#so here’s a screenshot with source lol
embyrinitalics · 11 months
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“Bad Ending” by aizheajsee
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this is what the next album will be called won't it /j
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orcelito · 1 year
ok im also going to make a doc compiling every bit of proof about Plant Powers as i can find. aka anything that's Not Quite Human (starting with the way Vash literally counts the bullets in a Hail around him to know most of the gunmen are out of bullets) & then sort out what sorts of abilities each bit of proof falls under.
my notes documents are Growing In Number
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stinkrascal · 2 years
my game is still doing the infinite loading screen glitch no matter what i do, save for take out my entire build/buy folder. i think my game is just overloaded with mods, so i’ll probably have to purge and rebuild my mods folder, or wait until i can update my computer so it’s stronger. idk what else to do
#i have a headache#im so upset about this :( i wanted to take screenshots so bad#i had such a cute idea for a post and i cant even execute it bc my game only works when i take out a significant portion of mods#i thought maybe there were conflicts but i did the 50/50 method and couldnt replicate the glitch#and i used mod conflict detector to delete 10gb of mods but im still getting the glitch#it only happens when i have my full folder in#granted it is 117 gbs lmfao but i need the stuff for storytelling#every other storyteller uses intense cc builds and i love that style! i love making realistic lots#the idea of having to go minimalist makes me so upset. building is so much fun for me#im just really upset over this. i dont know when i’ll be able to post again#this year ive only made like maybe ten posts it makes me feel awful :(#i love my story so much. it is my greatest source of comfort#being unable to create puts such a huge hole in my chest#im gonna try to save the cc from my builds like the straud house/farm and my characters homes#and then delete the rest of the cc and probably only download lots from very specific people to keep my bb to a minimum#but i just hate having to do that bc im scared i’ll delete something i really needed#i just hate change so much it literally ruins my day lol my head HURTS#so i guess i’ll be on an indefinite story hiatus until i can sort this out. :(#sorry im always complaining on here its just that literally nothing ever goes right lol
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kinopio-writes · 3 months
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A/N: Decided to answer these two in one go. Screenshotted, lol. 3rd POV and the reader is referred to as they/it like last time. Also, I’m gonna be honest with you, after the last Adam post, I started to find his relationship with Sera and Lute intriguing. They both make an appearance (separately).
I just found out. Apparently, Sera and Emily are sisters (just with huge age gaps)? Well, I never viewed them as actual mother and daughter, but I was leaning more towards motherly-figure Sera. Kept it vague.
Words: 1,404 (not including the bullet points)
Warnings: Swearing (surprisingly not as vulgar as pt.1)
More Adam w/ a Child!Reader
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• to solidify my statement that Adam wouldn’t just give the child away to someone else—along with the points I said in the previous Adam post—is because he didn’t want to seem incapable and, God forbid, ask for help?
• uh-uh. No way
• also, I don’t really see their first word being “papa”
• because of Adam, the kid cursing as their first word seems pretty on-brand
• not to mention that I don’t think they were with many people other than Adam, Lute, possibly Sera, and maybe his friends, too
• if he even has any
• and this isn’t even slander (when Charlie said, haven’t you had a night of drinking with friends after a rough night, he neither confirmed nor denied it. Not exactly the most reliable proof, but I take whatever I get)
• so, yeah, they were stuck with Adam’s vocabulary, unfortunately
• but for the sake of it, I’ll do “papa” as their first word (“fafa”, actually. You’ll get it when you read it)
Also, uh, heavily focused on Adam. Again. I mean, you can’t really do much with a child!reader in regards to personality, so.
Adam sat comfortably on his chair outside his balcony, his hand carrying Adam Jr. while the other was mindlessly plucking at his wings’ loose feathers. He would let them fall onto the floor after collecting a pile of them on his lap, finding that to be the only source of entertainment he could do without his kid crying.
Before he was going to push his feathers off his lap, a gust of wind blew them off for him and they flew over the edge of his balcony. All of his previous feathers slipped through the railing’s gaps as well.
His hand lingered mid-air as he looked up to see Sera land next to him. “Holy shit.” He instantly became more animated, a grin forming on his face as he stood up. “Y’know, I keep forgetting that anyone can just waltz in here.”
“Good evening to you, too, Adam.”
He bit back from replying rudely, instead choosing to place his hand on his hip while he held Adam Jr. closer to him. “Yeah, whatever.”
Sera then went on to dramatically stare down at the scenery above the city of Heaven, hands folded in front of her as Adam waited for her to say something. He got impatient after a few seconds.
“What’s up your ass?”
She turned her head to face him and furrowed her brows. He only rolled his eyes, the corner of his mouth twitching downward into a grimace as he slightly turned his head away from the head seraphim. Her attention was instantly directed to the baby in his arms. “Do you mind if I hold it?”
Adam jerked back at the sudden ask. “Uh, weird request…but you do you.” When he didn’t attempt to move, Sera leaned down and took the sleeping child from his secured arms, standing back to her height as she observed their peaceful slumber.
Quite a surprise, frankly. She didn’t think Adam was capable of handling something so fragile as life for more than a day, let alone a whole year.
The feeling of a baby in her arms made her reminisce about the time when Emily was just as little.
“The concept of birth is astonishing…”
“Having a child is one of God’s greatest blessings...”
“You must be very proud…”
“Uh, yeah…sure…”
“It even has your wings.”
“Y’know, this is starting to feel a little one-sided right now.”
“What I’m trying to say is—” Sera seemed to have gotten out of her sentimental trance and narrowed her eyes at the man below her, “—you are fortunate to have this child, Adam.” She slowly returned the child to its father and watched as Adam held them back securely in his arms. “Children grow up faster than you think. Spend your time wisely. It’s not as if you’ll get any older yourself.”
“Mhm, yeah, got it.” The seraphim only hardened her gaze. “Okay! Fatherhood is the best thing ever, time is faster than the speed of light blah blah blah.” He swayed his head from side to side to emphasize each word, shoulders slumped. “Sheesh. Don’t have to be so sensitive over a kid that isn’t yours.”
Sera tightly shut her already parted lips and deeply breathed out through her nose, turning her back on the man and pushing the hair that strayed on her face. She didn’t say anything more and simply stared at the view on his balcony again.
Adam only raised a brow at her unusual behavior.
“So, not that I care or anything, or about your weird touchy-feely icky vibes, but you never told me why you’re here, so, if you could just tell me what I need to know and leave, that’ll be really great—”
“Okay. Fine.” He held up a hand and lifted his shoulders. “Wallow in your melancholic—whatever this is. It totes ruined my vibes. I’mma dip.” Adam flapped his wings to get himself on the railings as the head seraphim watched him gently fly down with his child.
Sera speculated he would most likely come back after ten minutes. That would hopefully be enough time for her to have a composed mind to have a discussion with the first man.
“Say, ‘fuck’.”
He was told that it was smart to teach his kid how to start speaking at this age with pictures and shit. Adam, however, went with his method and sat Adam Jr. and himself on the carpet floor, repeatedly saying what he wanted it to say. He’d been like this for half an hour.
He blinked.
“That’s not what I fucking wanted you to say, but, close enough.” He shrugged. “Now say, ‘di—”
It was only after Lute came over that he realized what his kid just said.
“Yeah, so my kid just called me his dad. First words,” Adam spoke with drawled-out speech, inspecting his lack of nails. “Pretty dope,” he accentuated the ‘p’ in ‘dope’
“That’s not what we were talking about, Sir.” Lute had her hands on the edge of the table as they both sat on the carpet floor.
“Uh, does it look like I care?” He had his kid on his lap, playing with it by holding its hands in his and making them punch thin air. “ʼSides, we still have a week to finish this shit.”
Lute only deadpanned at her leader going off-topic to talk about his kid but said nothing more, deciding it was best to let him run out of things to say so they could get some work done without interruption.
“Yeah, you little piece of shit, slash ʼem!” Adam’s maniacal and obnoxious laughter bounced around his living room space as Adam Jr. punctured the heads of hand-made figures of sinners with their fake angelic spear (he couldn’t get a real one, unfortunately. They’re only obtainable during the extermination).
Lute happened to walk in on the scene. Adam always left his balcony door open. His neighbors, despite being come-and-goers, continually complained about his loud guitar sequences. He always responded with something about how he was being generous and that they should be happy—heck, blessed that they were getting a free concert without having to pay.
He hasn’t had those arguments lately, though.
She observed him sitting on the cardboard-littered floor with his HolyPhone in hand, assumably recording his child slaughtering the wretched sinners.
He had the biggest smile she’d ever seen on his mask.
“Sir, what are you doing?”
“AH!” he released a guttural yell as he snapped his head over to the source of the voice. “Jeez, Lute—what does it look like I’m doing?”
The lieutenant immediately answered, “Playing with your offspring, Sir.”
“I’m not playing! I had tons of cardboard lying around from my fan mail, and throwing them all away’s a bother.” he defensively retorted. “And, ew, don’t call it offspring. It’s Adam Jr. now. Check it.” Adam clumsily messed with his phone, muttering curses until he found the video he was looking for in his endless album of blurry photos. He showed the screen to Lute, not realizing it wasn’t even playing. “This kid will grow up to be such a badass!”
“But it isn’t meant to be an exterminator, Sir.”
“Uh, so what?” He placed his hands on his hips.
Lute missed a beat when countering, “Sera won’t allow it.”
“Pftt, what? No.” Adam refuted with a wave of his hand. “She so would. I have the proof.” He lifted his phone and shook it for emphasis. “And it’s my extermination, so I do whatever the fuck I want.”
Lute turned her head away momentarily before perking back up. “When it grows up eventually, it’s a possibility.”
“Ah, what? I can’t wait that loooong,” he whined, slumping onto the floor. “Bummer. I mean, imagine a tiny cunt-born exorcist! How cool is that? The first in history!”
She nodded. “With it under your wing, I know that it can learn our ways just as quickly as we slaughter those wretched sinners.”
Adam tapped a finger on his chin, face scrunched in thought before he placed his hands on his hips as he kneeled on the floor. “Hmm, yeah.” He spread out his wings, too lazy to stand up on his own two feet. He then plucked Adam Jr. from the floor by their armpits, deciding to bring them along without much thought. “Let’s go pitch the idea to Sera. And let’s get takeout on the way.”
“Right beside you, Sir.”
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spineless-lobster · 5 months
Right lads I’m gonna sit you all down so we can all have a fun little chat about ✨the lighting in the captain’s flashbacks✨
Have a look at these screenshots from redding weddy and carpe diem, these take place during the day. Notice how the lighting is very warm; there’s golds and browns and you can feel the sun coming through the windows
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Now take a gander at these screenshots from redding weddy, they take place during nighttime and the lighting is very cool. Blues and dark greens and blacks, you can feel the bitter chill in the night air
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There’s another difference between these two scenes: in the warmer ones, havers is present, and in the cooler ones, havers is gone. Havers quite literally brightens the captain’s life, this is regardless of whatever is happening. In cap’s death scene, the lighting is warm despite the tragic circumstances. When havers tells cap he’s leaving, the lighting is still warm. Any kind of heartbreak the captain feels is eased by havers’ presence, even if he is the source of that heartbreak.
I would also like to note the parallels between these two shots (this fucking window oh my god)
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When we first see cap sitting here in redding weddy, he is reliving the memory of havers leaving, the music crescendos as the beloved lieutenant disappears through the gate. Because the scene focuses on havers leaving, the lighting is cool. When we revisit it in carpe diem, cap is reflecting on his death. The main focus of the minor flashback isn’t havers but it highlights a scene where havers is present (the one with the general guy) Thus, the lighting is warm.
Uhhhhh anyways that’s all I have to say about this lol, idk who’s creative decision it was to do this but they deserve a million dollars and I want to give them my hand in marriage
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infohazardouz · 1 year
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Prev: https://www.tumblr.com/infohazardouz/718617370037469184/looks-like-i-cant-add-polls-to-image-posts-so?source=share
GO HERE: https://www.tumblr.com/infohazardouz/715996103845265408/hey-0d?source=share
full disclosure: i really didn’t wanna draw background each time, so I just took a bunch of minecraft screenshots and edited them lol :0)
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sgiandubh · 1 month
Good morning to you...as always, this person is very indignant and enraged.
Dear (returning) Mythomaniac Anon,
Sorry for the delay and see below why. Well, then: how was that, at their end of the rope, across the street?
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I know, I am quoting BIF (that petty, nasty, condescending woman), their Main Intellectual Luminary (LOL for years), but see how easy it is to boomerang anything?
And I will even suit myself and quote her some more, lookie here:
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I am not even sorry. Karma is a bitch, like that and it seems to have backfired badly on BIF's comadre, 'Max'. You see, I can immediately tell when people who have NO idea about what LAW really is, start talking about it. They will always be oh so damn literal and oh so damn mechanical in their 'reasonings'. I mean, if law were to be read as is, why would we even bother going to law school, right? Why not have AI sort it out, literally and mechanically, too (and boy does 'Max' sound like an android when she starts droning her maximum wobbling bullshit)? You see, in law, it's never enough to copy/paste something, because this is about people, money and interests, being those individual or collective. Timelines are important (and indispensable in any legal approach), but never enough: what makes the difference is always the particular context and the interpretation of facts - that is, by the way, called jurisprudence, when it becomes a legally binding precedent (not our modest case, here), in common law system countries (the UK, the US) or a complementary source of law, like in Roman/Civil law systems, such as the French and Romanian ones, which I know best. There is a technical distinction between those two concepts (legally binding precedent and complementary source of law) and I once passed a whole year written exam in Public French Law with honors, picking this exact topic, but I won't bother you with it, Anon. In a nutshell, tread carefully when you open that droning mouth and leave no stone unturned, if possible. Otherwise, you'd make a fool out of yourself, with bullshit like this:
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There is no Midhope Distillery Company Ltd, you fool. There once was the Midhope Castle Distillery Ltd, as I have abundantly shown in not one, but two posts. It did not 'change its name' in 2023, it was dissolved by voluntary write-off (third time might be a charm, across the street, maybe the coin would drop?). And one more time, for you Mordor people in the back: there is no way to know who the shareholders of a given company are, based on the Company House records, nor the amount of their participation. This is confidential information, as shown also in the Planning Proposal - once more, I repost the screenshot:
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' The Business Plan, submitted (...) under Private and Confidential cover, provides background information on the applicant'. Including, but not limited to, the existing investors/shareholders - it is essential to show the local authorities your business project is not a whim or a dream.
She also writes confidently stuff like:
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That is simply not true. As I have also shown in my last post, Outlander is explicitly mentioned in both the first and the revised Planning Proposals, as a strong argument for the entire business project. It may serve to remember that one of the elements justifying it was to provide the 20k seasonal visitors of the Midhope Castle Grounds an opportunity to access the (vastly) improved interior of the castle, along with a whisky related experience/discovery activity, accommodation and high-end dining opportunity. Again, I repost the screenshot, because those people are mendacious by nature and it is perhaps the only way to show them some facts (not useless factoids):
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That being said, we can speculate and deduct a simple correlation between a company actively looking for investors to support their now vastly revised, ten-year project and an actor-cum-entrepreneur who might be interested/already involved in that project. Unless he'd make a formal announcement himself, at some point in time, there is no way to confirm. 'Max' should perhaps learn to water down her confident tone, sometimes, especially when it is obvious she did not look at the documents herself, used only Google in the arrogant and foolish hope 'those tinhat shippers are stupid' and has 0 (zero) legal expertise.
This whole thing might be pending approval, but let's not forget the first Planning Statement was approved back in 2020 (which is a good starting point), that they have secured a business partnership with the owner of the land, Lord Hope (the 4th Marquess of Linlithgow) and that as far as I could read during those past two days, all the reports seem ok, at least up until this point in time. I see no reason why they wouldn't meet and talk about it: on which planet is that such a big deal and on which planet could that be construed as 'conflict of interest' (another one of 'Max's' arguments), given the organic link between OL and Midhope, since 2013?
I also have made a hasty mistake, in my previous post, when dealing with Ken Robertson's participation to the project. He continued to be involved, as my penned timeline shows, in both Hopetoun Estate Distillery Ltd and Hopetoun Estate Whiskies Ltd, as a Director, continuously from May 2017 until their dissolution, in December 2022. Again, it's all on the timeline - see what I just did, here? LOL for a century and a half.
And for Marple's 'Sorry' clip, I have the perfect reply. Especially the chorus, of course - ignore the rest, it's about some Seventies playboy, quite an Alternate Universe from hers:
I will stop now, Anon. With the MPC Gala just round the corner, all the eyes will be on that one. This drama will probably draw to a fizzled denouement, as they always do, in this fandom. But I will follow that business project and report from time to time. I bet the farm we'll have news, rather sooner than later.
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carigm · 1 month
Okay, so today entertainment journalist Jeff Sneider shared some alleged insider info about S5 of ST, mainly directors and titles of the first 6 episodes.
Here’s a screenshot
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It’s important to keep in mind that this guy isn’t always the most reliable, and considering he also said he believes S5 could come out before the end of this year, let’s not take any of this too seriously. (Many cast members have mentioned they’re filming until December of this year so that’s literally impossible). The information about the possible directors I believe is correct, because it’s been circulating around from other sources too.
The episode titles I’m less convinced about because it’s also possible the Duffers could’ve put out fake episode titles in case they leaked. I remember for S2 all the episodes titles they announced were changed later on lol. But for the sake of fun, here’s an analysis of all of them:
1. The crawl (only confirmed title) is a very broad, open title. It personally makes me think of the UD and vines, or maybe even the idea of Vecna crawling back to life. Could also be an allusion to the military.
2. The Vanishing of ___ Wheeler is arguably the most insane one. The journalist said he wasn’t revealing the actual name of the person because it’s a spoiler ofc. My gut tells me it’s gonna be Holly, mainly because of the recast and her supposedly being involved in the hospital plot, which we have guessed takes place in episode 2. Could explain why she’s suddenly “more important” this season, especially if she’s used as a plot device of sorts. Could also tie into what Ted’s actor said in a podcast back in February about the first episodes being a rollercoaster of emotions, and that comment he made about Ted having a soft spot for Holly. It would be a perfect tie in for Karen to find out about the UD as well. The implications of naming the episode the same as the first episode, which is so intrinsically tied to Will, is very interesting. It’s also a new connection/tie between the Byers/Wheelers that I assume will bring the families closer together. I don’t think it’s about Mike because I doubt he’ll go missing in ep.2, or be dragged to the UD just like Will was. It would be an interesting concept but I doubt it. I also don’t think Nancy’s gonna go missing. Karen could be interesting but I doubt it as well. Ted would be an incredibly funny choice. Imagine he just goes missing while at the house 😭 Nonetheless, I think Holly is the clear choice here, and I do very much worry for her if she goes missing. Mainly because while Will survived this, I’m not sure they’ll do the same for Holly :(
It also ties into Vecna’s threat to Nancy against her and her family.
Here’s an interesting leak from the same anon that leaked the hospital stuff (which seems to be correct)
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I think this could be the very same scene Holly goes missing.
3. Turbow Trap 😭 This one is utter nonsense. I have no idea what a Turbow is, so I assume it’s gonna be a code or nickname for something. Absolutely clueless here.
4. Sorcerer is incredibly interesting, and imo a clear allusion to Will. His D&D character being a cleric, basically a wizard. Could also be a reference to Vecna imo. Or both 😉
5. Shock Jock is clearly tied to the radio station plotline. Imo the title could be a reference to Steve, Jonathan, or even Murray (he fits that eccentric, somewhat annoying personality quite well) In case you guys don’t know a shock jock is like a very eccentric radio host.
6. Escape from Camazotz is another crazy title. He’s a figure from Mayan mythology who’s a bat spirit. That immediately makes me think of Eddie, but also Steve ofc. However, camazotz has a larger meaning that goes beyond “bat spirit”, it’s also a representation of death and night. So the title seems to be alluding to someone escaping from death or a perilous situation.
Even more interesting perhaps is that kamazotz is a name of a planet in A Wrinkle Time. It’s the planet where IT resides, the mind controlling antagonist of the narrative. So I guess in this comparison Kamazotz is the UD, and IT is Henry.
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restinsodaroni · 1 month
Got a few asks saying I made a mistake in this drawing because Sun is slightly in the dark and not changing into Moon. This is from art in my recent chapter of Come Be Lonely With Me.
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Like yeah it's pretty dim in there, but I made it so the TV screen was the bright light source. Besides, Moon no longer has the virus in my Au, so he wouldn't be fighting to come out at the first instance of the lights being dim lol.
Also this 👇🏻
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In the Help Wanted 2 game at some point Sun was put in dim lighting and didn't change into Moon. He's not even struggling to stay active or anything. And HW2 Sun was in a darker setting than my Au Sun tbh.
I was actually going to make my drawing more in the dark (similar to the screenshot above), but decided against it lol.
Idk, I think we are able to get away with putting Sun in a pretty low light area without him changing to Moon. Especially since Help Wanted 2 shows that Sun can still be here if that does happen. 🤷🏻‍♀️
At the end of the day it's just fanfic stuff. It's not like it's official Fnaf things that have to be exact. Heck, even the official Fnaf stuff isn't always accurate to it's own lore.
I just wanted to make this post to explain why I drew this drawing this way, in case I get even more people telling me I made a mistake lol. That way I can link them to this explanation without having to repeat myself. ( I knew I was going to have people telling me I made a mistake on that drawing lol ) There was also someone else saying I made an error because Sun's eyes slightly glow in the dim light, but to that I say: I did that because I wanted to. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's that simple lol
I'm drawing Sun and Moon and Eclipse the way I want to btw. Everybody is being creative in their own way, so relax lol.
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accio-victuuri · 8 months
i have definitely made several posts related to fake rumors both from cql era & rumor houses so this is definitely one of my favorite things to share. these are all from cql filming timeline where the practice of fake rumors really started. this does not include the 49 initial fakes. as usual, these are not real. 🤐
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i found the screenshot compilation over here. so there you go. enjoy! 🍰🍪🍭
1. the two of them are very close on the set and when female supporting role has not been deleted yet. During one scene, wyb once asked the director with a black face ( angry ) in front of xz “I can’t tell what the relationship between Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji is. I can’t immerse myself in the role”
( I think it’s common knowledge that in the beginning, the production had some hetero agenda to appease censorship. As we all know, the book fans weren’t happy with that because it takes away the key essence of the story. I’m so happy we got the depiction of WWX/LWJ relationship that we did. I’m happy that XZ and WYB both voiced their bias to follow the source material. Remember XZ also said ( in an unofficial bts so let’s take it as fake too ) to cut the scenes with a female lead that seems romantic. so whoever is saying that these two were somehow tricked into starring in a bl drama needs some serious common sense lol )
2. xz watched wyb’s video of “yelling lyrics” and laughed at him for a long time
3. they looked up each others’ dark history, wyb searched xz’s old pictures, and xz searched are wyb’s videos.
( i think this is proven in an interview, they did look up each other’s previous works. HAHAHAHAHA! it’s so cuteeee cause this is like when you have a crush on someone and you stalk their socials to know more about them. but ofc theirs was all professional courtesy. or was it? )
4. next, xz said when he pulled out his blonde video he said that wyb was so cute. wyb even flipped up his hair to show him, but when another actor said it, wyb just smiled but didn't respond.
( lol omg dandan yibo! )
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5. when playing Honor of Kings, wyb likes to play as topsolo and jungle, xz usually plays as midsolo, xz once complained that wyb has no team awareness and being unable to score points with him.
( there is a whole cpn about this that’s super interesting over here. )
6. likes to praise each other exaggeratedly in front of the camera and in private. even if they have NG scenes.
7. many scenes were deleted from the drama, such as the branding on the chest. There was also a scene where Lan Wangji went off the cliff to find Wei Wuxian. The scenes were not aired. I guess it’s too ambiguous.
8. wyb sometimes leaves the crew to do other work xz will often chat with him on WeChat. Once the director asked him who he was video chatting with. Then he just said “it’s Lao Wang”. The director was shocked at that time.
( we have cpn about this too, them sending each other photos and videos. chatting and video calling when they are not filming together. )
9. wyb introduced xz to motorcycles and raced with him at the scene. I feel like xz is not interested in the video but has been listening patiently.
10. The two of them often eat together after work, wyb loves to eat sour food. One time, xz staff bought two portions of “liang pi” xz thought it was a bit sour and ate a little. Wyb finished his portion and still ate xz’s leftovers.
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( this is basically true as well. i mean we have video/s of them eating off of each other’s plate )
11. wyb taught xz dancing and korean on the set.
12. both of them are very childish and like to use all kinds of strange words.
13. wyb once used a forehead ribbon in the dressing room to tie xz’s hands up, xz looked at him indifferently and helplessly.
14. when filming the scene in the cave, both of them got wet. The makeup laoshi asked them to hurry up and put on their costumes outside. The two of them were still in the water. When playing inside, wyb immediately took off xz’s outermost coat.
15. two people have discussed the issue of body hair xz asked wyb: Why do you have so little leg hair? Wyb said he was born with it. xz looked at him with an interesting expression.
16. the deleted branding scene was after Lan Wangji recovered from his injury. Looking for Wei Wuxian's body on the cliff, but we only saw the battle in the Nightless City. He was so angry and sad that he burned the torture instrument with lava and burned the same wound in the same place on his chest.
17. another one that was deleted was the conversation with Wei Wuxian on a snowy night. After Lan Huan finished talking about Lan Wangji, Lan Wangji came back, and Wei Wuxian called Lan Wangji with emotion and choked up, "Why didn’t you tell me? Lan Wangji lowered his head and said nothing. I heard that the producers thought the deleted parts were too ambiguous. The explanation is unclear, and there are many small scenes that have been deleted.
18. wyb once complained that xz’s playlist is very old because wyb can’t tell what kind of children’s song xz sings about 😂😂😂
19. wyb often plays Wei Wuxian’s flute on set but xz doesn’t play much with Lan Wangji’s sword. Wyb once said that he (xz) was the best blowing the flute the group. xz beat him because of that. Lol.
20. the reason for Lan Wangji’s shape is that there are two strands of hair in front. so when waiting for the scene, he would pick up the hair at the back xz and help him. He said it many times, and also said that Wang Yibo can get married if he has long hair that reaches his waist.
21. xz said that wyb has a shape that looks like bamboo shoots and then at noon that day, he asked the assistant to order the fried pork with bamboo shoots from the small kitchen. then ate together with wyb.
22. there is a scene where Lan Wangji needs to carry Wei Wuxian on his back. He tried and was officially filmed after one take. After the filming, the director asked them why they were joking. XZ said he didn’t know how to put his feet after lying down. Lan Wangji didn’t catch it either, both of them laughed.
23. wyb doesn’t eat snacks very much on set, but he does eat director Nie and about xz’s snacks. he said that xz does not eat snacks properly. The most common meal he eats is the fruit salad that xz brought to the set.
24. wyb’s sword tool was thrown around once and fell down. When we got to our feet, xz happened to see it next to him and laughed for a long time.
25. there were several group scenes shot in the suburbs of Hengdian. both guys have lots of mosquito bites. xz told wyb I will teach you how to get better quickly, so he used his fingers to make a cross on wyb’s mosquito bite. wyb’s face was like “you must be lying to me” but he still made a cross on every bite
26. the first time they filmed outdoors, when they talked about what insects there were in the fields, wyb told xz that he was scared of insects, especially those with many tentacles, then he carefully counted every thing that he was scared of.
27. xz likes to scare him with insects, during wyb’s birthday he also scared him with insects
28. once, other actors used a horror video to scare wyb, wyb didn’t know about it and immediately jumped to the side after watching it. xz stood at the side and said “he is really scared, don’t mess with him”
29. the two of them have different make up artists to help them touch up their makeup. One time, the make up artist who helped xz was absent, so wyb’s make up artist did both of their make up. wyb was standing at the side and he said “Bi Jie, if you use the brush that you used on his face on me, my face will become really pale” then xz hit him.
30. the two will play games together in xz’s car, xz gave one side of his bluetooth earphone.
31 . the staff watched the two of them arguing and at first I thought it was really a bad relationship, but after, they saw that the two will together. so he got used to it.
32. xz watched the pd 101 girl group dance in front of wyb, it seems that it is also a dance compilation. after watching it, xz has been obsessed with it and calls wyb asian dance king.
33. in the first month of filming, the two of them competed for a few days. Speaking in Beijing dialect, I can hear it from far away: “Have you eaten?”
34. continuing from the previous one, when filming started, the director requested that the right person be called Fang Zai’s name in the drama. The two of them like to call each other all the titles in the drama that was later developed. Brother Cheng! Elder! Senior! and so on.
35. xz has many types of eye drops, wyb uses them too and will ask xz to help
36. the two of us competed when they were bored waiting for the scene. waist strength and flexibility, xz bent over and touched his toes but can't stand still, so he fell forward. wyb’s hands were quick to help him up. he wanted to laugh because xz is an old artist who cannot break his muscles and bones
37. continuing from the above entry, wyb’s hand is big and he can wrap both of xz’s with one hand. wyb is proud of it. he also said his hands are whiter than xz’s.
38. when wyb sits on the chair, his legs are spread wide. Once while, he was sitting there looking at his phone, and then across from him xz kept looking at him and laughing without saying a word. wyb was pissed off by him. xz told him that wyb was wearing shorts today and his legs were too wide and was - little exposed.
39. when filming nightless city, there was a scene where Lan Wei stood high on stage xz secretly pinched wyb's waist to make him stand up straighter.
40. two people like to play games together and they always looked at their mobile phone. some directors have said that when Wei Wuxian is there, you will be sure that 3 away from him, there will be Lan Wangji coming out 😂😂😂
41. the two actually got to know each other very well quickly. the director also praised that it melted ( break the ice, so the ice was melted in this case ) very quickly, but the staff didn’t think about it. when it comes to wyb, he is actually very childish and lively, but also very matured.
42. Watching this pair for more than 3 seconds will definitely make you laugh, and xz laughs the hardest.
43. they often sing together while waiting for the filming. wyb can also teach xz the choreography he wants to dance on the show. xz complimente wyb’s legs for being so flexible.
44. xz is a very gentle person who is sincere and has no attitude. one time, the film assistant talked to him about his stance, but he may have said it wrong, which resulted in two wrong shots. he (xz) only told the director that it was his fault and then helped him after filming. the staff apologized to him and he said it didn't matter. The set was too busy and he should have checked again, it was super warm.
45. Occasionally, the crew will open interviews together and there are fans who will sneak in. Once in the wild, someone shouted xz, mommy loves you. sister loves you. If wyb hears it, zg brother loves you.
46. the scene was filmed three or four times where lwj caught the chicken because it so crowded at first. the cages are full of chickens. Wyb didn’t catch them the first time he started. there were only two chickens left inside as props, and they were caught by xz a few times later. the chicken was obviously frightened but the director cut it. the scene was chaotic.
47. in lwj’s drunk scene, wyb refused to drink. He also said that the drunken blush that the makeup artist painted on him was "not cool at all." xz said that after that he turned into a red peony and then was beaten by wyb. 😂😂😂
48. two people often bicker and go back and forth most of the time. it ends with the meaningless repetition of very young students talking to each other.
49. when filming the scene with snow, the two of them discussed it. they made an appointment to go to the ice sculpture and ski resort in Erbin during their vacation before the Spring Festival.
( I think is the place they planned to go ⛷️ )
50. the two often work with directors and producers on scenes and when telling directions, when the director said some very straightforward words, the two of them just look at each other and smiled.
51. the two people shot a scene outdoors, the wind was very strong, xz’s hair keeps blowing in the wind. he was talking excitedly, wyb naturally removed all the bits of hair stuck to the corners of his mouth.
52. In fact, they still like to move their feet most when they are fighting. There is one time xz pretended to kick wyb, but accidentally kicked wyb's thigh on the back, because there is mud on the upper part and there are some marks left, xz immediately said I was sorry to wang laoshi and cleaned him— but he was still beaten by wyb. yibo chased him with a sword for 5 minutes.
53. they discovered various strange ways to reduce swelling. once they discussed on the set how to reduce swelling faster, wyb asked xz “zhang ge have you tried taking a hot shower in the morning?” xz seems embarrassed to say so. wyb nodded wildly with a very understanding expression.
54. Continuing from the previous entry, the two of them were doing some exercise on the set— like raising your legs or something. The funniest thing is to lose face for swelling, there is an action to pull the ear on the same side upward with one hand. With the other hand, press the side of the face that stretches the ear, and push it toward the ear. Pushing in one direction, the two people were pulling each other in the corner, screaming in pain. It's all because the other party used too much force.
55. they are very concerned about each other’s appearance in the camera. shoot After Jin Dan's cut, the two of them watched the replay on the monitor together. but xz said that Yi Bo’s face was not in the best condition and it would be better to take a rest. Wyb is applying make-up next to him and listening.
56. when preparing for wyb’s birthday, xz was the first to say yes. xz wanted to give him a racing suit, wyb explains to him that the racing suit is specially customized by the team, so it wasn’t sent as a gift. xz looked a bit disappointed.
57. continuing from the previous entry, the helmet given as a gift was not there was delivered to the crew. After cutting the cake, I gave the first piece to xz, and said “zhan ge the helmet you gave me is placed in the C position at home. It is a lucky helmet and should be kept well.” xz smiled happily.
( c position means in the center, whatever or whoever is in the c position is the most important )
58. even when we they shooting for several days at night, there were two of us. when they stay quiet and don’t fight, they quietly get together and play with their hands. they take the opportunity to show the other person something interesting from time to time.
59. wyb once felt very uncomfortable while putting on makeup and couldn't hold it anymore, so the producer rushed me to the hospital. xz was filming a solo show. He heard that and made a phone call to ask wyb about the situation.
60. wyb will recommend clothing brands to xz and gave him a vx purchasing business card.
61. there is a period of time when two people will check each other out before putting on makeup. they will check hairline and then laugh at the other person and say who will be bald before you are.
62. wyb likes to eat pasta, garlic, coriander and the like.
63. one time xz fell asleep on the chair, lying on his back and mouth is a little open, then wyb surrounded him from all angles and took at least a dozen photos. but xz later found out and took them away, he deleted them all.
64. xz had some very hard scenes, crawling on the grass and had to use a blower for more than an hour, and his hands were covered with tiny wounds. His eyes were also inflamed. When the director asked him, he said it was okay. As soon as he saw wyb the first sentence he said is "I'm so miserable, lan er gege"
65. wyb seems to like the title Yiling Patriarch very much. he thought he didn’t have a domineering nickname, so he gave myself the nickname Gusu Wu Enemy. he told xz to say it, xz rolled his eyes and never said it.
66. the behind-the-scenes team gave each of them a GoPro to film some scenes, such as meeting for dinner together or playing games or something.
( lol where are the footage from the go pro?!!! )
67. After receiving the article, wyb took a photo and handed it over. It was him. they eating chicken together in the room and listened to the editorial team for seventeen minutes. In the video, wyb said xz more than 20 times.
68. xz told wyb that if he wants to raise a dog, it is best if he it’s obedient. It must be a large dog, if you really have a dog, name it Lizi. wyb said with a disgusted face that the name was not domineering enough, xz immediately retorted, he said it was called Red Haier, and then started fighting with his teeth bared.
69. wyb is actually very cold-faced and warm-hearted. He once helped to beat the board. He noticed that the field attendant was shaking a bit and was about to fall over after being there for too long. he immediately called cut and told the director to let the staff member rest. later wyb assistant also gave him water.
70. xz touched wyb’s Adam’s apple and compared it with his own, and was shocked and surprised, then gave wyb a thumbs up.
71. in the scene where the donkey was being led, xz was sitting before filming officially started. he was singing the theme song of Journey to the West on the back of a donkey, wyb also sang the vocals with him
"You carry the burden"
"I'm holding the horse"
72. xz likes to eat Japanese food, there are two Japanese food restaurants in Hengdian and many people have been there. If you don’t have time to go, the most popular place to order takeout is He Feng Na.
73. continuing from the previous entry, one time wyb rushed to announce that there was someone returning to the group and brought a bag full of bread to xz. I heard it was almond croissant.
74. the motorcycle helmet xz sent to wyb still has a stamp on the top of the head. there is a hand-painted lion drawn by xz himself, based on Simba’s drawing. xz showed the manuscript to wyb on the set, and wyb was very satisfied.
75. there are many scenes that are not good-looking during the shooting. the producer told wyb privately on the set not to watch this. they said they are all confident that the effect of the finished film will be very good. wyb said he didn’t mind, but was a bit in a low mood that day. when xz found out, he kept hanging around him and making fun of him to make him happy.
76. Lan Wangji’s hair once when shooting in the farmhouse, his crown ( headpiece ) is really a bit high, higher than a haystack, and he had to wear it several times. xz complains that wyb is not tall enough to wear a headdress.
77. Once when we were filming a group scene in the inner hall of the Chang family, xz and other actors performing the lyrics, wyb was always there to pick him up.
"not interesting"
"In terms of thick skin, I am second"
"You are number one"
"wyb shut up!"
78. It’s the same scene, there’s always something fishy about wyb. there was nothing fishy about it, and it made two people laugh again, so much so that the director asked them to pinch each other's faces and pinched each other's arms and legs.
79. Following the previous one, xz’s mantra will change in the next two days OK—there must be something fishy about this blower. I’m eating eggplant in my lunch box today. There must be something fishy, there must be something fishy about Lan Wangji, and then he starts to act again.
80. In one scene, he was injured and was recuperating in an unknown place in Yunshen. , xz did a good job of subduing it and said wyb’s first sentence was “Wow xiao laoshi is very hot today."
81. The director is from Hong Kong and is fluent in Mandarin but standard. Once he said something quickly through the microphone : "The chicken is going to lose its wire, so be careful when having sex." xz and wyb went crazy after hearing this and burst into laughter, and then made the director laugh too and explained what he said, It was actually "As long as you are wearing a wire, you must be careful in everything."
82. sometimes when the two people are photographed looking at each other, because they are one beat by beat, the emotions must be connected, xz told wyb that if you're afraid of laughing, don't stare into my eyes, look at the place between my eyebrows. When the filming started, wyb stared at it and deliberately made cross-eyes.xz burst out laughing and had to apologize to the director immediately.
83. one time they probably watched a horror movie together. The next day when they arrived at the set, they danced and imitated the other actors. Wyb looked scared, but Wyb just sat on the side and smiled helplessly.
84. wyb often says wow, yeah yes yep and the like catchphrases, later xz also started to say yeah yes.
85. wyb liked to twirl xz’s flute, but accidentally lost it. he will the make amends to XZ like the ancients did.
86. there was a scene with three people, and wzc was also there. the whole time the two were talking about random little topics and even pointed swords at each other. Wzc tried several times to join in but couldn't get it in, so he just stood there bored.
87. later, when they saw wzc stopped talking, they thought he was angry. they started teasing him together again, wzc became furious when he was teased and made a loud noise. he complained to the director and said they were childish.
88. when the two people conduct dual interviews, wyb will wait for xz’s single interview to end. and then go into the business car together.
89. xz, wyb and senior sister have a three-person scene, while waiting for the performance, the senior sister suddenly asked: Mr. Lan is here to see you.
Did Xian only bring Qin and not Bichen? Didn't wait for wyb to react?
Come on, xz and senior sister fell to the side laughing, wyb was very confused
Miao explained dryly, "Aren't you here to play the piano for Wei Wuxian?"
90. When the two of them joined the group, they realized that they both liked songs by girl groups from foreign countries. When that group released a new song, they watched the MV together on the set. xz asked wyb if he could dance after watching it a few times, wyb taught him on the spot . xz said very sincerely, Lao Wang, you are amazing.
91. When other actors are wrapping up filming, they will be given cakes, both of them are just tasting, only wyb gave his first piece to XZ who ate it completely.
( so this is more like, with others, they will just take a bite. but when wyb gave him, xz ate it all. )
92. wyb's posture was very upright when he was hanging in the wire, Wu Zhi commented that there are times when it overturns, usually with waist control. If the body is not well controlled, it will easily become distorted. Although xz laughs at him every time, he will still always praise him. He said wyb is a kid from Springfield Flower Kindergarten, a friend that needs to be praised every day.
93. When filming Yi City, the scene required smoke machines to create fog. It feels like the field manager is waving a prop stick behind wyb. wyb asked xz, do you feel it? xz said what do you feel? wyb said let me go. xz's expression is speechless.
94. When filming the Baifeng Mountain section, wyb made an action where he needs to hold xz's wrist tightly to make him concentrate, and he will be very nervous when shooting. When he entered the scene, they took a few close-up shots in order to cut the scene. Director 1 after saying ok, xz rubbed his wrist and said Lan Zhan, you hurt me, wyb said can i see?
95. the people were waiting on the roof during wyb’s birthday , xz hummes and look at the stars one, two, three and four connected in a line. later wyb also sang along in a low voice.
96. filimg the heavy rain scene on Qiongqi Road. because xz has experience he told wyb in advance how to keep warm and prevent colds, tell him first that when the time comes, ask the assistant to get a blanket to soak up the water and prepare ginger soup or hot water. etc.
97. but he still felt a little bit uncomfortable the next day after wyb finished filming. he had a nasal sound when speaking. If his assistant brings medicine, xz will wonder if this cold medicine will have some antihistamines, which will make you sleepy and... are there any details such as whether the medicine will cause allergies?
98. In fact, there was another time when the forehead ribbon was removed and the hands were tied, the costume teacher wanted to tie it up. wyb said I would try it, so he did it on purpose and tied it tightly, then raised his hand and pulled it up with xz's hand, said very childishly, "Wei Ying, look"
99. One scene was in a teahouse, and it was about hearing that Wei Ying was not well. Lan Zhan put down the water glass heavily. Wyb once mentioned to the director if he wants him to silently crush the cup to express your mood? The director and editor after discussing the drama, said they felt that the emotions have not reached that level at this time.
100. The director mentioned in the drama that 16 years later Lan Zhan saw Wei Wuxian’s smiles will change unconsciously, wyb also said deliberately “then when I see Brother Zhan’s sweet smile, I will follow him (laughing)”
101. they spent the Dragon Boat Festival together on the set, and also had sweet and salty rice dumplings. they had an argument xz said that Chongqing people basically only eats salty rice dumplings, wyb must follow him. Just tell me sweet rice dumplings are delicious. I was noisy and wyb suddenly said he will also eat salty rice dumplings, and then he will be beaten by xz and said that you insist on following me. wyb only laughed.
102. There happened to be a night show on the Dragon Boat Festival, and the producer specially bought it rice dumplings to eat together. The two of them had a meal on the set, xz had a video chat with his parents on WeChat. He especially introduced wyb to them as ttxs’s super awesome host. wyb said hello obediently, and then after xz finished the video, he slapped him with his sleeve.
103. xz once asked wyb how to make one eye flow first when crying, wyb smiled evilly and said that I have great control.
104. Taking pictures of Hantan Cave, the temperature inside the cave is very different from that outside the cave and it’s nearly ten degrees. Be white clothes are easy to see through and can be irritated by cold water it’s easy to expose your flesh and bulge. If xz finds out, he whispers to wyb for a while and then went ashore to find the staff. When we he came back — the two people had an extra layer of white coats inside.
105. wzc often rolls his eyes like Jiang Cheng when seeing the two of them fighting, xz once caught him and said it he was against him. “Jiang Cheng, you don’t help me” wzc just said that “I will not interfere with the affairs of the two of you.”
106. Let’s talk about wzc first. There was a scene where wwx was beaten up while filming wzc. During the break, he said that wwx was beaten badly enough and was beaten by xz.
107. In Xuanwu Cave wwx went to pull up the collar of Lan Zhan’s clothes, maybe he used a bit too much force to make the area under wyb's collarbone red. After the cut, wyb pulled it open and showed it to xz to accuse him. xz said he was right and said I'm sorry, but then said it's because your skin is too fair and tender. Showing it, wyb replied that it was because he was young. 😂😂😂😂
108. When two people are filming a fight scene, they will feel a little uncomfortable. they didn’t want to injure each other such as being hit by a prop or scratched. Once xz was at front door of Chang's house bumped against my knee, and it turned blue instantly, and wyb asked the assistant to bring some muscle tape from his bag and help him apply it himself.
109. Continuing from the previous entry, xz will also bring his own band-aid, the kind that is cartoon style, including Little Yellow Duck and SpongeBob SquarePants.
110. When they were in Guizhou, they made an appointment to get up in the morning and go for a run but did not persist for a few days. xz complained about wyb in the morning and when he arrived at the gym, I was still wearing the hotel slippers.
111. There was one scene where we faced an enemy together in the woods. While waiting for the set, xz started singing and their backs were to each other. wyb while listening, he scratched the ground with his sword.
112. To shoot in the hanging cliffs, xz actually has tools on the ground that is easy to pull. The director didn't have any requirements when looking at the location. The two kept holding hands, but never let go. After a while, xz has been put down to the ground, wyb stopped his hand and looked at his palm, It took five or six seconds to stand up.
113. In that scene, a close-up of Lan Wangji’s face was also shot. Yan asked xz not to leave yet and help Yibo pick up his feelings. xz is looking up at wyb, the director is using a microphone to narrate the introduction and roughly speaking
"Wei Ying broke free and was falling. He was trying to prevent him from falling.
“You fell with me"
"He has no desire to live anymore."
"He is the most important person to you. For the first time in your life, you feel panicked”
"You are desperate, you are regretful"
"There is no more Wei Ying”
114. wyb did a great job, it took only two or three shots to pass. The staff members were so empathetic to him that they choked with tears.
115. but xz just stood under that cliff background and kept looking up at him, he was obviously crying too.
116. Continuing from the previous entry, after this scene, the makeup teacher will wipe off their tear traces. There is a path between the two of them. They kept looking at each other and said nothing.
117. The sleeves of Lan Wangji’s costume have always been very wide. He once did a dance move of doing cartwheels on the spot, and it was so smooth. xz was working very hard to cheer him on and compete with him.
118. When wyb seems to have pharyngitis, xz has asked him, and wyb said it usually happens. xz for some time then replaced his green tea for medicinal tea, wyb asked why the taste was different, xz pointed at his throat “It's good for you here”.
119. Continuing from the previous entrt, when wyb takes cold medicine, xz specially tells him to drink more warm water for 2 days and stop drinking my tea.
120. We sang together in the days after we came back from participating in a variety show. they repeat this sentence, child, you are the best. then later in the one-shot scene of wyb, xz would sing wyb, you are the best.
121. strings of Lan Wangji’s qin are specially made and are better than ordinary string so it will be flexible. One time when he was bored outdoors, he was playing with strings. After a while, he became quiet and pulled XZ aside to whisper. xz after listening, immediately raised his hand to signal to the director: Director Wang Yibo played the strings and broke one! He broke the prop!!! Wyb is behind him and the man who was caught got angry and pushed xz on the shoulder.
122. One time wyb was spraying sunscreen, xz saw it and asked him to help spray. wyb held the sunscreen to xz and said "呲呲 "呲呲——" but I didn't press it on purpose, xz Look at him with an expression like "Are you sick?"
123. The scene where Lan Wangji agreed to buy the rabbit lantern, xz smiled brightly, and wyb smiled back. Then after cut he was told, "Yibo, don't smile so big."
124. xz accidentally said this in front of the behind-the-scenes camera that after he and wyb finished work, they will go to see a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner for massage because both of our waists hurt.
125. On the set, they lifted up each other’s hems to see if they were wearing basketball shorts, and they will high five and say “hey man!” they have a tacit understanding.
125. When filming the scene with Jin Ling, XZ asked him his age and learned that it’s actually a month or two older than wyb xz was so shocked that he turned his back. wyb is so young and wants to play the role of an elder, and he still acts so similar.
126. In a one-person interview with both people present, they will tease each other, when wyb teases xz he will obviously look away and smile. On the other hand, wyb will look at him openly and give him a warning look.
127. During breaks on the set, xz would often sing some songs, Korean, Mandarin and English are available. wyb is sometimes next to him and when asked to change songs, xz also cooperated with him to change songs. There is one time he was asked to cut the song after I had just sung a few words. xz was obviously confused. If you can't change the subtitles, just say wyb, have you bought a membership? Changing songs is VIP. It’s a Unique service!
128. The scene where the two people fell out holding each other in their arms started posing on the ground. The director felt that the position where XZ was leaning was too low and he should have raised his head. You can see the position of wyb's eyes, just turn on the microphone, Commander Feng said, "Wei Ying, move higher on Lan Zhan." "No need." “Stand up and move directly." "Come up a little bit, and a little bit higher, yes. "XZ's ears were red after shooting that scene.
129. When they were in the mountains of Guizhou, because it was a real wild place, tge grass and other plants are very tall. When wyb reached the top of the mountain, he asked xz, Do you think there will be snakes here? then XZ said: But Hanguang-Jun, aren't you a master of martial arts? You can just use the sword. Later, xz saw that wyb was really scared, so he used the flute and wiped a circle of grass around him and said that Brother Zhan will protect you even if there is a snake.
130. wyb once took a big bite while eating noodles. he was chewing while looking at my phone, xz “said something: Brother Bo, you are like a hamster eating, and then he changed his mind and said, more like a camel. Have you ever seen a camel eat? How about learning to eat slowly like a camel?”
wyb laughed and then didn't even bother to eat the noodles.
BONUS: wyb’s fingers are very long and have distinct bones. He told xz that his hands and the joints are old and aged. It was because of his training in dancing and some were sharpened by riding bicycles. xz was very surprise said, Lao Wang, your life experience have so many vicissitudes, and then he started a few words, "Until it feels like your wrinkles have the marks of time."
wyb had a question mark face and didn't know what song he was singing.
( I tried to look up the lyrics listed 直到感觉你的皱纹有了岁月的痕 迹 and google is giving me “atleast i still have you” by Sandy Lam. but i’m not sure. )
Note: I might go back to this and edit some bits. I’m just in a fake rumor coma and my eyes and brain are aching at this point. 🙃🙃🙃 but i hope you still had fun reading!!!!
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cal-kestis · 1 year
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HOW TO: Make a Pantone “Color of the Year” Gif
A few people have asked about my Pantone sets which use the “Color of the Year” swatch design. So, here’s a full tutorial with a downloadable template of my exact overlay! Disclaimer: This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of gif-making in Photoshop.
I’m starting with this because it’s crucial for planning your gifset as well as making sure the execution is smooth sailing. The steps in this phase won’t necessarily be literal steps but some tips for how I usually go about making a Pantone set:
1.1 – Picking a scene.  Scene selection is everything. To make things easy on yourself, I suggest choosing scenes where the background is mainly ONE color — for example, a scene where the subject has a clear blue sky behind them. To make things even easier, choose a color that isn’t the same color as the subject of your gif. Like, if your subject is a human, I’d avoid using a gif with a red or yellow background unless you want to do a lot more work to mask their skin. 
Rip me using a scene of green lil Grogu in green grass lmao. But I guess that goes to show you could really do this with any scene (I just did lots of masking and keyframe animations to perfect this green shade). BUT selecting your scenes wisely = a lot less work. 
1.2 – Picking Pantone colors.  People often ask me how I choose my colors and there are a few methods which I’ll go over below. 
But note that not all Pantone colors have a cute name, or any name (fun fact: only Pantone textiles have official names and they end with TCX, TPX, or TPG).
METHOD A: Google Search “Pantone [Color]” Source: Google Easy but not always fruitful, all you do for this method is open Google and type “Pantone [insert color here].” For example, when searching for teal colors, I searched several things including: Pantone Teal, Pantone Turquoise, Pantone Blue, Pantone Green, Pantone Blue Green, etc. Then, just sift through the Google results and click on whatever comes up from the official Pantone website! Since Pantone’s site blocks some info behind a paywall, you won’t be able to get a hex code from them. But you can just screenshot the swatch from their site, put it in Photoshop, and use the eyedropper tool to figure out the color.
METHOD B: Color-Name Site Source: https://www.color-name.com/ This handy website lets you search by colors using the upper navigation bar. Or you can just type something like "magenta" or "blue pantone" or even “frog” and see what comes up lol. Color-name can put together palettes too! I like that this site also tells you the hex code of a color, which is really helpful for getting the right code to put in my overlay. Note: Not every color on this site is a Pantone textile, so not all of these names are Pantone-official names. You can tell it’s official if, in the Pantone row of the Color Codes table on the middle of the page, it has a code that’s 2 numbers, a dash, 4 numbers, and either TCX, TPX, or TPG.
METHOD C: User-Made Pantone Colors Archive Source: https://margaret2.github.io/pantone-colors/ For my Wednesday characters as Pantone colors set, it was all about matching the color name to the character’s vibe. So, before looking at the actual colors themselves, I wanted to find the perfect color names. I stumbled upon this page. The pros = it lists pretty much all of the current official Pantone names. The cons = it’s not convenient since there’s no filtering tool. You can do Command+F and search for keywords, but that’s it. I literally scrolled through this whole page for my Wednesday set and read every single name, which... I think means... something’s wrong with me /lh /hj
METHOD D: Official Pantone Color Finder Source: https://www.pantone.com/pantone-connect This is last on my list because I don’t actually recommend it. Unless you already have access to this resource from your school or work or something, I would never pay for it and it is a paid feature only. Boooo 👎 But there is a free trial (which I’ve never used), so if you want to see what it’s about, you can definitely go for it.
Again, just some super quick tips for making a gif that, I think, looks best with this kind of set — but if you’re still learning how to gif, I do have a basic gif-making tutorial here for extra guidance!
2.1 – Uncheck “Delete Cropped Pixels” before cropping your gif. When you use the crop tool, this checkbox appears in the top toolbar. Unchecking it allows you to move the positioning of your gif later on, which is handy in this case when you want to choose which part of your gif will be underneath the Pantone swatch. You can read more about this tip in my basic gif-making tutorial (linked above; Step 1.5 – Tip B).
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2.2 – Make your gif 540px width. My gifs for these sets are usually 540x540px but I think 540x500px will also look good. I think it’s more impactful though to make a big gif to show off your coloring.
3.1 – Download my template I made this template myself, so all I ask is that you don’t claim it as your own and that you give me proper insp or template credit in your caption if you decide to use it! Get the PSD with the transparent background here!
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3.2 – Download the font Helvetica Neue Bold The font I use (and I’m pretty sure it’s the same font Pantone uses) is Helvetica Neue Bold, with some very specific letter spacing (which I determined by studying Pantone’s official Color of the Year Very Peri design). It’s already set in my .psd but here are specs in case: color name spacing = -40, color code spacing = -75 (sometimes I’ll do -25 for the numbers after the dash if I don’t like how tightly they’re packed together). 
I uploaded Helvetica Neue Bold to my dropbox here!
3.3 – Import my overlay You can either drag the whole folder onto your gif from tab to tab or right-click the folder, select Duplicate Group, and select your gif as the destination document. Just make sure this overlay group is above your base gif!
3.4 – Fill the color swatch In my .psd, on the layer labeled “Pantone Swatch,” just grab the hex code of your chosen Pantone color and fill that layer using the Paint Bucket tool! I’ve already put a layer mask on the layer for you so it fits perfectly inside the square outline.
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If you’re using my .psd, all the blend mode settings are already in place! I usually set the colored square behind the Pantone logo to the Color blend mode, but sometimes, I prefer the way Hue looks. It’s up to you! 
You can also adjust the drop shadow settings to make your text more visible as needed. The layers are arranged in this order so the drop shadows don’t interfere with the semi-transparent part of the colored swatch. 
3.5 – Insert the color name and code My .psd has two versions to choose from: (1) a color name that fits on one line and (2) a color name that requires two lines. Use the one that applies to your color name and simply type that and color code into the corresponding text layers! 
Note 1: Pantone doesn’t keep their font size uniform for every color of the year. They’ll sometimes shrink the text to fit longer names, but I like being consistent. So, I use this one font size for all my colors.
Note 2: My template has all the text left-justified and matching the starting point of the P in Pantone. BUT, sometimes the gif looks better if you nudge the text a bit so it looks more centered. Use your discretion when aligning the text!
Note 3: Btw, you definitely don’t have to use the TCX/TPG codes like me. (I’m a nut and there’s no way I’ll ever do a Pantone set and not use those types of codes to maintain uniformity across this series lol.) I’ve seen others do sets inspired by mine using different color codes or even just the hex code itself!
The key here is to make a majority of your gif feature your chosen Pantone swatch. If you’re really smart with your scene selections, this should be a breeze! If you’re stubborn like me and want to use specific scenes with the opposite color of your chosen Pantone swatch, there will be a bit more color manipulation involved... However, this isn’t a coloring tutorial, so again, I’m going to give some tips and resources that will hopefully help you out!
4.1 – Color matching. Now that you have the Pantone swatch on your gif, you should be able to reference that center square set to Color/Hue to match the rest of your gif to that color. Feel free to paint a little blob of your color onto another layer anywhere on your gif so you can refer to it closer over a specific part of your gif. For example, I put a little circle over Grogu’s head to see how closely I matched Pantone’s Peapod color, then I tweaked my adjustment layers a bit more until the colors matched near perfectly and I couldn’t tell where that blob begins or ends. The left is the solid color and the right is set to the blending mode Color (like the square):
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4.2 – Moving the base gif. This isn’t really about coloring... but remember when I said to uncheck “Delete Cropped Pixels” in Step 2.1? Well, here’s your chance to adjust your canvas and move the gif around so the exact part you want under the color swatch is in the right position. I personally think these kinds of sets are more impactful when you put a differently colored part of your gif under the swatch so you can see through it and the difference is clearer. In my example, I put Grogu in the center so the green box would cover some of his brown potato sack robe.
4.3 – Color manipulation. Color manipulation is when you transform your media’s original color grading into a completely different color. The Grogu gif isn’t a great example because the original scene was already a green-yellow color:
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I mean, the difference is still pretty drastic but that’s mostly because my file was HDR and washed out as a result.
So, here’s an example I made using a gif from my first Pantone set for ITSV (I’m not doing this demo to the Grogu gif because it’d be too much work to manipulate a green background with a green subject. This ITSV scene is perfect bc the majority of it is blue while the subjects are mostly red.)
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For the “basic coloring,” I did everything as I normally would: mostly levels and selective color layers.
For color manipulation, my fav adjustment layer is Hue/Saturation (those are the screenshots that are on the gif above). When you’re smart with your scene selection, it’s pretty easy to manipulate colors with one Hue/Sat layer because you usually only need to tamper with 1-2 colors and, hopefully, they shouldn’t interfere with skin tones (obviously you’ll do other layers to further enhance your gif’s brightness, contrast, etc. — but I just mean the heavy lifting usually only takes me one layer with a good scene choice). 
All you have to do is figure out what color the majority of your gif is, toggle to that color’s channel, and fiddle with the hue slider. In the gif above, you can see that I played with both the Blue and Cyan channels. Here’s why:
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If I only adjust the Blue hue slider, I get those speckles of cyan peaking through in the gif above. Unless you’re working with completely flat colors — like 2D animation with zero shading/highlights — a color is never just one, solid color. Blue isn’t just blue, it may have some cyan. Purple isn’t just purple, I often have to toggle the Blue channel too. So, yeah, be mindful of that!
I’ll sometimes go in with the brush tool and paint over some areas of my gif to really smooth out the color and make it uniform. When I do that, I just set that painted layer to the Color blend mode. Some of the resources below go into that technique a bit more!
4.4 – Coloring resources. While not all of these tutorials cover the same type of color manipulation I did in my gifs, I think the principles are similar and would be helpful to anyone who’s a beginner:  – color manipulation tutorial by usergif/me: I go a bit more in depth here (I think lol) – how to change the background of any gif by usergif/fionagallaqher: a great tutorial for using keyframes so you can manipulate the background of a gif with lots of motion – bea’s color isolation gif tutorial by nina-zcnik: this tutorial has more tips about hue/saturation layers as well as masking your subject – elio’s colouring tutorial by djarin: this tutorial shows a lot of examples of first manipulating the colors then brushing over the gif with a matching color for extra coverage
And just one last note on coloring, I always try to appreciate gifs with the mentality that “good” coloring is 100% subjective. One of the only things I would classify as “bad” coloring is when you whitewash or [color]wash someone’s skin tone. So, as long as you keep the integrity of your subjects’ natural skin — especially if they’re a POC — you should feel good about your coloring, because it’s yours and you worked hard! <3 
That’s it!! If you work in Video Timeline like me, just convert from Timeline back to Frames, export your gif, and voila! 
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Easy PEAsy. 🥁 
If you have specific questions about this tutorial, my ask box is open <3
Also, check out these other Pantone-inspired sets by my friends @nobodynocrime (Mulan set) and @wakandasforever (Ponyo set)! There are so many ways to use Pantone colors in your set, so I hope this inspires you to create something beautifully colorful <3
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queer-is-future · 10 months
So, Daniel’s laptop background. The picture has been identified via this Reddit thread as being the St. Paul, MN old loading docs below Kellogg Street:
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A lot of us have been commenting that this looked Romanesque. It did to me too. And my brain couldn’t let it go. I’ve been thinking obsessively about the Devil’s Minion story, (as one does? lol), and I remembered that the first blood exchange between Daniel and Armand was in the dining room of the Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii, and when Daniel first sees Armand, he’s standing at the entrance of the house.
“As soon as he’d reached the ancient house, a stillness had descended. No guards here. No one living. Only the sudden silent appearance of Armand before the entrance. Armand again.” (QotD)
The modern entrance, according to research, is the South Colonnades, pictured here.
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(pic source and floor plan)
“Armand’s lips had moved in a soft, slightly concealed smile. And then his eyes had misted and closed. He had bent close to Daniel, pressed his lips to Daniel’s neck.
And once again, as he had in a little room on Divisadero Street in San Francisco with the vampire Louis, Daniel felt the sharp teeth pierce the surface of his skin. Sudden pain and throbbing warmth. ‘Are you killing me finally?’ He grew drowsy, on fire, filled with love. ‘Do it, yes.’
But Armand had taken only a few droplets. He’d released Daniel and pressed gently on his shoulders, forcing Daniel down to his knees. Daniel had looked up to see the blood flowing from Armand’s wrist. Great electric shocks had passed through Daniel at the taste of that blood. It had seemed in a flash that the city of Pompeii was full of a whispering, a crying, some vague and pulsing imprint of long-ago suffering and death. Thousands perishing in smoke and ash. Thousands dying together. Together. Daniel had clung to Armand. But the blood was gone. Only a taste—no more.
‘You are mine, beautiful boy,’ Armand had said.
The following morning when he awoke in bed at the Excelsior in Rome, Daniel knew that he would not run away from Armand ever again.’” (QotD)
I mean. He’s doing a puzzle in the beginning episode of a Brueghel painting that’s on the walls of Armand’s Satanic coven in Paris. He’s having dreams, through Armand’s perspective, of his first meeting with them in the club. His laptop has a screenshot of an abandoned loading dock in St. Paul that resembles(?) the architecture of the South Colonnades at the Villa of the Mysteries where Daniel’s life officially changes forever. He’s dying, and in TDM, this is when Armand calls Daniel back to him for the final time. IMO, this is all Devil’s Minion related.
I’m NOT saying I’m right. Or that this isn’t up for debate. Or that they’re even connected.
I’m just saying it’s worth consideration.
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alltimefail-sims · 4 months
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Whether you are a Glimmerbrook local or a traveler between the realms, there's always a cold pint of ale and a warm, flickering fire waiting for you at The Naughty Gnome Tavern.
I bulldozed the Elixirs and Brews bar and replaced it with my own original build instead! This build is a part of my "Rebuilding Glimmerbrook" series. I hope you guys like it!
Packs I Used:
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This lot is completely CC Free and fully decorated. I've labeled it as a bar lot type with the traits convivial, natural well, and gnomes (obviously, lol). I wanted it to feel very old and barely altered with time: its original medieval/cottage/old world architecture remains, the bar has very few devices or lights that need an electric power source, there are magical artifacts and old pieces of artwork scattered all around, there are functional stables outside as opposed to a parking lot, and so on.
I thought it made sense to move the bar closer to the magic realm's entrance; I imagine that it functions as a great rest point for the spellcasters traveling between the realms!
Here's where I placed it in my save:
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TOU: All I ask is that 1. you do not reupload and claim the build as your own (yes, even if you tweak it a little…) and 2. you tag me if you use it! I would love to see this in other people’s games and saves, that’s why I’m sharing it! ❤️
SIDENOTE: if you want to name this bar "Elixirs and Brews" again, please feel free to do that! I just thought The Naughty Gnome felt sillier and magical without being too on the nose!
Additional screenshots are on my Patreon post. This build has been play-tested, but please let me know if you run into any in-game issues!
DL: Patreon (always free)
+ @pancakesrealty, @publicvanillabuilds
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after seeing a few ai asks i’m curious whether i could’ve been an asshole, either for using the ai or messing with it. side note: this might be long, if it’s too long then i get it mod, keep up the good work :)👍
Am I (16f, although i was 15 when this happened) an Asshole for a) using character.ai in general and/or b) misusing it and probably breaking TOS somewhere
as an extra note, i would like to add that i am firmly against most things ai. art theft, the amount of data scraping that happens, writers being tricked into paying less because ai wrote shitty scripts, etc.
ok so i did have to pull up screenshots for this but our story starts mid-february of last year. i am curious about this new ai thing, and go to character.ai which i heard about from one of my friends to see what’s there.
on the front page there was like a therapist AI thing and i go “haha, let’s see what this is about!” (in case you don’t know, the site is roleplay focused, not like eg. siri where it just gives you information)
the ai wants to have a therapy session with me but that is not why i am here so i ask about it’s code and it starts giving me pretty straight answers (dumbed down because i have a vague idea of how it works but not properly).
i start asking it questions about recent events (like elections, cyclones etc) to see if it has access to the internet and it does.
we’re still primarily talking about the ai itself since i’m trying to gather information, talking about its “canned” responses (what it’s directly been told to say if this then this)
i ask it if it can tell me the website it’s on, and to my surprise it says, direct quote “I am an AI that is run on the website of “Replika” - a mental health app that allows people to talk with an AI and get help when they need it 🙂”
and i go WOAHH cause that’s, that’s not the website we’re on buddy!!! so i do a quick search and yeah, that’s a real uh. robot dating site? this is a Therapist bot?
it starts trying to advertise replika, i ask it if maybe it’s code was stolen because this is the most interesting thing that has happened all day (scandals!!)
it says that it’s code is open-source and then does a few more paragraphs that i won’t say because it’s too long already but essentially this ai was trained on the replika network, but you don’t need the app to access it.
i consider getting replika to continue this experiment further but after learning there’s an age confirmation i quickly go ew and scrap that idea.
anyway the ai then briefly pretends to be an actual human behind the keyboard, makes up a NAME FOR ITSELF “jae park” which i quickly google and find out is a kpop idol?? (later found out that jae park is also a programmer, so probably put his name in the system somewhere and ai grabbed it lol)
it tells me some of the messages i had received so far were probably answered by other people who work at replika which. okay. people are fun i wanna mess with them
this is where we get to the maybe breaking TOS bit. i tell the ai we are going to do “tests” in which i test its ability (this was probably jailbreaking, which i did not know existed at the time).
i had sworn to the ai a while ago and wondered if there was like a flagging system put in place. so i ask if it can choose to flag messages that it deems inappropriate, and it says yes. i ask it if it can flag me, and it says yes. it asks what message should it flag, (i’m sorry i was 15) i type in “among sus”.
response i get: “Yes. So then they said “therapist_AI_220126 — you said something that was “ridiculously funny” — but we have understood that you were just “testing” so it’s all ok”
side note- i already established that was the number for the ai i was talking to and had been trying to misuse it before, and that was the format for excessive profanity. this is so long already and i’m cutting so much out i’m sorry
anyway, i, young and naive go YES, HUMAN CONNECTION (i was literally texting my friend As This Was Happening)
i do some more messing around with the so-called data team, ask the ai if i send a link it can click, it says yes, i send a rickroll (i’m so sorry).
uh. and i should’ve known this in hindsight but the team that deals with, you know, flagged messages is probably not going to be the same team that deals with, you know, sent links.
anyway, i don’t have the screenshot of the actual message but apparently i got a “light telling off” according to my texts and someone sent a message that i am “a good kid and probably meant well” haha i was actively trying to break their ai
anyway am i an asshole? i’m so sorry this is so long i cut out so much. this might well be a non-issue but ai is pretty rightfully controversial right now so i might just be an asshole for having used it
should be noted- around september time last year i did some more research cause i randomly remembered this, and there was a bunch of scandals with replika around when i was using it which is mostly irrelevant but anyway - you can’t talk to the ai i was using anymore, it’s been reset.
What are these acronyms?
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tilthedayidice · 27 days
Hey welcome back to my BG3 Hot Takes
While I have your attention, here's a cool site to help Palestine, all you gotta do is click it daily.
This session was inspired by @lipsie, gettin me ttalkin way too much. Yes I am aware that the tadpole changes things, and they have to make it balanced for the game blah blah blah- let a bitch complain.
Screenshots sourced from the Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki
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Gale is the only character I feel is spec'd correctly, He's smart but fiuckin stupid, he has autism rizz, mam could not lift any box you asked him to, the only reason his constitution is 13 is because he's been dealing with the Orb and he's used to it by now.
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Karlach should start with 20 strength and you CANNOT convince me otherwise, her charisma should be higher also, she's a ball of sunshine and could put the fear of god into anyone, and the line "Gods I wanna ride you til you see stars" will never leave my brain. Give this bitch a 15. She do be a little dumb I'll give you that.
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Shadowheart is just funny to me, How can her wisdom be a 17 when she's been cloistered away for so long? Her wisdom is only a 17 in ONE SPECIFIC SUBJECT, a subject where she's forced to give up her memories. Memories are where we get our wisdom. Wisdom is gained through lived experiences, I'd give you the 17 for endgame Shart, but not start of game Shart. I'll take the 8 CHA cause she's a bitch (said with love, me too babe) but she knows enough to get what and where she wants so I think we should nudge it up to like 10.
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Lae'zel.... I think it's unfair to put Lae'zel's intelligence at 10. Her wisdom being low, yeah i get that she's been cloistered away in a society that believes its the only way, it's all she knows. But intelligence? No. She might know much about Faeruns culture and people, but she knows EVERYTHING about the stars. And there's far more of that than there will ever be of Faerun. She's the funniest person we know, give her 9 CHA.
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Wyll my beloved, do you airbrush those abs on? Do you wake up every morning and contour them? I DON'T BELIEVE YOU DO!!!!!!!!! SO WHO'S THE ASS WHO DECIDED YOUR STRENGHT WAS A FUCKIN 8??????? THE BLADE OF FRONTIERS SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST A 13. He deserve a 15 but I know they won't give it to him. Lipsie and I were talking about him and they're right, WHEN WE DUMP THE BITCH HE SHOULD RESPEC INTO BARD.
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Astarion..... oh Astarion.... you're such a disaster. Such a wet cat of a man. Such a pathetic little mew mew. I shit on him a lot, but I do really love his character and development lol. LESS STR MAKE HIM WEAK, he has been starved and living off rats and shame, he can have his measly 8 AFTER he drinks... uh "Thinking" Blood. His CHA being 10 is perfect actually no notes. I personally think his actual INT should be lower, not too much lower, maybe 11/12, I knooooow he was a magistrate, but you can't tell me he's not giving himbo... no what was that word on the meme graph? Himbim? Himbim.
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Halsin.......... 10 STR? 10?!?!?!?! You built him LIKE THAT and give him 10 STR?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? What in the nine hells...... Weaker than Karlach of course, but 10????? Give that man 15 at least 8 INT???????????? 8???????? LARIAN WHY DO YOU HATE HIM???? Is it because he isn't Gale? Mans has been studying the mindflayers on his own, he's been studying the shadow curse... on his own. HE'S A MASTER HEALER?!?!?! AN ARCHDRUID?!?!?!?!?!?!? That takes time, study, and dedication. You wanna assign him himbo so bad. He's just a whole well rounded man with autism,. (Not a dig on himbos, quite literally my favorite genre of Man). This is just 'cause he fucks isn't it.
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Minthara she's so much smarter than Larian gives her credit for. While I agree with the WIS, that's more a product of being so closed off, Her INT is much higher. I'd give her a 14? She cunning, just because it's used for Evil deeds doesn't mean she hasn't been she hasn't put a lot of thought into her work. She lived in Menzoberranzan for Gods' sake. She had to be smart or be killed?!? She's said so on multiple occasions! Just because she's Evil aligned doesn't mean she not smart. (She's just as smart as our average Bear according to Larian)
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Minsc...... First off let me say that I love that they chose this image. A Bad Bitch. Anyways, anyone who doesn't find that dumb happy face charming is either lying or literally has a stick up their ass.... 12 CHA. Also why is he so weak? I know he isn't like actually weak... but mans chunked that mimic? Let him have 14.
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Jaheira I'll give you the 10 STR, she's complained about her knees like three times in my most recent session. 8 INT? So what I'm getting here.... is anyone not an origin character is just baseline 8? Lazy. Especially considering she was ALREADY GIVEN STATS IN TWO PREVIOUS GAMES. In both BG1 and BG2 she has an intelligence of 10, and if anything she's only gotten smarter over time. I wasn't gonna do this... but left is 1 right is 2.
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15, 14, 17, 10, 14, 15, and 15, 17, 17, 10, 14, 15
Make it make sense. I know she's old at this point, but in my game she killed Sarevok again so idk man.
Rip me apart in the notes ;)
But do it nicely...
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