with an artist named BeeBee. She was painted from head to toe and had earrings, nose rings and studs everywhere imaginable (she told me about the ones that were not visible and I took her word for it). We got started right away with the cleaning and stenciling. All those needles looked a little unnerving so I turned away and tried to clear my mind of work and everything else I was thinking about. Just as my first character was about to be stenciled, a rowdy group moved into the booth next to me. Six people. Three of women and two of the men looked like they had just stepped out of a cloning machine. Same clothes, similar hair and similar gestures. The sixth guy was obviously the leader. Dressed in a William Fioravanti suit, this guy looked like a million-and-a-half bucks. His teeth were bleached white and gleaming. His face looked like he had shaven so close he was glowing. He almost looked too perfect or something. “Probably due to a fake tan,” I thought. I knew I had seen the guy before; he looked really familiar. Oh well, it was my afternoon off and I decided to not waste my time paying attention to Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth. I closed my eyes and let BeeBee go to work. I must have dozed off because when I came to I already had ‘EMAIL MARKETING FOREVER’ stenciled on my shoulder. It looked pretty good so far. The little flying envelope was really cute too. BeeBee mentioned that the next step was the point of no return. I eagerly nodded and told her to get going with the permanent ink. We started chatting about my tattoo choice and I told her the history of Email Marketing and how I had chosen to have my tattoo done at their store because of their creative e-newsletter. She told me that a fellow name Buzz took care of all the marketing but he was out on an errand right now. Throughout our conversation BeeBee and I had to talk louder and louder because of the group in the next booth. It sounded like they were having a party. The five clones must have been the guy’s groupies because they weren’t calling him by a name, just his initials. I asked BeeBee who the guy was. Maybe he was a rock star or something and that’s why I recognized him. “He is the new cat’s meow,” BeeBee said. I thought ‘cats meow’ was code for ‘new lead singer in a rock group’ so I tried to act smart and answered casually, “Oh? What club are they playing at?” I got really excited at the prospect of getting a tattoo AND meeting a rock star all in the same day. What a great way to celebrate my Email Marketing Forever tattoo! Who knows, this guy might be a great performer. The glowing skin was a little too perfect and I’d pass on the groupie thing but who knows where this guy might be in a few years. I got giddy at the thought of meeting Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth and hearing his group. BeeBee didn’t seem to hear my question about the club and started humming Bob Dylan’s hit “The Times They Are A-Changin'”. I always liked that song. I hummed along too and decided to go introduce myself to the suit and teeth after my tattoo was done. I would find out the address for the club first hand. I could hear the clones squealing at the suit and teeth’s every word. “He must be something special to get so much attention,” I thought. I closed my eyes and was only half listening but I think they were calling him RSS. I lay there with my eyes closed wondering what RSS stood for. Ricardo the Super Stud? Maybe RSS was the short form of his heavy metal band. What could the band be called? All those bands had such weird names. Could it be Rotten Salmon Sushi? Or maybe it was a country band called The Raunchy Smoking Smiths. Who knows. I was only half paying attention because the tattoo needles where starting to sting. I tried to clear my mind and focused on going out clubbing when all this was over. Suddenly BeeBee stopped humming and looked up from her needles and ink. “Buzz, is back from his errand,” she reported. “You can meet him after he’s done getting the catering set up.” Catering? What kind of a tattoo parlor was this? BeeBee noticed my query and motioned to the group next door. “I think it’s to keep the groupies quiet so RSS can get his tattoo done in peace,” she giggled, earrings swaying to and fro as she laughed. My mind wandered to thoughts of dancing at the club with my new Email Marketing Forever tattoo permanently sitting on my shoulder. I could hear the clones expressing awe over the tiny sandwiches and little cakes. Then I heard it. There was a lot of sandwich squealing going on but I knew what I heard. I heard it again. “RSS feed me! RSS feed me!” Seems Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth, or RSS as they called him, was making the rounds with the cloned groupies and aiding them in tasting all the culinary delights. RSS was tossing crackers and caviar into the open mouths of two of the women. I gagged and quickly realized that I did know this guy. He wasn’t a rock star like Bono; he was an Internet rock star! You can’t go anywhere without hearing about this guy. The suit and teeth was none other than RSS Marketing! How could I have not recognized him? I guess my MyYahoo! aggregator would have helped but the perfect good looks and groupies should have been a clue. I took a deep breath, looked to see where BeeBee was at with the permanent ink and said, “I think you had better stop.” ‘Email Mark’ was as far as BeeBee had gotten. Great, I was now the only person on the planet with a ‘to do list’ tattooed on my shoulder! Well at least it sort of made sense. My brother’s name is Mark so I thought I could make up some little story about how my brother and I had matching tattoos to remind us to keep in contact with each other. A vision of Johnny Depp and his ‘Wino Forever’ tattoo raced across my mind. I said a quick prayer to Johnny and asked him if I could join his club of botched tattoos. I got all bandaged up and went over to the RSS party and introduced myself. The clones looked a little worried but I assured them they could keep all the little sandwiches for themselves. RSS was quite personable and really nice, however I quickly realized the guy had a bit of an identity complex. We were all laughing and joking when RSS whispered in my ear, “They all have so many expectations…” Those bleached white teeth so close to my ear sort of startled me. RSS’s voice sounded like the kid who saw dead people in ‘The Sixth Sense.’ “Who?” I whispered back, surprised I was having a whispering conversation with a person I had just met. “Everyone.” RSS whispered. He motioned to the clones: “They are all marketing executives eager to dump every other kind of digital marketing and ride my back into the RSS Feed golden sunset. “First they blogged me and I thought I was stretched with that. Now they want to personalize me and individualize me. Some of them even want me to pretend I’m email and go right into a customer’s email inbox!” RSS sounded a little freaked. I started to think he might need a Valium. “What if I they take me all the way into the bedroom and I can’t perform?” RSS pleaded. “Cute analogy,” I thought. Forget the Valium, this guy needed some marketing Viagra just to make sure he could go all the way, regardless of who decides to hop into his digital bed with him. I finally left the tattoo parlor that day only after RSS Marketing made me promise to email him. We meet quite regularly for coffee and I think he is slowly getting more comfortable with his stardom. He realizes that he probably won’t make everyone happy but he is trying his best. Those marketing executives have him going day and night. He was right; some of their expectations are pretty high. I wonder where RSS Marketing will be a year from now? Will he be washed up with caffeine-stained teeth and a fraying designer suit playing in some Internet bar? Not likely, but will he be around ten years from now with a greatest hits album? Who knows. I think the bottom line is that personalized digital marketing will progress and RSS Marketing will be part of it just like Email Marketing, Podcasting, Blogging, Text Messaging and everything else savvy marketers are trying. I think most people are being realistic and realizing they have to stock their toolbox with a variety of tools built with their specific customer group in mind. You can’t build a marketing strategy with only one tool and RSS Marketing is not the key to everyone’s fiscal salvation. Should marketers use RSS Marketing? Of course they should. Should marketers dump Email Marketing in the north river with a concrete block around its neck? I guess they can if they want to. But they may find their decision is shortsighted. Just like my Email Mark tattoo, the use of Email is in our bloodstream and getting it out will take more than an RSS Feed transfusion. Why not get smarter and acknowledge the landscape has changed and change Email Marketing accordingly? We did it with TV, magazines and the radio. “Come gather ‘round people Wherever you roam And admit that the waters Around you have grown And accept it that soon You’ll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you Is worth savin 'Then you better start swimmin’ Or you’ll sink like a stone For the times they are a-changin’.” -Bob Dylan The last time RSS Marketing and I met he was kind of down as he had pulled another all-nighter. He asked me what he should do if his Internet gig didn’t work out. Where would he hide and spend his retirement without living in shame? I told him not to lose another ounce of sleep. If RSS Marketing doesn’t work out according to Internet Marketers’ expectations RSS could fade into the sunset without a care. RSS didn’t seem convinced. I assured RSS he had nothing to worry about. If RSS Marketing doesn’t meet the expectations of corporate marketers everywhere, everybody will be sending the blame up the Pacific Northwest coast into the misty air of Redmond to Bill Gates, to Microsoft and that new browser of theirs.
Email Marketing Lesson (2) click: SEO Company Reviews
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claracussonseo · 6 years
Email Marketing Lesson (2)
The blog post Email Marketing Lesson (2) was first seen on: SEO experts in Chicago area
Email Marketing Lesson
Every so often I take time out of my busy Email Marketing Consulting schedule and steal an afternoon just for myself. A few months ago I decided to take one of those days. With five glorious hours ahead of me I pondered how best to enjoy my break. I really wanted to do something memorable, something that would inspire me and something that would last long after my special day was over. So I did what everyone does on an afternoon off – I got a tattoo. I had never gotten a tattoo before and did not know which shops were the best but I was on an e-newsletter list of a shop called Brave Tattoo. I had joined the list while they were running a contest to win a Harley. I didn’t win but stayed on the email list because I was impressed with how creative the tattoo shop was with their e-zine. There was always two or three professionally written articles about tattoos and a whole bunch of tattoo design suggestions. I really looked forward to their bi-weekly e-zine because their e-newsletter approach really communicated their passion for their product and store. I sort of felt like I already knew the shop because of their e-newsletter. This week’s email special was a little odd but it worked perfect for me and I took it as a sign. 21 characters for the price of 20. I arrived early for my appointment and got all setup with an artist named BeeBee. She was painted from head to toe and had earrings, nose rings and studs everywhere imaginable (she told me about the ones that were not visible and I took her word for it). We got started right away with the cleaning and stenciling. All those needles looked a little unnerving so I turned away and tried to clear my mind of work and everything else I was thinking about. Just as my first character was about to be stenciled, a rowdy group moved into the booth next to me. Six people. Three of women and two of the men looked like they had just stepped out of a cloning machine. Same clothes, similar hair and similar gestures. The sixth guy was obviously the leader. Dressed in a William Fioravanti suit, this guy looked like a million-and-a-half bucks. His teeth were bleached white and gleaming. His face looked like he had shaven so close he was glowing. He almost looked too perfect or something. “Probably due to a fake tan,” I thought. I knew I had seen the guy before; he looked really familiar. Oh well, it was my afternoon off and I decided to not waste my time paying attention to Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth. I closed my eyes and let BeeBee go to work. I must have dozed off because when I came to I already had ‘EMAIL MARKETING FOREVER’ stenciled on my shoulder. It looked pretty good so far. The little flying envelope was really cute too. BeeBee mentioned that the next step was the point of no return. I eagerly nodded and told her to get going with the permanent ink. We started chatting about my tattoo choice and I told her the history of Email Marketing and how I had chosen to have my tattoo done at their store because of their creative e-newsletter. She told me that a fellow name Buzz took care of all the marketing but he was out on an errand right now. Throughout our conversation BeeBee and I had to talk louder and louder because of the group in the next booth. It sounded like they were having a party. The five clones must have been the guy’s groupies because they weren’t calling him by a name, just his initials. I asked BeeBee who the guy was. Maybe he was a rock star or something and that’s why I recognized him. “He is the new cat’s meow,” BeeBee said. I thought ‘cats meow’ was code for ‘new lead singer in a rock group’ so I tried to act smart and answered casually, “Oh? What club are they playing at?” I got really excited at the prospect of getting a tattoo AND meeting a rock star all in the same day. What a great way to celebrate my Email Marketing Forever tattoo! Who knows, this guy might be a great performer. The glowing skin was a little too perfect and I’d pass on the groupie thing but who knows where this guy might be in a few years. I got giddy at the thought of meeting Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth and hearing his group. BeeBee didn’t seem to hear my question about the club and started humming Bob Dylan’s hit “The Times They Are A-Changin'”. I always liked that song. I hummed along too and decided to go introduce myself to the suit and teeth after my tattoo was done. I would find out the address for the club first hand. I could hear the clones squealing at the suit and teeth’s every word. “He must be something special to get so much attention,” I thought. I closed my eyes and was only half listening but I think they were calling him RSS. I lay there with my eyes closed wondering what RSS stood for. Ricardo the Super Stud? Maybe RSS was the short form of his heavy metal band. What could the band be called? All those bands had such weird names. Could it be Rotten Salmon Sushi? Or maybe it was a country band called The Raunchy Smoking Smiths. Who knows. I was only half paying attention because the tattoo needles where starting to sting. I tried to clear my mind and focused on going out clubbing when all this was over. Suddenly BeeBee stopped humming and looked up from her needles and ink. “Buzz, is back from his errand,” she reported. “You can meet him after he’s done getting the catering set up.” Catering? What kind of a tattoo parlor was this? BeeBee noticed my query and motioned to the group next door. “I think it’s to keep the groupies quiet so RSS can get his tattoo done in peace,” she giggled, earrings swaying to and fro as she laughed. My mind wandered to thoughts of dancing at the club with my new Email Marketing Forever tattoo permanently sitting on my shoulder. I could hear the clones expressing awe over the tiny sandwiches and little cakes. Then I heard it. There was a lot of sandwich squealing going on but I knew what I heard. I heard it again. “RSS feed me! RSS feed me!” Seems Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth, or RSS as they called him, was making the rounds with the cloned groupies and aiding them in tasting all the culinary delights. RSS was tossing crackers and caviar into the open mouths of two of the women. I gagged and quickly realized that I did know this guy. He wasn’t a rock star like Bono; he was an Internet rock star! You can’t go anywhere without hearing about this guy. The suit and teeth was none other than RSS Marketing! How could I have not recognized him? I guess my MyYahoo! aggregator would have helped but the perfect good looks and groupies should have been a clue. I took a deep breath, looked to see where BeeBee was at with the permanent ink and said, “I think you had better stop.” ‘Email Mark’ was as far as BeeBee had gotten. Great, I was now the only person on the planet with a ‘to do list’ tattooed on my shoulder! Well at least it sort of made sense. My brother’s name is Mark so I thought I could make up some little story about how my brother and I had matching tattoos to remind us to keep in contact with each other. A vision of Johnny Depp and his ‘Wino Forever’ tattoo raced across my mind. I said a quick prayer to Johnny and asked him if I could join his club of botched tattoos. I got all bandaged up and went over to the RSS party and introduced myself. The clones looked a little worried but I assured them they could keep all the little sandwiches for themselves. RSS was quite personable and really nice, however I quickly realized the guy had a bit of an identity complex. We were all laughing and joking when RSS whispered in my ear, “They all have so many expectations…” Those bleached white teeth so close to my ear sort of startled me. RSS’s voice sounded like the kid who saw dead people in ‘The Sixth Sense.’ “Who?” I whispered back, surprised I was having a whispering conversation with a person I had just met. “Everyone.” RSS whispered. He motioned to the clones: “They are all marketing executives eager to dump every other kind of digital marketing and ride my back into the RSS Feed golden sunset. “First they blogged me and I thought I was stretched with that. Now they want to personalize me and individualize me. Some of them even want me to pretend I’m email and go right into a customer’s email inbox!” RSS sounded a little freaked. I started to think he might need a Valium. “What if I they take me all the way into the bedroom and I can’t perform?” RSS pleaded. “Cute analogy,” I thought. Forget the Valium, this guy needed some marketing Viagra just to make sure he could go all the way, regardless of who decides to hop into his digital bed with him. I finally left the tattoo parlor that day only after RSS Marketing made me promise to email him. We meet quite regularly for coffee and I think he is slowly getting more comfortable with his stardom. He realizes that he probably won’t make everyone happy but he is trying his best. Those marketing executives have him going day and night. He was right; some of their expectations are pretty high. I wonder where RSS Marketing will be a year from now? Will he be washed up with caffeine-stained teeth and a fraying designer suit playing in some Internet bar? Not likely, but will he be around ten years from now with a greatest hits album? Who knows. I think the bottom line is that personalized digital marketing will progress and RSS Marketing will be part of it just like Email Marketing, Podcasting, Blogging, Text Messaging and everything else savvy marketers are trying. I think most people are being realistic and realizing they have to stock their toolbox with a variety of tools built with their specific customer group in mind. You can’t build a marketing strategy with only one tool and RSS Marketing is not the key to everyone’s fiscal salvation. Should marketers use RSS Marketing? Of course they should. Should marketers dump Email Marketing in the north river with a concrete block around its neck? I guess they can if they want to. But they may find their decision is shortsighted. Just like my Email Mark tattoo, the use of Email is in our bloodstream and getting it out will take more than an RSS Feed transfusion. Why not get smarter and acknowledge the landscape has changed and change Email Marketing accordingly? We did it with TV, magazines and the radio. “Come gather ‘round people Wherever you roam And admit that the waters Around you have grown And accept it that soon You’ll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you Is worth savin 'Then you better start swimmin’ Or you’ll sink like a stone For the times they are a-changin’.” -Bob Dylan The last time RSS Marketing and I met he was kind of down as he had pulled another all-nighter. He asked me what he should do if his Internet gig didn’t work out. Where would he hide and spend his retirement without living in shame? I told him not to lose another ounce of sleep. If RSS Marketing doesn’t work out according to Internet Marketers’ expectations RSS could fade into the sunset without a care. RSS didn’t seem convinced. I assured RSS he had nothing to worry about. If RSS Marketing doesn’t meet the expectations of corporate marketers everywhere, everybody will be sending the blame up the Pacific Northwest coast into the misty air of Redmond to Bill Gates, to Microsoft and that new browser of theirs.
Email Marketing Lesson (2) click: SEO services
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claracussonseo · 6 years
Email Marketing Lesson (2)
Email Marketing Lesson (2) is courtesy of: local business lead king
Email Marketing Lesson
Every so often I take time out of my busy Email Marketing Consulting schedule and steal an afternoon just for myself. A few months ago I decided to take one of those days. With five glorious hours ahead of me I pondered how best to enjoy my break. I really wanted to do something memorable, something that would inspire me and something that would last long after my special day was over. So I did what everyone does on an afternoon off – I got a tattoo. I had never gotten a tattoo before and did not know which shops were the best but I was on an e-newsletter list of a shop called Brave Tattoo. I had joined the list while they were running a contest to win a Harley. I didn’t win but stayed on the email list because I was impressed with how creative the tattoo shop was with their e-zine. There was always two or three professionally written articles about tattoos and a whole bunch of tattoo design suggestions. I really looked forward to their bi-weekly e-zine because their e-newsletter approach really communicated their passion for their product and store. I sort of felt like I already knew the shop because of their e-newsletter. This week’s email special was a little odd but it worked perfect for me and I took it as a sign. 21 characters for the price of 20. I arrived early for my appointment and got all setup with an artist named BeeBee. She was painted from head to toe and had earrings, nose rings and studs everywhere imaginable (she told me about the ones that were not visible and I took her word for it). We got started right away with the cleaning and stenciling. All those needles looked a little unnerving so I turned away and tried to clear my mind of work and everything else I was thinking about. Just as my first character was about to be stenciled, a rowdy group moved into the booth next to me. Six people. Three of women and two of the men looked like they had just stepped out of a cloning machine. Same clothes, similar hair and similar gestures. The sixth guy was obviously the leader. Dressed in a William Fioravanti suit, this guy looked like a million-and-a-half bucks. His teeth were bleached white and gleaming. His face looked like he had shaven so close he was glowing. He almost looked too perfect or something. “Probably due to a fake tan,” I thought. I knew I had seen the guy before; he looked really familiar. Oh well, it was my afternoon off and I decided to not waste my time paying attention to Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth. I closed my eyes and let BeeBee go to work. I must have dozed off because when I came to I already had ‘EMAIL MARKETING FOREVER’ stenciled on my shoulder. It looked pretty good so far. The little flying envelope was really cute too. BeeBee mentioned that the next step was the point of no return. I eagerly nodded and told her to get going with the permanent ink. We started chatting about my tattoo choice and I told her the history of Email Marketing and how I had chosen to have my tattoo done at their store because of their creative e-newsletter. She told me that a fellow name Buzz took care of all the marketing but he was out on an errand right now. Throughout our conversation BeeBee and I had to talk louder and louder because of the group in the next booth. It sounded like they were having a party. The five clones must have been the guy’s groupies because they weren’t calling him by a name, just his initials. I asked BeeBee who the guy was. Maybe he was a rock star or something and that’s why I recognized him. “He is the new cat’s meow,” BeeBee said. I thought ‘cats meow’ was code for ‘new lead singer in a rock group’ so I tried to act smart and answered casually, “Oh? What club are they playing at?” I got really excited at the prospect of getting a tattoo AND meeting a rock star all in the same day. What a great way to celebrate my Email Marketing Forever tattoo! Who knows, this guy might be a great performer. The glowing skin was a little too perfect and I’d pass on the groupie thing but who knows where this guy might be in a few years. I got giddy at the thought of meeting Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth and hearing his group. BeeBee didn’t seem to hear my question about the club and started humming Bob Dylan’s hit “The Times They Are A-Changin'”. I always liked that song. I hummed along too and decided to go introduce myself to the suit and teeth after my tattoo was done. I would find out the address for the club first hand. I could hear the clones squealing at the suit and teeth’s every word. “He must be something special to get so much attention,” I thought. I closed my eyes and was only half listening but I think they were calling him RSS. I lay there with my eyes closed wondering what RSS stood for. Ricardo the Super Stud? Maybe RSS was the short form of his heavy metal band. What could the band be called? All those bands had such weird names. Could it be Rotten Salmon Sushi? Or maybe it was a country band called The Raunchy Smoking Smiths. Who knows. I was only half paying attention because the tattoo needles where starting to sting. I tried to clear my mind and focused on going out clubbing when all this was over. Suddenly BeeBee stopped humming and looked up from her needles and ink. “Buzz, is back from his errand,” she reported. “You can meet him after he’s done getting the catering set up.” Catering? What kind of a tattoo parlor was this? BeeBee noticed my query and motioned to the group next door. “I think it’s to keep the groupies quiet so RSS can get his tattoo done in peace,” she giggled, earrings swaying to and fro as she laughed. My mind wandered to thoughts of dancing at the club with my new Email Marketing Forever tattoo permanently sitting on my shoulder. I could hear the clones expressing awe over the tiny sandwiches and little cakes. Then I heard it. There was a lot of sandwich squealing going on but I knew what I heard. I heard it again. “RSS feed me! RSS feed me!” Seems Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth, or RSS as they called him, was making the rounds with the cloned groupies and aiding them in tasting all the culinary delights. RSS was tossing crackers and caviar into the open mouths of two of the women. I gagged and quickly realized that I did know this guy. He wasn’t a rock star like Bono; he was an Internet rock star! You can’t go anywhere without hearing about this guy. The suit and teeth was none other than RSS Marketing! How could I have not recognized him? I guess my MyYahoo! aggregator would have helped but the perfect good looks and groupies should have been a clue. I took a deep breath, looked to see where BeeBee was at with the permanent ink and said, “I think you had better stop.” ‘Email Mark’ was as far as BeeBee had gotten. Great, I was now the only person on the planet with a ‘to do list’ tattooed on my shoulder! Well at least it sort of made sense. My brother’s name is Mark so I thought I could make up some little story about how my brother and I had matching tattoos to remind us to keep in contact with each other. A vision of Johnny Depp and his ‘Wino Forever’ tattoo raced across my mind. I said a quick prayer to Johnny and asked him if I could join his club of botched tattoos. I got all bandaged up and went over to the RSS party and introduced myself. The clones looked a little worried but I assured them they could keep all the little sandwiches for themselves. RSS was quite personable and really nice, however I quickly realized the guy had a bit of an identity complex. We were all laughing and joking when RSS whispered in my ear, “They all have so many expectations…” Those bleached white teeth so close to my ear sort of startled me. RSS’s voice sounded like the kid who saw dead people in ‘The Sixth Sense.’ “Who?” I whispered back, surprised I was having a whispering conversation with a person I had just met. “Everyone.” RSS whispered. He motioned to the clones: “They are all marketing executives eager to dump every other kind of digital marketing and ride my back into the RSS Feed golden sunset. “First they blogged me and I thought I was stretched with that. Now they want to personalize me and individualize me. Some of them even want me to pretend I’m email and go right into a customer’s email inbox!” RSS sounded a little freaked. I started to think he might need a Valium. “What if I they take me all the way into the bedroom and I can’t perform?” RSS pleaded. “Cute analogy,” I thought. Forget the Valium, this guy needed some marketing Viagra just to make sure he could go all the way, regardless of who decides to hop into his digital bed with him. I finally left the tattoo parlor that day only after RSS Marketing made me promise to email him. We meet quite regularly for coffee and I think he is slowly getting more comfortable with his stardom. He realizes that he probably won’t make everyone happy but he is trying his best. Those marketing executives have him going day and night. He was right; some of their expectations are pretty high. I wonder where RSS Marketing will be a year from now? Will he be washed up with caffeine-stained teeth and a fraying designer suit playing in some Internet bar? Not likely, but will he be around ten years from now with a greatest hits album? Who knows. I think the bottom line is that personalized digital marketing will progress and RSS Marketing will be part of it just like Email Marketing, Podcasting, Blogging, Text Messaging and everything else savvy marketers are trying. I think most people are being realistic and realizing they have to stock their toolbox with a variety of tools built with their specific customer group in mind. You can’t build a marketing strategy with only one tool and RSS Marketing is not the key to everyone’s fiscal salvation. Should marketers use RSS Marketing? Of course they should. Should marketers dump Email Marketing in the north river with a concrete block around its neck? I guess they can if they want to. But they may find their decision is shortsighted. Just like my Email Mark tattoo, the use of Email is in our bloodstream and getting it out will take more than an RSS Feed transfusion. Why not get smarter and acknowledge the landscape has changed and change Email Marketing accordingly? We did it with TV, magazines and the radio. “Come gather ‘round people Wherever you roam And admit that the waters Around you have grown And accept it that soon You’ll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you Is worth savin 'Then you better start swimmin’ Or you’ll sink like a stone For the times they are a-changin’.” -Bob Dylan The last time RSS Marketing and I met he was kind of down as he had pulled another all-nighter. He asked me what he should do if his Internet gig didn’t work out. Where would he hide and spend his retirement without living in shame? I told him not to lose another ounce of sleep. If RSS Marketing doesn’t work out according to Internet Marketers’ expectations RSS could fade into the sunset without a care. RSS didn’t seem convinced. I assured RSS he had nothing to worry about. If RSS Marketing doesn’t meet the expectations of corporate marketers everywhere, everybody will be sending the blame up the Pacific Northwest coast into the misty air of Redmond to Bill Gates, to Microsoft and that new browser of theirs.
The following testimonial Email Marketing Lesson (2) click: Chicago Website Design SEO Company reviews
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claracussonseo · 6 years
Email Marketing Lesson (2)
The following blog post Email Marketing Lesson (2) was first published on: SEO experts in Chicago area
Email Marketing Lesson
Every so often I take time out of my busy Email Marketing Consulting schedule and steal an afternoon just for myself. A few months ago I decided to take one of those days. With five glorious hours ahead of me I pondered how best to enjoy my break. I really wanted to do something memorable, something that would inspire me and something that would last long after my special day was over. So I did what everyone does on an afternoon off – I got a tattoo. I had never gotten a tattoo before and did not know which shops were the best but I was on an e-newsletter list of a shop called Brave Tattoo. I had joined the list while they were running a contest to win a Harley. I didn’t win but stayed on the email list because I was impressed with how creative the tattoo shop was with their e-zine. There was always two or three professionally written articles about tattoos and a whole bunch of tattoo design suggestions. I really looked forward to their bi-weekly e-zine because their e-newsletter approach really communicated their passion for their product and store. I sort of felt like I already knew the shop because of their e-newsletter. This week’s email special was a little odd but it worked perfect for me and I took it as a sign. 21 characters for the price of 20. I arrived early for my appointment and got all setup with an artist named BeeBee. She was painted from head to toe and had earrings, nose rings and studs everywhere imaginable (she told me about the ones that were not visible and I took her word for it). We got started right away with the cleaning and stenciling. All those needles looked a little unnerving so I turned away and tried to clear my mind of work and everything else I was thinking about. Just as my first character was about to be stenciled, a rowdy group moved into the booth next to me. Six people. Three of women and two of the men looked like they had just stepped out of a cloning machine. Same clothes, similar hair and similar gestures. The sixth guy was obviously the leader. Dressed in a William Fioravanti suit, this guy looked like a million-and-a-half bucks. His teeth were bleached white and gleaming. His face looked like he had shaven so close he was glowing. He almost looked too perfect or something. “Probably due to a fake tan,” I thought. I knew I had seen the guy before; he looked really familiar. Oh well, it was my afternoon off and I decided to not waste my time paying attention to Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth. I closed my eyes and let BeeBee go to work. I must have dozed off because when I came to I already had ‘EMAIL MARKETING FOREVER’ stenciled on my shoulder. It looked pretty good so far. The little flying envelope was really cute too. BeeBee mentioned that the next step was the point of no return. I eagerly nodded and told her to get going with the permanent ink. We started chatting about my tattoo choice and I told her the history of Email Marketing and how I had chosen to have my tattoo done at their store because of their creative e-newsletter. She told me that a fellow name Buzz took care of all the marketing but he was out on an errand right now. Throughout our conversation BeeBee and I had to talk louder and louder because of the group in the next booth. It sounded like they were having a party. The five clones must have been the guy’s groupies because they weren’t calling him by a name, just his initials. I asked BeeBee who the guy was. Maybe he was a rock star or something and that’s why I recognized him. “He is the new cat’s meow,” BeeBee said. I thought ‘cats meow’ was code for ‘new lead singer in a rock group’ so I tried to act smart and answered casually, “Oh? What club are they playing at?” I got really excited at the prospect of getting a tattoo AND meeting a rock star all in the same day. What a great way to celebrate my Email Marketing Forever tattoo! Who knows, this guy might be a great performer. The glowing skin was a little too perfect and I’d pass on the groupie thing but who knows where this guy might be in a few years. I got giddy at the thought of meeting Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth and hearing his group. BeeBee didn’t seem to hear my question about the club and started humming Bob Dylan’s hit “The Times They Are A-Changin'”. I always liked that song. I hummed along too and decided to go introduce myself to the suit and teeth after my tattoo was done. I would find out the address for the club first hand. I could hear the clones squealing at the suit and teeth’s every word. “He must be something special to get so much attention,” I thought. I closed my eyes and was only half listening but I think they were calling him RSS. I lay there with my eyes closed wondering what RSS stood for. Ricardo the Super Stud? Maybe RSS was the short form of his heavy metal band. What could the band be called? All those bands had such weird names. Could it be Rotten Salmon Sushi? Or maybe it was a country band called The Raunchy Smoking Smiths. Who knows. I was only half paying attention because the tattoo needles where starting to sting. I tried to clear my mind and focused on going out clubbing when all this was over. Suddenly BeeBee stopped humming and looked up from her needles and ink. “Buzz, is back from his errand,” she reported. “You can meet him after he’s done getting the catering set up.” Catering? What kind of a tattoo parlor was this? BeeBee noticed my query and motioned to the group next door. “I think it’s to keep the groupies quiet so RSS can get his tattoo done in peace,” she giggled, earrings swaying to and fro as she laughed. My mind wandered to thoughts of dancing at the club with my new Email Marketing Forever tattoo permanently sitting on my shoulder. I could hear the clones expressing awe over the tiny sandwiches and little cakes. Then I heard it. There was a lot of sandwich squealing going on but I knew what I heard. I heard it again. “RSS feed me! RSS feed me!” Seems Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth, or RSS as they called him, was making the rounds with the cloned groupies and aiding them in tasting all the culinary delights. RSS was tossing crackers and caviar into the open mouths of two of the women. I gagged and quickly realized that I did know this guy. He wasn’t a rock star like Bono; he was an Internet rock star! You can’t go anywhere without hearing about this guy. The suit and teeth was none other than RSS Marketing! How could I have not recognized him? I guess my MyYahoo! aggregator would have helped but the perfect good looks and groupies should have been a clue. I took a deep breath, looked to see where BeeBee was at with the permanent ink and said, “I think you had better stop.” ‘Email Mark’ was as far as BeeBee had gotten. Great, I was now the only person on the planet with a ‘to do list’ tattooed on my shoulder! Well at least it sort of made sense. My brother’s name is Mark so I thought I could make up some little story about how my brother and I had matching tattoos to remind us to keep in contact with each other. A vision of Johnny Depp and his ‘Wino Forever’ tattoo raced across my mind. I said a quick prayer to Johnny and asked him if I could join his club of botched tattoos. I got all bandaged up and went over to the RSS party and introduced myself. The clones looked a little worried but I assured them they could keep all the little sandwiches for themselves. RSS was quite personable and really nice, however I quickly realized the guy had a bit of an identity complex. We were all laughing and joking when RSS whispered in my ear, “They all have so many expectations…” Those bleached white teeth so close to my ear sort of startled me. RSS’s voice sounded like the kid who saw dead people in ‘The Sixth Sense.’ “Who?” I whispered back, surprised I was having a whispering conversation with a person I had just met. “Everyone.” RSS whispered. He motioned to the clones: “They are all marketing executives eager to dump every other kind of digital marketing and ride my back into the RSS Feed golden sunset. “First they blogged me and I thought I was stretched with that. Now they want to personalize me and individualize me. Some of them even want me to pretend I’m email and go right into a customer’s email inbox!” RSS sounded a little freaked. I started to think he might need a Valium. “What if I they take me all the way into the bedroom and I can’t perform?” RSS pleaded. “Cute analogy,” I thought. Forget the Valium, this guy needed some marketing Viagra just to make sure he could go all the way, regardless of who decides to hop into his digital bed with him. I finally left the tattoo parlor that day only after RSS Marketing made me promise to email him. We meet quite regularly for coffee and I think he is slowly getting more comfortable with his stardom. He realizes that he probably won’t make everyone happy but he is trying his best. Those marketing executives have him going day and night. He was right; some of their expectations are pretty high. I wonder where RSS Marketing will be a year from now? Will he be washed up with caffeine-stained teeth and a fraying designer suit playing in some Internet bar? Not likely, but will he be around ten years from now with a greatest hits album? Who knows. I think the bottom line is that personalized digital marketing will progress and RSS Marketing will be part of it just like Email Marketing, Podcasting, Blogging, Text Messaging and everything else savvy marketers are trying. I think most people are being realistic and realizing they have to stock their toolbox with a variety of tools built with their specific customer group in mind. You can’t build a marketing strategy with only one tool and RSS Marketing is not the key to everyone’s fiscal salvation. Should marketers use RSS Marketing? Of course they should. Should marketers dump Email Marketing in the north river with a concrete block around its neck? I guess they can if they want to. But they may find their decision is shortsighted. Just like my Email Mark tattoo, the use of Email is in our bloodstream and getting it out will take more than an RSS Feed transfusion. Why not get smarter and acknowledge the landscape has changed and change Email Marketing accordingly? We did it with TV, magazines and the radio. “Come gather ‘round people Wherever you roam And admit that the waters Around you have grown And accept it that soon You’ll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you Is worth savin 'Then you better start swimmin’ Or you’ll sink like a stone For the times they are a-changin’.” -Bob Dylan The last time RSS Marketing and I met he was kind of down as he had pulled another all-nighter. He asked me what he should do if his Internet gig didn’t work out. Where would he hide and spend his retirement without living in shame? I told him not to lose another ounce of sleep. If RSS Marketing doesn’t work out according to Internet Marketers’ expectations RSS could fade into the sunset without a care. RSS didn’t seem convinced. I assured RSS he had nothing to worry about. If RSS Marketing doesn’t meet the expectations of corporate marketers everywhere, everybody will be sending the blame up the Pacific Northwest coast into the misty air of Redmond to Bill Gates, to Microsoft and that new browser of theirs.
Email Marketing Lesson (2) click: review of Jack Lombardi
0 notes
claracussonseo · 6 years
Email Marketing Lesson (2)
Email Marketing Lesson (2) is courtesy of: https://www.chicagowebsitedesignseocompany.com/
Email Marketing Lesson
Every so often I take time out of my busy Email Marketing Consulting schedule and steal an afternoon just for myself. A few months ago I decided to take one of those days. With five glorious hours ahead of me I pondered how best to enjoy my break. I really wanted to do something memorable, something that would inspire me and something that would last long after my special day was over. So I did what everyone does on an afternoon off – I got a tattoo. I had never gotten a tattoo before and did not know which shops were the best but I was on an e-newsletter list of a shop called Brave Tattoo. I had joined the list while they were running a contest to win a Harley. I didn’t win but stayed on the email list because I was impressed with how creative the tattoo shop was with their e-zine. There was always two or three professionally written articles about tattoos and a whole bunch of tattoo design suggestions. I really looked forward to their bi-weekly e-zine because their e-newsletter approach really communicated their passion for their product and store. I sort of felt like I already knew the shop because of their e-newsletter. This week’s email special was a little odd but it worked perfect for me and I took it as a sign. 21 characters for the price of 20. I arrived early for my appointment and got all setup with an artist named BeeBee. She was painted from head to toe and had earrings, nose rings and studs everywhere imaginable (she told me about the ones that were not visible and I took her word for it). We got started right away with the cleaning and stenciling. All those needles looked a little unnerving so I turned away and tried to clear my mind of work and everything else I was thinking about. Just as my first character was about to be stenciled, a rowdy group moved into the booth next to me. Six people. Three of women and two of the men looked like they had just stepped out of a cloning machine. Same clothes, similar hair and similar gestures. The sixth guy was obviously the leader. Dressed in a William Fioravanti suit, this guy looked like a million-and-a-half bucks. His teeth were bleached white and gleaming. His face looked like he had shaven so close he was glowing. He almost looked too perfect or something. “Probably due to a fake tan,” I thought. I knew I had seen the guy before; he looked really familiar. Oh well, it was my afternoon off and I decided to not waste my time paying attention to Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth. I closed my eyes and let BeeBee go to work. I must have dozed off because when I came to I already had ‘EMAIL MARKETING FOREVER’ stenciled on my shoulder. It looked pretty good so far. The little flying envelope was really cute too. BeeBee mentioned that the next step was the point of no return. I eagerly nodded and told her to get going with the permanent ink. We started chatting about my tattoo choice and I told her the history of Email Marketing and how I had chosen to have my tattoo done at their store because of their creative e-newsletter. She told me that a fellow name Buzz took care of all the marketing but he was out on an errand right now. Throughout our conversation BeeBee and I had to talk louder and louder because of the group in the next booth. It sounded like they were having a party. The five clones must have been the guy’s groupies because they weren’t calling him by a name, just his initials. I asked BeeBee who the guy was. Maybe he was a rock star or something and that’s why I recognized him. “He is the new cat’s meow,” BeeBee said. I thought ‘cats meow’ was code for ‘new lead singer in a rock group’ so I tried to act smart and answered casually, “Oh? What club are they playing at?” I got really excited at the prospect of getting a tattoo AND meeting a rock star all in the same day. What a great way to celebrate my Email Marketing Forever tattoo! Who knows, this guy might be a great performer. The glowing skin was a little too perfect and I’d pass on the groupie thing but who knows where this guy might be in a few years. I got giddy at the thought of meeting Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth and hearing his group. BeeBee didn’t seem to hear my question about the club and started humming Bob Dylan’s hit “The Times They Are A-Changin'”. I always liked that song. I hummed along too and decided to go introduce myself to the suit and teeth after my tattoo was done. I would find out the address for the club first hand. I could hear the clones squealing at the suit and teeth’s every word. “He must be something special to get so much attention,” I thought. I closed my eyes and was only half listening but I think they were calling him RSS. I lay there with my eyes closed wondering what RSS stood for. Ricardo the Super Stud? Maybe RSS was the short form of his heavy metal band. What could the band be called? All those bands had such weird names. Could it be Rotten Salmon Sushi? Or maybe it was a country band called The Raunchy Smoking Smiths. Who knows. I was only half paying attention because the tattoo needles where starting to sting. I tried to clear my mind and focused on going out clubbing when all this was over. Suddenly BeeBee stopped humming and looked up from her needles and ink. “Buzz, is back from his errand,” she reported. “You can meet him after he’s done getting the catering set up.” Catering? What kind of a tattoo parlor was this? BeeBee noticed my query and motioned to the group next door. “I think it’s to keep the groupies quiet so RSS can get his tattoo done in peace,” she giggled, earrings swaying to and fro as she laughed. My mind wandered to thoughts of dancing at the club with my new Email Marketing Forever tattoo permanently sitting on my shoulder. I could hear the clones expressing awe over the tiny sandwiches and little cakes. Then I heard it. There was a lot of sandwich squealing going on but I knew what I heard. I heard it again. “RSS feed me! RSS feed me!” Seems Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth, or RSS as they called him, was making the rounds with the cloned groupies and aiding them in tasting all the culinary delights. RSS was tossing crackers and caviar into the open mouths of two of the women. I gagged and quickly realized that I did know this guy. He wasn’t a rock star like Bono; he was an Internet rock star! You can’t go anywhere without hearing about this guy. The suit and teeth was none other than RSS Marketing! How could I have not recognized him? I guess my MyYahoo! aggregator would have helped but the perfect good looks and groupies should have been a clue. I took a deep breath, looked to see where BeeBee was at with the permanent ink and said, “I think you had better stop.” ‘Email Mark’ was as far as BeeBee had gotten. Great, I was now the only person on the planet with a ‘to do list’ tattooed on my shoulder! Well at least it sort of made sense. My brother’s name is Mark so I thought I could make up some little story about how my brother and I had matching tattoos to remind us to keep in contact with each other. A vision of Johnny Depp and his ‘Wino Forever’ tattoo raced across my mind. I said a quick prayer to Johnny and asked him if I could join his club of botched tattoos. I got all bandaged up and went over to the RSS party and introduced myself. The clones looked a little worried but I assured them they could keep all the little sandwiches for themselves. RSS was quite personable and really nice, however I quickly realized the guy had a bit of an identity complex. We were all laughing and joking when RSS whispered in my ear, “They all have so many expectations…” Those bleached white teeth so close to my ear sort of startled me. RSS’s voice sounded like the kid who saw dead people in ‘The Sixth Sense.’ “Who?” I whispered back, surprised I was having a whispering conversation with a person I had just met. “Everyone.” RSS whispered. He motioned to the clones: “They are all marketing executives eager to dump every other kind of digital marketing and ride my back into the RSS Feed golden sunset. “First they blogged me and I thought I was stretched with that. Now they want to personalize me and individualize me. Some of them even want me to pretend I’m email and go right into a customer’s email inbox!” RSS sounded a little freaked. I started to think he might need a Valium. “What if I they take me all the way into the bedroom and I can’t perform?” RSS pleaded. “Cute analogy,” I thought. Forget the Valium, this guy needed some marketing Viagra just to make sure he could go all the way, regardless of who decides to hop into his digital bed with him. I finally left the tattoo parlor that day only after RSS Marketing made me promise to email him. We meet quite regularly for coffee and I think he is slowly getting more comfortable with his stardom. He realizes that he probably won’t make everyone happy but he is trying his best. Those marketing executives have him going day and night. He was right; some of their expectations are pretty high. I wonder where RSS Marketing will be a year from now? Will he be washed up with caffeine-stained teeth and a fraying designer suit playing in some Internet bar? Not likely, but will he be around ten years from now with a greatest hits album? Who knows. I think the bottom line is that personalized digital marketing will progress and RSS Marketing will be part of it just like Email Marketing, Podcasting, Blogging, Text Messaging and everything else savvy marketers are trying. I think most people are being realistic and realizing they have to stock their toolbox with a variety of tools built with their specific customer group in mind. You can’t build a marketing strategy with only one tool and RSS Marketing is not the key to everyone’s fiscal salvation. Should marketers use RSS Marketing? Of course they should. Should marketers dump Email Marketing in the north river with a concrete block around its neck? I guess they can if they want to. But they may find their decision is shortsighted. Just like my Email Mark tattoo, the use of Email is in our bloodstream and getting it out will take more than an RSS Feed transfusion. Why not get smarter and acknowledge the landscape has changed and change Email Marketing accordingly? We did it with TV, magazines and the radio. “Come gather ‘round people Wherever you roam And admit that the waters Around you have grown And accept it that soon You’ll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you Is worth savin 'Then you better start swimmin’ Or you’ll sink like a stone For the times they are a-changin’.” -Bob Dylan The last time RSS Marketing and I met he was kind of down as he had pulled another all-nighter. He asked me what he should do if his Internet gig didn’t work out. Where would he hide and spend his retirement without living in shame? I told him not to lose another ounce of sleep. If RSS Marketing doesn’t work out according to Internet Marketers’ expectations RSS could fade into the sunset without a care. RSS didn’t seem convinced. I assured RSS he had nothing to worry about. If RSS Marketing doesn’t meet the expectations of corporate marketers everywhere, everybody will be sending the blame up the Pacific Northwest coast into the misty air of Redmond to Bill Gates, to Microsoft and that new browser of theirs.
The following review Email Marketing Lesson (2) click: Chicago Website Design SEO Company
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claracussonseo · 6 years
Email Marketing Lesson (2)
Email Marketing Lesson (2) is available on: Chicago Website Design SEO Co.
Email Marketing Lesson
Every so often I take time out of my busy Email Marketing Consulting schedule and steal an afternoon just for myself. A few months ago I decided to take one of those days. With five glorious hours ahead of me I pondered how best to enjoy my break. I really wanted to do something memorable, something that would inspire me and something that would last long after my special day was over. So I did what everyone does on an afternoon off – I got a tattoo. I had never gotten a tattoo before and did not know which shops were the best but I was on an e-newsletter list of a shop called Brave Tattoo. I had joined the list while they were running a contest to win a Harley. I didn’t win but stayed on the email list because I was impressed with how creative the tattoo shop was with their e-zine. There was always two or three professionally written articles about tattoos and a whole bunch of tattoo design suggestions. I really looked forward to their bi-weekly e-zine because their e-newsletter approach really communicated their passion for their product and store. I sort of felt like I already knew the shop because of their e-newsletter. This week’s email special was a little odd but it worked perfect for me and I took it as a sign. 21 characters for the price of 20. I arrived early for my appointment and got all setup with an artist named BeeBee. She was painted from head to toe and had earrings, nose rings and studs everywhere imaginable (she told me about the ones that were not visible and I took her word for it). We got started right away with the cleaning and stenciling. All those needles looked a little unnerving so I turned away and tried to clear my mind of work and everything else I was thinking about. Just as my first character was about to be stenciled, a rowdy group moved into the booth next to me. Six people. Three of women and two of the men looked like they had just stepped out of a cloning machine. Same clothes, similar hair and similar gestures. The sixth guy was obviously the leader. Dressed in a William Fioravanti suit, this guy looked like a million-and-a-half bucks. His teeth were bleached white and gleaming. His face looked like he had shaven so close he was glowing. He almost looked too perfect or something. “Probably due to a fake tan,” I thought. I knew I had seen the guy before; he looked really familiar. Oh well, it was my afternoon off and I decided to not waste my time paying attention to Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth. I closed my eyes and let BeeBee go to work. I must have dozed off because when I came to I already had ‘EMAIL MARKETING FOREVER’ stenciled on my shoulder. It looked pretty good so far. The little flying envelope was really cute too. BeeBee mentioned that the next step was the point of no return. I eagerly nodded and told her to get going with the permanent ink. We started chatting about my tattoo choice and I told her the history of Email Marketing and how I had chosen to have my tattoo done at their store because of their creative e-newsletter. She told me that a fellow name Buzz took care of all the marketing but he was out on an errand right now. Throughout our conversation BeeBee and I had to talk louder and louder because of the group in the next booth. It sounded like they were having a party. The five clones must have been the guy’s groupies because they weren’t calling him by a name, just his initials. I asked BeeBee who the guy was. Maybe he was a rock star or something and that’s why I recognized him. “He is the new cat’s meow,” BeeBee said. I thought ‘cats meow’ was code for ‘new lead singer in a rock group’ so I tried to act smart and answered casually, “Oh? What club are they playing at?” I got really excited at the prospect of getting a tattoo AND meeting a rock star all in the same day. What a great way to celebrate my Email Marketing Forever tattoo! Who knows, this guy might be a great performer. The glowing skin was a little too perfect and I’d pass on the groupie thing but who knows where this guy might be in a few years. I got giddy at the thought of meeting Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth and hearing his group. BeeBee didn’t seem to hear my question about the club and started humming Bob Dylan’s hit “The Times They Are A-Changin'”. I always liked that song. I hummed along too and decided to go introduce myself to the suit and teeth after my tattoo was done. I would find out the address for the club first hand. I could hear the clones squealing at the suit and teeth’s every word. “He must be something special to get so much attention,” I thought. I closed my eyes and was only half listening but I think they were calling him RSS. I lay there with my eyes closed wondering what RSS stood for. Ricardo the Super Stud? Maybe RSS was the short form of his heavy metal band. What could the band be called? All those bands had such weird names. Could it be Rotten Salmon Sushi? Or maybe it was a country band called The Raunchy Smoking Smiths. Who knows. I was only half paying attention because the tattoo needles where starting to sting. I tried to clear my mind and focused on going out clubbing when all this was over. Suddenly BeeBee stopped humming and looked up from her needles and ink. “Buzz, is back from his errand,” she reported. “You can meet him after he’s done getting the catering set up.” Catering? What kind of a tattoo parlor was this? BeeBee noticed my query and motioned to the group next door. “I think it’s to keep the groupies quiet so RSS can get his tattoo done in peace,” she giggled, earrings swaying to and fro as she laughed. My mind wandered to thoughts of dancing at the club with my new Email Marketing Forever tattoo permanently sitting on my shoulder. I could hear the clones expressing awe over the tiny sandwiches and little cakes. Then I heard it. There was a lot of sandwich squealing going on but I knew what I heard. I heard it again. “RSS feed me! RSS feed me!” Seems Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth, or RSS as they called him, was making the rounds with the cloned groupies and aiding them in tasting all the culinary delights. RSS was tossing crackers and caviar into the open mouths of two of the women. I gagged and quickly realized that I did know this guy. He wasn’t a rock star like Bono; he was an Internet rock star! You can’t go anywhere without hearing about this guy. The suit and teeth was none other than RSS Marketing! How could I have not recognized him? I guess my MyYahoo! aggregator would have helped but the perfect good looks and groupies should have been a clue. I took a deep breath, looked to see where BeeBee was at with the permanent ink and said, “I think you had better stop.” ‘Email Mark’ was as far as BeeBee had gotten. Great, I was now the only person on the planet with a ‘to do list’ tattooed on my shoulder! Well at least it sort of made sense. My brother’s name is Mark so I thought I could make up some little story about how my brother and I had matching tattoos to remind us to keep in contact with each other. A vision of Johnny Depp and his ‘Wino Forever’ tattoo raced across my mind. I said a quick prayer to Johnny and asked him if I could join his club of botched tattoos. I got all bandaged up and went over to the RSS party and introduced myself. The clones looked a little worried but I assured them they could keep all the little sandwiches for themselves. RSS was quite personable and really nice, however I quickly realized the guy had a bit of an identity complex. We were all laughing and joking when RSS whispered in my ear, “They all have so many expectations…” Those bleached white teeth so close to my ear sort of startled me. RSS’s voice sounded like the kid who saw dead people in ‘The Sixth Sense.’ “Who?” I whispered back, surprised I was having a whispering conversation with a person I had just met. “Everyone.” RSS whispered. He motioned to the clones: “They are all marketing executives eager to dump every other kind of digital marketing and ride my back into the RSS Feed golden sunset. “First they blogged me and I thought I was stretched with that. Now they want to personalize me and individualize me. Some of them even want me to pretend I’m email and go right into a customer’s email inbox!” RSS sounded a little freaked. I started to think he might need a Valium. “What if I they take me all the way into the bedroom and I can’t perform?” RSS pleaded. “Cute analogy,” I thought. Forget the Valium, this guy needed some marketing Viagra just to make sure he could go all the way, regardless of who decides to hop into his digital bed with him. I finally left the tattoo parlor that day only after RSS Marketing made me promise to email him. We meet quite regularly for coffee and I think he is slowly getting more comfortable with his stardom. He realizes that he probably won’t make everyone happy but he is trying his best. Those marketing executives have him going day and night. He was right; some of their expectations are pretty high. I wonder where RSS Marketing will be a year from now? Will he be washed up with caffeine-stained teeth and a fraying designer suit playing in some Internet bar? Not likely, but will he be around ten years from now with a greatest hits album? Who knows. I think the bottom line is that personalized digital marketing will progress and RSS Marketing will be part of it just like Email Marketing, Podcasting, Blogging, Text Messaging and everything else savvy marketers are trying. I think most people are being realistic and realizing they have to stock their toolbox with a variety of tools built with their specific customer group in mind. You can’t build a marketing strategy with only one tool and RSS Marketing is not the key to everyone’s fiscal salvation. Should marketers use RSS Marketing? Of course they should. Should marketers dump Email Marketing in the north river with a concrete block around its neck? I guess they can if they want to. But they may find their decision is shortsighted. Just like my Email Mark tattoo, the use of Email is in our bloodstream and getting it out will take more than an RSS Feed transfusion. Why not get smarter and acknowledge the landscape has changed and change Email Marketing accordingly? We did it with TV, magazines and the radio. “Come gather ‘round people Wherever you roam And admit that the waters Around you have grown And accept it that soon You’ll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you Is worth savin 'Then you better start swimmin’ Or you’ll sink like a stone For the times they are a-changin’.” -Bob Dylan The last time RSS Marketing and I met he was kind of down as he had pulled another all-nighter. He asked me what he should do if his Internet gig didn’t work out. Where would he hide and spend his retirement without living in shame? I told him not to lose another ounce of sleep. If RSS Marketing doesn’t work out according to Internet Marketers’ expectations RSS could fade into the sunset without a care. RSS didn’t seem convinced. I assured RSS he had nothing to worry about. If RSS Marketing doesn’t meet the expectations of corporate marketers everywhere, everybody will be sending the blame up the Pacific Northwest coast into the misty air of Redmond to Bill Gates, to Microsoft and that new browser of theirs.
Email Marketing Lesson (2) read: review of Jack Lombardi
0 notes
claracussonseo · 6 years
Email Marketing Lesson (2)
The blog post Email Marketing Lesson (2) was first published on: local business lead king
Email Marketing Lesson
Every so often I take time out of my busy Email Marketing Consulting schedule and steal an afternoon just for myself. A few months ago I decided to take one of those days. With five glorious hours ahead of me I pondered how best to enjoy my break. I really wanted to do something memorable, something that would inspire me and something that would last long after my special day was over. So I did what everyone does on an afternoon off – I got a tattoo. I had never gotten a tattoo before and did not know which shops were the best but I was on an e-newsletter list of a shop called Brave Tattoo. I had joined the list while they were running a contest to win a Harley. I didn’t win but stayed on the email list because I was impressed with how creative the tattoo shop was with their e-zine. There was always two or three professionally written articles about tattoos and a whole bunch of tattoo design suggestions. I really looked forward to their bi-weekly e-zine because their e-newsletter approach really communicated their passion for their product and store. I sort of felt like I already knew the shop because of their e-newsletter. This week’s email special was a little odd but it worked perfect for me and I took it as a sign. 21 characters for the price of 20. I arrived early for my appointment and got all setup with an artist named BeeBee. She was painted from head to toe and had earrings, nose rings and studs everywhere imaginable (she told me about the ones that were not visible and I took her word for it). We got started right away with the cleaning and stenciling. All those needles looked a little unnerving so I turned away and tried to clear my mind of work and everything else I was thinking about. Just as my first character was about to be stenciled, a rowdy group moved into the booth next to me. Six people. Three of women and two of the men looked like they had just stepped out of a cloning machine. Same clothes, similar hair and similar gestures. The sixth guy was obviously the leader. Dressed in a William Fioravanti suit, this guy looked like a million-and-a-half bucks. His teeth were bleached white and gleaming. His face looked like he had shaven so close he was glowing. He almost looked too perfect or something. “Probably due to a fake tan,” I thought. I knew I had seen the guy before; he looked really familiar. Oh well, it was my afternoon off and I decided to not waste my time paying attention to Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth. I closed my eyes and let BeeBee go to work. I must have dozed off because when I came to I already had ‘EMAIL MARKETING FOREVER’ stenciled on my shoulder. It looked pretty good so far. The little flying envelope was really cute too. BeeBee mentioned that the next step was the point of no return. I eagerly nodded and told her to get going with the permanent ink. We started chatting about my tattoo choice and I told her the history of Email Marketing and how I had chosen to have my tattoo done at their store because of their creative e-newsletter. She told me that a fellow name Buzz took care of all the marketing but he was out on an errand right now. Throughout our conversation BeeBee and I had to talk louder and louder because of the group in the next booth. It sounded like they were having a party. The five clones must have been the guy’s groupies because they weren’t calling him by a name, just his initials. I asked BeeBee who the guy was. Maybe he was a rock star or something and that’s why I recognized him. “He is the new cat’s meow,” BeeBee said. I thought ‘cats meow’ was code for ‘new lead singer in a rock group’ so I tried to act smart and answered casually, “Oh? What club are they playing at?” I got really excited at the prospect of getting a tattoo AND meeting a rock star all in the same day. What a great way to celebrate my Email Marketing Forever tattoo! Who knows, this guy might be a great performer. The glowing skin was a little too perfect and I’d pass on the groupie thing but who knows where this guy might be in a few years. I got giddy at the thought of meeting Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth and hearing his group. BeeBee didn’t seem to hear my question about the club and started humming Bob Dylan’s hit “The Times They Are A-Changin'”. I always liked that song. I hummed along too and decided to go introduce myself to the suit and teeth after my tattoo was done. I would find out the address for the club first hand. I could hear the clones squealing at the suit and teeth’s every word. “He must be something special to get so much attention,” I thought. I closed my eyes and was only half listening but I think they were calling him RSS. I lay there with my eyes closed wondering what RSS stood for. Ricardo the Super Stud? Maybe RSS was the short form of his heavy metal band. What could the band be called? All those bands had such weird names. Could it be Rotten Salmon Sushi? Or maybe it was a country band called The Raunchy Smoking Smiths. Who knows. I was only half paying attention because the tattoo needles where starting to sting. I tried to clear my mind and focused on going out clubbing when all this was over. Suddenly BeeBee stopped humming and looked up from her needles and ink. “Buzz, is back from his errand,” she reported. “You can meet him after he’s done getting the catering set up.” Catering? What kind of a tattoo parlor was this? BeeBee noticed my query and motioned to the group next door. “I think it’s to keep the groupies quiet so RSS can get his tattoo done in peace,” she giggled, earrings swaying to and fro as she laughed. My mind wandered to thoughts of dancing at the club with my new Email Marketing Forever tattoo permanently sitting on my shoulder. I could hear the clones expressing awe over the tiny sandwiches and little cakes. Then I heard it. There was a lot of sandwich squealing going on but I knew what I heard. I heard it again. “RSS feed me! RSS feed me!” Seems Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth, or RSS as they called him, was making the rounds with the cloned groupies and aiding them in tasting all the culinary delights. RSS was tossing crackers and caviar into the open mouths of two of the women. I gagged and quickly realized that I did know this guy. He wasn’t a rock star like Bono; he was an Internet rock star! You can’t go anywhere without hearing about this guy. The suit and teeth was none other than RSS Marketing! How could I have not recognized him? I guess my MyYahoo! aggregator would have helped but the perfect good looks and groupies should have been a clue. I took a deep breath, looked to see where BeeBee was at with the permanent ink and said, “I think you had better stop.” ‘Email Mark’ was as far as BeeBee had gotten. Great, I was now the only person on the planet with a ‘to do list’ tattooed on my shoulder! Well at least it sort of made sense. My brother’s name is Mark so I thought I could make up some little story about how my brother and I had matching tattoos to remind us to keep in contact with each other. A vision of Johnny Depp and his ‘Wino Forever’ tattoo raced across my mind. I said a quick prayer to Johnny and asked him if I could join his club of botched tattoos. I got all bandaged up and went over to the RSS party and introduced myself. The clones looked a little worried but I assured them they could keep all the little sandwiches for themselves. RSS was quite personable and really nice, however I quickly realized the guy had a bit of an identity complex. We were all laughing and joking when RSS whispered in my ear, “They all have so many expectations…” Those bleached white teeth so close to my ear sort of startled me. RSS’s voice sounded like the kid who saw dead people in ‘The Sixth Sense.’ “Who?” I whispered back, surprised I was having a whispering conversation with a person I had just met. “Everyone.” RSS whispered. He motioned to the clones: “They are all marketing executives eager to dump every other kind of digital marketing and ride my back into the RSS Feed golden sunset. “First they blogged me and I thought I was stretched with that. Now they want to personalize me and individualize me. Some of them even want me to pretend I’m email and go right into a customer’s email inbox!” RSS sounded a little freaked. I started to think he might need a Valium. “What if I they take me all the way into the bedroom and I can’t perform?” RSS pleaded. “Cute analogy,” I thought. Forget the Valium, this guy needed some marketing Viagra just to make sure he could go all the way, regardless of who decides to hop into his digital bed with him. I finally left the tattoo parlor that day only after RSS Marketing made me promise to email him. We meet quite regularly for coffee and I think he is slowly getting more comfortable with his stardom. He realizes that he probably won’t make everyone happy but he is trying his best. Those marketing executives have him going day and night. He was right; some of their expectations are pretty high. I wonder where RSS Marketing will be a year from now? Will he be washed up with caffeine-stained teeth and a fraying designer suit playing in some Internet bar? Not likely, but will he be around ten years from now with a greatest hits album? Who knows. I think the bottom line is that personalized digital marketing will progress and RSS Marketing will be part of it just like Email Marketing, Podcasting, Blogging, Text Messaging and everything else savvy marketers are trying. I think most people are being realistic and realizing they have to stock their toolbox with a variety of tools built with their specific customer group in mind. You can’t build a marketing strategy with only one tool and RSS Marketing is not the key to everyone’s fiscal salvation. Should marketers use RSS Marketing? Of course they should. Should marketers dump Email Marketing in the north river with a concrete block around its neck? I guess they can if they want to. But they may find their decision is shortsighted. Just like my Email Mark tattoo, the use of Email is in our bloodstream and getting it out will take more than an RSS Feed transfusion. Why not get smarter and acknowledge the landscape has changed and change Email Marketing accordingly? We did it with TV, magazines and the radio. “Come gather ‘round people Wherever you roam And admit that the waters Around you have grown And accept it that soon You’ll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you Is worth savin 'Then you better start swimmin’ Or you’ll sink like a stone For the times they are a-changin’.” -Bob Dylan The last time RSS Marketing and I met he was kind of down as he had pulled another all-nighter. He asked me what he should do if his Internet gig didn’t work out. Where would he hide and spend his retirement without living in shame? I told him not to lose another ounce of sleep. If RSS Marketing doesn’t work out according to Internet Marketers’ expectations RSS could fade into the sunset without a care. RSS didn’t seem convinced. I assured RSS he had nothing to worry about. If RSS Marketing doesn’t meet the expectations of corporate marketers everywhere, everybody will be sending the blame up the Pacific Northwest coast into the misty air of Redmond to Bill Gates, to Microsoft and that new browser of theirs.
The review Email Marketing Lesson (2) click: SEO Company Reviews
0 notes
claracussonseo · 6 years
Email Marketing Lesson (2)
The article Email Marketing Lesson (2) is courtesy of: Jack Lombardi SEO Expert
Email Marketing Lesson
Every so often I take time out of my busy Email Marketing Consulting schedule and steal an afternoon just for myself. A few months ago I decided to take one of those days. With five glorious hours ahead of me I pondered how best to enjoy my break. I really wanted to do something memorable, something that would inspire me and something that would last long after my special day was over. So I did what everyone does on an afternoon off – I got a tattoo. I had never gotten a tattoo before and did not know which shops were the best but I was on an e-newsletter list of a shop called Brave Tattoo. I had joined the list while they were running a contest to win a Harley. I didn’t win but stayed on the email list because I was impressed with how creative the tattoo shop was with their e-zine. There was always two or three professionally written articles about tattoos and a whole bunch of tattoo design suggestions. I really looked forward to their bi-weekly e-zine because their e-newsletter approach really communicated their passion for their product and store. I sort of felt like I already knew the shop because of their e-newsletter. This week’s email special was a little odd but it worked perfect for me and I took it as a sign. 21 characters for the price of 20. I arrived early for my appointment and got all setup with an artist named BeeBee. She was painted from head to toe and had earrings, nose rings and studs everywhere imaginable (she told me about the ones that were not visible and I took her word for it). We got started right away with the cleaning and stenciling. All those needles looked a little unnerving so I turned away and tried to clear my mind of work and everything else I was thinking about. Just as my first character was about to be stenciled, a rowdy group moved into the booth next to me. Six people. Three of women and two of the men looked like they had just stepped out of a cloning machine. Same clothes, similar hair and similar gestures. The sixth guy was obviously the leader. Dressed in a William Fioravanti suit, this guy looked like a million-and-a-half bucks. His teeth were bleached white and gleaming. His face looked like he had shaven so close he was glowing. He almost looked too perfect or something. “Probably due to a fake tan,” I thought. I knew I had seen the guy before; he looked really familiar. Oh well, it was my afternoon off and I decided to not waste my time paying attention to Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth. I closed my eyes and let BeeBee go to work. I must have dozed off because when I came to I already had ‘EMAIL MARKETING FOREVER’ stenciled on my shoulder. It looked pretty good so far. The little flying envelope was really cute too. BeeBee mentioned that the next step was the point of no return. I eagerly nodded and told her to get going with the permanent ink. We started chatting about my tattoo choice and I told her the history of Email Marketing and how I had chosen to have my tattoo done at their store because of their creative e-newsletter. She told me that a fellow name Buzz took care of all the marketing but he was out on an errand right now. Throughout our conversation BeeBee and I had to talk louder and louder because of the group in the next booth. It sounded like they were having a party. The five clones must have been the guy’s groupies because they weren’t calling him by a name, just his initials. I asked BeeBee who the guy was. Maybe he was a rock star or something and that’s why I recognized him. “He is the new cat’s meow,” BeeBee said. I thought ‘cats meow’ was code for ‘new lead singer in a rock group’ so I tried to act smart and answered casually, “Oh? What club are they playing at?” I got really excited at the prospect of getting a tattoo AND meeting a rock star all in the same day. What a great way to celebrate my Email Marketing Forever tattoo! Who knows, this guy might be a great performer. The glowing skin was a little too perfect and I’d pass on the groupie thing but who knows where this guy might be in a few years. I got giddy at the thought of meeting Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth and hearing his group. BeeBee didn’t seem to hear my question about the club and started humming Bob Dylan’s hit “The Times They Are A-Changin'”. I always liked that song. I hummed along too and decided to go introduce myself to the suit and teeth after my tattoo was done. I would find out the address for the club first hand. I could hear the clones squealing at the suit and teeth’s every word. “He must be something special to get so much attention,” I thought. I closed my eyes and was only half listening but I think they were calling him RSS. I lay there with my eyes closed wondering what RSS stood for. Ricardo the Super Stud? Maybe RSS was the short form of his heavy metal band. What could the band be called? All those bands had such weird names. Could it be Rotten Salmon Sushi? Or maybe it was a country band called The Raunchy Smoking Smiths. Who knows. I was only half paying attention because the tattoo needles where starting to sting. I tried to clear my mind and focused on going out clubbing when all this was over. Suddenly BeeBee stopped humming and looked up from her needles and ink. “Buzz, is back from his errand,” she reported. “You can meet him after he’s done getting the catering set up.” Catering? What kind of a tattoo parlor was this? BeeBee noticed my query and motioned to the group next door. “I think it’s to keep the groupies quiet so RSS can get his tattoo done in peace,” she giggled, earrings swaying to and fro as she laughed. My mind wandered to thoughts of dancing at the club with my new Email Marketing Forever tattoo permanently sitting on my shoulder. I could hear the clones expressing awe over the tiny sandwiches and little cakes. Then I heard it. There was a lot of sandwich squealing going on but I knew what I heard. I heard it again. “RSS feed me! RSS feed me!” Seems Mr. Nice Suit and Super White Teeth, or RSS as they called him, was making the rounds with the cloned groupies and aiding them in tasting all the culinary delights. RSS was tossing crackers and caviar into the open mouths of two of the women. I gagged and quickly realized that I did know this guy. He wasn’t a rock star like Bono; he was an Internet rock star! You can’t go anywhere without hearing about this guy. The suit and teeth was none other than RSS Marketing! How could I have not recognized him? I guess my MyYahoo! aggregator would have helped but the perfect good looks and groupies should have been a clue. I took a deep breath, looked to see where BeeBee was at with the permanent ink and said, “I think you had better stop.” ‘Email Mark’ was as far as BeeBee had gotten. Great, I was now the only person on the planet with a ‘to do list’ tattooed on my shoulder! Well at least it sort of made sense. My brother’s name is Mark so I thought I could make up some little story about how my brother and I had matching tattoos to remind us to keep in contact with each other. A vision of Johnny Depp and his ‘Wino Forever’ tattoo raced across my mind. I said a quick prayer to Johnny and asked him if I could join his club of botched tattoos. I got all bandaged up and went over to the RSS party and introduced myself. The clones looked a little worried but I assured them they could keep all the little sandwiches for themselves. RSS was quite personable and really nice, however I quickly realized the guy had a bit of an identity complex. We were all laughing and joking when RSS whispered in my ear, “They all have so many expectations…” Those bleached white teeth so close to my ear sort of startled me. RSS’s voice sounded like the kid who saw dead people in ‘The Sixth Sense.’ “Who?” I whispered back, surprised I was having a whispering conversation with a person I had just met. “Everyone.” RSS whispered. He motioned to the clones: “They are all marketing executives eager to dump every other kind of digital marketing and ride my back into the RSS Feed golden sunset. “First they blogged me and I thought I was stretched with that. Now they want to personalize me and individualize me. Some of them even want me to pretend I’m email and go right into a customer’s email inbox!” RSS sounded a little freaked. I started to think he might need a Valium. “What if I they take me all the way into the bedroom and I can’t perform?” RSS pleaded. “Cute analogy,” I thought. Forget the Valium, this guy needed some marketing Viagra just to make sure he could go all the way, regardless of who decides to hop into his digital bed with him. I finally left the tattoo parlor that day only after RSS Marketing made me promise to email him. We meet quite regularly for coffee and I think he is slowly getting more comfortable with his stardom. He realizes that he probably won’t make everyone happy but he is trying his best. Those marketing executives have him going day and night. He was right; some of their expectations are pretty high. I wonder where RSS Marketing will be a year from now? Will he be washed up with caffeine-stained teeth and a fraying designer suit playing in some Internet bar? Not likely, but will he be around ten years from now with a greatest hits album? Who knows. I think the bottom line is that personalized digital marketing will progress and RSS Marketing will be part of it just like Email Marketing, Podcasting, Blogging, Text Messaging and everything else savvy marketers are trying. I think most people are being realistic and realizing they have to stock their toolbox with a variety of tools built with their specific customer group in mind. You can’t build a marketing strategy with only one tool and RSS Marketing is not the key to everyone’s fiscal salvation. Should marketers use RSS Marketing? Of course they should. Should marketers dump Email Marketing in the north river with a concrete block around its neck? I guess they can if they want to. But they may find their decision is shortsighted. Just like my Email Mark tattoo, the use of Email is in our bloodstream and getting it out will take more than an RSS Feed transfusion. Why not get smarter and acknowledge the landscape has changed and change Email Marketing accordingly? We did it with TV, magazines and the radio. “Come gather ‘round people Wherever you roam And admit that the waters Around you have grown And accept it that soon You’ll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you Is worth savin 'Then you better start swimmin’ Or you’ll sink like a stone For the times they are a-changin’.” -Bob Dylan The last time RSS Marketing and I met he was kind of down as he had pulled another all-nighter. He asked me what he should do if his Internet gig didn’t work out. Where would he hide and spend his retirement without living in shame? I told him not to lose another ounce of sleep. If RSS Marketing doesn’t work out according to Internet Marketers’ expectations RSS could fade into the sunset without a care. RSS didn’t seem convinced. I assured RSS he had nothing to worry about. If RSS Marketing doesn’t meet the expectations of corporate marketers everywhere, everybody will be sending the blame up the Pacific Northwest coast into the misty air of Redmond to Bill Gates, to Microsoft and that new browser of theirs.
Email Marketing Lesson (2) read: local business lead king
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