#so he took me off guard at the start hahah!
fidgetspringer · 7 months
Mini track + item search
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alienpossession · 4 months
After a very demanding workout session and having several hours to spend before his date, Dean decided to slide into his Instagram and treated his close friends with some personal Q&A sesh
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But, all the close friend and Dean himself are not necessarily of this world, to put it simply. Hence, the question that started to pile up might not sound like a series of question that you would ask in a normal human conversation
"How can you end up in his body? What's the trick? My host is a decent-sized jock and the battle to gain control over his body was crazy tough, cannot imagine yours,"
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I just followed the manual, you know. Caught them off-guard and ensure that they are tired. He fell asleep inside this personal sauna after a grueling workout. Add the fact that he was cutting to prep himself for a bodybuilding competition, well, that's a cocktail for success to tame a beastly jock this size
"Is the sexual stamina better compared to your previous host, noting the size differences 😜😜"
LOL, sorry for the disappointment back then, Gustavo. There's not a lot of people that can withstand your sexual prowess anyway, but I'm definitely the top if we are ever hooking up again
"How do you handle the first 24 hours? The crash after all his memory become accessible must've been out of this world!"
Messed my bed like a baby, but it's cum and sweat instead of piss HAHAH. Yeah, crazy shit, dude is a horny, power-hungry muscle beast
"So, have you converted his significant others? Or do you plan to just mindfuck them later so they will be working as indentured labor?"
Nope, not yet. He lived on his own anyway so we gotta wait for the 4th of July break for it to happen. But the girlfriend already fell though, bitch never stood a chance once I plugged her throat with this monster, she was a sobbing flailing mess when mini-mes swarmed her throat and entire body. Now I told her to help out on slowly infecting my friends. Gotta do it subtly though, no reason actually, just love to play with those oblivious human
"Favorite thing to do as human, aside from sex obviously,"
To be honest, partying. It's just so nice being a 6'6", 225 lbs mass of a presence in a dark, packed club or even festival grounds with great music. I always have party or at least a night out inside my calendar for most of the week, such a blast. And of course, sex also involved to really spice things up, but honestly I don't mind if there's any sex or not as long as the party is lit
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And Dean keep on answering all sort of other questions, thinking that his identity as a converted alien puppet remain hidden due to the close friends feature. But his little brother, a 21 years old sophomore living 300 miles away from him, took screenshot of every single close friend stories that Dean made, his mind distraught by the fact that his older brother practically no longer exist but his dick chubbed up to the point of leaking pre as his wildest sexual kink manifested in real time and happened to someone he personally knows.
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So, like any horny 21 years old, he decided to rub one out while letting his brother stories played in loop. Should he confront Dean about all of this? Or will that risk him turned into a puppet too?
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fickle-tiction · 1 year
You’re Dead.
“Clark, I swear to God--hngh.” Bruce slammed his own face down into the mattress to hide his smile, despite Clark’s earlier teasing about having x-ray vision.
Bruce was stretched out on his stomach in nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs, having just gotten out of the shower. Clark was sitting (more like hovering) on Bruce’s thighs, and he was supposed to be giving Bruce a back massage, but a few minutes ago he started tracing some of the scars on Bruce’s back with his lips. Bruce swore up and down that he only squeaked because Clark caught him off guard, but that didn’t explain every subsequent embarrassing noise he’s made.
“Something wrong?” Clark really had that innocent act down to a science. He actually sounded concerned, the bastard. 
“You’re-” Bruce huffs when Clark drags his lips over an old bullet wound on his left shoulder blade. “-not doing it-” He clamps down on a shriek as Clark licks a delicate line across his lower back and around his side, thanking every God he can think of that the mattress prevents Clark from following it all the way around to his stomach. “-hard enough.” It comes out breathy, as though they’re doing more than goofing around like a couple of love-sick idiots. 
“You want me to do it harder?” Clark’s tone set off all sorts of warning bells in Bruce’s head, but before he could protest Clark added his fingers into the mix. “I can do it harder.” Bruce wanted to protest, both at the tickling and at the double entendre, but Clark wasted no time in dragging blunt nails over the delicate web of scars on Bruce’s back.
Bruce tried to hold out. He really did. He made it about 30 seconds before the laughter exploded out of him as he tried to army crawl his way out from under Clark. “NO!” He collapsed on the bed when Clark seized the opportunity to dance his fingers up to Bruce’s exposed armpits, gently massaging the muscle just under them.
“I’m just doing what you asked, B.” Clark’s fingers were trapped in Bruce’s armpits and wiggling like mad. 
“Get out, Get out, Get out.” Bruce laughed, trying his hardest to raise his arms so Clark would stop. Naturally, every time he tried Clark would tickle faster and cause him to cackle and snap his arms back down.
“Is there another spot you would prefer?” Clark asked, slowing his fingers down so Bruce could at least try to answer.
“Ohohoh my God, Just go ba-hahah-ack to the kissing!” Bruce practically melted into the bed when Clark took pity on him and pulled his hands out of his armpits. 
Clark started spidering his fingers over Bruce’s shoulder blades, and the reaction was almost instant. Frantic giggles started pouring out of The Gotham Bat and Clark audibly gasped, shocked to his very core. 
“Holy. Shit.” Clark whispered, gently dragging the tips of his nails over the expanse of Bruce’s back, chasing the emerging goosebumps with glee.
“Cla-hahaha-ark ple-hehehehe-please!” Bruce pleaded, squealing when Clark tickled just beneath his shoulder blades. He buried his face into the mattress again as more giggles spilled out, heat creeping up his neck when he heard Clark coo.
Clark finally took pity on him when Bruce stopped babbling and gave himself over to the laughter. He planted one final kiss at the small of Bruce’s back, satisfied when Bruce jolted with a stuttering laugh. As soon as he got off Bruce’s legs Bruce rolled over so he could level a glare at Clark. His face was flushed pink, he had crinkles around his eyes from all that laughter, and his hair was starting to curl at the ends because he didn’t have a chance to style it after his shower. He was, in a word, adorable. He would also murder Clark if he ever said that out-loud. 
“You.” Clark leaned forward and planted a kiss on Bruce’s cheek, despite the death glare. “Are.” Kiss on the other cheek. “Perfect.” Kiss on the forehead.
“You.” Bruce shoved at Clark’s chest, and Clark allowed himself to be pushed back onto the bed. “Are.” Bruce swung a leg over Clark’s waist to straddle him. “Dead.” 
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stellarsightz · 3 months
🌠wip whenever🌠
Tagged by the lovely @priafey 🫶 thank you for the tag and sorry for replying so late hahah
I think my cicerlyn hyperfixation is starting to leave me, but i keep thinking about them all the time lol. Enjoy a handful of snippets i particularly like that i found in my notes app
Tagging: @azures-grace @cicerosfavouritelistener @abstractredd @vestigme @rustyram035 @v1ctory-or-sovngarde + anyone who wants to join <333
Fire and smoke. Long wooden beams snapped in half, crumbling to the ground. Lynwallyn gritted his teeth and dragged himself up, fighting off the sweet lull of unconsciousness as it threatened to claim him. He couldn't afford to pause.
He dragged himself out of the rubble, barely stopping to inspect his injuries. He wrenched a sword out of the nearest corpse. He snagged a pile of clothes he found in what he assumed were the barracks. He took anything his bruised and charred arms could carry. He left and didn't look back.
Days blurred. He found an abandoned shack in the middle of a forest. He used the bedroll, took everything he could and left.
Rinse and repeat.
He slept through most of the day. At night, he prowled the forest and searched for unsuspecting prey. He let himself get lost in the hunt, savouring the feeling of warm blood running down his hands. A few stray dogs tailed after him as he walked back to his camp, licking their teeth and eyeing the mangled corpse of the poor animal he just caught. He snarled at them and watched with satisfaction as they whimpered and scuttled away.
He took what remained of his meal to his hideout and skinned it, slicing it into smaller parts and making what passed as a meal for the next day.
He was gone as soon as the sun rose. He soon found a small village, River something. He sold the few pelts he got from the animals he caught. He ignored the curious, if not apprehensive, looks the locals cast his way.
He exchanged the stolen sword for a set of daggers at the local blacksmith, humming appreciatively as their familiar, comforting weight settled in his hands. His last stop was the general goods store where he purchased a single healing potion and some rations. He left without a word.
[Lynwallyn travels for a while]
Cicero whined for what must have been the fiftieth time, fists clenching and unclenching as he paced.
It wasn't fair! The cruel, awful farmer refused to help in spite of Cicero's pleading and begging. Oh yes, he had done lots and lots of pleading and begging, he had even offered coin! He had seen that look in the farmer's eyes when he produced his purse, gleaming and scheming. Trying not to show just how much he wanted to reach out and snatch it. And yet, he refused to even lift a finger. Anger coiled in Cicero's stomach, burning so bright it made his hands shake. He let out a strangled groan.
"Awful! How awful! Cicero and his poor, poor Mother are stuck! Oh, how will Mother get to her new home now?"
He spun on his heel, shaking a fist in the direction of where Loreius' house stood.  "That damn farmer is of no help! So are those stupid guards!"
The Mer stared at him with a strange expression. His brow creased, eyes flitting over Cicero's face. "You could have killed me. But you didn't. Why?"
Why didn't he indeed, Cicero pondered. He remembered his fingers tingling as he reached for his knives, but something stilled his hand. He still has no idea why.
"Cicero is just a poor, humble jester, he knew a beast such as you would look for something different to eat. Yes, yes, Cicero imagines he would not be very tasty," he lied smoothly, giving the other man a wide grin. The Mer laughed softly.
The rope fell around his ankles before Cicero could react. The Mer closed the distance between them in a heartbeat. Cicero yelped, wriggling, as he was lifted off the ground and slammed against the nearest tree.
The man's eyes were even more impressive up close, his gaze almost burning into his skin as he leaned forward. Appraising. Analysing. Hungry.
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ivorydragoness44 · 1 year
The Red Hood x Reader: Distraction
Word Count: 1,305 Warnings: mentions of angst and controlling situation from Part 1, characters startling others by their sudden appearance, Red Hood saying “damn”. Summary: Continuing from Part 1, Red Hood walks the Reader home, however, as they soon find out, there are others on patrol in Gotham. (He walks the Reader home safely).
The Red Hood x Reader: Let Go (Part 1)
~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~
   Feeling as if your heart was lighter than it had been all day, you continued down the sidewalk. Yes, such a feeling should not make sense while walking in Gotham, especially at night, but the company at your side ensured your safety.    It had been quiet for a good minute or so before either of you spoke up again.    “So, uh, what were you up to at this time of night?” Red Hood asked, gesturing vaguely at the city-lit darkness.    “We had just finished visiting a museum. It was nice, obviously, but my family member insisted on reading everything while we were in there.”    “Insisted?”    “Heh, but that I mean: they did it anyway. No heads up or questions asked.”    “Damn. How long were you in there?”    “I honestly do not know, but my stomach sure does,” you laughed, glancing at him, his helmeted features looking to you. “We were going out to dinner before they had spotted the crime scene and…one of those bat-people.”    “I can be distraction,” he teased.    “Anyway,” you laughed through your sudden bashfulness, “dinner was their idea. I didn’t want to go. Not that I bothered to tell them I was tired and wanted to just go home.”    “I think I know the feeling,” he said, looking ahead for a time.    It was strange, yet in a good way at how easy you were able to talk to him. But you did not actually know him. Maybe it was the helmet.    “To be honest,” you started again, catching his attention, “I’d much rather have a home-cooked meal than go out.”    Your thoughts wandered through the sounds of your shoes and his boots contacting the sidewalk. “Do you cook?”    The front of his helmet faced you directly and tilted in such a way that you felt the need to clarify.    “I’m not asking you to cook for me, Red Hood,” you barely held in your laughter.    “Oh, hahah,” he shook his head. “Uh, yeah, I cook. Pretty well, I think.”    “Cool,” you nodded.
   A comfortable silence took over. Occasionally, Red Hood would glance over to check on you and probably make sure that he continued going in the same direction as you. He could not exactly walk ahead, he did not know where you lived.    After a moment, however, a new feeling arose. It was like a subtle prickling at the back of your neck. But this was Gotham. Someone was bound to look for more than an instant. Especially if you were walking with a certain someone.    As you began to search around with only your eyes, you did catch movement on top of a building. Not just anyone could leap across rooftops. You could only hope it was someone he knew, a part of his team even. It was a far better idea than a more villainous individual. Although, if that was the case, you did feel safe and protected with Red Hood. He may go about crime fighting differently than Batman, but you did not trust him any less.
   “Do you have more than one helmet?” You asked before you could stop yourself.    “What?” He laughed. Though as he turned to you, someone landed next to him. Caught off-guard, Red Hood spun around. Defensively, his arms came up to block you completely from the intruder.    Somewhat unfortunately, a laugh came from the person clad in purple.    Red Hood sighed, dropping his stance.    “That was easier than I thought,” said the Spoiler, still giggling. “You know you’re supposed to be on patrol, right? Not socializing. Heheh, at least it’s not test day, because you are definitely not aware of your surroundings.”    When he crossed his arms, you peeked around. “Actually, no,“ he began, “I am doing my job. I’m escorting them home safely.”    Spoiler’s hands went to rest on her hips. “Oh, really?”    “Yeah. I was finishing up with GPD when I head a…bit of a conflict, so I went over to make sure everything was okay. Not so much, considering they were being literally pulled toward that same crime scene against their will.”    Spoiler let out a small oh in realization.    “He handled it rather well,” you complimented. “Sometimes they’re not the easiest to talk to.” You wondered if he smiled behind that helmet, in the way he looked at you quietly.    Turning back to Spoiler, he continued. “You would’ve known, if you were there.”    She frowned under her mask. Other than that, she made no further comment.
   A soft thud sounded behind you. Someone else had landed. You spun around in time to see them talk.    “I think he did good. You should’ve heard the attitude they gave him.”    You hardly noticed your hand rapidly, yet lightly, hitting Red Hood’s arm. “It’s Batwoman,” you breathed out, words barely reaching your own ears.    She looked at you then, white covered eyes zoning in on you with a smile. “Let us know if he ever gives you any trouble.”    You nodded with a small squeak. “Okay.”    “Hey~” Red Hood complained, earning a shrug from Batwoman.    “Sorry,” you mumbled quietly to him.    With an audible breath through his helmet, he straightened up. “All right, well, as much fan as this get together is, we should really be going.”    “Sure,” Spoiler said with an air of disbelief. “We’ve got work to do anyways. Right, Batwoman?” She asked, looking to her.    Batwoman laughed lightly. “Careful out there.”
   Spoiler and Batwoman raced off down an alley and out of sight.    “Is it usually like this?” You asked before continuing your walk.    His head teetered from side to side in thought. “Yes and no.”    “Hmm, looks like you all get along rather well. That’s nice.”    “Like anything else, it takes work and…people willing to do that,” he said, catching your underlying longing for a better, or at least a more understanding relationship.
   Silence remained for a moment longer before you let out a sigh. “Well, this is me,” you said, pointing at the next building.    The two of you ceased walking, hastily figuring out how the situation was going to play out.    “Unless you’re going to walk me up or—”    His gloved hand came up to rub the back of his neck. “It’s probably best if I don’t.”    “Probably,” you said, sharing a nod of acknowledgement. “I, uh, have a window on the left side if uh—”    “Yeah,” he looked up, observing the building.    “Yeah? Oh, ha…now I’m doing it.”    “Sorry, I didn’t know it was contagious,” he said, making you laugh.    “Thank you for walking me home and…well, thank you. This isn’t how I expected my night to go, but…I have no complaints. For this half of my day anyway.”    “You’re welcome. I hope that family member of yours doesn’t give you any trouble.”    You shrugged. “I give it a week.”    His head tilted in the slightest at your words. “Guess it could be worse.”    “Good night, Red Hood. I hope the rest of your night is uneventful.”    “Heheh, good night.”
   Somehow your heart was pounding as you walked away from him. And as you walked into your apartment, the exact place you wished you were hiding away in a handful of minutes ago, it felt different. Was it like this for every citizen who came into contact with a Bat or Bird?    After locking the front door and turning on the main light, you found yourself going toward one specific window. Peeking down between your apartment building and the next, you saw who you expected. You smiled and gave him a small wave.    Red Hood too gave a short wave, and after a moment more, turned and finally walked away.    Throwing the curtains closed with a sigh, you ran through your thoughts. What were the odds of seeing the Red Hood again?
~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~
Thank you so much for reading!
I can’t believe the response Part 1 has, leading to me creating this one. I don’t know how to put into words at the moment of how cool/reassuring/?? it is to write for a character for the first time and receive any response, much less 200+ notes of engagement.
Thank you again and I hope you enjoyed this one.
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cookiepie11 · 1 year
Tickletober day 2 - accidental (ddlc tickle fic)
Hey! So I skipped day 1 since I lacked ideas or motivation XP sorry bout that!
This is a sfw tickle fic so if you don't like that you can scroll now ^^
Lee! Natsuki Ler! Yuri (this can be a ship or just friendship whatever you want! :3)
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"Yuri thats not how you do it!" Natsuki said with a frown and tried to snatch mixing bowl away from Yuri (despite being like 20 times shorter than her)
"Okay just chill out" she replied annoyed and gave her the mixing bowl "H how am I supposed to do it then?"
Natsuki took the bowl and flipped her short hair for emphasis "Okay so you hold it tightly against yourself and you have to mix it hard and quick!"
"Oh I see sorry." Yuri said feeling slightly shy
"Don't apologise dumbie!" Natsuki teased and smirked up at her, and gave her the bowl back "just stir the damn mixture it's almost done"
"Oh okay" Yuri smiled with a slight blush and took the bowl back copying natsuki's technique and seeing how much quicker it all mixed together using her method.
~ 5 mins later ~
"okay now we have to add the sprinkles to the mixture for extra sweetness and kawaii magic" Natsuki quoted to which Yuri laughed.
"I bet you got that from one of your anime manga things didn't you natsuki?"
"huff.." natsuki said with a blush and crossed her arms "how did you even know that?'
"Because you used silly and cutesty words" Yuri said and smiled down at the smaller girl who had an angered face
"MANGA AND ANIME ARE NOT SILLY!" Natsuki said and poked Yuri's side.
"Ah! Hey don't poke me!" Yuri said with a blush and poked natsuki's belly catching her off guard resulting in a giggle.
"Gah- don't do that!" Natsuki said embarrassed.
"why not?? Yuri said and tilted her head before finally catching on "oh? Oh are you really that ticklish?"
"WHA? No!!" She replied defensively
Yuri smiled down at the cute girl and started to spider her long nails up her sides making her squeak
"Wahait yuri stahap!" She giggled and tried to grab at Yuri's hands
"This is a chance that I can't let pass sorry!"
"Hahah fuhuck you Yuri" natsuki said and laughed not even fighting at he hands anymore.
"Exscuse me? Language natsuki!"
"Okahay actually stop now!" Natsuki yelled
"okay okay." Yuri stopped and smiled "hehe that was.. cute"
"WAH? shut up you...dumbie!" Natsuki said flustered
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cheemken · 1 year
More toh au stuff bc this au got me on a chokehold now omf
Ah bu anyways hahah
Augustine and Cynthia's dynamic tho. Cause like, prior to his death, these two were really close, and yknow she probs knows about all the other failed grimwalkers before this current Augustine they have, the Golden Guard. And like,, he's so different from her friend.
The Golden Guard was arrogant and critical and is honestly such a suck up. A prodigy and one of the faces of the Empress' Coven, he makes sure everyone knows that, that he will always be above them, that the empress will always favour him at the end of the day, not them. And that time when Cynthia and Geeta came back from that mission, Augustine already told Diantha of what happened.
After that confrontation w Diantha, Cyn immediately went to her chambers, only for Augustine to be waiting for her outside the throne room. His mask was off, he was smirking at her, his eyes almost glowing like Diantha's. At first, looking at the Golden Guard somewhat gave Cynthia some sort of closure, but as the years passed, she grew to hate him. He wasn't Augustine. He looked a decade younger than her, in his 20s, the age when he died, the age he forever will be; his eyes are now a shade of red, shining like gemstones, she always loved his sky blue eyes back then; he became obsessed with power, the Augustine she knows was the most humble witch in the Isles. Cynthia wanted nothing more than to get rid of the Golden Guard.
"greetings, Cynthia." He smiled, hands behind his back as he started walking around her, "I see you've made my dearest sister mad again."
"what do you want?"
"oh, nothing, really," he chuckled, "just that... I wonder how many more failed missions before you get petrified too." He was swaying around now too, almost taunting her, a toothy grin on his face, "Dia could only take so much, of course. And in the Empress' Coven, there's no room for failures."
"we got the key, didn't we? That mission wasn't a failure."
"no, it was Geeta who got the key, while you were busy being pathetic, crying after the human left."
And that caught her off guard. How did he know?
He laughed again, "oh, Cynthia, you're so funny," he then took his mask from his belt, "but did you really think I'd let you and the others ruin more of our plans? Granted, they're doing a better job than you." He scoffed, rolling his eyes, "I don't know why Dia still keeps you around, but maybe that's something I won't ever know." He shrugged, finally he placed his mask over his face, within the dark abyss of mask, she could see his bright red eyes. She could just feel his grin from beneath the mask, "well, I'll be off now. Au revoir, Cynthia!" And so he left in a blur of blue, his laugh echoing within the hall.
Cynthia could only fear for her own life now, as what the Golden Guard said was true, there is no room for failure in the Empress' Coven, and she'd rather not disappoint Diantha. Ofc she won't, she promised herself she'll be better, and the next time she comes across that human again, she won't fall for those lies anymore. After all, Diantha said those humans will only try to make them feel bad and to lower their guards to get the upper hand, and Titan she was right, that human got to her, but not anymore. Ofc, she'll be better, next time she'll win their battle, she'll make sure of it.
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imraespace · 19 days
i am lowk adjusting to my schedule and i realize that being alone isnt so bad as long as like u dont make it seem so depressing and plus i can basicallt scroll on my phone for 40 mins 😋😋
BUT HOW ARE YOUU i hope that school is fun for you !!
back again with a daily question what bluelock character would start a tumblr blog and start posting smaus/ffs 😈⁉️⁉️ todays ask is kinda short and less yappery but legit nothing happened today ☹️
- 🐙
HIII today im home becos my momma car went bonkers last night after she bad talked a driver infront maybe it was karma..
YES ITS NOT THAT BAD WHEN YOUR ENTERTAINED i sit in the far back of my class so when im alone i scroll on twt or tumblr reading smaus LMAO
IM REALLY HAPPY xiangli yao from wuthering waves is almost here i watched his trailer this morning and was bouncing off the walls i love him sm.. but rn im listening to arcane soundtracks bc even tho the 2nd season is like in a few months im impatient! BUT SCHOOL IS OKAY i wont say fun bc im mostly alone unless someone calls me like i said in the other post THE FUN THING THAT HAPPENED THO IS I GOT A STICKER ON MY SPANISH TEST AND THEN MY SEATMATE STOLE IT i took it back tho hahah AND YESTERDAY IN MY POB CLASS MY FRIEND AND I WERE BICKERING AND i think i told her ill shove her testpaper but her nose and she asked me how and i said i will find a way to and she told me to find a way to fix my eyesight😧ITS BC I WEAR GLASSES AND IT CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD so like i smacked her with her testpaper and didnt help her for the rest of the class but thats all!
i love these questions UMM I THINK NIKO WOULD HELP(idk anything abt niko!) or or ness it will probably be kaiser fics or like aryu but i dont think aryu would do smaus he will probably be those blogs who posts moodboards or themes for like twt or sum and it would be perfect themes and moodboards bc its aryu
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fujunfuren · 8 months
[One Million Yen Girl]
oh, so you re-watched. I was running out of things to watch and I took a liking of the actress's expressions/acting when i saw a short video on Instagram. the acting was good, the setting was quite natural.
it was a wild start. the first 15 mins, i couldn't help but laugh cuz she went thru a lot of bad things without a break. poor her.
it wasn't relatable for me but i was continuously curious and nervous about her journey. i was on guard while watching her encounters. i think i was all about the risks and her reaction to unfamiliar environments and people.
the brother was so annoying in the beginning. i can't stand nosy and arrogant characters (the girls on the street belittling her made me almost stop watching) but both the brother and the movie turned well later.
it was interesting to see their stories take turn. we briefly watch him endure the abuse and we move on to her current situation. it was also interesting that he was cruel/rude to his sister but completely powerless towards the kids bullying him and being skeptical about his worth and the validity of his actions. my heart broke seeing him still doubt his final response to them.
the ending. i wasn't ??? but i was feeling uneasy in the last 15 mins because my mind was going back and forth between "is he using her?" and "is he doing it to prevent her from leaving?". as a hopeless romantic, i sensed the reason behind what he was doing (though it was not the best way) but they also hinted that he might be a player. his true intention was going to either hurt my feelings or make me happy. the reveal was weak imo but at the end he wasn't a player, however, most importantly, this movie wasn't about them. lol i got neither hurt nor happy (but a secret third thing.....)
her being able to say whatever was indeed a step for her so i won't and can't call it a bad ending.
i don't know if you see it in your second watch but my one of the favorite things about this movie was the curtain. she brought the curtain she sewed with her everywhere. i enjoyed watching her hang and remove it each time. i'd love it to have a gifset or a series of screenshots.
but overall, i felt that i didn't get the intended message. hearing out another person's perspective would be more than welcome. so thank you for sharing.
[TMTYLM] it wasn't a bad ending but the final week's episodes weren't as rich like the previous episodes. I enjoyed the journey more than its final part. i'll give it a good re-watch later!
have a lovely day/night.
[One Million Yen Girl]
i love aoi yu so much! her acting always amazes me <33
ikr, why is everything going against her, poor girl just trying to survive quietly.
i was ready to fight her brother for being so rude, like i know he's projecting his inability to fight off his bullies to his quiet sister but when he tugged on to her shirt after seeing her fighting off her bullies (they can go to hell lol) and then they held hands and walked back home tgt, him telling her to write to him..he's a little boy indeed.
"this movie wasn't about them" HAHAHA you are so right. when it was revealed why he behaved that way, im just, dudeeeee you showed like you're a bright red flag, i'd leave too if i was her. And the ending when she saw him but shrugs it off, i feel like because so many bad things happened to her, she just dont want to believe that he was actually running after her but nevertheless i think good for her lol.
frienddd i wanted to gif this show so bad after rewatching. and yes! the curtain is so dear to me. but alas, i cannot torrent and the dl link is broken. so until i find a good link~~~~
kinda difficult to find kdramas with an impactful ending nowadays yeah hahah. but glad to know it was a good drama for you!
You have a good week ahead too :))
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jisungsmochi · 3 years
the summer ball - haechan
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the summer ball - lee haechan
genre: royalty!au, childhood friends to crushes to lovers <3 (intended female reader)
word count: 1.6k
summary: the summer ball was approaching, prompting prince haechan to think to himself: what a perfect time to confess to the girl who has never left my mind since i’ve met her! will he succeed in his quest for love?
request for: @tyongf-sunflower99 (i hope i put the right amount of fluff you wanted HAHAH)
visiting your best friend’s palace was on your agenda for this saturday morning. something about the fresh air and sunny atmosphere had you excited to meet with him once again. it was difficult to find time to meet, considering the distance between your two palaces, but nevertheless, your friendship could withstand anything. haechan was always a present figure in your life. from the moment you both were born, you were already destined to be friends, whether you liked it or not. thankfully, you got along well with the loud boy. at times he irritated you with his constant teasing and jokes, but for the most part, he was a wonderful companion. he never expected you to do all the things normal ‘princesses your age’ should be doing. instead, he’d let you rough house with him and his friends, accompany you to archery lessons and so on. it was easy to feel comfortable with him. but you were often worried that you only had him to consider as a friend. of course you had many acquaintances that sufficed your basic needs for socialisation, but haechan was the only one you felt truly understood you.
once the doors to his palace came into view, all your worries seemed to have washed away. you became instantly
jittery, your hands couldn’t keep still. you followed your guards closely as they led you into the grand building. you had a small skip in your step once you reached the main courtyard. haechan was smiling widely, waving at you cheerfully. you signalled to your guards that you were now in safe hands, asking for them to disperse. once they followed your orders, you practically ran to the boy, encompassing him in a warm embrace.
“missed me that much huh?” he chuckled, squeezing you a little tighter.
“on the contrary, prince haechan, seems like you missed me more” you giggled softly before pulling away.
“i cant argue with that, princess” although you knew he was just abiding by honourifics, the way he said it made you swoon.
“so how have things been around here? seems like an eternity had gone by since my last visit” you ask as he walks beside you along the trail that outlines the courtyard. you both kept your hands behind your backs, soaking up the glorious sunlight shining down of the pair of you.
“well, father has been immensely worn out due to the upcoming summer ball, he isn’t too pleased that we are hosting it this year” you nodded, understanding where he was coming from. your family had hosted the summer ball last year, you remembered how stressed your parents were, it truly brought more bad than it did good.
“that’s awful to hear, i’m sure he will plan the most extravagant ball we’ve had yet! this palace is amazing, it’s so perfect for a ball, oh how i can’t wait to dance all night in your grand ballroom!” you internally squeal, running the thoughts through your mind. haechan on the other hand couldn’t keep his eyes off you. he always yearned for eye contact when speaking to anyone, especially you. he thought you had some of the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen, but he could never tell you so. he would be too embarrassed, even the thought of complimenting your looks had him shuddering in fear. fear that you wouldn’t take it well, considering your friendly status with one another.
“ah princess y/n, it’s wonderful to see you again!” haechan’s mother greeted you warmly as you both entered the foyer of the palace.
“lovely to see you, your majesty” you now politely, meeting her warm gaze.
“i assume haechan has brought up the summer ball with you? are you planning on bringing a date?” she asks curiously. you knew it was a playful question, but you couldn’t contain how badly you wanted to go with haechan.
“o-oh no i haven’t put much thought to it yet, i will soon” you nod slowly, avoiding her eyes. haechan stood beside you, finding the interaction quite amusing. his mother excused herself, leaving the pair of you alone once again.
“god you still don’t know how to talk to my mother?” he teased, gently tapping you with his shoulder. you shook your head in embarrassment,
“it’s not her! it’s the question she asked. i didn’t know we had to bring dates? is that a new rule?” you questioned, watching as haechan raised his eyebrows.
“i think she was simply curious if you were perhaps dating somebody, or considering dating somebody” he shrugged,
“where would she get that idea?”
“well you didn’t hear from me, but i eavesdropped on a conversation between my parents and yours. they think it’s a good time for us to begin exploring potential life companions” he explains, catching you off guard. he looks around cautiously before guiding you to his parent’s study.
“but haechan, i don’t think i’m ready for marriage yet, there’s so much more i have to learn about myself” you begin to grow nervous, your best friend sensed it, leaning in closer to you. your breath hitched as his nose almost touched yours,
“me neither, just know that you’ll be my first choice” his words took you off guard.
“if my parents were to choose my future partner, i hope it would be you” he smiled softly, feeling heat rise to his cheeks at his own words. you too, began feeling warm, partially due to his words but also due to how close he was to you.
“i-i would want the same” you softly whispered back, earning a relieved look from the boy. he pulled you into his chest, rubbing your back as he softly swayed you in his arms.
“princess, would you do me the pleasure of attending the ball with me?” he slowly pulled away from you, hands resting on your forearms. you nodded enthusiastically,
“of course, i wouldn’t have it any other way”
the day of the summer ball came rolling by in no time. you had arrived in your carriage with your parents. they too, were beyond ecstatic to be in attendance. haechan’s parents sure knew how to plan such a grand event, it would be the talk of the town for the next few months. your eyes scanned for the prince that would be accompanying you. his eyes met yours as you walked into the foyer of the palace, he greeted your parents politely before asking them to take you off their hands. they immediately complied, adoring the friendship between you both.
“you look astonishing tonight, princess. i should have dressed up more” haechan smirked slightly, offering his arm to link with yours. you smoothly slipped your arm with his,
“thankyou, haechan. you look as handsome as ever, maybe even more than usual” he was at a loss for words, you had never made such advances on him before.
“princess, you shouldn’t say such rash things, my heart may burst” you giggled at his words, shaking your head gently.
“care to dance, your highness?” you practically dragged him to the dance floor. your hands wrapping around the back of his neck as his hands found their place on your waist.
“thank you for accompanying me. it means the world to be spending such a wonderful evening with an amazing woman like yourself” you looked away as he spoke, feeling his eyes gloss over you.
“prince haechan, please stop saying these things to me if your intention is to simply remain being my friend” his eyebrows furrow,
“i’m not saying these things as your friend. i-“ he stops momentarily,
“i think you’re the most beautiful thing in my life. i always look forward to seeing you, something inside me feels like it will burst once you come into my view. the way you carry yourself is admirable. the way you can start a conversation with almost anybody you meet, everything you do, makes my heart beat out of my chest” at this point, you had stopped dancing with him. as everyone was twirling and swaying, you remained still. was this real life?
“i hope i’m not coming on too strong, but i feel something between us. and one day, in the future, i would love for you to be my partner, because, i love you” you felt your heart stop. haechan moves his hand to cup the right side of your face. you had never seen so much concern and fear on his face.
“haechan” you whispered, linking his fingers with yours as you led him away from the dance floor. you found seclusion in his parent’s study, your fingers remaining intertwined.
“you have impressed me beyond my expectations. your confession has come as a surprise to me. when i think of my future, i see you. right by my side. i see us running around in our own courtyard, with our children. i see a lifetime full of smiles and laughter with you. what i want to say is, i-i love you too” his face immediately lightened up, his grip on your hand tightened as he tried to contain himself.
“princess, you have just made me the happiest man on this earth” he wrapped you in his arms, lifting you off your feet for a moment. you squealed at the feeling, gently tapping his shoulders for him to put you down.
“m-may i kiss you?” you lean in closer to him as he let you down, his hands now moving to cup both your cheeks. he didn’t bother answering, placing his soft lips onto your own, his thumbs caressing your cheeks as he continued kissing you.
“i’ll never forget this night” he mumbled between kisses as you pulled him into you again.
“so when are we going to tell our parents?” you question as he stops kissing you.
“let’s discuss that another time, i just want you to kiss me again” haechan smirked, continuing what you started.
the summer ball was surely the event of the year.
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sageinacage · 3 years
summary: tommy goes down to pay his two best friends, ranboo and tubbo, a visit a/n: part 2 to the ranboo and tubbo meet up fic! this is just 3/4 tickles, there isn't too long of an intro LOL warnings: swearing w/c: 3.9k
‘Open the door, bitch!’ Tommy texted Tubbo, waiting impatiently at the door of his place. “Tommy’s here!” He exclaimed to Ranboo, running up to let his other best friend in. Ranboo perked up excitedly, running up to hug the blonde.
“Why are you so tall?!” Tommy complained, a smirk growing on Ranboo’s face. “How’s life at 6’1?” He started, his smirk growing into a full grin.
“Alright, alright!” Tubbo laughed, intervening in their instant bickering. “I was expecting at least 5 minutes of peace before you two set off.” He continued, his smile never leaving his face as he spoke. “This is peace.” Tommy crossed his arms, glaring up at Ranboo.
“Don’t look at me, you started it!” Ranboo chuckled, putting his hands up. Tommy just huffed, looking at Tubbo. “I have to deal with this loser?!” He joked, pointing at the tall boy next to him. “Tommy please!” Tubbo laughed, playfully pushing him.
“I know you aren’t calling me the loser-”
“Ranboo you too!” Tubbo yelled, smiling widely at his friends’ antics. “How about you two have to get along for 5 minutes, then you’ll get a reward.” You see, he was initially joking, but both of them immediately agreed and he didn’t have a reward.
“I’ll be fine as long as this bitch doesn’t talk to me-” Tommy started, earning another playful shove but by Ranboo this time. “You just ruined the timer! We have to start over now!” Ranboo sighed in mock disappointment, sitting down on Tubbo’s bed.
“Not my fault.” Tommy sneered, Tubbo rolling his eyes and pinching the tip of his nose near his eyes. “Yes, it was- okay. I am not fighting with you.” Ranboo laughed, leaning back. “Scared?” Tommy challenged, putting a sassy hand on his hips.
“No- what?! I am not scared of you!”
“Sounds like it!”
“Will you two just lay off?!” Tubbo laughed, sitting near Ranboo on his bed. “Not until Ranboo fights me.” Tommy glared at the boy who was currently laying back on Tubbo’s bed and groaning in fake annoyance.
“I’m not going to fight you! It would be too easy of a fight, Tommy!” Ranboo rebuttals, cackling as he heard a growl emit from the boy. “YOU WOULD NOT!” He yelled back, stepping towards Ranboo. “Yeah? You think so?” He sat up, a devilish smirk on his face.
Tubbo shook his head, getting up to sit at the foot of his bed to avoid getting stuck in the middle of their ‘fight.’ Tommy took full advantage of that, going to the bed to throw ‘punches’ at Ranboo, aka just gently bopping his fists at him.
“Ow, ow! Stop bullying me!” Ranboo playfully cried in fake pain, falling back down. “Yeah, bitch! Get downed!” Tommy exclaimed triumphantly, flexing his ‘muscles.’ Tubbo sighed at their playful antics, shaking his head as a grin formed on his face.
“Now it’s your turn to get bullied!” Ranboo shot up and pulled Tommy in, the boys immediately begging to wrestle. “I swear to god- you two just don’t stop, do you?” Tubbo laughed, watching this all unfold.
It was all fun and games, those two trying to get the upper hand for god knows what, until a loud squeal tore through the room. “Oh- are you okay? Did I hurt you? Ranboo scuttled off of Tommy, and the boy sat there, completely unharmed.
“No you didn’t, d-don’t worry-”
“Are you ticklish, Tommy?” Tubbo tilted his head back, smiling at the blonde. “I AM NOT!” Tommy yelled, furious that he’d accuse him of such a statement. “I think somebody is ticklishhhh!” Ranboo sang, climbing on the bed again.
“Fuck you, man!” Tommy grumbled, failing to notice Ranboo and Tubbo making eye contact with each other with the widest grins. He only noticed them getting closer when the bed started to shift, Tommy immediately beginning to curl up.
“Why are you curling up on us? You didn’t lie, did you, Tommy?” Tubbo asked innocently, Ranboo snickering at Tommy’s small noise of protest. “I think he’s lying to us, Tubbo!” He smirked, hovering over the embarrassed boy.
“What should we do about that then, Ranboo?”
“I think you know.”
“G-guys… waiAHAIT-” Another squeal left him, squirming frantically as Tubbo’s hands latched to his upper ribs, squeezing repetitively right in that spot. “Did he already find a bad spot?” Ranboo cooed, dragging his nails down over the other side of his ribcage, finding his lower ribs, and gently digging his fingers into the bones.
“We barely even started, don’t even try to get away, Toms.” Tubbo teased, wiggling two of his fingers into his underarms, Tommy’s arm shooting down. “SHUhut uhuhup! You bihihitch!” He blurted, looking away from Tubbo. “You’ve trapped my hand, I guess I’ll just have to do… this!”
Tommy lost it as he felt impetuous fingers vibrating to his underarm, clamping his arm down tighter to try to avoid the sensations, but he just made it worse.
“Awww, it’s like he just wants you to tickle him, Tubbo!” Ranboo sniggered, walking his fingers off of his ribcage and towards his waist, light scratching and teasing the skin. “Rahanboo thahat’s so baHAHAD- TUHUHUBBO!” Tommy shrieked, flailing his arms as the mischievous boy snuck his other hand into Tommy’s other underarm, giving it the same treatment as the one he was already tickling.
“I had no idea you were this ticklish, this is fun!” Tubbo exclaimed, smiling down at his friend then to Ranboo, who returned the smile. “I gotta agree with ‘ya, I’m having a blast right now,” Ranboo cooed, copying the tactic Tubbo did and moving his arm to tickle both sides of his waist.
“THIHIS IS STUHUHUPID!” Tommy returned with a cackle, throwing his head back as the ticklish sensations took over him. “It’s stupid? Why’re you laughing then?” Tubbo asked innocently, tittering to himself as he forced his hands out of Tommy’s iron grip, only to crawl them down his ribcage.
Tommy was about to call him another name but got interrupted with a screech as Ranboo discovered his hips. “NONONO- RAHAHANBOO!” Tommy kicked his legs, bucking his hips up in response. “That’s my name! What’s up, Tom?” Ranboo asked with a wide smile, chuckling as he vibrated his thumbs into the cluster of nerves on his hip bones.
“Ranboo, I think you found another spot! Isn’t that right, Tommy?” Tubbo looked down at his cackling friend, smiling at his huge, happy smile and laugh. He snapped out of his daze, scooting down the bed to curiously squeeze one of his thighs.
With the squawk and violent kick Tommy produced, he grinned to himself in triumph. He moved to sit on top of his legs, squeezing both of his hands down his thighs and right above his knee. “T-TUHUHUBBO!” Tommy chortled, getting visibly nervous as his knees were another bad spot of his and he knew that.
“Yeees?” He asked, immediately squeezing his kneecap, the poor boy howling with laughter and throwing his head back once again. “YOHOHOU’RE A BIHIHITCH!” Tommy protested, trying to throw Tubbo off. “That wasn’t nice!” Ranboo scolded, poking his tummy. With the squeak Tommy produced, Ranboo smiled at tubbo, before forming his hand into a claw and fluttering it into his tummy.
“NOOHOHOAHAHA SHIHIHIT!” He laughed out, weakly pushing at Ranboo’s hands. “What? What’s wrong? Hmmm?” Ranboo sneered, switching to scribbling his nails onto either side of his belly. “FUHUHUCK YOHOU!” Tommy spat, immediately regretting his decision as he felt Tubbo’s nails under his knees.
“GEHET OHOUT!” He protested, his legs being trapped making it feel even more ticklish. “Whyyyy? I like this spot!” Tubbo teased, his nails barely tracing the undersides of his knees. The mix of the more playful and rougher tickles on his tummy and gentle tickles under his knees was driving Tommy insane, but he really didn’t mind.
It was fine, until Tommy noticed Ranboo’s head start to tilt down. “RAHANBOO DOHON’T YOU DAHARE-” He growled, trying to push at his head to get it away from his ticklish tummy. “What if I do dare, Tommy?” He asked with a tone that Tommy did not trust, and made him incredibly flustered.
“Awww, are you blushing?” Tubbo gleefully asked, his nails raking up and down the backs of his thighs at this point, which was driving Tommy mad. “NO!” Tommy screeched out, catching Ranboo off guard which put himself in a laughing fit. Tubbo smiled at both of his laughing friends, playfully sighed as he scooted up to finish Ranboo’s job, planting a raspberry on the side of his belly.
“TUHUHUHUBBO NOHOHO!” Tommy pleaded, the raspberry catching it off guard as he began to push at Tubbo’s head. Tubbo grumbled, wrapping his arms around Tommy’s waist so he would get pushed up, and continuing to place small raspberries around his tummy.
“You’re like a leech, Tubbo!” Ranboo joked, holding Tommy’s wrists with one of his hands. Tubbo laughed at his jest, making the sensations tickle worse on Tommy’s poor tummy. “I HAHAHATE YOU BOHOTH!” He claimed, kicking his legs behind Tubbo.
“Awww, do you? Do you really?” Ranboo giggled, his freehand finding his hip again to latch on and squeeze. The force of Tommy’s hips almost flew Tubbo off, causing Ranboo to start cackling yet again. Tubbo hummed, sitting back up and smiling down at him.
“I DOHOHO!” Tommy squealed as he felt fingers on either side of his ribcage, but with different tactics. Ranboo hand was slow and steady, slowly dragging up and back down, the sensations slowly becoming more and more unbearable. Tubbo on the other hand, he’s being a little shit, to say the least.
His fingers were relentlessly squeezing the bones, and gently digging into each groove in between each rib. Tommy couldn’t tell which side was worse, but the sensations together were slowly becoming too much. “I CAHAHAN’T-” Tommy managed to babble out a few words of mercy before his laughter took over, unable to form any more words.
“That was funny.” Ranboo grinned, leaning back. Tubbo smiled, helping Tommy rub out all the phantom tickles which he greatly appreciated. “Yeheah, that was funny, wahas it?” He breathed out sarcastically, glaring at the tall boy leaning by him.
“I’ll show you something funny, bitch!”
Tommy lunged at Ranboo, instantly kneading his hands into the boy’s waist. “WHAhaht why?!” He whined, attempted to push off his hands from his body. “I mean, you were mean. You kinda deserve it.” Tubbo sniggered, gently fluttering his fingers over his knee.
“Yohou trahAHAITOR!” Ranboo accused, earning an exaggerated gasp from Tommy. “How dare you accuse him of such crimes!” He exclaimed playfully, reaching his other hand around to squeeze his side. He jumped, trying to squirm away from the opposing hand.
“Yeah, I’m so hurt. I guess I’ll just have to teach you a lesson into not bullying me.” Tubbo giggled mischievously before latching his hand onto the spot above Ranboo’s knee, squeezing mercilessly. “NOHOHO- Oh gohohod!” He hiccuped kicking his leg out in front of him in reflex.
“Did you just try to kick me, Ranboo? You just never learn to stop bullying!” Tubbo shook his head and clicked his tongue, his hand never faltering the tickle attack. “I NEHEHEVER DID ANYTHIHING!” He rebuttals, gently pushing more at Tommy’s hands that now found his hips.
“Wow Ranboo, now you’re just lying. I can’t believe you.” Tommy furrowed his eyebrows and smirked before drilling his thumbs into his hip bones, just like Ranboo did to him. “THAHAT'S SO BAHAHAD! TOHOMMY!” Ranboo arched his back, cackles escaping from him. “What? Just giving you a taste of your own medicine is all.” He laughed, his thumbs now just making gentle circles into the bones.
For some reason, this seemed to send Ranboo into more hysterics than he was in before, and Tubbo was instant to catch on. “Tommy, I think being gentle might work better…” He thought out loud, testing out the waters and just reaching up to glide his nails along his belly. It seemed to work like predicted, Ranboo’s laughter kicking up an octave and his back arching higher into his hand.
“Why is that so cute?!” Tommy admitted, smiling as Ranboo let out a squeak and covered his face. “Awwwh, are you flustered Ranboo? Is your lil tummy a bit ticklish? I think it isss!” Tubbo baby talked, giggling as he raised his arms to cover his face fully. “NOOooohohoho! Shuhut up!” He protested, exaggerated gasps falling from both of his friends’ mouths.
“I know you did not just tell us to shut up,” Tommy spoke lowly into his ear, causing Ranboo’s blush to grow further on his face to where it was visible on his ears. “He’s blushing so much!” He pointed out, wiggling a finger teasingly over his exposed neck.
“NO- *snort* SHIHIHIT-” Ranboo tried to roll away in embarrassment, it all getting worse when both Tommy and Tubbo cooed at his snort. “You’re not going anywhere, Snortboo!” Tubbo exclaimed, sneaking his hands up his hoodie to skitter over his belly.
Tommy on the other plan had his own plan, as he also snaked up his hand under the backside of his hoodie, dragging his blunt nails down his spine and wriggling them gently over his mid-back. So now Ranboo was stuck on his side, two of his sweet spots being tickled and nowhere to go.
“AHAHAHEHE- THIHIS IS SO UNFAHAIR!” Ranboo shrieked, unable to rock forward or back with the tickly sensations on both sides of him. “Is it though? You seem to be having fun!” Tommy retorted, using his free hand to go back to squeezing his hips.
“It’s like Ranboo is stuck in our trap, nowhere to escape, unable to escape the tickles…” Tubbo stated, the boy whining shaking his head. They both apparently knew how to really push Ranboo’s buttons, as his face was full pink, including his ears. “S..SHUHUT UP TUHUHUBBO!” He wheezed, a surprised shriek emitting from him as Tommy seemed to have found another tickle spot.
Tommy’s fingers danced around where his back met his sides, trailing up and down while his fingers slowly wiggled. “Oooh, that’s a fun spot! Let me try something…” Tubbo giggled evilly, crawling over to lean down. He wasn’t going to-
“TUHUHUBBO- *snort* EEEHEHEHEH!” Ranboo convulsed, Tubbo actually blew a raspberry and it tickled like hell. He jolted so much that he managed to flip onto his back. “That was so cute, Ranboo! Do it again!” He smiled, lightly scribbling his nails over the same spot on both sides, now.
“YOHOU’RE SO MEHEHEAN!” He complained, devilish snickers emitting from the other two. “Isn’t that the point, smarty?” Tommy scoffed, lifting his arms to sit on them then immediately lowering his hands to vibrate into his underarms. Poor Ranboo, he thought that was about to be the end of him- he’s never felt so ticklish before.
He was lost in his thoughts until that wonderful terrible nibbling returned on his tummy. “NOHOT AGAHAIN- *snort* TUHUHUHUBBO! QUIHIT IT!” Ranboo threatened, trying to buck the boy off as he felt the phantom tickles everywhere. “Y’know, we would stop if you genuinely asked, and you seem to be enjoying this.” Tommy observed, an embarrassed hiccup emitting from Ranboo.
“So now it’s Snortboo, and now Hiccupboo?! This is priceless!” Tubbo spoke, looking up at his happy smile, trying to shake his head in protest. “IM NOHOHAHAHAT! S-STOHOHAP!” He tried to protest at their relentless teasing, but they all knew Ranboo was loving it all. Tubbo decided he was bored of the nibbling, and reaching his head around to blow another raspberry over his back-side area.
Another shriek ripped through the room, and many snorts and hiccups followed. Tommy’s fingers were now just tracing shapes around his upper ribs, the gentle sensations almost completely unbearable.
It was all so much, and they both knew Ranboo was beginning to reach his limit. As much as he was having fun, Ranboo also realized that he was going to need a breather. “OHOHOKAY, I’M DOHOHONE! I’M DOHONE- *snort* PLEHEHEASE!” Ranboo managed to get out through his heavy laughing fit, Tommy climbing off of him and Tubbo sitting up, still basically sitting ontop of him.
“That was so cuuuute,” Tubbo teased, smiling at the limp boy catching his breath. “Yeah yeah, I guess it was pretty cute.” Tommy admitted, Ranboo smiling at the compliments. “Tuhubbo, you seem to forgehet that you’re the biggest buhully hehere…” Ranboo mumbled, sitting up and finally catching his breath.
“What are you talking about? I didn’t do anything! T-Tommy don’t look at me- Ranboo, not you too- guys please- guHUHUYS!”
“‘Didn’t do anything’ my ass! You tickled us both, now it’s time to see how you like it!” Tommy laughed, prodding his fingers onto Tubbo’s belly, smiling as his response was instantaneous. “Uh ohoHOH-” Tubbo’s giggles bubbled up, as he tried to curl up onto himself to avoid the tickles.
“Uh oh is right, Tubbo! Good job!” Ranboo chortled sarcastically, squeezing his knee, causing Tubbo to accidentally knee him gently.
“Tubbo. You just kicked me.”
“OHOHOOPS- NOHOhohoho!” He threw his head back at Tommy’s fingers traveling around his torso with a purpose, trying to find any sort of sweet spot. It was all fine, until that little shit found the pudge on his tummy. Tubbo screeched, trying to pat his tum to get rid of the ticklish sensations.
“Ohoho, I think I just found a good spot!” Tommy announced as he swatted Tubbo’s hands away, only to replace him with his own as he lightly scratched his nails around the area of his tummy. “Oh really? I’ll try to find one also, then!” Ranboo grinned, squeezing down Tubbo’s thighs and right above his knee, causing more frantic kicking.
“I’M SOHOHORREEEYYY!” Tubbo squealed, trying to kick Ranboo. “No, you aren’t! You’re trying to kick me!” Ranboo shook his head with a smirk, using his free hand to gently squeeze around his other knee. “I CAHAN’T HEHehelp ihihit!” He pleaded, only to earn another head shake.
“Ranboo, is he bullying you again?” Tommy asked playfully, his hands never faltering on fluttering over his belly and near his hips. “Yes, I am now very sad.” Ranboo fakely pouted, Tommy gasping dramatically. “Tubbo, how dare you!” He growled, his light traces turning into claws vibrating into his sensitive belly.
“NOOOHOHOHO! I DIHIHIDN’T!” He whined, trying to bend his knees to get Ranboo away from them. Doing that only inspired the boy to scuttle his fingers under them to gently swirl and scribble on the undersides.
“Awww, his face is so red!” Tommy told Ranboo, smiling down at his friend. “AHAM NOT!” He protested, hiding his face with his hands. “What’s wrong, Tubs? Why’re you hiding from us? Hmmm?” Ranboo talked in his low teasy voice, chuckling as it made Tubbo’s laughter crank up a pitch.
Tubbo didn’t know how bad teasing was until he experienced it, the butterflies in his tummy making the tickly sensations even better worse. He thought he would be able to handle it, until Tommy found a specific sensitive patch of skin right beneath his button. “TOHOM- *snort* TOHOHOMMY!” Tubbo shrieked, pushing his hands.
“Stop pushing me, or else we’ll make this so much worse.” Tommy warned with a playful glint in his eyes, smirking as he covered his face once again. He decided to test the spot, just tracing a single nail around in different sized circles. “THAHAT TIHIHICKLES SO- *hic* BAHAHAD!” Tubbo exclaimed, trying to twist away.
Tommy sighed dramatically, grabbing Tubbo’s hips and squeezing them as he pushed them back down. “You aren’t going anywhere, mister.” He sneered, massaging his fingers into the bones. In the meantime, Ranboo wasn’t being any nicer.
Tubbo made the incredibly poor decision to wear shorts, as the gentle sensations on his legs were driving him up the walls. It was fine, until his fingers started to get lower near his calves, Tubbo’s laughter growing nervous. “Oh? Am I getting closer to a certain tickle spot, Tubbo?” Ranboo asked curiously, allowing his nails to barely trace down his calves.
“NOOHEEHEHEHE! IT’S SOHO TIHIHICKLY!” Tubbo cried, attempting to kick Ranboo yet again, until he just got done with Tubbo’s ‘violence’ and trapped his ankles in a headlock, continuing to trace the undersides of his calves.
“That’s good! I’m glad to hear!” He giggled, raking his nails down and fluttering them back up, the sensations making Tubbo fill with butterflies. Tommy snickered at Tubbo’s bright red face, pushing his shirt up a bit so he could truly give him a taste of his own medicine.
“Tohommy d-dohon’t you daha-AHAHAHA! NONONOHOHO!” Tubbo hadn’t realized how bad raspberries were until one was planted right over his belly button, involuntarily arching his back right into Tommy, then freeing his legs and curling closed.
Ranboo growled playfully, crawling up the bed (little a liddol gremlin :]) and pulling Tubbo in his lap, hooking his arms under his underarms to keep him put. “See Tubbo? Ranboo is so nice, maybe you should learn from him.” Tommy sniggered before nibbling around his tummy, tracing a few nails around his belly button.
“T-TOHOMMY- *snort* BAHAHAHAHA!” Tubbo threw his head back onto Ranboo’s shoulder, laughing his little heart out. “Awww, somebody’s snorty!” Ranboo spoke in Tubbo’s ears, giggling softly as the blush on Tubbo’s face seemed to grow to his ears from that.
“Y’know Tubbo, I’m just matching the same energy you gave Ranboo and I earlier, don’t be all whiny.” Tommy sang, snickering into his tummy as he continued his nibble attack. Ranboo got inspired, and decided to tilt his head down to nibble gently at the base of his neck.
Ranboo playfully mocked back, cooing into his ear occasionally in the middle of his attack on his neck. Tubbo didn’t know what to do, he couldn’t squirm away (not that he wanted to,) but also didn’t want to admit he was loving it. He had a train of thoughts going, until Tommy hit a patch of skin where his sides and tummy met, causing him to buck violently.
“I CAHAN’T HAHANDLE- *hic* THIHIS- PLEHEHEASE!” Tubbo wheezed, crumbling on top of Ranboo and breathing heavily. “It looked like you had fun, Tubs!” Ranboo laughed softly, patting the boy's head as he just whined dramatically. “Don’t be a baby, we know you did!” The blonde cackled, leaning back on the bed.
“To be fair, I think we all had fun,”
“Agreheeing with Rahanboo on this one…”
“I guess I’ll agree with you, bitch boy.”
“Didn’t thihis whole thing start becahause of you two?” Tubbo sat up, smiling at his friends. “Yeah, and I’m proud of it.” The taller one spoke up, patting his chest triumphantly. “Oh shut up.” Tommy chortled, standing up to stretch.
“Anyways, do you two want to go to the park?” Tubbo asked, the others rolling their eyes. “No. ‘M tired now,” Ranboo mumbled, not wanting to go do some other energy-draining activity. “Yeah, can we play a wii game or something?” Tommy asked, glaring at the Wii console by Tubbo's TV. “But the park- ugghhh, fine, Mario Party it is...” Tubbo grumbled, getting up to grab the remotes and put the disc in.
“We should do this again sometime!”
“Tommy I swear-”
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fallasleepscenarios · 3 years
𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓸𝓶 𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓽 [bakugo x reader]
type: one shot, angst, fluff pairing: bakugo katsuki x reader (gender not specified) summary: (Y/N) and Bakugo have not established their relationship, leaving (Y/N) to question their whole "friends with benefits" thing. And it all goes down to what happens when they attend Kirishima's party. rating: R for implication of sexual act word count: 2.4k disclaimer: I do not own any of the mha characters and all of them are written as if they are of age also posted on my wattpad one shots book
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
"You're so silly. Get your butt here."
Bakugo shrugs and pouts angrily but eventually lets his body fall on me and weighing me down on the couch as I try to lift him off me. I laugh at his silliness, knowing that this is the best way someone like him can show affection. He lets his guard down so rarely after all, doesn't even want to show softness, ever. Only with me he does. He can be mellow, can't express it in words easily though.
"Tsk, I don't want to go to the stupid party with all the stupid bastards", he growls while finally making himself comfortable without hurting me.
"You promised! Besides, everyone's waiting for you", I run my fingers through his hair, "You know how much Kirishima has been waiting to see you!" I could tell by his look at this was somehow enough for him to accept attending the party with me. All his UA classmates would be there.
"Whatever! I have to train." In a swift move he gets up and leaves the room, like he always does.
"Bakugo--! Wait!" he stops without turning to look at me. "D-Do you wanna spend the night?" I gulped.
"I have to train", he says and leaves.
And at times like these, I ask myself, what the hell am I really doing. Having a crush on Bakugo Katsuki? That's far enough. Establishing a relationship with him? That's so far beyond the line of sanity. More times than not, I question myself for any signs of emotional masochism, because this really doesn't feel like a mutual feeling. Yes, he can be soft and sweet, would never admit it, though. Yes, somehow, he does like me in a sexual way, at least, or maybe considers me as a way to relieve stress? The past three months and a half have been so exciting, and I've been.. happy. But..
This really isn't enough for me. If only I could do anything to make him say what's in his mind, 'cause his actions really really don't match with his words. And then again, well, whatever, never mind, it could all be way worse for me..
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
On the day of the party, Bakugo was supposed to pick me up at 8 and head over to Kirishima's together, since I've never been to his place before. I put extra effort on picking an outfit I like and felt pretty cute and confident in it. At 7:45 I was already by the door, tying my shoes and receiving a text message by Uraraka-chan.
[19:45] From: Uraraka-chan<3 I can't wait for tonight! Deku-kun will also be there, haven't seen him in two weeks! Don't be late Y/N :D
I smiled at myself and happiness overflew in me. Don't want to jinx it but tonight sounds ideal; Bakugo agreed to come, I'm going to see everyone, even Midoriya found time off his strict training schedule, and Uraraka-chan is very happy, as well, I am glad.
But as I waited for Bakugo, the clock turned 8. And then 5 minutes after 8. And then a quarter past 8.
Normally, that's acceptable, since when one is late, they probably have informed you beforehand. Or at least, an apology is waiting for you at their arrival. Oh, but when Bakugo arrived..
"What took you so long?!!" My mood, the outfit I wore that I liked, the excitement, all had disappeared.
"SO WHAT, I had training to do! Deku has been training all week!", he snapped back at me and frowned. "Let's go damn it!"
"You're unbelievable-! That's how you treat me?!" This time, I was not going to take it.
"Tsk, you don't understand"
"At least you could have told me you were at practice..! Not arrive, what, a quarter to 9 and not even apologizing for keeping me waiting?!"
"YOU attacked me right when I arrived, when I would I apologize?!"
I refrained from saying anything else. I didn't want to completely ruin my mood for the party.
"Okay, stop." I let out a sigh. "Let's go. I really want to enjoy the party. I even wore that outfit that it took me so long to come up with, I really wanna enjoy it.." I closed and locked the door behind us and Bakugo just stared at me.
The road to Kirishima's was quiet. I caught a few glimpses of Bakugo walking by me and leading the way. Surprisingly, he didn't say anything at all. We passed by the river, it was beautiful and I so wanted to comment on the cherry blossoms showing as the path alongside it.
I tried not to overthink about this but it was bothering me, that Bakugo didn't even consider my feelings. He stood me up. This definitely isn't what you expect of your partner to do. Details like this, how he never calls me just to talk to me, he never texts me "good morning" or "good night" like my friends' significant others do, how we've never really agreed to have a proper date but always meet up at home, eat inside and are secretive, I don't like that. I think I am the only one in this relationship.
Heck, there is no real relationship. Friends with benefits, after all.
"(Y/N)! Bakugo-kun! You've arrived at last!" Uraraka-chan was the first one to greet us by the door.
"I'm sorry we're late, I asked Bakugo to pick me up since he lives so close-by, but he was training and couldn't leave early", I felt my cheeks flush up. Everyone's attention was on us and I didn't like it. "Besides, Kirishima-kun! Thanks for having us!"
Thankfully, I quickly felt comfortable and no one talked about how they've been waiting for us. We had a fun time, joking around, eating cakes that Sato baked and listening to what everyone's been up to on their vacation. I was able to forget about Bakugo's attitude, but every time I looked at him, it all came back to me, so I tried to avoid him as much. But still, I was able to catch glimpses of him, noticing that he never looked at me too. I am better than this.
I got up to pout myself some water and when I came back I noticed that Deku had joined Uraraka and they were cheerfully engaging in conversation by themselves, so I decided I wouldn't go back to Uraraka and third wheel them. Instead I decided to get some fresh air and went outside. The cold wind felt so nice on my face but I could tell I'd soon be cold enough to return inside.
"Y/N!", I didn't even hear Kirishima opening the balcony's door.
"Kirishima-kun, are you having fun?"
"For sure! I'm glad you could bring Bakugo with you. Wasn't really sure he'd come, since he's been eager to train as much as he can during the vacation time, but maybe having to accompany you made him responsible to come" Kirishima smiled and he'd never looked so innocent to me before.
"Ah, I just guess he came for you Kirishima-kun. You're his best friend after all."
We laughed and I suddenly felt really soft and comfortable talking about Bakugo with him.
"Kirishima-kun, you're great.. I wish I had a relationship with someone like you!"
And then I realized what I just said. Kirishima turned red and I no longer felt cold outside.
"Y/N, I-I don't think I like you like t-that.."
"Ah! No, it's okay, I don't think I do either.."
What am I saying, I know I like Bakugo.
I know he said he didn't like me but the vibe sure felt weird and tense and somehow comfortable. I could so simply say things like these with Kirishima and it did feel awkward but it was okay, we could sit in silence. And it was easier to stay outside now.
But then he called out my name, and I couldn't read his face. He surely thought that I might like him now. I noticed Bakugo was arguing with Iida-kun by the door, when Kirishima raised his hand to cup my cheek and-
"Can I kiss you?" he whispered.
Why am I not pulling back? Maybe he wants to find out if he'd feel something.. maybe I do as well. Bakugo wouldn't even care anyways. He wouldn't be the least jealous if he saw us.
"Yes", I whispered back and closed my eyes only to feel his soft lips on mine.
It lasted a few seconds but I knew for sure that this wasn't what I felt when I kissed Bakugo. Kirishima was now smiling softly as me and I knew we were on the same page. And this will be between us and nothing will be affected. Except that something caught his attention and he gasped ; I turned to see who else other than Bakugo staring at us.
He looked mad, but doesn't he almost always?
Suddenly I felt overwhelmed with regret towards him.
He wasn't supposed to get jealous, he has no right to!
"Ah, Bakugo saw us maybe", Kirishima shrugged, "He probably thinks we're stupid hahah"
I chuckled, not to make my uncomfortableness look so obvious and we headed back inside, since Bakugo had also disappeared from the entrance.
The rest of the night I felt so out of place and it was hard not to show, but I had to. Spent it mostly chatting with the girls and playing cards and board games.
But soon enough, it was time to go.
Midoriya had already left and so had some of the others that aren't late nighters, and I felt tired from all the tension of the day. I was glad that I had some fun though.
"I'm off, everyone!" I greeted them and put on my shoes and coat.
"I'm going to. Have to train early tomorrow"
I froze. Bakugo was also leaving and this could only mean he wanted to confront me.
I waited for him to be greeted by everyone as well. It was inevitable, we'd go the same way anyways.
But Bakugo didn't say anything. He started pacing fast and it was kind of hard to keep up.
When we reached the cherry blossoms, Bakugo stopped.
"Are you stupid? Why did you do that?!"
He was indeed jealous!
"What does it matter to you even!". Tears were forming in my eyes, I felt so guilty! But it wasn't entirely my fault!
"TO ME? That you're stupid?"
"What does it matter to you??! It didn't even matter to me!"
Bakugo turned around but he wasn't looking at me.
"..I.. don't know... I was curious.. "
"Tsk, 'curious', what even..!"
"I was, okay?! Kirishima was being so nice to me..."
"And you had to be stupid?!"
"STOP it! Okay? This, this is why I did that. Because I can no longer pretend that you care about me! You made that clear today!"
"I don't go around doing things a scumbag would do!"
Bakugo was starting to redden up, he had become really angry..
"BUT YOU DO!" I shouted, glad that we were the only ones on the street. "You do, when you're late and don't inform me, you do when you're embarrassed and secretive of me, you do when you never really tell me what's on your mind"
"You.." he frowned. "And YOU GO AND DO THAT"
"YES because MAYBE, MAYBE HE would actually LIKE me!"
He seemed to be taken aback. And I was properly crying. And I felt the cold wind against my face and hands. It was too bad we're ruining the effect of the beautiful cherry blossoms.
"Stupid.. STUPID STUPID STUPID", he was now pulling his hair in anger.
"Bakugo, stop! What are you doing!" I rushed out and grabbed him by his shoulders forcing him to look at me. And I felt guilty and sad to see him this angry but this had to mean something.
He looked away, avoiding my gaze at all costs.
"I should be asking you why are you being like this now..", I said softly. "It.. hurts to think about this, but did it feel like you were losing towards Kirishima?"
No answer.
"I'm sorry anyways, I am too tired to argue anymore and I'm sorry I kissed him. I.. didn't think it'd make you angry"
"Tsk, what are you apologizing for, loser.."
Bakugo's voice was soft and quiet..!
"I should be the one saying sorry. I FAILED don't you understand? I didn't make my feelings clear to you"
"All this time, I've been failing to this, I don't no a thing about romance"
"And you never even said anything, either! You just went along when I first kissed you!"
I had nothing to say. Suddenly, everything seemed so meaningless, because he was opening up to me.
"No, shut up, you listen to me now. It drives me crazy cause I can't concentrate and think about you all the time! I LIKE YOUR STUPID ASS"
This can't be for real. I've always wanted him to open up but I never..
"Can you.. say that again?", I was too startled.
"Weren't you listening?!"
"No, I was, it's just that I liked hearing you say that.."
I'd forgotten I'd been holding him weirdly and suddenly felt conscious about being so close to him, when I've been closer to him so many times before, but not like this.
"Tsk, I like you stupid ass, stupid", he frowned jokingly and it was his turn to wrap his arms around me. "I like your stupid stupid ass."
My cheeks have probably never flushed as this much before.
"I like you"
He kept repeating and I felt like I could faint.
"And I promise, I won't ignore my feelings anymore and I won't be USELESS!"
I backed away to look at him.
"Bakugo,.. does this mean, we're really together?"
And Bakugo blushed!
"Yeh" he simply said.
I couldn't help but smile and the cherry blossoms were beautiful around us.
Then, Bakugo tightened his grip on my waist and brought me closer. He kissed my cheek and looked at me again. And I couldn't decide over staring at his eyes or kissing him that moment.
But I couldn't bring myself to stop, I leaned forwards and felt his soft pouty lips against mine, his warmth transmitting to my skin. And we didn't pull back for a few moments.
"Do you want to stay over, Bakugo?"
And he nodded excitedly as we walked home together.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
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pure-kirarin · 4 years
Forbidden fruit - Doflamingo x f!reader (nsfw)
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Summary : You fell for the trap, caught like a butterfly in a spider web, his spider web. You, a new counselor at impel down, met with the ex warlord Donquixote Doflamingo for a counseling session. However, he had other plans in mind... TW: smut, manipulation, unprotected sex. 
A/N : Heyo !! I am finally coming back with a DOFFY X READER smut this time. Actually it’s my first *blushes* and...honestly this is so..sinful...please don’t judge hahah. Buuut...any feedback is welcome and I had LOTS OF FUN writing this, so enjoy <3 
Why was the taste of forbidden fruit so tantalizing ? Why did the mere thought of him make you shiver and yearn for his touch ? What was with the tone of his voice and with his flesh thirsty lips that just drove you insane ? You cursed yourself for the time you set a foot in that place. If only you didn't wake up that day...It all started a month ago when you got a new job in the great prison also known as « Impel Down ». You were surprised at first when you heard from some of your sources that the prison  was recruiting a counselor for its prisonners. You were even more surprised when you heard that your candidature was taken. In fact, you have just got your diploma and you only worked in some local hospitals for a few months. It didn't even occur to you that no sane person would want to deal with the criminals of Impel Down. You were an idealistic and optimistic girl that had a strong faith in humanity. You were empathic and devoted to make these people's lives a little better. You didn't care what anyone did, who were you to judge after all ? At this point, you have never dealt with criminals and it showed, your innocence was going to get the best out of you.
A few days in, you learned that your presence was needed for a program set up by the world government to incorporate the less dangerous inmates in society later on and to help the most dangerous ones collaborate.
In just a few weeks you did an amazing job with the level one inmates. You became trusted and loved. These men were thrilled to see what they called « fresh meat », however, they didn't lay a hand on you as you were given a bracelet that called the gards whenever you felt in danger and also because you only accepted to meet up in your own office. Weirdly enough, you felt like you were making a change, it was a selfish feeling, the feeling of a girl that needed to prove to herself that she was needed. You started bringing the newspaper to some inmates that wanted it and even sneaking in some of their favourite food. You never felt endangered by these men. You started to gain confidence in your skills and in yourself. You were playing once again the rôle of the nurse, as if you were responsible for other people's mis-steps.
After a month of that rather fulfilling daily routine, you discovered on your planning that you were meeting for the first time an inmate from level six. It was a name that you knew well...Donquixote Doflamingo, the famous former warlord of the sea. No inmate from level six has ever wanted to take part of the program, so you were puzzled. You felt a bit scared just like your first day there, but then, you gained confidence when you remembered your good experience till now.
That day, you were convoked to Hannyabal -the chief warden's- office. He was a weird and disgusting looking man. He was also extremely gullible and easy to seduce. You knew it too well since that's how you convinced him to have no guards with you when you were working. You wanted to make the inmates feel comortable enough to trust you and talk with you after all. You stepped into Hannyabal's office, It was cold and gloomy, he asked you to take a seat  :
-Good morning Mrs. Y/N. You are looking good today.
-Good morning Sir. Thank you sir. You say, uncomfortable.
-So today you are meeting with an inmate from level six, Donquixote Doflamingo, he is extremely dangerous. Don't hesitate to use your bracelet if you feel in danger I will come to save you-- I mean, everyone will be right there to assist you ! This whole counseling thing is a formality, so please don't feel pressured or anything. The world government obliges us to offer counseling for inmates that ask for it...However, no one from level six has ever asked. If you'd like, If you're ready I will escort you to Doflamingo's cell.
-Thank you Sir. I would like that. You get up from the chair and take a folder with the ex warlord's information from the chief warden's insistant hands.
You both got going till you reach the elevator. You suddenly felt a bit stressed but you try not to show it. Level six was humid and extremely cold. Your legs were shivering a bit under your skirt. The blue atmosphere, lighted by the faint flame coming from the lantern, made you feel extremely uncomfortable.
- Doflamingo is staying in a solitary cell. He slits the key in the key hole opening a first door. A unique cell was there, at the back of the corridor in total darkness. I will come look for you after two hours. Are you sure that you don't want assistance ? I mean, it's true that he is chained in sea stones and can't do anything but still....
-Don't worry about me sir. I have some experience now Sir. Also, I have the bracelet with me. However....Could I ask for a little favor ? You said, getting closer to him.
-Y-yes of course ! He answers with heart-shaped eyes.
-You won't need to come get me later...I will do it myself...I just need those keys...your voice was sensual and soft.
-B-but...Mrs (Y/N)...
-I will be alright please...
-Alright...alright...He gives you the keys and the lantern. But don't tell anyone and give them back to me once you are done...Are we clear ?
-Thanks a lot ! You say with a bright smile, leaving a kiss on his cheek. You really are the best.
The chief warden leaves you after that, heart still pounding from your burning kiss. You have a little victorious smile then get close to the cell. Only the sound of your heels slamming against the stone floor was heard. As you get closer, you start hearing the slamming of chains. You bring the lantern closer to the cell and slit the key in before getting in and closing it behind you. You discover what you have guessed to be Donquixote Doflamingo. He was chained on the floor with a crazy smile on his face and curved sunglasses that prevented you from catching his sight. The cell was medium sized, there was also a little table and two chairs, which was probably a new addition just for your consultation. The man's face turns towards you, at his sight, you felt an incredible energy that made you take a step back. But you tried to bring yourself back to your senses. You had to assert yourself and your position. You weren't here to be scared but to help.
-So, it's Mr. Donquixote Doflamingo if I am right. You get close from the little table and put the lantern and the files on it. Then, you get closer to him, and you bend over to be at his height. I am Mrs. (Y/N). I will be your counselor for today following your request. I will unchain you but keep your handcuffs on...I would like to have a talk with you as we are sitting right there.
Even the worst criminals needed dignity, you thought. You were here to help your clients, and you were ready to treat everyone as human beings. You didn't feel comfortable speaking to a chained man on the ground. Once you unchain him, he gets up. He was extremely tall, even more than you have expected. He must have been around three meters tall and next to him, you looked like a little mouse, fragile and harmless. You didn't want to make him see through your intimidation, so stepped back and held your arm up ;
- This bracelet, if I press this button, the guards will come and an alarm system will be set off. So let's have a nice session and cooperate, Mr. .
His smile was crazy, No, no normal man would smile that way. You then heard his laugh, a throaty and menacing laugh. He looked at you with the look that you have never encountered in the eyes of any other inmate. You could feel it through his sunglasses, and that's when you realized that he wasn't just another inmate.
-Oh, drop the threats already, Miss (Y/N)...Let's have a nice session....
He just repeated what you said but out of his lips, it was so indecent that it made you blush, realizing the sloppiness of your phrasing. You cleared your throat and took a seat, then made a gesture with your hand pointing towards the other seat.
-Please take a seat. Make yourself comfortable Mr. Donquixote. You say, ironically feeling extremely uncomfortable. You took advantage of the few seconds of silence to  examine his appearance discreetely. He looked a little different from the newspapers pictures. In person and without his usual eccentric attire, he looked more menacing. You didn't notice that you held your breath as he took a seat in front of you. His face was partially illuminated by the lantern. His tan skin looked like that of an oil panting under the dancing flame. Don't lose your calm. Don't get destabilized by that aura of him, you repeated in your head endlessly.
A pen was resting between your thumb and your index. You pretended to look at the files for a moment. Then, his voice came, low and intense.
-Oh...I will get comfortable. My. If I knew that you were this beautiful I would've asked to see you earlier. He says with a smirk, looking at your clevage without even a trace of embarrasment.
You gasped, surprised, it wasn't the first time that an inmate complimented you, in fact, it was common. Imagine a place full of men without even a woman in sight. Some of these men haven't seen a woman in more than ten years, they looked at you like caged beasts, but his look was different, he had a strong energy that made you feel naked. You were quick to put him back in what you thought was his place.
-Mr. Donquixote. That is inappropriate. Let's start the consultation right now.
-I do like the sound of Mr. Donquixote...But you can call me Doffy. Make yourself comfortable.
He says with an enigmatic smile, and you weren't sure what was his motive, but as naive as you were, you  kind of believed that maybe after staying so long alone, he wanted some kind of company, or to feel like someone he knew was there...After all, there weren't visits allowed in Impel Down unlike any other prison.
-So..Mr. Donquixote, you repeat, ignoring his request and turning the pages, looking at his info, you were incarcerated for opposing the world government, underworld illegal activities, allying with one of the yonkos and overthrowing a legitimate king and stealing his throne, am I right ?
He looks, amused, at your shaky hand, you were almost endearing to him, he almost wanted to take a bite. He corrects you then, smiling as always, looking at you and leaving you harmless as you couldn't look at him back, his eyes hidden behind the shaded glasses ;
-Oh I see that you reviewed your lessons pretty well. You just have something wrong right there. I didn't overthrow a legitimate king. I am the legitimate king of Dressrosa. I also orchestered the mass murder of my subjects by controlling them, just like this. He holds his hand up, amused, looking right in your fear-colored eyes. He suddenly gets close to your face, almost jumping towards you and you couldn't stop a little shriek of fear from crossing your lips. He then starts laughing, his laugh echoeing in the small cell.
-God, look at you, poor little lamb, are you already scared ? I'm just teasing you right there...There is nothing to be scared of...
He was getting close, too close for your own wellbeing. You weren't able to hide your turmoil anymore. He leans back again on the chair and looks at you, you were quite the entertainment. He surprisingly found you to his taste and he didn't even try to hide it. He was going to get his way anyways, but it was a nice bonus that you were of a delectable beauty. Looking at your lips, he licks his own, disarming you yet once again. You try to asses your now diminishing control and clear up your throat.
-Mr...Let's start shall we !! Well, why did you ask to see me ?
Alright, that was extremely stupid, but it was as if you almost forgot how to use words in his presence. You bite your lower lips, you felt so uneasy but you didn't want to be so transparent under his hungry gaze. You really did feel like a lamb and he was the starved wolf, you felt as if you were his prey right there.
-Do I need a reason to ask to see my counselor ?
-Oh..No you don't I was just...curious...
And here you are, acting totally unprofessional in his presence. You should assert yourself, you are the one asking the questions, you are the one in charge, even if that man is more than one meter taller. Your start twitching your leg as you keep writing something on your paper, it was a quirk that you had everytime when you felt stressed. The smallest of details caught his eye, as they say, the devil was in the details. He liked destabilizing you and he was surprised at how easy it was. He wondered how did you make it up to one month in this place full of dangerous criminals.
Your job as a counselor consisted at first of understanding the motives behind your client's actions and to create a trusting relationship in order to help integrate them later on. You didn't lose any further time and asked :
-So, tell me about your family. It was a basic question to get him to open up. Generally, relationships with relatives and family were meaningful for understanding the mind of a criminal.
-My family ? He laughs, so that's what you want to chat about, beauty ? You flinch at the sound of this word out of his lips. Alright. I will satisfy your curiousity. I killed both my father and my brother. I am sorry to disappoint you Miss (Y/L/N), if you are looking for a sad  story to feel empathy over, this isn't one. Everything I have done I did out of my own will.
He gets closer to your face, once again, and you feel paralyzed, as if you were just a puppet and he was pulling the strings. He have commited the worst thing a human can commit, parricide, and for a second your eyes looked at his restrained hands and you wondered how could a human's hands do such a thing. He had long and slender fingers, he had the hands of an artist, was that what the hands of a murderer looked like ?
-Oh sorry miss, did I scare you ? I was just playing a little bit, no need to feel so tense.
His voice was suave, dripping with poison. He was having his fun, you thought. He was pushing your buttons and enjoying every second of it. He was toying with your mind, knowing how little experience you had. He was reading in you because he wasn't one of these other patients you had dealt with, he showed you how tough you had to become in order to handle the tension from such manipulative creatures, monsters that would kill mother and father to get what they want.
-Mr Donquixote. I am trying to do my job right here, this isn't a game. Shaky voice, fake toughness.
But if you were aware of such things, where did that thrill come from ? Why did you see him as a man and not as a demon, despite his evil laugh and impredictable behavior ? Was it the demenaour of a charismatic male that was a warlord and a king just a few months ago that had that effect of you ? Or was it the same kind of irrational and stupid attraction that a middle schooler feels for bad boys ? But you weren't in middle school anymore and he was a criminal. You weren't the protagonist of some popular soap opera. You were a counselor and he was a man whose hands have killed more men than you could've imagined.
-Look at yourself trying to act tough and to impress me....Drop these little games already, we both know that it's useless... Miss (Y/N)...I didn't just want to talk to my counselor...I think that you would've guessed it by now...? You're a smart girl after all...
He says in a voluptuous whisper, and you forgot how to breathe for a second. No word crossed your lips,  you froze, skin cold while his breath was so hot on your flesh. What was wrong with you, getting flustered by his tricks ? You couldn't get caught in his spider web, you couldn't let him lead the session and act as he wanted. But...Why was everything he said so sensual ? Why did the way he talk make you feel helpless, make you feel like you wanted to see what is coming next ? You were flirting with fire, some morbid curiousity made you keep your mouth shut, waiting for the gratification of his next words just to push him away afterwards.
He leans in and licks your neck, from the starting of your clevage to that area behind your ear. You shiver, feeling his hot tongue on your skin and his steady breathing on your cheek. Your body that was so cold starts tingling, was it fear or anticipation ? He was a dangerous criminal and Hannyabal has warned you more than once. What were you waiting for to press the button on your bracelet ? Were you too scared to do it, or perhaps, did you want a taste of what's forbidden ?
-It's alright to indulge from time to time sweetheart...Come on...I see that you're dying for it.
You try to push him away, putting your tiny hands on his broad chest, blushing from his insinuations. It was unaccaptable, assuming that YOU were dying for it when HE was the one making these filthy advances. Your ego couldn't take it, and the thrill that was once there vanished as you threatened ;
-Are you out of your mind Mr ?! What you are saying is unacceptable ! If anyone ever found out about this you will-
-No one would. He cuts you right there. You made a huge mistake my dear. I will tell you what it is right now....You should never play with fire if you don't want to get consumed by it...
He places his cuffed hand on your throat, applying just a bit of pressure on it. Those hands that he used to...they were on your skin. The tension in your body released as you looked at him as if he had hypnotized you. His touch was extremely warm and you were curious for such a man. You were curious about how a man like him could love a woman. You wondered for a second about how such a man treats his lovers, and if the hands that killed were capable of taking someone to heaven. You didn't realize that you were slowly falling like a ripe fruit in the palm of his hand.
-I will press the button...
-You won't. His voice was firm, almost like an order. The pressure from his hand releases and his hand lays now on your cheek, caressing it softly. You didn't move, you didn't press the button. You felt a knot in your stomach, your cheeks extremely hot and your heart throbbing. You were ready to give years and years of life just to see what was going to happen. Before you even realized, you already hankered for that throbbing.
He placed his hand on your collarbone and it was slowly slipping, deliciously moving towards the fraction of your exposed chest, making you shiver. You felt terrified by the carnal desire that took over you, pure instinct. You felt frightened by your lusting over that forbidden fruit ; a complete stranger, a patient, a monster. He was thrilled by the look on your eyes, only encouraging him to go on. His hand now explored your bare chest under your shirt, making your breath heavier. It was the point of no return. You left your head roll back a little, letting out of a whisper of ease. He brushed and pinched your hard nipples, pushing your buttons, making you want him more and more. You bite your lower lip and murmur softly ;
-We really shouldn't be doing this...
-Do you want me to stop ? He said as he took off your shirt.
You cursed him for letting you have that choice, but he knew all too well that you were already dancing in the palm of his hand. You weren't able to say anything. He lifted you up easily and put you seated on the table. Your were startled by his move, scared and thrilled about what's going to happen. He softly caresses your neck, kissing it softly, whispering into your ear ;
-Say it and I will stop...He repeats.
Shit..Shit...shit ! I am not going to give in...no ? I am not going to give in to him, he is a criminal...I worked hard to get this job...I will lose my job...I won't give in to him...Will I ?...Your eyes were veiled by lust, he was dragging you in as if he was pulling you towards him by invisible threads. You were charmed and intimidated, he has such a sexual presence, you felt it through all your body and especially down there. You mumbled, your voice shaking, feeling ashamed but tempted ;
-Don't...your voice was a bearly audible whisper, to which he smiled, victorious.
-See ? It's not that hard....What a good girl you are. Here...I'll give you what you deserve...
His praising made you blush. You were yearning for his validation and affection. You moan softly when he slides his hand under your skirt, caressing your inner thigh. He squeezes your warm skin, getting closer to your slit.
He lays a finger on your dampening panties, feeling your depths over the fabric. You couldn't help but bite your lower lip, shameful.
-I haven't touched you and you're already so worked up doll ? He smiles in that detached way of his. I am very flattered.
-Please...touch me already. You look away, unable to face him.
He chuckled at your desperate words and one second after your skirt was down and your legs up on the table. Quite the sight. He licked his lips seductively before caressing your slit slowly over the fabric.
-What an impatient girl you are...It's almost cute.
He slides the fabric away now gently pressing on your entrance. His fingers were experienced and precise, he knew where exactly to touch you. He started caressing your clitoris in circular motions snatching moans out of your lips. You swallowed hardly, you weren't holding back anymore, fuck it. You already gave in to his touch. He continued to stroke you while his other hand gently squeezed your breast. You didn't understand how such hands could bring pleasure and also bring mourn. You whined, unable to wait more, wanting him to touch you more, to love you more. He slit a finger inside of you, effortlessly and you whined and squirmed under his touch.
-You are so wet that I feel like you're swallowing me...Such a horny slut.
Your blushed violently as he started thrusting his finger in and out of you in slow motions, driving you insane, leaving you yearning for more. Your hips were shaking with every thrust, he then suddenly added a second finger, carefully preparing you for his lenght.
-Oh....my...are you sad because I called you a slut ? He brushes your hair softly, but then why is there such a hungry look in your eyes ? You certainly enjoyed it, don't try to hide it...The eyes say it all.
You tightened around his fingers, feeling the pleasure coming in waves, taking over you. Your legs were so weak and you wanted to close them already to make the motion stop as his increasing paace was getting overwhelming. He stopped you from that, forcing you to take in the pleasure that you were asking for. All logic and reason was away, your head was so clouded to even think about the danger that you were putting yourself through. As you were close to climax, he took off his fingers, leaving you puzzled.
- I...
-Do you think that you deserve it ? No I don't think that you do..not yet...
He smirked, getting closer to your face then captured your lips in a passionate kiss. You were  taken aback as you kissed him back, hungry for more. You gathered your courage and slid your hands under his shirt, exploring his manly torso. You then lifted his shirt slightly, inviting him to take it off so you could feel his skin against yours. You just wanted to see all of him. If it was going to be a one time thing then, you wanted all of it...
Noticing this movement, he pulled back and took off his shirt, revealing perfectly sculpted abs. You were amazed by how good he looked despite being in prison. He was flattered by the eager look in your eyes and without giving you time to rest he started licking and sucking on your soft bud. You didn't expect him to do that but you couldn't say that you weren't waiting for it from the start.  He sure knew how to pleasure a woman as his tongue made you quiever. His movement were once again slow, it was some kind of soft torture and you wanted more of him. Your nails digged into his shoulders, trying to contain your sloppy moans. His hands were holding your legs spread out quite firmly so you don't move. He then proceeded to slide two digits into you in conjunction to his tongue circling your clit. At this point, you were moaning so loudly that you got scared that anyone would heard the two of you. You almost fell backwars rom how much you were trembling and Doflamingo gently held you with his strong arm ;
-Careful honey, we're just getting started...
-Please what ? He says with a smirk, teasingly tweaking your nipple before giving it a lick, reinserting his fingers inside of you.
-Hmm...Please..I want...I want you to..put it in...
-Shh...he whispers.
You felt shameless and humiliated but you felt no need to hold back as you were already playing with fire. You looked at the bulge forming through his pants and judging from the size you started to wonder wether you could take it in or not. You have never seen anyone bigger. He inserted a third finger, preparing you carefully for his lenght. He then took off his pants giving you a glimpse of his massive cock.  He laughs at your shocked look and pushes down his fingers in your mouth, which you instinctively start licking tasting your own wetness. You were panting in anticipation, your chest going up and down, heavy breathing.
-Don't be scared...It will fit in just fine..He says as he presses just the tip on your entrance. You slightly moved to slide it in but he kept you forcefully in place with his free arm.
-Who told you to move already, (Y/N) ?...
The sound of your name out of his lips made you want crave for him even more. He continued teasing you by sliding it in just a bit, making you expect it to go in then stopping. This sweet torture was making you lose all control but he seemed calm and in perfect control.
-Please...Please Doffy..I'd do anything I..I just...I want you
He looked to the side, unable to contain a little smile, an endearing smile. He puts his hand on your cheek with his thumb on your lips and can't help but say ;
-You are so cute. So desperate for me to fuck you, huh ? You would do anything...What a shameless girl...Wanting me to fuck you so badly while you were acting so tough earlier...He gently starts to push his cock inside, earning a moan from your sweet lips, Alright, I'll give it to you...
He suddenly thrusts it inside of you, making you let out a soft cry of surprise but also that of discomfort because of his size. It didn't take you long to accomodate to his size since he prepared you so well. You finally felt relieved and complete, having him fill you so perfectly. You encercled his shoulders with your arms, finding support on him. His thrusts were getting more and more intense and deep, hitting that spot that made you feel so good. You couldn't help but moan in his ears, showing him how much you felt good, engraving each sensation into your brain so you never forget about him. It was hard to believe that it was the same controlled man that was going in so slowly only minutes earlier. His pace was aggressive and unpredictible. You felt overwhelmed by pleasure, sinking your nails once again in his tan skin.
-You're taking me so well...You are getting so tight around me.
He groans and holds your hair back tightly, forcing you to look at his face ;
-Look at me while I am fucking you
Your heart was pounding so fast as you felt him go in and out. Your moans were getting louder to the point that you were biting your lower lip quite hard in a failed attempt to contain yourself. As you were getting closer to climaxing, he just stopped all movement and completely slid out of you, leaving you empty. You looked at him with huge eyes as he sit back on the chair, his erection dripping with precum.
-If you want it so badly then come get it, dear.
Without any hesitation, you stepped on your feet, almost falling, legs shaking in front of him. You then sit on his lenght taking him in entierly, making him smirk and groan. You felt hesitant to move at first, ashamed of that slutty side of you that no one before him, a stranger, a criminal, has ever seen. And maybe it's only because you knew who he was that you were able to be so decadent. You started moving your hips slowly, feeling him against your walls, nipples brushing against his strong torso. He caressed your hair, almost lovingly and grunts ;
-You're a good girl...Fucking yourself like this-
He then suddenly lifts you up while still inside of you.
-But you're going too slow, I'll fuck you good, because that's what you deserve...
He then holds you against the table once again, his pace much more intense than yours. You held onto the table really tightly letting a cry of surprise and pleasure. He spread your legs wider filling you with every inch of his warm cock. It was a feeling you have never felt before with any man, the feeling of being with someone who knew how to pleasure you, someone that could break you with a snap of his fingers but who decided to take you to heaven instead. At this point, you only wanted him to free you from that longing in your loins.
-I..I am going to...
You couldn't even finish your sentence. He was going deeper inside of you with each thrust. Now, his hand was around your neck. He was losing control as well as you swallowed him inside.He was also getting close to the paroxysm of pleasure.
-Come for me, sweetheart.
You got overwhelmed by his pace and you finally could let it all out, you felt your insides twitch and pulse with every thrust. You held him tighter, letting out high-pitched moans, feeling your legs tremble as you came around his cock. Your whole body was spasming and your breath louder but that didn't stop him from pounding you even harder. For a moment you felt as if you were going to pass out but you managed to say nonetheless;
-I..I..Please..Come inside...
Were you out of your mind or did he really unleash that dark side of you ? Maybe a bit of both, but you knew that you wanted him to fill you up. He was surprised himself, but your words turned him on even more. He then let out a loud groan as he filled you with his seed in a last thrust.
-You're naughtier than what I expected...
He caresses your cheek and slides out of you, some of his essence dripping out all along your thighs. You felt so satisfied and out of breath, letting yourself fall back on the table. He looked at you with a smirk .
-You did so well...Now I will take this...
He pulls his pants up and bends down to where your bag was. He flips it over and its contenants spill on the ground. He takes the key of the cell and hold it up while looking at you ;
-I'm gonna take this now as my payback...Thanks doll..
You were too tired to even move, thinking that you were fucked, unironically. You have succombed, you have lost, but why didn't you even feel even a slight shadow of guilt ? You looked at him turn his back to you, walking all along the hallway. The only thing that you were able to think of was wether you were going to see him again. He has just unleashed the beast inside. -------------------- Thank you for reading <3 Leave feedback if you liked it hihi
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haiky-u-lously · 3 years
Day 3: Daisho Suguru
December Soulmate Prompt Calendar
“Good luck/bad luck- can give or take from each other”
Warning: HQ Adult Teams, unluckiness, mention of major death events, mentioned cop/investigator reader, being polite to service workers, sarcasm.
Author’s Note: Day 3 and I am still on top of things, yeyeyey!! So I have 2 well known HQ boys, now here is one for the lesser followed boys' fans. He is the one I chose as the main villain for my King Author AU, and I love how easy it is to view him as a bad guy. But, as this is a soulmate story, obviously he himself is not the bad guy here. The story got away from me and then I remembered I had a goal for these things...so yall in for a treat if you like to read things! Hahah
Hope you enjoy!
Every morning you had a choice upon awakening. You could choose to keep your luck or send it to your soulmate. You were not sure when the choices started up, but they’ve been there above your head every morning for as long as you could remember.
And, except for twice in your life, for however long it has been going on you have not chosen to keep your luck.
The tone rang out indicating the system took your ‘send luck’ choice. Dragging yourself from the bed you groaned out, the actual act of getting up being the hardest part of any morning.
A slip on your loosely discarded clothes from the day prior made you fall, thankfully able to prop yourself against your hand before your head banged back against the bed frame this time.
You made it to the restroom and completed your morning routine with relatively little problems, and were still on a high from getting cold and not ice for your shower water.
Pulling the blazer over your chosen button up for the day, you took one last look before leaving the enclosed space.
A phone rang from somewhere in your apartment, and you spent so long looking for it that the ringing stopped. A beat later and it picked up again. This happened four more times before you finally found the device during its seventh ring. “Hello!” You answered excitedly.
“Lose your phone again?” Your boss asked shortly.
Laughing a bit before giving an answer, you began to simultaneously grab your gear bag for the day, “Ah you know me boss-man. I’d lose my own head if it wasn’t attached.”
You could hear the sigh fall from between his teeth and before he could say anything further you added, “Sorry, boss. I’m headed in now.”
“Nope. You got a flight to catch. Be at the airport in twenty or you’ll miss it.” He hung up after that, and you groaned for the second time that day.
Rushing so fast out our door after grabbing your go-bag as well that you forgot to lock the door behind you.
You’d been through security a number of times before, and every time you had the same conversation with the security guards. “I have a silver infused mark below my hip line, not in an easy to show location. If you want to confirm I need a private space with only one guard to double-check.”
The guy behind the beltline nodded and motioned for you to go through the scanner.
Of course the alarm went off, as expected, and you had to wait sixteen minutes while some free guard made their way to come take you for a check against your words. It was a longer wait than you were used to but you figured things were just evening themselves out from getting slightly better water during your shower.
“Wow.” The guard exclaimed, finally turning around to give you the privacy of redressing yourself. “Honestly, I should not be surprised as tats can be placed anywhere, but I have got to say this is my first time seeing one...there.”
“Yepp.” You offhandedly confirmed it wasn’t the first time you’d heard the commentary.
Coughing slightly, you indicated you were presentable again, and the guard smiled at you before leading you back to the airport’s gate hub. Nodding a goodbye, you followed the signs to your assigned gate ready to wait patiently for the flight to begin boarding procedures.
“Hello, can (L/N) (F/N) please report to the service desk. Repeat can (L/N) (F/N) please report to the service desk. Thank you!” The intercom rang out overhead.
Sighing in defeat you figured it was one of three things; your flight was canceled and you need to get the next one which is a few hours away, your flight was delayed and again would be a few hours, or your flight was overbooked and your were randomly chosen as the passenger to be moved to a different flight.
“Yes, I am (F/N) (L/N). I was asked to report to the service desk?” You said, placing your bag on the floor between your feet.
The receptionist smiled politely before speaking in the practiced calm manner, “Thank you for a quick response! Unfortunately, we have some bad news. Your flight was overbooked and to keep things fair, we did a random draw for which passenger would be bumped to the next flight out and your name was drawn. Fortunately, because we do recognize that this can be a major inconvenience we offer a voucher worth the same price of your original ticket that you can use with the airline anytime over the next year.”
Smiling politely back, you corrected her since you’d been down this path before. “I appreciate the offer but I know that the voucher can be given as cash instead. I will accept the funds and the flight change. Please and thank you.”
It was obvious the girl had been through this interaction just as often as you had and just nodded, “Gave your luck to your partner this morning?” She asked as she typed on her computer to get you what you asked for.
You smiled before nodding.
“Me too. Hope your day doesn’t get too much worse. And, thank you for flying Brand Airline!” She handed you an envelope which you could tell had cash in it and your newly printed ticket sticking out a bit from the corner.
“Thanks, Hope your day goes as well as possible too.”
Finding your new gate you took a seat and began the long waiting process.
You were scrolling through your phone when a call came in from your boss.
“Missed your flight?” He asked plainly.
“No, was rebooked after arrival.” You answered.
He laughed briefly before moving onto the reason for his call. “You left your place unlocked again.”
“Damn!” You cursed, quickly looking around you to make sure no children overheard. “What’d I lose this time?”
“Electronics...coin bucket...everything else looks par for the course. Gunna have to move you again.” You heard your other teammate from the background.
Shaking your head you took a few breaths before responding, “Just grab the mini safe from the third drawer in the dresser. I'll worry about the rest when I return. Boss, I’m still confused by this email. It says--” A beep in your ear had you move the phone to check, it was at one percent battery and was about to die on you. “Sorry boss, phone’s about to--” Another beep and when you looked this time the screen was black. “Die.” You finished to yourself.
“Well that’s too bad.” You heard from behind you.
“It happens.” You responded.
The person must have taken your response as an invite to open more conversation. “You can use mine to call them back if you want?”
It was a kind offer but you figured with your luck their phone would die as soon as you pressed call. “Thank you, but I would hate for my lack of luck to affect your device too.”
“Ah, well my abundance of luck should counter that perfectly.” A plop sounded and you looked down fast enough to just catch the phone thrown in your lap before it fell off the side of your leg. “See, still in one piece.”
You held the device out for the overly confident male to take it back, and when he did not immediately do so you turned to face him clearly. “Really, I thank you for the thought. But I have not kept my luck for years. So, please take this back before its contact with me begins to affect it even more.”
You felt the pressure from their seat behind yours leave, and suddenly the seat beside you dipped.
“Again, I have been receiving extra luck, so I have an abundance. I am loaning my personal device to someone, so my luck stays with my device don’t you think?” His eyes snaked over you as he pushed your hand closer to your body.
Shaking your head, you decided to compromise. “I’ll accept your kindness and send my boss a text explaining what happened. Give me a moment.” Pressing send on the device you noticed the battery had only lost about 10% from when you got into the messaging app. “Wow, seems you do have an exceedingly large amount of luck. You only lost 10% of your battery.”
Snatching the device from your hand and double-checking your words, he slightly laughed once seeing your surprised expression. “I mean I knew when people send their luck they tend to take on the bad luck of the other but can honestly say I did not expect it to be that bad.”
“Bad?” You exclaimed, “10% in three minutes is not bad for me. That’s actually pretty decent. I was truly impressed that your entire battery was not drained.”
“Dr-Drai--Drained?!” He was so shocked, he instinctively held his phone up against his chest and turned slightly away. “Sorry, that was uncalled for. I am the one who pressed for it.” He hummed through your silence, “So, this has been your daily for years now?”
Nodding a couple of times, you decided it couldn’t hurt to spend some time speaking to this random dark haired male before your flight. “Mostly. Some things will change slightly. Some better luck with not spilling your coffee in the morning may amount to being 5 bucks short from the meal you want for dinner that night. But nothing ever too bad happens to me, so I take the win.”
“You ever keep the luck, or take your soulmate’s for the day?” He asked seriously.
“Some time ago, yea. Once I kept my luck because I had a test in every class period and my driving test after school. Everything worked out and I figured I would let them keep the luck for the rest of highschool as a thank you. But that same day my friend who’d always been given their soulmate’s luck didn’t get it and their day was so bad...I hated to think that happened to my own soulmate, so I adjusted my thought process. Some things happened later and a third choice appeared, ‘Steal Luck’. I was in a very bad place, and thinking it a joke I pressed the option...I’d heard of more car wrecks, plane accidents, and buildings falling that day then any other and immediately felt like my soulmate was at risk of being in a similar incident. So I just never kept my luck again.” You laughed and gave them a smile, “Sorry, that was a lot of information to dump on someone I’d just met.”
He smiled at you, “Eh, I’m sure your soulmate was not struggling as much as you feared they were.”
Rolling your eyes, you sarcastically agreed, “Yea. Obviously my fears are completely unjustified. Thank you, random person I have literally never talked to before, for that oh so astute insight into the life of another I have never met before.”
“You can hold the sarcasm. I’m just saying that keeping your luck is different than stealing it. You said you got the option to steal once? There are mates out there that get the option all the time, and do so. Those probably are the ones most highly affected.” He sneered, sounding happy beneath his slight reprimanding. “Besides, someone who willingly gives away their luck for years cannot be saddled with someone who is that unlucky on the one or two days they don’t receive their gift. Happen to remember the days you kept your luck?”
Giving him a look, he laughed before correcting himself, “Sorry. Kept one day and ‘stole’ the other. Do you remember the dates?”
Nodding, you gave him a side eye, “Why?”
“Because I remember the only two days I was not given luck from my soulmate, and the first was such basic high school issues that my friends made fun of me for making a big deal out of it.”
Staring the man down, you watched his eyes closely. Trying to discern if he was hiding something behind his snake like pupils, or if he was being a hundred percent honest. “And you remember the date of this first incident?”
“Well, yea. It was the day my girlfriend at the time broke my heart.” He smiled at the memory, and you wondered how someone could smile thinking about a breakup. “Wasn’t the first time our pair broke up. And when I found out she wasn’t actually sending me her luck but had been lying for the duration of our...relations., thing kind of became memorable.”
“Wow, she lied about being your soulmate?” You were shocked beyond belief hearing that. “That takes some guts. How’d you find out?”
He withdrew a bit at the comment, “Ah well I am kinda selfish...I’ve only sent my soulmate luck once. And, she was apparently having a really good day. I asked her what was different and she said, well very suggestively, said it was because of all the goodwill I had sent her recently.” He shook his head before digging into his backpack, only continuing as he pulled out his laptop. “I knew it was a lie because I had marked the only day I’d ever sent my soulmate my luck. What was the day you chose ‘Steal Luck’?”
Saying the date out loud, you looked at the male sat beside you distrustfully.
“Right, the date circled here in red?” He questioned, showing you his now open calendar on his screen.
You were shocked, but slowly nodded to confirm.
“Lovely to meet you, soulmate.”
“You can’t know that.” You shot back instead, refusing to acknowledge the coincidence.
He shrugged, “You think so? Remember how I said I’d only sent my soulmate luck once? Or, how earlier I said that some people are always given the choice to steal luck from their partner? Yea, when you send your luck, your partner is then given the choice to either steal more, keep their own, or send their own. You said you’d always sent your luck except two days? I have both of those days marked in my calendar as the only two days I did not get the option to steal any more. Today, I was given a fourth option. The normal ones I am used to seeing; keep luck, send luck, steal luck, and a new one, lucky meet. I looked into it, when soulmates accumulate enough luck between them they can choose when to meet. I made the choice, I hope that’s okay.” He held his hand out for shaking, “Daishou Suguru, at your service.”
A cheeky grin did nothing for your nerves. You’d listened to your dark haired seat neighbor as he explained what was going through his mind. When he finished with his introduction you realized how stark still you’d been sat, quickly thinking through all the implications before finalizing on, “You mean to tell me you’ve been stealing my luck all this time?”
“No, I am telling you it was an option all this time and that we accrued enough luck by you sending it and me not accepting it to be able to meet today.” He scoffed.
Narrowing your eyes at him, your mind ran through everything you knew about soulmates and the luck exchange. “I hadn’t heard of a lucky meet as an option.”
“According to the sites I found, which are password protected with the exact spelling and capitalization, you can only find out more when you get the notification.” He stated like it held no real concern for him. “Now, am I going to ever learn the name of my soulmate, or are you going to continue to deny this?”
“(F/N), (F/N) (L/N). And, I wasn’t trying to deny anything. I just like having facts.”
“No, you weren’t denying anything. And that isn’t a cop badge sticking out from behind your backpack. At least it makes sense why you were so against just accepting things for face value. But just so you know, it probably hasn’t been your best bet to send your luck all the time if you’re a cop. What if it causes you to lose your suspect?”
Laughing at the presumed impact of your luck loss, you gave your own insightful commentary, “Well, one, I work with a team so my daily luck level is not too much of an affect on that. Two, cops aren’t the only ones who won’t just accept things that are said to them by strangers. And, third, what do you do then, with all your luck?”
He responded by typing on his laptop and showing you the screen.
“A volleyball player?” You asked.
“Pro, actually.” He answered.
Your pair smiled at one another before he added, “Guess I’ll have to start giving you some luck if I want to make sure your phone is charged up enough for us to get to know each other better.”
“Guess so.” You turned your head towards the gate, as boarding was beginning. Quickly giving him the digits for your number before grabbing your bags and lining up. “Talk to you later, soulmate.”
He winked at you before grabbing his own carry-on items and standing behind you in line, “You didn’t think I was sitting here because I knew ahead of time, did you?”
Holding in your laughs, you shook your head at the absurdity. “Guess not.” You wondered how long this level of luck would continue under the umbrella of a ‘Lucky Meet’.
Day 1 |  Day 2  |  Day 3 [X] |  Day 4  |  Day 5  |  Day 6  |  Day 7  |
Day 8  |  Day 9  |  Day 10  |  Day 11  |  Day 12  |  Day 13  |  Day 14  |
Day 15  |  Day 16  |  Day 17  |  Day 18  |  Day 19  |  Day 20  |
Day 21  |  Day 22  |  Day 23  |  Day 24  |  Day 25  |  Day 26  |
Day 27 | Day 28 | Day 29 | Day 30  |  Day 31
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shy-and-bubbly · 3 years
Summary: This is a continuation to a previous fic called “Curiosity!” So it would be recommended to read that first in order to gain some context for this fic. -> Link
Warnings: None aside from the usual: It’s a tickle fic! And fluff. Hope you enjoy!
"Hey Skeppy, are you ticklish?"
Skeppy hasn't denied something so fast in his entire life.
"No! No no, of course I'm.. not." Skeppy mentally cursed to himself. The panic in his voice sounded obvious, even to his own ears. To his relief however, it seemed that Bad took his word for it anyway. 
"Oh.." Bad's smile faltered, a little disappointed. It made Skeppy feel just a tinge of guilt. Still, Skeppy doesn't know whether he wants to even say the truth or not.
"So some people are ticklish while others aren't?" Skeppy takes a moment to regain his composure, still adjusting to the questions of his curious best friend.
"I.. guess? It's more like some people are more.. ticklish than others." Bad let out a hum of intriguement while Skeppy tried to focus on building the staircase in their mansion, ignoring the tinge of red on his face.
"Well if that’s the case.. are you sure you're not even a little ticklish Skeppy?"
"Why the heck are you so persistent about this?" Skeppy laughed a bit and turned to look at Bad to hide his nervous and defensive act. 
"Hey I just wanted to make sure! Is there something wrong with that?" 
"No, but I already told you I'm not. Definitely not like you~" He teased, a smug expression on his face.
Bad crossed his arms and turned away from Skeppy, pouting. "This is so unfair. How come you're not ticklish one bit, and yet I'm… you know!" He whined. 
Skeppy grinned. He couldn’t help but tease him even more, moving closer to him "I don't see anything wrong with that. Nothing wrong with being adorably ticklish."
Bad let out a little grr as he felt his face flushing up. "But you aren't ticklish, and that means I can't even get you back y- ah! Hehehey!" 
"I don't see a problem here." Skeppy giggled as he repeatedly squeezed Bad's sides. "Like I said, nothing wrong with being adorably ticklish."
"Hardcorhaha! Nohohohot! Nohot adorhable! NohaHAha!" Bad lightly squirmed as he covered his face, tail swishing side to side. 
"Not cute but hardcore, hm?" Skeppy softly chuckled. "Badboyhalo, a demon from the netherworld, gets defeated by tickles. How hardcore." He sarcastically says.
"I hahahate you!" 
"No you don't." Skeppy said in a lighthearted tone, slowly coming to a stop. "You know you love me- EEP!" 
Bad unexpectedly in the midst of his squirming and giggling pinched Skeppy's side in retaliation, catching Skeppy off guard. Bad stared at him, processing the strange sudden noise coming from Skeppy. A bright happy smile appeared on Bad's face the moment he realized. 
"Skeppy, what was that?" 
"Oh wow would you look at the time! I should probably start running to get out of here and go to that one place I need to be, okay bye!" 
Bad quickly wrapped his arms around Skeppy the moment he tried to run away. "Oh no you don't!" 
Skeppy let out a shriek, squirming as he felt himself being dragged to the floor. Bad fell back as gently as possible, sitting on the floor while still having Skeppy in his arms. 
Skeppy quickly looked up at Bad with a nervous grin. He was staring back at him with eagerness in his eyes and his tail wagging a mile per minute. "Can I try?"
"Whahat?" Skeppy anxiously laughed out.
"Can I try to tickle you? ..Please?" He looked at him with pleading puppy dog eyes. Sure he was eager to, but Bad thought it was only fair to Skeppy if he was comfortable with it. 
Skeppy felt a mix of emotions. He found it surprising that he even asked, but at the same time it wasn't surprising to him that Bad was this considerate. 
He didn't know what to say at first. He cursed that bright and pleading look that Bad was giving him, because now saying no wasn't an option for him. 
Skeppy crossed his arms and avoided Bad's gaze. "I.. am not saying shit." Skeppy bit back a smile as he heard Bad's offended gasp. 
"Language! I was just asking you nicely, you muffinhead!" He quickly, but cautiously put his hands on Skeppy’s sides. He felt Skeppy flinch against him as nervous laughter started pouring from him. 
Bad smiled as he took note that Skeppy was giggling even though he wasn't doing anything yet. "Ohhh Skeppyyy, I'm still waiting for a yes or no answer."
Skeppy let out an embarrassed groan, still avoiding Bad's eyes. "Fineee! Just get it over with so that I can finish the STAHAHA! Wahahahait!"
He flailed around and started kicking his legs as soon as Bad started. Bad was gently dragging his claws on Skeppy's sides, which were fortunately not too sharp to harm him.
"Holy cow you are a squirmy little muffin! Hold still!" 
Skeppy couldn't hold still to save his life. He continued squirming side to side, in hopes of lessening the effects of the overwhelming tingles surging throughout his nerves. Of course, it was no use. 
"Ihihi cahan naHAhaha! AhahaHAHAHA!" Skeppy’s arms clamped over Bad's hands, trapping his wiggling claws under his underarms. Bad couldn't help but giggle as he heard Skeppy let out a squeal before breaking into bubbly laughter. 
"Awww you can't even hold still." Bad said out loud while smiling.
"Shahahaha! Shuhut the fuhuhuck uhuhup!” 
Bad gasped and decided to do something similar to what Skeppy did before. As a consequence for swearing, he held onto one of Skeppy’s wrists with one hand, tickling the exposed armpit with the other. It was effective as his cackling became higher in pitch. 
“EeheeheeAHAHA! Oh my gohohohod BahaHAD!"
"This is what you get for being a sweary potato~" He said in a sing-song tone, admiring the loud laughter he was forcing out of him.
"Youhou're such A JEHEHERK!" Skeppy twisted and turned, making Bad let go of Skeppy's arm. Bad giggled and settled on tracing his claws around the hip area instead, not giving him breaks and making Skeppy let out a squeak before covering his mouth to muffle his laughter. 
"Awe come on Skeppy don't cover your mouth. I wanna hear your laugh, it's adorable."
"Fuhuhuck ohohoff!" He playfully glared.
"Okay language, now you're just being rude." Bad said in a fake stern voice, letting a few chuckles slip out. He figured out that Skeppy was provoking him on purpose. It was like a fun game to him. 
Bad also noticed that this tickle spot wasn't as bad for Skeppy as it was for him. He thinks to himself. There might be a spot that's bad for Skeppy as well. The question now was where?
Apparently, he got his answer sooner than he thought. He was startled when he heard Skeppy suddenly shriek and felt him buck his hips. 
Bad beamed and held Skeppy still as possible as he dragged his claws on Skeppy's stomach. "Hmm what's wrong Mr. 'I'm not ticklish at all?' Is something the matter?"
"NOHAHA THEHAHA! Bahahad bahaHA!" Skeppy threw his head back in hysterics, stomping his foot repeatedly on the floor in protest. “I CAHAHAN’T! I can’t do thihiHIHIS!
"Awww, you're really ticklish Skeppy. I love it.." Bad murmured fondly. He started using both hands to firmly trace circles near the center of his stomach, driving Skeppy up the wall.
Skeppy let out another shriek and bucked upwards once again. He was slapping Bad's arms lightly before holding onto them and dissolving into giggly hysteria. It was barely possible to understand the poor guy at this point.
Bad's tail wavered in the air. He couldn't stop smiling as he observed Skeppy. He stopped squirming and went limp leaning against him, face flushed red. His squeaky high pitched laughter was so pure and sweet sounding. 
He took it all in, adoring the scene as much as he could. Bad knew that he eventually had to stop, since Skeppy's laughter was becoming quieter and more breathy.
When Bad finally stopped, he lifted skeppy up just a tiny bit to completely wrap his arms around him. He felt a little worried when he heard Skeppy cough while he was gasping for breath.
"Are you okay?"
Skeppy said nothing for a while before more giggles poured out. "My stomach huhurts." 
Bad felt more worried. Did he get carried away? “Aww I’m sorry.”
“You know for.. fohor someone who didn’t.. know what tickling wahas, you were.. ruthless as hell..” He managed to say in between his tired breaths letting out another cough.
“Oh my gosh.” Bad wrapped his arms a little tighter. "I'm so sorry. I was just excited to get back at you, but I've never done this before and-"
"No no, you're fine!" Skeppy hugged and quickly reassured Bad. "Take that as a compliment. You didn't go too far Bad, it's alright." He chuckled.
Bad relaxed a bit, relieved. "Okay.. so you're fine then?" 
"I'm okahay.. Tired, but okay.." Skeppy melted more into Bad's embrace still trying to catch his breath, before he heard light hearted giggling coming from Bad.
“So what do you mean by ‘take that as compliment’ Skeppy? Did I get you good?” He asked with a teasey tone.
“I- Wh-.. U-Um” Skeppy stuttered before sighing and hiding his face in defeat. “Yeah Bad, you got me..”
"You're ticklish.." Bad quietly mumbled with a grin on his face.
"Shut up, so are you!" Skeppy huffed a bit. He felt Bad nuzzle his head, suddenly hearing some strange buzzing noise coming from Bad.
"Are you.. purring?" Skeppy laughed a bit in disbelief. 
"Shush." Bad let out an embarrassed grunt despite the fact that he was still purring, tail swaying slowly. Skeppy shifted around a bit, making Bad whine and tightening his hold around him. He didn’t want to let go of Skeppy just yet. He wanted to give him and himself comfort.
Skeppy didn’t complain or say another word. He giggled softly and made himself comfortable. It was nice. 
Repairing the mansion can wait anyways. 
Soft demons are basically overgrown cats I don’t make the rules
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charlotteswriting · 4 years
May I please have Toko, Syo, Yasuhiro and Byakuya reacting to their s/o accidentally confessing their love? Please and thank you! :-D
YES! I absolutely adore this idea!!
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-Mod Kaede
Toko Fukawa
It started just like any other when you met with Toko at the cafeteria
But it didn’t take you long to notice the cut on her face
The look on your face scared her. “W-what’s with that l-look? Do I d-disgust you? Do you want m-me to get out or something?!” She asked aggressively.
“No, it’s not. Toko, you got a cut on your face!” You point at the little wound
“That? It was a l-little accident, Y-Y/n, nothing to worry about...”
But it didn’t stop you from freaking out.
You grabbed her sleeve and dragged her to the nurse’s room and started treating her there
“W-what are you? My m-mom or something?!” She practically screamed at you for being caring.
“No, but I love you, which is why I don’t want you to get hurt. So please be more careful.”
She thought she didn’t catch what you said. What was that? Don’t you hate her?
“Is this a joke?” Toko asked, blushing
“Hmm? What is a joke?”
“Y-you said you love me, are you messing with me?!” She said excitedly yet angrily.
“Uhhh, did I say that? Hahah, sorry. But that wasn’t a joke.”
And she’s dead
Because she quite,, likes you too,, 👉🏼👈🏼
Genocider Syo
Syo was surprised at first
Because unlike other people around her, you didn’t seem to be scared of this nature of hers
And she even had you spend your free time around her, too
So after a while, she found herself loving your company
I mean, having someone to listen all of her stories was something she always wanted.
And you were someone easy to talk to.
You didn’t judge her and you were hyped up about everything she said
So she became quite attached to you
“Syo!” You called while waving
“Gee, you’re late.” She told you as you arrived.
“I’m sorry, ahahah”
“What took you so long anyway?” She raised an eyebrow as she looked at you and asked
“Oh! Uh, I got you some flowers!” You said excitedly as you hand her the bouquet
“Huh?! Why would you even get me this? Could it be... That you like me?” She asked sticking her tongue out
But what she didn’t except was you to nod immediately when she said that
“That’s true. I got this because I like you-” You stopped as soon as you realised what you just said
“Oops, words slipped out of-” You were about to apologize before she took your hand in hers
“No, no taking back now, adorable. We’re going on a date, come on!” She cheered crazily before she started running with you
Syo, this WAS a date already
Yasuhiro Hagakure
You were talking to Hina before Hiro made his way to you guys
“Y/n! There you are!” He greets you with a smile, “I’ve been looking out for you for a while now! I wanted to thank you for buying me a new crystal ball.”
Oh. You did that, right. And he seemed really happy since Leon broke the previous one-
“Oh, don’t mention it. I’m glad you like it, haha,”
Hina looked at you as you blushed and nervously sweated at the same time.
She was like, COME ON
She was the only one who knew about your feelings for the fortune teller
But you didn’t make any progress until now, so she was kind of bored.
She wanted her ship to sail
“Hey, Hiro, since you got a new one now, why don’t you look Y/n’s love life? They’ve been single for ages now!” Hina eagerly said and you looked at her like, 🧎‍♀️🏌️‍♀️
“Yeah, I can do that,” Hiro thought for a moment, cooperating
“Great! So I’ll be off for a while, heheh” With that, Hina left. She was really enjoying this
“Let’s go, Y/n,” Hiro called as he began to leave, but you held her sleeve and stopped him
“No, we don’t need to do that since I only like you,” You muttered to yourself. But when you looked up, you saw him blushing
“Ahh,, y-you do?” Hiro was caught off guard “You do like me?”
Realising what you just said, you didn’t refuse it and you nodded.
He stood there like “A terrible decision, really” but that was because someone like you liked him. He was actually really happy
And it’s all thanks to Hina?? I guess???
Byakuya Togami
Jokes on you, he knew you liked him
He could tell it miles away, you were so obvious
But knowing him, he wouldn’t make a move and he would wait for confession
But instead of telling him your feelings, you tried to show your love through actions
Such as bringing him coffee, joining him when he reads books and giving him credits (Not as much as Toko tho-) or giving him space when he wanted No more Toko slander
But yeah,, you had a thing for him and you’d be so much more relieved if you confessed your feelings
Would he reject you? Uhh, he seemed to appreciate your company more than others
I mean, he didn’t point at the door and said “Leave” when you were hanging out with him
And he smiled few times?? But does that mean he wants you around?? You don’t know
It’s Byakuya, he’s hard to read, yk
Oh, while we are at reading...
You were in the library, sitting across Byakuya while looking at your book blankly
“What’s up with you. You’re awfully quiet today,” Byakuya said
“Oh? Sorry, I was so caught up with the book.” You make an excuse
“Don’t lie, your book is upside down and you aren’t reading”
“I’m sorry, I was thinking of how to express my feelings for you before they become a burden and I kinda got lost in thought.”
You said and sighed
Byakuya stared at you in awe.
And you stared at him back. “What?..”
Do you not realise what you just-
“Don’t be a fool, I already knew,” He said.
“Oh,, you knew? You knew what?” You asked in confusion
Y’know what, nvm
I had fun writing this, hahah
Requests are still open! -Mod Kaede
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