#so it was GUNNA happen
acecasinova · 5 months
I like that we do early Fridays in the summer but JEEZ this is my week and it lined up with my boss being MIA so I've been fielding a looooot suddenly and working late and ya boy's brain is FRIED
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clownsuu · 1 year
DUDE LOVELIE ROB IN MOB AU?!?!?!!!!!! 💪💪💪💪🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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D a m o b a u -
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(Last human photo is normal Lovelie)
I was thinkin about what Mob Lovelie would be since it’s basically a requirement for me to make any new character have a part in it LMAO. For them I think the most appropriate would be them as a spy- a very good one at that since he is not bound to gender roles n shid and have a very thick track record of being a manipulative asshole KDJDHD
She can get any info they want- and with their skills in photography, can use it for the mob’s advantage in deeds or even blackmail
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jiraisupportgroup · 2 months
Sometimes life is harder than usual. Sometimes triggers hit you harder than you think they “should”, sometimes your emotions take control, sometimes thoughts of relapsing are stronger than others, some days are just too much.
♡ and that’s okay!! ♡
Having bad days doesn’t mean all of your progress is gone, it doesn’t mean all your work is for nothing, it doesn’t mean you’re going to be “like this” forever.
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sugarpasteltmnt · 2 months
sometimes. part of the creative process is needing to admit that the chapter you've been working on for weeks is just not going to work out, and you should start from scratch again
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thereaderinsertlady · 3 months
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Nassy made him wear the cone of shame because he kept licking his wounds like a cat. Drew this bc of @alovelylonelygoodra 's post :3
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IGHT IDCCC what anyy of u looozers think. clapton davis is comin over my house to smoke (somehow secretly but i trust clapton wont be too obvious around my parents lmao) and im gunna listen to alll his lil rants about friend drama and new music he found and new skate tricks he been wanting to try since he saw them in tony hawk underground while he sits/lays in 23 different positions around my room and then watch him slowly lose his energy till he finally asks if he can walk to a gas station so we can get slushies and corndogs and thennn go back to my house to cuddle to a movie till we fall asleep in the silliest of positions in each others arms. amen.
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5oz-mud · 8 months
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singlehandedly cornering the incredibly niche jean vicquemare pet regression market. [guy whos baring his soul]
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fish-shaped-mango · 10 months
My tablet is broken rn but I love her to much
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goldfish-fhr · 7 months
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Some speculation I have for the next episode!
Yes I'e been having a lot of speculation and maybe (most likely) i'll be wrong but its just some fun ideas I've been having
I talked about this with @buck-up-buck and she is a prophet (check out her posts here to see her vision-with a small contribution from me about the AA meeting being a thing) she has some theories that happen after this theory of mine which I'm excited for her to share with you all as she see's the shrimp colours.
And so with what we've seen in the promo, the still that Tim has shared (I have brightened it so it can be a bit clearer) here's what I think will happen. Especially in this still
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So firstly the order of events I believe will be the AA meeting then the Bathena conversation and then the motel drama, just as we are shown in the promo. There will be other things sprinkled in but the next two eps will be very Bobby centric. So when i saw this still i immediately thought of the following ideas/spec:
So Amir makes his speech at the AA meeting, it slowly dawns on Bobby the connection they share and obviously this sends Bobby mentally spiralling. It's been 10 years since the fire and Bobbys come far but hearing from someone who he affected by his past actions is definitely going to stir up shit (duh). I feel like we may get some flashbacks to the fire, maybe even Amir's perspective (how he got his scars) because our boy Amir is angry (you saw his stare, seeing bobby has reignited his fire). I feel like Bobby may attempt to speak to him after but Amir is angry and storms out or Bobby is in shock and cant say anything.
We then see the conversation with Bathena. It looks like Athena was asleep and Bobby hadn't come to bed yet. Athena woke up and came looking for Bobby to find him hunched over his laptop going into a bit of a dive on Amir and who he was and who he lost. Athena maybe talks to him about it and Bobby is very much adamant on making amends (Step 9). Athena wants to support him but the sergeant in her is concerned at this guy. So she supports him in the moment but hatches her own little plan.
And here is where we see the still (it's clearly at the hospital)
Athena has found out where this guy works and goes to speak to him. Amir is just finishing his shift when Athena catches him. She introduces her self and that she's Bobby's wife. Amir is immediately angered by this but keeps himself calm, only showing annoyance. Athena talks about how she knows who he is through Bobby and that she's sorry for Amir's loss. She expresses concern for how he raised the issue to Bobby and asks that they can work towards making amends. She says that Bobby has come so far to turn his life around (gives examples of what Bobby has accomplished. Captain of the 118, his new family with her and the steps he has taken in recovery) and all he wants to do is carry on moving forward. She doesn't want this incident to cause Bobby to fall of the wagon, they've been through a lot and she's concerned (she also getting alarm bells from this guys so is trying to gauge his intent whilst also trying to clear the air)
I think this angers Amir, again he wont show it but it sparks something in him further than what has already been sparked. He starts scheming (@buck-up-buck's theories about the loft burning down hehe) I feel like he'll make some comment to Athena about how he's glad Bobby could move on so easily whilst everyone else was left cleaning up the mess(throw back to the comment he made to Maddie) Obviously Athena defends her husband and says something like "it was far from easy, he clawed his way out of the darkest place and fought tooth and nail to get where he is now. If he can do it so can you." cause Athena has clocked that this guy is massively holding a grudge.
But Amir doesn't want to hear it and maybe just says something like 'Good for him' before walking away from the conversation.Amir is angry because its been 10 years and he's still affected by the fire, he hasn't let go of the pain and the hurt (as he mentioned in his speech) but now seeing that the guy who caused it has a new family, that he's moved on and is happy, is captain of a firehouse (irony not lost on him) and Amir has been left scared and hurt and his life hasn't bounced back just absolutely fuels his revenge plan.
Athena tells Bobby that she tried to reason with Amir but there was no reasoning with him and that he's very angry still. She tells Bobby she knows he needs to make amends and he should but also says he should be careful and wait for him to calm down a bit first and that whatever he does he shouldn't do it alone. Bobby of course listens and agrees but also he understands Amir better than anyone and thinks he can get through to him (remember Bobby is shook up by this whole thing and won't make the smartest decisions) so when Amir reaches out and asks Bobby to meet at the Easy Motel, Bobby does go and then, Amir starts his revenge
Amir wants Bobby to suffer again like he did (he doesn't acknowledge that Bobby did loose everything in that fire, he's to blinded by his own grief and mad that Bobby has a shiny new life and seems unbothered by his past to listen to reason) he wants to rip Bobby's family away from him, saying he doesn't deserve a second chance.
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ssreeder · 6 months
my favorite thing to do you ask? reading the updates while completely ignoring the fact that the fic is ending soon 🧍🏾‍♀️
My current mood trying to finish liab:
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aurora-starwars · 1 year
shin and sabine NEED to kiss like???
i knew she was into girls- and both of their haircuts …
I need them to kiss.
Please besties? Just one kith?
Sabine i feel was always a little fruity, but then again what do I know
I love them so much, please Star Wars, please Dave, let the girls be gay, that’s all they got 😭
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capricioussun · 3 months
Question for yall - so, Lovefell deals in some pretty heavy, dark subject matter, and I don't ordinarily get too into stuff of that nature or details of it here, so if I make a doc for it, should I make a highly revised like. PG-13 version, or just provide a clear warning at the top?
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citree · 5 months
I saw the new fallout show!!!!!! Had a great time watching it. Burst out laughing way too many times. Everyone losing their minds over timeline consistency and swearing off the show are missing out. Twas a fun romp and a good time 👍 I actually ended up loving several brotherhood of steel characters which was a total surprise to me. Probably had something to do with how wet and pathetic they were
Also Maximus & Lucy are such dorks ❤️ I didn’t even know there was a whole third character besides the dog. why is the entire tag just her and Cooper
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Tell me the song “Poet” by Bastille does not perfectly represent how Brienne wrote about Jaime at the end:
I have written you down,
Now you will live forever,
And all the world will read you,
And you will live forever,
In eyes not yet created,
On tongues that are not born,
I have written you down,
Now you will live forever,
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starheirxero · 7 months
How we feeling after today's LaEs episode? QwQ
Like, before I actually watched the video and just saw the title I was like, yeag. I kinda honestly expected that to be the outcome because the way the two had seemed very hesitant and drawn-back at Lunar's confession just sounded like a rejection/friend-zone being wound up imo. That + I had kinda thought before that the show would probably pull a "well we're not rlly good with earth-y feelings so we don't feel that way abt u." yk?? which. partially it was.
BUT THEN LIKE. LUNAR,,, RLLY DIDN'T TAKE IT TOO WELL HUH. The fact the rain got harder and they started to sound so dull was what broke my heart the most like aough. honey. :(
And Gemini's words definitely gave a sort of "right person, wrong time" sort of feeling that is just like aoaaughghh my soul..... The fact it wasn't an outright "no we have none of that interest in you" is kinda reassuring to me tho!! I would have kept shipping it anyways bc I'm already adjusted to the life of never having canon ships, but that small detail is both nice and also can give me angst ideas down the line LOL
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