#so i thot id share here
amazonkindlejenner · 2 years
eye see 👁
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forlorn-crows · 7 months
Oh it's Dew for sure to me.
He's always characterized as either a) a complete asshole with no regard for others or b) the whiniest, most pathetic little thing that cries at the drop of a hat. To me it seems like most people characterize him as younger than the other ghouls. Maybe not consciously, but it sure reads that way a lot of the time. Like he's completely emotionally immature and only capable of having a single personality trait (see above).
Like. Has no one seen how soft he can be on stage? I get that he had his little tiffs with Aether and sometimes chokes Rain, but for the most part he's such a softie. He plays with Swiss and dances when Nihil's casket gets brought out. He teases the crowd and clearly has fun with it. He has a whole personality!!
It's unfair to pigeonhole him as "the aggressive one", and I honestly don't know where the idea of him being a pathetic little crybaby came from, but it bothers me to no end every time I see him cry the second someone so much as kisses his neck or something.
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ohhh mr dewdrop, its time for curtain callll
@rrriver yours im gonna touch on at the end here bc its so interesting!!
but yes. reigning opinion seems to be that the babyfied version of dew is overwritten and very 2D. as well as the 'will burn your eyebrows at the drop of a pin' dew. ive touched on these things a little already.
but. dew is the fandom favorite, id say. the one everyone loooves to throw trauma onto. he is the very definition of 'put that guy in a situation'. he is very commonly written as the focus of many fics, whatever the genre. and to me, its so interesting that so many of us dont like these common headcanons, and do go out of our way to write our own versions, yet these things still stay the overarching theme. why is that? rhetorical question, really, but i do think the 'over emotional' idea of dew is very prevalent.
and, like ive said previously, i think he's much more stoic than that. he def shows some emotion. like cirrus, hes not a robot or anything. we see that on stage, of course, with the bits and what not. i think he knows when to joke, when to offer a hug, or when to get fired up about something (excuse the pun)
but i dont think hes going around lighting shit on fire cause something minor happened. do i think hed do that in certain circumstances? yeah absolutely. especially if youre of the belief that this ghoul has gone through some shit. has seen death and treason and went through an entire shift of all the atoms in his fucking body.
but hes strong, resilient. as well as soft and caring. to me, this is a ghoul that listens, that cares so fucking deeply. but he's calm about most things. observant. and a little frisky when he feels up for it.
and river, yes, he's so protective. like i said, most of us think hes seen some shit. so why wouldnt he be more level headed, stronger mentally, because hes seen what being reactive can do to a ghoul
and i really like your take on the different elements hes had and how that transfers to his personality. because there are so many nuances in elements in general! and i even have different ideas to how he acted as a newly summoned water ghoul verses a more 'seasoned' one. and some dont even believe he changed elements at all! but i agree, i dont think hes some shy little pretty water ghoul and nothing more. that boy had sass even back then, maybe even more so. but to me, he's always been that stoic and thoughtful ghoul that i do my best to write him as haha. there are far better writers of dew than i, but i for sure agree with y'all that there's things he isnt.
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eldritchmochi · 2 months
I am re reading coping skills and just needed to say thankyou for the food once again because omfg my lil cane user heart is so full, I cant stop imagining the rest of the nein meeting coping!essek and like how they all react to him both in kink and outside, and like how they react to caleb having a partner, many brainworms. Thanks for writing and sharing!!
okay listen, i am *also* excited for the rest of the nein to meet essek in coping skills. its going to be a ton of fun even if i really hate writing things with the full ensemble cast 🥲🥲
a lil teaser of THOTS on how it's gonna go for ur lov and patience:
- jester: absolutely decides shes esseks new bff (shes not wrong). does in fact offer to peg essek, but not the first time they meet she has manners caleb!! (its the second time they meet, and even tho essek expects it he still chokes on his spit and how forward she is). shes also incredibly nosey about esseks health, given she is in the medical field directly herself, which essek both hates and finds refreshing (its so much easier to explain his health to someone who has the bg knowledge)
- veth: immediately shovel talks essek, then basically adopts him when essek gets all prim and proper and politely mean "id like to see you try" and veth is like okay youve got teeth you can protect my boy too im counting on you heres a toddler (luc is delighted by esseks ability to make things float and essek is delighted by the fond looks he gets from caleb over veths shoulder)
- fjord: dubious at first but warms up to essek when essek relaxes enough to join razzing caleb. definitely warns essek about the impending pegging offer from jester, promises to distract her if shes overwhelming
- caduceus: is the one to spot essek flagging at the neins holiday party, sits with essek as caleb is distracted catching up with the rest of his friends as quiet company "its good to see him happy"
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bunbunbillion · 10 months
not sure if i already did this before here, but consider this a formal introduction to the transfer of my twitter media thread to tumblr. and im starting it with a really special one!!!
Tonight............. i finished Super Lesbian Animal RPG by Bobby Schroeder (@ponett / @slarpg) with my friends. I shared the experience with two who had played the game already, and another who was as blind as me.
i will say without going into at all, but if you are a gay furry (especially trans) and love stuff like sonic, or MLP:FiM, or just gay fantasy in general, go play this game. It's REALLY GOOD! going in blind was a treat. That being said, here's my thots.................. theres a LOT!!!!!
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i didn't actually find out about SLARPG until i began reading the sonic archie comics a year or so back. i needed a reading order and by GOD did I find one. not to start this post about slarpg with a ramble about sonic archie, but it was genuinely such a great read, and all the stuff on Thanks, Ken Penders ( @thankskenpenders ), made it all the more enjoyable! that ASIDE it's also how i saw the author of the blog, who i realized i was following already for awhile, was making her own game! and one so shamelessly gay and furry as well! i was INSTANTLY interested...
after the game came out, it took me awhile to get around to it. it wasn't until someone very close to me got really into it that i decided i'd commit the time. it took 20 hours of gay activity, but i started it having silly fun voice acting a bunch of animals with my friends, and ended with tears in my eyes and love in my heart.
the game is written in a way that just gels perfectly with me. everything is both very casual feeling, but also genuine. it's never really ashamed of what it is, and that's all i can ask for from a game with a name like Super Lesbian Animal RPG.
The characters are easily the highlight of the game, never once feeling like simple cutouts or stereotypes. Everyone is just a delight to read. My favorites were easily Melody, Allison, and the man himself Javis. Being a gay ADHD filled bunny with a love for hitting things with sticks and hammers, Allison especially spoke to me.
The world of SLARPG is only seen through a small vertical slice, with the vastness left to your mind, which works very well in its favor. Slowly as you explore the areas your presented, you learn more and more about the world just through your own intuition. Discover the races that live on the planet, where the characters all came from to get here, the power structures put into place, how magic has effected such a modernized world. It makes you want to learn so much more, really. I found myself really interested in the vague lore we get of the supposed Gods that make up the powers of the world, which I hope can be further expanded on one day.
As a Video Game(tm), id say it does exactly what it sets out to do. I'm an RPG Girl, i love Figuring Shit Out in them. I play them headfirst and love to make strategies for silly bosses especially. SLARPG is a RPGM VX Ace game that doesn't exactly do anything CRAZY, as much as it does use its platform incredibly well. It is a SOLID RPG, it sets out to have a concise and simple battle system, with a lot of fun tools to play with. Even if I recognize all the scripts being used, how they get used always felt great. There were very few slipups in the way the game was put together when i played too, which as an RPGM dev, is always impressive to see. I think my only point of contention while playing was the random encounters getting a bit monotonous near the final stretch of the game, and the bosses being a bit too easy for my liking, but otherwise, mwah great rpg!!
one of the BIGGEST highlights, outside of the writing, is the amazing art, and i really mean it!! EVERY character has an amazingly cute character portrait, and every single sprite is so full of life! the backgrounds/tilesets tend to take the cake though, some of the best I've seen in a game like this personally. The dungeons are incredibly visually striking, and every single character design sticks in my head as memorable. MAJOR props to Javis and all his boys too. god bless those freaks.
and finally, i can talk about the writing in specific. it is... special. and i mean that in the best way i can. the story is pretty simple. Melody Amaranth and her girlfriend Allison Goleta join their friends guild to go on adventures, and are granted magic by their mage using a forbidden ritual. From there, hijinks ensue, involving a sociopathic VHS headed cipher-like individual, the worlds most jerkish butch, and a proclaimed Goddess of Magic coming for YOU!!! Despite all that though, the story to me felt focused much more on the relationship between the protagonists. Especially Melody and Allison.
I'm not sure how much I could go into specifics from memory alone, but it is... really good, what they do with the two main girls. Exploring the ways relationships blossom and mend. It's never all drama, nor is it all flowers. It's very real feeling. I connected to it a lot, in ways I never thought I could. Recently, I've been re-exploring my sexuality, what I want in romance, if I can even FEEL romance. This game helped a lot. It helped me be a lot more honest about my feelings, and let myself open up a lot more.
It wasn't just Melody and Allison either, there's multiple other great relationships in the games story. They're ALL adorable, and ALL amazingly written. We see a perfect mix of childhood love, new love, and trained love, each one shown with both strain, and triumph. As a girl who longingly read countless yuri manga and scoured plenty of garbage yuri anime as a kid desperately looking for something I could see myself in... and then this game comes along not only with that amazing representation, but two of the main characters are like VOCALLY transgender!! they don't play around SHTI!! This game is like a cup of cold, refreshing, root beer. god BLESS!!!!!
im about done rambling now though. if you got this far reading and still havent played slarp, WHATRE U WAITING FOR!!! GO KISS SOME GIRLS!!! GOD BLESS!!!!!!!
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guesst · 2 years
today is finally the day where i have some thots to share on a manga whee
so. chapter 263 ! (all the image ids are in alt text)
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there is one key difference between amduscias and sullivan, which amduscias acknowledges himself, and its that sullivan was able to look forward and move on from delkira, most importantly: to accept new people into his life.
amduscias on the other hand has remained stuck on delkira and -
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- doesnt give a shit about anyone else.
which is made even clearer in the last panel.
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couple of things to see here:
the top panel seems very solemn and somewhat lonely. HOWEVER. this is offset by opera doing their cute little crouch next to sullivan.
i would say that indicates that sullivan is surrounded by people who are close to him and also who he allows to be close to him, unlike amduscias, whose dialogue this chapter is basically 'i can't move on'. sullivan let people in after losing delkira and so sullivan has people who are there for him at all times because of loyalty and friendship.
the last panel, calling his friend 'amduscias' instead of 'poro', isolating the name on a black background and ALSO ending the chapter on that note? the finality!! the solemnity!!! the loneliness!!!! its so clever!!!!!
the whole theme of this manga is friendship and loyalty and being unable to complete things on your own and acknowledging that it's other people that help you grow and accomplish great things (this is 100% why iruma would become the Demon king btw he has SO many people behind him it's insane and i could talk about it for ages but im digressing) and by rejecting sullivan and fixating on delkira who is gone amduscias is making himself unreachable and so that is going to be his downfall.
the stuff he said in this chapter about not caring about whatever happens as long as he sees delkira again suggests he's probably going to join kiriwo/kirio?? so uh yeah good like finding friends to help you there lmao
on a different note iruma and azz are soo inseperable. even when sullivan and poro are having a showdown and iruma is all concerned about his grandpa azz is behind him they are literally glued to each other they are peas in a pod. besties soulmates etc etc etc i go feral over them every week
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eirian · 1 year
just gender thots
i had this talk w ruby a couple days ago and i thought id like to share here too! although it is a little embarrassing lol. idk if it should be tho
if ur up to date w my gender stuff youd know i identify as a nonbinary (genderfluid) lesbian! i am primarily androgynous but sometimes i have masc days and sometimes i have fem days. but either way i couldnt see myself dating a man anymore and im happily married w a wife and im only aesthetically attracted to men at this point lol. i still consider myself trans bc i dont remember being assigned nonbinary at birth and ive also transitioned a good amount (though no this doesnt inherently mean trans, its just part of my journey)
irt the transition part, i have had top surgery and ive been on testosterone, so i have a pretty deep voice when im relaxed and i have facial hair and i no longer have breasts and i even have a pretty masc name (dan).
what i wanted to talk about though was that sometimes i do feel like id look pretty good with boobs again x'D... not that i regret my surgery in any way, i enjoy having a flat chest 90% of the time and it did relieve a lot of dysphoria so thats why i had the surgery. but sometimes when i have fem days or wear certain clothes i feel like damn. what if i just got breast inserts yknow?
i wonder if anybody else has felt smth similar!
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ekwolfwood · 5 months
Happy New Year I wanted to be back and I actually had a post about the bad things AND the good things complete with photos but it fucking uuhhhhhhhhh broke? So. Yeah. I'll try again but nooo, no photos for me i guess.
but yeeeeah about that 2023. its been a ~real bad year~ huh, or was it just me? Thought I'd throw up a little end ofthe year wrap up, but have been putting it off because a lot of it sucked.
Between multiple deaths in the family, covid still doing its plaguebearing thing, so much fucking stress, worsening symptoms and endless doctor visits and even worse fatigue thats left me in bed most of each week, im... it seems like i got nothing done.
But it wasnt all bad! I'm trying to think on all the things i did this year (and a LOT of things i acquired this year i did... a lot of retail therapy for the first time in my life really???)
-I cant believe i got to see a Rick Riordan Q&A live, like, it seems like AGES ago but was only this year???? It was a genuine bucket list item for me
-i started drawing again??? And im kinda improving???? Id like to share some of it one day somewhere?? Scary.
-got to dip my toes back into cons again! Only the safe/outdoor ones, but it was nice seeing folks again, despite some drawbacks (like AN being 40°C and witnessing a real stupid truck crash, and Yeti being nothing but stress overall and causing some ~brand new (old) symptoms~)
-I started my new life of cosplaying my own OC's over other things. Being Virtue (my dnd pastel barbiecore nightmare child) was absolutely freeing, i cant wait to make him 7 million new outfits
-especially because i got to do a freaking location shoot at a super cool, very out of the way waterfall, with a reflecting pool. i cant wait to bring so many things there
-also did a waterfall tour of Owen Sound. soooooo many dnd/dragon age/etc shoot ideas
-im also saving up for a few dream dragon age costumes, and its gonna be like uhhhhh.... $500ish worth of scalemail? (for two seperate projects)
-speaking of dragon age, i got alex into inquisition and i've become a nightmare about it again im not sorry
-alex and i went halvsies on thigh high boots that are 100% for my Lavellan, because he's a thot and deserves them
-tell me not to spend another like $150cdn on the official shirts. theyre just. so SOFT. they are a pure sensory joy.
-i bought so many cardigans from independent artists, on preorders. and like none of them are here yet but next falls gonna be 👌👌👌
-i have a lolita problem. got to wear one of my fanciest to the cherry blossoms at the height of my pain flares back in the spring! i now have two new dresses on top of that! there's a third im eyeing right now to go with one of my new cardigans! its a real problem y'all 😂
-but by far my biggest and best decision was i saved up for two solid years and was able to buy myself A FREAKING PS5 without breaking budget at all?????? I'm genuinely proud of myself, this was the exact opposite of an impulse buy??? even got to gift a friend the CoD game that came with it, because i was never gonna touch that lol
Next year better keep up the good things, and no new fucking symptoms. Also, depending on the Yeti news, im not letting myself be that fucking stressed this time around.
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ballplayersxo · 6 months
i came across this ask which ill give my first shot at answering in my own way cause im a spurs fan! and girl all i can say is i wish there was more tea to report on 😭😭 not to say that theres zero drama going down in san antonio.. ive always asked myself: theres so much nba tea floating around but so little on my guys?? but now i understand that drama doesnt happen as regularly bc gregg popovich has more control over these niggas off the court than you would expect. in other teams its not really a common thing for coaches to hold players accountable for non basketball related things but id compare pop/the organization to a teacher/school because in a way they operate as figures of authority (similar to college-style basketball). its tougher to find spurs drama since he keeps the younger guys on a tighter leash after learning the hard way from tim duncans messy ass divorce/tony parkers cheating scandal but i assure you tea is there even tho its harder to find. i do agree with anon that sochan and vassell look like hoes but idk if we'll ever get to know that (unproven rn) side of them aside from speculation by who they follow on insta. including jeremy whos the most active on socials, all of them trained to move in silence + being a small market + tight pr means less reports but yes there is some tea and hottakes id like to spill although its not much
speaking of primo hes an ex spur but josh primo signed a new contract after joining the clippers and proposed to his (white) gf (story in attachment above). congrats her ig he has the face of a child whos balls havent dropped yet AND is a sex offender 🤷🏾‍♀️
context for everyone who doesnt know: primo was waived (even after he signed a contract extension apparently) because he flashed his ugly d*ck to a team staff member and then claimed he did it bc he had mental health issues. after primos babyface was sued by his psychologist (the woman he flashed) he was waived without so goodbye to his creepy ass. (on a personal note i really hate how "mental health" is used as some excuse for these sorts of things. like this nigga seriously thinks theres any valid excuse for flashing his tiny pp at women?? especially the woman whos job was helping out his "mental health" shit in the first place?? foh). it had way less info than an event like the kpj case but i think the lack of it is a testament to the spurs pr so there could be other stuff in the bg we as the public simply dont know abt
on a more positive note ik julian champangie has a gf. shes makes frequent cameos on his insta and vice versa and have been together since high school. also i dont have the link but i clearly remember another anon in an old post here claimed that sochan is bi and follows trans women but ill put that to sleep since its false. being bi isnt 100% out of the question obviously (literally anybody can be bi without us knowing. looking at you dwight.) but theres no real evidence besides: omg look he dyes his hair and has an aesthetic he must be bi!!! i think people see a nigga who has an eccentric sense of style and instantly wanna jump to label him but nawww ive seen his following on insta 😂😂 anon was confusing "trans women" for TONS of polish/british/american (all white) insta thots. hes a cutie but it wouldnt be farfetched to assume hes not into black women. yall he aint bisexual hes biracial 😂😂
unrelated: sochan rookie hazing wembanyama during the offseason was kinda funny tho
dejounte and jaina are always on and off afaik lmfao girl secured some big bags. anyways dj talking about his experience with the spurs was insightful for me. i wasnt aware before there was alot of clash between ghetto behavior and how the organization wanted him to behave but frankly im not surprised by it
not really gossip related but stories of irl players ive encountered:
(retired spur) i met david robinson at church when i was really young. i remember being scared of him at first cause he was so tall lol but i remember him sitting down to shake my hand and my parents taking a picture of us. its kinda embarrassing since it has the vibes of a baby crying on santas lap but funny nonetheless 😂😂
got an autograph from demar a few years back. it was quick and we didnt talk much since he had to leave after but he was cool when i asked
the only current spur ive met is devin vassell in a random encounter at the gas station (this was last yr). i recognized him but wasnt sure how he was gonna react to being approached for an autograph/photo but he was really sweet w it. i asked him where he was headed to & he said the gym but joked after that, a nap at home with his dogs lol. the names of his two dogs, iirc he told me: donovan and ace. very warm, he has a pleasant voice and smile too, if hes a longtime spur he should join our broadcast team once he retires lmao
thank you for coming to my sas analysis despite my team lowkey tanking right now. have a great day owner, ill go back to lurking now, god bless you.
lmao anon thank you for this, i appreciate when you guys send long asks about things you care about!! but the josh primo case was definitely something that never made much sense to me. like why would he do that? i just can’t comprehend the thought process. it was a thing here in canada and a bunch of people were talking about it cause i know people who used to play with him. it’s getting weird. idk where to start with dejounte and jania but they’re both very annoying and belong with each other tbh. & gay/bi allegations are everywhere it’s crazy. lmao this was interesting overall though
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w0rm-b1n · 7 months
i have a handful of followers on here so i might as well write a pinned
Hiiii guys this is my secret secret blog from my other secret personal blog cuz i didnt want to clog it with reblogs
i follow from o******ww****
i am crazy and bdsm/alternative sexuality is my super special interest. i also love fapping dw
messages are welcome but i struggle a lot with social withdrawal so it might take a while to get an answer. feel free to share fucked up fantasies in my ask box or messages id love to hear. i like sex but im not very conventionally "sexy" and im happy that way. So just know if u talk to me ur gonna be talking to a weirdo and not in the cute quirky egirl thot way. in the stinky schizo way. im warning you
i like, generally, Everything in some capacity EXCEPT:
misogyny/patriarchy kink(unless performed by butch lesbians, but i will give butch lesbians a pass for anything)
weight gain/loss/ food control/feedism
detrans(forcefem/forcemasc and other trans-ing is ok, but i dont like the 'fakeboy' stuff)
beast(usually... certainly never irl, but sometimes the occaisional mention of bugs gets me)
ya. Have fun i hope u enjoy my porn taste. oink oink
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dykeyote · 1 year
Chnt for the fandom asks!!!
hm ......
character i love: i was gonna do a tricked ya and not do jedidiah here but lowkey i wouldnt trust him w anything else on this list . ya jedidaih hes my silly little glass of milk i love him mroe than anything he is my fav character of all time
character i hate: jedidiah also <3 plus the obvious
character i would call if i was in trouble: hmmm. marisol and salem both seem like they have their head son straight and if i called one theyd bring the other so one of them doesnt matter which
character i would trust to plan my birthday: hmmm . yvonne theyd do fun shit but i feel like theyre also reliable enough that i dont think theyd flake too hard unlike some other people i thot about for this one
character id share fries with: marie ann . maybe we could share those fries on a DATE marie ann calico . winks at her
character who would be my best friend: OK THIS SEEMS LIKE AN EASY ANSWER BUT I HAVE GENUINE BASIS FOR THIS syddy sarg bc hes just like my best friend aka my girlfriend . also autistic trans guys unite we would get along i feel . also me and jedidiah are samesies so he canonically likes people similar 2 me
character i would hang out with on a rainy day: hmmmm. soren bc he would be excited to show me all the mold and all the worms and all the shit in the rain and thatd be a fun time
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cigaretterry · 3 years
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harry, from the lights up director's cut 🤍🖤
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thebooklife · 5 years
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bunnie5 · 3 years
and for more reptile updates, I think I'll do a simple setup for the 20 gal I have and move fanta to it sooner, just because the new tank is way better than the old one I got off craigslist
I'll make it look nice gradually but tbh it's more about whether the gecko is happy than whether the tank is aesthetically pleasing or not
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safebubblebycyg · 4 years
things draco malfoy probably said to pansy:
"why are his eyes so green?"
"hey, what would happen if voldywart gave himself another dark mark on the other arm?"
"do i look good in green or like a bag of spinach?"
"my dad probably hides secrets in his hair"
"its monday right? great, mental breakdown monday."
"if i drank amortentia that i brewed, would i just find myself unbelievably hot?"
"i think id be a good healer...id like to patch up the wounds that have been caused by evil. in spite of my dad"
"you think potter knows how to do pottery?"
"my mom once made mashed potatoes for dinner and my dad took one bite and told her he could taste the wizard magic as opposed to elf"
"what do you think would happen if i drank amortentia and felix felicis at the same time?"
"have you ever seen a thestral? they're only visible to those who have witnessed death. yes, pansy, ive watched people die. it happens when your father is a fan of moldymort"
"fuck the ministry, i want a pet dragon"
"weasley's family isnt actually that bad, once you think about it. they're actually rather pleasant once you get past the freakishly kind nature of them all"
"are parents supposed to hug you goodbye?"
"harry's cute, no homo"
"what if we kissed? no hetero, but what if?"
"i think im accidentally in love with potter"
"i watched grease drip off of snapes hair and into a potion once"
"did you know that im related to sirius black? yeah, hes kinda my icon now"
"have you ever seen a muggle sports car? i want one."
"boys are hot, girls are not, and im just a thot"
"pansy, darling, please, im a raging homosexual"
"this isnt fair, give me three valid reasons why i cant jump off the astronomy tower"
"blaise caught me singing in the shower and now im more insecure than usual"
"i want to dance around in the dark with someone"
"want to try swimming with the giant squid?"
"i wish i was a merman"
"what do you mean by 'he clearly likes you back, you pouf'? hOw loNg hAs hE liKeD mE bAcK?"
"so, after a solid shag in the astronomy tower, we're now boyfriends"
"ew, pansy, im not wearing yellow! itll completely clash with my complexion!"
"girl weasley wont stop glaring at me, should i turn her toes into mice or her boobs into parrots?"
"i can't, im gay"
"what if our knees and elbows switched?"
"what the flying fuck is pokemon?!?!??!??"
"so, in theory, if crabbe and goyle suddenly turned into ducks that chase gryffindors around the school, who do you think would suspect it was me?"
"i wanna cuddle with harry but hes at quidditch practice, guess ill avada kedavra myself"
"ew, heteros"
"you're such a lesbian for granger, just go talk to her"
"have you ever seen a muggle movie? youd like Mean Girls"
"im literally so fucking angry about nothing, wanna go set something on fire?"
"what do you mean you made a swear jar-"
"i should become a teacher so i can tell kids that my husband is the chosen one and that he'll send moldevorts wrath upon them if they dont complete their homework"
"i hate being rich, blaise asked me to buy him a life size statue of him made of chocolate because i should 'spend my money on something worth looking at'"
"ugh, i hate defense, im not answering on what my boggart is"
"what if i joined a band?"
"how many galleons do you wanna bet that blaise will admit to ron that he has a crush on him?"
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btsficsforthehumble · 3 years
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adj.: 1. Modern, unfamiliar, or different
2. Not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed
pairing: reader x ot7
genre: college au; angst, fluff, smut, poly, ot7
Summary: You begin your first year at a prestigious university, set out on achieving your academic goals when a series of men step into your life that change the way you view the definition of love.
Part Five
Warnings: none in this chapter
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: New characters, yay! Just an fyi but I would like to start posting one chapter every week... thots?? Also, I've been thinking of adding a taglist? sksk I know it would be small but I personally love to get tagged when new chapters come out for my faves. If that's something ya'll would like comment so I know!! Alright, back to your regularly scheduled program :)
Literature was next. Now this? This you could handle. Always being a bit of an avid reader, you could devour a novel in one night --- and you often did. Finding the hidden meanings between the lines of text, like unwrapping a present, gave you a thrill. You were the person who could debate for hours about the meaning of a symbol in a book, as annoying as that is to everyone else.
Maybe it was the promise of escape, where you could be transplanted into another world, detached from your own, that appealed so much to you about reading. You could lose yourself, feeling the rush of the love affair or the thrill of a dangerous adventure. Coupled with your analytical nature, you felt more than at home in a literature classroom.
With this in mind, you make your way to your next class with more vigor than usual. When you arrive and take a seat, you pull out your materials and wait for class to begin.
Several minutes later, your professor walks to the podium in the front of the room to introduce herself. After several minutes of reviewing the syllabus, she explains the structure of the class. You were to be placed in small groups, to discuss the readings and write a paper at the end of the semester. This made you a little nervous --- having to rely on others to some capacity for your grade always gave you a bit of anxiety.
She began reading out the names of the students belonging to each group, so you listen carefully as to not miss your own name despite your anxious thoughts swirling inside your head.
“... Eum Hee-Young, Gal Ae-Cha, Ree Mun-Hee, you are group seven. Kim Seokjin, Y/l/n y/f/n, Kim Namjoon, you are group eight. Ok Youngsoo…” her voice fades off as you glance around the room, trying to meet the gazes of other searching eyes as your group was announced.
Your eyes meet those of a guy who looked maybe a year or two older than you, with round, wire frame glasses. His mahogany hair was pushed off of his forehead, parted to the side giving him a youthful but put-together look. He holds up eight fingers, looking at you expectedly, and you nod quickly. He picks up his belongings, preparing to move to you as you had empty space in the seats around you. As he slings his backpack over a shoulder, you scan your eyes around the room to try to catch the other member of your group.
To your surprise, your eyes meet those of the same boy you had ogled over yesterday in your calculus class, before it had started. You shyly hold up your own eight fingers, to which he gives a decisive nod to, and begins to make his way to you as well. You can’t help but notice the planes of his back as he bends down to grab his backpack, his wide shoulders tilting making them seem even larger. He is wearing a simple blue button down and jeans, but even through that you could tell his shoulders tapered to a narrow waist, making him have the perfect masculine inverted triangular build.
Slightly embarrassed at your thoughts, you glance at your other partner, now close to you. His oversized yellow knit sweater swallowed him a little, but with the glasses gave him a cute bookish look. His large frame juxtaposed his cute appearance --- he was on the taller side and seemed built as well. You made eye contact, and gestured to the seat next to you for him to sit. The other boy now approaching, you both watch as he takes the other open seat in front of you.
Your group now assembled, you tune back into your professor who was explaining the first text you were to read together. She told you that it was a short love story that relied heavily on symbolism and became a prominent symbol in and of itself in movies and television. Your first assignment was to analyze the symbolism of the text, and come to a more complex conclusion than what the surface of the text presents. You could feel yourself becoming slightly excited to jump into the assignment as she explained.
“You will be given the rest of class to get acquainted with your group members. They will be permanent, bar any issues that may arise. The first assignment is due at the end of next class. While on this first assignment I will be more lenient with grading, please do your best and set a good standard for your groups. Okay, go ahead everyone,” she finishes.
At her dismissal of your attention, you glance back at your group members. The boy with glasses speaks first. “I’m Namjoon, nice to meet you guys.”
“Seokjin, or just Jin,” the other boy gives.
“I’m y/n, nice to meet you both.”
“So, what year and major are you? I’m a third year, and a journalism major,” Namjoon offers. As he speaks, he gives you both a grin that displays deep dimples on both cheeks. He was very cute, you decided. He had a nerdy charm to him, with a build on the beefy side that made you want to cuddle him.
“I’m a first year… and to tell the truth I haven’t decided on a major yet,” you admit, but give them both a smile.
“Ah, hoobae, you are lucky you are with us pros then! I’m a fourth year, and a business major,” Seokjin says with a wide smile.
“Sunbaenim, are you in calculus before this? I thought I recognized you from there,” you downplay a little. You knew he was in that class since you had spent time checking him out in it, but didn’t want to seem creepy.
“I have a recognizable face.” At this he gives a smug look, but is clearly using a joking tone. “Yeah, calculus with Yoo at nine?”
“Yep. That guy goes so fast,” you frown. “But anyways, how do you guys feel about this assignment?”
Namjoon enters the conversation again, “Honestly I’m kind of excited for it. It’s been a while since I’ve done any reading that isn’t research related, which kind of sucks.”
“That does suck. I love to read, that’s why I took this class, actually,” you empathize.
“Yeah? What do you like to read?” Namjoon leans towards you a bit, excited at the prospect of talking about reading it seems.
“Oh, um… I’d say my favorite genre is probably any type of fantasy, I like being able to be in a different world for a bit. Oh, I also like historical pieces, that stuff is always so interesting.” You were a little hesitant to share, afraid he’d judge your preferences.
“I love historical pieces. I think that’s one of the things that lead me into journalism actually, it’s basically writing history for those in the future to look back on. I just think that’s really cool.” His eyes seemed glitter as he talked about something he was obviously passionate about. You felt yourself developing a soft spot for the boy, finding his friendly disposition and slightly nerdy personality to be incredibly endearing. It didn’t hurt he was also very attractive.
“What about you sunbaenim? Do you like to read?” you ask Seokjin, whose head was oscillating between you and Namjoon.
Surprised the attention shifted to him, his eyes widened to give him an owlish look. You are really surrounded by some beautiful men, you think. What do they put in the water here? It would be normal to run across a cute guy here or there, but this is kind of ridiculous. Seokjin himself has a face that is so beautiful it looks like it should have been carved out of marble!
Focus! You have to scold yourself. The boy you were just admiring in your head is now answering your question and you are too distracted to even process what he’s saying.
“... not too crazy, occasionally I guess…” His body language told you that he was slightly embarrassed at not being as enthusiastic a reader as you and Namjoon.
“I’m sure you have hobbies that are cooler than reading then, if I was athletic or creative I wouldn’t read so much either! Namjoon-sunbaenim, I’m sure you agree,” you encourage with a smile, wanting Namjoon to follow suit in making Seokjin feel comfortable.
Thankfully, he catches on quick. “Oh, yeah, I am way too clumsy to do anything more high stakes than page turning,” He chuckles. You and Seokjin both smile at Namjoon’s subtle self-deprecation. They both were sweet, you think. Your earlier fears about working with others subside. “I guess I could say that I do have another hobby though, I actually help out at the school’s radio station for fun,” Namjoon adds shyly.
Jin tilts his head in surprise. “Oh really? I have a friend who…”
He gets abruptly cut off by the professor’s voice echoing through the room, which causes him to stop his thought.
“Hopefully everyone is acquainted now, and is ready to get to work next class. I expect good things from you all this semester. You are dismissed,” your professor says with finality.
The three of you quickly gather your things, ready to merge with the swarm of students streaming out of the door. You give them both a smile, and say, “It was nice meeting you both. See you next class!” to which they give their own farewell.
As you leave, you check your phone out of habit. It seems your intuition is right, as usual.
*Miss me yet?*
Does Taehyung really have nothing better to do?
*What exactly is there to miss?*
You hope that after your curt response he’d get the memo. This guy is such a fuckboy, you think. While you don’t know why he set his sights on you for now, you hope he gets bored soon. While you give that tough persona to him, the truth is you are more sensitive than that. The idea of being used for sex once and then discarded was unappealing, and Taehyung seemed like the type to do just that.
Finally home after attending two more classes for the day, which were thankfully much less eventful, you slip off your shoes and let your bag slide off your shoulder to thunk on the floor. You were tired. And hungry, apparently, because your stomach makes some concerning noises as soon as you slip your light jacket off. You make your way to the kitchen at the sound, ready to make a nice dinner and decompress.
When you get there, you see one of your new roommates sitting at the stools for your kitchen counter. This roommate was one that you had connected with immediately, drawn to her blunt but fun-loving aura. Her short stature, shorter than average, gave no warning for her and ‘gives-no-fucks’ attitude. You could tell however, that inside she had a soft heart. Even in your short time together, you had seen glimpses of it here and there.
You learned when you had met that she had moved to Korea from America last year, making her a second year at your university. Her features stood out from the crowd, with brown skin and large curls that framed her face in a halo. She was really quite beautiful. Tia, but called Bean by her friends, which now included you, made you feel welcomed to campus and you were thankful for her.
Wanting to not scare her as you walked into the kitchen, you gave her a greeting. Her head pops up from where it was buried in her phone, which had been drawing her into her own world.
“Hey chickie. Long day?” she asks. Apparently your exhaustion was pretty obvious if she could tell right off the bat. You sigh, bending over to pull some vegetables out of the fridge.
“I just want to know who let me schedule four classes on Tuesdays. They should be in jail,” you complain.
She gives you an amused look, watching you now stand at the cutting board to prepare your food. “I think that person was you, sweet thing.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me. If I could go back in time and slap my past self I would,” you grown with your head tipped back. She lets out a laugh at your expense.
“Don’t laugh at me unnie! I’m going to pass away from exhaustion over here!” you try to say seriously, but can’t help but let out a little giggle. “What were you doing with your head buried in your phone, huh? Are you talking to someone?” you tease, pointing your knife at her with your other hand on your hip.
“Why, do you wish it was you?” She wiggles her eyebrows, giving you a side smirk. You knew she was deflecting, so you lift your eyebrow and give her a flat expression, waiting for her real answer. “Ugh, it’s nothing. There was just this really cute girl in my class today, and I tried talking to her but she didn’t really seem like she liked me… and I may have just been looking at her social media,” Tia admitted.
Now at the stove, stirring your dinner, you look over your shoulder to say something that would hopefully ease her anxiety. “You know that you can come on strong sometimes, maybe she’s just a little shy, ya know? Maybe try again with a softer approach,” you offer. “What is there not to like?”
She gives you a wide grin to match your own at your last remark. You both giggle, any tension in the air from Tia’s concerns gone. Dinner now finished, you grab two bowls and serve you both. You both slip into easy banter, almost like you two have been friends for years. You hope that you will be, someday.
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wntersfire · 3 years
Before I start I would just like to say (tw alcohol for now and question 19) sorry for any spelling mistakes or if I ramble a little. To cut a long fuckin story short I mis read the measurements of my shot glasses and so instead of having two cocktails I’ve had the equivalent of four in the space of an hour and a half. Being british, im not gonna let a good drink go to waste either so im onto my third/sixth now.
Tagged by @clints-lucky-arrow (an actual goddess among us mortals)
1. Why did you choose your URL?
So this reason is two-fold. One, I didn’t watch star wars growing up because I was dumb and didn’t understand the politics (it wasn’t until my boyfriend sat me down and explained it literally in January of this year that I actually got it) but I loved Sci-fi and space so the next best thing was Treasure Planet (2003 film, Available on didney+) My favourite scene is the ending when Long John Silver (spoilers) is about leave before he can be arrested and Jim confronts him. Seeing how much his character has grown, Silver says to Jim, “Look at you, glowing like a silver fire. You’re something special, Jim. You’re gonna rattle the stars, you are.” It literally makes me tear up every single time I watch it and its one of my favourite lines of all time. Second, this was actually quoted in one of my favourite book series ‘Throne of glass’ by Sarah J Maas. I adore the character of Celeana and again one of my favourite quotes from TOG is when Queen Elena says to Celeana“ You could rattle the stars. You could do anything, if only you dared.” Every time I read that line I literally get chills and I actually have plans to get this tattooed on me lmao
2. Any side blogs?
Yes my fanfic blog @second-stars-totheright (I like puns and I used to love peter pan)
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
I joined when I was 13 for the fanfiction and lurked for a very long time, just reblogging and liking things until I deleted it when I was 17. Re downloaded the app and got my account back back around February of this year (when I was 19, now 20) and since then I’ve found it much friendlier and actually interacted with people this time around, and actually started posting my work on here!
4. Do you have a queueue tag?
No. This is my general postings blog so I just kind of stick anything funny or worth keeping here, but I probably should make one!
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
As I said to read fanfiction (anyone wondering it was 5 seconds of summer fanfiction. Anyone who judges me in the comments its fair game 🥺) but I re-downloaded it this year because I noticed with my work on Wattpad, while I had some do really well (one has gotten 130k+ views) its very difficult to actually interact with readers and get feedback. I’ve only accumulated that high of a number after 5 years of it being on there, and so tumblr is just so much more personal!
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I did it this morning as I was getting tagged in this lmao. I wanted a cartoon girl who looked like me but because I had a specific colouring (ie my hair is black with a blonde streak at the front & my eyes have both blue and green segments because I have heterochromia) I couldn’t find any that looked like me so I recoloured a cartoon girl I found on pinterest.
7. Why did you choose you header?
The white clouds fit the stars theme and it looks pretty with the purple. ✨💜
8. Whats your post with the most notes?
“That girl is a problem | Javier Pena x Agent!Reader part 1” with 105 notes on my fanfic blog.
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I am still a little tumblr idiot when it comes to this so if someone could tell me how to find out I'll edit this
10. How many followers do you have?
72 on here, 107 on my fanfic blog (AND I LOVE ALL OF YOU ACROSS BOTH OF THEM MWAH, MWAH KISSES FOR YOU ALL 💜💜💜)
11. How many people do you follow?
165 (it was 700+ but the other day I unfollowed a bunch of accounts that haven’t been active since I followed them when I was 13. There were LOTS)
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
I mean all you have to do is look at the Nomad memes I make (UNAPOLOGETICALLY I might add 😤) for @clints-lucky-arrow to know I absolutely have. That series has a hold over me im telling you. I black out when I start reading and I awake with a bunch of meme editing apps open and my feelings tugged at from her amazing writing.
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
If I’m with my boyfriend which is like two days a week, rarely, but now I’ve finished uni, I’m on here all the god damn time. I feel so comfy and safe interacting with you all, not to mention some of you guys are funny as hell.
14. Did you have a fight with a blog once?
Not really on here, I haven’t received any hate luckily but I prefer not to spoil how comfy I am here with arguing.
15. How do you feel about ‘you need to re-blog this’ posts?
I’m a little confused by this I dunno whether I’ve just never come across any like this or if Stars is being a bimbo on the tl again. However, I only reblog things I’d like to keep for future reference or if something deserves to be shared to everyone else like a fic rec or a piece of art. (As Mack said, I’ve re-blogged so many in the past promising me money or luck and I am still broke as shit so what does that tell you).
16. Do you like tag games?
Yes!! I love reading everyone elses and getting to know my mutals better!
17. Do you like ask games?
Again yesss because it means I get to send love to my mutuals and get to know them better! I tend to not participate though just read their responses because I sometimes feel like I’m bugging people clogging their inboxes even though I know that’s the point idk I’m a hell of an over thinker sometimes 🥳
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
It’s been said before but @clints-lucky-arrow (wow you rlly owning this post bby girl) but I just remember lurking on Nomad early February and liking and reblogging her chapters so I could keep them to re-read cause that’s how much I instantly loved it and when she followed me I realised who she was and lowkey had a starstruck moment bcus id been ciaght up in her work for weeks and too nervous to make contact. Also @arduadastra, I saw her work all over the pedro tags for so long and now I’ve gotten to know her she is the sweetest girl!! We usually fan over Javier Pena gifs together, she’s solely responsible for ‘That girl is a problem’ bcus of her gif sending at 1am giving me Javi thots and now it’s my most successful one on my blog. And most recently @pedrosgirlx followed me this morning and her work is genuinely some of the best I've seen on here, as I said this morning it is the Sistine Chapel ceiling of Mando art it is actually jaw dropping!! I cant believe all these creators are rlly giving us this content for free and yet being so talented AND the nicest people I’ve ever met!!
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
No, although I hold a lot of them dearly as friends. 15/10 would treat you lovelies to a drink of your choice if we ever met (any of you from the uk who drink I’d get you a pitcher from Whetherspoons)
20. Absolutely no pressure tags:
anyone who wants to join! a lot of people I would have tagged have already posted theirs so go for it if you like the look of it!
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