#so it’s just been a sucky time
zsbrainrot · 1 year
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Something about drawing Kazurei being able to peacefully rest together just soothes my soul.
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125storejuice · 2 months
#currently raging rn and its taking everything I have in me to NOT snap at my roommate#basically its been a year of her neglecting her cats#not cleaning literally one single thing in this apartment ever even though she makes the mess 99% of the time#and not being able to admit she has a problem when clearly does have a problem with hoarding stuff anf trash and it makes this#a pretty sucky apartment to live in !#but no this morning i wake up to her being ABSOLUTELY discusted with me because!#last night in the night when i was changing my pad without glasses i got a drop of blood on the floor b/c period#and she literally was like this is gross and how could you expect me to clean that and like going forward please dont do this again???#and i literally just want to be like have you fucking heard of accidents before??#like of course ill clean it up!!#but like do you really think i purposely bleed on the floor and then ignored it????#also the fact that shes done the same thing about 6 times but apparently hasnt noticed before#also shes not okay with that but she is okay with ignoring the litter boxs#having bugs because she cant clean up after herslef#and literally not being able to use certain parts of our apartment because her stuff is piled up so high#theres literally no room!#sorry i am just raging so hard rn#like the anger i feel from within is so great#like literally theres still vomit on the floor from where she threw up and never cleaned it up#its fine im just so fucking MAD
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onigiri-dorkk · 1 year
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Made me think of a fun short story idea… I present, Levi adopts a cat: a Drabble
Mikasa is visiting Levi at his home (post-war) and a stray cat wanders to the house. Levi tries to shoo it off (he doesn’t like pets/wouldn’t want to get close to strays bc they’re dirty), but Mikasa scolds him and gives it some food and milk while she’s there visiting. She pet it, cleaned it a bit, found out it was a boy and called him Mr. Whiskers.
Eventually the cat leaves, and so does Mikasa.
The next few days, though, the cat comes back to Levi’s house. Every day would be the same — it would come to his house just before sundown, Levi would make attempts to shoo it away in disgust, but he’d remember the way Mikasa smiled at the damn cat. Pretty soon the cat reminded him of her — it’s black fur matched her hair, after all. And he began giving it water and food. Then eventually, he put out a box on his porch for it to be shelter while it waits outside.
One day a storm came, and Levi had noticed the cat hadn’t come by yet. It wasn’t in the porch box. It wasn’t pawing at the window as usual. And Levi found himself worrying; especially thinking about how Mikasa might feel if the stupid cat she took care of died somewhere out there. He realized he missed the stupid cat. Wished it would come back already, that it was safe.
He also realized he missed Mikasa.
He ran out looking for the cat to no avail in the storm, and when he rushed back to the home, someone was standing at his porch dripping wet from rain — Mikasa, holding Mr. Whiskers in her arms.
They go in, warm up together; fresh clothes, hot tea in hand, sitting next to the fireplace waiting for the storm to pass. After restful moments, Mr. Whiskers leaves Mikasa’s sleepy arms and jumps into Levi’s lap, purring. Startled initially, then he relaxes and pets the cat who falls asleep on him. He peeks over at Mikasa who had also fallen asleep on the couch.
The next morning, Mikasa wakes with a blanket over herself, and sees the cat laying in a rather decorative cushion and cloth sheet, and a small ceramic bowl of water that Levi had put out the cat. 🥹 She thinks if the cat can stay a little longer in Levi’s home… maybe she can, too. ☺️
Sorry ugh I just haven’t written anything in forever LOL pls enjoy this delulu fluff drabble
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rosekasa · 1 year
following up from My Body Is Being Concerning, today i learned that i am in fact capable of experiencing a panic attack so severe that i faint
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unwritten-fanfiction · 4 months
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I did a fanart
There's no path of trampled flowers around so I guess they all flew down while in whimsical laying position idk, just don't think about it lol
#cheshire crossing#fanart#Cheshire Crossing fanart#Does Wendy look dramatic?#I tried to make her look sad/not thinking happy thoughts but also in a whimsical victorian girl fairytale aestedic kinda way#and in the Wizard of Oz movie Dorthey lays in a similar position to the one she's in here in a field of flowers#And Alice is supposed to have her Disney-falling-down-the-rabbit-hole silloette#Wendy didn't really lay down in her story I don't think#at least not that i can remember#but then i noticed she does lay down in Cheshire Crossing#on her bed#its like the first thing she does when getting settled in#but by the time i realized this i'd already drawn all those flowers#so... many... flowers...#Wendy and Dorthy are accepting how sucky their lives have been being gaslit and borderline torchered in Victorian asylums for years#(they seemed a little in dinial in CC)#while Alice is just happy she finally has friends who believe her and aren't torturing her in a Victorian asylum#get it?#its like the opposites of their worst habits or something#they're free to feel their feelings at Cheshire Crossing#that's what the daisies symbolize#btw why did Sarah Scribbles draw Cheshire Crossing (the building and its grounds) the exact same as Alice's childhood house/mansion?#it even has the same green plants on both#No one ever mentions it!#And it's not like that in the og artwork#why did Alice never mention this is her old house?#or did she just materialize near the future Cheshire Crossing when coming back from Wonderland?#But then why was her dad walking through some random field that wasn't his?#I should probably make this its own post#but I'm leaving this rant in here cause I think it's funny
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strxngertogether · 12 days
// I'm prob gonna take a few more days off and try to chill out and also work on adding some new muses I've been writing on discord to my muse page, but then I'm gonna try to get on and see if I can get some new threads and stuff going!
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Is it weird that having never experienced a verbal shutdown gives me like no sense of relief of like “oh this thing which isn’t a good experience hasn’t happened to me that’s good” but instead gives me a weird amount of anxiety that I’m “not autistic enough” or something
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anaalnathrakhs · 5 months
why is this fuckass brain incapable of sustaining five consecutive seconds of happiness
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well guys. gotta pack it up cause it looks like I may be going to Japan for a year
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aceofstars16 · 6 months
Ugh, I want to write but also just...don't want to do anything at all...
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eigengrauone · 1 year
grinds teeth. i am alone and dismissed
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eclecticdragon · 10 months
when you're dva and dive over the subway immediately towards the point to just locate the turret and pull the enemies back so teammates can shoot them, but the mercy follows you before you return back to the team, gets killed, then goes after you in chat cause we're not physic or in a vc group, therefore i obviously suck and don't get proper support from them 0uo
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skhardwarevers1 · 10 months
I know I shouldn’t be this easily bothered by such small things but I’m literally on the verge of tears cuz now every single part of my day is fucked up
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deathbydarkelves · 1 year
This may come off as an odd question, but I think it's a fun, non-serious one to think about. I'm going to assume we all know Nordrassil gave the night elves immunity to both aging and disease, and after the Battle of Mount Hyjal, they lost that immunity.
So my question to those with night elf OCs is: What was the first illness your character caught, and how did they react?
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whimsyprinx · 2 years
I think the worst part of it all so that I didn’t decide to like feel unlovable, i didn’t like get a say I’m feeling this way and no matter how hard I try it what other people say the feeling of being unloved persists
#whimsy whispers#whims woes#there’s not much myself or others can do to make it go away#but like it’s so easy for something to happen to make things feel worse whether people meant to or not#and like it’s no one’s problem but my own and I don’t want to burden people with how I feel#it’s tiring for me and I imagine it’s tiring for others to have to deal with me frequently being in a spiral because i feel like the world#hates me or that I’ll never be loved and I just genuinely don’t know if things will ever change for the better#and i do feel like it’s only a anger of time before people just get so tired that they get up and I wouldn’t fault them for this either#I feel like eventually I will really be all alone and idk if I’ll be better or worse because of it#I do know that as I am I’m like unloveable and I just don’t see that changing#hi I was discussing this with someone earlier and it’s just sucky#I didn’t ask to be like this and I know I can’t blame people for everything but I am allowed to say that how I feel is largely a result of#other people#ya don’t spend years being told that no one loves you and not internalize it#and idk how to get over that#then small insignificant things happen and it makes things feel worse because like it just feels bad it all feels bad#not to make another pity party post but also it’s my blog I can do as I please I can post about my feelings and delete them as I please#it’s just been like weighing on me more lately ig#like obvs it has I talk about it so much and I’ve been being a shittier friend n stuff because of it
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garciapimienta · 2 years
i've just had the realization that my friend lied to me the other day and i feel so bad
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