#so ignoring them and sadposting it is
applejuiceaddictyo · 27 days
yo is it too much to ask to be loved?
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bleakbeauty · 3 days
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I admit that one of the reasons I continue to post on social media even though I get no engagement is so that there'll be a record of how long I reached out to be ignored and how obvious it should have been that I needed help. If anyone cares about my death, I want them to have to look directly at how ridiculously huge the internet has made human selfishness. Where we are right now, a person can post for years about having suicidal thoughts, and people will scroll past because sadposting is cringe, bro. We aren't people anymore. Then again, I know I'm deluded if I think that my death will indict the internet.
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neuraltheft · 7 years
please.... come back.... i miss you 
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blackmoldmp3 · 3 years
3am sadposting sorry. god it got long ANYWAY aroace trauma posting under the cut. some gender shit too
like the gender thing sucks irl. i know the general public is never going to respect this part of me. my family is probably never going to get it. im probably never going to look the way i want. but the thing is that even though Most Straight Cisgender North Americans are going to at best be confused/disbelieving and at worst be. u know. violent. at least when it comes to the gender thing theres a sizeable amount of people who’ll back me up in the queer community. who’ll respect this part of me.  u know.
but like when it comes to ace shit or whatever people are just meanspirited! theyre weirdly hostile. its so bizarre and like even if they allow u to like. seek community bc of other parts of ur identity that they deem worthy they still dont want you to be proud of or even express the ace part. its like ur inclusion is provisional. and as a teen straight out of a traumatizing situation that i was still blaming myself for bc i thought i was just bad and there was something wrong with me i actually cant express how damaging that was and kind of still is lmao! it has consequences its not just sequestered to the online experience. if it doesnt personally affect you its possible for you to just drop it when you get too mad or whatever. but for people it does personally effect it has real consequences! it really fucked me up and i feel like i cant talk about it bc letting vitriolic debate about an important and sore part of my self effect me emotionally is stupid and/or funny
anyway the aromantic thing is even weirder bc people a: dont think about, b: dont want to think about it, and c: it just means youre evil anyway. and if ur aromantic but also have sex it means ur supremely extra evil. and the extreme weird part of this is that like. this part doesnt even bother me that much. because people just dont want to confront it, it makes them uncomfortable in a different way that isnt easily deflected into harassment or cringe comedy or whatever. so they just ignore it! which is easier on me even though this part of my identity caused me so much personal grief when i had my high school relationship bc i was oh fuck this means im evil. theres something seriously wrong with me. its bad and wrong and evil that i cant reciprocate these feelings and it means im a Bad Partner who is doing harm. while the ace thing was like ‘oh im just an insufficient partner and i just need to like try harder and also let her do whatever bc i dont want to hurt her feelings and last time i brought up even the word ‘asexuality’ she got clearly upset and i hurt her feelings. so she can just do whatever ill Do It For Her’ so like it was undeniably Bad but i just felt like i needed to try harder aksjd i didnt feel like i was inherently fucked up
people are admittedly very weird abt aro people using different terms to define personal relationships in like a ‘lmao look at these freaks’ way. which sucks! but u know whatever its fine
IN ANY CASE heres how t4t deancas qpr but they also fuck can still win
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trans-axian-archive · 4 years
Weighting in on the ‘passive agressive’ posting thing.I honestly think that voicing your opinions about something that bothers you as long as you’re not directly attacking people and doing stuff like that is fine. i think it a) allows people to see things from someone else’s perspective, see how things come across to other people etc.b) gives some people a chance to see that someone else agrees with their opinion, which is always fun c) allows anyone who doesn’t want to see it to just ignore it
thank you!! exactly!! I appreciate your support! you're right! so many times when I post Hot Takes tm people will reblog it saying that they've never thought of something in the way I put it or that they thought they were alone in having the particular opinion that I'm expressing. it's sexy and fun to see something from another perspective or to be reasured that other people agree with some secret opinion you hold. it's also really sexy and fun to just... ignore posts you disagree with. I see plenty of posts that I think are fucking stupid but I just.. move on and if it Really irritates me then. well. yall get to hear about it. keeping your petty disagreements out of somebodys notifications is a Great skill to learn and sadly, as I am shown each and every day, so many people have yet to learn it or even just how to make their own posts
I never really understand it when I get asks or comments like that anyway because, well, I do a lot of bitchy judgemental posting on this blog. I suppose I'm known for my yunmeng bros sadposting but like... if you follow me for any amount of time than you should know that I have many many opinions and I am very very loud about all of them, so getting an ask like that indicates to me that the person isn't actually concerned or upset with my behavior, they just feel called out by what I'm saying
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luxwing · 5 years
I've had like two different people do this to me specifically and I think it happens a lot on social media sites especially Tumblr but I don't trust anyone on here who makes like a long post about oh boo hoo my friends are sad times like these are so hard or they post a carefully edited message with oh well I'm obviously better than you so I'm going to say I'm not angry and hope you feel better soon.
Like in the first instance I had been messaging someone and also sadposting and instead of replying to me they just made this long post about how they get sad when their followers are sad and everyone ran up to them with asspats and called them so wonderful and they just ignored me and the second instance I was suicidal and messaged someone and they also ignored me then told me they were busy so I sent them a long message about how I had to sit there and help them through all this shit but the one time I needed them I was too much of a hassle and they fucking posted it with my name and the first half of it blocked out and just used it to grandstand about how amazing they were and just
Like fuckin people on this website are so fucking fake
But anyway turned out the first person made audio of rape fics and the second person was cyanwrites so I honestly made out like a bandit
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sburbian-sage · 5 years
I remember seeing mention of “Time Demons” in a FAQ, GodsGiftToGrinds one I believe. Do you have any information on what this might be, or if it is even real and not just a rumour?
Did you mean “Time Daemon”? Time Daemons were mentioned once in the “Serious business and worst cases scenarios” section. Apparently they were discussed further in-depth in another chapter, but that chapter has been lost to corruption.
Technology corruption, not Other/Angel Corruption.
Now to be perfectly honest, I don’t know much about Time Daemons. If I recall, I’ve only heard about them twice. In the Sburb Glitch FAQ and in this ask. However, we can make some reasonable guesswork on what these things are.
GGTG brings up Daemons when asked about a Player receiving messages outside their session. Stuff like this happens frequently in most sessions, but never-to-almost never in first-time sessions. There are generally two events that cause session-to-session communication in a first-time session.
A Replayer somehow manages to wiggle their way into a first-time session. They then introduce the other newbies to the Replayernet, letting those poor little squirts communicate with other Replayers.
FUN FACT don’t do this. First of all, you should be teaching them how to survive, not how to go on the mega-internet. Second of all, most of the time these kids either learn about The Vast Disappointment too early, get depressed, and start sadposting, or remain ignorant and bother everyone about the game. Either way it fucks things up for everyone involved.
The Daemon causes this.
FUN FACT we’re discussing Daemons right now.
Now GGTG lumps Daemons in with other Game Viruses. Specifically, a virus that manifests inbetween two different sessions. Judging by that fact, the name, and other context, I would assume that a Daemon is a hostile entity that poses a threat to these sessions.
Now let’s use some of our knowledge of viruses and what causes them. Generally speaking, all Viruses can be attributed to mutations and illnesses in the Genesis Frog of the Sessions experiencing the Virus (Mods are also mutations in the Genesis Frog, don’t do that shit). The fact that the Daemon is connected to two different Sessions means that they are connected in some way, or may even share the mutation. The most plausible explanation is that one Sessions “birthed” the other, or that the two Sessions are twin Genesis Frogs (an event which I’m 98.9% sure is impossible but I can’t rule out).
I can only assume that a Daemon is a highly dangerous presence, because it would be incredibly stupid to be making a fuss out of something that you regularly trounce for Grist. What makes Daemons even more dangerous is that, apparently, they can gain Aspect powers. The Time Daemon being an example of this.
So to answer your question, a Time Daemon is a malevolent entity spawned into the game via some virus. The Daemon not only plagues two different Sessions, connected them, but it also possesses Time powers.
This question sounds like simple curiosity, but if you have reason to believe that you’re experiencing a Time Daemon scenario, exercise extreme caution. Not only are they shrouded in mystery, but they must have incredible power to warrant such mention. Time powers pushes them into a level of threat rivaling that of a Ringwraith. If you are in fact experiencing a Time Daemon scenario, then report back with any information you can. And also stay alive.
Unaffiliated specula on Daemons.
Time Daemons will kill you, but be wary of other Daemons as well. Heart Daemons could literally eat your soul, Space Daemons can nuke people with abandon, and Breath Daemons will probably destroy a few planets.
Viruses are essentially corruptions in the game. While the possibility of a Daemon being a unique entity makes sense, it could just as well be a pre-existing entity either corrupted by the virus, or pre-destined to BECOME the Daemon. That means it’s entirely possible that YOU are the Daemons, John. So a Daemon could possibly be…
You, John.
A Player. Perhaps one from an alternate universe/doomed timeline.
A Ringwraith.
A First Guardian. Just give up at that point.
Some other NPC.
A souped-up Underling. Beware the Imp of the apocalypse.
Because a Daemon connects two Sessions, it’s entirely possible to establish a communication between them (if one wasn’t already established due to time fuckery). In fact, cross-Sessions communication might be necessary to put an end to the Daemon. So say hello to your new friends and brush up on your alien etiquette.
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werewolfchoir · 5 years
Sadposting cw
Also I was like “how do I reconcile the fact I want to Be Happy with my entirely pessimistic assumptions about the future?”, and so I was like “I have no idea how to engage with those feelings and they are basically the enemy”. And like, right now I am engaging with these feelings! This feels a lot better than running from them. I don’t --like-- typing out “I often feel terrified about the future and I worry that my life ultimately won’t be worth it”, because that sounds like kind of a bummer. But it was already true of my feelings before I admitted it. And maybe if I stop running from feeling these things, I can try more stuff to help my future self. Maybe that’s what I need to do, if it matters so much to me, instead of ignoring this shit. I dunno. This all feels pretty corny, and I probably won’t talk about it in public after this. It’s way too vulnerable. But I feel like I’m reckoning with some shit that made me more miserable than I want to admit. And probably ultimately I can’t fix all this stuff, and it’s like... Yeah. 
But I’m going to try my best to live in this world. And I’m going to try to acknowledge the suffering of this world, in small ways, without sinking under the weight. I’m feeling capable. 
And I’m going to continue to try to find reasons to live that make sense to me. I want that for myself and for everyone. That’s corny but it’s what I take away from the process of trying to make sense of this world. It’s a violent and unfair and scary world, and the exact scale of those things might be more than I can reckon with, even as I get stronger. There are also things that make you want to live, and people you love, and people you feel safe around. Not everyone has enough of that, and that’s fucked up, but it doesn’t stop it from being lovely when you find it. I dunno if this makes sense to people, and I always worry that my positive beliefs will ultimately prove untrue, but I guess that’s a me problem. I’m not a very positive person. But right now I think it’s nice to have things that make you feel like life is good to you and that it isn’t just about enduring things you don’t want. In fact, this strikes me as deeply important in a way I can’t describe. I guess that’s all I can say; I have no control and no knowledge of whether this is even capable of being objectively true. And I accept that.
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telelsie · 6 years
yall I'm not a fan of the new valiant video. I rlly dislike the whole “agilities is the problem” thing they had going on.. because he's really not. Even the casters can tell that there isn't any communication between verbo and unkoe, or verbo and the rest of the team. Jake says it a lot, but frfr, its never a one person problem, its a team problem. You cant bench a player for not being able to carry you through your bad teamwork... agilities and soon shouldn't need to hard carry every game. 
And speaking of benching players? the “Sister team” BITCH. what the fuck kind of coach doesn't understand that players won't be motivated to try hard and play well when they cant even skrim and are effectively segregated from the rest of the team. What is the thought process behind that? you have amazing players sitting on the bench doing nothing, like, they aren't even informed .... .. bitch...
ANd then! these coaches bring out the “this is your last chance to be on the starting roster” thing. bitch... if you could’ve seen my fucking face. SO. you take this incredibly talented player, and you blame him for all of your team's problems and bench him - oh wait, I'm sorry.. move him to the sister team. Then after you realize that it's not working out and your team is still fucking up even after you removed the “problem” you bring him back in with this fucking “this is your last chance” cloud of death hanging over his head. Do u understand how stress inducing that is? Like - I understand that sometimes you need to light a fire under someone's ass to make them do their job. but GOD DAMN. Agilities is 18. he's a fucking baby. using someones passion abt their work against them like that, and framing things like its all their fault and now you’re being oh so forgiving by giving them by giving them this second chance, THATS FUCKING MANIPULATIVE! 
so. just to recap, valiant starts having problems with their overall teamwork and communication. Their solution is to bench agilities and ignore the very obvious deeper rooted issues. Valiant realizes that benching agilities won't fix all of their problems, but they don't want to admit that they were wrong, so they put on this whole show of “this is your last chance, you better carry or we’ll cut you out of the roster again.” Agilities comes back in, has an amazing game, but they still lose. Why? because there isn't any synergy. there were moments where agilities got 2ks or even 3ks and the team didn't know how to capitalize on it. i hope the coaches realize that they cant just keep slapping band-aids over broken bones.  
thanks 4 tuning in, that was my overanalyzed agilities sadpost.
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beeboomachine · 4 years
That feeling you get of “oh this person doesn’t wanna talk to me anymore” is always the silliest feeling when you also have rsd
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h0neypiez · 5 years
sometimes i think abt why i act like this then i remember
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lacebite · 5 years
Hrhrgrhhrgr sadpost tm
I hate this school so fucking much, specifically: everyone in it. Imagine telling someone that you want to make amends with them after treating you like shit for years, and then take every chance you physically can take to ignore them, especially when they all fucking KNOW how shitty of a mental state you’re in (I have literally ALWAYS had severe depression, and at least 1 of them know about my eaiting disorder that’s LITERALLY fucking eating me alive right now) like, HOW are you going to ALWAYS treat me like shit unless you want something from me, but claim to want to apologize??? Every single ONE of these bitches are 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
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