#so i really have no explanation for that fear
archangeldyke-all · 2 days
Reader who crochets? And she makes these special sweaters with the left sleeve cut out for Sev’s arm?? Omg
ANON did u see logan @sevikasenby 's crochet tapestry of our wife!?!?? THE TALENT IS BEYOND
men and minors dni
there's a superstition in the knitting/crocheting community called 'the sweater curse.' the idea is basically that when you hand make a prospective romantic partner a sweater, you doom the relationship to fail.
you've read countless horror stories on crocheting forums about relationships going up in flames once a sweater is gifted.
'she called the sweater ugly after i spent a month on it.'
'he thought a hand-made sweater was too intimate and i was moving too fast.'
'they left with no explanation the same day i bought the yarn for their sweater.'
you've seen it all.
you know that the curse is something to fear. and you really don't want to lose sevika. but she's stubborn.
sevika thinks the fact that you crochet is so. fucking. cool.
most people think it's a grandma hobby.
sevika thinks it's the most impressive thing in the world. you can make anything. she's watched you knit blankets, sweaters, tops and socks. little stuffies for the neighbor kid next door, hats for your friends' birthdays. mug cozies, coasters, pillow cases and dog clothes-- she's seen you make it all.
and she's dying to have you make her something.
"don't you love me?" sevika whines one night as she cuddles in bed beside you while you crochet a scarf.
"can't stand you, actually." you grunt, already knowing what she's about to bother you about. she huffs.
"you don't understand baby. i was sooo cold at work today-- freezing, really-- and it's not like i can go buy a sweater 'cause of my ar--"
"you're so fucking annoying." you groan. sevika chuckles.
"is it so bad to want to show off my baby's work?" she asks. you huff, shaking your head.
"it is when it means we'll break up!"
she wears you down over time.
you start crocheting her little things, wanting her to feel loved but not wanting to subject the two of you to the curse.
you crochet her a little keychain charm on your anniversary; a hat for winter solstice. in the spring, you make her a few new scrunchies for her half-ponytails.
for her birthday, you give her the first big crochet project you've made for her: a purple poncho in a thick, warm yarn, perfect for the colder windy days when her thin red poncho isn't enough.
she cries when you show it to her. (she nearly gets heat stroke a week later when she tries to wear her new winter poncho on a blazing hot day.)
when you propose to her (kneeling in front of her where she sits on the couch kissing her hands, metal and flesh alike, as you bat your eyelashes at her,) sevika doesn't even let you finish the question before she's pulling you off the ground and into her lap, kissing you breathless, and pulling away with a sob. "yes!"
"you didn't even let me ask!" you laugh. sevika kisses you again.
"you have to crochet me a sweater now. make it white, i'll wear it to our wedding." she cries.
you don't do that. (though you do crochet the neck tie she wears on your big day.)
you wait until you've been married for a year, until you're settled in married life and comfortable, until sevika's not expecting it anymore.
and then, on the night of your first wedding anniversary, you give sevika her first sweater.
it's the most intricate thing you've ever made. the cable crochet pattern you used was complex and time consuming, but it looks fucking gorgeous. beautiful royal purple-- her favorite color-- her exact measurements, and sleevless on the left side.
sevika wears the sweater everywhere. all the time. whenever she can.
you only planned on making her the one, but her reaction (and the wear and tear the sweater receives from being worn by the scary woman of zaun) inspires you.
you knit her a new sweater, every year, for the rest of your lives.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
@sevsdollette @ellieslob
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millilps · 2 days
fuck it, we ball clown
so. Susan. Susan Triad. it was all a set up to trap the Doctor. all the mentions of Susan (Foreman) were just to give context to the new viewers. but you know what's interesting here? family.
"wtf are you talking about are you high or something" no no bear with me I actually have a point it's not just pure clowning. well, it is, but I swear I'm trying my best here to make it make sense
it's a long post so buckle up clowns we're going all in with this one
so, I was saying, if you think about it a lot of episodes in this season are more or less centered around or connected to the idea of family in some way:
Space Babies: I mean. yeah. it doesn't really need an explanation. and also the whole thing of being abandoned just like Ruby
The Devil's Chord: we know Maestro is part of the Toymaker's family, and technically also the kid we see at the start? I think? are there theories about that kid? is he just a normal kid and then became somehow the harbinger of Maestro?
Boom: the concept of family literally saves everyone
73 Yards: well, Ruby's family is present in the episode, but also it's interesting how Ruby's fears play out in the episode which is directly interlocked with her birth mother abandoning her, it's kinda there but not as central or as explored as other episodes
Dot and Bubble: it's... a bit more subtle. it's there, kinda. we do have the whole thing of all the people in Finetime being part of rich families, and we also see Lindy's mom, so it's better than nothing
Rogue: I actually don't know. the family of Chuldurs? the marriage proposal? I have absolutely no idea but I also feel like it's there somewhere
The Legend of Ruby Sunday/Empire of Death: I probably don't have to say much as they are the episodes that actually dive in Ruby's story and the mystery around her birth, but yeah the family theme is obviously there
with the season following this theme, more or less, Susan was an obvious choice.
think about it: the Doctor has lost so many people he cared about that Sutekh pretty much could use every name ever. obviously they also had to explain regeneration to new viewers (hi, new viewers! hope you're enjoying the show!) so the list had to be shortened to only characters who are time lords or have the ability to regenerate, add a bit of "the Doctor regretting his past choices" and you get Susan. and this is tied directly with the theme of family, because she is the Doctor's family, technically the only gallifreyan family member we know about (Jenny, River, the Ponds and probably more that I'm forgetting/don't know about are also family, but in a different way) and also we have no informations whatsoever about her - sure, we have Big Finish, but it's kinda... not exactly canon, I guess? idk. nothing is canon and everything is canon at the same time in this show, you just have to live with it. still, she's one of the biggest mysteries of this show, because while other characters came back or were mentioned with information about them and/or their lives either in the expanded universe that is more strongly influenced by the show (yes I'm looking at Barbara and Ian's wedding in the 50th anniversary DMW that I can't find anywhere, idc what anyone says but that IS canon) or in the actual show at some point, she has never officially returned, and the Doctor has never officially gone back to meet her (sure, we have the story Fellow Traveller in the book Adventures in Lockdown, but it's probably not canon anymore at this point - although, it could be, if we clown enough). and with all the things about family in the season, obviously she had to be the key.
Ruby's family story is concluded: she found her birth mother, she also found her father, and now she has an amazing big loving family. but you know which one isn't? the Doctor's. we've met his adoptive mother, sure, but we know the Doctor had kids, we know Susan exists, and we know she's family to him.
she's out there somewhere. I know. she must be. she could've been mentioned in a lot of different episodes, a lot of different points, a lot of different stories, but she wasn't.
so why all these mentions all of a sudden? honestly I have absolutely no idea, I'm not RTD, I'm just a clown doing clown things, and the clown things on today's list is making theories about how Susan might come back
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katerinaptrv · 2 days
Joe's Internal Struggle - Ep 9 Analysis (MingJoe bias because i am a believer)
Well, this was definitely the most emotional episode so far, yeah, seeing and burying your original body is enough to destabilize everyone. We all can see and understand this, so I will focus on his internal struggle towards Ming after the event.
First, in his funeral he sees that Ming does feel guilty, and sees his grief indicating for Joe he does feel something for him.
Sol, “he only feels guilty” explanation is like a new fear unlocked moment for Joe, to doubt Ming’s real motivations and his love, and make him hesitant about what he wants to be true.
Ok, to finish the funeral we have the confrontation, Joe confronts Ming, but he never really gets violent with him, just pushes him around a little screaming at him.
I found this fact interesting no matter what Ming does (kidnapping and at all), Joe has never once punched him or hurt him in any physical way. We all know how understandable we would be if he did, Ming certainly did enough for us to find it justified, but Joe never does it.
And this is why I personally think he gets really frustrated when Sol does it, I don't think he likes it at all when his friend does this. It certainly does not have the effect Sol hopes it does. He actually gets mad, for me, his head is like “I am the one in this shit with him doing all of this, i don’t punch him, what do fuck you think you are doing it?”. I always imagine him screaming this at Sol in his head.
Anyway going back, Ming does his usual manipulation/forceful/selfish plan to get what he wants, that right now is confirmation that new Joe is actually old Joe.
And Joe falls for it of course, but we have some important clues of his internal conflict here, first the mugs.
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He gets to them and stops, not knowing if he takes them with him or leaves them, it symbolizes his current conflict with Ming when he does not know to give him a chance or leave him for good.
Before he makes the choice, this is important guys, I will come back to this later. Ming shows up revealing his master evil plan, and trying to make amends.
And Joe throws at him his major insecurity, and his major problem with Ming in general:
“If i told you, you would make me Tong’s replacement for the rest of my life.”
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Now, again, let’s take a minute to analyze this, this is his first real confrontation with Ming since his death. He abandoned the cover of not being him and confronted him. But Joe does not say “you ruined my life”, “you were the reason i am dead” and etc. And when he quotes those he says "you wouldn't be thinking of Tong when you did".
For Joe is not what he did, is why he did it (very unhealthy way of thinking, but is how he thinks about it).
He points Ming greatest sin towards him in his POV and it is you never loved me back.
And Ming begins his path of atonement, and Joe hears for the first time saying he loves him, that he missed him all along.
Then, of course Sol comes in, punches Ming and drags Joe away.
Drags, Joe still paralyzed by the last piece of information he receives, and when he starts to react again is to call for Ming.
Then he stops at the bottom of the stairs facing his internal conflict again about what he wants and what he is afraid to want.
And Sol throws his fears at him to convince him to not go back, that was what he really wanted to do.
Now, we have a new morning in his house. Joe has been kinda on the funk(completely understandable and relatable), then after his mother awakes him, the other woman comes to say: “Someone is here for you”. And we see the expectative and hope in Joe’s face, and it all falls when he sees Sol. Because that is not who he really wanted to be looking for him or see.
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And of course, he loves Sol as a friend/brother and he is happy that he cares, but is not the same for him.
We have the press conference, with Ming being his usual manipulative/forceful self which only deepens Joe’s fears and pushes him away. Because in his POV for him is like saying he didn’t change, he is still the same, i was only fooling myself.
Then Sol goes violent with Ming again (must be a new record) and I only want to comment on Joe's reaction. Because yes, he is saying for him to stop because of the press and etc.
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But he steps in to push him away, but stays with Ming, and not to restrain him, but to check on him.
And in the end we have the very awaited conversation (with wrong backs crush and all) with them washing their dirty laundry right in front of poor secretary Jim salad (let's hope for a bonus from Mike for him, that man suffers).
And for me the decisive moment is when Joe asks for Ming to let go, and he does for a few seconds (was it like 5? not much) and he goes after him again,
And that is the conflict that will endure at least one more episode, Joe has all the information now, but Ming does not let him have space to choose. And he needs to have it, to think about it all, feel what he truly feels and if go back this time to be by his choice. He wants to go back by choice not because Ming forced him.
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Now quoting our canonically successful unbalanced toxic ship, VegasPete needed to be separated, Pete needed to come back to his life without Vegas and be given the choice to let him go, what he was (even with the very final possibility, because KP). And then he chooses, he got everything he had without him, and saw it was empty for him now, so he makes his choice to be with Vegas.
In the book we have the same confrontation, Ming does not let go, and Joe stays with him without ever being given a chance to breathe. So Joe stays while saying he wants him to go all the time.
Until for book reasons, that i won’t say, Ming disappears, is gone, he isn’t there anymore, he is not calling Joe or being around. Joe has his life back, he is free, and he hates it.
Important to say it was not Ming’s choice (we all know he could never), but he is forced to do it by something out of his control.
And that gives Joe the space to feel what he feels and make the choice of coming back with him. Also, Joe is not given any information of what happened, so he experiences for a smaller frame of time what Ming did in those two years which helps him to forgive the other.
He does not know what happened to him, did he get tired and leave, did something happen, where is he?
Anyway, the situation in the book is kind of old fashioned, and I am almost certain it might not be adapted the same in the series, so theory time.
There has been talk in the fandom about a possible future scene of Joe in a wheelchair and in a hospital. So maybe, they have an accident, a bad one, and maybe Ming gets really close to dying of something and this is how they will adapt to him being away and Joe’s choice. But is just some crazy theory I've been thinking about now that we are getting close to the end.
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hzrnvm · 2 days
in detail explanation of why the song Ghost Town means so much to me
Ghost Town by Ye is one of my favourite songs of all time. it touches me very deeply and I like it a lot. i'm now gonna go through the lyrics and explain why (it's more than just the lyrics, ofc, that make it beautiful to me. but, they're the easiest for me to explain, and they make up the bulk of it). I do also wanna clarify that at points I may disagree slightly with how the lyrics are written on Genius. this is because Genius isn't always right.
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The intro is a sample from a song from the 1960s. it mainly serves to introduce the main theme, of someday. though it is worth pointing out that she says "wanna wear", rather than just "wear". there's something about the difference between wanting something vs desiring the freedom to want it at all
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More somedays. "laying down, like God did, on Sunday" to me just is resting. being unvigilant, letting down your guard. then lines 3-5 are more mumbled, more for the flow and musical aspect than lyrical meaning.
and then he says "someday, I'm gonna tell everybody" coming out!!!!!!!! it's about coming out! there is a constant push from deep inside of me to tell everybody!
"somedays I wanna hit the red dot on everybody" it's a violent lyric, I intereperet it more as the life you live making you just want everyone around you to be gone. not necessarily a fantasy of their death, just, their becoming disconnected from you. then the last two lines I read as simply speaking on the life they will live once Someday. doing all the things they aren't allowed to do, doing whatever they wanna. freedom
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me to my parents
to go more in detail it's that when I was first caught, I genuinely tried for the possibility that maybe they could love who I really am, maybe they could love hzrn. but everything I tried just, hurt me, it just repeatedly showed me that they don't love hzrn. and it took them further from me by making me go further and further into hiding from and avoiding them, total discommunication
and, when I listen to this song, i imagine a music video in my head. mainly starting around the first chorus, and, when the first chorus ends it's in a situation where the figure representing me is alone in a dark room, after walking away from her parents.
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and when Ye's verse starts, i picture my future self coming to comfort me. she hugs me and tells me someday we're gonna do what we know we need, someday we're gonna take off this mask, and not to hurt myself
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"you might think they wrote you off" you might think you're doomed, fated to a future of death and failure, that the author of the Universe wrote you off.
"they gon' have to rope me off" 'me' here refers specifically to my future self, the person I truly am who is currently unrealized, Hzrn. and Hzrn isn't giving up. they'll have to kill me to make me give up on hzr
"someday the drama'll be gone" someday you won't have to fear about safety and getting caught. someday all the fighting will stop. someday you'll be away from all the scary things. (the fourth line is pretty much incomprehensible, i take it more as sort of mumble-singing than anything. still incredibly beautiful, though)
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"sometimes I take all the shine / talk like I drank all the wine" see when you're closeted you don't have the freedom to take all the shine, or talk like you drank all the wine! you simply don't have the freedom to do those things. you can't attract attention to yourself, you can't get silly with it, and any approximations of those things are Unsafe and therefore very scary. one of my greatest fears, before i got them removed, was getting my wisdom teeth removed. because what if the aenesthetic they put me on makes me not think about safety and hiding and I let it slip. I'll die, that's what if! and the idea of my future self coming up to me and saying, sometimes she takes all the shine, and talks like she drank all the wine, it makes me tear up. it does. because that's fucking hope, man! that's solace!
"years ahead but way behind" i'm years ahead on the inside, because living like this you kinda have to spend a lot of time just dreaming about the future, but. when you dream about the future so much it makes the past feel like way behind. I am years ahead but way behind. (and the fourth line is just nice-sounding, to me. it doesnt really factor that much into it, beyond maybe being a countup of years? because, in 5 years, I'll be 23, and, i think it's safe to say that things will be better then. maybe not all the way better but, better)
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"no half-truths, just naked minds" this is what i long for. I want someday who i can look in the face, in the real world, and tell them the truth. no half truths. just naked minds, nudity. I want to bare myself to somebody, that's really what i want. i want to bare my mind to somebody. I have recently been really really touched by the image of two humanoids with exposed brains touching foreheads. connecting their minds. i dont know
"caught between space and time" I am. Hzrn is online or future, and she doesn't have the freedom to exist in the irl and past. I'm stuck between the present and the future with my constant escapism; i constantly remind myself that someday the life i'm living, I'll start forget it. it'll become a closed chapter and it'll fade from me. but reminding myself repeatedly, it's like putting myself in the mind of the hzrn who it starts to fade from. I'm trying to transpose myself into the future. and that just leaves me caught between space and time
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this line makes me cry. idk if i need to explain it. if you know my sideblog @hzrnvmkta, it has the title "not what they had in mind". because, god, yeah. this isn't what they had in mind, but. idk. maybe someday
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this time the chorus has a different meaning, with the different context. it's not a lamentation of this fact, but an acceptance of it. and an acknowledgement that, the goal of making them love me isn't something I should be pursuing any longer.
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it's freedom. the outro is of after hzrn takes off into space, far far away from her family, and, once again she feels like a child, free and not vigilant. she lets go of the protocol, she removes the coat of paint she was wearing and lets her skin feel the air. and nothing hurts anymore; things still do hurt, but, not as much. she's able to recognize that the person she is now and that little boy she was then are one and the same; her parents were the one who pushed the wedge between then; she's still the kid she used to be (and, the use of 'we'"' here rather than 'i' I take as her finding community). she's just, in disbelief, that Someday came
so yeah! that's why this song means so much to me. I love you.
responding to this is allowed, btw, it's in fact encouraged
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designernishiki · 11 months
it’s kinda funny to me how that dumb scene in kiwami 1 of majima getting shot and left for dead in the harbor was basically just added as a half-assed way to explain majima not being around for a bit of the plot, but they accidentally(?) just made it seem like start of a chain reaction where majima ended up feeling slighted and heartbroken after being abandoned like that and then lashed out about it via smashing a big truck into the building kiryu was in. and yeah that isn’t inherently a romantic thing as-is but then they go and add the part where majima grabs a hostess and performatively hits on her as in-kiryu’s-face as possible, she says she’s already in love with someone, and majima lets her go immediately, no questions asked, making a big fucking point of it just to say see THAT kiryu? I appreciate when people are HONEST about their FEELINGS. people who won’t just BACKSTAB someone who CARES about them to save themselves. is that so crazy kiryu?? huh??? anyway make it up to me get down here and fight me right fucking now
#I think on another level he was sorta saying like ‘hey kiryu. you’re making it extremely clear that you don’t trust me and my intentions#and I’ve been trying to show you- over and over again- that I’d do just about anything for you and your safety#but I can’t just let my mask fall off in front of everyone- I need to keep up the unpredictable morally grey wildcard act for both my sake#AND yours. because disguising my helping you as crazy random violent outbursts and weird stalker behavior#is the only way I CAN help you. do you think it would go over well with shimano or literally anyone else if I was outright helping you out#of the kindness of my heart and fondness for you? stop being so fucking dense and look past the crazy wacky nonsense for a second and#maybe you’ll realize that all I do at the end of the day- really- is help you and put my own life and reputation on the line for you.#I am an honest guy when it comes to my real values and when I told you I wouldn’t let anyone kill you unelss it was myself- I meant it.#I’ve taken a knife and a bullet for you now. can you REALLY not see through the act yet? am I REALLY that unpredictable when you think about#it?’#that was a longer explanation than i intended but. it was difficult to put into words#I basically feel like it could be read as him implying kiryu shouldn’t backstab the people who put themselves on the line to help him#and/or pointing out that he’s never actually done kiryu dirty and has stuck to his word protecting him in the ways he can#trying to say yeah all this is a crazy act and all but when it comes down to it you Can trust me#it really makes sense when you think about it that he’d have to help kiryu/show affection towards kiryu in unpredictable convoluted ways#at that point in time because. I mean. there’s a reason he was the only person who showed up to welcome kiryu when he got out of prison#and that’s because A) he sticks to his word and his loyalty to people he cares about and B) no one else had the balls or the batshit insane#mask to wear to ward off anyone asking real questions like majima did. because ANYONE associating themselves with the supposed#patriarch-killer was a HUGE NO-NO at the time. someone important showing up for kiryu and welcoming him back outright could’ve caused#all-out warfare probably. except majima. because majima was dedicated and smart enough to use his widely-feared wildcard persona#(that everyone tended to view as incapable of having any Real agenda to worry about) to his And kiryu’s advantage#does that make sense??? I feel like it makes a lot of sense if you get it to click in your head#kazumaji#majima#kiryu#yakuza#kiwami 1#yk1#rambling
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triglycercule · 9 days
funny idea but what if the mtt (+ nightmare. feelin inclusive today) made a "book club" and nightmare's the only one that takes it seriously. for the mtt it's just a collective effort to come up with the craziest book plots ever and try to convince the others that this bs that they're yapping is a real book
nightmare is extremely confused when dust begins talking about his book called "the ribshanker" and it's a horror thriller book where this dog ends up digging through graveyards and stealing ribs to reassemble his dead mate (a big reveal was that the dog was gay) who died due to a shooting from the local bombs specialist and then the final chapter of the book ends up with the dog mauling a farmer and stealing his head. and then when the dog's dogfriend returns to life he actually returns as the sans from underdog (probably an AU out there)
and killer and horror feed into this fake ass story by adding dumb details and making the plot more confusing but it somehow makes sense in the end and nightmare is confused out of his mind. the book they chose for the book club was metamorphosis by gregor samsa what the fuck is this ribshanker shit. he has his suspicions that they're actually just making shit up when killer ends up describing a book with a plot that's a wee bit too similar to how he met nightmare
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samarecharm · 1 month
Akira can be invited literally anywhere and enjoy himself bc he just likes hanging w his friends all the time; hes the perfect parallel play buddy :) makes me think he was a bit of a social butterfly even before the Shido incident; he gets more energy being around his friends than being cooped up alone in that attic
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lululeighsworld · 30 days
decided to play the heirs of fate dlc this weekend (ive been meaning to for awhile; admittedly my knowledge of it all comes from browsing the wiki, and i really wanted to experience the anankos characterization for myself). this isn't even the part i was excited to get to BUT I AM REELING OVER IT..........FOR REASONS I WILL DISCLOSE IN THE TAGS (from part iv: light's sacrifice)
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#during shigure's explanation about why there's gaps in the kids' memories my brain IMMEDIATELY flipped to krad's post about whether --#gunter actually remembers how much he loved his family/is the revenge really for them or is it more so for his own satisfaction --#and like. OH MY GOD. IS IT NOT SO UTTERLY CRUEL THAT PERHAPS THE TRANSITION OF HIS REVENGE BEING FOR THEM ---> BEING SO FOR HIM WAS IN --#FACT BY ANANKOS' DESIGN ALL ALONG RATHER THAN JUST AN UNFORTUNATE SIDE EFFECT OF THE POSSESSION..........#gunter honey you may have been more under his thrall than you realized#this would totally align with how he's only able to tell corrin about his family once he's free from the possession. cuz anankos is no --#longer deliberately stealing his memories to make him more willing to act on his behalf.......ough........#of course i still think gunter purposefully indulged in that power from anankos.......latching onto it as an opportunity to exact his --#revenge without really being aware of all the consequences that would coincidence along with that#and of course this is just a lil tidbit for my own self insert lore but if anankos stealing memories is a thing he purposefully does to --#make his victims more malleable that would explain why he would not remember his time in askr or leigh upon returning to the world of --#revelation :''''') and perhaps it would slowly come back to him post game#teehee. having many thoughts. brain exploding. typical behaviour.#once again fates storytelling is fucking exceptional like is it not brilliant that the degenerating dragon who has lived among his people -#far longer than one likely should. and has been scorn by those ppl he so loved as now their memories of him are only full of fear and --#hatred. ends up stealing people's memories to make them more useful in his plan to destroy the world. much like how his own memories have -#been lost to time. and he is a victim to time just like anybody else. OUGH AAAAA MY HEART MY BRAIN IM SO SAD ABOUT FATES AGAIN.#anyways i still gotta play part 5 of the dlc but im saving that for either tonight or tmrw
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puppyeared · 11 months
footnotes arent enough I need you to talk to me like im fucking Amelia Bedelia
#this isn’t about anything in particular btw. I just have to add a lot of memos when I’m doing things because some things are done a certain#way and it isn’t explained well in the instructions. like my mom has instructions on her baking recipes right#but when it says stuff like add dry ingredients to wet ingredients it also means you don’t dump it in one go you add it slowly by portion#this is probably why I find videos and demonstrations the most helpful when I learn something. like I almost always ask someone to show me#how they do it because there could be something they do that’s already second nature and wouldn’t really be considered in an explanation yk#I don’t think I’m an exception either. when the rice is done cooking I divide it into 4 quarters to bless it#but there are a million ways to divide rice and it makes me think that one persons way of doing it or not doing it all is just as valid#theres also technically no wrong way to divide rice afaik. this means either all ways of dividing rice is safe or valid until we find some#universally terrible way of dividing rice. until that happens nobody really thinks about specifying HOW you divide the rice#source: I have anxiety starting and doing things for the first time because I got way too many people yell at me NONONO WHAT ARE YOU DOING#THATS WRONG while I’m in the middle of doing the thing. I would rather have people think I’m either very stupid or overly specific#than go thru the panic inducing fear of ‘YOURE DOING THIS WRONG OMG WHY DIDNT YOU ASK AHEAD OF TIME THIS WILL BE FUCKED UP FOREVER’ 🧍#nothing wrong if you don’t give something a second thought because you’re so used to it. but I can and will ask about it and I don’t think I#really should feel bad about it if I don’t know enough to dispute it. idk#the other way around I try to be as specific as possible and word things in a way that people who might not get where I’m coming from will#understand. but the problem with that is my explanations tend to be lengthy and I lose them either way 🗿#Im. trying to work on that using examples and stuff because they seem to work the best#but if I could write everything down on a word doc and beam it into your melon that would save both of us time and embarassment#im rambling the short version is I have adhd#yapping
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sevicia · 4 months
My parents were talking about my sister getting a job and like, my dad's always agaisnt nearly every single job ever because it's "dangerous", and my mom was telling him like "everything's dangerous these days! you just want her to stay here forever?" and then asked him if he'd let my sister move to another city, because that's what SHE did, and he said NO. And my mom went "Well, I'd let her! Oh, I wouldn't let Dante do it though. He's too innocent! But his sister has a lot more common sense, so she'd be OK"
Like this is just how my life is now. I'm too stupid and naive to do any "big" or "dangerous" things alone, and I should only ever try when someone else is around to "help" me by getting exasperated and treating me badly whenever I make a "mistake" (AKA don't do it the exact way they want me to). But I'm also old enough that I should know better and know how to do all these "common sense" things that no one ever taught me, and the fact that I still don't know how to do them at my age makes me feel so fucking useless and ashamed that I barely even wanna try learning anymore. There's always gonna be someone to do it for me anyways because I'm so stupid and clueless and useless and obviously can't figure anything out by myself.
I hate trying new things, because if I try to do them by myself and fail I get told "See? You DO need help! I'm not letting you do this alone anymore!", and if I do them right suddenly it's just not that big of a deal and I should've been able to do that AGES ago, and if I ask for help and start asking for clarifications/clearer instructions they get angry at me because "it's SO OBVIOUS, are you PRETENDING to be stupid?"
I'm trying SO hard to not hate myself for not having done most of the things a lot of people my age have already done/learned but it seems impossible because like. Why am I so stupid? Why am I so useless? Why am I so naive why am I so slow why am I so far behind???
I only started to feel like I had actual consciousness about two, MAYBE three years ago, and whenever I realize I learned something new or FINALLY figured something out I feel so happy! But I can't tell anyone IRL because I don't wanna get called stupid.
And it just makes me so incredibly miserable to think that I won't be able to move out til I'm like 30 or maybe EVER, that I'm just gonna be here forever, always too slow and useless to do anything to get out. I want to live by myself and to do things that I WANT to do and to stop feeling this deep deep shame about my own stupidity but it just doesn't even seem plausible right now, and the worst part is that it's all my fault for being an idiot but most importantly for being compliant and always too scared to protest.
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feluka · 1 year
Tumblr media
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subarashiihibi · 1 year
logging onto tumblr and seeing blatant ableism was not something i was expecting but Alright
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My friends complaining about Gemma having "zero emotional capacity" my man, she has emotional capacity she's just neurodivergent stfu
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faggling · 10 months
realized that as far as I know my abuse primarily started after 9/11...much to think about
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iphnh · 11 months
me when I first heard of Barbie: that sounds like a 2 hour commercial for Barbie
me when I saw the online reaction to the movie: hmm it might be worth watching
me after I watched Barbie: that was a 2 hour commercial for Barbie.
#I'm sorry I really did not like it.....#even when I try to analyze the movie's mechanics (rather than its social commentary) it's still not a good movie to me....#it really did just feel like a literal commercial -- a lot of flashy music costumes and pitches but no actual substance....sorry#so much of the characterization/suspense/setting would be thrown at you with a zingy one-liner and no further attempt to establish it....uh#like Mattel trying to capture Barbie and return her to Barbieland had 0 explanation for how they knew she was there...why it was important#to send her back...what would happen if they didn't send her back...and Mattel was not funny enough (to me) to ignore the lack of stakes lo#so that subplot did not emotionally engage me.....same with the Kens...their takeover was like....um. ok? what's actually at stake?#their world seemed to not have any disease so the status of 'doctor' didn't mean anything -- so why does it matter if Kens have that status#and they had no wars or crimes so who cares if Kens are president or judges...like....these are just titles!!! there's no value behind it!!#the most emotionally engaging part of that arc is Barbie losing her house#and I think they should have dug into that part more#but that scene is just zingy one liner after zingy one liner....god#marvel's obsession with zingy one liners has destroyed the brightest minds of our generation I fear#anyway....this is all before I even get into the social commentary....but I'll stop now lol
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youmustfixyourheartt · 11 months
fucked up what happened to mike crew.
#i think that and maybe leitner voice debut and the whole dark ritual story arc are some of the only things ive actually really really-#disliked about the podcast#NOT THAT THE LEITNER VOICE DEBUT WAS BAD#i just think that it took away from a lot of the tension that was building however i do love brutal pipe murder#also making the avatars so easy to kill just humanizes them too much to me which i think is the opposite of what was trying to be done#like the put so so so much emphasis on how michael isnt michael anymore he's something else and how jon is slowly losing his humanity#and thats a lot of the horror is losing your humanity#which i understand some avatars are going to be more human than others but yknow#its also a horror podcast#theres something terrifying about living so long being stuck in a not quite human state not being able to go on without feeding your fear#you technically dont have as much autonomy as you think you do and thats terrifying#but that kind of gets lost when you make it so easy to kill some of them#and like didnt jon also...have to go see the flesh to even get bones out of himself like he was having physical issues with?? bleeding??#i dunno#i actually didnt mind gerry's explanation of things#i know some people did but its just as cryptic as any other explanation#like the fears cant really be rationalised whatever you think you know about them is wrong#like he also didnt really know fuck all about anything else jon asked him#you gotta remember he really just wanted to get out of that book as well#“yeah the world changes in terrible ways for YOU. im a book”#“you cant be serious.” “im dead serious”#so realistically with how little gertrude actually told him about any of it and how much he just wanted to get out of the book yknow you#gotta take everything he said with a grain of salt#SORRY FOR RANTING ON MAIN I WAS JUST HAVING THOUGHTS#stickers lore
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