#But again dr stone works alone
clownsuu · 1 year
DUDE LOVELIE ROB IN MOB AU?!?!?!!!!!! 💪💪💪💪🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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D a m o b a u -
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(Last human photo is normal Lovelie)
I was thinkin about what Mob Lovelie would be since it’s basically a requirement for me to make any new character have a part in it LMAO. For them I think the most appropriate would be them as a spy- a very good one at that since he is not bound to gender roles n shid and have a very thick track record of being a manipulative asshole KDJDHD
She can get any info they want- and with their skills in photography, can use it for the mob’s advantage in deeds or even blackmail
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lizzobetumblin · 6 months
Melissa hated her feelings. 
She buried them in a chest in the 5th grade (along with her ability to express them). Other peoples' feelings on the other hand was her forte. She could process, decipher and regurgitate other peoples emotions effortlessly. This gift could’ve taken her through college, all the way to a degree in psychology. Distinguished Dr. Jefferson with a PhD and a cozy office and impressive roster of high-profile, weallthy clients was a shiny idea. Fate would have a different hand for Melissa her talents were exhausted on mediating family fights, friend group drama, and charming her way out of confronting her own feelings. 
“Feelings.” Even saying it out loud to herself seemed silly. Something reserved for ‘cry babies’ and water signs. Typical Sunday nights started tame, reading or writing fan-fiction and drinking cranapple juice. And then like clock work her father would yell her name, 
‘MELISSA!!!’ Emotionless, she’d get up dust off her Winnie the Pooh shorts and make her way downstairs. On the long walk down the hall to the stairs leading to the living room brawl, she’d go through her check list: 
1.) Don’t cry.   
 2.) Stay neutral; Deescalate
3.)Don’t take anything personal. This isn’t about you
She padded down the carpeted stairs in her old soft socks to see her mother tightlipped and tear streaked thinking, 
‘she broke rule number 1’. Her father, Michael was proud and angry, his big belly filled with self righteousness. She knew he would be unyielding in his resolve and at this point her only option was to deescalate.
 ‘Rule number 2’. Then her sister the water sign and calamity for the evening sat on the floor nearly fetal, face red and raw with emotion. 
‘Its not your fault’ Melissa wanted to say ‘You just didn’t follow the rules… you’re loved.’ But she couldn’t say that because she’d be breaking rule number 3. It wasn’t about how Melissa felt. Even though she felt like screaming,
Instead, she decide to hear every one out. She decided to help. To calm her dragon of a father down. To be a translator for her emotional sister. To not take it personal. To stay neutral. To not cry. 
9 years later, at her fathers funeral she still never broke the rules. She played her flute and spoke at his memorial. She was present for her mother because it wasn’t about her. When other peoples' emotions bubbled up she stayed neutral. She sat through both services and she did not cry. It wasn’t until she excused herself to make a phone call outside did she collapse onto the stairs of the funeral home and weep alone in the cold Detroit snow. 
It’s okay to break the rules sometimes, she reminded herself. As long as no one else sees it.
Traumas began to compact on Melissa, as they do. Humans tend to collect traumas like pebbles on a long hike. We toss them into our backpacks and keep moving forward. Some hikers would falter, but Melissa was built for this. She’d carried the stones of her family’s traumas uphill for years. She was strong. 
When men began to befriend and reject her, saying ‘you’re too good for me’ but not too good to make them feel good. She carried that. 
When childhood friends began to cut off the strings of her heart, saying ‘We can’t be friends anymore’. She carried that.
When her family separated like dandelion seeds, it seemed like they’d never be together again. Melissa slept on so many couches, floors and car seats sometimes she didn’t know if she’d see them again. 
She carried that. 
Dying was never an option though sometimes she didn’t mind the thought of it. Peace and warmth were two things she’d desperately yearned and hadn’t felt fully since the womb. Then one night in the pitch black of the hot, sweaty, roach-infested studio in southeast Houston she slept in she wondered:
‘Why can’t I break the rules?’ She’d seen everyone else in her life break them like popsicle sticks. And she didn’t just want to break the rules, she wanted to break them boldly and loudly and annoyingly and honestly and sloppily like every one else gets to do. It was in that moment, tucked in a thin jacket inside of an 8-foot high instrument cubby in the inky darkness—it hit her. 
‘Is my suffering for a high purpose? Or is my suffering trying to kill me?’ 
She cried. 
She escalated. 
She took it personal. 
But it wasn’t enough. She wanted to scream in a microphone in a sea of shadowy faces. She drank whiskey and wove her pain into rock music. 
‘Music is my boyfriend’ she declared. The only man that kept his baggage to hisself. And it healed her. It gave her voice reason and purpose. 
The pebble-laden hike became lighter with time. The incline eventually evened out to flat, beautiful landscapes where the breeze finally met her back. She knew it wasn’t gonna be easy or sunshine but even the rain cleansed her and it was beautiful too. 
Somewhere in the rain she decided rules were meant to be built and broken. Like trust and love and friendships and families. Because every thing deserves the opportunity to change and grow. 
So... She broke rule number 1 on stage while singing a beautiful song. Dr. Jefferson (PhD) screamed for her to stop but she didn’t listen and the tears flowed like rivers of emotion down her cheeks. 
Rule number 2 was broken when she grew older and saw the injustices of the world. Marching with hundreds in protest she realized not everything needs to be pacified. 
And one day when she finally fell in love, she broke rule number 3. No matter how much training she’d done she couldn't help but take every thing her lover said and did personal. But it was ok. Because in all her resistance she realized breaking rules was her power. 
Melissa began to fall for her feelings. Her feelings gave life purpose. They weren’t always logical, as feelings seldom are. They were sloppy and embarrassing and rude and so fucking uncomfortable. But they were hers. And they were real. And when she sat alone sipping wine, staring at the moon…They were the only ones still by her side. Ready to break the rules for her because they loved her. 
And she finally loved them back. 
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persicipen · 2 months
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sweltering summer ノ dr. ratio
ৎ୭ ₊ ˙ ⊹ . 2.5k ノ fem reader — antiquity au ノ spending a hot day inside the house ノ established relationship but also lowkey unspecified what kind of relationship lol ノ flirting while eating fruits ノlots of kissing and making out . bit of dry humping on the floor ノ lowkey soft veritas . nipple teasing . cumming inside ノ just slightly proofread, forgive me for any mistakes
ꕤ ₊ ˙ ⊹ . little dictionary — atrium . a courtyard with an open roof in the middle of the villa ノ impluvium . a shallow pool below the open roof (compluvium) that collects and filters rainwater, cooling the room during hot weather
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A hot day it was, scorching sun high up in the skies casting a pale alabaster heat on stone villas and plants spreading their leaves wide to absorb every beam. The good thing that the roof kept the atrium mostly in shadows until late afternoon where the star gaze upon the courtyard at the perfect angle — but now all it does is turn the shallow pool into a vase full of diamonds, small waves sparkling and shimmering in white glitter each time you kick your feet gently against the liquid surface.
“Mmm… This way it’s bearable. The day, I mean,” you hum, lost in thoughts of how awful it would be now to stand in the middle of the agora. Instead, you’re lazing around his villa, snacking on his fruits and enjoying his company.
“Only an idiot would go out when the sun is in its zenith. Actually, there are not many sane people out there. Regardless, do you plan to squander the rest of the day on meaningless rumination?” Veritas asks, quirking a brow and piercing you with an intense look from the other side of the atrium, open space merging with this study. He doesn’t sit next to you, but his gaze feels closer than the distance between you two suggests.
You are almost naked — barely a piece of cloth draped over your intimate parts — on the warm stone bench, skin gleaming from the cream, on display like an offering for his eyes. You don’t touch each other and yet, you do.
Your shoulders sag slightly when you hear him call you out on your foolishness; the corners of your mouth pull upwards as you look at him, staring through half-lidded eyes at his beauty like he is another sun and you may go blind.
“Don’t be mean! Not everyone has the energy to make a scientific discovery when breathing alone takes away any motivation!” you whine at him with mouth full of cold grapes, which results in him rolling his eyes at you.
Alas, he’s also standing up and stepping closer.
You watch him take a piece of the peeled orange, only to eat it in front of you. And that would have been enough for your eyes to follow his lips, as well as for your heart to speed up, but Veritas takes it a step further and slowly wipes away the juice dripping down his chin with his thumb, before bringing it to his mouth and licking it off. Your brain immediately screams at you for being so obvious, stupidly fascinated by the man as you stare at his wet thumb, then at his tongue and lastly at his beautiful lips.
At this point, you have already forgotten what you were saying before he interrupted you.
“You might not possess any desire to concoct hypotheses, nor do you long for scientific development, but seem to be perfectly capable of thinking lustful of me.”
This makes you drop the bunch of grapes you had been about to eat and splutter in denial, scrambling to collect them off the floor. They’re dusty now, so you try to clean the residue in water. It doesn’t work as well as you wish it did, but once again, you fail to realise Veritas staring at you.
He waits patiently for you to finish cleaning up after yourself, sitting next to you. Clearly amused at your display of nervousness, his palm travelling along your spine and pulling the cloth just an inch to the side to let it slide on its own from your body. You look at him wide-eyed, at the small smirk on his lips and the intensity of his eyes; it takes you a moment to comprehend what is happening.
He pats his thigh and you sit there on the mosaics, biting your lower lip and pretending not to want to wrap your legs around his waist and nibble on his neck. But he can see through you.
He always does.
“I can spare you some time. Don’t waste it, indulge yourself. Come here,” he orders and you do so immediately, nearly dropping the grapes again in your haste to obey.
The cloth uncovers your entire chest by the time you straddle his lap and he sighs contentedly at your nakedness, stroking your sides from ribcage to your breasts, weighing your tits before he leans forward, taking it into his mouth and biting down slightly, making you yelp.
You circle your arms around his shoulders, pull him closer to you and press your lips against his neck, murmuring his name, all while he moves his hands to your ass, grabbing on the soft flesh and pulling your pelvis closer to his own.
It makes you want to bite down on the ivory skin on his shoulder, but instead, you mutter out, “this won’t help us cool down…”
And he replies, “as if I’m going to believe you won’t pout at me if we stop now. Would you really like to part with me?” as he says it, his thumbs swipe like feathers up your buds, eating a shudder consuming your entire silhouette.
He looks down to see your nipples harden, before you embrace him tighter and place a sloppy peck on his cheek, arms hugging him from behind, fingertips pressing into his back to have an excuse to make him not stare. You can feel his smirk against your neck.
This time he lets you lead, fingers threading through his hair as you make out with him in the empty atrium. He sits perfectly still beneath you, athletic legs spreading your own apart even more until there is no room for doubts that he likes what you do to him — your folds sliding along the hot length of his cock. His tongue runs over yours when you slip it inside his mouth, exploring him like you did not already do that once, and twice, and countless times.
You remember when he showed you how to kiss properly and gave you instructions on how to make him pleased. You were innocent then, shy as he made you take off your tunic and examine his naked form. Now, you yearn for his body as he does for yours, trembling in anticipation when he uncovers his perfect skin.
He used to teach you all sorts of things, but they all led to this very moment when he lets you ride him in his own house, feeding you his fruits and welcoming you anytime you wish to busy his precious time.
Your arms lock behind his neck, pulling him even closer, fingers entangled in his long hair as you continue making out. He takes a hold of your hips and stills you, rubbing his thumbs into the soft flesh before letting go, sliding down your ass to rest on your thighs.
He likes this, the feeling of your hands in his hair, your fingers playing with his long tresses, taking the strands between your digits and making them dance and wave like silk. He enjoys it more than you do.
And when you hear his exhale, it sends shivers up your spine — a moan right into your mouth as you both enjoy the other. You notice the tip of his tongue peeking out of his lips and you capture it with your own, closing your mouth around it and sucking gently. His nails dig into your flesh when you do this, sharp and unannounced, but definitely not unwanted.
“Already?” he whispers with a tint of mockery in his voice, feeling your shaky fist sneaking between your bodies to find his cock. Your finger brushes against the wet slit at the head, stroking him teasingly, just like he showed you before. But it’s obvious by now that you’re one mewl away from pouncing at him, trying to fit his entire girth inside.
However, Veritas has a little more self-control than you do and when he senses your impatience, he places his hand on top of yours and stops your ministrations. Then he leans in and pecks your lips before guiding your palm away from his hard length, placing it back on his chest.
You sigh against his lips, clearly disappointed.
“I know well that you want it just as much as I do…”
“Then…? Please?”
He tilts his head to the side and takes in the sight of your naked form, bare for his eyes to drink you in and make you feel exposed, vulnerable. Then he glances down, lets his gaze trail from your face to your chest, takes in the view of your nipples — peaked and glistening from his saliva — before lowering it even more and shamelessly staring at your cunt.
You gasp quietly at his intense stare, feeling yourself drip when he parts your lower lips with two fingers and, with a subtle roll of his hips, let the glossy cockhead greet the revealed clit. It is merely a moment, yet you could see how good it would feel if he were to slide in.
But he doesn’t do that.
He leaves you there on the edge, all bothered and horny, covered in your own slick.
His tongue slides along his lower lip as he reaches down to squeeze himself in hand, smearing your wetness all over the shaft, coating it in your nectar.
The sigh he lets out is enough to make your legs weak and for you to press yourself against him, bare skin sticking together with sweat — the sweetest kind.
“Use your words.”
You huff in frustration at that, shamelessly rutting against him, desperate to have him inside. Your own juices flow freely down your thighs as you pant into his ear, incoherent pleads leaving your mouth before you finally manage to form a sentence.
“Inside… Please, let’s just continue. I want you in me…” you whisper against his lips and he sighs, lifting you up like you weigh nothing and slipping inside. Your body gives in easily, swallowing him to the hilt with a sweet moan that he kisses out of you.
“Happy now?” he asks and you nod. It is quite indescribable.
“Happy. Happy with you.”
His smile is genuine and your eyes flutter closed when he moves your hips up and down, thrusting into you slowly at the same time. It sends a wave of pleasure through your entire body and your soft pussy pulses, drooling arousal around his shaft until it’s too easy to glide deep enough to meet your womb.
The afternoon heat makes the entire scene feel like a dream.
It is too hot to move, but the water soaks into your skin, cooling you down. His fingers squeeze your asscheeks, spreading them apart, leaving them covered in goosebumps. You moan his name loudly when he leans in to smooch your nipple and then suck on it gently, all while moving you against his pelvis, putting more force into every thrust as he rolls his hips, burying himself inside you.
Veritas shudders with every small noise that leaves your lips, his eyelids heavy as he watches you — face twisted in pleasure, head thrown back and hands grasping at his shoulders for support. He places his palm over your stomach, pressing down to force you to tighten, feeling your muscles throb with life inside you.
When he bucks up into you, a lewd wet sound fills the air, making your cunt contract around his cock.
The soft click of his tongue between teeth is enough to let you know he likes it. You try to look at him through hazy eyes, but you don’t last long before your lids close once again and you surrender yourself to his ministrations.
Then he smiles against your lips, teasing you by pulling away just when you lean in for a kiss.
You squeeze your thighs together as much as possible to hold him inside, but he only needs to pry your legs apart to continue the pleasurable dance. There is a faint sound of water dripping from the aqueduct outside his atrium and it echoes against the walls.
You try to grind your hips down to meet his thrusts, but he only moves slower, murmuring into your ear that you will not like it if you overdo it. It feels almost overwhelming at this point. You let out a groan when he cups your tit, presses it up, rubs his thumb against the stiff nipple and leans down to nip on it again, tracing around the areola before gently nibbling on the bud, feeling your pussy contract every time he bites.
His other hand slides up your spine, between your shoulder blades and then up your neck, tangling in your hair. You can barely stay up at this point, with his girth inside you, keeping you full and his teeth biting into your skin — if it weren’t for him holding you close to his body, you would collapse onto the floor, spent.
There is no time for teasing as he thrusts into you again, harder than before, almost lifting you up. When he starts moving your hips for you, you can only moan, clinging to him, fingers clutching at his hair.
He fucks you like this for a moment, feeling your cunt pulse around him, slick dripping from you with every push of his length inside you. It makes a mess on his thighs, leaking down onto the floor, and you beg him to come soon before you give in to the pleasure rush yourself.
It does not take long for him to lean back, support himself with one arm against the mosaic floor and hold your hips still as he buries himself deep into you. His breathing is shaky and laboured, making you worry he might lie down or lose balance, but then he sits up, embraces you tightly and buries his face in the crook of your neck, trying to calm down.
Warmth coming from within, his cum filling you up, a scorching heat of desire that could only rival the temperature outside. You feel him throb with every drop that spills out, in tandem grinding your clit closer to his skin and prolonging your own orgasm. The entire experience makes you whimper his name softly and press closer to him, your breasts squished to his chest. He feels you hug him, hear you sniffling quietly as you shudder with every wave of pleasure passing through your body, rubbing your cheek against his shoulder and crying out when it gets too much.
Veritas doesn’t want to part from you just yet.
So he stays inside you, chest rising and falling with heavy breathing, lips leaving soft kisses on your shoulder. He picks up a grape, feeds it to you, listens to you chewing on it and chuckle as you frown, clearly confused at the gift to bite on but happy with the ripe taste. You look up at him and ask if he is finally satisfied.
And he responds, “with you? Yes.”
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dustofthedailylife · 9 months
Unaffected a teaching in humbling oneself
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Pairing: Dr. Ratio x (gn!) Reader
Summary: Ratio is quite aware of his dashing looks and intellect. If he so wanted, he could use it to his advantage whenever he pleased. That was until he met you, who seemed to be entirely unaffected by it.
Tags: Pining, Crack, unreciprocated feelings towards Ratio, someone give him a clown nose - he's making a fool of himself, written pre-release of character, short one-shot
A/N: L+Ratio to Dr. Ratio himself.
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Consider how the renowned Veritas Ratio would act if he had a crush on you.
No doubt, he was aware of his attractive appearance and masterful intellect. Why else would he only teach while wearing that accursed marble head? He's experienced it all too often that people stop paying attention to his teaching because they only get distracted by appearances. While conveying knowledge about science, it was nothing more than a nuisance to him.
He didn't want nor need hordes of students fawn over him. This still hadn't changed.
However, when you started working as his colleague at the same university one day, it was as if he had lost his composure for the first time in forever. Judging by your appearance, the Aeons themselves must have carved and sent you to smite him down. Let alone your wit and intellect. He was gone the minute he had first laid his eyes on you.
He absolutely wanted to get to know you better and make you fall for him how he fell for you when you first graced him with your presence.
There was just one problem - due to the boundaries he had set for himself, you had never seen his face. He never took the marble head off when he was at work. However, he was almost certain that, once he did so, you would fall for him the same way his students always did before he hid his face.
There was no way you wouldn't fall for a man of his caliber.
Self-assured and while putting on the most attractive smile he could muster he decided to take the mask off as casually as possible in front of you one day. He leaned against the wall beside you, eyeing you confidently. He was certain to see the stars of the galaxy sparkling back at him in your eyes. Your jaw would drop and you'd inch closer to him and then-
"You have something stuck between your teeth." You remarked unaffectedly as you motioned him to remove it.
You poured yourself a cup of coffee and sipped from it with an unwavering expression of apathy before lifting your eyebrows at him.
Why were you so unimpressed? Why didn't you fall for him yet? He was here. His handsome face exposed right in front of you in broad daylight. Were you not attracted to men, perhaps? No, that couldn't be. He happened to catch a conversation between you and another coworker about it. But why weren't you worshipping the ground he walked on yet?
"Is something the matter?" You poked quizically, noticing how his smile and his entire attitude and confidence had faltered and crumbled into dust in an instant.
"Huh? I j-just..." He stammered before hurriedly picking the piece of food out from in between his teeth.
This should've worked. His plan was flawless. Why did you not care about his dashing looks at all.
"Nothing." He said curtly, straightening himself up again to regain his composure.
"Alright." You nodded confusedly, forcing a smile and eyeing him as if he was completely insane.
The following weeks looked about the same. He tried to appear in front of you without the mask more and more often. He would try to initiate in talks and scientific discussions with you but you always seemed to end up annoyed by him. It was doing his head in what he could possibly be doing wrong - No. Surely, it wasn't his fault. It couldn't be.
That was until he overheard a conversation between you and another coworker.
"I have never seen him behave like that - let alone see him take his stone head off so often..." The coworker said puzzledly. "But I have to admit he is quite attractive."
"Pff, no way. Not with a character like that. Either way, I have no idea what his deal is." You sighed. "All I know is that he is grinding my gears with his big-headed attitude, ugh."
His heart dropped at your words. He had never heard that someone had perceived him this way.
Him? Big-headed? And you also don't find him attractive?
Maybe a change of plan was in order. Just... what was he doing wrong?
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments, and asks about HSR or my fics are always greatly appreciated and motivate me! Maple dividers are mine - do not copy.
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jinwoosbabyboo · 16 days
"Safe and Sound.....Kinda" pt. 1
You went M.I.A and the LADS Men are stressed!
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MC: Lets get dinner when I get back from this three day mission Zayne: Im not sure whether you're brave or idiotic MC: What do you mean? Zayne: A hunter with ample heart issues agreeing to go on a three day excursion its risky MC: I'll be fine besides I have you to take care of me Dr. Zayne Zayne: How many of you are going on this mission MC: There's eight of us in total and I'm partnered with Tara
Two days have passed since Zayne spoke to you. Just one more day and he'll see your pretty face again. He smiled to himself "How childish" he mumbled to himself as his leg bounced with anticipation of seeing you soon. Just then his work phone rang "Dr. Zayne speaking"
"Dr. Zayne we need you in the ER stat" Yvonne's voice was much more stern compared to her soft easy going tone. This was serious. He stood quickly moving around his desk; throwing on his white coat not missing a beat as he made his way to the ER.
"Give me a rundown of the situation" Zayne said as Grayson jogged the catch up with him. "We have seven patients, two unconscious, and all severely injured, the hunters association told us they were on a mission that went wrong a frenzy of wanderers appeared through a rift"
Time seemed to slow as Zayne's mind swam through the possibilities that this could be for squadron. "Give me the names"
"Ceila 21, Terrance 24, Mico 21, Tara-"
"Tara? is MC among these patients?" If looks could turn someone to stone Grayson would be a statue in the courtyard by now. He quickly flipped through the pages on the clipboard searching for your name. "I don't see her name here"
"You said there were seven ... is someone missing?" Zayne asked as he could feel his blood pressure rising.
"Zayne!" Someone was calling his name. "Zayne!" The voice was coming from a pale woman with short brown hair. She had lacerations scattered across her body; her torn uniform hanging on by a thread. She was covered in bruises and was about to pass out from blood loss any minute. "You have to help her..."
"Help who?"
"MC ... she's still ... she's still fighting ....... alone .......... you have to find her" Time seemed to slow as reality set in. MC was alone with the wanderers who did this to her team. All the oxygen left Zayne's body in an instant.
"Dr. Zayne they're calling for you in the operating room" Yvonne yelled snapping Zayne out of his mental spiral. "Right, right tell them I'm on my way"
Your profile was flagged as M.I.A. after that day no one knew where you were
Three days.....
Five days.....
One week....
One week three days twenty seven minutes....
Time ticked by slowly tormenting Zayne. He couldn't sleep and his appetite was non existent. Dark shadows formed under his eyes from his late nights going out and searching for you. "Where did you go?" He dropped his head in his hands trying to control his emotions. Just then an unknown number flashed across his phone screen.
???: Hello, this is Jenna I'm MCs Captain you are listed in her file as an emergency contact. I'm just calling to let you know that we found her, but she's unresponsive. She's being transported to Akso Hospital now......she has a faint pulse.
Zayne dropped his phone and booked it out the door heading straight for the hospital. You were battered, bruised, and bloody but you were breathing and that was enough for Zayne. You had to be put in a medically induced coma so he and the other doctors could stabilize you.
Zayne stayed by your side adjusting your pillows, checking you vitals, and settling into his nightly position sitting bedside with his head in your lap. Rubbing small circles on the back of your hand with his thumb as you lay there motionless. Slow steady breaths with nothing but the sound of the heart monitor melodically singing in the otherwise silent room. He'd wait as long as it would take for you to wake up. You have to wake up.
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You were supposed to be back two days ago. Rafayel was losing his mind. "She has twelve hours to contact me before I burn the hunter association headquarters to the ground" he seethed through gritted teeth.
Thomas stood back as Rafayel's anger was radiating off him in waves. He could almost feel the heat of his evol burning his skin.
Next day...
"Are you even looking for her?" Rafayel yelled in Jennas face.
"You're not the only one worried about her sir she's M.I.A. with a damaged hunters watch we're having trouble getting a lock on her coordinates" Jenna smoothed her skirt as she stood from her desk to size up Rafayel. "If you have any suggestion I'm all ears"
"Find her or you can say goodbye to this entire organization"
"Is that a threat?" Jenna stood tall under Rafayel's searing gaze anyone else would have cowered away.
"Its a promise"
One week later...
There's a loud bang on the door of Rafayel's art studio. The sudden noise startled him. "Raf....." The softest voice came from the other side just as he could hear the person sliding down the door and the soft thud of them hitting the ground.
He rushed to the door recognizing your voice. "MC!" You fell backwards as he opened the door. He managed to catch you under you arms. "What happened? Where were you? Don't tell me this is your blood" A blood trail tracked the path you took he could tell you'd fell a few times just trying to get to the door. Blood was smeared down the door and was now slowly pooling underneath the two of you.
"I was so badass" You smiled as you looked up at his blurry face going in and out of focus. "This is not the time for jokes" Your eyelids were so heavy. You tried to respond, but your words came out slow and slurred. "I just....wanted.......to see...........you.....before I.........died" Your head fell back as you passed out from blood loss.
Rafayel scooped up your bloody body and rushed out the door trying not to slip. You were dead weight and your breaths were shallow he knew he didn't have any time to waste. He ran with you in his arms to the nearest hospital begging for help as he fell to his knees with you in his arms.
Like I said safe and sound....kinda.
Xavier & Sylus here ♡
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wandaslittlelove · 6 months
Destined - Part 0
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Warnings: Cheating, mentions of death
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The rain poured as I stared out the window. It had been almost two weeks since I had seen Wanda and about a month since my sister had sacrificed herself for a stone.
When I came back from the blip it felt like seconds had passed but really it had been five years. In those five years my sister was alone. Grieving my loss. Then when I came back and found out she was gone I was grieving hers. It seemed as if neither of us could ever get a happy ending. 
Being devastated by the loss my immediate thought was Wanda. Was she okay? Where is she? But I knew it all had to wait for after the battle against Thanos. I saw Wanda many times on the battlefield and tried to go to her but each time she would move away from me.
After the battle I sat in front of Tony Stark. The many who had been like another sibling to me for years. He was gone. I held Peter's crying figures in my arms that day as he cried for his mentor. Yet another family member had been taken from both of us.
Tony’s funeral is the last time I’ve seen Wanda. The last time I held her in my arms and the last time I was held in hers. I was told she stole Vision's body and had taken over a town called Westview to create her Perfect family. 
I was devastated at hearing this. First my sister dies, then Tony, and now Wanda has run off with the corpse of a man she had always reassured me she never liked. 
So I moved. I stayed in the compound as I couldn’t bring myself to leave. Natasha's room had become a safe haven along with the gray tabby.. A little gray tabby that enjoyed cuddles. Cinder was her name and she was the one thing that was currently keeping me grounded.
That was until Wanda came bursting through my front door with rain dripping down her body. A Pained expression on her face as she held her side. We both said nothing as I moved to quickly inspect her injury and when I saw it was just a couple of bruised ribs I let out a sigh of relief.
She was the one that talked first. She told me of Westview and how a woman named Agatha Harkness came for her magic and that's how she got the bruises. She told me of her boys, Tommy and Billy, and how they were the perfect kids. I listened silently as my ex Fiance told me all about the fantasy life she had created with a Robot. And I said nothing as she told me that she missed me. Nothing as she told me why she did it. And once again Nothing as she told me of the countless nights she spent with the man I had always been insecure about.
“So I just came to say that it would work out better if you stopped loving me. I’ve done so many things to hurt you. I cheated on you for two years. So please forget me.”
“So I'm not allowed to love you anymore?” I asked with my head turned away from wanda. Ever since Westview was created and she chose vision instead of me we had been arguing non stop.
“That's not what I'm saying!” I look at Wanda with a stone face not wanting to show her how much she's hurting me.
“Really? Because I believe the words ‘it would work out better if you stopped loving me’ mean that.” Wanda looks at me annoyed before she speaks
“I'm just saying it would be easier”
“For who? Me or you” the silence from wanda is all the information I need. With a scoff I pick up my bag before walking to the front door. 
“Knowing that you chose a robot over your fiance really says a lot about you Wanda. You created a whole life with someone you had claimed to barely know while I was grieving the death of my sister. And when it all came crashing down you run back to me. I don't want that. I don't want you. I stopped loving you as soon as you ran into his arms” as i exited the place that had once been my home the tears had finally started to fall. Although they weren't out of sadness.
I was free. Finally free…or that's what I thought 4 months ago. 
Until suddenly Wanda was trying to kill a child for her magic. Until Dr. Strange came to my door asking for help. And Until I found out our destinies would forever be linked.
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Taglist: @alexawynters @username23345 @casquinhaa
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cobragardens · 1 year
My Favorite Good Omens Moment:
An Essay on Why It Is Cool and Rad (Part 1)
There's this moment in Good Omens that makes me cackle every time I see it and leaves me full of warmth, so here's an essay on its context and meaning, because explication and analysis are how I show love. I will try to keep my thoughts as tight as possible, but they do have a tendency to spiral outwards, and I am very stoned. Come, sistren, and get nerdy with me.
My favorite moment in the series so far occurs in 1601. To approach it we will first need an assload of context. There's a TL;DR in bold at the end of the Context if you don't fancy reading the whole assload. Key arguments are in italics and bold throughout.
David Tennant gives Crowley a very consistent facial expression every time Aziraphale says something so outlandish Crowley can't quite believe he's hearing it. It's this one:
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Chronologically, we see the Eyebrows of Disbelief twice before my fave moment in 1601: once (above left) in that scene on the Garden Wall that familiarizes the audience with Crowley's face before adding the dark glasses, when Aziraphale admits he's given away his sword; once when Aziraphale tells Bildad the Shuhite that he, Aziraphale, has Fallen because he lied to the angels to save Job's children.
The Eyebows of Disbelief always signal surprise and amusement with something Aziraphale has said or done. This amusement is sometimes at Aziraphale's expense and sometimes not.
In the gifs above, Crowley is laughing because what Aziraphale has just admitted to doing is fantastic and unexpected and frankly pretty gd punk rock. He's not laughing at Aziraphale, he's laughing because he is delighted with him. The only record we have thus far of Crowley laughing at Aziraphale is this one:
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Crowley laughs when Aziraphale informs him--him, a demon who has personally been through the process of Falling--that Aziraphale is Fallen and must be a demon now. As though of the two of them Aziraphale is the expert on how and under what circumstances this occurs.
And yet when Crowley sees Aziraphale's distress--not his fear of being taken to Hell, but his heartbreak and lostness over the fact that his conscience has diverged from God's stated will--Crowley stops laughing, and instead he acts very kindly towards Aziraphale. He validates the gravity of what Aziraphale has done and assures him he won't turn him in. He sits with him so Aziraphale isn't totally alone (like Crowley probably was) as he goes through the loneliest moments of his existence to that point and picks himself up newly weighted with the secret he must now bear.
And after this scene (in canon as it stands thus far), we don't see Crowley laugh at anything Aziraphale says or does again.
And he really has to work for it sometimes. We talk a lot about the things Michael Sheen is able to convey with his face in Good Omens, and absolutely rightly so; David Tennant earns a chunk of his paycheck in this regard as well. If you haven't given yourself the treat yet, rewatch the scene in Will Goldstone's magic shop in 1941 and focus on Crowley's reactions:
Tennant takes great care to show, with precision, that Crowley is expending effort not to react to Aziraphale's nervous chaos Muppetry and lack of self-awareness. Crowley is self- and socially and contextually aware enough that he knows (better than Aziraphale, at least, which is not a high bar to clear) what's cringe, what's funny, what's ridiculous, how to behave. But whenever Aziraphale crosses a boundary of normalcy, or even sanity, and there is opportunity to laugh at him, Crowley very carefully doesn't react. He doesn't interrupt him, he doesn't try to correct him, he doesn't make fun of him, he doesn't even smirk; he just watches him, as stone-faced as he can manage, no matter how bizarre Aziraphale becomes.
We should be reading this lack of reaction to Aziraphale's social and rational transgressions as powerful positive action. Go watch the Doctor Who episode "Human Nature," or literally any episode of The Inbetweeners, or read or watch Regeneration, and reflect on what it shows you about English masculinity; then consider again the depth of significance in how English- and male-coded character Crowley treats English- and male-coded character Aziraphale in an England created by an English and male-codedpresenting author based off a book written by himself and another male-presenting author. Within its context of English masculinity, Crowley's lack of reaction is not a neutral stance; it is a very fucking loud show of support.
This is not even an inference; it's stated outright in the show. Crowley himself puts it into words 422 years after my favorite moment:
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You know how Crowley calls Aziraphale "angel" because the factuality of the descriptor offers him plausible deniability to any Heavenly or Infernal agents who might be listening? Remember how Crowley is a great equivocator? Crowley is equivocating here, too: he's using the cover of what Maggie and Nina will take as a disparaging joke at Aziraphale's expense in order to make a perfectly sincere statement. This is his genuine perception of one of the relationship dynamics he has with Aziraphale and how he feels about that dynamic. Crowley thinks he himself is quite witty (an accurate assessment), Crowley thinks Aziraphale isn't sufficiently self- or contextually aware to hide how strange he is and therefore frequently says and does mad things (also an accurate assessment), and Crowley is Into. That. Shit.
Okay. Now let's look at 1601.
Chronologically it's been almost 1,000 years since we last saw Aziraphale and Crowley. In 537, Aziraphale isn't willing even to consider a labor-saving working arrangement with Crowley of fucking off home out of the damp of Arthurian Wessex; but by 1601, he's worked (and met, and Arranged) with Crowley "dozens of times now," Crowley says, and Azirapahle does not correct him.
In that millienium, Aziraphale has grown to care deeply about Crowley:
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In fact he may be somewhat smitten with him:
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Seriously, go back and watch Aziraphale here as Crowley approaches and starts speaking to him: he doesn't start smiling until he recognizes that the person speaking to him is Crowley (but he only smiles at Crowley while Crowley's not looking at him).
And Crowley is definitely become smitten with Aziraphale:
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Our man(-shaped entity) is so allergic to work he sets up a meeting to weasel, cajole, or (as it happens) cheat a coin toss to get Aziraphale to do an easy temptation for him in Edinburgh, and then in the same conversation agrees to miracle a play into success because Aziraphale gives him a single hopeful look. Crowley's got it bad.
TL;DR: The Eyebrows of Disbelief happen when Crowley is surprised and amused by something Aziraphale has said or done. Sometimes that amusement is delight with Aziraphale; sometimes it is at Aziraphale's expense. Crowley is aware of this distinction, and when his amusement is at Aziraphale's expense, he suppresses it, even when it takes some effort on his own part, and remains stocially composed. This is equivocation on his part: to Celestial/Infernal operatives lacking knowledge of the intricacies of human behavior, this non-reaction would seem like neutrality; to Aziraphale, who shares with Crowley and the audience the contextual knowledge of English masculinity's utter viciousness, this non-reaction is a profound show of support; and in the safety of support from Crowley, Aziraphale lets his weirdness blossom.
As another meta points out [link if I find it again], we also see in Aziraphale's wordless request about Hamlet and Crowley's immediate understanding of it that by 1601 Aziraphale and Crowley have developed an unspoken, coded method of communication with each other.
Now that we have all of that in mind, here's my favorite moment in Good Omens:
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Ixi of Fuck Yeah Good Omens has even kindly archived a closeup of the aftermath, for Crowley, of "Buck up!" In gif 4, above, you can see that the tiny smile is an involuntary reaction that happens as Crowley's eyes widen: for a fraction of a second, he's caught off-guard. In the closeup it's easier to see that he suppresses the smile and gives a tiny shake of his head, Eyebrows of Disbelief heading for his hairline.
There are a number of things Crowley's reaction could mean and what messages it could communicate (we'll get to that in a sec), but regardless, his reaction is, unquestionably, one of surprise and suppressed amusement. This is an aspect of Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship and characters that I like very much, viz., that one of the reasons Crowley likes Aziraphale (though Aziraphale is judgy and occasionally, unintentionally, horrifyingly cruel) is that in addition to being one of the kindest and most courageous beings in existence, Aziraphale is mad as a bag of frogs. Crowley does not know what is going to come out of Aziraphale's lovely mouth next, but Crowley does know there's a good chance he will struggle to believe he's hearing it, and Crowley likes that.
That's what makes this my favorite moment. What makes this moment so cool and rad, though, is its ineffability. We know from the Eyebrows of Disbelief that Crowley is surprised and amused, but any of several things could be read in that almost imperceptible headshake. Like:
What are you doing? or
Why are you like this? or
How can you be aware that you say these things out loud and yet still say them out loud? or
How has my existence come to this? this moment of listening to such insanity?
each of which is a fair and just feeling to have/message to communicate to a man(-shaped entity) who is yelling "Buck up!" at Hamlet.
But that's only if we read Crowley's amusement as being at Aziraphale's expense. And I don't think we should. Because watch Aziraphale here:
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He's doing it on purpose. He is shouting a hilariously inappropriate, 100% authentic Aziraphale-brand thing over arguably the gloomiest passage of Shakespeare's famously gloomy play--right after Crowley complains about its gloominess--and he is watching Crowley as he does it. Look at his smile! He knows he's being Deeply Uncool, and he is doing it literally right into Crowley's face.
Remember that we just talked about how by this point in the chronology Crowley and Aziraphale have learned to communicate with each other nonverbally through facial expression? So what does it mean when Aziraphale responds to Crowley's grumbling about Hamlet's gloominess by smiling his minxious Mona Lisa Aziraphale smile, looking right into Crowley's face, and yelling at Hamlet to buck up? Aziraphale, in a carefully coded, carefully Aziraphale way, is joking with Crowley. His silliness in this moment is for Crowley.
So with aaaaaaallllll of this essay in mind, what does it mean that Crowley's reaction to "Come on, Hamlet! Buck up!" is widening eyes, an involuntary twitch of his mouth toward a smile, and then, his eyebrows still showing surprise and amusement, a tiny shake of his head?
Once more, with inferences:
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I do propose, y'all, on the basis of this web of evidence I submit for consideration, that what we are seeing here in my favorite moment of Good Omens is the ineffable equivalent of Aziraphale and Crowley sharing a laugh.
Crowley's amusement here isn't at Aziraphale, because Aziraphale is eliciting that amusement consciously and deliberately. Aziraphale, in good spirits and happy to see Crowley, uses his Aziraphaleness to offers Crowley not only an opportunity for amusement, but the opportunity to be in agreement with him about what in this situation is funny. They're on the same side of this joke.
And his humor lands just as he wants it to: Crowley, just for a moment, is caught off-guard, and tickled--
But remember, Crowley is worried in this scene about being surveilled ("I thought you said we'd be inconspicuous here"), and he worries about audio surveillance a lot ("Walls have ears"; "Don't say that. If my lot hear [etc.]," etc.), so he's very limited in what reactions he can show or voice. Aziraphale knows Crowley must be perceived by anyone watching or listening to disapprove of his, Aziraphale's, behavior (just as he must be perceived to disapprove vociferously of Crowley's). Both of them know this.
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--so Crowley suppresses the smile almost successfully, and shakes his head at Aziraphale, minutely, to say Stop. What you're doing is working, you're close to making me laugh, and if I show how much you have just delighted me, it will blow our cover of "just an Arrangement."
I offer three final data points in advancing my argument that what we see in my favorite Good Omens moment is Aziraphale successfully attempting to joke with Crowley and Crowley recognizing that overture from Aziraphale and being momentarily surprised into a reaction of genuine delight before pulling his face back under control and indicating to Aziraphale that he must stop:
Datum 1. Nothing going on with Crowley's face in this moment is accidental. We know for sure we're not seeing David Tennant react to Michael Sheen here not only because of literally every other point of Tennant's and Sheen's performances in the show, but because Tennant is wearing opaque contacts and sunglasses under film lighting and therefore cannot be reacting to anything more compelling than a level-10-lift blur because Tennant cannot see shit. Crowley's reaction is a deliberate and careful performance choice on Tennant's part, and it's underscored by director Douglas Mackinnon's choice to film Tennant in 1/2 profile to keep Crowley's eyes visible and face readable to the audience. This reaction is supposed to be there and supposed to be meaningful.
Datum 2. The husbands in 1601 is not the only moment in Good Omens when we may be seeing an angel and a demon communicate the message Stop doing that, it makes us look too familiar between themselves with a little headshake:
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Datum 3: There is another moment in Good Omens when Aziraphale offers Crowley the opportunity to enjoy a joke with him. There, too, his humor lands just as he intends, so we can use this other moment as a comparison to our 1601 moment. I don't have gifs for it, but go back and watch it, S1E6 49:27-42. Snips below.
Aziraphale says something that surprises and amuses Crowley (he asked Hell for a rubber duck while he was sloshing around in the holy water)--
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--but what Aziraphale says makes Crowley smile long before it makes him laugh.
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In fact, his laugh, though a genuine cackle, is quite delayed, and he laughs only after Aziraphale starts laughing too.
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In other words, Crowley's reaction to Aziraphale offering him amusement they're both on the same side of is exactly the same as his reaction to "Come on, Hamlet! Buck up!" right up until he laughs instead of shaking his head. Here, after Armageddidn't, Crowley doesn't have to suppress his reaction, so he can let the smile bloom; he doesn't have to control his response, so, although it takes him a few extra seconds, he lets the smile turn into a laugh.
But in 1601, it's not safe to laugh at Aziraphale's humor. It's not safe even to smile at him. A single piece of evidence or eye/earwitness testimony that he and Crowley have anything more friendly than the most passing and acrimonious of professional relationships could mean death to either or both of them, and depending on what Falling is like, maybe something worse than death for Aziraphale.
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But Aziraphale is so funny, so effervescent for Crowley, at Crowley, that it catches Crowley just for a moment. Crowley's eyes widen and the corner of his mouth twitches toward a smile.
And that's dangerous. If Aziraphale keeps acting so charmingly mad, Crowley is going to laugh, and they can't afford that risk, so he shakes his head at Aziraphale. Stop, or I won't be able to keep a straight face around you.
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And Aziraphale apparently receives that message, because he immediately eases off. Less than 60 seconds later we learn that he's deeply concerned for Crowley's safety--and that it's not so much that Aziraphale has Crowley wrapped around his little finger as it is that Crowley has wrapped himself around Aziraphale's little finger like a snake arranging itself on the tree branch it calls home.
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todorokis-girl · 2 months
Welcome to the Stone Age - Senku Ishigami x f!Reader
I’m trying something new. My boyfriend recently got me into Dr. Stone and while I’m not a HUGE fan, this premise just seemed so sweet! I HAD to write it.
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The world was dark and silent, a deep, timeless void. She floated in it, suspended, unaware of the passing moments, months, or perhaps even years. There was no concept of time here, only an endless sleep.
But then, as if pulled from the depths of an abyss, a flicker of consciousness stirred within her. She felt a strange warmth, a sensation she hadn’t known for so long. Her body began to tingle, an unfamiliar but comforting sensation spreading through her limbs.
Slowly, her eyelids fluttered open. Blinding light flooded her vision, and she squinted against it, her heart pounding in confusion and fear. The world around her was hazy and indistinct, shapes and colors blending into a chaotic swirl.
She sat up abruptly, gasping for breath, her chest heaving as if she had been underwater for too long. The disorientation was overwhelming. Where was she? How long had she been asleep? Panic clawed at her throat as she struggled to make sense of her surroundings.
And then, through the fog of her bewilderment, she saw it—a familiar grin, wide and mischievous, hovering above her.
“Nice to see you again, Y/N,” a voice said, its tone light and teasing.
Her eyes widened in shock, the voice pulling her back from the brink of hysteria. She knew that voice, that grin. It was impossible, but there he was, as real as the ground beneath her.
“Senku?” she whispered, her voice trembling with disbelief.
His grin widened, and he gave a small nod. “In the flesh.”
Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision once more. She blinked them away, unable to believe what she was seeing. The last thing she remembered was a world turned to stone, an unending nightmare. And now, here he was, standing before her, unchanged, as if no time had passed at all.
“How...?” she began, but the words caught in her throat.
Senku stepped closer, his expression softening. “It’s a long story,” he said gently, “but we’ve got all the time in the world now.”
He reached out a hand, and she took it, feeling the solid, reassuring warmth of his touch. For the first time since waking, she felt a sense of calm wash over her. She wasn’t alone anymore.
Her mind drifted back, memories flooding in as she recalled their past. They had met in a high school science competition, she remembered, the smell of chemicals and the hum of electricity vivid in her mind.
The auditorium was packed with eager students and stern-faced judges, all gathered to witness the brightest young minds showcase their scientific prowess. Y/N stood by her project, heart pounding with anticipation. She had worked tirelessly, hoping this time she would finally beat him.
But then, there he was. Senku, with his wild hair and confident smirk, presenting his project with an ease that belied the complexity of his work. The judges were captivated, and she could feel her chances slipping away.
When the results were announced, she wasn’t surprised. Senku had taken first place again, and she, as always, was second. The scholarship she so desperately needed to stay at her school slipped through her fingers.
Defeated, she ended up transferring to Senku’s school, her dreams of a full-ride scholarship shattered. But over the years, as they faced off in competition after competition, a strange camaraderie developed between them. Outside of the fierce rivalry, they found common ground, spending countless hours discussing theories and experiments.
They were frenemies in the truest sense. During competition season, they were fierce adversaries, each determined to outdo the other. But outside of that, they were almost inseparable, bound by a mutual respect and understanding that few others could grasp.
As she looked at Senku now, she couldn’t help but smile through her tears. Despite everything, he was still here, and so was she. They had faced the end of the world and come out the other side.
“Tell me everything,” she said, her voice steadier now, filled with the same determination that had driven her all those years.
Senku’s grin softened into a genuine smile. “I will. But first, welcome back, Y/N.”
He helped her to her feet, and she looked around, taking in her surroundings. They were in a village, rustic but bustling with activity. People were working together, some tending to crops, others crafting tools. It was a scene from another era, yet there was an undercurrent of something more—something scientific.
As Senku guided her through the village, curious eyes followed them. Whispers spread quickly, and soon a small crowd had gathered.
“This is Y/N,” Senku announced to the villagers. “She’s a brilliant scientist and was my equal back in our time. She’ll be helping us with the science of everything.”
A murmur of excitement rippled through the crowd. Y/N felt a mix of emotions—pride, determination, and a renewed sense of purpose. She met the villagers' gazes, seeing curiosity and hope reflected in their eyes.
A young girl with bright eyes stepped forward. “Is it true you’re as smart as Senku?” she asked, wide-eyed.
Y/N smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her. “I’d like to think so,” she replied, glancing at Senku with a playful challenge in her eyes. “We’ve always pushed each other to be better.”
Senku chuckled. “That’s right. And now, with Y/N here, we can achieve even more.”
One by one, the villagers introduced themselves. There was Kohaku, the fierce warrior with a heart of gold; Chrome, the self-taught sorcerer-scientist who looked at her with awe and curiosity; and Gen, the mentalist with a sharp mind and a knack for persuasion.
Each introduction filled Y/N with a sense of belonging she hadn’t realized she missed. These people had built something incredible out of nothing, and she was eager to be a part of it.
After the introductions, Senku led her to a small hut filled with makeshift lab equipment. “This is our science lab,” he said, pride evident in his voice. “We’ve made a lot of progress, but there’s so much more to do.”
Y/N’s eyes sparkled with excitement as she took in the sight. It was a far cry from the state-of-the-art labs they had once known, but it held promise and potential. She could already see the possibilities, the advancements they could make together.
“Where do we start?” she asked, rolling up her sleeves.
Senku’s grin widened. “I knew you’d say that. First, let me catch you up on everything we’ve done so far. Then, we can start brainstorming how to take things to the next level.”
As they delved into their work, exchanging ideas and theories, Y/N felt a sense of exhilaration she hadn’t felt in a long time. The world had changed, but her passion for science had only grown stronger. And with Senku by her side, she knew they could achieve anything.
Their journey was far from over. In fact, it was just beginning.
As the sun set, casting a warm glow over the village, Y/N looked around at her new home. She felt a deep sense of gratitude and determination. The future was uncertain, but with these people, with Senku, she was ready to face it.
After the villagers dispersed, Senku led her to the edge of the village, where a small, secluded clearing offered a perfect view of the sunset. They sat side by side, the silence between them comfortable yet charged with unspoken words. The sky shifted through hues of orange and pink, casting a serene atmosphere over the scene.
Y/N's mind wandered back to the time before the petrification event. She remembered the countless nights they spent working late in the lab, the friendly banter and heated debates. Beneath their rivalry, she had felt something more—a growing affection that she had never dared to acknowledge. Senku was brilliant, driven, and endlessly fascinating. She had admired him, respected him, and, in quieter moments, wondered if he saw her the same way.
She glanced at Senku, who was gazing thoughtfully at the horizon. His profile was softened by the fading light, and she felt a pang of longing. The world had changed, but her heart had not. Her thoughts drifted back to specific moments that had cemented her feelings for him.
It was late one night, the lab quiet except for the hum of machinery. They were the only ones left, working on their respective projects. Y/N had been struggling with a particularly stubborn equation when Senku appeared at her side, peering over her shoulder.
"You're making it more complicated than it needs to be," he said, his tone matter-of-fact.
She frowned, frustration bubbling up. "Oh, really? Then why don't you enlighten me, Mr. Genius?"
He smirked, taking the pen from her hand and quickly scribbling out a simplified version of the equation. She watched in awe as the solution unfolded effortlessly under his skilled hand.
"See?" he said, handing the pen back to her. "Sometimes the simplest answer is the right one."
She had been too proud to admit it then, but she had been grateful. It was moments like these—where his brilliance shone through effortlessly—that her admiration for him deepened into something more.
Another memory surfaced, this one filled with a softer, more intimate light. They were at a school science fair, the air buzzing with excitement and competition. Y/N had just finished presenting her project when Senku approached her, holding two cups of coffee.
"Truce?" he said, offering her one.
She accepted with a wary smile. "For now."
They had found a quiet corner and talked for hours, sharing their dreams and ambitions. It was the first time she saw past his competitive exterior to the passionate, dedicated person underneath. She realized then how much they had in common, how their dreams were interwoven with the same threads of curiosity and discovery.
As she looked at Senku now, illuminated by the fading light, those old feelings stirred within her. She had missed him more than she realized. The world had changed, but her heart had not.
“Senku,” she began softly, breaking the silence, “before everything happened, there was something I never got to tell you.”
He turned to her, curiosity in his eyes. “What’s that?”
She took a deep breath, gathering her courage. “Do you remember all those nights in the lab? The science fairs? The competitions?”
He nodded, a hint of a smile playing at his lips. “Of course. Those were some of the best times.”
“I always admired you,” she continued, her voice steady but filled with emotion. “More than that, actually. I—” She hesitated, the words catching in her throat. “I think I had feelings for you. I don’t know if it was obvious, but I wanted you to know.”
For a moment, Senku was silent, his expression unreadable. She felt her heart pounding in her chest, uncertainty gnawing at her. Then, he gave a small, almost shy smile.
“You always kept me on my toes, Y/N. You were the one person who could challenge me, push me to be better. I respected you for that, admired you.”
Her heart swelled with hope, and she leaned a bit closer. “And now?”
He looked at her, his gaze intense and sincere. “Now, I still feel the same. Maybe even more so, knowing everything we’ve been through. We’re a team, Y/N. We always have been, even when we were rivals.”
She smiled, tears of relief and joy welling up in her eyes. “I’m glad to hear that, Senku. I’ve missed you.”
He reached out and took her hand, his touch warm and reassuring. “I’ve missed you too. And now, we’re going to build a new world together.”
As they sat there, hand in hand, watching the sun dip below the horizon, Y/N felt a profound sense of peace. The world was different, but some things hadn’t changed. Her feelings for Senku were as strong as ever, and now, there was nothing holding them back.
They had a long road ahead of them, full of challenges and discoveries. But for the first time, they would face it together, not as rivals, but as partners in every sense of the word.
The night deepened, and the stars began to appear, twinkling above them like countless possibilities. Y/N leaned her head on Senku’s shoulder, feeling his steady heartbeat beneath her cheek.
They sat in comfortable silence, the future stretching out before them. Whatever came next, they would face it side by side, with the strength of their minds and the bond of their hearts.
And for Y/N, that was more than enough.
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lav-bee · 10 months
Dr. Stone x Reader
You flinch because of them
Characters: Senku, Gen
💛- read as platonic
Warnings?: Flinching 🤷‍♀️ not anything that should be triggering, more of a hurt comfort type fic 👍
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- Maybe it was because you were too far into your own mind, or it was because things were getting more tense now that everyone was kicked into high-gear
- But for whatever reason, you sure were on high alert
- Senku held out a glass tube for you to take, but he must have moved a little too quickly for your liking because you both froze in shock when you flinch away from his out-stretched hand
- “…That’s new.” Senku says and pulls his hand away. He has a small frown on his face as he tries to read your expression
- He hands the tube over, slower this time, and you both continue your work without another word
- Doesn’t ask to explain yourself, tries to make his own deductions and it comes down to the war coming close
- But just in case that isn’t the reason he tries to reassure you. Before you leave he says your name to get your attention, “I would never hurt you… I hope you know that.”
- Will not get mushy about it, he’s sure you’ll be fine. But a simple reassurance won’t hurt
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- You had just finished up a long day of twisting wire and were finally free to sit alone in peace
- However, that was ruined by a friendly guy by the name of Gen. He always showed up at the weirdest of times
- You both enjoy yourselves by sitting in the grass and talking about civilization before the stone
- That is until Gen brought your attention to look at him. The smallest movement towards your face made you flinch away as if he had slapped you
- It was a tense few seconds until he called your name again, softer this time. You look back to him to see a flower in his hand, he was reaching over to tuck it behind your ear you realize
- “No need to be so tense, dear.” He gives you a sad smile and hands you the flower, gently pressing it into your hand
- Doesn’t press you for an answer and quickly changes the subject, “The flowers are beautiful out here, wouldn’t you ay say?”
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strawberrystepmom · 7 months
hyoga (dr stone) x f!reader. canon au, reader is an agriculturalist. mutual pining. my usual, served hot. wc 1.2k. divider by cafekitsune as always.
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“Not this again.” 
Hyoga groans and frustratedly thrusts his spear through the air, tipping his head upward toward the oranges of the dawn sky when the head of the weapon lands inches away from where he intended it to - a true pain to a man as exacting as he tends to be. Perfection isn’t an option he gives himself, it’s an expectation, but something keeps getting in his way. He takes a centering breath and it only lasts for a few beats, his chest heaving from the exertion of his early morning practice. 
The spearman visits the training area just as the sun rises to have time to practice, welcome the day, and think alone. However, for the third day in a row, he can hear you singing to yourself while inspecting your plant.
Turning to look over his shoulder, he groans. At this distance, he can make out the vaguest silhouette of you. If he were to be honest with himself, he’d have to admit that he is silently annoyed that his mind easily fills in the blanks he can’t visualize through his squinted eyes. The sun is only beginning to beat down although if it’s bothersome, you don’t show it and your outline steps between rows of vegetables, still singing happily to yourself.
Looking around the arena and the camp both, Hyoga notices how empty the spaces are and decides now is the time to go talk to you if he’s going to. You are well-liked enough by the other members of the Kingdom of Strength you’ve unwittingly found yourself a part of that he risks a bit of ostracization if he is perceived as picking on you, something that should not bother him but does for inexplicable reasons. It’s not that he particularly cares what anyone else thinks, fear is more valuable than respect in this new world anyway, but he is distinctly bothered by the notion that other people are protective of you.
Placing his treasured spear aside, he scrubs a hand over his face and crosses the small dirt path between your world and his. Your treasured fields, thoughtfully planned since the day you were handed the reigns of growing food for the kingdom you serve, and his place of violence. The two of you are so different yet he finds himself increasingly curious about you and how unabashedly yourself you tend to be.
Since the first day you were depetrified, you offered yourself in full despite any fear. Your time, expertise, and ability are going to improve the lives of everyone. You hate praise on a wide scale but beam when receiving it one on one. You smile brightly and offer plentiful hugs if someone needs support. Everyone likes you, it’s not difficult to understand why despite his own opinion.
He rolls his eyes and scoffs at himself for even pondering your likability. All his mind has done is conjure ridiculous imagery of a ridiculous woman and he refuses to entertain it any longer. Each step of his boots leaves a mark in the dirt below it and Hyoga attempts to quiet his steps when he approaches you but if the way you stop singing abruptly is any indication, has already been spotted. 
“You are incredibly obnoxious.”  
Smiling at his greeting before you even glance in his direction, you wipe your hands across the brown canvas of your work pants and rise to your full stature. The mask he always wears covers his mouth which leaves you unable to tell if he is snarling or frowning but you assume from the tone of his voice he isn’t quite seething, just annoyed.
“Good morning to you too, Hyoga. How are you?”
Midnight colored eyes flit briefly over the entirety of your figure and his eyes shift downward at the rows of planted soil instead of continuing to look at you, taking stock of how quickly the carrots have started growing. Their green tops have sprouted and if he were less annoyed by the inconvenience of you interrupting his training, he would acknowledge that you are impressive at what you do.
“I would be far better if you hadn’t interrupted my morning training.” He spits and you offer an apologetic frown, folding your arms over your chest and tilting your head to the side. “Why are you out here so early? I train every day at sunrise to be alone so feel free to stay in bed tomorrow.”
Laughing to yourself, you shake your head and raise your eyebrows. You’re likely the only person bold enough to actually talk back to him, the fear he has stricken in the rest of his loyal subjects seemingly lost on you. It’s not that you don’t respect him or take him seriously, you do, but merely that you enjoy pushing his buttons more than anything else.
“You don’t own the dawn,” the petulant note in your voice is rewarded with a low warning hum from the man standing on the other side of your tubers. You have to force yourself not to smile, pressing your lips together although if he were to take a good look he’d see the faintest trace of a curve across them. “And besides, there is no way I can take a good look at everything without being interrupted at any other time of the day. In two hours people will be out here and asking questions and..ugh!”
You throw your hands up and sigh, eyes wide. There’s no hiding the fact you are laying it on thick this morning and Hyoga almost certainly sees through it garnering no sympathy for you. Despite this, there’s a slight relaxation to his shoulders you would miss if you weren’t staring at him so intently. There’s no challenge in your gaze, only curiosity, and it frustrates him that he can never tell what your true intentions are. Is your kindness self preservation? Are the smiles faked in an effort to keep yourself less threatening? He can never tell. 
Luckily for you, he doesn’t feel like getting into it right now. A low hum precedes his words and you keep your eyes glued to him.
“Fine but keep the singing to a minimum. Some of us have actual work to do.”
Smiling, you nod and his posture stiffens again.
“Sorry for distracting you.”
Rolling his eyes, he turns on his heel to cross the dirt path back toward the practice arena but stops himself long enough to look over his shoulder. Another glance at you, raking over your face and body.
“You didn’t.”
Satisfied with his ability to get the last word, he heads off in the opposite direction of where you stand. That went far better than expected and your difficult disposition is clearly subdued this early in the day.
Hyoga considers this a victory in the battle of wills between the two of you and entering his designated area, he reaches for his spear again. Examining the tip and the handle carefully, he squints and loses himself in thought about how he could possibly improve the weapon with the rudimentary tools he has access to now. Running his thumb along the sharpened tip, gloves protecting him from any injury, he catches himself humming a fragmented version of the song you were singing moments earlier.
“Enough,” he tells himself aloud. Grateful to be alone, the word leaves him in a weak whisper a second time. Enough of your songs, enough of your smile, enough of you.
Narrowing his eyes once more, he glances across the dirt path to see you working alone, quietly. The sun has risen higher in the sky and illuminates you, the shine of your hair and the round of your cheeks and he blows air out of his nostrils tensely.
Distraction indeed.
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earthnashes · 1 year
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I'm holding watch parties on my community discord for the Gargoyles; we're still on Season 1 but even then it's really helping give me some contextual clues I need for building the AU into something more sustainable. I'm super excited to get into Season 2; we'll be finishing off this season next Thursday before we continue on! :)
But ye! For this drawing; an experiment that went a little outta hand, but I'm glad it did. I really like the look of it; giving it some level of polish without resorting to coloring. I've always liked this sort of effect but rarely do I ever do it myself, but I think I'll have to do it more because it was far less time consuming to do! :>
So ye! More lore and brick work is being laid out for the AU, and once again I've written a short story to go along with the art!
For those of you who'd rather skip though, I placed it under the "Keep Reading" line, and for context for everyone here are some AU notes along with a TL;DR summary of what's happening here:
-AU explores the concept of "what if Demona was set onto the path of Redemption?"
-TL;DR for this image: Takes place a few nights after this. Demona confronts Elisa after her talk with Angela. To everyone's surprise it doesn't go south.
By all accounts Elisa thinks she should've expected this.
Especially with the life she's chosen for herself: top-rate detective with the highest arrest rate and cases solved on the force. In direct contact with Gargoyles-- literal living legends-- on a daily basis and what that typically entails, from revenge plots to sudden trips through the very fabrics of time. Enemies from all and every side, from supernatural to plain old human to the not-so-human and zealous occult.
And traveling Central Park alone in the dead of night? By all accounts, she should’ve expected this. Yet she still wasn’t prepared for the ambush.
One second she's halfway through the tunnel under the bridge. The next? Shoved face-first into grimy, soggy stone.
The taste of iron is sharp on her tongue as her teeth cut painfully into her lip on impact. It distracts her just enough before she finally zeroes in on the claws closed tight around the nape of her neck, another set digging hard into the leather of her jacket at her pinned wrists, easily piercing the material and biting into skin. She barely has time to gather her bearings before a familiar voice is hissing hot against her ear.
"You are not as clever as you think, detective."
Elisa's heart nearly beats out of her ribcage. "Demona," she breathes, alarmed but by no means surprised. It's been months since the last attempt the she-demon's made against her. Once again, Elisa curses allowing her guard to fall; she should've known it was only a matter of time before Demona struck. No matter how long this sudden bout of tremulous peace has gone.
"What do you want."
"That's exactly what I want to know," Demona drawls, pushing Elisa further into the rough stone. There's a seething sneer in her voice. " What are your intentions with Angela?"
Elisa pauses, her unease giving way to her confusion.
Demona responds by gripping tighter, the tell-tale rumble of a growl behind her words. "You know damned well what I mean. It's no coincidence Angela has come to me so freely. Not if it meant lowering my guard; you're up to something." The gargoyle shoves Elisa none-too-gently against the stone again, her threat stark and clear. "And I don't take kindly to the thought anyone using my daughter like she's some sort of plaything--"
"--I'd never--" Elisa starts, offended, but she barely gets a word in before she's cut off with her own agonized grunt. Demona's bodily grinding her into the wall, the rough scrape of stone chafing at the skin of her cheek. She can barely breath with how hard the gargoyle pins her, straining for breath as Demona snarls at her, long teeth clacking dangerously close to her eye.
"Liar!" She barks, and Elisa hears how her tail cuts through the air as it lashes. "It's all you humans are ever good for! Weave empty words into pretty things, only to strike when your back is turned. Angela told me herself what you said, and your words ring hollow. You and I both know you don't believe any of it. What's your game?"
"So Goliath is right, then?" Elisa huffs in lieu of an answer, stilling herself and going mostly limp in Demona's grasp. Her common sense screams at her to struggle, to find an opening and break free... but her gut tells her stay put. Her father always told her to listen to her gut when it spoke, and it's never steered her wrong before. So she breathes in as much as she dares and forces each of her muscles to relax, to appear as little a threat as possible in her position.
Not too hard to do considering the circumstances, but it takes several breaths for her heart to stop trying to burst from her chest. Nor does it really erase the glower overtaking her face.
"Is that it? Angela shouldn't be anywhere near you. Shouldn't be allowed to choose for herself and that it was a mistake to even try to talk to you?"
"By the moon we glide under, I despise you, detective!" Demona hisses, and Elisa doesn't need to see her to know her eyes have begun glowing hot red. "I'm no fool; you view me a monster. You have absolutely nothing to gain from encouraging her to see me. Nothing. So why? What do you want with her?"
"Is it really so hard to believe I care for Angela?"
"Yes." Yet there is some degree of hesitance in Demona's voice when she says it, something Elisa nearly doesn't catch. As if the she-demon almost believes her own answer, but not entirely. There's enough evidence with Elisa aiding her old Clan-- never truly for her own gain -- that brings question to her conviction. "Humans don't do anything unless they gain something in return. You are either after her, my life, or something else." Demona allows Elisa's arm free to rake her claws against the stone of the bridge. It gives way easily as if nothing but dirt, leaving deep divots in a clear display of a threat. "Do not make me ask again."
"Then you're right," Elisa replies easily-- or as easily as her position allows-- and of all the responses she could've gotten Demona doesn't expect that. It's clear in how much she loosens her hold on Elisa in apparent surprise, no longer choking her so much as simply holding her in place now. Elisa's instincts flair then; demand she elbows the she-demon in the belly and get distance, yet even still her gut urges her: stay put.
"I do have something to gain. Angela's happiness."
Elisa doesn’t expect her words to have any real effect. Readies herself for Demona to snap at her again. Force her against the unforgiving stone, have her taste her own blood again, maybe even work up the nerve to inflict the bodily harm she always threatens. This is probably the closest she's gotten in a long while.
But Demona does… nothing. Simply a presence behind her. One simmering with barely held anger and confusion and the weight of her own paranoia. But still as stone—listening-- all the same.
Stay put.
Elisa takes in a shaky breath.
"She's miserable, you know. When the clan speaks ill of you," She breathes quietly, surprising herself with the gentleness in her own voice. "Goliath explicitly forbids her from ever trying to talk to you. He thinks you're a lost cause." It’s not hard to think of Goliath’s demeanor in those moments; regret, sadness, guilt, traces of betrayal and anger whenever he speaks of his ex. He's long since given up on reaching out to Demona.
"And maybe I did too, once. But now, I--"
The look on Demona's face when realizing who Angela was flashes through her memory. The shock, quickly replaced with unbridled joy and hope. Something Elisa was unsure Demona could feel up until that very moment.
"--you could've left us to die by Thailog's hand. You could've ended all of humanity with just a press of a button. But you didn't."
Elisa doesn't mention the sudden lack of schemes against all of mankind. She doesn't mention the abrupt disinterest in attacking the Clan. She doesn't say anything about how--even after all this time, even now-- she is still alive, when Demona has had ample chances to rid herself of her. Elisa is no slouch: she's proud enough to admit she's held her own against Demona a fair number of times. But there were times where only her keen eye and years of training caught the very slight hesitance from Demona when she was all but helpless.
"I don't think you're a lost cause," Elisa says unwaveringly. Nothing in her voice gives way to any underlying uncertainty she has. To the questions she burns to ask—why? What changed? -- but won’t. Not yet. "I have my reservations. But I don't think it's anyone's place to make that decision for Angela. Nor do I think it's fair to rob you of the chance to prove to her you're more than your past."
Elisa hesitates for just a second before she says clearly into the silence of the night, compelled by Demona's uncharacteristic show of restraint: "...I-I don’t think you’re a monster."
I never thought you to be.
The thought comes unbidden, and it catches her off guard at how honest it is. She doesn’t put it to words, only remaining in place and holding steady. Waiting.
Demona still doesn't say anything. Doesn't really do anything at first, but there's a very clear shift in the air, subtle as it may be. Elisa's instincts are no longer in overdrive, no longer in high alert of danger. Somehow  --even in Demona's sharp grasp-- there is no more danger to be aware of.
It's in the way the gargoyle's silence turns contemplative and not a raging storm cloud. In how she suddenly doesn't dig so hard in Elisa's jacket, tucking the tips of her claws safely against the leather and not into delicate skin. The intent is no longer there.
Demona mutters something to herself, low enough for Elisa not to hear what she says, but even with her keen senses it still manages to surprise the detective when the gargoyle simply... moves away.
It's by no means gentle. She abruptly drops the human without any sort of care, allowing her to crumple under her own weight when she finally touches ground after several minutes being held aloft. But the principle still stands.
Demona let her go.
"…I don't believe you," She grunts in a voice filled with scorn, but the usual bite is missing. Elisa allows herself a moment to rub at the scratches and welts those wicked claws left behind. She clears her throat before she chances a glance at the gargoyle and finds her back turned to her.
"I'm not asking you to," Elisa says softly. She eyes the gargoyle warily. "And I still don't trust you. But I do trust Angela. She saw something worth her time in you; the least I can do is support her... and be there if it blows up in her face."
When Elisa finds the energy to stand, she musters up a warning glare at Demona, stance cautious but no less filled with promise. "Don't make me regret it."
The threat behind it is barely veiled, and it must be the right thing to say, because Demona only barely casts a glance her way. Her eyes are hard to read. And despite it, Elisa can see the smallest hint of something in them when forest green sweeps over her, foot to face, the faintest upturn to the corner of her mouth.
"Then we are on the same page."
For some extra context:
-Demona is referring to how Elisa told Angela that she does actually believe Demona isn't pure evil, or a threat to her. Elisa doesn't trust Demona at all, but she recognizes that something has shifted in the gargoyle, and she knows she would never hurt Angela, so she sets aside her own doubts and encourages Angela to seek her mother out. I have plans to draw and write this interaction in the future so we have more context in this regard!
-Elisa strikes me as the type to be able to see things in varying shades of gray: Goliath isn't wrong in his reluctance to allow Angela near Demona, but she honestly doesn't think her heartless or a completely lost cause. Especially after she learns some of Demona's past
-Demona would never admit this, but she does actually respect Elisa. Much to her chagrin. Unlike most humans whom she barely bats an eye toward, she sees Elisa as her equal in prowess and intelligence, and she hates that she does, but she'd be a fool if she ignored it.
The further I get into the show I'll expand on this idea, but that's it for now. :)
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henrysglock · 6 months
[Lumax voice] Turn Around, Look At What You See! In Their Face...
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(If you couldn't already tell: I have finally lost all my marbles.)
I'm sure this has occurred to other people by now, but if El's memories leading up to the 4.07 monologue are ripped directly from Brenner's (<- slayful Nat post, required viewing), and she runs in to see One killing Two...then doesn't it stand to reason that that is what Brenner saw when he ran into the Rainbow Room in 1979?
Now before anyone hops in to correct me: There's definitely a version of things where Brenner finds El alone in the rainbow room after the massacre. That's not in question. We all know that happened at some point.
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(Regardless of the manner of death...no broken bones or gouged eyes...okay!)
However, as I'm sure we're all aware...these guys are different guys.
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(This detail has been beaten into the ground but always bears repeating)
So, what is in question is what close-up Brenner saw when he ran into the Rainbow Room.
Those duplicate memories appear to belong to close-up Brenner:
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i.e. not the Brenner who runs in and sees El at the start of 4.08. (This isn't to say that that Brenner doesn't have those memories or similar ones, but he's not the Brenner whose memories are being featured. Begone, thot.)
So, arguably, if El has close-up Brenner's memories...then she should be running in and seeing what he saw, no?
So what did he see? Someone just slightly shorter than him, who walked close enough to warrant a tight shot.
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That POV (as has been discussed ad nauseam by many) is far too tall to be any version of El:
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But it is about the right height for someone a few inches shorter than Brenner...something like:
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So, tl;dr: I want to play a clip for you.
I love choreography and camera work. That's art right there.
However, that video doesn't include the subtitling that accompanies the visuals that link El finding One to Brenner finding El:
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Now, it's difficult to compare anything after this point (though not impossible, can't keep a south Wisconsin boy down. I will be using them for comparisons later)...because of course that's when weird, random blood starts appearing:
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Hence, the clock is visibly frozen after that point:
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This smacks, to me, of the same kind of shit that happened with 004 when the kids were bullying El—Scenes that never actually happened in the real past being spliced into a tape that cuts off and then picks back up like no time had passed/nothing had been spliced in. It makes more sense if you read the post I linked, since the video in that post makes my point clearly.
The anime nerd in me is tempted to liken this whole deal ^ to JJBA/DIO's time-stopping stand "The World" in...that's right...Stardust Crusaders, wherein DIO pause time for everyone but himself, which I'm certain others have done as well.
Tbqh...I'm still here:
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Specifically a reference to The World/DIO vs Star Platium/Jotaro, both of which are time-stopping stands...(Much to think about irt Jotaro/Star Platinum developing time-stopping powers later on in terms of El, sure, but also in terms of "Everything was hard for [One]...He walked in here, and it was like something had changed. He told me he had figured it out.").
[Distant screaming as I'm forcefully prevented from going on a "Stardust Spider-Stardust Crusaders-Dio Brando-Joestar Family-Dio's Bone-Green Baby-Green, Green Grass of Home" tangent in this post...and don't get me started on DIO's regen healing/vampirism from the ancient stone mask...don't get me started on King Crimson and Golden Experience Requiem either...]
Not to mention the DIO reference with One linking this scene to (you guessed it) Edward Munson:
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Edward Creel proven once again, but this time it's via goddamn JJBA and Brenner fuckery. (And yes, yes, I know about DIO the band. This ain't about her. Things can have multiple meanings. It was a Choice to associate Henward with DIO and Eddie with DIO. I rest my case.)
As I said earlier, close-up Brenner is shot at a distance baby El could never have achieved. She passes out on the far side of the room, entirely too far away to have been anywhere near close enough for a close-up of Brenner's face, height aside.
However, ignoring the blood fuckery and disappearing gate cracks:
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Some-One else has enough energy left to walk towards the doors. All the way over, in fact. So while those close-up shots are 100% out of range for post-gate baby El, they're very much in-range for 3:46 PM One.
Tl;dr: It's entirely possible, if not likely (based on the choreography and camera-work in these scenes) that close-up/angry Brenner was addressing One rather than baby El.
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zaimta · 1 year
I TOTALLY FELT YOU WHEN YOU SAID DR STONE IS LIKE A DRUG OMG its like my lifeline at this point
i was wondering if i could request a small drabble or headcanons for ryusui !! i keep having this repeating idea of him with a reader who’s like his childhood friend and ever since they were young, ryusui always tried to pursue them romantically but reader would always just laugh it off, thinking he was joking. but ryusui never gave up on his love for the reader!!
(spoilers for the treasure island arc)
but once everyone on the perseus gets petrified, leaving the reader (who had gone with the recon team to scout the area), reader starts to realize just how much they were worried for him, and especially when he comes back to them in fragments after kohaku smashed him. and the second that he gets revived, the reader is all over him and telling him how worried they were, and the second that the two of them are alone (maybe the team recognized that they were having a moment and let them have it?) reader confesses that they return his feelings and the possibility of possibly losing him helped them realize that? O:
male reader would be preferred (ryusui bi icon frfr), but i dont mind gender neutral!! :D
thank you so much for your time in advance, and remember to stay hydrated!! (expect more interactions from me, im literally obsessed with your works ❤️❤️)
彡zai says- the brain rot this gave me was insane back on my dr stone grind!! he really is a bi icon i'll never forget what he said to tsukasa (ngl i read it a year ago so i spitballed the lore lol)
paring: ryusui x male reader
ˏˋ«────── « 𓆩♡𓆪 » ──────»
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ever since you were kids you were always the main thing on his mind. he was constantly teasing you and clinging to your side. as you got older it turned into him flirting with you and seeing how far he could push your buttons until you got flustered.
when senku broke him from the stone he was more focused on you than himself, he knew you had an impressive skill set and he used that to his advantage. even if they didn’t have enough revival fluid he brought you along anyways, dressing your statue so when they could revive you, you were ready to go.
when you came to you immediately fell into someone’s arms. their hold on you was firm but also familiar, and their scent was familiar too it was almost comforting. you pulled back to look back at them, and you were met with ryusui smiling down at you “i missed you.”
you laughed and gently removed yourself from his hold “i’m sure you did.” you didn’t notice it but his face slightly faltered.
his flirting was no better when the two of you were alone, as a matter of fact, it was only worse. the two of you sat alone staring at the moon, he spent most of the time staring at you instead of the sky “you’re so handsome, the way you shine in the moonlight is amazing.” you laughed again and rolled your eyes. you always assumed his flirting was just empty words, he was the human version of greed after all he craves everything the world has to offer and he does this to everyone.
“you don’t have to keep saying those things ryusui. i know you don’t mean them.”
he stared at you, no matter how many times he tells you he adores you or how many times he admits how he wants nothing more in the world than you, you never believed him.
at least not until the incident.
when you first laid eyes on his stone body you wanted to scream but you couldn't, the scream was barely louder than a whisper hardly a scream at all. it only got harder when kohaku brought him and the others back as fragments.
the second he was revied the team cleared out and kohaku sent you a knowing glance.
one the two of you were alone you immediately wrapped your arms around him pulling him into a hug "i was so worried about you, i thought i lost you." he returned your embrace and rested a hand on the back of your head pulling you closer to him "you could never lose me." he pressed a gentle kiss to your temple, and for the first time instead of backing away from his affection you accepted it.
you gently pull back from his hug to look at him face to face "i've realized some things."
he raises a brow "and what would that be?"
"how much i care for you, and how much you care for me." his hand moves to gently cup your cheek while his thumb gently caressed your cheek "oh? and how much do i care for you?"
"you've basically spent most of our lives trying to win me over, and every time i never really responded to them or gave you any straight answer. so why did you never give up?"
he smiled at you "that's easy. because i'm the greediest guy there is." your face slightly fell which caused him to chuckle "you didn't let me finish. because i'm the greediest guy there is i know there's no greater treasure than your heart. i'd stop at nothing to make you my boyfriend and to be yours."
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teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reactions to the Mistaken One's Chapters 159-160
We get two chapters today, probably to celebrate the start of the manhwa's Season 3.
TL;DR - Cale planned to drag all dragons he knew to Aipotu. Best teacher Cale. Dragon Tears is a lie. Another talking book. Underling Cale. Generous dragon and her three gifts. Dragon with Past attribute confirmed. Cale meets Tang Clan, Emei School, and Qingcheng School to get the answers to his two questions.
Soos? LSH = ✅ CJS = ✅
Worried Daddy Cale First part was quite touching. 🥰 Cale was worried about the young Raon being burdened with saving the world stuff. So he planned to drag all the dragons he knew when he goes to Aipotu. He'd negotiate with GoD.
And when Raon asked if he had to save the world, Cale replied that doing it alone was impossible. He should do it together with his allies and companions. ✨The power of friendship.✨
Best Teacher Cale This was the funniest and cutest part of today's chapters. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Cale: It's easier if we do it with many people. Don't you think so? Raon: That's right! I like overwhelming fights! Cale: Good. *nods* Raon: And the stronger our side, the better! Cale: You know well. Raon: And I hope our side doesn't get hurt as much as possible! Cale: That's right. Raon: To do that, we must have as many people on our side as possible! Cale: Correct. (You've learned well.) Raon: And if we are at a disadvantage, we can just run away! Cale: That is correct. Raon: And then we can hit their backs! Cale: ...Uh-huh. That's right. (What he said is correct anyway.) Raon: We just need to prepare thoroughly and hit them first! Cale: …Yeah. Raon: And it's even better to rob the enemies of all their treasure! Cale: …Uh-huh. Raon: We can scam and scam them again! Cale: … CJS: Pfft. Cale: *glares at CJS* CJS: *lowers his head* Sui: *smiles* Wow, you learned well. Raon: *pushes out chubby belly* Of course! I am great, so I learn everything well! Cale: (Please just stop talking.) *shakes head* Sui: *pokes Raon's belly* You just need to think of playing. Raon: That tickles! *hides behind CH* CH: *carries Raon* There's nothing to worry about. Raon: That's right! Just destroy them! Cale: (Aigoo...) *sighs*
Another Talking Book Yes, another one. The dead dragon left a book, so Cale's group went back to the study to get it. We then find out that the dead dragon is an old woman from the talking book's voice. And she was a crazy dragon from the way she crazily laughed.
On a more serious note, she spoke that the dragon with the Present attribute is the only one who could stop "He who could control time." Oooooh, new villain! 😊
Dragon Tears is a Lie So the dead dragon deceived the Sichuan governor's ancestors when she said that it was her tears there. The truth was, it was her dead body immersed in a lake inside, and covered by ice above. And then the lake was covered by a stone floor, which was the floor of the cavity Cale's group was in.
Underling Cale Another funny part. The book called Cale as the "dragon's underling." 🤣🤣🤣 Cale was in serious disbelief and even had several lines questioning it. Of course, CJS laughed and Cale glared at him again. 😂
And then Raon poked CH, whispering that CH was now smiling like Ron... which shocked Cale, who probably imagined CH with vicious Ron's gentle smile. 🤣🤣🤣 Even the Sichuan governor asked Cale if he was the dragon's underling... 😂
The book then fell down, and words were written on the cover: "The Joyful Dragon and the Dragon's Underling Will Become Stronger If They Eat All of This" ...What a crazy dragon! Poor Cale. 😂
Generous Dragon and Her Three Gifts Fortunately, the crazy dragon called Cale as "dragon's guardian" afterwards. The reason why she preserved her body in the lake was because her three gifts were there. And we get more info on how crazy that dragon was!
Ring of the Dragon Lord = "When I think about the hard work I did to steal it, I seriously cry. But without that, the Lord can't use his power properly, okay? Pwahahaha! Maybe he won't even be acknowledged as a proper Dragon Lord even if he attains the Lord position, and he must be worried if someone catches that he's lacking? Pwahahaha!"
Crown of the Emperor = "And the crown was used by the first emperor of the last empire I lived in, who was very famous as a dragon hunter? I stole the crown when 'he' destroyed the empire! Pwahahaha! 'That man' is probably going crazy because he can't find the crown? Pwahahaha!"
Sword of the Elven Knight = "Oh, and the sword is used by the elves who served the Dragon Lord for generations. Keke. I stole that too! This is the sword that the first Dragon Lord of our world gave to the person whom he appointed as a knight to protect him, and it's amazing! Fufufu. Maybe the guardian of the Dragon Lord is also lacking right now!"
To summarize, the new villain, probably He who can control time, toppled down an empire. That new villain is also the current Dragon Lord of Aipotu. However, the crazy dead dragon had stolen the crown and the ring, so the new villain is not a complete Dragon Lord. Something about how the ring is the key to using the power of a Dragon Lord. And his elven knight is alike him because the sword was stolen too... 😂
Cale was seriously happy when he read what the gifts were. He changed the way he called the dragon from "crazy" to "generous."
And then Ron apologized to him, saying he only found sweet tea here. Cale was secretly happy that the tea would not be sour. BUT! When he drank the tea, it was TOO SWEET! 🤣🤣🤣
Dragon with a Past Attribute We had a present and a future attribute, which means we also have a dragon with a Past attribute. The generous dragon said that the guy with a Past attribute was probably dead. She and that guy had failed in stopping He who could control time. So their only hope was the dragon with the Present attribute, Raon.
There was a part where Cale was afraid to meet this dragon if he was still alive. Cale was thinking that he did not want his current companions to see his past. 🥲
Ending Remarks Today was a blessed day, full of laughter and serious info dump. 🥰 Next week will continue Cale having the answer to his two questions: Are you incompetent fools or treasonous traitors?
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rosesloveletters · 9 months
lucky star.
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Pairing: Dr. Frederick Frankenstein x Fem. Reader
Word Count: 6,645
Warnings: sexual content / smut
Summary: ‘Frederick, you are my lucky star,’ Your skin was burning hot and you thought you might spontaneously combust, ‘your radiance was too much and I couldn’t help myself…’ // You had been burned before, but never like this. // Frederick and Reader spend a loving, passionate night alone inside the castle.
Author's Note: Hopefully you all can forgive me for taking a small break from writing Wonka fics to write for another of Gene's roles. If you haven't seen Young Frankenstein, please go watch it. It's so damn funny and Gene is so attractive.
divider created by @/saradika on Tumblr.
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The cold air seeped down into your bones, penetrating your thin nightgown the same way the moonlight cut through the clouds and bathed the dank night in a milky haze. There was at least a foot of snow on the ground and the cold air bled through the castle walls. December was a brutal month to be up in the mountains; the winters here seemed to last a lifetime. 
What little reprieve you had was the crackling fireplace in your quiet bedroom. You took up residency on the hearth, the stone-cold floors beneath your bare feet sending tremors through you, but it was nothing you wouldn’t suffer so long as you were able to stand before the fire. 
This was how he found you most nights, your silhouette red-rimmed and glimmering from the firelight as each fragile little flame arched in a furious, swirling dance. Encased in stone, the flames could not travel, but you imagined them swallowing you whole. 
Your body was a block of ice and you feared it would take a decade just to thaw your heart, but his presence melted the frost on your fingertips and got your blood pumping again. Such was your complicated relationship between this professor turned mad scientist. 
The lick of the flame never heated you up like he did. 
“Oh, you’re still there?” He asked in an amused tone as he entered your chambers, already shedding his coat to prepare for the long night ahead. He must’ve been exhausted, though you had no idea what he was working on down there in the laboratory. He abated your questions with affection, arms encircling your body like the flames you dreamed of and shielding you from the cold. 
You turned just enough to glance at him over your shoulder, “every night,” you responded and turned back to the fire. The flames reflected in your dilated pupils danced in a blaze of infernal passion as though you were lit from within. 
You heard him shuffling around behind you, but you paid him no mind. The flames enchanted you; you always dreamed in noire, but for the first time you could see in the color he had shown you. 
Soft violin music permeated your senses and you suppressed a full-bodied shudder. 
It was as if you had been summoned out of thin air, stagnant temptation veiled over you. 
With your curves accentuated in firelight, you resembled the moon in all her shimmering, shivering opalescence. In her craters all alone, you were a woman scorned, a maiden murdered in cold blood, a ghost of herself digging her own grave to be buried alive, but inside of the castle you were unapologetically yourself. You belonged here as much as any of the other residents, a misfit to the rest of the world, a crisis of consequence, the quintessence of vice and virtue and all alone in every way except physical. 
Your ears rang from the haunting harmony as you waited for warmth to come. 
It finally did, in the form of your lover’s arms wrapped around you. 
You saw less and less of him these days and you suspected a new achievement of his sometime soon, but he kept quiet about what it was. It was much easier to pretend he was falling out of love with you than to conjure any idea of what he had been doing for the last several days because in a state like this he was much more difficult to study than any lecture he might’ve once given. You would have gratefully taken down notes from him rather than pick apart his brain for the learning material. 
If your love was ancient history, then why weren’t you hanging up in a museum yet? 
As much time as he spent away from you it was imaginable that he forgot you existed, yet he always came back to you at night. 
It was all just an idea, the seed of all science, which bore roots of hypotheses and germination in study and, if one were lucky, might someday bloom into spectacular results. 
“I suppose you’ve still got no intention of letting me know what it is that you’re working on down there?” 
The way in which his arms tightened around your body indicated the affirmative, but you were always going to be curious. Your tired game of pretending was no longer enough to satisfy your hunger for the truth and he knew it. His tender love would not sate you forever and if he didn’t swiftly act, you might begin to demand more. Not that he minded, really. Being wanted was pleasant and not something he was used to. His romantic relationships were stinted and tense, stifled and repressed. He succumbed to your advances and gave answers to your questions ultimately because you made him a priority. 
He felt safe with you. No more longing glances at women who did not want him or elbow touches with the supposed “love of his life” because she didn’t want to mess up her outfit. He treated you with respect and with dignity because you offered him the same. He did not have to fit himself into a pre-cut spot in your life. You molded him into your heart, enveloping him in your love and holding him close to your chest because he meant that much to you. You wanted him there and he could feel it, all his nerve-endings alight with the sacred promise of love and mutual want and connection. 
A gentle chuckle came from him and he leaned in close, lips by your ear, “I promise to tell you more about it soon, my dear. I feel that I am nearing a breakthrough.”
A breakthrough or a breakdown, you were uncertain which word best suited where he was headed. His wild curls appeared more and more disheveled each day because he couldn’t be bothered to style his hair when more important things weighed on his mind. His work consumed him to the point that when he dragged himself back to you at night, his mind was still buzzing with ideas and he seemed distant even though he did not mean to be. 
Sometimes you caught him up reading long after you would have retired to bed for the night. When you thought he was sleeping beside you, he was poring over case studies and medical journals by candlelight. When your bed was cold and the spot beside you that he always occupied was empty, you would find him fast asleep at his desk, the rise and fall of his shoulders and gentle snores indicative of his peaceful slumber. 
On nights like those would you guide him back to bed where he would curl in beside you and hold you close, sheltered through the night in his embrace until morning light touched your face. 
Other nights were fitful and full of restlessness and nightmares. He would twitch and quiver, plagued by images no man was ever meant to see. He wouldn’t tell you what he dreamed of, even less about what frightened him, but you had reason to believe that his brain tormented him on occasion, such was the case of most, but with deep intellect came a price and he was much crueler to himself than any colleague of his might be. 
He needed to unwind, to take comfort in closeness and sanctity from insanity. 
He would work himself to death like this and you would be damned if you were to let that happen. 
“That’s good news, darling,” your gentle response made him grin and you could feel the slight upturn of his lips against your cheek, “but do you think we might not speak about work tonight?”
“Well, if not that, then what shall we speak about?” 
As he asked the question, he began to pull you in. Your bodies connected and with you flush against him you could feel his arousal, unabashedly betraying his aching need for you now more than he had felt in a lifetime for anyone else. 
The pungent scent of frosted Frasier fir, candle smoke and scintillating wit clung to him, lingering like twilight hues on the longest day of the year. You inhaled, apt to lose yourself in him the same way he lost himself in his work, only now did you understand that there was much more to it than that. His work was important, but you were his love and that took up more space in him than the chunk of matter between his ears and the story of your lives filled more pages than any of the studies in his medical journals. 
A night off would do him some good; for once, he could devote enough time to engage in a passionate, loving affair rather than a quick frolic and he would do well to remember how much he had always wanted something like this. 
He wanted you now and would not wait. You made him forget who he was for a while and that was such a beautiful thing. 
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein, a man whose names’ reputation preceded him, had learned that he could only put so much distance between himself and the truth. As absurd as it was to say, he had perhaps stumbled upon a secret that could not be contained, a truth so groundbreaking, a scientific discovery so unbelievable that it had to be believed to be seen…
Except, currently, the only thing he was seeing were blurred lines and the gothic undertones of lust which tinted his periphery. His lips slanted over yours and the modest friction from his wispy, sorrel mustache scraped deliciously against your cupid’s bow. The wet graze of your tongue sent a shiver through him and elicited a small grunt as his large hands swept down the length of your body and grabbed your hips. 
Your pelvis ground deliciously against his and he groaned, “you’ll be the death of me, my love.” 
Your closeness was the finger on the hairpin trigger of his desire. He felt like his aorta might burst at any moment and so, using every second he hoped he had left, he savored the warm press of your body on his and devoured every inch of your exposed neck. He was gentle at first, taking care not to mark your delicate flesh, but soon his intrinsic carnality corrupted him and he could not help himself from sinking his teeth into your skin. 
You let out a breathy gasp and could feel him grinning against the column of your neck.
Your arms were around him, holding him to you mostly to steady yourself because if your hands had nothing to hold onto, you would have fallen to your knees for reasons beyond just lacking support in your current state. He would have approved of it now, although he was squeamish about it at any other time. He would have even encouraged you, with hands in your hair on the back of your head to guide you in pleasuring him, but no. 
He wanted more. His body demanded more and he would have it so long as you were willing. He was tired of being asked to wait, his resolve worn down to nothing because he had gone without for far too long. 
As a physician, he knew well the needs of the human body and the satisfaction that came from indulging one’s desires. He did not think on it all too much, but whenever he found himself alone and steeped in eroticism and longing, he had no choice. Everything you did turned him on and his cock throbbed at the thought of him burying it inside you. 
It was inescapable. No matter how often he changed course or preoccupied his mind with other things, his thoughts always returned to you. 
He moved you back towards the bed, the backs of your knees coming into contact with the edge of the mattress and you dropped down onto it, pulling him on top of you. He collided with your body, an animalistic growl clawing its way out of his throat as his hips grinded against yours. 
This was unlike him, a version of himself that never saw the light of day – he kept it in a cage and fed it blood; only carnal desire was enough to sate its hunger. 
He dragged his teeth along your neck as your fingers fumbled with his shirt buttons. He couldn’t take his lips off you, he had to kiss every inch of you. He needed it far more than he could communicate through words and luckily for him you did not ask him to. You were busy undressing him while he worshipped your body with his mouth, his tongue tasting your succulent flesh as he inhaled your heady scent. Your body was ripe for him to take a bite and he would devour every bit of you until there was nothing left to satisfy him. 
He sat up enough to toss his jacket aside, undershirt now open to reveal the hint of bare skin and a dusting of hair several shades darker than the curls on his head. He looked ethereal in the low light, fire silhouetting him, and the edges of his body glistened as his dark pupils glittered and burned like glowing embers. A wildfire of its own raged within him as he was driven mad with lust. He kissed you feverishly, lips and teeth clashing with yours as he was anything but gentle with you in this moment. 
His kisses were rough, but his delicate appearance contrasted his movements. His long, thick lashes fluttered against his cheekbones, accentuating his shimmeringly blue eyes that, even in such low light, glistened like gemstones. He had the softest features of any man you had ever seen and you would have paused to admire him if only he wasn’t so tempestuous in his urgency for you. 
His hands slid up underneath your dress, fingers tantalizingly rubbing against the crotch of your panties and along your inner thighs. He unashamedly touched you and a smiled graced his lips as you moaned for him, arching your back as your hands splayed on his chest, scrabbling for purchase but you were hopelessly plummeting into the pit of your own desire with nothing to grab onto and no way to cushion your fall. 
He rubbed you a little bit through your panties, but it was not enough. 
He wanted to feel your wetness saturate the soft cotton, however, it would be much more appealing to him if his fingers were to glisten with your juices instead of allowing all your sweet honey to leak into your underwear. He ached to feel your tight heat clench around his long fingers as they curled inside you, delicately massaging your sweet spot as he guided you towards a climax. It was a boost to his ego, knowing he could pleasure you that way and with little to no difficulty. He was a physician, after all, and had had many lessons in human anatomy. He knew what he was doing and, though he would never say it, was prideful over the fact that he could bring you to orgasm with just his fingers and a few heated, teasing whispers. 
Even if you were defiant and tried to hold out, those fingers of his were your weakness and he knew best how to use them. A stubborn girl presented a challenge and that interested him; Frederick wanted excitement and connection, not just clinical sex. 
His fingers hooked under your panties and teased them down your legs, watching you squirm as you anticipated what might happen next. It was up to him to decide and the thought made him dizzy. 
Your excitement was palpable. With sweating palms, you clutched onto the thin bedsheets and peered up at him, a halo of fire backlighting his frizz of curls. You were unable to keep still, thighs rubbing together in anticipation of his large, warm hands that would spread them apart. Your full-bodied blush was crushed into existence by rose petals and rouge and your exquisite form buzzed with giddiness and euphoria as he tenderly pulled your legs apart and nestled between them, shoulders against your thighs for support. You were hesitant to follow his lead, but you trusted him to care for you the same as he cared for his reputation.
He began almost immediately, wasting no time. Neck bent, head between your legs, he shamelessly suckled your clit and swilled your sweet nectar with instinctive, primordial hunger. 
The doctor tasted you with insatiable vigor, his tongue lapping greedily at your glistening folds as you squirmed and writhed on the bed. You were grappling with yourself, attempting to stave off your own needs as your fingers splayed and flexed on the sheets as though you were imagining grasping onto him instead of the linens. 
You wanted him, that much had been determined, however, you could see no end to his brutal self-satisfaction; he would take as much from you as you were willing to give, not because he had no thought of returning the favor, but because he had deemed himself a dying man long ago and you were his cure. This was what would set him free, seal his fate and claim his immortality, not whatever lined the pages of myriad medical journals he tutored himself with. 
That did not matter. Perhaps this was all he had ever wanted: a beautiful love to have and to hold, who would, most importantly, meet and master his needs. 
‘The needs of any man,’ he thought in defense of himself, ‘it isn’t just about love or sex…it’s science.’ 
That was what the young doctor told himself, especially during intimate moments such as these, when he found himself struggling to maintain consciousness as his tongue breached your center and delved into your core until your gentle moans crested into the shimmering, shivering crescendo of an orgasm. 
You were on the cusp of one already. 
You peered down at him and gasped; Frederick was a vision even when he wasn’t knelt between your legs, but such a position afforded you the best view of his facial features and he was a sight to behold. 
His long lashes fluttered against his high cheekbones, the light from the fire defining the subtle curves and valleys of his face, the creases of concentration on his forehead and the swell of his parted lips as they suctioned around your clit. He pressed one finger inside of you, followed in quick succession by a second digit as he gently stretched you. 
You moaned as his fingers scissored inside you and his tongue delicately teased and flicked your sensitive bundle of nerves. Tension coiled in your abdomen as you could feel the bud of an orgasm beginning to grow. 
Despite his lust for your body, his mind was focused only on your pleasure. No paltry sum would be enough to make him use his advanced knowledge for just his benefit; he loved you and even though he could only stave off his most primal needs for so long, there would be no mistaking his devotion. 
He pulled away and his parted lips glistened with saliva and your juices. His tongue darted out to lick his lips, savoring the essence of you left behind, “oh, my darling,” he crooned, hand reaching out and fingers burying into your soft hair, “oh, my only love…”
When he uttered those words to you, he meant them. 
You would not dismiss him whenever he made such professions of love. His words resonated within you, cut through you like a sharp scalpel through soft skin, peeled back the muscle and tissue that clung to your ribcage to nestle deep within your chest cavity, taking up residency inside your beating heart. Everything that he said made sense, as though you had been the one his words were always meant for. 
His outfit was disheveled to a state comparable to his wild mane which stuck out in curlicue flyaway strands going in all directions. 
Your heart was beating rapidly, pumping blood through your veins and carrying his love for you outwards and to every part of your body. Your core ached and throbbed with need and your lower lip jutted in a pout of disappointment at being denied your first orgasm. 
Frederick watched you squirm with a hooded gaze, taking in your exquisite beauty as you arched your back enticingly and rolled your hips despite the lack of friction, “May we continue, my dear? I’d say you’re as ready as ever…”
You felt far away from yourself as you nodded and nothing else was going through your mind other than connecting with your lover, physically, emotionally and mentally. 
He had a pleased expression on his face when you consented and he stripped off his undershirt, exposing his bare chest. You sat up and reached for him, warm hands caressing his stomach, his sides, his broad chest. Every inch of him burned with intense passion and desire and his heart skipped a beat with every touch of your hands on his skin. He took a shaky breath, entranced by the way you held him close, needy for his affection and craving more of his love. 
He bent his head and nipped at your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. 
His dominance pervaded your senses and hindered your ability to reciprocate in as many ways as you would have liked. Your fingers scrabbled for purchase on his lower back as he sat up a bit straighter and began unbuckling his belt. You were on your knees, the soft bed linens beneath your legs was comfortable as you nibbled and kissed his neck, drawing sweet, almost feminine moans from him. He could hardly focus on what he was doing because the touch of your lips was too intoxicating. He was drunk off your love and every bit of attention you afforded him stilled his fingers as he fumbled with the buttons on his trousers. 
After a moment, you had to help him. You tenderly popped open each button for him before your hand slipped inside and cupped him through his underwear. The sound he made was somewhere between a moan and a shrill whine; your lips turned upwards into a smirk and you leant over him, biting at his sensitive neck as your fingers danced over the length of his aching erection. 
“Oh ho ho, darling…” he grasped your wrist, but did not try to stop you, “oh, how you tease me…”
Perhaps it wasn’t fair to tease him in this state, but he could stand to wait a bit longer for you. As maddening as it was, you were enjoying the foreplay far too much to let it end yet. 
You quieted him with a kiss as sweet as the tulips in spring, stifling his moans of pleasure as your hand slid beneath the barrier of his underwear and held his rigid flesh in your hand. He mewled in ecstasy as you gave him a firm stroke. 
Your lips broke apart and he pressed his forehead against yours, “darling, I can’t wait any longer…you’re killing me.”
An unsurprising choice of words, given the status of his most recent experiments, though you would be none the wiser. 
If there were a way to achieve immortality and worldwide acclaim for his scientific achievements in the medical field, Dr. Frederick Frankenstein would find it; he would devote the rest of his life to such a cause if it meant he could spend an eternity in your loving embrace, to be brought to completion by your hands and your body. 
“I’m all yours, Frederick,” you whispered to him and you could’ve sworn the flames inside of the fireplace leapt for joy at that statement, “I always have been.”
He groaned at your words and his manhood throbbed in your hand, aching to be inside you. He nosed along your jaw, snuffling and nuzzling your cheek as his lips pressed kisses onto your face. His body was filled with love and that was what kept him alive, not the heart that was beating inside his chest. 
His head dropped down to your chest and his lips attached to the swell of your breasts that peeked out from the top of your dress. He murmured against your skin, fingers snagging on your dress as he fought to pull it off you, but your touch on his most sensitive area rendered him useless beyond simple measures of attention. For you to have isolated control over a mind as intelligent and focused as his was some feat and had you a mind to control him, it would have been easily done. 
However, the only control you had was already slipping away now that the cloying desperation had begun to take hold of you.
You gave his manhood several more deliberate strokes, savoring the little noises he made as he tried not to lose control. 
When you removed your hands, his cheeks were flushed and his chest heaved as he dragged air into his once-barren lungs which now bore flowers, petals of pining and passion blooming in this season of love and making it difficult for him to catch his breath. 
He grinned as you and he made eye contact and you were submerged into those icy blue depths, treading water out there in the deepest, lapis lazuli pools.
“And I am yours, my dear,” he whispered as he cupped your face, thumbprints kissing the rosiness into your cheeks, “now and forever.”
His kiss seared through you, sweeping the love back into you that had spilled out through the cracks in your soul. You were mesmerized by the feel of his mouth hovering over yours, breaths mingling and lingering between the two of you like morning fog between fir trees. 
You were one already, even without the connection between your two bodies, although that was to come as Frederick slipped away from you long enough to remove the rest of his clothing while you did the same. 
Completely naked, you were warm clay to be molded by his steady, capable hands. 
You hoped Frederick would shape you in the image of the love he had for you so that you could kiss his chiseled ivory cheeks, bringing your stone-cold lover to life.
He hesitantly touched your body, reverent in the way that he let his hands gently hold your hips and guide you beneath him on the bed. 
However many times he had done this, when he was with you it always felt like the first time. In truth, his first time was not what he had imagined: awkward, halting and less than satisfying for both him and his partner, but more than likely it had been a deep disappointment to her rather than to him. He cringed at the thought whenever it surfaced unbidden and stowed it away with the rest of his deeply embarrassing faux pas. 
The inexperience of his youth was not something he could fault himself for, as is the same for anyone, but now that he was older and wiser and had become a more experienced lover, he finally felt like he had earned the right to claim such a lovely woman as you. He had earned his right to be your lover, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, but in death he was determined that you should not have to part. 
Frederick made a mental note to put everything he had into solving the mystery of life after death, to secure yours and his immortality so that neither of you might face such sadness as to outlive the other. 
Nothing so melancholy would reach either of you tonight. 
Frederick loomed over you, catching your gaze as you wriggled into position beneath him. Your legs wrapped snugly around his hips and he propped himself on his forearms so that he did not put his full weight on you. 
He reached between your bodies, taking himself in hand as he guided himself to your entrance. He pushed into you, taking note of your slight wince and the way your body twitched as he entered you as gently as he could manage. Your wetness was the perfect natural lubricant and he had prepared you quite nicely to be able to accommodate him. 
One of his hands took hold of yours and squeezed, grounding you as he finally claimed your body. You held fast to him, your lips parted in a silent expression of pleasure as you adjusted to the fullness of him being inside you. 
Frederick eased into you slowly, taking care not to hurt you or cause you any unnecessary discomfort. If he could avoid it, Frederick would not ever bring you any pain. He wanted you to want this as much as he did and so he took his time with you, being as careful as he could be. Your pleasure meant as much to him as his own; he would have felt terrible if you got no enjoyment out of your shared intimacy. 
“Are you alright, my love?” he asked breathily as he bit back a moan. 
He stilled once he had slid in to the hilt, awaiting your approval and permission. 
You let go of his hand and instead wrapped your arms around his body, clinging to him fully so that he felt the reciprocation of the love he was giving you, “I am, darling,” your whispered against his skin as you kissed his shoulder, making his eyelids flutter as his eyes rolled back.
He groaned, wanting to let instinct take over so that he could finally, finally have his way with you. His hips curved and bunched as he resisted the urged to let go and lose control of himself, but he did not allow himself to move until he sensed you were getting impatient. Slowly, carefully, he began to pull out, only to thrust back into you with a deliberate snap of his hips. 
The initial force of his thrust forced the breath from your lungs and imparted to you the desperation behind his every move. 
Frederick was a romantic at heart. 
Even though he was still just a man, his craving for love rather than sex for the sake of having sex made moments like this feel even more potent with raw emotion and need he had for his partner. He had made mistake after mistake in his past relationships and he was determined not to make a mess of things like he once had done. There was a sense of predestination between you and Frederick, as if the two of you were meant to be together before either of you were aware. Your paths only crossed because you were brave enough to grasp the string of fate and follow it until you came face to face with him. 
You believed it now to be the case because your soul had become magnetized, gravitating to him as he now became your orbital center. 
It was as if the planets and the fates had aligned to bring you together; you did not like clichés except for ones which reminded you of Frederick because no matter how many times those words were spoken, they rang true for the two of you. 
Frederick quickened his thrusts once you were properly adjusted to him. 
He glided into you with ease, taking care to soak up all your moans and pleasurable sounds as your bodies moved in unison. 
You clawed ferociously at his back, digging in your nails as his maddening pace awoke some deeply instilled, hidden carnality buried within your soul. Your kisses were reckless and rough, tying his tongue down with promises whispered in sloping cursive. 
The sound of skin slapping skin echoed throughout the room as you made love, the gentle groans and moans he emitted bringing you closer and closer to your release. You caressed him, gentle with him now as you wanted to convey to him that he was special. 
‘Frederick, you are my lucky star,’ Your skin was burning hot and you thought you might spontaneously combust, ‘your radiance was too much and I couldn’t help myself…’
The beauty of stars was meant to be admired from afar; inside of his eyes did they shimmer, but up close, they blazed. 
You had been burned before, but never like this. 
You gripped onto his hair, giving it a gentle tug, which made him groan even louder and his next thrust was perceptibly harder as he seemed to like when you pulled on his hair. 
“I love you, Frederick…”
The confession spilled out of you in a flood as you anticipated the light in his eyes leaving him as all the color drained out once the weight of your words set in. 
“I love you, too,” he panted, repeating those words back to you with no hesitation, as though he had been waiting to hear you say it. 
It still felt like the first time, as you had often been told was the truth with true love. You had not believed in it until you met Frederick, though even now it seemed foreign to your system. Perhaps it was that you were still in shock after plunging deep into those electric pools of blue, but you shone just as bright as the galaxies in his eyes and if this was love then you would have looked for him in every lifetime, anticipating the feeling he evoked in you the first time you met. 
He wanted you too, waded through tide pools and wept away the storm clouds in his eyes so he could see clear enough to find you. 
He clutched you to him, his rhythm faltering as he crept closer and closer to release. His moans took on a higher pitch and you savored his whimpering as the heaviness of your own release had sworn you to silence. 
At last, did he coax a moan from you and, once the dam had been broken, you were unable to silence the sounds which spilled tantalizingly from your lips like honey drizzle from spoon to teacup. 
You and Frederick were finally one with each other, two halves of a whole like a split peach fitted back together, the fruit of your consummation leaking juices from your pierced flesh. 
You devoured him, holding him close as your moans became louder and more drawn out until pleasure crashed over you like a tidal wave and plunged you into euphoria. 
Your orgasm spread outward throughout your body and your skin tingled, your core throbbing as he continued his thrusts until he released inside of you, announcing his climax with a soft cry of completion. Several short bursts of heat filled you, warming you from the inside as he came, his lips parted in sweet bliss and relief. 
His wiry, tufts of fluffy curls framed his round face and you gazed at him in amazement, in awe over what you had just done as well as his beauty. Sweat clung to his brow and he took several shuddering breaths before he was able to move again and pull out of you, taking up the spot by your side as he reached over you with one arm and brought you in against his side. 
You curled up against him, letting him place a lingering kiss on your shoulder as he held you in the dark room. Your sweaty bodies glistened, dewy, slick skin sticking to each other, a perfect testament to what had just taken place. 
Frederick’s body was a galaxy and every freckle on his skin formed a different constellation. 
You wondered idly which one were you a part of and how many ways there were to connect them. 
The graze of his nose on your arm made you turn your head to look at him and he was smiling at you as he held you. 
‘The human body is meant to hold another,’ he had told you once, ‘look at how perfectly our hands fit together…how easy it is for me to hold you in my arms.’
He was right, it seemed, for you fit perfectly against his body like you were made just for him, as though the universe crafted you as each other’s perfect lover.
There was no such thing as perfection, but what you shared was as close to that as a human being could ever get and, if Frederick had anything to do with it, he swore that he would find a way to share eternity with you even if it meant being buried with you till you were nothing more than two skeletons in each other’s arms. 
An end which did not have to be so grim, yet Frederick accepted that as a mere part of who he was. 
As he swept you into his arms now, pulled you on top of his chest as the two of you giggled and laughed like lovestruck teenagers, Frederick knew that he would do anything for you, even accept that he could not outrun his fate. 
He was a Frankenstein and some things could not be helped, but with you by his side it all became worth it and suddenly he could not understand why he had fought it so hard, other than the fact that he had something else to prove rather than letting himself be defined by the past, his fate determined by those who lived before him. 
His love for you cancelled out the afflictions to his spirit, the blows he had taken from turning a blind eye to what he only hoped now might be true. 
In this place, he would find it. 
He was on the cusp of making such a miraculous discovery, that much was he certain. 
Perhaps it should have concerned him that he was chasing something so morbid, but this dream, once realized, could mean the difference between life and death, between her heart and his. He was not doing this for the wrong reasons now, and maybe that would be enough for it to work. 
Perhaps that was the key to unlocking his grandfather’s scientific masterpiece. 
Your gentle kisses on his cheek comforted him as he slipped even deeper into thought, contemplating what he had that his colleagues did not: love. 
That was the difference. 
Science was supposed to be unbiased and supported by fact rather than feeling, but an impossibility transcended bias and factual evidence; would it not make some sliver of sense that if all things possible were supported by scientific evidence, that all things impossible were only able to be maintained by those who were bold enough to challenge science itself? 
Frederick’s peers were not led by love as he was, otherwise, it might not have been the name ‘Frankenstein’ that was known by many yet understood by few.
As you settled atop Frederick with the side of your face against his bare chest, letting the gentle rise and fall of his chest lull you as your eyelids grew heavier and heavier, you were content to be one of those few. 
Frederick held you to him, hands splayed lovingly on your back. 
He had never felt more himself than in this moment; for once in his life, he was proud of who he was. 
He did not think it would be the last time he felt that way, especially with you by his side. 
As the two of you drifted off, snuggled in the embrace of one another, you slipped into what would be and let the rest crumble away. 
You loved Frederick far too much to let yourself be consumed with worry for what was to come. 
Whatever you faced, you would face it together.
With love guiding you, nothing could come in between you, not even death. 
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I dont know if you writing anything but if you have free time you can do maybe Senku x reader(Maybe he is little jealous because reader its energetic and gets along with everyone)
Thanks a lot♡♡♡♡
I am writting, just painfully slowly !
Thank you for requesting! I hope this is of your liking! please let me know what you think!
Tsuki's note 1 : I took some liberty of creating some details for reader.... hope that's ok? I had so many ideas and i think i wrote nothing in the end? sorry :c
Tsuki's note 2 : I am so happy about this request! first dr stone one, thank you!
Tsuki's note 3: I am in a horrible pain. Tendinities again... so that's why requests are slow... also work... srry :c
You were revived by Tsukasa, at first you didn't quite get why he picked you. But after the science team won against Tsukasa's army, you slowly came to know why - you could explain things in a simple fashion, so many people understood what was going on. In other words, you were good at teaching.
Your ability did not go unnoticed by the science kingdom - they often came to ask you to "translate" what Senku was talking about. Thanks to that, you grew closer with the science team, being almost always involved on their projects.
Even though you were good at teaching it didn't mean you understood 100% of Senku's thought, so you ended up spending a lot of time with him in order to understand thoroughly what he had in mind.
Most people thought you two were a bad pair at first, since you were very energetic and ready to help whenever needed - even doing some heavy manual works! Senku in the other hand seemed to have half of your energy.
Being around Senku meant being friends with Taiju and Yuzuriha. You got along very well since your energy matched Taiju's and you loved to chat with Yuzuriha about whatever.
Soon enough you also got closer with Gen and Kohaku, and so many others! You also developed a special bond with Suika, you even asked her help to come up with tools to help you explain Senku's ideas with everyone.
Despite your sunshine like aura - something that Gen had mentioned - you did get tired in the end of the day, it's not easy to live in the stone world!
Even though Senku sometimes complained ( in an endearing way) about your energetic ways, he actually missed you quite a bit when you weren't around.
He would find himself scanning the lab and surroundings trying to find you. The lab became painfully quiet when you were gone. He loved watching you explain what he was thinking about!
He was happy someone understood what he meant and could pass it forward in a simple fashion, but above it all, he was proud of you.
Whenever he spotted you he would let out a small smile, but a pang on his chest would come around seeing you laughing and chatting with everyone.
Of course he was happy you got along well with everyone ( especially Taiju and Yuzuriha!), but... You being so far from the lab, was kinda... too quiet.
Well, Gen did notice that and the mentalist did not leave it alone. There were times that Gen suddenly called you to help in the lab because "he did not understand what it meant", or so he claimed.
You gladly went over the whole physics things, but you did find it odd that Gen didn't quite grasp it. I mean, he is a smart man and he often participates in the discussions of how to create something. Whatever, you mustn't judge, right?
However you could notice a slight smile of victory on Gen's face for some reason. But you are not gonna lie, you loved the smile Senku had whenever you helped Gen.
Despite Gen's little gimmicks to place you and Senku in the same room, what the boy truly loved was the moments between just the two of you. The moments that happened just because, by coincidence.
They were always times by the end of the day, when you were both tired and he could see you were low in battery, you would lean against his shoulder and just mumble about whatever crazy thing Taiju did or how amazingly fast Yuzuriha is at sewing.
Moments on which you helped him carry something around with a beautiful smile of your face. At those times you are asking him more details or to explain again what's next - your curiosity is just so cute!
All in all, Senku does feel lonely without you around, its all so quiet and gloomy. But he would never tell you up front, that he misses you. He does say he appreciates your work and trusts you blindly, but... He cannot bring himself to tell you how proud he is of you, how much he adores seeing you going around, even if it means having to share you with others.
You, on the other hand, are afraid to admit how nice it is to recharge around Senku. His presence is oddly calming. Being able to help him pass on the plan and being acknowledge by him, - through awkward head pats - makes you very happy. It feels like you are taking a bit of the weight off of his shoulders.
And neither of you can lie about how much you love Gen's gimmicks to approach you both. It's a little shared secret, that the only one who knows by whom it is shared by is Gen himself.
Thank you for reading!
I hope you enjoyed what i had to offer!
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