#so here it is..... do what you will with these random doodles (bottom one I made after I finished my math exam early)
bruhstation · 2 years
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they’re both at the opposite ends of the “awkward at socializing” spectrum
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impishjesters · 8 months
I have this idea floating around in my brain for a while about a reader who likes to draw and because they have a crush on Jax they draw him. Jax eventually steals their notebook and probably teases them about it lol.
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Jax x Crushing!Reader
warning(s): innuendos, bullying/teasing, Jax note(s): Look it's me and Jax, there's gonna be innuendos or some spicy wording and bullying. It's like a packaged deal or something. A/N: If you see me mixing Angel Dust's speech into Jax, no you didn't. If you didn't notice, I don't know how to tease and not be an asshole, so pretty on the brand I guess.
Caine had given you a sketchbook upon request, it was a little different than an actual sketchbook but it did the job regardless. Ever since your arrival, your fingers have been itching to draw, there were so many new sights and so much new inspiration.
There were so many things, so why did it seem like the doodles of Jax ended up on almost every page?
Easy, you had a crush on the apathetic, mischievous jerk named Jax.
Why? Well, now that’s the million-dollar question. He’s not inherently awful, no, that’s a lie, he’s an asshole. You don’t really have a good read on him yet but he’s funny! That’s gotta be redeemable, right? However, his jokes are usually backhanded and often involve being mean at the expense of others.
Okay so he’s a walking red flag but there’s something about him that has you crushing on the purple bastard.
Looking down at the sketchbook on your lap shows another two pages filled with sketches of random things, though most of the page is filled with Jax. You had taken to sketching things back in the real world to remind yourself of home, but eventually, those sketches would involve Jax doing mundane things.
Thing’s like sitting at a table eating real food, though you took creative measures when drawing an open mouth on him, it still looked off but it was serene and domestic. Then there’s the little sketch at the bottom of the page of Jax leaning against a window and staring outside. You’d manage to nab the pose and angle when he was leaning against one of the many random geometrical-shaped things in the main room and later added in a window.
It was embarrassing that almost more than half of the pages in the book involved Jax to some degree. Some pages weren’t even subtle, the whole page taking up a detailed portrait version of the male. Sometimes you even got creative and put him in different clothing.
Thumbing through the pages you saw there weren’t that many empty pages left. You’d need to ask Caine for another one and figure out what to do with this one. It couldn’t be left out in the open, you knew Jax had keys to everyone’s room and wouldn’t put it past him to go snooping. He’d already questioned you about the sketchbook before.
You’d been so focused on the sketchbook that you hadn’t noticed the man of the hour walking up. Jax noticed your intense focus and peeked over to see the infamous sketchbook on your lap, and with practiced ease managed to yoink it right off your lap.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here? You finally showing me what you keep your nose buried into?”
A yelp left you, stumbling to get on your feet you rushed to him and began swatting at the book and of course, he’d keep raising it just out of reach. “You took it! I didn’t say you could look at that!”
“Nah, pretty sure you said I could look at it.” He continued to lower and raise the book as you jumped to grab it. Sure he was curious before, but with a reaction like that? How could he not be even more curious? What kind of seedy shit were you drawing? Or perhaps some spicy nonfamily-friendly content?
Jax ignored your frantic words and opened the book to a random page, he was going to tease you about whatever dumb stuff you drew since you always had your nose in it but all he saw were sketches of himself.
A normal person might get embarrassed and hand the book back, but he’s not a normal person. It’s a little freaky, he won’t lie. A glance downwards shows him you’ve gone silent in front of him, simply staring down while he invades the privacy that was your sketchbook.
Your face is red and you look like you’re going to cry any second.
He’s a jerk, he was going to fuck with you, and he still is, but for the moment he’s taking in all the creative little pieces involving his face. Ya know, he never really thought much about how he’d look in other clothes. Gotta say he looks pretty snazzy in something that isn’t these shitty overalls.
“You know if I didn’t know any better,” his fingers still flip through the pages as he steps closer, circling you. “I’d say you like me.”
“I don’t.”
The reply is rushed and he rolls his eyes at the blatant lie, he’ll humor you this time. “Oh yeah? Does that mean you’ve got sketchbooks for everyone else too? Cause I’m pretty sure this is the only one I’ve seen you with.” He taps a doodle on the cover that gives away it’s the same notebook he always sees you with.
Tears trickled down your cheeks, you knew he was a jerk but this felt like too much. You just wanted your sketchbook back and to run away to your room, maybe pin something in front of the door that would render even the key useless.
His eyes roll the second he sees a tear, he’s not really seeing the problem here. You’ve got a book full of creepy—okay not completely creepy, he’s a good model so good on you for seeing that—sketches of him and he’s truthfully honored. It’s clear that you didn’t do this with everyone, so he’s honored to be your little model. Besides, it’s not like you actually have a crush on him, right?
Minutes tick by of him simply eyeing you, you’re still crying and it’s starting to get a little ugly and snotty, ugh. But you aren’t trying to further deny his little comment about you liking him. He’ll have to have a little talk about that later, what you could possibly see in him because he knows that you aren’t a sadist—oh, are you a masochist? That’d explain a lot.
Jax sighs and closes the book but doesn’t hand it over, simply putting the free hand on his hip. “You know if you wanted to see my face all you gotta do is ask. I’ll gladly show you this handsome face any day toots.”
Of all the things you thought he’d say, that wasn’t it. “H-huh..?” You embarrassingly wipe away the tears and snot before looking up at him.
“You heard me. Ya know I love this face too, very handsome. Maybe we can get Caine to put up some artwork in the tent of yours truly.” Jax wouldn’t consider himself vain, but you did have a way of making him look more, dare he say, attractive.
“I-I don’t… I don’t understand…” Was he still making fun of you?
He rolls his eyes before playfully hitting your head with the book. “Jeez, and here I thought you were smart.” Jax leaned over like he was speaking to a child and pushed the book to your chest. “I’m saying, the next time you wanna draw me I’ll give you a front-row seat. Maybe even take it to the bedroom so we won’t be disturbed.”
You push the book into his face to cover up that growing smirk and blush furiously. “Wh-what?! N-no I-I don’t…!” It’s hard to tell if he’s being serious or not in his offer to model for you, especially with the bedroom comment.
“C’mon, clearly you got taste. I mean that book is filled with sketches of me. I’ll commend you on your immaculate taste.” Jax taps the book before playfully bopping your nose. “At least let me give you the pleasure of seeing me close up. I’ve never been a model before so you might have to get a little hands-on to get me the way you want me.”
As the innuendos continue your face feels like it’s getting impossibly red and warm. Somehow this is worse than him telling you a sketchbook full of his face is creepy, in fact, you’d almost prefer it because your poor little heart can’t take anymore. You let out a yell and it stops his tangent but that stupid smirk of his never disappears.
“Offer still stands. You know where to find me.” Jax turns away but not before throwing a little wink over his shoulder. He still plans on pestering you about what you see in him, but for now, he’ll cut you some slack. You’re about as red as Ragatha’s hair and as much as he loves to see it, he didn’t plan to get this sidetracked when he saw you on your own.
He’s got a sucker to prank.
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silksongeveryday · 4 months
Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 365!
1 year! One whole year of daily doodles!!
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Honestly?? Idk how to feel, so much has happened since I first started this blog.
I guess I’ll just write what I’m thinking right now??
(Everything under the cut, this thing is longer than I expected)
A lot of this text probably isn’t going to make sense. I’m writing this at 1 am. If there’s any mistakes or errors that’s why. I’ll fix them in the morning maybe.
So like. This whole thing kinda started as a joke, I wasn’t intending to actually draw for a year straight lmao. Like I even used a completely different art style from my regular one that was simple, quick and intentionally dumb. Not that I’m upset by it, I’m actually quite proud of myself that I managed to stick to something for an entire year. That’s pretty unusual for me believe it or not. My original intention was to stop at maybe 20 days because I really wasn’t expecting for this blog to get as much love as it did.
So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so so much to everyone who has followed and supported this silly little idea I had, you guys are the biggest reason my experience has been so positive and worth it. (Sure it’s not original but I hope it’s at least been interesting!)
I’ve said this a few times now but I’ve mentioned wanting to take a break. I’ll admit that even though it’s been fun it’s still pretty tiring to keep up with this blog sometimes since some recent life events have made it so hard. After some thought, I’ve decided that I’ll likely take a break sometime in the coming months. Maybe toward day 400 or so. As of right now, things are at a lull so I’ve been okay enough mentally and physically to keep up this daily streak I think. Though this could change in an instant for whatever reason.
Overall I think my burnout has kind of gone away I think?? Or at least I’ve been reinvigorated recently after replaying a few runs of hk randomizer and steel soul. No promises it’ll stay away but I silly expect it to come in waves.
Ok but call me crazy or delusional or whatever, but my hopes are up that Silksong will release this year. (which means slowing down/not doing daily doodles yay) I genuinely believe big news is coming since I’ve been getting a lot of dreams lately about something happening with Silksong in March. Idk, I could be wrong but after doing this for a year I’m literally clinging onto anything right now lol
I’d obviously still make the occasional doodle or two when HKSS releases but not daily. This stuff is tough to keep up sometimes, I would never do daily posts like this again once it’s over
Oh yeah also I have an actual big drawing I’m still working on, expect that in sometime in the next few weeks I think!
Anyway, I can’t think of anything else to say right now so I guess that’s it for now!
Thanks so much and here’s to more doodles!
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beewasdeleted · 3 months
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Welcome to mi blog! :D
This is just a little, friendly blog that I made to showcase my art and see what the hell Tumblr's got goin' on lol
I have made many friends on this platform and have seen so much talent and humor that have made my day and I wish I can do the same for some if not most of you :).
Expect to see a bunch of random fandoms, "arguements" between me and some of my mooties because that happens sometimes, digital and traditional doodles and sketches, and so much more!
This is a safe space and I promise that no one is gonna jump you- (maybe)
Feel free to ask questions and such :)
T-c3st/T-c3st supporters
Inc3st/inc3st supporters
NSFW Content Creators
My name's BeeWasDeleted or, as most call me, Bee! I'm a young artist who simply roams the internet and collects mutuals like pokemon. (/aff, I love my mooties <3)
Fun Facts About me :3
I'm Gender Fluid and Pansexual ! (I go by any pronouns)
I write occasionally
I have a pet chinchilla :3
The name Bee was partially derived from MineCraft bees
I'm 5'0"... ;-;
I LOOOVE when ppl draw my Oc/Sona, it makes me giddy lol
I have ADD :)
A part of my Sona is matching with @ender-outlaw (my twin >:D )
I've edited this post like 6 times now-
~✫ ° {TMNT (ROTTMNT + 2012)} || {Haikyuu!} || {BNHA} || {OHSHC} || {Trigun (1998 + Stampede)} || {Ramshackle} || {SK8 The Infinity} || {Saiki K} || {Demon Slayer} || {Marble Hornets} || {Invader Zim} || {Eddsworld} || {Camp Camp} || {TADC} || {Sally Face} || {Creepypasta} || {FNAF} || {Trolls} || {Undertale} ° ✫~
~✫ ° {Digital Art} || {Animation} || {Volleyball} || {Collecting} || {Baking} || {Bees} || {Video Games} || {Horror Genre} ° ✫~
My Sona!(Top-Bottom=Newest-Oldest)
Ref Sheet!
Fanart! (by @m3l0man14c )
Gay Fanart #2 (by @tistic-hellspwn )
Secondary Form Sketch
Little GIF
Family Bonding Video <3 (by @arise-children-angel-is-here )
Fanart #3 (by @m3l0man14c )
Fanart of The Beginning of an Awful Friendship... /j (by @tistic-hellspwn )
Fanart of The Beginning of an Awful Friendship.../j #2 (by @arise-children-angel-is-here )
MY MOOTIES!!! 3 (Go follow them :3)
@arise-children-angel-is-here @tistic-hellspwnn @sk1nand-b0nes @ghosty-0w0  @amorvincitomnia-14 @m3l0man14c @ender-outlaw @bossbabyfan2 @justmesadlysry @fluffyr0cky  @bepporoniandcheese @nonope69 @c00kietin @sariphantom @doobledouble @meowph-132 @ju1cyfru1t @overthinkingspark-blue   @mikey-rottmnt  @ble3nder @rosekatara  @powercoreact @misopod @diona-98 @kraang5 @autism-criminal @turtles-hurtles-with-gurtles
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genericpuff · 2 months
saw a post criticizing lore rekindled a while back, and one of the points made was "it's unfair to rachel that someone else can profit off and make money off her work"
do you profit off lore rekindled??? i don't remember if you ever said that you were monetizing lore rekindled, so i'm unsure where this piece of information came from
I literally do NOT profit off Rekindled in any way shape or form, it's a Tumblr comic that's free to read, zero subscriptions, paywalls, or ads.
I did just recently open a Patreon and apply my Twitch channel to become affiliate, but 1. my Patreon doesn't have any paid members yet , 2. my Patreon won't be offering rewards that limit the reading experience of Rekindled (it's gonna be like random doodles n junk), and 3. I haven't even streamed since I applied for Affiliate and people are watching the streams for art and lo-fi, not for any sort of exclusive reading experiences that wouldn't also be accessible on Tumblr (you just get to watch me slowly work on Rekindled while playing FF XIV LMAOO) All of these restrictions I have in place is to prevent exactly what folks assume or accuse me - profiting off Rachel's IP. At the end of the day I just wanna create an AU fanfic project, even if it's created out of disappointment for what could have been.
I *do* spend a few hundred a month though for my assistant. So I'm working on Rekindled completely at a loss, out of my own pocket. So in that regard, even if I were to monetize any part of Rekindled... it wouldn't be for my own profitable gain, I'd maybe be able to cover some of my assistant fees 🤣 (but that's just hypothetical food for thought, because as I said above, I don't want to monetize Rekindled because of the potentially legal and ethical issues in doing so. Making money is also just not why I'm making Rekindled because it's something I wanna just do for fun! Money complicates things, turns shit into a job :'0) And let's be real, in that hypothetical scenario, I don't think any money I could generate on my free to read Tumblr project would come anywhere close to threatening Rachel's bottom line 🤣
And this isn't to throw anyone under the bus but when people get suspicious of Rekindled profiting off LO, I can't help but think of the actual fans of LO selling handmade LO merch on Etsy and LO-style adoptables and other arts and crafts dedicated to their favorite comic. And I'm not gonna judge them for that, more power to 'em if people wanna buy their cool stuff (and some of it is really REALLY cool, like I wanna buy their stuff too LOL), I just think it's ironic that people separate the two because... I'm not a diehard fan? Or because Rekindled has gotten popular here. Beats me. All that "popularity" is still just a niche remake of a niche comic in a niche medium. It's not Spiderman Lotus levels of big 🤣 but I know it probably feels that big to people who are engaged with this fandom and spend a lot of time in it.
There's an opposite side of being a yes man that perpetuates similar behavior on the other side - when you come up with reasons to rag on someone just for the sake of it because you can't rationalize them NOT being the all 100% pulp of evil LMAO (and I see people do this even to Rachel and it's not fair imo, like people who use the Lolita thing as a way to accuse Rachel of being a legitimate pedophile? Like no, I don't think we should be normalizing serious accusations like that. I think she's just misinformed in a lot of ways at worst and suffering from dark romantasy porn brainrot at best LOL).
Like, as an example, I've also seen people claim stuff like I'm in the fan spaces telling people not to read LO and to read LR instead? Which like... why would I do that, LR isn't for the fans anyways and I don't gain anything by being a dick in their space 🤣 If my own readers are doing that, that's out of my hands (but respectfully don't do this please!!! there's a reason I don't use the standard LO hashtags and only stick to the anti ones!!!!) but again (and this is a big assumption so take with grains of salt) I think people just like to claim these things because they feel it's just naturally the right thing to do when someone who has opinions they don't like actually puts them into action. Because now they can't say shit like "well if you think you're so much smarter than Rachel why don't YOU write the story!" and "you don't know what it's like to manage a comic!" so they grapple onto whatever other argument they can even if it's misconstrued or entirely pulled out of thin air and not backed up with any legitimate evidence.
Their perspectives make sense to them. My perspective makes sense to me. I don't blame people for being suspicious when they see someone like me pour this much time and effort and money into a project like Rekindled, they assume it HAS to do with something they can rationalize from their own point of view, like wanting to "steal" Rachel's work or profit off it or take it for myself out of "jealousy".
Sorry to disappoint y'all with a boring answer, but I'm just someone who was once a huge fan of LO and couldn't let it go. I'm just someone who's way too hyperfixated, with a lot of passion for making comics and experience to match. I'd still be making it even if I didn't have an assistant. I'd still be making it even if I was stuck working with nothing but paper and pencil. Because I love making it and I love what it means to me, and I love that it makes other people feel the same way I do about it.
And that's really all I have to say on that.
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ceyrann · 2 years
The vibe of the relationship you’ll share with your FS
Yes I’m doing this. A random Pick-A-Card cuz I was feeling the mood to do something and here’s that something.
The theme of this PAC is something I’ve not done or tried before, so this is Heavily For Entertainment Purposes Only. Take whatever that resonates and just drop the rest. No worries.
Arts and readings are done by me btw I have not done doodles like this for a very long time so please forgive the terrible quality lmAO.
Anyways, y’all know how it’s done. Pick the pile you’re drawn to and go wild. Piles go from left to right, top to bottom.
This is shorter than what I usually do but of course, it's a spur of a moment kinda thing so, have fun!
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Pile One:
Yo y’all have a bunch of mental energy going on here with a bunch of Swords popping out for y’all. Pile One, your vibe of the relationship you’ll share with your FS is something that’s very verbal and mental. I get the image that you two are prolly pretty sarcastic people who like to catch words and use them against the other person. Strangers will often ask why y’all are fighting and you two just go “Nah this is our communication method”. That kinda bickering and sibling energy. Eventho y’all are each other’s partner lol. Bunch of clashing bright colours lmAO.
However, there may be an excess of this energy, where y’all might end up hurting each other with your words unknowingly. Thing is, you’ll prolly think you’re just being oversensitive, when you’re not. Proper communication is needed and you’ll learn to place proper boundaries from there onwards. From there, you’ll be more at peace and can banter without going too far.
You two probably share a similar dream, having a similar goal to achieve. Which is why y’all can communicate without much filters because deep down y’all know how the other person thinks. But yeah, everything should be at balance.
Pile Two:
Different from Pile One, y’all have a bunch of Cups hahahahaha! 
Pile Two, the vibes y’all share are certainly more emotionally inclined. I’m getting a feeling where one of you will have puppy eyes and like snuggling or cuddling. For some reason, I feel that you’re someone who thinks about your childhood or past, even when it’s not the best or the healthiest you’ve experienced. 
Sometimes, the soft comforting vibes between you two can go turbulent. It’s like soft ripples turning into crushing waves, from warm clear colours turning into murky dark rages. And these all are due to the emotions that were running out of hand. The Emperor and Queen of Cups are reversed here which gives me the feeling that you both are unwilling to compromise.
You two will need to make decisions and choices, and support from religious or some traditional custom may help? But either way, just make sure to understand each other and accept things with gratitude. Ripples are calm, but waves are the reasons why surfers can surf. There's ups and downs in life and tho difficult, I believe y'all will go through them together.
Pile Three:
Hello Pile Three! This pile gives me the feeling of beginnings and idk why I have the thought that your pile is the type who’d fight stereotypes and crush whatever that does not serve any righteous purposes.
Don’t ask me why am I saying this lmAO.
Anyways. Your vibes are pretty vibrant? Y’all are the types who’d get things done and just… Act. If y’all wanna change the interior of your room? Y’all just immediately get the paint and start painting the room. Kinda thing. 
Tho I also have the feeling that you two are prolly spenders. Not a bad thing to indulge in the nice things in life but this is bound to start conflict since you two probably have different interests and hence, spending on different things. But one thing I really really like about your pile is that y’all are not afraid to ask. When something’s not right, when a conversation doesn’t go well, when emotional expectations are not met, etc. Y’all ask and talk things out.
Things are not all roses and beauty, but your pile work to find the balance in life and it’s really beautiful imo.
Pile Four: 
Pile Four, I’m sensing A LOT OF FEAR HERE. Especially when I see the cards it had me going “Ummmm is this a vibe check with FS or what now???”
But also, I feel this may be the vibe of the relationship you have before the other person becomes your spouse? It’s like… “Wow this person’s really cool but I don’t think they’ll be interested in me? What do I do??” kinda energy. 
There’s a bunch of colours that are mixed up and are a bit disoriented? Doubts and not taking action? No but for real.
… This is supposed to be a vibe thing but I gotta say what I gotta say I guess.
Pile Four, I understand sometimes you feel weirded out cuz The Universe is giving you something you never thought of getting, but you shouldn’t feed into your fears. You’re worth the good things in life, that’s why they’re here for you. Nurture yourself, allow your dreams and purpose to guide you to where you are. You need to overcome your fears and insecurities yourself. Sure, there are supporters around you, but ultimately, you’re the one who needs to take the action, you’re the one who’s deciding your fate.
Once you’ve done the job for yourself, you’ll only be able to welcome a new beginning with your FS.
Hope y’all have fun and do lemme know your thoughts!
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phaticserpent · 2 days
gosh this is such a random request but i was just drawing fanart of pan and then i was thinking about him with like a shy artist y/n?
like they’ve been on neverland only for a little while and has a bit of a crush on him and so they’re like secretly drawing him a lot- and maybe one day he accidentally finds those drawings (maybe some of them are even a bit explicit heh) and he like asks them about it and they get super flustered and then idk fluff or smut or whatever ensues~
ahsjdbjdbc i feel like this could be really cute
Being part of Neverland and Pan's crew of lost ones was a lot to take in, but definitely not in protest. You enjoyed their company and the wild energy of the group. Still, you weren't wild which did confuse some of the lost boys and even worried Pan.
The only one who seemed to understand your silence, was Felix, which you were thankful for. While you were still getting accustomed to Neverland, Felix helped you gain your confidence and voice, so you gradually started conversing with the other boys.
There was just a slight problem, you were still nervous and awkward around Pan. He took it personally and felt offended, which meant he confided to Felix about your true feelings and Felix couldn't tell - since he didn't really know either. In truth? You were hiding our feelings and pages full of drawings of him. It started out small, like a couple of doodles of his side profile, him playing the panpipes, and then your entire sketchbook was filled with drawings of Pan. You felt almost ashamed and guilty, you were afraid that he would find you weird if he ever saw them.
So you tried to avoid him or minimize the conversation, just so he didn't suspect anything. But he did. And he wanted to get to the bottom of it.
While you and Felix took your nightly strolls, where the two of you find comfort in each other's company and the scenery of Neverland, Pan goes to your tent to confront you but finds it empty.
"Hey," Felix starts. "So...Pan has been asking me and I'm also curious, but he notices that you're different around him compared to the other lost boys."
Your face flushed. "Oh....he's been asking about me?"
"Mhm, he's worries and he thinks you hate him or something."
"Oh." You sighed. "I don't hate him. I just feel....awkward, like he's really cool and he's the leader. Not to mention, he's conventionally attractive and it makes me embarrassed....."
"....You like him."
"What? No....I don't."
"......It's obvious."
"It is?" You cried.
"Well, not to Pan." Felix chuckled. "But you make it obvious."
"Oh." You sighed. "Felix, what do I do? I can't have feelings for Pan!"
"Don't ask me." Felix shrugged. "I'm not good with relationships and feelings, but I would say....be honest. He would appreciate it."
You smiled at him. "Thank you." By the time you returned, Pan had already seen all your drawings. Your face flushed and your mouth hung agape as he stared at some of your pieces, turning his head to finally notice your return.
"Oh! (Y/N), I-"
"What are you doing here? And.....you saw my drawings!" You cried out. Admitting defeat, you put your face in your hands while shaking your head. "I'm going to jump off a cliff."
"No!" Pan protested. He gently set down your drawings before prying your hands out of your face. "Look at me?" With your face heated in embarrassment, you looked up at him.
"....Don't hate me."
"......Why would I hate you?" Pan raised a brow. You shamefully pointed at your drawings and he chuckled softly. "Love, I'm flattered. Am I your muse?"
"Pan!" You gasped. "I.....ugh." Once again, your buried your face into your hands. Pan sighed and hesitantly pulled you in for a hug. You stood there, frozen in shock and confusion.
"I don't hate you, I'm more confused by everything. You keep avoiding me and running away.....I thought I did something to offend you." Pan breathed out. "So imagine my confusion when the person I thought hated me.....dedicated an entire sketchbook of me. Yeah? You get me, love?"
"Heh," You smiled into his neck. "I get you."
Pan pulled back and you met his gaze, he raised a brow with a teasing smirk gradually growing on his lips. You could practically hear what he was about to say. "I can't believe you've been hiding these drawings of me.....from me!"
Your face flushed and his laughter from your reaction was so contagious but so annoying, you just wanted to.....Pan's eyes widened in shock when you pulled him down to press your lips to his. You pulled away, letting out a shaky breath to say a quick apology, when he pulled you back in and kiss you with more vigor.
His kiss moved from your lips to your jaw, and he let out a breathy groan against the shell of your ear. "How about we make up for lost time, yeah?" He knows how to pull a reaction from you.
Taglist: @fandom-fae @james-800 @kornelia-yells-in-the-void
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ebonyslasher · 2 years
A Touch of Comfort
Series: The Boys
Pairing: Black Noir/Reader
Summary: Oh No, was that Vought’s intimidating assassin crying? Wonder what happens after? Click Here to watch the heartwarming extra scene from Episode 3 of Season 2 of the Boys! 
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Walking through the corridors of Vought Tower was always a roll of the dice. Regular employees might be lucky enough to not witness or be the victim of any supe creepiness. Might being the key word here. It's a game of "what will you witness today?" And that game depends on which Seven Supe member you would walk by. 
Maeve and Starlight were pretty normal. Most you'd see were frustrated, exasperated, or mad expressions from them. They might say hi every once in a while. So pretty nice actually. A-train was the same, often minding his own business and/or snacking. Says Hey sometimes too. Although, you've caught him checking you a few times...and he has hit on you before. Thankfully he was pretty good at flirting so it was never awkward. 
The Deep…was different. Cringey, really. He'd try to joke and act cool with random employees to get brownie points. A way to up his popularity. You've been a victim to his try hard bottom bitch behavior a few times. Especially when Homelander was around. Ugh.
He was the worst one to run into. Sometimes he was 'pleasant'. Other times, he would be brooding and a little maniacal. He'd either be in the mood to give you an ego stroking speech or make some vulgar and harassing comments. Every interaction was unnerving. You hated seeing his crispy ass eyes. 
As you tried to quickly make it to the lab, you wondered if you would witness something today. And which supe it would be this time. Rounding the bend towards the Seven head bust statues, you see Black Noir slumped against the wall with his phone in his hands. 
Slowing down to a tortoise-like pace , you pondered on your previous knowledge about him. He was always quiet. To himself. You never witnessed anything bad when passing by him before. The only interaction you've had was dropping something and him picking it up for you. He was intimidating but nice. 
Now looking at him, he didn't seem so intimidating. 
Was his shoulders shaking? This made you come to a complete stop. As you observe, you begin to hear the soft cries coming from him. Was he crying? He really was.
Dumbfounded and a little sympathetic, you looked on in fascination as the image of the intimidating ninja crumpled in front of you. Scanning the area, there was no one else walking through. It was just you and Noir. 
Black Noir is one of your 'favorites' of the Seven. The gossip you heard surrounding him was kind of cute. He would be known to doodle during meetings, be awkward during bougie events, and fall asleep randomly. Your friend in crime analytics even said that he just waits around for some bad guys' information and communicates via notepad. Some of his messages had little emojis drawn on them.
Him crying hits you a little more this time after thinking about it. Caving into the feeling, you did something out of the ordinary. You walked up to Black Noir and crouched down to the right of him.
"Black Noir…..", you said so softly, with a lot more feeling than intended. His body tensed, but he didn't look up.
Trying again you ask, "Black noir, are you okay?" He slightly tilted his head towards you. You, of course, couldn't see his face. But the feeling of 'do I look okay?', radiated from his being. Fair enough. It was a stupid question.
"Okay. Do you need anything?" You ask. To which he said….nothing.
Well, what could you do at that point? He didn't want to be bothered but he obviously needed comfort. You reached out to his back and started softly rubbing the area under his knives. It was what your mom did when you would cry.
He immediately tensed and jerked. Almost as if he were about to hit you. And he might have, if he didn't catch himself. You surprised the hell out of him with that move.
Earving initially wanted you to leave. Buster was giving him some comforting words and you interrupted him. How rude…
He doesn't really know why he's letting this happen. But the rubbing began to feel really nice. So nice. No one has done that for him for….years? Decades? He doesn't remember exactly.
Earving leaned more into your touch and you both sat silently. Minutes passed and he stopped sniffling. Picking his head up, he looks at you and grabs your right hand that was in your lap and squeezes it lightly. Bringing his phone back up, he types out a quick message that says
'Thank you.' 
It makes your heart jump a bit and you can't help the smile that grows on your face. You say a quick "you're welcome", as he gets up and starts walking away….until you say
"Do you want to go get ice cream?"
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recent doodles (in between losing our shit in overcooked so we don't actually lose it)
random bulshit incoming
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context: we have what we call our own "fanon pyrrhus" based on the idea that he is "an achilles without a patroclus". we play this super random game where we make a story, leave blanks for characters, then randomize. the storyteller improvises depending on these, and what happened was... the demon lord hector was being attacked by pyrrhus, took one look and said "yk what, i'll adopt you. i'm done being a demon lord (because the party sucked so hard he didn't think it was worth it). let's go back to my wife and kid."
and for the first time pyrrhus felt genuine love and care and went from the snarling boy (bottom right) to the cutie on the left. and in our succeeding games he has dissociative identity disorder as a running gag. he turns feral when he feels threatened (words said, things seen, etc.) but generally he's a really sweet guy especially when he has granny (thetis), but a father figure whether isolated or not is essential lest he's just feral.
in one story, his father threw him into the dungeon (yes it's achilles) because he didn't want the child. so little pyrrhus had to eat monsters to survive. his grandfather peleus turns out to be the leader of an orc gang hanging out in there so at least he has a sweet side, but they don't live together because pyrrhus is rebellious and defensive with his autonomy and capability. also, this one plot definitely wasn't a crack rework of dungeon meshi lol-
then here's ANOTHER redesign of
because i can't get him right orz. the "looks like heracles" thing was because he resembled my image of heracles before i tried to salvage his hair. i couldn't erase anything bc we did not have an eraser lmao. i think this will finally work, but i just have to tuck that stray lock of hair away from his face next time. also, i'll attempt facial hair again but in smaller amounts (i put stubble on him in the next pic). i'm just incapable of drawing more "masculine" features rn but i'll practice at some point... 💀
that's achilles below patroclus. the dark left eye was an accident, but honestly it *would* be interesting if he had one pitch black iris from his mother and the other green is from wherever the fuck he got it. i took the headband thing from his hades design too hahaha (idk my ancient greek culture okay)
also, yes, they do have matching ear piercings. i might try to digitalize these again later on when i'm in the mood.
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i have to learn how to cartoonize stubble oops
also, curly/wavy hair is so fun to draw with these simple shapes, huh : 0 i'm the type of person to draw hair with fine strands except when i'm deliberately aiming for that anime style (i just want to learn how to color like them help).
i was going to yap about the stories we've done so far but i realized maybe i should turn that into an entire new post. or maybe draw stuff for them 🤣
also, like DnD this game would probably be fun with a lot of people. you could do this for any fandom too so that's the best part of it.
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twotailednekomata · 28 days
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He~llo, y'all (^・ω・^)ノ" ! I recently played some Lifegen and decided to doodle the MC (⬆️), which later snowballed into a bunch more doodles so I've decided to show them here ˄·͈༝·͈˄
As I just mentioned earlier, this is the MC. Her name is Freezepaw (she/her) and she is a warrior apprentice with the traits 'cunning' and 'always learning'. She was quite a mature kit and always checked on her close one's health to make sure they were alright but that didn't mean she was incapable of mischief >:3 She loves to learn, even if it means she pushes for answer too much and prefers if things go to plan.
As you might be able to guess, I picked her because of her heterochromia but also because of her kit traits, 'leader-like' and 'always learning'. These felt like traits that would encourage me to become clan leader and flesh out the world of my clan.
I didn't draw her kit-life, so for a brief summary: Freeze was found next to her dead, very young (19 moons old!) father, alongside four other littermates. They were all community raised, with their primary care-givers being the queen apprentice and a cat named Lilacburn (he/him). Over time, Freeze formed closed bonds with other cats (up to and including the deputy and an older healer). Freeze's desire to lead was inspired by the time the clan leader sheltered her from the rain and the kindness he showed during that, hoping to do the same with her clanmates.
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<< "I'm so proud of you" >>
Based on a 'mentor congratulates you' prompt. I will mention now that our mentor is a cat named Tanglebelly (xe/xem/xir) and xe is the mate of the deputy and parent to the queen.
Freeze always wanted Tangle to be her mentor due to xir connections to the deputy :3
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<< Bonewhisker
Rivernose >>
A random patrol I'd doodled. Bone (they/them) and River (she/her) got drenched in rain while trying to hunt. River is one of Lilacburn's kits and, despite her lonesome trait, she and Freeze get along and trust each other.
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Now we've met Freeze's mentor, Tanglebelly, and one of her friends, Rowanpaw (she/her)! Freeze and Rowan wanted to hang out with each other and Rowan's mentor happened to be sick so Tangle decided to host tree climbing sessions for the both of them.
Freeze excelled the task which had both Tangle and Rowan impressed.
Side note: Tanglebelly traits are 'lonesome', 'team player' and 'great mediator', an interesting combination. I, unfortunatly, don't remember Rowan's apprentice traits but she was a little (or should I say, big) goober ˄·͈༝·͈˄
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<< "I, Freezepaw, am a mousebrain" >>
The cat in the bottom right corner is Premafrostpaw (she/her). She dared her littermate to jump onto the Wooden Icicles (A big, spindly, twiggy tree the leader uses to make announcements) and proclaim that she is a mousebrain.
Freeze saw no problem with the dare, seeing it as a great opportunity to practice being leader as well as an excellent challenge to practice her climbing skills.
Premafrost loved the faux leader declaration.
Side note: To quote myself:
'Premafrost has a [feistiness] and a spice to her, always ready to get into a physical brawl, if need be. However, that doesn't [mean] she will scracrifice her relationships with her siblings >:3'
...I just now learned that I've misspelt 'Permafrost' this entire time. Welp, it's a bit too late to change the typo so that's staying as her name.
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<< Parsley (she/her): "Thanks guys. I thought I was gonna die!"
Premafrost: "No problem"
Rowan: *nod* >>
All of these apprentices mentors were out of the count so what did they do? Sneak off to do some training of their own :D !
Unfortunately, Parsleypaw got caught by a falling tree and pinned to the ground. Luckily, the others managed to free her but that was still quite an experience.
Side note: Parsley is Rowan's littermate and another friend of Freeze. When they were all kits, Parsley was one of the mature ones (alongside Freeze), always keeping an eye on them all and making sure they don't get hurt. In fact, when she was one moon old, she did an impressive dance routine.
I know Parsley and Rowan don't look like littermates now but that gets fixed, trust me.
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<< ---Live like the water---
✩⋆。 ˚ Freezepaw ⋆。˚✩ >>
This and the last two happened on the same moon, when Freeze was 9 moons old.
Here, she visits the moon place (I don't have a special name for it yet but the in-game artwork looks like a tree sapling) and gets some advice from a cat that died Moon 1.
I wonder if this advice will lead to something...
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<< Freezestrike!
Freezestrike! >>
Freezestrike graduated early at 10 moons old thanks to Lifegen patrols. She was honoured for her hard work.
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<< Meanwhile... >>
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<< Harefern (he/him): "I'm getting... siblings." >>
So around the same time Freeze graduated, Tangle announce that xe is expecting kits and let's just say that xir son, and the clan's sole queen, Harefern, is a little taken aback by the news.
Sidenote: Hare, in-game, has the traits 'lonesome' and 'efficiency aficionado', which describes him quite well. He enjoys the quite atmosphere when the nursery isn't occupied, not bothered by it at all, and he takes his job very seriously. He plans ahead to make sure everything is prepared, tries to pick activities that complement kits' personalities and teaches kits important life management skills.
Even after she is out of the nursery, Freeze likes to check on him, from time to time, to make sure he is alright.
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<< Harefern: *talking about Parsely*
Freezestrike: (///∇//✿) >>
Freeze decides to visit Hare this moon to talk about the recent news and it ended up with Hare talking about her totally not-crush, Parsley.
(Not that your hiding it well, girl. You and Parsley talk and hang-out with each other all the time.)
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<< Freeze -----> Got a log to the hunches <----- Parsley >>
Freeze's first patrol out (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡ ...Annddd she got trapped by a falling tree. She's find, but still. At least you and Parsley can form a club now ¯\_(シ)_/¯
Also, yes, I've tweaked Parsley's design and the scratched-out sketch to the left was my attempt to draw Freeze while she was trapped.
I drew nothing for Moon 12 (/when Freeze was 11 moons old. Clan age and MC age have a difference of 1) but Freeze, while guarding camp, reflected on how far she had come on her journey.
Also, Freezestrike uses he/she pronouns now.
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<< warrior, lonesome, polymath, 12 moons, roe skull
Freezestrike >>
Look at the boy! She's all grown up -`ღ´- ! Let's hope that his future is full great times ahead!
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avalanchesumich · 8 months
you and i ended up in the same room at the same time.
september 7
cameron makar was studying in the library after her last class, as she always had since the first day of classes. her roommate and longtime best friend, valerie, had an online class, and she didn’t want to intrude. she was so engrossed into her psychology textbook that she didn’t realize someone approaching her. when a finger lightly tapped her shoulder, she flinched and quietly gasped, looking up at the person who intruded her peace.
it was a boy that looked oddly familiar to her, she just couldn’t place it. “sorry,” he whispered, a sheepish smile crossing his face. “didn’t mean to scare you.”
“all good,” cameron shook her head, her heartbeat slowing back to its normal rhythm. she raised her eyebrows, “what’s up?”
“uh, do you mind if we share a table?” he pointed to the seat across from her. “every other seat is taken and i really need to get this assignment done.”
“oh, sure,” cameron nodded. she moved her bag off the table and onto the floor and watched as he sat down for a moment, still thinking of where she’s seen the boy. she forced herself to decide that she’s just seen him around campus, allowing her to focus on her schoolwork, undistracted.
the boy, however, did not have the same luck; he was as distracted as ever. every time he had typed out a full sentence on his assignment, he would sneak a glance at the girl. his eyes widened when she finally caught him. he immediately looked back at his computer, ignoring how his cheeks heated up with embarrassment. trying to cover his tracks, he quietly cleared his throat. “do you have a pen?” cameron raised her eyebrows, amused by the poor effort, but nodded and gave him one. “thanks..”
“cameron. you’re welcome..” she whispered, awaiting his response.
gabe grabbed a random notebook from his bag and scribbled random words on the paper, repeated her name over in his head. he was so distracted he hadn’t realized that his words had soon become squiggly lines, but cameron noticed.
she shook her head as a notification popped up in the bottom of her computer screen. valerie was asking to meet at the dining hall.
cameron replied with a quick yes, finished up the last bit of the assignment she was working on and started to pack her things. gabe’s eyes widened as he realized she was leaving before he could say something to her— something that wouldn’t make him look like an idiot.
“oh, uh, here,” he lifted her pen towards her. “thanks.”
“you can keep it,” cameron shook her head, sending the boy a teasing smile. “i think you might need it for when you decide to actually take notes,” she gestured towards his doodles.
“yeah,” gabe nodded to himself, watching as she walked away. “cameron,” he whispered.
gabe up and left at that moment too, deciding he would go search social media for a certain someone in a more private area.
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some-little-infamy · 4 months
Going Public
(Read on AO3) (Femslash February prompt: "I never said that")
Robin watches Chrissy from the bleachers. There’s a notebook in her hand, and she’s holding a pencil against the empty pages, but she isn’t actually getting any schoolwork done. In fact, she’s mostly just doodled some random shapes here and there to make it look like she wasn’t just blatantly staring at the cheerleader while she practices, even though she and Chrissy both know that’s all Robin’s doing. She isn’t exactly subtle about it, not that she wants to be.
She just needs to be subtle enough that the other cheerleaders don’t catch on. Robin loves being able to watch Chrissy out in public like this, and she wouldn’t dare risk it by having someone else notice, or catch on that the two of them are anything other than casual friends. That might even be too much, Robin thinks.
She doodles a circle, and then a triangle, and then… something that’s meant to be a stop-sign sort of shape, but the sides are too uneven and wonky to be anything recognizable so Robin draws lines out from each corner that turn the entire bottom of the page into some massive chaos scribble.
There’s the sound of a whistle and the cheerleaders wander away from their practice area, some breaking off into smaller groups to talk, others grabbing water bottles. Chrissy gives Robin a small wave, and Robin nearly drops her pencil and notebook with how quickly she raises her own hand to return the gesture, catching them just before they fall through the opening in the metal by her feet.
Chrissy laughs. Robin made Chrissy laugh. Yes, it’s at the expense of her klutziness, but she’ll take it.
What she won’t take is the way the girl next to Chrissy look from her and up to Robin, before pulling a face like she just smelled rotten cheese before turning to whisper something to Chrissy. Robin looks down at her notebook quickly, face flushing. Shit. She starts to gather her things hastily into her bag, pages crumpling with the haphazard way she shoves everything together just to get out of here as quickly as possible.
Except before she can leave, Chrissy’s jogging towards her, seemingly uncaring of the looks that follow behind her back.
“Where are you going?” Chrissy asks, frowning. “Away,” Robin mutters. “I’m sorry. I know you wanted to keep us a secret and I fucked it all up-”
“I never said that,” Chrissy says, stopping Robin in her tracks.
“Well, I mean, sure. But you didn’t have to. You’re popular, and a cheerleader, and-” “And I like you, Robin. I thought you were the one who didn’t want people knowing!”
“You… I… what?” Robin sputters. The world feels like it’s spun her around a dozen times and dropped her upsidedown. This is bizzaro land, some sort of weird, opposite timeline. It has to be. There’s no way that Chrissy Cunningham is standing in front of her - in front of every single Hawkins High Cheerleader - and saying she wouldn’t mind if people knew they were together.
“I’ll tell everyone right now if you want me to,” Chrissy doubles-down, already moving to turn back around and face the field.
“No!” Robin says instinctively. Does she want to? Hypothetically, she’d give anything to be able to just hold hands and kiss Chrissy in the halls between classes, or actually be seen going out to lunch on weekends instead of always going over to each other’s houses to ‘study’. But that also means… well, it means people knowing. People who won’t be as kind about it as Steve was. Robin thinks she can handle it, but she doesn’t know if Chrissy really understands what they may be in for.
Robin isn’t sure Chrissy’s ever faced a single moment of criticism in her life. Why would she, when she’s so perfect, inside and out?
“No?” Chrissy asks, her face falling.
Shit. In that moment Robin realizes that she’s absolutely overthinking this. After all, this isn’t her decision to make for Chrissy, only for herself. Robin may not have been sure before, but she’s certain now; if telling people wipes that frown from Chrissy’s face then there’s nothing Robin wants more.
“I mean, I don’t… not… want you to tell everyone. But maybe just later and a little less spectacle-y? If you really want to? I’ve been dying to tell Steve,” Robin admits. “And we can go on dates! Real dates! Not that we weren’t really dating before, but-”
“You’re lucky you’re up on those bleachers right now, Robin Buckley, or I’d simply have to kiss you to stop that precious nervous rambling.”
“You could come up here,” Robin points out.
The call comes from one of the other cheerleaders as they gather back up into their practice formation.
“I suppose you’re safe for now. Stay to walk me home after practice?” Chrissy asks.
“Absolutely,” Robin promises.
This time, when the other cheerleaders look on with surprise as Chrissy turns to blow Robin a kiss from back on the field, Robin finds herself flustered not out of embarrassment, but out of pure joy.
Robin smiles, and realizes that she’s going to like this public dating thing even more than she first thought.
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lucy-goosey · 6 months
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These notebooks are my journalling line up for 2024 and I am so excited to get started! Each notebook is for a different purpose so without further ado let me tell you what they are:
🩷- The pink book on the top is my commonplace book. (Leuchtturm 1917) I have discovered common placing in the latter half of the year and I am loving using it - even though I’m not sure I’m doing it right. I love to use it for lists, quotes, random ramblings and writing what I’ve learnt in here.
🐼- Moving onto my Hobonichi Techo A6. As I’ve said before, this is an April start so I’ll be finished with it at the end of March but I’ve been using it for writing down about my day and media tracking. I’m going to use it more like a doodle book or an art journal from January because…
💙- I have the Hobonichi cousin which starts in January so this will be my planner and journal all rolled into one. I’ve been able to use it a wee bit already and safe to say I’m excited to use it next year.
🔵- I still have my reading journal (Leuchtturm 1917) however this is the same reading journal as 2023. I have only used half of this journal’s pages so I’m going to make sure it fills up with most if not all of 2024’s reading as well. I’m also changing how I’m using my reading journal which I might elaborate on in another post.
☀️- Finally at the bottom is my random/other/ranting journal which is basically what it says on the tin. I might do some commonplacing related notes in here as well.
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berryblu-arts · 9 months
may i ask how you draw faces? or just the eyes if that's too much?
Hello!! ty for the ask <3 i dont do anything fancy, but i´ll try to be clear (im a known rambler haha)
so for eyes, the top lid is made of 3 strokes, and the bottom one is made of 2, varying the curve and size of each stroke is what will give you different eye shapes :)
for the iris, i tend to vary them a bit, but it´s generally an oval half covered by the top lid, the pupil follows the shape of the iris, so if the iris is rounder the pupil will be as well
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the nose is usually about as wide as the space between the eyes (but im not dead set on following that rule haha), i use the lines on the nose to convey the different nose bridge types. the eyebrows are only a tiiiny bit closer than the eyes, but tend to stay in the same general area as them.
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i try to make it so the mouth sits between center of both eyes, but im not too strict abt that. i usually start at both corners then conect them with a thin line.
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the face shape is two main strokes, plus the one for the chin so it doesn´t look too sharp. like withthe eyes, varying the curves, sizes and angles can take you a long way to achieve different face shapes.
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the ears start where the last stroke from the top lid ends, and they end at about the height of the nose
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the neck is just 2 nearly straight lines that are about that width, then i connect it to what would be the shoulders with those slightly downward angled lines. (sorry for the weird terms, i forgor 💀)
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for the hair, i tend to just jump right in haha, but heres a doodle of the general measurements, eyes sit at the middle of the head so just eyeball it and youre good haha
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drew in a random harstyle, the key here is just loose but clean-ish strokes, hair is very forgiving <3
tysm for the ask!!! will be doing another post for the coloring since imma color this anyway haha
HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY <3<33<3<3<<3<3<3!!!
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seaside-writings · 1 year
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Hello, all you lovely people!
I'm here to post another prompt list based on one of my favorite things small details!
Small details are one of the things I love the most when it comes to books, whether it foreshadows something or not. 
It amazes me how much detail some authors put into their stories and how it's just enough to give the reader a perfect picture of what's going on without over doing it.
I know this prompt list is really random, but please enjoy it! And if you use these, please credit/tag me so I can check what you created because I'd love to see it! 
I hope you all stay blessed and safe throughout your day.
Lots of Love & Wishes: Celia 💙
Coffee splatters on paper
Lipstick marks on a straw
Tangled chargers
Dog-eared pages
Nail Polish stains on fingers
Muddied shoes
Pencils tucked behind ears
Pens tucked behind ears
Doodles on paper
Doodles on napkins
The smell of clean blankets
Sliced cake 
Phone numbers written on skin
Notes written on skin
Smudged phone screen
Blankets thrown on the couch
Books on the nightstand
A broken zipper
Crooked glasses
Smudged lip gloss
Crossed out words
The smell of fresh coffee
Sprinkles on the counter
A half-full bottle of beer
A soft and faded quilt
Flour handprints on clothes
Music playing through headphones
Crumpled paper
Jingling keys
Open tox box
The smell of wet Earth
Stuffed animals on the bed
Sticky notes on the mirror
Sticky notes on the window
Hair ties on wrists
Raindrops on windows
Cracked glass
Steamed over mirror
Dishes in the sink
Sunlight shining through the window
Texting chime
Phone ringing
A loose thread
Change at the bottom of a purse
Change left in pockets
Scraped knees 
Scraped knees
Bandaids on fingers
Empty coffee cup
Open highlighter
Clothes hanging on doors
Scratches in wood
The smell of burnt popcorn
Towels in the dryer
Cracked phone screen 
Unmade bed
Grocery list on the refrigerator 
Plants on the windowsill 
The sound of an untuned guitar
Bills on the counter
Wet matches
Empty vase
Broken rubber band
Paint on newspaper pages
Sunlight through stained glass 
Muddy footprints
Crackling logs
Flashing numbers on the clock
Bacon sizzling
The rustling of leaves
Tv playing in the background
Gravel underfoot
Camera flash
Water running
Knocked over trash cans
Forgotten chopsticks
Fire alarm beeping
Record player stopping
Lit candles
Handprints on glass
Toys scattered across the floor
Pencil scratching against paper
Pen scratching against paper
Water hitting the shower tile 
A lock clicking
Ice hitting glass
Soft humming
Far away laughter
Nails clicking
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nihil-ism · 1 year
Hey so idk ur ocs so just go off about your fave. What are they like? How are they as people? What makes them so likable to you?
God can I just say how sweet it is of you to go out of your way and send some random strangers questions about their OCs?? I am honestly tossing some glitter and confetti your way because it's just so thoughtful and rarely done tbh so let me preface the upcoming ramble with a huge thank you ! ♡♡
(( also gdi I hope you do not mind having traipsed right into the den of creepy, dark and gruesome OCs™ I apologize profoundly ahah T_T )) Let me put the thing under the cut because immediately three of my OCs perked up (scratch that and make that four the hornet's nest truly has been kicked now AHAH).
The sleepy head that just peeked out after being dormant for god knows how long is also one of my oldest OCs and still very dear to me - Leareth, a Malkavian Vampire I made with and for a roleplaying partner of about... almost 2 decades past. Here is a very quick doodle I made of him:
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Malkavian Vampires all suffer from some kind of delusion or other, and hid most defining one is him not knowing he IS a malkav to begin with, but considers himself Toreador (in case you don't know the Vampire the Masquerade lore - he basically believes he is born to a different house/family, so to speak) He's also extremely androgynous and likes to play with that a lot. As a "person", he is usually one of the more agreeable, gentler types (unless he hasn't fed in a while) - albeit rather anxious and easy to scare off. Him having been one of my first OCs is naturally one of the reasons I like him so much, but he also has so many facets about him, and developed so much during the time I wrote him (becoming more and more confident and coming out of his shell, for one). The next one would be Oliver Park, a character I have played in various settings. Bottom line is that he is proficient in archery and parkour, which in most settings he utilizes to hunt - monsters, demons, vampires or whatever the verse I write him in allows. He usually also sells parts of what he hunted. Again a quick doodle to show the guy off:
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He's in most cases also working a day-job as a barista and has QUITE the attitude to him. He's a notorious liar and pretty self-confident bordering on arrogant, with a highly troubled past & family story. Oli was one of the first OCs which were "different" from what I would usually create in terms of background, character type and flaws, which reserved him a special place in my heart.
Lastly, I have been starting to flesh out two new OCs which have not much of a backstory yet, they just pretty much made themselves known, propped up a couch in my last remaining braincells and have been occupying those with their feet on the coffee table ever since. I have literally no clue what's going on with Omen's face (the one with the skeleton part as a mug), but I could see him being a Nosferatu in a Vampire the Masquerade verse, or a demon. We'll see what they give away about themselves over the next weeks, I suppose! But yes, those are them:
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Void (left), and Omen (right), the latter one's outlines I just cleaned today.
I hope this was an okay-ish peek into the chaos in my head and again, thank you so much for sending this in! Have a great day!
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