#been lost to time. and he is a victim to time just like anybody else. OUGH AAAAA MY HEART MY BRAIN IM SO SAD ABOUT FATES AGAIN.
lululeighsworld · 30 days
decided to play the heirs of fate dlc this weekend (ive been meaning to for awhile; admittedly my knowledge of it all comes from browsing the wiki, and i really wanted to experience the anankos characterization for myself). this isn't even the part i was excited to get to BUT I AM REELING OVER IT..........FOR REASONS I WILL DISCLOSE IN THE TAGS (from part iv: light's sacrifice)
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#during shigure's explanation about why there's gaps in the kids' memories my brain IMMEDIATELY flipped to krad's post about whether --#gunter actually remembers how much he loved his family/is the revenge really for them or is it more so for his own satisfaction --#and like. OH MY GOD. IS IT NOT SO UTTERLY CRUEL THAT PERHAPS THE TRANSITION OF HIS REVENGE BEING FOR THEM ---> BEING SO FOR HIM WAS IN --#FACT BY ANANKOS' DESIGN ALL ALONG RATHER THAN JUST AN UNFORTUNATE SIDE EFFECT OF THE POSSESSION..........#gunter honey you may have been more under his thrall than you realized#this would totally align with how he's only able to tell corrin about his family once he's free from the possession. cuz anankos is no --#longer deliberately stealing his memories to make him more willing to act on his behalf.......ough........#of course i still think gunter purposefully indulged in that power from anankos.......latching onto it as an opportunity to exact his --#revenge without really being aware of all the consequences that would coincidence along with that#and of course this is just a lil tidbit for my own self insert lore but if anankos stealing memories is a thing he purposefully does to --#make his victims more malleable that would explain why he would not remember his time in askr or leigh upon returning to the world of --#revelation :''''') and perhaps it would slowly come back to him post game#teehee. having many thoughts. brain exploding. typical behaviour.#once again fates storytelling is fucking exceptional like is it not brilliant that the degenerating dragon who has lived among his people -#far longer than one likely should. and has been scorn by those ppl he so loved as now their memories of him are only full of fear and --#hatred. ends up stealing people's memories to make them more useful in his plan to destroy the world. much like how his own memories have -#been lost to time. and he is a victim to time just like anybody else. OUGH AAAAA MY HEART MY BRAIN IM SO SAD ABOUT FATES AGAIN.#anyways i still gotta play part 5 of the dlc but im saving that for either tonight or tmrw
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zairene · 8 months
* ˚ ✦ synopsis: you’ve perished and after being in a limitless abyss that seemed to have no end, you found yourself having a conversation with the underground’s grim reaper.
* ˚ ✦ genre: fic, 1k count !
* ˚ ✦ author’s note: this is honestly a really good prologue for a series.
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after becoming a victim of reality’s corrupt fate of death, you were surprisingly calm. were you satisfied when you died? obviously not. dying young meant leaving everyone and everything you had ever loved behind and it was definitely a hard pill to swallow. however, you just knew it was coming. you were free of the pain you were constantly having to endure when living, and now that it has stopped, you finally achieved a level of peace you haven’t experienced before.
you had been suffering from a terminal illness, when doctors immediately diagnosed you and relayed the news that you were slowly dying, you didn’t know how to feel. seeing the tears of your loved ones did not help your conflicted emotions, they were handling it worse than you and you were the one dying. so when it came to the day you were expected to die, you were just ready for life to take you away and put you in whatever situation that lay for you in the afterlife.
and here you are now, walking in this abyss-like place where nothing but the color black was in your vision. you didn’t know how long you were walking or where you were heading towards—hell you could’ve been walking in circles this entire time—but you didn’t feel any sort of fatigue or have any sense of time. being dead was a lot more dull than you assumed it to be. either way, you had no choice.
“well hello there.”
a deep smooth voice called from behind you. you turned around to see a figure with a tall and lanky physique, his bandaged hands held an enormous scythe. is he here to finish me off? that was your initial thought when you saw the being. he soon lifted his hoodie to reveal his face. his eyes were a piercing black to the point where a simple stare could make any regular person think he could see their soul. in this case, he probably could.
his wavy brown hair was layered, but his hair in the back reached the nape of his neck. even for being dead, it looked like he took care of it quite well, you were kinda impressed. his smile was oddly soothing, but you could tell there were many tales to be told behind it.
“are you just here to tell me i’m dead? i think i’m aware.” you said.
“no, no darling. actually, you’re not dead. not yet anyways.” he saunters closer to you. “this is the void.”
“the what?”
“the void.” he raises his hand that is holding his scythe and places it behind him to lean on. you are stunned by the fact that thing could handle his entire body weight. “a place between life and death where i make your journey into the afterlife somewhat easier, to put it into simpler terms, i guess.” he paused, taking a look at you. his expression changed. “you poor thing, you look awfully young. i take it you haven’t handled the news well, hm?”
“yeah, dying young wasn’t really a part of my resolutions for the new year but here i am. and i handled it just fine, thank you.” you were not about to have him treat you like some charity case similar to anybody else that has met their end here. he smirks. “sassy one, aren’t ya?”
“if being sassy means i won’t put up with pity, then i might be the sassiest of them all.” you retorted.
“point taken.” he puts his hands up in defense. “here, walk with me. unless you wanna be here forever, then be my guest.” he walks past you, and you follow shortly not interested in the idea of being lost for the rest of eternity.
“i’m your friendly neighborhood grim reaper, and yes, just like the forms of entertainment the humans like to indulge in.” he says disgustingly. you noticed his disdain for mortal activities but you weren’t bothered to ask.
“so you’re here to take my soul?”
“incorrect and that’s honestly boring. think of the opportunity that lies ahead of you as a second life.”
“a second life?” you were intrigued.
“yes. a better version of humanity, that’s what many have said at least.”
“oh really? what makes them say that?”
“my, you are filled with questions. as expected but i’m afraid i can’t answer them all as i am a very busy man.” you rolled your eyes. “however, you can refer to our consultant at the underground once our conversation here is finished.”
he held his finger up. “and before you ask, i’ll explain.” you closed your mouth since you were gonna ask another question.
“the underground is the place you go to once you’re officially dead—i feel that part was obvious but it’s part of the speech i give everyone—a wonderland filled with people who are also in your situation. dead and confused. some have resided there longer than others, so they know their way around the place, but for people like you,” he points at you. “it’s a redemption of sorts. to live your life eternally without the fear it may end due to unfathomable circumstances or stupid things like old age.”
“so you’re saying that i’m living life again but infinitely and with no consequences?”
“correct! you’re a natural.” he continues. “but this doesn’t exclude you from having responsibilities of course. we all have jobs here and you still have to play your part, alive or not. now, are you ready?”
“yeah, sure.” you weren’t. you were still very hesitant about the whole thing but you didn’t want to continue to bombard the guy with questions. “well then,” after those words a red portal appeared in front of the both of you. you looked at the man’s face and he gave you another smile. “welcome to the party.”
and before you could even comprehend what he told you, you were pushed into the portal, unaware of where it would take you specifically but you most certainly had an idea.
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heliads · 2 years
Hello Lisa! This is a request for peter pan with the prompts no. 13, 19, 25. I can't wait to read it <3
Congratulations once again on 5k 🎉
lots of love from AU Anon! 💛
thank you!! let's rock
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Peter Pan never fails.
That’s what his Lost Boys say, anyway, that little expression they love to repeat whenever he outsmarts another shipful of pirates, evil queen, or the latest villain to come to the island and challenge his status. Peter has said it himself more than a fair amount of times, savoring the syllables on his tongue as if by declaring it alone, he’ll have that much more power to find the means to his ends.
Now, however, Peter feels surprisingly close to failing. He has been trying to actualize a goal of his for quite some time, yet somehow he is absolutely no closer to succeeding than he was at the beginning. In fact, he might be even farther from achieving this dream than at first. Every one of his efforts seems to push him away time and time again.
The name of this particular conquest, you might ask? Peter Pan wants the heart of someone quite close to him. He wants to steal that beating organ directly from someone’s chest without a single drop of blood. No violence, only metaphors. He wants someone to fall in love with him, and that person is Y/N L/N.
Peter was not supposed to fall for her. In fact, he specifically has been going about his days all this time in the hopes of never falling in love. Love is a weakness, a distraction from the true glory of not caring about anybody except for oneself. That’s what Peter had been preaching, at least, but all it took was one daring Lost Girl and he’s absolutely set on her.
It’s ridiculous. Peter has been trying to shake this crush for a while now, but nothing he does ever seems to work. He spends some time in his Thinking Tree to identify all the things about Y/N that he seems to love in the hopes of talking himself out of them, but no dice. He tries to treat her like any other Lost Boy so he’ll start thinking platonically instead of romantically, and they end up sparring and he’s got his sword to her throat and she’s grinning at him and– oh no, he’s even worse than before.
No, there’s nothing Peter can do about getting rid of his terrible affections. The only solution, then, is to get Y/N to like him so he can stop pining and get on with himself. However, this is far easier said than done. Y/N is headstrong, wild, out of her mind, and that’s exactly why Peter loves her. This does, unfortunately, lead to Peter’s attempts having less success than he would prefer.
He’s trying again now, though, and this time, it’s going to work. At first, Peter was worried that perhaps he wasn’t being direct enough– if Peter himself didn’t think himself capable of love, it’s not like anyone else would think that he would fall victim to such an occurrence. Y/N might not even realize it, and believe him to just be talking to her like any other friend.
He’s not blind, of course. Peter is Peter, and at the end of the day, that means he’s the most brutal of all of them, the most cunning, the most devoted to trickery. Most of the Lost Boys wouldn’t put it past Peter to make someone think he liked them far better than he did just to achieve a result if he so wished.
Y/N is different, though. For once, there’s no gambit involved. Peter is simply in love, and although that may not seem conceivable to anyone who isn’t him, it’s true. The objective from here on out is not to win a prize, but a heart. Peter may have had less luck on that front than he’d like as of late, but today is going to go differently. He can feel it, or at least he’d like to pretend as much.
Today, he’s going to be direct. In fact, Peter doesn’t think he could possibly be more obvious. The Lost Boys are holding a celebration of sorts to welcome their latest arrival, some bedraggled looking boy Peter’s shadow summoned up earlier today, and the sounds of their wild whoops and cheers should cover up any words spoken between him and Y/N.
She’s sitting on a log on the outskirts of the festivities, watching the dancing and cheering with a glint in her eye. Y/N had been one amongst their wailing numbers only a little while ago, but she relinquished her spot in the ranks to the new boy.
Peter casually takes a seat next to her, raising his voice a little to be heard over the din of the others. “How’s the prettiest person in the world doing?”
There, a clear indication that Peter wants to be more than just friends. However, despite his strong self assurance that this could only be interpreted in a non platonic manner, Y/N just flashes him an easygoing grin and fires the question straight back at him.
“I don’t know, how are you?”
Peter almost sputters. “You think I’m pretty?”
Y/N arches a brow. “Do you think I’m pretty?”
He’s going to lose his mind. “Do you ever take things seriously?”
“Not if I can help it,” Y/N returns, “I thought that’s what we did around here. Made things up and had fun with it.”
“Only in the proper situations,” Peter mutters under his breath. Preferably, serious conversations could still be had in times of need, such as now, when he really needs to figure out if she likes him or not.
Y/N chuckles. “You look like you’re having a wonderful evening. You might want to smile every now and then, or our newest Lost Boy is going to think that we’re all boring and grim.”
Peter arches a brow. “I’m always like this. Don’t you remember that from when you arrived on Neverland?”
Y/N’s eyes warm with the memory. “Of course I remember. I think you threatened to kill me. It was a wonderful start.”
Peter does remember that, now that she brings it up. Perhaps it shouldn’t come as such a surprise that he’s struggling to let his feelings be known; he’s not exactly well known for his emotional outreach.
“Well,” Peter declares, “it worked for you, obviously, and it’ll work for the new kid. I, for one, am eager to see what he’ll bring to the rest of us.”
Y/N nods in agreement. “Just don’t get so attached to him that you forget about me, alright?”
The fire sparks nearby. The extra light casts Y/N’s face in sharper clarity, and for a brief moment, Peter realizes that she’s serious at last. The shadows come soon enough, of course, ridding him of this evidence in no time at all, but her expression is still burned into the back of Peter’s mind like a brand.
“I could never forget about you,” he whispers, “never in a thousand years. Perhaps even in a million.”
It’s getting dark by now, the night settling over them in great heaps of indigo and charcoal, but Peter swears he can still see a slow smile spread across Y/N’s face at his words. He might have a better chance at this than he thought.
Peter goes to sleep pleased with himself that night, but when morning comes, he can’t shake the belief that he made no real progress. The day comes and goes, bringing with it no sure signs that Y/N understood what he was trying to say. When Peter wakes up early the morning after that and sees Y/N along by the water’s edge, he all but jumps at the chance to talk to her alone again.
Y/N’s skipping stones as far as she can. The water is slow around here, less restricted by the tides. The bay opens up to the sea farther out, but right here, all is calm and bright. The sun is steadily climbing through the sky, setting a ripple of sparkles atop the blue of the water.
She turns to him with a smile when she hears him approach. “Thought that was you. No one else does the whole ‘ominous lurking’ thing like you, by the way.”
Peter snorts before he can stop himself. “That’s a terrible thing to say to somebody.”
Y/N chuckles. “Doesn’t mean it’s not true.”
She turns to pick up another pebble, hurling it as far as she can into the shimmering depths. Peter raises a hand to shade his eyes from the sun, and he can just make out where it lands on the horizon.
“I didn’t think you’d be up so early. We were training all yesterday, everyone else is still sleeping in.” He comments.
Y/N lifts a shoulder. “You’re not. Plus, I only get so many hours by myself around here. I wanted at least a few moments to myself.”
Peter freezes slightly, wondering if that’s a hint for him to get lost. Y/N gestures at him to join her, though, so she must not be including him in her wish for everyone else to keep their distance.
Peter picks up a smooth stone, tossing it up and down in his palm before sending it skipping across the surface. “I can’t blame you for wanting some time alone. The rest of the Lost Boys are a good bunch, but we spend a lot of the day together. I often walk by myself in the mornings, if you ever wanted a place to be alone with somebody else.”
He manages to tinge the offer with the faintest bit of hope, like the last of his spirit is bleeding out into the request. Peter doesn’t know how many more ways he can try to tell Y/N how he feels, but he’s running out of options.
Y/N puts down the rock she had just picked up, and turns to look at him in earnest. “If this is your way of asking me out, I think I’m going to need you to try a little harder.”
Peter stares at her. “What?”
Her voice, usually so light and carefree, is deadly serious. “I need to know how you feel, Peter. I’m sick of playing games or trying to figure each other out through extended hints and innuendos. If this is what you want, fine. I just need to know the truth.”
Peter feels floored. He’d thought he was being obvious, but Y/N looks like she hasn’t been sure of him for quite some time.
So, he nods, and does his best to give her some clarity. “I am trying to ask you out, Y/N. Honestly, I am. I know that I’m– difficult, maybe, or hard to handle, but it’s true. I want to be the closest person to you, closer than anyone else.”
The faintest of smiles is starting to slip across her face, warming her hesitant expression, giving new light to her eyes. Peter thinks he could watch that sort of transition like a sunrise, constantly seeking it out, always enamored to have it all to himself.
“So you really do like me, huh?” She comments, so unconcerned by the gravitas of Peter Pan himself falling for her.
“I do,” he says calmly, “but I don’t know how you feel. Tell me you love me, Y/N. I need to hear it just the once.”
He has always been one for theatrics, for showmanship, and he can’t resist now. Something about hearing her say the blessed words once and for all will finally let him rest.
Y/N seems to know this, and so she smiles and indulges him. “I love you, Peter. I have for quite some time.”
Just like that, he’s golden. Peter is used to his endless stretch of years and decades and centuries. He’s always had the Lost Boys, but now he has something better, someone even closer than those friends. He has someone to love, someone who loves him back, and that makes all of the difference.
ouat tag list: @lovesanimals0000, @amortensie, @lost-ender
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lorephobic · 6 months
2, 17, 22 for Saltburn
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
this means nothing to anybody who follows me for saltburn, but i just answered this question about my other blorbo and came to the exact same conclusion for the complete opposite reason. oliver quick would NEVER top because he is clawing to be the main character of every room that he enters. he wants to be desired so badly that he'll reinvent himself into whoever he thinks you want.
there's a sort of trope in obsession-related media where the obsessor ends up forcefully taking from their victim exactly what they want. and i think that oliver subverts this narrative by never taking anything from felix. he never asks for more than he's given. when he finally has the opportunity to kiss felix, he doesn't. he takes from venetia, and he takes from farleigh, and he takes from james and elspeth, but at the crux of his character, is his need to be taken by felix. this is, of course, a metaphor for bottoming LMAO
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
ok so tbh i'm not a huge fic person because i'm so incredibly picky about the way that the media that i care about is interpreted, which is why i've never read a single saltburn fic and honestly i probably won't ever, just because i feel like there is very little room in this story to expand and no way to twist and rewrite it in a way that is true to the characters that i care so much about. but WITH THAT BEING SAID, i was honestly so totally astonished by @125hr's cattonquick art that it made me realize that maybe i do want to see more beautiful art of them kissing and we can all pretend like they had their moment<333
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
this should honestly be it's own post, but since my last rewatch i've been thinking a ton about the final dance being a reflection of felix's initial tour through saltburn, which has been talked about! but what i haven't seen talked about is all of the other scenes that end up echoing each other. felix's life on the screen and oliver's role in it form a perfect mirror image, starting and ending with oliver staring at felix at parties and not being able to touch him. starting and ending with oliver watching felix have sex with someone that's not him. starting and ending with oliver fucking people who aren't felix in an attempt to get closer to him. on a second rewatch, when you know all of the signs, there's such a devastating sense of oliver returning back to square one, lost in a crowd full of felix's friends and nobody even knows his name. there is a time before felix and there is a time after felix and exactly at the center of this timeline, there is a man on his hands and knees in a bathtub getting the closest he will ever get to the thing that he wants.
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ctheathy · 1 year
Yandere The Angel headcanons
Yandere The Angel x Reader
Yandere Headcanons [SFW]
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It may come off as slightly out of character to those who have dove deeper into his persona, but I wish to tell you; that was exactly what I was going for. I could easily just write him down as some barbarian who does nothing more than take the lives of those around you, but where’s the fun in that? That might as well be his neutral form without any of the romance included. I enjoy writing for unique aspects in yandere aus, and this just so happens to be my own.
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
General toxicity • Yanderes • Depression • Descriptions of Insanity • Su!c!de mention • Slight death+murder detail • Sadistic behaviour [Only from the Angel ,, Not directed torwards darling] • Possessiveness • Superiority complex • Narcissism • Fascination with death • Guilt tripping • Worship
At first glance, the Angel seems like a very ... Complex character. He’s sadistic, cruel, barbaric and very much disrespectful to those who have passed on to the next life; showing no sorrow in their deaths and feeling the need to mock those who are on the verge of it. Much of the characteristics that would be considered a whole lot more reasonable for quite the opposite than the angelic form they take on. All of that and proportionally for little to no reason behind it either. He simply enjoys the things that he does for the thrill of it, having zero remorse in the matter whatsoever ... But there’s an aspect I haven’t seen anybody remorselessly think nor talk about just yet. One that not only has the capability of breaking some of those inhumane personality traits down, but in causing his yandere tendencies to show up. It’s time we take a look far into the future, one much further than any given screentime could ever be.
Over the years he starts to grow bored of his targets. As there's heavily implied that the Angel is very much self aware and has the capability of interacting with future victims of either suicidal reasonings, near death experiences, due to them being on the verge of the afterlife to begin with or himself simply shooting the brains out of them out of satisfaction; any potential survivors after having met the Angel would have likely lost their lives by him not all too long after or have fallen into complete insanity by the relentless and nonstopping disturbing presence alone.
Most assumptions on meeting this considered holy being would likely either move torwards fearing it for their lives, the realisation setting in that it holds the power to literally end anyone’s life they desire to take; or instead going as far to worship the divine appearance, viewing it as a sign of hope and good luck, doing anything it requests in order to keep this mere delusion of themselves living and holding no limits in order to do so, to the point where in the end the only considered thing blessing for them would be the mental institution taking them in. And although these occurrences used to be delightful for him, The Angel has rarely ever experienced anything else. All it takes is one little difference in behaviour what would be more than enough to set him off. Foreignness filling his veins and a feeling of curiosity and desire starting to bloom inside of him.
I cannot help but enjoy the thought of the Angel craving nothing but normality for once in a while. Messing with people on the boundary of life and death is fun. Heck, even toying with the mortal’s emotions shall remain enjoyable and very much so entertaining for the Angel, but it’s important to remember that it’s all he’s ever used to. The Angel holding younger//childish characteristics and curious desires makes it only obvious their ways shall become atleast somewhat boring to them over time. He gets tired of everything being in constant repeat. He wants--no he needs something else to keep his own cravings intact eventually.
Am I implying that the Angel has been a ticking time bomb all along?
Yes, that’s exactly what I’m going after.
When treating him as some equal, neutral entity; almost like he didn’t just take somebody’s life right in front of you, he’s close to feeling offended in a way. He understands he speaks and looks like any other human being would minus the common angelic features, but surely you should have gotten the hint by now that he’s on a much higher level than any of you mortals could ever be. But instead you ... Don’t. Or either just do not care about the Angel’s position as the assistant of literal Death himself in the slightest, which both wouldn’t be all too far out of reach for your case, but this instead makes him feel absolutely outraged and severely taken aback; rather close to just making the presumption that your sanity levels had already been long gone to begin with. No other human has ever treated him the same way you have, so what was the deal with you here? You’re definitely on the border of weird in his opinion, but also intrusively compelling, which is exactly where this unwanted obsession of his would make a start.
No matter how the two of you would have met, the Angel wouldn’t want you dead like he might have had in plan beforehand. Due to how dull his life had been, it’s only obvious he would have easily noticed how much more alive he’s gotten after your sudden arrival in his life, it’s likely been hundreds of years since he’s felt this way--no- Even generally speaking, he felt better than he’s ever had. If anything, all those damned years can go to waste for all he cares. You’ve become his main and likely only source of happiness at this point, and although he would never show nor admit to this in any case, he’s been just as miserable as those occasional mortals suffering from depression in all those years.
Yet would the one struggling with similar issues be his darling, he’d be a whole lot less reasonable among his entire circle of life perspective, casting it aside in hopes of them listening to his childlike, yet genuine pleads for their beating heart. Quite literally guilt tripping you in the process, having zero problem nor shame in forcing out a few crocodile tears in order to keep you on your feet properly. He’s had a mindset that could usually only be considered as insensitive and apathetic; finding any kinds of suffering viewed as pleasant, and although he still truly is torwards any other human being out there, he could never wish the same upon his darling, no matter how natural it may feel for him.
Despite how the normal Angel would be fairly careless with his victims, just trying to get the job done with and not feeling any particular way when doing so, yandere Angel gains a habit of becoming a whole lot more ... Aggressive torwards any rivals of his that might pop up. Despite having a seemingly small image and usually just going for the gun to do the job for him, the Angel would have no problem literally ripping apart whoever with bare hands, tearing off the chunks of flesh of anybody unlucky enough to grab your attention. And may they have the convenience to survive? Well- A few or thirty stabs and knife wounds on the body would surely do the trick instead. Although he’d usually be one to show these through childish acts and mannerisms, his possessive nature has become him to be a whole lot more emotionally expressive with his true emotions among the circumstances of the situation.
For something more on the romantic side, I can see him being a severely overprotective, teasing, cunning and sarcastic, yet perhaps somewhat needy being torwards his darling. On a more immature note, he’d likely also be one to throw childish fits when not getting what he desires, even lack of attention for the day causing his mood to sour greatly. He’s an entity that’s lacked any kinds of normal connections, as some would say it, so having gained one through you would make him quite the clingy saint; always hovering around you throughout your usual routines and holding your side close at the seemingly worst moments along the day. He’s also one to wrap you around in his wings, who unsurprisingly, are fairly soft, feeling much like those of doves would, yet also fluffy in a way. He’d also use this technique when feeling particularly jealous in any of your daily moments together. Any potential threats and unwanted observation being given shall learn what it’s like to have a bullet be shot through their foreheads.
The Angel has chosen you as the muse of his life and he’ll go to severe extends to show the entire world that if he has to, feeling the need to wrap you up and keep you away from any of their horrendous behaviours and thinking that could potentially rub their ways off on you. You’re the true angel in his eyes. You’ve saved him of a lifelong fate that no other could have considerably freed him from. He finds himself being an unstable wreck before all that and it’s only then when just the wrong darling shows up
who knows how long he has the capability of following them around before he’ll snap?
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fanfic-scribbles · 2 months
Dinner Date Chapter 31
<<Previous Chapter Next Chapter>>
Overall Story Facts:
Fandom: MCU Captain America/Avengers
Story Summary: Steve Rogers has a girlfriend. A prickly, generally asocial girlfriend, but they make it work. They have more in common than some people might think.
Quick Facts: Romance – Steve Rogers/Reader – Female Reader
Story Warnings: Reader-insert that verges on OFC, written in 1st person past tense
Chapter 31: Under Cover
Chapter Summary: Hypothetical plans, nachos, and a nice night in with victims friends.
Chapter Word Count: 1515
A/N: May is a mixed bag so please enjoy this little offering <3 The next chapter is getting a bit unwieldy, but I’ll try to rein it in to something more orderly (and sensical).
“What are you going to do when you can’t keep undercover anymore?”
Natasha did love her non-sequiturs. I was sitting with Steve and we were currently hanging out with her, Clint, and Bruce in the top floor of Stark’s tower. Though Bruce was barely paying attention to anything around him, too fascinated with something on his tablet. He even still had nearly a full plate of nachos left– though that might have been because, when Clint had tried to reach over and grab one, all it took was a vague comment about “feeling a little green” for Clint to snap his hand back, pout, and get up to go refill his plate from the nacho bar Tony had had set up in the common area. Stark truly was a genius, much as it pained me to admit. Even if his idea of an ‘appetizer’ was bigger and better than some nice meals I’d had.
I munched on a chip and wondered if I could get away with pretending I hadn’t heard the question, but Natasha was definitely staring at me and not anybody else, so I tried to think about how we had gotten from ugly shoe advertisements to this. It took me a second. More than a second. Many seconds. …Okay, I gave up. “What am I undercover about?”
She smiled like I said exactly what she expected. Why not just explain first then? Weirdo. I meant that affectionately, of course, but I had no idea what went on in her head, and I could have sworn she could very clearly see the DVD screensaver bouncing around in mine, which felt a little unfair sometimes. She jutted her chin at Steve. “You two are way too touchy-feely for ‘just friends’ to fly for long,” she said.
I looked at Steve and took in his arm behind me, his other hand on my thigh, and the frown starting to form on his face. I rolled my eyes and made sure to pull his arm down further, so he knew to stay put. “One: you’d be amazed how unwilling people would be to believe it. Two: we’re not this touchy out in public. Three…” I looked at Steve, who raised an eyebrow, then I shrugged and looked at Natasha again. “We’d figure out a way to deal. Likely with an addendum that Steve never, ever, ever, ever be allowed to look at any article about him without my vetting, ever, ever, ever again.”
“That’s a lot of ‘ever’s,” Clint said appreciatively.
“Steve’s not the only dramatic bitch in this relationship,” I said and crunched as obnoxiously as possible. As soon as I swallowed, I admitted, “Though the first rag to get the ‘Captain America Colon Chubby Chaser Interrobang’ headline would probably give him such a fit that even I couldn’t decree shit.”
Steve patted my leg, but didn’t argue. “So hopefully I don’t have to punch any so-called ‘journalists,’” he said and leaned in. I rewarded him with a chip, and he took it, crunching loudly by my ear a couple times before giving my cheek a salty kiss.
“Ewww,” Clint said and fake-gagged. “I think I lost my appetite.”
He still had toppings on his nachos, so I reached over and snatched his plate. “Excellent; Steve, we’ve got guacamole again.”
“I might actually get some this time,” Steve said and snagged a chip with a mountain of it.
“Wha– hey!” Clint said indignantly.
“You lost your appetite. We’re helping,” I said, taking some toppings for myself.
“Very helpful,” Steve said and took a mountain of guacamole and sour cream on just a few chips. “You're welcome.”
Clint scowled in our general direction, but oddly, did not try to steal his food back. “Captain America my ass; Captain Nacho Thief, more like.”
I snapped my fingers a couple of times. “Doesn’t have the same zing.”
“We’ll workshop it,” Natasha said, her dimples starting to show with her smile. Thinking of the Black Widow as ‘cute’ was probably ridiculous, but she was just impossible, sometimes.
“What’s this I hear about Captain Stickyfingers?” Tony asked as he came back with Pepper, Phil, and Maria.
“Clint had no appetite. We’re just making sure no food goes wasted,” I said, fully ready to support my boyfriend against any accusations. …Especially since I had been the one to, technically, theoretically, hypothetically, do the alleged ‘stealing.’
“He did say he thought he lost his appetite,” Bruce commented, becoming maybe my third favorite Avenger. Steve and Sam always held spots one and two– switching depending on how annoyed I was with Steve at any given moment– and cute as she was, Natasha was going to have to stop tripping me up if she wanted to be back in the top three.
“Thought! Thought,” Clint said, like it seriously mattered.
“Oh, sorry Clint,” Steve said and handed back his plate. With just scattered, toppings-less chips just sitting sadly with the scraped remains.
Clint took it in hand, and scowled at us. “You guys suck,” he grumbled and got up to get more food.
“The couple that steals food together,” Natasha said and crunched on a chip. Her plate was quite full and looked like something out of a food magazine spread, but I was not tempted. I liked having both of my hands.
I looked at the nacho bar, all of maybe ten feet away, and I was about to turn to Steve to suggest playing rock-paper-scissors to see who had to get up to get more, but Steve took his arm from around my shoulders, patted my knee, and got up without any prompting or nagging or anything. And when he came back and sat down just as he had been, he held the plate to me.
“I love you,” I told him and took it before turning to put my legs across his thighs and setting the plate in my lap so we could share better.
“I know,” he said smugly.
“Ooooo!” Tony pointed. “He just Han Solo’d you!”
“Actually, he Leia’d me,” I said and settled back against the couch arm, feeling just as smug. “I did it first.”
“And here I thought you’d want to be Leia,” Pepper teased lightly.
“If I’m gonna be anybody, it might as well be the grumpy outcast who fucks up more often than not,” I said. Steve pinched my thigh in rebuke– for the negative self-talk I assumed– and I swatted his hand. “The supposed diplomat who just wants to fight everyone though? Totally Steve.”
“Wow,” Clint said. “If we got Steve a blaster…”
Maria actually flinched. “Thank you for those nightmares, Barton,” she said dryly, and then she swiped Clint’s (new) plate, to his outrage and Natasha’s outright laughter. Then they all went on to debate whether or not Steve would talk back as effectively to Vader and Tarkin, but I assumed Natasha and Clint were making it a debate just to be contrarians, because of course Steve would. Or maybe my faith in my boyfriend’s ability and willingness to be an obnoxious little snot was blinding me. I still chose to believe.
“I think the better question is, would Steve use the blaster?” Bruce asked aloud.
“What, Captain Apple Pie?” Tony scoffed.
I rolled my eyes. Steve patted my leg reassuringly. “I haven't used a gun since the war,” Steve said helpfully. “The shield’s enough for me.”
“And it’s not like he goes around giving every asshole a beating. I mean, if you didn’t go at the guy needling you last month, I think we’re pretty safe,” I said and patted his cheek. He rolled his eyes and moved his head away.
“Oh, the guy who got on you about the trans teen center fundraising you were doing?” Clint said, sounding oddly…pleased. “The guy whose car mysteriously imploded?”
Silence settled at that. Almost as one, we all looked at Natasha.
Who looked at Steve with a partial smirk and one highly raised eyebrow. She looked like she wanted to grin though, which looked oddly more demented than I imagined an actual grin would. “I didn’t teach him that.”
We all looked at Steve– even Bruce deigned to lift his head. Steve set his face like he did when he wanted to stonewall, but after a few seconds he grumbled, “No one got hurt,” and sullenly munched on a chip.
“Nazi Germany did not teach you how to irreparably damage a Toyota Corolla,” Maria said skeptically.
Steve made a noncommittal “hmm,” and was utterly unrepentant. I looked at the nearly empty plate and scraped up a decent amount of sour cream and guacamole, no salsa, onto a chip before offering it to him. His return ‘I love you too’ was in his eyes as he took it and ate it, but I understood.
“Ugh!” Tony exclaimed. “You're both disgusting but if I tried to tell anyone how they’d think I was insane.”
The thought of that interaction was satisfying enough that I could feel a smirk form on my face before I could stop it. Steve, though, had an expression to match, so I didn’t feel so bad.
“No, no couple bonding over my torment! I forbid it!”
I snuggled closer. No, not so bad at all.
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smartycvnt · 1 year
Heat of the Moment
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Title: Heat of the Moment Pairing: Laurel Lance x Reader Summary: Laurel confesses her feelings for Y/n during an argument. R WC: 719
The silence radiating through Laurel's apartment was an uneasy at best. All of the tension from Laurel's day at the office had been carried over from work even hours after the woman had left the building. Y/n had tried to help with that as much as she could, but Laurel hadn't relaxed at all all week. It was more than just work that was bothering Laurel, not that Laurel would admit it. Oliver Queen coming back had been hard enough for Laurel, but Tommy losing interest in her had made it all worse. He had been her last little shred of whenever she felt like she had a normal life. Y/n could never provide for Laurel the comforts that Tommy's presence did, no matter how much she tried to.
"Do you have to click your pen so much?" Y/n had been wondering when their silence would be broken. She hadn't expected Laurel to snap at her in such a way. Y/n hadn't clicked her pen more than twice in the last couple of minutes. However, Y/n could tell from the strain in Laurel's voice that she had been holding this back for quite some time. "You should really just use a computer, those files are archaiac."
"Not all of us get nice, city bought laptops for our cases," Y/n muttered under her breath. Laurel's eyes narrowed as she stared at Y/n. They hadn't spoken about Laurel's promotion, the one that both of them had been up for, but now seemed like as good a time as any for the resentment to come out. "Why are you staring at me? What could I possibly be doing now?"
"I worked hard for that promotion. I know what everybody says, but that's not the fucking truth. You know that Y/n, better than anybody," Laurel said. There was something else on the tip of Laurel's tongue, words that Laurel didn't dare speak to Y/n. There was no telling how Y/n would have reacted to having certain bits of information out in the open, and despite all of Laurel's anger, Laurel was not willing to find out. Laurel had lost too much in such a recent time, she wasn't willing to lose Y/n as well.
"Say it, I know that you want to," Y/n said as she got into Laurel's face. Y/n stared into Laurel's eyes intently, watching as the somewhat smothered anger roared into a raging fire. "Come on, tell me what I you so desperately think I need to hear. It's not like everybody else isn't already saying it too, the ones who saw my test scores know better. I mean, how the hell could I have passed the bar on my own, right? I'm only qualified to be a paralegal, not a real lawyer. No firm wants me, the city only took me in because they're so short staffed and Detective Lance loves me like a daughter, or something. Isn't that right? I couldn't get one of the sisters, so I swooped in and comforted the poor, grieving father."
"I didn't say anything to anybody. I know it's not true," Laurel said. Neither woman was sure where the rumors had come from that Y/n had slept with Quentin Lance to get into the DA's office, but it was the farthest thing from the truth. Y/n was just never seen with anybody other than Laurel, and the wrong coworkers had seen Y/n joking with the policeman one afternoon when he dropped off some lab reports along with Laurel's lunch. "I can't stand you sometimes, it's like you want to be the victim. Fuck, you're so frustrating to be in love with!"
"You're one to talk," Y/n whispered as she let herself practically fall into Laurel's lap. Laurel caught Y/n as Y/n closed the distance between their lips. Laurel didn't give Y/n a chance to back away for a second. The two of them laid back on Laurel's couch, kissing each other like they couldn't get enough of one another. "Do you mean it?"
"I don't know what it means, but I know it's true," Laurel said. Y/n smiled against Laurel's lips before burying her head in the crook of Laurel's shoulder.
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aquarian-queen · 11 months
Q: It's been fun to watch Troy and Madison interact with each other. It's like watching a chess match, because each one knows how to play the other one, and Troy may have gotten more than he bargained for with the Clark family, because Madison has been messing with him and keeping Troy on his toes as much as he keeps her on her toes. Daniel Sharman: Absolutely. That was always what was fascinating to me about the script. You never get the sense that either chess player reveals their hand, and what I find lovely about it is that even when Troy is at times surprised or outmaneuvered or outflanked by Madison, there's a kind of respect there instead of an animosity, because he now has a partner that is equal to him. I think that's the first time in his life he's ever had someone who has showed that, so there's a kind of excitement and joy in playing with her. His barometer of when we can be friends is not quite the same as everybody else's. You have to almost kill him to gain his respect. Q: At first you think that Troy is just this sadistic person and that he's doing these things just to be pure evil, but as we learn more about his backstory, it almost seems as though Troy is as much of a victim as he is a villain. Was it interesting to dive into that duplicity as an actor? Daniel Sharman: Yeah, I'm really not interested in playing—I don't think any actor is—two-dimensional characters, so it was never an idea to me that this was just a psychopath or somebody that was totally without a past or a reason for his behavior, so I was really glad that the scripts supported a deeply troubled character, but also the reasons for that trouble—an exploration into a human being and human nature. That to me, as an actor, is always way more fascinating than just playing an "evil" character. Q: Because Troy lost his mom before the apocalypse, do you think that he could almost see Madison like a mom figure in his life? Daniel Sharman: There's a very muddy relationship there. Of course there is an idea of losing a mom, but I don't think it's quite as simple as him wanting to replace his mother. I think he looks at Madison as a strong woman, and is fascinated by someone who cares so deeply for her children and would do anything for their survival, which is so alien to him, because he's never had anybody that's done that. So I don't think it's just a motherly thing, but he's fascinated by blind devotion and this intense love. Because when he first sees Madison, it's not just Madison, it's Madison with Alicia. That's the key, seeing those two together and watching that relationship, which is something that Troy just does not understand. He has a line in the first episode where he says something like, "You love him more than you love yourself." And he's never encountered that. He's quite baffled by somebody who would really, honestly give their life for somebody that they loved.
Honestly, it's because of Troy and Madison's dynamic that helped me write my current Troy x OC story.
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TreeMina legal AU V1 (yes there are more) where Treech is a defense lawyer and Lamina is a prosecutor. Both are notoriously good at their job and they hate each other for it. Especially because of all the underlying intrigue in the legal world. They’re both good people with honorable motivations, but the broken nature of the system keeps them from truly appreciating each other as they stand on opposite sides of a suspect’s fate.
Pretty much every case that doesn’t involve both of them ends in their favor, and their record against one another is an almost perfect 50/50. The fiery passion they have for their craft and commitment to their perceptions of justice clash in their every interaction, causing them to mutually deem the other ad blind to the cruelty in this world, and it’s only when they’re forced to see each others’ perspective that they start to realize that maybe they’re not all that different. That maybe, if they’d stop being so stubbornly closed off to the other’s perspective , they’re perfect for each other.
Lamina’s seen crime in her life. Countless innocents left traumatized for the rest of their lives, only for those responsible to walk away scot-free. When she was young, she vowed to make a difference. So she could save future victims and bring closure to those she couldn’t. That dedication eventually led her down the path to become a prosecutor, working every day to put those who wrong others behind bars at all cost, so they cannot hurt anybody else.
When he was little, Treech lost his family. Not because they died or divorced or left him, no. He lost them because his father was wrongfully convicted for the murder of his mother, serving a lifetime in prison. He and his father had been together and he said that during the trial, but he was a child. The prosecutor argued his dad had made him say it, and the testimony was deemed insubstantial. He spent the rest of his life working to become a criminal lawyer so he can prevent other families from suffering the same fate. Privately, in the depths of his heart, he hopes to one day have built enough reputation to force his dad's case to be reopened and set him free.
Their lives led them to valuing the complete opposite side of the legal system. Both try to protect innocents, but their pasts gave them a different view of that concept. Somehow, two people with the same goal are starkly different people who clash at every possible opportunity until one fateful day. See, Lamina truly believes in what she's doing, but she only sees things from her perspective. Treech and lawyers like him are too jaded to believe people who work for the Department of Justice would ever care enough to listen to them about their problems with said department, so Lamina believes she and other prosecutors are not in any way favored. Their jobs are just as hard as that of the lawyers. What she doesn't understand is that the department of justice controls what documents the defence sees, and the important ones that can reduce sentences are hidden in footnotes or mentioned one time in the entire report with nothing to make it clear they may matter. Lamina has free access to these files, whereas lawyers need to request permission to view details about other cases, and the judge can deny this request.
In one, fateful case, Lamina believes she's got it in the bag. It's clear as day to her, until the last few minutes of that day's session. Treech seems... on edge. Careful with his words, though still eloquent and outwardly calm as ever. An actor, greedy for money and fame like all those other lawyers trying to let monsters run free but with a mask of affability most of them forego entirely. He's certainly more pleasant than the other ones, never raising his voice or screaming, but if anything that infuriates her more. The way he pretends to be such a nice, respectable person while arguing against locking up criminals and pleading for them to be allowed to harm even more people! This case was going to be like all the others, she'd thought, but since yesterday her greatest adversary had seemed... different. More determined than ever before, which said a lot because he was one of the most headstrong lawyers out there. If she didn't know lawyers as well as she did, she'd call him passionate. Yet, at the end, it seems like he'll just hand her the win this time. A whole session spent arguing why they should be granted access to a completely irrelevant case. It was connected to this one, he and his team had argued. His fellow lawyer had been angry, fired up as he damn near paced behind the microphone. How stupid of them to try and stretch out time like this, knowing it wouldn't change anything. Last session, the lawyer Treech was a replacement for had stepped down as defence and ended the case for the day when they didn't get access, an obvious ploy to buy time. Now they were trying again? Pathetic! She'd made her stance clear: If the Department of Justice had deemed it important, they'd have given access to this other case straight away. They'd have made it clear from the beginning like they always did. And that was that.
Except, once the final verdict was brought down and access was denied once again, Treech asked them calmly if that was their final decision, eyes calculating in that way they did when he was about to deliver a killing blow of an argument. Straight to the jugular of whichever prosecutor he was up against. At the confirmation of his question, Treech stood up. All collected cool, but when he looked Lamina in the eye she felt fear grip her heart at the sheer burning fury in his eyes. An anger so deep she'd never thought it was possible for someone as mild as him to feel it in the first place. His smile would have looked condescending to her before, but his eyes made it look more bitter than anything. And then he began to talk, all cold professionalism barely containing a righteous hellfire that burned beneath his every word. With every syllable from his lips, she felt her heart sink more.
Treech had been part of the case they'd tried to get access to. That's why they contacted him to beg him to help them. Dates and details and locations and names listed off matter of factly like he was reading them from a paper, evidence and conclusions so succinctly put together not even Lamina could find a hole in them. Connections between that case and this one, undeniable proof they're linked so closely it's impossible to deny they're about the same crime syndicate. 5 other suspects, all proven without a shadow of a doubt to be the main culprits behind the operation. A crime this man was on trial for right now. He'd only played a small part, and he was about to be convicted like a mob boss because the defence was denied information. Only saved because Treech chose to take on the case.
And he keeps going. Except his cold demeanor is breaking as he talks about the denial of their request. As he talks about Lamina. How she'd argued there was nothing of importance in that case, yet the man she was trying to convict was likely to be let free because of that very same case. How she'd lied about it. But... she hadn't. They'd told her it was nothing important, just a similar crime that they had to use case law for, not this one. It wasn't supposed to matter this much. But her adversary kept talking, accusing her of lying. And the jury was nodding along, and then it hits her. He's right. She lied. And she hadn't even realized it, because she'd never even looked at the case. So busy with all the cases she took on that reading an old case she'd been assured was useless would've been a waste of time. And here she was, doomed to lose the case because she'd lied. The suspect was freed due to unfair trial, because she'd lied.
It's from that moment on that Lamina starts looking more closely into the cases she gets. She does more research and works to never let this happen again, shaken by Treech's empassioned speech. Not a night goes by where she's haunted by that fire, the tears she swore she saw shimmering in his eyes as he damn near ranted about the unfairness of the system, about all the innocents put behind bars, lives ruined because people like her needed to feel better about themselves. It makes her doubt herself and her motives, though she knows she's just trying to help people. In the end, she decides it would be best to discuss this with the people on the other side of the courtroom. If something like this flew over her head for years, what else had she missed?
So she reaches out to Treech, and despite his hesitance he agrees to meet her. They talk, and slowly bond as they try to figure out how to fix the broken system. As Lamina works to help him gather information for his father, they grow closer together until they eventually realize they're in love. It's difficult, being together despite their polar opposite roles in the world, but they make it work.
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hoardingpuffin · 2 years
Autistic Person reacts to Autistic Representation in Young Royals Season 2
Spoiler Warning for Young Royals Season 2
Soooo I just finished Season 2 of Young Royals and oh boi, I have thoughts. In general, but about Sara in particular. I was curious about her arc in the second season, purely cause she is one of the most complex autistic characters I have seen in recently produced media, even though I couldn't relate to her particularily much.
This has changed now that I have seen Season 2 Episode 6. I will be honest, for the first 5 episodes, I didn't like what they did with Sara. I really didn't. I thought her arc with August was weird, though I did like seeing a driven autistic character who does things to get what she wants instead of being a flimsy, quirky kid who doesn't know what she is doing, but episode 6 changed that for me.
One thing that many autistic people experience, is that we take people at face value, until we don't anymore. Most autistic people have been victims of bullying and emotional manipulation, without realizing. We tend to be literal, and in general - unless we learned differently, usually as a follow-up to us being told to not always say what we think - we are very honest and blunt. In return we expect other people to act the same. This continues until the point where we realize that this isn't true, that people don't always say what they mean. In many cases, including my own life, this realization doesn't come until a few times of believing someone was our friend only to have them humiliate, betray or hurt you. And from that point on we tend to turn into metaphorical snails pulling back into our shells. If we don't put ourselves out, we cannot be hurt again.
Sara to me seems like someone learning this lesson at the end of season 2. She genuinely believed August because she, in her mind, didn't have a reason to think he might not mean exactly what he was saying. This was made worse by her maybe also wanting to see good in him, as per the metaphorical rose-coloured glasses of being in love. So whilst she made a mistake, a grave one, and made a lot of things worse with her actions, I don't think she meant to. I think she honestly didn't think August would do what he did. And honestly, the scene where the other girls, and especially Felice call her out, in very direct and hurtful words, she became relatable to me. I never was in her exact situation, but I was in a situation where I thought I did something the way I was supposed to, and ended up being called a liar and other nasty things. Some context: In sixth grade, I made up a boyfriend, because every girl talked about the boys they liked and I felt like I needed to belong. It seemed like a rule nobody had thought to inform me of, but that everyone else knew. So, I tried following the rule, and I lied up a boyfriend named Tom. Not smart, sure, but I was 12 or 13 and hadn't gotten to a place where I was happy being the weird kid yet. When it came out that I had lied, my classmates called me out in front of everyone and painted me out to be a manipulative liar and a fake friend and I felt terrible. I felt like I had ruined every chance at ever being anybody's friend ever again. And again, that was me at about 13. I had already had two friendships end badly, and some very traumatic experiences before that point. So I came to the conclusion of "if I don't put myself out there nobody can hurt me or use me" very early. Sara, evidently, comes to this conclusion at 18.
I don't want to defend her actions. I just think there might be more to this arc for her than many people seem to see. I have seen posts about Sara being a cunt, a manipulator, a terrible friend, a piece of shit - those are all quotes. I wish I was lying. I think Sara genuinely regrets it - her mistakes, because they were mistakes. She is not some cunning, terrible person, a mastermind trying to ruin her brother's and her friends' lives. She just made a mistake because she believed the wrong person, and she pays the price. She lost her friends, her safety net, her relationship with her brother is ruined. Trust me, that is punishment enough. I have been there.
It's also nice - well, not nice, but realistic - to see how her allistic friends react. They don't believe her, they are confused how she could possibly have been so "stupid" to believe a guy they all thought was so obviously terrible. They also don't try to see it from her point of view. To them, it is a clear-cut case. Because yeah, that is a realistic portrayal of how allistic people often act toward autistic people making a mistake, especially when they themselves don't understand much about autism.
I think that is all I got to say for now, about this. Just one last message, to the allistic Young Royals fans who are currently on Tumblr, Twitter, Tiktok, shaming her character for being so very terrible, I implore you to think. To reseach on autism a bit. To listen to the autistic people in this fandom. And to take a page from the book of autistic people and take her word at face value when she says that she didn't realize August was lying to her, and that she is sorry.
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bebx · 2 years
I can understand some of the criticisms Loki stans make about Mobius, but most of the time they are far too black and white and exaggerated. They call him a Nazi and a fascist. And Brainwashing is no excuse for his behaviour (but it is for Loki?). I always fail to understand that.
I find it very naive and kind of cold-hearted because hardly anyone would be able to immediately understand in Mobius' situation that the TVA might not be so good after all. When you get into a system as an adult man with no memories, you have no way to compare your moral values with anything else.
It is rather astonishing that Mobius preserved his kidness and develops doubts in such an environment. That shows exactly what kind of person he actually is. I think in general you can't judge anyone in the TVA. This organization was created by the most powerful man in the universe and it would be strange if it was easy to get out of.
These are still humans who can hardly do anything against a higher power. Calling them Nazis is so out of place because nobody ever asked them if they wanted to do that job. They were FORCED. They lost everthing - personality, memories, families, friends. A normal human life.
Besides, the TVA exists to prevent a war. Everyone believes in the TVA because they are told that with the sacrifices a much greater suffering is prevented. They didn't prune Variants because of fascist ideolgy. They just wanted to survive.
Anyone who thinks that if they were Mobius, they would stand above all this and break free with ease, has no idea how the human psyche works.
Whoever understands and forgives Loki, but condemns Mobius and the TVA in the strongest possible terms, has a double standard. Selective empathy shows that the person's evaluation is not on a rational but on an emotional level. Only then is it possible for the antis Mobius to think that he is the devil himself and that every single breath he takes is used to break and manipulate Loki.
Exactly. The fact Mobius is still able to preserve his kindness, after being brainwashed and being forced to live in an environment where nobody around him ever shows kindness towards anybody, is something I truly admire. It shows how pure his heart really is, that not even the Time-Keepers can take that kindness away from him. And you can see it — his kindness — in the way he treated that boy in the cathedral, even drew something for him, in the way he tried to comfort C-20 and other scared civilians at Roxxcart. So he’s not just kind to Loki. He is kind to everybody.
But the funniest thing is that 90% of those people who said those bullshit about Mobius, about how he’s a “bad guy”, see nothing wrong with Loki’s wrongdoings.
Yes, I am aware Loki was brainwashed by Thanos when he attacked earth and killed people in the first Avengers movie, but that still doesn’t excuse other terrible things he’s done, especially in the first Thor movie. Again, I know how Odin mistreated him, and I know Thor was to blame for some of his own behaviors, too, but that… still doesn’t excuse what Loki did. (And I’m saying this as someone who’s been a fan of Loki for years.)
My point is, it’s funny how some (thankfully, it’s just a minority toxic part of the fandom) Loki stans give Loki excuses for his lies and his crimes. But the second Mobius — who was kidnapped and brainwashed into believing he was doing the right thing by working for the TVA, even though he never actually had a choice — is a little mean to their precious Loki, they call him names.
Like… okay, cool, if you (general you) want to give Loki excuses for the reason why he did what he did (how he was mistreated by Odin and sometimes by Thor, even if it’s unintentional, or how Thanos tortured him), then fine. But you can’t call Mobius a ‘bad guy’ for being a little mean to Loki when Mobius was also kidnapped and brainwashed by the TVA.
Both Loki and Mobius were victims, in a way that Loki was a victim of Thanos (and maybe the TVA too), while Mobius was a victim of the TVA.
But Mobius didn’t “abuse” Loki. That is… so wrong to excuse him of that, especially when he’s the only person in the series who loves, actually loves and cares for Loki.
You can see how loyal Mobius was to the TVA, how he had never doubted them before he met his Loki, but in the end he turned against them for Loki.
Whether you (again, general you) like Mobius or not, he is Loki’s best friend, and he and Loki care about each other. Romantic or platonic, they care deeply about each other, there’s no denying that.
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dnangelic · 6 months
@guhamun asked: "Niwa," Neuvillette spoke politely, standing before the young boy and holding out a perfectly polished pearl. "It is not much, but I thought to repay you for before."
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' huh ? ' his glance politely lends itself upwards before it's drawn down . the instant his gaze locks on the treasure in the judge's grasp , he can only gasp --- sucking in a single shocked breath before covering his mouth with his hands . at the same time , his head starts to furiously shake .
it was a beautiful pearl . no matter neuvillette's own words , it seemed to be an infinitely precious thing --- and thus soon enough the boy's hands shift to wave out their frantic decline in front of him . ' n-no , i can't ! there's no way , i couldn't possibly ... '
take this from you .
not while he was already guilty of taking other things , from the judge's very own chambers if not one by one away from the country of fontaine itself , all of teyvat's countries a legendary phantom thief's victim . what was repayment when he should have already been in a sinner's debt ? there's no excuse , of course . neither for his crimes nor this very moment , daisuke's fingers pressing and tumbling invisible locks while he desperately tried to stammer out some sort of acceptable reason .
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' i mean , t-this is supposed to be for the starfish i found , right ? but the value is completely different , and , um , um ... ' somebody , maybe even anybody else should have had it . ' i don't think ... i did anything all that special . anybody could have given you something like that ! it was just a coincidence , really ... ! '
he flushes . blisters . just like the other's blessings , tinged by the guilt of his own nervous lies , were he any more a truly innocent and oblivious person , then he might have happily decided this white pearl a personal good luck charm ; something buoyant rather than a dreaded lead weight . even so , it would have wounded him to witness even a subtle ounce of pain flash across the judge's features , or to endure the silent awkwardness of his own rejection --- the soundless space of whatever thoughts that might have been swimming about the inside of the other's head .
neuvillette was a fair and kind person , and daisuke understood this . such is why before the other could possibly provide any sort of attempted rebuttable or disappointed acceptance , the boy shuts his eyes and lays his hands upon the other's pearl after all in one swift motion , bending his head over in a deep bow , both palms gently pulling the pearl into his clutches .
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' but if it's really okay , then i'd like to sell it ... ! '
not out of any greedy desire , far from it . ' if i traveled with it , it might get lost ... i'm really clumsy , and things fall out of my pockets all the time , but --- if i could make it to someplace like mondstadt , then i'm sure i could get a really good price for it ! then , um , i could do all sorts of things with the mora --- i'd make sure i ate well , and then i'd do whatever i could to help someone with the rest of it , so ... ' the other wouldn't have to worry . their happiness , generosity , and immense gratitude would most certainly have been further spread .
' thank you ... ' for something too much in its own way , no matter how simple it seemed . ' while it's with me , i'll still try to take really good care of it . i promise . '
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destinygoldenstar · 7 months
Total Drama Danganronpa Island Chapter 4 Deadly Life Spoilers:
Tw: I talk about suicide and cancel culture in the story
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I myself have never experienced having suicidal thoughts. The only time I can recall where I came close was getting braces. Yeah. So you can imagine the research I had to do, especially since in this very fic, I’ve been pretty dismissive of mental illnesses and disorders. That I apologize for and hope I can do better.
This was something I felt more than anything, I CANNOT dismiss this, nor can I sugarcoat it. I have to be as respectful to it as possible, and actively discourage the idea. Never know if there’s a crippled person out there that sees your work and takes it to heart. (That’s a nightmare for me. To have something I made be responsible for someone’s death)
I have a romantic partner with chronic illnesses for almost ten years now, and still no cure. Multiple times, they’ve shared to me their suicidal thoughts, thoughts that made me scared of losing them. They’re still alive, and they say over and over again it’s because of me.
I’m someone who has a hard time talking coherently. That’s why my social media presence is mostly text. So Bridgette’s speech here, I personally see it as me talking to the people struggling to find something to live for and never give up even where there’s literally no hope left. There’s always something, even when you don’t see it at the moment. Someone to love, someone who loves you, a book you like, a show you like, nice walks, whatever. There’s something. You can’t experience those good things if you’re dead.
There’s also some cancel culture commentary here. Everyone’s a part of it whether we consciously know it or not. It’s really sad.
I cant count how many times Ive said something whether in real life or online and I become self-conscious whenever someone has a certain response. One wrong word and a whole group of people can hate you. That’s all it takes.
In the realm of fame, either you’re a role model or you’re a disgrace. Nothing in between.
Total Drama isn’t any different from this subject matter with Gwen in particular. Something I feel a lot if people overlook.
There are some cases where it’s lies and the person is innocent, you may find a few examples of such, and that's just heartbreaking.
But what happens when you ACTUALLY screw up? Make a mistake? Make a fool out of yourself? Like humans do? (I.e, Gwen) Cancel Culture tells you you’re therefore an awful person with no redeeming qualities, and that one mistake suddenly becomes your whole life. It’s heartbreaking especially when the cancelled person WANTS to own up and be better, but the people just don’t have it.
Then there's the other side of cancel culture, which many famous people, such as Chris, use to defend TRULY terrible people and say the world is in the wrong.
Either way, Gwen was treated like dirt and sent to suffer for an old mistake, for so long until she lost hope altogether and bailed on fighting. The others could've helped her, but only Duncan took the time to consider helping, and he tried to commit suicide... so what other influence was there for Gwen in a world where she really needed a friend?
Does this mean the other campers are entirely to blame? No. But there is a lesson for them to learn here about empathy and redemption as a concept. Them hating her is understandable if you the audience want to see it as understandable reasons to hate Gwen, but did they go about it the right way? No.
Gwen Ellis is nothing short of a tragedy and a cautionary tale of a minor being a victim of cancel culture.
And the surviving campers want to make sure that her fate never happens to anybody else ever again.
And in case you’re wondering why Bridgette is the one who gave the eulogy, when Duncan and Courtney were right there, 1) Neither were very mentally stable at the time 2) Bridgette is one of the hosts with who WAS Geoff (And is now Leshawna. Platonically.), so she has the experience to give speeches like this in front of people. That and she has the calm agency to be mature about the situation, especially how she, more than anyone, feels like she HAS to own up to her mistake of being a part of the fuel that lead to the death of this girl.
And she didn't have to do that, and no one would blame her. Gwen killed Geoff, forced to or not, and Bridgette was understandably upset and could still hold that grudge even after Gwen's death, and no one would blame her. But the fact that she took ownership after realizing what's happened says a lot about her as a person.
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outrunningthedark · 9 months
The way I can tell the strikes have been delaying things to long for some of the buddie bloggers who can’t separate the characters from the actors is by how they recently have handled this wedding and Ryan and can clearly tell they need some to spec about. Acting like everything is a big puzzle with hidden meaning. I saw one person say Ryan wore dark glasses outside to hide the sadness behind his eyes. Someone else pointed out it was probably just because they were outside and the sun was bright and not that deep and then got immediately attacked and mocked because if it’s not that deep why do they need to say it’s because of the sun and not to hide his sadness . Another person said he was wearing black at the wedding to symbolizing (yes they actually used the word symbolizing) the death of his and c’s marriage ☠️ just today I saw someone say Oliver got the actress who played Natalia her job and C started following the 911abc page so the two events are related and now Ryan is getting C a job on the show as Eddie’s love interest because Oliver did it. Like blows my mind a little. Like they see clues everywhere ☠️
I- What. I'm not gonna call anyone names because I'm sure I can guess where these comments originate and op is just posting other people's opinions - opinions that they won't own on main, at that. Let's break it all down. o1. Unless someone discloses information about the *actual* dynamic between themselves and their partner who is not a good fit, they are making a CHOICE to stay. R is not a victim in any of this. Pointing out faults or bad behavior reflects on him and his choice to start a family with her. Trying to spread rumors about the behind the scenes happenings won't change what's led up to this point to make many of us realize where his ideals and priorities lie.
It's not on the same level because he's no where near as famous, but the R apologists sound just like Captain America's followers who pick on his new bride in order to avoid addressing what committing to a much younger white woman means re: separating fact from fiction. o2. There is zero evidence to support the claim that Oliver got anybody a job, and if there had been we'd know about it because those stans are always waiting around for content. Now, if you want to say he maybe got her into the audition process? Maybe offered her name as a suggestion? Fine. But she still had to audition. And they still chose her. As far as a "lack of chemistry" is concerned...I'm withholding judgement because, lbr, you can't build or find chemistry when one of your appearances is about your boyfriend's past relationships. Also, #unpopularopinion, but if the show wasn't gonna go with Buddie, I don't care who Buck ends up with 'cause he's never been my favorite. If working with Annelise makes for a more pleasant experience compared to completely ignoring BT as season five got going...good on Oliver for having fun this time around. o3. What is the obsession with writing the wife into the show? In five seasons all he got her was a background role for one of Eddie's fights. They did the same last season when we heard about filming the bodybuilding comp - "Do you think C is gonna have a guest spot since she's been doing that irl???" It's like people WANT something else to happen so they can twist the truth and say she "forced" her way onto set rather than him *asking* if there's something for her to do. And btw, she doesn't need to be in an episode to stay close. "Take wifey to work day", remember? I may not care for the wife, but if he truly were the "better person" as fandom as declared, he's the one looking dumb for forgetting who he is as soon as he found her on ig. She hasn't lost anything yet because he won't leave.
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Deep breaths for a second, yeah? Adrienne's life is not all of yours. And if we are drawing comparisons, Creighton was her Anti. Cedar is her all of you. There was obviously good still in all of you, we saw it every day and still do.
But the comparison isn't going to help anyway. JJ, is there a full plan beyond Adrienne talking to him? Are you waiting outside? Does Cedar realize you're a threat and immediately act on it? Is there any additional preparation you two can take to make sure you're safe and capable of doing this? Cedar's actual actions aside, this is a risky, scary, potentially retraumatizing situation to be in, and no one wants this to come to harm for anybody.
"I'll be staying with Adrienne," JJ says, reviewing the message carefully. "I promised. He needs to realize the take-over is already complete: there's no point to him fighting. She and I have discussed what can be done, but she doesn't feel that speaking with him beforehand will help. They both needed to be free of Creighton. Once he is, she hopes things will be different. But he's very used to being able to tell everyone around him what to do, and I expect him to try it on anyone who helps her - which is why no one has to come."
"The safest thing will be to go with as many people as are willing," says Jackie quietly. "In the end, it was our unity - our numbers - that wore out the last mind-control we fought against. Chase is right, Jack made sure there were plenty of us. I will be staying with JJ... but no one else has to come, just like on the stairs, and there won't be any judgement if you choose to stay behind."
Max puts a hand in the air, and everyone turns to him. "I would not like to face this guy," he says quietly. "I... have heard a lot about Anti's powers from Jackie, and it's upsetting enough. I don't think that I want to know what that actual experience is like. I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about how that... happened to my husband for years."
Everyone nods. Jackie touches his hip. "You can stay down here and keep an eye on Creighton, okay?"
"I want to stay too," says Chase, even quieter. Henrik turns to him, blinking in surprise, and Chase meets his gaze. "I've always felt that I was really susceptible to Anti's powers. My memory has been fucked with enough. And I've been doing really good, lately. I don't feel ready to revisit it."
"I'll be going," says Marvin, a little coldly, and without waiting for anyone, he turns and stalks back down the hall, towards the stairs.
"Schneep?" asks Jackie.
Henrik looks around at everyone, gaze calm, if a little distant. For a second, he looks faraway, lost in something else.
"I was really helpless the day we defeated Anti," he says. "And I don't blame myself for that, of course - I had started fighting first, and that's why Anti punished me so thoroughly. He made sure I couldn't fight, when we reached the end.
"I have heard about how you all got to face those parts of yourself, the ones that he taunted you with, the ugly parts of you. I did not... get that. Or I was spared of it? I don't know anymore.
"The point is that, although I have continued to struggle... I have a healthy body, in most ways, and I am stable for the first time in years. I am... a survivor, as well as a victim. Even if someone was able to control me again, it would not change who I am. It's their action, not my weakness. I want to go with you. I know we will all protect each other even if one of us goes down for a couple minutes. I want a chance to fight, even if it's not Anti, even if it doesn't mean anything either way. I'm ready."
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Sneak peak... of the scene I drew!
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The guy with the very druuny cloak is my villain: Alon. Or as the story addresses him, The Dark Soul.
I think it's time to reveal something more about my book...
Things start looking on the bright side in Kumandra, it has just been a few months after the druun banishment...
Raya was relentlessly aiming to fulfil her new mission, her father's dream, Kumandra. Everyone has finally started to find mutual relations, and with the help of her Ba, and her best friends and her favourite princess, the impossible starts to feel less so. Even her heart warming to... well, the one for her heart was too exciting to be true. It was finally the start of something beautiful. Though she had a lot to figure out about herself and Namaari, she was very happy to even be friends. All was well.
Until... at a festival in Heart, the threat comes... a humaniod beast, looking as though it were a menacing dark tree with clacking arms, which bear sharp pointy talons. Its eyes... glowing green like the menacing lime shade oozing from the cracks in its body... a monster powered by new magic. It looks fierce enough to slash its victims in half with just one swipe of an arm... and a mere live looking dead tree, so formidable that it's hard as stone!
And they imbue the magic deep set in them to rehabilitate the fury of the druun... turning the victim to stone with one touch.
And Raya who has finally started to fit into her role as the princess but never lost her drive that got her through the past six years... finds herself cracking the mystery after a best friend was turned to stone. (Don't worry its not anybody from the gang, or Namaari...)
An one thing leads to another as she finds a man behind it all... a man with magic? How unheard of!!
After much toil, restless nights and more battles, Raya is put in Tail... at the farthest village of the northern barricade, home of Boun.
Raya was out alone, and got into a fight with said bad guy's terrible monsters, (the batu as they are called). Only to lose it, and got captured. By the mysterious dark soul himself. And now, in the grips of her foe, she wonders if he really is who she thought he was.... what will happen next?
Will she find out who he really is? Is he really human? Or is he something else...? Some other monster?
Story by: @rainwalker-dragonblade29.
(PS: Story is still untitled... :P but guys I'm done with 14 chapters out of 32 in draft one... ik its a long way to complete with editing and everything and it turns out it's gonna take longer than expected, writers are not good judges of the amount of time it takes don't @ me. I'm not stopping work on this... just other things are happening in the real world so must attend to that... But maybe until next year? I hope the ratld fandom loves it, adieu.)
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