#so i wont be answering anymore i'm sorry
fuxuannie · 11 months
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╭₊˚ ๑︰would u love me if i was a worm...
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:★: relationship : arachkids x g-neutral reader
:★: warnings : none, crack & fluff ???
:★: a/n : this is so random dont ask me why i wrote this (woke up from a nap and thought this was a good idea)
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MILES - "I would love you no matter what you are babe"
- You frown at such a sweet and innocent answer
- Couldn't really expect anything else from the sweetest boy on planet earth though
- He's confused why you seem disappointed
- "Oh! Okay, I wouldn't love you as a worm :)"
- Then for the next 10 minutes you both have a playful banter about the topic
HOBIE - "would you love ME if you were a worm??"
- "What if you wont know how to love me anymore?"
- Now you're confused, he completely twisted the question onto you
- "This is not about me-" "But i thought YOU were the worm"
- You're now in a debate whether or not worms (specifically you as one) would love him
- I mean, who wouldn't love Hobie? i'm sure even worms would
PAVITR - "???"
- He's not sure whether to answer with his heart or his head
- "I'm sorry love, I don't think so :( I don't know if it would work out.. for the both of us, you know?"
- He says he'll make you a little worm house though, and even if it would make his heart break he would find a better worm lover for you 😔
- He actually seems so sad you feel bad
- You go out to get him his favorite snacks as an apology
GWEN - "A worm? Takes more than that."
- Her best friend was a lizard-monster hybrid ok nothing can really stop her from loving you /j
- In all seriousness, nothing can really change Gwens view on you
- You're one of the few people she had left, she had no one else she could rely on and be able to smile with
- You tear up a little at her answer and explanation, she loves you so bad
- Comfort cuddles were in order that night
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cryptidghostgirl · 3 months
Can I request a part 3 to "unrequited"?
A/N I honestly was not planning another part to this story. I'm just gonna... leave this here. (Pls don't hate me guys. This is so genuinely the only path I could think of for this story that I liked.)
Unrequited pt. 3 (Alastor x Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: Um. Alastor is dark/yandere in this part. Uh. Unhealthy relationship. Yeah.
Word Count: 2,094
Previous Parts:
Unrequited (Alastor x Reader)
Unrequited Pt. 2
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
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Alastor had cornered her in the hall. The years, the games, the challenges, none of it was fun anymore. It all came to an end tonight. There was no other option, not when she could die tomorrow. The angels were coming, and they were coming for the hotel.
"I don't want you here tomorrow."
"What!?" Y/n exclaimed in utter shock.
She hadn't known what to expect when Alastor had stopped her as she made her way downstairs to the bar. Everyone was supposed to be having a drink together, celebrating their afterlives that there was a chance they might loose. She didn't know what to expect but, she certainly hadn't expected this.
Alastor had been acting weird lately. He was always weird but ever since the day with Husk in the hallway, he'd been weird even by those standards. He was always finding something for Y/n to do that put her near him, always watching. It was irritating. They had been fighting a lot and Alastor still had yet to apologize to Husk.
"I don't want you at the hotel tomorrow. You are not coming near this fight."
"What the fuck, Alastor?" Y/n nearly stamped her foot on the floor, she crossed her arms and glared at the demon, "I... these are my friends. This is my home. I will do what I can to protect it."
"No, you wont. You wont be here." he paused, "I will use our little deal to make sure of that, if need be."
Y/n scoffed. Her anger was a fiery, radiant thing. Alastor found himself thinking she had always reminded him quite a bit of a lioness when she got like this. The thought had been an accident, he couldn't afford to be distracted. Not when these were the stakes. Alastor pushed it away.
"You fucking... literally why? Like, what? I... sorry, just taking me a bit to process this: the demon who tricked me into selling my soul to them is now going to use that contract to take me, a valuable asset, out of a war which we cannot afford to loose?"
"Yes." Alastor nodded.
"Because?" Y/n prompted in irritation after a moment.
Alastor sighed.
"Y/n, think about what could happen if you are here."
"The same thing that could happen to any one here!" Y/n threw her arms up in exasperation, gesticulating her frustration as she spoke, "The same thing you're forcing on Husk and Nifty, have you had this chat with either of them?"
Alastor didn't respond. It was all the answer she needed.
"Yeah, I didn't fucking think so!" she scoffed, "So it's okay for everyone to risk their lives -- it's okay for you to risk your life even, but not me? Its okay for you to force my friends to risk their lives, but you're going to force me to stay out of it? Listen to yourself, you sound ridiculous."
"We don't need your help. You're slow, you will only hold us back."
The comment he had hope would dampen Y/n's spirit, bend her will into submission, only added to her fire.
"I'm... that's bullshit and we both know it. I might be small, but so is Nifty. Everyone has skills they can offer. I know how to fight, how to survive, and we will have angelic weapons for Christ's sake. Like, I really don't understand what the issue your having is here."
"Y/n, just... no." Alastor shook his head, a hand to his temples, "No. You will not be here tomorrow. I forbid it. I'm sending you to stay with Rosie."
"What am I, your kid?" Y/n sneered.
Alastor looked over at her, his hand falling from his forehead.
"Just please, Y/n." he took a step forward, pulling her hands into his. Alastor took a deep breath. "For me."
Y/n's eyes went wide. Alastor could see the conflict, the swirling emotions. Anger turned to grief, mixed with gratitude, and became anger again. A never ending cycle.
His heart pounded against his chest, it fought him valiantly for release. It had been so long. So long since she'd looked at him with anything other than disgust, so long since she had let him touch her like this.
Y/n settled on confusion as her dominant emotion and pulled her hands from his grasp. Alastor mourned the contact, his hands still held up in the air where hers had met them as Y/n took a step away.
It wasn't a question. Y/n commanded information and at the end of the day, he may own her soul but she owned his heart. Alastor felt like in some way, she always had. He couldn't bear the thought of loosing her but, he didn't know if he could handle the rejection either. There was no way, no chance, she would believe him if he told her too much of the truth but, lying wouldn't work either. It would have to be a careful balance, a calculated withholding of information. Too much was riding on tomorrow, on tonight, on this very moment.
"Because I don't want you to die."
Y/n's brow furrowed even further, their eyes growing wider still as she stumbled another step back. Her back was nearly against the wall now, there wasn't anywhere else she could go.
Her eyes flitted around the space fervently. Her lips formed words that never left her mouth. Alastor watched, stress eating him alive. At last, Y/n did something. She brought her hands to her head and sunk to the floor, her knees pulled into her chest.
"What are you doing to me." she muttered softly, just barely loud enough for him to hear.
For what felt like the thousandth time, Alastor felt a little piece of his heart fracture off. He didn't know how much more he could take of this before there was nothing left to break, nothing left to loose. She looked up at him, her hands still holding either side of her head and her eyes wet with tears.
"Why do you care?"
Alastor's breath caught in his throat. There was an insistence in her voice, a pleading. He stood in indecision for a moment, frozen by want, by need, by fear. His body took over as he took a step towards Y/n. Alastor kneeled down in front of her.
With great care, with a familiarity and gentleness Y/n hadn't felt from him in years, Alastor untangled her fingers from her hair. He held her hands in his once again and this time, he wasn't going to let go.
"Because I care about you."
Shock at his own bravery emanated from his chest. Alastor held his breath.
"You..." Y/n's eyes hardened, "I wish you'd stop messing with my head like this. Its not funny."
"Y/n, I'm not messing. I am not playing a game, I'm not..." Alastor sighed, letting go of one of Y/n's hands and running his hand through his hair as he looked to the side.
Taking a deep breath, he turned back to face her, grabbing her free hand once again.
"I don't know what I can do to prove it to you, that I'm not. But I will keep you safe. No matter what, you will not be here tomorrow."
"Please, Alastor."
His heart stopped. He couldn't recall the last time she'd asked him for anything that wasn't to leave her, Husk, and Nifty, alone. He couldn't recall the last time she'd seemed to fragile in his arms.
"Please, they're... they're my family. I can't..." a single tear rolled down Y/n's cheek, "I can't just leave them."
There was a moment, a split second where he almost agreed. Alastor's eyes narrowed. He dropped Y/n's hands and got back to his feet. She adjusted her position in response, nearly kneeling before him.
"Please, Alastor. Let me help them. Let me do what I can to protect my family. Please. I'll do anything you want... I'll..."
It almost worked. Alastor felt his purpose waver again. Then the fear came back. He had already lost so much. His mother, his humanity, his own soul and free will. Alastor refused to add Y/n to the list of things that were so far out of his reach. He just couldn't. He didn't care if she hated him for the rest of eternity, as long as it meant she was safe at his side.
"No." he shook his head, his heart hardening, "You forget, you already have to do whatever I want. You forget, I own you."
Y/n's scream of anger as the shadows took her was muffled as she was sucked into their portal. Alastor stood, watching the spot she had been in for a few moments and then, he doubled over in pain. It shot through him in spikes, in daggers. It was the first time he had told her that. Not once before had Alastor ever said those three words to Y/n, not even when they had first made their deal. I own you.
The guilt, the regret, all of it underpinned by the overwhelming love. It had been trapped for so long, so sheltered and pushed back in the recesses of his mind that it had twisted. The love had become obsessive, dangerous, hungry.
With a breath, Alastor stood straight once again. Pushing his composure back to the surface, he smoothed his hair and went down to the bar to inform everyone of his decision. He may have forced Y/n to do something she didn't want to, fracturing things further than he'd believed possible, but he wasn't going to blame her for it. Alastor was used to being the villain and hopefully, in this case, he wouldn't have to be. Hopefully, they would understand.
Y/n gasped for breath as she was let out of the shadow portal. Panting on all fours, slowly she brought herself back together. Y/n had met Rosie before, once or twice. She knew she was a kind soul at heart, a reasonable person, and she knew that Rosie's cannibals were the main force of their army tomorrow. All she had to do was convince the overlord to let her join them, and it would be okay.
Taking a deep breath to restore her confidence, Y/n looked up. Her heart dropped.
She got to her feet, looking carefully around the decrepit old radio tower.
"No. Nonono."
Her breaths becoming panicked, she ran to the door. It was locked. Taking a step back, she kicked it harshly. The firm wood didn't budge.
Driven by adrenaline alone, Y/n ran to the windows and began to hit them with all her might. None of them so much as trembled.
She looked wildly around the space and, spotting Alastor's chair, picked it up. Y/n hurled it at the window. There was a crash and for a split second, there was hope. That was until she realized it was the chair that had broken, not the window.
"No! No!"
Turning back to the door, she hurled her body repeatedly against it. Each time, she got the biggest running start she could. Each time, there was no change at all, nothing happened. Fresh tears pooled in her eyes, she was long past panicked now.
After about twenty minutes, Y/n was out of breath and exhausted. Her whole body hurt and her face was sticky with tears. She sat at the door, her back pressed against it and her knees pulled into her chest. Burying her face in her legs, she sobbed.
Everyone was at the hotel, except for her. Everyone was preparing to fight for and protect what they loved, except for her. What would they think? What would they say? Much more importantly, would they make it out?
A sudden fear gripped her, a fist around her heart. Would she ever see any of them again? Y/n's sobs redoubled.
She sniffed, her panic and grief quickly fixing itself back in the shape of the familiar anger. She could see him in her minds eye, that moment his eyes had softened, that moment she thought that maybe he had been telling the truth all along, that they really had been friends, that he really did care.
"I hate you Alastor!" she screamed to herself, alone in the dark, "I hate you and I will continue to hate you until the day I fucking die again!"
A/N I love an irredeemable villain and doomed, misshapen love. I'm sorry to anyone who wanted this to end up happy.
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harrystylesfan2686 · 3 months
Pairing: Rhysand x Reader
Summary: You and Rhys talk things out after he refuses to let you go into hybern war.
A/N: hehe First Rhysand fic. I love this. Also I'm so bad at writing titles you guys I swear. Please tell me a better title so I can change this one.
"Are you kidding me?!" You yell the second you enter Rhysands tent, knowing full well the anybody outside can easily here but you don't care.
"You ordered Azriel not to send me out?" You were in the middle of a battle and apparently you High Lord had told his shadowsinger not to give his second in command any assignment.
It only fuled your anger when he answered without looking at you,"Yes I did."
"Do you realize how embarrassing that was for me?"
"That's what you're thinking about? How embarrassing it was for you?" His displeasure clear in his voice.
"Yes! Everyone had positions, everyone had tasks and I was just standing there with nothing as my Spymaster told me to stay back because the High Lord ordered him so." The mock in you voice makes him look at you, finally leaving the papers.
"I didn't sent you because I don't want to endanger you. I don't want be on that battle field and worry about you every second. I don't want to be wondering if you are safe or laying there in the pile of bodies where I probably wouldn't be able to find you. So I apologise, if it embarrasses you to stay where you are safe but I wont-," His voice cracks. "I can't see you in danger."
The realisation flared your eyes and you look down in an attempt of hiding you surprise.
The two of you had been kind of a pair before he got stuck under the mountain. You loved him, still do but never told him because how can a High Lord love a mere spy like yourself. The two of you were clearing interested in each other before you got the news that he is stuck with Amarantha.
You wanted to go after him, to save him but Azriel had strictly denied you to do so. And when he finally came back, after fifty years, you thought maybe he had moved on. There was no way he could still be interested in the same person after five decades, only you were stupid enough to do so.
So you didn't do anything about it, only keeping things strictly profession after he came back. Until now.
The two of you were silent for a few minutes before he sighed and said in a tone a lot calmer than before,"I'm sorry I shouldn't have talked to you like that."
He puts in hands one his face, resting his elbows on the desk table in front of him, refusing to look at you anymore. You don't know what to say, so you just say the first thing that comes into your mind.
"I thought you and Ferye were..." You trail off, wincing as he looks at you, his expression making you regret your words.
"No, no. We are just allies, that's all. Friends maybe but not anything more." He looks physically ill at the thought of them together and your lips curl upward a little. He then again looks down, can't seem to look at you for more than a minute.
You slowly walk upto him, standing beside him and turning him around by his shoulders to look at you. "Rhysand, I understand that you fear for me but I'm Azriel's second, I can look after myself. I mean being the Spymaster's second has to mean that I'm good at surviving, right?"
His violet eyes look for your reaction as he gently tugs you to him, when you dont push him away, he hugs you. You now stand between his legs, him sitting gives you a small advantage of hieght and he rests his forehead to your chest, wrapping his arms around your waist, he sighs. "I just don't want to lose you."
His voice melts you, sounding so small and vulnerable, turning every thought in your head about him. Your hands lift to wrap around him too, one resting on his shoulders and the other gently running fingers through his silky hair.
"I'm going to be alright, Rhysand. You are too, we are going to need every help we can get in this war. And I can't just sit hear worrying about you all, while you go fight for your life out there. I'm a big girl, Rhys, I can handle myself."
He sighs and you know you've won this argument. He lifts his head to look at you with the most serious expression he can master and says,"Fine. But if something happens to you out there, I'm bringing you back, screaming and kicking, even on my shoulder if you don't listen. I'll even tie you to the bed if I have to."
"Promise?" You smirk.
His eyes narrow,"Yes and I'll fuck you senseless after as a punishment for not listening to me."
You laugh, silently agreeing because you're looking forward to doing that either way.
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upsidedownmvnson · 1 year
my hero | eddie munson
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“Eddie,” you whisper, stolen phone held close to your face as you look around the room. He hasn’t picked up the phone and you're afraid he wont answer, but he does, he always does.
“Eddie!” you whisper again, relieved but still in fight or flight. “I’m at a party.”
“Y/N? what the hell? It’s like 3AM, Wayne was asleep…”
“Eddie listen, please. You have to help me I don’t feel real anymore.”
“You don’t feel real?” his frustration quickly dissolved, as it always did with you, and replaced with only concern. Wayne too.
“Will you help me, please?” you sounded so small. Eddie was already putting on his jacket, listening to you intently as you babbled about your fuzzy head.
“Babe, I need you to breath, okay? It’s just me and you talking, ya? Just take a breath, and tell me where to go, and I’ll come okay? I’m coming right now, just tell me where to go, baby.”
When he finally coerced enough of an answer from you, he was out the door, rushing to your aid. He was speeding down deserted streets to get to you, sick with worry. He felt like this was somehow his fault.
You guys were friends because you tutored him. At first he hated it, but he grew to like you... a lot... so he kept going, just to spend time with you. And you guys had been working together earlier when you dropped a bomb that some basketball prick had asked you out to this stupid house party - the one he was currently rescuing him from - and it had led to a small fight. Eddie didn't remember exactly what he said but it was something along of the lines of "don't come crawling to me when he doesn't call you back."
Eddie was just jealous, and he knew that. He should've just told you the truth, but instead he just got mad, defensive. He really had no right and he knew that, as far as he knew, you got paid to tutor him. Paid to be in his life.
He parked like shit and ran into the house, looking for you. He drew everyone's eyes, but he didn't care. He figured you'd be in a bedroom, since there was no one by the phone in the kitchen. His heart raced as he ran up the stairs, opening every door without hesitation.
He knocked on one door and was met with you yelling, "go away!"
Thank fuck, he thought, knocking again. "It's me, it's Eddie."
The door flew open a second later, and you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. Eddie guided you back into the room and closed the door.
"You came," you cried, pushing your face deeper into his chest. He melted into you, wrapping his arms around your an holding you close. You were fine, you were with him. His hands soothed you, spreading warmth everywhere they touched you.
"Of course I came," Eddie said, like it was an obvious thing. "What happened?"
"Too many drinks," you mumbled, squeezing him tighter. "You were right," you cried, "he never called."
"I wasn't right," he said, quietly. "I'm sorry I was so mean to you."
"S'ok Eddie," you mumbled, you pulled back from him enough to look up at his face. He looked so soft, eyes filled with worry and care for you. Your tear stained cheeks made his chest tighten, and he wished he could take away your pain, and sadness. "He never called, or picked me up so I just came by myself," you explained, eyes welling up with more tears, making the knife in Eddie's chest spun. "And made friends with some girls and had some drinks and then, and then-" you choked on a little cry.
"Then what, sweetheart?" Eddie cupped your cheeks, brushing his thumbs along the apples of your cheeks, clearing them of the wild tears, leaving flushed skin across your cheeks and nose. His hands found place on either side of your face, gently forcing you to look up at him. Every move was tender and comforting.
"Then Chance showed up with his friends and they all laughed at me," you pushed yourself back into his chest, your shoulders rising and falling with frantic crying. Eddie just held you, keeping you close and giving any comfort he can. His own eyes got hazy just from hearing your sad little whimpers.
"Will you take me home?" you mumbled, slightly muffled by his chest.
"Yeah," he said, "course, sweetheart. Let me just..." He pulled away to properly wipe all the tears off your cheeks.
You looked up at him again, and he felt his heart melt. He had a big crush on you, and he already knew that, but it had manifested by teasing you while you tried to help him with algebra. But it was different now, he still wanted to do that, but he also wanted to hold you, love you, know you. Even with tear stained cheeks and shitty guest room lighting, you still looked beautiful.
Eddie wondered what rumours would fly around the school as you led him by the hand out the front door. All eyes were on the two of you, but you didn't seem bothered by it. In fact, he was surprised about how casually you connected yourself to him in front of all these people. Eddie wasn't exactly popular, but you never seemed to treat him different from anyone else.
He couldn't stop thinking all of these nice things about you as he walked towards to van.
"Thanks for coming, Eddie," you said again, as he opened the passenger door for you.
As you climbed in he said, "Anytime, babe."
You had to wonder if he knew that he was sending butterflies on a rampage in your stomach everytime he called you sweetheart, or baby. If you were honest with him, you should've stopped tutoring him months ago. You'd stopped tutoring when you got a job at the bowling alley in town, but you just didn't want to stop seeing him. So even though you weren't getting paid anymore, you kept going to the library at 3pm on Tuesday, and Thursday. That's when you would get a full hour, sometimes two, of totally uninterrupted time with Eddie.
But that was your little secret. Eddie had no idea.
"Why did he do that?" you asked once Eddie was driving. He reached over the middle to scoop up your hand, and hold it softly in his. He brushed his thumb over yours.
"Those guys are assholes," Eddie muttered, "it's not even worth thinking about."
You made a sad noise in response, looking out the window at the dingy street lights.
"Chance is an idiot," he reassured, mocking tone over his name. "I bet you a thousand bucks he regrets what he's done as soon as he sees your pretty smile at school on Monday."
You hiccuped. The memory of the many drinks you had at the party was still fresh. And your stomach swirled suddenly.
"Time for bed," you said, slumping against the seat.
"Yeah, yeah, I'll get you to bed all right," he joked, winking your way. You blushed, sinking into the seat a little more. You smiled a little. "Awh, there it is. Just trying to make you smile, that's all."
The rest of the ride was mostly silent. Eddie's stereo playing something quiet. Your hands were still weaved together, and you were hesitant to remove yourself when he stopped in front of your house. He took his seatbelt off, but stayed by your side, looking at you with those puppy dog eyes. You could feel yourself falling into them, so you pulled your eyes away, forcing yourself to push those feelings down.
"Thank you for everything," you whispered, voice hoarse from all the sobbing. "Maybe sometime we hang out it won't be about math or me crying," you joked. When you got out of the car, Eddie followed; being the gentleman he is, he walked you to the door. You fished the keys out of your pocket.
"I'd like that," he said, no edge to voice. No smirk or grin or joke. He really would like that.
You unlocked the door, and even though you didn't want to, and he didn't want you to... you left him for the evening. Chance was long forgotten, and new feelings of appreciation brewing for Eddie. Maybe there was something there. Suddenly... it didn't seem that unrequited.
And you two continued on, but it was all different. While studying before you were very goal oriented, but now, you found yourself lulling into easy conversation with Eddie, finding the time to be sidetracked by every question he asked you. And he felt it too, you were more open to him, more welcoming to his flirtatious teasing.
Instead of meeting at the library, he tried to catch you at your locker, or leaving class, just to have those extra moments to walk with you.
Your favourite part, was that it wasn't just two scheduled days anymore. He would seek you out everyday. He'd come join you in the cafeteria, just to ask you a million questions about your book but never let you actually read it and, "ignore all the great things right in front of you."
Even when the Hellfire club looked at him with questioning looks as he sat elsewhere, he just wanted to talk to you. They never said anything about it, they couldn't ignore the genuine smile across his face every time he spoke to you.
Today, you weren't anywhere to be found after class, so he made his way over to the library.
Everytime you studied, you guys were in study room two, so Eddie headed there without much thought. When he opened the door, two random students were in there, scared by the intrusion. He mumbled out a little apology and closed the door as quickly as he opened it, a little too loud, drawing a few eyes in the library.
He found you by the desk, whisper talking to the librarian. You were talking about him.
"...and Eddie in study room two."
"The study rooms are designated for the in school tutoring program, you know that."
"What's going on?" Eddie asked, smiling at your cute little angry face as you huffed and crossed your arms. The librarian left you two, after all, there was nothing she could do.
"They booked out our study room over me," you said. He didn't care about that at all, but his heart fluttered at the sight of you. You were just so fuckin' cute.
"We can just do it somewhere else," he said, putting a hand on your elbow to gently rotate you away from the desk. You let him lead you to an open table. He would admit, it left for less opportunity for him to flirt which he didn't like, and you'd have to whisper.
You started opening your books, and the librarians answer lingered in his mind. "Hey, aren't we in the tutoring program though?" And it made a wild blush flash across your cheeks, and he grin, thinking he found something. "Hey, what's got you blushin'?"
And that too made you blush. You whispered, "stop it," and tried to reel him back into the textbook, but he didn't bite.
"Hmm," he teased, leaning towards you with his fits under his chin, watching your features. "I don't know, I'm dyin' to know what makes those cheeks light up, I saved you, you know."
"My hero..." you mumbled, "I couldn't be in the program anymore if I took the job at the bowling alley," you admitted, wanting to sink into oblivion. "And I kept showing up so I guess they never reassigned you."
"Wait," he grinned, his eyes flashing down to watch as you sucked your bottom lip into your mouth. "You just wanted to see me bad enough to do it for free, huh?"
"Don't say it like that," you whispered, wishing you could sink into your clothes. Maybe get totally raptured out of here. If you blushed any longer you were sure that your cheeks were going to stain that way.
"Hey, c'mon," he said softly, hooking his finger under your chin to bring your gaze up to him. "It's cute, I appreciate it a lot."
"I just liked hanging out with you," you admitted, conjuring up a smile. He smiled back.
"Shoulda told me, we could've not been doing algebra this whole time." You laughed, and still he wouldn't look at any of the work. "Hey, let me take you somewhere else to study."
"Will we actually study?"
"I'm shocked by such a tone, sounds like you assume I have ulterior motives."
"Because I just know that you do!" you laughed, only to be shushed by the librarian. You two made your way out of the library anyway, "I've never been shushed before."
"I'm a bad influence," he mused, smiling at you.
He insisted on carrying your bag after you packed up your books, he only had his textbook and a beaten up notebook tucked under one arm. He would be happy to do this everyday, escort your wherever you needed to go, chauffeur you around town, he didn't care. He just wanted you to be safe and well taken care of.
"Where are we going?" you asked, when you realized he was leading you out of the school.
"Well, that depends on two things." Eddie stopped when you two were in the parking lot, right beside his van.
"What are those two things?"
"The first is; do you trust me?"
You looked at him for a second, and with a soft smile you answered, "I do."
"The second is; are you dying to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you?"
The blush on your cheeks was clear, and the anxiety in the back of his mind calling him crazy for asking was roaring. But you shuffled your shoe, and without looking at him mumbled, "I am."
Eddie smiled at what he heard. He dropped your bag so he could scoop up your face with both of his hands, cupping your cheeks lovingly and looking at you before leaning down to place his lips on yours. He kissed you like he'd been dying and you were the antidote. His lips were tender, but dominate. He tasted like stale weed and spearmint gum, and you were totally lost in him. The way his arms moved to your waist to hold you close, as if this was his only chance. As if when you parted it would be over.
By the end you were both smiling so much it was hard to kiss. When he finally had to seperate, he kept you close, sneaking a hand back onto your cheek, giving you something to lean into while you slowly regained your breath.
"Could kiss you all day," he whispered, leaning his forehead against yours.
You looked at him and nodded eagerly, biting your swollen lip. "Yes, let's do that."
He laughed, kissing you on the forehead a few quick times. "What's the rush, petal? We've got all the time in the world."
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bcacstuff · 9 hours
As you can imagine after last night's post, my inbox is flooded with message. It was already flooded on Wednesday after the article on JJ appeared, I showed you in a video. After I recorded that video the messages kept on coming in and after last night a 100-150+ more.
You got it, even if I wanted to, I simply can't answer you all. Many are similar to what I wrote, to the comments on that post, diverse opinions, expressions and more of that.
I do not wish to go on and on and on about this subject. I showed you what I had to show and tried to do so in the most appropriate but honest way. I left a warning in the middle that from there things were not going to be pretty. I can not make them prettier than they are. I showed you the facts like they are out there, you can try to ignore them, or stick your head in the sand. You can try to explain it away to fit your narrative, but the facts are going to stay there. They wont go away. It simply is what it is.
I do want to address some messages I received though, mostly echoing very naive things clearly coming from another blog. I have issues with that, as it obviously tries to twist facts out there for everyone to see and some in a very nasty way dragging Cait into this.
Saying Cait's picture is also on x rated websites is a lame, poor, ridiculous excuse to try and make it look like this girl isn't an escort, or that her pictures are stolen and put on these sites. Sorry, not sorry... if you can not tell the difference between Cait's web presence and that of an escort girl, you're a lost case sticking your head deep in the sand and ignoring the facts. Cait has nothing - I repeat nothing whatsoever to do with this whole mess.
She's not a model, a model shows her work on her IG, has an agency in her profile, and shows what brands she promotes. none of that can be found on her IG. You need to be blindfolded not to see how her IG already reeks towards the profession she earns her shown designer stuff and travels with. And a simple look at the persons she follows, the comments on her posts, her interactions tells you the rest. I mean, just one; a name like dubaichampagnepapi with a shady agency and a private club in Dubai tells you enough. I can go on and on, but as said (and as said in my initial post) I don't want to blow things up unnecessary. I don't need to show you ten more escort sites where she is listed all with different pics. It doesn't add more to the proof. Nuf said
I do not have any need to convince you, please keep your head in the sand and stay on the blog of your liking. Don't bother to sent me all these blind excuses, or ignorant echoing a certain blogger. Learn to use your own brain.
That also goes for the ones trying to excuse Sam on all kind of possible ways. Sorry, he created this mess himself. He didn't meet that woman by chance in a bar and then walked out of the bar holding her hand. Sorry, that is just plain naive, you got to admit that to yourself. These women do not hang out in a bar in Soho London. They go to Mayfair, shisha lounges, smoking water pipes, like the one LM posted last night. Just take a look at those sort of bars, you wont find Sam in there, that much I know.
It's not a crime what he did, it's just not looking that good and he surely knows it, hence he turned of the tags on his IG for the ones he doesn't follow. He isn't the first and he wont be the last. It was just not a very smart move. No need to blow it up though. We wont see anymore of that woman of that I'm sure.
I'm not sure yet, I might find some Anon messages perhaps tonight or over the weekend that I would like to answer, address or post. But please let's keep it all within normal perks and don't get overboard with things.
Thank you!
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cherishmiya · 24 days
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now playing 'infrunami'- steve lacy
clarisse la rue x fem!y/n
part 2 of 'I'm wearing a miniskirt, but why are you the only one who doesn't notice'
warnings: possibly ooc annabeth?
girl, you're the one i want, you're the one i need im begging you
Clarisse la rue was madly in love with you, whether she would've admitted it or not. she was absolutely whipped for you and would've done anything to have made you hers. but that was in the past, she's over you now. she realized she had to move on, you paid her no attention and didn't care for her advances at all and she knew how to take a hint.
can you come back to me? 'cause i was blind to see that you were right in front of me
a few weeks have past since and Clarisse has had a major mood change. this took you aback, how could such a sweet girl turn so mean in an instinct? Its like all the stories the campers where telling you about the old Clarisse was true. Clarisse always used to cater towards you so why was she acting different all of the sudden? you were bound to get an answer, it was like your personal quest, minus all the near death experiences. " have you noticed anything different about Clarisse lately Beth?" you and Annabeth were lining up to practice archery, which is the only camp activity you can say your extremely skilled in. " no, she's been like this, she's finally back to her normal self, she must have took that rejection to heart, she was so whipped for you" this didn't make any sense to you. what did she mean by 'whipped' and 'rejection' you don't recall any of that " what are you talking about?" you raised an eyebrow as you entered the shooting range. " you rejected her? i mean i get it i would be a little weirded out if the daughter of Ares had a crush on me" she said as she effortlessly shot an arrow on the target like the Athena kid she is. "she....had a crush on me?" you gave her a worrisome look that signalled her not to give her usual sarcasm no matter how much she wanted to " yes she had a crush on you, i don't know why your so surprised? we told you about how she was before you came along" she gave you her usual 'stop being dumb' look, though it was mostly used on Percy. " I.....have to go" you dashed out of the shooting range and headed for the Ares cabin, it was finally starting to make since, the way she acted around you, the way people found it weird, and the way she was acting now
girl, you're the one i want, you're the one i need im begging you
there you stood at the door of the Ares cabin, your veins flooding with sudden adrenaline, you knocked on the door, but as soon as it opened the adrenaline rush stopped, leaving you only with fear. " what do you want y/n" Clarisse looked like she just woke up, she had a raspy voice but you still could catch her irritated tone. you had deep regret for what you were about to do. "we need to talk. now" you tried to sound as intimidating as you could. you grabbed her wrist tight and dragged her to a spot in the nearby woods. "what is your problem! let go of me" Clarisse was screaming and shouted the whole way there, but you knew that she could have broke the arm that was dragging her if she wanted to, which means she was letting you take her to the woods, which means she wanted to talk with you, there was maybe still some hope after all. " what's going on with you? why have you been acting so weird lately?" you blurted out. the quicker you could get this over with the better. " this is how i always act haven't you heard?" she sneered at you. " look, i know you like me, and I'm sorry I didn't realize it before, but i do now so please, go back to the Clarisse i once knew" your eyes pleaded out to her. " no i liked you, as in past tense, its too late y/n I'm over you." she started walk away but you grabbed her before she had the chance " Clarisse please..." tears started to well up in your eyes " why do you care so much now anyway? because i wont give you princess treatment anymore? because I'm being mean like how i was before i met you? its over y/n." she stormed off leaving you heartbroken in the woods alone. was it really over? could you really not win her back?
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆the end⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
me when they don't get together in the end
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jacaerysgf · 1 year
i come with a smut request ✨
either chad or ethan fingering the reader as one of the boys are driving 🧎‍♀️
i'm so down bad for them
a/n | i went with chad bc chad doesn't get enough love
you pout as you stare out the window of the car and take a glance at your boyfriend. both of his hands are tight and his jaw is clenched as he angrily stares at the road ahead.
your underwear is drenched and your thighs rub together with need.
hes not paying attention right? he wouldn't notice if you slide your hands into your pants-
“dont even try that right now.”
you whine.
it had been a party you didn't even want to attend, feeling horny you just wanted to stay in and have some fun with your boyfriend. you two had not spend as much time together as normal but he said he promised to go so you were dragged along with him.
okay so maybe it was a bad idea to have talked with that guy a little to long or have places your hand on his arm. okay it was a bad idea but it wasn't your fault, chad was the one to blame, denying you pleasure.
“youre not being fair!”
he arrives at a red light, still not facing you, “but im not the one who was giving fuck me eyes to that random ass guy now was i?”
“im sorry!”
“so you admit it?”
“no! i didn't.”
“what are you sorry for then?”
“making you upset!”
The light turns green and he sighs.
“im sorry. i just really wanted your attention. i just felt like we haven't been spending as much time together recently; i mean we haven't even had sex in like two weeks! im scared that you're drifting away from me…”
You look down at your lap while he's silent.
“im sorry baby, im sorry i didn't realize i had been neglecting you.”
when you dont answer he takes one of his hands off the wheel and places it on top of your thigh.
“i promise i wont neglect you anymore,” his hand trails up until his fingers begin rubbing you through your pants, “starting right now.”
“chad..” the sound you let out is pathetic, all
of your want and need from the last two weeks spilling out.
“you want me to baby? ill make it up to you right now.”
you feverish nod your head as his hand slips into your pants. he runs two of his fingers up and down your slit.
“so wet, all this for me? or maybe that asshole from the party huh?”
“no no no you just you!”
“thats right.”
He sticks a finger in while his other hand stays tight on the wheel, clearly fighting the urge to take eyes off the road.
“to make it up to you,” he sticks another finger in causing you to moan, “im gonna make you come here with my fingers.” he thumb begins to swirl around your clit and he groans at the whine you let out, “play with your pretty tits baby.”
you do as he says before he continues, “then im gonna take you home and make you cum on the couch with my tongue,”
“chad im close.”
he speeds up, giving you permission but doesn't stop talking.
“then im gonna take you to my bed and fuck you all night long.”
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yanderehsr · 8 months
Hello!! This is my first time sending a ask to this blog so sorry if I break any rules- ^^;
I just wanted to ask for a Lumine! Reader, where they have a bad mental breakdown, full on falling to the ground and sobbing hard cuz they are looking for something very important that they lost and they've been asking everyone for help but those people ask for something in return before they help but then they never help in the end, just using the Reader-
Can it be with Himeko, Silver wolf, Stelle and Bronya?
( Poor Lumine, she just wants to find her brother but everyone's asking for stuff in return before they help and than they never fulfill their part of the deal )
I know😭 Lumine has to deal with so much and she gets so little in return
Hope you'll enjoy😄
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping
Himeko: She feels guilty over it but she has waited for this exact moment, for you to come crying to her and she can comfort you. She loves you so much but you never seem to have enough time to notice.
Himeko will hug you, she holds you in place with one hand while the other softly rubs your back, you can't notice because of your position but she is smiling right now, she won't let you go back to searching, you will stay with her from now on. She will not take a no for an answer.
"The world is just full of bad people isn't that right, whatever it is you're looking for can wait right? I'll always be here for you, so why don't you just stay"
Silver Wolf: She feels sad over that maybe she is one of the reasons for your breakdown, she asked for your help in the past, she regrets ever doing that now, she takes you to her home and you play video games together, she isn't very good at comforting so this will have to do.
Silver Wolf let's you lie down on her bed and fall asleep, she joins you later and big spoons you, she knows what she has to do, she needs to hide you from the world, you are too precious, too lovely to ever let go, now be comforted in the safety of her arms cus you aren't leaving anytime soon.
"Oh, you wonder where the door is? Well I removed it, I don't want you to continue your search... I-I love you too much to let you have another breakdown"
Stelle: She knows how it is, a lot of people ask her for help as well, only difference is that Stelle doesn't have a goal that gets set back whenever she helps others, actually Stelle makes sure to help you more than others, so that she is the most important in your life.
So when you come running and cries into Stelle's arms that is when she makes a decision, you shouldn't have to deal with people when they only hurt you so much, Stelle leaves the Astral Express and joins you instead, she'll make sure you only know happiness from now on, now she just needs to convince you to stop searching and instead focus all of your attention on her instead, as it should be.
"There is no reason to cry anymore, I wont let you talk with anyone else again, I'm going to help you, so let me see a smile on that pretty face"
Bronya: She regrets not kidnapping you when she first fell for you, instead she let you go to search for what you lost, but each day without you made her feel more lonely, her mind drifted to darker thoughts, she has decorated a room for you decorated with stars and with a fluffy bed for your enjoyment. And chains ready to be used to keep you there
Bronya when she sees you again and you're crying, breaking down and begging for comfort leads you to that room where she will comfort you to her fullest capabilities. When you get tired and falls asleep on the bed is when she chains you down, this is how you should be, comfortable and safe with her by your side.
"Calm down, I know you can't move very much but it's for the best isn't it? Now you don't need to deal with any of the stress and betrayals, now all you need to do is think of and love me"
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truetogaia · 1 year
i saw ur post about sub!jake, imma be waiting for that fic ‼️ ur literally writing has me a chokehold bae
I'm just gonna post it answering you bc I can hihihii I LVOE U
Pairing: Sub!Jake Sully x Fem!Reader
Genre: smut, 18+
Warnings: Blowjob, strong language, explicit and mature themes, like use of "Good boy" once, I don't see how thats a warning but YK
Synopsis: Jake is needy thats all
Notes: It's 2:40 am and I JUST finished it, please excuse any bad grammar, i'll edit and fix it tomorrow *SOB* It also lowkey sucks bc IM STILL SUFFERING FROM WRITERS BLOCK IT WONT GO AWAY!!
Word count: around 600!!
Jake’s breathy moans filled your ears as you skillfully planted sloppy kisses along his neck, occasionally letting your sharp fangs drag across his hot, tender skin. His form trembled slightly beneath you, your hand busy tracing gentle shapes up and down his shaft. He mewled when you carefully ran your thumb against his slit, his hips bucking into your hand. 
You cherished these moments, adored how obedient and submissive he was, how his ears flicked around intently, listening to every word that seeped from your mouth. But the one thing that made it so satisfactory for you, was that you were able to give him pleasure. The look on his face when he finally reached his climax was etched into the walls of your memories, and you were obsessed with it. 
“Please,” his voice was croaky from the hours you had spent teasing his poor, neglected cock, “stop teasn’.. can’t take it anymore y/n- hmnn” You smiled up at him, finally wrapping your warm hands around the base of his needy length. His mouth fell ajar as your smaller hands worked his precum along his shaft, choked moans escaping his throat with each stroke. 
You placed a light peck on his angry tip, increasing the speed of your hands, before finally taking it into your wet mouth. The sounds of you gagging on his big cock made Jake’s moans increase in volume, his hands finding a place to sit on top of your braids. You swirled your tongue around his bulbous tip, which earned a loud groan from your mate. You looked up at him through your heavy eyelashes, doe eyes sparkling with stinging tears from taking so much of him, and he swore he could cum right there.
“You’re s’good to me baby, mmm, so so good..” His hips lifted from the ground subconsciously, jerking his cock further into the warmth of your hot mouth. You felt his hands grip your hair tightly, and you braced yourself. Jake was so needy, so desperate for release that you finally decided to let him take control. He began pounding his thick length into your mouth, forcing you to deepthroat him. 
His tip abused the same spot in the back of your throat with each lustful thrust of his snapping hips, and you were sure it was going to leave a bruise. “Oh baby, yes, fuck- hnghhh.. your mouth is so good-” His heavy balls slapped against your chin with each buck, thrusts turning erratic as he fucked himself deeper down your sore throat. His orgasm was approaching rapidly and he could no longer control the noises and moans leaving his mouth. 
You held out for as long as you could, but considering you couldn’t get any air with the way your nose was basically buried in Jake’s abdomen, your vision was fading bit by bit. The feeling of Jake’s hot seed finally releasing itself into your welcoming mouth made you jump. When he was finished, he slowly pulled out of your mouth.
“Sorry, baby.. I got a bit carried away. I didn't hurt you, did I?.” His eyes carried a genuine, apologetic look, and a warm smile settled on your features. You placed a hand on his thigh, lifting yourself up to stand above him. 
“No, It’s okay, love. You were a good boy anyway.” He looked up at your figure with an admiring gaze, taking in all of your ethereal curves and shapes. And just like that, his cock was rock hard again.
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marymary-diva17 · 9 months
Leaving home
Jake x reader x neytiri
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Once life had been happy and simple but that all went wrong when the RDA had come back, soon destroying many lives and when everyone thought the battle was enough soon more will be taken. As the RDA had brought but Quaritch and his team from the dead and made them navi bodies, they had ran into the kids as they went out exploring. Once the kids had bene caught by the recoms nothing wil never be the same anymore, as now the whole clan had to leave their home. No on was happy about leaving the forest as no one wanted to say goodbye to the homes they love.
Neytiri " you can't ask this you can't asl the children to leave their home, the forest is all they know the forest it all what the people know"
Jake " I'm sorry neytiri but we all have to leave we can't stay here anymore the RDA might know after the stunt lo'ak had pulled"
y/n " this is not his fault he didnt know they will be there, you can't blame him Jake"
Jake " y/n not now"
y/n " so where would we go Jake where will we take the clan and our family, we have to think about the people and our kids"
Jake " don't you think I know that y/n I want to keep our family safe and our people safe as well"
y/n " ......."
Jake " listen I don't have a plan on fighting the RDA but I have a plan on protecting everyone and our family, but you both need to agree with me on my actions and no fighting me on this please"
neytiri " yes ma Jake" Jake and neytiri soon looked at you and saw you were close to tears.
y/n " I will go wherever you both go and do anything to protect our kids, I can't lose either one of your or our kids"
neytiri " don't worry y/n everything will be fine so what the plan Jake" Jake had told you and neytiri his plan to have the clan seek refuge with a clan far away, as home was no longer safe. It will be meaning leaving the forest that was home to everyone and leaving for a new place that was unknown to everyone. None of the clan was happy about the news as some of the human will be staying with mountain navi clan for safety as they couldn't come with the rest of the clan right now.
later that night
y/n " do you kids need help packing"
kiri " no mom we are good"
y/n " how are you kids doing after the whole incident" you looked at your three children to noticed lo'ak was not there that all he was gone.
neteyam " we are fine mom we really wish we didn't have to go away from home"
y/n " I know my loves I know"
kiri " I should of spotted lo'ak and maybe we could be staying her verse leaving I don't want to leave my home ... and now spider will have to say goodbye to uncle norm as he can't come"
y/n " oh my daughter it going to be okay none of us knew the RDA had recoms"
tuk " mama is this all lo'ak fault"
y/n " who is saying that honey"
tuk " well there are some people blaming lo'ak for what happened saying if he was like neteyam, kiri , or spider then none of this would of happen we wouldn't be losing our home .... now we are saying goodbye to rest of our family"
y/n " honey it not lo'ak fault he didnt know he was just being a teen"
Neteyam " then maybe he would of thought it our before endangering the lives our my sisters and spider"
y/n " neteyam"
neteyam " I'm sorry mom this whole day have been very bad"
y/n " I know honey hut taking it out on lo'ak wont make everyone feel better"
kiri " no one is happy about leaving mom and everyone is blaming lo'ak"
y/n " tell me are you all blaming him" the kida had gotten quite and didn't say anything you, didnt want to take that as your answer.
y/n " you know what why don't you all finish packing and have some dinner, we are all leaving in a few days maybe we can have one more family outing before we leave all of us"
kiri " okay mom"
y/n " where is your brother"
neteyam " I don't know he left a while ago I think he went to be helpful or speak with everyone" you had nodded your head soon leaving the home to find lo'ak, now you were feeling like you were losing your kids, mates, and friends this years.
y/n " lo'ak" you soon found your son sitting down on log he looked sad, you soon sat near him.
lo'ak " I'm sorry mom I was just trying to make everyone happy I thought it all be fun, I didn't mean to do this all it all my fault im a failure of son"
y/n " hush my son hush"
lo'ak " everyone hates me mom dad and mom won't look at me, and grandmother wont look at me as well ... my sibling and spider seem to be mad at me as well .... I alsmot got spider kidnapped uncle tsutey wont let me speak to him or their family"
y/n " hush my son hush" lo'ak soon hugged you as he cried he didn't mean any of this he really didnt mean it.
y/n " lo'ak listen none of this is your fault none of us knew the RDA had avatar bodies until now"
lo'ak " yes mom but now we have to leave our home and everything we love"
y/n " yes we have to leave our home but we will aways have some things from our home, even due we might not be here this will always be our home"
lo'ak " mama do you think everyone will forgive me"
y/n " listen her my son you didn't mean any of this to happen right now emotions are high, and it will take time for everyone to clam down and come to terms with everything that happening .... we just need to give it time the both of us right now"
lo'ak " mama are you okay" lo'ak knew you were very upset by the tone of your voice and the way you were looking.
y/n " I will be okay soon baby right now I'm happy your and your sibling along with spider are okay"
lo'ak " thank you mama and whatever happen after today mama I will always be by your side" you soon brought neteyam into a hug and soon kissed his forehead, making him laugh.
mo'at " hello my grandson and daughter in law I came to speak with you both"
lo'ak " hello grandmother"
mo'at " I overheard your guys conversation and lo'ak young man you are not to blame for what happened, all that happen was out of our control .... you did fight to keep you sisters and spider safe and that make you a warrior my boy "
lo'ak " thank you grandmother"
mo'at " one day Jake and neytiri along with the rest of the clan will see the great things you have done and will do in the future, both you and your mother are one of the people no matter what others say"
lo'ak " thank you grandmother I feel better now"
y/n " now head home I will be there soon"
lo'ak " yes mama bye grandmother" soon lo'ak took off and you were left alone with mo'at.
mo'at "I know my daughter and Jake havent bene fair to you during this years and these past days, I don't know what has come over them and there nothing to excuse their behavior or anyone else behavior as well"
y/n " I know but I miss them but I don't know if they miss me"
mo'at " they still love you my dear you three were meant to be by great mother, and she never wrong about a perfect match"
y/n " thank you mo'at" you and mo'at soon walked back to the village saying nothing else, you were just hoping everything will become okay as you no longer wanted to see your family in this time of state anymore.
A few days later
Jake " okay everyone we will be leaving soon make sure you have everything" Jake had made the announcement everyone was sad tis day, as leaving home was effecting everyone. The human were coming but were going to stay with other clan that was not, that far from your guys new home.
Tuk " hey mama can I ride with you to our new home"
y/n " sure honey you can it will be ...."
neytiri " no she riding with me"
y/n " neytiri it fine she can ride with me or we can take turns with her riding with us"
neytiri " no she will be riding with me Jake and I want you to speak with lo'ak make him see sense"
y/n " ma neytiri please"
neytiri " no I make the final decisions on my daughter and I said she riding with me and not you, I'm sorry y/n but I have to think about the safety of my daughter right now" the kids and few other had heard what was spoken between you and neytiri.
tuk " mama it okay we can go for a flight later"
y/n " sure sweetie" tuk soon hugged you before she was picked up by neytiri and taken away from you.
Jake " we are leaving soon and we don't need you laughing a fight with neytiri right now the clan is watching"
y/n " yes ma Jake"
Jake " good we need to keep the family and clan together we can't be causing trouble and worry"
y/n " I understand ma Jake" Jake son nodded his head and soon stated walking away. Soon enough the clan had taken off on their ikran lo'ak was flying next to you. As the rest of the family seem to be ahead a bit there was gap between you and them. This day had been hard on everything that what you were telling yourself and hoping once, everyone arrived at their new home everything will be better off for the family and clan.
lo'ak " hey mama"
y/n " yes my son"
lo'ak " I see you mama"
y/n " I see you my son" the mother and soon smiled at each other as they flew on their ikrna traveling to their new home everyone had looked back, at their old home as it got smaller and smaller over time soon losing sight of it. Everyone was hopping and praying for one day to be back home but none of that was on anyone control, hoping for some miracles from eywa.
The next part of this mini series or collection of stories will be based on the family and clan arriving at the metekayian and make their new lives there as well. It might be broken into multiple parts I don't know yet we will see.
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fuxuannie · 10 months
❥﹒even if i wont remember it, your name will forever be my favorite.
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✦. synopsis — dan feng was a man who held your heart in his gentle hands, but now you're forced to accept you'll never see him again, atleast the one you knew.
✦. love mail — 💌 i always come back (lie), im trying once again to coming into writing but i really wanna wanna try again eahueauha
✦. tags — i havent written in 500 years, dan feng x reader, not really a dan heng x reader, mentions of dan feng, xianzhou arc spoilers, minor dan heng backstory spoilers
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"What'll it be for tomorrow?"
You smile as you watch Dan Feng make you a flower-crown, sitting across to him as his face is nothing but focused on such a silly task. And though it seemed out of character for him, he did it for you. He'd do anything for you if you asked.
"Can we make a cake?"
You watched him raise a brow, "A cake?" and you nod. "A cake."
He sighs through your soft giggles, ones that could even bring a Vidyadhara's heavy heart at ease. "You do know it is tomorrow, right."
His sentence sounds more like a statement, a matter-of-fact. Which it was.
You simply hoped it hadn't been.
He looks away when he hears you sniffle, his heart aching further when it was followed by dry and bitter laughter. "I know."
"But what's a birthday without a cake, right?"
He shakes his head, smiling softly. "Are you saying it's my birthday tomorrow?"
"It could be, how would you want to look at it?"
There's silence exchanged for a few moments.
"Anything but the day I'm taken away from you."
Those words sting more than you would've thought they should.
You want to beg for him to run, to escape away with you and explore the galaxy you were oh-so curious about. But here you sit, across to him, a crumpling flower crown in his hand as he squeezes it with such intensity. Two of you well aware that his fate is one written within the stars, once he committed the unforgivable act of granting immortality - he knew he was bound to face Sedition.
"Dan Feng.." "Hm?"
If you told him now, would it matter? If you spilled out your heart and your blood for him, would it matter if he wouldn't remember?
You hold your tongue and instead shift over to lean on his shoulder, sighing in what seemed to be disappointment. "It's only a shame we won't do things like this anymore.." And the click of his tongue followed by an 'mhm' means he shares your mutual thoughts.
"But.. I hope by some chance, even if impossible, you'll still turn your head when my name is called."
He cleared his throat, "You see that?"
And in return, you smiled. "Every single time."
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When you arrived the moment Jing Yuan called to visit the Scalegore Waterscape, he sees how you refuse to look straight ahead and sighs. "I understand if you're afraid, you don't have to accompany me."
But thinking about all those what ifs, the ideas that clouded your thoughts all those years - you just wanted them to end. You wanted to hear the answer you've longed for, that you feel like you deserve to know. "No, I do."
The General watched as your footsteps picked up the pace, approaching the figure that stands in front of you - so familiar yet unfamiliar. You reached your hand out for his shoulder in a fit of desperation; "Those horns and tail wouldn't have belonged to anyone else,
And yet,
It doesn't seem right."
You pause when he turns around, his gaze lack of the warmth you've missed for so long. You choke on your own words, "Dan-" You repeat once more, but you know it isn't him. You know that the man that you came all the way for was not the Dan Feng you knew.
"-Heng." He finished for you, his hand putting yours away in a dismissive manner. "I'm sorry but-"
"You're not him."
He notices how your head is hung low, but tears fall towards the ground below, darkening the sand with your pitiful state. "Sorry, I understand." You apologized, but you knew that Dan Feng wouldn't have wanted you to cry like this, at least not over him.
"Dan Heng, right?"
When you meet his gaze, he feels oddly.. entranced by you, and though your eyes were tear filled - he found your expression still kind.
"Mine is (name). I hope that I'm able to know you better, past who Dan Feng was."
"You have a wonderful name." Seeing Dan Heng smile so warmly tugs on your heart strings, as it was like staring at Dan Feng all over again - that smile that never left your mind since his Sedition, but you knew it was Dan Heng's smile. No longer his.
No longer who was once yours.
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butmakeitgayblog · 4 days
how often do you think clarke catches lexa staring at her because we all know lexa doesnt think shes getting caught all the time. how do you think it would go after the billionth time lexa is looking but shes trying to be suttle about not looking/ being caught so much and titus has been a nasty shit all day to her about love is weakness and she really just needs clarkes love but just wont ask for it verbally.
Oof well, I think the answer to this depends on what time period you're talking about. Because ... Lexa was always keeping Clarke in her sights when she had the option to. Like 🥴 I mean I'm sorry but the girl was not subtle. At all. She never was. To the point Azgeda's own ambassador or messenger or whatever he was called her out on her preoccupation and somewhat deferential treatment when it came to Clarke immediately.
Granted, what'd she do about that?
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Sidenote also I love all the other ambassadors being like
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But I digress
Given that information and just how aware Clarke was - aware and observant - I think it's pretty safe to say that she knew every single time Lexa was looking at her, and why.
And to be honest, I think she welcomed it.
Now. Do I think she ever really admitted it to herself at the time?
Absolutely the fuck not. Absolutely. The fuck. Not.
Certainly not when she first got to Polis and was at her angriest with Lexa. I think in that time period more than any other she did genuinely resent Lexa's attention and presence (to a degree). But the thing is, other than their initial meeting in the throne room and when Lexa came to Clarke's room the first time, Clarke STILL didn't turn her away. Because for Clarke, when it comes to Lexa, the thing is that she herself was always drawn to Lexa as well. She sought her out too. In crowds, in Lexa's private quarters, in Polis, in war camps. More often than not she allowed Lexa into her space with very little fight, and other times she herself turned to Lexa and sought her out instead. Always watching her. Taking in her every movement and decision and word, even when she didn't feel like she could trust Lexa anymore. Even when she was still angry about the betrayal.
So to be completely honest, I think Clarke "caught" Lexa staring at her quite often... and did absolutely nothing to stop it. In fact, I'm hesitant to even use the word caught in this instance at all, because I don't think Lexa ever really tried to hide those feelings from Clarke. I think she looked and wanted and yearned without apology. I never got the impression that Lexa did anything other than just be open and respectful as she patiently waited at arm's length for Clarke to decide what she wanted from all this, but she was still always leaving the truth of where she stood on her own feelings right there for Clarke (and anyone else in the general vicinity) to see.
And Clarke, for all her anger and all her resentment and all of her justified mistrust, really didn't do or say anything to make her feel the need to stop...
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kurooandkenmasslut · 1 year
Hello! Can I have maybe have a scenario or oneshot request of Rengoku with fem reader please! (If request still open) :D
We all know kyojuro would nicknamed his s/o "Little Flame" right? What if his s/o suddenly told him like:
"If you call me your Little Flame then..I would warm you with my Love! <3"
Not in dirty way! something sickly sweet request! What would Kyojuro react hearing what reader said to him?
Omg YES!!! I live for 'Little flame' and i feel like it's definitely cannon that he'd say this to his lover!!
Allways 💗
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You loved kyojuro. You love love love love him. He calls you some pet names like "my darling" "hunny bunny" "gorgeous" "pretty" "dear" "love" "stunning" "'drop dead gorgeous'" and so much more.
But as much as you loved his pet names for you, you wanted something more specifically for you. Around town you often hear people call their loved ones the same. You were debating in your head if you should ask him, but, you ended up doing so.
"Umai!" "Kyo honey?" "Umai!" "Kyo?" "Umai!" "Kyojuro!" "Um-" and that's when you lightly slapped his head to get his attention. He turned his head, his golden and red hair swishing with the turn. "Ah yes! Sorry my dear, it seems that I've been to absorbed into appreciating my meal that I haven't heard your calls of my name! What do you need, my darling!" He cheered, a nervous pit in your stomach forming.
"I need to ask you something." You mumbled, looking everywhere but his eyes. "Yes of course! What do you want me to answer! I'll answer any question you fire at me, my love!"
"I was thinking about.. the names you call me, I love them, I really do! But I was thinking something more specialised.. for me?" He didn't say anything and you glanced at his facial expression. His fierce eyes gleaming with determination, his eyes almost telling you to continue.
"So.. what about.. little flame? If you call me that.. I'll.. warm you with my love!" You confessed. You really hoped that he wouldn't think you were weird or anything. You pushed back those thoughts immediately, kyojuro is a kind, wise, loving, funny, brave, and a loving boyfriend. He would never, never, never, ever, think you were weird. But all you had to do now, is wait for his response.
He gave out his hearty and cheery laugh. "Why of course my little flame! I calling you something more specific to you is creative and smart! So, I would be honoured to call you something as meaningful as that." He announced. He opened his arms, which you engulfed him with your body as you two hugged and laughed. You didn't notice he moved his arms and poked at your sides and started tickling you. "Stop stop stop!" You screamed out gleefully. You almost cried out in laughter. But he stopped, picked you up, laid you down on the sofa and flopped on your stomach. You started petting his hair, and softly tugging out the tangles in his hair. He yawned before closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around your waist. You don't know how, but everytime you started combing his hair with your gentle fingers, he's always dazing into dreamland.
If you didn't love him as much as the world before, well, you certainly do now. And you will always love him, no matter what life might crash in your way, you know that you wont take anyone else but him.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did kyo lover! Please reblog and share this! I appreciate and love when people reblog! Not only reblog my work, but others too! Stay hydrated and eat well, I hope you have an amazing day <3 also, this isn't re-read so I'm really sorry if there's any mistakes, I don't really have time anymore to fish out any, thank you for reading!
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schizoidcel · 7 months
Omg this is so embarassing it posted by itself 2 FUCKING TIMES. give me a break tumblr please ... Anywhooo I accidently deleted this ask. Upsala. Sorry anon bestie. The request was something similar to Zooble suffering but Reader comforting them!
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warnings :: Angst.. obvs.
synopsis :: Zooble has been feeling more disconnected with their identity than ever before. They don't know why, but it's been eating away at them. They forgot that they don't have to suffer alone, though.
The mirror shows a reflection.
Who is that, though?
Zooble has been staring at this 'reflection' alot these last few days.
Is that really them?
Why do they look like this?
Do they want to look like this?
Zooble dosen't even know anymore.
Do they want to know?
"Hey, Zooble." Zooble didn't even hear a knock. Did they knock, or were they too deep in thought?
"...Hey [name]." they answer, looking at the direction of their s/o. Zooble already feels more at ease with their presence near them, but the thoughts that were making them feel hollow are still carved in the back of their head.
[name] steps into the room and closes the door, nearing their partner. "You've been in here alot... Are you okay? Or just tired?"
"I'm fine" 'Fuck. Was that the right thing to say?'
"..." [name] stays silent for a few seconds, then starts walking towards Zooble, stopping next to them.
They're both in the reflection now.
"..Uhm- " "- Is this what's bothering you?" [name] interrupts Zooble, pointing at the mirror.
"...I guess? I'm just, S#!|^. I don't know. I feel weird, weirder than usual. Just... What am I? And why do I feel like I never knew, even before I arrived in this f>&lt;;&!\|% circus?" "So it is what's been bothering you?"
Zooble turns their head towards [name], then turns back to the mirror, looking at both of their reflections. "sigh... Probably." they shrug.
"I see..." There is a pause.
And then a huge shattering sound.
"W-Woah! [name], what was that for?!" Zooble says, clearly taken aback from what their partner just did. The mirror is... Shattered. All the shards lay on the ground.
"Zooble, I don't want you to suffer like this. Uhmm.. Yea, maybe I shouldn't have destroyed the mirror like that-"
[name] takes a quick pause and looks at all the glass pieces laying on the floor,
"- but sitting in here staring at your reflection all day won't help you figure out what you are."
Zooble looks abit speechless at that, you can see in their face that they're unsure on what to say. [name] takes their hand, trying to reassure them abit more.
"And besides, we all love you the way you are! ...Especially me! So, how about we figure out this identity everybody loves so much once we get out? We'll put it on our To-Do-Once-We-Get-Out list, right next to the cruise ship tour." they say, trying to get any kind of response from their beloved.
Zooble thinks abit, then nods. "Alright."
[name] feels Zooble being more at ease by their hands relaxing more and hugs them, causing zooble to get flustered a teensy bit.
"And if you ever feel disconnected again, please come to me. I dont bear the title of being your partner for nothing." they try to joke around, attempting to lift Zoobles spirits up even more.
Ofcourse Zooble knows. They chuckle in response, "Alright. Sorry for making you worry. I'll... Try not to let it get to me."
Even though they'll for sure almost always think about it, Zooble wont let it pry into to their head as much. They have [name], after all.
ׂૢ་༘࿐ Thank you for reading! ♡
BYE OMG THIS WAS SO FUCKING HARD. I love Zooble so much I hope I did them justice...
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papercupids · 2 years
yandere!hyung line (svt); headcanons
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pairing -> yandere!hyung line x fem!reader (excluding woozi because, well, ask lacey)
reaction -> to the reader trying to leave them
note -> please dni if you're not comfortable w yandere topics, thank you.
word count -> around 2k
warnings -> typical yandere stuff? mentions of blood + knives, emotional manipulation.
a/n -> there's a lack of yandere svt content on this app and i'm here to fix it but first and foremost, this is for the loml @haet-sal <3 luv ya
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after weeks of throwing tantrums, crying your eyes out, trying not to eat or drink anything he gives you, and flinching every time he even comes as much as 5 ft near you, you had found out it wont work. but you couldn't place if it was because he was persistent or he just loved you that much.
but now, you had adopted another scheme, an act, an act of slowly being coaxed into whatever fantasy seungcheol had been brewing in his mind.
blinking your eyes and smiling at him whem he says he loves you, shaking your head slowly when he offers to take you out (part of the plan was convincing him that you just don't want to go out anymore)
but so far you had been a good actor, you hadn't seen his disappointed face in about a month so you'd say you were safe.
when he leaves for work, he turns the key twice in the lock, and his shoes tap on the porch an exact 12 times as he leaves, this part you've taken away from being deprived of any means of entertainment and he's gone after that.
he comes back around at 6, again the 12 taps and the two turns of the key.
this was a routine, and as much as you wanted to just push past him one of the times when he opened the door, you knew you wouldn't make it quite far so you waited. waited for the right moment to pounce on your freedom.
and it comes in the form of a phone call, a phone call from work you assume but about which you know you'll hear at dinner tonight, but only if you stuck around that long because there were no turns of the key today, just 12 fast paved steps then the engine whirring and he's gone.
you can't believe it! the door was right in front of you and it was open!
you touch the door and trace the lines on it slowly to make sure you aren't dreaming and then push it open, the healthy, warm glow of the sunlight breathes new life into you and your feet are against the wooden floor.
but you should have known better, in your excitement of the door being open, you might not have heard the car pull up again in the driveway. the person analysing you realizes that the smile you've been giving him all the time was a stage smile and this … this was the real deal, pure happiness on your face.
but you've seen him and its too late to go back in and pretend you weren't out so back.
"y/n," he slams the car door shut and approaches you, he's not angry but he's not pleased either.
"can we go back in? please?"
you nod, you've accepted defeat. for some reason you can't move even though you should have, you follow him inside the place you never thought you'd be back to again.
"what were you doing?"
no answer, there's no way you could get out of this.
"were you going to abandon me?"
He's sitting on the sofa now, his elbows on his knees and his face in his palms.
and he looks at you, "abandon me? after all i've done for you? the way i love you?"
you close your eyes and begin "i'm sorry, seungcheol, this won't happen again,"
"yeah, it won't because i'm not gonna leave you alone again,"
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jeonghan smiled, he stood there at the empty road, with no actual reason to. but he did.
"baby, i know you're here, it's over, you can't run anywhere,"
you clasp your hand on your mouth, trying not to even breath because you were skeptical you could give yourself away.
even in your shorts and a thin t-shirt, you could not feel the November air on you, that was how scared you were.
jeonghan stood under the golden streetlight, an alley opened up in front of it and that's where he was sure you would be hiding. there's no other place.
the knife he was holding glistens in the dull light as he boringly swipes it across air.
you know you shouldn't have taken the bait, jeonghan never ever does anything without an ulterior motive. you should have known that, learnt that.
so when he purposefully began leaving for menial errands he could have made someone else do for him, you should have known he had plans behind it.
but when you're drowning you won't see if the boat that's saving you has holes or not, you'll jump.
and that's what you did, you jumped.
but unbeknownst to you, he was doing this purposefully, sort of like a test for you.
to check your "loyalty", check if you're trustworthy enough yet.
and he was now… disappointed.
he didn't expect his baby to leave him.
not when he loves you as much as he does, cares for you, makes sure your needs are met, everything he's done for you and you… you betray him?
thank god he decided to do this, because what if, hypothetically you were able to do this without him being here? not that it would happen ever, jeonghan always had his guard up.
he's standing there still and this time with a more sing-songy voice, he calls out to you again.
"baby, come out now," his voice is so sweet, honey almost and you could never imagine what this man was capable of.
jeonghan sighed and looked the rest of the street, was it possible you weren't here?
you finally feel your muscles relax as his footsteps fade a little, but not entirely letting yourself feel happy, you knew you were far from free from him.
but you dared to look out, and it was empty, the street, like he was never even there at the first place.
you slowly muster up courage to step through the dark corners of the alley into the light, just to -
"baby," its like some sound a haunting doll makes, the cold isn't the only reason you have goosebumps all over your body.
he holds out your hand, as if nothing has happened, as if you weren't throwing things at him a few minutes ago in the house.
"let's go home, baby,"
and you look into his eyes, hauntingly mesmerising, but you can't help but fear him so you intertwine your hands with his.
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you turn the door knob, and in any instance you would be fearing he might pounce on you but right now, you were free and he was the one locked inside his own bathroom, you knew it wouldn't be long though, because the latch could easily be unlocked by banging the door with pressure, you had experienced it yourself.
in any case though, you grabbed the car keys and practically ran to the car, wearing the shoes halfly and pressing the acclerator without even tying the laces, there was no better day to get the hell out of here.
you had no phone, though, to tell your parents the whole story, the whole truth about him but you ran past stop signals to the familiar road usually depressing with joshua at your side and having go pretend all was good and well with you and your fiancè. you can see the diamond shining as you take a turn into your driveway, quickly slamming the door behind you and impatiently ringing the bell.
"c'mon, open the door, quick," you paced around , knowing joshua would be on his way by now, it made you so anxious and as soon as your mother opened the door, you rushed inside and slammed it shut, looking out the window to check if he's there yet.
but you couldn't place the expression on her face as you started trying to explain the whole situation to them.
"are you kidding me, y/n? joshua already told us what you did. to hear about your own ward cheating, and on their fiancè? this is too much, y/n, this isn't how we raised you. and now you're trying to blame it all on him?"
you look around desperately for some sort of an explanation as to why your mother was willing to believe joshua more than you, but then he was ever the charmer.
"you don't understand, mom-"
"yeah, i clearly don't understand why he's still with you, he should have broken it off as soon he came to know but poor guy loves you. so behave because he's on his way to pick you up,"
you try to turn the door knob slowly but your heart sinks as you hear a car pull up in your driveway and then a halt, silence.
"mother-in-law! i'm here,"
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"sh," he puts his finger on your lips as you attempt to stifle your sobs, undoubtedly, your face was a mess right now, but so was your throat, you'd spent the last 15 minutes screaming your throat out after you had found yourself in binds in a chair, and jun with his knife.
"tsk, tsk," he clicks his tongue slowly, an evil glint in his eyes.
never could you ever have imagined your best friend, the cheerfully shy guy who was too scared to even ask for a extra sugar packets, to be this, this person in front of you. it just messed with your brain.
but then again, you had never imagined that he'd have a crush on you either. 
he did look too long at you sometimes, smiking to himself afterwards but you couldn't decipher it. and now the "they don't deserve you," were suspicious.
he plays with the knife slowly, hovering around you. 
"wouldn't it have been better for the both of us if you just shut up and accepted my love? i'm not that bad, am i?"
he looks at you, and too scared to dare and defy him, you nod furiously.
"aw, babe,"
you couldn't have imagined this, not in a million years, because even after you politely told him you didn't think of him as beyond a friend, he'd sniffled softly and glanced at you, "can't we give this a try, once?"
"jun, you're great, but that would be injustice to us both," 
and you'd got up and got home, but the next thing you knew, you were here. where apparently screaming doesn't make much difference.
“Us. All I ever wanted was us. Is that truly too much to ask?”
you shake your head. 
"not much to talk about today? no more 'wait, that guy's hot' or 'omg, i'd die for this girl'?"
he shakes his head as he kneels down, forcing you to have eye contact with him.
"i was right there! why couldn't you ever see me?"
you couldn't speak. someone you trusted blindly until yesterday was someone you could now imagine stabbing.
and he places a strand of hair behind your ear.
"hell, even my crying couldn't make a difference to you, what kind of a friend are you, y/n?"
"but don't worry, now that i have you, i'll slowly teach you, to love me, and i don't mind you how slow you go, we have all the time in the world," dragging the 'all'.
"you're only mine, now,"
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with a last glance at the home you've been staying in for the past three years, you walk out with a sigh, your chest feeling like it could just drop down at the floor below.
hoshi was nothing if not absolutely loving and caring, just a borderline sweetheart really. but you couldn't bear it anymore, and better, he deserved someone better than you, who could reciprocate that love or who deserved it more than you probably.
but you'd be lying if you said you didn't love him, his constant reassurances, the hand on your shoulders if you were ever worried about anything, the attempts to make you laugh, it was all just irrestible to not fall for.
he had raised your standards high and you couldn't believe you were walking away from such a perfect thing. it was a foolish thing to do.
but what will you even do now? without him to guide you?
what if you're losing him forever after this? because a part of you hoped that he tries to find you.
but what if he doesn't? the idea that he doesn't look for you makes you dread it and you can't sit in that train anymore. you need to go back.
it's not that you didn't think this through, you did, but actually doing it was harder than whatever thing you'd been planning for months and carefully doing it when he wasn't home so you wouldn't have to answer the question that his eyes would obviously hold and the answer that you were looking fot but couldn't give.
it was a pathetic situation to be in, you wanted his love but didn't think you deserved it, but now that you got off on a random stop and looked for the sub back to your apartment, you knew this was a bad idea.
the image of hoshi coming home to the note you'd left him made you hate yourself more, how could you do that to a person wjo had showered you with nothing but love?
and you went back, to the familiar doorway of your apartment, with hoshi standing right there reading the note.
your eyes answer before he can finish his question as tears start streaming down your face, how can you ever leave this person?
this was the face of someone you wouldn't be satisfied with even spending an eternity with.
it was the face of someone you loved, and someone who loved you back, whether you deserved it or not.
and you hug him, "i'm sorry,"
he rubs your back, comfortingly, "it's okay, you're home, that's what matters,"
and you sleep comfortably knowing you're loved and safe with him, that no matter what happens, even if the world ends tomorrow, you'd have him.
the next morning, you wake up with a strange, tight sensation around your wrists.
“Good morning! Sleep well? I hope the bindings aren’t too tight. Did you know you’re quite the restless sleeper?”
"hoshi? what's with the bindings?"
"well, i need to make sure you don't run away again, did you know how worried i was last night? i thought i lost you, really,"
he cups your face.
"i don't want to lose you again,"
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your boyfriend's bestfriend, if someone asked you, you'd reply in adjectives. nice, calm, sweet and caring. it was what you noticed of him when sometimes you'd hang out together, its what you would tell somebody if they were interested in him.
"...wonwoo, i love mingyu, you're my friend,"
you weren't bound or anything, just sat down on the floor of his apartment by choice, he'd have you sitting on the most expensive of chairs if he could, but strangely you still wanted the love of the man who clearly didn't love you the way you deserved to be loved? how was that possible?
his black hair covered his eyes a little but you knew his eyes were red.
"no, i won't have it. you don't deserve him! i can be better than him!" 
albeit you had found out that he was cheating, you couldn't let go of himself and certainly not fall in love with his best friend that just seemed like a weird foundation of a relationship. and you tried to explain it to him again.
he doesn't respond, instead just gets up from his seat on the side of the bed and walks out, slamming the front door shut. 
immediately, you jump to your feet and pick up your bag from the bedside table, something you'd been eyeing in the dimly lit room since you sat in the corner. and there it was, your key to freedom! your phone!
emergency contact, mingyu. swallowing your pride, you dial the number, it rings and rings but gets sent to voicemail.
way to mess up again, mingyu.
"he won't pick up," wonwoo swipes the phone right out of your hands.
you get back on your alert mode, distancing yourself from him as much as possible.
"i've called the police, stay away,"
"wrong, you only had enough time to call your precious mingyu who didn't even pick up,"
and that's when he turns on the lights, his grey shirt is splattered with blood.
"oh, don't worry, this blood isn't mine, i have a gift for you in the car,"
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greenxgloss · 2 months
Hello! Could I request an angst with Kit Walker taking the blame for fem reader inside the asylum and being punished in her place? Thank you!
WHATEVER YOU WANT MAMA! Thank you for the request!! hope this is okay! i haven't written for evan in like three years. here is:
Rotten Apple (Kit Walker)
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summary: Y/N begins to feel couped up and restless in the asylum and convinces Kit to attempt an escape but fail miserably.
Warnings: abuse, mentions of murder, angst,
"i cant do this shit anymore." y/n whisper yelled as she rubbed her face. kit giggled, glancing over at her from the sink. "what's eating at you today?" he asked her as he rinsed off the last few dishes. she thought for a moment. "everything.. the gross food, the unnecessary meds, the abuse, the annoying music, the clothes.." she answered, almost in tears. "I just want to go home." she said, standing up of the ground and hugging kit and laying her head on his back.
hours later Y/N and Kit could be seen sitting in the corner of the common room watching as everyone else bugged about, dancing to the one song on repeat or staring at nothing. "how many of the people in here do you think deserve to be in care?" she asked him, not daring to peel her eyes away. "no one. half of them have probably just been hit so hard their brains are mush." he said, scooting closer to her. She inconspicuously placed her hand on his, out of sight of the rest of the room.
"lets leave.." she told him. "what?" he was in disbelief. the many times he'd tried to leave in the passed and gotten caught, he was too scared to do it now. "yeah lets make a solid plan and just leave.. maybe we could come back and shut the place down." she was hopeful. but kit knew the possibility of getting away was so unlikely and the punishment for getting caught would be horrid this time around.. but he didn't want to just stop trying. he and everyone else in there knew he wasn't supposed to be locked up. and the question of what he would do when he got out made his skin feel like pins and needles but he agreed anyway.
He and Y/N put their heads together to plan an escape. they had the time, exit and distraction all in line.. but something was missing. they couldn't put their finger on it. "if we're not remembering it must not be important." Y/N said, making her first mistake.
sister jude plugged in the movie and left the room. Kit looked at her and nodded as he caught the door before it closed. once they both quietly followed her out Y/N turned the corner and searched for the tunnels. "Mr.Walker! Get back here!" sister Jude called after him at which point Y/N latched onto his hand and pulled him through the door. The lock on the tunnel door was secure this time causing them to look at each other with tears on their eyes. "I'm sorry." she said. "for what?" he asked, he took a deep breath. "I got overzealous." she said, slumping over on the ground. kit then had an idea. he stood her up and got behind her, holding broken glass to her throat. "kit? what- what are you doing?" she asked him. "just go with it." he whispered.
"ah walker and Y/N.. I'm not surprised. I've seen you both hanging out a whole lot. it seems walkers decided to take you prisoner. little girl thought a cold-blooded murderer was on her side." she laughed, causing Y/N to tear up. "let me out. I'll run and never come back." he said, knowing it wouldn't work but he wanted the attention to be off Y/N. two big guards walked in and detained both kit and Y/N. their grip being tighter on kit. "I'll give it to you, mr.walker.. you've got gumption but you need to understand you wont be leaving any time soon. taking another patient prisoner is not gonna do you any good." jude said and suddenly Y/N knew what he'd done. kit was taking the blame and made it look like he was holding me to escape.
jude dragged kit to her office and showed him her whips. "kinky huh sister?" he teased. he knew he needed to keep the blame and attention on him so he antagonized her. "you need to pray for forgiveness, walker. and maybe so does Y/N but for different reasons I'm sure. shes lost but you've run. you turned your back it seems. and its time to take what you deserve. sister jude bent him over and pulled down his pants to whip the synthetic leather to kits skin making him whimper in pain, gripping the desk, afraid that this time he'd be left with scars serving as reminders of his time in the hospital.
Y/N listened from outside the room, muffling her cries with her hand stuffed over her face. she had regret the idea, she had too much hope and look where it got kit. of course all she could do was blame herself as she listened to kits whines of pain.
"squirming will only make it worse." Jude let out through gritted teeth. She had enough of kit. she knew that if she could kill him she would but those thoughts alone scared her and had her knelt at the pews for hours longer than anyone else, her head dipped down as she prayed but it wasn't enough. and she let herself go as she took it all out on kits frail and pale body. "rotten apples deserve to be punished."
soon she stopped, realizing she'd gone too far. kit was slumped over on the ground hugging himself. Jude cleaned up and stepped out of the room, completely overlooking Y/N behind the door. she ran in when the coast was clear and she sat and pulled him onto her lap. "I'm sorry. you're going to be okay, kit. I'll never let them hurt you again." she promised him as she rubbed his head and whispered into his ear. "it's okay. I'd do it again in a heartbeat, Y/N I love you." he let out causing her to fully sob. "no one has loved me this much." she giggled through her tears, running her fingers through his hair. "I love you too Kit. you're gonna make it out of here if it's the last thing I do." she told him and they sat there until they could muster up the strength to stand and go to their own rooms. knowing they would come up with a better thought-out plan the next time they decided to try and leave the asylum behind.
A/N: HIII i hope this was okay! i also hope its not too long!! i tried my best to keep it at a reasonable length. also like i said i havent written evan/ahs content in years nor have i watched asylum in a while so sorry if i messed up any show specific/ cannon details.
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